Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, July 02, 1856, Image 3

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0, Mm to take action on the subject of the Election for a Colons! for Mtd Regiment, to be field al the Court House to this dty on Saturday, 6th July. On motion, Chpl Thornes Uoynee wee called to tbo Chair, end John Reedy appointed Bocre* n r v. The following resolutions wore ottered by Lout. C.O. Hussey. /tooJwd.Ttutui a portion of tbo other oncers of tho Regiment hevo nomlnetod e cendidate Ibr elec tion to the office of Colonel, and as wo had no parti cipation In said nomination— Bt it Purport Resolved, That this mooting nomi nate Lieut. Ool. James Sullivan, as a suitablo and proper candidate to tho rank of Ool. 1st Regiment 1st Brigade, 1st Division Q. M., vice 0)1. R. D. Wal ker resigned. Unanlmouly carried. Chpl. THU). H0YNE3, Clteirman. John Reedy, Socre’ary. gavanuali, 28th June, 1166. 3t Jy 4 the West sldo of Montgomery fetroet, one South Broad street. MRS. M B. I deo-19—tf KIR MUT | Six Tract* or Land. 600 auret each. 8 or 4 ^Ttniles Tram the city or Savannalt on the H. A. and Guiritall Road, wall adapted to tLe growth of Rico, Cotton and Corn, and wood enough to pay tor 0.A.C1/HJD. and t ton tlmos over, fob 27 Mr. Ewtom :—Please anuouuco K. F. T. Par Rowland, as n Candidate Ibr Colonol oT 1st Regiment, 1st Brigade, 1st Division 0. M., at the Kletiliou to bo bold on Saturday, the 6th July. MANY FRIENDS. julyl—td MECHANIC'S - XN D'MAVfNuS'li aNKTT Savannah, fuuo 30th, 1868. j A semi-annual dividend (No. 8) ol five per Par centum, on the capital stock or this Bank, has this day beeu declared, tmyable on demand, jtttyl 8. B. WILLIAMS, Cashlor. Office Isv'h, Albany ffit Golf H. H. Co. f \ Savauimh, 27th Juno, I860. ) An Instalment of 10 per ceut., being tho sixth on the Capital Stock or this Company, i hereby called, and requlrod to bo i«ld at this office on the 1st day of 8eptombor next. By order GHAS. GRANT, june28—wt!8 Secretary and Treasurer, isr- CITY TREASURER'S OFFICE, \ Savannah, 24th June, 1868. j • TIio Bonds or the Ctly or Savannah.duo 1st Fobrnary, 1857, Issued tor Central Rail- read Stock, (commonly kuown as McAlllstor bonds) will bo redeemed ir desired In stock or tho Coutral Railroad and Banking Company, at Its market valuo, the bonds being rocoivcd at par. Jo25 JAMBS S. WATKINS, City Treas’r. DIVIDEND NO. UflT CENTRAL R.R. & BANKING CO. OF GF.O., 1 Savannah, Juno 3, 1866. j The Board or Directors has THIS DAY de clared a dividend or FIVE DOLLARS por share on tho general stock or the Company tor the last six mouths (being at tho rate or ton per cent, peranuum), payable on and altor tho 16lb Inst Holders or Guaranteed Stock will be paid their dividend on tho same day. GEO. A. CUYLER, jo3 lm Cashier. noTIcE 37TC7 it. THE freight on corn from Atlanta to 8a* Rv vannath will be reduced to 10 o. por bushel on and after ho 1st day of April next. WM. M. WADLEY, General Supcrin’t. Transportation office, ) n ._ r M Ceutral Rail Road. J mnra To tbo Patrons of tho Sav’h. Georgian. All debts due to tho Georgian provlous to Rv tho 6th Instant, are |inyablo only to tlto un dersigned. Notes and accounts duo in the city will be presonted immediately, and all debts duo in the country will bo forwarded by an early mall. Tills bolug the first time that the uudorstgued lias publicly appealed to his late patrons, he tools thnl they will uot consider him unreasonable in urging upon thorn the necossitk tor Unmcdiuto payment. Remittances may be made directly totlio under- sigued, or toR. B. Hilton k Co., whose receipt will be valid. PHILIP J. PUNCH. Savannah. May 28.1860. my28 law d&w tf %• Republican and Morning News pieaso copy. CHARItESTON^dT SAVANNAH RAIL. ROAD COMPANY. Ciurdmtox, Juno 7.1856. Vmr The Fifth (6th) Instalment of FIVE DOL- LAllS per share on the stock subscribed to tho Charleston and 8avannah Railroad, will bocotno due THURSDAY, the 10th or July next. Payment to be mado to the Treasurer at the office of the Company. The Savannah subscribers to the Cbarloston aud Savannah Railroad are requested to niako payment of the Instalments called tor, to A. Porter, Esquire, President or tho Bank of tbo Stato or Uoorgla. By order of the President, C. F. HANCKEL, jell 2aw td Secretary and Treasurer. HEALTH OFFICE, SAVANNAH,) Juno 13th, 1866. / All vessols arriving at the port or Savan nah, having sickness on board, (or having had elcknoss on board sinco lost clearance,) and all vessels arriving from ports where contagious, malignant or infectious diseases arc prevailing, are required to come to anchor o(T Fort Jackson, until visited by tho Health Officer. No vessel will be de tained In Quarantine unless such detention be neces sary. No vessel or boat shall receive any of the crew or passengers or vessols subject to tho abovo order for the purpose sf bringing thorn to the city or its vlclalty. Any violation of this order will subject the vio lator to tho penalty of the law. F. 11. DEUERE, Health Officer. ^PWrovod^jO^srwutsoJi^lttyor^^j^W • FOR WILMINGTON, N. C. L The steamship CAROLINA will fijffijjgifiSSaloavc here FrlUuy morning, July 4tu, tur me above place, leaving Cburlestou on the 6th. For freight or passage apply on board or to Julyl—4t M. A. COHEN. Agent. FOR NEW YORK. 2b sail Saturduy, July 6th, at 9}£ o'clock, A. M. The steamship KN0XV1IJ.E, Cnpt. ^MWKLudlow, will leave as above. For SMUadflEfreiKht or passage apply to ■■■■■■ PADELFORD. FAY & CO. AST Berths uot secured until paid for. Cabin Passago $25 Steorago Possnge 8 AST Shippers of Cotton by those steamships will pieaso take notlco, that no Cotton will bo recolvod at he presses that is not distinctly marked on the edge of the balo. Jo29 FOR PHILADELPHIA 2b tail Saturday, July 5th, at 11 o'clock, A. M. - The United States Mail Steamship LKEYSTONE STATE, Capt. Hardle, rwill leavo us abovo. For freight or B passage apply to C. A. GREINER, Agent. Cabin Passago 20 00 Steerage Passage 7 00 Passengers by tills ship tor Baltimore and Wash ington will be tended at New Castle, Dolawaro, if de-lrcd, from which place ears start three times daily tor tbo abovo cities, and other Southern points, Jutte27 Niagara Falls, the Lakes & Canada, SHORTEST AND CHEAPEST ROUTE. Per Steamship Keystone State, via Philadelphia FAR! ID PHILA- NIAG’BA DELP’A FALLS *80. ■''Hi 1 T, ~ M8i T tlH LINE couneels at I*lii!a(!c-lplii% with tho Croat North-Wes torn Roll toad Romo, through to Niugara Kalis aud Buffulo, lu sixteen hours from Philadelphia. Through Tickets, with tho privilege or stopping at Philadelphia, and iutcriuodiuto points, for sate by tho Agent. Fare to Niagara Falls or Buffulio $28 “ Elmira 28 “ Canaudnlgua 28 CHARLES A. GREINER, Agent, June 27 Savannah, Georgia. Apply to ^LtiACHfaUBhlrtingg in great variety, '-b 5l VWl ° Ui PriCe# ‘ ’ AlKIN hBURNS J&jg- TT'OH SALE.—A flue lot in Wesley WartL—• JL Also two on Gcrdou street, east For sate low. Foo slmplo. Apply to A. WILBUR, Gou’l Insurance Agent and Urokor, may 22 111 Bay street (itatHinavten, tot Rcglment, U. M., t ’ SAVANAAll. Juno 12, I860. J V- a By vlrtuo or order No. 2 Issuing from, flL G. P. Harrison, Brlgadler-Otneral /BBt commanding 1st Brigade, 1st Dlvislou, r Tg>iO. u„ an uloollou will be hold at the,.. Court Houso, on Saturday, tbo 6th day or July next, between tlto hours oF 0 A.M., aud 4 P.M., for Colo nel of the 1st Regiment of the 1st Brigade, 1st Divi sion G. M., to fill tho vacancy or Boburt 1). Walker, rcsiguod. The said election to be conducted under tlto usual roqulroraenta of tho law. Byordor JAMES SULUVAN, Uout. Col. Cora’d’g, 1st Regiment, G. M. W. S. lUxim, Adjutant. JeI3 %* City papors will please copy aud send In tholr bills to tho 8eorotary of tho Regiment. i JML 1 |j”V me nisUod from low. mays ... . rparftoulars enqut , Juno 18 'THIS OFFICE. ravwiiBtfF _ A commodious, airy and pleasant Houss [ In a doslrable part or the city, tor whioh a I liberal price will bo paid. Enquire at tha kofiteo ol tbs Georgian and Journal. tcFrentT UNTIL tho 1st November noxt, a com modious aud airy residence, on the north sldo or the Control Railroad Depot, known Hovers Place. The house ta newly for* im basement to attic, which can be bought YOUNG ft WYATT. C ORN—600 sacks corn, m storo and to arrlvo, for salo by WILLIAM LYNN, Juno 10 _ 87 Bay stroot. notice; T HE Intorest or Mr. Charles S. Arnold in tho firm of Padelford, Fay k Co. ceased with Ula death, on the 4th of March lust. Front tills data Mr*. Edward Padeltord, Jr., is as sociated with us under tbo somo siylo und firm. PADELFOKli, FAY k CO. Savuunab, June 16th, 1858. 12Us—-|olG Offices fur rent IN THE THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE adjoining the offico of tho subscriber. Tho basement would make, with some slight Improvomont, au excellent lawyerte-offioe. Ireland socond lloors will be let IbrOuunUug- Rooms, and tho Uitrd tor sleeping apartments. Con nected with tho establishment is an out-building of brick, suitable tor servants. Apply to 0. A. L. LAMAR, Bopt3 Corner Drayton and Bryan streets. roRim; A PLANTATION in Wayno Coun-M ty, on tlie BulTalo Swamp, contnining^E 1000 acrt»; about 200 acres cleared and in order for cultivation. On tlto promises is a plum, comfortable dwclliug, with all necessary barns und out houses. Possession given in Decem ber noxt. aud with thoifiaeo will bo sold, if dost rod, tho provision crop or present year. Also tut improved lot (2)4 acres) in the villago or Wayncavillo, and 20 ucros adjoining. Wayuosvllle is ummrpasflod tor health, and the Brunswick rail road ruauing through it, renders it easy or access. foU Into HENRY R. FORT. MONTGOMERY WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, (VIRGINIA.) These Springs will bo open for tho recep tion of visitors on the first day of Juue, jj#S ty^Trgmti NOTICE. A LL persons having claims against the estate or Georgo M. Troup, deceased, will hand thorn lu, duly attested, aud thoso indebted will pieaso moke payment to eitlior of tho undersigned. THOMAS M. FORMAN, ) Jolll DANIEL H. B. THOU1-, J ™ "• S ALT.—1000 socks Salt in storo uud for sate by WlfJJAM LYNN, Juno 14 87 Day street B AGGING, HuPE, &c.—loo bales Gunny Bug ging; 600 coils BuluRofto; 600 pounds Twlno; recolvod and for sale by JunelO HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k a). B ACON, PORK, &o—60 liluls clour and ribbed Sidos; 20 do Shoulders; 30 easks sugar-cured Hams; 60 bbls prime and mesa Pork; 30 half bids Hawes & Cote Fulton Market Beef; 6 do do Tongues; just received and for salo by , Junoltt HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO. S UGAR—15 hiids choice l'orto Rico sugar; 20 uo Crowned Muscovado and Cuba Sugar; 60 bids Durbadous Sugar; 800 Uo Stuart’s and Bultitnuro steam refined, crushed, powdered and clarified Sugar, landtag, in store aud for salo by juue 16 HOLCOMBE, JOHNaON 4c CO. /lOFFEK.—300 bags fair to choice Rio Colteo; 60 do Ltguayru Colteo; 60 mats Java Colteo; 30 bales Mocitu Colteo; landing, in store aud for sulu by Juuol5 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON 4c CO. They tiro sltuatod in Montgomery Coun- ., irgmla, ono aud a half miles from tbo Virglnlu and Tcunessuo Railroad, tlrom which tboro is a branch Railroad to tlto Springs ltesscngoro leaving Richmond or Petersburg after breakfast roach the Springs by 6 o’clock, P. M., the samo day, ail tho way by Railroad. , Tlto accommodations have boon very much ox- toudod since lost season. Tho rooms aro largo and comfortable, aud capable or accommodating 1,000 persons. Tho Lynchburg aud Abingdon Telegraph Compa ny are now building a branch of their lino to tho Springs, which will bu operation early in June. A very large ltath House lias b»cn built sinco last soasott. Address RO. H. MOSBY, President, Juno21—lm Montgomery W. & 8. Comp’y. VALUABLE t-UOPERTV FOR SALE Tho two-story briek store on Congress street, now occupied by Messrs. Einstein k Ecktnan. This is ano of tho best stands in the city tor auy kind of busiuoss. Terms will bu made accommodating. For particular* in- tinire at 142 Broughton stroot, abovo tbo storo of T. 1 j. McKcuua. tfmay!4 W ANTED TO PURCHASE—v ity or Columbus Bonds, endorsed by tho Muscogee Railroad Company. Apply to jol0—Otis PADEIJORL), KAY k CO. FLOUR IN BARRELS. J UST received a lot of Extra Family Flour, tn barrels. apr29 YOUNG & WYA TT. C hoice wines k liquors— Just recoived 20 boskets Heidslok Champagne. 0 quarter casks Sherry, Port and Madeira Wiues. 16 doz Claret Wine uud Cordials; 3 bulf pipes old Gtnrd and Sonetto Brandies; 2 pipes superior IloiUud Gin. Beaver brand; 6 bbls oiu Monnugubela Wuisky, fu glass and wood. For salo by DAVID O’CONNOR, Jell Cer. Broughton anti Druyton sta. C. 0. POOLE, No. 11, Whittaker Stroot, (two doors from Bryan,) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Sashes, Blinds, Boot’s, Paints, Oils, Var* nlshes, Window Glass, Putty, «&c. Painters’, Grainors’ aud Artists’ Brushoss ■ ^EHWhitewash Heads und Dusters, Dry ontl SL'ffP'Mixed Paints of evory description, Artists’ colors in tubes, Proimrod Canvass, ko. PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS AND FIRE BOARD PATTERNS. Rooms prepared with neatness and despatch.— House, Sign uud Ship Puluting, Gilding, Graining and Glazlug done lu the bust style and at moderate prices. All orders from tho country promptly attendod to. moll 28—ly WILMOT’S JEWELRY STORE Is receiving by every arri val u targe aud rich assort-J tetanus, DiuiuoiiU uientof Gold uud Silver Wutabos, Pins. Ear und Fluger Rings, Muntlu ami uthvtr Clucks, BjMKins, Forks, Tea Setts, Castors, 4:o., of Sterling Silver. Jewelry lu every variety, "Ivory fublo Cutlery, lino Pocket Knives and Riclt China and Parian Vases, and other urllctos. Fine Double Harrollud Gnus manufactured to his own order. Gunning Implements of all kinds. Hated Walters, Castors, Tea Setts aud Candle sticks, with a grout variety ofFancy Articles, suita ble far wedding gilts, tounamorous hero to men tion. All kiuds of Watches and Clocks repaired by tho most experienced workmen. S. WII.MOT, mayl3 No. 1 Market square. L ocomotive needles.-a new and uie- gant article which needs only to bo tried ouco iusuro the constant preferenco of tho suumstress, t°st received aud tor salo by jumuris LADSON 4; ROGERS. CORN ON~ CONSIGNMENT. Sticks Just received and tor salo. lUUU YONGE 4! FRIERSON, jol2 U4 Bay street. S YRUP ANI) MOLASSES.—60 bbls New Orleans Syrup; 60 do Molasses; lu storo uud tor Balo by June 17 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. S UGAR—10 hlnls choice Now Orleans Sugar; 20 Uo l’orto Rico do; 20 do fair Muscovado do; in storo aud for sulo by Juno 17 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON 4: CO_ R ECEIVED per steamer Knoxville—Pickled and sntokod Tongues: Fulton Market Beef, uud Pig Pork, Pig Hams und Pig Bacon. Oranges, Lemons, Apples, ami White Bcuns. Also, a fresh supply of Foxute culobratod Crack ers. For salo low by uno 7 J. A. BROWN. HURRAH I—HURRAH If " J UST ARRIVED, per schooner A. Dovoroaux, In four days from Havnua, a frnsli lot of choice Fruit, for tho Savannalt Fruit Emporium, consist ing of—100 bunches Bairnuus, 100 dozcu Pino Ap ples; 6000 Plantains, 3000 Sweet Oranges, Tom atoes, uud ouu basket Greeu Ginger. For sulu by June 14 J. A. BROWN. LaGrnnge Female College. COMMENCEMENT. OABBATH, July 6th—Sermon by Philip P. O Neely, Alubamu Conference. Monday, July 7tU—Prize exhibition of Sophomore Class—Concert at Cundte-llght. Tu -sday, July Hth—Anniversary of Hentz k Judson Society. Prizt-B awurded. Annual address by Luther M. Smith, Prof. Emory Col logo. Wednesday, July Oth—Commencement day. Ad dress by Hon. F. S. Bartow, Suvannab, Gu. fhitrsday, July loth—Anniversary of tho Alumnuo Society. Address by Hon. J. Giancy Jones, Penn sylvania. Examination of ail tho classes will take place the week procodiug commencement. W. B. T MONTGOMERY, toy 11 Supt. Faculty. I ^LOUK—130 sacks Superfine Flour, for tsata byW * WILLIAM LYNN, juno27—3t 87itey street. NEW BOOKS*. ~* rnilE Tangiotown f'aitor*, being tbo remmisceii r ^ X obiervntiouH, and opinions of Timotlious Tr 2? E-q., including a Report of tiioGroath Matnmot J Kefwrin Convention, oditod by tho author of Roco ol tho Hulibletown Parish, ko. llertltH, by Fredriku Bremer, translated by Mary IhwitL Tim Duke Marclimont, or tbo Ruined Gamester, b'ing the final eml and conclusion of btehclla Vin cent, Vivian Bertram, and Countess or LhxccIIcr, by G W M Reynolds, author of Mary Price, Eltelt Per. ty. Agnes. 4rc, 4:c. itew to ho Rich, or a Key to linnet Wealth, be ing u practical guide to farmora, professional men, mechanics, merolianta. clerks, roctory ojMjratlvcs, apprentices, ami nil hlmrors, by Ashor I. Smith, Arthur’s Homo Muguzine, for July. Economic Cottage Builder, by C P Dwyer, Archi tect. Received Tuesday, Juno 24th, by JjMMtfft WAKNUCK jtgDAVIS. DURE WATER.—If yon want the finest diink- JL iug water in thu world call uud purcimso ono of KulcleV Patent Water Filters, tho article mentioned iu Water Commissioners’Inst Report, which wo warrant to purify the Savannah River Water perfectly—an imllHitoUHublo article for pautatiou use. -KENNEDY 4t BEACH, Jan24 only Agents for their salo in Savannah. D ICKEN’S HOUSElioLD'WORUS, for Juno, ro- eulvud uud for sulu by , WARNOCK 4: DAVIS, J«“e 4 16 Congress street B utter and ciieese-26 tubs aud 10 kegs choice new Goshen Butter; 26 boxes Cheese; received por steamer uud for salo by Juno24 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON 4s CO. (jUPEltlOK Choice Gosbeu Butter and Dutch O Cheese, received per stoumor Alabama by may 28, J. u. J18SF.. L ard and herrings— 20 bbls Primo White Leal Lord; 60 boxes Primo Herrings. Landing and tor salo by may!6 SCRANTON, JOF1N8TON 4: CO. generaITnotice. II.VKR AND GOLD PLATING can now bo done at homo. Mr. CIIARLIfti KEMISII having os- wo jiimHoir pormanouUy, all work In tills lino will lm done witli dispatch. All repairing ofCustors, teaiwti, Candlesticks, Spoons. Forks, or any other article will bo done neatly beforo plating.. AU old ■over plate, hucU tut Teasctts or Urns, Forks or “iwons, will hd ro-fluishod and niado equal to now. aim at modorata prices. All work or ordoro left at n^wlll bo attended tu promptly, aw ftlyuliied. 0.11. OBIW1N. D ress TUMMiNos^-pringw, bfiarsa colored MolroAutiquo Gauze, und other styles, iu great variety, and for salo by mar 7 AIKIN k BURNS. C OTTON UMBRELLAS—A lurgu supply or wheel- top whulobone frutna Gingham umbrullaq, ail sizes, recolvod and for snlo by Juno 0 LADSON 4t ROGKR3, S UGARS—10 hhds Cltoico Porto Rico&ugars: 16 do Fair do; J6 do Fair uud 10 do Cltoico Now Orleans Sugar; just received and for salo by Juni‘24 8 1RANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. P RINTED BAREGES, Flounced Robes, A*c.; Print ed Organdies, Jaconets, hi was, and other stylos ofFancy Goods, soli lug oil’at cost, by Jtmo22 DkWITI’ k MORGAN. TO RENT. The Dwoliiug lately ocouplod by Judge Fioming, in Taylor stroot, near Drayton. Said House is threo stories on a basement, 1 with good servants’ rooms, andouthousos. session given immodiatoly. Apply to fob 28 D. L. COHEN. FOR RENT. J Possession givou immediately — TUroo Btory brick house, uew and tn good order, on Macon street, next east residence to Mrs. Jewett. pply at tills offico. a u may27 ATLANTA HOTEL. ATLANTA ■ i i ■ GEORGIA. J. J. IIESLER, Proprietor. Late, of the Verandah Hotel, iVet0 Orleans. Passengers pur Eveuing Trains will find Supper ready on the arrival of the Cars, may 14 Ht* MERCHANTS’ HOTEL, 110 A HD PKlt DAY f 1 60 BOAKDPKRWKEK 6 00 noAnn fkk mo.ntu 20 00 ,mayi3 lyr II. MILLS HOUSE, CORNER MEETING AND QUEEN-STREETS, CIIAKLKSTO.Y, 8. V. THIS Houbo is now adapted to all the wants of tbo Travelling Public, and the of- forts or the Proprietor will bo to deserve their patronage, mar 31 THOMAS S. NICKERSON. Mi Instead of going Notth como to the Stono Mountain House, and spend your summor, us everything will bo dono tor your com- fort. Conveyances will bo furnished to convey passengers to Lnwroucoville, Gainesvilio ami Clarksvillo. tW Passengers by the Georgia Railroad take sup- por at this bouse. A1.EXANDER k CLARK. F. S. Alkxander, formerly of Lawrcncoville. .1 A. Cukk. Social Ctrclo.2m—jo 2 XiXJ m- INDIAN SPRING HOTEL. The Undersigned has ugaln tbo pleasure or informing ids numorous friends, as well os tho public at largo, that ho is vot nt tho Indian Spring Hotel, and U fully prepared, with the assistance of bis sous and his own oxporience of six years at tho hotel, with tho best cooks that cun bo procured, as well os assis tance of all kiuds, to ask of all those who visit the Spriug u generous share of their patronage, intend ing to sparo no pains of himself to niuke all such as pieaso to give him a call comfortable. Tbo Indian Spring Hotel is now open, and ready to rocolve all Ihoso that will pieaso to call. Tboro will bo at For sythe Depot coaches and hacks ready to convey all suclt as wish to go over. KDW. VARNER, may23-3taw tsopl Proprietor. Savannah Republican, Morning News, and Charleston Courier will please insert tho above threo times oacit week until 1st September, aud soud their bills for payment, EDW, VARNER. ST. M A ItYS’ l I OT El7 The above uuuiod House is now open for tho reception of Boarders and Travellers, aud tho undersigned promises to spare ucitlier pains or expo two to make his pa trons comfcrtublo. His table will always bo sup plied witli tlia choicest that tlto market and tho sur rounding country affords—Frosh Fish, Oysters, Von- isou, Wild Game, &c. Tho Houso is largo uud airy, aud within a low yards of tho lauding, ou tho beau tiful river St. Marys, uud is a desirable placo tor in valids tuid others us a summer resort. Tho stage leaves tho Ilottso threo times a woek for Woodstock Mills, Ceutrovlllage, and Trador’s Hill, and tho 8a- vutmal boats touch going and coming, so that pur- sons will not bo incooreuioneed, but cau leave when they dostre. Prices will bo mado to correspond with first class country hotels. THOMAS B. JONB3. St. Marys, May 27,1860. 3m my27^ ■eml-Weekljr United ffitatee Midi Line. TTOE NEW AND SPLENDID SIDE-WHEEL A Steamship*— ifcNOXVILLE.. 1,600 ton»..C*pt. 0. D. Ludlow. AUGUSTA.... 1 600 “ ..Capt. Thomas Lyon. FLORIDA 1800 “ .. Capt. M. 8. WoodhuU. ALABAMA.... 1,800 “ ..Capt. G. R.Schenok. WILL LKAVK SAVANNAH KVKIIY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Theso ships are amoug the largest ou the coast, unsdrpassod In spood, safoty and cotntort, making thoir jmssogoe In filly to sixty hours, and aro com manded by skilltol. caroful and pollto ofilcers Having ologant state-room accommodations, they ofTer a moat doslrable conveyance to New'York. Cabin Passage to Now York $26 Steerage Passage to New York...... 8 PADELFORD, FAY k CO., Savannah. SAU’L L. UITCH1LL. 13 Broadway, ib 6 Now York. FLOtU0~A wktb; FLORIDA 8TEAMSHIP COMPANY. —U. 8. Mall Lino—From Now Or leans to Koy West.—Stoamshlps 'FLORIDA and VANDERBILT,—These fluo steamers will lu ikture make their regular soral-munthly trips, leaving os follows: New Orleans, lOtu 4:24th Koy Wost, .. 16th 4:24th Ponsacola,. ..11th4:26th Tampa 11th 4c 25th Apalachicola.Hth 4:20th Codar Koys.l2tb k 20th St Marks.... 13tb 4:27th St. Marks.. .14th 4:28th Codar Keys.. 14th 4:28th Apalauhlcola,16tb k 29th Tampa Bay ..16Ut4t 29tli Pensacola... 16th k 30th Arrlvo at Key Wost 17th 4c 1st I Now Orloans, 17th k 1st Agents In New Orleans, doc26 6m E. G. ROGER8, k CO., 72 Poydrass street. FOR JOHNSON’S LANDING, m .AND INTERMEDUTE PLACES, 3b leave on Tuesday Night, the 12M instant. ““ Tho light drafl-stoamor, WILLIAM LEBBY. Captain A. C. king, will leave regularly as above, from tho Charleston Stea tn packet Wharf. Apply to " * 11 8. M, LAFFITEAU, Agent U. Iilttall Line FOR PALATKA, FLA., Vim Darien, Brunswick, SU Marys, Go., Fernandi- na and Jacksonville, Picolala and Black Creek, Fla. “ - THE steamer WELAKA, Capt. N King, will leave for tho abovo places every Tuesday Morning, at 10 o’olk. This boat has largo and airy Stato Room accom modations, and taklug Iho Inland Passago, offers every Inducement to Invalids and others. Freight will bo taken fur Trador’s Hill and inter mediate landings ou St Mary’s Rlvor. No frolght will be taken otter 9 o’clock. . For ft-elgbt or passage apply on board at the Florida 8teampackot wharf, or to apr21 CLAOHORN 4c CUNNINGHAM. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. Ibr Falatka, East Fla., via Darien, Brunswick, St. Marys, Famandina, Jacksonville, MiddUburg, (Black Creek,) and Picolala. )q The now and olegant stoampacket __ififiliB9KST. JOHNS, Capt. James Freeborn, [ saves every outurday morning, at 10 o’clock, tor tho above places. Frolght will be taken for Trader’s Hill and inter medium landings en St Mary’s River. No freight will be taken after 9 o’clock. For freight or iiassago, having excellent state* room accommodations, apply on board, at tho Flori da Steampaoket Wharf, near the Gas Works, or to apr21_ CLAGHORN k CUNNINGHAM, Ag’ts. FOR CHARLESTON AND FLORIDA WF* la Tho fine steumpacketCAROLINA, BSHH a C*ptain Coxettor, will leavo here lor JuuKAUiivuie, Picolala and Palatko, every Tues day afternoon at 6 o’clock; roturniug, will loavo lor Charleston, every Friday morning at 9 o'clock. For frolght or passage apply on board, at Willlnk’s wharr, or to M. A. COHEN, Agent. Juue 14tb. I860—ly 49-Freights payable on tho wharf. fflSEOTOSIE m@WSEo INDIAN HPKI.NUS, tIKOHUIA. BRYAN W. COLLIER Respectfully uuuounces that the abovo House will be opened tor tho reception of guosts, on tbo 20th instant. Ho lias been fortunate iu soouriug the services of Mr, lutnes Griffin, well known to tho public os tho keoporof tho Nluoty Milo Houso on the Coutral Railroad, to ussist iu tbo su)>eriutendcnco of tbo McIntosh House during tho season. A baud of mu sic has also boon secured. Stages will bo iu readi ness at Forsyth, on tho urrival of trains, to convey passengers witli comfort and dispatch to tho houso. No pains will bu spared to maka guests as comfort able os possible, and a moro than usually brilliant season is confidently anticipated. tlA,—juno 6 SUNDRIES. 1000 Reams Wrapping paper. 100 bales Twino; 200 doz Scrubbing and Shoe Urusuus. 60 M Imported Spanish Segura; 250 boxes Tobacco, various brands; 150 sneks Rio Colfco; 76 muts Java Collec; loo doz Brooms; 50 doz Washboards; 60 Covered Boskets; 150 boxes Family Soap; 160 do Palo Soap; 75 do No. 1 Soap; 600 Gross Matches; 60 half chests Young Hysou Tea; 60 do do Oolong do: 100 boxes Caudy; 60 boxes Scaled Horrings; . 76 boxos Fresh Ground Coffee; 100 boxos imported Castllo Soup; 100 boxos Toilet Soap; 60 %, and whole boxos Raisins; Received and for sale by McMAUON k DOYLE, mayl4 205 and 20S Bay stroot. I ^RKNCJl, English uud American Calicos. Nuudlo- ; worked Collurs und Hooves, Linen Sheetings aud Pillow-case Cottons, Isidios’ Lisle Thread Hose, Black Cliullinx, Childrens’ Gauze, Merino Vests, Lico Mantillas .Irish Mucus. Indian Nankeens, Ac. For sate by UrWITT 4: MORGAN. juiie22 % M OtiA&fcHANlfttOPE^ 100 hurrels Now Orleans Molasses; 300 colls and half colls “Louisiana Manufac turing Company” Rope. Landing per brig Itaulsa Hoars from Now Orleans, and for salo by mygB HOIAJOMIIK, .I0HN80V 4: CO S ILK PAllASuLS—A new supply of inoso UeuaU- lul Silk l’uriisols liuvo Just boon received uud aro for sulo by Jillio 0 LADSON 4: ROGERS. ALL’S bL’l'FKlUK SILK UMBRELLAS-A cuso of 28, 30, 32, 24 nml 30 tuoli Silk Umbrollus, aoccivcd und fur salo by juao 0 LADSON 4: ROGERS. TT"av, X1 Wh JUI)o22 LOltN AND OATH—In storo, and tor salo wholesale or retail by LOCKETT k 8NELLIN08, B ACON—Io casks prime Hides, Just received and for sale by jane £6 9 CRANE, WELLS & CO, TO BUILDERS, 1 MIE SUBSCRIBER la prepared to execute ut tbo shortest noilco, aud iu tbo most work- mauliko mannor, all kiuds of Metal Roofiug, Gutters, Coruico, or oilier work connected witli tho manufac turing or ropuiring or Copper, Ualvonizod Iron, Zinc, or Slieet Iron Business. HORACE MORSE, octl3 160 Broughton nil LAND AGENCY—Briuisxvlck, On. EDWIN M. MOORE O FFERS biaaervices to the public in the pur* ctiiLsa aud salo or lauds in tho counrlos of Glynn, Wnyno, Camdon, Charlton, Appling, Ware, Oolfue, Clinch, Lowndos and Thomas. Particular attention givou to.loeatiug, purchasing and Helling ot lowu lots in tho town of Baunawlok. KKFKKKNCZa : Dr R Collins, Macon; Dr B M Oargllo, Bruuswlek* Tliouws H Harden, Suvanuah; Hou Jamos L Bew| ard, lliomtsvlile. ( 10RNED BEEF, PIG PUKK, kO. J Just rocoivcd 10 hslf barrels Fulton market iteruod Beef: 10 barrols and half barrels Pig Pork- Hams, Sides und Shoulders; 10 barrols extra No 1 Mackerel; l du No 2 Mackerel; 6 do Herrlngssjl drums Cod fish, and 25 barrols Smoked Herrings, In storo and tor salo by > Joll DAVID O’PONNBL ’iSbwham, ketx- FOR LIVERFOOl./—To. A1 ship JAMES l RAY will Uavo dispatch tor the above port. CABIN PABSAOB TO NSW YOBJC $25 00. FOR TU 8TATZ3 OF RO. CAROLINA, ORORQIA AND FLORIDA* PATENTED MAY 16, 1854. COPYRIGHT SECURED MARCH 1865. WHE attention of Planters and Stock Feeders X is respectfully called to tbo abovo Mill. They are now in uso by at leust 10,000 of tho most practi cal Stock Feodors throughout tho country, who aro ready to tostiiy to thoir superiority over all other Mills of a similar kind. Theso Mills aro mado the exclusive business of the patcutco, Mr. Scott, who being a practical man, superintends the costing in person, and soieots only bugIi iron as is best adapt ed to their uso, which, like oar whools, require to bo mado or motal known to be hard and strong.— They weigh from throe to flvo hundred pounds, ac cording to size, and cun bo put in operation iu twon- ty minutes without expense or mechanical aid. Tho Little Giant bos taken tho first premium at noarly all the State Fairs throughout tbo Union, und that in the most complimentary manner. They are guaranteed against breukago or derangement when used according to directions, and warrantod to give the most perfect satisfaction, or tho money rotoudod ou tbo return of tho mill. TUoyaroot' threo sizes, and will grind from eight to Alteon bushels good food per hour, according to size, with one or two horses. Wo now offer them to the trade complete, ready tor attaching the team, at reduced prices. Mr. 0. H. GAMPFIELD is our Agent in Savannah, orwliom the mill may bo bud at our prico. march 7—eodfcwly E * XTRA CANAL FLOUR.—26 barrels Extra Canal Flour. may!6 Landing uud for sale by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. S UGARS—20 bbds Barbados* sugar; 40 do New Orica us do, loir to choice; 20 do Porto Rico do: 30 do Muscovado do; 200 bbls crushed, powdered aud clarified do; for sulu by JuuqSO WEBSTER k PALMES. S ALT—8000 sacks Liverpool* Salt ;*10,000 bushels Turks’ Island do; tor salo by JUUO20 WKBaTER k PALMFS. THBGRKAT WUttTUHN INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK, A RE taking Marine BUka at their Agency, comer or Drayton and Bryan etreeu. Approved Risk* will be takon on liberal terms, and the usual credit liven on Premium Note*. Three quarters of the business will be returned to the ou- tomera In sorlp. C* At L. Lana nr, fob 10 Agent In Navannah. msusxwm: Sontbem Mutual Insurance Company, Southern Mutual Lift Ins* Company, Home Insurance Company, of N* York, Springfield Fire A Marine Ins* Com*y, Risks in the above Insurance Ootmunlcs underta ken by WM. KINO k SONS, Agents, No. 09 Bey street. Savannah, 14th Docembor, 1866. deol4 FittB, MA1UNK AND LIFE INSURANCE. NO. 11.1, BAY-STREET. CAPITAL BGPBGSBNTED, Nearly Four Million Dollar*. By the following responsible Stock Companies. Charter Oak Life Insurance Company, OP HARTFORD, OT. Equitable Fire Insurance Company, OP LONDON. Farmers* and Mechanic** Fire, Marine and Life Insurance Company, OF PHILADELPHIA. Bridgeport Fire and Marina Insurance Company, OP BRIDGEPORT, OT. 49»Tuo subscriber will offoot Insurance to any amount In all parts or tho 8tato oi every description of property. Lite insurauoo, to any amount, at the lowest rate, for the benefit or hoirs and creditors, or payable to the wito froo from tho claims of creditors. Marine Insurance on Hulls or Cargoes to all part* of tho world. Jan26 A. WILBUR. MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, NEWARK, N. J. Charter Perpetual. Nett aooumulation, Jan. 1, I860* $2,230,005 47 Total amount or dividends paid to dgto 716,492 06 Total amount of claims by death paid todato VT.. 1,830,090 84 $4,282,488 07 Benjamin C. Miller, Secretary, Joseph L. Lord, General Agent, Robert L. Patterson, President. •The funds of this Company are nil lately invested lu first class bonds and mortgagee, stocks, cash, and notes of members tolly secured by their policies. Fortorther particulars inquire of CHARLES A. FARLEY, Agent in Savannah, At tho office of Bell k Prentiss. J, B. SULUVAN, Medical Examiner. / rkfkrxnci: Messrs. Padslford, Fat k Co., I. K. Tsft, Esq., State Bank. feu 20 MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE* THE INTERNATIONAL Insurance Company. NO. 28, MERCHANT'S EXCHANGE, mw TOBK. CASH CAPITAL—$312,000 AGENT FOB 8AVANNAH, James Nit Carter, AT THE OFFICE OF MESSRS. YOUNG, WYATT d CO., No. 85, Bay Street, below the Poet Office niRCoroita: ALANSON MARSH, 8. A. ROLLO firm of A. 8. Barnes 4c Co. “ Childs, Pratt It Co. ** Livingston, Ballard k Go. “ Wm. M. Dodge k Co. <* H. A. Curtis It Co. “ Husted k Oarll. ALONZO CHILD, I. P. BALLARD, WM. M. DODGE, P.J. AVERY, H. A. CURTIS, WM. B. ROLLO, S. T. L1PPIN00TT, ISAAC NEWTON, WM. A. HUSTED, WM. H. R1VERSMITH, W. H. LYON, “ “ W. H. Lyon 4: Co. GEO. CHAPMAN, “ <• Lee, Murphy k Co. JOS. H. WESTGOTT, “ Briggs, Westoott 4i Co. JOS. FATMAN, « “ Fatrnaa k Co. STEPHEN VON MORES, GEO. SAVORY, « « Goo. Savory k Co. J. A. REQUA. ALANSON MARSH, President. CHAS. W. OGDEN, Vice ProsiponL WM. E. ROLLO, Secretary. 49- This CoraiNiny will Isbuo Policies upon Ma rino, Inland Navigation, Transportation and Fire Risks, at liberal rates or premium. Lossos promptly and liberally adjusted. JAMES M. CARTER, Agent, Oct 81 No. 86, Boy Street. THE GREAT WESTERN FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of No. 107 1 Pain id tlreet, Philadelphia, Penn. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL #500,000. FIR*, MARINE, AND WLAND^XUinUJICX. DIRECTORS: Charles C. Lalbrop, 632 Spruce street; Alexander Wbilden, Merchant, 14 North Front-st.; John 0. Hunter, Urm or Wright. Hunter * Co.; E. Tracy, firm or Trauy k Baker; John R. M’Curdy, firm of Junes, White 4: M’Curdy; Isaac Hazlchurst, Attorney and Counsellor; Jamos B. Smith, firm or James B. Smith k Co.; Theodore W. Baker, Urm or Tracy k Baker; U. S. Walton. 360 Market street; Thomas K. limerick, 634 Spruce street; John J. Baker, Goldsmith’s Hall. CHARLES C. LATHROP, President. Thos. K. Limerick, Secretary. JAMES M. CARTER, Agent, June 16 No. 86 Bay street. ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMP’Y, No. 11 Pine stmt, New York, (UKTWEKN BROADWAY AND NASSAU STREET.) Cash Capital—$150,0001 T HIS Company insuros against loss or damage by Fire, on tho most reasonable torras, dwelling houses and furniture, warehouses, stores and mor- chaudizo, factories, ships in port, eto. All losses will bo adjusted and promptly paid. D. S. MILLS, Presidout, C. BROOM, Vico President. Eow’n C. Taylor, Secretary, Gko. B. Drake, Surveyor. JAMES M. CARTER, Agent, Juue 17 tor Savanuali, 86 Bay street. G UNN? BAGGING—360 bales Buporlor Guuny Bagging tor snlo by jol—lw PADELFORD. FAY k CO. VAGABOND*!LIPET V AGABOND LIFE IN MEXICO, by Gabriel Fer ry, tor seven years a rosidout; Tho Tangiotown Lottora, Including a Roport ortho Great Mammoth Rotorin Convention, witli Illustra tions; Life uud Travels of Herodotus, In tho fifth Centu ry B. C* by J. Talboys Wliuoler, two volumes, with a mnp: Tbo Huguenot Exiles, or Timo3 of Louis XIV., an histuricul uovol; Harper’s Picturo Books for tho Nursery—I.earn- iug to Read, by Abbott: Worth ami Weulth, for morobants and men of business, by Freeman Hunt: Sydney Smith’s Wit and Wisdom, being selections from his writings: Caldoron, his Life and Writings, by R. Chenoviso Trench; Tronuh’s lteoms; Adventures ofGorurd, the Lion Killer, with plates; Homeric Ballads and Comedies or Luciau, trans lated by Wm Magiun: The Daisy Chain, by Miss Yonge, author of the Hoir of Kodclilfo; Tho Old Vicarage, by Mrs Hubboak; Creasy on the liiso und Progress of tbo English Constitution; Dwight’s introduction to tho 8tudy of Art; Harpor’s Magazine, for July. Juno 18 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. QPRING AND BUMMBRIjLOTHINGi—The O subscriber would iuvito tlio attention of all in want of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, to his stock which bos Just boon received, at tho Star Clothing Emporium, 147 Buy stroct. apr!6 WM. O. PRICE S undries, just received— 15 bags choice old Government Java and Rio 20 balf chests Black aud Green Tons, looso and iu quarter pound puckagos. 10 hhds Ugbt Muscovado Sugar; 10bbls U L 4: D Stuart’s Crushed and Clarlflod Su gars ; 10 bbls solf rising Flour; •26 bags Extra and Super lino Flour; 20bbUSoda, Butter and MupiqAfruckers; 50 boxos Rcadol’s family Soap, Starch aud Candles; 60 doz Pails and Brooms; 100 doz Scrub Brushes, aud Cotton and Maullla Clothes Lines; f 10 gross Matches: 26 boxes grouud Coffoo and Pepper; 50 boxos Mustard and Yoast Powders, Maso, Cinna mon, Nutmegs, and Cloves, and 10 cuses tablo Salt, &e., 4uj. In storo and tor salo by DAV11) O’CONNOR. Joll Oor Broughton aud Drayton sta. D oMEirnc uQUdRs- ~ **: 60 bbls EPholp’ llyo Gin, 26 bbls N. E. Kuiu, 60 <( Lul her Felton’s Rum, 26 “ Domoslio Brandy, 60 u Old P 4i H Conuoctlcut River Gin, 60 “ N. 0. Whisky. • Just received and tor salo by my23 SCRANTON, J0HN8T0N k 00. BB1B. J.Taylor A.^’.aAleroeolvedaaidfer „ „ WM. J. HUNT, Cor. Montgomery & York sts SAVANNAH, GA., D E8PECTFDLLY iuforms the Ladies and -Lli Gentlcmou of tills City that ho Is propared to servo thorn evory oveniug with Ice Cream, Cakes & Confectionery, In his owu peculiar stylo, and hoposto morlt a sbaro of publiu patronage, l Savannah, 17th April, 1860. 3m aprl7_ TO HOUSBKBBPEftS. D ANIEL CRONIN Upholster, 20 Bryan-st, would rosnoctfully auuounuo to the citizens ol savannah that Uo Is ready to make and put down Carpets. Oil Cloth, Matting, ko., at tbo shortest no ire, and off the most reasonable torms. oct3-tf ICE CREAM! NEW CONFECtToNAUV STOIUS No* 08 Bryan Street* TWO DOORS ABOVK MR. GRimx’8 JKWELRT STORE. pHE undersigned respectfully informs the La- L dies ofSavaunah in particular, and tho public guuorally, that ho has tills day opened a new Coufcc- tlunary Storo, aud will keep on hand a largo and rosli assortment, of all kiuds and discretions. Uo will at all times and hours, be ready totoruisb .turtles, with suppers. Coffee, Tea and Chocolate, at all bonri. Ornameuted Cakes, Pies, 4m. 4m., made to order. Ho bopos from lung exnerlouco to give satisfaction to all who will honor him witli thoir patronage. H. B BUZZOLA, No. 98 BryanS SILVER WARE, CUTLBIlYrScr W E havo just recoived a now stock of Silver Fpoons, Butter Knives, Salt Collars, Fish, l’io, Cake and Ico Cream Knives; also, Stool and Plated on Stool Table Cutlerv, Carvers, Ice Pitchers, Broad Knives. Plated and Parieu Butter Stands, bo- sidos a quantity of useful articles too numerous to muution. D. B. NICHOLS A CO. Juno 4 CLASS E—NEW series, To ha drawn In the City of Montgomery. Alabama, in pubUo.on THURSDAY, July 10,1860, on the HAVANA PLAN! SAMUEL SWAN, Manager. Prise* amounting to 205,000 Dollars! ! WUl ho distributed according to uie following MAGNIFICENT SCHEME 1 30,000 |Nunihere—15,000 Pritwl lprixe of . $36,000 is $86,000 1 do do 10,000 is 10,000 1 do du 6,000 U 6,000 1 do do 2,000 1s 2,000 1 do do 1,200 Is 1,200 1 do do 1,100 1s 1,100 1 do do 1,001) Is 1,000 1 do do 900 Is 900 ”1 do do 800 1s 800 1 do do 020 Is 620 10 do do 2001s 2,000 100 do do 100 is 10,000 * ‘ * > $800 4 ii 160 it 10,000 are 600 4 u 100 »• 6,000 aro 400 4 «i 80 ii 2,000 are 820 4 •i 70 •• 1,200 are 280 4 ii 50 1,100 uro 200 4 ♦i 40 it 1,000 uro 160 4 it 30 UOOare 120 4 it 28 “ 800 are 112 4 ** 22 ii 620 aro 88 40 20 ii 200 uro 800 400 n 10 ii 100 aro (000 16,600 127 ,600 16.000 prizes amounting to $205,200 The 16,000 priccsof of $8>4 ore determined by the number which draws the $36,000 prize—If tbut number should bo uu odd number, then evory odd nutubor ticket in tho Schumo will be outitied to $8)4; if an oven number, then evory even numbor ticket will be entitled to $8 tf lu addition loauy other prize which may bo drawn. , Purchasers iu buying an equal quoutity or odd and even number tickets, will bo certain of drawing nearly ono hair the cost ol' the same, with obances of obtaining oihor prizes. 4E4" Remember that evory prize is druwn, and payable lu lull without deduction. AST All prizes of $1,000 and under, paid immedi ately after tbo drawing,—other prizes at Ibe usual time of thirty days. All communications strictly conUdcutiul. The drawn numbers will bo forwarded to purchasers Immediately after the drawing. Whole Tickets, $10—Halves, $6—Quarters, $2 60. Prize Tickets cosbod or renowed iu other Tickets at oitbor offico. Ordors tor Tickets can bo addressed either to S. SWAN 4: CO., Atlanta, Ga.. Jol Or 8. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala. ■Vf EA'DsFOOT OIL. of the best quality constantly tor salo low by CHAFFER 4: CO., aay!6 0 Whitaker street. MORE PRIZES THAN BLANKS 4Eg“ 5,031 PRIZES. 00,000 Dollar*—10,000 Nambers OnlyII GRAND SPECULATION 111 FOR A SMALL INVEBJ’MENTl IMPROVEMENT ON THE IMPROVED HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY. BY AUTHORITY OF THK STATIC or UHOKUIA. JASPER COUNTY ACADEMY CLASS 0. To be drawn July tbo 16tb, 1866, at Concert Hall, Macon, Get., under the sworn superintendence of Col. Geo. M. Logan and Jas. A. Niabct, Esq. This Lottery is drawn on the pl'an of tho Royal Lottery of Havana of single numbers; this has only 10,000 numbers, aud the Havana Lottery 34,000 numbers—tho Havana 249 prizes, this 6,031 prices. Look to your interest I Now is tho time. UAP1TAL $7,600. 1 Prize of ...$ 7,600 is $ 7,600 1 “ 3,000 is 3,000 1 “ 2,000 is 2,000 3 “ 1,000 aro 8,oou * 6 “ 600 are 2,600 20 “ 100 aro 2,000 6000 “ “ 8 are 40,00e 6041 prizes amounting to $00,000 Tickets $10—Halves $6—Quarters $2.60. 49* Prizes payable without deduction. 49* Persons sending raunoy by moil need not fear its beiug lost. Orders punctually attended to. Communications confidential. Bunk notes oftouuu bunks taken at par. Druwlugs sent to all orderlug tickets. 49-Thoee wishing particular numbers should order immodiatoly. The 6,000 prizes of $8, aro determined by the drawing of tho lapital of $7,600; if iho number that draws tho Capital is au even number, those Tickets enutng 0. 2, 4. 0, 8, aro entitled to $8; U an odd uumber those Tickets ending with 1,3, 6, 7, 9, are outitied to $8. Addross JAMES F. WINTER, Manager, junel7 Macon, Ga. GEO. A. McCLESKEY, Agent, Savuuuuh. Ga. UKIME YELLOW COKN. -In Mure und lor JU sale by may7 YOUNG & WYATT B ACON AND lard—60 hhds, i.rimo Bacon bides ; 30 bbds. prime Bacon Shoulders ; 20 oois. prime Bailimoro Leaf Lard. Laudiug, aud .or snlo by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. juno 1 B ACON—76 bbds primo Umon Sides; 60 do do Shoulders; 20 casks choice canvassed Hams; iu do Tennessee du; just received aud tor sale jUH024 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON 4tJX). L iverpool salt.’—400 sack* ten to the ion, lauding from ship Ell Whituoy, and for ■ale by marl-0 PADLFORD, FAY k CO. M agazines for junk—l-utuam’s Monthly; Ballou’s Dollar Monthly; Graham’s Magazine; Ailtiur’s Homo Magazino; Gudoy’s Lady’s Book: Harpor’s Now Monthly, and Dickeu’s Household Words, recoived und for sale by WARNOCK & DAVIS, Juno 8 169 Cougressstreet. JKIME KENTUCKY HAMS.-Neatly trim- . tuod and for sale to close consigumeut. may 17 YOUNG k WYATT. B AGGING —100 bules iiouyy Gunny Bagging, re ceived and for sale by juno 4 HOl/XJMBE. JOHNSON k CO. BY BARKMAN & BULLOCH. At Private Sale. One of tbe finest hotel or boarding housa ier* ’ vanta In the Stato. # Enqulre,ot 164 Bay street June24 At Private Sale. ■ A negro woman, 22 years of age, a good plain cook aud field band Warranted sound. Title un doubted. JnnelP At Private Sale, A negro man, agod 26 years, a first rate hoatlir and house servant. Tltle^ undoubted, JslO At Private Pale. A very likely intelligont mulatto girl, aged 19 years, a first rato cook, washer and ironer.and an excellent seamstress. Warrantod sound. Title un doubted, JunelO At Private Bale. A very likely mulatto man, aged 24 years, a first rate carpenter. Warranted sound, litla undoubt* •d. JunelO At I'rivTto Bale. - A very Hkelw negro man, aged 22 years, a good field hand. Warrantod sound. Title-ufcnloubted. JunelO At Private Sale. 1700 bushels Rice, an excellent article for stock of ail kinds. Call aud examine. Price 26 cents per bushel. JunelO , Wanted. . Contra! Railroad, Planters’ Bank, and Bank of the Stato of Goorgia, Stocks, tor which a liberal prico will bo paid. JunelO To Rent! Two good stores, uudor tho bluff, at tbe foot of Whitaker stroct. June 10 Wanted to Purchase A convenient medium-sized house, In a central location—one fronting on a square would be prefer* red—tor such an ono a liberal price would be given. JunelO At Private Salo. Thirty eligible building Lots, 66 feet front by 100 to 124 iiet deep, situated on Taylor, Gordon and Guston streets. These lots aro un high giound and somo of them in tho immediate neighborhood of tbe lot selected for tho sito of tho Savannah, Albany and Guff Railroad DeiioL Terms same as city lots, viz : oue-lirth cash, tho balance bearing interest at six per cent. JunelO THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY I PBYOR’S*orNTMENT. I T is a sore and speedy cure for burns, piles, corns, felons, levor sores, ulcers, scald head, tetter worm, sore nipples, (recommended by nur- sos,) soro and cracked lip3, lresb wounds ami sores of any description. It is a most valuable remedy und cure, which cau be testified to by thousands who havo used it in many perilous of the South for tbe last low years. In no instance will the salve do any injury, or interfere with a pbysiclun’s prescrip tion. The proprietor bus numerous certificates and letters from people who huve used it themselves, end most earnestly recommend it to others as a speedy and certain remedy tor the above uamed diseases. A trial is all that is necessary tor Its own recommendation. Sold by J. B. MOORE, Savannah, Ga., and drug* gists generally. V. J. MOORE, Proprietor, may 13 LaGrunge, Ga. P. JACOBS, SEGAR AND TOBACCO STORE. No. 29, Bull street, (sign of the Big Indian.) N. B.—Keeps constantly on band Spanish, Hail Spanish, aud American Scgars, at wholesale and re- all. Also, Chewing Tobacco, Snulf, 4w. June 1 . JAMES McHENRY, Insurance Broker and Notary Public. Marino Protests Noted and Extended, Average j adjusted, Charter Parties and Average Bonds drawns Papers prepared whereby to recover losses from American or British Underwriters, and attention given to all matters connected with shipping and In surance, No. 118 Buy-street opposite the front ol the Custom nov8 PATENT ECLIPSE OLA ET IE) S3 IT A Ed BPo Every man bis own Card Printer* C l ALL AND EXAMINE CHAMBERLAIN’S ' Patent Eclipse Hand stamp, the best, cheapest uud most convenient of auy thing tor the purpose yet offered tor sulo. ALFRED WEBSTER, Gen. Agt. apr8 ly 136 Congress St. HUNT’S UPiUVKD SEWING MACHINES. ■pv EslUNED Expressly for muking Bugs—and SJ which is decidedly superior to auy oiher macliiuo for that purpose. Spool or skeiu thread can he used of uuy desired length, and which will uot need to bo changed until tue whole Is used. Bag mnnaufucturcrs, uraiu'uud Flour merchants are paiticulurly invited to call and oxauiine it at 136 Con gross street. May26. ALFRED WKBSTER,Gen. Agt. HUNT At WEBSTER’S. IMPROVED SHUTTLE tiEWiNO MACHINE. *V \ES1GNKD lor Families, plantations, Dress ma* JL/kurs, Tailors, Boot k thue manufacturers and oUicrs who may wish to do their own sowing cheap ly aud witli expedition. Ibis machine sews a uni form stitch with both sides alike, and which will not ravel. It is moro simple, Is lees liable to get out of order, aud costs less iu proportion than auy other machine, und is wurruuted to be perfect, and to work well. All apparatus necessary for convenient use la furnished witli it, und auy instruction will be given that will be necessary to ensure to tho purchaser its successful operutiou and durability. Tbo publio are respectfully tuviled to call and ex* amine them at 136 Congress st. ALFRED WEBSTER. Gen. Agt. 49" A very uout aud oruumenta! Iron Table winnow be given with a muchino for a small sum in additlou to the regular prico. May 25. HOWES COTTON HARVESTER. PATENTED DEC., 4, 1865. T HIS improvement enables ono field hand to pick as much cotton os five can pick by the old method aud having tho cotton free from trash, and in better condition for ginning. Tho above tnuebines arc for salo at 136 Congress street Suvuunuh, and 126 Meeting street, Cbsrlss* ton, S. C. Ail orders from abroad will receive prompt attcution. Planters, Factors, Cottou Brokora. and all interested aro respectfully invited to call aud examine them. County Rights can be bought on favorable terms. May, 26. ALFRED WEBSTER. /“lORN.—lu.OOu bushels Tcnuessce Corn in store V-hu MACHINERY AND IRON RAILING MANUFACTORY AND AGENCY. ST. JULIAN STREET, SAVAANNAH, GA. (Near tho Market.) XjiROM the most complete facilities in his own AJ establishment, and through his conuoctions witbsoveral of thu priudpul tnanufacturng estab lishments of Philadelphia, Now York, aid Boston, tbo Uudcrslgnud is prepared to furnlush MACHIN ERY. PURTABI.E STEAM ENGINES, PORTABLE SAW, GRIST AND FI .OUR MILLS, CAST AND WROUGHT IRON RAILING, STATUETTES, STORK FRONTS. Columns, Window Sills and Llntils, Irou Doors, Shutters, &e., at Northcmpricci. Hu is uiso propared to repair Machinery und irou work of every description, at short uolico, upon reasonable terms. As agent tor BAIRD’S PHILADELPHIA MARBLE WORKS, ho is also prepared to exhibit a great varie ty of designs tor MON'UMENIS, TOMB STONES, 4c. Also Iron Railing iu great variety, for enclosures, and to receive orders, and put up tho work at man- tacturcrs’ prices. H. H. L1NY1LLK. Savannah, April 11.1866. aprll B read, matches m lemon syrup— 50 bbls Sugar, Soda, aud Butter Buiscuit; 26 boxes do do do do. 160 gross Mutcbos, round boxes. 76 boxes Lemon Syrup. Received and tor salo by McMAHoN k DOYLE, jell Nos. 206 k 207 Buy street. _^aud for salo low by Jc2—tf YOUNG k WYATT. F i i 20 BBLS of Mercer mtd early Juue Potatoes by recoiovcd per steamer Augusta, und lor sale maylO J. D. JESSE. F ulton market beef—io Half bbia Fulton Market Beef, and 10 do do Pork. Just received byi may20 J. D. JESSE, BARGAINS I N RICH DRESS GOODS AND MANTILLAS—bal- anco of rich flouncod Organdies. Bareges, Crape du Paris and Tissues, at cost to close them out; also rich Laco .Mantillas, at reduced prices, tor sale b. Juno 4 DsWlTf k MORGAN y 4)A Bbls. superior Old Monongehela Whiskey, me \J recoived, aud tor salo by my 14 J. M. EYRE, 04 Bay stroot, J sale by Joll McUAHON k DOYLE, Nos. 206 4t .gQ7 Bay street. C OFFEE—76 bogs Rio Coflbe, lu storo'ahd for salo low to close consignment. ,,uno2» CRANE, WKLUJ * UO. WANTED. 4 Consignee tor 10 tubs or Butter, marked J. F. k D., lauded per steamship Knoxville from New __ l. [JoO] PADELFORD, FAY k 00. TRANSPARENT WINDOWS HADES, CARPET WARE-HOUSE, 140 OOXORBM AND 67 OT. JUUkN-OTiiBn*. K [E Subscriber has received, and will open fills day, tbe largost and most oxtensivo variety N1X)W SHADES ever offered in this city. Ills Uio lutoution of tbe advortlsor to keep constantly in store a largo supply of all the various patterns and stylos manufactured by tho manufacturers or this country and or Franco, to which tbe attention of mer chants and familios in the eity aud country, is In vited. They will bu sold at wholesale and retail, at tatisfactory prices. W H. GUION, Agent. Jan B S UGARS.—60 barrels Stuarts A and B Clarified Sugar; 60 do Crasbod and Powdered do. land- tag and for sale by tnayl6 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON Ik CO. MOLASSES, loading from schooner daoa/ Abby Francis, andforsato by r LOOKER Jl SNKUJNOS. rpHE ATTENTION of strangers visiting the X city and tbo public gonerally, is Invited to an examination of our stock or Spriug aud Summei Goods, which for variety and style is not to be ex celled in tills city. apr28 AIKIN 4: BURNS. CASKS Bacon, Hams, 8ides and Should 4 1/ dors, just received and for salo by aprll CRANE. WR1.IR k CO. F storo and tor sale by juno20 WEBSTER k PALMES. NOTICE. A LL persons having oluims against the late bus! noss of Josoph M. Turner, Agent, will pieaso prueont them at ouco tor settlement nt thu storo of Messrs. King & Waring; ami ihoso ludibted to make immediate pmneut. us it is requisite to cioso the said business. JOSEPH M. TURNER. Judo 28—3t* SUNDRIES. 300 bags choice Rio Coffee, 160 do fair to primo Rio Coffoo, U)0 boxes Old Gov. Java Coffee, 200 hhds Muscovado Molasses, 16u bbls. clieico Now Orleans Syrup. 60 hhds. Now Orleans Muscovado, and Porto Rico Sugar. 800 bbls. refined A. B. 4c C. Sugar. 60 bbls. Crush and Powdered Sugar. 100 bbls. Lebanon. Buporfluo aud Extra Flour 160 boxes Starch. Adamantine fcSporm Caudles. 140 boxes No. 1 Pale, and Family Soap. 200 halos Heavy Gunny Bagging. 26 hhds. Bacon Bidos aud Shoulders. 76 bbls. Mess and Ifrlme Pork, 100 boxos Tobacco, various brands. 100 boxos Block and Uroon Tea. 600 bags Drop aud Buck Shot. 60 kogs aud balf kegs “Hazards” Powder, together with atoll assortment or all other artioles in tho Oratory Uno, (excopt liquors.) In store, and tor sole on accommodating terms, by June 28 RODGERS, NORRI0 ft* 00. _ lbs Bacon, lu afore and for sale by Je2—tf YOUNG 4: WYATT. Vi AI.TIM ORE FMilHl—101) bbls superfine Baltl- JDiuoro Flour landing per sebr Woodbridge, and tor sale by jel SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. K ELI NED AND CLARIFIED SUGAKS— 60 bbls Stuart’s A Crashed Sugar. 26 do do Powdered do 60 do do A Clarified do 60 do do B do do 60 do do C do do Just received aud for salo by Jol SCRANTON, JOHNSTON & CO. M " ONONGAHKLA WHISKY— 25bba Old Monongahola Whisky. 60 “ Doublo Distilled “ Just received aud for salo by my23 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. E * OCKLAND LfME.—i>oOGir¥ocklund Lime dully expected por brig E. W. AUGER. For salo, to arrive, by may28 x BRIGHAM, KELLY 4: 00. M ARSHALL 4: SON’S Celebrated Pig HantB, Pig Shoulders, and Pig Bacon. Also some new Smoked Tongues aud Fresh Smoked Beef. Recoived pur Alubama, by muy28 J. D. JESSE. "''LANDLORD and~tknaNt; T HE I*aw of Landlord and Tenant. By J* Smith, with Notes of American cases by P. p, Morris. Bauvior’s Law Dictionary, Inst edition. Bauvler’s Institutes American Luw. Neligau’8 Atlas of Cutaneous Diseases, with color ed plates, 4to. Brown on somo Diseases or Women admitting of burglcal Treatment. Flint on Diseases of the Respiratory Organs. Budd on Diseases of tho Stomach. Sketches and Adventures in Madeira, Portugal and Sputn. Italian Sights and Principles. By Jarvis, with engravings. Physiology and Calisthenics. By Catherine E. Beecher. Railway and Steamship Guido, with maps. Ireland iu ’98 and ’48; its Revolutionary History. By J. Savage. National System of Political Economy. From the German, or List. aprlO W. THORNE WILLIAMS. H ARPER FOR JULY.—Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, for July, received and ibr sale by WARNOCK 4: DAVIS, Junel8 169 Congress street. F OR JULY—Graham’s Illustrated Monthly Mag azine, aud Buliou’s Dollar Monthly: Block- wood’s KdiLburgh Magazine, tor May. *(*o, Mas sey’s Exhibition Reciter aud Drawing Room Enter- tetumontB, beiug choice selection* In prose and verso, together wilt) an unique collection of petite corned I os, d ramus and farces, adapted tor the use of schools aud families. For sale by JuuelB WABNuCK 4 DAVIS. S UGAR, ko.—76 bbls and 10 hhds A, B and C Sugars; 16 hhds Molasses; 26 do Bacon Side* aud Shoulders; recolvod and tor sale by MCMAHON k fcOYLD, iunolO 206 and 207 Bay street "pVRESS GOODS.—A largo and Uuu assortment of colored Dress Silks, Bareges, Tissues, French Cambrics. French Muslins, Brilliants and Prints, as well as a large assortment or White Goods, Striped Plaid and Plain Swiss, Organdies, Tarloton, Book, Nansook, Cambric and Jaconet Muslin, for sale by Juno 20 AIKIN ts BURNS. C ANDLES—200 boxes Star Candles, Just received and tor sale by —Holcombe, Johnson ft uo*