Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, July 14, 1856, Image 3

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ear ygOMM FBHAUB OObUBOB. ComnumootMut M tbln Collage la not CS^hoM until late taOetobar. '■SSs mar yet avail Ihemaelvea nf tbo advauia- ... f ; , climate, location amt Mcllllln tor study, il.lrli urc boro preacntwl. tuliloa I- oliareeil from Ilia lime Hie |iu|itt entara, ... iiit» close ol tho terra. w "" I1BO. V, BHOWNK, l-ro.UI.ul. >lvtlt^on. .luly l.*l ,186b. tx>Q!i--jyO ^ MKCHXNU 8 HV(U4M ^ fune aoth) igM, } ' a sfini-uuuual dlvldoud (No, 8) ol five per |t)r oeulijm, on Ike capital etock of this Bank, ,, rt d ihU day bed! declare^ ** J ■* .,uiyl IIKAldl iron, payable on demand. . B. WILLIAMS, Cashier, SAVANNA! June 13th, IBM. , .All vessel* arriving at the port of Savan- mill, having sickness on board, (or having lull *wiknM9 Ott board since last clearance,) and all vowels arriving (torn porta where contagious, loaiignant or iufocUous disease* are prevailing, aro required to corno to anchor off Fort Jackson. until vHiietl by the Health Officer. No vowel will bo de> (niucii lu Quarantine unless such detention be nocee- 8 \no vessel or l>oat ahall receive any or the crew or loungers of vesaeia subject to the abovo order Ur the pnrpcue sr bringing them to the city or its vicinity. An v vlolatiou or thii order will subject the vio- utor'to the |>eualty ortho law. F. H. DKMERK, Health Officer. Aimrovcd K. C. Axosaaox, Mayor. tf-JoU To Hit Patrons of tbe Sav’h tieorgiau. AU debts tlu ® t0 *bo Georgian previous to P9T the Uth Instant, aro payable only to the uu- Jer-dgned. .Votes and accounts duo iu the city will b.< prereutod immediately, and all debts due (u tho nuiatry will bo forwarded by au oarly mall This being too Urst time that tho uudorslgncd publicly appealed to his lato patron, ho fools that thov will uot consider him uureasonablo in urging upon them tho ueceiRlty for Immediate payment. ttemittancos may bo mado directly to tue uuder- aened. or to H. U. Hilton A Co., whose receipt will valid; PHILIP a!. PUNCH Asvttiiuah, Mny 28,1866. my!8-lawdAw juice Sur’h, Albany di Gulf*It* it. Co., V Savannah, 27th June, 1850. / :4m* An Instalment or 10 |)er cent., being the ST sixth on the Capital Stock or this Company, hereby called, and required to bo paid at this .dice on the 1st day or Soptewber next. By order CHAR GRANT, jimaftfi—wtlB Secrotary and Treasurer. CKT V TRBASVRBR'S OFFIUB,) Savannah, 34th Juno, 1866. j The Bonds of tho City of Savannah.due Nr 1st Fobrnary, 1857, Issued for Central Rail* road Stock, (commonly known as McAllister bonds) will be rodeeracd if desired In stock of tho Central Railroad and Banking Company, at Its market value, the bonds bolng received at par. jo-25 JAMES S. WATKINS, City Trcas’r. DIVIDEND NO. 86. ' CENTRAL R.R. A BANKING CO. OF GEO., \ Savannah, Juno 8. 1866. t The Board of Directors has THIS DAY de- NT dared a dividend of FIVE DOLLARS por share on tho gonoral stock of the Company for the last six months (being at the rate or ten per cent, por annum), payable on and alter the Uth lust. Holders or Guaranteed Stock will bo paid tboir dividend on the same day. GKO. A. WYLER, je3 lm (Mahler. NOTICE C. H. it. t**** THE freight on corn from Atlanta to Sa- NT vannath will be roduoed to 10 c. por bushel a and after ho 1st day of April next. WM. M. WADLEY, General Suporln’t. Transportation office, 1 mar 2k Central Kail Road, > mtr28 ■* —•—- JEM aix Tracts or Land, 600 acre- each, d r 4 miles from tho city ol'Savannah on the 8. A. juuTuulf Rail Road, well adapted to tLt growth ot Ricoi Colton audOorn, and wood enough to pay lor it ton times over. Apply to tr c.a.c,/»ud. O Lli ACHKD Shirtiuga in'great vafletyTand U at various prlcos. fob 21 LOTI. AIKIN A BURNS FOR SALE.—A fluo lot in Wesley Ward— X' Also two on Gordon street, cant. For sale low. Feo simple, tpply to A. WILBUR, Gon’l Insurance Agent and Broker, may 22 1U Bay street O OHN—600 sacks corn, tn store aud to arrive, for sale by W1U JAM LYNN, June 10 87 Bay street. ... tfOtflCtt. -** ~- T HE Interest of Mr. Charles 8. Arnold in the Arm of Padclford, Fay A Co. ceased with his death, on the 4th of March last. From this date Mr. KdwurdPadelford, Jr., is as sociated with us uuder the same style and Arm. PADELFOKD, FAY k CO. Savaunali, Juno 16th, I860. litis—JelO NOTICE. A U. porsoua having claims against tho estate of /V George M. Troup, deceased, will hand them lu, duly attested, and. those iudobted will pleaso make payment to either of tho undersigned. THOMAS M. FORMAN, I JelO DANIEL H. B. TROUP, J S ALT—11000 sacks Salt lu store and for salo by WILLIAM LYNN, juue 14 87 Bay streot r»A(il!!NU, Hoi'Tv*0,-100 balm Uuuny Bog- Xj king; 600 colls Balo Rope; 600 pounds Twine; received and for sule by juuelft HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k 00. r Bullding corner Bay and Draytou-sts., suitable for mercantile purposes and stor age. For particulars enquire at • June 18 HOB OFFICE, i waNteD WTMWT ~~ A commodious, airy and pleasant House L a a desirable partoT the city, for which a liberal price will be paid. Enquire at the offico ortho Georgian and Journal. i£Q dBNTo •* ” ~ t UNTIL tho 1st Novembor next, a com modious and airy rosldonoo. on tho north sldo or the Central Railroad Depot, known as Hovers Placo. The house la newly for- Dm basement to attic, which can be bought mays YOUNG k WYATT. B ACON', PORK, kc—80 hhUs clear aud Sides; 20 do Shoulders; 80 casks sugar-cured Hams; 60 this prime and mess Pork; 30 half hbls Hawes k Co’s Fulton Market Beef; 6 do do Tongues; just received and lor salo by Juiiolft HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k 00. S UGAR—16 hhds choice Porto Kico sugar; 26 do Ci*owuod Muscovado and Cuba Sugar; 60 bbls Barbadoca Sugar; 300 do Stuart’s and Baltimore steam rellned, crushod, powdered and clarlAed Sugar, landing, in store and for Balo by Juno 16 HOL'JOMBK, JOHNSON k CO. i^tOFFEE—300 bags fair to choice Rio Co0bo;.60 V do Laguuyra Coll'oo; 60 mats JavaCodeo; 30 bales Mocha CoUbe; lauding, in Btoro aud for sale by JUU016 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO TIT ANTED TO PURCHASE— Jty of Columbus Vf Bonds, eudorsod by the Muscogee Railroad Company. Apply to JelO—tills PADELFOBD, FAY k CO. FLOUU IN BARRELS. TU8T received a lot of Extra Family Flour, tJ lu barrels aprgQ YOUNG A WYATT. C HOICE WINES k LIQUORS— Just r jcolved 20. baskets Heldsick Champagne, ti quarto; casks Sherry, Port and Madeira Wines. 15 duz Claret Wine aud Cordials; 3 halt’pipes old titard and Sunutte Brandies; 2 pipes superior Ho 11 aud Gin. Beaver brand; 5 bbls old Monougahela Whisky, In glass and wood. For sate by DAVID O’CONNOR, joll Cor. Broughton and Drayton sts. OHAHI.lS.TUlV OC SAVANNAH HA1U. ROAD COMPANY. Cbarlsstox, Juuo 7. I860. The Fifth (6th) Instalment or FIVE IK)L- LARS per sbaro on tho stock subscribed to the Charicstou and Savannah Railroad, will become due THURSDAY, tho 10th of July noxt. Payment to ho mado to the Treasurer at tho office of tho Company. The Savannah subscribers to the Charleston and Savauuah Railroad are requested to make payment of the instalments called for, to A. Portor, Esquire, President ortho Bank of tho SUto ofGoorgU. By order ortho President, C. F. HANCKEL, tell law id Seoretary and Treasurer. K ED'/.IE’rt WATER FILTER—Just received an awortraont or sizes Kodzoi's Improved Water Filters for Altering Savannah Rlvor Water, lor sale by HgRACE 'MORSE, jy 9 166 Broughton St. Y ARN.—26 bales Yarn, assorted numbors, In store, a * " *- jys , and for sale by CRANE WELLS k CO. O SNABURUS—60 bales Osnaburgs, Georgia man ufactory, lu store, and for sale in lots to suit tuirclioserH, by iyS CRANE, WELLS k CO. CORN AND COB MH.L. C. 0. POOLE, No. 11, Whittaker Street, (two doors from Bryan,) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Sashes, till lids, Doors, Paints, Oils, Var nishes, Window Glass, Patty, die. l Painters’, Graiaors’ and Artist*’ Brushes: Whitewash Heads and Dusters, Dry and ’Mixod Paints of every description, Artists’ uiuru iu tubes, Prepared Canvass, Au. PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS AND FIRE BOARD PATTERNS. Room* prepared with neatness aud despatch— Houso, Higu aud Ship Painting, Gilding, Graining and Gtaxing done in tho host stylo and at moderate prlcos. All orders troin the country promptly attendod to. men 28—ly WILMOT’S JEWELRY STORK Is receiving by every arrl- valalarge and rich nxunrt.p^r* inent of tiold and Silver Watches, Diamond Pins, Ear and Kiuger Rings, Mantle and other Clocks, Spoons, Forks, Tea Sett*, Casters, Ac., of Sterling Silver. Jewelry in every variety, ""Ivory Table Cutlery, tine Pocket Knives and Scissors. Rich Chlua aud Parian Vases, and other articles. Fine Double Barrelled Guns manufactured to his own order. Gunning Implements ef all kinds. Plated Waiters, Castors, Tea Setts and Candle sticks, with a great variety orFancy Articles, suita ble Tar wedding gifts, loo numerous here to mon- tlon. AU kinds of Watches and Clocks ropaired by the most experienced workmen. S. WILMOT, tnay!3 , . No. 1 Market square. r IN THE THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE adjoining tho office of the subscriber. The basement would make, with some slight kitnprovoment, an excellent lawyer’a-offlce. Urst and second floors will bo lot for Counting- Rooms, and tho third for Hlooplug apartments. Con nected with the establishment Is an out-hulldlng of brick, suitable for servants. Apply to 0. A. L. LAMAR, . soptd Cornor Drayton and Bryan stroeti. roHnsrau A PLANTATION in Wayne Ooun- i ty. on the Buffalo Swamp, containing^ 1000 acres; about 250 acres cleared am .order for cultivation. On the premises is , comfortable dwelling, wllh all necessary barns and out houses. Possession givou in Dcoom- bor noxt, and with tho placo will be sold, If desired, tho provision crop or present year. Also an Improvod lot (2X acres) in the village or Waynesville, and 20 ncros adJoluing. Waynesvllle Is unsurpassed for health, and the Brunswick rail road ruaulng through it, renders It easy of access. Jell into HENRY R. FORT. MONTGOMKRY WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, (VIRGINIA.) . These Springs will be open for the recep tion of visitors on tbe first day or Juno, 1866. __ They are situated in Montgomery Coun- ty, Virginia, one and a hair miles from tho Virginia and Tonnesseo Railroad, from which there Ts a branch Railroad to tho Springs Passengers leaviug Richmond or Potorsburg after breakfast reach tho Springs by 6 o’clock, P. M., the same day, all the way by Railroad. Tho accommodations have boon very much ex tended Blnco last season. The rooms are largo and comfortable, aud capable of accommodating 1,000 porsous. Tho Lyuchburg and Abingdon Telegraph Compa ny aro now building a branch of their line to the Springs, which wiU bo operation early in Juno. A very large Bath House has b*en built slnco last season. Address RO. H. MOSBV, President, Juno21—lm Montgomery W. a S. Corap’y. VALUABLE PROPKRTY~IX>li SALK* Tho two-story brlek store on Congress street, now occupied by Messrs. Einstein A Ecktnan. This is ouo of tho host stands iu a the city for any kind of business. Turms inado accommodating. For particulars in- S uire at 142 Broughton street, above tho store of T. i. McKenna. tfmay!4 M S III FOR NEW ;YORK.-rUnlon Une—The reg- __ ular Paoket Schooner 0. 8* DAVIS, Abell Master, will hive quick dlspatch for th# above port; For freight Or postage, appll ' * jmys floww,8fJm*co, Niagara Falls, the Ltkha A Canada SHORTEST AND CHEAPEST ROOM. Ptr Steamship Keystone State,via Philadelphia FAR! TO PHI LA- NIA ° ,RA DELP’A FALLS |j|0, ins, mHIS LINE connects at .Philadelphia with the X Orest North-Western Railroad Route, through to Niagara Fills and Buffalo,.ln sixteen hours from Philadelphia.. Through Tickets, with tho prlvllego or stopping at Philadelphia, and Intermediate points, for sale by ho Agent. ro to Niagara Falls or BnOMlo- $28 “ Elmira.... 26 ,l Canandaigua 28 CHARLES A. .GREINER, Agont, Juue 27 Savannah, Georgia, P FOR RENT, Possession glvon immediately — Three story brick bouse, new and in good ordor, !■ on Macon street, noxt oast residence to Mrs. t .. .11 _ m — ATLANTA HOTEL. ATUANTA i i i , GEORGIA. J» J» HESLKRf Proprietor* LaU qfthe Verandah Hotel, Hem (Meant, Passengers per Evening Trains will find Supper ready on the arrival ortho Cars, mayl4 a. B, H f OCOMOT1VE NEEDLES—A new and ele- XJ gant artlclo which needs only to be tried once to insure the constant preference or tho BeamBtress. Just received and for sale by - mar 18 LADSON A ROGERS. ■ COnN OS COSlIBMffiS® I ff / lA Sacks Just received aud for sale. eOUU YONGE A FRIERSON, Jel2 • 94 Bay street. S UGAR—10 hhds choice New Orleans Sugar; 20 i do Porto Rico do; 20 do fair Muscovado do; in store and for sale by Juno 17 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. C1U rot txi tTATxsor so. oABOtntA, oaoxau ikd nnim* PATENTED MAY 16, 1864. COPYRIGHT SECVRED MARCH 1866. THE attention of Planters and Stock Feeders X is respectfully called to the above Mill. They are now In use by at least 10,000 of the most practi cal Stock Feeders throughout the country, who aro ready to testify to their superiority over all other Mills or a Similar kind.- These Mills are mado the exclusive business or the patentee, Mr. Scott, who being a practical man, superintends the casting In person, and selects only such Iron as Is best adapt ed to their Use, which, like oar wheels, require to be made of metal known to be hard and strong— They weigh from three te fire hundred pounds, ac cording to size, and urn be put In operation Intwen ty mluutes without expense or meohanloal aid, Tho Littlo Giant has taken the Jin* premium at nearly all tho State Fain throughout the union, and that In the most complimentary manner. They are guaranteed against broaknge or derangement when used according to directions, and warranted te give the most perfect satisfaction, or the money refunded on the return of the mill. Thoy are or three sixes, and will grind from eight to fifteen bushels good reed per hour, according to size, with ono or two horaos. We now offer them te the trade complete, ready lor attaching the team, at reduced prices. Mr. C. H. OAMPFIELD is our Agent in Savannah, of whom tho mill may be had at our prlco. march 7—oodfcwly “DEC XIan Pork, I ECEIVED per steamer Knoxville—Pickled and smokod Tongues: Fulton Market Beef, and Pig , Pig Hams and Pig Bacon. Oranges, Lemons, Apples, and White Beans. Also, a fresh supply of Foxe’s celebrated Crack ers. For sale low by . une 7 J. A. BROWN. Hl/ftllAlTl-HURRAli j I J UST ARRIVED, per schooner A. Dovercaux, in four days from Havana, a fresh lot or choice Fruit, for the Savannah Fruit Emporium, consist ing of—400 bunches Bananas, 100 dozen Pine Ap ples; 6000 Plantains, 8000 Sweet Oranges, Tom atoes, and one basket Green Ginger. For salo by June 14 J. A. BROWN, he article mentioned. In Water Commissioners’ last teport, which we .warrant to purify the Savannah River Water perfectly—au indispensable article for buUitaUon use* KENNEDY A BEACH. jan24 - only Agents for their sale In Savannah. B RftOMS, Ac dozen two ply Brooms; 60 do three ply do; 60 do Palls; 76 do Washboards just received and for sale by MoMAHON A DOYLE, Junel9 206 and 207 Bay street. Watches—■ watches--waTchKs. ao We are receiving the London Lever Mb Watches, or the most celebrated makers, in -ft* J|Gold and Silver oases. R. F. Cooper’s Du- ■■uBplex Watches, Watches for Timing Hones, flue Swiss Chronometers, which we offer at reason ble prices, at our new store in Gibbons* Range. ■CPUS ’ D. B. NIOHOttSoO. NEW TIN STORK AMO SHEET-IRON MANUFACTORY. 141 booth or lumen squari. brtan snuorr. a. I would Inform my old friends and patrons *991 havo opened tho above store to conduct tho MBK)V>) Tin and Sheet-Iron Business In all its ^5 various forms, and where will be found a gen eral assortment or Stoves, Tin and Bheot-lron Ware, which I will bo pleased to show, and at such price u will satisfy any ono wishing to purchase. Allklndp of Roofing, Gutters of Lead, Galvanised Iron Work or every description, Job Work and Re pairing executed with dispatch, old Stoves put up and Pipes rurnished at short notice. Tin Ware at wholesale and retail. Call down on Bryan stroct, It will pay you for your walk. Wt2 JOHN J. MAURICE, Agent, MRS. MTHPHKtrr I LLUSTRATED Now Month?, No 1. yol 1, tor Jnl?, devoted to Tales, Romancos, Illustrations, Art aud General literature, each number beautifully embolllHbed in the finest style of wood illustrations, TAILS <JV CQ3OTXT8 : Lost Jewtls, Alice, The Falls of i.lnnehaba. Stays •nd Slippers, Time’s Changes, Love In ’78, ftireka, Tim Shady Side, Nellie’s Illusions, The; Summer Va- i alien, a Htory of Two Lives, The Disappointed Husband, The Malden's Confession, Things We Talk About. Subscription price $1 60 per year, In advance, Specimen* nr the above may bo seeh at the Book •foro or WARXOCK A DAVIS, Jy4 169 Congress street. C OFFEE—160 bags primo Green Rio Coffee 100 bags fair • do do do - 60 mat* old Qovotamont Java-Coffee 26 bag* old Maracaiba do 60 do prime Lagulra do la do do Porto Rico ito 26 do do old Rio do In afore and for sale by Jy* ^SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. UOAP, STARCH, Ao.—100.boxes Smith A Bitch- IJ un’s family soap 100 boxes Colgate’s No i and lb bar soap 26 do do pale do do Besdell’s pearl starch do Oswego 1 do do for Jala' bv 26 do jGroui 20 do do IB 8 and tn store, for Jala bj Jyj SCRANTON, JOHNSTON * CQ. CMUUrtoJ? b ‘ ,1 “ M,r lAbtnoi <lt> » 100 $ CORNER MEETINQ ANDOUH&N-8TBBBTO, couuraMTo. a THIS House Kbw adapte^ to all the wants of tbe Travelling Public, tod the ef forts of the Proprietor to deserve their pMronage. THOMAS 8. NICKERSON. tYRUP AND MOl^SSKS.—60 bbls New Orloaua 1 Syrup; fio do Molasses; in storo aud for sale by June 17 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A 00. D ICKEN’S HOUSEHOLD WORDS, for June, re- cclved and for sale b;- june 4 JgUTTER ANb"0HEE3E—26 tubs ’ and 10 kegs A DAVIS, 16 Congress streot __ choice new Goshen Butter: 26 boxes Cheese; received per steamer and for sale by June 24 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. ARD AND HERRINGS- “ 20 bbls Prime White Leaf Lard; 60 boxes Prime Herrings. Landing and for sale by mayl6 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. TYKESS TRIMMINGS—Fringes, black and JLJ colored Moiro Antique Gauzo, and other stylos, in great variety, and for sale by AIKIN A BURNS. C OTTON UMBRELLAS—A largo supply of. wEeel- top whaleboue frame Gingham Umbrellas, all sizes, received and for salo by June 6 LADSON A ROGERS. S UGARS—10 hhds choice I’orto Rico Sugars: 16 do Fair do; 16 do Fair and 10 do Choice New Orleans Sugar; just received and for sale by Junc24 . 80BANTQN, JOHNSTON A 00. M olasses and rope— y ■■■ * “ “ ■ 100 barrels New Orleans Molasses , 800 colls and half coils “ Louisiana Manufac turing Company” Ropo. Landing .per brig Louisa Sears from New Orleans, and for sale by my28 • . HOIjCOMBE, JOHNSON A 00 S ILK PARASOi2i—Anew supply or Uiiwc beauti ful Silk Parasols have Just been received and are for salo by .June 6 ; LADSON A ROGERS. S ' ALT—8000 sacks*Liverpool Salt; 10,000bushels Turks’ Island do; for sale by Juno20 WEBSTER A PALMES. A COMHETID OUTFIT for HOtrBK KEEPERS, TB to Important Item, and to know when to X get exactly what Is wanted is equally Important, call at “KENNEDY & BEACH’S” Hodgson’s New Block, Corner of Brough ton and Boll Streets, and you will find everything pertaining to Houso Keeping as well as Refrigerators, Meat Safes, Wood- Ware, and Tin Ware, Willow Waro, beautiful Water Coolors, Patent loo Fltehom, Brushes in every variety, Bird Cages, Bathing Tubs, iudeed nearly everything that can be call Jd for, recolleuttho placo. aprlfi JUST RECEIVED PEIl FLORLDaT I CASE Rlchordsqua Superior Irish Llnons, Chocked. Cambrics, Nainsooks, HwIsh Muslins .Stripe dBWispj and pluln Jaconets, 1 case Palm J<ea(Fans f> ^ Cottou.Fringe} and W’ldo Trimming Braids-, Grass Cteth,New York imlls Shirting, l case Superior Calicos t>l6kcta. 810 tod ll-4,Jteacltad Cojten Sheetings, Ac., Ac. for s<Io at Hie lowrstprices, by ~ DKWlffAMORGaVN. TO RENT. The Dwelling lately occupied by Judge Fleming, in Taylor street, near Drayton. 8ald House is throo stories on a basement, with good servants’ rooms, andouthouaos. Ion given Immediately. Apply to feb 28 D. L. COHEN. JiJowott. ,i may27 pply at this office. MERCHANTS’ HOTEL, AO JS!Smkfd,J^,«£ LA - BOARD m DAT.. BOARD PKR MONTH.. ,mayl3 ...$ 1 60 6 00 , 20 00 lyr mar 81 Us ■ Instead of going North come te the Stono Mountain House, and spend your Bummer, as ovorythlng will be done lor your com fort. Conveyances will be furnished to convoy passengers to LawrenceviUe, Gainesville and Clarksville. 49r Passengers by (he Georgia Railroad take sup per at this house. ALEXANDER A CLARK, F. 8. Ai.vxandbr. formerly of LawroncevlUeV ' J A. Clark, Social Circle. 2m—Je2 Koy West, ..10th A24th Tampa 11th A 26th Cedar Keys.12th A26th St. Marks...Uth A28lh Apalachicola,16th A 29th Pensacola... lGlh A 30th Arrive at Now Orleans, 17th A 1st CABIN PASSAGE TO NEW YOBK $25 00. ■unl-Waokly United Mat*. Hull Line. 'THE NBWAND 1 steamships— KNOXVILLE.. 1,600 tons..Capt. C. D. Ludlow. AUGUSTA.... 1,500 “ . .Capt. Thomas Lyon. FLORIDA,...'1.300 »* ..Capt. M.B. WoodhuU. ALABAMA.... 1,800 ” ..CapL Q. R.Schenck. WILL LKAVS SAVAHHAn RTSRY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY* These ships are among the largost on the coast, unsurpassed In speed, safety and comfort, making tholr passages In fifty to sixty hours, and art com manded by skillful, oarofril and polite officers— Having elegant state-room accommodations, they oiler a meet desirable conveyance to New York. Cablu Passage to New York $26 Steerage Passage to New York 8 PADELFORD, FAY A 00., Savannah. RAM’L L. MITCHILL. 18 Broadway, fob 6 Now York. 'Fuammf!. ~* FLORIDA STEAMSHIP COMPANY. —U. 8. Mali Lino—From New Or leans to Koy West.—Steamships 'FLORIDA and VANDERBILT.—Those Quo stcamors will In future make their regular soml-inunthly trips, leaving as follows New Orleans, 10th A24th " Pensacola,.. .Uth A25th Apalachicola. 12th A 20th 8tMarks.... 13th A27th Cedar Keys..Uth A 28th Tampa Bay.. 16th A 29th Arrlv Key West 17th A 1st Agents in New Orleans. doc25 6m E/CK ROGERS. AGO., 72 Poydrass stroct. POR JOHNSON’S LanIIIng, AND 1NTEBHEDIATB PLAGES, 'Jb ieuve on Tuesday Night, the Uth instant, m tolT—The light draft-steamer, WILLIAM JjriHEajK LEBBY, Captain A. C. king, will leuvo regularly as above, from the Charleston Steamnocket Wharr. Apply to fob 11 8. M. LAFFITEAU, Agent. U. 8. Stall Line FOR PALATKA, FLA., Via Darien, Brunswick, St. Marys. Qa.,Femmdi- na and Jacksonville, PicolcUa and Black Creek, Fla. —» THE steamer WELAKA, Capt. N “' King, will leave for tho above places . Joining, at 10 o’clk. This boat has large aud airy State Room accom modations, and taking lhe inland Passogo, offers etrory Inducement to Invalids and others. Freight will be taken for Trader’s Hill and Inter mediate landings on St. Mary’s Rlvor. No freight will be taken after 9 o’clock. For freight or passage apply on board at the Florida Steam packet wharr, or to apr21 CLAGHORN A CUNNINGHAM. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. Ibr Palatka, East Fla., via Darien. Brunswick, St. Marys, Femandina, Jacksonville, Midileburg, {mack Creek,) and PicolcUa. to.JlW k The new and elegant stoampacket JiiaRHKST. JOHNS, Capt. James Freeborn, leaves every Saturday morning, at 10 o’clock, for the above places. Freight will be taken for Trader’s HIU and later- mediate landings on St Mary’s River. ter No freight will bo taken after 9 o’clock. For freight or passage, having excellent state* room accommodations, apply ou board, at the Flori da Stoampacket Wharr, near tho Gas Works, or to apr21 CLAGHORN A CUNNINGHAM, Ag’ta. FOR' CHARLESTON AND FLORIDA K The fine stoampacket CAROLINA, Captain Coxettor, will leave hero lor Jaciuonvuie, PfcoUta and Palatka, every Tues day aftornoon at 6 o’clock; roturning, will loavo for Charleston, every Friday morning at 9 o’clock. « roved Risks will be takon on liberal terms, o usual orodtt given on Promlum Notes. Three quarters of tho business will be returned to the ous toraors In scrip. C. A. L. Lamar, fob 19 Agent In S;vannah. leathern Mutual Insurance Company, Southern Mutual Lift Ins. Company, Home Insurance Company, of N* York, Springfield Fire A Marine Ina. Com’y, Risks In tho above Insurance Companies underta ken by WM. XING k SONS, Agents, No. 09 Bay street. Savannah, Uth December, 1861. deo14 inTuTaTuk. NO. Ill, BAY-STREE1. CAPITAL REPRESENTED, Nearly Four Million Dollar*. By the Following responsible Stock Companies. Charter Oak Life Insurance Company, OF HARTFORD, OT. Equitable Fire Insurance Company, OF LONDON. Farmers’ and Mechanics* Fire, Marine and Ltfb Insurance Company, Or PHILADELPHIA. Bridgeport Fire and Marine Iusurance Company, or BRIDOIPOBT, Or. .jyTiie subscriber will effect Insurance to any amount in all parts or the Rtato on ovory description of property. Life Insurance, to any amount.' ai the lowest rate, for the benefit or heirs and creditors, or payable te tho wifo froo from the claims of creditors. Marine Insurance on Hulls or Cargoes to all parts oftho world. Jan26 A. WILBUR. MUTD At Benefit life insurance COMPANY, NEWARK, N. J. Charter Perpetual. Nott accumulation, Jan. 1,1850* $2,230,006 41 Total amount of dividends paid to date 715,492 60 Total amount of claims by death paid to date 1,336,990 84 BY BELL & PRENTISS. '(sccqaBoasto HiiLmucK a iHx.) TO MORROW, at 11 o’clock, in front or store will be sold— Tho usual assortment oMlrocerles, Provisions, Liquors, Crockery and Glass Ware, Dry Goods, new and second hand Furniture, Ctotltog, Fancy Articles, Watches, Jewelry, Ao., Ao. Terras, cash before be- livery. SOT AU articles purchased at auction and not set tled for previous to the next regular tale, will be sold on account and risk or former purchaser. Jyu MOKE PRIZES THAN BLANKS 49-5,031 PRIZES. -«$ 00,000 Dollars—10,OOfr Numbers Only 11 GRAND SPECULATION!!! FOR A SMALL INVESTMENT! IMPROVEMENT ON THE IMPROVED HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY. SY AUTHORITY Of THS STATS OF QBOROU JAIPRR COUNTY~ACADE MY $4,282,488 97 Beqlqmln 0. Miller, Secretary, Joseph a. Lord, Gonoral Agent, Robert L. Patterson, President. •Tho funds of this Company aro all safely Invested tn first class bonds and morlgagos, stocks, cash, and notes of mombers fully sooured by their policies. For further particulars tnqulro of CHARLES A. FARLEY, Agout iu Savannah, At tho office or Boll k Prentiss J, St. SULLIVAN, Modlcal Examiner. feu 29 ^ HI to Undersigned has agk or.informing bis numerous well as thepubUo at large, that ho * is yet at the Indian Spring Hotel, and ii folly r .. r v with the assistance of his sons and his own experience or six years at the hotel, with the best cooks that can be procured, as well as assis tance of all kinds, to ask of aU those who visit the Spring a generous share of their patronage. Intend ing, to spare no pains ofBhnself to make all such as sytho Depot coaches and hacks ready to. convey aU such as wish to go over. EDW. VARNER, may23-3taw teopl ' Proprietor. *** Savannah Republican, Morning News, and Charleston Courier will please insert the above three tlmeB each week until 1st September, and send tholr bills for paymont, EDW. VARNER. m ST. MARYS’ HOTEL. ■ The above named House Is now open for the reception or Boarders and Travellers, and tbe undersigned promises to spare neither pains or expense to make his pa trons comfortable. His table wiU always be sup plied with the choicest that the market and the sur rounding country affords—Fresh Ftoh,Cysters, Ven ison, Wild Game, Ao. The House Is largo and airy, and within a few yards of tho landing, on the beau tiful river St. Marys, and is a desirable place for in valids and others aa ft summer resort. The stage leaves the House three times a week for Woodstock Mills, Centrevlllage, tod Trader’s Hill, and the Sa vannah boats touch going and coming, so that per sons will not bo inconvenienced, bnt can leava when they desire. Prices WIU be made to correspond with first class country hotel*.'. THOMAS B. JONES. St. Marys, May. gy,l$66. 8mroy27 For frolght or passage apply on board, at Willlnk’s wharf, or to M. A. COHKN, Agent. June 14tb. 1860—ly 49* Freights payable on tho wharf. ^-subscriber would invite the attention of all in want'or SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, to his stock which has just been received, at the 8tai Clothing Emporium, 147 Bay street. aprlfi WM. O. PRICE Ct UNDRIES. JUST RECEIVED— O 16 bags choice old Government Java and Rio Coffee; 20 half ohests Black and Green Teas, loose and In quarter pound packages. 10 hhds Light Musoovado Sugar; 10 bbls R L A D Stuart’s Crushed and Clarified Su gars; 10 bbls seirrising Flour, 26 bags Extra and Superfine Flour; 20bbu Soda, BuUor and Maple Crackers; 60 boxes Beadel’s family Soap, Starch and Caudles; 60 dox Palls and Brooms; 100 dox Scrub Brushes, and Cotton and Manilla Clothes Lines; 10 gross Matches: 26 boxes ground Coffee and Pepper; 60boxes Mustard and Yeast Powders, Maso, Cinna mon, Nutmegs, and Cloves, and 10 caaeatablo Salt, Ac., Ac. In storo and for sale by DAVID O’CONNOR, Joll Cor Broughton and Drayton sta. D omestic liquors— 60 bbls E Pholp’ Rye Gin, 26 bbls N. E. Rum, 60 “ Luther Felton’s Rum, 26 (> Domestic Brandy, 60 “ Old P A H Connecticut River Gin, 60 “ N. O. Whisky, Just received and for sale by my23 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A 00. ATTORNEY AT LAW, MARUTTA, QA. oct26—ly DAVID a. WILD*, Messrs. Padsuord, Fat A Co., 1. K. Tut, Biq., State Bank. MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE. THE INTERNATIONAL insurance Company. NO. 19, MERCHANT’S EXCHANGE, NEW YOBK. CASH CAPITAL—$812,0111 > AGENT FOB SAVANNAH, Juiues IV. Carter, AT THI OFFICE OF MESSRS. YOUNQ, WYATT & CO., No. 85, Bay Street, below the Post Ollicc, class o. To bo drawn July tho 16th, 1866, at Concert Hall, Macon, Ua., uuder tbe sworn superintendence ol Col. Geo. M. Logan aud Jas. A. Nlsbet, Esq. This Lottery hTdrawu on the plan of the Royal Lottery of Havaua of sluglo uuinbers; this has only 10,000 numbers, aud the Havana Lottery 34,000 numbers-tho Havana 249 prlsos, this 6,031 prices. Look to your interest 1 Now is the time. CAPlTALtLiOO. * 1 Prise of $ 7,500 Is $ 7,600 1 “ 3,0001s 3,000 1 •• 2,000 IS 2,000 a •* 1,000 are a,ooo 6 “ 600 are 2,600 20 100 are, 2,000 6000 •• " 8 are 40,000 6041 prizes amounting to $60,000 Tickets $10—Halves $6—Quarters $2.60. 9* Prizes payable without deduction, r Persons sending monoy by mall uoed not fear its being lost. Orders punctually attended to. Communications confidential. Bank notes of bound banks taken at par. Drawings sent to all ordering tickets. 49" Those wishing particular number* should order Immediately. Tho 6,000 prison ol' $8, aro determined by the drawing of the Capital of $7,600; IT the numbor that draws the Capital is an ovon number, those Tickets euuiug 0. 2, 4, 0, 8, are eutltled to $8; if au odd numbor thoso Tickets ending with 1, a, 6, 7, 9, are entitled to $8. Address JAMES F. WINTER, Manager, Junoi7 Macon, Ua. GKO. A. McCLESKEY, Agent, Savannah, Ua. UGAR, AC.—76 bbls aud 10 hhils A, U auu 0 S' Sugars; 16 hhds Molasses; 2b do Bucon bides and Shoulders; received aud for sale by McMAllUN A KOYLD, limolO 206 auu 207 Bay street. P RIME YELLOW CORN. -Iu store and for sale by may7 YOUNG AWYATT B ACON AND' LaRIC—5o hhds, prime Bacon tides ; 30 hhds. prime Bucon Shoulders ; 20 bbis. prime Baltimore Leaf Lara. Landing, aud lur sulo by juuo 1 ALAN80N MARSH, & Jl ROLLO Firm of A. S. Barnes k Uu. ‘ Childs, Pratt & Co. ’ Livingston, Ballard & to. ‘ Wm. M. Dodge k Co. ’ H. A. Curtis k uo 1 Hustad k Car 11. ALONZO CHILD, I. P. BALLARD. WM. M. DODGE, “ P. J. AVERY. H. A. CURTIS, « WM. E. ROLLO, a T. LIPPINCOTT, ISAAC NEWTON, WM. A. HUSTED, WM. H. R1VERSM1TH, W. H. LYON, “ “ W. H. Lyon * Co. GEO. CHAPMAN, * “ Lee, Murphy 4 Co. JOS. H. WfcSTCOTT, “ Briggs, Westeott k Co. JOS. FATMAN, “ “FatmanfrCo. STEPHEN VON MORES, GEO. SAVORY, “ « Geo. Savory k Co. J. A. REQUA. ALANSON MARSH, President. CHA8. W. OGDEN, Vice Prealpont. WM. E. ROLLO, Secretary. This Company will issue Pouclos upon Ma tint, Inland Navigation, Transportation and Hr* Risks, at liberal rates or premium. Losses promptly and UboraUy adjusted. JAMES M. CARTER, Agent, oct 81 No. 86, Bay Street. THE GREAT WESTERN FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, Qf No. 107 Walnut streetPhiladelphia. Perm. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL 8500,000. FIRS, MAilUilt, AND INLAND tNBURANCK. DIRECTORS:. Charles 0. Lathrop, 632 Spruco streot; Alexander Whllden; Merchant, 14 North Frout-st. John 0. Hunter, firm or Wright. Hunter a Co.; E. Tracy, firm or Traoy k Baker; John a M’Curdy, firm or Jonos, White k M’Curdy; Isaac Haxlehurst, Attorney and Counsellor; Jamen B. Smith, firm of James B. Smith 4 Co. ; Theodore W. Baker, firm or Tracy k Baker: A S. Walton, 860 Market street; Thomas K. Limerick, 634 Spruce street; John J. Baker. Goldsmith’s Hall CHARLES C. LATHROP, President. Taos. K. Lunoucx, Secretary. JAMBS M. CARTER, Agent, June 16 No. 86 Bay street. ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMP*Y, No. 11 Pine sheet, New York, (BETWEEN BROADWAY AND MABBAtJ STREET.) Casts Capital—#150,000! mHIS Company Insures against loss' or damage by X Fire, on the most reasonable terms, dwelling houses and forniture. warehouses, stores and mer chandise, factories, ships in port, eto. AU losses will be adjusted and promptly paid. D. S. MILLS, President, C. BROOM, Vice President. Edw’d C. Taylor, Secretary, Gso. B. Dxans, Surveyor. JAMES M. CART: June 17 'ER, Agent, lor Savannah, 86 Bay street. EC&nsrViDBE uuwujbibo Indian sratxas, asoitoiA. BRYAN W. COLLIER RespectfoUy announces. that tbe above House wiU be opened for the reception or guests, on tho 20th Instant. Ho has been .fortunate in securing the services or Mr. Jrlfflu, well known te the pubUo as the keeper or the Ninety Mile House on the Central Railroad, to assist In tho superintendence or the Molntoah House during the season. A band of mu- sto has also been secured. Stages will be in readi ness at Forsyth, on the arrival or trains, to convey passengers with comfort and dispatch to tho house. No pains will be spared to make guests as comfort- ablo as possible, and a more than usually brilliant season Is confidently anticipated. tlA—June 6 uavui u« wiiiWi ■ ATTORNEY AT LAW, 8PABTA, OA. WiU practice In tbe counties of Hancook, Warren, Washington, and Baldwin. KmRSNCEs—Behn k Foster, Rabun k Smith, and E. A. Soull&rd, Savannah. Jan9 R. B. HILTON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office corner of Bay and Drayton-sta. SAVANNAH, GA. my U — UKnRY Williams, ATTORNEY AT LAW, NOyUJayton Street, Savannah, Georgia. „ WM. J. HUNT, Cor. Montgomery * Voru sto. SAVANNAH, GA., L) E8PE0TPULLY inform, the Ladies and XV Gentlemen or this City that he Is prepared serve them every evening with . Ice Cream, Cakes & Confectionery, In his own peculiar style, and hopes to merit a share of public patronage. , Savanuah, 17th April, 1866. 3maprl7 TO housekeepers. 1 YANIEL CRONIN Upholster, 26 Bryan-st, J would rospectfully auuouncu to tho citizens ol vannah that lie is ready to make and put down Carpels. Oil Cloth, Mattiug, &c., at tho shortest no- ice, and ou tho most reasonable terms. ocUMi BrushosT SUNDRIES.; 1000 Reams Wrapping paper. 100 bales Twine; 200 dos Scrubbing and Shoe TTATS.—ibodoVen Plantation - Hats, lu store aud JX for Ml. by J, M. FYRB,»4 B«y Ht,.'/ fSB^io cut) Hnnu,'. superior |Ul. WWlMSi: ", Tasrsr IYIA ' Nm. 9W * 307 B.jr iirMt. 60 M imported Spanish Segare; 260 boxes Tobacco, various brands; 160 sacks'Rlo Coffee; 76 mats Java Coffee; 100 dos Brooms; 60 dos Washboards; 60 Covered Baskets; 160 boxes FamHy Soap; 160 do Pale Soap; 76 do No. 1 Soap; 600 Gross Matches; 60 hair chests Young Hyson Te*; 60 do do Oolong. . do: 100 boxes Candy s. 60 boxoa Scaled Herrings^ . ^ 76 boxes Fresh Ground Coffee; 100 boxes Imported Castile Soap; 100 boxes Toilet Soap; 60 #,. and whole hexes Ratalna; . R . C elv^^pr..l, a - H(W;iiioYi mayl4 206 and 208 Bay streot TO BVIIiDERI. M mSB BDBSORIBBB if prewired to enonte I .tthoihortHt node., udlnjh. mon work- manlike manner, all kinds of Metal Roofing, Gutters, Cornice, .or other, work cppnectod.w 11 * 1 foe manufao- luring or repairiaAof palvanlsfliroji, 7ino ( :.a . : HORACE MORSE, oct!8 - , . WBroagMonsti /'iUKNKil BEt&\ till TOHk, *0,' '',11. Jiut resolved W h.lf f«rr«l> FuKm mwket Coro wi Beer; 10 turr.1. ud fanr burola PigPork- Bduufmdw mid Shouldtr.; 10 birrela.itr. No 1 udlbroft1.bp DdTnXPMNKB. ^JOSrfw-XOOO btuhol. prime Com in Don and 0 A GREINER. BALTIMORE BACON. 3 Ai IA FOUNDS BALTIMORE BACON, lu »Uvv storo and for sailjjj|[^j|ON June20 corner Whltakertand Charlton-sta. " 8VNDR1ES. 1 AAA POUNDS choice Baltimore Shoulders; JlUUU and 1200 do do Elides; 100 cholee sugar-cured Hama, in bags; 600 pounds choice Tonne3see Hams; 15 barrobs choice Lear Lard: 10 tierces extra whole Rice; 0 do fair do; 20 boxes Family Soap; 10 do steam pale do; 10 do No 1 do; 7 woman’s friend do; 6 chemical do; lfi boxes Tallow Candles; 10 do adamantine do; 10 do pearl sperm do; 10 boxsa A, B and 0 Sugar; 12 bags good Bio Coffee; 7 pockets old government Java Coffee. AU tbe above for salo low by June 7 J. A. BROWN. A HosKbsWAd WR |i6i dhQI A AO A WORTH OP FARMS OP tptXLUeUUU Farms and Buildings Lots; In ths gold region of Virginia, (Culpepper County,) tp bs divided amongst 10,200 subscribers on the 17th of September, 1866, for the benefit of Port Royal Female Academy. Subscriptions only ten doUara each—ono-batf down, the rest on the deliv ery or tbe deed. F-vory subscriber wUi get a Build ing lit or Farm, ranging in value from $10 to $26,000. These.Farms and Lota are sold so cheap to indue* settlements, a sufficient number being re served, foe Increase in tbe value or which wiU compensate for tho apparent low price noW asked. Tha most ample security will be given for tbe faithful performance or contracts and promisee. More Agents are wanted to obtain subscribers, to whom foe most liberal inducements will be given. Somo Agents write that they are. making $200 per month.. Advertising wUl be done for everir Agent where possible. For foil particnlara, sabsorip- lion.; AgfttolM, So., apply lo. ^ Ju2<—dfcwlm I’iirt Itay.1, Ckroila. Co., T», 1CECREAM NEW CONFECTIONARY STORE No. OS Bryan Street. tWO DOORS ABOVE MR. UKITTEN'H JBWKLRY HTORI. rpHE undersigned respectfully informs the La- X dies ofSavaunah In particular, and tbe public genaraUy. that ho has thta day opened a now Conlec- iauary atore, and will keep on hand a largo uud reah assortment, or all kinds and discrlptions. He wUl at aU times and hours, be ready lofurulsh parties, with suppers. toffee. Tea and Chocolate, at all houn. Ornamented Cakes, lies, tus. &c., inado to ordor. He hopes from long experience to give satisfaction to all who will boner him with tholr patronage. H. B BOZZOLA* No. 98 BryauS fwlMuu, by mp» LB.jnn. SILVER WARE, CUTLERY, Jfo; W E have Justreoeived a new stock of Silver Spoons, Butter Knives. Balt Cellars, Fish, Flo, Uako and Ice Cream Knives; also, Stool and Plated on Bteel Table Cutlorv, Carvers, Ice Pttcbsrs, Bread Kulves. Plated and Parion Butter Stands, bo- sides a quautlty of uselhl articles too numerous to mention. D. B. NICHOLS A CO. June 4 .. WANTED. A Consignee for 10 tubs orBotter, marked J. F. _ iXD., landed per steamahlpKnoxyllfe from Now [Je93 PADELFORD, FAY k 00. TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES. CARPET WARE-HOUSE. ’ 140 OOXQBBfe AND 6? ST. JUUXN-STXXRtS. HE Subscriber has received, and will open this day, foe largest and most extensivo varletj .. 71NDOW SHADES ever oDfered In this city. It L foe Intention of foe advertiser te keep constantly in stera a largo supply of ail foe various patterns and styles manufactured by foe manufacturers ol this country and or France, to which the attention of mer chants end families In foe oity and country. Is in vited. They will be sold at wholesale and retail, r ■•Usfaotory prices. W H. QUION, Agent. Jan $ SUGARS.—60 barrels Stuarta A and B Clarified J Sugar; 60 do Crashed and Powdered do. Land- ig and for sale by mayl6 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k 00. ‘KT’ O. MOLASSES, land! XI a, Abby Francis, and for sale by ** 87 . LOOKETT h HNELUNOS gTUART’H SUGAR.—80 bbU Stuart’s Crashed Su- 20 bbls Stuart’s Powdered Sugar -60 do -do. AClarlfled dp, ... BT BlRKMAN & BULLOCH. ~ , , '«rm .t A vtry desirable tract of land, only three Bailee from tho oity, containing about $0 sores, half of which Is cleared k under good end substantial fence. The cleared land Is a rich loomy soil, andwtll adapted for gardening purposes. There is a well of most excellent water on the promises and all neces sary out-buildings, negro, houses, barns, Ac. The balance of the tiact, say 40 acres, is uncleared land aud heavily limbered with valuable timber, and the soil excellent. The locality Is very excellent: notone caso of sickness has occurred on foe prom- Uos during tbe whole time tho present proprietor has owned it. Thu Is a chance for an Investment rarely to bo met with, and any person wishing a quiet private residence near the city, or any person desirous or going into tbe gardening business to rafro fruit and vegetables for our market, will find this tho place to suit. For terms, which will be very liboral, inquire at our counting room, 164 Bay street. TUlos undlspnta- We- ^ Jy8 At Private'Balo. One of foe finest hotel or boarding house ser vants in tbe State. Enquiro at 164 Bay street. June24 , At Private Salo. A negro woman, 22 years or age, a good plain cook and field band Warranted sound. Title un doubted. Junel9 At Private Bale. A negro man, aged 26 years, a first rate hostler and house servant. TUlo unUoubtod. Jel9 At Private Bale. A very likely intelligent mulatto girl, aged 19 years, a first rate cook, washer and Ironer, aud an excellent seamstress. Warranted sound. Title un doubted, Junel9 At Private Bala. A very likoly mulatto man, aged 24 years, a first rate carpouter. Warranted sound. Title undoubt- •d. < Juuol9 At Private Bale. A very likoly negro man, aged 22 sears, a good field hand. Warranted sound. Title tiBdbubted. JunolO * At Private Sale. 1700 bushels Rice, an excellent artlclo for stock of all kinds. Call and examine. Price 26 cents per bushel. JunolO Wanted! Central Railroad, PJantera’ Bank, and Bank of the State of Georgia. Blocks, lor which a liberal price will be paid. JunolO ToTtent! Two good stores, uuder foe bluff, at tho foot of Whitaker street June 19 Wautad to Purchase A convenient luodiuu-slxod house, iu a central locution—ouo frontiug ou a square would be prolor rod—for such au ouo a liberal price would bo giveu. Juuo19 At Private Bale, Thirty eligible bnildiug Lots, 60 feot front by 100 to 124 feet (loop, miuuted ou Taylor, Gordou and Gastou streets. Those lots are on high giound aud some of them iu the tmuuiliate neighborhood ol the lot selected for the sito or tho Savannah, Albuuy and Gulf Railroad Depot. Terms same as city lot-, viz : oue-Uftli cash, tue baiancu bearing interest ut six per cent. JuucllK SCRANTON JOHNSTON k UO. B AUON—76 hhds primo Bauou Bides; 60dodo Shoulders; 20 casks choice canvassed Hums; iu do TVnuossco do; just received aud lor salo Juue24 _ BUR ANTON, JOHNSTON & UO. L IVKHyuOL'SALT.—400 sack., tea to tha ion, lauding from ship Ell Whituey, and for sale by marlO■ PADLFORD, FAY & CO. TUB GREAT SOUTHERN M AUAZlNEsi FOR JUNE—Putuam’a Moutbly; Ballou’s Dollar Monthly; Graham’s Magazine; Artnur’s Home Magazine; Gudoy’s Lady’s Book: Uarpef’s New Monthly, aud Dickeu’s Household Words, received and for salo by WARNOCK k DAVIS, Juuo 8 150 Cougrcsa street. P RIME KENTUCKY HAMS.—Neatly trim med and for sate to closo consignment. mayl7 YOUNG AmWYATT. B AGGING —loo bales heavy GuunyBagging, re ceived and for sale by juue 4 HOLCOMBE. JOHNSON k CO. MACHINERY AND IRON RAILING MANUFACTORY AND AGENCY* ST. JULIAN STREET, SAVAANNAH, OA. (Near foe Markot.) TOROM the most complete facilities in his own X establishment, and through his connections with several dl tho principal mauufacturng estab lishments of Philadelphia, New York, aid Boston, tho Uuderslgued Is prepared to furmush MACH1N ERY, PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, PORTABLE BAW, GRIST AND FLOUR MILLS, CAST AND WROUGHT IRON RAILING. STATUETTES, STORE FRONTS, Columns, Window Bills and LintUs, Iron Doors, Shutters, Ac., at Northemmices. He Is also prepared to repair Machinery and iron work or every description, at short notice, upon reasonable terms. As agent for BAIRD’S PHILADELPHIA MARBLE WORKS, ho is also prepared to exhibit a great varie ty of doalgns for MONUMENTS, TOMB STONES, *c. Also Iron Raffing lu great variety, for enclosures, and to rocoivo ordors, and put up tho work at man- facturers’ prices. H. H. IJNVILLE. Savannah, April 11,1866. apriU iiKMKUY I PRYOR’S OINTMENT. I T la a sure and Bpoedy cure for burns, piles, corns, felons, lever sores, ulcers, scald head, tetter worm, soro nipples, (recummcudeu by uur soa,) soro uud cracked lips, fresh wouuds and sores of an^ description. It is a most valuable remedy and euro, which cau be testified tu by thousands who havo usod it in many portions of tno South for tbe last few years, lu no inutance will tbo salve do any iuiury, or tnterl'ero with a physician’s prescrip tion. lhe proprietor has numerous cerifficates and letters from people who have nsod ir themselves, aud most earnestly recommend it to others us a speedy and certain remedy for tho above nawod diseases. A trial is all that is necessary for its own recommendation. Among tho mauy that havo testified to the effica cy of this valuable ruincdy, and recommended it to the public, are Dr K A T Rlaiey, Judge E Y Hill, Judge O A Bull, R J Morgan,Esq, J L Stephens, Esq, and thousands of others. Sold by J ii Moore. Savannah, Ga; J E Hall, Amor- leus, Ga; Clark A IV ells, Augusta, Ga; Menceson, Robins A Co, New York; and druggets generally. 49* By remitting ouo dollar to tbe proprietor a slugie box of tue Ointment will be turwarued by mail, tree or pontage, to any part of foe U States. Sold by J. B. MOORE, navauuan, Ga., and drug, gists generally. V. J. MOORE, Proprietor, LaGrango, Gj B read, matches a lemon syrup— : 60 bbls Sugar, Soda, and Butter Buiscuit; 26 boxes do do do do. 160 gross Matches, round boxes. 76 boxes Lemon Syrup. Received and for sale by MoMAHON A DOYLE, Jell Nos. 206 A 207 Bay street. P. JACOBS, 8EGAR AND TOBACCO STORE. No. 2$, Bull street, (sign of the Big Indian.) N. B.—Keeps constantly on hand npuuish, Haft Spanish, and American began, at wholesale end re- ail. Also, Chewing Tobacco, Snuff, Ao. juue 1 JAfriEg MoHENiiY, Insurance Broker And Notary Public. Marine Protests Noted and Extended, Averagej adjusted, Charter Parties and Average Bonds drawn* Papen prepared whereby to recover losses from American or British Underwriten, and attention given to all matters connected with shipping aud In surance, No. 118 Bay-street, opposite the front ot the Custom Houso. ly nov 8 fatkSt eclipse IS Asm BVAJBIPs Every man Uls own Casa Printer, p ALL AND EXAMINE CHAMBERLAINS Patent Eclipse Hand Stamp, the best, cheapest aud moatconvoulentofany thlug for tho purpose yet offered for sale. ALFRED WEBSTER, Gen. Agt. apr8 ly 136 Congress St. "VTEW GOSHEN BUTTER AND CHEESE—16 tubs Xi and 10 kegs choico new Goshen Butter: 20 oxes Goshen Cheese, landing from steamer and for le by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A 00. June 17 “ MOURNING GOODS, B LACK French Bombasine, Black Alpacas, Black Lama Cloth, Black Mohair, Black Challle, Black French Lawn, Black and White French Mus lin, and a flue assortment or Striped and Plaid Black and While-Ginghams and Calicoes, Plain and Stripod Black Sewiug Silks, and Grenadines, Barege and Tissues, Plain and Figured Black Sffiu, for summor collars and Bleovcs, of the latest patera*. For sale by Qel2] AIKIN A BURNS. S OAP, CANDLES, Ao.—100 boxes Buchan . Smith’s family Soap; 100 do Colgate’s No 1 aud H Bar do; 60 do do Pale do; 76 do Beadel’s Tallow Candles; oO do Adamantine do, Star Brand; 60 do Co la ate’a and Oswego Pearl Starch; for sale by June24 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. JpLUUK—loO sacks Supertoe Flour, for salo by June27—3t WILLIAM LYNN, 87 Bay street. 'VTKATBFOOT OIL, or the best quality constantly JS for salo low by CHAFFER * i for salo low by mayl6 CHAFFER A 00., 6 Whitaker street. NEW BOOKS* f'1 ODEY’S LADY’S BOOK, lor July; Arthur’s VJ Home Magazine, for July; Peterson’* Month ly Magazine, for July; Harper’s Now Monthly Mag azine, for July; and, Graham’s Illustrated Monthly, for July. Tho History of Europe, from foe fall or Napoleon to the accession of Louis Napoloou, in two volumes, by Sir Archibald Alison, a new supply. Hertba, by Frcdrika Bremer, translated by Mary Howitt. The Ship Carpenter’s Wife, a story lor tho timos, by W E S Whitman. The Tanglctown Letters, edited by the author of Records of tbo Bubbloton Parish. Ac. Salad for tho Social, by tho author of Salad for tho Solitary. Comic Miseries of Human Lifo, i’lu-ri-bUB-tah, a song that’s by lie author. For salo at 169 Congress street, by June 28 WARNOCK A DAV1B. A. L 20 casks Uyass’ Loudon Portor, pints, Just re ceived and for salo by JyQ SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. GENERAL NOTICE. S ILVER AND GOLD PLATING con now bo done at home. Mr. CHARLES KEMISH having es tablished himself permanently, all work In this line will bo douo with dispatch. All repairing orCastors, Teapots, Candlesticks, Spoons, Forks, or any other article will be doue neatly before plating. All old silver plate, such as Teasotts or UrnB, Forks or 8poons, will be re-finished and made equal to new. and at moderate prices. AU work or orders left at my store will bo attended to promptly. P.a—Watch cases galvanised. . may27 G. M. GRIFFIN. UBS, PAliis AND WASHBOARDS.— 20 nosts paintod, aud 16 do codar Tuba. 26 dozen Palis; Ito do zinc, aud 16 do wood Washboards; just re ceived and for Ralo by McMAHON A DOYLE, juno29 * t < and 207 Bay street. E ADUH SMALL UkBKKLLAB—Ladles’ small size Silk Umbrellas, from 18 to 24 inches. F oelved and for sale by J. W. THRELKELD, Jel2 Congress and Whitakor streets — ; take notice:., P URCHASERS will k*v< their load, deliver*! freo of expense with quick dispatch from foe Savannah Grocery and Fruit Depot, corner Brough- tou and Whitaker, streets. 49* I would call foe attention of Fruiters gener ally to my well selected stock oTGrooerles, recolV- log dally. Je28—U* W. Ii FARRELL. Halibut and Salmon in 1 lb and 2 lbs X Cans, an exoeUent article forsummeruse, for sale by J. D. JESSE. JJ8 maylfi i, Ga. HUNT’S ISPKUVBD WWiNO SiVUNiiS. ESIGNED Expressly for making Bags—and XJ which is decidedly superior to any other machine for that purpose. Spool or skein thread can bo used of any desired length, and which will uot need to be changed until foe wholo is us4d. Bag manaufacturers, Graln’and Flour merchants are particularly Invited to call and examine it at 136 Cou gross street. May26. ALFRED WEBSTER,Gou. Agt. HUNT dlWEBITEH’S. IMPROVED SHUTTLE HEWINU MACHINE. B ESIGNED for Families, plantations, Dress ma kers, Tailors, Boot A Shoo manufacturers and others who may wish to do tholr own sewing cheap ly aud with expedition. This machine sowh a uni form stitch with both stdes alike, and which will not ravel. It is more simple, iu less liable to get out of order, and costa less iupropphion than any other machine, and is warranted to be perfect, aud to work well. AU apparatus necessary for convenient use Is furnished with it, and any inutrucUuu will be given that will be necessary te ensure to tho purchaser Ha successful operation and durability. Tbe pubUo are respectfully iuvited to call and ex. amine them at 136 Cougress at. ALFRED WEBSTER. Gen. Agt. 49* A very neat and ornamental Iron Table wUlnow he giveu with a machine for a small sum In addition tu the regular price. May 26. HOWES COTTON HARVESTER. PATENTED DEC., 4, 1866. mHIS improvement enables one Ueld hand to pick Xas much cotton as five cau pick by tbe old method and having the cotton free from trash, auu in butter condition for ginning. The above machines aro for sale at 136 Congress street Savannah, and 126 Meeting street, Charles ton, S. C. AU orders trotn ubroud will receive prompt attention. Planters, Factors, Cotton Brokers, and all Interested aro respectfully invited to call and examine them. County Rights cun bo bought on favorable terms. May, 26. ALFRED WEBSTER. -lO,ovu bushels Tennessee Corn in storo /TORN.- V« _/and lor salo low by Jo2—tf YOUNG A WYATT. F LOUR AND BACON.—&00 sacks Flour ; 10,000 lbs Bacon, in store and for sale by Je2—tf YOUNG A WYATT. 60 do 60 do do B . d< .do 0 :/ttt H JOBNOTON a 00. B altimore flour—ioo bbls suportino Balti more Flour landing per schr Woodhndgo, aud for sale by Jel SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. EF1NED AND CLARIFIED SUGARS— * 60 bbls Smart’s A Crashed Sugar, 26 do do Powdered do 60 do do A Clarified do 60 do do B do do 60 do do C do do Just received and for sale by Jel SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A 00. ononuaHEla WHisky—"" 26 bbs Old Mouongabola Whisky, CO « ( Double Distilled “ Just received and for aale by my 23 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. landloIid anbttmnant;— T HE Law of lAndlord and Tenant By J* Smith, wifo Notes or American cases by P. P. Morris. Bauvler’s Law Dictionary, last edition. Bauvier’s Institutes American Law. Neligan’s Atlas or Cutaneous Diseases, wifo color- •d plates, 4to. Brown on some Diseases or Women admitting of surgical Treatment. Funt on Diseases of foe Respiratory Organs. Budd on Diseases or foe Stomach. Sketches and Advsutures tn Madeira, Portugal and Spain. Italian Sights and Principles. By Jarvis, with ^ffbgsioSgy and Calisthenics. By Catherine E. Railway and Steamship Guide, wifo rnape. Ireland In ’98 and ’48; its Revolutionary History. By J. Savage. ««wry. National System of PoUUcal Economy. From foe German, or List. aprlO W. THORNE wit.mauh mHB ATTENTION of X. oity and foe pubUo gi_. examination of our atock of H AY ANA SEQ ABB—30,000 choice Havana Segars—Conchas, La Esmeralda, U Orysol, Exoelaors, Rio Hondo, Curtain Alchorn, La List, Joan Smith, and' varidus other brands, Imported di rect by me, and for sal*.at foe lowest oaah prices. ■ »syl9 i. i.j. ,v J.' A. WOWN. is invltedto an jjiffi T * mir “ i| .*5iZ»S!S?JS “ AIKIN ABURN8. 7fi Hams, Hidea and Should I tf ders, Just received and for sale by •prii crane, wnir* co.