Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, June 30, 1856, Image 3

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Air Auction u4 A.U0UU. Unity IB 8. 8. Paudck. wnrrWksssir DEALER IN OHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES •nd Foreign and Domestic Fruit. oonwr BrougMon and WhUaktr to. Town and donntry supplied with oholoo goods At -‘••‘■“jrte jfrlcoi, All order* promptly sttouded s tlon Always guaranteed, ap!8 DEALERS IN PROVISIONS, No. 1484 Ak»« awl 3 WSSj ilarktl, New I'ark. Hunt, Tonga.!, n*(T. Bacon, Bhouldcrs, Pickled Tomum. DoImhu, Uni, l’lg Pork, Moss Boof, Ao., In borrow, halves «ud quartern. IMbn to^lota P. Jomo, Jamu A. Brown, Wm., amt MI’Bymu. hm-Wnai D oinsrto lBiors— 1 ' 60 bbla KPhetp* Rjo Gin, 35 bbla N. E. Rum, 60 11 Luther Pelton’e Rum, S3 11 Domeatlo Brandy, K !! S’iPAUConnecticutBlverOln, 60 '• NEO. Whlaky, ' Jutt reoelved and (Or tale by | my36 aOBAHrOR, JOHNSTON k CO. BBIS. 4, Taylor A Hon'd Ale received andter hy McMahon a Doyle, ■foil No-i. *206 ft. 207 Bay atroot. 10 nods Light Muscovado sugars lObbls R L ft D Stuart’s Crushed and Clarified Sit Io\*bU ! S UNDRIES. JUST RWJHVKjfT 16 bags choico old Government Java and Rio coffee: , 20 half chests Black and Green Teas, loose ana In quarter pound packages 10 hbds Light Muscovado «ugar i R L *- •* * * ./bffi self rising Flour; 26 bags Extra and Superfino Flour; 20 bbla Soda, Buttor aud Maplo Crackers; 60 boxes Uesdel’s family Soap. Starch and Caudlos; 60 dea Palls and Brooms; 100 dos Sorub Brushes, aud Cottou and Manilla Clothes Ltnee; 10 gross Matches; 26 boxes ground Coffee aud Pepper; 60boxes Mustard and Yeast l’owdors, Mase, Cinna mon, Nutmegs, and Cloves, and 10 cases table Salt, «c., Ao. Iu storo and for sale by . „ „ DAVID O'CONNOR. JQll Qor Broughton and DraYton eta. S lWf PARASOLS—A new supply of tnosu beauu- lul Silk Parasols have Just boon reoelved and are Tor sale by JttPBO LADSON ft ROGERS. XXALL’S SUPERIOR SILK UMBRELLAS-A caso XX of 26, SO, 32, 24 and 36 inch Silk Umbrollas, aecoived and for sale by Juue 0 LADSON ft ROGERS. F LOUR—aoo sucks oxtra and superfine Flour, in store and for sale by June20 WEBSTER ft PALMES UGARS—20 hbds Barbadoes Sugar; 40 do New 1 Orleans do, (air to choico; 20 do Porto Rico do; 30 do Muscovado do; 200 bbla crushed, powdered and clarified do; for salo by W s June20 WEBSTER ft PALMES. QALt—8000 sacks Liverpool Salt; 10.000 bushels O Turks’ Island do; for sale by j Turks’ Island do; Tor sale by Jnne20 WEBSTER ft PALMES. X2.URNV BAGGING-360 bales superior Gunny \XBagging for salo by Jol—lw PADELFORD, FAY & CO. VAGABOND LlFB7 fTAGABOND LIFE IN MEXICO, by Gabriel Fer- W r F» for seven years a resident; The Tangletown Lottery including a Report of the Great Mammoth Reform Convention, with Illustra tions; Life and Travels or Herodotus, In the Fifth Centu ry B. C., by J. Tulbnys Wheeler, two volumes, with The kuguenot Exiles, or Times or Louis XIV., an historical novel; llarper'B Picture BookB for the Nursery—Learn- ingtoRead, byAbbott: Worth and Wealth, for merchants and men of business, by Freeman Hunt: Sydney Smith’s Wit and Wisdom, being selections from bis writings; • Calderon, his Life and Writings, by R. Chenovlae Trench; Troncli’s Poems; Adventuros of Gerard, the Lion Killer, with plates; Homeric Ballads and.. Comedies of Luclau. trans lated by Wm Slaglnn; The Daisy Chain, by Miss Yonge, author or the Heir orRedclilTe; The Old Vicarage, by Mrs Hubboak; Creasy on the Rlso and Progress or the English Constitution: Dwight’s Introduction to the Study of Art; Harper’s Magaziue, for July. Junelg W. THORNE WILLIAMS. OPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING.—The Vj subscriber would Invite the attention of all in want of 8PRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, to his stock which has Just boon rocoived, at the Star Clothing Emporium, 147 Bay Btroot. aprlb WM. 0. PRICE IXjXTTXiZI GIANT CORN AND COB MILL. lOt THE KTATffl OF SO. CAKOUXA, OKOROU AKD FLORIDA* PATENTED MAY 10, 1854. COPYRIGHT SECURED MARCH 1866. rTHE attention of Planters and Stock Feeders X 13 respectfully called to tho above MU1. Thoy are now In use by at loast 10,000 of the most practi cal Stock Feeders throughout the country, who are ready to testify to their superiority over all other Mills of a similar kind. These Mills are mado the •xclusivo business of the patenteo, Ur. Scott, who being a practical man, superintends the casting in person, and selects only such Iron as Is host adapt ed to their use, which, like car wheels, requlro to be made of inetal known to bo bard and strong.— Thoy weigh from throe to five hundred pounds, ac cording to 3ise. and can be put In operation in twen ty mluutes without oxpense or mechanical aid. The little Giant has taken tho first premium at nearly all the Stato Fairs throughout the union, and that in tho most complimentary manner. They uro 'guaranteed against breakage or derangement when <usod according to directions, aud wurruutod to give the most purfoct satisfaction, or the mouoy refunded on the return of tho mill. Theyarouf three sizos, aud will grind from eight to flrteen bushels good food per hour, according to size. with ouo or two horses. We now otter thorn to tho tradu coiaplotc, ready for attach!ug the team, at reduced prices. Mr. C. H. CAMI’FIELD is our Agont in Savannah, ofwhom tho mill may bo had at our price, march 7—ood&wly E XTRA CANAL FLOUR.—25 burrols Extra Canal Flour. Lauding and for Halo by may 16 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON & CO. BOAlUMtlQ. , ItiM&ot (tull fkfclUw Mate n- SBfflCHM with good Koome ud Baird, on rAssr ttoe 12—If “ ~ FORSALE. « Six Tracis or Land, 600 acre! each, 3 or 4 *11®* from the city or Savannah on tho S. A ulf Rail Road, well adapted to tlu Rrowth of Rico, Cotton and Corn, and Wood enough to pay fbr It ton timos over. Apply to rob 27 tr c. a. ci»un, IjleacHed Shirtings In great variety, and A# at various price*. rob 21 ' A1 KIN A BURNS Egiig; T?OR SALE.—A fine lot in Wesley Ward.— A Also two on Gordon atroot, east For Bale low. Feo simple. Apply to A. WILBUR, Gen’l Insuranoo Agont and Broker, may 22 111 Bay street. BRICKS. I AAl t AAA GREY BRICKS, host qua! • I/V/LtmUI/U Ity, Tor Rale. Apply to 7 7 A. MoALPlN ft BRO., iny22-lmo Williamson’s buildings. 49*Nows copy. HcaR-4),unrtcr*, 1st Keglment, U. hi., 7 SaVANJUII, JUUO 12,1860. f By virtuo of ordor No 2 issuing from 1 G. P. Harrison, Brlgadler-Uuieriil commanding 1st Brigade, 1st Division, G. M„ an election will ho hold ut thuL_ Otmit llouso, ou Saturday, tho Sihday of July mm, botwoou the hours or U A.M , and 4 l\M., tar Colo ns of tho 1st Regiment of tho 1st Brigado, l<t Ittvi- slon G., M«, to fill tho vacancy of Rohurt D. Walker, roalguod. Tho said election to bo euudiiolod uudor tho usual rouniromoum of tho law. By ordor JAMES SULLIVAN, Uout. Col. Com’d’g, 1st Regiment, G. M. W. S. Damkli., Adjutant. Jel3 *** City jutpors will pluaso copy und so ml in tholr bills to tho Soorotnry of tho ltogimcnt. Ai in C OHN— 51H) sacks coru, iu storo mid to urrlvo, Tor sale by WILLIAM LYNN, Juno 10 87 Bay street. NOTICE. T HE Interest of Mr. Charlos 8. Arnold In tho firm of Fad el lord, Fay & Co. ceatod with his death, on tho 4tb of March last. From this dato Mr. Edwurd Badclford, Jr., is a soclatod with us under tho sumo stylo and firm. PADELFORD, FAY L CO. Savannah, Juno 10th, 1860. 12Ua—Jo 10 NOTICE. A LL persons having claims against the estate or Goorgo M. Troup, deccaaod, will bund them In, duly attested, and thoso Indebted will please make paymentto either of tho uudersignod. THOMAS M. FORMAN, ) Jo W DANIEL H. B. TROUP, f ** fa * NOTICK I WILL sell on Wednesday, tho 18th Instant, at 12 o’clock, M„ on the promises, corner of Proslccnt aud East Broad stroets, Two old Houses—tho samo being an obstruction In President street, to bo moved iu ton days. DANIEL II. STEWART, Juno 10 City Marshal, S ALT. —1000 sacks Salt in storo and for salo by WILLIAM LYNN, Juno 14 87 Bay street B AGGING, ROPE, Ac.—lOO bales Gunny Bug ging; 600 colls BaloRopo; 600 pounds Twine; received and for sale by junolfi HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON & CO. B ACON, PORK, &g—60 hhUa clear and ribbed Sides; 20 do Shoulders; 30 casks sugar-cured Hums; 60bbls prime aud mess Pork; 30lialfbbls Hawes A: Co’s Fulton Market Boof; 6 do do Tongues; Just recctvod and for salo by JunoU HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON & CO. S UGAR—15 hbds choico Porto Rico augar; 26 un Crowned Muscovado and Cuba Sugar; 60 bbls Barbadoos Sugar; 300 do Stuart's aud Baltimore steam rofined, crusbod, powdered and clarified Sugar, binding, in store und for salo by Juno 16 HOLCOMBE, JOHNaON k CO. /^OFFEE.—300 bags fair to choico Rio Coffoo; 60 do Lnguayra Collbe; 60 mats Java Coffoo; 80 bales Mocha Coffee; landing, In storo and for Bale by junolfi HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON & CO. W ANTED TO PURCHASE/— t.lty of Columbus Bonds, endorsed by tho Muscogoo Rgllroad Compauy. Apply to Jol6—0Us PADELFORD, FAY ft CO. FLOUR IN BARRELS, J UST received a lot of Extra Family Flour, in barrels. opr20 YOUNG ft WYA TT. C hoice wines * liquors— Just received 20 baskets Uotdslck Champagne. O quarter casks Sherry, Port and Madeira Mines. 16 doz Cmret Wino and Cordials; * 3 halfpipes old Gtard and Seuotte Braudles; 2 pipes superior Holland Gin. Beaver brand; 5 bbls old Monongahela Whisky, In glass and wood. For sale by DAVID O’CONNOR, Jell Cer. Broughton aud Drayton sts. 0. 0. POOLE, No. 11, Whittaker Street, (two doors from Bryan,) „ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Sashes, minds, Doors, Paints, Oils, Var nishes, Window Glass, Putty, No. 1 Palmers’, Grainers’ and Artists’ Brushes; [Whitewash HeadB and Dusters, Dry and jSSS^Mixed Paints of every description, Artists’ colors In tubes, Prepared Canvass, &c. PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS AN1) FIRE BOARD PATTERNS. Rooms prepared with neatness and despatch.— House, Sign and Ship Paintiug, Gilding, Graining and Glazing done In the best stylo and at moderate prices. All orders Irom tho country promptly attended to. mch 28—ly WILMOT'S JEWELRV STORE ~ Is receiving by every arrl- ival u large and rich assort- vISC mentor Gold and Silver Wuwiuis, Dlauuum lins. Eur and Finger Rings, Muutlo aud other Clocks, Spoons, Forks, Tea Sotts, Casters, &c„ of Storllng Silver. Jewelry in overy variety, "Ivory Table’Cutlery, fine Pocket Knives and Scissors. Rich Chlun aud Parian Vases, and other articles. Fine Double Uurrullod Guns manufactured to his own order. Uuuulug Implements of all kinds. Hated Wallers, Custers, Tea .‘iott* and L'audlo- stluks, with a meat variety ol'Fancy Articles, suita ble fur wedding gifts, tooujmorous bore to men tion. Ail kinds of Wulohus and Clocks repaired by the most experienced workmen. S. WILMOT, may 13 No. 1 Marketsqmiro. L ocomotive needles—a now ana eie- giuit article which needs only to bo tried once insure tbo const tut preloi cuou of the souinslruss, i°st received and for salo by J»murl8 LADSON ft ROtlERS. CORN ON CONSIGNMENT^, 1A Sacks just recolve l and for sale. YONGE ft FRIERSON, jel'J 04 Bay stroet. O YKUP AND MOLASSE8.—60 bbls New Orleans Syrup; fill do Mola^sos; in storo and for salo by Juno 17 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. •AXE OF LOTS AT SUMTER CITY DEl’UT. T UB Georgia und Florida Railroad Company have twmbllsucd their llrst dopot at the tenth mile south or Amerlcus, to which point Ihe Company have mado preparations to open their Railroad from AmorleiiK In tbo month of October next; the owners of the land around said depot, having obtained the sanction of the Railroad Company, will offer for sale, on Wednesday, tho .second day of July next, to the highest bidder, Ul’ty eligible busiuess and ros- deace Lots, convenient to tho depot, which has re ceived the mime of “Sumter City.” This uepot is on tbo summit of the ridge butwcon Muckulco and Muckalooohee Creeks U is two liuu- ■dred and l'orty-threo feet above tuo bod of Fllut River ut Albany, aud is tho highest point ou the linn of Road; It Is couvonicnt to tho largo trade which will go ovor the Road from the South, being near tho junction of the two principal highways leading from tho Southorn part of Georgia to Am- «ricus. Tbo point selected tor “ Sumter City ” has been proven to bo one of tho healthiest locutions in Georgia. Tho water is pure—free from llmo, aud of tho best quality. A Steam Mill will be erected at tho place by next August. Ample Church and School or Academy Lots will lie rosorvod and given to the various denomina tions, should thoy desire them for building and oc cupation. AU persona doing business at “Sumter City” will h • vo equal privilege# on the Road, as it may bo ex- toudod Me* 10 laclhute Uielr hnfclne., .u «U4 nt tlio Soutli-WMlorn Hotel at Albany ' •bte tetTJ«l, , ^ r l ^' n 0 “ x C ^ h ‘ U '™ l, ' °" a b “ la "“ W Juu ° ^•‘ig 1, ” R - HANUFACfOIlY AND ST. JUUANIBlSfil HAV^NnS|"ga: T-,r, m .(Hoar Hie Market.) P “V, . r® mint complete facilities In bin own wtbZiSftTSl: «<rui««gb hXrc“ n K!S lM'mX. a rP?.nSgi^ (IHIbT ANir IS*. TOBTABlf WwAmhy Jltov p.nrvn J? ,MS. OAST AND Doors, fiimttofg ftc., at A r ow *11® fron pfuparod to repair Maoblnor tumprtcei. He Is also description,atshorlnotJST /‘ ronwor . k , As ugent for BAIRD'A ' j, upon roanonablo terms. WOWS, lm £ aWon- PHILADELPHIA MARBLE ty of designs for ilGN® arod to exhibit a 6r**Jtjmrlo- Also Iron Railing In JMKNTS, TOMB STONES, Ac. *'"t to receive ordr groat vorloty. for enclosures, r ‘»?r ™%a I ,u.» r K .a. B itEuTlI rtl 11.1866. ___!ESL_ Wkw aTOHB » LBMOH BtBUP- J®,®' a Bu«ar, soda, and Butter BulMUlt, J6' jjoa Jo .to j gross Matches, round boxes. . ^ ^ .6 b.*« Bem»u Jell No.. 406* SOT »7 »«•«*• S UGAR—lu hhds choico New Orleans Sugar; 2U ilo Porto Rico do; 20 do fair Muscovado do; In storo aud tor salo by June 17 SURANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. K KCEIved per steamer Knoxville—Pickled and smoked Tougues; Fultm Market Bcof, aud Pig f ont, Pig Hams and llg Bacon. Oranges, Lemons, Apples, aud Whito Beans. Also, a fresh supply of Foxo’s celebrated Crack ers. For salo low by nno 7 J. A. BROWN. HURRAH l—HURRAH 11 J UST ARRIVED, per schoonor A. Doveroaux, in tour days from Havana, a- frosli lot of choice Fruit, tor the Savamiali Fruit Emporium, consist- lug of—400 bunches Bananas, 100 dozen Pino Ap ples; 6000 Plantains, 3000 Swoot Oranges, Tom atoes, und one bosket Greon Ginger. For salo by 14 j. a. BROWN. DURE WATER—If you want the finest drink- -6* mg water in tho world call and purchase ono of KtulzIe'A Patent Water Filters, tho article mentioned In Water Commissioners’last Report, which we warrant to purify tho Savannah River Water perfectly—an Indispensable urtlclo for plantation uso. KENNEDY ft BEACH, Jan24 only Agouts tor their salo in Savannah. "Cl RaC incim _ Building corner Bay andDrayton-sta., I suitable tor mercantile purposes and stor- I age. For particulars enquire at l June 13 Tins OFFICE, VANTKD TO RRfifT commodious, airy and pleasant Home _ doslrablo part of the city, tor which a llboral price will bo paid. Enquire at the olllco ofthe Goorglau and Journal. Wrent. " UNTIL the 1st November next, a com< I modious aud airy residence, on the north I sldo ofthe Central Railroad Depot, known kaa Hovers Place. The house is newly fur- om basement to attic, which can be bought "iti raayfi YOUNG ft WYATT. OFFlCKSFOlfUm IN THE THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE adjoining the olllco or tho subscriber. The basement would make, with somo slight ..improvement, on excellent lawyer’a-ofilce. o first and second floors will bo lot for Counting- Rooms, and the third tor sleeping apartments. Con nected with the establishment .Is an out-building of brick, suitable for servants. Apply to C. A. L. LAMAR, septa Corner Drayton and Bryan streets. FOK A PLANTATION lu Wayno Ooun ty, on the Buffato Swamp, containing^ 1000 ncrcs; about 260 acres oloarod ant .ordor for cultivation. Outhe premlsoals a plum, comfortablo dwelling, with all necessary barus aud out houses. Possession given in Decem ber next, and wltb thoplaco will be sold, if desired, the provision crop of present year. Also uu Improved lot (2,*4 ucros) in the vlllago of Wftynosvlllo, aud 20 acres adjoining. Waynosvtlle Is unsurpassed for health, and the Brunswick rail road ruaulug through It, renders It cosy of access. Jell lmo _ HENRY R. FORT. MONTGOMERY WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, (VIRGINIA.) Thoso Springs will be open for the recep tion of visitors on tho first day of Juno. 1850. They are situated in Montgomery Coun- ty, Virginia, uuo aud a half miles from tho vlrglula aud Totiuessoo Railroad, from which there 1b brunch Railroad to the Springs Passengers louvlug Richmond or Petersburg after breakfast reaoh tho Springs by 5 o’clock, P. M., the samo day, all the way by Railroad. Tho accommodations havo been very much ex tended slnoo last season. Tho rooms aro large uud comfortablo, and capable of accommodating 1,000 persons. Tho Lynchburg and Abingdon Telegraph Compa ny aro uow buildlug a branch of their Hue to the Springs, which will bo operation early in June. A vory largo Bath House has b»en built siuco last season. Address RO. H. MOSBY, President, Juno21—lm Montgomery W. 8. S. Comp’y. VALUABLE PROPERTY FORSALE. Tho two-story brick store on-Cougress street, now occupied by Messrs. Einstein ft Eckmnn. This Is ono of tho best stands in the city for auy kind of busiuess. Terms 1 be made accommodating. For particulars in quire at 142 Broughton streot, above tho storo of T. L. McKeuua. tfroayH H : ty^brgiuli TO RBNTc H . Tho Dwelling lately occupied by Judge Fleming, in Taylor streot, near Drayton. Said Houso is three stories on a basomont, iwith good servants' rooms, and outhouses, uu given 1 mmediately. Apply to fob 28 p. L. COHEN. FOR RENT. Possession glveu immediately — Threo I story brick houso, new aud In good order, I on Macon stroct, uoxt east residence to Mrs. Ii Jowett. pply at this olllco. t ti may27 ATLANTA HOTEL. ATLANTA i i i i GEORGIA. *T« J• IIESLER, Proprietor. Eate ofthe Verandah Hotel, JVew Orleans, Passengers per Evening Trains will find Suppor ready on the arrival ofthe Cars, may!4 •I* MERCHANTS’ HOTEL, iAc mmkku ^p 8 J«tof. LA - BOARD PRR DAV $ 1 60 BOARD rKIi WKKK 0 00 BOARD PER MONTH 20 00 ,tnayl3 iy r II. MILLS HOUSE, CORNER MEETING AND CHARLESTON, 8. 0. THIS Houso is now i wants ofthe Travelling Public, and the ef forts of the Proprietor will be to deserve tholr patronage. mar 31 THOMAS S. NICKERSON. Mi M: Instead of going North come to tho Stone Mountalu House, and spend your summer, as everything will bo done for your com- ifort. Conveyances will ho furnished to convoy passengers to LawrencovlUo, Gainesville and Clarksville. AST Passengers by tho Goorgla Railroad tako sup per at this house. ALEXANDER ft CLARK. F. 8. Alexander, formerly of LawrencovlUo. J A. Clark, Social Clrolo,2m—Jo 2 INDIAN SPRING HOTEL. Tho Undersigned has again tho pleasure or informing hl3 numerous friends, os well as tho public at large, that ho is yet at the Indian Spring Hotel, and Is tolly prepared, with tho assistance of bis sous and his own experience of six years at tho hotel, with the best cooks that can bo procured, as well as assis tance of nil kinds, to ask of all thoso who visit the Spring u generous ahuro of tholr patronage, Intend- iug to spare uo pains of himself to tuako all such as please to givo him a call comfortable. The Indian Spring Hotel Is now opou, aud ready to rocolvo all those that will please to call. There will bo at For- sytho Depot coaches and hacks ready to convey all such as wish to go over. EDW. VARNER, raay23-3taw tsepl Proprietor. V> Savannah Republican, Morning News, and <'burle>-tou Courier will please Insert the above three times each week uuttl 1st September, and aend their hills tor paymoot, EDW, VARNER. ST. MARYS’ HOTEL. The ubovo named House Is now open for tho receptiou of Boarders and Travellers, and tho undorsigned promises to sparo neither pulus or oxponse to make his pa- trolls eomfcrtublo. Ills table will always be sup plied with the choicost that tbo market and tho sur rounding country alfords—Fresh Fish, Oysters, Ven- Uim, Wild Game, ftc. The House Is large and airy, aud within a low yards of the landing, ou tho hcuu- tiful river St. Marys, und is a desirable place for In valids mid others ns a summer resort. Tho stage leaves the Houso throe times a wook for Woodstock Mills, Coutrovlllugo, and Trader’s Hill, and tho Su- vutmaL boats touch going und coming, so that per sons will not bo lucouvouleuced, but can leave when they desire. Prices will ho raudo to correspond with first class country hotels. THOMAS B. JONES St. Marys, May 27, I860.3m my27 to to.4 jrnhStote; YoxoMtt uuttkov Apply .t Oslo. , or J F O’Btm.’j oSco. BUtM JEFFERSON ROBERTS. WJ.A w/tlTED—A VeaoUo lo«il wltb mmoor ■■tbr » Northern port. Apply nt Union Steem EwNui.oru JFO’Hrrn.'oofflw. „ mnrSl JEFFERSON ROBERTS. FOK FBKIOHT OR OHARTER—Tho Brig jMHS WUIEA SEARS. .Apply carrying capacity, to load APP'y to to 200,000 lumber for Malanias. Apply to . _ may20 PADELFORD, FAY ft 00._ VE83EIH WANTED.—A vessel to load wltu timber, tor Boston. Also a vessel to load with aawed lumber, for Ihe same place. Apply to JEFFERSON ROBERTS, at Union Steam Saw Mill, •prlB or J. F. O’BYRNE'S Office. WANTED.—A froigtlt or chatter for Ha- vana for Brig R. M. CHARLESTON. Applpto JEFFERSON ROBERTS, at Union Steam Saw Mill, aprl9 or J. F. O’BYRNE’S Offico. FOR pflil/ADF.LHHIA—Heron’s Link.' Tbo schooner MARY ft LOUISA, Cuptoiu luun, wiU have dispatch for tho above port.— For freight apply to mayl9 0. A. GREINER. Fo5^LIVKRPOOL.-Tho A 1 Atncrioau ship FALCON, Patton muster, huving a K largo portion of freight eugagod, will meet with dispatch us above, for bulonco of cargo, apply BRIGHAM, KELLY ft CO. FOR LIVERPOOL.— 1 Tne A 1 ship JAMES RAY will havo disputch for the above port. For freight apply to Jo8 HUNTER ft QAMMELL. CABIN PASSAGE TO NEW YORK $25 00. (ly United States Mall Line r AND SPLENDID SIDE-WHEEL Seml*Weekli •T1HE NEW j_ I Steamships— TiNOXVILLK., 1,600 tons..Capt. C. D. Ludlow. AUGUSTA .... 1,600 “ ,. Capt. Thomas Lyon. FLORIDA 1,800 “ .. Capt. M. 8. Woodhull. ALABAMA.... 1,300 « ,.Capt. G. R.Schenck. Wiu. LKAVK SAVANNAH 8VXRT WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Theso ships aro among the largest on the coast, unsurpassoa In spood, safety and comfort, making tholr passages in fifty to sixty hours, and aro com manded by skillful, careful and polite officers.— Having elegant stato-room accommodations, they offer a most doslrablo conveyance to New York. Cabin Passage to Now York $26 Sloerago Passage to Now York 8 PADELFORD. FAY ft 00.. Savannah. 8AM’L L, MTTCIULL, 13 Broadway, Now York. MjGKida'hows; FLORIDA STEAMSHIP COMPANY. —U, 8. Mall Line—From Now Or leans to Key West.—Steamships FLORIDA and VANDERBILT.-Thoso Quo steamers will lu toture make tholr regular soml-munthly trips, leaving os follows; New Orleans, 10th ft 24th Key West, .. 10th ft 24tb fob 6 Ponsacola.... 11th ft 26th Apalachicola. 12th ft 28th St Marks.... 18th ft 27th Cedar Keys.. 14th ft 28th Tampa Bay.. 16thft 29th Tampa 11th ft 2fitb Cedar KoyB.12th ft 28th St. Marks...14tU ft28th Apalachicola, 16th ft 29th Pensacola... 10 th ft 80tb „ _ Arrive at Koy West....,17th&i st i Now Orleans, 17thk 1st Agents in New Orleans, doc26 0m E. G. ROGERS, ft CO., 72 Poycirasa street. FjOJ* JOHNSON'S 1.AM1MNQ, „ AND INTERMEDUTE PLACES, To leave on Tuetday Night, the lith instant. - _ », The light droTt-ateamor, WILLIAM JSriBBMKLEBBY, Captain A. C. king, will leave regularly as above, from the Charleston Stoampackct Wharf. Apply to fob II 8. M. LAFFITEAU, Agent. U« 8« Moll Line FOR PALATKA, FLA., Via Darien, Brunswick, St. Mans, Ga., Fcrnandi- na and Jacksonville, Picolata and Black Creek, Fla. Jfc THE Bteamer WELAKA, Capt. N ,Ja3HL King, will leave tor the above places every Tuesday Morning, at 10 o’clk. This boat has large uud airy Stato Room accom modations, and taking Ihe Inland Passage, offers every Inducement to Invalids and others. Freight will be taken for Trader’s Hill and Inter mediate landings ou St. Mary’s River. No freight will be taken aftor 9 o’clock. For froight or passago apply on board at the Florida Steam packet wharf, or to apr2l CLAQHORN ft CUNNINGHAM. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. Fbr Palatka, East Fla., via Darien, Brunswick, St. Mans, Fcmandina, Jacksonville, MiidleUura, (Black Creek,) and Picolaia. •**t—* ^ The new and elegant steampacket JbEmHEST- JOHNS, Capt. James Freeborn, leaves every Saturday morning, at 10 o’clock, for the abovo places. Freight will be taken for Trador’s Hill and inter- medlule landings on St Mary’s Rlvor. 39* No froight will bu taken after 9 o’clock. For freight or passugo, having excellent state* room accommodations, apply on board, at tho Flori da Steampacket Wharf, near the Gas Works, or to »pr21 GLAGHORN ft CUNNINGHAM, Ag’to. FOR CHARLESTON ANDX^LORIDA Tho fine stoampacketCAROLINA, __£BBBttS c,, Ptoto Coxetter, will leavo hero lor Jaoohonvim^ Plcolata and Palatka, overy Tues- day afternoon at 6 o’clock; returning, will leave for Charleston, every Friday morning at 9 o’clock. For freight or passage apply on board, at Willink’B wharf, or to M. A. COHEN, Agent. Juue 14th. 1850—ly AST" Freights payable on the ^harf. Eaaa&rijff^BISI ai^TBrsiEo INDIAN SfKINUS, UKOKOIA. BRYAN W. COLLIER Respect fully uuuounccs that tho above Houso will ho opened for the reccptlou ut' guests, on tho ‘20th instant. Ho has been fortnuate In scouring tho eur vices of Mr. lames Griffin, woll known to the public as tho kcopor of the Ninety Milo Houso ou the Control Railroad, to assist in tho superintendence of tho McIntosh Houso during the season. A hand of mu sic has also been secured. Stages will be in readi ness at Forsyth, ou the arrival of trutoH, to convey passengers with comfort and dispatch to tho house. No pains will bu spared to make guests as comfort able as pos.siblo, and a moro than usually brilliant is confidently anticipated. UA—June 6 D ICKEN’S HOUSKHOLlMVORUd, lor Juno, ro‘- ccivcd and for salo by WAHNOCK ft DAVIS, June 4 16 Cougress streot. UTTER AND CHEESE—25 tulw and I choice now Goslion Buttor; 26 boxes Clieuan-1 received per etcamurund for sale bv June 24 ^ ’ >,uuaaiUN| JOHNSTON ft CO. Choice Goshen Buttor and Dutch Choose, received per steamer Alabama by may28 J- D. .1E8SE. gUPERIOR L ard and herrings-- , 20 bbls Prime White Leal lard; 60 boxos Primo Herrings. Landing and tor salo by r may 15 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. D RESS TRIMMINGS.—Fringes^ black and colured MuiroAuUqueGauzo, and other styles, In great variety, aud tor salo by mar 7 AIK1N ft BURNS^ C OTTON UMBRELLAS—A largosupjily or whool- top whalebone fromo Gingham Umbrellas, all received and for sale by June 0 _ LADSON ft ROGERS, S UQARS--10 hhds choice Porto Rico fc-ugars; 16 do Fair do; 16 do Fair and 10 do Choico No • Urlcan* Sugar; Just rocoived and tor nulo by Junc24 SnilANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. SUNDRIES. 1000 Roams Wrapping paper. 100 bales Twine; 200 doz Scrubbing and Shoe Brushos. 60 M Imported Spanish Sogars; 260 boxes Tobacco, various brands; 160 sucks Rio Collec; 76 mats Java Coffoo; loo doz Brooma; 60 doz Washboards; 60Covorod Baskets; ««. umawot mmuy Soap, 160 do Palo Soap; 76 do No. 1 Soap; 600 Gross . a tofio »^ hvequ Tea; 50 lwir chests Yoim b ... • 60 do do Oolong do: 100 boxes Cundy; fit) boxos 8calod Herrings; 75 boxes Fresh Ground Coffee; 100 boxes imported Castile Soap; 100 boxes Toilet Soap; 60 >at ai)d whole boxes Ralalua; Received and tor salo bv JioMAHON ft DOYLE, NOTICE TO MARINERS. mHE buoys at St. Simons Julot aud Bound have J. been arranged In the following raannor : Outer Bar Bu »y is a largo first class uuu, painted red, with tho No 2 in white—is placed 1b twenty l'oet water at low tide, and must be left on the star- hoard hand eutcriug. St Simons Light bears N W by W W. North point of Jckyl W by N N. Middle Buoy—la a large secoud clasa nun, paint ed black, with No 1 iu while—Is placed lu sixteen foot water at low tide, oif*iho Eastern edgo of the Middle Ground, uud must bo left on the port huud outoring. St SlmouB Light bears N W by W hi W. North j>oint of Jekyl W by N. Iuncr Buoy—is a second class nun,paiuted black, with the No 3 in white—is placed in twonty-one leot water at low Udo, on the pelut ot frhoal ruuuiug off from Jekyl Island, and must be left ou tbo i#ort hand entering. St BUuoub Light bears N E by N H ”. North point Jekyl W by s ^ 8. In tho Sound Is the Lower Mlddlo Ground Buoy— which is a second class nun, painted with red and black horizontal stripes—Is placed In twelve feet water at low tide, on the lower polut of tho Mlddlo Ground, to mark tbo two channels. 8t Simous Light bears N E by E. North point of Jekyl Island S E by 8 K 8. Mlddlo Middle Ground Buoy—Is a second class nun, painted red, with No 4 lu white—is placed lu eighteou feet water at low tide, near tho elbow of the Mlddlo Ground, aud must to left on tbe star board baud entering. North point of Jekyl barB N E I* E. Brunswick point W by 8. Upper Middle Ground Buoy—is a second class nun, painted red, with tho No 0 In white—is placed iu 18 feet water at low tide, near tho upper cud of tho Middle Grouud. aud must be left on tbe star board baud oiitoriog. Brunswick point bears Vf X 8, Mouth of Joky 1 Crock 8 E. Note.—lu running in Jor St Simons Bar bring the Light to boar N W by W K W, while iutour fathoms water. This bcarlug os acourso will take you up to the Outer Bar Buoy aud Into tho Sound, passing the buoys os directed. By order of the Light House Board. C. MANIGAULT MORRI8, Je28—tf L. 11. Inspector, 0th District. THE GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE A. corner or Drayton and Brysn streets. Aooroved Risks will be taken on liberal terms, and tne usual credit given on Premium Kotea. Three quarters ortho business will be returned to tbo cua- isimpm Southern Mutual liuurancc Company, Southern MutualTOfie Ins. Company* u ul 7* Insttwooe ^ttUpany* of N. York, Flre*Et®t*rl»M> Ina. Com’y, sprlngis. . ~w»fe.unuce Comwinioe uuderta- Risks In tho ab., AlfiVB Aaanta. ken by WM.^® eeL Savannah, 14th l>ecoml>er t Ibbu. — EIRE, MARINE AND’LU.* wn INSURANCE/. NO. 11.1, NAY-STREET. CAPITAL REPHESENT13D, Nearly four million Dollar*. By the following resiwnsibie Stock Companies. Charter Oak Life Insurance Company, OP HARTFORD, Of. Equitable Fire Insurance Company, OP LONDON. Farmers* and Mechanics* Fire, Marine and Lift Insurance Company, OP PHILADKLPHIA. Bridgeport Fire and Marine Insurance Company, OP BRIDGEPORT, OT. 89*Tne subscriber will effect Insurance to any amount In all parts ofthe State oa every description of property. Life Insurance, to any amount, at the lowest rate, for the benefit ot heirs and creditors, or payable to tbe wife trep from the elalms of creditors, Martue Insurance on Hulls or Cargoes to all parti ofthe world. Jan26 A. WILBUR, muTuaLbWeFITCIFe Insurance COMPANY, NEWARK, N. J. Charter Perpetual. Nett accumulation, Jan. 1, I860* $2,280,006 47 Total amount of dlvldondB paid to date 715,492 00 TPtal amount of claims by doathpaid to dato 1,336,990 84 BY BELL ft PRENTISS. Ijjjjgjjjjjjjj to rniLBjucK a max.) TO MOBROW, at 11 o’clock, in front of store will be add,— The usual assortment of Grocorlea, Provisions, Liquors, Crockery and Glass Ware, Dry Goods, now and second hand Furniture, Clothing, Fancy Articles, Watches, Jewelry, fco., &o. Terms, cash before bo- livery. 49" AU artloles purchased at auction and not set- tledror provlouBto tho next regular sale, will be sold on account and risk or former purchaser. Jyi $4 282 488 97 Benjamin C. Miller, Secrotary, Joseph I.! Lord, General Agent, Robert L. Patterson. President. *The funds of this Company are all safely invested in first class bonds and mortgages, stocks, cash, and notes of mombors fully scoured by tholr poUoles. For further particulars inquire of CHARLES A. FARLEY, Agent in Savannah, At tbo office of Bell ft Prontlsi. J, 8. SULLIVAN, Medical Examiner. RxnuucNCX: Messrs. PanxiroBD, Fay ft Co., I. K. Tut, Esq., Stato Bank. feu 29 MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE. THE INTERNATIONAL Insurance Company. NO. 28, MEBCHANT’8 EXCHANGE, MIW YORK. CASH CAPITAL—$312,000 AGENT FOR BAVANNAH, James 91. Carter, AT THE OFFICE OF MESSRS. YOUNG, WYATT <6 00., No. 85, Bay Street, below the Post Office. DIKXCTORH: ALANSON MARSH, S. A. ROLLO Firm of A. S. Barnes ft Co. ALONZO CHILD, “ “ Childs, Pratt ft Co. I. P. BALLARD, “ 11 Livingston, Ballard ft Co. WM. M. DODGE, »* Wm. M. Dodge ft Co. P.J. AVERY, h. a. cum, WM. E. ROLLO, 8. T. L1PPINCOTT, ISAAC NEWTON, WM. A. HUSTED, WM. H. RIVERSMITH, W. H. LYON, « GEO. CHAPMAN, “ JOS. H. WESTOQTT, JOS. fatman, STEPHEN VON GEO. SAVORY, J. A. REQUA. ALANSON MARSH, President. CHAS. W. OGDEN, Vic# Preslpent. WM. E. ROLLO, Secretary. 49* This Company will Issue PoUcloa upon Ma rino, Inland Navigation, Transportation and Fire Risks, at liberal rates or premium. Iioeses prompUy and liberally adjusted. JAMES M. CARTER, Agent, oct81 No. 86 ( Bay Street. • H. A. Curtis ft Co. “ Husted ft Carll. 4 W. H. Lyon ft Co. “ Loe, Murphy ft Co. “ Briggs, Westcott ft Co. M Fatman ft Co. Geo. Bavory ft Co. THE GREAT WESTERN FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of No. 107 Walnut street, Philadelphia, Penn. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL $500,000. FTRB, MARINE, A.ND INLA.ND IXBDRAXCX. DIRECTORS; Charles C. Latbrop, 682 Spruce streot; Alexander Whildon, Merchant, 14 North Front-st.; Johu 0. Hunter, firm of Wright. Hunter ft Co.; E. Tracy, firm of Tracy ft Baker; John K. M’Curdy, firm or Jones, White ft M’Curdy; Isaac Hazlehurat, Attorney aud Counsellor; James B. smith, firm of James B. Smith ft Oo,; Theodore W. Baker, firm of Tracy ft Baker; R. 8. Walton, 800 Market street; Thomas K. Limerick, 534 Spruce street; John J. Baker, Goldsmith's HaU. CHARLES C. LATHROP, President, Tuoa. K. List brick, Secretary. JAMES M. CARTER, Agent, June 16 No. 86 Bay street. ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMP’Y, No. 11 Pine street, Nfia York, (BETWEEN BUOADWAY AND NASSAU STREET.) Cash Capital—$150,000! T HIS tkrapauy insures against loss or damage by Fire, ou the most reasonable terms, dwelling houses and furniture, warehouses, stores and mer chandize, factories, ships iu port, etc. AU losses will be adjusted and promptly paid. D. S. MILLS. President, C. BROOM, vice President. Edw’d C. Taylor, Secretary, Gko. B. Drank, Surveyor JAMES M. CARTER, Agent, Juue 17 for savannah, 86 Bay streot. WM. J. HUNT, tor. ])l oiitKoinerv Jk York sis. SAVANNAH, GA., [_> E8PECTFULLY Informs the Ladles and AU Gentlemen or this City that ho is prepared lu serve them every evening wltb Ice Cream, Cakes & Confectionery. In his own peculiar style, and hopes to merlin sbart of public patronago, Savannah, 17th April, I860. 8m aprl7 TO HOUSEKEEPERS. ~ 1 \ANIEL CRONIN Upholster, 26 Bryan-at, J would rosuoctfuily auuouuco to tho uitlzous oi vaunah that no is ready to muko und put dowi Carpets. OU Cloth, Mattiug, &c., at tho shortest no Ice, and on the most reasonable terms. ooUMf TO BUILDERS T HE SUBSCRIBER la prepared to execute at the shortest notice, aud In the most work manlike raunuor, all kinds or Metal Roofing, Gutters, Cornlco, or other work couuuctcd with tho mauulac- luring or repairing of Copper, Galvanized Iron, Zinc, urShoeifrouBusmoss. H0KAC £ HQRHK, ootia 160 Broughton at] P ’ IUNTKD BAREGES, Flounced Hobos, &u.; Print- od Organdies, Jaconets, Ijiwiih, and other F HKNGli, KliRlMli AinorttMiuCrtlooa, Nuodlo- workod Oollars >U(1 bleovo«, Linen Slieetlnge mul Billow-calm Cottens, Udlna- Lisle Iteso, Sli™ cLSes, Childrens' (tense, Merino Vests, ite“ $!+"'"* "'“ff Juno22 •J^TusaESANlT ROPE~~ 100 barrols New Orloana Molasses; 000 colls and half colls 44 Louisiana Manurao- twins Company” Rope. Landing por brig Dtulaa Sears from K* orfoana- and tor sale by my28 ” nope. uauuiM* mavm 0, &M^joiml5>N*oo < mnyl4 205 and 208 Buy streot. LAND AGENCY—llriinewlck, On. EDWIN M. MOORE O FFERS bia Borvicoa to the public in the pur chase ami salo of lands In the counrles of Glynn, Wayne, Gamdon, Charlton, Appling, Wwo, Co® Ollhcb Lowndes and Thomas. Particular attonuon glveu to locatlug. purchasing and aelUug ol town lota in tbo town of Bauuswlok. RnrKRKNOKS ! Dr B Oolllns, Macons Dr B M Onrglle, Brunswick- Thomas H Uardon, S»»»nnnh| Hon Jnmos L 8ew| ard, Thomaavllle. NOTICE TO MARINERS. T HE buoys at St. Audrew’u Iulot aud Sound havo beou arrauged in tho following monuer: Bar Buoy—isaBocond clues can, painted red, with tho No 2 lu white—is placed In sixteen water at low tido, and must be loft on the starboard bund enter ing. Little Cumberland Light bears W by W N, 8outh point of Jekyl N W by W. Middle Buoy—Isa socoud class can, painted red, with the No 4 in whito—is placed In nluoteon feet water at low tide, near tho High North Breakers, and must bo left on tho starboard hand onterlug. Cumlaml Light bears W by N tf N. South po'^v /.r Jekyl N W tf W. * te“°r Buoy_l« n secoml olnss oni> painted black, whh Nolln whlto-ls place.i (n 'ttonly-enoreel water at low tide, noar a Ury shoal runniug olffrom Cumborlaud Island, ouj must bo loft on tho port hand entering Cumberland Light bears S YT by W tf W. South point of Jekyl N W tf W. In tho Sound is tho Middle Ground Buoy—second class can, palntod «ltu Ved and black horizontal rtr.wus—placed in ton feet water at low tldo, on a polut of shoal runniug down from tho Satllla River, aud uearly in the middle of tho Bound. Vessels must not pass to tlio westward or It. Cumberland Light bears S by E tf E. Iuncr point of Jekyl N W X W. Buoy at tho entrance ofSatlllu Rlvor—Is a second dims cau, painted black, with No 3 In white—is placed In ten feet wator at low Udo, and must bo left on tho port hand entorlm?. Cumberland light hears 8 by E. Outer polut of Jekyl boars N K. Note.—In running in for 8t. Audrow’s Bar bring tho Light to bear W by N tf X, while lu tour fath oms wator. This bearing ns a course will take you up to tbe Bar Buoy, then haul off to tho northward until tho Mlddlo Buoy, No 4, Is in rango with tho Light, (to avoid two hmiw iu a direct lino, W by N tf N, betyreon tho two buoys,) wbon atoor tor it— passing It to tho southward. From this buoy a N W by W tf W oourso will bring you into tho Sound. By ordor of the Light Houso Board. 0. MANIGAULT MORRIS, Jo28—tf L. H. Inspector, 6th District. BBLS of Mercer and early June Potatoes i C E C RE AMI NEW CONFECTIONARY STORE No. OS Uryuit Street. TWO DOORS A DOVE MR. GRIM-XY’S JBWJO-HY BTOKX. r pHE undersigned respectfully Informs the La- A dies ofSavaunab iu particular, and the public guuorally, that he has this day opened a new Confec- tlanary Store, and will keep on hand a large and rush oHsortmont, of all kinds and discretions. He will a( all times and hours, ho ready toftirulsh .inrties, with suppers. toffee, Tea and Chocolates at all hours. Ornamuntod Cakes, Pies, fto. &o., made to order. Ho hopos from long experience to givo satisfaction to all who wiU honor him with their patronage. H. B BOZZOLA, No. 98 BryanS "SILVER WARE, CUTLERY, W K have Just rccolvod a new Block or BUvor Spoons, Butter Knives, Salt Cellars, Fish. Flo, Cake and Ice Cream Knives; also, Stool and Plated on Steel Table Cutlerv, Carvers, Ice Pitcbors, Broad Knives, Plated and Parien Butter Stands, bo- sldos a quantity of uselhl articles too numerous to inontlon. D. B. NICHOLS ft CO, Juno 4 OKNKD BEEF, PIG PORK, ftO. just rocoived 10 half twr®' 8 Fjjjj corned Beef; 10 batrcU and hall J'arrejs Fig 1 «rk— Hams, Sides and Shoulders; 10 barrola extra No l M wkerol; 1 do No 2 Mackerel; 6 do Horrjnw. 2 drums Ood Fish, and 26 barrels Smoked Herrings, taj.ter.kk4 for ..1. by p AVm0 , roNOTa 20 rocelevud per summer Augusla. and tor sale by maylO J« D. JESSK. F ulton market beef.—10 Half bbla Fulton Market Bcof, and 10 do do Pork. Just received by! meySO J- !>• examination w. ... „ ...... floods, wliloli tor variety aod atylo le not to bo ok eelled lit tbla eky. aprjg A1KIN k BURNS. rr’sTOABKS Baoon, Hama, Side, utd Should 7&4«. , Jte t «..V.d S jd4»«teb ia>roi BARGAINS N RICH DRESS GOODS AND MANTILLAS—bal ance of rich flounced Organdies, Bareges, Crape do Paris and Tissues, it coat to close them out; aiBo rich Loco Mantillas, at roduced prices, for sale b. Juno 4 DxWirr ft MORGAN J S) A BMb. superior Old Monongehela Whiskey, U Y7 rocoived, and for sate by J. M. EYRE, my 14 94 Bay Btroot. Administratrix Sale. On TUESDAY, July first, at 11 o’clock, In front ol tho Court House, will bo sold:— The southoru buff of Lot No 17 and Improvements, altuated on East Boundary street: the Improvements are six woodon teneraonti. Sole! as tho property of the estate of Dauiel Robertson, deceased, for tbo henofltof the heirs and creditors or said estate.— cash. A. E. R0BEKT8ON, 'it "via Administratrix. VEriB VQ/JLaSUs » .-n SEATS OTOEOKOU.] (AUTHUBIZIID mr jn. LOTTERY, FORT GAINES ACADx. CLASS 16 In public, on ■ -- ■ - ■ *g$m BY BARKMAW & BULLOCH. At Private Sale- One or tho finest notel or boarding house ser vant* In tbe State. Enquire at 164 Bay street. juttfi24 At Private Hale. A negro woman, 22 years or age, a good plain cook and Hold hand, warranted sound. Title un doubted. jonelO At Private Sale. A negro man, aged 15 years, a first rate hostler aud house servant. TUli; undoubted. Jel9 At Private Palo. A vory likely lutelllgoiit mulatto girl, aged 19 - years, a first rate cook, washer aid Ironer, and an excellent seamstress. Warranted sound. Title un doubted, JunelO At Private Bale. A very likely mulatto man, aged 24 years, a first rate carpenter. Warranted sound, litis undoubt- JunelB At Private Ssle. . A tery Ukelynegroman, aged'22 j ' Id hand. War—“ ^ —* JunelO field hand. Warranted sound!^TUIe uSSoubted. !'»J5> 04 To be drawn lu the city of Atlauta, THltRSliAY, Juue 20, 1850, o. THE HAVANA PLAi> ’ SAMUEL SWAk ilOO,, Mnnngvi.. 1'RlZliS AMOUNTING TO $ 3 4,0 0 0!! Wlllu ^ rai Will be distributed according to the following HMIl.UANTcUlfc.ME t 10,000 NU2MISi£K£_g4D PRIZES! SCHKUK. 1 prlzoof $10,009 is $10,000 1 1 1 1 “ 6 prizes of.. 10 4 ‘ 26 44 .. 80 ** 44 5,000 is U’OOU OjOW) is 8.000 1,000 is i.ouu 1,000 is 1,000 600 uro 2,600 200 uro ; 2,000 loo are 60 are 30 are 4 prizes of $00 app’g to $10,000 prize, are 60 40 36 20 10 6,000 prizo, aro 3,000 prize, are 1,000 prize, aro 600 prize, are 200 prize, are 2,600 4,000 1,320 240 200 160 280 400 400 249 prizes amounting to $34,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. Tho two preceding aud tho two following numbers to thoso drawing tbo first 20 prizes are entitled to tho 80 approximation prizes, in tho usual nianuor. Remember that every prize is drawn, and paya ble in lull without deduction. All prlzos of $1000, aud under, paid immediately after the drawing—other prlzos at tbo usual timo of thirty days. 49- All communications strictly confidential. Tho drawn numbers will be forwarded to pur chasers immediately after the drawiug. Whole Tickets $5—Halves $2.60—Quarters $1.26. Prize tickets cashed or renewed in other tickets ut either olllco. Ordera Cor tickets can be addressed either to Je3 8. SWAN ft CO., Atlanta, Ga., or 8. 8WAN, Montgomery, Ala ALABAMA LOTTERY! [authorized by the statu or aiabama.J CLASS E—NEW SERIES, To bo drawn in tho City of Montgomery. Alabama. In public, on THURSDAY, July 10, 1860, on the HAVANA PLANl’ 8AMUElTs W AN^ Manage r. Prizes'ambuntingto 206,000 Dollars!! wui be uthUibuitiU accoruing to tno following MAGN1FK 'ENT SCHEME! 30,000 eft iua bur*—15,600 Price* I 1 prize of $u6,000 is $85,000 1 do do 10,000 is 10,000 1 do do 6,000 is 6,000 1 do do 2,000 1s -.... 2,000 1 do do 1,200 is 1,200 1 do do 2,100 is 1,100 1 Uo do 1,000 1s.. 1,000 1 do do 900 is 900 1 do do 800 is 800 1 do do 620 Is 620 10 do do 200 is 2,0uu 100 do do 100 is 10,000 4 prizes ol $200 approxim’g to $36,000 are $8uu 4 44 160 “ 10,000 are 000 4 44 100 “ 5,000 are 400 4 44 80 “ 2,000 aro 820 4 “ 70 “ 1,200 are 280 4 44 60 “ 1,100 are 200 4 44 40 “ 1,000 arc 160 4 44 80 900 are 120 4 44 28 “ 8UU are 112 4 4 4 2 2 4 4 0 20 are 88 40 “ 20 “ 200 are 800 40 0 44 1 0 44 1 00 are 4000 16,600 btf 127,600 16,000 prizes amounting to $206,2ui Tbe 16,000 prices of of $8tf are determined by the number which draws tbe $36,000 prize—if thui number should be an odd uumher, tlwu overy odd number ticket in tho Scheme will be untitled to $Stf; if an even uumbor, thou every oven number tichci will be entitled to $Stf iu uddition to any other prize which muy be drawn. Purchasers in buying an equal quantity of odd and even uumbor tickets, will bu certain of druwiug uearly ouo hull tho cost of tho samo, with ol-uucut of ubuiimug other prizes. 49’ Remember tbut overy prize is drawn, and payable iu full without ueductiou. 45» All prizes ut $1,000 uud under, paid immedi ately aftor the drawing,—other prizes at the usual time of thirty days. All communications strictly confidential. The druwu uumburo will bo forwarded to purchasers immediately after the drawing. Whole Tickets, $10—Halves, $6—Quarters, $2 60. Prize Tickets cashed or renewed in other Tickets at either ofllce. Orders fur Tickets can be addressed either to 8. 8WAN ft CO., Atlauta, Ga., jel Or S. 8WAS, Montgomery, Ala. J^iuAibfcooi OIL, oi the host quality cuuotuutiy for r'utu low by maylo CHAfc FER ft CO., 0 Whitaker street. At Private Sale. 1700 bushels Rice, an excellent articlestock of all kinds. Call aud examine. Price 26 cents per bushel. juaelO Wanted. Central Railroad, Planters’ Bank, and Bonk of the 8tuto of Georgia, Stocks, tor which a liberal price will bo pahL JunelO 1 To Rent. >> H>d stores, under tho bluff, at tbe foot of Two gv. ‘"eel. June 19 ’’’anted to Purchase 'diuiu-sized house, in a central A convenient ur '•» a tquure would he prefer* location—one froutiug o. '•‘ul price would ho given, red—fur such uu ouo u i.bc. JunelQ At PmCte &<te. <ko»t t>T Ml*. Thirty digit)!. butt ling Luu, tie tent . . -ituu und to 124 I. et deep, mutated on Taylor, Uo. ' '* A 04 * Gaston streets. Those lots are ou high geoum. some of them in the immediate neighborhood of n lot selected for tho Bite of tho fc'avaunuh, Albuny and Gulf Railroad Djgiot. Terms same us city loti, * viz ; cue-fifth cash, tno balance bearing luterest at six per cent. juui-19 THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY t pryor’s"oTntment. I T is a sure and speedy core for barns, piles, corns, felons, lever eoroa, ulcers, scald head, tetter worm, eoro nipples, (recommended by nur- sos,) sore and cracked lips, lresh wounds ana sores of any description. It is a most valuable remedy and cure, which can bo testified to by thousands who have usetMt In many portions of the South for the last few years. In no Instance will the salve do any Iqjury, or interfere with a physician’s preset Ip- tlon. The proprietor has numerous certificates and letters from puople who have nsed it themselx es, and most earnestly recommend It to others a* a speedy and certain remudy for the above named tilsuaues. A trial is ull that is necessary for Ua own recommendation. 8old by J. B. MOORE, Savannah, Ga., and drug, gists generally. V. J. MOORE, Proprietor, mayia LaGrange, Ga. P. JACOBS, SEGAR AND TOBACCO STORE. No. 29, Bull afreet, (sign of the Big Indian.) N. B—Keeps constantly on baud Spanish, Hail Spanish, and American Segura, at wholesale and re* ail. Also, Chewing Tobacco, gnuif, ftp. June 1 JAMES MeHENRY, Insurance) Broker and Notary Public. Marine Protests Noted and Extended, Average, adjusted, Charter Parties and Average Bouda drawna Papers prepared whereby to recover losaee from American or British Underwriters, and attention given to all matters connected with shipping and In- suranco, No. 118 Bay-street opposite tho front ot tho Custom nov8 PATENT ECLIPSE SLA. &f m S UAH 0>« Every man his own Card Printer. pALL AND EXAMINE CHAMBEULAlN’S Pateut Eclipse Hand Stamp, tho best, cheapest aud most convenient of any thing for the purpose yet offored tor sale. ALFRED WEBSTER, Gen. Agt. apr 3 ly 136 Congress 8L HUNT'S IMPROVED SEWING MACHINES. Ft E81GNED Expressly lor making Bags—aud which is decidedly superior to any o'her machine for that purpose. 8pool or skein thread cun he used of any desired length, and which will not need to be changed until the Whole Is used. Bag monaufacturers, urain'and Flour merchants era particularly invited to call and examino It at 186 Con gross street. May26.ALFRED WEBSTER,Gen. Agt HUNT & WEBSTER’S. IMPROVED SHUTTLE HEWING MACHINE. B ES1GNEU for Families, plantations, Dreas ua* kers, Tailors, Boot ft blioo manufacturers and ouiors who may wish to dotboir own sowing cheap ly und witu-expuditlou. This machine tews a uni form stitch with both sides alike, and which will no*, ravel. It is more simple, is less liable to get out of order, aud coats less iu proportion than any other imichiuc, und U war run led to be pci feet, aud to work well. All apparatus uuce.-r-ury tor convenient use Is furnished with ft, aud any instruction wiU be given that will bo uuuessury to eusure to the purchaser iti succcsstui operation and durability. The public are respectfully invited to call and ex- utniuu them ut 186 Congress st. A1 FRED WEBSTER. Gen. Agt. 49" A very nout and oruumemul Iron Tuble whJ uow bo given with u rauunlue tor a small, sum iu addition to the regular price,May 26. MORE PRIZES THAN BLANKS JHOT 0,G3i I'RJZLb.-©$ 00,000 Dollars— iOjOOO Number* Only 11 OKAAiTtejSiciu 1LA1IaN Hi FUR A SMALL lNVhlMMHAYl IMl’ROVEMENT ON •THE IMPROVED HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY. BY AUTUOK1TY OK TUK 8TA1K UK OKU HUM. JASPE RTCOUNTY ACADEMY LOTTBB.Y, CLASS 0. Co be drawn July the I6th, I860, ut Concort Hall. Macon, Ga., uuuer the .sworn superintendence ol Col. Goo. M. Logan mul Jos. A. Nlsbot, Esq. This Lottery is drawn on tho plan of tho Royal Lottery of Havana of siuglo numbers; this baa onlj 10,000 numbors, aud tho Havana Luttory 84,000 uumbers—the Havana 249 prizes, this 6,031 prices. Look to your iutervst i Now is the time. GAiTTAL $7,600. 1 Prizoof $ 7,600 is $ 7,600 1 1 3 6 20 6000 WANTED, A Consignee tor 10 tubs of Butter, marked J. F. ft A. D., landed por steamship Knoxville from New orit. t jo9) PADELFORD, FAY ft CO. TRANlPAHENT'WlSDOWTftAffiiS. CARPET WARE-HOUSE, 140 OOKQRKSJ AMD 57 81. JOUZk-smUCRB. mHE Subacribor hfis received, and will open ■ this day, tbo largesVand mostoxtensivo variety orA’lNDOW SHADES ov.qr offored in this city. It is tho intention ortho advertiser to keep constantly in storo a largo supply or all tbo various pattorns and stylos manufactured by .the manufacturers or this country and or Franco, to which tho attention of mor- chants aud fantillos in tbe city and country, la in vited. They will be sold at wholesale and retail, at BtaUsl'ucLory prices, W H. GUION, Agont. jan 8 3,000 is 3,000 2,000 is 2,000 1,000 are 8,000 500 aro 2,600 100 aro 2,000 8 aro 40,000 5041 prizes amounting to $60,000 Tickets $10—Halves $5—Quarters $2.60. i- Prizes payable without deduction. r Persona Bonding money by mail need not fear Its being lost. Orders punctually attended to. Communications confidential. Bunk notes of sound bunks takou at par. Drawings sent to all ordorlng tickets. 49- Those wishing particular numbers should order immediately. Tho 6,000 prlzos of $8, aro determined by the drawing or the Capital of $7,500; If the number that draws tho Capitol Is an oven uumbor, thoso Tickets euuing 0, 2, 4. 6, 8, aro eutltlodto$8; if an odd □umber those Tiokoti ending with 1,3, 6, 7, 9, are entitled to $8. Address JAMES F. WINTER, Monagor, junoi7 Macon, Go. GEO. A. McCLESKEY, Agent, Savannah, Go. PRIME YELLOW CORN. -In storo and tor JT sale by “ay 7 _ YOUNG ftWYATT. t>ACON aNd LXRD.—60 hulls, prime Bacon XJ bides ; 80 bhds. primo Bacon Shoulders ; 20 buls. prune Baltimore I/Jaf Lard. landing, and .or salo by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. June 1 OUGARS.-50 barrels Stuarts A and B Clarified 0 Sugar; 60 do Craahed and Powdered do, Laud- log and for sole by may 16 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft 00, K O. MOLASSES, landing from schooner • Abbr Francis, and for sale by dSO 27 LOCKER * SNKLUN08. B ACON—76 hhds prime Bacou Sldos; 60 do do Shoulders; 20 casks choico cauvassed Hams ao do Ti uuossee do; Just received aud for salo Juuo24 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. L IVERPOOL SALT.^OO’sacfca, ten to the ion, lauding from ship Eli Whitney, aud tor tale by mtrW VADUORtl, l'AY k 00. M AUAZ1NES FOR JUNE—Putnam’. Monthly; Ballou’s Dollar Monthly; Graham’s Magazine; Arumr’a Home Magazine; Godov’s lady’s Book: Harper’s Now Monthly, aud Dickon’s Housche 1 - 1 Words, received and for salo by ’ WARNUCK k DAVIS, Juno * IWCongremnttent. P RIME KENTUCKY RAMS.—Noatly trim. ■nod and tor Kilo to ntoso conBlgninont. mnyt7 YOl’NO k WYATT AOOlNfl —too hntrajimvy flonny Ragging, rt) JOHNSON h CO. XJAGGING —too halo, tinovy ( ^»t r , „dter«tebJ MiJ HOWES COTTON HARVESTER* PATENTED DEC., 4, 1856. T HIS improvement tumbles one field bond w» pick as much cottou a* five cau pick by ihe utd method and having the cottou free from trasb, turn in better condition for ginulug. Tho above machine* arc for sulo at 136 Congress atroot Savannah, amt 1**5 Mooting street, Uisrlw* tun, 8, C. Ail orders Iruui ubroud will mx-ive prompt a'tentiou. Planters, Facurs, CoituuBrukers, uud all interested aro res|>ecUuiiy invited to call and examine them. County Rights cau bo bought on favorublu terms. May, 26. ALFRED WEBSTER. OKN.—10,000 bushels Teuuesseo Cum tu store aud for sulo low by j«2—tf YOUNG ft WYATT. jMiiURANU BAtON.—6uu'racks Flour; iu,0u0 1 lbs Bacon, iu storo and for Mile by Je2—tf YOUNG ft WYATT. IJALTIMORE FLOUR—10U bbl. stpurliue UulU- jLJinoro Flour landing per schr Woudbrulgo, and for snio by Jol SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. lx EFLNED AM) CLARIFIED tCGARt— 60 bbls Stuart’s A Cru*hed Sugar, 26 do do Powdered do 60 do do A Clarified do 60 du do B do do 60 do do C do do Just received aud tor sale by Jol f CRANTUN. JOHNSTON ft CO. ONoSoA11ELA' ti likMA t —. xVi' 26 bba O.d Muuuuguhuia Whisky, 60 “ iioublo Dwulled “ Just rocoived and fur sale hy my23 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. iMJKLANl) LIME.—1,600 bbls Rockland Lime t - ‘ ’ daily expected jier brlgE. W. AUuEH. salo, to arrive, by may 28 BRIGHAM, KELLY ft 00. For M ARSHALL ft SON’S Celebrated Pig Hama, Pig Shoulders, und Pig Bacon. Also some uew Smoked Tongues and Frosh Smoked Beef. Received por Alabama, by may28 J. D. JESSE. "LANDLORD AND TBNANT; T HE Law of Landlord and Tenant By J. Smith, with Notes of American cases by P. P. Morris. Bauvier’s Law Dictionary, last edition. Bauvlor’s Institutes American Law. Noligun’s Atlas of Cutanoous Diseases, with color ed plates, 4to, Brown on somo Diseases of Women admitting of ssurgical Treatment. Fllut ou Diseases ofthe Respiratory Organs. Budd on Diseases of the Stomach. Sketches and Adventuros in Madeira, Portugal and Spain. Italian Sights and Principles. By Jarvis, with engravings. Physiology and Calisthenics. By Catherine E. Beecher. Railway and Steamship Guido, with maps. Ireland in ’98 and ’48; its Revolutionary History. By J. Savage. National System of Political Economy. From the German, or List. nprfo W. THORNE WILLIAMS. H arper tor July.—Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, tor July, rocoived and tor sale by “ ’ WARNOCK & DAVIE, JunelS tW Congress street. F OR JULY—Graham’s Illustrated Monthly Mag azine, and Ballou’s Dollar Monthly; Black wood’s Edinburgh Magazine, lor May. Mso, Mas sey's Exhibition Hocitor and Drawing Room Enter tainments, bolug choico selections in prose and vorse. together with an unique collection of pauto comodlcs, dramas and farces, adapted for the oae or schools and families. For salo by JunelS WARNOCK ft DAVIS. cfUGAR, &a—75 bbla” and 10 hhds A, U and C O Sugars; 16 hhds Molasses; 26 do Bacon SM« and Shoulders; received and for sale by MCMAHON ft EOYLD, lunel9 206 and 207 Bay ptreet ‘fS'UESS GOODS.—-A largo and tine assurtment«t I } colored Drabs Silks, Bareges, Tissues, French Cambrics, French'.Husllns, Brilliants and Prints, an well os a large'iwsortment or Whito Goods, Striped plaid aud Piaiu Swiss, organdies, Tarloton, Book, Nansook, Cambric and Jaconot Muslin, for sale by June 20 A1KIN ft BURNS, C ANDLES—200 boxes Star Candies, Just received aud for Bale by i juno'20 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON ft CO, Lj