Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, June 28, 1856, Image 1

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/k VOL. XXXVIII ■MMBM SAVANNAH, (QA.) SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1850. NO. 12009. THURSDAY, Two O’clock, P. SI. Dally. 'iVl-Weekly wtul Weekly. Offloial Paper of the City sndConnty. K.B.HILTOX&CO. proprietors and publishers. H. B. HILTON, - - Editor. S. P. HAMILTON, - - AuIMmiI Editor. TERMS: i Dully Peiwr, per year,In wlvanee..$A.OO l’rl-Weekly Paper ** m .1.00 Weekly Pajier llNgle Copy 0.00 *♦ Fire S 0,00 *» ** Eight “ 10,0) •* « Ten “ 11,00 (To one aildre«n)Twcnty ** 10,00 When not paid in advance* the charge inr tho Daily will be $0, nml far the TrI-Wookly $4. The Weekly will he sent only to thoso who i>ayin advance. The paper will invariably bo discontinued u|H»n the expiration ol'thc Umu Ibr which it has been paid. iSATCRDAY, Two OVlock, P. M. TBXiZiaRAPZZXO. Three Days Later from Europe. ARRIVAL OK THE i&fl ".-KC, rJ >- . ■ l* ‘ ^^ ■iyjrtv : • ■ • v." New York, June 27. The steamer A»ia, hits urrivetl with Liver pool date* to .lime Util. L’otton market has declined l, mu inly oil the the letter description*. Sales of the week 45,000 bales. Middling Orleans (I to U{. Indian Corn ud- vauced lid. tfalesof Saturday, t.5,000. Speculators took 8,000. FairOrleans0|; Tnir Uplands flj; Pair Mobiles Of. American stocks drooping. Money easy »t previous rates. Consols udvunced a 4 and are quoted at 93. Bullion has in increased in the bank of Eng Political. American affairs uti ejecting much excite ment and great diversity of opinion. Thegena ml inclination is to peace. The merchants of Manchester are. issuing Peace Circulars. The London Time* is very offensive in Its re marks upon this country. It demands the dismissal of Mr. Dallas. Pal merston and Clarendon stated that the ministry bad not determined whether he should be dis missed or not, Lord John Russell stated that he would, on Monday, move a demand for the definite deter ruination of the Cabinet on the subjeot. He said the condition of the country required that their determination should be declared. Palmer has been hung. He made no confes sion*. Washington Correspondence. Mr. Dunn of Indiaua—ICanta* Bill*—Mr, Fillmore'* Gloomy Prospect*. Wasuinuton, June 25th. Your readers will remember that early In the present session I gave a sckctch of the Hon. G, G. Dunn, of Indiana, a member of the House— a man wholtad for twnety-livo years toiled with and for the Whigs, but could not brook the su! premacy of Banks and the Ki the House. He has to day rendered the breach between him and them palbaple, by opposing (he bill proposed by Mr. Grow, Chairman of the Committee on Territories, for the linnie ditie admission of Kansas. Citing tho last, tlu> dying speech of John Quincy Adams, who would vote no thanks to the officers of the American Array then under arrest, he said he would aid in no legislation in support of the men in Kansas who are under Indictment l'u r offimees against tho natlonul sovreiguty. In the sketch to which I have alluded, 1 stated, ou the authority of the Republican and Know Nothing friends of the Northwcst)that Mr. Duuu’s I iiiliouuo w.u always worth fully three thou* saud votes. It is the general belief to-day that he and his hilhteuco will go for the Democraiic nominees, and both surprise and mortification uto expressed among tho parties—or party, Ibr the Republican ism of tho North is totally overshadowed by its Knowuothingism. The bills relative to Kansas ure 1. The Seuate bill of Mr. Douglas, prescrib ing how she shall be admitted us a State, when the population equals tho Congressional ratio of 94,(MM. 2. A substitute prepared by Mr. Suuiucr, ad mitting her at once, with ltccder uudLuueus SeimtoiH, and Delaliay as Representative. 8. A pacification bill proposed by Mr. Crit- teiideu. 4. Another of like purport by Mr. Clayton. o. This was to-day presented by Mr. Toombs. Ail outline of it has heretofore been given. It looks like what is culled for by the exigencies of the times. It is expected that Mr. Toombs will address tho Senate ill its support on Moudav next. A Fillmore demonstration was uiude in New York yesterday, uud Mr. Fillmore carried it off well 5 but some of his friends here have re vealed the fuct that he is bitterly chugriued at the meagre array of friends railyiug to his aid, thut he has fouud in the different state ot thiugs. Well us he kuew the polltlcul atlairw of the country he wus totally uuprepared to learn that the great American party, into whose guardian ship he had resigued his fate before going abroad, had dwindled iutothe Lilliputian dimen sions it now exhibits. Tl.e bill to establish land districts in was bi-day tabled by the votes of the American Republicans of the North, their determination being, us expressed, to aid iu uo increase of federal power in that Territory. Mr. Foster, of Conoectichtt, has earned much fame to-day by delivering in the Senate an able and decided speech on Kansas affairs, and ut the same time conliniug himself iu words and maimer to the true amenities or the Senate. Impartial. II. Dr. J. P. Jervey, -TfcosrFarr-Capers Wm. Whaley, Thos. Y. Simons, Col A. 0. Andrews, Henry Getta, Arthur Huger, Dr. U. M. Carey, James M. Caldwell, Dr. Edward North, Col. T. 0. Elliott, Thos. Ryan. F. Melouers, W. H. Houston, F. D. Fanning, James Chapman, Jacob Cohen, W. ,L Bennett, Wm. Lloyd, Joseph If. Dukes, W. C. Courtenay, C. I). Carr, Johu Russell. [.W. Connor, lion. T. L. Hutchinson, W.M. Lawton, W. H. Gilliland, Tristram Tupper, W. 11. PringieT Dr. KHGeddtnga, Edward McCrcudy, Fleetwood Lanneau, E. Ij. McKay, Col. A. P. Hayne, Hugh R Banks, 8.0. Barker. Otis Mills, Col. John Phillips, E. W. Edgerton, J. 11. Campbell, Joshua Lazarus, 11. U. Presley, Lewis Itebb, Dr. P.M. CoUou, Dr.J.F. Poppeiihelm Dr. Robert Lebby. 8KCRKTAIHKS. A. A. Aileiuoug, | J.D. Kirkpatrick. George C. Wharton. The President in his remarks stated thut the action of the Cincinnati Convention wus “emfc nently commendable; the candidates presented uru entitled to our highest confidence.” A letter was read from Semitor Douglas, iu whicii, alter stating a desire to attend tho meet ing, be remarks: I .< el that I eau best perform my duty to the Confutation uud the Republic—to those great prim iples of State rights—State cquulity and r« a l(-government, iu obedience to the Con* stltut m, by remaiuiug ut uiy post iu the Sen- ute, wueru the battle is now raging, and where the i Many must be met and repulsed. Ad .losses were uiudo by James Macbeth, lluu. .J iiuos Siiuiuous uud Hon. W. D. Portei* Tho ii’liowiug ure umoug the resolutions unani mous!,) adopted: Halved, That tho Democratic party ot' tho Union lately assembled in Convention at Cin- ciuuaii. has presented to the country u platform of principles in geueral, aud as representing those principles, a nomination for President aud 5 ice President of the United States which claim tiie support of the advocates of Southern Rights throughout the Southern States. Wlicivrcus, the Cincinnati Convention ad journed, to meet in this city iu 1800. Itcaulvcd, That we will extend to its members a Carolina hospitality. Yellow. Fever In Havana. New Orleans; Jane 27.— 1 The rteamer Km- pire City has arrived. She reports the preva lence of tho Yellow Fever badly at Havana. Several arrests has been made of persons, for sending remittances to Goicourlain Nicaragua. Religious Notice. We are requested to say that Trinity (Metho dist) Church will be open for Divine Service to-morrow morning at the usual hour. Extra Train From Macon to MIlledRe- vllle on the 4th of July! Acting on the hint of our ft i«nfls of tl|p Telegraph in regard to an ext restrain froiq Macon L> MiUedgeville ou the 4th of July,we took acca* don to lay the matter be fore the President of i he Central Road. We are nom happy to say •m the authority of Mr. Cuyler that a train will Lave Macon next Friday, (the 4th) at about o'clock A. M. for Milleilgdvillo, and,returning, will leave MiUedgeville at 7 P. M. of the same day, By this arrangement persons residing to M won and on the line of the S. W„ and Mus ''Ree Roads, can go jrom Macon to Milledge- vdle, attend the Convention, hear Mr. Styles 1 • l ><tuent Fourth of .Inly Oration, and return to 5i .cou, the same day. Exciting accounts from California. News from‘Oregon and Central Ame rica • I following is a summary of the intolll- geno.! brought by the Granada. Her dates are fr<*ni Sail Francisco to June 5th. L'ALiroRXlA. Cm ay mid Cora were hung on the 22diilt. :..hI ihe funeral of King took place the same ‘ ‘•y rheie was perfect decorum throughout. I n- \ miUuce Committee hud arrested several •*(••« i desperate chnnicteiv; iiiiiong whom, the ii'itni-ioiiji Yankee Sullivan, ou the 1st of Juue. •<!».n committed suicide in his cell at the • •• mu itee-rooms, leaving behind a confession i i i< ird to election’ frauds. Uu the 2d instant, the opponents to the Viol- l im e Committee attempted to hold u meeting (•* ileiumncetho Committee, but itproved a totw luilult-. Rum is have circulated thut Gov. Johusou would c..11 for means uud make a requisition to < the revolution, but no such steps us yc n been taken. These rumors created mii’-ii i v -dement throughout the State. Wood had .. i , m-und men ready to murch to the us- “i-i hi. i i.f the Committee. •tinit ul law lias been declared at Sau Frun- c;--..mii.| Sacramento. Offers have keen made lo "Hindi thousands to assist the Committee. 1 •» ’A. itemi-nt is on .the increase. TbeCom : W" • • determined to carry outmeasures, and »-•*' *"• • making arrests. The opposition is "ig in./.- g with 700 stands of arms. There are f.iin ii* ‘.'an attack being contemplated on the ( oni iiii i-e rooms. The rooms are doubly Mi'Odeii, with two pieces of camion before the 4 .«*» -»Jcd with grape shot. All papers ex- • cm . .. Herald, side with the Cmnmiittee. Severn! murders am) accidents are recorded in the i i. dor. Tnc .dth of San Francisco wa.* good. Busl- oeum .i’ Cate. FROM OHKCJO.N. Tim .'.in Francisco papers w»y that Indian •<.ii Oregon are partially suppressed. A dilii "!i* lias occurred in Wasningtou Terri tory m*. . c unt of Judge Sanders attempting to Jmj.l... n duriug the existence of martial law. n.c.l dge was captured and placed in un? kccpluz until peace should be established FROM CENTRAL AMERICA. Advice., rom Costa Rina, received by the yreu id • -t if tlmte thejCostu Rican army had if" •>>' i ded. Tl(e cholera was raging 1nrougji"..i the State. Baron Rulow had died ..I tiie i n |.-m on his retreat. Nothing startling irom N . . gua. "Ajt' TKH NEVER COME SlNItl.V.”—On tiKli;ii... I Hi. wife of Mr. L. D. Hutch, of Atlli;",..\. s ; », R. .tied .iliOIlt 2 P. M., flUd in two hour- MJww.'fd.. 0,. little soil, aged 7 yearn, loll 11**mi tin- wli.m i. ihe Hudson river, ‘ f' Wh " a ; were nuned together on \\Vdn.- .I .y ,! wing. hLuSS. 2 ? 1 Wkulcei*. The Turks con- nSSlW 5 e,t Hw* 4 made a great ap* CrSS to ? aro K« ,, ' ! nat"in< Trora the fact that hiiS a*}? 0 oontlierof ladles is bis nwenj from one thousand to three hundred and Col. Fremont's Father and Mother— Very Morantlet Tho Boston Telegraph, a Black Republican sheet in miking out a pedigree for its candi date for the Presidency, states that his father^ a ^native of Franco, having arrived ,in this oouutry—and "being a young man of flue ta-te and consideralde skill for painting, soon made friends and found employment. At Nor folk, Yu., he found the lady who became his wife, and who is described as a young Virginia lady ot remarkable beauty. 1 And it is added that they were married contrary to the wishes of her family. The Richmond Ditpalch gives a much more romantic account of Col- Fremont’s fathers' marriage—no not of his marriage— for there Is no evidence that he ever was married. But the Diepatch shall give the history of the affair in its own language. To tho good or bad fortune, as it may be of this city, (Richmond,) it is connected with the history of Col. Fremont’s parentage. About tho first of the preseutcentury there residod in this city a revolutionary veteran, who had served faithfully in the war of the revolution. This vetern was Col. John Pryor. He lived ou the ground which lies between the canal and the i. ver, west of the Petersburg railroad depot, and east of the Armory. Ho had there surrounding his house a garden, where people were admit ted for a small fee, and where refreshments could be procured. This was called "Pryor’s” garded.” The old Colonel was a victim of rheu matism, and locomotion to him was difficult. He moved wit h a shuffling step, and took a long time to go a very little way; indeed, he was a disabled, ‘tiff-limbed old soldier, and hia physi cal forces had fiom exposure and hardship suf fered no little abatement, The veteran Col. Pryor took it iuto his head that he needed a wife, and that he would be much better off with one, than to remain a rheumatic old Bachelor, with no one to love, or rather no one to mend his linen and sew on his buttons. So he sought the hand in marriage of a young girl—wiio sue was it is not material to know; nor does our informant remember wheth er she was very beautiful or not Suffice it to say, sheyieldetl to the suitor the veteran soldier, und became Mrs. Pryor—mistress of tho garden, and mistress of a long framed building. Its main feature was a somewhat spacious apart ment in tiie centre. On either hand were long wings, of smaller dimensions, except their length, tii.m tiie centre. At the extremities of these two wings stood two offices, anparcntlv to promote the harmony of the general desigin We arc the more particular in describing the building, because, as will be seen, a lodgment was made In ono of these offices by the enemy of the Min el’s domestic lump Diets. At this time there lived iu Richmond a French teuchcr named Fremont, who taught iu tho aca demy of the celebrated French scholar und geu- tlemuu, Girurdin. M. Fremont is described as huving been a small, swarthy individual, with some French peculiarities, strongly developed. Some of the oldest inhabitants say thut Culonel Pryor employed M. Fremont to teach his young wi fc French. Certain it is, thut he rented of the Colonel one of the little offices above described, uud took bis meals, us a border, at the Colonel’s table. What progress the lady rnado iu study ing French is uotjkuown; hut during the inter views with her teacher, there grew up in her breast sentiments uml feelings inconsistent with her relations to Col Pryor, llow long this state of thiugs existed, wo ure uot informed; but the result was, thut Mrs. Pryor uud M. Fremont fled from the city to Norfolk, uud there, tor a time, lived together; lie, it is uudersluud. pur suing the vocation of uuhulnterer,which wus sup posed to have been his original trade. They uid not, however, reside loug iu Norfolk, but went to the South—where the caudidute for the Presidency was born—possibly in Savannah, though Mime reports say Charleston. Wc cannot say whether the parties were ever married. Certain it Is that old Col. Pryor was never divorced from hia wife, who thus Teft him raoro lorlnrutlmu ho was when she married him. The question arises, could there have been u legitimate marriage withbut u divorce ? It is proper to odd that Col^Pryor, after some time brooding over the bad treatment he suffer ed in tlm desertion of his nrlfe, assauged his grief by marrying another young woman, who remained with him until hia death—he dying, it is hardly necessary to add, without issue. The abduction ofhlsllrst wife by the French man, who showed not the slightest regard for his prior claims, was a acre subject to the old Colonel. These incidents in the life of the progenitor of tho free-soll candidate for the Presidency, show that ho was at least a disciple of Free-love, if not of Frec-soil. Bitcliaimtt and Breckinridge In Charles ton* A Democratic ratification meeting was held in Charleston last Thursday night. It wm or. ganteed by the appointment of the following of ficers : PRESIDENT. NELSON MITCHELL, Esq. VICE-PRESIDENTS. ARRIVAL OF TUB NORTH STAR. One day later IVoin Europe. The steamship North Star, at New York from Southampton, brings one day later intelligence than that received by the Atlantic, which sailed from Liverpool early on the morning of the 11th instant. The North Star left Southampton at midday mi that date with about 100 passengers and a moderate cargo. The Frunco-Atnerican steamship Alma, Cap tain Bocaudi, sailed from Southampton for New York at day-break on the morning of the 11th. This fine steamer left Havre direct for America, on the 3d instant, but after proceeding a few miles to sea, was in consequence of a disarrange ment in the screw propeflor, compelled to put back. Finding that the necessary repairs could not be completed effectually at Havre.the Aim^ was dispatched to Southampton, and placed in charge of Messrs. Croskrey & Co., the American agents at that port The known dispatch of this firm was the means of the Alma Being imme diately docked, and under the direction ot Mmsts. Summer**DljVTfc* eminent engineers and iron ship-builders of Northam, the defects were speedily remedied. The Alma, however, had hardly reached twenty miles from South ampton, when the feed pipes of her engines burst, which, of course,again compelled her to return. Workmen were busily engaged In res toring the damage when the North Star left, and it was presumed the Alma would be able to commence her voyage for New York in about a fortnight The Canadian steamer Auglo-Saxon from- Liverpool, for Quebec, put Into Greenock on the 11th ot June, with her machinery disabled. She was to leave again in three or four days. Letters in Relation to Kansas An in teresting correspondence has taken place be tween Amos. A. Lawrence, Esq., of Boston, and ex- Sanator Atchison, of Missouri, In relation to Kansas.—Mr. Atchison, in reply to Mr. Law rence, concludes as follows: In conclusion, 1 would say that you and your people are the agressors upon our rights. You come to drive us and our " peculiar” institution from Kansas. We do not intend, cost what it raav, to be driven or deprived of any fof our rights. Missouri will never again compromise or concede. We are and intend to remain your equals. * * * * The sin of slavery, If a sin, is yours, not ours. Your fathors Bold their slaves, and ours bought them, If you consider slavery in Missouri for Arkansas a grievance to you, say at once we must free them or you will separate from us. Do this and you will act llkn honest men, and we will meet yon halfway. We cannot over maintain this state of quasi pence and quasi war. I have Iwen informed that you have an in come or $100,000. Let mo suggest that you purchase $00,000 worth of negroes; come out to Kansas; feed and cloth your slaves well ; give them employment; builu for them and your self good houses; improve their condition; build for yourseinino barns and stables; cover tho prairies with wheat, hemp and corn ; feed your cattle on a thousand hills: assist your neighbor; and my word for it, you will do more good for your race, both white and black, than you ure doing or can do in Boston. I should be happy to have you for a neighbor, and you will find as much good umong slaveholders us you huvefoimd among non-slaveholders. Svr4mi,tukMoumon Profuet—This indi vidual is reported dead, and the Detroit Adver tiser says there remains no man among the Mormons capable of wielding his influence or of supplying his place. Dr. J. Atkyn, who ■pent the lust winter on Beaver islaud, says he leaves six wives. He won the owner of a printing press, und published a weekly pa per. Washington, June 2G. Tho National Intelligencer contradicts the statement that Costa Rica baa reooffniced the Govenme'iii of Walker, and «ay« that her army is ready u.^.oi to rake the fleldpia soon u-. a coo- cu. t cd attack by G .utaraala, Salvador and Hon duras might begin. Oi-cut Speech of Senator liuntort The Washington Star says that the speech delivered Tuesday by Senator Hun ter, in reply to tho Into assault of Senator Sumner upon Virginia, wus one of the most powerful intellectual efforts over de livered in the Senate chamber. Calm, learned, dignified, and so rational as that its every sentence carried conviction to tho minus of all unprejudiced personslwho hemal it. Tills speech is destiued to exert a powerful influence ou the northern pub lic mind, in the way of opening the eyes even of the most ignorant and fanatical there, to tho fuct thut while abolitionism cun benefit uo one, white or black, its tendencies are to destroy all that is to be commended in the situation of the colored race iu this country, and at tho sumo time to ruin tho prosperity of tho whites of tho north as well as tho south. A NbwUovebnorop Kmsis. -IVtuhingUm, June 20.—It la authentically rumored that Gen P. Smith la about to be appointed Governor of Kansas. A subscription baa boon started iu New York, for the relief of tho auQerers by tho Inundation in France. The Oid 's Work Box. from jjjuabm) Journal. Our relations, due gay, prosperous Passymounts,did not think it worth while to trouble thenmelmnbout an old spin ster cousin of theirs'.and ours, generally known ns Damo Nodlekins; though her visiting-cards designated their owner os “Miss Deborah S. M.\ Nodlekins.” The 4Ware-of—41io-faot r Deacon Beniamin Ilaley fell dead in the Bap- ' 1 " 1, Me., " tint church nt Portland, Me., on Sunday. Colonel Benton, on his arrival nt St. Louis last week, was honored with a salute of 100 guns. Wm. Bemud has been lined $100 at St. Louie for Insulting n lady on the street. The U. 8. steam Irigate Saranac attired at Glbtalter May 20th Atom Mahon. Daring the Drat week in May, the deatha in London amounted 1,104. ,'IV estlmnt.'il sunk mi' pah In Louisville, K, , is suLU'Wn ,.t 28,000 IntrieU of nil descrip- tluna, whioh, lor the season of the year, is very heavy. that our cousin’s comfortable annuity was only a little one ;‘and therefore, it seemed highly improbable that '-Dame Nodtekins would hnvie. aught to bequeath on her decease, save personalities, which were of small comparltive value, as she was a liberal almsgiver, and,in a moderate way, enjoyed every luxury. Tho garna- turo ol Dame Nodlekins’ house, indeed, wus faded uud antique ; tho spinet wus cracked ; tho linen was well-darned ; tho plate scanty, und wornVthiu with use und furbishing; and tiie botfks, torn mid dusty, mifM casdy be conntdd on n coupio of shelves, Dame Nodipltins had neither diamonds nor pearls, nor trinkets of any description;hcr days Were passed in a drea my stutc of tranquilityj’stitcldng,sticking, stitching forever, wltUChpt' beloved lmgo work-box at her elbow. That wanted no plenishing; that was abundantly fitted up witli worsted, cotton, tape, buttons, bodkins, needles, und such a multiplicity of reels and balls, that to enumerate thorn would be a tedious task. Damo Nodle kins particularly excelled und prided her self on her darning; carpets, house-linons, stockings, nil bore unimpeachable testi mony to this brunch of industry. Holes nud thin places were hailed with delight by Duine Nodlekins; nml it was whisper ed—but that might be a Sucre nutter of scundal—that she even Wont so far ns to cut holes in her best table-cloths, for tiie purpose of exercising her skill and inge nuity iu repairing tho fractures. Do that as it may, the work-box, ivas as much a companion to her as dogs or eats to many other single ladies; sho whs lost without it; her conversation was Always turned on the subject of thread-papers and needle- cases; and never was darning-cotton more scientifically rolled into neat, balls than old Daino Nodlekins. Tho contents of that vfondcri'ul work- box would have furnished - a small shop. As a child, I always regarded it with a species of awe and veneration; and, with out daring to lay a finger oh tho treasures it contained, my prying eyes greedily de voured its mysteries, wjdcti the raised edge revealed its mountains of cotton, and forests of pins and needles. There were the three Misses Passymoont, and one Master Passymount; the young ladies cultivated various accomplishments, such as drawing, dancing; playing on the harp and piano, and talking, dressing, ana flirting, bat ss to the one accomplishment —“the one accomplishment needful for women,” os Dame Nodlekins called it— they,"the dashing, rich Misses Passy- mount, knew nothing of it. Nay, Miss Laura Passymount blushed, ana Miss Arabella tittered, when Dame Nodlokin asked them if they could drip a stocking, and even offered to give'thcma lesson, on heariag-their~'dis9alnral •cdhfession of utter ignorance. “Our stockings do not require darning, cousin Nodlekins,” said Miss Passymount, tossing her head; “we arc not accustomed to the thing at all—wc have been different ly brought up;" and Miss Passymoant looked to my mother and myself—as much as to say, “ We leave darning stack ings and table-cloths to such poor folks as you.” Dame Nodlekins took no notice ofthe rebuff, but went on with her work, and continued to scold me, at intervals, for idleness and skipping stitches—though, on tho whole, she was proud of me as her pupil; and, between us, itis impossible to say how many pairs of stockings and socks we made whole in the course of the year. We resided near our cousin Deborah, and midway between herhonse and ours was the fine mansion inhabited by tho Passymounts; and many an evening when I was invited to take tea at Dome Nodle kins’, and to bring my work-bag in my hand os a matter of course, and losit with her for long hours without speaking, intent on our needles, the silence unbroken save by the ticking of the eight-day dock, I confess the sounds of music ami tho lighted rooms, us I passed by the Passy mounts' house filled my young heart with something like regret—not envy; no, I hope I never indulged that. The Pussy- mounts di.l not ask any of us to their festive gatherings, save at rare intervals; and then wo .lid not often go; for wo wore proud in our humble way, and hud enough to do to procure stuff-frocks Ibr tho little ones, without spending money on finery for the Passymounts’ parties. But I had danced there once or twico in n white muslin frock, which my dear mother had ironed with her own hands, anil Damo Nodlekins had delightedly darned, when I met with an accident running after the children; and 1 loved that dear old white muslin-frock ever since, and I have it now laid up in lavender, because I passed such happy bright evenings when I wove it; and I .lid not frel a bit that I looked shabby, when my partner, Harry Floyd, E ickcd up a fresh roso I had worn in my air, and would not restore it to mo, saying something very foolish, of course, nsyonng men will do to foolish young girls who like to hour flattery. And when I went by the Pnssyiuouul’s house, on my way to drink tea with Dame Nodlekins, und to sit poring over needle work in silence, it was only natural, X think, to lookup at their windows with a sigh; for I know there would be dancing and merry-making within, and Harry Lloyd would be there. Peoplo said that Harry Lloyd was courting Arabella Pas- symount; but X knew that was false; be cause Harry had wished to marry me, and bis father would not consent that his son should marry a portionless girl; and my father would not listen to Harry, but went offin such a rage as I never saw him in before, at the bare idea of his daugh ter entering any family unwished for-- as, truth to tell, Harry had been silly en ough to press me to marry him withoutf asking anybody’s consent. Old Mr. Lloyd and my father were very civil to each other but when Harry found that I would neither see him in private, nor receive any of bis letters, be chose to behave himself like nn injured person, and ns if we had all deeply offended him. V ct I did not believene was courting Miss Ara bella Passymount, though I could fancy Harry dancing and laughing within, os, leaning on my father’s arm, wo walked homewards down tho dark street, across which a ray of light gleamed, streaming from the windows of oar rich but unkind relatives. Hurry’s mother was a crony of Dame Nodlekins; so she, of course, knew all about tho tale of true love never running smooth. But Miss Deborah, like a pru dent spinster, made no comment. She nad eschewed matrimony herself; but being naturally of a taciturn, uncommunicative temperament, no one knew whether it was from choice or necessity. Her work-box was to Dame Nodlekins os a dear friend ; I do not believe she loved any human being so well—her whole heart was in it; and the attachment she evinced towards me as time progressed, was fostered und en couraged by our mutual seal in perform ing tasks! of needlework. Not that I shural’in /.ei jdevotion: I was actuated by 4 a sense of duty alone, und would far rather, could I have done so conscientiously, have been dancing and laughing with compan ions of my own age. But j»Iy the needle X did, uml so did Damo Nodlekins; and wo two bocnino, with tho huge old work- box between iis, iiultc a pair of loving friends; nud at least two evenings in overy week I went to sit with tho lono woman. Sho would' have had mo do so every evening ; but though there were so many of us at‘home,’ our parents could uot bear to spare any of us out of their sight oftonor than they doomed indispen sable. At length ] tarry XJoy.l came to say goodbye; ho was going abroad at his father’s wish. _ My parents shook hands kindly with him, and he said pleasant, affectionate words to all. But when ho came to mo —ah!—ho did not speak; but I flung myself into my dear mother's arms, and wept, and I heard my father say, “God bless you!” and Harry was gone. So X went ou dnruing stockings, mid the Passymounts went oil dancing, aud Dame Nodlekins went on the even tenor of her way; untill ot length her summons came, aud, after several warnings, sho shut up her work-box, locked it, ami put tho key inu sealed packet. These preparations completed, Dumo Nodlekins turned her face to the wall, and fell asleep. My gentle mother had a heart so tender and licuevolent, that although Dame Nodlekins and herself lmd had so few sympathies in common, sho shed tears on hearing tho dosing scene was over; and I remember her turning to my father with a sigh, and saying, “Ah! sho was a wonder fully industrious woman, and such a help to me in the darning-way. Poor old soul! I doubt not that sho has left us all shehadto > leave; and every little is a windfall with a large family to provide for. But my dear mother for once had mis calculated, for Dame Nodlekins had not left us nil she had to leave. To tiie sur prise of the I J as3ymounts, no les3 than to the surprise of ourselves, Miss Deborah's testamentary disposition of her property was as follows;—To Miss Passymount, the cracked spinet was bequeathed, she being "musical" (so the will was worded): to Miss Iaura, the books were left, she being “literary;” to Miss Arabella, the gimcrack9, chimney-ornaments, and paper- screens, and so on, she being a “lover of art;" to Master Passymount, the only son of this rlcb aspiring family, Dame Nodle kins left the few ounces of silver denomi nated her plate,Master John being “thrif ty;” to Mrs. Passymount was bequeathed the household furniture, because “they bad exhibited so fine a taste in adorning their own fine mansion;” to Ada Benwell, that was myself—the huge old work-box, along with all its coatents, was left, “in token of the high esteem and affection with which sho was regarded” by the de ceased. I was to inherit tho well-stored work-box, only on condition that it wiis to be daily used by me in preference to all others; “every ball of darning-cotton, as it diminishes, shall bring its blessing,” said Dame’Nodlekins; “for AdaBenwelTis a good girl, and has darned more holes in the stockings of her little brothers and sisters than any other girl of her age.— Therefore I particularly commend the balls of darning-cotton to her notice; and I particularly recommended her to use them up as soon os she can, and sho will meet with her reward in duo season.” “My poor Ada,” sobbed my mother rather pettishly, “it is rather hard, I must confess, only to have a few halls of darn ing-cotton, and needles, nnd tapes, when the Passymounts, who want nothing, and will turn up their noses nl such trumpery ns Damo Nodlekins could leave them, have, all." “But, my dear," interposed my lullicr, smiling," ifit is such trumpery, why covet it for our Ada?” “It may bring one or two hundred pounds, Joseph," replied my mother, meek ly; “for there’s furniture, and plate, and linen, and books, you know. And, of course, wo should Imvc sold everything off, which, no doubt, the Passymounts will do; and only think ofthe dame leaving Ada nothing ’out her work-box.” “But, mamma,” X ventured to remark, "we must not forget that ,poor Miss De borah placed more vnluo on this work-box that on anything else she possessed iu the world. Aud it is u great proof ofher affectiou for me—and, besides, how very useful it will be; I shall love it I am sure S uite us much us sho did. And here is lo key. all scaled up and directed to me.” “Well, well, my dear child, we must be content, of course. X am sure 1 do uot wish to bo grasping or convotous, or to foster such 'unworthy feoliugs in auy of onr dear children,” replied my mother, witli an nir of resignation ; “nnd I nm thankful that tho poor old lady found com fort in your companionship,’ Ada, my dear, which sho evidently did; and also that sho docs you justice, my dear child, by naming you so handsomely. But, dear me ! how tno Passymounts, must laugh at their legacies! Only fancy Miss l’assy- raount, with her brilliant Imrp and grand piano, turning to Dame Nodlekins’ spinet, by way of change, being ’musical;’ or Miss Laura quitting her silkin-bound volumes, lettered, in gold, for tho torn, dusty, dirty books on tho two shelves in the dame's dining-room ; and then that riddled old linen for Mrs. Passymoant— why, they haven't a darned duster in the house, I warrant." “Never mind, my dear—never mind,” said my father; “let them laugh—it’s better than _ crying. Dame Nodlekins meant to be just—she was an honest, just- meaning women; tho Passymounts and ourselves are tho only relatives sho had, and she wished to leave us all alike, if possible, quite irrelevant of our circum stances. And, ns Ada remarks, the work- box being-left to her, proves the old lady loved her the best.” “Then she might have shown it," mur mured my mother, “by giving tho silver, instead of darning-cotton.” But a mild reproving look from my father made the speaker blush, as she quickly come to his side, kissed him, and left the room. From that day we never discussed the subject again of Damo No dlekins'testamentary arrangements; the work-box was in constant requisition at my side, and the balbaf darning-cot ton rapidly diminished. The Passymounts mode much fun, umongst themselves and their neighbors, about the grand legacies which hud fallen to their share. Nothing was removed from Dame Nodlekins'house, but a well-attended sale cleared thopro- Mrs. Passymount laughingly declared tiie proceeds had actually bought nn India shawl for ono of tho girls, and a gold bracelet for another; mnl Master Pussymount handed about a' small gold snuff-box—“his share,’-’ ho was wont to bonst, “of tho old girl’s rubbish.” I saw the brokers carrying away tho tnliles'and clinirs which I know so well, nnd which for so very many years had rested securely in Dumo Nodlekins' peaceful house. I could not help sighing sadly ns one relic after another was rudely flung into the street; nnd I rejoiced that the dear oid work-box at least was safe in my hooping. Painters and paporers were soon busy in the dingy house; a new family became tiie tenants; and nothing was left to remind us of Dumo Noblekins, save tho lmgo work- box. That, however, never was idle; mul, us I have said, the balls of darning-coton grow gradually smaller and smaller, until! at length ono day, us I was sitting beside my mother, busy with our needles, she remarked, “You have followed poor Dame Nodlekins' injunctions, my Ada. She particularly recommended you to use up the balls of darning-cotton as soon as possible; and look, there is ono just done.” As my mother spoke, I unrolled a long needleful,uud came to the cml of that ball. A piece of paper fell to the ground, which hnd been the nucleus on which the ball was formed. I stooped to pick it up, nnd wus just about throwing it Into the firc> when it canght my mother’s eye, and she stretched out her hand and seised it. In a moment, Bho unfolded it boforc our as tonished gaze; it was a bank-note of fifty pounds! “0, dear, misjudged Dame N odlekinsi" she exclaimed; “this is onr Ada’s reward in due season. It’s just like tier—kind, queer old souil” Wo were not long of using up all the other balls of darning-cotton in that mar vellous work-box; and sucli a reward as I found for my industry sure was never met with before or since. Truly, it was a fairy box, and my needle theory's wand. No less that ten fifty-pound notes were thus brought to light; and my father laughingly declared I had wrought my own dower with my needle. No persua sion could induce him to appropriate the treasure; he said it was my “reward;" nor would he allow me to expend a far thing of it iu the way I would best have loved—namely, in education my little brothers and sisters, and adding to the frugal comforts of onr dear home. The story of treasure found in the work-box soon got noised abroad; and, among other curious visitors, old Mrs. Lloyd, Harry’s mother,"called to satisfy herself as to tne truth of the report. She was very pleasant and gossiping; and soon afterwards, a formal nut cour teous invitation arrived—in whioh I was particularly included with my father and mother—to a dinner-party at the Lloyd’s, three weeks from the date of the note being the day specified for the feast. _ To my surprize^ the invitation was quietly accepted by my parents; nor was ray surprise much greater, on entering Mr. Lloyd's drawing-room, to see Harry there, looking well and supremely happy. A mist gathered over my eyes when Harry’s father took my haud, and placed it in nis son’s. Ah, that was a bright dinner party for us all! and in three months after, I became Harry's wife. The dear old work-box stands in our house, in a place, of honor; nud at fes tive seasons, when happy family reunions take place, never was work-box so much admired nnd caressed; and my own bloom ing children, and many nephews and niees, gather around it, nnd.tell their fairy tales, until X believe they almost expect some day to see a little old fairy in green’ representing good old Dame Nodlekin herself, jump out when (lie lid is opened with a darning-needle for a wnnd, nnd, a ball of cotton for a stool. l’adro Vljil, alter a complimentary dinner, tendered by his friends in New York, left for Nicaragua on Tuesday. Export*. DUNDEE—I’er lurk Mary and Jane—178,786 reel lumber, and 126 sjiars. ■ A green horn nt the Memphis Theatre, who hud never jvitnessod a mimic con flagration on tiie stage, was present nt the performance of Theme, in which the house of (lie heroine is supposed to be consumed. He, supposing it to be real, was surprised nt the insensibility of tho audience nt the danger, and. springing to his feet, exclaimed: "By thunder,. I'm us brave ns any of you, Cut I'll be hanged ifl nm going to bo roasted alive here 1” uud rushed out amid loud laughter. On reaching the street, however, lie began to think that he had been sold, and determined to return. He was, of course, received with great applause, when, with a good-humored nir, he looked around him aud said ; “Gen tlemen, I’m a purchased individual, and tho manager would do me a particular kindness by taking my hat." A letter from Jerusalem, of May 12, in tho Univers Bays:— “My last letter described the sangui nary struggle which took place between the Creek and Armenian communions on tiie occasion of the pretended sacred fire which the priests of these forms of wor ship manufacture annually in the holy temple. It would appear that the scan dal of this event has not been without re sults. Tho Creek Patriarch now declares that the ceremony in question is purely commemorative,'und^tho Armenian Patri arch takes even a more decisive step. It is affirmed that he is preparing a pastoral letter, which will explain to liis flock that tho sacred fire will be completely abo lished, owning to the great pecuniary ad vantages derived Irom the throng of pil grims who crowd to witness its agency.— Most likely each communion will hence forward celebrate the festival on different occasions, mid thus a future outbreak will bn avoided.” Wc learn tliat.n very brutal murder was committed upon the body of Mrs. Nancy Johnson, by her husband, Wm. Johnson, near Board Tree in Cherokee county, Ga., on the 21st just Both were quite old—not less than seventy or eighty years of age. Bum. DtaFATcnES.—The XT. S. surveying«'r Walker arrived at Norfolk, Mon day, from ICoy West, with important dispatches frnm'Couimodore Paulding, who had just returned from Nicaragua iu the U. 8 steam-frigate Susquehanna. ' - Congreuolixl. - Washington, Jane 25—In the Senate, to day, the Kansas bilk with amendment!, wen recommitted to the Committee on Teiritorlw. The Honae pawed the bill OatabUahlnf a road from Minnesota to the North Pam'of the Rocky Mountain!. June 20—The Senate has agreed to adloora on the 26th of July. It has passed a bin far the construction of a milltrry road from Salt Lake to Carson Valley. In the House, Kati&u affairs were debated. A bill was reported to punish polygamy by n fine of (600 and imprisonment for five yean, and was referred bin Committee of the Whole on the state of tho Union. A 8kntkntk. -A man, named Comhlll, waa recently'convicted in Clarke county, Kentacky, of stealing two plage ot tobacco, and nanten- ced to twn year's confinement in the penitenti ary. YouTiim. Convicts—^Tho Alexandria, Vn. Sentinel says that on Monday, two boya, nuned William Jfarrod end Oscar Wilson, aged re spectively about lo and 11 years, were tried In neCrimlmi’“ the Crlmlmil Court at Washington City, upon tho charge of larceny, and found guilty. Not withstanding the commiseration Iwhlch their- condition enlisted, the probability is that they must go to the Penitentiary. Mr. Roberts, ex-Prcsident of Liberia, had an interview with Mr. Secretary Laboachere in Loudon, on tho 10th of June. Cniinnci’riul SnMipire. Savannah Market, June IB) COTTON—No sales to report this morning. COLUMBIA. JUNK 20.—Cotton—There la no new feature to notice* The market is still iu the same dull and Inactive .slate, without any change quota ble in the general ruling rates of 8 u 10)fc. VULM1MJTON, .TUNE 27.—Turpentine—8U9 bbls sold at »2,75 per bbl for virgin dip, $1,84 for old virgin dip, $2,80 for yellow dip and $1,80 Tor bard per 280 lbs. Spirits—400 bbls Bold ou Monday, alter we closed our inquiry at 34c, No farther sales made that we heard or—the article is offered at the same price but finds no buyers. Rosi.v—108 bbla No 1 Rosin sold at il.Tn, 2,26 and 3,76 ns in quality; 1600 bbls No 8 do «mt at $1,10 for large sized bbls. Tar—S40 bbl3 sold at $1,26 per bbl. Bacon—6203 lbs North Carolina Bscoi. sold, hog round, ot 13c. Cotton—68 bales changed hands Tuesday at 10k cents per lb. Hay—400 bales Northern Hay soli on private terms, beliovcd 75 cents per 10U lbs. Empty Barrels—\Te noto the lain to dny ol 360 Spirits of Turpentine barrets at $1,66 each—second band—cosh. NEW YORK, JUNE 24—Cotton—Buyer* uo-t hold- era still stand at variance, And nothing lut* been done, closing unsettled ana dull at the frcev.'lng nominal quotations: NEW TORE CLAMTRCAnON. N.t .1 iv&as Upland. Florida. Mobile. Toxu. Ordinary 9»; 9H Middling 11 11 11 tj lljJ Middling Fair... llfc 21£ 12 12>* Feir 12 22 mi Coffee—The auction rale of Rio pawed <*s» with spirit at tUt rices—3900 were otbsrvd m.d 8700 sold at an average of 10J<c. Since tbn idoiOOt) b ig-i Ulo and 800 bags betides were sold - n .t 9 a lie. hi all other descriptions t moderate donum t pre vails a d price* are falljr supported. Tl.v exact tock of Rio is 47,000 bags. Wo quote: -lave, white I4at4‘; ( Laguayra ‘ijjuilk •locbft —a!6>i I Maracaibo... .l. ?'ull Brazil 1.0 all. Dcmlago..lo ulOjf ‘ 1 . r. pipping SntelligEm Port of SnvAintali JUNK 21 Arrlvedo Steamer Welitka, King, Trom i’nlai; a, Jcc—Cleg- hoi u & Cuuuluglmm. Stoamcr Burlington, Brock, from rulutka—Cleg- horn At Cunningham. Steamer Wm Soubrook, Peck, Charleston, he.—J PBrooks. Cleared* Bark Mary aud Jane, Saunders, far I’-undee—Wm B Giles jc C. Steamer St Johns, McNclty, for Palatka. &c Claghorn & Cunningham. Departed, Steamer St Johns, for Palatka. fa*. memoranda. Now York, June 24—Cleared, brig Saginaw, for Jacksonville; Hcntli, for IJoboy Island. CoiiNlgiieeSi Per ..touimi Welitka, from Palatku, Ac—18 bales sen Island cotton, 4 bales wool, 63 hldrlcs—to Sny der k Askew, Geo Parsons, .T Ryan, Boston k Villa- longs, .luo W Andor.uon, A Mode, Jo* Linnman, and Einstein & Kcktnan. Per Htouinor .Wm SoabrooU, from Chm-toston—J P Brook, Centra) Railroad, Florida Boat. Savannah Gas Works, Gray Bros, Crane. Well* ,V Co, King A Sons, aw Dickson. J Walker, Crugar k Wade, J T Tkrelknht, J Ncidliugcr, and J Cohen. PaMMigm, Per steamer Wolaka, front Palatka, &c—J Par sons, lady and two children, Mrs Woodbridgc. Miss Gollluf* uml nino sorvanta, .1 Waldburg and two ser vants, H Dublgnon, J Hunt, nnd niuo on deck. Per slimmer Win Bcabrook, fin Charleston, 4c— Rev .1 U Fuller, R B Rhett. R Branold, Miss Elliott, J Walter, Mrs Bishop Elliott. 4 children and two servants, Mr llaborsharo, JV Johnson, two Miss OTommiva. .1 Williams A Man- O Untmnx I I! O’Connor?, J Williams. A C Mew, E 8 Palmer, J II Dupont, .1 M Farr, B E Dupont, F W Flckling, It G Duvnnt, n Langdon, B E Ferry, A R Norton, 1* V Martens, Mr Buynard, J Whlto, and two deck. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. A l.l. persona haviug claims against tho lato bus! lies* of Josoph 61. Turner, Agent, will please present thorn at once for settlement nt the store ot Messrs. King k Waring; and those Indebted to make immediate payment, as It Is rcoulslto to close tbe said business. JOSEPH M. TURNER. Juno 28—31* SUNDRIES. 300 bogs cboico Rio Coffee, gag 160 do fair to prlmo Rio Coffco, gH 100 boxes Old Gov. Java Coffee, £flb 200 lihtls Muscovado Molasses, 16u bbl?. choice New Orleans Syrup. 60 hbds. NewOrlcaua Muscovado, and Porto Rico Sugar. 300 bbls. refined A. B. k C. Sugar. 60 bbls. Crush and Powdered Bugar. 100 bbls. Lebanon, 8upcrDne and Extra Flour 160 boxes Starch, Adamantine 4 Sperm Candles. 140 boxes No. 1 Pale, and Family Soap. 200 bales Heavy Gunny Bagging. 26 hbds. Bacon Sides and Shoulders. 76 bbls. Moss and Prlmo Pork, loo boxes Tobacco, various brands, too boxes Black and Green Tea, 600 bags Drop and Buck Shot. 60 kegs and hall’kogs "Hazards” Powder, together with a full assortment of all other artiolo* in tho Grocery lino, (except liquors.) In store, ana for sale on accommodating terms,^ Juue 28 12 ROWERS, ) A 00. tags. 4 1'nvlliou Luce?, superior quality; Zephyr Whalebone Skirt*; French Linen Drillings; ... York Mill? and Water twist Bleached Shirt- Black Moire Antique Trimmings; Black Eliutlo Belts; English Thread Edgings; Hosiery, Ribbons, Ac. UWIVq’l AMMUVUC, OVl Justroceivod per steamorAu^usta^ MORGAN. Gt UNNY CLOTH—In store and (br aale by June 4 PADKLFORD, FAY It 00. L AlI&nUiALL UMbKUXHr^Ladiea' .mail a * * site Silk Umbrella*, front It to 24 Inch?#.. Re ceived and for sale by J. W, THRKLKELD, Jtl2 Oongree* and Whitaker street*. SoxiCET TAKE 1 P URCHASERS will hare tbelr rooda MlTtrel f ... - “ JT frea of axptna. wim quick dispatch from Ore MvannahOrectfp and Fruit Depot, corner Bron|h. ton and Whitaker afreet*. , ear I would call tht attention of Frailer* ftiw- elly to my well‘elected clock ofGrooerlre, reootr. lD|dtlly. Jc2S—IT tv. H. FiMltt.