Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, June 28, 1856, Image 4

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Umh*im,io eft. tacm> M ' Sfflfi llbun WHikttlwM we, —iU vbotn It my ire eald Chart, to miteolitecttm (If enr they be re) oo or belbrethe Irei Mood«J la NoT«mbf^n•xt, , otllWlioMldI*»• ' , Wlu«^•?J£» l t^lbo, Ekj., Ordlnwyfor Outturn Ornty, this e4t>t day of Agyfew, o. c. c. JEl , to be end appear before eald ■ (If any thoy have) on or be. In December next, othorwUe C •Set ntTBiy SHERIFF'S SALK.—Will be i told oq the Ural Tuceday In June next, brfore _ H^Merbetween the local houfa or sale, lot naetber twelve (13) Sew IYmXud Ward, In the cur or iavannah, situated on the corner of Mont* on to satisfy a certain ft. fa. issuing out of Chatham Superior Court, In favor of John Judder ra. CUr- once I*. IloUbi. Property pointed out In eald fl. fa. BENJAMIN I*. COLE, maj-5 Sheriff C. C. BTA®K"OF~O iittRGI A« C HATHAM COUNTY.—To all whom it may con- cent t Whereas, KUtabcth Ribero, will apply at the Oonrt oT Ordinary tor letter* of administration on the eatate of Joaenb Riboro: Tbeae arc, therefore, to die and admonish all whom It mar concern, to be and appear beroro said Oonrt to make objection (If any they bare) on or befbre the first Monday in July next, otherwise said letters will be granted* Witness, John Bilbo, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham county, thia second day or June. 1850. June 2 JOHN BILBO,.o. c. c. STATS OK OSOHGIA, CHATHAM CO, riV all whom It may concern: Whereas Mary Ann X Dent will apply at tho Court of Ordinary Tor let* tors DUmlasory on the estate of James P. Dent,— These arc therefore to cite andadmoulsh all whom it may concern, to be and appoar befbro said Court, to make objections (if any they havo) on or before tho First Monday in December next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness John Bilbo, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham County, this third day of June. 1S56. JeS JOHN BII.BO.JXC.C. STATE* OF GEORGIA, C HATHAM COUNTY.—To all whom it may con cern : whereas, Patrick Ryan will apply at the Court of Ordinary for letters of administration ou the estate of Daniel Collins: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom U may concern, to bo and appear before said Court to make objection (If any they have) on or be fore the first Monday in August next, otherwise said letters wlU be granted. Witness, John Bilbo, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham COunty, this twenty-third day or June, 1855. June 83 JOHN BILBO, o. c. c. STATE OF GEORGIA, B ULLOCH COUNTY.—To all whom it may con cern : Whereas, Asa Johnson will apply at the Court of Ordinary for said county, for letters of ad ministration, with the will annexed, ou the estate of Mary Williams, late of said county, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Oonrt to make objection (if any they have) on or before the first Monday in August next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness, William Lee, Esq., Ordinary for Bulloch county, the 20th day of June. 1S5G. ^ WILLIAM LEE. o. n. c. Court of Ordinary for letters dismlssory as ad ministrator m the tutate of James C. Hines : therefore, to cite and admonish all fore the first Monday eald letters will be named. Witness. John Bilbo, Esq. Ordinary for Chatham county, this fourth day of June, 1866. June A JOHN BILBO, o. c. c. P ADMMMTRATOR’B lAlil. * CRSUANT to an order of the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Chatham County, passed Juno torm, 1856. will bo sold, on the first Tuesday in August next, before tho Court House door in Mid county of Chatham, botwoen tho legal hours of sale, tho following property, to wit.: Lots Nos. three (8) and four (4), being part of Garden lot No. nine (9), Bpring Hill, City of Savannah, fronting ou Railroad street; also the following negro slaves: Jack, Peter, AlexanderandSarah. Sold-as -the property or the MiateoTSamueUirifUn, late or said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said es tate. RICHARD WAYNE, Administrator do bonis non, on Je4 Estate of Samuel Griffin, GEtfHGIAT^llATilA.MTOUNTYi O N the first Monday in August next, I will apply to the Ordinary of Chatham county for leave to sell tho negro slaves Ueonging to tho estate of Clara A* Ogilbay, deceased', lor the benefit of tho heirs and credit irs of said estate. June 4 JAMES A. UBOCHE, Adrn’r. rr* H————i From V* B. PALMER, QXXXRAL ADVEHTW1NO AXO tOWSfAWl AGK.YT, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore., JAMHI 11. KlDIiEI, DEALER AND IMPORTER OF Watch**, ■IcwclgrjJMlwr Wan, Kan- so. 12, sooth 2n srsm, nttunnrau. "g« _ lr_ NELSON SWEENEY, DESIGNER AN I) SCULPTOR IN MARBLE. . Corner Astor Place and 4th Avenue, m cum raoxnonr vo m asioa umunt Atm mi raw mbu norm, raw row. ... -Jncrlca, . plain to tho roost elaborate aud ornate In di „ workmanshlp. ln addltlnn tn theilOCirilways on hand, a great variety of drawings, appropriate and original may bo found, from which work will be ox- ocutod promptly to order. Orders faithfully executed, and shipped to any point available by water or steam. Persons visiting the city or New York on pleasuro or business aro respectfully Invited to visit this es tablishment. . °ct3 tit B 1C? uni 'IL nan •MotT BROUGHT TO JAIL. Brought to Jail in SwalU9boro, Emanuel Co., on the 4th instant, a negro man; he says his name la Harry; that ho belongs to the estate •ol Thomas Clay, or dryan County, Ga. He is of light complexion, with a slight scar over the left oye; about 5 feet 3)4 Inches in height, and about 26 year* old. Tho owner is requested to come forward, pay charges and take him away, as lie will bo dealt with as tho law directs. HENRY OVERSTREET, Je9 Jalor. NOTICE. A LL persons having demands against the estate of Richard F. Williams, lato of Chatham coun ty, deceased, are hereby notified to present them within tho time prescribed by law to the subscri ber ; and all indebted to the said estate are request ed to make immediate payment to SL B. MILLEX, Administrator de bonis non. Slarch 25—6w llwf Jy2l—Jo 7 STATIC OK UEUHU1A. C HATHAM COUNTY.—To all whom ii tnny con cern: Whereas, the estate of Jeremiah Sic- Donald lies unrepresented in consequeuce of the death of Xathau Browton, the executor, ami unless some lit nud competent person applies for the ad ministration of said estate, with the will auucxcd, I shall appoint James Wilkinson, or some other fit and proper person, administrator with the will an nexed do bona* non, ou said estate: These are. therefore, to cite aud admonish all whom it may concern, to bo and appear before said Court to make objection (ir any they have) or before the first Monday in August next. Witness, William Lee, Esq., Ordinary for the county of Bulloch, this 12th day of June, I860. Jcl5 WILLIAM LEE, o. c. c. CITY BIIERIFF’S SALE. W ILL be sold before tbe Court House door iu the city ofSavannah, on tbe first Tuesday in July next, between the legal hours of sale. The follow ing articles, 2 counters, 1 desk, 1 iron chest, 1 wardrobe and all the interest of Edward Murphy, in and to the lease or lot and building situated ou tbecrMerof Whitaker and Congress streets, to " y a fl. ra. Issued in favor of William B. Gaul J, [urphy, A Dovanny, property pointed out by dant. ED. M. I'REN DERG AST, * c. e. may 31 vs. defendant. CITY SHERIFF’S SALE'. W ILL be sold before the Court House door iu the aty of Savannah, on tbe first Tuesday iu July next, between the legal hours of sale, lot No. 27, contains 59 feet, more or less, being a portiou of Garden lot No. 11, west, in the city of savannah, bounded as follows:—East by Purse street, south by lot No. —, north by street not uamed, and west by lot No. —. Levied on as the property of Ann Doble, to satisfy a fl. fa. Issued out of the Honorable the City Court orSavonnah, in favor of John Galiahcr vs Ann Doble. Property pointed out by plaintiff— Terms cash. Purchaser paying for titles. EDW. M. PRENDERGAST, ray31 City Sheriff. State of Georgia, Bulloch county, A dministrators’ sale.—bv virtue or au or der from the honorable Court of Ordinary or said county, passed on the first Monday iu June, will bo sold at the court house door of said couuty, betweeu the lawful hours of sale, on tho first Tut-s- day iu August. One tract of I .ami, containing one hundred and fifty acres, in said county, ou the Ca- nooebee river; also, a part of four other surveys, containing six hundred and thirty-two acres, on Ca- nooebee river, well improved aud iu good repair, VIRGINIA SPRINGS! SOUTH-SIDE, RICHMOND A DANVILLE, AND Vl>|lnlt A Tcnnrucv SUMMER consisting of swamp, bay and piue land. Sold us . .. _ . , the property of Nathan Brewtou, deceased, for tbe | ou tbeeveuiug of the day that they leave Peters- ARRANGEMENT. Shortest, most comfortable any! most expeditious Route to the VIRGINIA SPRINGS! THROUGH HV DAYLIGHT. And Baggage Chocked Through, except on Stages. Visitors to the Virgiuinta Spriugs by this route, take the South-Side Railroad cars at Petersburg, or the Richmond aud Duuville cars at Richmond, at U A. M.. dally, (Sundays excepted,) arrive at Lynch burg to dinner, and thence, viu the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, reach Bonsnck’s Depot ut 3 1-4, and Salem at 4 P. It., and at either place take Kent* Summewon & Co’s Flue Lino of . Stages I Those via Bousack’s lodge at Fincostle, dine at the Red Sweet, or Sweet Springs, and arrive at the White Sulphur Springs, (17 tulles) early on the evouing of the second day irorn Petersburg, or Rich- moud, without X1UHT TRAVEL, and with but G4 miles of Staging. Or by the Salem route, stop all night at the Roanoke Red Sulphur Spriugs, (iU tulles distant from Salem,) dine ut the Red Sweet, or Sweet Springs, aud arrive at the White Sulphur Spring* ou theeveniug of tho following day. The Virginia k Tcunessee Railroad is located through a most romantic country, possessing a cli mate tmsurjwwscd for its salubrity and delightful tem perature. Tho road passes the base of the PEAKS OF OTTEK! Aud withiu three miles of the Alleghany Spriugs, one tuilo of the Montgomery Whito Sulphur Springs, aud within four miles of the Yellow Sulphur Spriugs. all pleasuutly situated a few tulles apart, ou tlio Eastern slopo of the Alleghnuy mouutain, iu Mont gomery couuty. The waters of these Spriugs tire celebrated for tbeir great mcdiciual qualities, the ac commodations are oxcolteut, and have been greatly Increased since last seusou. 49-Visitors to the Red Sulphur Spriugs take Kent. Suimuersou & Go’s Stages at Newborn Depot, ADVKXTMXn AOKXCr, nUUMUUU* TA. Authorized Agent for Urn Savannah Journal. HERRING’S PATENT FIREPROOF WITH HALTS ^AiK& LOCK. Bavin, received ll» Prim M«d«I at th. World-* Fair, ar- now ofltnd lo the public an lb* Prize Sato <K have been every where, their crowning victory was reserved to be awarded by tho Juries of the World’aFalr. live proprietor placed Quo Thousand Donors In Gold Iu the one exhibited attitoWorld’s Fair, Lon don, and invited all the Pick-Locks In the world to open the Safe, with or without the keys, and take tho mouey as a reward for tholr Ingenuity; although operated upon by several skilled in tho art, noouo could Pick the Lock or open tho Safe. By an Improvement upon tho original Salamander, introduced by the present owner ortho patent-right, tho Interior Is rendered wholly Impervious to damp, and books, papers and jewelry might be preserved ■*i one of his safes for a century without contracting blomlsh from mould or milldew. To guard against counterfeits every Wovtom the manufactory or the subscriber, and sold by him or his agents, has a brass plate In front, bearing nIs name: each is also famished with one or his Im proved Thief Detecting locks, which is * good guar antee against robbery. . _ _ 3. C. HERRING A 00., Noe. 135,137 and 189 Water-st., N.Y. Agents in Savannah, Messrs. BELL A PRENTISS, who keep constantly on hand a full aud complete assortment, which they wlU sell at Manufacturers prices. LOCAL EVIDENCE OF THE VALUE AND FlttB- pkook Qiuunn or WILDER’S SALAMANDER SAFES, At Manufactured by Steams «6 Marvin. EewYork. In the tire of tiie 3d Inst, which consum ed the brick building occupied by Mr. Jno. - T. Thomus. opposite i ithe Gas Works, in this j city, was a safe ol the above descriptions containing tlio hooks, papers, aud mouey of Mr. Thomas, and although tho huitdlug was detroyod.v tlio said Safe sustained no injury whatevor from the intense heat to which it had been exposed. On ojieu- ing the Sale, the cements were found undisturbed, and in the same order and condition as when placed thero, except a slight discoloration to the projecting ends of a few papers, and tho backs of one or two of the books, caused by the steam generated in tbe Safe, while at its greatest heat. The Sole aud coutcnts, os it came from the rulus, may still be scou, iu the possession of Mr. Thomas, at tho Gas Works. A largo assortment of these cele brated Safes always ou luutd.and for sale by C. H. CAMPFIE1J), Agent for the Manufacturers. July 2d, 1855. 171 Bay-st., Savannah. Ga. I take pleasure iu corroborating the foregoing state ment, and in addition would add, that the books are now lu use. J. T. THOMAS. Wood Yard, Kerry Wharf. July Utilli, 1855. octfl—tf benefit of the heirs aud creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on tiic day of sale. BENJAMIN BREWTON. I SIMON J. BREWTON. I Am " r< - June 2d, 1856 jc 15 State of Georgia, Bulloch County A dministrators’ sale.—win be sold, on the first Tuesday iu August next, before ths court house iu Statesboro’, iu said county, under an order of tbe Court of Ordinary, Fifty-four (54) acres of Pine Laud, granted to James Deal, uud bounded by lands of James Woods, William Allen and Elmore Manes, belonging to tbe estate of James Deal, for tbe benefit of tbe heirs and creditors of said estate. Terms made known ou the day of sale. MARTHA DEAL,) Adra’x. CALVIN’ DEAL, / Adrn’r. June 12th, 1666 Je 15 CITY SHERIFF’S SALE. '\1TILL be sold, befenre the court house door In f f • the aty oT Savannah, on the first Tuesday in July next, between the legal hours of sale, One Au- S uata and Waynesboro’ Railroad Omipany’s Bond, To. 409—levied on as tho property of William Dunn to satisfy two fl. Tas. Issu»-1 out of the honorable the City Court of Savannah, one In favor of .Tames B. Read vs. William Dunn, and the other in favor of John Ingcrsoll va. William Dunn. Terms cash. EDWARD M. PRENDERGAST. may 31 Sheriff C. S. S TATE OF GEORGIA—BULLOCH CO.. May 20th, 1856—Two months alter date application will be made to the Honorablo Court or Ordinary of said County for leave, to sell all the lands botonging to the estate of Michael Donaldson, deceased, for the benefit of tho heirs and creditors and said deceased. my2ff-8w JOHN E. GIBSON, Adrn’r. a EORGIA—BULLOCH CO.—All persons having demands against tbe Estate of Thomas Mills, lato of said county, deceased, are nereby notified to present them, properly attested, within the time prescribed by law, and these indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate’paymcnt to HARPY B. HODGES, Adrn’r• May 20th, 1856. my23-6w NOTICE. T WO month* from date application will be made to the Ordinary of Chatham County, far leave to sell lot No-151,9th district, Baker, belong ing to the estate of Julian Marks. JACOB WATSON, tnay2 Administrator. ASSIGNMENT NOTICE. I M. WILLIAMS, having assigned all rty, both real and personal, to adjust wrsons having legal claims against the Wiliams, will please hand them to the undersigned without delav, os it is quite desirable to ascertain the oxtont of indebtedness, and to per fect a speedy settlement of tbe assigned property apr28 HIRAM ROBERTS, Assignee. O his property, 1 hi* debts, all persoi •aid John M. Williai ADMISTRATOR’S NOTICE. A LL persons having demands against tbe estate of the late Charles S. Arnold, deceased, are hereby notified to present them, properly attested, within the time prescribed by law, and all those in debted to said estate, are requested to make imme diate payment to EDWARD PADELFORD, may8 Administrator. ASSIGNEES NOTICE. M R. Louis Robider having mode an assign ment lor the benefit of his creditors, all per sons indebted to him will please make payment to me. And those having demands against him are requested to present them, that paymeut may be made as far as the assetts will extend. A. BONA UR, Assignee. Savannah, May 19, I860. 7nay2(l GLYNN SHERIFF’S SALE. W ILL bcsold before the door oftho Court House in the city or Brunswick, County of Glynn, on tho first Tuesday in July next, between tlio legal hours of sale, tbo following property, to wit.:—Cas sius, Jim, Cbloe, and Simon—levied on by virtue ol fl. fa. Issued out of tbe Honorable Superior Court of Glynn County, in favor or Horace B. Gould vs. Alex ander Scranton and James Goweu, Administrators of Mary Abbott, deceased plaintiff's attorney. NOTICE. A U. persons having claims against the estate or Evan Jones, late of Charlton county, Ga., de ceased, aro requested to present them, iu terms of law, and those indebted will please make paymeut to tho subscriber. STEPHEN McCALL, Executor. Ccntrevillage. Ga., June 14th. 1856 je22 notice; W ILL bo sold, betweeu the usual hours of salo, on the first Tuesday in August next, before the court house door in Trader’s Hill. Charlton county, Ga., Two negro men, (Dick and Tom)—be longing to the estate of Evan Jone3, late of said county, deceased. Sold under provisi -n of the will and by order of th*» honoreble Ordinary of said county. STEPHEN McCALL, F.x’r. Ccntrevillage, Ga., June 14tb, 1856 je22 CITY MARSHAL’S SALES. ■\I, r ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in July f I next, in front of the court house : Improvements on lot No. 3, Montraoliinville, to satisfy aty Tax Executions vs. Connelly, for vears 1854 and 1855. Also, Lot and improvement No. 12, part of Gar den Lot No, 11, west, the property of Mrs. Ellen O’Reilly, to satisfy City Tax Executions for 1865. Also, Lnt No. 15 and improvements, Franklin ward, os tho property of M. Prendergast. for Taxes for 1856. Also, east half of Lot No. 2, Calhoun ward, the property of Mr*. Bridget Cary and children, far Taxes for 1855 Also, Lots Nos. 19 and 20, Wesley ward, as the property of Edward I’erry, for Taxes for 1855. Also, Lot No. 61, Brown ward, as the property of estate of Patrick O’Connell, Srfor Taxes far 1855 Al.o, Improvements on south half of I/A No. 33, Warren ward, as tho property of Miss Matilda Ro- sey, for Taxes for 1854 and 1855. Also, east half of Lot No. 28, north side or Marga ret strecl, the property of Mr*. Rachael Wise ar.d daughter, for Taxes for 1855. Also, Lots Nos. 47 and C2, Wallou ward, R3 tlio properly of John McCormick, for Tuxes for 1865. Also. Lot No. 4, Washington ward, as tho proper ty of Sirs. M. M. nibble and children, for Taxes for 1855. Also, Lot No. 14 and east half of Lot No. 15, par of Garden Lot No. 33, east, os the projierty of the estate or 8. A. Patot, for Taxes for 1851 and 1865. Also, Lot No. 24, lafayette ward, os the proi»erty of Johu M. Mlllen, for Taxes for 1855. Also, I/A No. 10, Montraoliinville, us tlio property of James Benoist, for Taxes for 1854 and 1855. Also, Improvements of quarter I/A No. 16,Greene ward, as the property of Mrs. Baker, for Taxes for 1854 and 1865. Also. Garden Lot No. 58, ea-l. as the properly of W. P. Bowen, for Taxes for 1864 aud 1865. Also, I/A No. 47, Jasper ward, as the property ol Mrs. J, W. Ryeraon, for Taxes for 1865. Also, west half of 1/A No. 4, south side of Brvnn street for Taxes for 1854. Also, south half of 1 Trustees’ Garden, as tlio property of the estate of Worthington, for Taxes for 1*55. DANIEL II. STEWART, may 31 City Marshal. burg or Rlchmoud, aud arrive at the Spriugs ou the following day to diiiuer, aud Salt Sulphur Springs early iu the eveuiug of the secoud duy from Rich mond or Petersburg. The Road from Nevberu RejKA to the Red Sul phur Springs, (3S miles,) has beeu graded and greatly improved sluce last season, uud is now re garded asoae of the best turnpikes in the tnotiu tains. The line of Telegraph from Richmond will be cum pleted and in operation to the Mootgomery White Sulphur Springs early in June. Passengers to Knoxville, Tenucs«t e, take Kent, Sutnmerson & Co’s stages at tho Western termluus of the Virginia k Tennessee Railroad, now 180 miles from Lynchburg (aud being extended Westward at tho rate of 8 miles per mouth) to the Eastern term! nus of the East Tennessee and Virginia Railroad, and arrive at Kuoxvlile la 21-2 days from Peters burg or Richmond. Fare from Petenburg or Biebmoml. To Rod Sweet, or Sweet Springs via Bou*ack’*,$10 00 “ “ “ “ “ , “ Saiein.... 10 50 •• White Sulphur Spring? ' •* Bonsack’* U uu “ “ *• “ Salem.... 11 60 “ KedSulphcr Springs# 12 25 “ Alleghany Spring* 8 00 “ Montgomery White Sulphur Spring* * 4 Yellow Sulphur Spring* 8 45 “ Knoxville, Tennessee 23 00 Note.—Tho charge far tickets to tho Alleghany Springs, Montgomery Whito Sulphur and Yellow Sulphur Spriugs, does not include the charge from tho Railroad to the Springs. Passengers lor the A1 ieghany Springs, (4 miles distant.) tako tickets JilQntnnmnrY XVI " • Shawsvillp— Montgomery White, Sulphur, (1 S REMOVAL. The subscriber has Removed on tho Bay. next door to the Republican otilce, where lie is now opening a handsome assortment of S P RIN G _ _ AND SUMMER GOODS, which he will sell by the pattern or make to order in the most fashionable style. Also, Ready Made Clothing fur the pteseut und coming season. Projierty pointed out by j Thankf ul for past favors, he 4 hopes to merit a con- 1 * tiuuaneo of the ~—* roay28 M. G. B. WRIGHT, S.G.C. GLYNN SHERIFF’S SALE. W ILL ho gold before the door of the Court House, In the city of Brunswick, County of Glynn, on S te first Tuesday in July next, between tbo legal ours of sale, tbo following properly, to wit.:—One undivided hair of a tract or parcel ol land containing two hundred and fifty acres, (more or less) lying and being in tho county of Glynn, bounded south bo lands granted to Michael Ponscll, northwardly by lands granted to John I/tmb, senior, east by lands unknown. 1/ivied on as the projierty of Celia Iamb, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued out of tho Honorable Sujie- rior Court of Glynn county, in favor of Daniel SIcIn- losb v*. Celia Lamb. Projierty pointed out by de fendant. M. C. U, WRIGHT, may28 Sheriff Glynn County. STATE OF GEORGIA, LIBERTY CO. rno all whom It may concern:—Whereas Jason X Floyd will apply at the Court of Ordinary fur letters of administration on the estate of Allen I). Floyd, These aro therefore to cite aud admofihh ull whom it may concern, to be and ujipear before said court, to make objections, if any they havo, on or before the first Monday lu July uext, otherwise *ald letters will be granted. Witness W. P- Girardeau, Ordinary for Liberty this 27.* d.y of April, >«» iB VRDEAUi may27 °- L» C. same. N. 11.—Cutting, Altering uud Repairing duue at the shortest notice. Just received White Drill Coats and Pauls, White and Figured Marseilles Vests, for sale at a small pro- uprl2 mile distant by a branch Railroad,) take tickets . Big Tunnel uud tor the Yellow Sulphur, (4 miles dis- tunt,) take tickets to Christian-btirg depot. Con veyances will be found at those places. For farther information apply to E. A. GOODWIN, Ticket Agent S. S. R. R., Petersburg. CHARLES OAMPBEU., Sup’t Richmond k Danville R. R., Richmond. E. H. GILL, Sup’t V. k T. R. R., Lynchburi KENT, SUMMKR80N k CO., rayl3-8ru Fincostle, Virginia. CENTRAL. HAII.KOAU. O N andafter Sunday, the 14th October, inst., aud uutll further notice, tbe Passenger Train* on tnc Central Railroad will run as follows : BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND MACON. Learcs Savannah Daily at...6 a U and 12.16 p Arrive in Macon “ “..2.16 p x “ 1 a Leave Macon “ “.11.45 a m “ 9.30 p Arrive in Savan’h “ “10.45 p m “ 7.20 a BCTWKKJ SAVANNAH AND ACGC8TA. Leave .Savannah ..12.15 p m and 8.30 p. Arrive in Augusta 8.46 m “ 5.30 a Leave Augusta 6. am 11 4.30 p Arrive iu Savanuah 1.30 p m “ 10.45 p HCTWEKN MACON AND AUGUSTA. I/jave Macon 11.46 a m and 9.30 p Arrive iu Augusta 8.45 pm “ 5.30 a IiCave Augusta 6. am “ 4.30 p Arrive in Macon 2.16 p m “ 1. a HkTWKKX SAVANNAH, MIU.SPOKVIU* & KATONTOX. Leave Savannah 5. a Arrive in Milledgeville 2.45 p Leave Macon 1145 a Arrivo In Eatonton 6. p W. M. WADLEY Geu’l Supt. Savannah, Ga., Oct. 12, 1856. octl5. JOHN W. KELLY. GEORGIA, LIBERTY COUNTY. O N tbe first Monday In July next application will be made to the honorablo tbo Court of Ordina. ry of gold couuty for letter* of administration on the estate of Gideon McGoweu, late of said county, de ceased. ANN McGOWLN. June 2 NOTICE. f (THREE mouths after date application will be mode X to the Marine Bank of Savannah, for tbe pay ment of two Twenty dollar bill*, viz.: lotter B, 8070, aud letter 0.697, tho left halve* of which have been lost. JAMES P. HUDSON. Tallahassee, Fla., May 17, 1856. 3m*my2fl ADMINIBTRATIHX NALifT O N tbe first Tuesday in July next will be sold in front ofthe Court House, In tho city of Savan nah, all tho real estate belonging to tbe estate of James X. Bates, late or Chatham County, deceased. Sold by permission or the Court of Ordinary, and by dUer of the Administratrix, for tho bonvfit of tho hrirs and creditor*. ANN B. BATES. Admlnlitratrlx. may25 TJtRESH Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines, f< J* sale by Jan 2 A BONAUD. for 1 Jflti DRAPER AND TAILOR. JEFFERSON STREET NEAR BROUGHTON. Tbe Hubscriber takes this opjiortunity to inform his friends und the juibllc, that ihe Is enabled, from exjierieiicc, ami the ■Intuitive pcrccjitious of the truths of 11 scionco. baaed on the commou rule* of surveying forms, both jilane and spherical, to cut and make up garment* to fit tlio human form in the most complete and finished style, to all who may favor him with a call. Boys’ fancy dresstv, Ball costumes, Military and Firemen’s Uniforms, Ac., Ac. P. HORACE GRANT, JelllTr'on st., oue dimr North of Broughton streut. dec 7—ly P aper hangings and uokdhks.— Just rccolved a great assortment of the most elegaut patterns, with bottlers to tuateli, from 8 ‘ ‘ CHAFFER k CO.’S, No. 6 Whitaker street. v-u & ceutH to $2, at ujir30 U. M. GRIFFIN, SUCCESSOR TO LATE M. EASTMAN. Corner of Bryan ami Whitaker Streets. 11AH now ou baud a beautiful as sortment of Jewelry of every dis- erijiliou uud kind woru by ladies _ and gentlemen, and will sell at unusually low prices. I havo this day received (jier Express) a large elegant Hlver Ware, consisting of Cake aud 1 ie Knives, plain and eugraved Fiah Knives and Fork*, Pickled Kulvwinud Forks, Kuive*. Fork* aud bpoous, Najikin Rings, Nutmeg Grulers, Ac. Ac., all in Morocco cases, aud suitable for jiresoiit*. I have also tills day received uu adtiitiou to my Block of bairwork of light colored Curls, Topsys, Braids,Front I iecos, Bands, Uucle Tom, Ac., which now makes my assortment compete. Orders received for any color desired. WatchoHi repaired by and undor tho supervision or seir, and all other work done in h workmanlike manner, and warranted. may 25 CONSIGNMENT— KJ 2000bushels Pritno Corn; ’ 100 do Cow Peas; 200sacks “Palaco Mills" Flour , lObbls Raw Glm; 10 do Monongahoia Whisky; 6 do Domestic Brandy; For sols low, by Jel3 PATTEN, HUTTON k CO. CHANUE OF SCHEDULE ON THE S0U oT. H r m T W New York & New Orleans Mails O N and alter Sunday, February 3d, 185C, two dally train* between Macon aud Columbus, and ouo between Macon and Americas, 1-oavt* Macon at 2 a si, and 3 f M; arrive ut Colum bus at 7 15 a si, nud 1030 P m ; leave Columbus 4 16 / m, and 1 301* m; arrive at Macon at 10 64 a and 7 40 »* m; leave Macou at 2 a m; arrive ut Atnerl' cus at 6 40 a m ; leave Americas at 2 20 pm; arrive at Macou at 7 40 v m; making acomjileteconnection be tweeu Montgomery, Alabama, and Augusta, Kings ville, Wilmington aud Charleston; also, with Central Railroad Tralus to Savuumih, Milledgeville aud Eaton- fan, and with Macon nud Western tralus to Atlauta, Cliattauooga, Nashville and Knoxville, Teun. At Columbus with Girurd and Mobile* Railroad Kufaulu, Ala., c • - - four horse Post Coaches to Yullabuiujeo, Albany, Thomasville, Bainbridgo, Ac., with tri-weekly hacks fa f.umpkin, Cuthbert, Ac., at Fort Valley with hacks to Perry, llayuosvillo, Hawkinsvillo ami Knoxville, Ou. Passenger* for Auiorlcus aud jioiiite lielow Fort Valley, should take tho 12 15 p m train from Savan nah; uud tho 5 pm train from Augusta, to avoid de tention at Macou. For other point* on the South- Western or Muscogee Roads take either train from Havannah or Augusta. Passengors leaving Ameri cas at 2 20 p m will reach Columbus at 10 30 p m the i-aine night. Passengers from Columbus aud the West for Am ericas, South-western Georgia or Florida, should take tho 1 30 p m train at Columbus, sleep at Fort \ alley, and reach Americas at 6 40 a m uext morn lug. r First class *ti*ain*hi|w leave £uvuutiuli for New York on Wednesday* and Faturdavs, aud for Phila delphia on Wednesdays. Passage i.i the I’aliiu $25 Htcerago $8. 1 Faro from Montgomery lu Savannah $)-i “ Columbus “ *• jo “ A meric us •• *• ........ g .. . GEO. W. ADAMS, Sup’t. Macou, January 30th, i860. may 10 BOOK ft JOB OFFICE. Merchants can be su^Aod sMhort notice with Blll-IIe«ds, Bills off LwUn|, Dray Books, Circular*, Card* and BtoMk Books, Particular attention given’to BOOK AND I’AM- I’HLKT PRINTING, such a* CaUlogucs for Colleges, Proceeding* or Meeting*. ReporU, By-Laws, etc. Thankfril for the very liberal patronage heretofore received, we respectfully solicit a continuance of tho same, fooling that we shall bo able to please all who may favor us with a call, both a* to prices and execution of work. F 0 ^ lions, 1 ProuoaaU (tor Ration* atul Fuel for Light*Veasels. COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, r or ij< a. HCntltlXTXXDKNT Of IiOlIT*. Havannah, 10th May, 1866.; S EALED proposals will be received at this offlee until 12 o’clock. M., on tbe 1st day or July next, 1856, for furnishing and delivering Ra- lions and Fuel on board the Ught-vcssel* in this Collection district, viz.; at Martin’s Industry and Tyboo Island Knoll, for one year from tho first day or July 1856, to the 30th June, 1857, Inclusive. Tbe ration* to be or good and approved quality, to be delivered In good and sufficient jiackages, barrels, boxes aud ca*C3, and In good ordor, ou board the above named light-vcssols, at least once a quarter, free of expense to the United States, and agreeably to the annexed table ofthe weekly ration, viz.: I Iff e 2 1 n ■ 3 ae - KOOJUJU.J | fcMJttd tr 'SOSbltJOJg tr ju.lauiA si tr. tr: : tr: tr: *8n«aa a 0 7* s u 1 li : ! M* • JotfaH l l l I I l 1 -oqjjoo a •wax a Z IS is It IS IS IS Ii •jeans $ 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 linasja tr. •tjnjj papip Jo su|*|uh : : : : : ‘ooih 1 M ? •jiiou a I *S|JO«| a. : - •j°oa HKl/MHUUI'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. — Ad’s Highly Cmiecntraled Com* •lid Fluid Extract Burhu. IS* «*WAW, SAKL AKO UFTOVAL BLaUffiV —lull ruewe# of ii. Bltdder, Kidiwin, «r*r.l, Drony, WMkncw, SMret tUaM. Otwuuc- _ Ftnuilc ComplrinM, ud .11 dlrtuM of lb. 8.10.1 Oran., whether III KALE OR FEMALE. from wduerer caon they max hare nrl*ln»t.d, .od NO MATTER OF HOW LONG STaRuINO. ThU popular ud epKlOc nmrir I* f ow M lo Ihe afflicts, ud guaranteed lo cure all the above cooptaluU. II eearahea out Ihe very root of I if diMue. driving out all Ihe dlaewwd fluid, nf the body, tbu. removing the coure aud rendering the CUr “ LrilTAIN ANlt I'ERMANENT This medicine allays pain and inflammattou, which other remedies Invariably cause, and can betaken with lee* trouble and expense to patient*. This In fallible remedy ho* savedthousands upon thousand* from the bands of MERCILESS QUACKS, _ , If not from premature graves. In cases or Infection tbe Oomimund Buchu is tbe only article worthy ot the least confidence ofthe afflicted In performing SAFE CURES. It contains no narcotic, mercury, or other usurious drug, but Is purely a VegdaXAc Composition. It is very agreeable to tlio taste, creates no perceptible odor, aud tony be taken by persons of either sex without hindrance from business or medical advice, as plain directions for use accompany the medicine. Reader, ir you have any of the above complaint*, do “•” g ' K, ,& S AREI,ANOERO D S. With this medicine you can cure yourself, and thus prevent^exposure. w[Uj prevail. This medicine speedily and effectually cures the moot virulent form of secret diseases, and eradicates every particle or Infectious matter from the system, restoring the (laUent to a j>crfert state of Uoi ihM lMr&£tiM>|7»4 WftcMv. th. m«i Hrio swsSHHHbsm at tl p»r dlrto, orlUpCT moMh. »10 bring n*, U irM fa advance. Fees to he agreed upon before tbe case is m. dertaken. All communications must be post paid addressed to W. R. MOSEU.Y, ' aug6 / Grifflti, Ga. TJOTATUiflA—400 fatmls superior Mantinir 1 Paiotocs: 60 do Western Reds; and 69 ,j„ jwf Blows, for sale by ^ tnarS BRIGHAM, KELLY i fa. HOST iHBi'mJRRAY’S U NITED States, Canada and Cuba. Scbwegler's History of Philosophy in Eik Uiup translatinl by Boeyle. Prescott's Philip 2d of Spain, new supply j„ i. Hll Calf and in Cloth. Napoleon’s Confidential Correspondence with h brother Joseph. Da van's History of the Queen’s of the f j,, us Hanover—3 voto. ••The Aitacbi in Madrid. Romance of tbo Harom, by Mis* Pardee Rachel Gray, by Julia Kavanaugb. Earnest 1 Jnsload, by Mrs. l/>c Hcntz- mar 3 W. THORNE WIJJ.i,^. d patient HEAL' DYING AND URNOVATING ESTABLISHMENT, 73 YORK HTKKET, NEAR TUB COURT UOUKB, SAVANNAH. GA., KstnblUhctl In 1839* I1HE Subscriber grateful to Ills friends uud L patron* for their contiuual favors, would *tnte at iu udditiou to the improvement* lu DYING, uu qulrcd by him during his last visit tu Euglaud uud Scotlaud, has made arraugemeufa for extending his business, by which ho Is now enabled to dye u greater variety of colors on ailk aud woolen dresses, shawls, Ac., which he trusts wlil generally jilease all who may favor him with their patrouagu. Gentlemen's garments dyod, cleaned or renovated as nmy be required, iu the same superior style which has generally so much pleased his jiatrons and friends. Table Covers, and Ladies’ Crapo Shawls, Ac., cleaned uud finished in the first style. I/tdles’ Bonnet* dyod, bleached and pressed in the most fashionable styles. Orders from tbe couutry jiromptly attended fa. Terms moderate. When parcels aro sent by steamboats or railroad, word should be sent him by letter through the post office. so that he may know where fa call for them, ch 16 ALEXANDER GALLOWAY. IIEINTZEXMANN'H ESSENCE OF JAMAICA SINGER. T HE distinguished favor with which this essence has beeu received throughout ull sections or the Union as a remedy at once safe, agreeable and effectual for Incijiicnt Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus, Weak and relaxed Rowels, Prostration by heat or fatigue, Dyspejjsia, Flatulence, CoJTc, Cramp, Lan guor or Debility from sedentary habits, Ac., has in duced the proprietor to give it every jniblicity in his I»owor. Upon it« merrits comment is unnecessary, as its own intrinsic worth is its best eulogy. It car ries with it tlio evidence of Its sujierior excellence, freely Attested to by the young, the old, and scores of families who, prompted by a careful regard for their health and comfort, are daily adopting it as an iNDtsmx/Bu; KAXii.v kkmkdv. There is perliaps no medicinal preparation extant so simple and harm less, yet salutary and effective, whose worth will he more appreciated or universally adopted than tlio Uquid ulnger prepared by Heintzelmau. For sale by J. R. DxFORD, Druggist, jolO 3m Savannah, Ga. ly t . whicli the entire ration will bo faruiabed ou board each light-vcisel resjtectively. The jirojiosal* for supplying fuel, both coul uud wood, must state distinctly the jirico per ton and cord, und the kind uud quality of each, to be deliver ed ou board of each light-vessel rosjiectively. Oue bidder may oiler lor all the rutious und fuel ! required lor ull the light vessels in this district, or .TH AND PURITY. Helmbold’s Highly Concentrated Com pound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla. For purifying the Blood, removing all disease* ari sing from excess or Mercury, exjmsure aud Im- prudeuco lu life, chronic constitutional diseases, arising from au imjiure state of Blood, and tho only reliable aud effectual known remedy for the cure of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, 8cald Head, Ulcer ations of the Throat aud Logs, Pains aud Swellings of tho Bones, Totter, Pim|>lea on the Face, aud ull Scaly Eruptions oT the Skin. It Is gratifying to the proprietor or these medidnea to be able to state that it Is now ucarly three years since they woro first Introduced, during which time they have beeu extensively used iu various parte of the Uuitcd States, and have given U> patient uud practitioner the highest degree of satisfaction in the various coses iu which they have been employed ; whether iu town, country, hasjiltal or private prac tice, they have Invariably given tho most decided und unequivocal satisfaction, aud produced the most salutary and beneficial effects. Numerous letters have beeu received from tho must distinguished physicians iu the country, uud from the professors of several medical colleges, recommeudlug in the highest terms the vuluo ol these medicines, and their superiority over all other preparations far such complaints as the proprietor recommends. Numerous j*rej»aratious of Ssirsajarilla und of Buchu and various modes of prej>arUig them have beeu given, all of which ol course will differ uccordiug to the mode of preparation which each individual may udojit. These medicines require considerable care in the I prejtaration aud the employment of different men strua iu successive ojieratiun to take up the extrac- foroneor more ofthe vessels separately, at his own | tj vo mattt;ra . ttU d iu consequence. oi'Uou. The kiud a,u quantity ul fu.l will be deter-1 “,.,w imu „S..ri’e 7..ST ff ni option. The kind uud quantity ol'fael will be deter mined ujhiu, 'and the contractor informed accord ingly. iu advance of the time for uiakiug the quar terly deliveries of rutious on hoard of the light-vessels. Each bidder is required to attach to his bid or bids a written guarantee, signed by himself und a rcsjKUisibie surety, that, In the event ofthe contract being awarded to him, be will faitbfally execute it in conformity to tire terms or this advet tlscment. Tiie contractor will bo required to enter into bond with approved security for tbe faithful execution or the coutruct; and no bid will bo accepted or contract entered itito, until ajqiroved by the IJght House Board. J UST RECEIVED.—80 boxes Shoulders H priino article, 20 tierces choice Teiiiie»M lams. In store, und for »nlo by mar 26 - WAYNE. GRENVJI.I.K ,vco. TWTEW CROP CURA MULAS8ES.--Tho car- go of the Abbott Dovereaux, dally for sale in lots to suit purchasers, by Jan-'Jl RODGERS A Noiikls. LARtKT AND UPHOLSTKit \ WAREHOUSE, 140 Gonarcrt and 57 St. Julim Sinn, mHE UNDERSIGNED would take this J. faulty to exproBS to his friends und ti„- generally, bis sincere thanks for their liberal u,n,. u ago and influence, which has resulted inexn-ii-u,-, „ tils trade to all jtarteof the State. aL-u. i . . .., Florida, Alabama and Tennessee, thereby . him to exhibit a stock unsui passed in anj h city. Families, Merchants, Hotel Keejier.-, and boat Owner* arc particularly invited to exairiw- u,.. present stock, which is now comjdetc in jij p, various department*, consisting In ;k»i of tin-i .|i..v, Ing goods, viz: CA1WE1 DEI'ARTMtM Royal Medalion, Royal Velvet, Mocet Wilton, Mocel Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, Power Loom Brussels, Three ply Ingrain, Two ply Ingrain, Wool Dutch, . CURTAIN AND UDIIULS'lEll YDEPA RVik.\ Brocatelles, Batin de Luues, English Drugget.-. , -i , , rious width.-,) Mosaic Hearth K., t - Velvet and Client tie lii.*. Tuft oil Bugs, f Piano and table Cbi.-,- Door Mats (every vmu jj , 811ver A Brass Man fod- Carjiets Binding*, x,. ■ ~’£/r— quently improjierly made, aud nut uutrequently much imjioired, if not reudered totally inert, by tbe tuc quar-1 j injudicious und unskilful management of those uuac- vespecuve j quainted with jibarmaccutical jirejorutions. It is M m I uicrefore of the highest consideration aud imix) auce to the jiublic and to the faculty that tin MISS MAP ijBr s* Brooke Hall Female Seminary, MEDIA. DELAWARE CO., PA. MISS MARIA L. EA8TMANN, PRIXCIP/I. ThU Seminary, located in tho do- lightful and healthy village or Media, ithlrteen miles from Philadelphia, by Railroad, will bo OPENED ON WEDNESDAY, September 101b, 1856. The commodious building, now in jiroccss of erec tion, wilh all the modoru Improvements, will bo finished bv the Urst of August, and will contain such accommodations, both in point of taste and comfort, as eftnnot fail to satisfy jmrents that while their daughters aro enjoying tho benefits or mental cul ture, they have also the comforts (da refined home. This institution is established with a view to afford to young ladies the moM jierrect combination of ad vantages for the attainment of a thorough and nc- complUhcd education, aud uo pains or expense will ho spared to render it in reality what it professes to bo, a school of superior merit. MUs Eastman, the Principal, was at the head of a school in New Eng- land previous to her residence iu Pennsylvania, aud for the last six years has beeu known to the patrons of Aston Ridge .Seminary, as presiding teacher in that institution. The Rt. Rev. A. Potter, Bishop of the Diocese of Pennsylvania, says:— “Mis* M. L. Eastman, who jirojioscs to open n >oung Ladles’ Seminary in Media, Delaware Co., I’a., in September next, has been known totiie sub- scriber tor several years post. Ho has a very high opinion ol her capacity, clllcicnry and devotedneas as an educator. s»he has had a large aud success* fal experience. Tho building which is to he erected for her use will contain every accommodation. The village and surrounding country aro distinguished for lioaithfiilnes* und beauty, aud the subscriber lias confidence that parents who entrust their daughters to Mias Eastman will have no reason to regret It.” Miss Eastman will he aided by an efficient corps of Teacher*. 1 The Trench language will he taught and sjioken b -\ r ? 1 urisianlady’ residing in the family. ..iii 10 p®rtnau, Spanish and Italian languages will receive due atteutiou. The Natural Sciences will he taught, with the aid ,ar fe' 1 * °nd expensive apparatus. JRialml Deuartiuent will he under the charge a lady cniiueutly qualified to fill the aiumtlun; aud aii preferring u male teacher on the l’iuuo or lu uSfkSSSi lbu b0Ue,u or “ vumu « Drawing uud Painting will he under the direction or a Indy accomplished in the art. The number of pupils i d limited to furiy. The7ernis for Board aud Tuitiou iu ail the bruueli- es except Music, are $160 per session of five months. gontiemou^ ,mi1 ,0i< llbL * r D’ ,0 refer to the followitig «»’ R ®y-A' Gutter. D.D., and the Kjilseojwl clergy ' L : £ u TP e t President ofthe United State.-. lion. S. I. Chase, Governor of O.iio. lion. N. U. Baker, Kx-Goveruor of shire. all times; and any expense Iucum-d on account of failure to deliver rations or fuel iu time, will bn chargeable to the contractor. No member of Congress, lightkeejier, sujteriuten- dent or Inspector of fights, nor any person connect ed with the Light-house establishment, will be al lowed to contract for or deliver rations for the crew, or fuel of a light-vessel, nor to be interested in such contract. No contractor, sujK-rinteniteAi, or inspector will be allowed to change the parts of the ration, nor the times that may be determined upon for tho delivery, without authority ofthe Board. All the articles constituting tbo ration for tlio crew of light-vessels will lie examined, and tholr quality approved by the superintendent, or the inspector of tho dUtrlct. or by »u. b other person as may be as signed to in-rinrm that duty ;aud no bllU will be paid for rations ai.. u;el which nre not accompanied by receipts duly signed by the respective light-ves sel keepers fur the different article* constituting the rations for the crew for each Quarter, and separate rcroljdK for tho kind and quantity of fuel delivered onboard or each light-vessel. No bid which Is not properly sealed and endorsed wifi he considered, and no bids will be received or allowed to be withdrawn after the cxjiiratlon ofthe time specified in the advertisement for receiving them. Bids submitted by different members of the samo firm or co-jiartncrship will not be considered. All bids will be publicly openod and registered at tbe time sjKCified in tbe advertisement. Tho right to reject all bids if the interest of the public service require it, Is reserved By order ortho Light-house Board : JOHN BOSTON, Superintendent Ughts. my 11 FRENCH MILLINERY /ra Dress Making. MRS, FREELAND has open oil at her Rooms, No. 174 Broughton Street, a fine selcc- tion of Spring Mllinery, and is constantly receiving |>er steam ers. new and different styles of Bonnets; also, Dress and Mantilla pattern*. . tSr Bonnet* cloaned aud pressod a* usual. aprlO KHUXUra PATENTW ATEB KILTER Ad assortment of jtizea on hand. We warrant them to make the Savannah River Water, even though dipped directly out ol' the ltiver, a* |iure and clear a* the finest Spring Water. About forty oftliese Filters are now in use in this city, and every person who lias them, will cheerfully testffy to their efficiency. Indeed, tbe Board of ______ Water Commissioners here, say in their Report, It U the only Filter that doc* effectual ly purify tho Savannah Rlvor Water. Call and see one in operation at our House Fur nishing and Stovoestabllsroent.IIodgpon'F new block. KENNED! A BEACH, fob 27 Corner of Broughton atul Bull *te. E PITCHERS, DOUBLE Water Pitchers, Some new aud bountiful designs, l’lated and Brlta- uia. At tbe Haust 4 Furuishiug -sr Store, S' 155 BROUGHTON JfTREET, * HORACE MORSE. Savunuuh, April30. apr30 |K)rl- lore ohould be standard preparations of uniform strength and possessing the most advantages. To efleet this and obviato the eril alluded to, I have made a uum- her of experiments to ascertain the most effectual mode of extracting the virtues of the Sarsaj>arilla and tbe Buchu, and to discover the most eligible form for their exhibition. Tbe exjicrimente have resulted most favorably, and it is with much treas ure I now offer to the public and the faculty my Compound Fluid Extract*, which contain all the vir tues ortho articles they arc represented to be made from in a highly concentrated form, aud are tho most active preparations which can be made. Two ta- blespoonsl'ul of the Extract Rarsajiarilla, added to a pint of water, is equal to tbe Ltebtra diet drink, and one bottle fully equals in strength one gallon or Syr up Sarsaparilla or decoction as usually made. PRICES: Fluid Extract Buchu, 81 per Irottle, or fi for $5 “ *• ffarsaparilla 44 “ “ 44 “ Certificates of cures and recommendations from distinguished professors and physicians will accom pany each preparation. Prejvared and sold by H. T. HELM BOLD, Practical and Analytical Chemist, 203, Chestnut-st., near the Girard House l'blla. To be had of Druggists and Doalcr* in every sec tion or the United States and Canadas. AU letters far the medicine directed to the propri etor receive immediate attention, and safe deliveries guaranteed. sejtt 1—ly-dtw JOHN B. MOORE A CO., GIBBON’S BUILDINGS. SAVANNAH., Ga. WHOLESALEk RETAIL DRUGGISTS. « Would call the attention of Merchants, Factors, Planters, Physicians and others, to their ex tensive and well selected stock, comprising every article In their line or business, and which they offer for sale on the most reasonable terms for cash, or approved credit, viz; PAINTS, VARNISHES, GIASS, kC., White Lead, PnreandNo. 1; llomiio's Colors, dry and in oil; Japan, Copal, and Coach Varnishes ; Linseed Oil, Spirits Turpentine, Window Gloss, Put ty, Gold Lear, Paint Brushes, Sash Tools, and Ola* tiers’* Diamonds. KAMI’ MACHINERY AND TANNER.*’ Oil.**, Bleached Sperm, Whale and lard Oils, tor burning; all descriptions of Oil for machinery, viz., Patcut oil Unbleached Sperm, Lard and Rajie Feed Oil; also Tanners,’ Neats, Foot and Sweet Oil. GROCERS’ ARTICLES. Nutmegs, Mace, Aisjilcc, Cinnamon, Pepper, Ginger, Mustard, Saleratus, Soda, Pcariash, Sweet Oil, Starch, Fig Blue, Matches, Ac. FOR PHYSICIANS. A great variety of the best French. English, and American Chemicals, Pharmaceutical Prcjiaratlon*, Select powders, Surgical Instruments, Vials Specie JarB, Metallc Saddle bags, Ac. Also, CAMPHENE AND BURNING FLUID. Any ono who may favor them with their order* may depend upon their rocoivlng the best attention, and that all goods famished will be of a reliable quality. Should they not give entire satisfaction, they may be returned at the option of the purchaser. mahlOU Lace aud Muslin CuiuCa. Gitt Cornices. Satin and Silk Damask, Gilt PUl- and Band- Worsted and Cotton Damask. Ta-eh, L».|~ m,j Cords; Velvet and Plush of various colors. Wwdoz Shades, new style. Alsu, every variety of Furniture Coveriug Inn, minus and materials tor decorating. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. From two to Twenty-four feet wide, for Hails and Rooms, cut to fit without a K-am The subscriber will oblige biw>elfto niaieuie price* on all descrijdiou of goods a.- low a* the urn* quality can be purchased in any Northern city MT Carjiete cut to Room.- aud goods sent to any part of the city free of charge. MT An experienced Upholster will uttcn>i to ti,c making and laying of Carjiets and ud Cloth? when desired. The decorative and curtain departiue&t b n charge of an Upholster of acknowledged udeuJ skill. W. H. GUI0N, AgcU. octl8 140 Congress aud 57 Ft. Juiien-su (rfA w :! rf J. E. DE FORD. APOTHECARIES HALL 8. E. Corner of, Broughton and Barnard Streets. Savan- nah Ga., Wholesale aud retail Dealers lu_^ Drugs, Medicines aud Chemicals, Dye Woods mud Dye Studs, French, English, and American Perfum ery, Hue Toilet and Shaving Soaps, Combs and Brushes of every description, Surgical and Deutal Instruments, Trusses and Sujqwrters of all kluds, Spices, Snuffs, Manufactured Tobacco, AU the Patent or Proprietary Medicines Of the day, Superior luks, Pure Wines aud Braudic* for Medicinal purjiose*, Extracts for Flavoring, Toilet and Fuuey Articles, Ac. 4®- N. B—Especial atteutiou given to tho S iaratlon of Physicians’ Prescriptions and Family pes. Ship, Family and Travelling Mediciuc Cases, With plain Directions for ubo, including Directions for treatment In cose* of poisoning, Drowning, Ac. •p?iy DR. SANFORD’S IXVIGORATOR, r l a mild laxative, tonic and stimulant, and ii recommended to the public, relying upon its it. trlnslc worth in the cure ofthe following comp!air.t All Billiou* Derangements, Sick Headache. Dj-jj-*. sla, Habitual Costiveness, Chronic Diarrb'ce, Cod'. Pain In the Stomach and Bowels. General Dibiiitj- Female Weakness. Ac. For sale by Pruggtsu get orally, and by John. B Moore A Co, and Wm. Lincoln, Savannah. ly fobl2 fTi TU111KHI TlSBEBII X HK Undesigned has just received, for sale (500) Five Hundred pieces of good eliipplu * Timber, averaging over one thousand feet to stick. 9 leb JEFFERSON ROBERTS. TU ACKEKEL, HEBR1KO, SAUiON. it- ill 2 bbls large No 1 Mackerel, 3 do do No 3 do 3 do do No 2 do 2 half bbl3 Blue Fi*h, 2 do Pickled Herring, 3 do No 1 Salmon. 6 quarter bbl* No 1 Mackerel. Id kit* No 1 Mackerel, 10 do No 2 do 6 Kit* Tongues and Sounds, 1000 lb* Cod Fish. For sale low by Jan20 J. A. BROWN. RATES OF ADVERTISING. For one square, or300 ems or less, of any type td larger than Nonpareil, 75 cents for the first and 5' cent* for each subsequent insertion,for any than one month. AU Tabular work, with or without Rules; and .u vert^cmente occupying doable column, .-hall It charged double the above rates. Advertisement* or whatever length, for any tin* less than one month, fa be charged at transit rate*. For a longer time at the following rates No. otSquarcsJlrao^moelSmosIdniosifitnnsjU’cj.ri 1 Square,.... $10 16 920 924 930 $4v 2 Squares... 16 22 26 28 36 51 3 Uo .... 20 27 32 36 44 SO 4 do .... 24 32 88 42 62 7C 6 do .... 27 36 44 46 (U> to- 6 do .... 30 40 60 64 05 90 7 do .... 32 48 64 68 70 100 8 do .... 34 46 68 62 74 110 6 do .... 36 48 61 66 77 11S 10 do .... 38 60 64 70 60 125 erunr of New llump Him. M. W. Tupfiuu, M. 0. from Now York Rev. N. Stem,ol Norristown, Pa. Jlov. A. Mcl/Hjii, Clfitrlield, j*a. I’iereo Butler, Ksq.,of I’liiladelphia. J. B.Okio.Ksq., ,j 0 K. W. Clark, K-q,, Geurge Wharton, E-q., do. Cliristojiher I.m.sor, Potts ville.’ Pa. George Wyinau, 8t. Louis. Mo. lion. I*. O. Joluftou, Wasiiiuglou, II. C. , r . '' r pai'ticular.s, or for circulars apply to the Principal, MISS MARIA EUST.Ma.\ , JolO cod 3ui 51«dla, Delaware Co. Pa. VIRQINIA CENTRAL R.ROAD. r 0,rl •’orifoo/oom Bread fu. * h ' Wfjr touordonitvlllv. TITHEN the Potomac is closed with ice this .u routo k® re Ued on by poaaenger*, lo en- sure tho jamoKUoagomg North orEoulh. lo onUrely rol.ld with . superior T rail u (hr u Oonlomivllle. During the wlntor the train will ourt from tho oltl station, lo Rlohmood, ou Droml street U7<< aK, tuBoaordon,Title ull.u .Vnd.rrivc in Staunton at 325 p a. Dowd train learcsNunn. ton at 0 40 a n, rasses Qordonavlllo at 11 a it. and arrive iu Richmond at 2.30 pm. ' Fare to Gordonavlllo .92 00 “ “ 6 00 Both traiUM arrive In Uordonavllle In ample timo to tako the train ofthe Orange and Alexandria Rail road. Persona who leave Richmond at 7M am., can tako the Orange and Alexandria cars at Gordons- vlUo IT they choose to do so, aud by that taaln will roach Alexandria by 3.40 r m., but this company can ticket them only to Gordonsvule. 0017 tr II. D. WHITCOMB, Supt. fcfcNT’S C6TTON VESTS—Just received U and for sale by J. W. TIIRELKELD, mayl8 Oongrsaa and Whlthakar streeta. ~~ “I'KRIODIUALS. pUlXAM 8 Mouthly Maga2iue for May. J. r ratik I/^lio's Gazette of Fashions tor May. Blackwood's Edinburgh Review for April. Received nud for halo by • WARNOCK A DAVIS, may 10 159 Congress streut. 1 -)K BBIdi. Kl.OUlt in store uid lor sale XaO by may; CRANK, WKI-t-S A CO. SlA Casio Ohio Catawba Brandy instore, HU and llir sain by ths only regular agent for Savannah. 4.M.KYKR, .WFM . . Itey street. •niftT RECEIVED. PER 8TKAMER, an assortment of Misses and Child rep’s l»lain Hlraws, _ ^ Ladies' NEUl'OIJTAN BUNNETB, IV. uu< ' ^LAW. Also a few HAIM. For sale by MRS. FREELAND, 17 Broughton street. L IBLE THREAD GAUNTLETS—The oniy artlele of the kind in the city. For sale by J. W. TnRELKELD, _ nfariW ooruer or Oingrcs* and Whltaker-ste. A pples & potatoes^ H) bbla Cholco Mercer Potatoes; 26 ” “ Ruasctt Apples. ' For salt by mayl9 t Apples. J. A. BROWN. AUTEUR’S PATENT AIR-TIGHT SELF-SEALING CANS AND JxkllS, L'n. t_Z. may 29 TO WOOL SELLERS, T HE Undersigned have this day opened a Store in Congre B s street, opposite tbo Market, for the purchase of Wool, Sheep Skins, Hides. Bees Wax, Doer Skins, and Country Produce In general. The highest cash price* will be paid for all the above •fVcloaondelivery v luSavannah. Mr. L. J. GUIL- MART1.N has been anjtolnted a* Agent, to whom all S ersons having business transactions wit ertlgncd may apjtly. Savannah, May 19,1856. s with tbe uu- J. W. SMYTHK A CO. may 20 PIANO FORTES. HAVING latolv received largo ad ditiond to our I’UNO FORTES, we are enablod to offer at th|* Ume the variety from the best manu facturers, from the plainest square to tbe most elab omoly carved, and from six to seven octaves. Our Plautw are iclocted from the manufacturers wnora we have fall confidence in, and we are par ticular y requested by them to give a guaranty with tono*Ac*tr ,,mBn t *°” b F ** *• regards durability, Personam want of a first rate instrument may re ly with safety upon getting such a one by selecting from tho following makers, whose Instruments w* endeavor to keep constantly on hand, viz : H. Wor- coster, J. Chlckorlng k Sou. Nunns A Clarke, Bacon & Raven*, II. Walen, and luinra. Brother, k Cum. “ami 27 '■ w - HORRKU. fc OO. TtRANIlY. UIN, WHISKY AND KUM-Lir aaii Ii by (mayflO) WOUAMfl * Rilam. C OHN AND COltN MEAL.—1000 bus prime Corn, White and mixed; 60 do fresh Curu Meal n store uud for sale by dec 81 PATTEN HINTON A ro READ I—READ I t—READ lit ■ That is, if you can see; aud sStfyex if you can’t see, you cun flnd^g^T* ~V>T all kiud* of “helps to see.” ut tbe Watch and Jewelry 8toro of D. U. Nichols A Co., iu Congress street, next door to the corner of Whitaker, where you tun purchase Watches, Jewelry, Silver Wure, wid Fancy Goods, us low us ut auy other store In the country. Wo have received j»er sleuuishij) Alabama a fresh lot of those flue Steel Spectacle.--: also, a supply of Pebble and Periscopic Leu*, whicli we aro prepared fa fit in all kinds of frames, at short notice. Our Periscojiic Lens (so called from their peculiar slmpe) have au advantage over all others, as they havo a greater range or focus, so tiipt the reader is not comjielled to hold tho book or j»a|ter at a certain distance from the eye. Call and see. D. B. NICHOLS A CO. MT No charge for showing goods. to**r 11 D. B. N. A CO. D OPE—700 coils Rope, various brands, all Ali of good quality, in store aud for sale by •pr29 BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO. plORN—In store and for Bale by yj mvr5 LOJ-CBITASS’KU.IN MERCER UNIVERSITY, PBNFIELD, GA. N. M. CRAWFORD, D. D. pRorasaoK*. College. S. P. SANFORD, A. 11., Mathematics. J. E. WIIJ.ET, A. U., Chemistry aud Natural Philosophy. H. H. TUCKER, A. M., Boltea I/qtres. U. W. WISE. A. M., Greek and Latin Language*. WILLIAM G. WOODFINVA.U., Modern Languages. Theoloirleal Seminary. _ , . N- M. CRAWFORD, D. I)!, Eccleslaatical niatory and Biblical literature. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, A. M., Systematic and Pastor/l Theology. Academy. ^ ^ THOMAS A. SEALS, Principal. ji^J^onunenrementl* held on tho last Wednesday The next Term will commence on the hut Wed nesday in August. The prioe or Board In the village is 910 per month: washing, room rent, fad, Ao., 93. By order ofthe Board or Trustee*, my 112m ,j • 8. LANDRUM, Secretary, ca. brit For any time not above specified, a proportion charge will be rnade.- A deduction or 26 per cent from the above rate will be made on advertisements appearing exclu sively on the fourth page of the dally. Advertisement* ordered three times a week, wtii be charged two-thirds tbe above rates. Special notices, 10 cent* per line for the first, as* 6 cents for each subseqent insertion, and in non# to be subject to contract. Marriage notices 61. Fu nerul invitations 50 cents each. No sj>eml notice inserted for less tbau 60 cents. Obituary Notice* Reports, Resolutions, or Proceeding* of auySociew Association, or Corporation, ordered fa be public e*l, 5 cents per line. Steamboats will be advertised at 940 per annum for ouch boat advertised. Steamships, where but oue l* ruutiing. 640;t-rin nutn; if two or more, 930 each. Auctioneers'advertisement* not tube subject t* con tract, but to be charged at tbe rate.- jire?cribG per square. The jmjter, uuder no circumstance*, to be incluJ ed in u contract. Professional und business card* not exceeding * Hue*, will be Inserted at 920 per annum. Calls on ponsoua to become candidate*, will w inserted as other advertisements, to be paid for« variably in advance. Announcing candidates for office, 910. to be poiJ iu advuucu. Advertisements not marked on the espy i«* specified liuie, will be inserted until forbid, tw paymeut exacted. Wheu auy bill for two mouths advertising. than contract, amount* to over $60, a deduction « 25 ja-r cent will bo made, Yearly advertising, with privilege of change sw be tukeu at the following rule* : For one square, renewable once a week, 6« ** ** “ twice 44 “ “ “ 3 time* or ol tenor »o Every additional square contracted for to becb*r|- ed oue huirtho abovo rate* additional. Yearly advertisers shall be limited to tlio *1***; contracted fof. All coptract* shall De in wntfag. stating definitely the nature of the business to w advertised. Any advertisement* not properly con uocted with the business shall be charged separ* 1 ^ ly, uud also auy excess of nutter over tbe amoom contracted for. , Contract advertisements jtayable quarterly, vertbemvuts from strangers aud uuusdeut wrww, payable inadvuuce. All others will be considrrw due when called for. A _ Regular advertiser* and all other* seudiwt imiuicutions or requiring notice* designed* 0 tention to fairs, concert*, soirees, or uiiy imouc «»* terluUuueuts, where charges are made lor aaw» lance—all notices of private association, ever) lice designed to call atteutiou to jirivate enterpra" calculated or iutended fa promote individual i“‘' rests, can only bo inserted with the uuderttasuW that the same Is to be paid for. If l uatfr . ,c editorial coiuniu (which can be only at tue otsenr tiou ofthe oditurs) the same wifi be charged*' 1 * rule of uot les* thuu 20 ceuts jvr line. ». Advertisetucnt* ordered in tue Weekly iwp®*** per square for each insertion. , Tlio uudurslgued, imbllaher* of Dally, Trl-nwau and Weekly uoffspaper* fa Savannah, Ga.,Pie«l ourselves strlcjly to adhere fa the above WU 9 charges, and In no instance to deviate thenarem. The above rates to take effect March L 16 j~* ’f. to contluue binding, until changed by the vole o» mqjnrlty of the undersigned. .-^1 N. R.—This schedule aball not In any way the Integrity ot existing contracts. All conttw**" tbo year or any other spedflod time, shall with the expiration of the period for which u> / were made, Aucxaxran A Sraxn, Repullican. TnoMMON k Wmaxarow, Miming Nett*, n R Hit TOR A do. Georgian k 16T~ P LUMBING. intUits rorious bHgJjjtjJ tended to at tbe shortNtnot^asdlosK; MHtna VTMH CtOMM. U.4 BsuTOS3b«ates« ihlon einii B0IUCS NOW* 1