Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, July 17, 1856, Image 3

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SBK ' aiM m si nw» ■■■ jj i■ • •5 >• "v v-:; •■'V-' • r • FOREION AND in t ' UOAHU1NU, JNVEUAL gentlemen or small families can be j uOcutiiiiiOilatoil with good Rooms and Hoard, on To the Patron, of the tav’h SNUfatt. I jj|tcjal jjotiig. pwH* nfDftTO; M OuHdlng coruor Bar and Dray toasts., suitable for mercantile purposos and star- ago. For particulars enqufre al **«.» June 18-*.< , \ , .OFFICE. WANTBb TO RINV .i*l *:.»7* , A commodious, airy and pleaaaut House ; in a desirable} part ortho city, Tor which a liberal price wlU'bo paid, Enquire at the cjfllco or tlto Georgian upd'Journal. " "WiRgNT;” *; ~ Zh UNTIL the.i.Ut November noxt, a com modious and airy residence. op U10 uurlb sldo or the Coutral Railroad Depot, known _ua Hovers Place. The house la newly fur- ulNhed iron basement to attic, which can bo bought low. may8 YOUNG * WYATT. All debts due to the Georglau previous to Mr the Otb Instaut. are payable only to tho un designed. Notes and accounts due In tho city will be presented immediately, and all dehta due iu tho tommy wilt bo forwarded by an early mall. This being I ho first Ume that the underalgued lias publicly appealed to hia late patron, bo reoU that bev will not consider him unreasonable in urging upon them the uccesalty for immediate payment. Iteimttaacos may be made directly to tho uudor- siuuoit, or to It. II. Hilton k Co., whoso receipt will oc valid. PHILIP J. PUNCH Savannah, May 28, 1860. my!8-lawd4w OiHcf Saw’ll, Albany di Gulf It. It. Co.,) Savanuah, 37th Juuc, 1856. J An iostaliuent or 10 per cent., being the sixth ou the Capital Stock of this Oompauy, hereby called, and required to bo paid at this office on tho 1st day of Soptembor next. Uy order OHAS. GRANT, june:8—wtlS Secretary and Treasurer. CITY TREASURER’*OFFICE, 1 Savannah, 34th June, 1866. j 4>a . The Boudi of the Cily or Savannah, duo 9mr 1st Fobrnary, 1867, Issuod for Central Rail road Stock, (commonly kuown as McAllister bonds) will be roileomod if desired in stock of tho Coutrat Railroad aud Bauklng Company, at its market vulue, the bonds being rccoivod at par. I0-J5 JAMES S. WATKINS, City Treas’r. N OTIC B~C.~R.~r7 THE freiglit ou corn from Atlanta to Su- vaunath will be reduced to 16 e. per bushel mi and after he 1st day oT April next WM. M. WADIJCY, Oeueral Suporln’t. rrunsiiortatiou oQlue, 1 Uiiirat Wl Ruad. / " lw -“ Tin lindUul dec 13—tr Foil ~SALB. Six Tracis of Luid, 600 acre each, 3 r •! miles from the city of Savannah ou tliu S. A. lull' Rail Road. well adapted lu ti e growth ol Rice, Cotton aud Corn, and Wood enough 10 pay for it ton timos over. Apply to lob 37 tf C. A. U/UJD. B LEACHEDShirtings iu grout variety, aud at various prices. fob 31 AIUIN4 BURNS LOTS. t 'Oll BALD.—A Hue lot iu Wesley Ward.— Alsu two on (iordou street, east. For sale low. Fee simple. Apply to 'A. WII.BUR, Uou'l Insurance Agent aud Uroker, may 33 _ _ 111 Day stroot. C ORN—600 sucks com, iu store and To arrive, ibr solo by WILLIAM LYNN, June 10 87 Bay street. NOTICE. A LI. pursous having claims against tho estatu of GeorgeM.Troup, deceased, will hand them lu, duly uttested, aud those Indebted will please make payment to either of the underalgued. T1IOMA8 M l’OUMAN. 1 Jo 10 IIANIKI. 11. 11. TROUI‘, jf_ x "• S ALT.—1000 sacks Salt lu storu uud for sale by WILIJAM LYNN, jiiuo 14 87 Bay street OFFICES FOlt RENT IN TUB THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE adjoining tho ofllco of tho subscriber. Tho basement would make, with some slight ^improvement, an oxcollout lawyer's office, irst and second doors will bo lot Ibr Counting- Rooms, and the third lor sleuplng apartments. Con nected with U10 establishment Is an out-bulldlng ol brick, suitable tor servants. Apply to 0. A. L. I.AMAR, sept3 Corner Drayton and Bryan streets. MONTGOMERY WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGE, (VIRGINIA.) M These Springs will bo open for tho rocep- Honor visitors on the first day of June, 1858. Thoy are situated in Montgomery Coun- da, one and a half miles from tho Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, from which there Is a brunch Railroad lo the Springs Passengers leaving Richmond or Potorsburg after breakfast reach the Springs by 6 o'clock, I'. M., tho same day, all the way by Railroad. Tho accommodations have boon very much ex tended sinco last season. The rooms aro large uud comfortable, aud capable of accommodating'1,000 persons. The Lynchburg aud Ablngdou Telegraph Compa ny are uow building a branch of their Hue to tho Springs, which will bo operation early in June. A very large Bath Houso has b*eu built sinco lust season. Address RO. H. MOSBY, President, Jumrtl—lm Montgomery W. 8. B. Comp'y. Tho two-story briek store onGongress street, now occupied by Messrs. Einsteiu 4 Eckraau. TIUb Is ono or the best stands in the city for any kind of businoss. Terms >0 made accommodating. For particulars in quire at 142 Broughtou street, above tho storo of T. L. MoKeuua. tfmayH t POOL.—The A 1 Amerloaii i; Patton master, having a ^ of freight engaged, - will moot as above, for balance of cargo; npidy - DR1GHAM, KELLY 4 CO. ■ Full. lTvKRIHJOL,— 1 fne A1 ship JAMES flt'AY will have dlsputoh Ihr tho above port. iWfr'iYulght npilly to • it J° S HUNTER k GAMMELI.. . 'At FOR NEW YORK.—Union IJnr—Tbo reg- HBDft ular Packet Schooner G. S. DAVIS, Ahull Mas tor, will have quick dispatch for Bo above port. For freight or past ago, apply to • July 3 OGDEN, 8ARR * CO. Niagara Falls, the Lakes & Canada SHORTEST AND CHEAPEST ROUTE. Per'Steamship Keystone Stalestia Philadelphia PAttK TO NIAO’RA PHI LA* DESLP’A FALLS •so. mum LINE connects at Philadelphia with the I Great Varth-Westorn Railroad Routo. through to Niagara Fills and Bulfulo, in sixteen hours from Pbitadelpht... l'hrougli Tickets, with tho privilege of stopping at Philadelphia, and Intermediate points, for sale by he Agent. re to Niagara Fulls or Buflkllo $28 “ Elmira 30 “ Canandaigua 28 CHARLES A. GREINER, Agent, Juuu 27 Savannah, Georgia, TUB GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE CO. OK NEW YORK, . V UE taking Marino lUska nt their Agency, comer of 1 nay ton uud Bryau streets. M irovud RitfRu will ho taken oh liberal terms, te usual credit given on Premium Notes. Three quarters ol' the btikfiToss will bo returned to the cub tamers In scrip, C. A. L. Lamar, fob 10 Agent In Njjvatmah. ... ‘ vi^sun A ib i^ir : SiMitinirn dluinui iMsuiiiitco Cuuipnuy, Southern Mutual Life Kits. Company, Hume Insurance Comjmiiy, of N. York, Sprlngltclil Fire 4k Murine In*. Com'y, Risks In the ubovo insurance Colnpuntes uttdortu keu by WM. KINO & SONS, Agouts, No* 1 WO Bay street, davaunuh, 14th December, 1866, . dcol4 B AGGING, ROPE, 4o.—100 bales Guuuy Bag ging; GlKJ culls Bale Rope; 6011 pounds fwiue; received and for sale by Juuol6 HOI.COMUK, JOHNSON 4 CO. SUNDRIES. 160 bags good to prime Rio ColTce; 76 bags old Government Java do; ,80 bags old brown Java do; ^ barrels Stuart’s A, B and C Clarified Sugars: 50 “ Crushed and Pulverlxod do; hhds Porto Rico, New Orleaus, aud Muscovado Sugars; 60 boxes Stuart’* Loaf Sugar; 60 hints Sides and Shoulders; 26 casks Trowbridge and Beaty’ Hams; 150 bbls Deumoad aud Oakley Flour; 76 bids aud half bbl* Canal Four: 150 bbis Butter. Sugar and Pilot Crackers; 60 boxes Soda Crackora: 200 boxes various brands and qualities Tobacco; 26 casos Uyer's Aromatio do^ 160 bbls Cuba and New Orleans Molassesl 60 hhds Cuba do; 60 bbls No. 1 Lear Lard; 200 kegs and cans Lard; 6 M lb Bar Lead; 600 bags Drop aud Buck Shot: 600 kegs, halft aud quarters, Dupont’s Powder; 76 bbls Moss and Prime Pork; 60 boxes Nectar Whisky; 100 quarts Scheldam Schnapps; 100 casks pints Ale and Porter; 300 bblM-ectified Whisky; 100 bbls New England Rum; 160 bbls Phelps and E Phelps' Gin; 60 casks common and pare Malaga Wiuo ; 60 bblg White Wino and Cider Vinegar;' 20crates empty Wino Bottles: 600 boxes, Soap, Starch, and Candles; lu store and tar sale on accommodating terms, mayl6 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k GO K EDZIE’S WATER FILTER.—Just rocoived an assortment of sizes Kediei’s improved Water Filters lor Qiteriug Savanuah River Water, for sale by H< 'RACE MORSE. )y® 166 Broughton St, Y ARN.—26 boles Yarn, assortod numbers, store, and for salo by jyg CRANE WELLS Si CO. O SNABUKUS—50 bales Osnaburgs, Georgia man utactory, in store, and Ibr sale in lots to suit purchasers, by iy 8 CRANE, WELLS k CO. iMlKTijii c.iA3srT CORN AND COB HILL. B ACON, Pork, Jwj.— 6U liluls clear uud rlbbod Sides; 30 do Shoulders; ffi) casks sugar-cured llatus; 60 bbis prime uud mess l'ork; 00 half bbls Hawes fi Co's Fulton Market Beef; 6 do do Tongues; JUst received uud tar sale by juuel& HOLCOMBE, JOUNSON k CO. S UGAit—16 hhds choice 1'orlo Rico sugar; 26 do Crowned Muscovado uiul Cuba Sugar; 60 bbls Barbadous Sugar; aoo do Sluart's and Baltimore stcan: relluod, crushed, powdered and clarified Sugar, lauding, lu storu and for sale by Juno 15 HOL'JOMUK, JOHNSON k CO. C OFFEE.—300 bags fair to choice Rio CoU'eo; 60 do l^iguayru Coll'eo; 60 mats Java CoU'eo; JO bales Mocha CoU'eo; lauding, in store aud for sulo by Junol5 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON & CO W ANTED TO PURCHASE—. lly of Columbus Bonds, endorsed by tho Muscogco Railroad Company. Apply to jolt]—Utls PADELFORD, FAY k CO. FLOUIl KN DARRELS. J UST received a lot of Extra Family Flour, m barrels. apr2U YOUNG k WYATT. C IUOICE WINES & LIOUORS— J Just rsceived 20 basuuts Ueidsiuk Cbamuagno. U.quarto:- casks Sherry,Port uud Madeira Wines. 16 doz Claret Wino aud Cordials; a half pipoa old Gtard and Senetto Braudies; 2 pipes superior Holland Gin. Beaver brand; 5 bbls old Monongnhela Whisky, in glass and wood. For salo by DAVID O’CONNOR, Jell Cor. Broughtou uud Drayton ala. C. O. POOLE, No. 11, Whittaker Street, (two doors from Bryan,) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN fiidhei, Ulliids, Doors, Faints, Oils. Var nishes, Window Glass, Putty, am. Painters’, Uralners* and Artists’ Brushes: Whitewash Heads and Dustors, Dry aud 'Allied Paints of every description, Artists’ coiorsm tubes, PreparedCauvaaa, kb. PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS AND FIRE BOARD PATTERNS. Rooms prepared with ueatucss and despatch.— House, Sigu uud fillip Painting, Gilding, Graining and Glazing doue In tlm bust style aud ut moderate prices. All ordora Irom the country promptly attended inch 28—ly WILMOT’S JEWELRY STORE Is receiving by every arri val a large and rich ussort-, Vent of Gold and Silver Watcbos, Plus. Ear and Finger Riugs, Mantle and other Clocks, Spoons, Forks, Tea Soils, Casters, &c., of Sterling Silver. Jewelry in overy variety, '"Ivory Table Cutlery, tine Pocket Knives aud Scissors. Rich China and Pariuu Vases, und other artlcloa. Fine Double Barrelled Guns manufactured to his own order. Gunuiug Implements of all kinds. Plated Walters, Castors, Tea Setts and Cuudlo- stlcks, with a grout variety ol'Fuucy Articles, suita ble far wedding gills, too tumorous here to tncu- lion. All kinds of Watches and Clocks repaired by the most experienced workmen. 8. WILMOT, tnaylfi No. 1 Market squaro. roa THE STATES OV SO. CAROLINA, OBORSU AMD FLORIDA’ PATENTED MAY 10, 1864. COPYRIGHT SECURED MAROH 1866. WHE attention of Planter* and Stock Feeders X is respectfully called to the abovo Mill. They are now in use by at least 10,000 of the most practi cal Slock Feeders throughout the country, who are ready to testily to their superiority over all other Mills of a similar kind. These Mills are tnado the exclusive business or tho patontao, Mr. Scott, who being a practical man, superintends the casting in person, and selects only suoh iron as Ib best adapt ed to their use, which, like car wheelB, require to ho made or metal known to be hard and strong.— They weigh from three te five hundred pounds, ac cording to size, and can be put in operation in twen ty minutes without expense or mechanical aid. The little Giant has taken tho Jlrst premium at nearly all the Btate Fairs throughout the Union, and that in the most complimentary maimer. They are guaranteed against breakage or derangement when used according to directions, and warranted te give the most perfect satislkction, or the money refunded on tho return of the mill. They are or three sixes, and will grind from eight to URuon bushels good feed per hour, according to size, with one or two horses. ,We now offer them to the trade complete, ready tar attaching the toam, at reduced prices. Mr. C. U. GAMPF1ELD is our Agent in Savannah, of whom the mill may be had at our price. march 7—oodlovly L ocomotive needles.—a new &nd ele gant article which needs ouly lo be tried ouce to iuHure tho comdaut preference of the seamstress, Just received aud for sale by murl8 LAI WON k ROGERS. CORN ON CONSIGNMENT. I ffnA Sucks Just received and for sulo. • 0UU YONGE k FRIERSON, Jol2 94 Bay streot. VJYRUP AND MOI.ASSES.—60 bbis Now OrlconB O Syrup; 60 do Alolassea; iu storu aud for sale by June 17 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k OO. TO RENT. The Dwelling lately occupied by Judgo I Flomlng, in Taylor atroot, near Drayton. I Said Houso is three stories on a basemeut, k with good sorvanta’ rooms, aud outhouses, isesaion given immediately. Apply to * D. L. COHEN. FOR RENT. Possession given immediately — Threo I story brick bouse, new aud in good order, I ou Alucon street, next oast residence to Mrs. XJowetL pply at this office. 1 may27 ATLANTA HOTEL. ATLANTA i ■ i ■ GEORGIA. J* J, HE8LER, Proprietor* Late of the Verandah Hotel, New Orleans, Passengers per Evening Trains will find Supper ready on the arrival of the Cars, mayU *i* M : s , MERCHANTS’ HOTEL, m CORNEl |1 HOARD PKR DAY $ 1 60 BOARD PER WEEK 6 00 BOARD PKR MONTH 20 00 mayl3 lyr MILLS HOUSE, CORNER MEETING ANILQUEEN-STREETS, CHARUBUgfiTo. THIS House How adapted to all the wants or the Training Public, and tho ef forts of tho Proprietor wlU bo to deserve their patrouage. mar 31 THOMAS S. NICKERSON. CABIN PASSAGE TO NEW YORK $25 00. Semi-Weekly United States Mall.Line. TIHE NEW AND SPLENDID SIDE-WHEEL JL Steamshliw— KNOXVILLE.. 1,600 taiis..Capt. C. I). Ludlow. AUGUSTA ....1,600 “ ..Cupt. Thomas Lyou. FIXJR1DA 1,800 “ ..Capt. M.S. Woodhull. ALABAMA..,. 1,800 ” ..CnpL O. R.Sohonck. WILL LKAVK SAVAR.VAII KVKKY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Theso shiim aro an:oug tho largest on the coast, unsuritassed iu speed, unruly and comfort, mukiug tholr paisugos in filly to sixty hours, und aro com manded by skillful, careful aud polltu olUcors.— Having uleguut state-room accommodations, they offer a most desirable couvuyunuo to New York. Cabin PasHugo to New York $25 Steerage Passage to Now York 8 PADELFORD, FAY k CO., Savanuali. SAM’L L. MITCTiU.L. 18 Broadwuy, leb 5 Now York. FLORIDA PORTS. FLORIDA STEAMSHIP COMPANY. —U. S. Mail IJuo—From Now Or- 'leans to Koy West.—Steamships FLORIDA uud VANDKRBILT.—These fine steamers will in ihturo mako their regular . “ t-■*• gtw follows: Koy West, . .16th & 24th Tampa Uth & 2uth Cedar Keys.12th &20th St. Marks... 14th k28tb Apalachicola,16th k 29lh Pensacola... 10th JkSOth semi-monthly trli... New Orleans, 10th k 24th Pensacola,.. .11th &26th Apalachicola. 12th &20th St Marks.... 13th &27th Cedar Keys..14th k 28th Tunijm Bay. ,16th k 20th Arrive at Key West 17th k 1st | New Orleans, 1711: k 1st Agent* iu Now Orleans, doc26 0m E. G. ROGERS, it CO., 72 Poyurass street. ~ FOllJOHN SON’S LANDING,' AND INTERMEDUTE PLACES, 7b leave on Tuesday Night, the 12th instant. M The light draft-steamer, WILLIAM JgjfggjgE/E LEBBY, Captain A. C. King, will leave regularly as above, from the Charleston Stoampookot Wharr. Apply to fob 11 _ 8. M. LAFF1TKAU, Agent. .... t)rS7j»IMl Lni« ' '■ FOR PALATKA, FLA., Via Darien, Brunswick, St. Marys, Oa., Jternandi- na and Jacksonville, Picolata and Black Creek, b'ht. OKTI1F, stenraor WELAKA, Capt. N UfalfcxPl'illfci King, will louve for the above places every Tuesday Morning, at 10 o’clk. V This boat bos large aud airy State Room uccom modatiou3, ami taking Iho Inland Passage, oilers every imluccmcut to Invalids nnd others. Freight will ho takon for Trader’s Hill aud inter mediate landings ou St. Mary’s River. No freight will bo taken after 0 o’clock. For froight or passage apply on board at the Florida Steam packet wharf, or to apr21 CLAGHORN it CUNNINGHAM. FilUfi, MAltlNB AND LIFK i N S U li A i\ C K. NU. Ul, UAY-STREE'l. CAPITAL itUPKESUNTEU, Nvurly Four itlilliou Uulliirs. By the tallowing responsible Stock Companies. Chnrtar OnU. Lite liisurnnee Uomiiaiiy, OY HAHTFOftD, OT. GSquIlntile Five Inimam« Company, OF LONDON. Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Fire, Marine and Life Insurance Company, OF I’HILADRLl’HIA. lirltlgeport Fire nnd Marine lusurattcc Company, OK BH1IKJEFOKT, OT. 43rT..« Hiibsoriber will effect insurilnco to any amount in all parts of tho .state oh overy description of property. • 1.11b Insurance, to any amount, at the lowest rale, for tho honour oi heirs and creditors, or payable to tho wife t'ruo from tho claims of creditors. Marino 1 nsurauco ou Hulls o"r Curgocs to all ijurt> of tho world. Jau26 A. WILBUR. MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFK INSURANCE COMPANY, NEWARK, N. J. Charier Perpetual. Nett accumulation, Juu. 1, 1858* $2,280,006 47 Totqi amount of dividouds paid to dato 716,492 88 Total amount of claims by death paid to date 1,836,990 81 $4,282,483 97 a min C. Miller, Secretary, Joseph l. Iwd, Agcut, Robert L. Patterson. Presldout. *TUo funds of ibid Company aro all safely Invested iu first class bonds and mortgages, stocks, cash, und uotes of members fully socurod by tholr policies. Fur further particulars Inqulro of UIXARLRS A. FARLlfiY, Agent in Savanuali, At the offico ol' Bell it Prcutlss. J, S. SULLIVAN, Medical Examluer. Messrs. Padku'OKD, Fay &Co., I. K. Tidy, Esq., State Bank. foil 29 MAUINF* and fire insurance. Tliu INTE11NATIONAL Itisiu-tuice (Jompuny. NO. U, MKUOHANT’S KXCHANOH, NRW VORK. OAKII OARlTAL^3ia,d&0 AGENT FOll HAVANNAH, .1 a iu tts III. €ul iei , AT THE OFFICE OF AtEjiSllS. VOU XU, WYATT dl VO., No. 85, Bay Street, below the Post OHice. R1RW.YOR8 : AUNJION MARHH, 8. A. HOLLO Firm ol A. G. Humus it <Jo. I'S. g BY BELL & JRENTIS8. ^ (MtieCIflMOMTU RHlmuicR ARKIA.) TO-MORROW, at 11 o’clock, iu front of store will he sold,— Tho usuul assortment of Groceries, Provisions, Liquors, Crockery und Glass Wore. Dry Goods, now and second hand Furnlturo, Clothing, Fancy Articles, Watches, Jewelry, Ac., Ac. Terms, cash before be- livery. tST All articles purchastd at auction and not sot- Hod for provious to tho next regular sulo, will be sold on accouut aud risk of former purchaser. Jyifi ^ Bulo Ropeut Auction. TO-MORROW, at 11 o’clock, will ho sold in front of storo, 60 colls Bale Rope gold tar account of underwriters and all concern ed. Terms cash. Jyl8 Flour at Auction. TO MORROW, at 11 o’clock, wiil bo sold in front of store, 16 bbls Rye Fluur gfjwrlor article, to closo a consignment. Terms cash. Ahu, at tho sumc time and place, 16 bags Uli)(.'oli'cc. Termsicash. JylH MORE PRIZES THAN BLANKS 49-0,031 PRIZES. BO,ODD Dollars-10,000 Number* Only 11 O It A AD SPECULATION !!! FUR A SMALL INVESTMENT! 1MPUOVKMKNT ON THE IMPllOVED HAVANA PLAN LOTTEKY. BV AOtUOItltV OK Tint STATK OK tIKOROIA JAMl'Elt COUNTY ACAUKMY XiOTTSKY. CLASS O. To bo drawn July the 16th, 1866, at Concert Hull, .Macou,Gu., uuder tlm swum suporintondcuccol Col. Goo. M. Logan uud Jus. A. Nisbet, Esq. This Lottery Is drawn ou tholdau of tho Royul Lottery ul'Havuua ofsluglo numbers; this bus only 19,099 uutuburs, uud the Havana lottery 84,090 numbers—the Havana 249 prizes, this 6,931 prices. Look to your lutarvsl I Now is tho time. OAPITAL $7,600. 1 Prizoof $ 7,6001s $ 7,690 1 “ 1 ** 3 *• 6 “ 29 “ .. .. 6009 8,000 is. , t 2,000 is 1,000 are 600 aro 100 are 8 are • Instead of going North come to the Stone Mountain House, and spend your summor, aa everything will be done ibr your com- ,fori. Conveyances will be furnished to convoy passengers to Lawrencoville, Gainesville and Clarksville. 49- Pusscugers by the Georgia Railroad take sup per at this houso. ALEXANDER k CLARK. F. 8. Alexander, formerly of Lawrenceville. J A. Clark, Social Circle, 2m—Je 2 S UGAR—10 hhds choice New Orleans Rugar; 29 do Porto Rico do; 20 do lair Muscovado do; iu store and for sale by June 17 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON & CO. R ECEIVED per steamer Knoxville—Pickled and smoked Tongues; Fulton Murkot Beef, aud Pig Fork, Pig Hams und Pig Bacon. Oranges, Lemous, Apples, aud White Beaus. Also, a fresh supply of Fuse’s celebrated Crack ers. For salo low by uue 7 J. A. BROWN. HLHHAII i—nCiiliAH r i J UST ARRIVED, por schooner A. Devercuux, lu four duys from Ilavuua, a fresh lot of choice Fruit, for tho Savannah Fruit Emporium, consist: ing of—400 buuchcs Bauuuas, 109 dozen Pino Ap ples; 6000 Plantains, 8000 Sweet Oranges, Tom- utooa.uml cue basket Green Ginger. For sale by Juno 14 J. A. BROWN. INDIAN SPRING HOTEL, i^. The Undersigned has again the pleasure of informing his numerous frlendB, as well os the public at largo, that ho is yet at the Indian Bprlug Hotol, and is tally prepared, with the assistance of bis sons and his own experience or six years at the hotel, with the best cooks that can be proourod, as woll as asBls* tanco of all kinds, to ask of all those who visit the Spring a gcuerous sharo or their patronage, intend ing to 8]>are no pains of btmseirto mako all suoh as please to give him a call comfortable. The Tndlau Spring Hotel is uow open, and ready to receive all those that will please to call. There wlU he at For sythe Depot coaches and haeks ready to convey all such as wlBh to go over. EDW. VARNER, . may23-3taw tsepl Proprietor. *»* Savannah Republican, Morning News, and Cbarleh ton Courier will pleaso Insert the above three times each week until 1st September, and send their bills for payment, EDW. VARNER. ST. MAItYS’ HOTEL. The above named House it now open for the reception of Boardora and Travellers, aud the undersigned promises to Bparo neither pains or expense to make his pa trons comfortable. His table will always be sup plied with tho choicest that the market and the sur rounding country aflbrdx—FreBh Fish, Oysters, Von- isou, Wild Game, 4c. The House is large and airy, and within a few yards of the lauding, on the beau tiful river St. Marys, and is a desirable place for in valids and others os a summer resort. The stage leaves tho House three times a week for Woodstock Mills, Ccntrovillage, and Trader’s Hill,*tnd the Sa- vannaL boats touch going and coming, so that per sons will not bo Inconvenienced, but con leave when thoy desire. Prices will be madq to correspond with first class country hotels. THOMAS B. JONES St. Marys, May 27, 1866. 8m my27 O 1 m UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. Fbr Palotka, East Fla., via Darien, Brunswick, St. Marys, Ikntandina, Jacksonville, Middleburg, (Black Creek,) and Picolata. tm now an ti elegant stoampacket £jggg}2flGST. JOHNS, Capt. James Freeborn, leaves evory Saturday ranrnlug, ut 10 o’clock, for the above places. Freight will ho taken for Trader’s Hill nnd inter medium landings on St Mary’s River. $9* No freight will bo takon attar 9 o’clock. For freight or passage, haviug excellent state* room accommodations, apply on board, at tho Flori da Stoampacket Wliarl, near tho Gas works, or to apr21 CLAGHORN k CUNNINGHAM, Ag’ta. FOR CHARLESTON AND FLORIDA to>q Tho lino steuinpacket CAROLINA, Ciipt&iu Coxettor, will luava hero lonmoKsonviiie, Picolata uud Paiulka, every Tues day attcruoon at 6 o’clock; returning, will leave lor Charleston, overy Friday mornltig nt 9 o’clock. For freight or passage upply on board, nt WUUnk’s wharf, or to 51. A. COHRN, Agent. June 14th, lB&O-ly 49* Freights payable ou the wharf. oBUfto AND8UMMfJUCLOTElNG.—Tho kJ subscriber would iuvite tiic uttcutlou of all iu waut or SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, to his stock which has just been received, at tho Star Clothiug Emporium, 147 Bay street. apr!6 WM. o. PRICE ‘ Chillis, Priiil &i Co. • iJviugston, Ballard \ « 1 Win. M. Dodge .V Co H. A. Curtis .u»•» ■* Husted k Cnrll. • W. H. Lyon k Co. • U*e, Murphy k Co. 1 Briggs, Wostcott k Co. • I’auuan k Co. • Geo. Savory 4 Co LAUNDRIES. JUhT RECEIVED— O 16 bags choice old Government Java and Rio Coffee; 20 half chests Black aud Green Teas, loose aud in quarter pouud packages. 10 hhds Light Muscovado flugnr; 10bbls R L 4 i> Stuart’s Crushed uud Clarified Su gars; 10 bbls self rlslug Fluur, 26 bags Extra and BuperUuo Flour; 20 bbls Soda, Buttor and Maple Crackers; 60 boxes Beadel’s family Soup, Starch aud Caudles; 60 dox Pails aud Brooms; 100 doz Scrub Brushes, and Cotton aud Muuilla Clothes LineB; 10 gross Matches j 25 boxes ground Coffee and Pepper; 60 boxes Mustard aud Ycust Powders, Mase, Cinna mon, Nutmegs, aud Cloves, and 19 cases tablo Salt, tec., 4a. In store and for sulo by DAVID O’CONNOR, jell Cor Broughton and Drayton sts. ALONZO CHIU), I. P. BALLARD, •• WM. M. DODGE, “ P. J. AVERY, H. A. CURTIS, WM. E. HOLLO, S. T. LU’PINCOTT, ISAAC NEWTON, WM. A. HUSTE1), WM. H. mVERSUlTH, W. II. LYON, GEO. CHAPMAN, “ 1 jos. h. WEsnxrrr, • JOS. PATMAN, •• >- STEPHEN VON MORES, GEO. SAVORY, “ J. A. RKQIJA. AI.ANSON MARSH, President. CUAS. W. OGDEN, Vice ITcsipout. WM. fi. R01J.0, Secretary. tfST Thla Cuuipuuy will issue Policies ui>on Ma rine, Inland Navigation, Transportation aud Firo Risks, at liberal rules uf preAi|Um. losses promptly uud liberally adjusted. JAMKt M. CARTER, Ageut, oot 81 Nta 85, Buy Street. THE GREAT IViilSTEUN FU1E AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of No. 107 Walnut street, Philadelphia, Pam. CHARTER PERPETUAL...... CAPITAL $500,000. FlllS, MAUI.Mi, .VXD 1NUND I.VSUKANCB. DlRECfORSl Cliarlos C. Latiirop, 632 Sjiruco street; Alexander WlilUlen, Merchant, 14 North Front-st.: John U. Hunter, firm of Wright. Hunter a Co.; E. Tracy, lirm of Tracy k Baker; John K. M’Curdy, firm of Juues, Whlto k M'C'urdy; Isaac liazlehurst, Attorney aud Couuseltar; James li. Hmlth, linn of Jntues B. Smith k Co.: Theodore W. Baker, firm of Truey k Baker; R. S. Walton. 8C9 .Marketstreet; Thomas K. Limerick, 684 Spruce street; John J. Baker, Goldsmith’s Hall CHARLES C. LATIIROP, President Titos. K. Limkhick, Secretary. JAAIES M. CARTER, Agent, juuo 16 No. 86 Bay street. 6941 prizes amounting to $60,990 Tickets $10—Halves $6—Quarters $2.60. 49** Prizes payable without deduction. 49* PurHous sondiug money by mall ueod not lour its belug lost. Orders punctually attouded to. Commuuluutions confidential. Bank uotes of ho uud bunks tukeu ut par. Druwiugs sunt to ull ordering tickets. AST Those wishing particular uumbers should order immediately. The 5,U(iu prizes of $8, are determined by tho drawing of llio Capital of $7,600; If thu number that draws the Capital U an uvuu number, Tickets umiing 9. 2, 4. 6, b, are entitled to $8; If uu odd number those Tickets endlug with 1,3, 6, 7, U, aro nutltled to $3. Address JAMES F, WINTER, Jlumigcr, jimeiT Macon, ua. GKO. A. McCLESKKY, Agent, Savunuuh, Gu. ^ttction Saits. BY BAIIKMAN & BULLOCH. Farm nt Private Salo. A vory desirable tract or laud, only three miles from the city, comalulug about 80 acres, half of which is cleared 4 under good and substantial fence. The cleared land U a rich loomy soli, and well adapted for garuculug purposes. There is a well of most excellent water on thu premises aud all neces sary out-huildittgs. negro, house.*, bsrus, 4c. Tho balance of thu tiaot, ray 4u acres, is uncleared laud and heavily limbered will: vuluubio timber, aud Iho soil excellent. The locality W vory excellent; notone case of sickness has occurred ou the prom ises during the whole time the present proprietor has owned it. This is a chance for .an investment rarely to bo met with, and any person wishing a quiet private residence near the city, or any person desirous of golug Into too gardening buslucsa to raise fruit and vegetables tar our murket, will find tills thu pluuo to suit. For terms, which will be very liberal, inquire «t our counting room, 164 Bay street. Titles uudlsputu- ble. Jy8 At Private stale. Ono of tlie finest Hotel or bourding lioyse ser vants in the State. Enquire at 164 Bay street Juno24 At Prlvatoltaift. A negro woman, 22 years of age, a good plum cook and field baud Warruutnd sound. Title un doubted. Junem At Private .Sale. A negro man, aged 26 years, a first rate hoidlor aud houso servant. Title undoubted. Jelli At Private stale. A very likely intelligent mulatto girl, aged 10 years, a first rule cook, washer and ironer, uud uu excellent seamstress. Warranted aouud. Title uu doubled; junolO At Private Sale. A very likely mulatto man, aged 24 yours, a Ursl rato carpenter. Warranted sound. Title undoubt ed. JuiielO At Prlvuto .’Side. A very likely negro man, aged 22 yours, a good Hold Imud. Warranted sound. Title undoubted. JuuolO At Privute Bale. 1700 bushels Rico, an excellent article tar stock of ull kinds. Oali aud examine. Price 25 cent-; pur bushel. JunelO Wanted! Central Railroad, Planters’ Bank, uud Bunk of tho State of Georgia, Stocks, for which a liberal price will be paid. juuulu Tolteut. Two good stores, under thu bluff, at Iho foot ol Whitaker stroot. June 1» Wuuted to I’urohoso A convenient tnedlum-slzod house, iua centra i location—ono fronting on u squurc would be prclet red—for sucli uu one u liberal prico would be given. JuuolO At Private Sale. Thirty eligible building Lota, 66 foot frout by 100 to 124 feet deep, situuted ou Taylor, Gordon uud Gastou streets. These lots aro ou high giound aud sumo of them lu tho immediate neighborhood of the lot selected for tho situ of tho tavuuuuh, Albany aud Gulf Railroad Depot. Terms same us city tut , viz : oue-llftli cash, ttie balance bearing intomd at six per cent. JuutlO Ct L'UAR, 4o,—76 bbls uud 19 hhds A, li uud C O Sugars; 16 hhds Molasses; 26 do Bacon Sides aud Slmuldura; received aud tar sale by MoMAHON & EOYl.ll, itiuclO 296 uud 297 Buy street. JjRlilE YELLOW CORN. -In store and lor suie by may 7 YOUNG 4WYATT B aL'ON AND LitltD.— 60 hhds, prime Bacou Sides ; 89 hhds. primo Bacou Shoulders ; 20 bbls. prime Baltimore Leal' Lara. Landtag, uud lor sulo by SCRANTON JOHNSTON 4 CO. Juuo 1 JB Shoulders; 20 casks choice canvassed Hums iu do Tmuossee do; just received and tor sale Juno24 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. L iverpool salt.—4do sacks, teii to the iou, binding irom ship Eli Whltuoy, uud for sulo by marl-0 PADLKORD, FAY k CO. M agazines iou june—Putnam’s Monthly; Ballou’s Dollur Monthly; Graham's Magaziue; Artnur’s Homo Jiagazluo; Godoy’s Lady’s Book; Hurper’s New Monthly, aud Dickon's Houseliuld Words, received und for sale by WARNOCK & DA Via, juuo 8 169 Cougress street. P ~ lllME KENTUCKV HAffS^NeaUyWm- mod uud for sale to dose cousignmcut. may 17 YOUNG jjgWYATT. B AGuINU —too baios heavy Gunny Bagging, re ceived aud tar sale by juuo 4 HOLCOMBE. JOHNSON k CO. D OM1BTIO LIQUORS— 60 bbls EPholp’Ryo Gin, B LOOMS, 4C—60 doxen two ply Brooms; 69 do three ply do; 60 do P»U»; 76 do Washboards Just rocoived and for sale by MoMAHON k DOYLE, JuuelO 206 and 207 Bay stroot. wAtchbm-^ Watcher, watche a. fSB, We are receiving the London Lever IrTSk Watches, of the most colebrated makers. In M* MQold and Sliver cases. R. F. Cooper’s Du- SilBplex Watches, Watches for liming Horses, fine Swiss Chronometers, which we offer at reasona ble prices, at our new store in Gibbons’ Range. ■opt28 D. H NICHOLS 4 00. NKW TfS STORMS AND SHBET-IROlt MANUFACTORY. 141 south or MiRxrr squau. uyu btuott. I would inform my old frlendti and patrons jS91 have opened the above storo to conduct the h/m Btoro, Tin and Sheet-Iron Business In all Its ^KSvarious forms, and where will be found a gen eral aHbrtment of Stovoe, Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware, which I will bo pleased to show, and at such price as will satisfy any one wishing to purchase. All kinds of Roofing, Gutters of Lead, Galvanized iron Work or every description, Job Work and Re pairing executed with dispatch, old Stoves put up ud Pipes furnished at short notice. Tin Ware at wholesale and retail. Call down on Bryan street, it will peggou for your walk. DURL WATE1L—I f you wont the linest drink- X ing water in the world call aud purohaso one of Kedile’s Patent Water Fitter*, Uio article mentioned lu Water Commissioners’ last Report, which wo warruut to purify tho Savannah River Wator perfectly—an indlspensablo article for puntation use. KENNEDY 4 BEACH, |an24 only Agents for their sale in Savannah. D ICKER’S HOUSEHOIJJ WORDS, tar June, re ceived aud for salo by WARNOCK k DAVIS, June 4 16 Congress stroot B UTTER AND CHEESE—26 tubs and 10 kegs choice now Goshen Butter: 26 boxes Choose; received per steamer and for sale by June24 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON 4 CO. AIID AND HERRINGS— 20 bbls Prime White Leaf Lard; 60 boxes Primo Herrings, landing and for salo by maylfi SCRANTON, JOHNSTON 4 00. EfiPHEJTPCDffilE SKD'QJSSIEo INDIAN 8FKINUS, OXOKflU. BRYAN W. COLLIER ■ Rospectfully announces that tho above House will be opened for the reception of guosta, on tho 20th instant. He has boeu fortunate in securing the services or Mr. rUQn, well known to the public as tho keopor of tho Nlnoty Mile House on the Central Railroad, to assist in the superintendence or tho Molntosh House during the season. A band of mu sic bus also boon secured. Stages will bo in readi ness at Forsyth, on the arrival of trains, to convey uossongora with comfort and dispatch to the houso. No pains wlU bo spared to make guests as comfort able as possible, and a more than usually brilliant season is confidently anticipated. tlA—June 6 25 bbls N. E. Rum, 60 “ Luther Felton’s Rum, 26 “ Domestic Brandy, 60 “ Old P k H Couueotlcut River Gin, 60 « N. 0. Whisky, Just received and ibr sale by my23 SORANTON, JOHNSTON 4 CO. ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMP’Y, No. 11 Pine street, New York, (BETWEEN BROADWAY AND NASSAU STREET.) Cash Capital—$150,0001 mills Company Insures against io3s or damage by X Fire, on the most reasonable terms, dwelling houses and furniture, warehouses, stores aud mer chandise, factories, amps In port, etc. All losses will bo adjusted und promptly paid. D. S. MILLS. President, 0. BROOM, Vico President. Enw’n C. Taylor, Secretary, Gko. B. Dkank, Surveyor. JAMES M. CARTER, Ageut, juuo 17 for Savaunuh, 86 Bay street. oct2 I J. MAURICE, Agent. MRS. STEPHENS' ILLUSTRATED Now Montby, No 1, vol I. for July. A Jovotcd to Tales, Romanoos, Illustrations, Art andOonornl IJteraluro, each number beautifully ombelliHhod in the Unsst stylo of wood illustrations. tails of oomno*: Ltnt Jewola, Alice, Tba Falls of Unnshaha, Stays aud Slippers, Time’s Changes, Lovo in '70, Eureka, The fihady Side, Nellie's Illusions, Th* Bummsr Va cation, a Story of Two Lives, The Disappointed Husband, Tho Malden's Conrtsslon, Things We Talk About. u.. a “^ crl ^“ n .Prl?« II W per year, In advance, “pocimens of the above may be seen at the Book- •toreof WARNOCK 4 DAVIS, iy* 160 Congress streot. Halibut and Balmon in lib end 2 lbs Dsns, au excellent article for Summer use, for ;*«">» J. D. JESSE. t-l AVANA 8EGARS—30^000' choice Havana Pt^i 8e ** r S7^°? ch *»i La Esmeralda, El Orysol, R* 0 Hondo, Captain Alchorn, La Uol, •jwn Smith, and various other brands, Imported dl- 1 *% Md f°r "Meat the lowest oash prices. J. A. BROWN. D RESS TRIMMINGS.—Fringes, black and colored MolroAntiquo Gauze, and other stylos, in great variety, and for sale by mar 7 AIKIN 4 BIJRNS^ C OTTON U MBftKLLAS—A largo Bupply of w hoof- top whalebone framo Gingham umbrellas, all sizes, received and for salo by june 0 LADSON k ROGERS. S UGARS—10 hhds cliolco Porto Rico Sugars: 16 do Fair do; 15 do Fair nnd 10 do Cbolco Now Orleans Sugar; Just rccoivod and for salo by Jtmo24 SORANTON, JOHNSTON 4 00. M olasses and rofe-- 100 barrels Now OrleniiB Molasses; 300 colls und imlf colls “Louisiana Manufac turing Company” Ropo. Landing por brig Ixiuisa Sears from New Orleans, and for salo by my28 HOI.COMUE, JOHNW)N 4 (X> S ILK. PARASOLS—A new supply or lUose beauti ful Silk ParaHols have Just been rccoivod and are tar Halo by JunoO LADSON 4 ROGERS. S ' ALt—8000 sacks Liverpool Salt; 10,000 buBhela Turks’ Island do; for sale by June20 WEBSTER 4 PALMES. C OFFEE.—160 bags prime Greon Hlo Coffee 100 bags fair do do do 60 mats old Govornmout JavaCoffeo 26 bags old Maracaiba do 60 do primo Lsguira do 60 do do Porto Rico do 26 do do old Rio do Iu storo and tar buIo by Jy4 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON k CO. SUNDRIES. 1000 Reams Wrapping paper. 100 bales Twine; 200 dos Scrubbing und Shoe 60 M imported 8panUh Sogars; 260 boxes Tobacco, various brands; 160 sacks Rio Co!Toe; 76 mat* Java Coffee; 100 dos Brooms; 60 dos Washboards; 60 Covered Baskets; 160 boxes Family Soap; 160 do Pale Soap; 76 do No. 1 Soap; 600 Gross Matches; 60 half ohosts Young Hyson Tea; 60 do do Oolong do: 100 boxes Candy: 60 boxes Scaled Honings; 76 boxoa Frssh Ground Ooffes; 100 boxes imported Castile Soap; 100 boxes ToUet Soap; 60 w, and whole boxes Raisins; Rocoived and tar sale by MCMAHON 4 DOYLE, may14 206 and 208 Bay streot. WILLIAM PHILLIPS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MARIETTA, OA. oot 20—ly - “ David a. Wilds, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SPARTA, OA. Will practice in tho counties of Hancock, Warren, Washington, and Baldwin. Rovksncxs—Behn 4 Fostor, Rabun 4 Smith, and E. A. Soullard. Savannah. jane R. B. HILTON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW* Offlco corner of Bay and Draytou-sts. BAT AMR AH, OA. my 11 “ HENRY WILLIAMS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 8, Drayton Streot, Savannah, Georgia. may B—ly , WM. J. HUNT, tor. Monturoiiicry AYoTit. sts< SAVANNAH, GA„ L> ESPECTFULLY informs the Ladies and JLU Gentlemen of this City that ho is prepared to servo them every evening with Ice Cream, Cakes & Confectionery, In his own peculiar style, and hopes to merit a sharo of public pntronngo, Savunuuh, 17th April, 1860. 3m aprl7 ' TO HOUSEKEEPERS. I \ANIEL CRONIN Upholster, 20 Bryun-st. XJ would rospectfully auuounou to tho citfzous oi Savannah that he is ready to mako and put down Carpets. OU Cloth, Mattiug, 4c., at tho shortest uo- ico, und ou tho mo3t reasonable terms. oct3-tl /-'(ORN—1000 bushels prime Com in store and Ibr sale by dee 30 o A TO BUILDERS. mHE SUBSCRIBER la prepared to execute X at the shortest notice, aud in tho most work manlike mannor, all kinds of Metal Roofing, Gutters, Cornice, or othor work connected with tho manufac turing or ropairing of Ooppor, Galvanisod Iron, 7Jno, or Sheotlron Business. HORACE MORSE, oct18 160 Broughton stj /-tUllNUD BEEF, H(11'OSK, bO. Just rocoived 10 half barrels Fulton market Corned Beef; 10 barrels and ball' barrols Pig Pork- Hams, Bides and Shoulders; 10 barrels extra No 1 Mackerel; 1 do No 2 Maokorol; 6 do Herrings; 2 drums Ood Fish, and56 barrols Smoked Herrings, In storo aud tar sale by jail DAVID O’OONNKR. BALTIMORE BACON. 3 AAA POUNDS BALTIMORE BACON, it »UUU store and for salo^b^^^ June20 corner WUitakerland Charlton -sta. StlNDBlBS. ■I AAA POUNDS choice Baltimore Shoulders; iUUU and 1200 do do Sides; 100 choleo sugar-cured Hams, iu bags; 600 pounds choico Tonnesseo Hams; 16 barrols choico Leal' Lard: 10 tierces extra whole Rice; 0 do rah' do; 20 boxes Family Soap; 10 do steam pale do; 10 do No 1 do; 7 woman’s friend do; 6 chemical do; 16 boxes T&llow Candles; 10 do adamantluo do; 10 do poarl sperm do; 10 boxes A, B and C Sugar; 12 bags good Rio Ooffeo; 7 pockets old govornmout Java Coffee. AU the above for sale tow by June 7 J- A. BROWN, A HOMESTEAD FOR $10! gAOON—10 casks prime Sldos, Just rccoivod and tar salo by Juno 26 CRANE, WELLS 4 00, F jya iLOUR.—20 sacks superfine Four, 130 do fine do 37 bbls superfine Flour, tor isleby 1 WILLIAM LYNN, 87 Bay street. F LOUR.—20 bbls Extra Canal Flour 60 bbls Baltimore do 76 bags Extra Gaorgla do 60 do Superfine do do. Just recolv* vod and tor sale by . ^ yO SCRANTON, JOHNSTON 4 00. to bo divided amongst 10.200 subscribers on tho 17th of Soptembor, I860,' for tho benefit of Port Royal Femalo Academy. Subscriptions only ten dollars each—oue-half down, tho rest on tho deliv ery of the deed. Every subscriber will get a Build ing Lot or Farm, rauging iu value from $10 to $26,000. Those Farms aud I*its aro sold bo cheap to Induce sottlements, a sufficient number being re served, tho Increase in the value of which will compensate tor the apparent low prico uow asked. Th* most ample socurlty will bo given tar tho falthtal performance or contracts nnd promises. More Agents aro wanted to obtain subscribers, to whom tho most liberal inducements will bo given. Borne Agents writo that they aro maklug $200 per month. Advertising will bo done for overy Agent wherOspoBBiblc. For tall particulars, subscrip tions, Agonoles, 4c., apply to ’ E. BABDEB, Je24—d&vrlm Port Royal, Carolino Co., Ya. ^JAR8HALL~4 SON’S Colobrated Pig Hams, Pig Shoulders, and Pig Bacon. Smoked Tongues and Fresh 8r por Alabama, by mays! Also soma now ImokcdBeef. Received J. D. 1 CE C RE AMI NEW CONFECTIONARY STORE No. OS Bryan Street. TWO DOOMS AUOVK M«. GIUFFBN’8 JKWKLRY 8TOKK. rnilEundersigucd respectfully informs the La- X dies ol'Savauuuh in particular, und tho public gouorully, that ho has this day opened a uow Coul'ec- tiunury Storo, und will keep ou baud a large and resh assortment, of all kinds aud discretions. Ho will utall limes uud hours, be roady tofuruish parties, with suppers. Coffee, Tea and Chocolate, at all hours, Ornamented Cakes, Pies, &c. &«., i.iade to order. Ho hopes from long experience lo give satisfaction to all who will honor him with tholr patronage. H. B. BUZEOLA.No. 28 BryanS MACHINERY AND IRON RAILING MANUFACTORY AND AGENCY. ST. JULIAN STREET, 8AVAANNAH, OA. (Ncur the Market.) li^RO&l the most complete facilities in his own X establishment, aud through his connections withaoverul Uf tho principal luunufaeturng estab lishments of Philadelphia, Now York, uid Boston, the Uudersigued is prepared to luruiush MAClilN ERY, PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, PORTABLE SAW, GRIST AND FLOUR MILLS, CAST AND WROUGHT IRON RAILING, STATUETTES, STORE FRONTS. Columns, Window Sills and Liutils, lrou Doors, Shutters, 4c., at Northcmprict*, He is also prepared to repair Machlucry aud lrou work of every description, at short notice, upou reasonable turws. As agent lor BAIRD’S PHILADELPHIA MARBLE WORKS, ho is also prepared to exhibit u great varie ty of designs tar MONUMENT'S, 'TOMB STONES, Ao. Also lrou Kuiling in great variety, for enclosures, and to receive orders, and put up tno work at man- taoturors’ prices. li. U. L1NVILLE. Savannah, April 11.1866. aprll THE URBAT SUVTHKHN KKJ1EUV ! FKYOlt’BTuMTMJiJST. I T is u sure uud speedy cure for bums, piles, corns, felons, lever sores, ulcers, scald head, tetter worm, sore nipples, (recommended by mu ses,) sore uud eruekud lips, (rush wuuuds uuu sores of any dosuriptiou. It is a most valuable remedy aud cure, wldeh cun be testified to by thousands who have used it lu uiuuy portions of the South lor Uie last few years, lu Uu instance will the salve do any lujury, or interfere with a physician’s prescrip tion. The proprietor has numerous certificates uud lutturs from people who have used it themselves, aud most eurncslly recommend it to others as u speedy aud ccrtuiu remedy for tho above named diseases. A (rial is all that is ueeessary for its own recorameudntlon. Among tho many that have testified to the effica cy of this valuable remedy, und recomraoudcd it to the public, are Dr U A T Ridley, Judge E Y Hill, Judgo 0 A Bull, H J Morgan,Esq, J 1. htophens, Esq, and thousuuds of others. Sold by J BMoore.Savanuah, Ua; J K Hall, Amur- icus, Ua; Clark & l\olls, Augusta, Ua; Mciiccsou, Robins 4 Co, New York; and druggists generally. 49- Uy remitting ono dollar to me proprietor u Bingio box of the ointment will be forwurded by mail, tree of postagu, to any purt of tho U States. Sold by J. B. MOORE, Suvuuuuh, 9a., and drug gists generally. V. J. MOORE, Proprietor, maylfi UU range, ua. i\ J ACOBS, SEUAll AND TOBACCO STORE. No. 20, Bull street, (sigu of the Big lndiau.) N. B.—Keeps cuustautly ou baud .Spuuiab, Hull Wpouisb, aud Americun Eeguru, at wholesale uud re al!. Also, Chew lug Tobacco, bn ull’, 4c. juuo 1 jjjjjjjg ju l .„unuv, lnsurawu livoker and Notovy Public. Muriuu Protests Noted aud Kxleuded, Averagej adjusted, Charier Purtiesaud Average Bonds drawus Papers preparod whoreby to recover losses irom American or British Underwriters, uud ultcutiou glvcu to ail mutters couuected with sblppiug uud lit- suruuee, No. 118 Bay-street, opposite the frout oi thu Custom House. ly uov 8 B read, matches 4 lemon syrup— 60 bbls Sugar, Soda, and Butter Buiscuit; 26 boxes do do do do. 160 gross Matches, round boxes. 76 boxes Leraou Syrup. Received aud for sale by MuMAHoN 4 DOYLE, Jell Nos. 206 4 207 Bay streot. \ BBLS of Mercer and early June Potatoes J receleved per steamer Augusta, aud tar sulo by mayl6 J. D. JESSE. PATENT ECLIPSE Hi JL EJ © SlfJi.MilFo Every man hi* own Cunt Piiiiti-r. C l ALL AND EXAMINE CHAMBERLAIN^ J l’uteui Eclipse liuud Stump, tliu bust, cheapest aud moslconveuluutofuuy thlug for thu purpose yet offered for sale. ALFRED WEBSTER, Gou. Agl. apr 8 ly 1.36 Cougross st. TYTEW GOSHEN BUIl’ER AND CHEESE—15 tubs J^l uud lu kegs choico new Goshen Butter; 20 oxes Goshen Cheese, landing from steamor aud for le by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON 4 CO. June 17 MOURNING GOODS, B LACK FroncU Bombuzluo, Black Alpacus, Black Luma Cloth, Bluck Mohair, Black Cballlo, Black French Lawn, Black and Whlto French Mus lin, and a lino assortment or Striped and Plaid Black aud While Giughams and CalicocB, Plain aud Striped Black Sowing Silks, and Gronadiucs, Baregound Tissues, Plain and Figured Black Silks, tar summer collars und sleeves, of tho latest patents. For salo by [Jel2] A1KIN 4 BURNS. HtlNT’H 1MPKUV1SU SKlVWiU MACUIMUS. ESIGNED Expressly tar making Bugs—aim X/ which Is decidedly superior to auy other muubiue for that purpose. Siioul or skein thread eau he usod of auy desired leugth, uud which will uotuccdto he chauged until thu wholu is used. Bag mauaulacturers, Grulu’aud Flour merclmuts ui e particularly iuvited lo cull uud cxuutme it ut 156 Cuu gress street. May26. ALFRED WEBSTEK,Guu. Agl, HUNT WEBSTER'S. IMPROVED SHUTTLE HEWING MACHINE. D ESIGNED for Families, piuutatious, Dress ma kers, Tailors, Boot 4 Shoo manufacturers uud ethers who may wish to do their own sowiug cheap ly and with expedition, This machiuo sows u uni form Btltch with both sides alike, uud which will not ravel. It Is moro simple, Is lesu liable to gel out of order, aud costa loss lu proiwrtion thou auy other mochlno, and Is warranted to he perfect, uud lo work woll. All apparatus uuectBory for eouveuieut use Is tarnlshod with it, and auy iustruetieu will ho givcu that will be uecessary to cusure to the purchaser its successful operation and durability. Tho publio aro respectfully iuvited to call and ex. amino them at 136 Congress fit. ALFRED WEBSTER. Gen. Agt. __9» A vory ueut and omamoutal lrou Table will now ho given with a machine tar a small sum in addition to tho regular price. May 26. S OAP, CANDLES, 4c.—100 boxoB Buchan 4 Smith’s family Soap; 100 do Colgate’s No 1 aud H Bar do; 60 do do Palo do; 75 do Beadel’s Tallow Candles; 50 doAdamautino do, Star Brand; 60 do ColRato’8 aud Oswego Pearl Starch; for salo by ]une24 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON 4 00. F LOUR—leu saokH Suporfiue Flour, tar salo by WILUAMLYNN, June27—3t 87 Bay street. EATSFOOT OIL, of tho host quality constantly for sale low by CHAFFER 4 CO., mayl& 6 Whitaker street. HOW IS H COTTON HARVESTER. PATENTED DEC.,.4, 1866. miHS improvement onabics oho field hand to pick X as much cotton as five can pick by the old method and having the cotton free from trash, and in better condition tar ginuffig. Tho above machines aro for salo at 136 Congress street Savannah, and 125 Meeting street, Charles ton, 8. C. All orders from abroud will receive prompt attention. Planters, Factors, t'ottou Brokers, and all interested uro respectfully iuvited to cull and examluo them. County Rights cuu be bought uu l'avorublo terms. May, 26. ALFRED WEBSTER. C ORN.—10,000 bus hois Tcuhessco CorhTu store aud for sulo low by Jo2—tf SILVER WARE, CUTLERY', die. W E havo Just received a now stock of Silver Spoons, Butter Kuives. Balt Collars, Fish. Pio, Cuke and Ico Cream Kuives; also, titeul and Plated ou Steel Tablo Cutlerv, Carvers, Ice Pitchers, Bread Knives, Plated and Parieu Butter Stands, bo- Hide. 1 : a quantity of usefril articles too uutuoruus to mention. 1). B. NICHOLS ft CO. jnno4 WANTED. A Consiguco for 10 tubs of Butter, marked J. F. 4 1)., landed per steamshipKuoxville from New ' k, [JoP] PADELFORD, FAY 4 00, TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES. CARPET WARE-HOUSE, 140 coxaKRw and 67 st. JOUKN-sntrers. mHE Subscriber has received, and will open X this day, tho largest and mostoxtenslvo variety oiWlNDOW SHADES over offered in this city. It is Uio iutentlou of tho advertiser to koop constantly in storo a .largo supply of all tho various patterns nnd stylos manufactured by tho manufacturers ot this country aud of France, to which Uio attention ofmor- chauta aud families lu tho city aud country, is in- vitod. They will bo sold at wholesale and retail, at satisfactory prices. W II. GUION, Ageut. Jan 8 CJl - - Bugur; 60 do Crashed uud Powdered do. JAind' lug and for Halo by mnyl6 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON 4 (X). N O. MOLASSES, lauding from uchooner • Abby Francis, and for salo by doo 37 IDOKKTT 4 HNKIJJNGt _ S TUART’S SUGAR.—30 bbls Stuart’s Crashed Su gar 20 bbls Stuart’s Powdered Sugar 60 do do A Clarified da 60 Uo do B do do 60 do do 0 do - do Just received aud for salo by Jy4 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k 00. • NEW ROOKS. f 'i ODEY’S LADY’S BOOK, for July; Arthur’s XX Homo Magazine, for July; PetcrHon’g Month ly Magazine, for July: Harper’s Now Monthly Mag aziue, for July; aud, Graham’s Illustrated Monthly, for July. Tho History of Europe, from tho fall of Napolcou to tho accession of Louis Napoleon, in two volumes, by Sir Archibald Alison, a new supply. Hertlia, by Fredrlka Bremer, translated by Mary Howitt. Tho Ship Carpontor’s Wife, a story ibr the times, by W E 8 Whitman. Tho Tangletown Letters, odited by tho author of Records of tho Uubbietou Parish, 4c. Balud for tliu Social, by tho uuthor oritalaU for tho Solitary. Comic Miseries of Human Lift). Plu-rl-bus-tah, a song that’s by no author. For 8alu at 160 Congress street, by Juno28 WARNOCK 4 DAVIS. A LE AND PORTER.—26 bbls Summor Stock Ale, 20 casks Byass’ I/mdou Portor, pints, Just re ceived and tar sale by SCKA jyfi KANTON, JOHNSTON 4 CO. GENERAL NOTICE. S ILVER AND GOLD PLATING con now bo dono at borne. Mr. CHARLES KEM1SH having es tablished himself permanently, all work iu this lino will bo done with dispatch. Alt repairing ofCastors, Teapots, Candlesticks, Spoons, Forks, or any othor arllclo will bo done neatly before plating. All old silver pinto, such as Teasotts or Urns, Forks or Spoons, will be ro-fiulsbed and made equal to now, aud at moderate prices. All work or orders left at my storo will bo attended lo promptly. P, a—Watch coses galvanized, Uiay27 <1. M. GRIFFIN. fjWBSTPXna AND N^AaHBbAftliB.—20 "uosta X painted, aud 16 do cedar Tubs, 26dozen Palls; 20 do zinc, aud 16 do wood Washboards; junt ro- coived and for sale by mcmahon 4 doylk, June20 *.tlaud 207 Bay street. L ADIfcS SMALL UMBRELLAS.—Ladies' small Blze Silk Umbrellas, from 18 to 24 lnohes. Re ceived aud tar salo by J. W. THRELKEI.D, Jel2 Congress and Whitaker streute S KttAHB—169,009 Begara, various.brands 80.000 Spanish Chorootijtor sale by Jyl7 WtolKR k PALMES. YOUNG 4 WYATT. "COLOUR AND BACON—600 sacks Flour ; 10,000 X lbs Bucou, in store and for sale by Je2—tf YOUNG 4 WYATT. lYALTlMOREFLOUR—100 bbls superllno Bulti- JJmoro Flour landing per echr Wouilbridgo, and for solo by Jol SCRANTON, JOHNSTON 4 CO. R' K1TNKD AND CLARIFIED SUUAHB— 60 bbls Stuart’s A Crashed Sugar, 26 do do Powderod do 60 do do A Clarified do 60 do do B do do 50 do do C do do Just received aud for sale by Jol SCRANTON, JOHNSTON 4 CO. ONUNUtUikLA WillBKV— 26 bbs Old Muuougahola Whisky, 60 «* Double Distilled “ Just rocoived and for sale by my23 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON 4 CO. LANDLORDANirTENANT. rpHE Law of Landlord and Tenant By J. JL Smith, with Notes of American cases by V. P. Morris. Bauvier’s Law Dictionary, last cditlou. Bauvier’s IuRtitutos American Ijiw. Nollgan’s Atlas of Cutaneous Diseases, with color ed plates, 4to. Brown on some Diseases ol Wonieu admitting of surgical Treatment. Flint on Diseases of the Respiratory Urguua. Budd ou Diseases of tho Stomach, Sketches amt Adventures in Madeira, Portugal and Spaiu. Italian Sights and Principles. By Jarvis, with engravings. Physiology uud Callsthouics. By Catherine E. Beecher. Railway and Steamship Guido, with maps. Ireland iu ’oa aud ’48; its Kevolutiousry History. By J. Savage. Nutionai System of Political Kcouotny. From the German, of List. aprlO W, THORNE WILLIAMS. fliHE ATTENTION of strangers visiting the X city aud the public generally, is invitedlo au examination or our stock of Spring aud Summer Goods, which tar variety and style is uot to he ex- colled in this city. apr28 AIKIN 4 BURNS. f7K CA8KH Bacon, Hams, Hides and Should I O <*— — dors, Just received and lor sale by wsala aprll ORANE, i *00.