Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, June 28, 1856, Image 2

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/ i — m - ' ' ' — ■ ' 1»-A- «• I JOURNAL. •v w wuniBi FOR P1UDBIDKNT: JAMBS BUCHANAN, or nXHITLTlXlA. FOR TICK PRESUMCNT i JOHN 0. BRECKINRIDGE, or Komrcir. THE OLDER I GROW, THE MORE IN CLINED I AH TO BE WHAT IS CALLED A STATES RIGHTS MAiX.-Jamn Buck- emm'l «pe*k m Ike admiieion of Arkaneoe, in use. I FOLLY ENDORSETHB RESOLUTIONS,' AND HAY FURTHER SAY THAT I AH WHAT IS CALLED A STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT—John C. Breckinridge in re- ijanir to kit nomination for tkt 17w Prtndm «»• Job Printing Promptly, Nrntly mill Chrnplj Doltr. The public In gcncnl, and our Democratic Meodi In particular, will remember that there le connected with tbe 0eorgian ir Journal c«- tnbliihment one of the moet thoroughly equip ped Jobofflcce In tbla lection of the Union. If we are correctly edviaod, Homo of tho moat benutlfbl ■peclmena of job work overdone In Savannah have lately paaaed Item under our preaaee. Glveuantrial. OnrfiKlIltlea enable ua to execute every de scription of letter press work from a mammoth poster to the smallest card, and from a book to a circular, with neatness and dispatch, upon tbe most satisfactory terms. Orders Rom all parts of the country will re eelve prompt attention. . Washington. Wabhinotoh, June 27—James A. Peden, or Florida, waa to-day confirmed by the Senate ua Minister Resident at Buonas Ayres, and Robt. Fltxpatrlck.of Texas, as Secretary of Legation The death of General Bailey, member ol Con gress Rom Virginia, was announced in the two Houses to-dsy, after which they adjourned. The trial of Brooks, for bis assault on Sum ner, will take place Monday. New York Market. Nxw Yobs, June 27.—The advices by tbe Alia have stiffened tbe cotton market, the reeling being firmer, though no cliaugc In quo tations. Sales of the day 151)0 bales. Middling Uplands llj. Wheat has advanced from 1 to 2 cents. Additional by the Asia* Nxw York, June 27—England is greatly strengthening her North Araerlcnu and West India fleets. Among the vessels sent out are an immense number of gun boats. Tbe papers are ;tllled with the controversy between the two countries. Several Interviews have token place between laird Clarendou and Ur. Dallas. Tbe closing price of Consols was 04, being a a decline of a } since the departure of the At lantic. • The Russlaus have restored Kars to the Turks and destroyed the fortifications of Reni and Ismael. laiar Paeans.—'The attention of the public is called to the advertisement of Lost Papers, inserted Jin another column, and for the dc. livery of which a reward of five dollars is offer, ed. We refer tbe reader to the advertisement of Hr. A. H. Champion, in another column. It will be seen timt his stock will be disposed of at Brstcost, to make room lor a new one, the goods having been partially damaged by the tire in the building from which he has remov ed. . Ur*u Caterpillars. ‘W.tave heart reoeutly of the ravages of a small worm very much known to cotton plan- ten. They nr* distinguished In this section as grass caterpillars. They have recently made their appearance In our neighborhood both on Savannah River and on the high land, destroy ing every thing that they attack. Many fields of corn we havaheard of being very much in jured, and In some cases almost totally de stroyed. In the rice fields there is a remedy, via: In letting the inter on at once. Borne of the planters on the wlver have In consequence been obliged to put the harvest water on their rice sooner than was anticipated. On Ogeechee we have heard or the same com plaints. It Is to bo hoped that the little nub nance will depart ere long, or our crops may be seriously lojnred, should tbelr Invasion be come general. Mr. Buchanan A Squatter Sovereignty. From the Republican of yesterday, we quote as follows: “ In reply to our strictures upon Mr. Buchan ans’ letter ot acceptance, tho Georgian A Jour nal says, it does ’not understand Mr. Buchanan as asserting the doctrine of squatter sovereign ty.' We sincerely regret that the Georgian A Jonrnal should have taken this view of the let- ter. We regret that the political exigencies of Its position as a partisan organ should render It necessary for so respectable a Southern Jour nal to close its eyes and those of Its readers, to what la apparent to everybody else.” Our nolghbora are not very complimentary to ua,at any rate. We must, nevertheless, even at the expense ot tbelr good opinion, reiterate our belief that Mr. Buchanan does not hold to the doctrine of squatter sovereignty. Whether the reverse be "apparent to every body else” we know not. The matter thus far has been but little discussed. We will say this, however, that one of tho boldest and most un compromising statesmen of tho South—and withal ono of the most determined opponents of squatter soverlgnty,—like ourselves, Is not able to seo what the Bepubbican tolls its readers, Is apparent to every body else.” We refer to William L. Yancey of Alabama—who refused In 1848 to -vote for den. Cuss, becuuso, In op position to many others, ho Interpreted his Nicholson letter luto the advocacy or this (to him) hurtlbl heresy. Mr. Yancey who Is as honest as ho Is eloquent and determined, cou-. troverted a few day since with almost resist- less loglo, the construction which tbe Rtpubli• cam gives to Mr. Buchanan’s expressions. Mr. Buohanan's position as laid down lu his letter of acceptance, is simply that of tho Kan sas and Nebraska bill. In using the language at whlohthe Republican Is so much shocked he is not advance uu.v original views. He is only announcing his approval of that great Constitutiouul measure, which In Ills own i words lias simply declared that the' people of a territory, like those of a State, shall decide for themselves, whether slavery shall or shall uot exist within their limits. The Xcsbruska Kansas Act does no more than give tire force of law to this elementary principle uf solf-gov- emment; declaring It to be "f/ir true intent and meaningof this act uot tnleglstuto slavery into any Territory or State, nor to exclude it there from; but to leave the people thereof perfectly free to form and regulate their domestic Insti tution lu their own way, subject on Ip to Ihe Con stitution of the United States. Mr. Buchanan lu bis statement oftlio provi sions of the bill uses the terms “the people of a territory, like those of u State should decide," Ac: the words ol the bill ate, (and they are quoted with approval by Mr. H.,) “that tho true intent and meaning of this act (are) not to legislate slavery into any territory or State, but to leave the people thereof,” (that Is, of a terri. lory ua well ns of a State,) “perfectly Reo to form and regulate their domestic institutions” Ac. Bo that Mr. Buchanan expresses his opinions in precisely the words of the Kansas bill. In stead, therefore, of attacking him, we insist and demand that the Republican shall join Houston, Benton, Bell, and all the abolitionists and free, sollers In assailing i'/,and the almost unanimous body of the Northern Senators and llepresen* tativoswho voted for and sustain it. Fillmore National Club—Politics In New York Ottr^nt* Way things are ■lane then, v f The New York Herald contains a full report ofthe'proeeedlngs of the American National Club of, New York at tbelr last Tuesday night's meeting. At that meeting the olub reversed the action of those or Its members, (headed by the President, Van Riper,) who bad previously voted to go over to the Black Republicans. From the report of lust Tuesday night's meet- lue wg quote as follows t UrJVan Riper took the chair and proceeded to call tho meeting to order. Cries of "Get out there you d—'■—d trai tor I". .“You are a pretty fellow .to take that Iter a short. tlmo the ex-Presldent ap a the balcony, over the ladle*’ door* toelved with tremendous obsarlng. aieth.dbesnre.tored, herald, ■old on ■I r — , ratify i isver.” s leystone State, CupL Har- i Tuesday nlghtof last week The steamship die, left this potto for Savannah, discharged and took In cargo there, and returned to this port early yesterday afternoon, thus making the round trip In less than a week. This is unusual dispatch, and it gives a fresh proof the excellence of the steam er and her claims to a liberal support—Phtlad. Bulletin. The North American and West India Fleet of Bugland- Tbe following from the London Times of the 11th insL, will be read with Interest In connec tion with the Asia’s accounts, which we publish this morning: The Shannon la not yet commissioned, but was yesterday put In band to bo prepared for a crew with the utmost dispatch, and a vast body of artificers were set upon her to expedite her readiness. All the commanders of the gun boats at Portsmouth werealsocalledto the Port Admiral's yesterday morning, it is rumored, to receive instructions for having their respective vessels ready for active service at telegraphic notice. When these vessels sail there wlU be nponor on their way to the North American and West India station the following fleet: Nile, SO, OapL Seymour, C. B.j Cornwslals, CO, Cspt. Wellesley, 0. B.; Euryalus, 51, Capt. G. Ram say, 0.0.; Amphion, 84, Capt. Chads; Vestal, 20, Capt T. P. Thompson; Eurydlce, 20, Capt Tarleton, C. B.; Termlgaut, 24, Commodore Kef lett, C. B.-, Cossack, 21, Capt. Funshawe; Py lades, 21, Capt. D’Eyncourt; Arachne, 18, Com. manner Inglclleld ; Mallaccu, 17, Capt. Furqu har; Falcon, 17,Commander Campion; Archer 15, Captain Heathercota -, Mariner, IS, Com mander Pearce; Daring, 12, Commander Nap ier; Buzr.ard,C,Commande Dobbin; Argus0, Commander Purvis ; Basilisk,0, Commander Crofton ; 8, Master Commander Panama, Hermes, 6, Commander W. E. Gordon. Only one-third of the above are sailing ships; the steamers, although mounting but few guns, mount the heaviest carried, with good crews The Gile, Pembroke and Cornwallis, are screw line or battle ships; Euryalus Is the heaviest finbclass frigate {Termagant,Cosauc, Pytadus, and Ualtacca are the heaviest class of corvettes carrying 08 and 84 pounders. The Vestal and Eurydlce are heavily armed “ donl Irigates. The Amphion Is u heavily ar frigate. The 12-gun sloops are the newestund most efficient of tbelr class, all carrying loni 82's; and the 6-gun steamers are mounted wltl bow. stern and broadside guns of the heaviest metu and longest range -. an il a flotH'n of gun, bouts be taken into consideration, about 80 of tho heaviest and newest guns of the longest range may lie added to tbe rompututiou. The light squadron of despatch ihi,its and gun bouts,under tiro command ofCupt. Watson, C.B., in the Imporleusc, of 61 guns, and com- S rising, of the first named class, tho Wanderer, IS Victor, the Ringdove, tbe lapwing, the Pi oneer,and tbe Intrepid; uod the second class, the Starling, the Janas, the Beaver and tho Drake, all arrived in Fulmouth on Sunday, and will All up with coal and provisions Immedla le- ly, inconsequence of the receipt on that day of an Admiralty telegraphic despatch, which was communicated to the Commodore, then off tbe port, by one of the gun boats. Tho evolutions of the past week embraced sailing, steaming, ganneiy, and various other exercises, which arc now suspended, as it to surmised, that theso ships will all proceed to the American coast forthwith. The Mohawk and other steamers era expected to Join at Falmouth. Her Majesty's ships Nile, 111, GsnLMundy; Shannon, 61, (new screw frigate): the Py lades, 21, OapL D’Eyncourt; and Cossack 21, Captain Fanshawe, have been telegraphed to prepare fersea (“forelgnjKrvIce”) with all possible dis patch. Their destination is believed and cur rently reported to bo North America. Tbe Cossack lias had orders for some days, we have been Informed, for Halifax, am) this we doubt uot Is the Intended destination of the squadron now so Instantaneously ordered to prepare for. active service. The Arrogant Imd received In structions to fit out for Ure conveyance of the British Ambassador and staff from England to J3t Petersburg, but she lias new returned the 'fittings and supplied their places withnome- • substantial. Last evening at half- nt steamed through Spit- But waiving thin 5 we presume that tlm whole question binges upon the words /‘the people of a Territory*’ in the connection in which they are used. Does Mr. Buchanau mean by them, tbe people of a territory in their unorganized capacity, or does he mean the people of a ter* ritory assembled in convention to form u con* stitution for a State government ? For nobody questions, but the people of the territories have power over the whole subject of slavery with in their limits, when they meet in convention to organize a state government. “What peo pie” does he meun ? Fortunately we have an answer to this question, in his own language :— Undoubtedly the people op the territory ASSEMBLED IN CONVENTION, TO FORM A STATE admission into the Un ion.” Fortunately, aa it happens, Mr. Buchanan em. ployed the same language, “people" or popula. Hon of a territory," in connection with this very subject of Slaveiy, in his Berk’s letter of 1847. Fortunately, too, theie were then, as now, men who discovered in it "squatter sovreignty. When applied to for an explanation of his meaning, by Mr. Sanford, of Alabama, he said that in his opinon “the inhabitants of a territory as such, had no power, whatever, over the “subject of Slavery—and they could neither “interdict or establish it, except when assem bled in convention to forma State Constitu tion.” With tills much, which we dare suy will he satisfactory to Rome persons, though,of course, not to the Savannah Republican, wo leave the subject of 44 Squutter Sovereignty.” Why wo have not been able to bring to its discussion tho profonnd interest which lias sharpened our neighbors’ wits and given forco to their logic, may be explained In auother article. Col. Samuel It. Curtis.forinerlylCity Engineer in St. Ixrais, has been nominated for Congress by the Black Bepublicans in tho First Cougres- sional District of Iowa, und lias accepted. waa nome ten minutes before there was percep tible tho slightest diminution iu their intensity and htneor. A gentleman mounted the table fronting the desk, and as it was perceived he was trying to say something a partial silence was at leugth ettfccted. When tue noise so di minished that he could make himself heard, he moved that the Club organise by oppointlug William Htokely, Vice President of the Club, a« Chairman. The motion was put and carried with hut few dissseuting voices, but Mr. Van Hiper declared tho motion lost. A voire—you ore a liar. Mr. Vau hiper—1 am President of this Club. A Voice—That’s a d—d lie; you are a base traitor, aud don’t belong here. Mr. Stokely took a position beside Mr. Van Riper, and asked what was the pleasure of the meetiug. Mr. Vau hiper—I wish to explain, and ask whether l am to be acknowledged as President or not. All I ask is fair play.J Cries followed from every side. “ We won’t hear him,” “ Turn him out,” mingled with re* peated cheers for Fillmore aud groans for Fre- inout. Mr. Van hiper—I will explain the matter. A large uumber shouted—' 44 Wo don’t want auy explanation.” Air. Dugauue now wanted the table vacated by the mover of the organization, and after mak ing several efforts to be heard, moved the ap pointment of a committee on resolutions, the same to he appointed by the Chair. Air. Van hiper asked that he might be heard before the motion was pub Ho asked a fair discussion of priuciples, aud nothing more. Voices—” Turn linn out,” followed by a re petition of cheers for Fillmore, and additional groans for Fremout. Cyrus tihay here attempted to speak, staudiug by the aide of Mr. Vau hiper. He succeeded in saying—1 pay for this room, and have got the receipt iu my pocket. 1 should like to see auy of you attempt to put Mr. Van hiper out, it lie dare. The remainder or his remarks were drowned in overwhelming groans. The Chairmuu (Air. Stokely) asked that the meetiug would come to order that he might name u committee on resolutions. Partial quiet was at length restored, when he named as the committee Messrs. Dugaune, Vandorpool, McGrath, Hamblin, Prlnkerholf and Griffith. The appointment of the committee was re ceived with loud cheers. The committee im mediately retired M Givo tho traitor Jesse,” cried one. Show it up that the National Club bus been sold to no black republicans,” shouted another. The room was densely tilled ot this time—so much so that the Retiring Commitlec hud some difficulty in eiftetlug their egress. When they had got out tho door, the acting Chair men (Mr. Stokely) usked that the meeting should heur the explanation proposed to he given by Van Riper. Mr. van Riper—All 1 want is to explain my uctious. Hisses aud groans prevented his going furth er. The Chairmuu thumped vigorously upon the desk, and besought the persons to come to or der, aud hear Air. Van hiper. A Voice—I ask if Air. Van Riper did not way in the Park, last Saturday evening, that he would sell the National Olub V Vau Riper—No, sir. Loud Voice—You He. You told Air. Sparks if any party wanted to buy the Club, they could have it by paying for it. Van Riper—You are a d—d liar. A gentleman here moved that Mr. Vau Riper be allowed to go on with his explanation with out continued interruptions. The motion was put and carried, upon which Air. Van Riper proceeced with his explanation as follows: For two years I have labored for the National Club with the utmost diligence and fidelity. (Voice, “A lie.” Other voices, “Let him go on.”) Last full, after careful reflection, my views changed for tho slavery questiou, aud I asked permission of the Know Nothing Council to whicli I belonged to withdraw.. (Voice, “Traitor," and cheers.) My card of wilhdraw- al was granted. (Tremendous cheers, and cries of “They were glad to get rid of you.”) I ap plied directly to the Secretary of this Club, and told him I wanted a list or the names of the members of tbe Club, that I might call them to bold a meeting, as I had something special to bring before them. I told Mr. Ransom I de sired to call this meet, that I might give to the members or tbe Club the choice of going with me or not, as they saw fit. A Voice—He has said enough; put him out A repetition of previous hisses and groans* followed for some minutes. By importunings of order from the Chairman they at leugth ceas ed. forced Ml TO after- on.tL _ r received — quiet had been restored, ,... Fellow Cititens—I believe that .thja was the fiimous club that was sola out (Cheers, yolbi. laughter aud orlee of 44 No” 41 ns) I am afVald that you do not ratify that, bargain. (Crie* 44 No” 44 no”— 44 never,” and loud cheers.# Fel low citizens be not sUrmed. ,Tha American cause his always bad traitors. (Und ptoses, which disturbed the syeaker for a moment,) Remember that though the American cause had an Arnold. It stiUtisd.aWashington. (En thusiastic cuter*.) (A Voice anda FlUmore.) As I say, fellow citizens, be not discouraged 0 4 Go It, old fellow.” 44 Three cheers for Fill- mow.” 44 Hip, hlf hi! hurrah,) Yon are fighting for the redemption of your country, (A voice, 44 That’s so,”) March on. then; jo forward and fight the good (kith for the consti tution aud the Union. (Enthus isstio cheers, In the midst or which Mr.FIlimore retired from the balcony). thing more sub past six, the Arrogant steamed through Spit- head, and down the Cbanuel under sealed pted. Advertising out West. -A wau iu Wiscon, sip, recently, advertising his farm Tor sulo winds up as follows : “The surrounding country is the most beauti ful the God or nuture ever made. The sceuerv is celestially divine. Also, two wagons to sell, and a yoke of steers. Relics of Bakuaiusm—On the Kith lust., a thief was placed in the pillory at Key West, Fla., and for one hour exposed to tho public gaze, and showers of rotten eggs, fruits, Ac., thrown by tho hoys, lie was then .committed to Jail, Ut be sent Horn the Key on tho first op- jMirtunlly. The Vert Last Wrinkle.— 1 Tho Syr .Journal tells us that a Miss Adorubclla lMggitt, the young lady who, in bloomer costume, ped dles hooks in tue cunt running out of that city, of cross grained ideas, is about to take the stump for the Republican uominess. Phantom Train.—Wo tmdcraluiul that numbers of our own citizens ami imrsons living in the country on the line of the railroad, have been considerably mystified aud no little alarmed by u singular fact recently noticed on repeated occasions. Between the hours of 11 und J 2 o’clock ut night, tbe approach of a trail) of ears bus been plainly heard, the shriek of tho whistle and tho rumbliug of the train in creasing in distinctness uutill the curs reached the Htuunton Depot and stopped. Persons have gone to the depot to find out the cause of uu arrival ui so unusual an hour, and when they got there found no train. The depot ugents suy that no train is on the road at that hour of tlic night, nnd yet the approach of one is un mistakably heralded by the rumbling and its arrival announced by the whistle Staunton (Fa.) Spectator. The proceedings were kept in the same strain until the Committee returned with their report* Two of tho Resolutions were these: Resolved, That wo charge upon the leaders of this republican 44 faction” that they have know ingly and willingly bribed und suborned “cer tain lewd fellows of the baser sort” to misrep resent and betray tho American sentiment of New York, by assuming to speak for the No tional Club of this city, which, to a man, endor ses and supports for Presideut of the United States, Millard Fillmore, and for Vice President, Andrew Jackson Donelson. Resolved. That we recognize in the posi tlon and platform of the Administration par ty a square, open and manly opposition; hut that we abhor and dlsplso the dishonest tactics of black republicanism as unworthy of fair poll tics, based upon conniption and manufactured sentiments, sectional and nullifying in every re spect, and dangerous to the peace of our com* raon country. The address aud resolutions were adopted unanimously. Next were read some resolutions adopted by tho crowd outside who were unable to find room in tho hall. They were (in part) as fol lows: Whereas, A National Club for the city of New York was formed for tbe year 1855, and r man hv tho narao of'Van Riper was elected, fur the time being, Ua Presideut; and, Whereas, As the members of this club, be longs to all the wards in tho city, and num bering from two to three thousand good and true Americans; and Whereas, This said Van Riper, without the kuowlcdgc or consent of the club has, Judas- like, sold himself, and impudently paraded in the city papers tho transfer of the club to the black republicans: Therefore Resolved, That the said Van Riper la*, nnd Is hereby ordered forthwith to return the flag un justly retained in his possession to the enstod' of the club. Resolved, That we hereby denounce tho iu- famous traitor, who has, iu justification of Ids conduct, owned that ho had received; $1,001) and was promised $1,000 more I The successfully carried his treachery through. The rouding of these resolutions was several times broken in upou by loud applause or hisses according as the sentiment expressed affected a favorable or unfavorable chord in the heart of the auditors. When the first resolution was read, Mr. Van Riper at the height of his voice cried out, “I brand the’man who utters i that resolution says, a liar.” A scene of utmost confusion now prevailed. Cries of “put him out,” und “hussol him out of tho window,” rose from every side. A rush was mudu for tho place where Mr. Van Riper stood, overturning seats und everything iu the way. Mr. Vuu Riper waa surrounded by Cyrus filmy, Mat. Green, llarlow Martt, Robert H. Collins, of the First ward, William Peel, Sec retary of the Central Republican Committee, aud some three or four others, who were Ills ouly friends present. In less than a moment the gas was turned off, and there was a total darkness. A gentleman with u match lit up one of the lighten: in almut a minute’s Jiiuo. “Now give the traitor Ills deserts.” «Urt\. have him out of the widow,” Ac., was the gen- oral cry. In a moment it was discovered that Mr. Vau Riper in the temporary darkness bad effected his exist from the room. A crowd, upon tho announcement that ho'lmdfled, im mediately pursued after him dowu stain. Repeated and tumultuous cheers were g for Fillmore and Donelson, and on motion, an adjournment took place to the St* Nicholas Hotel, to sing a nong for Mr, Fillmore. At about half past one the crowd arrived in front of the St. Nicholas Hotel, and was rein* wsnw'vw® junc.e—wtis • Secretary and Treasurer. i-Mieby......... office on tho Ut day „ tv thrown inton state of considerable mr K ‘ le nml excitement by u fuct which lum n recently brought, to light, that u distinguished merchant of Now-York liui been lor a considerable time dono Brown out of it vast sum of money under some cunningly contrived charge which lie lrad not the montl fortitude nt once to con front nud striko down. But in this, as in other matters, it is some consolation to reflect that wo do not furo worso than our older nnd more enlightened neighbors on tho other side of the Ocean. Indeed, we do not believe that on this side of the Atlantio n cose of such Infamous persecu tion as that which our English files present, would be for an hour permitted to stain the chivalrous clraractcr of our City. There uro fuw, wo fniiey, even in our City, to whom tho name of Miss Bunlett Coutts lias not been made lamiiiur by her immense wealth nnd the bonovolont und sacred purposes to which she devotes it. It may be remenibered that Miss Burdett Coutts was tho' youngest daughter of Sir Francis Burdott, once celebrated as the Democratic pride of Westminster, but who in his latter days forsook, like field- ing's virgin, the lovo of his youth, and turned High Tory. There is n strange story current thut Sir Fruncls hud his ical fuith first shaken by u London crossing-sweeper, with whom ho used oc casionally to convorso in passing over now Struttou-8trect to tho Urcen Park, on his way to tho House of Commons.— “Wlint would bu our remedy,” said Sir Francis to his crossings friend, “fov tho present imperfect condition of things?" ‘•Why, divido all tho property equally, certainly,” was the answer, “But, in a few years,” said Sir Francis, “the super ior thrift und industry und knowledge of some would raise a similar inequality; wlmt would you do then ?” “Why, divide again, of course,” answered Ihe sweeper. Sir Francis went awny musiug, und in u few days after announced himself u Tory. liis daughter, Miss Burdett Coutts, iuherited nearly all her iinmeuso wealth from old Coutts, a celebrated banking misscr who had mnnssed a large fortune anil married in Ids doting years Miss. Melon tho celebrated actress, afterwards Dncheajj of St. Albans. She was in her youth considered a pretty, playful girl, bat always distrustful that offers wore made to her money aud not herself., she lias re fused the Sibyls hook of matrimony until now it is no longer presented. She had at one time tho Duke of Newcastle, aud, it was even said the Duke of Wellington among her suitors. She is still a leading partner in the celebrated banking house of Coutts & Co., from which house Miss Oil,-;*, who haunted Mario over here, de rived her {auction cognomen. Miss Bur. dolt Coutts expeuds this large fortune in tho encouragement of struggling merit in every art, and the relief of poverty, where the result of misfortune,not of fault. She is now even beyond the autumn of her lieuuty, and most of her admirers have fled. One constant Irishman aionu remains, a Mr. Dunk, who some twenty years since, under tho influence of either Celtic poetry or punch, imagined that the lady had, either at tho Opera or the Park, looked lovingly on him. From that hour he has uever bated one jot of his devotion either to her person or purse. For the last few years he bad been unhatrd of, and the world thought Ins heart lmd been eithor broken or hanged. But by the last files he bus again started from his seclusion and renewed his torment. We fancy if in this City, this Elvino true to love, would ho transferred to tho Tombs without any very protracted trial. In some matters, especially where the fairer sc.v are concerned, wo are more despotic than oar transatlantic friends.—A. Y. Times. The New York Herald, a journal that brought out, und has thus fnr stood by George Law, disposes of that gentle- mun us follows: .“Live Oak Georgo Law," like a loco motive attempting to jump nebnsminn railroad bridge, lias gone down and gone under, leaving nothing but the top of Ids smoke-stack sticking above tho water.” Hailroad Grants—Wc understand at the General land Office that the time of restoration to salo and location of the bodies of land recently withdrawn for the railroad grants in tho six .States of Mich igan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Louisiana, Ala- bnnm nnd Florida, will depend on the files of the maps of final location oftho roads; on the receipt of which it is con templated to restore such lands as may be found arc uot needed to satisfy the grants. — IVasil. Union. Come Over.—The Epcnsburg Sentinel states that. Michael Dan Magellan, the great leader of tho old whig party in Cambria county, Pennsylvania, boldly proclaimed himscif in favor of James Bu chanan at tho ratification meeting held in Epensburg on tho 10th inst. The Baclmnicrs of* Hartford, Conn, had a ratification meeting on Friday even, ing, aud among the speakers were If. C Doming. Col. A. G. Hazard, of Enfield aud diaries Chapman, idl old Whigs. Sir. Chapman was the last Whig Hcpresonta- tlvo which Connecticut sent to Congress. __ -VJS3SR' 1 unread and Bauklui Company, ol lu marktt value, the bomb being reoslvsd »t par. JAMES 8. WATKINS, City Trw’r. agricultural. Tbs Agricultural Club or Chatham sou Effingham counties wlU bold its noxt regular meeting at tue Court House In tho city of SAvanuah, on Tuesday, the 1st day of July next. As the Hre- ralum.lJHt for lhe utxt j’ilr will bo perfected on that day, tbe members oflee Executive Cnmmlttee will be prompt In tbelr attendance. All perso friendly to tbe olub are respectfully invited to i lend tho meotlng. CKO. A. KK1J.KR. Juno 2ft Secretary. 1 DiviuKitDmrw. CENTRAL R.R. k BANKING 00. OF ORO.,) Savannah, Junes, 18M). f The Board of Directors liM THIN DAY de- cured a dividend of FIVE KOMARS per share on the general stock oT tho Company for the last nix mouths (being at the rate or ten nerceut. por annum), payable on aud after the 16th Inst. Holders or Ouarautood Stock will be (Mild their dividend on lb. earn. day. a. CUYLER, Iu3 liu Uiudiler. notIGR c. tL 'iC THE freight on corn Rom Atlanta to Ba- vanuath will be reduced to IS c. per buehel Exports. NKW YORK—Per atawneblp Aiigu.ta-an Moe cotton, 60 do wool, 60 do domestics, 22 bbw voget- iblea/andsutidrjjiackjiM Intelligence. Port of Bovannrti., • No arrival, elnco ywteriliy altiTiioon. Clearttl. Stoamship Augusta, Lyons, New York—Fadellbrd Fay A* Co. on aud after he 1st day of April next. Transportation office, ) Central RmII Road. J WADUSY, General Suporln’t tunr 28 To Ibt Patrons of the Sav’li. ueorgiun me. All debts due to the Georgian previous to Mr tlie 6th instant, are payable only to tho tin- dersiguod. Notes and accounts duo in tho city will bo prosontod immediately, and all dolts due in the country will ho forwarded by an early mail. * This beitig the first time that tho undendjmed lias publicly appealed to his lato |>atrotis, bo feels that they will not consider him unrousouuhlu in urging upon thorn the necessity for immedinto paymeut. Remittances may be made directly to tho under- signed, or toR. B. Hilton k Co., whose receipt will bo valid. PHILIP J. PUNCH. Savannah, May 28, I860. tny28 law dkw If *«* Republican and Morning Nowapletwocupy. CHARLESTON dc SAVANNAH RAll*. ROAD COMPANY. CiMKLKJTOM, Juue 7.1856, Tho Filth (6th) Instalment of FIVE DOL- I.AUS per share ou tho stock subscribed to tbe Charleston aud SAvanuah Railroad, will become duo THURSDAY, tbe 10th of July next. Payment to be made to the Treasurer at the officoof the Company, The Savannah subscribers to the Charleston aud Savannah Railroad aro requostod to muko payment of the Instalments called for, to A. Porter, Enquire, President of the Bank of the State of Georgia. By order of the Presldout, C. F. HAKCKEJd, jell 2aw td Secretary and Treasurer. HEALTH OFFICE. SAVANNAH, V Juno 13tb, 1866. J frga. All vessels arriving ut the iHirt of Savou- RV null, having sickness on hoard, (or liuvinj had hickU06B on board since last clearance,) urn all vessels arriving from ports whore coutugious, maliguuiit or infectious diseases aro provailiug, are required to come to auchor off Fort .Tacksou. until visited by tbe Hculth Officer. No vessel will be do- tuiued iu quarantine unless aucli detention bo neces sary. No voBoel «r boat shall receive any of tbs crew or pustongcro of vessels subject to the above order for tho purpose sfbriughig them to the city or its vicinity. Any violation of this order will subjuct the vio lator to the penalty or the law. F. H. DEMJSRE, Health Officer. Approved : E. 0. Anderson, Mayor. If—Jel4 ISSSli wm Mwtvr Mlw Nicbol-, Mr- O’Hrlou, Maator Drl«b&»u4 aurvaut, ML« About, Mra K I'anilollbrU *“ J J- Mrs ileniy, Miss hidolferd und servant. Mrs Mark, HIM ljoauaro, MUa Fullor Mn. Smith, Mba Smith, K Padefford and servant, John R Mins, Mrs John K glUH, Mra M alms, Miss M .1 Pima, Uoo B Gumming Mrs Gumming aud servant, Miss dimming, Mbs A Cumuimg and sei vuut, Mias S M UUhcp, Mr* Jo* Garmon, A Clark, John Ellsworth, Lucius lift, Miss E ilognor, MltwKFlynu, Win Crowder and servant, Wm Crowder, Jr, G N Nejrie, M 8 ltspelyo, Capt J fa Minor, F A Fl-hor, K H Han cock, Johu liughes. Mrs Hancock, Mb* Lucy Han cock! W Hancock, Geo Hancock, P Thomaasoii, Mbs Hamilt n, R Vau Naguer. Mrs Van Wagner ami lu- fant, Tims llciidomn, GK Robinson. Jacob jjia!|»o, It J i.urcoiuhi*, Mrs Foster, Miss Foster, W Fustcr, J Foxter, Mips LacUllsoii, Mrs Blnttkeiwblp, 1* Ban das, H SolUDury, K Masssrus, Mrs Pursous. Marla Parsons. J H Parsons, John Parooua, MUa H J l*lgh Lieut 8 fa Trenchant, Mrs But bulk, D W Miller, J L Ruse, K J Clause, .1 W tfuvnge, Jos M Ball, Georgo Miller. R Haynes, Wm 0 Price, .lr, Miss Bowman, Mrs Bowmau and child, Johu Bowumu, Earn Row- man, Gen Bowman, Mrs Haynes. MUs Haynes, Mrs .Shaffer aud child, J rfialfer and kervunt, ltey LA Farloy, K U Hiackcl.ord, is* King, H Brigham, Mrs Brigham, Capt F W Bailey, Mrs Bailey. MUs * Bailey, E haicllir, Uwls Meyers, A O Blackmail, Jr, J S Woodbridgo, C C Warren, W R Fowyth. Jus A Brown, Dr A Wilcox, Dr H Van Voorbles. L K fcui- tuoi), O’Hara Fox, R B Wheeler, R H HiLnouee, L1 Churchill, J I. Bui her, R Pucker, and Jorty-tlvo iu tho steuragf. Receipts per Central Railroad. June 28—401 bales cotton. 300 tucks wheut. 168 do Hour, 40 hides donfestics, und merchandize—to Agent Cbm lustou Boat, Bothwcll & Wlilte.ead, D Rosenblatt, brhn k I osier, NB&H Reed, Ml) Treanor, M Powell It co, DII Goodman, J Osmond. Wm B Uodgr-on, J D lease. l*attun, Hutton * t o, J Khyue, King k 8«us, W Lyuu, el yder & Askew, O Cohen, W D Lthcrldgo, aud order. U ARRIS ON 1 H OULUIIU1AN SIZE NLARGED, STYLE IMPROVED- It has doble the quantity and strength of any other. . It gives a perfectly natural color. It colors every shads from light brown to , It is perfeotly harmless to the skin. Its efifeofii instantaneous and permanent, It is the host, quickest, cheapest and sales! dts ever mado. 4Sg“Directions lorusouccompany each box- Price—1 oz. $1—2 ozs. $1.50—iozs. $3—Roza.*6. [Entered uwoidin,* to an Act of Congress, in tho year 1866, by A. W. Ifnrrison In the Clerk’s Office of tbe Di-irict Comt • 1 tho UnitedStnt33for tho Eastern District oi l'cmisy -.uir.j For sale hv liu- luunufactnier, AP0LLO3 W. HARRISON, dec-18—ly 10 South 7th at.. Philadelphia J UST RECEIVED, per tudiooner .1. It. A lion, from Ualliuinro— MASON'S CELEBRATED UNRIVALLED PREMIUM CAKES and CRACKERS, JuiiiIiUv, Lunou Cake*, Tea Cakes, Scotch Cukea. „ , Ginger Snaptt, Edinburgh Cukea Milk Rlaciiit, Soda Biaclut, Wine UiMMilt, Butter Hiacult, Water Biscuit, Pie Nle IfDciiit, Ac. A* , BARRON'S, J»me2o corner Whitaker and L’liarlton-sts. A CjOMPLKiTKrotlTORt Foa'lloD SK KEEPERS, I B uu Important item, aud to know where to oxafiily what is wanted laitqually Important, ““KENNEDY & BEACH’S” Hodgson's New Block, Corner of Brough ton and Bull Streets, Mid you will find everything pertaining to House Kooning ns woll as Refrigerators, Meat Safes, Wood- •c. Ware, and Tin Waro, Willow Ware, hoautlfel Wator Cooler*, Patent Ice Pitchers, Brushes in overv variety, Bird Cages, Bathing Tubs, indeed nearly everything that can bccalIMfer, recolloctthepiaco apr 16 O SNABUKUIS—30 bales Osnaburga, Mowtotiand Thomaston Mills, just received aud Tor solo by Junel8 CRANE, WELLS 4 CO. TO PRINTBRl . The subscribers offer for sals s large sod varied assortment of second-band printing material, suffi cient to establish a complete Job Office, with but few additional articles, consisting In part of—One ample font of amsll pica, aa good aa new, and vari ous fonts or Job type; one super royal band-press one Hoe k Co.'s proof-press, latest improvement, new; two or more large Imposing stones, new; dou ble and single stands; cases, composing sticks,col umn rules, galleys, chasea, etc., etc., together with various other artlclos pertaining to a newspaper or job office. R. B. HILTON k CO. June 28 LaGrange Female SABBATH, July Oth-Sormon by Philip P, k? Neely, Alabama Conference. Monday, July 7th—Prize exhibition ol sophomore Class—Concert at Candle-light. Tuesday, July 8tb—Auniveraary of Heutz k Judson Society. Prizoa awardod. Annual address by Luther M. Smith, Prof. Emory College. Wcdnosday. July Mh—Commencement day. Ad dross by Hon. F. 8. Bartow, Savannah, fla. Thursday, July 10th—Anniversary or the Alumnae Society. Address by Hon. J. Glancy Jonos, Penn sylvania. Examination of all tbe ciassos will take place the week procoding commencement. „ W. B. T MONTGOMERV, my 11 8upL Faculty. TjiU)UR—lao sacks Superfine Flour, IbrUalo bj J: WI1JJAM LYNN, Juno27—St 87 Bay street. ASSIGNEE NOTICE. P ERSONS having claims against the assigned estato of John M. Williams, will greatly oblige tbe asslguce, and facilitate a speedy aetllemen* “* their claims, by handing In all demands, bctw< this day and Monday next, fer it is desirable to certoiu the extent of the indebtedness, to arrongo for payment, as it is presumed tho ostato is t bankrupt. HIRAM ROBERTS, Juno24—Ot Assignee, NXftV BOOKS. rpHE Tangletown Papers, boingthe reminiscences, X observations, and opinions of Tiraothous Trap, Esq., including a Report of thoGroath Mamtnotblo Reform Convention, editod by tbo author or Record oftho Bubbletown Parish, &o. Her til a, by Frcdrlka Bremor, translated by Mary IIowItL Tho Duko Marcbmont, or tho Rulnod Gamester, being tbo final end and conclusion of 8abella Vln cent, Vivian Bertram, and Countess of Iascellos, bj G W M Reynolds, author of Mary Price, EUeh Per- cy, Agnes, kc, Ac. How to bo Rich, or a Key to Honest Wealth, be ing a practical guldo to larmors, professional mou, mechanics, merchants, clerks, factory operatives, apprentices, aud ull laborers, by Asber L Smith. Arthur's Homo Magaziue, for July. Ecouomic Cotlugo Builder, by C P Dwyer, Archi tect Received Tuesday, June 24tb, by Juuo26 WARNUCK k DAVI: RELIGIOUS WORKS. H ISTORY of the Great Reformation of tho Six leoutii Century, In Germany, Swilxorland.i by .1II Merle D'Aublgnc, five volumes complete The Ufo of Martin Luther, tho German Iteform. er, in fifty pictures, from designs of Gustav Koulg, to which is added u sketch of the rise aud progress of the Rotbrmatiou iu Germany. Life and Times cf Rev FJUali Redding, l» D, mie Heidor BlBhop of the Methodist Episcopal Church, by D W Clark, D D. 4 ’ Sermons on Several Occasions, hv tin* Rev ■’[talAU A \l lu r.\UM ..nil....,.,. * John 1> li, Wesdey, AM, in four volumes. l Sermons from the Pulpit, by H B Bascom, Uro of II Biddteman Bascom, II D, L L D, mt< by Rov m M itaSSSf D ». CbureU ' So '" U 1'Mtkmnoua Works or iliu Rov Henry U Rusvoni, !; , ' *' .** **, ono of the Bishops or tho Methodist Nh'SIiAM " by lh0 K ° V TI,omttS lucksou RWV K<,btfrl Newtou > W H, by Thomas The Bards of the Bible, by Georgo GuiQlhtu. rho Analogy or Rellgiou—Natural aud Kevealod —to the tonsiitntlon and Course or Nature, by Jo- aepli Butler, L I. D, Into Isird Bishop of Durham. napUNUi—u treatise ou the uuture, iierpetuity subjects, administration, mode, and usna or the ' lining ordinance or the Christian Church, by T 08umuern. Baptism—with reference to its Import, modes, history, proper use, and the duty or parents to hap- tlzodi children, hy James L Ctianniau, a minister of the Memphis Confereuce eg the Vlethodtst UpUtopal Clnnrli, South. F«ir sale at 160 Congress street by jgnggg W A KNOCK k DAVWa SHIRTS I SHIRTS 11 SHIRTS 111 wearer. Call at tho Star Clothing Emporium, 147 Bay streoL to WM.O. PRICE. JUNK 20 Ginkral Walkib’s Situation.—The N v Joantl ofComnwret, of Wednesday iftemil* Carrera. Prmldcnt oT CuoUmila, had with 8,000 roan, Ktartad to.act WilnrtlvS' tod kept on toward! Nlcarirw, until by d»J' tionbto font wan reduced to 500-by whw' time be thoagbt it prudent to go home naaln. *nd 00 that danger oupuwd twty. Hondorei retuKed to allow the Guatemala army to through Ita terrrltory, uylng that tValK' would beat, and then follow the vanquished .V my Into Honduras. St. Halvadoraud HoidutM scum friendly to Nicaragua and to Walk., who to to all appearance firmly (rtabliihtd Central Anarican apIL A largo r>arty o( «S said to havealx piecarof flclditiiGryaJd^tek' teen thousand dollar, worth of munltWor i,,, —from New Orleans. ™ Congreaalonal. Washinoton, June 28—Senate—Tl,e Sean, conaldered Mr. Adaraa’ reaolutlon, urovidin. for an adjournment on the 28th or July. ‘ Heoare. Douglaa.Brnndhcnd nnd Hale i the reaolutlon, and It waa adopted. ow Ou motion of Mr. Crittenden a rcmlmi™ ... adopted directing the committee on Juilici.,, to exumluo Into the lawa regulating the alon of the l'realdeucy In cuae of (he death „r the I’realdent and Vice President. The rules were amended making It t| le dni.. of the chair to call Senators to order wlienen r they violated parliamentary decorum. Tho Senate then adjourned. Houee—The House considered the l,i:| the admlsslonol Kansas. Mr. Dunn withdrew his motion for it. re f t . olive to the committee of the whole oa the etete of the Union, und proposed to continue th, mutter before the House, with the understand ing that a general debate should continue until toruiluutcd by n coll for the previous question, then members to ho allowed to oiler emend' merits, and moke live minute speeches in ei planution, for three days. Mr. Urow gave notice that lie would more the previous queatlou on Saturday. The remainder of the session territorial business. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. vivid DOLLARS 11KWARD. L OST, Oil Saturday, 2Mli iiisluiil, in Whitaker afreet, «<*ing from Congrtiw *trv*n t«» tliu thy Hotel, a package or paper*, orno uec to any irmuii but the owner. The above reward will bo iiuld up on leaving tlie eumo with M. D. Treauor’, 111 Con- groaa atreut, ur at tim City Hotel. ~ 8t—JubS *" GIlOCElilES AT COST! A l'OBTIUN or my riock or Gothl*, haviug hi-eu partially damaged by the recent fire lu the PlautoM’ Hotel, above me, l have removed them tollOBryuu Ktreut, ('ijpasitc S WUiuot'a Jewih'y H re,) for tho purpose ofdLpoping of them, where they will lie offered ut cost price.- for «'ath, In ordor to enable me to rlo.-e out tliu entire htock ut the uarliudt poBniblo period, *o that I muy ho able to bring out an outire new stock hy the Urtlol Sep tember noxt. iu waul of arthde» iu my line will Uud it lo their advantage to give me a call at an early date. A. If. CHAMPION. Suvuunull, Jntiu 2tUll, I860 tit--JokU M L boxen Tiger Mitstuiri; 26 dozen Catsup. 60 do I’ciiiHT Sauce, received nud for f«le hy McMahon h uoylk, June2l» 206 aud 2»7 _M*y ptroi- L “‘ “ARii,“BACON AND MOLARS. -26" kegs aud 16 bbl.4 choice laird; 20 hlid* Bacon Shluit and Shoulders: 25 hbd» and 26 bbh Mola-icv; iveutvod aud tor huId by McMahon k uoylk, Jiuie2fl 205 and 2o7 Buy Hi ed P IPES, WRAPPING PAl’Wt AND BKOOMS—60 boxes Pipe*. 200 reams Wrapping Paper, of all «lzos: 100 dozen Blooms: tor sale by mcmahon k doylk, June29 206 aud 207 Bay ztreet. STATE OF GEORGIA, B ULLOCH COUNTY.—To ull whom it may con cern: wherou*. Joslah Davis will apply at tbe Court of Ordinary for leitcrrf of aduiiulstrutlon on (he osiuic of Ifenry Davis, ktc of said county, de ceased : TboreL* are, tUere'ore. to .cite und ndmouhh all whom it may concern, to he and opjtcur before said Court, to make objection (It any they have) mi or bofuiu tbe flrtl Monday In AuguM iiaxl, olburwirie said letters will be grauted. Witues«, william Leo, Ksq , Oidiuui) for BulliK-h couuty, tbU 27th day or Juno, 1866. June29 W1LUAM LEE, o. t% o T ubs, paius and washboards.—20 uoi-ts painted, and 1ft do cedar Tubi. 26 dozen Palls; 20 do zinc, and 16 do wood Washboards; Jmt re ceived und for sule by ItrMAHON k DOYLE, Juno29 206 and 207 Ihiy street. FOR NEW YORK. To sail Saturday, July bth, at 9)i o'clod-, .1. J/. Tbo stenmship KNOXYI1 J.E, Cunt. Ludlow, will leave as above, tor freight or passage apply to HADEU'URlI. »'AY A CO. Berths not secured until paid for. Cabin Passage $26 Steerage Passage 8 .Shippers or Cotton by these steamships will S lease take notice, that no Cotton will be received at e presses that is not distinctly marked on tlie edge ;bi * ‘ *■* oftiie bale. Jo29 iFOR PHILADELPHIA. 7V) sail Saturday, July bth. at 11 o'clock, .4. M. The United States Mall Steamship KEYSTONE STATE, Capt. Ilnrdle, will leave as above. For freight or passage apply to 0. A. GREINER, Agent. Cabin 1’assage 2» 00 Steoroge Passage 8 uo Passengers by this ship for Baltimore aud Wash ington will bo landed at New Castle, Delaware, ff desired, from which place cars start throe limes dally for tbo above cities, aud other Southern points. Juno2* Niagara Falls, the Lakes & Canada. SHORTEST AND CHEAPEST ROUTE. Per Steamship Keystone State, via Philadelphia NIAG’KA FALLS $«0. $IIHi T HIS LINE connects at Philadelphia with tbe Great North-Wcstoru Railroad Route, through to Niagara Falls aud Buffulo, in sixteen hours from Philadelphia. Through Ttckots, with the privilege or stopping at Philadelphia, and intermediate iwluts, for sale by the Agent. Fore to Niagara Fails nr Bufiallo 828 “ Elmira 28 44 Canandaigua 28 CHARLES A. GREINER, Ageut, Juno 27 Savannah. Georgia. NEW BOOKS. G ODKY'8 LADY’S BOOK, fer July; Arthur’s Homo Magazine, for July; PetommV Month ly Magazino, fer July; Harper’s New Monthly Mag- aziue, for July; and, Graham’s Illustrated Monthly, fer July. The llisthry of Europe, from the fell of NniM-leou to the accession of Louis Napoleon, in two volumes, by Sir Archibald Alison, a new supply. Hertlrn, by Fredrika Bremer, translated hy Mary Howitt Tim 81dp Carpenter's Wile, u *t«»ry for tlie times, by W K 8 Whitman. Tho Tangletown ladters, edited hv the autliorol Records or tho Bubbloton PurL-li, Ac. Sulud fer tlie 8<H'lal, hy tlie author of Salad for the Solitary. Comic Miseries of Human Life. Plit-i i-lms tnh, a song that’s hy no author. For sale at 169 Cougress street, hy ■inns 28 WARNUCK A DAVIS. lion was devoted t<, CAukokia Mails and Theasi rk Coming - New Orleans, June ‘25.—The steamer (Jiam- da, from Aspinwall. lias crossed the bar andh now coming tip to the city. She rejauts tint theJ.steamer Illinois, with tlie California mail) of the 1st, nine hundred pafuetigera, ami *-j. *250,000 in specie, had left Aspiuwail f.r Sn York MARHACHirHKTTS Politic'S.—Boston, Jim 'li Tlio Journul hoisted the Frecinonl Hug morning. The Buuker Hill American council of • Charlestown, h« vo voted to maintain tbe Domini- tlott ol* Messw. Fillmore uud Donnelsou. Movements of Mu. Filluoui:. -Albany, Just 2.L—Mr. Fillmore will arrive in this city to. morrow evening, and leave again probably iu the 11 o'clock express train ou Friday for the west. He will stay in Rochester one night and leave there hy tlie Lockport route in tlie ex press train ut K o’clock in the morning for Buf falo. Nicauaucan Minister—New Link oi Steamers—New York, June *20.—The Herald says timt Major Heirs hits been deputed by Pa dre Vi.jil to otllciuto in temporary Nicaraguan Minister. Mr. Charles Morgan has completed LU ir- rangemeut for a new Hue of steamers between New York, New Orleans and Nicaragua, under the Randolph grant. The line commence] in July. A HOMESTEAD FOR $10) Ci nfM \ WORTH OF FARMS OF SJJOX v/§ v/V/ v Farms and Building* Lou. iu tho gold region of Virginia, (Culpepper County,) to bo divided amongst 10.21X1 subscribers on Ut 17th ot SepfemlM-r, I860, - lor tbe benefit u fort Royal Female Academy. Subscriptions only»« dollars each—one-half down, the rest on the deliv ery uf the deed. Every lubscribcr will get a Buiil- Ing Lot or Farm, ranging in value from Slots €26,600. Th««e Farms and Lots are soil so ck*i} to induce settlement?, a sufficient number being rs- servud, tho increase in the value of wif.cbwiil compen.'-ato lor Ihe apparent Imv price now vVeJ Tho most auipie secinlty wi.i iie *:ivenfortLi i ait hi ul pcriormanco of contract? aud promi.u-. More Agent? are wanted to obtain subscriber*, l whom tho most iihcrahnduccnreuts will bt* fives, fc'omo Agents writo that they are making SSCOpr month. AdverUsing will bo done (Or every Agent where possible. For fell particular*, sirtwrip tious, Agencies, Ac., apt ly to E, BALDER, Jegj—djtwlm Port Royal, Caroilno Co., Va. S OAP, CANDLErv Ac.—10U boxes Bui.Lsn 4 Smith’s family feoep; 100 do Colgate’^ No 1 uni H Bar do: 60 do do Pale do; 76 do Headers Talk* Caudles; 50 do Adamantine do, Star Brand; 60 do Colgate’s and Oswego Peatl Starch; fer sale by June24 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A: CO. H AY—100 balos prime Hey, now lauding at.* fer *ale low from tho wJir“' June23 M. FITZGi Corner ofBrougliton and SAVANNAH,-. . SUCCESSOR to T. C. RIcO, Manufacturer sod |0 Deafer In every variety or common ud Hue CANDIES, kiln dried and warranted to resin effec tually tho hot damp atmosphere of a Southern i li- mate; also lx*nion and Strawbury Syrup, Ac.Tenr.; cash, prices low. tt—:ny 11 SALE.—25,000 hnahela Corn to arrive, r mays YOUNG k WYATT. IRVING'S WASHINGTON. Y GLUME 111. or Washington Irving’s Life £* Washington. A few additional subscriber! vau lie supplied. NEW SCI’l'UKS OK Alison’s Continuation or tlie History of Europe, two volumes. Gt-rard, tlie IJon Killer. Mr. Sjiongo’s Sjiortiiig Tour. Tho SparrowgraHfl Papers. Ilii-ri-hua-tuu, by Doostirks. Bqnler’s Ceutral Amorim, Nicaragua, xe. Kwbnnks' Life in Brazil. Jnne26 W. THORNE WI1.IJAMS. A LBANYULB,—26 bills. Albany Stock Ale, juit received, and fer sale by junel SCRANTON. JOHNSTON k CO. BALTIMORE BACON. 3 000 r ° UNnB BAI.TIUORR BACON, Jone20 store and for nON corner Whitaker and Cliarlton-fu. /^ORN—1000 bushels prime Corn in store anJ \J fer sale by duo 2Q « * nnvixra C. A (JRKINER straNgkui " B ir you want a good and chf*! 1 Trunk, Viillce, Carp*** B **’ or Clothing of any kind or quail ty, ready made or made up to your measure; also Hats, Cups, Shirts, Collars or Dre*‘ Furnlshlug articles of any deu rlptlou, call aud »v lect from tho largest and best stock In the city. « tho Star Em|H rium, 147 Bay street. _ Jo13 _ WM. 0. PRICE. ___ LAND AGENCY. rpilK undcraiguod will, for five dollars per X examine any lands iu tlie counties of ApplMI; Wayne, Ware or Coffee, and report to tho owner *- to tuolr present value, the prospect for tbeir r« coming more valuablo iu future, aud whether v uot there Is bciug any tresixiss committtsl tbere^- Invurlably pled^na himseir to givo a true m *«• * * •** ninTtlaiices Will Mfl' COOL RETREAT! THE ARBOR BILLIARD SALOON, (upstairs) Giruvr Bull ami Bryan vln-vm. over HarWr Shop. June 117 .1. 44. IIAYWIXHI, Agrnl. BAT EC H O XT SB, HOT, COLD AND NIIO.WKR. I 1IAVR In-on aakvil to allow tlio llall. ltimms lo rcomlu upon la a later hour Ihuu nine oYtack ; 1 lltereftirc slvo nolira that Item till., pale im. Item Hnuao will lio iqwu until clavnn o'olnrli nl nlshi. Prlvo -id I'l’Lih Si, ticket* Im' Al. .1. M. IIAYWIKIP. Annul. FIXE FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, B tt AJC REDUCED rates. ARUA1NS can now bo hud by all who wish to ctutho themselves genteelly, as I will sen too balunco of u»y Rcndy-Made, at reduced rates on time, aud ten por cent, off for cash Call and avail yourself of tbe chance to obtain good arti cle*. At th? Star Clothing Emporium. WILLIAM O PRICE, June 27 147 Bay street. WANTED, A SITUATION os wet nurse, by a healthy young woman. Would hare no objection to travel, or go into the country. Good references given. Apply at this cffico. Ct—Jane 84 rout account, fer which all remittances will peeled iu advance. . He will also sell and remit when requested, us directed, fer seven per cent. . He will also promptly attend to all proieMWM business entrusted to his care. VERNON C. SIcLEKWft. my-18 Attorney at law. llomwvfilM^.. H ay; CUHN AND OAT*—In store, and for *‘ l4 wholesale or retail by ,...... ,|ntio22 ^ LOCKKTT k SNEI.Uh<^, T1 AGON—fu caVks pBiuii'wdes, just retd ceil » oi X> for sale hy . „ . June25 CRANK, WEU^^CO- ( * *1<iKKKf>-76 hags Kio Coficc, in store and far <»'* J low to dose consignment. „ . , S1 H.U026 CRANK. WEI [Sj3 WANTED ’ A GOOD aMIK AND WASHER, for a 3U1S " " Hy. Apply to 1 ARSON k MflWv Juno 2d Nt*. 2 Shad's Ruifeji^i. MOURNINU GOODS. B LACK French Bombazine, Black a«* > Black Uma Olotli. Black Mohair, Ww*™SS Blank French Uwn, Black aud White French M lln, and a fine assortment of Striped and Tula and While Ginghams and Calicoes. Plain » n “ ""jji Black Stiwiug Silks, and (ireuadlnN, BoW®*J r Tisimos, Plalu aud Figurod Black Bilk**, fer collars and alcoves, oftho lutoatpateriis. r by (jol2j AIKINAJHE^ GENERAL NOTItB- . , S ILVER AND GOLD PLATING Z. at home. Mr. CHARLES KEMISH bavfef^ tablluUod hltnaelf permanently, all work in tn»^ will be doue with dispatch. All rearing ofoww ^ Toapoti, Gaudloatlcks, Spoons, Fork*, or any ^ article will be dooo neatly before ptaJJ*- # illver plate, such aa Teaaetta or UrM, * r 8i»ong, will be re-finfebed and made eqnidto»• and at moderate price*. All work or order* ien my store will be attended to promptly- m.E27 W *t‘ b, “ OS, * lT * 0 .«• GKFTO'