Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, July 15, 1856, Image 1

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VOL. XXXVIII [OLD SERIES.] SAVANNAH. TI'EMDAY, Two O'clock P. M. TBIlHOItAPJaXO, Three Days Later from Europe, ARRIVAL OK THE CANADIAN. Nkw York, July 15.—The stvumor Canadian Ims arrived with later date* from Liverpool. Cotton has advanced from MO to J. Flour luw declined 1 Mhtlllng. Wheat declined front 2 to 3 pence. Indian Corn dodiued ti pence. Money is easier at previous rates. Consols advanced J.— 1 They were quoted at 115 J. Political uetvs unimportant. Additional by lh« Orlxalm. Nkw York, July 15.—Accounts by tliu Ori zaba state that Walker’s army consists of IHOO men and two companies of artillery. Seven noto rious vagabonds were shipped from California for Nicaragua per Siera Nevada. From Kalians* St. Lons, July 14.—Accounts from Kan* sas state that General Laue had arrived In Kan* sas with several huudre<* men. Arrival or tub Knoxvillk.—'The Knox- vUte arrived this morning, with New York dates to Saturday evenlug. Wo are Indebted to her Purser for papers in advance of the mail. We loarn from a dispatch to the Agents, that the steamship Florida, arrived in New York at nine o'clock this morning. ‘ Railroad Meeting In Randolph County. CiTTHUKKT, July 4, 185G. lu pursuauce of a previous notice, n large uurnber of citizens of Randolph and udjaceut counties mot, for the purpose of takiug into consideration the construction of a hnilroad through this section of conutry. Hon. W. C* Perkins was called to the Chair, and George S. Robinson, requested to act as Secretary. Col. Furlow, ono of tho Dlroctors of tho South western Railroad, in a happy and forcible man ner, demonstrated the importance of a road to this place, and tho benefits ora connexion with the Southwestern Railroad. He read tho reso lutions of the President and Directors of that Road, passed at a meeting held in Macon on the 1st inst., pledging themselves to extend said Road tweuty miles from Xmerlcus to Sumter City, towards Cuthbert. Col. Welles, President of the Brunswick Road, being introduced, re presented its interests in a very able manner, and the importance to the people of tills vicini ty, or an ultimate connexion with that road, but recommended them to unite first witli the Southwestern Railroad, as it could be much earlier accomplished. Ho was succeeded by Col. Cochran of Eufaula, Ala., who clearly satisfied all present, that it is to the interest of Randolph and adjacent counties to unite in ex tending the Southwestern Railroad to this place mid pledged Barbour county to extend it from Cnthbertto Eufaula. Hon. David Kiddo urged the importance of united, promptand euorgetic action in the matter; and on motion, Hon. David Kiddo, Hon. S. A. Smith and M. Douglass, Esq., were appointed by the Chair, a Committee to roiso subscriptions for the extension of tho Southwestern Railroad, with power to appoint sub-committees. A meeting was also called to beheld at Cuthbert on the 10th inst., to raise oneorraoro companies, to grade twenty miles of said road next to Cuthbert. Dr. Mercer of Terrell, lost but not least, came forward and made a very effective speech, just suited to the occasion, assuring those present that Terril would raise one hundred thousand dollars for the enterprise. Great enthusiasm prevailed— the project is now a practicable one—the peo ple havo confidence in it—and one and all are enlisting heart and hand in the good work— satisfied that the road will be extended. The meeting then adjourned, to partake n sumptu ous Barbecue, prepared by the Committco for the occasion. William C. Perkins, Chairman. George S. Robinson, Secretary. Washington, July 12 Home Mr. Grow gave notice thaf he would soou call up the mo tion to reconsider the vote by which the bill annulling the laws of Kansas was referred to the committee of the Whole on the staio of the Union. Mr. Stephens introduced a bill authorizing the Post Master General to enter into a coutract with Chrl-jtaiu Hanson, of Brooklyn, to carry the U. S. mail in a line of steamers, botween New York, Gludstadivla and somo port in En gland. The House then resumed the consideration of the report on the Sumner assault. I’owkrok Oonsoiknck.—A Man Voluntarily Surrender*, und Gore to the Penitentiary.—Our renders will 1 generally remember the cose of Sydney V. Howard, tho Interesting und pious young gentleman who so ihgratlued himself with some of our licst citizens; that he secured a position in the State Dank, whereby he was en abled to steal ibuiteon hundred dollurs. Ho was hunted with u good deal of energy and jiersevenuice for some months,’iiit he inauuged to elude all efforts to capture him. In tho ap prehension that lie was lieing pursued, ho trav eled over nearly the whole country, sometimes, lie says, in the very cars with those limiting for him, ami after nearly two years of this unhap py life, went to St. Paul, Minnesota. Worn out with dread, lie went to the Mnrelinl of tho Ter ritory and told his case, und asked to be arrest ed. Tiie uillcer remonstrated ; told him lie had no authority to make au arrest; that tho nffuir was forgotten, mid if he intended to make his remorse good for any tiling, lie had better sot to work and earn the money he had crhniuully got uud spent, and pay the hank mid those he hud swindled; that lie would he better every where than going to the penitentiary. But Howard was resolute to he arrested. The olD- cer wrote to this city, and u requisition was procured, upon which lie wus brought hero on Thursday ulterimoti. We believe uu indictment is pendiiitr against him forthc.lurcetiy. P. We learn that Howard was sent to the penitentiary, on Saturday’, for two years. Ho jiload guilty .--Indianapolis (ind.) Sentinel. Tnc First Saratoga Ho mu hit. Wo find tile billowing account of the first bit of “romance” ut Saratoga, tills season, in the Saratoga Post: “Among the first arrivals this season was a gentlemanly looking chap—adorned witli all tiie dignity and magnificence that the burlier uud tailor are capable of inventing the man with, lie put up at one of the first mass hnusus ami commanded all tho respect and uttciitiou that his apparent character would entitle him to. His foreign airs called attention to him from the visitors, and when approached, his modest but cold dignity repulsed them politely, leaving them to conclude that he was some well-bred noble, who would not be disturbed iu his reveries by common place approaches.— Tho ladies were the first to find oat his nobility. Every politeuess wus shown him and his room wus frajirant with bouquets by fair hands formed. Yet the lion wus coy miu cold as over until one ev ning while wandering near the Circular Railway, he met the lovely und wealthy Miss. , from Geo. “By accident the lady had lost her bracelet in tho path and it would be iguoblc for him to rofuse to help her find it. They sought in vain for tho bracelet until it was too dark to longer look, and fatigued, they Nit together on the —seats in tho grove. Tho lady forgetting her lips, with sweet, inventions of her own, suggest* oil her suspicions of ids noble birth—which wore modestly incron >ed by ids reply Hint lie “made iiosuch pretensions—as in that country i where every man may become a noble.” The question, so tar at least as she was concerned was perfectly satisfactory. At tills time he con descended to think favorable upon liey. beauty, uud could not believe hci of common descent, her modesty, intelligence, wit and dignity belonging ton high order. All of which wo two bound to con less was t rue. Ho accompanied her to the hotel, mid from thence she came to be envied by every marketable daughter and slandered by every speculating mother. “For a week they were always seen togeth er, and who for tho last few days has walked through the splendid pines on Circular street has not met them? They were in love—deep, undying love. Tho good old father saw tue attachment, and was not surprised when tiio pretty Miss informed 1dm lier hand was asked in nuirriago—and she craved his consent. That consent was given—but not, however, until the old gent had thought five minutes upon the propriety of tho unitor. “But what use,” said tho daughter," of inquiring, is ho not alord?nnd how insulting it would be even to suggest that money was any consideration for giving away S our daughter.” Tiie old man thought us sought the duuglitcr, and both slept that night surrounded witli visions of splcudid castles, gay parties, liveried servants, and exclusive greatness. But what was their surilrlso the next morning, when, smiling through tears or joy of tho first meeting after tho “consent,” to be disturbed by one of tho proprietors of a stage line running out of Albany, accosting the “lord of the day” with, “1 say Bill, you lousy skunk, why the d—1 did you leave tho road when wo were short of hands, and what’s more, carry off two day’s receipts V” The lord ly airs dropped—the lady’s head fell on her snowy bosom, as witli a faint shriek sho fell hack in tho arms of her father—and tall walk ing on the west side of Broadway towards tiie depot might have been seen on Saturday morn ing last, about tiie time the southern train was leaving.” A Special Agent.—A correspondent of the Philadelphia Ledger, writing from London uu- derdate of Juno 25, says: u The Times made a complete somersault on tho subject, and conscious of having been ill informed on American State matters, sends a special correspondent by the Baltic to America whoso business it shall lie to watch our Gov ernment, steady our pcrplo, and get possession of all important filllbuntcr movements in ad vance of their buing hatched. The peraous se lected for tills important business is Mr. Lewis Fillmore of Loudon, a gentleman of considera ble literary reputation, and ono of the recent translators of Ihcthe and Faust. Tiie Mobile Tribuue, a leading Know Nothing journal, coinmentiugon Mr. Fillmore’s speeches ut Albany and Rochester, admits that “thoy indicate that ho is opposed to the Kansas Nebraska act, and in favor of the restoration of the Missouri Compromise.” CorroKixmdcnco ul‘ tho Commercial Advertiser. Paris, June 2G. Within the hist few days, wo have had somo singular renorta in regard to the relations which are said to be springing up between Fniuce and Austria. It issaid that a meeting is soou to take place between the two Emperors at a frontier town of France or Austria. Napoleon ta detad ids visit to Plombierea beyond tho period irat set down, and it is now said that lie will start on the 28th lust From Plombierea his Majesty will pay a visit to the chateau of Arenenbcrir, in Switzerland, whore he lived with his mother iu his youthful days. From there he will repair to a frontier town to meet Fnrnois Joseph. What is this object? In the first place, the concessions, of France to Austria have been made ou the Italian question, wliero the two States, it is said, intend to act in' concert with the Pope, leaviug Victor Emanuel and England out of the question. In the next place, France accent# Austria’s solution of tue Dauubiau principality questibn, and thus forsakes Eng land, Russia, Prussia, and the principalities themselves; for these powow urge the uuion of i ,P. rov . inc ® 4 hhder one government, while fS^SSSSf outiu fcpfpwnprivate interest, forth® maintenance of tho etatu quo. ?l not ° nl <y wparates herself -from Englaud ou two vital questions of European policy, but on one them, the Italian question, power* 8 ^ er8e f n aIarn,,n £ opposition to that (Correspondence oriho Commorcbil Advertiser.) I r H , a I be ' 8aturda >' oyoning, Juno 28. I forwarded you our weekly rbport. on Wed- nesduy last, by the Liverpool steamer. On tiie following day the demand in our cotton market became more active, and 1400 bales changed band# at steady prices. Yesterday, owing to the firmness of holders, the transaction# amounted to only 800 bales tradew not being disposed to pay un advance, i To-day, the market ha# been regular, and 1200 bales have boon taken for consumption. The market dosed the following quotations Trow Trra Bon New Orleans., bus. bos. ord. ..78 88 Ot .102 106 Mouiio 78 ffrorgla.odF). 78 87 86 02 80 I 07 04 101 08 A Hkiuous Difficulty.—We learn by a gen tleman who arrived in this city yesterday alter- noun rram Charlotte, N. C., lift un Hfturdny afternoon Inst, in tlmt town, u Mr. John Blonn, «f New York. but formerly of Charlotte, wu nidjultetl hy ilr. K Uom, whefiSTdrew u “ volyoruuddtachnreed four nlwta, tho fourth lntt,e ftelrtlroec. The l» Hcrioue. Wohavenotlonm- *“ ‘ ho particular.,—Columbia Carolinala». IN »«* Cumtouiu.—Daring tho thlrt. nKl.i revl, *J l ! h#ve Aten reported lu in Ji«m ttna Inifourtccu State., *n width 2100 convendona an reported. Fortifications at San Francisco,—It is intended by the government tlmt when tho fortiilications of San Francisco harbor are com- J ileted, tho fortresses and units shall ho us bllows: Fort Point, 154 guus; Limo point, 80 guns; Angel Island, 40 guns: Alcatraz Island, 50 guns. Total, 354 guns. Of these guns,tiie majority terow bails as heavy us C4 pounds; some of them are 120 pounders, and tiie lowest are 32 pounders. Tho',fortifications at Fort Point and Alcatraz Islands, the most important po sitions, aro in an advanced condition, and could bo prepared for a houvy light in a short time. Political.—Hon. Thomas F. Marshall, ex member of Congress, of Kentucky, delivered a speech ou the political condition of the couutry at Chicago, ou the 5th inst. It is said he op posed Fillmore and Buchaimu, or rather their platforms, und although nut agreeing altogether witli that of tiie Republicans, gave it his support. Suicide or a Young Lady.—On Saturday af ternoon a youug lady named PercioR. Brown, threw herself into the Cuuul, nt West Troy, N. Y., and wus drowned. Disappointment in un ufiliir of tho heart is said to linvu been the emise. Treaty with Brain.—Mr. Dodge, it is said, luis made considerable progress in toe making of a treaty with Spain which will grant certain facilities to our commerce with Cuba, hut, at the same time, debar the United States forever fVom the purchase or acquisition of that is land. A Ghkat Chance fob Inventors.—The an imal production of Indian Corn la GOO,000,000 bushols, nearly all of which is shelled by ma chinery; but the husking is done by hand. Tho exponso of husking is estimated at fivo cents n bushel, or $3,000,000 a year! No less than 120 different patents have been granted for shelters, but for buskers, only four patents have ever been issued—two of which have long since cx- I fired. A patent for a first rate husker, says lie Scientific American, woutd bo worth u for tune. Ah, (GA.) TUESDAY, JULY 15,^ 186ff. 7 ttty variety of vegetation. Tho M M. ..A NO. 120 21. Outre axdWi wo havo bidnetn tofrexhltigtoovory variety of vegetation, twin has proved a gen.tul one. . Since three lata Hina the crap, look In lino condition.—The oorn crop la oonaldorod Ina manner, made. The cotton crop la growing otr . • tent ippearancoa, Indicate. moat too early to begin to ling llkoa certainty upon we will venture the aaaer- hlngllke .eawtnable, a Mill lie ralacd In Union pariah Tub Qukkn or Spain.—The lout nowa from till, uuliirtuimtu sovereign I. to the eilhut that .lie hud beett lttdl.po.ud altteo June 111. She wu. ordered to lie hied, hut u miscarriage wu. undemtuod to huve taken place on the Friday night before. I.kiiion op Motion.—ltlHaald that the French Emperor lias lately bestowed upon M. Sartlge., the French Mluhterut Wuahlngton, tho Grand Ores, of the Legion of Honor, In approbation of hi. diplomatic aorvlcw. Wauxino io Tbuant«~-A boy about ten year, old, named Frederick Wanlwell, waa drowned at Swumpscott, Mass., on Monday last, while playing truant from school. «*■ I ■ ' " — House Blown up by Gunpowoeu.—At Brigb ton, Mats., ut an curly hour Thareduy morning, the lionso of Thomas Wcthcsen, butcher, waa blown up by gunpowder, a kog of powder huv. lug been placed in the kitchen. Tho house was set ou fire, hut all the inmates, twelve in number, who were asleop at the time, were tin- injured. Tho adjoining houses were shaken as with uu curthquako. Kaunas must have been tho State in which tho boy resided, who wrote home to hi* father in Pennsylvania as follows: “Dad, dad, move right.out hero quick,for mighty mean men get elected to office in this State.” Cninngpl Savannah Market* July la. COTTON’.—Outy 0 bales wore sold this day, at 10^ cents. MACON, July 12.—Cotton—No change in prices but littlo on sale.-. CHARLESTON. July 12.—CorroN—Tho transuc- tious to-dny reached upwards or 1,700 bales, and thcro was u decided buoyaucy in prices. Tho sales uoropriso 2 boles at 0, 20 at 10, 14 ut 10);, ,*>8 at io); 31 ut 10);, 103 ut li);, 71 at H);, uu 11 is- 16, 1,103 ut 12, and A0 hales ut 12^0. NEW ORLEANS, Juh .... . iy ... further antes to-duy of 1000 bates, but sho demand T. Buchanan Read, tho poet and painter, was married Tuesday evening, in Brooklyn, N. Ym to Miss IIcttie Denison,, daughter of tho lute Edward Butler, of Northampton Massa chusetts. Tho “Maine Law,” in New Brnuswickv'seems to 1ms rather unpopular, as recent returns from tho olection allow a large majority in favor ol its repeal. Tho Middleton, Ct., Argus,democrat, is out in favor of admitting Utah as a State,.with a constitution tolerating polygamy. A Numerous Progeny*—A Mrs. Marian Shiuu.died receutly |p Ocean county, N.J. aged 7G years. Sho was the mother of 16 childreu, and, at tho time of her death, had 81 grand-children, aud 29 greatgrandchildren, making in the aggregate 125. 10.—Cotton.—Wo notico lo-Uay ‘ ' . . wus confined to a tew buyers uud proce* woro fee ble aud irregular: Ulterior A&f5>8 | Middling.... 10);©10)i Ordiuary -MS10 GoodMUl’llngll):®— Good Ordiuary 1 , OX | Mid'gFair.. 12 13- Low Middling It (310); | Fair — (Q — SVAmUNT OF COTTON. Stock ou luuid 1st September, 1855 bales 38,201 Received siuco 1,751,804 Received to-day 71 1,700,090 1,761,680 129-1,761,680 The Precious Metals in France.—A statement of the movement of tho precious metals in France for the three yean 1853, ’4 and 5* has beon made up, from which it ap pears that the Emph* imported in gold $23G,- 188,000, of which $51,300,000 left tho country, and $184,720,000 entered Into circulation or bank use. Meanwhile the Empire lost $102,- 220 in silver, and imported $60 jiGO.OOO, making the net loss $95,560,000. The actual uet ac cession of both metals in thp three years, two of which were years of war with Russia, was $89,100,000; notwithstanding which the Bank or France entered the struggle with Russia with a reserve of about one hundred aud twen ty-three millions of dollars, (we assume the highest point of 1852, ’3;) and came out in Jauuary, 1850, with less than forty millions. The gain to her vaults since the peace has been steady and rapid, as it is beginning to be with the Bnuk of England. La Bruyere says: “When a person of feeling and discernment reads a book, and it excites in him elevated thoughts, ho may bo sure the work Is good, and he needs no other mode of proving it. _ There is something amusing in the simplicity of the little girl, who asked a younger sister to S pell “cat,” and upon being told she could not 0 it, desired her to try “kitten.” Valuable Instrument.—A Flute made of gold is on exhibition in London, England. Tho gold was brought from Australia, and the workmanship is said to be exquisite. The weight of tho instrument is 14} ounces, and its value about $650. Cuiuouh Invention.—A very curious inven tion has been made in England. Its object is the manufacture of picture-frames and other articles of like description, out of bricka; and, singularly enough,Hidi nn ohjersus this Inis been and can be successfully accomplished. It is done, as wc understand, by reducing pieces of old bricks to powder, mixing this powder with some portiou of tho tar or refuse of the f ;as works, aud then compressing tho mixture nto suitable moulds. Tliu result is said to be a solid,durable, nml bountiful article, ofnlmobt any given pattern. Swedish Emigrants at New York..—Much interest has I high excited by a party of .Swedish ’ emigrants that arrived ut Now York a few days since. Thoy appear to ho of a very religious turn, meeting two or tlircu limes a day for prayer, singing and preaching in their own language.—Not one ol them can speak a word of EngTiuh, nor do thoy know the value of our money. They are bound for Iowa und Minneso ta, and are furnished hy the Commissioners of Emigration with an interpreter, free of any extra charge, who will accompany them to their destination, aud look after their baggage and other eilbcts. Yard Stick.—A patent has been granted for a vety convenient article lor dry goods merchants. It is UHcJI-counting mea sure. It is graduated by brass nails hi tho same manner thut counters now arc, excopt that in tho place of one of ihe brass nails—the one where tho hand ordinarily terminates in counting yards-is a knob, which is slightly pressed by tho finger or thumb, aud a pointer counts and registers tho number of yams mea sured. This is very cmiveuicut in case tiie clerk dosircs to entertain Ids customers in con versation while ho is meiiHiiriugtgoods. It also avoids liability to error iu counlug. Elisha Dexter, of Holmes Hole, Mass., is tho biventer and patentee. The Btar newspaper', at I’arlss, Cana da, was pitched into the river hy n mob Inst week, for some obnoxious sentiment# of the editor. Tho Boston Board of Trade have presented to Commodore M. C. Perry a golden medal commemorativo or the Japan expedition or 1853-54. Lteut, Silas Beni was presented n copy in silver of tho same. Mormons Driven from Beaver Island.— The propeller Prairie State arrivod at De troit. Monday, with fifteen families from Beav er Island. Strang’s friend* have lost power, and a terrible state of affairs exists among the iuliabitauts. Strang bos been removed to Berlin, Wisconsin, where he was followed hy a few of the deluded. Ho was greatly threaten ed, und his life was not all sacred while at 8L James. The original settlers there have the power to, and aro driving out the Mormons with a grand rush, not evon allowing them to carry away anything from tiie Island. Mn. Marcy’s Crampton Letter.—It Is sta ted that the dispatches from our Ministers at the principal European capitals contain assur ances that nearly oil tho foreign legations unite in approving the principle and policy embod ied in Mr. Morey’s last paper, dismissing Mr. Crampton. _____ Tllibrrality of Hereditary Legislators —Tho Jewish disabilities bill was rejected in the British House of Lords, on the 23d ult, by & majority of 110 to 78, after a long speech by Lord Lyndhurst in favor of it. He showed that the oath of adjuration, “on tho true faith of a Christian,” did not contemplate the exclusion of the Jews—as it was in use before tiie Jews came Into the country. Barnum Seeing Daylight—A bankrupt law exists in Connecticut, as well as in this State, liberating an insolvent debtor from his dubts upon the petition of two-thirds in amount of his creditors. We are glad to loam that a largo majority of Mr. Barnum'a “clock credit ors” lmvo already signed such a petition, and that bo far not ono has refused—iV. Y. Tri bune. _ Paying a Bad Debt—Tho other day a re turn was made to the English Parliament, by which it appears that tho Treasury had com pounded with the Duko of Grafton by the payment of £197,000 cash, for an annual pen sion granted by Charles II. to his illegitimate son, tho ancestor of tho present Duke of Graf ton. Imprisoned for Seduction—A mere youth, named George Bhlsler, convicted, in Phila- pelphia, for seducing Almira LaJferty, was sentenced, by Judge Allison, to pay a fine of $500, and to imprisonment of eighteen months in tho couuty prison. Important to Shoemakers.—-A boot and shoo company for manufacturing boots nnd shoes by BuiuariFH patent machino, has beon formed in England with a capital of $600,000. The nmuhiuoissaldto supercede manual labor en tirely—A factory already in existence makes by it 200 puirs a day. The expenditure or the population of the United Kingdom for boots and shoes is estimated at seventy five millions of dollars; and this company, looking to a gradual extension of their powers of productioo, contemplate an ultimate increase of their capital to 2.500,000 dollars. ^ ^ The receipts of the American Colonization Society for too post month amount to $4,433, A man in Troy made a skirt for a lady late Iy, which used up one hundred and twenty eight feet of rope. So says tho New York mirror. finely, and (hm^r a fair yield, hut K speculate with a the cotton crop; torn that If it fsi. crop of cotton wll this year. " ultimo* The present roent of tiie Unit arc of tho most s standing tho unpl commission as to rumors which Fhmereville (Ln) Enquirer, 2Gth ktlona between tho Govern- 1 States and that ofFraucc Isfuctory character, notwith ant report of our military ilr reception, and various J that the French Govern ment hud intended to interposo in opposition to American expansion or filllbusterism lu Cuba and Central America. Napoleon ill. had the sagacity also to see that war between the Uni ted States and England was an Impossibility, and that the least of all causes for a rupturo could lie found iM/tho dismissal of Mr. Crump- With Austria Wo huve no more Kozsta ques tions nor Kussufk 1 questions, and with Prussia, one of our earliest and most disinterested friend*, there ex&ts entire harmony in regard to all questlons. ^nd especially one of mutual concernment—the Danish Sound dues. The question between us and Denmark has been happily deferred, and, I suppose, Indefinitely. Russia could greatly promote her own as well as our interests by a good commercial treaty; and such a treaty is said to be now in process of negotiation.—Ds/f. Sun. <&■»>! dtoru, 1B A. U'HYMH, ATTOBNEY AT LAW, UOlce 176, Bay-iL, over Turner ft Go's. Drug ttorej savannau, ua. uov 10—ly ATfOKNKY AT LAW, ' UUlco Mouuineut Uquure, uoar HU to Itauk. SAVANNAU, GA. UOV 10—ly W. UAUElt; ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Montioollo, Jolteraou Couuty, Fla. Roterouco—liou. W. U., Suvuirauh, Ua. uiyll RDWAHb G. WILSON* SIAUUmATK, NOTARY AND C01UU&30NKH OF DLKDd. Al Hour.. Ward s Owoun' Luw union. [my II «). VV. 0IAUKV, ATTORNEY AT LAW, FRANK UN, HKAKD OU., UA. WUt attend to professional business lu theCouutles ol Uoard, Carroll, Cumnbull, Gowutu, Fayette, Meri wether uud 'Troup. Reference—Hou. E. Y. UiU, LaGrange, Ga.; Hon, David irwiu, Marietta, Gu.: Gulonol M. M. Tidwell, Fayetteville, Ga.; aud Mr. WUIlutu Dougherty.Co lumbus, Ua. uepl7-ly WELLS & WILLIAMS, DEALERS IN DOMESTIC, FOREIGN AND FANCY DRY GOODS. No. 149 Cungreii-it,, Savannah, Ga. JAR. T. WELLS, formerly or Beaufort Diat. 8. C. TUEOl’lllLUa WILUAM8, “ Ucriveu Co.,U*. sept 7 A. MoALFlNftllROTilHRi; Lumber, Mill aud Brick Yards. Kept 5 SAVANNAH, GA. Exported to date Exported to-day Stock on band lot cleared 38,430 BuoAR and Molabhks.—Wo nolico limited salos ut previous rates. Flour.—600 bids Superfine sold at $6 30. 700, in two lots, at $6 40, and 100 Fino at $ 76. Alio, yes terday 1250 SuporUue St Louis ou private terms. Cokn'—Tho sales comprised 3600 sacks, including 600 damngod at 40c, 500 Mixed at 6'i, 200 at 64, 300 yellow at 65. and 1500 white, from store, at 56. Hay.—A llat boot load oT 120 ton* Was tern sold at 826. Fork.—100 bbls Moss sold at $21, at which there was a fair retail demand, and 00 Mohs and M. O. at —. Wo also heard of, but did nut autenticate, a lot of 200 bbls from the Levee at $20 50. Bacon—The demand was slack and the tenden cy rather In favor of buyers. Lard—Nolhtng transpired. Whisky— 160 bbls Wilshiro’s sold at 33. Au of fer or 81c was ottered for — bbls do. CoEns—The sales oT Rio comprised 1221 bags, including 817 at 10); and lO^c, and 860 at 11. Fnnanw—Netting transpired or any momont. Cotton to Liverpool );d. Exauxuxs—We kuow or no change worth notlc- ng— • Sterling. 9); a 10 per cot pm Fraucs 6.12); a 6.18); pr dollar New York Sixty Day Rills 1 a 1); pr ct dls New York Sight Checks par a — pr ct dls WILMINGTON, July"12^-TuRnaTiNX-Saloa to day of 202 bbU at 2 76 for uow, 1 84 for old virgin, 2 30 for yollow dip, uud 1 SO for hard, per bbl of 260 llii. l’p’xs.—Sales yesterday or 76 casks at 34o per gal. No transaclios to-day, and market quiet Rosin.—Sales yesterday or 600 bbls No 1 at 2 60 a $3 per bbl. Tar—No Irinaactlons, aud uouo on murket. Intelligence. Port of Savannah JULY 16 Arrived* Steamship Kuoxvlllo, Ludlow, Now York, to Fad- elterd, Fay ft Co. I Departed. Steamer Darlington, Brook, Palatka. Memoranda* Spoken, June 19, lat 47 16, lou 10 12, ship Sar dinia, from this port ter Antwerp. Pasaengera. Fur steamship Knoxville, from New York—W W McGuire, W H Elliot, 11 J Solomons, lady 2 chil dren and svt, B F Stacy, Mrs Farrlll, F Poults, WH White, C Turner, W Delany, 8 L Littlo, J A Ansloy, J Kemp, L Komflold and lady, Mrs Keys, S Solo- Bens Mrs Carter ft Son, Mrs Uulo and intent, C B Johnson, H U Lawrouco, A Bolin, D A Wells, D S little, K A llorue,R Munroo, aud 20 steerage. Consignees. For stuuiuiinlp Kxoxvillo, from New York- E C Audcrsou, A N Aldrich. Central Railroad, N K Bur- uum. J A Barron,.! A Brown, U M Bateson, Butler ft Frierson, ?- Bouaud, J Boston, G Brown ft Co, A Backer, Rov J Barry, Bohn ft Foster, Boston ft Vil- lalonga, Brigham, Kelly ft Co, Cooper ft Fraser, J U Carter, Cohous ft Hertz, J M Coopor ft Co, li F Colo ft Bro, D D Copp, Clugboru ft Oumdngbam, H A Co hen, Crane, Wells ft Co, DaWitt ft Morgan, J E De- Ford, Dana ft Washburn, W G Dickson, D Egan, W D Ethridge, J Foley, W 11 Farrell, J GFulligant, TB Flemlug A Co, Ilrs u Froulaud, Franklin ft Bruntly, Gray Bros, W U Gulou, W W Uoodrlub, 8 Goodall, Gilbert ft Tildeu, Hurndou's Express, R B Hilton ft Co, W Hale, A Haywood, It Haborsbam ft Bon, J D Jesse, and othors. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BACON* F IR salo, to arrive 14 hhds clour Sides, 14 hhds Shoulders, Prime Tennessco, by Jnlyl6—61 WAY ft TAYLOR. UWRENCB'8 ROSKNDALB HY DRAULIC CEMENT. HOFFMAN’S R08ENDALE CEMENT- T UI.-'I. two bruuds of Cement are mauufucturod by tho Lawrenco Ccincut Company, aud are wurranted of the best quality, buiug used lu al- uiuHl every department ol the works uudur the U. S. Government, and other impiriant hydraulic works. Fur Halo at the oillco ot the Compauy, ou tho mostfavorablo forms, by M. W. WOODWARD, Sec’ry, jyl4—2ra 92 Wall street, New York. OFFICE SAV’D, ALBANY ft GULF R. R. CO.,1 navauuab, July llth, 1860. j An Election lor a Secretary and Trcas- uror or this Company, will bo hold on Friday uoxt, tho 18th hut., at 12 o'clock, M. Sala ry $1,2UU—llonds $10,091). Jyll—0 CiLtd. GRANT, Sco’ry aud Trcas. LUST Ull STOLEN, O N tho ulgtitor tliu loih iustaut, from brig Two Uuy., ono smt"U LONG BOAT, |ialntoa wlilto and black. A liberal reward will bo paid for her delivery to tho brig, or to Cioghorn ft Cunningham. MED L L COOPER, Captain, Augusts, July 1850; r IE TWENTY-mrn Oourao or Loiuum In thla IuslituUuu will comuieuce tiie Writ Monday in November next. FACULTY. G. M. Nkwto.v, m, d., Anatomy. L. A. Dugah, m. d., Surgery. L F. Garvin, m. i». , Materia Modlca, Therapoutlcs and Medical Jurisprudence. J. A. Evx, M. u., Obstetrics and Diseases of Wo men and Infants. II. V. M. Mukr, m, i>,, Physiology and FathoJygl- cal Anatomy. Alex. Means, u. d.. Professor of Chemistry. L. 1). FORD, U. D., institutes aud PracUcoot' Modi- clno. H. F. Canivell, m. d., Surgical, Comparative and Microscopic Anatomy, R. Campbell, x. d., Demonstrator of Anatomy. n. B. Simmons, m. u., Assismant Demonstrator t Cllulcal Lectures will ho dolivered regularly at tho City Hospital, and ample opportunlUes will be afforded ter tho study of Practical Anatomy. Foes ter tho entire Course $106 00 Matriculation Ticket (to he taken once) f. oq For ter frirthcr particulars, apply to jul2—3w G. U ..NEWTON, Dm [ uVANNa'u. Ua. ( over Thomia M.' Turner ft treat. •' Mm my? E. LOCK KIT. u, n. SNELUXU*. LOOKBTT Si SNBLL1NOS, COMMISSION MEHOHANTS, AMD 8IIIFPING AGENTS, Savannah, Ga* Wlliutteud to the soiling of ulj- kiuds of produce. rftrlctatteuUou given to receiving and tbrwarding goodu. may 81 r >. ly luctiou & Commission House, Macon, Gu. A* H. MuLAUGHLlN, General Agent and Auctioneer, Solicits from his friouds eonsiguraouts oi evory dosuription. 'Takes order* Tor Cotton. 49* SiK-cial attonUou given to tho sales of Real Estate, block* aud Negro property, ut public and privatosaloe. Prompt return* and ditpatch. Reference—0. A. L. LAMAR. mch30 Win. McAbUSTBIl. lsbod ou reasonablo iorms. Orders re’s- JpocU'ully solicited. ap 18 f. VI HWD». .. a. IMII9. w. II. IU.TU. IHJ8EB, DAVI8 St LONG, COMMISSION MERCHANT’S, SAVANNAH, GA. may 30 WAYNErGliBNVILLEfttfo7, NowuatMvijUr Ha. Keferenca-Georgo . lirnpru. William nan*vllIo, Fla., R. ILJAHou, Uoateu ft Vllialonga, Savannah, Ga. tnylf M..WHIT SMITH ATTORNEY AT L allmator, east vlorida. Will practico in the Eastern oudBoutlftTu Countiea- Refer to—Col. 8. 8. Hibley, and R. B. Hilton, Ha< vanuah. je*’' -tebiMf CHAt! O. OAMPUUI.1., ATTORNEY AT LAW, MILLEDQEV1LLE, UA. PracUces Law in tho various Countiea of tho Oc mulgoo Circuit, and tho adjoining Counties of Twiggs, Uurens aud Washington. Refer to—Joliu Hostou, U. Hilton. * dKOROHATGiHUKiN Crauu, uud R. U Iebl4 uiiunua a* uuiunjn. ATTORNEY ANO COUNSELLOR AT LAW, " .AND Commietioner qf the U* S. Court of Claims for the State qf Georgia. UOlce Curucr Bay uud Bull streets, ly uiylo Bit* CHAliLBS H. C'ULDINir, OFFICE AND REB1DENCB, No. 14 LIRE RTF ST., One door west of Drayton. my 11 WM. C. CONNELLY, ATTOUNK1 AT LAW, ILARELU, WORTU COUNTY, .A. (POUT OWICE, ALUANT.) Will practise in tho SoutlmMi Circuit, ana lu Macon, Dooly and Worth Counties JTLUe Macon Circuit. '' 49* Particular atteulion given to tho colloctiou ol (laims iu South-Western Uoorgia. ju2—om MrB U BHMWg p ATTORNEY AT LAW, fobl-ly IRWINTOW, UA. ATTORNEYS AT LA^, ap6-ly maoon, ua. A. H. CHAMPION. (Successor to Ciianipiun & Watts.) . _ WHOLESALE AND DETAIL GHOUfiR, • No. 4 Barnard si., betwoeu tho Market and Bay st., SAVANNAH GA. Dealer in Groceries, Foreign and Domestic Liquors, Dried Fruits, fto.. ftc. Deference—A. Champion, EBq., Samuel Solomons, Esq., Messrs. Rubun ft Whitehead, and Swill ft Co., Siivuuuuli, Ga. myl) WILLIAM to DABHUR; ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Truupvlllo, Lowndes County, Ua. Will practico in Thomas, Lowndes, Clinch, Ware, Appling, Teltelr, Irwin, Laurcny, uud Pulaski counties, Georgia; aid m Jollursou, Madison, Hum tltou, and CoiuinblumunnUos, Floriau. [myil WM. M. WILLIAMS. TUADUECS OLIVEU. JACK IIROWN WILLIAMS, OLIVER Si BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Buena Vista, Mariou County, Ga., Will practice iu the couuUes of Mariou, Macon, Hous ton, Stewart, Randolph, Musuogoe, Lee, uud any ndjomlng cuuntios, where their services uiqy be required. m^n JOHN H. COCHRANE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dublin. lAurous county, Ua„ lato juuior partner ol tbo lirm of A. ft J. cocurane, lrwiutou, Ua., wil( attend promptly to- all busiuoss ontruslod to hit care. Particular attention paid to collecting. Re ference—Dr. 0. B. Guyton, F. H. Rowe, Dubliu, Ua., M Marsh, Savannah. my 11 COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, Pay-street Savannah. THUS. S. WAYNE. . C. E. GRENVILLE, R. ALEX. WAYNE, W. T. SAMPLE, Jy 0—If Savannah. Chattanooga. TO ARRIVE, LANDING St IN STORE BACON LARD, fto. 1 A A HHDS clear aud Rlbbod Sides 1UU 60 do Shoulder in air tight packages 100 kegs No 1 LeaT Lard. 60 bbls do do 20 cask* do, most approved brands SUGAR AND MOLASSES. 60 hhds very choice Porto Rico Sugar 60 do lklrCuba do 800 bbls Clariflod, A B and 0 do 60 do Crushed do 26 boxes Loaf do 160 bbls New Orleans Molasses 60 hhds Cuba do ' 100 bbls California Syrup BAGGING AND ROPE. 126 hales Gunny Cloth 600 colls Repo, pure hemp LIQUOR8. 300 bbls Connecticut Whisky 160 do K Phelps’ Gin 60 do pure Gin, P ft H 100 do Now England Rum COFFEE. 400 bags fair to prime Rio 100 do prime Laguira 60 do Java, 10 pockots Mocha. For sale at the lowest market rates JylO HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON ft CO. B. ELLIS, Factor and General Commission Merchant NO} 71 BAY-8TUBKT, SAVANNAH, GA., Runouito—Messrs. Clagborn ft Cuuuiughum, Deli ft Premiss, Ugdeu, Starr ft Co., Bavuuuah; J. p, Thompson, tewnm. „ m . i wm. aifDLKY oucrsK. j.vo. courtn FHAJSKK. COOPER St FRASER, FACTORS ft GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Bay street, Savannah, Go. fiuyll JOHN G. FALLIOANT, WHOLESALE AND BKTA1L DEALER IN WINDOW BLINDS, WLNDOW SASH AND PANE DOORS. West side Mouumont Square, Savannah, Ga. rnayll ' JOHNC.BOOTH, CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Will also give Ids atteuUon to desigua iu Architec ture. uiiice in the store or John Williamson, Esq., Bay street. myl3 CHAFFER*CO., No. 0 Whitaker Street, Savannah, Ga., WHOUCSAU AXD UTTAIL DKALUtS IK S ASHES, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, ftc. White Load, Zinc, White Liusoed, Sperm, Whale, Tau- uers’ uud NoutsfootUils, Gloss. Brushes. Gold Leal, Bronzo, Builders’ Hardware. Nails, Murble Mantels, ftc., ftc.Je4 % ft H GIN.—60 bbls old P ft 11 Gin, just re ceived and for salo by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. RACHAEL AND THE NEW WORLD. A Trip to tho United States aud Cuba, translated XL from the French by Leon Boauvallet. Walker’s Expedition to Nicaragua aud History o tho Central American War, with a map. The Modoru 8tory Teller, or tho best stories of tho best authors, now first collected. Freeman Hart’s Worth and Wealth, or Maxims, Morals and Miscellanies ter mercants, new supply. The Attack ou Bum Slick in Euglaud. Carpenter on tho Microscope, aud its revolutions, with upwards of 400 engravings. Whartou aud Stiile ou Medical Jurisprudence. The Ncalpt Hunters, by Gapt Muyne Reed. Tbe.qroy Bay More aud other luminary sketch- i. with Ulustrutious. Clara, oi* Sluvo LUo iu Europe, with an Introduc tion. by Sir Archibald Alison. Western jtfricu, by Rov J L Wilson; JohuIIulirux, Gentlerauu. ’V * W. THORNE WILLIAMS. BARGAINS I N RICH DRESS GOODS AND MANTILLAS—bal ance of rlob flounced Organdies, Bareges, Crape Ue Paris aud Tissues, at cost to close them out; also, rich Lace Mantillas, at reduced prices, for sale by Juno 4 DsWHT ft MORGAN E XTRA Cbolco Goshen Butter, u fresh supply, per steamer Knoxville, lor sule by J. D. JESSE. J7 3 _ • ^ A LB AN Y"ALE,—26 bbls. Albany Block Alo,Just received, and for solo by Juno 1 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON ft CO. L lug, aud for sale low from tbo wharf, jy 2 C. A. GREINER. e UNNY CLOTI1—Iu store and for solo by Juno 4 PADELFORD, FAY ft CO. O SNABURUS—30 bales Osuaburgs, Mowtouuud Tkomastou Mills, just received aud for salo by jnnelB CRANE, WELte ft CO. H ARPER FOR JULY.—Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, for July, recclvod und for sale by WARNOCK ft DAVIS, JunelB 169 Congress stroct. fj^ULTON MARKET BEEP^-10 Half bbls J; Fulton Market BeeT, and 10 do do Pork. Just rocolvedby may20 J. D. JESSE. B KESS GOODS.—A large and Hue assortment of colored Dress Bilks, Bareges, Tissues, French cambrics, French Muslius, Brilliants aud Prints, us well as a largo assortment of Wldto Goods, Striped Plaid aud l’iuta Swiss, Organdies, Taricton, Bunk, Nausouk, Cambric and Jacouet Muslin, fur salo by June 20 A1K1N ft BURNS, STRANGER I If you warn a good and cheap Trank, Vallce, Cargict Ung, or Clouting of any klud or quad- \y, ready matte or mudo up to your measure; also Huts, Caps, Shirts, Cellars or Dress Furnishing articles of any description, cull uud se lect from the largest and host stock iu the city, at tho Btar Emiiorlum, 147 Bay street. Jel3 WM. O. PRICE. JEFFERSON ROBERTS, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, AN1> DEALER IN Timber and Lumber. SAVANNAH, On. BllOCOli'rOIV^BTHKSi't'HiVCKANI) LIVERY STABLE. The undersigned haying put the above Stables iu good condition, are prepared to accommodate tboir easterners with Carriages, Hacks, . J 4o -i with sound, gentle, and well u, «“ «■«»»». and carofol drivers. Horses boarded onaooommothrtlm terms, and well cured for. Two pairs of flno Carriage Horsos ter ealo. Inquire cor ner of Barnard ana Broughton streets, aplli—ly STEVENS ft ELUSTON. SSS& A. SHORT, MA8TER BUILDER. Will tako contracts for Building and Worklug Ma< wNiry of every description. Rcsldenco, No. 8 Mrs Jewett’s Rasgo, South side Jones at oct 80 WOOD AND LUflIBKRT iwmi* *uv a (HUAA^a, tut dm*. »i kuuiwmu miu ruwu, low for cash, on tho new wharf recently oreotod on tbo Lumber Yard of Robert A. Alien * Co. mar 12—ly W M. J. L. MOULTON bus. LEFLuk die Wilcox, Uouiiau*. ——a ARB now frilly prepared toin< JEsHmmB sort rull or partml setts of Teeth (umfi|oD tho principle of Dr. J. Aliena’s 1 * ■ 1 r Patent Continuous Gum. By this improvement, too form ortho face can bo rostored to any degree of rotuudlty that may be doslred. It U applicublo iu all coses where the cheeks have ration iu uud cuunot bo detected by too closest observer.— This method combines too following t lvauugos:— Au ortiflciul gum, which exhibiUi a perfectly natural aud life-like appearance, and imparts totootheetb that peculiar expression which characterize* tho na tural organs. This Gum consist* ora sllftciouscompound, which Is applied and ftisod upon Ihe Tooth and Plate In suci a manner, as to fill up all tho Interstices around toe baseoi'theTeoto, uud also unites them flrmly to each other and to the Plate upon which they are sett. This secure* perfect cleonlluesBOf the Teoth. Ufllco over DeWitt ft Morgan, Congress street. *** Republican and Georgian copy. fob 16—U _ Drs. ROYALL A JOHNSON, Dentists, oillco corner 8t. Jullen-sL and Market Square, over B. WU- mot’s Jewelry store. UOlce hours from 8 to 2 o’alock, and from 8 to 6. mar 11 corn phdtdgka^hs;— i Largo sized Photographs, ta ken by MILLER, AT TWKLVK DOLLAKS VKH DOZKK Also, Ambrotypes and Da guerreotypes, iu his usuai su perior style. A call is solicited. J. W. MILLER, ntar27 cr. St. Jullan-st. aud Market square. CAilV’S DAbtibHfibTYPJgsrAMbW- types and Photography* P. M. CARY W OULD respectfully give notice that his rooms aro now open for the season, uud rea dy for the reception of visitor*. By the Amkrottmi process persons may now have their children’s pictures taken. In almost any posi tion they may chooso, In from 1 to 8 aecodds sitting, By the Pfioroaiuwiio process old Daguerreotypes can bo transferred to paper, beautifully colored and enlarged to Ufe. oct 22 J. W: PATTERSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Troupvillo, Lowndes County, Ua. (my 11 JAMBS M. SAVAGE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, TOOMASY1LLX, fltOXAS CODNTT, GA. All business entrusted io his care will receive prompt attention. lyr—mar!7 ANTHONY NcCULLOH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Savannah, Georgia. 6T Oillco on Bay street, ovor too Bonk ot'Bavan- >. fob2 JAMM U. KODUKKS. .AMU A. KORKU. RODGERS Si NORRIS, (lute Crone ft Iludgurs, WHOLESALE UKOllERS, juuo 1,1866, BAY-STREET, 8AVANNAH. [JO 9' M. FITZGERALD, Corner of Broughton and WUltaker>SU., SAVANNAH, GA., C1UCCESSOR to T. C. Rice, Manufacturer and IO Bonier in overy variety of common and tine caNDIEB, kiln dried ami worrauted to resist effec tually the hot damp utinosphero or a Southern II- mate;also Lemon and Btrawbury Syrup, fto. Terms cash, prices low. tf— my 11 r. J. ouuxk. wm. stark, n. a. u. uakdkz. OGDEN. STARR St CO., Shippiug and Commission Merchants, BAY-STREET. BA VAN HAIL QA. YONQB St PSBSEfiRT FORWARDING AND OOMMBUION MERCHANTS, KO. 94 BAY-HTRXrr. SAVANNAH, GA. / apr4 rtA'I-TliN, HUTTON ds 06., ITIO^BAIL—Ooutantljr on band It Hi. at CHAFFER A CO.’», No. 6 Whitaker street. HHOULDEBB-T 7 26 hhd* Prime Bacon Bides, # XO KHOl rriiuu swim ofiw, 10 •• ^ “ “ Shoulder*, tgrtiDiH jomiaroH * oo ^■VNGlJail IH/IATOKJ—3t) halupor. cbolco Kttltig JCi Potatoes, In small package. For aale by [may27] For family use— J. A. BROWN. /CHAMPAGNE—12 baskets genuine Heldsic V/Champagno iu store and for sule by may 10 • OGTAVUa COHKN, S TARCH, COFFEE AND CANDY—60 bxs Fresh Btarch; 60 do Urouud Collet*: 60 do assorted Candy, received aud lor sale by MCMAHON ft DOYLE, June 4 206 and 207 Buy street. FRE Bll~URoCkfilt lKfc. I N STORE—per steamship Knoxville—Extra Ta ble Butter and Ciieese: Beef Tongues; hmoked Deer:Hums: Bacon; Pig Pork; White Beaus;Meek er’s Bull-raising Flour; liulsiutf, Figs, Dates, Prunes,. Almonds, ftc., ftc.; Pickles oi till kinds; Preserve*, assorted; Brandy Fruit, assorted; Preston’s Premi um Chocolate; bent of'leu*, Collie, uud Stuart’s No 1, A, B uud CBugara; Hlbbert’s Londou Porter; Falkirk’s Beutch Aiu; Cluretaud oibor Wines; at BARRON'S N Family Grocery Btore, Juuel8 corner Whitaker and Cbarlton its. JOHN S. NORRIS, ARCHITECT* U AV1NG resumed the practice of hisprotea- JLjL sion, offers hit services to his friends uud the pnblic as au Architect and tsuitcrlntoudent. Designs fot any part of tho country Buppliod and executed lu all too various brauchcs or his proles- siou, such as FubUo fidiflees, Stores, Dwellings, Monuments, ftc. Thoroughly lire Proof mores de signed and uxeeuted. OUlce at proseut in Bay Lane, rear of tho Custom Houho. Jun 3—1} Cravats, Blocks, Handkerchiefs, aud Fancy Articles for Gentlemou. workiuuu&hip, uy toe j best mccbunicb, ut suurtost notice _/\_ OXiOTBING_A_ H EMPORIUM- tsT 1 DOOR WHT or TUERKFUBLIOAM BKAllUXI KUUM. FlueRovly-miae W.U.Price, Also, eupcrUue Clotblag j Data FA8HloNABU:| WoUl3 i -“fi*®- utd uapa. tJtlrlH.j lauu Veatlug., WUI Collars, | AND I be made to meu- Gloves, Hosiery, JflJLll AR^ I uro.unoxceptlon- Canos,Umbiehus m. i . J1|t I ublem stylo lAiLOtt), No. 149 any Street, I ^APJAAAJi.l 49* Orders from city and county solicited, m* - mnumrmms; Poluskl House Barker Shop, Owens' Prick Buildiny, opposite the Pulaski House, FIVE WORKMEN ENGAGED. Marshall House Barber Shop, Prouf/hivu Street, FOUR WORKMEN UNPAGED. 'PHD subscriber, thunkfal to his fellow-citizens X ter toe liberal putiunuge ho iuu> received, und is still receiving, begs respecuully to luiurm them that he bus engaged sulUuiuut adUltiuuai Uist-ciuf* workmeu from some ot toe best Barber btiops in .New York, and will be enabled to accummodaic os many gentlemen as may hsnor him witli their irousgo. N. B—Tho Barber Bhops are olosod on Sundays— strangers will pluuso bear this in mlud. 0. B. HAKKISON. a HARRISON Si McGEHEE, AUCTION, COMMISSION, RECEIVING AND l orwardiug Mct'clfeauts* 69 AND til HHOADOTHKKT, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. 49* Particular attention given to too sales of Real Estate, Negroes and lToduco. Liboral advaucos made ou Negroes uud Mer- RUBE, PATTEN ft CO. ) GUNDY ft DANIEL, >-Columbus, Ga. BTEWART, GRAY ft CO. J RUBE, DAVIB ft LONG, 1 WM. WRIGHT, Savannah. H. B. BM1TH, t Mobile, Alabama; uct 23 ly J U&T RECEIVED, per schooner J, R. Allen, from Baltimore— MASON'S CELEBRATED UNRIVALLED PREMIUM CAKES and CRACKERS, Jumbles, Lemon Cakes, Tea Cakes, Scotch Cakes, Uingur Snaps, Edinburgh Cakes unit BUcult, Soda BlaStut, Wine BUoull, Butler Biscuit, Water Biscuit, l’io NIc Biscuit, ftc. At BARRON'S, June20 corner Whitaker aud Charlton-stu. IVillIAm isffSKfi C0MM8S10N AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, No. 87 Bay street, Savannah, Georgia. Juno 13 | * . f as. w. Gam. h. r. smuot. GREEN * SMOOT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 0026 TUOMASTON, GA. JOLLN BILBO, Ordinary of Chmth.m County, AND .TTORNBV At LAW. OUlce In tbo Court Hou... mylil mHBW tfcCtiLLOH, ATTOBNBY AT LAW, Savannah, Georgia. 49- Office on Bay street, over too Bunk of Savau- Hh. mtjia H. V. COtiB * BROtllBK, ' POBWAItDING AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, • Savannah, Qa., and Montgomery, Ala. r. T, Com, I Jt. f. coir, Buy street, BeviuunUi. | Cutmuorce ct., Bom.'ry. mnabreps. Holcomb, Johnson, ft Co. I Cohens ft Hertz, Lockett ft Bnollings, I Edwin Parsons ft Co., Robert A. Allcu, [ Scranton, Johnston ft C'o. SAVANNAH, GA. myl3 WM. C WKIIB. ~ WM. M.'sAQZ. WEBB St SAGE, (SIICCK&SOKS TO OAMKKOK, WXBii ll 00. IMPORTERS OF CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTHEN-WARE, 145 UUT1NG-8T. OUABLK8TON, B* 0*. Will supply Country Merchants with Goods in their line at as low rates as they can buy in New York, or elsewhere. sept 28 jy john srHnassr ATTORNEY AT LAW, (Oflice ut too Court Houso.) Will practice In the Superior and Courts or Ordi uary. Jan30 g-j.-j. fUN6 ^ ATTOBNBY AT LAW, Corner of Bay and* Whitaker Streets, ■ IT A M N A H. fob 22 3mos JONH 8. BOWEN. ENGINEER, ARCHITECT AND BURVEYOR, CORNER OF URATTOJI AND BRYAN-STS^ (Above C A. 1- Lamar.) JyO—3m WOOLEN MACHINERY. C L. GODDARD, Now York, only Manufac- • rarer ut tho origiuul Seel Ring and Tooth Burring Machines aud Feed Rolls, to be attached to First uud also secuud Breakers and Fiulshera of Woolen Curding Machines. The atttchmout to Sec ond Breakers and finishers is vory important Those machines are in successful operation, on First Breakers, iu most of too principal Woolcu Fac tories lu the Uuited estates, Cauada and Mexico, and aro deemed by experienced mauulacturers as toe must perfect machines used, aud Imllspousnblo to the economical uud successful manufacture of wool. They are lu fact too only strong, durablo and suc- cesafriUy operating machines in use. No cording machine should run mi hour without them. The Feed Rolls are stroug and durable, and wor thy ofatteulieu. Circulars explaining those Machines and Roll, and references to Aillls having them in use, may bo bad by addressing 0. L. GODDARD, No. 3 Bowling Green, New York, to whom orders should bo addressed. soptlS—lyw FACTORS. Forwarding and Commission Merchants, Uoy-strcat,, Ga. D. LTtOHEN, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, Jones Street, (ono door East of Drayton Street.) Is preiwred to coutract ter all kiuds or building and repairing. Also to conduct water through too various parts of houso*. gp if A.THdBlAB& COh Auction and Commission Merchants, 110 Bryan Street, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. A. Thomas. S. 8. Pakdpr. Qgfin W. STTaW. DEALER IN CHOICE FAMILY ottd Foreign and Domestic Fruit, comer Broughton and Whitaker-st*. Town aud country supplied with choice goods al moderate prices. AU order* promptly attended to, and aausGsotioa always guaranteed, spit H AY—36 bales Northern Hey. for sole by Jy8 WILLIAM LYNN. 87 Bay at. t ABl).—2U bbls aud 60 kegs new No 1 Leal Lard, landing and for sale by jy7 SCRANroN, JOHNSTON ft CO. FRENCH CHINA.'WHITE GRANITE, AND GLASS WARE. 146 Mxmxo snuoer. charlwton, south oarounA.^ Tho subscriber* rospectihlly solicit-. ~ *»uhlio, au insnoctlouf aud English! « Tho subscribers i from tbo traveling i>u of their stock of Fri China, in plain whit white, gold bahd, w uid “* , tea, toilet, W decorated dlnuor, dpsert, brcaUkst, tea, tL..._ tote sets and vases. Also, Cups and Saucers, ftc., ot the celebrated Bevrea Chlua. White Granite of the best manufacturers. Rich cut French, English and Bohemian Gloss. They havo a variety of ornaments in ParUmi Ware, Busts of Calhoun, Clay, Webster, and ctoort, audStatuotea ufthoUreok slave, Venus do Mediula, it ey have also a beautiful, durable and cheap arti cle for floors and hearths, or Plain and Rncamstle Tltes.i'' Their stock bring vory general, carefully selected and imported dlrbct, offer* inducements to morohanta tooiowMtnteesf&reuh 001 ,0011 * wlU ^ U P at WEBB ft SAGE, Importers, ' auooessors to Oamereo, Webb ftOo.