Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, July 10, 1856, Image 4

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ftp! flfrbftttsrmtnts. | " STATl'J UP' uaiwnuiii, /CHATHAM COUNTV—To all whom It may VjfrJttctrai Wberoda.Jobu Mullery ,wlil upplytu tho Court of Ordiuary lor I/jltor* Dlsntemry m adminis tration oa llte Ratal* or William Wright theso arc, t icrafore, to cite ami adraoulsb all whom it may ©uncord, to be ami apnoar boro re said Court, to make objection (if any tlioy have) on or before tin* Ant Monday In November uext, otbwlso *old Lut Ura will be grautcd. WUues*, John Bilbo, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham 0® inly, taU e.ght itay of April JOHN BILBQ, 0. o. o. C HATHAM SHERIFF’S BALE.-Will be told on ttio first Tuesday In Juno next, before aujOourt ttooso, between ibo legal hours ot -aie, V*t number twelve (12) Now Franklin NVnrd. In the ©uy oT Savauuuh, situated nn tho corner of Mo. t- i»nory atroot and IfctiUo How, together with the Cl *eo-atary brink warehouse situated thereon: levied 04 to satliiy a certain fl fit. Issuing out or Onntlmm H ipertur Court, In Ihvor of John Scuddor vs. Clar- ooca P. UoliU. Property pilot'd out in said ll. fit. BENJAMIN !.. COLE, may9 Sheriff. C.O. '"ilPATB of gecSTimsTaT B IIATHAM COt - , concern: Whereaa, John V, Hiuot will M io Court of Ordinary for letter* dlsmlwwry* mlnUtrator on the lutato of .tamos 0. Hlno* : These aro, therefore, to cite uud udmoulahall whom It may concern, to bo and appear boforo said Court to make ohluctiou (If auy tlioy liavo) on or be- loro tho Urst Monday in December uext, otherwise) said tetter* will bo grained. Witness, John Uilbo, Lsq. Ordinary for Chatham comity, this rouitlt day uf June, I860. Juno 0 JOHN BILBO, 0.0,0. ADMift 1 Si'll ATOil’H 8ALH. P URSUANT to mi order of tho Honorablo tho Court of Ordinary of Chatham County, passed Juno term, 185«, will bo sold, on tho first Tuesday 111 Aucust next, before tho Comt llottso door In said coumy ol Chatham, between the legnl hours of sale, tho following properly, t" wit.: Lots Nos. three (8) and four (4), being |wrt of Gordon lot No. nine (t»), Spring Mill, City of Savannah, fronllng on Hullroiul street; also tho following negro slaves: Jack, Peter, Alexander mid Sarah. Sold at tho properly of the esiutu offlamuol Griffin, laiootsald county, deceased, for thu bonullt of the heirs mid creditor* of suld os. tutu. K1CHAUD WAYNE, Administrator do bonis uon, oil Je4 Estate of Samuel Griffin, H7VM uillVf mil d 5. W C HATHAM COUNTY—To ull whom it may con cern : Where is, Kii&iboth ltibo 10, will apply •ttbe Court of Ordinary tor loiters otuUmiuistrutiou ©a the estato ol Joseph Itibetu : These ato, therefore, to cite and admonish all Whom It may couccru, to he uud urprur before said Cranio make objection (it any they haw) mi or before tho first Muaday tu July next, otherwbo said letters whl bo granted. W.tuoss. John Kiibo, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham Q)uuty, this second day of Juno, I860. 4*»ut< JOHN iUl.DO, o. C. <\ Stats: of ueduuia, cm.vtiiadico. tIMJ all whom ll may concern: Whereas Mary Atm X Doul will api ly at the Court of Ordinary for let-! lers 1 Hs tn Worry 011 the estate of James I*. Ik-nt,— ThtuquretUui'cloro toclio mid admonish ;.li w liotn It may concern, to bo and appear before said Court. t> muko objection.* (if auy they have) on or before too First Monday in December uext, oihcrwUcsuid letter* will ho granted. Witness John lliibo, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham County, this third day of Jnuo, M6,. Jeh JOHN BILBO, O.C.C. STATE OF OlSOlMSIA, * C TlATQtM COUNTY —To ail whom it may con- corn 1 whoroas, Patrick Uyan will apply at the Court or Ordinary for tetters of admitiWiruthm on the 0-tate of Daniel Collins : Those aro, therefore, to cite and admonish all Whom It may concern, to be and uppunr before said Court to muko objection (if auy they have) on or be* tore the first Monday in August uext, otherwise said letters will bo grunted. Witness, John Ui b>, Esq., Ordinary for Chathuui County, this twuntv third day ol June, i860. June 23 JUilN Ull.BO. o. c. c. OROHU1A, CilA O N the Urst Monday in August next, 1 will apply to the ordinary of Chatham county Tor leave to *ell the negro slaves beongitig to the estato of Clara A Ogilbay, deuouseJ, fur the bouellt of the holi a and credit >rs of said estate. June 4 .IAME-4 A. LaROCHE. Adnt’r. -From V.H. PAIiMKR, * OKXtlUL aDVKRTMINO AND flXWHFAmt AOXXT, Boston, Now York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore. JAMES II. FIUIBH, DEALER AND IMPORTER OF Watches* Jewelry, Silver Ware* Fan cy Uooda, die., NO. 12. BOOTH 20 HTHKk'r, Pill LAI) MJ'IUA. scpt8 iy NELSON BWKRZEY, DE8I0NER AND SCULPTOR IN MARBLE. Oornor Aster Place and 4th Avenue, IN GLOSK PROXIMITY TO TON AOTOK URRANV AND TUX NSW HllltJt IIOt'HK, NKW YOUK. mHE moat extensive variety and the largest ■ stock of Monument*, Tombs, Headstones, Ae., in America, cun he found at lids establishment, from plain to the most nluhorutu and ornate iu design uud workmanship. In addition to thu wtook always on hand, a grout variety of drawings, appropriate mid original may bo found, from which work will be ex ecuted promptly to ordor. Orders faithfully executed, and shipped lo any point available by water or steam. Persons visiting tho city or Now York on pleasure or business are rospocUhlly Invited to visit this es tablishment. nets From «J. PIIBItCD'A = ADTOCTlttlXO AUKiOY. MtUpUiMIM, PA. Authorized Ajreot for the Savannah Journal. STATR OF GEORGIA, B ULLOCH COUNTY.—To ull whom It may con cern : Whereas, A.*a Jidniem will ap| ly at the vwuit of Ordinary tor miki county, for ictters «f ml- mlnlatrutl ui, with the will uuuexed, on the estate ©i ilury Wi.liauis, Inteof&idJ county, decoutod: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ad Whom It may concern, to be uud appear before said Court to make objecuon (If any they Imve) on or before the Urst .Monday in August uext, otherwise •aid litters will bo gruutod. Witness, Wi.liam Lee, Esq., Ordinary for Bulloch county, the slum uuy of June, lfefi'i. Juneatf WildJAM LEE, o. n. c. OTAIE OKUhOltolA—liL'LLUUl CU., illiv ZtJth, O I860—Two month* after date uppllcutiou wid he made tu the Honorable Court of Oruiuary of said County fur leave to sell all the lands belonging to the estate • f Michael Donaldson, deceased, tor the benefit of tho heirs mid creditors mid said deceased. my^-8w JOHN K. UlBStiN, A«im’r. ' 8TATI3 Ol.' UISUUU.A, TYULLOl'U COUNfY.—To ml whom it may con* J[) corn: w iuroa-*, Jo.*iah DaVis will uppiy ut tho Comt of OrUhia y for letters of adiuhiLtiminu on the estate of U<.nry Davis, late of said coumy, de ceased ; ?b»e are, there'ore. to cite end admonUh all Whom it apij coucoru. to be and uppcur b fore said Court, to m.iitu objection (Ifuny they have) on or before the Ura Mouduy iu Atugustuuxt, otuerwUo •aid stiors will be granted. Witness, william, f'jq , Ordinary for Bulloch county, this 2Uh any or June, 1860. June29 WIl.U.vM LEE. 0. c. c. IIKOIUIIT TO JAKL. Brought io Juil iu Swalnshoro, Emanuel Co , on the 4tli instant, u negro mail; ho says 111., name Is Harry; that ho beltings to tho estate 1 a l lnmms Clay, of ,>ryau Cuuuly, <Jn. Ho is oi nghl complexion, with a blight sear oveAtho loll eve; about & feet 51 y 4 innhes in height, aud about *itt years old. The owner is requested to como forward, pav ihargos and tako him away, as I10 will bo dealt with as the law direct*. HKNKY OVKKSTHEET, jo9 Ja'or. VIRGINIA SP1UNGS! SOUTH-SIDE, RICHMOND & DANVILLE, A Virginia & Temwuev hahjRQads. SUMMER AlUiAflttEMENT. Hhorlost, most comfortable and most expeditions Route to thu NOTICE. A IJ. persons having demands against the estate of Richard K. Williams, late of Chatham coun ty. decease I, are hereby notified to presold them within tho time prescribed bylaw to the subscri ber ; and ml indebted to tho said estate are request ed to make immediate payment to M. B. MILLKN, AdinluDtrntor do bnuls non. March V5—fiw _ Uwt.lylil—Jo 7 STATR OF OEBUUI A, C HATHAM CoUNTY.—io all whom it tuny con cern : Whereas tho estato of Jeremiah Me- Dminl 1 lie.? unrepresented in consequence of tho dcadi of Nathan Brcwton, the executor, amt unless some Ut a id competent person applies lor tho ad- iniuDti atioti of said estate, with the will annexed, 1 shall appoint James Wilkinson, or some other lit and proper pot-sou, administrator with tho will au- mixed do h ma* nun. on said estate: ihese are. theret'ure, to cite uud H'tmonish all whom it may concern, to bj and appear before said Court to make objection (if any tUt y ha ro) on or bitoro the llr-t Monday iu August next. Witness. M ill am Lee, Esq., Unlit-ary for the coumy of Bull »ch, this 12th day of Juno, IS6U. Jelli WILLIaM I.EM. n r. n. Stale of Uiiui'glu, UilUocJl toaitiy, A DMlNIFl’ilATUlte’ ^ALE.—By virtue of mi or dor froth thu honorable Court of Ordiuary ol auui county, passed on tho first Monday In Juuo, will be suld at the court house door of said county, betwoou llio lawful hours of salu, on the first Tues day iu August. One tract of Land, containing one hundred and fifty acres, in suld county, on the Ca- iiooebee river; also, u part of four other surveys, containing six hundred and thirty-two acres, oa Ca* noochoQ river, wo 1 tmprovod aud In good roiudr, consisting of swamp, bay utid pine laud. Sold as the property of Nathan Brcwton, deceased, for tho item-fit of tho heir* aud creditors of said deceased. Terms nude known ou the dny ofsnlo. June 2d, 1R5U HMON J. BREWTUN, Jo 16 GKORGIA, LAMOhiA T WO MONTHS after date, application wid be tuado to the Houo/ablo Coin 1 of uruiimry fur •mi county, for leave to sell tho real e>t ite md the following uuinod negroes : Peter, Jim aud Ucu; one house and Jot aud two other lots; belonging to tho estato of Priscilla Thomas, deceased, tor too benefit Of the heirs and creditors. WILLIAM B THOMAS, Ex’or. Jefforsonton, Juue lo, I86f». .imm. o GEORGIA, CA3IDEN Cuban. T WO MuNi'tii after Uat •, a. picuiiou will be utile to the Honorab.u Ooo.t of ur.iinury lo •atd coumy, for leave to se,l tnc fol.uwing t amed negroes: Rose au 1 her three childreu, Irene, jii bis and Joo; boloogiug to the estate of l^ui.-u lump- kiss, deceased, lor thu benefit of -aid heirs. WILLIAM U. lllO.M a&, Ouurd-an. Jefferionton, June lu, T.g»,.pino bu NOTICE. O NE MONTH alter date, application wli be made to the btute Bank of Uuotgiu, tor j*ay* Aleut of a twenty do.lar bill, tbo left hand Ln.f of WUUfo bod Ikqu lost. July 1 JOHN P. KENEDY. lliuwey, Alabama. July 1, lS6|t. NOTICE. /T1W0 months from Uuto application will he 1, mode to the Ordinary of Clnuhum County, lor Cave to sell lot No 151. tub district, Baker, belong ing tu ibo estate or Julian Marks. -JACOB WATSON, mays Admiulstrmor. ADSaSTRATOiCfi NOTICE. A LL persuus having demands aguiu.-.t the estate of the 1 ito Churies .* i . Arnold, deceased, are hereby notified to present them, properly attested. Within the Utne prescribed by law; and uii those in debted to said estate, are requested to mak« imme diate payment to EDWaKD PADLLEUKD, may g Administrator. State of Georgia. liuiloeli County A DMlNlSTUATuRa* SALE.—Will bo suld, on tho first Tuesday in August next, before th« court nouse m Statesboro’, In »aUl county, under nn order of the Court of Urditmry, Fifty lour (64) acres of P-no UnJ, granted to James Deal, and bounded by lands of James Woods, William Allen ami Elmore Manes, belonging to the esluto of James Deal, for 1I10 benefit of tho heirs and creditors of said estate, forms made known on the day of sale. MARTHA DEAL, ) Adm’x. CALVIN DEAL, /Adm'r. June 12th, 1650 jo 16 NOTICE. A LL perrons hnviug claims ugalust tho estate of Evan .Tunes, late of Cburllou county, Ga,, do- ee.ued, arc requested to present them, iu terms of law, and tho-e indebted will please make payment (0 Hie duhicribor. STEPHEN McCALL, Executor. CentrevH'ago, fin., June 14tli. 1860 jo22 ASSIGNEES NOTICE. M R, Loud UobiUer having made an assign- meat tor the beuelllol lus creditors, ailper- •oa^indebto-l to lihii will please make ptymeut t. tne. Aud tUo»v having demands against him n u ' foqUMted to present them, that payment may be loado as far as thu assetts will exteua. A. BUNaUD, Assignee. Bavumah, M >y W, I860. nuydo GLYNN SIIEUiFe ’et SAniu. W ILL bosold heioro too fioor of the Court House in the city of Brunswick, Uouuly of Glynn, on Urn first Tueiday lu July uext, between the iegul hours of sale, the foilowiug property, to witCos- Blue, Jim, OUIoo, and Simon—levied on by virtue <4 ft. fa. Issued out of tho Honorable Superior Cm rt ol Glynn County, in favor of lioruco B. Gould vs. Alex ander sjcrauion and James Guweu, AdnpnUt.ators of Mary Abbott, doeoased. Property pomte 1 out l y plaintiff’s attorney. ¥ mayiS M. C. B WRIRHP, S.G.C. GLYNN SHERIFF’* SAGE. W ILL ho oold before tbo door of the Court House, In tho city of Breus wick, Coumy of Glynn, on Uw first Tuesday in July next, between tne legal Lours of sale, tbo foilowiug property, to wit.:—one undivided b ill'of a tract or parcel ol luud continuing two buudrod and fifiy acres, (more oriesi-) lying end bul igln the county of Glynn, hounded Houtu be lands granted to Michael 1’ou.soll, northwardly by hinds grauted to Juliu laimb, soiiior, oa*t by Imios unknown. Levied mnu the property oi'Uciia L-nub, tosuliiiy a fi. lu. issued out of tho llouorubio .*up«- rlor Court of Glynn coumy. in favor of Jnunel Mclu- tosh vs. Celia Lntub. Property pointed ova Ly do fondant. M. <1. B, U B1G11T, tnuy28 Siu.-rliri.lynn rn-iiii v, WATE UF UEihu.ia, blur1 v.u, f |tu all wbom it may concern:—Whereas Ja.-.on JL Floyd will apply at the Court of tjrduury for fottors of admluistrution on the estate of Alien D. ^T^heseare therefore to cite and admonish all whom It miy concern, ui bo and ai p_*ar bciuro said courr, to m tke objectioiH, If any they have, ou or before tho first Monday lu July next, otherwisesuhUoilers Will be granted. Witness W. I*. Glrorddau, Ordinary for Liberty County, tills27th day of'April, I86d. W. P. GIRARDEAU, may27 •>. L. C. notice; ■\TTILL ho sold, between the usual hours of sale, V? on the first Tuesday in August next, before the court house door In Trailer’s Hill, Charlton county, Ga., Two negro men, (Dick aud Tom)—be longing to tho estate of Kvmi Jones, late of said com.ty, ouva-ed. Sold under provisi n of tho will and b/ order of the hoinjnblo UrUhmry of said county. STEPHEN McCALL, Ex’r. C mire village, Ga., Juue 14th, IS06 Je22 RELIGIOUS WORKS. - H ISTORY of tho Grout Beformutiou of the Six teenth Century, in Germ my, Switzerland,Arc, b.- J H Merle D'Aublguc, flvu volumes complete iu uiic. The Life of Martin Luther, tho German Reform er, In titty pictures, Lorn do-dgns of Gustav Konig, 10 which In a Idi-d a sketch of the rise and progress of Hie Reformation In Gorin uuy. L to uud 'Junes • t' Rev ElUuU Ilediling, D D, late Senior Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church, by D W Clark, 1) D. Sermons on Several 0 |, ca?ions, by the Kov John We. 1. y, a M, in four votumos. soil nous |> otu the Pulpit, by H B Bnscom, D D, ti.n. Life of II Biddlcmau Bnscom, D D, L L D, Into Bl hop of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, by Rev M M Honk c, D D, Puethuwous M’urks of tho Rev Henry B Bnscom, D D, L L D, 0110 of tho Bishops of tno Methodist Episcopal Church South, edited by the Kov Thomas N Klisten. A M. Life of tho Rev Robert Newton, D D, by Thomas JUCh-SOU The B irds of the Bible, by George Guifillan. 'iho Analogy of Religion—Natural and Revealed —to the Cons 1 hut ion aud Course of Nuturo, by Jo seph Butler, L L D, late L»rd Bishop of Durham. BaptLia—a ireitl-.o ou tho uuturo, jierpetuity, subjects, mimini-tr.ttion, mode, and uses of the ini- t ft lug ordinance of the Christian Church, by Tho* u Sumner*. Baptism—with reference to its import, modes, hi'lory, proper use. and the duty of patent* to bap- lize 1 children, by James J. Chapman, a minister 01 the .Memphis Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, %‘ouih. For f alu ut *60 Congress street by juiu-22 WaKNOCK k DAVIS. VIRGINIA SPRINGS I THROUGH BY DAY-UGUT. Amt Baggage Chocked Through; except ou Stages. Visitors to the*Virgin!niu Springs by till* routo, take tho South-Side Railroad cars at Petersburg, nr the Richmond aud Danville cars at Richmond, at 0 A. M., dally, (Sundays excepted,) arrive at Lynch burg to dinner, nud thence, via tho Virginia uud Tennessee Railroad, reach Bunsack’s DejHitut U 1-4, and Salem ut 41*. M., aud ut either place take Kent* StimmerMUti ik Co’s Fine Line of Stage* I Those via Bonsack's lodge nt Klucastle, dine ut tho Red Sweet, or Sweet Springs, and arrive at tho White Sulphur Springs, (17 tulles) early on the ovonlug ol'the second day Irom Petersburg, or Rich mond, without NIGHT TRAVEL, and with but ti4 miles of Staging. Ur by tho Salem route, Mop all night at tho Roanuko Red Sulphur Springs, (lu miles distant from Salem,) dine at the Red Sweet, nr Sweet Springs, and arrive at tho White Sulphur Spriugs on tho evening of the following day. Tho Virginia & Teuuesseo Railroad is located through a most romantic country, possessing a oil mate unsurpassed for Its salubrity und delightful tom porature. The road passes the base of tlio PEAKS OF OTTER! And within throe miles ortho Alleghany Springs, one mile of tho Montgomery White Sulphur Spriugs, and within four miles of the Yellow Sulphur Springs; ull pleasantly situated a few miles apart, 011 the Eastern slope ol'the Alleghany mountain, in Muut gomery county. Tho wuturs of these Springs uro celebrated for their groat medicinal qualities, tho ac commodations are excellent, and have neeu greatly increased since lost season. AyVisitora to Urn Red Sulphur Springs take Kout, Suiniuorson & Go’s Stages at Newborn Depot, on the ovonlug of tho day that they leave Peters* burg or Richmond, and arrivo at tho Springs on tho following day to dinner, and Salt Sulphur Spriugs early in tho ovonlug of tho second day from Rich mond or Petersburg. Tho Road from Newborn Depot to tho Red Sul* phur Springs, (38 miles,) ha* boon gradod wnJ greatly improved since last sonsou, and is now re garded asoiie of tbo best turnpikes in the moun tains. Tho lino of Telegraph from Kichmnud will bo com pleted and in operation 10 thu Mootgomury White Sulphur Springs curly In June. Passenger* to Knoxville, Tennessee, take Kent, Summorsou &Co’s stages at tho Western tormluus of tho Virginia A: Touuo. aco Railroad, uow 180 miles from Lynchburg (amt being extended Westward at tho rato ot 8 miles per month) to thu Eastern torini nus of the East Tennessee uud Virginia Ruilroad, nud arrivo nt Knoxville in 21*2 days from Peters burg or Richmoud. Pure from Petersburg or Itiehmuud. To Red Sweet, or Sweet Springs via Bouauck’s,$in 00 “ “ “ “ “ “ Suioin.... lo fio 1 White Sulphur Springs “ Bun.-aok’s ll 00 ‘ “ “ “ ** Saloui.... ll fiu ’Rod Sulphur Springs 12 26 ‘ Alleghany Springs • 8 uo ' Montgomery White Sulphur Spriugs 8 25 * Yellow Sulphur Springs 8 46 ‘ Knoxville, Tennessee *23 ou Non?.—Tho charge lor tickets to tho Alleghany Springs, Montgomery While Sulphur nud Yellow Sulphur Spriugs, dues iiol include tho charge from tho Railroad to the Springs. Passenger* lor the AI Icghany Springs, J(4mile* distant,) take ticket* to SliawsviUe—for Montgomery White Sulphur, (l miio Ulstaut by u brunch Railroad,) take tickets to Big Tunnol uud for tho Yellow Sulphur, (4 miles dis tant,) tuko tickets to Christian-burg depot. Com voyuuces will bo found at those places. For further Information apply to K. A. GOODWIN, Ticket Agent S. S. R. It., PUersburg. CHARLES CAMPBELL, Sup't Richmond & Danville It. K., Richmond. E. H. GILL WITH HALL’S PATENT J-OWDER-PROOF IX)CK. Having received tho Prlzo Medal at tlio World’s Fair, aro now Ollbrod to tho public ns tho Prize Safe oT tho World. Tested and approved as they liavo been every where, their crowning victory wiw reserved to bi awarded by tlio Juried of tho World’s! air. Tho proprietor placed Ono Thousand Dollars In Gold lu the ono exhibited ftt tho World’s Fnlr, Lon- don, and Invitud all tho Plck-l*ocks In tlio world to open the Safe, willi or without tho keys, aud tako the money us a reward for their ingenuity 5 although operated uinmi by sovcral skilled iu tho art, 110 ono could lick tho Ijuck or open the Safe. By un Improvement upon thooriginnl Salamander, Introduced by tho prosotitowner of tho patent-right, the interior is rondered wholly lm|tcrvious to damp, and books, pupors aud Jewelry might bo preserved iu one of hi* safes for a century without contracting a blemish from mould or tnllldew. To guard against counterfeits every Safo from tho manufactory of the subscriber, and sold by him or his agents, bus a brass plate in front, bearlhg his uiinio: each Is also furnished with ono of his Im proved Thief Detecting l/icks, which la a gootl guar antee against robbery. ..... „ fl. C. HERRING k CO., Nos. 136, 137 amt 139 Wuter-at., N, Y. Agents In Ha van 11 ah, Messrs. BEIA k PRENTISS, who keep constantly 011 hand a full and complete assortment, which they will soil at Manufacturers' prices. septiM.. LOCAL - EVIDENCE OF THE‘VALUE AND FIRB- I'KOOr Qt’AUTtm OK WILDER’S NALAMANDEIt SAFES, An Manufactured by ,Stearns iC Jfamto, New Fork. In the (ire of the fid lust., which consum ed the brick building occupied by Mr. Jno. T. Thomas, opposite tho Gas Works, in this city, was a sale ol tho above descriptions contaluiug thu hooks, papers, and money of Jlr. Thomas, and althougu thu building was Uetroycd, the said Safo sustained nn Injury whatever from tlio intense heat to which It hud been exposed. On open ing the Safe, tlio contents were found undisturbed, aud in the same order and condition as whou placed there, except a slight discoloration to tho projoctlug ends of n few liapcrs. aud the backs of ono or two of tlm books, caused by the steam generated lu the Safe, while at its greatest liout. Tho Safe and content*, as it came from tho ruins, may still be seen, in tho possession of Mr. Thomas, nt tho Gas Works. A large assortment or these cele brated Safes always on baud,and for sale by C. II. CAMPFIKLD, Agent for the Manufacturers, July 26,1866. 171 Bay-st., Savanuah, Gu. I tako pleasure in corroborating tho foregoing state ment, und iu addition would add. that tho hooks aro now in use. J. T. THOMAS, Wood Yard, Ferry Wharf. July 2Gth, 1856. octtt—tX JOB TLY EXECUTED AT HIE JOURNAL, BOOK & JOB OFFICE. Merchants can ho supplied at short notlco with BIU-HcmU, mu* of Lading, Drey Hooks, Circular*, Cards and Blank Book*. 6U1UT8I siiiUTS] 1 fliiiiiTs 1: j I HAVE just received ft large assortment of w turn uud figured HUlrts, of every quality ami style, and superbly made, with collars to match, orders will also bo taken, and shirts tnndo to suit my particular si.\ lo or taste of tho wearer. Call at the star Clothing Emporium, 147 Bay atreot. my 14 WM. O. PRICE. * UEMOVAL. * The subscriber has Removed on the ^ ^ Bay, next door to tho Republican;|j|Wf(j[t] otiu-e, whore lie is now opening ni fill |(i handsome assortment of s 1* RI NGL-lliiL/ AND tUM.Mi-lit GOUDA, which he will soil by tho pallet n or make to order in tlio most fushiouablo stylo. Also, Bendy Made clothing for the present and coiniug season. Tlmukiut for pa.-t favors, ho hope* to merit a con tiuuaiice of the same. N. h —Culling, Altering and Repairing dono at the shortest notice. Just received White Drill Coals and Pants, White und Figured Marseilles Vests, for sale ftt a small pro fit. aprI2 JOHN W. KELLY; GEORGIA, LllliSitTY COUNT*. O N the Urol Monday lu July uext application will bo made to mu honorably tho Court ol uidma ry of said county for letter* of ndmiul-t ration on the t'tiue of GUuou McGikwen, lutool said county, do* ceased. ANN McGUti’aN.. June 2 DJIA PER AND TAILOR. .ILfTKB.SON HTI'KEI' NEAR BROUGHTON. The subscriber takes this opportunity to inform Ids friends and the public, that he is enabled, from experience, ami tho .intuitive poreojitiuns of the truths of. science, ha.ed on thu common rules of surveying forms, both plane aud spherical, to cut and make up garment* to 111 tin* human form in tho most complete aud finished tdyle, io all who tuuy favor him with a call. Boys’fancy drosses, Ball costumes, Military and Firctueu’H Uniforms, &c.,&c. P. HORACE GRANT, Jefferson st., ono door North of Broughton street, due 7—1 y ftOl’iUE. T HREE month* alter date application will bo made to Uta MorUi't Bank uf caviumuli tor lire p i.v- Xnoutof two Twoaty dollar bills, viz : letter B, 3UT0, •ud letter U, 6J7, the loft haiveiol which liavo been lost. JAMES P. HUDSON. lallahMseo, Flo.. May 17.186». 3m* mv'.O I JAl'KU HANOINOS AND iiUUDEHH.— Just received u great assortment of tlio most elegant pa tier 1-a, willi border* to match, fioni 8 cent* to *2, at CHAFFER k CO.’S, ftptflb No. ft Whitaker street. ABJIlAlSi'tt.VKUA a ki.l. O N the Ur*t fued-uy in July next will by sold lu front ot tuo Court Hou?u, lu tho city of Havun. ban, all tho real estato iadongiug to urn o.-tutc of Jume« M. Uatot, lalo of C'ImiImiii County, docensed. | Eold by l errnlsslou of tito c’ourl of Ordinary, und by order of the Administratrix, for the bunuUt of the belr* aud creditors. AUS B. BA'lEH, Xnay26 Admiin Aratrix. 3 4MIESH Salmon .^Lsjbrfter* and Sardines, tor ? sale by Jan 2 Alto.VM'D ■ale by jau 2 WANTED, A PITUATION ns wet imr 0, l y a healthy your-g woman. Would have no oojcctloti to titivoi, or go Into tho country. Good role renew given. Apply at thla olUcn.^ . fll—June 24 TJABKElSrBASKBTSI—Wo Would cull tlio JJ altimt'ou of tlio |mhe» to our *tock uf Work, Traveling and film Fancy Basket', the large.-1 assort ment in tho city, ut the House Furnishing fltoro, 166 Mroughton-street. marftl riORAOF »f/lUflE. LE, LARD, &o.—20* Prime Isird; 60 do Taylor k Ann’* Ale; 60 do sugar, non a and bat- “ reuoivod and for calc by MCMAHON k DOYLE, 201 and 207 Jky atreoL A LE, LA O, M. GRIFFIN, SUCCESSOR TO LATE M. EASTMAN. Corner of Bryan ami Whitaker Streets, fV UAr* now on hand a heatilifni n.°- .-v Koriment of Jewelry of every dls- ffj?I crlptlou nud kind worn liy ludlos NSk»L und gentlemen, and will sell at unusually low prices, I have tills day received (per Express) a largo stock of elegant rtiver Ware, rmisistlug of Cake and Pl« Knives, plain and engraved Kish Knives and ForkH, Pick led Knives and Forks, Knives, Forks aud .Spoons, Napkin Rings, Nutmeg Graters, Am. Am., all in Morocco mumaud suitahlo for presents. I Imvo also this day reneived till addition to my stock of hull work of light colored Curls, Topsys. Braid*,Front Pieces, Bands, Uncle Tom, Am., which now makes my assortment complete. Orders received for any color desired. Watches repaired by and under tho Minor vision of solf. uud all other work done In a workmanlike munuer.and warranted. may 26 ray 13-8 m Sup't V. & T. R. R., Lynchburg. KENT, FUMMERaON k LU, Fiucustlo, Virginia. CENTRAL IL A1JL ICO AD. JBmm ........ edDLet - ^ O N and alter Sunday, the 14th October, innt., and until furthur notice, thu Passenger Truius on tuo Central llailroud will run as follows : BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND MACON. Leaves Savannah Dally at...6 a m uud 12.16 r m, Arrivo in Macon “ “..2.16 pm “ 1 a Leave Macon “ “.11.45 am “ 9.30 p Arrive in flnvan’h “ “10.46 p m “ 7.20 a m HCTWKKN 8AVANNAU ASU AUQCHTA. Leave Savunnuh 12.16 p m and 8.30 p. Arrive in Augusta 8.46 p m “ 6,30 a m, Leave Augusta 6. am “ 4.30 p m Arrive In Savannah 1.30 pm “ 10.46 p mcTWKK.V MACON AND AC0U8TA. I-cave Macon... 11.46 a m and 9.30 p m, Arrivo hi Augusta .8.46 pm “ 6.30 Lcavo Augusta (1. am “ 4.30 pm, Arrivo In Macon .'2.16 p a* “ 1. am, HbTWKKX SAVANNAH, MIUJ-DUEVHAK & KATO.VTON. Leave Savanuah...... 6. a m Arrivo In Mlllodgevillo. .2.46 p m. Leave Macon 11 45 a m ArrivoluEatontou.. 6. p m, W. M. WADLEY Gun’I Snpt. Savannah, Ga., Oct. 12, 1865. oct!6. CHANGE UK SCHEDULE ON THE SOUTH WESTERN RAILROAD Om IVlll.ll 1IUM.M Ull) Uruut New York & Mew Orleans Mails, O N and alter Sunday, February fid, 1860, two dully trains between Macon und Columbus, and one between Macon and Americas, I-oavo Macon at 2 a m, and » p m; arrive ut Colum bus at 7 16 A M, and 10 30 p m ; leave Columbus at 4 16 a m, and 1 80 p m; arrive at Macon ut 10 64 a m, and 7 40 p m;leave Macon at 2 am; arrivo at Amnrl cus at 0 40 a m; leave Amoricus at 2 20 p at; arrive at Macon nt 7 40 p m; making ucoinplutueonuuutimi be tween Montgomery, Alabama, and Augusta, Kings ville, Wilmington and Charleston; also, with Central Ruilroad Trains to Savannah, Millodgnvlllomid Eaton- ton, and with Macon uud Western trains to Atlaula. Chattanooga, Nashville und Knoxville. Tonu. At CulumbiiH with Girard and Mobile Railroad to Kulanin, Ala., connecting dully nt Amerloua with four horse Post Coaches to Tallnhasseo. Albany Thomasville, Balnbrldge, «kc M with tri-weekly hacks lo Lumpkin, Culbbort, kn., at Fort Valley with hacks to Perry, Huynosvlllo, llawklnsvHlo und Knoxville, Ga. Pussongera for Amerlcnw ami pointa below Fori Valley, should take thu 12161» m train from Savuu null; and tho 6 pm train from Augusta, to avoid do leution at Macon. For other points on tim .-outh- Western or Aluseogoo Roads take cither traiu from Savannah or Augusta. Passengers leaving Amntl- cus at 2 20 p m will roach Columlms at lo 30 p m the aaino night. PassungorB from Columbus and tho West for Ain- cricus, South-woritorn Georgia or Florida, should take tho 130 p m train at (Jolumbus, sloop at Fort Valley, and roach Amoricus at ft 40 a m next morn ing. First class steamships leave Savannah for Now York on Wednesdays und Saturdays, and for Phila delphia on Wednesdays. Passage i.i the Cabin $26, fltcorngo $8. Faro from Montgomery to Savannah $].| 00 “ Columbus “ “ lu on “ AmorlutiR “ “ 8 so’ GEU. W. ADAMS, Sup’t. Macon, January 30th, I860. may to VIRQIN Fa CENTRAL R.ROAD. GENU IN E PREPARATIONS. . ' HelmboItVa lllKhlr Concentrated Com pound Fluid Extract, Bucltu. . ISA (MffAlN, SAFE, AND EFFECTUAL REMEDY F OR Diseases ortho Bladder, Kldnoyi, Gravel, Drojwy, Weakness, Secret Disease*, Obstruc- uona, Female Complaints, and all diaaasoe of tha Sexual Organs, whether in MALE OR FEMALE. from whatever cause they may bavo originated, and NO MATTER OF HOW IDNO STANDING. ThlH popular and simclDc remedy is noW offered to tho oUllcted, und guaranteed to euro all the abovo complaints. U Bcurcbes out thu very root of the diaeaso, driving out all the diseased fluids of tlio body, thus removing tho cauBo and rendering the ruuuuuuiKD «J4 uuuuutjg. iMipin, »yj4»wn, «IC. cUrO Tliankfm for tho very llborul patronage hurotolore DYING AND RENOVATING ESTABLISHMENT, 73 YORK STREET, NEAR TUB COURT HOUSE, SAVANNAH, GA., Established in 183g. 1HE Subscriber grateful to his friends and patrons for their continual favors, would state mHE J. pi , that In addition 10 tho improvements iu DYING, ac qulrod by him during his last visit to Eugland and flcotlaud, has made urrauguments for extending his business, by which he la uow enabled to dye a greater variety or colors on silk nnd woolen dresses, shawls, lie., which he trusts will generally please ull who may favor him with their patrouuge. Gentlemen’s garmuuta dyed, cleaned or renovated as may bo required, iu the sarao superior stylo which baa generally so much pleaaod his patrons and friends. Table Covers, nnd Ladies’ Crapo Shawls, &c., cleaned ami llnishud in tho flrst stylo. Ladles’ Bonnets dyed, bleached and pressed in the most fashionable styles. Orders from tho country promptly attended to. Terms moderate. When purculs are scut by steamboats or railroad, word should bo sont him by Ictlor through tho post ollice, so that ho may know whoro to call lor them. meh 16 ALEXANDER GALLOWAY. IIEINTZELMANN’8 ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER. T HE distinguished favor with which this essence has been received throughout all sections of tno Union us a remedy at once safe, agroeablo and effectual for Incipient Dinrrhroa, Cnolora Morbus, Weak and relaxed Bowels, Prostration by heat or fatigue, lJy.pepsla, Flutulonce, Colic, Cramp, Lan guor or Debility from sedentary habits, &c., has In duced the proprietor to givoit every publicity in his power. L pon its morrits comment Is unnecessary, us Us own intrinsic worth Is its best eulogy. It car ries willi it the evidence of Us superior excellence, freely attested to by the young, tho old, and scores ot families who, prompted by n earefol regard for their liealth nnd comfort, aro daily adopting it as un iMmumwADUt FAMILY muiKiiv. Theio is purliups uo modlcluul preparation extant so simple and harm less, yet. salutary and elll-ctive, whoso worth will be more appreciated or uuiversallv adopted than the Liquid uingcr prepared by Holnlzolraau. For sale by J. E. DkKORD, Druggist, JolO Urn Savauimh, Ga. KlVi PHIffff PRINTING, such us Catalogues lor Colleges, Proceedings of Muetlugs. Reports, By-Ijiwn, etc. Tlmnkl'iil for thu very liberal patronage hurotolu.. received,-we rospeutiully solicit a contiiiuanco ol tlio Baiuo, feeling that wo sliull bo ubic to please ull who may favor us with a cull, both us to prices and execution or work. NoiwroMAuISius; rntlB buoy* at flt. .Simons Inlet and Bound have X boon arranged in tho following manner : Uutor Bar Bu..y is a largo Urst class nun, ruinted red, With the No 2 lu white—Is placed is twenty feet water at low tide, uud must lie Iclt ou tho star board hnml outerlng. Hi Simons Unlit bear* N W by W )i W. North point of Jokyl W by N X, Middle Buoy—is a largo second class mm, paint ed black, with No 1 lu white—is placed iu sixteen foot water at low tide, un tho Eastern edgo of the Middle Grouud, und must ho left nu the port hand entering. St SimotiB Light hears N W by W )i W. North poiut of Jokyl W by N. Inner Buoy—U a second class nuu, painted black, with the Noil lu while—I* pi iced In twenty-one led water ut low tide, on the poiut ol shoal running off from Jekyl Island, nnd must bo left on tho port hand entering. St Simons Light hour* N E by N }£ X. North point Joky I \V by fl fl. Iu tlm Sound is the ]<ovvcr Middle Ground Buoy- which is u t-econd class mm, painted with red and black horizontal stripe*—is placed In twelvo feet wuter at low tide, on the lower point of thu Middle Grouud, to murk the two chunmds. St Simons Light bear* X E by K. North poiut of Jekyl Island 8 E by fl y t S. Middle Middto Ground Buoy—is a second class nmi| painted red, with No 4 lu white—Is placed In eighteen feet water at low tide, near tho elbow of tho Middle Ground, uud must ho left on thu star board hand entering. North point or Jekyl burs N E E. Brunswick |»int W by fl. Upper Middle Ground Buoy—Is a second class nuu, painted red, with the No ft lu white—U placed iu 18 feel water ut low tido, near tlio upper end of the Middle Ground, aud must bo left on the star board baud entering. Brunswick paint bears \V )i fl. Mouth of Joky I Creek S % E. Nwnt.—In running lu for St Simons Bar bring the Light to hour N W by W \V\ vvhllo in four fathom* water. This bearing a* a course will tako you up to tho Outer Bar Buoy and Into the Found, passing the buoy* as directed. By order of the Light House Board. G. MANIGAULT MORRIS, Jo28—tf L. 11. Inspector, Oth District. NOTICE TO MARINERS. ~ T HE buoys at flt. Audrew’a Inlet aud Sound have been arranged In the following manner : Bar Buoy—is a second class can, painted rod, with tho No 2 in white—Is placed In sixteen water at low tldo, and must bo left on the sturboard hand enter ing. Little CumUerluud Light benrs W by \V y. X. South poiut of Jokyl X W by W. Middle Buoy—1« a eccotvil class can, painted red, vfitli tho No 4 In white—Is placed iu nineteen tael wuter ut low tide, near tho High North Breakers, and must bo left on tbo starboard hand eutoriug. Cumlund Light hears W by N H X. South point of Jekyl N W K W. luner Buoy—is a second class cau, painted black, with Xo 1 In white—is placed iu twenty-one feet wnter at low tide, near a dry shoal running oil*from Cumberland Island, and must lm left on tho port hand entering. Cumberland Light bears fl \V by W >4 W. South point of Jekyl X W y W. In tho .Sound is tho Midulo Ground Buoy—second cIilss can, painted with red aud black horizontal stripes—placed In ton feet wuter nt low tldo, on a poiut of shoal rmining down from tho Butillu River, uud nearly in tho middle of the Sound. Vessels must not pass to the westward of It. Cumberland Light bears 8 by E K R. Imior point of Jekyl N w yi w, - Buoy at tho sutrnneo ofSatllla River—Is a second class can, puinted black, with Xo 3 in white—Is placed tu ten feet water at tow tide, aud must be lelt on the port baud entering. Cumberland Light hears 8 by 14. Outer point of Jekyl boars N E. Noth—In running in for St. Audrow’s Bur bring tho Light to bear w by N y % X, wliilo in-tour fath- oms water. This bunt ing as a course will take you up to the Bar Buoy, then haul otf to tho northward until the Middle Buoy, No 4, Is in range with the Light, (to avoid two 1 imps iu a direct line, W by X N, between the two buoys,) when steer for it— passing it to tho southward. From tills buoy a N W by W X W course will bring you into the Sound. By ordor of the Light House Board. C. MANIGAULT MORRIS, Jo28—tr L. H. Inspector, Oth District. Of Cupa .reception of ftuicnt*. His toflr.J meryto foceled near the Depot and y^ x ^1 Broadway, andcootalns about thirty largo , fhrnished Kooiiu, with good aud trusty way* at hand, both ladles and gomioincu arVf^l ed at tblfl Institution, and wlllrocelvo UjoaL,^l and kind attention from the l'roprietor. J"!*1 hU Matron. His practice In thut horrible h^I Cancer, for tbo |xutt ten years is net any Fbyslctan in tbo South. I’atlcuu « r J at 91 por diem, ot 916 per month. $10 bi-uiif,, 4 Iniulvanco. mr ttm to In tgr«ed upon _ dortnkon. All communlcuMu touit tail, >1 nddreued to W. K. llosiffi l *l «*• CERTAIN AND PEKMANENT. Tills mcdtdnu ullsys psln ami Inllammatlon, which oilier remedies luvarluUly cause, uud can be token with less trouble aud espouse to imtlcms. llile la- * * id thousands ujkju thousands fttllihfo remedy hassavci from tlio hands of MERCILESS QUACKS, If not from premature graves. In caae3 of Infection the Compound Bucbu is tho only article wortliy or the least coulidcuce ortho alfllctcd In performing SAFE CURES. , u , It contaluB no narcotic, mercury, or othor Injurious brotlier Joseph, drug, but Is purely a Vegetable CompotUit/n. It Is Davan s History of the Queen’s of the Ron, vory ugrueablo to thu taste, creates uo perceptible Hanover—2 yols. odor, und may bo takun by jiersons of either sox witliout hindrance from business or medical advice, os plain directions for use accompany tho medicine. Reader. If you luivo any of tho abovo complaints, do not ueglect thorn, DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. With this medicine you can cure yourself, and thus prevent all exposure. TRUTH MUST ANI) WILL PREVAIL. This metliclna Fpeodily aud effectually cures the -—, w , most virulent form or secret diseases, und eradicates TWY FW CIHOF CUBA MOLASBES^TV'TT every particle of infoclloiis matter from the system, Xx go or tho Abbott Devcreaux, daily tv*? rostering the patient to a porlest state of “ n| “ •» * n n,,u »— 1 ^ P OXATUEH-—400 barrels superior PTiriE-B Patotoea: 60 do Western BwhijSdm2S| Blows, for sale by “ ar8 Jg I ^ A M^KELI.y itt, f HON. U1H HlfBitAV'i TTN1TED State*, Canada and Cuba. 1 offiBSf'dBSf “ ” rs ^"’ new •«* 1L brS , ™?ph:“ M “ ,WCOrrMPOD '" !, ‘“ **»» |;Tho Allachl in Madrid. Romance or the liarom, by MUs Pardb# , Rachel Gray, by Julia Kavanatigh. Earnest liusfoHd, by Mrs. Lee llentz. mar 8 W.THORNKWlim^ J UST UECEIVED.—20 box^sEoife prime article, 20 tierce* choice }S Hams, In store, and for sale by Uh ° ic ° Tew ^“ WAYNE, GRENVILLR arv, HI BA Mlll.TeBEB—as-^L mar 2ft Brooke Hall Female Seminary, MEDIA, DELAWARE CO., PA. MUM MARIA L. EASTMANN, Frjnciiul. Thi* Seminary, located In the do- lightful und healthy village or Media, thirteen miles 'from Philadelphia, by Railroad, will be ’ 1 UPEXED UN WEDNESDAY. Soptcmbcr 10th, I860. Tuo commodious building, now in process of erec tion, with ull the modern improvements, will bo Itnodiod bv tho first of August, and whl contain such accommodations, botli iu poiut of taste and comfort, aft canuot fail to satisfy parents that while their daughter?, aro enjoying the benefits of mental cul ture, they have nlso the comforts of a refined home. This Institution is established with a view to afford to young ladles tlio most perfect combination of ad vantages for tlm attainment of a thorough and ac complished education, and no pains or expense will be spared to render it in reality wlmt it professes to bo. a school of superior merit. Miss Eastman, the Principal, was at thu head of a school in Now Flig hted previous to herresidence iu Pennsylvania, and lor tho last six year* lm* been known to the patrons of Aston Ridge Seminary, us presiding teacher in that institution. The lit. Rev. A. Potter, Bishop of the Diocese of Pennsylvania, says:— “Miss M. L. Eastman, who proposes to open a Aoimg Ladies’ Seminary in Media, Delaware Co., I a , in September next, has been known to tho sub- scriber tor several year* past. Jlo has a very High opinion ot her capacity, clllclency aud dovoteduess as an educator, flho has had a largo and success- lul experience. The building which is to bo erected lor her use will contain every accommodation. Tlio village and surrounding country are distinguished f >r boa thi nines* und beauty, aud the suhflcrlbev has confidence Unit parents who eutrust their daughters to Miss Kastman will have no reason lo regret it.” Miss Eastman will be aided by an elUcicnt corps ofloachor*. Tho French language will bo taught and spoken by u Parisian lady, residing hi tho lumily. Tho 1 Jilin, German, Spanish and Italian languages will receive duo attention. Tlio Natural Sciences will bo taught, with tho aid ol a largo und expensive uppirutus, Tho Musical Department will lm under the charge <>r u lady eminently qualified to fill the situation; uud all preferring a male teacher ou the Piano or in singing, can Imvo the benefit of a Visitiug Toachor from Philadelphia. Drawing and Painting will bo under the direction ot a lady accomplished In the art. 'Iho number of pupil* l* limited lo forty. Tho Term* lor Board and Tuition in ull thu branch es except Music, uro $160 por session of live months. Mbs Kastman lm* liberty to refer to tlio following gentlemen:— Rl. Rev. A. Potter, D.D., and tlio Episcopal clergy Hon. b: Pierce, President of tlio United States. Hon. fl. p. Chase, Governor of O.iio. ' ’Hen. N. B. Baker, Ex-Governnr of Now Hamp shire. lion. M.'W. Tappan, ». O. from New York. Rev. N. Atom, of Norristown, Pu. Rev. A. Mciaiudf Clourllold, Fu, Pierce Butler, Esq,, of l'hiludolphia. J. B. Okie, Esq., do. E. W. Clark, Esq., i io. George Wlmrtun, Esq., do. Chrutopltur Ko:*or, Pottevllle, Pa. George Wyman, flt. I/mis, Mo. Hon. 1*. O. Johnson, Was (dug ton, B. C. For further particulars, or fur circulars apply to tho Principal, MIAS MARU EASTMAN, jolt) cou fiin Mediu, Dolawaru tM. Pa. FRENCH MILLINERY axii Dress Making. JIRfl. FREELAND has open ed at her Rooms, No. 174 Broughton Street, a fine selec tion of spring Miliuory, and is constantly receiving per steam- , now and dilforent stylos of Bonnets; also, Dress and Mantilla patterns, j®- Bonnets cleaned and pressed as usual, anrlft KEDZIK’SPATEAT WATER, FILTER. An assortment of sizes on hand. Wo warrant them to make tlio Savannah River Water, oven though dipped directly out of tho River, as pure und clear as the finest Spring Water. About forty of thesc Filters aro uow in use iu this city, and every person wholius them, will cheerfully testily to their efficiency. Indcod, tho Board of Water Commissioners hero, say in thoir Rupert, it is the only Filter that does effectual ly purity the Savaunult River Water. Call and seo ono in operation ut our House Fur nishing and Stoveestabllsinont,Hodgson’s now block. KENNEDY & BEACH, _fob 27 _ Cornor of Broughton mid Bull sts. "ICE PITCHERS. DOUBLE Wnter Pitchers, Some now and beautiful designs, Plated and Brlta- nla. At tho Hjuso Furnishing Store, ■ 166 BROUGHTON STREET, HORACE MORSE. Savannah, April30. aprfiO patent air-tight self-sealing CANS AND JAIiS, HEALTH AND PURITY. Ilelmbold’s Highly Concentrated Com pound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla. For purifyiug the Blood, removiug all diseases ari sing from excess of Mercury, exposure and ira- prudenco In life, chronic constitutional diseases, arising from un impure stuto of Blood, olid the only reliable aud cllbctual known remedy for the euro of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ulcer ations of the Throat and Logs, Pains and Swellings of the Bones, Tetter, Pimple* ou the Fuce, and all Scaly Eruptions of the Skin. It is gratifying to tho proprietor of these medicines to ho able to state that It Is'now nearly threo years sluco they wore first introduced, duriug which time they have been extensively used In various parts of tho United States, and have given to patient and practitioner tlm highest degree of satisfaction in tho various cases in which they have been employed ; whether iu town, country, hospital or private prac tice, they Imvo Invariably given tho most docided uud unequivocal satisfaction, nnd produced tho most salutary and beneficial effects. Numerous letters have been received from th# most distinguished physicians in tlio country, and from tho professors of several medical colleges, recommending In the highest terms tbo value of theso medicines, and their superiority over ail other preparations for such complaints a* tho proprietor recommends. Numerous preparations of Sarsaparilla and ol'Buchu nnd various modes of prepurltig them have been given, ull of which of course will Hiller according to the mode of preparation which each individual may adopt. These medicines require considerable care in the preparation and the omploymeut of diifercnt men strua lu successive oiwration to tako up the extrac tive matters, and, In consequence, are most fre quently Improperly made, and not unfrequeutiy much Impfdrud, If not rendered totally Inert, by the injudicious und unskilful management of those unac quainted with pharmaceutical preparation*. It Is therefore of tho highest consideration and imi*ort- anco to the public and to the faculty that there Bhould be standard preparations of uniform strength and possessing the most advantages. To effect this and ohviuto the evil alluded to, I liavo made a num ber of experiments to ascertain the most effecfhal mode of extracting the virtues of the Sarsaparilla and tho Buchu, and to discover tho most eligible form for their exhibition. Tho experiments bavo resulted most favorably, nud it Is with much pleas ure I now oiler to the public nnd tho ftmulty my Compound Fluid Extracts, which contain all the vir tues of the articles tlioy aro represented to bo made from In a highly concentrated form, and are the most active preparations which can he made. Two ta blespoons till of tho Extract Sarsaparilla, added to a pint of water, is cquul to the Lisbon diet drink, and one bottlo fully equals in strongth one gallon of 8yr- up Sarsaparilla or decoction as usually made. PRICES: Fluid Extruct Buchu, 91 per bottle, or 6 for 96 “ “ Sarsaparilla “ “ “ “ “ Certificates of cures aud recommcudatiotis from distinguished professors aud physicians will accom pany each preparation. Prepared and sold by H. T. HELMBOLD, Practical and Analytical Chemist, 263, Cliestnut-st., near tbo Girard House Phlla. To bo hud of Druggists nnd Deulers in every sec tion of tho United States and Canadas. All loiters for tlio medicine directed to the propri etor receive immediate attention, and safe deliveries guaranteed, Hoptl—ly-dtw JOHN B. JHOORE At CO., GIBBON’S BUILDINGS, SAVANNAH., Ga. WHOLESALED RETAIL DRUGGISTS. Would call tho attention of Merchants, Factors, Planters, Physicians und others, to their ex- ^ tcuslvo aud well selected stock, comprising cry articlo In thoir lino of business, uud which they offer for saloon the most reasonable terms for cash, or approved credit, viz: PAINTS, VARNISHES, GLASS, &C., Whlto Lead, Pure and No. 1; Tieinan’s Colors, dry and in oil; Japan, Copal, and Coach Vurulsucs : Linseed Oil, Spirits Turpentine, Window Glass, Put ty, Gold Isiaf, Paint Brushes, Sash Tools, aud Gla ziers’sDinmouds. LAMP. MACHINERY AND TANNERS’ OILS. Bleached flporm, Whale aud Lard Oil*, for burning ; all descriptions of Oil for machinery, viz., Patent Oil Unbleached Sperm, Lard aud Rape Seed GU also Tanners,’ Neats, Foot nml Sweet Oil. GROCERS’ ARTICLES. Nutmegs, Maco, Alapico, Cinnamon, Pepper, Ginger, Mustard, Saloratus, Soda, Pcuriash, Sweet Oil, Starch, Fig Blue, Matches, &c. FOR PHYSICIANS. A great variety of tho best French. English, and American Chemicals, Pharmaceutical Preparations, Select powders, Surgical Instruments, Vials Sjiocle Jars, Metalio Saddle hags, &o. Also, CAMIT1ENE AND BURNING FLUID. Auy ono who may favor them with their orders may dejjcud upuii their receiving thu best attention, and that all goods furnished will bo of a reliublo quality. Should they not give entire satisfaction, they may be returned at tho option of the purchaser. mohlO tl J. F»~DE FORD, n APOTHECARIES HAIL. S. 14. Corner of0g£ Broughton and Dariinru Streets. Savon- YW null Ga., Wholesale and retail Dealers in Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, Dye Woods uud Dye Stuffs, French, English, aud American Perfum ery, Fine Toilet and Shaving Soaps, Combs and Brushes of every description, Surgical and Dental Instruments. Trusses and Supporters of all kiuds, Spices, Snuffs, Manufactured Tobacco, All tho Patent or Proprietary Medicines of tho day, Superior Inks, Puro Wines and Brandies for Medicinal purposes, Extracts for Flavoring, 'Billet and Fancy Articles, &c. J83- N. B.—Especial attention given to tlio preparation of Physicians' Proscriptions und Family Recipes. Ship, Family and Travelling Medicine Cases, With plain Directions for use. Including Directions for treatment iu oases of poisoning, Drowning, &c. *PT |y for sale In lota to suit purchasers, by JWfol RODGERS k Norm CAHPKT AWl> tiPIlOESSEgy WAREHOUSE, 140 Congress and 67 St. Julwx Struts mHE UNDERSIGNED would take thfa onr,, X tujaltjrtoexpress ti>his friend* and tie age and influence, which has resulted in his trade to all parts oT the State. Abo, CaS Florida, Alabama and Tennessee, thereby him to exhibit a stock unsurpassed In any A city. Famine*, Merchants, Hotel Keepers, and boat Owners aro particularly invited to eutnba, preaont stock, which is now complete In £51 various dopartmenta, consisting In imrt of the tng goods, via: ^ CARP El DEPARTMENT. Royal Medallou, ^ Royal V T elvct, Mocet Wilton, aiosaic Hearth Buii Mocot Brussels, Velvet and Chenille ’fiu, | Tapestry Brussels, TuItedRuga, Power Loom Brussels, Piano and table Coven I Three ply Ingrain, Door .Mat?(every nri«t P. Two ply Ingrain, Silver k Brass sub Ry. k, Wool Dutch, Carpets Binding, 4 t “ English DruggeU, (o( n J rious widths,) ■ Mosaic Hearth Hug CURTAIN AND UPHOLtilEHVDETAltTMlS) I Brocatellcs. lAce and Muslin Cutte l' Satin de Luiues, GiltCornices, L Satin and Silk Damask, Gilt Pins and Banda, Worsted and Cotton Damask. Tassels, Loops i Cords; Velvet and Plush or various colon; 8hades, new style. Also, ovory variety or Furniture Covering,Imp mings and material* for decorating. “ FLOOR OIL CLOWS. From two to Twenty-four feet wide, for HtlliuL Rooms, cut to fit without a seam. K The subscriber will oblige hlmselfto mWi prices on all description of goods as low as them? quality can bo purchased lu any Northern city, ft Carpets cut to Rooms and goods sent to a if part of tho city free of charge. jar An experienced Upholster will attend kai making and laying of Carpets and Oil CiotiuikB desired. The decorative and curtain departniemH n chargo or an Upholster of acknowledgeduht&n skill. W. H. GUI0N, Agent r octlS 140 Congress and 67 St. Julien-rte | DR. SANFORD’S 1NVIGORAT0B, I I S a mild laxative, tonic and Btimulant,uhl recommended to the public, relying upon fail trlnsic worth in the cure of tho following compli All BUllous Derangements, Sick Headache, np,.,_ sla, Habitual Costlvencss, Chronic Diarrh®, Ctitl Pain in the Stomach and Bowels, General Debii^T Female Weakness, Ac. For sale by Druggists pi fl erally, and by John. B Moore k Co, and Wd. 11 Lincoln, Savannah. ly febll rn X HE Undeesigned has just received, fornliffl (600) Five Hundred piece* of good tfclpstl Timber, averaging over ono thousand feet to slid, n 9 feb JEITEIWON ROBERT?, f ACKEIiEL, HERRING, SALUOtf, 2 bbls largo No 1 Mackerel, 3 do do No 3 do 3 do do No 2 do 2 half bbls Blue Fish, 2 do Pickled Herring, 3 do No 1 Salmon. 6 quarter bbls No 1 Mackerel, 10 kits No 1 Mackerel, 10 do No 2 do 5 kits Tongues ami Sounds, 11000 lb3 Cod Fish. For sale low by Jan20 J. A. RATESS OF ADVERTISING. For ono square, of300 oms or less, of any typed larger than Nonpareil, 75 cents for tho firatudj cents for each subsequent insertion,for any tlmeid than one month. i All Tabular work, with or without Rules; udij vertlscmeuta occupying double column, stall? charged double the above rates. Advertisements of whatovor length, for any o! less than ono month, to be charged at trine rates. For a longer time at tho following rate* No. of Square8jlrao| 2 mos|8 mos |4 mos |6 tao3|l;r' 910 16 920 924 930 16 22 2ft 28 36 2ft 27 82 86 44 24 32 88 42 62 27 30 44 4ft 60 30 40 60 64 66 32 43 64 68 70 34 46 6B 62 74 80 48 61 66 77 38 60 64 70 80 £Z?A Yflf D nt O N CONSIGNMENT— 2000 bushels I'rhnn Corn; 100 do Cow Pens; 200suck* 'M’alaoo Mills’’ Flour; 10 bbls Raw (Bin; » 10 uo Mononuahola Whisky; 6 do Domoiitlo Braudy; For Bale low, by Join PATTEN. HUTTON 1k OO. B HANDY, OUT vRu3£7'7m> nl.U-kw ull br W1UUIM h JuwLOT, Winter Atrangemcnt—Vars Starling fount JlroaU St. Heavy Ilntt nil the way to UatxlouavlUc. W HEN tlio Potomnc is closed ice thin route may be relied ou by passengers, to un Buro tlio connection going North or South. Tlio road I* entirely roluld with a superior T rail as lUr as Gordonsvlllo. During the winter the train will start from tho old station, 111 Richmond, ou Broad street, ut 7)4 a m., pass CordouRvIllo ut 11 a m., ami nrrive lu SUumteuat326 i* m. Down train leavosfltauu- ton at ft 4U a m, pauses Gordonsvlllo at 11 a at. aud arrive In Richmoud ut2.8U h si, Karo to GordnusvUlo.. 92 on *? “ 6 00 Both train* arrive In Gonionsvllln iu ample time to tako the train ol’the Ornngo and AlexandriaHall- road. Persons who leave Rlelimond at 7 Vi a m., can take tho Orange and Alexandria cars iu Gordons- villo if they choose to do so, nud by that Uuiu will reach Alexandria by 3.40 i>m., but this company cau ticket them ouly to Uordonsvillo. > ool7 tf 1L D. WHITCOMB, SupL BNT’8 COTOil VErilB^Turt rocelved •ml for kale by J, W.THRKLKEU), Mfll Oo«ffr«H ud WklUtaker ataMta, PEKlODICithS. P UTNAM’S Monthly Magazine for May. Flunk J Antic’s Gazette of Fashions for May. Bluckwood’* Edinburgh Review lor April. Received and for sale by WAItNOCK k DAVIS, may 10 lftp Congress street. 125 HULa FLOLUt iu atom and tor Nile tn»y7 CRANK, WEI,US k CO. UuHksOliio Catawba Braudy iu store, aud for sulo by tlio only regular Again for flavauuahj j. m. EYRE, ">y to 94 Uav sir cot. •HIST RECEIVED. PER STEAMER, an assortment of fYO Misses and Chlldron’a Plalu Straws, PV 1 Julies’NEOPOLITAN BONNETS. IN- PAA Tfl’ JiATV3 aud fLYI’S, Also a few uu i fl’ HAT’S. For sale by MRS. FREELAND, _ 17^Broughlou stroot. L isle THREAD GAUNTLETS.—The only article or tbo kind iu Uiu city. For sule by J. W. THREUCEU), corner of Congrosa und Whltoker-sta. mnr27 J & POTATOES— 10 bbl* Choice Menwr l’otatooa; > 26 “ • “ RuwtU Apple*. For Mlo by W*® J, A. BROWN. may29 TO WOOL SELLERS. T HE Undcrsigued have this dny opened a Store In Congress street, opposite tho Market, for the purchase of Wool, Sheep flkins, Hides, Boos Wax, I>oor Skins, nud Country Produce in general. Tho highest cash prices will ho paid for all tho above articles on delivery .in Savannah. Mr. L. J. GUIL* MARTIN has been appointed as Agent, to whom all persons having business transactions with the un dersigned may apply. J. W. SMYTHE k CO. Savanuah, May 10,186ft. may20 PIANO FORTES. HAVING lately received largo ad ditions to our PIANO FORTES, wo aro onabled to oiler nt this time the greatest variety Irom tho best manu facturers, from the plainest sqtinre to tho most elab orately carved, nnd from six to seven octaves. Our Piano* arc selected from the manufacturers whom wo luivo full confidence in, and wo aro par ticularly requested by thorn to give a guaranty with every Instrument sold by us ns regard* durability, tone, Re. Persona In want of a llr^t rato instrument may re- ly with safety upon getting such a ono by selecting from tho following makers, whoso instruments we endeavor to keep constantly on hand, viz : H. Wor cester, J. Cbickoriug & Son, Nunns k Clarko, Bacon & Ravens, H. Wuter*, aud Haines, Brother* k Gum ming. I. W. MORRELL k CO. uug 27 COOL RETRitlATT THE ABBOE BILLIARD SALOON, (upstairs) Cornor Bull and Bryau streets, over Rai her Shop. June 27 J. M. 1IAYWOOD, Agent. ( 'll)UN AND COHN MEAL.—1000 bus prime J Corn, White and mixed; 60 do fresh Corn Meal n store and for sale by dor. 31 PATTEN. HUTTON fc CO. READ :—READ I UUEAD ! 11 That Is, if you can see; and [ff you can’t too, you can iimiy y TSf all kind* of “ helps to see,’’ nt tho Watch aud Jewelry fltoro of I), B. Nichols &Co., in Congress street, next door to tho corner of Whitaker, where you can purchase Wntchos, Jewelry, Silver Ware, and Fancy Goods, as low it* nt auy other store In tho couutry. Wo have received por steamship Alabama a frosh lot of those lino flteol Spectacles : also, a supply of Pel)bio and Poriscopio Isms, which wo aro prepared to Ut in all kinds of frames, at short notice. Our Pcrlscoplc Lens (so called from their peculiar shape) have uu advantage over ull others, as they have a greater range of focus, so that tlio reader Is not compelled to hold tho book or papor at a certalu distance from the eye. Call ami sec. I). B. NICHOLS & CO. 9®" No chargo for showing goods, mur 11 p. B. N. k CO. E OPE—700 coils Hope, various brands, all or good quality, In store nnd for sale by apr29 BRIGHAM. KELLY k CO. C OHN—In store and for salo by LO*J <141' tVta YWLLTN OS; BuakVXX HOUSB, HOT, COLD AND SHOWED. I HAVE been asked to allow the Bath Rooms to remain open to u later hour thuu nine o’clock ; 1*therefore give uollco that from this date the Bath llonsowillbo upon until cloven o’clock at night. Prlco 26 cents, flix tickets for $1. Jo27 J^M. HAYWOOD. Agent. FINE FASlllOPLE CLOTHING, AT REDUCED RATES. B ARGAINS cau now bn hud by all those who wish to olulho themselves genteelly, ns I will huiI tbo balance of my Uoady-Mudo, ut reduced rates on Uuo, and ten por cent, off for cash. Call aud avail yourself of the ehnuco to ubtolu good arti. clM, At tho Star Ctetiting Emporium. WILLIAM O. PRICE, Jaa.IT 147 B«/ tintt. MEllCEll UNIVERSITY, PEN FI ELD, GA. FACULTY. rnKumcxT, N. M. CRAWFORD, D. 1). VH0SKS80KS. College. S. P. SANFORD, A. M., Mathematics. J. E. WILLET, A. M., Chemistry nml Natural PhUosonhy. II. H. TUCREIt, A. M., Bellos Ixsttrcs. U. W. WISE, A. M„ Grcok nnd Isttin Iamguages. WILLIAM U. WOODFIN, A. B., Modern lomgnages. Theological Seminary. N. M. CUAWFOltD, 1). ]>:, Eealeslaitlenl History ami Biblical Literature. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, A. St, Systematic and Pastoral Tlicolugy. Academy. ^ THOMAS A. SEA1M, Principal. Tho Commencement Is held ou thu last Wednesday In July. Tho next Term will cominouco on tlio last Wed nesday lu August. Thu prlco of Board in tho villago is 910 por month; waahlug. room rent, fuel, Ao., 93. Dy order ortho Board of Trustees, my 12 2m.8. LANDRUM, Secretary. For auy time not above specified, a proports chargo will be made. A deduction of 26 j»or cent from the above w will be made ou advertisements appearing ui slvely on the fourth page of tho daily. Advertisements ordered three times a wwk. * bo charged two-tbinip the above rates. Special notices, 10 ccuta per line for the 6 cents for each subsoqeut Insertion, and in mi* to bo subject to contract. Marriage notices $L Rl uerul Invitations 60 cents each. No special w»*J inserted for less thau 60 cents. Obituary Roports, Resolutions, or Proceedings or any&djj Association, or Corporation, ordered to be pci® I ed, 6 cents per lino. | Steamboats will be advertised at $40 per fo 3 for each boat advertised. Steamships, where but one Is runniug, $40pen» num; if two or more, 930 each. Auctioneers’ advertisements not to be contract, but to he charged at the rates pre*cn»j poraquaro. Tho pai)or, under no circumstances, to b*lccW it iu a contract. Professional nnd business cards not excm^ 1 Hues, will bo Inserted at 920 por annum. i Coils on porsons to become candidate*. * inserted as other advertisements, to be pti* fof variably in advonco. A Announcing candidates for office, 910, W * r in advance. . Advertisements not marked on the c#py specified time, will bo inserted until forbid,*^' payment exacted. when any bill for two months adverting. than contract, amounts to over 960, a deduciw* 25por cont will bo made, 1 r.\ Yearly advertising, with privilege ofcnMl** bo taken at tho following rates : ns For ono square, renewable once awee* ( •*? “ « “ twieo “ . fi “ “ “ 3 times or oficMM Every additional Bquarocontracted forte ed ono hulfthe above rates additional. t Yearly advertisers shall bo limited to w* contracted for. All contracts shall holnv**^ stating definitely tho naturo of tbo b u8lne *?,L (l advertised. Any advertisements not propcriy _ ncoted with tho business shall bo chargod* e »^| ly, and also any excoss or matter over tbeM* contracted lor. k .j. Contract advortisoments jmyablo quartenj' vortisemouts from strangers and transient payable In advanco. All others will bo cow'™ duo whon called for. Regular advertisers aud all others scnaW-jj. municatiouB or requiring notices designed » tention to fair*, concerts, soirees, or anv tortainraents, where charges are made iw tance—all notices of private associations, or*^ j tieo doslgnod to call attention to private cnt«P* calculated or intended to promote InUiyiQ'^. rosta, can only bo inserted with tho unuc*"*-^ that tho sumo is to bo paid for. If * na ®fivdiarr» editorial column (which can be ouly at^ lion of tho editors) tlio same will bo charge** rato of not less than 20 cents per Hue. • Advertisements ordered in the Meekly |*r iwr squaro for each insertion. „ tr-fij Tho undersigned, publishers of IMily, T**’ and Weekly nowsitapora in Savannan,^fm g oursolves strictly to adhere to tho *p 0 '®. . charges, and iu uo instauco to deviateituorw^ ■ Tlio above rates to take effect March I to continue binding, until changed by we > i miOorlty ortho uuderslgucd. rfed I N. B.—This schedulo shall uot in I tho tutegrlty or existing contracts. AJ{ I iho yoar or any otiior specified time, saafi»^ ^ I with the expiration of the i»orlod for | were made. JWBA HOLASaES—'iUe cargo of the brig j |Torlod I AutXAxnxR k Sxxkd, Republican. AUUUUUMH on*™, Tuoupaox k Wmnxoiox, Mormng , K. n. Himw It O).. * gg-- piiUMniNG. P LUMBING, iu (ditto Torioos I I SS.’ErWJSStfSiC ■mdtotoM; mmttm * ~