Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, July 09, 1856, Image 1

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vol. xxxvrn =r [OLD SERIES.] SAVANNAH, (GA.) WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 1866. NO; 12018. (MGliN & JOIMIL Dour. Trl-W.ekly Mid Weekly. Offioia 1 Paper of the City and County. R. B. HILTON & CO. PROPRIETORS AND FUBMBHRRS. B. B; HILTON, - - - Sdltor. I* P. HAMILTON, . . AuliUnt Editor. WEDNESDAY, Two O’clock, P, M. American State Convention of Georgia. Macon, July 9.—The Convention met yester day. There were sixty-five Counties represent ed and the number of Delegates were two hundred and sixty-eight. The following is the Electoral Ticket: r Fbr the State at Large. Wm. H. Crawford, Benjamin H. Hill. .District Elector*. For the 1st, Wm. Low; " « 2d, Wm.'tf. Brown; '* “ Sd, Washington Poe; “ 44 4th, Edward. Y. Hill; " “ 6th, Geo. W. Cordon; 41 “ Cth, Cincinnatus Peeples; •• ,* 7th, Eli Baxter; w w 8th, A. R. Wright; The Editor of the Journal anti Messengei' in forwarding the foregoing dispatch adds: "All right—great enthusiasm and liarmouy— "declaration of principles adopted.” American Convention. Macon, Tuesday Evening,) July 8,185H. S The American Convention assembled in this city today,and was organized by the election of Dr. Miller, of Floyd, as President. The attendance is very large, there being over two hundred and fifty delegates, representing from seventy-live to eighty counties. The ut most enthusiasm prevails. A committee was appointed to report busl-* ness, after which the Convention adjo urned tin til 10 o’clock to-morrow morning. Speeches ore being delivered to-night by Messrs. Bartow, of your city, Dr. Miller, and Hit] of Troup.—Republican of thi* morning. The Macon Messenger gives the following as the list of officers: President—- Dr. H. V. Miller, of Floyd. Vice Presidents.—1st District, J. N. Lewis, of Chatham; 2d, T. B. Howard, of Muscogee; 3d, Thomas Battle, of Monroe; 4th, E. Y. Hill, of Troup; 5th, J.J. Word, of Cass; Cth, W. ,J. Peeples, of Gwinnett; 7th, J. W. A. Sanford, of Baldwin; 8th, Wm. Gibson, of Richmond. Messrs.George Jones, L.F. W. Andrews, and A. P. Burr, were appointed Secretaries. Steamer Knoxville,—By a despatch to the agents we learn that the Knoxville which sail* «d for New York last Saturday morning^rrived at 9 o’clock Monday eveuiug. Wjajs A despatch to the agcntln tills city, Mr. C, A. Greiner, states that the steamship Keystone Slate, hence lor Philadelphia on Saturday last, arrived at 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon. “American Document*.” Having been applied to for Mr. Fillmore’s Utter of acceptance, we publish it—also the platform of the Convention which nominated him; and likewise a speech made by him, a few days since, announcing his opposition to the Kansas-Neliraska act. These, with several other documents of permanent interest, will be embodied iu our next weekly issue. Young Men’s Christian Association.—The regular monthly meeting of the Young Men's Christian Association of Savannah will be held this evening at 8$ o’clock, at the Association’s room In Sorrell’s building, corner Bull and Bay streets. Alternate Elector.—The Alternate Elect or of the First Congressional District is Hon, W.M. Nichols. Mr. Nichols was Senator from the county of Clinch iu the last Legislature of Georgia. On n Strike. The Savannah Dailies, wc notice, have Taised the price of their daily issues to $0,00 per annum, and their tri-weeklies to $4,00. This makes the Columbus Sun the chea daily paper in the South. While it is true we do not publish quite so much matter as our Savaunah cotemporaries, the difference is alight, and we have ample room in which to lay before our readers, the cream of the News. The Columbus Sun under estimates the value, M Rot the cost of its rays, in consenting to shine, daily, for five dollars per annum. A dollar or two more or less, for a newspaper, is knotting to each Individual subscriber; while to the proprietor, the aggregate may constitute all the difference between living and starving. At the present cost of the paper and at the current rates of printers’ wages, we believe no dady, containing the amount of reading matter inserted in the journals of this city, should lie issued for leas that seven or eight dollars. Charleston Dailies, containing very little more matter than ours, cost ten dollars; those of Mo bile, containing even less, cost ten. Why Geor gia editors and publishers should work for half price we can’t understand. !(' they do so it their own folly—not the requirement of their •uhscribers. Black lteimbllcmntttm In the Pulpit The Hector whose Black Republican harangue from the pulpit of the Church of the Epiphany, in Philadelphia, caused such a sensation in his congregation Sunday tofore last, is not Dr. Tyng, but bis son. The vestry of the Church, on the ensuing day, showed their sense, as re gards tlie exhibition, by unanimously adopting the following resolutions. Resolved, That tho members of tho Vestry nave learned with deep and sincere regret that tha Rector of this Church lias deemed it his ^ select the Lord’s day, and tho pulpit of this Church, ns the time ami place for tho dis cussion of sectional politics, ami while desiring ? ? n, l ex i‘ reiw nothing iuconsisteu - with the highest respect for a gentleman hold ing so sacred and iraportautan office, they feel it a solemn obligation to declare their disappro bation of the substitution of such themes for the simple preaching of Jesus Christ and Him crucified ns tho hope of a mined world. Resolved, That we most respectfully but firm ly protest against any repetition of such like sermons as that preached on the evening of Sunday, the 29th instant. Resolved, That tho Secretary be requested to communicate to tho Rector a copy of the foregoing resolutions. The prostitution of tho Episcopal pulpit to political and treasonable purposes, is, we be lieve, a novelty. Only a few weeks since a colored clergyman of that denomination, in one ofllie Northern cities, refused to read a notice oi'anatolition meeting. The Rev. Dudley Tyng would do well to learn a lemon from the action of his sable brother. Philadelphia Know Nothing Platform Adopted Feb. Nit 1856. 1. An humble acknowledgement to the Su preme Being who rules tho universe for His protecting care, vouchsafed- to our fathers In their aucceasM revolutionary straggle, and hitherto manifested to us, tholr des cendants, in tho preservation of the liber ties, the independence, and the union of the States. 2. The perpetuation of the Federal Union as the palladium of our civil and leligious liberties, and the only sure bulwark of "American, inde pendence.’' 3. Americans must rule Amtricu; [and to this end notice born citlzeus should be selected lor all Stute, federal and municipal offices or gov ernment employment, in preference to naturali zed citizens nevertheless. 4. Demons born of American parents resid ing temporarily abroad, should be entitled to all tbe rights of native born citizens; but 5. No person should be selected for political station, (whether of native or foreign birth) who recognizes any allegiance or obligation of any description to any foreign prince,potentate dr power, or who refuses to recognize the Fed eral and State constitutions (each withiu its sphere) as paramount to all other laws, as rules of political actiou. b. The unqualified recognition and mainten ance of tlie reserved rights of tho several Stutus, and tlie cultivation of the harmony and fra ternal good will between the oitizeus of the several States, and to this end, non-iuterferciice by Cougrcss witli questions appertaining solely to tlie individual States, and non-intervention by each State with the affairs of uuother State. 7. Tho recognition of the right of tho native- born and uuturali/.cd citizens of the United States, permanently residing in any territory thereof, to frame their constitutions and laws aud to reguluto their domestic and social af fairs iu their own mode, sulject only to the provisions of the Federal Constitution, with the right of admission into tlie Union whonever they have tlie requisite population for one Representative in Congress; provided always, that uono but those who are citizens of the United States, under the constitutions uudlaws thereof, and who liuvo a fixed residence in any such territory, ought to participate in tlie for mation of the constitution, or iu the cuaetment of laws for said Territory or State. 8. All enforcement of the principle that no State ot Territory can jidniit others than native bom citizens to the right of suffrage, or of holding political office, unless such persons shall iiave been naturalized according to the laws of tlie United States. 9. A change iu tlie laws of naturalization, making a continued residence of twenty-one years, of all not heretofore provided for, an in dispensable requsite lor citizenship hereafter, nua excluding nil paupers, and persons convict ed of crime, from landing upon our shores; but no interference with tlie vested rights of foreign ers. 10. Opposition to any union bet ween Church and State; no interference with religious faith or worship, and no test oaths for office, except those indicated in the 5th sectiou of tills plat form. 11. Free and thorough investigation into any aud all alleged abuses of public functionaries, and a strict ecouomy iu public expenditures. 12. Tlie maintenance and enforcement of all laws until said laws shall lie repealed, or shall be declared null and void by competent judicial authority. 13. Opposition to the reckless and unwise policy of the present administration iu the general management of our national affairs, and more especially as shown in removing “ Americans” (by designation) and conserva tives in principle, from office, and placing foreigners uml ultmists in their places; os shown in o truckling subserviency to tlie stronger; and an insolent aud cowardly brava do towards the weaker [lowers; as shown iu reopening sectional ugitation, by tbe repeal of tlie Missouri Compromise ; as shown in grant ing to unnaturalized foreigners the right to suff rage iu Kansas aud Nebraska; as shown in its vuciiating course on the Kansas and Nebraska iiiestion ; as shown iu the removal of Judge Jroiison from the Collcctorship of New York upon false and untenable grounds; as shown in the corruptions which pervade some of the departments of the government; ns shown in disgracing meritorious naval officers through u-ejudice or caprice; mid as shown in tlie ilundcring mismanagement of our foreign re lations . 14. Therefore, to remedy existing evils, aud prevent the disastrous consequences otherwise resulting therefrom, we would build up the "American’’ party upon the principles herelnto- fore stated, eschewing nil sectional questions, and uniting those purely national, aud admit ting into said party all Amerieun citizens, (re ferred to In the third, fourth and fifth sections) who openly avow the principles uml opinions heretofore expressed, und who will subscribe their names to this platform. Provided, never theless, that a majority of those mcmlicrs pres ent at any meeting ot a local council where nil uppUcunt applies for memliersldp in tho Amer ican party, may, for any reason by them deem ed sufficient, deny admission to such appli cant. 15. A free und open discussion of all political principles embraced in our platform. Vice President exclusively from the Northern States, with the avowed intention of electing them to govern the South as well as the North. —By what rule li a President, thus elected, to select his Oablnit Council, his foreign ministers, Judges and admlnstrative officers? Are they also to be aeleoted exclusively from the North. ‘ 1 Cabinet officer from the eiumot a Prusidnt or Vice practice, as I have said on another occasion, must become embarnkpiug questions.— The north Is,beyond all queatiou,the most populous, the most wealthy, and lias the most votes, and therefore has the power to iullict this injustice upon tho South. But we can best judge of Its consequences by reversing the scene. Suppose thut the South was the moat populous, the most wealthy, and possessed the greatest number of electoral votes, and it should declare that for. some fancied or real injustice done at the North, it would elect none hut a President and Vice President of slave holders from the South, to rule over the North, do you think, fellow-oitizcuH, you would sub mlt to this injustice ? (" No, no.”)—No, truly, you would not; but one universal cry of " No” would rend tlie skies. And cuu you suppose your Southern brotheru less sensitive than your selves, or less jealous of their rights? If you do, let me say you aro mistaken; aud that you therefore must perceive that the success of such a party, with such an object, must be the dis solution of this glorious Union. 1 am unwilling to believe that those who ure engaged in this cun foresee the consequences of tueir owu acts. Why should not tho golden rule, which our Saviour has prescribed for iutrrcourse with each other,be applied to the intercourse between these fraternal States ? Let us do uuto them that wo would they should do uuto us iu like cireumstauccs. They arc our brethren, they are oiu* friends, and we are all embarked lu the same ship; and if site founders in consequence of the mismanagement of tho crow, we must all go down together; this Unioninust be torn ustlnder; this beautiful fabric, reared by the hands of our ancestors, must lie scattered iu pieces, aud the people, In tlie language of the eloquent address of your chainnnn, be convert ed into a nation of fslimaelites. 1 cunuot con template such a scene without horror, and I turn from it with loathing and disgust. I four that your chairman anticipates too much when he supposes It would be in my power, if elected to the Presidency, to restore harmony to the country. All I can say is, that in such an event I should be willing to make every sacrifice, per sonal and political, to attain so desirable an ob ject. But 1 can never consent to be the Presi dent of a portion of this nation as against the other. I can give no pledge for the future that is not found iu my post conduct. If you wish a chief magistrate to administer the constitution and laws impartially aud iu every part of the Union, giving to every Htate and every Terri tory and every citizen his Just duo, without fear or favor, then you may cast your votes for me. 1 repeat here, what Ihavo said elsowhere, that if there bo those at the North who want a Prosiduut to rule the South—if there be those at the South, who waut a President to rule the North. 1 do not want their votes. cau never represeut them I stand up on the broad platform of tbe Constitution and the laws. If l should be called upon to administer the government, tlie Constitution and laws of the country shall be executed, at every haz ard and at every cost. Tub American Organ in Boston.—Boston, July 2.—The Dally Bee, the Boston organ, heretofore of the Fillmore wing of the Ameri can party, will to-morrow head its columns with the names of fXsmont and Johnson—ig noring Fillmore and'Donelson. A letter dated Havana, 25th ult., state that despatches of an iui]Hirtant character hud been forwarded to tho licet at Vera Cruz. It was generally thought in Havana that if Cranoufort did not pay the cash a tomluudmeiit would lie Immediately commenced. They have a man in Mississippi so lean that j makes no shadow at all. A rattlesnake struck at his leg six times in vain, and retired in dis gust. lie makes all hungry who looks at him; aud wheu children meet liltu iu the street, they run home cryiugfor bread. Too Small.—A little pigmy of a man inquir ed of u buxom lass if she would consent to trot through life with him in double harness. She surveyed his immense proportions a moment, and laughing said, 4 1 cannot think of it. The fact is, Johnny, you’re a little too big to put iu the cradle, aud a little too small to put iu “ bed. I On Monday afternoon, says the Philadelphia North American, uu nnkuown white man, while bathing alone in tho Schuykill near. Laurel Hill, wus drowned. -The fatal accident was first discovered by finding his clothes upon the shore. Strang, the Morranu prophet in Michigan, who was lately shot and wound ed, is still alive aud recovering. , Tlie report that the don. Frank Granger, of New York, had come out for Fremout is con. tradicted. . E. T. Mapp announces himself as a candidate for Congres, in|tho Accomac (Vo.) district. He iu favor of Mr. Fillmore. It is stated that Rev. Jeremiah Pasterfield, of the Philadelphia Conference of the M. E. Church, was drowned at Lewis, Del., a few days ago, whilst passing from the wliurf to tlie steamboat. ‘Well, Tom, where sliall we go to church to day?” "Don’t know. Dick—suppose we go to hear Ward Beecher.” "What, on Sunday!” A small handful of salt given to-cows twice week seems to act as a preventive against many of the diseases incident to neat cattle Explosion and Loss of Life on the Roan- oxe Valley Railroad Near Clarksville. —By tlie correspondence of the South-Side Democrat, ail particulars were giveu relative to tho abovo sad occurrence which took place ou Sunday 29th ult. From the Clarksville To bacco Plant we learn in addition, that tlie truin widen was veiy full had just crossed Beaver Pond bridgo when the toiler buwt causing a sad loss of life and other damages to tiieamouut of about $5,000 to the cars, Abo. : Mr. Rudd, the engiucer, wus thrown violent ly upward and backward through tlie air und tell near tlie middle of the gorge opened be- side the bridge and died immediately. Mrs. Rudd, the youug wife of tlie unfortunate engineer, was on tbe cars, aud wiien the dead body was found, rent tlie air with piteous shrieks. A fireman, a free colored man named Cole man Harris, was also killed by the scalding. A small colored boy, twelve years or age named Henry, slave to u widow lady living near Henderson N.C., was thrown almost directly forward, a distance of 100 yards or more, and fell on the side of the high embankment aud was fearfully mutilated. The glass in the froutof the coach was shiv ered aud driven violently in, wounding quite severely about tbe face Messrs W. It. Self and J. W. Geogliegan. The engine weighing many thousand pounds (14£ toils,) yet the steam from u few gallous oi water, by a sudden gust of its power, lifted It from the grouud aud threw it a distance of 90 ■•aids;'no oxe can form a conception of it, lowcver, without witnessing the sccue of the accidcut. Vkb.okt Statu Nominationh—White lUvcr Junction, Vt., July ltd—A RcmibHctui Mnw ^[invention held hero to-day nominated Kylum! fCehwrw Governor. Jan. W. Slade for went. Governor Henry M. Sit ten for Trewtrcr. ir 1 , nro tho ramo nominations mado by we American Convention. Bradley, of Westminister, and Law- rence Bndnard, «f St. Albina, were chosen “* l*rge. A State Executive Commit. •udr4prSnt 1 ^d“^! U ' iOn “‘ ld0I,,eJ Mr. Fillmore’s Speech at Rochester. Alter returning his thanks for the mauner in which he had toen received and tor tlie natter ing terms iu which tlie Chairman had been pleased to speak of hiB administration, Mr. Fill more said that he had no reason to disguise bis sentiments on tbe subject of tlie repeal of tlie Missouri Compromise, which seemeu to be the chief source of tbe unfortunate agitation that now disturbed the peace of the country. He said that it would be recollected tlmt when be came into the administration the country was agitated from centre to circumference with tlie exciting subject of slavery. Tills question wus then forced upon tlie couutry by the acquisition of new territory; aud he feared that tlie eloquent address of the Chairman lmd given him more credit for the setttlement of that question than he was entitled to—not more, however, than ho would liuve deserved had his power eqtiulled his desires. But the truth, was, that many noble patriots—Whigs and Democrats—in both Houses of Congress, rallied around and sustained ttie administration in this trying time, und to them wus chiefly due the merit of settling this exciting controversy. Those measures, usually called tho Compromise Measures of 1850, were not in all reBpects wluit I could have desired but they were tho best that could be obtaiuei after a protracted discussion that shook the re public to its very foundation, and I felt bound to give them my official approval. Not only this, but perceiving there was u disposition to renew the ogitution ut the next sesuiou, I took the responsibility of declaring. In sulistance, iu my aunual message, that I regarded these measures os a "final settlement of this question, and that the laws thus passed ought to be main tained, until time uud experience should de monstrate the necessity of modification or re peal.” I then thought that this exciliug sub ject was at an end, and that there would be no further occasion to introduce it into the legis lation of Cougress. Territorial governments had been provided for all tlie territory except that covered by the Missouri compromise, and I had no suspicion that that wasto bo disturbed. I have no hesitation in saytugwhat most of you know ulready, that J was decidedly opposed to the disturbance of that compromise. Good faith, as well as the peace of the country, seem ed to require thut a compromise which had stood for more Ilian thirty years should not 1ms wantonly disturbed. Thcso were my seutiments then, fully and freely expressed, verbally and in writing, to all my friends, North and couth, who solicited my opinion. This repeal seems to have been a Pandora’s box, out of which have issued oil the political evils that now of- ffict tlie country, scarcely leaving a hope be hind, and niuuy, I perceive, ure ready to at tribute ull these to our Southern brethren. But is this just ? (No, no.) It must bo tome iu mind that this measure originated with a Nor thern Senator, and was sustained und sanction ed by a Northern President. I do not recollect that ever a petition from a Southern State so licited this repeal; and how could Southern members of Congress refuse a boon thus offer ed by the North to tho South? It could onh to done by sacrificing themselvos upon the at tar of their country for their coimtry’H good and this is certainly expecting too much from political men in thnos like these. Tho blame, therefore It appears to mo, with ull due deference, Is chiefly chargeable to those who originated tills meusure; and however we may deplore the act, It aUbrds no just ground for controversy with our Southern brethren— certainly none by which thoy should to deprlv- J -**.--*—cal rights. But, wo now see _ed in too North, and for the first its candidates for President and a party on Ume select Savannah Market, July O. COTTON,—No transactions to report this fore noon. Exports* LIVERPOOL.—l’er ship Elizabeth—837 bales Up- laud aud 479 bales Sea talaud Cotton, 888,433 feet PP Timber. ATIANTA, July 3.—Cotton—9 to »>$o. very light. Bacon—Hog round lOalOtfc, dear sides 1 rlbbod lOall, hams lOJ^all#, shoulders 0, jnles Co per lb. Good stock In market mid demand fair. CHARLESTON, July 7.—Cotton.—The transac tions to-day reaohod upwards of 800 bales, at a full range of prices. The sales comprise 4 bale at 10>L 20 at 10)4,14 at 10£. 8 ut 11,37 at 11&, and 720 at lljio. Tho bulk of the transactions were mado for Spanish accoount. A Georgia Wedding. The preacher was prevented from taking his part in the ceremony, and a newly created jus tice of the Peace, who chanced to be present, was called upon to officiate in his place. The good mau’a kaees began to tremble, for he had never Red the knot, and did not know where to togin. He had no "Georgia Justice,” or any other took from which to rcud tbe marriage service. The company was arranged in a demi- circle, each one bearing a tallow candle. He though over everything he had ever lerrtied even to— “Thirty days hath September, April, June und November.” but all in vain, he could recollect nothing thut suited the occasion. A suppressed titter all over tbe room admonished him and in an agony of desperation he began— "Know all men by these presents, that I—” here he paused and looked up to tho eeiliuj while a voice in tho corner of the room was heart to say— "lie is drawing a deed for a tract of laud,” and they all laughed. "In the name of God, amen!” he began again, only to hear another in a loud whisper say : "He is making bis will; I thought he couldu’t live long, he, looks bo powerfully •bad.” "Now I lay me dowu to sleep, I pray was tlie next essay, whenfsome erudite gentle man remarked— "He is not dead, but sleepeth.” "Oil, yes I” continued the Squire. A voico replied : "Oh no, oh no ! don’t lot’s." Some person out of doors sung out, "Come in to Court!” and the Inughterwas general. The bride wus near fainting—the Squire was uot iar from it; but being uu indefatigable man, lie began again: "To all and singular, the sher ” "tot’s run, he's going to levy on us,” saldtwo or three at ouce. Here a gleam of light flashed across the Squire's face ; he ordered bride and groom to hold up their bunds, and iu a solemn voice said: "You and each of you do solemnly swear, in tlie presence of tho present company, that you will perform towards each other all and singu lar the functions of husband and wife, as tlie case may to, to the best of your knowledge and ability, so helpyou God.” "Good as wheat v* exclaimed the father of the bride. Touun.—The Boston Bee, a puper notorious for its voracity, says thut a muu up in New Hampshire went out a gunning ono day this spring—ho saw a flock of pigoonB Bitting on limb of au old pine, so lie dropped a ball into bis giui aud fired, The ball split the limb, which closed up and caught the toes of all, the birds in it. Ho saw that he bad got them all so he fustened two balls together with wire and fired, cut the limb otf, whicli fell into the river; he then waded in aud brought it ashore. On count ing them there were over three hundrd pigeons, and iu bis Imota worn two barrels of shad. At Portsmouth. N. H., on Saturday last, „ flue shin called tho Juntos Buchanan, in honor of tiio democratic nominee, was luuuched from the ship-yard of Samuel Badger, Esq. Large Haul of Counterfeit Money.—The Philadelphia correspondent of the Baltimore Sun, writing on tbe 3rd lust., says: A man, who guvo his name as Michael Finne gan, was arrested yesterday on tlie charge of passing counterfeit money.—The accused had in his possession $4,673 In sapurlous coin and notes, and 136,89 of good money. Ami ■purioua notes were several on the Noi ern Bank of Virginia. aong i »rtb*W< NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OFFICE SAV’H, ALBANY k GULF R. R. CO.,) Savannah, July 7tl», 1850. / An Elution fur u Secretary und Trcas- uror of the Savannah, Albany and Gulf (abroad Company, will bo hold ut their ollluo, on Friday, the llih uut., at 12 o’clock, M. Jy7——4 t'HAS. GRANT, Hcn’ry and Troas. T H t NOTICE IHE Contract for BiillUlug a Court llouso In tho towu ol Maguoliu, Clinch couuty, Ga., will be let U» Uio lowest bidder ou the First Tuesday lu Au- gu»t next. The building to be thirty-six It. square, with four rooms below und Court room uhove, with sash aud voueliau blinds. For plau, apply ut the Clerk’s olllco of said couuty. Terms or the con tract made known on tho day. JOHN .1. NORTH, j i c. JACOB LIUUTSKK, i \ C. ARCHIBALD HODGES. J l o. JOHN 8. MORGAN, j i c. Jytf—4 WM. M. NICHOLS, J i c. u the ’in a body, for sale. ABA Thu uudersiguud, being desirous to turn 1QL 3£tbelr attention more extensively to lUrm-2E. lug, oiler SEVENTY THOUSAND ACRES of wen so leutud FARMING LANDS, in the 12th district of Clinch couuty, Gu., lor sulo, which thy will sell on reasonable terms for money or likely negroes. There are between sixty aud ubiety luls of tho ubove lauds well improved, iu linu condition for renting. We will sell lu a body or small parcels to suit purchasers. Address WM. M. A W. J. NICHOI.S, Jy9—4 Magnolia, Clinch Co., Ga. ^ILuUR.—100 bbls extra uud superfine tohunun Mills Flour 25 sucks extra do do do lljo do Uuu and superlluc Flour, lor sulo low by Jytf RODGERS, NOHRI.S A: U>._ B ACON AND PORK.—fitflihik Clear bides,26 do Ribbed do, Id casks Hums 50 bbls Moss Pork, Just received aud for saloby Jy9 RODGERS, NORRIS X- CO. B agging rope, &c.—76 bales liaggiug 2UU cod'* Western Rope 2,000 lbs Twine, for Halo by Jytf RODGERS, NORRIS k CO. p Jj 160 Hacks Knoxville 00 do Leuolr’s 60 bbls Noshvillo 25 do do For aulo low by VJ Bers, by jys F i. Flour, just received and for Halo by jy8 RUSK, DAVIS k LONG. Cnmumriol intelligence. C ANDLES.—60 b dies, 80 do do boxes Deadoli’s U’s Tuliow Can- _ , ) 8*:» do do, lauding aud lor aale by Jy8 _ bCRANTUN, JOHNoToN k GO. B UTTER.—20 kegs and 26 tubs choke Goshen iluttor. received por t-tuamur and lor sale by jy8 bClUNiON, JOHNSTON k CO. Receipts sllall)£, S YRUP AND MU LASSES.—50 bbls choice New Orleans Syrup, 76 do do Molasses. Just rceelv- uu and for sale by Jy7 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. L ARD.—20 hbis uud 60 kegs uow No 1 Leaf lard, lauding * * * _ * * Jnltlligente. Port of Savannah JULY 9 Arrived* Steamer St Johns, McNelty, Palatka, to Claghorn k Cunnlugham. Cleared. Ship Elizabeth, Wllllama, IJverpool—A Low k Co. COiiatgnees. Por Bteumor St Johns, troin Palatka—16 halos 8 Island cotton, 12 bales tnoas, 120 hides, 4 bundles aklns, 20 bbls rosiu and nulzo, to Ciugorn k Cuu- uninghara, i W Anderson, Snider & Askew, Tiaon * Muckay, S D Williams, J Bryan, Einstein k Eck- u,an, Boston k Villalunga, Tlson &Gordou, FM My- roll, Hunter k Uamtnell, Laduon k Rodgers, Miller k Co, Harndeu’a Express, W H Tlson, A A Solomons k Co, DeWitt «k Morgan, J T Jones, R&J Lachllson, and order. Passengers. l’or ship James, Kay, Ibr Now York—Mrs Ford, Mrs E tovell and family, Dr 8 U Pancost aud fami ly, Dr too, Tuthill, W H Crauo, H A Cruue Mrs M Frew, Miss EFrew, Master Frew. Per steamer 8t Johns, trout Pulatku—G N Galplu, W White, Holden, E W Uordon, 11 Walker, E Wur- dotnuu, R Ariulluge, Mclntiro, D Humillun, G EPoe, W Piles, .1II Daniell. A T Carmiler, D Williams, Dr W T Torkes, W H Hull, A N Pud, T J BucUraau, C Rawls and daughter, G D Pcuko, H L Live, A K Cochrane, C B Cole, Miss Gumming, Copt B M Doty, Capt HII Gray, LU Church and lady, Mrs Hutchi son, Mrs Whltomun. Mrs Crattlo, Miss MoKeunn, W Mallery, Miss toff, Mrs tomb. SUNDRIES. ■ 160 bogs good to prime Rio ColToo; 76 bags old Government Java do; 30 bags old brown Java do; ils Stuart’s A, B and C Clanfled 8ugur_ 60 “ " Crushed and Pulverized do; 40 hhds Porto Rico, Now Orlouns, und Muscovado Sugars; 60 boxes Stuart’s Loaf Sugar; 60 hhds Sides aud Shoulders; 26 casks Trowbridge and Beaty’ 1 Hants; 160 bbls Denmead aud Oakley Flour; 76 bbls and half bbls Canal Four; 160 bbls Butter, Sugar aud Pilot Crackers; 60 boxes Soda Crackers; 200 boxes various hrauds aud qualities Tobacco; 25 coses Myer’s Aromatic do; I60 bbls Cuba and New Orleans MulassesL. 60 hhds Cuba do; 60 bbls No. 1 Leaf Lard; 200 kegs and caus Lard; 6 M lb Bur toad; 600 bugs DropuudjBuck Shot; 500 kegs, buns and quarters, Dupont's Powder; 76 bbls Muss uud Primo Pork; 60 boxes Nectar Whisky; 100 quarts Scboldum Schuapps; 100 cusks piuts Ale and Porter; 300 bbls rectified Whisky; 100 bbls New England Rum; 150bbls Phelps and E Phelps’ Glu; 60 casks common and puro Malaga Wiue; 60 bblg White Wino und Cidor Vinegar; 20 crates empty Wino Bottlos: 500 boxes, Hoap, Starch, and Candles; Iu store and for sale on accommodating terms. mayl6 HOLCOMBE. JOHNSON k GO JEFFERSON ROBERTS, ~ GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND .DEALER IN Timber and Lumber. SAVANNAH, Go. JgACON—10 casks prime Sides, just rccbived and _ for sale by Juno 26 CRANE, WELLS k (X). PRIVATE UOAltDINC*. A LARGE aud ulcely furnished room for a lady aud gentlomun, or two gontlomou; also nice room for a single gentleman, with hoard iu a * 0 private family In a central part of tho city. Inquire at tho Uoorgian k Journal oUlce. Juno30—0 IRVING’S W8HINGTON. the Y GLUME 111 of tho Life of George Washington. by Washington Irvlug. We cuu supply all wlio wish this most desirable work, iu any stylo of binding, Thu Wanderer, a tale of life’s Vicissitudes. "Trudging along, unknowing what he sought, Aud whistling as bo went, for of thought.' Ey tho author or the Watchman, tompllghcr, etc. Jehu Halifax, Gentleman, by the author of Tho Head of the Family, Olive, ko. Dickons’ Household Words for July. Putnam’s Monthly for July Frank Leslie's Gazcttco ol Fashion for July. Mra Stephens’ Illustrated New Muuthly tor July. Blackwood’ Ediuburh Magazine for June. For ■alu by WAKNOUK k DAV18, Booksellers aud fiUliouers, Jy2 16U Cougress street. RACHAEL AND THE NEW WOKLO' 4 Trip to the United States and Cuba, translated from tho French by toon Beauvallet. nlker’s Expedition to Nicaragua aud History o tho Central American War, with u map. Tho Modoru Story Teller, or the host stories or tho best authors, now first collected. Frootuau Hart’s Worth aud Wealth, or Maxims, Morals aud Mlsoollaoies for merconts, uow Hupply, Tho Attack on 8am slick in Euglaud. Curpontor on the Microscope, aud its revelations, with upwards of 400ougravlugs. Wharton arid BUllo ou Medical Jurisprudence. The RCAlpt Huntors, by Oapt Moyne Reed. Tbs Gray Bay Mare uud other lutniuary sketch- es. with Ulustratloua. Clara, or Slave Life in Europe, with an Introduc- lion, by Sir Archibald Alison. Western Africa, by Rev J L Wilson; John Halifax, Qeullemeu. JyS W. THORNE WILLIAMS, 70.000 ACRES OF LAND CITY SHERIFF'S SALE. WILL be sold, before the court house door In VT the city of Savannah, on tho first Tuesday in July next, between tliu legal hours of Hale, 1 lot of iAddors, 1 Bedstead, 1 let of Paintings, 2 Beds, 1 lot Paints, &n, Levied on us tlie property of F. O. Coil, to sattHiy a distress warrant Issued, or tlie Honorable the Inferior Court oi Chntham Couuty, lu favor of John J. Hunt, Anu It. Wull uud Jumes J. Wall, vs. T O. Carl. Property pointed out by Plaintlirs. Terms Cash. EDWARD M. PREN DERG AST. July 6 fclierilf O. O. S. NOTICR. O NE month after date, application will ho inudo to the Bank ortho Stute of Georgia, for tho myment of u Twenty Dollar Note ou tho said lank, (No. 42.) the rigid liaud hull or which has been lost. One mouth alter date uppllculiou will be made to the Murine Bunk of Georgia lor the payment of u Twomy Dollar Note, (No. 384) on said Nuuk, the right bund half of whicli lias been lost. Jytf—lu w—4w WM. B. HIGH!'. Villa Rita. July H, 1856. JE88E T. UEUNAUD, ATTORNEY AND COUN.S1J.LOK AT LAW, Newiiau.->vii!e, Flu. Reference—Guoigo .. Drown, Wiliium Dell, New- uan.sville, Flu., R. U. Ildiou, Boston k Villulougu, Savaunah, Ga.myll do do do extra do do do, supurline Jytf PATTEN. HUTTON k CO. UNNY CLUlil- -For saie iu low to suit put cur* RUSE, DAVIS k LONG. H AY—36 bales Northern Hay, for sale by Jy8 WILLIAM LYNN, 87 Buy » jy? i and for sale by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON & CO. HI. AVIUT SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AUUIATOK, KArfT HXJKUM. Will practice lu the Eastern aud Southern Counties. Refer to—Col. 8. 8. Sibley, and R. B. Hilton, Sa* vanuah. fob2-tf “cjuaS. o'. Campbell; ATTORNEY ATLAW, MIIXKIXJKVIM.K, GA. Practices tow iu tho vurluua Counties of the Oo intilgeo Circuit, and tho uiljoiuing Counties ufTwiggs, tourous uud Wushingtou. * Refer to—John Boston, H. A. Cruue, and R. B Hilton. ten 14 GROllGK A. GORDON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AND Commission^' of the U.S. Court of Claims for the State of (ieorgia. Olllco Corner Bay uud Butt streets, ly jnylO DU. C1I ARLE8 il. COLDlNG, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE. No. 14 LIBERTY BT., Ono door west ol Drayton, myll wslcTcon nelly; ATTORNEY AT LAW, 1EUUKLLA, WORTU COUNTY, IA.. (TOST OFFICE. AU1ANY.) Will practise in the Soutlu^n Circuit, and in Macon, Dooly und Worth Counties onlio Macon Circuit. 43jr Particular atteutiou given to the collection ol claims iu South-Western Georgia. Je2—Out E. UUJU0I1NG, ATTORNEY AT LAW, lobl-ly _ IKW1NTON, (IA. LANlKltHiANDKllSON, ~ ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ap6-ly MACON, oa. A. II. CHAMDION. “ (Successor to Champion A Watts.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, No. 4 Baruurd st., between the .Market uud Buy st., SAVANNAH, GA. Dealer lu Grocorio?, Foreign uud Domestic Uquors, Dried Fruits, &o., &c. Reference—A. Champion, Esq., Samuel Solomons, Esq., Messrs, ltabuu k Whitehead, aud Swilt fet'n., Savuuuah, Ga. myll iff! i kQS .IV FRENCH CHINA, WHITE GRANITE, and glass ware. 146 MFKH.NO OTRFET. OUAUUSTOX, KOUTU CAROLINA. The subscribers respectfully solicit from the traveling public, an inspection' of their stock of Frouch aud Eugllsh _ Chlua, in plain White, gold band, and decorated dinner, dcsort, breakfast, tea, toilet, tuto-a- teto sols und vases. Also, Cups aud Suucurs, Ate., ol the celebrated Sevres China. White Granite of tbe host manufacturers. Rich out Frouch, English aud Bohemian Glass. They have a variety of ornaments iu Parlmtu* Ware, Busts of Calhoun, Clay, Webster, and others, ondStatuotes of tho Greek Slave, Veuus Ue Medicis, Ate.. Ate. Thoy have also a beautiful, durublo and cheap arti cle for fioors and lioarths, of Plain and EncauiUe Tiles. Their stock boiug very genorul, carefully selected aud imported direct, olferslnducemonLs to merchants as well os families, to whom goods will bo put up at the lowest rates for cash. WEBB At SAGE, Importers, successors to Cameron, Webb &Co. WJI. 8. DANlULL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SAVANNAH, GA, ~ yy Olllco over Thomus M. Turner At Co.’s Drug Stoio, Bay street. tny7 i>. a. (Tbyhse; ATTOBNEY AT LAW, OUlce 176, Bay-st., over Turner At Co’s. Drug Store) SAVANNAH, OA. uov 10—ly GEORGE TROtJP HOW AUD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oilloe Monument Squaro, near Stato Bank. SAVANNAH,GA. nov 10—ly^ S.W.BAKEit, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Montlceilo, Jofiersou Couuty, Flu. Kefureuce—Hon. W. B. Fleming, Savannah, Ga, _ _ myll EDWARD G. WILSON, MAGISTRATE. NOTARY AND COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS. At Messrs. Ward At Owens’ tow Olllcu. (myll C. W. MABltY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, FRANKUN, muun CO., UA. Will attend to professional business iu tboCouutles of Heard, Carroll, Campbell, Coweta, Fayette, Meri wether and Troup, Reference—Hou. E. Y. Hill, toGrauge, Ga.; Hon. David Irwin, Marietta, Ga.; Colonel M. M. Tidwell, Fayetteville, Ga.; aud Mr. wiliium Dougherty. Co lumbus, Ga., Bopl7-ly WELLS & WILLIAMS, DEALKH8 IN DOMESTIC, P.OREIGN AND FANCY DRY GOOD& No. 149 Congress-st., Savannah, Qa. JAS. T. WELLS, formerly of Bouufort Diut. H. C. THKOPU1LUS WILLIAMS, " Scriven Co.,Ga. B0pt7 AT MeALPINdcBROTHERS, Lumber, Mill and Brick Yards. gept 5 SAVANNAH, GA. it. LOCKBre. It. D. SNSLUNOB, LOCKETT & SWELLINGS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND SHIPPING AGENTS, Savannah, Qa, WUl attend to tUo selllug of all kluds of produce. Strict atteutiou given to recoiviug and forwarding goods. may 31 ly Auction & Commission House, Macon, Ga. a. r. McLaughlin, Solicits from his friends consignments of evory description. Takes orders for Cotton. 49" Special atteutiou given to the sales of Real Hstuie, Stocks aud Negro proiierty, at public aud private sales. Prompt returns and dispatch. Reference—C. A. L. LAMAlt. mob 30 Wm. McAllister. Marble Monuments, Tombs und Grave Stouos, furn ished ou reasouablu terms. Orders run- flpoctfuUy solicited. ap!8 J. U. DAVIS. W. U. U)NG, RUSE, DAVIS «£t LONG, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. SAVANNAH, GA. may 30 WAYNE, GRENVILLE dt CO^T oommismo^^SoWySSnu^iekchants, Pay-street Savannah. THOS. 8. WAYNE. C. E. GRENVILLE, U. ALEX. WAYNE, W. T. 8AMPUS, Jy 0—tf Savaunah. Chattanooga. STRANGER I If you waut a good aud cheap Trunk, Vallce, Carpet Bog, or Clothing or any kind or quali fy, ready made or mado op to your measure; man Hutu, Caps, Shirts, Collars or Dress Furnishing articles of any description! call aud so- lect from the largest und best stock lu tho city, at tho Star Emporium, 147 Buy street. Jol3 WM. O. PRICE, /“1ALL AT GRIFFIN’S uml you will Hud the most bouuUful assortment of biuuII Fancy Articles in ciuua aud gold oru&weuted, consisting in part of Jewel boxes, fancy do, reticules, florets, hoquet va ses, cables. Uracket gruudolaa, small do, cologuo bottles, ribbons, cologuo, lanteru blue florets, can dlesticks, and last though uot least useful, match boxos, u very tasty Kuteuliau aud something uow «u* “rely. G. M. GRIFFIN, Successor to the late M Eastman, Jy® Corner Bryan aud Whitaker sts. J UST RECEIVED BY EXi'RESS—AuotheTfiTio'va riety of Silver Ware of tho most bouuUful iu»t- tern aud llulsli, butter kuives, pleklo kuives und forks, knives, forks and spoons, fruit kuives aud iorks, cake aud pen knives iu overy variety, mus tards aud salts iu all variety from plain to Ure most ornamental. G. M. GRIFFIN, Successor to the late M Eastman, Jy6 - Corner Bryan and Whitaker sts, ^^TLANTIO LHAD.—Constantly or bond and for sule ut ~apr30 CHAFFER A CO.’s, No. 0 Whitaker streot. B acon sides a shoulders— 26 hhds Prime Bacon Sidos, 10 “ “ 44 Shouldors, Landiug and for salo by my23 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k 00. I^NuiJsH POTATOES*—30 humors choice Eating Potatoes, in small puckogo. For sale by [may27j For family use.— J. A.-BROWN. / lllAMl'AGNi;—12 baskets genuino Heidsio VJChampugno iu tdoro and for aale by may 10 OGTAVUS COHEN, S TARCH, COFFEE AND CANDY.—60 bxs Frc3h Sturcli; &u dii Ground Colton; 50 do assorted Gaudy, received aud for sale by McMAliUN k DOYLE', June 4 206 and 207 Day stroot. KHEN!! GHOlKlTlfEsT' I N STORE—per stcumsblp Knoxville—Extra Ta ble Butter and Cheese; Beef Tongues; Smoked beef; Hams; Iiucon; l'ig l’ork; White Hcuus;Heck- - er's Solf rulalng Flour; Raisins, Figs, Dates, Prunes, almonds, Ate., ke.j Pickles of ull kluds; Preserves, assorted; Druudy Fruit, assorted; Preston's Promt- * uin Chocolate; best of Teas, Colice, uud Stuart’s No 1, A, B and U Sugars; liibbert’s London Porter; Falkirk’s Scotch Alu; Claret and other Whies; at juuelK BARRON’* Family Grocery Store, corner Whitaker and Charlton eta, JOHN S. NORRIS, ARCHITECT. H AVING resumed the practice of hlsproles- Kioii, ollurs ms services to his frieudsuud the public as uu Architect uud ttuperiuteudeut.. Designs lot uiiy part of the country supplied and executed iu all tho various branches of his proles- Hlou, such as Public Edifices, Stores, Dwellings, Monuments, &c. Thoroughly Fire Proof blorcu de signed und executed. Oilice at present iu Bay toue, rear of the Custom House. Jau 3—ly ☆ OJCjOTKIKTG A EMPORIUM- H 1 DOOR WKSTOFTHEKEl’DULIOANREADINGHOOM. Fine Ready-made Cloihlug ; Hats and Cups, Shirts, Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, Canes, Uuibrellus Cravats, Stocks, Handkerchiefs, uud Faucy Articles for Ucntlumcu. W.O* Price, Also, Superfine FASHIONABLEICJoUjs, ■ asaimers aud Vestings, will be made to mea sure, unoxception- abloiu stylo and workmu&Bhlp.l by Die best mechanics, at shortest notieo • .. AND MIUTABl WILLIAM 11. DASHER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Truupviile, towmles Couuty, Ga. Will practice in Thomas, towmles, Clinch, Ware, Appling, Telfair, irwiu, Laurdus, und Pulaski counties, Georgiu; and m Jeilecsou, Madison, Ham ilton, uud Coiumbiu counties, Florida. [myll WM. M. WILLIAMS. TH.UiUKl'8 OUVEkT” JACK 11HOWN. WILLIAMS, OLIVER BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Buena Vista, Marion Couuty, Ga., Will practice iu the comities ol Marlon, Macon, Hous ton, Stewart, Rundtlpli, Muscogee, Lee, and auy adjoiuing counties, witere their services may be required. uyll - joiwTu. cochraneT ATTORNEY AT LAW, DubUu. tourous county, Ga„ late Juulor partner of tho Urui of A. A J. CociiKAxn, irwiiitoii, Ga., will attcuU promptly to ull busiuess entrusted to tils care. Particular atteutiou paid to collecting. Re- l'erouce—Dr, 0. B. uuyton, K. H. Ro\4e, iiubliu, Ua., M Marsh, Savannah. myll Factor and Geucnii Commission Merchant NO} 71 UAY-STKKKT, SAVANNAH, OA., Rmas to—Messrs. Uaghorn A Cuuumghuui, Beil k Preutlsa, Ogdeu, Stavr & <Jo., aavwuuuU; J. P, Tlmmpsoii. Boston. uov 1 No. 147 Bay Streot, SA VASA'Ah. Jt5i- Ordcrsfrom city uud county solicited. , fob 6 UAHBEii 8HOFS Pulaski House Burner Shop, Owens' Brick Building, ojijsjsite the Pulaski House, FIVE WORKMEN ENGAGED. Mill's Unit House Barber Shop, BruuyhlMi Street, FOVH WORKMEN ENGAGED. rpHE subscriber, thankful to liis fellow-citizens JL for the liberal patronuge he ims received, and is still receiving, begs respectfully to iniorm tliem that he has euguged suificteut additional first-class workmen from some of tho best Barber Shops iu Now York, and will be enabled to accommodate as nmuy gentlemen us may honor him with their pa- trouuge. N. iJ.—Tho Barbershops are closed ou Sundays— strangers will please bear this iu rniud. 0. S. IIAKKISON. a. C. Mcuuini HARRISON & McGEHEE, AUCTION, COMMISSION, IUSCKIV1NG AND roi'wardiufi lUciciiuaits. 59 AND 61 UKOAD-HTltKET, COLDMUUS, GEUKQlA. 93T Particular attention giveu to tho sales of Real Estate, Negroes aud Produce. 49" 1 jberu(advances maduou Negroes and Mer chandize. HKFKRKNCJM : " RUSE, FATTEN A CO. ) GUN BY A DANIEL, ^Columbus, Ga. STEWART, GRAY AGO. j RUSE, DAVIS & LONG, I wh. wmuuT, ; s " va ' ml ». VODNU, ATKINS & DUNHAM, \ kl , , U. A. UKUKNK K Cu.. j AFal.chlia.1. 11. S. SMITH, ) Mobile, Alubama. oct 23 ly WM, AUOLKV CUL'I'l.ll. J.NU. Uud'Kit KiUSSK. COlPElt & FRASER, FACTORS k GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bay street, tavamndi, Ga. (myll JOHN G. FALLIUANT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN WINDOW BLINDS, WINDOW SASH AND PANE DOORS. West side Monument Square, Savannah, Gu. may 11 JOHN C. BOOTH, CIVIL ENGINEER AND BUIIVEYOU, Will also give Uls atLiittun to designs iu Architec ture. OUico iu the store of .Jolrn Williamson, Esq., Bay street. my 13 Cl IA b 4 PH It <Sf CO., No. 0 AVliltakov Street, Huvnuuult, Gu,, WUOLESAUi AMI KKfAin UKAlJilW IX S ASHES. Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, Ac. While toad, /.Inc, While Liusecd, .Sperm, Whale, Tan ners’and NcuUiiboiUlts, Glass, Brushes, Gold Leaf, Bronze, Builders’ Unrdwuru. Nnlls, Murillo Mantels, ko., kc. Jo4 J UST RECEIVED, per schooner J. R. Allen, from Baltimore— MASON’S CELEBRATED UNRIVALLED PREMIUM CAKES and CRACKERS, Jumbles, Lemon Cakes, Tea Cukes, Scotch Cakes, Ginger Soups, Ediuburgh Cakes Milk Biscuit, Soda Bisciut, Wiue Biscuit, Butler Biscuit, Water Biscuit, Pic Me Biscuit, Au. At BARRON’S, juuczt) corner Whitaker aud Charltou-ats. 1)118. LEFLElt .V WiLt'oX, Rent 1sts. ARE now fully prepared to in sert full or partial setts of Teeth ou the principle of Dr. J. Aliena's Patent Continuous Gum, By this Improvement, the form of tho luce cuu be restored to any degree of rotundity that may bo desired. It Is applicable in all cases where the checks liuvo fallen iu uud cuunut’be detected by Mm closest observer.— This method combines the following* i vuutagos:— Au artificial gum, which exhibits a perfectly natural uud iite-liko appearance, and imparts to the tliceth Unit peculiar uxpresrduu which characterizes tho uu- turul organs. This Uum consists of a silacious compound, which is applied and fused upon the Teeth and Plate iu suefi a manner, os to fill up all the iutcr.-diccs around the base of tho Teeth, and also unites them Uruily to each other uud to tho Plato upon which thoy are sett. This secures perfect cleanliness of tho Tooth. Utllco over DoWittk Morgan, Cougress street, *** Republican aud Ueorgiuu copy. fob 1G—tl PHOTOGRAPHS. Ijii'go sized l’hotographs, la- ken by MILLUR, AT TWKI.VK UOIJAKS I'KK UOZKN Also, Ambrolynes aud Da guerreotypes, iu Ids usual su perior style. A call is solicito'E J. W. MILLER, mar27 _ cr. St. Julian-st. aud Market square. OAiiY’81)A(il]EUEOTYFE8,iVjlIURU* typci uml Pltoeoiri'uuliy. P. M. CARY W OULD respectfully give notice that his rooms are uow open for the season, uud rea lty tor tho reception of visitors. By tho Auiirotyvk process persons may uow have their children’s pictures takcu. in almost any posi tion thoy mayuhoo.ic, iu front 1 to 3 secoddsstaiug. can bo transferred to paper, beautifully colored uud enlarged to Ufo. oct 22 J. \V. I'ATTKUSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, TroupvlUo, towudos Couuty, Ga. (myll JAMES M. SAVAGE, AlTORNEV AT LAW, tiiomasviu.i:, moMAs coc.vrv, ua. AU busluess entrusted to his care will receive prompt attention. lyr—marI7 ANTHONY MeCULLOIL ATTORNEY AT LAW, Savannah, Georgia. 49" Olllco on Bay street, over tho Bank of savan nah. x t\»U2 JAMia a. KODGKIW. ..'.JIKS A. XOKK1S. ROBGEHS Cti NOIiRIS, (Into Crauo A; Rodgors, WHOLESALE GROCERS, BAY-STltKKT, HAVANNAII. Juuo 1,1855, [Jo 2* A LE AND PORTKIt.—26 bbls Summer Slock Ale, 20 casks Byass’ toudou Porter, piuts, Just ro- cmvod aud for sule by v JyO SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. M USTARD, boxes Mustard; 150 do puro Popper: 100 do Starch: recelvod uud for sule by McMAllON & DOYLE. JunolP ■ 206 aud 207 Bay stroot. GENERAL NOTICE, S ILVER AND GOLD PLATING cun now bo doue at homo. Mr. CHARLES KEMISH haviug es tablished hiraaclf nermanotuly. all work lu tliU lluo will bo douo with dispatch. All ropalrlug of Castors, Teapot-:, Caud testicles, spoons, Forks, or any other artlclo will ho douo neatly before plating. All old allvor plate, such as Toasottsor Urus, Forks or Spoons, will bo ro-flnlshod and mado equal to now, aud at moderate prices. All work or ordors lett at myatoro will be attended to promptly. P. S.—Watch cases galvanized. m»y27 Q. M. GRIFFIN. JjirrKA CANAL FLOUR.- J Flour. nay U Landing and for sale by 80RANTON, JOHNSTON *00. DY,) >Ex’a >Y, J NOTICE. CtIXTY tlays after date, application will bo made IO to tin- Honorable the ordinary ol McIntosh comity, tor leave to sell tho real estate, being In this county, of tlie lute Juuum Smith, known us Sidon (rice) Plautatiou sold for the beuulit of the heirs of said estate. DEAN M. DUN WOODY,) JOHN JONES, 1 JOHN F. DUN WOODY, Darien, July 1,18SG. Jy2 LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. EllzulmU. t’uiily 1 Cl| , ru0 Sul , crlor ^ Joint ciuily. J M«y Turin, ISfiO. I T appearing to the Court, from tlie return of the shorin', thut the defendaut. John Cauly is not to be found iu Coil'eo couuty, aud hois uot iu the state; ou luotiuu of Wiu U Gauldlug, uUoruey lot Uboliuut, it is ordered tlmt servico be perfected ou said de-> fondant by a publication of this order in cue of tUo public journals of £avuunuh, once a mouth for three months preceding tho next term of this court, rcquii'iug said delenduut to uppeur at the next term of Cotfoe Superior Court, lu tliu mouth of Novem ber next, and tUu bis defensive allegation to tho cuuso. A truo extract from the minutes ol tbe Superior Court. Jy2 EW’D ASHLEY, Clerk. LIBEL FOlt DIVORCE. EWllUusuu, ■) ] u Liberty sujmrlor Court, liras. Wilkinson./ M “y foi'rn, 1SSB. I T appenug to me Court, by tbe return of tho shorili; iu the above stated case, that the defend ant is not to be found in the county, aud that ne is not to bo found iu tliu statu; ou tuotiou of Win B Guuldeu, counsel for libellant, It is ordered that ser vice bo perfected ou said Ueieudaul, by u publica tion of this notice once a mouth for three tuouilis, next preceding tho next term of said tiunerior Court, requiring said dofonduut to be and appear at tlie next term of Liberty Superior Court to answer lu tbo said causo* A true extract from the minutes of said Superior Court. jy2 8. A. FRASER, Work. GLYNN SHERIFF’S SALE. W ILL bo sold before tlie Court Homo in tho city uf Brunswick, couuty of uivuu, ou tliu fir a Tuesday iu August next, between tho legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Ouufoturparoel of land situate, lymg aud being lu the city of Bruns wick, lu the county of Glyuu, stute of oa., known uud distinguished lit the plan of suld city us utd Town Lot, number two hundred vud Uitv-ihrce, und tho improvements thereon; levied on by virtue of afi fa issued out of the City Court of Savuiiuuah, iu tlie county of Chatham, iu favor of Beiijamiu C Frank- By lira llioTOOKAWiio |iroira.a uld iiflgucrrcotypM !'“ ™ OBurtiu K MumMo. lT-lwiy iraluledoul i bo trauslerred to paper, beautifully colored uud by pluiiitiir. Jy2_ M. C. B. WRIGHT, 8. o. o. NEW BOOKS. C IODKY’S imDY’S BOOK, for July; Arthur’a JT Homo Magazine, for July; Fetoraou’g Mouth- ly Magazine, for July; Harper's New Monthly Mag azine, for July; and, Grahum’s Illustrated Monthly, for July. i The History or Europe, from tho full of Napcleon to the accession of Louis Napoleou, lu two volumes, by Sir Archibald Aiisou, a new supply. iiei'tlia, by Frcdrika Bremer, translated by Mary liotv i U. Tho Ship Carpenter’s Wife, u story for tho Uinos, by VV E S Whilmuu. Tim Tunglelown totters, edited by the author of Records of tho Dubbleton I’atlsb, 5:c. Salad for tho Social, by tho author of Salad for the Solitary. Comic Miseries ofllumnn Ufo. I'lii-l i-bus-tali, a song that’s by no author. For sale at 16tf Cougress stroot, by Juno 28 WAKNOUK k DAVIS. AND BROUGHTON STREET HACK LIVERY STABLE. Tbo undor.-dgne<l haviug put tha above Stables iu good couditiom aro prciiaredto accummodato tholr __ customura with Carriages, Hacks. Buggies, sulkies, Ac., with sound, guutlu, and well broke horses, aud carefol drivers. Horses*boardcd ou accommodating terms, and well cared for. Two pairs of fine Carriago Horses for sale. Inquire cor- uor ol lMruard uud Brough'on streets. apU4—ly STEVENS * ELUSION. 7 A.”SHORT, MASTER BUILDER. Will tako contracts for Bulldiug and Working Ma sonry or overy description. Resldouco, No. 3 Mm Jewett's Range, South sido Jones st. oct 80 WOOD AND IAJMBEn. A LL kluda of Wood, Boards. Planks. Joist, ^“‘tor.BhmgloB, Ught-wood, I’osts, i-Xsteru , Latnsjuid 1'aiUugs, for sole, at wholesale and retail. -28 barrels Extra Canal low for caah,oa tho new wharf recently erected ou the Lumber Yard or Robert A. Allen * Co. mar 12-lyW M. J. U MOULTON