Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, July 25, 1856, Image 2

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•ATVRDAT MORN1WO, JVltY ••iMdrlptlon Price! of Iftvammh Paper Of common understnnillug, the proprietors and publishers ol tho tliroo 'paper* Issued lu Savannah, bare adopted the following unir rm rates of sub- Mrtptlon, lo Uko this day; , Dally I’apor, |>or annum, in atlvnuno $0 00 Tri-Weekly “ “ 4 oo Weekly, single copy, iu advance S 00 Weokly, five copies, lo ono add row 8 00 Weekly, eight “ 10 oo Weekly, ten “ “ 12 00 Weekly, twenty “ “ “ 20 00 When not paid within ono mouth from the time of subscribing the elurgo for the iVitly will bo mvm dollars, and for the Trl-Weekly Jtw. The Weokly will bo sent only to those who pay in advance. Tho plipor will luvarlahly ho dlscontlnod upon tho expiration of tho time for which it has boon paid. Tho above rates to take effect frem and after thl dato. AUBCAKDKR k 8NKKD, R^ubUcan, R. R. HU.TON k CO., Georgian if Journal, THOMPSON k WnUlNQTON, Sews. Savannah, July 1, i860. FOR PRESIDENT: JAMES BUCHANAN, OP PENNSYLVANIA. FOR VICE PRESIDENT: JOHN O. BRECKINRIDGE, OP KENTUCKY. Electors for Use State at Large, WILLIAM U. STILES, of Chatham. IVERSON L. HARRIS, of Baldwin. ALTERNATES FOR THE STATE AT LARGE. IIENBY O. LAMAR, of Bibb. AUGUSTUS R. WRIGnT, of Floyd. DISTRICT ELECTORS. 1st District, Thomas M. Forman, of Glynn. 2d. District, Samuel Hall, of Macon. 3d. District, James N. Ramsay, of Harris. 4th. District, Lucius J. Gautrkll, of Fulton. 6th. District, John W. Lewis, of Cass. 6th. District, James P. Simmons, of Gwinnett 7th. District, Thomas P. Sapfold,of Morgan. 8th District, A. C. Walker, of Richmond. alternates. 1st District, W. M. Nichols, of Clinch. 2d. District, Tucker, of Stewart. 1 3d. District, E. J. McGeiikr, of Houston. 4th District, J. F. Johnson, of Fayette. 6th District, L. W. Crook, of Whitfield. 8th District, R. McMillan, of Habersham. 7th District, J. S. Hook, of Washington. 8th. District, . THE OLDER I GROW, THE MORE IN CLINED I AM TO BE WHAT IS CALLED A STATES RIGHTS MAN.—Jam™ U it ch an an'i speech on the admission of Arkansas, in 1836. I FULLY ENDORSE THE RESOLUTIONS, •AND MAY FURTHER SAY THAT I AM WHAT IS CALLED A STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT•—John V. Breckinridge in re sponse to his nomination for the Vice Presulcn- cy. Job Printing Promptly, Neatly ami Cheaply,. Done. The public in general, and our .Democratic frionds iu particular, will remember that there is connected with the Georgian Jounxul es tablishment one of tho most thoroughly equip ped job offices in this section of the Union. If we arc correctly advised, some of tho most beautiful specimens of job work overdone in Savannah have lately passed from under em presses. Give us a trial. Our facilities enable us lo execute every 'de scription of letter press work from a mammoth poster to tho smallest curd, and from a book to a circular, with ueatness and dispatch, upon the most satisfactory terms. Orders from ail parts of the country will re celve prompt attention. -ii-iLLi— 1 .* ,i f*-.",. 1 *. ■. ■.iji SST Subscribers who maybe neglected by our carriers are requested promptly to give no tice at the oflic e. BY TBXiBG-RABBC Nomination tor Governor New York, July 25.—The American Con vention has re-nominated Governor Gardiner for Governor of Massachusetts. The Convention was in session nil night, and great excitement prevailed. still later. The Americans of Massachusetts, have re-nomi nated all the present State officers. One hun dred and fifty I’illinoreites withdrew from the Convention which sat all night. The Coroner’s Jury which had under consideration the deaths by the accident on the North Pennsyl vania Railroad, denounce Hoppel the Conduc tor, and censure the Company. An Important Commercial Treaty has been concluded with Venezuela. The New York Whig .State Con. vention have endorsed Fillmore. Herbert Acquitted. Washington, July 24.—The Jury in the ease of Herbert have just returned with a ver dict of acquittal. NcW York Market. New York, July 25.—The cotton is dull, with prices iu favor of the buyer. The flour market has advanced Oil. Apologetic.—A brief editorial notice of the case of tho Young America Fire Company is necessarily laid over until our afternoon edi tion. So of other matters. Mr. Potts, of Havnden’a Express*, has our thanks for a copy of tho New York Herald in advance of the mail. Tho Republican promises that if we se riously doubt that J. C. Culhoun, applied tho terms “rogues and royalists” t* the Democrat* ic party, it “will go to work and hunt up the document.” Well, gentlemen, onr doubts are seriousyou can therefore commence at once,your explorations. And while engaged In them, it will i\ot be . amiss to secure mate rials to fortify several oilier positions, taken by Mr. Batfow in his letter. For example : though he does not deny hav ing in his speech designated the Cincinnati Convention us a “gathering of political trick sters and gamesters,” he attempts lo avoid the force of our objections to language so unjust and discourteous, by saying that lie hud no re ference at all to individuals. While this, n H regurds his personal relations to the delegates may be held as suflicicut disclaimer, in other aspects it amounts to very little. What was thut Convention but a collection or Individuals, a congregation of units? If a “gathering or political tricksters and gamesters,” it must havo been because the individual members who composed it were (with whatever excep tions) tricksters and gamesters. And unex plained, this language abroad will be held to bear with peculiar 1'orco upon tho representa tives from Georgia. The natural conclusion will be, that though, as regards others, the speaker's charge could bo but a sweeping asser tion, made without reference to any facts In Ids possession, as regards Georgia’s dcleguies ho must have had something upon which to base bin denunciation. As explained, these gentle men are, of course, in somesort relieved. Mr. Bartow however still thinks “that politi cal management, party spirit, and Holtlsb schemes had great ascendancy in that body”— m?ffie a ^“ch5iS«3ll umonysuddenly infuwed lntoita opinions be fore so discordant! for tto. wjmdUtfouofMr. Pierce and Mr. Douglaa/whlle embracing their principles and proclaiming ^at least In the South an issue on these' principles paramount to tdl others. I cannot reconollo the high sounding slavery resolutions, with tho selection of Mr. iiuchanau.who in 1848, believe Ir. the power of Congress to proh It shivery in tho territories, and in 1860 gives In his adherence to tho doctrine of Squatter Sovereignty, who expressed Free-Soil opinions concerulug Texas, end did not before lus nomination give eveu bis approval to tho Kansas bill, It will require a somewhat tedious “hunt” to discover documents that prove all that is hero asserted. As for the inconistencies of the Coil' veutlon—wc, ut least, are ignorant of them. True it nominated Mr. Buchanan and not Mr. Pierco nr Mr. Douglas. It could not nominate them all. But t he principles proclaimed were no nioro those of the candidates “repudiat ed” tlrnu of tho candidate nominated. In re gard tathe “harmony suddenly Infused into its opinions,”—we assert that upon the great question ut Issue beforo the country, there was from first to last, nothing but harmony of opin ion—unanimity iu the committee on resolu tions, uuauimity iu the Convention, unauiuiity sublime and unparalled—from begiun'ng to cud. Against the Nebraska bill, tho fugitive slavo act or any ono of the constitutional rights of the South not ono voice was raised, True, delegates had their prefer ences ns to men :--prefereuees which ns patriots they were bound to surrender, and did surrender, when overruled by tho requisite ma jority. But Mr. Bartow cannot reconcile the selec tion of Mr. Uuehanau, with tho high soundiug Slavery resolutions.—Mr. CulUouu couhl were lie alive. lie asserted,years since, that “Mr. Buc- hnuan had habitually indicated correct feelings ou this question.” Iu IS IS ho opposed, with all his might, the.prohibition of Slavery hi tho Territories by Congress—at .a tirao when Mr. Bartow’s favorite and all his Northern sup porters were the friends of the Wilmot 1’ro- vLso ! Thut helms in 1S56 given in his ad herence to Sqntter Sovreignty.we utterly deny, as we do that he “expressed fre.*soil sent iments cimcerniig Texas.” Though, like thousands of men who have lived and died in tho South not an advocate of Slavery iu the abstract, ho contended that the South had a right to bo protected by tho Federal Government in her domestic Institutions, and believing that “Tex as would become a dependency of England, unless it should bo annexed to the United States; nud that, through the agency Jof English abo litionists, a servile war would be lighted, en dangering the existence of the Southern States,” lo was warmly iu favor of bringing Lor jnto the Union, notwitstanding her domestic in stitutions. Mr. Fillmore’s position was that Ac would never consent to her admission until she abolished slavery.—Yet his friends havo now tho sublime audacity to criticise the course of Mr. Buchanan, who both spoke and voted iu favor of that measure. “Mr. Bucliauan did not, before his nomina tion, even give his approval of the Nebraska bilk” Unfortunately, Mr. FUJiporo gave it his approval neither before nor after his qomina lion. On the contrary, he condemned it before* he was nominated, nud he condemned it since ho was nominated. But is this last quoted as sertion correct ? We trow not. What says the record ? Speaking of tho rcsosolutions of tho Demo cratic Convention of Pennsylvania, Mr. Bu chanan said, in a letter written May 8th (four weeks Irafore his nomination): “They (the res olutions) met my cordial approval from the moment when 1 first perused them on the other side of the Atlantic.” One of them was in these words: “Resolved, That in the repeal of the act known as tiie Missouri Compromise uet, and tho pas sage of the act organizing the Territories of Kansas and Nebraska, free from unconstitution al restrictions, the last Congress performed a work of patriotic sacrifice in meeting the de mands of sectional excitement, by unsjiaken adherence to the fundamental law.” Tliis resolution, with Mu Buchanan’s endorse ment dated May 8th, shows that he did ap prove the Kansas act before his nomination. Mr. Bartow was, therefore, mistaken in regard to this, us in regard to nearly all t he other facts involved in his censure of the Cincinnati Con. vention and its action, Nor can he seriously believe thut its nominee “has no other recom mendation for tho Presidency than his patixnnshi.p” He knows, wus/ know* that Mr. Buchanan is a statesman of superior intellect, of varied, and distinguished' public services—a devoted friend of tho Union —through, long years the .South’s unflinching defenderngaiufit the assaults of her enemies. He knows, and must know, llmt Mr. Buchanan alone call save the South from the humliintion of a Black Republican triumph, and tho deg radation of Black Republican rule over her. In view of all this, and more, we demand from Mr. Bartow that he descend from preaching to practice, that he exemplify his lofty superiority to party, by tho support of one who merits the'anilrages of Southern men, irrespective of party—-that he make one of the noble band of Dixons and Benjamins, and Kerrs, and Jenkin ses,—the very elite of the Whig leaders of oth er and palmier day,—who with hosts of others are now battling, not for honor, not for office, but for the Union and their rights under the Democratic flag. Will lie do this? We fear not. And why ? Because we believe that without knowing it, without dreaming of jti lie is laboring under a delusion. We suspect that without imagining it, lie is one of the veriest of partisans, lie is opposed to political conventions; Imt it is to conven tions which meet ut Cincinnati and Milledge- viile, not at Philadelphia and Macon. In tho lust named he was a prominent actor. He would not have the country subjected to party rule; but it is tho party rule of Democrats, not of Whigs or “Americans.” He is averse to party nominees for the Presidency;—that is to say, when they are the nominees of tho Democratic party, chosen at Cincinnati,and happen tube Buchanan and Breckinridge. When nominated at Philadelphia, they turn out. to be Fillmore and Donelson, the ease Is altered. And so the difference is world-wide whether tho party rule and party Presidency are of the Ameri can or of the Democratic party. Wan Mr. Bartow ever known, in apolitical election, to support other than a party candi date ? Perhaps he will say yes—iu tho case of Mr. Cobb. But is he suVo that his /cal was not inflamed by the fact that a majority of the Democrats of the State were then in opposition to that gentleman, lie last year supported Judge Andrews, an old Democrat. Would he, had the Judge been tiie Democratic nominee ? Yet we doubt not Mr. Bartow honestly sup plies himself far above thu Jullucueo of party. Others Judge more wisely—and, may wo not say more generously. For how can opposition to Mr. Buchanan, under all tho existing circum stances, be justified unless on tho ground of in vincible partisan prejudices. Ou this ground alone wo excuse him, mid n multitude ol'othcrs whoso patriotism is above Impeachment/ A joint stock conpany has boon organized in Paris, to facilitate gambling. The Directors stale that, having found by experience that Bourse speculation on a. largo scalo only cuu succeed, they are desirous of extending tho as sociative principle to small capitalists, dorks, tradesmen,widows, Ac. They represent that during tho lust five mouths they have distribu ted among their shareholders the enormous dividend of 27 per cent., over and above!) per cent, for expenses of mnuagcinent. Thoy pro- pose increasing their capital from 4,000,000f. to 25,000,OiHJf., by tho iiimio of shams ut 250f. each, so that now is tho time—if wo believe them— to realize great gains with no labor or risk. ProccMllng« ot CiimII. Savannab, July 24,1866. Council met: Pmepl, Hii Honor. Edward C. An dcr*ou, Mayor; Aldcrmou Alloa, Champion, DatVn- ger,"I.acUUson, Cohon, Posey, nud Arnold. Tl uituutes of the hut regular »utl epuclul meet- of Couuoll wonrroiui and eunUruied. t’ho Infill inatiou and Fine Dockets ware read and cc nUrntu HBIMRntU HY OKUINANIS. Alderman Arnold, oi the timuUl Cuuuultteu to report ou the petition ot thu Heultli Ofllefe relative to uhuruos, Jso., reported by ordiuunce. Ilia Honor, the Mayor, Chairman or tho Sped a" Committee to report relative to the embarkation Trout thU port ol‘ u eg roes lor Llberlu, reported by ordinauce. KMUK1U MAD AND ADOI'IKU The Committee on Public Sales aud City Lois, to whom was referred tho petition or K. It. Bacon, report: It appears that lot No. 4, New Frank!,lu ward, was purchased by petitioner ut aheritl ’s sales, us tho proporty of lira Itto Johu Doyle, who held the satuo under lease, which will expire iu May uext. Thore Is a lur go amount duo for ground rent, and lor which the lot has been re onto. ed. This rent must be paid by Mr. Uauou, or the lot Must bo sold. The petitioner desires a renewal or his lease, or per mission to remove Uls dwellings, or lu lutvu lus same valued and bought by tho city. Council has no pewor to renew tho lease—(see ordinance passed January, 1851, fur disposing or tho city lute in New FraukBb ward, p gee 122 and 123.) The lot, thorufnre, must bs »uiu at thu ex piration of the leaso, iu the manner prescribed by said ordiutucu. Thu Committee cao fled no w.iitun loasu, uud thereiore they do not know whether the buildings uro the property of the oily or of the lessee. Un der this doubt they thereiore recommend Uul Mr. Bacon have tun days allowed him to remove his buildings on the oxpIraUou of his lease, aud tho lot bo then sold under tho provisions of the nbovo mentioned ordinance. B'JtOMUN CoilEN, Ubairmii Tho Committee on Public rales uud City lots to whom was referred tho petition of Frederick Alex- under Fiuk, praying u separate tiiraTor his half part of lots muuberu I 3d 40 Eibert Ward, bugge I leave to report. It uppuirs thut-Abram ShuUull puruluuud lot 40 Elbert Ward, on which u ground real is due oi $36|pur* nun. uud tliatllauuuli aud Judith Bla-flall purchased thu uUjoiug let No. lu on which there Is payable an uuutiulground rent or $30, that these two lots were lu July 1825, (ace records iu Clerk Superior Court, book H. U. It. pages 51) and 61,) divided between the then owners by a lino running cost uud wort, uud Judith and Hannah shultull became tiie owners of tho northern half—ouch hav ing forty live feet lrout on Joll'erstm stropt, uud ruuuing thence ono huudrud uud twenty to the eas teru lino of lot No, 88 Klbort WarJ-—theso lots thus divided are now owned us follows: Thouorth- sru half by Frederick Alexander Fiuk, aud thu rioytjip.i'A half by Mrs. YirgiuiuShertall four Co//;uiiitoe'Ueemlug this ease within the ordl milieu reuumuiim4 j.ljut separate titles do issue lo Frederick AloxauUwr Fink, ayd Mrs. Virginia Shef- tall, for their respective i>ortibi»s. Thu Coiumltloe on Public Salos and City U4s lo whom was referred tho potitlon of Miss Mary E. Demure, praying Council for a Icu-u of lot No. 14 Fibers \yun| p nt au annual rent of $200 thut be ing the stim at ^limit said lot was rented in 1835, bug leave to report: Tbn) the facts of Urn ease— tho incrwisod value of city*prQperiy-^aml thu action of a previous Coillicfl—all pye.clade £iiy ityerfer- unco by tho present Hoard pf'Aldormeu. It appears thut iu December 1SA4, flio jtoljllouor presented her pctiliuu on tills subject, and pjj tho 28th of the month, the Committee on Public ^atos und City J*ols, reported that she could have said lot for one year, frem 6th July 1855, provided sho ucn.oplod tho terms on or before 1st of May 1865. Your Ccmjieltteo can sou un reason to revorsu thu decision bf liiu Jutn Council, and recommend thut Miss Demero be pbrmi^gd to remain the lessee of the city ut an uuiiuuV rent' *1(10. payable quar terly. your CemmlUoooarubsfiy'deioriJ to com ply' with .lh'» of ll| o petltloitor, Gilt toll themselves yostryjii/td b}' the fuels of t1iu elis6, dud the doi'Diou of our jwodecesw*’. sOl.oSlON flDJJKN, ftolrroan. The Commlttoo on Public F$los and $,ty fo whom was referred the puli dim of johu Cass pay ing a renewut of his lease on lot No 16, Now Frank- lin Ward, respectfully report, thut Council hag jio power to grant thu prayer of tho petitioner. Coun cil In January 1661 (seo ordinances passages 122-123) pac?od itu ordinance, which is still in jorco, by which all Il;e leased property in Now Franklin Ward was lo Be s$Jd .ou tho expiration of the loose. The committee cannot S.*vj .the original lease, und therefore do not know to wlid/n tho improvements belong; and therefore rocoinmeudthiiflliey.'.e re- gtr<fp(J ns tho property of tho lessee, and that*he have until fhe 16th day of November next to re- move the same , w 1 that tlm Marshal advertise und sell said lot ou tho \ir»i tyvbduy in November next upou ilio terms sot forth iu .tue ^b/q/u ordinance. The expired .ot) Jim Ad'May J.3f>d, a»d your committee rwvdHimmd lho,t the Marshal bj direct- ed to collect tho mil. upiwdiug to Uio terms ortho leaso (now expired) from fifcsajd .'{i) day or May.' The Committee ou the Yo'ing Aujerjdff'jrg Com pany read thu following report—viz i MAJOIUTV RKI'OUT. The undersigned, a majority ortho commlttoo lo whom was referred tho memorial of the Young America KI/@ Company, hog leave to report us fol lows : The Legislature oi having conferred upon the Mayor »nd Aldermoh .of .faj/agmiJi tho power to establish an “Knglno Company^’ in ili^j cjty. “subject to such ruloa «ml regtilatioua ‘/or ilieir government and conduct as shuif bo prescribed ' by the said corporation,’’ they did establish und or ganize such a company, by the ordinace of 1626. under tho name of the ‘-Savannah Fire Company,’’ To make the organ!zdtiou complete and elfective, the ordinance proceeded to make lawful certain things before unlawful, and tho coutrary. And bu- on use tho apparatus necessary to tho pcrlbrancoof its dutios was to bu kro’/idvd at tho expense of the city, paoper regulations 'wefc y;adato preserve it from abuse und decay, and onsiiro its' rhftuiocr.a to meet every emergency. ' : II was obvious that the city authorities, from the very naturo of their constitution, would be unable to concenlrate their energies and resources amid the confusion unused by un alarm of flro. It was necossury to eye*.to gu ugout, in whom should bo vested tiio whole authority o.I'Uih city, lor tho pur peso of accomplishing tl)d end of i|s appointment. It was necessary, too, that th'o powers pf this ugont should he plmiary, and free from »ll eticc on the part of thu priucipal, until restrained or revoked. Otherwise Its appointment would have boon nugatory. Where the principal uttompt* to control the agent iu tho exorcise of tho discretion given, ho deieats his own object, exclusive pow- or3 cannot he, at tho samo time both Uoligntod and reserved It plainly appears, ny an J imped ion of the ordi- nanceofl62ft, that tiio Couacif wlflob passod it, acted on such Ideas. For it was curefu/, uqf. only to permit many things to the members of 'the V-a- vanuah Fire Company, in their oltiuial capacity, at i Urea, which on any other occasion uo person could do without, violating the laws, und to prohibit many things to all other persons, which, on any otlior occasion, oyorj* one was at liberty to do; but expressly to turbid dvun the Mayur aud Aldermon tliemselives to “interfere in any upm^nr with the said firemen hi tho exerciso of tho I'unctlons ws'gii- ed to them.” (ord. p. 187.) Aud it is made lueir duty” to assemble ultiio place of said tiro to enfoveo the provisions of tills ordinance,” (p. 187,) by pre serving order, ip/if rendering to the firemen all thu : assistance they can. J.ndto inuknlt still clearer that no power was reserved in tfiy regular city gov ernment, it lsordaiiiod"-- , that lu ,uaxu /,*f fire, the Chief Fireman shall have tiie supremo aud absolute conuuund of tiie firemen, of all persons connected willi tiio F;ra Department, and tiie entire appara tus tlmt may bo deployed for the extinguishment of Urcs; aud in tho iibsn;mp of tho suid Chief Fire men, Die above supreme authority .shall dovolvo on sonm other llrumai) or firemen, , uccoriJ T l j I ’g to such urrutigemonl us shall havo been previously proyjd- c«* by thu Fire Company for such omergoucy,’’ (p. 183.) it mnybocujd tlial what prucodes, applies ouly to cases of actual Uni; ijnd Unit, in those casos, the supremacy of tho Company Js ijof douled. Lotus see if it stops there. The same motives which iuducod the IpmoUoft of the Fire Company, uud the delegation of such absolute supremacy iu times oi'omorgoucy,' would seem to require that jt should bo iu u condition to act always with efficiency. R would have boon utterly Inconsistent uud inconvenient fq entrust it with such unlimited command, uud to resume con trol ns scon as each particular occasion might ter minute. The apparatus might have passed Into iiuiids unaccustomed i<> the cure of it, und might thus havo become unlit for use wbuii moat wanted. It wus evident that those especially Interested to keep it in order wore tiio proper persons to buvo it in continual care. Therefore the 7th section of tiio ordinance declares “tlmt tho said cotnpauy shall ha empowered to take charge of and to have the care und management of all tho engine- houses, engines, bucket*, fire-hunks, fire-host, lad ders, ami oilier implements fur extinguishing (Ires tlmt now belong ta or may liereafier be provi dud by Council.” (p 183.) In tlmt suction there is no reservation. And the grant of power Is com pleted by tiie 40,1 Hoctiou, (p 182) which authorizes the Company “to make and establish u system of by-laws, which they inav ulior qr amend at pleas ure, for the miiimgeinuiii und direction of said Com pany, provided Hindi by-laws shall not be contrary to Die provisions of this or any MheV nrdhmm.o.“ • Thus, if wJl bo been, thu .Savannah Fire Company was In vested willj Rju most uinplu iiuwera to'aitalu the two-fold object ofiis existence, viz: to uxtin guisli fires, mid to kenji Dm i*ppj|fal.ns in good or dor. it might not only dictate in phut mininur the apparatus should Im used ut fires, and by'wljujp, Imt how itHhoidd lie disposed di al oilier thmii. In> word, tliero was nothing which It might nut do with tiio apparatus, at utiy limn or place, within the limits of (he city, consistent wyb t|iu trufct roposOU in it. Nor have (huso |Ki\ycrs until ruce;;Dv houu drawn in question. The Company, guthuriug its members f rom among our most yaluubjo and re spected citizens, bgs goim op from year to year, al ways Justifying (lie hopes entertained of it. it lias proved Urn wisdom of the ordjimmm pj' and the Hitloiy with which sa «in«h authority apd/m- Hpoiisildliiy might he . coniiihnl lo limn uiixious on ly for llm public good, and imrowanltHi save by tho pla'.dils oflhelr follows. A<lon|! s llm material of Die dupurtmotit was homogeneous, It wus heard of only wlieu engaged in pvdtev.tipg property. But the Introduction ot' a new element hyw ;jmdo it a bourou of coustuiit xolicitmlo. WUhln.a few years, voluuteer Flro Com |iaiiies have Jtaeii formed .fid fucorpunted, and provided with unghms «l Ihy oxiiepsupl' the City. Tho Oglutlmrpo ami Was hi listen Flro Comjqmjv’s. ; propared, It la to bo pM By D imrt^cUtura 4 thwaro'ckarlymAdj?iiobordl- nnto totho&ivannah FfroOompany, by the clause, the urns verbatim, In etch charter—-which declaroe that the Company to in incorporated “shall faithfully perform 4hi duties of flramau and be sub* Juctcd to the dlreetion or the Chief Fireman of the Savannah Fire Company, of which company the first two officers shall be cx-officis additional members, and HUbJect to all Its rules aud regula tions; and nothing in this act shall be so construed as to make “tho company so Incorporated, “Inde pendent oftho City Council of Savannah, but that It shall bo subject to such ordinances of said Council as now are, or horoaftor may be made.” [Oglethorpe Fire Company charter Fain. Laws, 1847, p. 118. Washington Flro Company charter, council is not cane a upon to petition any* further. Neverthelus E stitloners insist 'that they havo i earing, we recommend to the Co Pam. laws, 1641 ’60, p,185.] It thus appears from tho vory charters asked aud obtalnod oftho Legislature by these two companies, that they voluntarily placed themselves lu tbesame relation to tho .Savannah Fire Company, as Is sus tained by tho rospoctivo branches of that company, and subjected thu apparatus, with wblok they were supplied, to Its discretion and control, ir, theu, the Savannah Fire Company might dispose, at its owu pleasuro, of tho properly of tho city not .n tho hands of tho uew companies, (as wo have soon it could, under tho ordinances,) why might It uot equally! dispose of that In their bauds, belli boing held under tho same laws? The ceaduslon is In evitable. But wo aro not left to tho ordinances alone for our luroruiation on this subject, Wbeu the Ogtothorpe and Washington Firo Companies applied to Council for cuginos, they were referred to thu Savannah Flro Company. That body grautod tho peti tions on certain conditions, which may bo found on pages oleveuaud twelve of tholr printed by laws and regulations. One condition is as follows: •'that lu case of any act of Insubordination, or violation or the rules, or firo ordinances, the engine Khali bo taken from thechurgu oftho petitioners or their successors.” Not until thosoderms were accepted did either of (he new Companies receive its eugino. And being mado upou tho rcferenco by Council, they hud, of course, the implied Hauctlou of Coun cil. But with or without tlmt sanction, they were oalld by vlrluo of tho 7th section oftho ordinance of 1825, and by tho osseut or the petitionoers, and they wero bound by thorn. Bound too, to accept tho Savutumh Fire Company lor tholr Judge; for no authority or tribuuul heiug designated in the con tract, to decidn when it has hoeu violated, It follows that the Savannah Flro Company Is, at leaut In tho first lustauce. the only Judge. As might uavu been anticipated, the freo and fearless spirit or the whito firemen brought them, after u lime, lu collistou with the department. In their inomeuts oi excitement thoy forgot tho neces sity of implicit obedience, uud the fact tlmt they wero but voluuteers upou a general system, whose rules they had promised to observe, If their organ ization should bo recognized. Thu |}rat instance of collision took place in 1853. The Oglethorpe FJrjr Cpmpatiy was deprived of Its otigluo by tho Savaunah J’ire Company. They coin- plulued lo Council that they had llttf hail a proper heurlng. Council then sent the cosu hack to the Savannah Firo Company,“with directions to give tiio defendants a lair uud impartial trial for theoQ’ounes charged ugtuiil thorn.” That was done, und thu first ■entuuce ropeatoJ. At u subsequent meeting of Cquuoll, a petltioi was proseutod by tho Oglethorpe Fird"Comyauy, 11 asking an investigation elore Council,” \c. ' Unfier flrne circumstances, tho po titlen was referred to a spfcotai tamnpuee. Alder- muu Arnold, its Olmirmau, Kubmillo'd bu ubro re port, which coutuius the following passage : “ U will thus be seen that tho Savunuuh Fire Caoinpuy has'full and exclusive authority in the p'fcintscs, aud jljat Council could not interfere iu any matter of mcio qispjplin?. As It is not alleged UiM*py of ‘“.0 ty"uny qrityuiiM ip-p vl- oUta.j |H ll|0 miUer complainea df, tt navlng peeu a Dial lor aisobpgipg prdprs. yo'tir CJhthlitted are of opluion that llloy 7ms-t» »ifl mrisjj.ctjoh $ h. ’? * And <u pursuance of tlm fiumufA, flji] grdinauce of 1853 was iiassed; (Ord.. p. 215,; by th(j $q op tion of which it is ordained : “ That no cistern, engine house, engine, fire-plug, ladder, fire-hooks, uuckelp, uxfls, nor any other pu perly or upparutus used for uxtliigul)-hi|)g Ures, be ta tq»o»g to tho city of i.uvunnah, shall bu utetl at any life, Ly yuv person or persons, exceptuudor thu direction, inanage;neut aud control oi the Na- vannah'Fire* Oottiiiluiy^ through its acting Chief; aj|tl all ordors given ti» any*IliMbcofnpaiiy, phroogh sifid anlilia' thief, or any motoberaf tbe.fc'Abairtmh Fire Company, toiling ]*y his orderrf, Khali be obey ed by all fire e.bmpapi^s, vHinDmr noting first or se- Pl)Jeers be urpsoiu o)>i' n^'.V“‘ ' • ' ' the memorial. For the** r^Mooi wo are of opinion that Council la not called upon to cotuldor this . - - ■*- - ^feyertholMAj -hccauao tile o not had a fair _ r w , Council to follow the precedent made by tho Board of 1853, and refer tiio potitlon ,to tho Savannah Flro Company, that tho Young Atnorlcu Firo Company nuiy have another investigation according to iha by-laws of tho Iftpartment'juid that the englno aud apparatus remain In tho poeeceslon oTthe Savaunah Fire Com pany, to await their decision. Wo add In conclusion, lhattho rase of the Ogle- therpo Hre Company has been referred to only by way onilustratlon. Tlmt Company now owns Us engine, and cannot be deprived ofit. wo add further, that wo have not eonsldered the coiporate rights and powers, either of the Savan- uah.orof the Young Amor lea Fire Company, be- cause we cannot k perceive such consideration to havo any connection with tho quostlon before us. The Tormor derives Its authority,not from any char ter grouted by the Legislature, but from tho Mjyor and Aldermen, through tho ordinances of 1825 and 1863. The latter, while made subordinate by the very ternu or its chartor, can nover bo deprivod nr its cuporate existence, nave by 'decision of a court of Justico, Trusting tbat the importance of the subject matter will be a sufficient apology for the length ef this report, it is rospectfully submitted , WM. 8. BASING EH, SOLOMON COHEN, HOBT. LACHI.1SON. July 24, 186U. [T<> UK UOM’LL’nXII.] Vavnnnnlx Market, July HO. COTTON.—No transactions to re|K)rt in this article yesterday. $' MEMPHIS, July 21Currox—The tlmlted receipts and stocks prevented any transactions of imtu, and tho few sales made rangofrom 6Jj lo 10‘,'c. Wbkat.— But little arriving, und.huyera are offer ing IftaOOc for fair und 06atl ror strictly choice. Some contracts for limned into delivery bay,e. been made within tho past lew doy' at 90c. piping JiilcUigcuce. Furl of Ssvammh JULY 26 Trouble in Ireland.—There wan u serious outbreak among the Tipperary Militia on the 6th, owing to the allcdged bad faith of the gov ernment iu discharging them und taking away their arms aud clothing. One thousand troops of the lino were immediately telegraphed for, who quelled the riot after killing three and wound ing twelve. AU was quiet by last accounts from Ireland. UiMhattiiii Association. AU parsons in favor of James lluchauun aud John 0. Breckinridge for-President und Vice President of tho United States, are requested to meet at St. Andrew’s Hall nt 1ml f-paat eight o’clock on Monday evening, 28th Inst., for the purpose of organizing a Buchanan and Brack- inridge Association for Chatham county. Col, A. R. Lawton, and Hon. John E. Ward, will ad dress the meeting. By order of the Executive Committee of the Democratic Party. Arrived. gteeumur Win gcubrook, Pock, Chuih/Uon, toSP Brook*-. Steamer Darlington, Brook, Palatka, to Clughnrn k CiiKiiinghum. Memoranda. New, York, July 22—CM. schr tie** Stockholm, Hill. Jacksonville. Passenger*. |*«r .Steamer Win Soubrook, from Charleston— K J Purse, E J Plrvre. Mrs Porryatlno, child uud svt, II M .Stuart, W 0 Won and lady, Or Biscrlino aud M’t, Mr-- Haupt. Per steamer Darlington, from Pulutka—A Tiioott. W U Cha-e, jb»l-*» Brennan. Duvl.i. W Prico. 8 Ncoil, 11 A Palmer, H 1. Harris, W C Wdkimon, A M far- gyle. J McCmiii, <« W Young, J T How land, Parry. y Cojlius, T< lljcrt, it 11, iudy and svt, M Dibble und ludy. Mrs I) Adams, child and svt. lira McDon ald, child and svt, Miss R Roberts, uud 10 dork. Consignee*. Per Steamer Win 3oabio"k, Irotn Charleston— Oeutrel Railroad, Steamer M .hdins, Brigham, Kel ly JtCo. A A Solomons k < *•, Spencor k Co, Crane, Wells A Co, W W Llncotu, .1 W Audarsmi. Rodgers, Norris k Co, J J Merlin, I* Hoywood, W W Smith, R It Hilton k Co, Webster x Pahnca. E J Purse, T S Wayne. R Habersham ft Hon. Per steamer t’urllugtou, trout Picolata— Einstein k Fckmau, f lighorn k Cunningham, ltostdn & Vil- laPinga, A TiiomnH k Oo, Rrmshart k Son. emd Pi Tho eiixjct uf ilf/s section \viis lo ^lidmonal sanction to all former urdipineps rtlu^ug Jo tho Department uud Council having |o micr- I'oru iu tho case cited, iu any otlior maimer than by a referonce to tho Department; this ordinance ef- iuetually prevents any praetluai result from similar couiplaUiLs. For il u Ftro Company may not use its inglna .^tsi’ro, without leave of thu Huvaunah Firo CoinpaM>T 4’hy •* Vuvo ouo ut ull? And the only tuducuumiil |o‘fpay(r r n ssesslon t being removed, and ilieir only motive k.ewpjug It iu good order thus ceasing, why nut place ft where it would be cured lor by tho iiersons reully reop»>tihible r aqd lUo prdiaueea referred e^lstepcP, dflUuJng its rights,' and prescribing its duties, thi wig'ifa tj/ui la,f romkins of force, jtb*»so riglius and Uuljes must ponjiniip. If the 'nerlhr- inauce of tho.-u duties beroiue > alueje.ia,' aud' the exorcise of those rights iiicouveident pi i)Vu pub lic, let tho law bo ultcred or repealed. Uul as H'u find ilummig tliu ordinances of the oily, wo can give it no other construcUuu than is here assigned w i|- IJavinv linn o.iqulred iulv the legal rights of the Hnvahfhih'T’h'H ^knupguyto deprive a volunteer company'qrittf'ongijff?, uudor/je/ taiudreumstaneos, wo eoura lo the cvushleFiUfi/iror the cosh pryafiited to us by thu memorial of’ the Yolilly' America Fire Compnuy. '** ’ " TIih uiomsrial sets out the preumble and reso lution of tho Savannah Fire Computy adept- ed at its regular monthly meeting ou tho 4th of Jaly, I860, which declares that certain persons attached to the Youug America Firo Corn- pj|uy,«^. i, at a lire, on tho night of tho first of /uly, wed/Vcfus*) [o obey the legal uud posllivo orders of tun command jnx FJrzinau of tho city of Savuuuah, and wero guilty op Ju'silJv'TrdiR^ou and conduct subversive of good order ’qnd desD’ueTjve • of the authority and diclpllne of tJjy ^lopartmenL , ’ And thereiore “that tho said Youug Auiorieg Firo Company, No.,5, be deprived of its engine, boss cart, hose, and all other fire upparutus, now iu |bpir possession, belonging to the city of Savaunah; and Ifye L'ltiuf Fireman is hereby directed to taku possession .QftiipFatppi and place (he sumo iu the Fjremun’s Ra)l subjocjifQtbt) lurllicr order aud dia- posjtjoi) of Hie Savannah flro Company. And 111* said Youug America Firo Company, No. l),'i£.s oc curs und members, are hurehy prohibited aud for bidden, from and after tills Rule, from using af guy lire iu this city, any cistern, eugino house, eugiue, hose cart, fire plug, hose, ladder, fire hooks, or any other properly, or apparatus, used fur extmguish- injf fji'ps, belonging to the city ef Savaunah. "■“•VudfU pursuance of tho abovu rosolutien, the Chief l-'ir^ttuii is i^r^bv dircctodtu servo a notice ortho above prohibition upon ibe Foremau of the Young America Fire Company'No.'6.'. That tho Young Ainorlca Flro Coiupauy sUnus^u . the tuino relutiou to tho Savuunuh Flro Company as the Oglethorpe ami Washington, appears in throe ways : jvt. From its churter, which is, verbatim, the aamo wlih^a»voont* pvcdccesfcova. (l'urn. Laws of 1853 ’64, p o76L 2*1. From tho fact tlmt it aovep^o.d Ms englno from tiie Savunnuli Flro Company upou cohdidoi;; piml lar itt tliose imposed upou its predecessors, to \Wt, “That iu case of any Insurbordiuullon, or any con duct subversive of good order, or duugurous to the peace upd welfare of tho city, thoy shall bo brought beforo thu 'Savannah FireCompauy, and if guilty, to bo iiaprived oTdfetv uigjn.*?.” So read the re cords oftho Havuunuh Firo f*«a»qu.n/. •Id. From the ordlimnco of 1853, whleli apples ua well to companies Ibrmod siuco its passage, us to tho.-e thon exialing. 'J’,>r‘.’lbro, if tiie views herelubeforo expressod bu rorradt, liw Savaunah Firo Company had tho tight to probood L: this matter. Aud we are couilrihei hi this’Iin^ftislun by a caroful perusal of tho report aboVu referred to,' made iu tho Council ori853, by Alderman Arnold and others, which arrives at a similar conclusion, and wa* ad >pU.L Indeed tho riglit wus uot donlodbylho petitioners; ,qn fl;o contrary, they avor tlmt “in- struefious wore given lq Jho members of Young America Firo (’othpatij 1 , in the "br.tjs,«j|icp of tho se cond l.blefof tho Department, to opoti the buildtng, qjjl} ^Jl'ord every facility to the otllcers lu carrying out the lotfar pf'tho resolutions.” Tiio riglit lio*ng Bpisrotjlod, tho next Hiibjcctof Inquiry is, whether tho iqung Amprifu Fire Com pany shows on tho face ol tlioir iqoiqoriql, auy roason why Council should interfere. Tho preamble uud resolutions of thut Company, adopted July Till, I860, which form the main piirt of tiio memorial, tin uot dopy thu truth of anything contained in thorn oftho Savannah Fire Company. Thoy limy, therefore, be taken as true. Tho only new fact stated Is tlmt some norsnu, not u member of llm Company, was taken before tho Mayor, anti Hood. That huuo oouuectlou with tills matter, for the ruusou given the memorialists thomsolvos, tlmt lie was not a member of tholr body. It was not tho miscouduclol'that person, b t ot membors of thu Young AmoiUm, which tho Department gives as the reason of its resolution. Nor dous tiio memorial show that iu tiio action of tho Savanuah Firo Company, there wus. aiiyjlpug unusual; any departure from Us ordi nary ^ourUb of ^morouro iu such casos; on the contrary, It Is oX|!W»srty tlmt such ahliou wiis had at • the tegular" inm»;hL< meeting of the Suvummh Fi o Company, <ff which thu first two officers of the Youug America Coiupa uy wore • ex oilkio memberK,” by llm vory terms oi their charter, ai.d therefore, like every oilier member, bmnidso'pe prosoul at its monthly meet ings'. Indeed, il'seauiK to lutyp buuu nothing mure than a rosumplioii by thu Department j,f entire control over one uftlie engines-or the city, entrusted Jo tiie Young America Fire Comp uiv upon certain conditions, which aro said lo ImC'u buoudisregarxl- od. The oouraii udnntod liy Uio gavanimh > ire Com pany' was its onlw modu /J'reaclilug tho Yuiiug America Coluputiy Ustdf A inert oxi.iilshn'pftho /Jrsf twootficors would ImvwatlUrded notiduqimie roiqoiiy fu|' t/;e breach of thv'rtMidllhms on whii'b the epgiuu \varfgiuutcd, ‘ ' Wliatoyor ipny fptyo poop tpo jpaunvr in wl;lch ipo fjijpf Flivpiun carried',oujL fpo ,qrd»f ql Ufa Ity- puHmont, iIkmijW f'j/l’u sp nq .cause the Young Amuiiua v'tti) f;«iHjrtf»y. flw* house and its couleals were thu PfPpPft/ °t HI 0 city, entrusted to the euro of the savumfab hvu Comimuy by tho 7lh section ofiho ordinance of 1825. Ami its chief uxocullvo olllcer had tho right to outor thoru at uny uud all times, whether uccu- |>l9«l by tbn Young America Company or uot. If FOB PHILADELPHIA. TWat’Z mumv,Jmidid. qrDpJM\ T. m. The Pnitpii states Miul sjcWsiup KEYSTONk STATE, C'npL HpriUo, will loavo as above. For freight or passage npply to C. A. GREINER, Agent Cabin Passugo 20 00 Stoorugo Passngo 7 (JO I'uHsungora by tills ship for Baltimore aud Wush- lugUm 17)11 be latulod at. Now Castle, Delawuru, ir desired, from wifiy/i |?k“JO wirs Btart three limes daily for tho 'above "tffUoa, a*.*; njher Southorn points. ' ’ ^ Jy’42 ■ FOR SBW YOiiK. 7b sail Saturday, July al 3 o'clock, il' Bf.mnililfi Ft /, i/wy kum. uro n cima. J/. Tiio steainSfdp FLORIDA, Cuptain wbudhuB;- Mil 'leave* us abovo. _ lorilis not sec.ufoa urttif paid fot*. 1 “ ' T^iJii I'flasaco...;. m Htoarago Vt&uiigi.,'.7.8 4®- Shippers of Cotton by’tiiftiji’stfj.ijjjjsliips .wi)l pleaso lako notice, that uo Colton will uo FCceivo;J ut ho presses tlmt Is nut distinctly tnarkod on the odge of the halo, Jy23 Niagara Falls, the Lakes & Canada SHORTEST AND CHEAPEST ROUTE. Per Sfeaihsldj) jfeustone State, via Philadelphia DB/.P'A Mo. T HIS Line connects ut Phiiuiiitimid Mill (lie Grout Nsrlh Western RMitroud Route, ihrough to Magma Fills ami Utlll'a|o. lu sixteen hours from I'hiiudelj.hl... Tl<rough 'llckets, with the privilege ofslopplug at PlillitdolpljV, *il< l i"bi>mediale |K*int*, for Hale by tiio Agent . ‘U'.u - Fare to Niagara Fulls or Hutlato , “ Elmira -....< “ Canandaigua 28 CHARLES A. GREINER, Agent. J2J • Savaiumb, Goergia, FOR FREIGHT Off CDApSa'.^ijj flue -fi^g-sclir 1*LAN1X»MF, wipt llrowu, Will rooilte frkjgiu fir charter for a Nortlwrn juilt. A|>ply to " JOHN T. ROWLAND, jylli " *‘ 71 Bity street. H AY—260 bxles Hay, fn Ktore and lor sale by tyx ’l-b.4NB, frjjug i-W Y AUNS AND OSN.VBtfttuS-.-Tlmjijq8lbu Factory X-trus und Osual'crgs, for sale by CRANE, WELL -S k CO. Jy2ft I AN DING AN'D l.V TURK— ^ 3000 lbs extra canvassed bag Hums i.* JOfa) ftg stigar cured do * --' - : Mtj'h-- A suporlor quulif\~-.p|..T4u».uaset; Hues, small size for family use. at 12W cents‘pi/r Mound 25 bbls Crushed Nugar ~ 20 do B Clarified do 20 do 0 do do 25 do Powdered (i» 10 do St Croix do 5 hhds extra Porto Rico Sugar 6 b’/.la do Smart’s Syrup 3 into» y.c JJacon Sides " ’’ ♦ RroOfiD, Pftjls, Basket M^tWtifs, 5CfU.b Brushes, Fleur Palls, - kG-, Ipr sale by G OLD PENS—Persons desirous or obtaining goood Gold i'en, uro iuvited to call aud in spect a new lot which wo have just received, and Which wo can rocominond. Jj'Jij _ D. B. NICHOLS .V CO. THE HAVANA PL-tiY More Prizes than Blanks, 1,767 PRIZES ! I ! 6 ,000. Only 15,000 Numbel*!!! .1 ,A^idemy BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF (lEORGIA. CLASS P, To bn drawn August lfttli, 1860, at Concert Hall, Macon, Ga., under the sworn sui>orinteudeuce of Col, Jyirefl M. Logan and James A. Nisbct, Esq. Patrons will ploasu tiSittimn6 Ibis S.7.heme careful ly, compare it with any other, and If IV is not the best ov«r otl’ered, and tiio chances to obtaiu capi tals fur bettor, don’t purchase Uckots. C A AITAL, $1T,000. 1 Brize of. $15,680 is $15,000 1 “ ..' 3,000 is... • 3,000 1 “ 2,000 is. ; 2,MO 4 “ 1,090 are... 4,000 10 “ 600 are 5,000 60 “ 100 aro 5,000 20 Apprwx'm’s of $50 to $15,000 prize aro $1,000 50 ‘ “ " 2fi Pj 3.000 “ are 1,260 50 20 to 2,’000 2 re 1,P00 80 “ of $12>4 to each of tho capitals of $1,000 aro 1.000 7500 prizus of 8}{ are 03,760 7707 prizes friqquqljijg Jo,., ; . $102,000 Tickets $10, Halves $6, Quarters $2 50, l’rlzcs payuhlo without dedir tiop. The 7,500 prizus of $8nro determined by tho immb or which draws the $16,000; if tlmtumuber should bo an odd number, Ujou oyqry odd nambey ticket in tho scheme will he entitled $8 50; jf 4)1 oven uumber, then ovory oven number ticket will bo entitled lo $8 50, in uddilion to any othor prUo which may be drawn. Piirchisors buying an equal quantity of odd and uven uumber tickets willi be certain of drawing nearly one half thu cost of tho samo, with clmucos of obtaining other prizes All those tickets ending with 0, 2, 4, 0,8; nro even; all thoso ending with 1,3, 5, 7,0, are odd. Persons sending money by mull nood uot fear its buing’lost. Orders particularly attonded to. Com munications confidential. Bank uotos of sound bunks taken ut pur. Those wishing particular nuinhors should ordef Immediately. Address, JAMES F. WINTER, J^llj Manager, Macon, Ga. FIIKNCH CHINA, Will TIC GRANITB. AND <ILA1& WARN. “ , 146 MKKIIXU STHW>*r, CIUKLieTfUSf, SOUtH lUMOMNA.^ Tho suhscrlliers respectfully solicit from tho traveling public,'an inspection! of their stock uf> Freuch and English China, In plain white,- gold hand, und __ duoorabtd diimnr,'desert, breakfimt, tea, toilet, toto-a* WtcsetH aud vusus. Alsu;-Cii|u uni fetuucurs, Ac., ol tiie colobratod «evres Cltiiiu. Whito Granite of tho best muiml'ucturoru. Rich culFruueb, KngUsh aud llolmmiau Glass, •• • - Tljtiy have a variety of ornamoutN lu Parian.** Ware, Basis ol'Cii1!i6uu, Clay, •WollsU^r, aud otliors, aud SUitnctes’ oi’fTiu Gi'eek Hl^ye, Vonlis do Mudicls, fcc.. ki!. M * ‘ Tudy havo also abcauliruj, duraJdo anil c.lionp aril* do lift L'inn s and RuiirUd,' $ ■ * wtd Their ftqcg tiuipg y,oi uud linpprt.ed qire,cj,vlwri. rf;T _.. as well as Lmiaes, to pW' the lowed rates for cash. ;; |f|fH WEBB A 8AGK, ImimrterB, ccessors to C'amurou, Wohb k Co. Boctlpti per Central Uni I road. July 26—280 hales Cotton, 08 boxes Copper Ore. 73U sacka Wheat, Obales Yarn, ami Mdze.. to Ruse, IlavD k 1/uig, W Dtiucuu, Briglmm, Kelly Ac Co, W M Wadly, Pehn & Fu.-ter, Wayne IcSou.J Lippmau. Hudson, Fleming & Co, Cooper k Glll'bud, King k fc'onj, J I) Jesse, Crane, Wells 1c Co, J Iugersoll. Co- hens & Hertz, K Parsons k Co, Dana & Wasl burn, and order. HOWE’S COTTON HARVESTED. * -fhe gn-st desidoratum of Platitors is Ijnal- W ly ob|ained ju jlio Vnceessrtd liiventibii of Howe’s i’oilon Iljjrvofte'r. with whirl) otto hand can pick as much ootiou as five iu the ordiuary yay. beslijes saving an Immense amount of labor. Wliut Wliilney’s. ottonGin is iu its alter stage, Howe’s Ilarve.-tor is in picking. For further Information, hpply to A. WILBUR, 111 Bay street, Agent f<»r the States of Georgia aid Hirida. jy20 OFFICE OF The |JpAHl> OF COM- MUSloNKrtA'OF 14IK BAVmI ’WATER WOR^V, ! SanaN'X»iil, Jiily'23d.' Tho Board of Commissioners tiie .’.Savan nah Water Works, will elect a Seeretaiy ou Ifonduy^tiio 4th day of August next, at'4 o’clock, I. M., to fill vacancO iKU-asiuned by tho reslgimtiim of the unnfcr.•^iglled. , Si.lary $Si'o—Hoinl $5,000 Bv orddr.’ " 1 WM. WARING ll.VUERNlIAM, ’ ‘ \Jy24—10 Sec’i v .Sav'h Wa^er-Works. IfOTff 15 .’ O NE inopil) alter ilaH’, ajip'jration \vdl he made Oi thu Hunk oftho State of Georgia.tor the n iv- uieut or two one hundred do lar bills of tho Brunch at , tho right hand halves of which have been lost iu the mails. Jy21 BOSTON .k VII.LAl.ONGA. NOTICE. S YE months after date, uppikatioti will he made r hh rbt'v’Mt.s Dp'.to of Georgia, for the pay nt * f;tlire<? 'tw(ejity do)lar mils u f Qiw Bran , .ji at Align?ta, thu light hand Halvcfiof whlt’U have.been lu' the mall. ' 1 •jylLi^V ’ ROSJ’ON k VII.LAI.ONGA. OSUGARj-BOAP-AND-Sl’AltCH-*- • 1^ ’4) liljiU Muscq'vqij ay dp l'/djo Rp 1/ r'ugar 30 Obis A, It and CJ df) 160 boxes Pule and Family Sup 50 do t'a-tilu (In 250 do Frft.-er's, Colgate’s und Oswego 8tai rh received und for sale by JlrMAlloN & DOYI.F, Jyzo ”C* aii-1207 Bay C AN'D I, LS AND COFFEWimMiOYCfl Bponu. ‘fal- loir. Adamuutliie Caudles ;. 250 bags Rio CoifrO . 25 boxes fresh ground CollVe 60 mats Java do, received and fur aalony v. M0MAII0N & DOYLE,* ' ’ " _ 1 1*^ ami 107 Bay street, 1' IQUOllS AND BACON— 1 JU bbls Wliiskt. VariU' .s brands ~ HP’ ’ - ’ ’ 100 do New England Hum ‘ 'll 7/,»'3 n r'." ,d ? 26 hluls Bacon ed ami for salu by Jy20 v%iiSL- T ‘ Sides and Shoulders, receiv- McMUJon k DJJYLK, ' ’ 2115 und 207 Bay sheet. MEDICAL COLLEGE OP GEORGIA. ArofsTA, .Ttdv 1850. ripUK TWE^TY-Virm Course of Lectures in this •Jt'^nstitaiiou whl coii.i.'.cu e *lio First Monday in MW/iber fleA. ’' t'c , t o .. .. FACn.fVL G. M. Nkwto*, m, u., Aimlomy, L. A. IH’qas, m. a, Surgery. L. F. OAHVI.v, )t. » , Mutcria Medico, lherapeutii’s and Medical Jurispruduuco. J. A. Kvk, si. a. obstetric.- aud Diseases of Wo men aud lulunts. i„H. V. It. Mt.'Jitt. m. <>.. Physiology and Patiudygl- tal Afiatwmy.-1 < » 0 , ’Aflac. Mk-a.vs, it. a, protesscr pr Cpemlsiry. Jf |L poftj).' Sj.‘ p Institutes'and j'nu-tioe of Medi clue. H. F. CAMniMLL si. a, Surgical, Comparative and Microscopic Anatomy. R. Casicuku.. si. a. l>. nmii«trator of Anatomy. *. B Sisi si.fxw, si ii.. Asdsmtmt Demon ^t rat or. Clinical lectures will lie delivered logulmly at tiie City Htispiial aud ample opportunities will be afoird'ed for tjjc s}iplv t**‘ Pradintl Anatomy. Ipes for tho puliro Cnutso’...'..! $105 00 Matriculation Ticket (to ho taken once).,'... ' 6 00 Fur for further particulars, apply to jul2~2w G. M. NEWTON, Dean. "MATIUMONY MADE EAMVV {XR HOW TO WIN A LEVOR.-TI10 easy Principle of Love, interspersed with Directions for tho Preservation nud Exaltutlou of Peraonnl IIentity and Loveliness, nut' for prolonging human lire healthily aud happily to tiio'very longest rorbul of human existence.— Spleuditily ongravJil Wit sieei,- The slnglo. married, nntl the married happy.— What is iovey—with instructions for courting, in or- d«r to win the alfecthms of tho opposite sax. Tiie Lights und Shades of Married Life. Tiie Reproductive tIrgans of Females handsomely engraved : nud tho Infirmities of Youth and Maturi ty, iyjth tliulr rctneilics. MHiasAyfjy ii.j i sTiuntn sv im.atr*, at dtilbroiit stages oi* gt*s\atimi^how u> tlijonphia whett it exists—how to prevent pregtianoy, and with a locluro on l/»ve tt» married ladies aud gentle- men. Price 60 cents per copy. On tho receipt of the money through nail, (post-paid,) one cupy uf the book 12**11 be sent by mail to any purl of tho United State*. Published CHARLES WALKER, No. 88 South 8d st.. Philadelphia, Pa. Also, 1)K. LaCROLWS PHILOSOPHICAL VIEW Ul MARtL. GE. A popular treatise on he secret infirmities o. yn.utli f;ttd,.maturity arising from gcniial dLseuses in both se<t«s_ wltU'upvynrds of one hundred and nven* ty-flvo lBhographs •'nnf! uigraviugs Illustrating the auutomv, piij'siology, dud diseases of the sexual or- gaus, thoir structure, uses ’mill funbtUins, together with plain directions for the perfect euro' of syphilis, gleet, stricture, etc. Prico 60 copja per single copy. Published by CHARLES WAITER, N’o. 38 tjquth 3il st., Philadelphia, Pa,, to >yhoi|^all orders iqust bo scu|. ' apll2—tl WOOLEN MACHINERY. C 4 L. GODDARD, New York, only Mamifao- J% turor ol tho Original Stool Ring and Tooth Burring Machines and Feed Roils, to be attached to First aud nlso Second Breakers anti Finishers of Wooloit Girding Machines. Tho atUehmont to Sec ond Breakers uud Finishers is very important Those machines are iu successful operation, on First Breakers, tn most of the principal Woolen Fac tories in the United States, Canada anti Mexieo, mid arc deemed by experienced manufacturers as the most perfect machines usod, ami fudispeiisnhlo to tho economical amt successful manufacture of wool. Thoy nro in fact tho ouly strong, durable and suc cessfully operating machines in use. No carding machine should run un hunt without them. The,Feed Rolls aro strong nud durable, and wor thy nfatlonliou. Circulars explaining Ihefe MarLinos uud Roll,and rvtoruiiccs to Splto having litem in use. may be had by nddrwsHRig.t i- HOWURI), . No. 3 BowlingGrooii, NtlwiYork, to whom orders should iM-addressed. , ; septlU—ily\y ■ too DOLL A US REWARD. r I 'HE above reward will be paid to any person X who will furnish prttof to convict I on of (lie per son or prrsinis, who attempted lo blow up my houseion Friday night list, by exploding a quantity of gunpowder kiUdet it V I 1 - lylfi—0 I EMMA Wool). •ptri’ASH—K) eases Rectified Pota’sU,"in tin cans. ,L» for family use; In-na-iks Potash, just received imd lor sfilohy • * H .ly1|’ '• NORRIS k t:o BY 1.AST nx;ht ’smauTT Aftklr of-Honor Btlwm Ool. Brook. mid. SIr,Barlliig»tn«. Got Brook, publidio. a lull atatement of tiie fantafolatliig to tho dflHcntty hetweeii hlm«lf and Ur- Burlingame. He say.: t to ilia ri-HLic. ’ ' , It I. with eatroue relueUoce that 1 am urn Htrainad to traiinfer a private uuarrel rromlt,' legitimate Held Into the public prem tl! fault, however, doe. not properly rest with mV a. au impartial public will decide after r«adtaa the following curd from Auum Barliumm. member of ( Irora Mammchusetts'-T 1 [We omit tho curd a. It ha. already apwar ed iu our column!) Having given It, B rook , proceeds.] This curd[ wav tint published in the Intelll. gencei on Monduy, the 21.1 in-t., though | . Gated July 19. B u A* 1 could procure a friend-..which wua lu loss thau two hours alter 1 Bral »iff card r llio follow ing meMo wusTnUo M. linrlingaiiie V\ f ASUIMill)X, July 'l\, Sir-Will you do me the kindness to iodU lto aomo plate, outside of this district , will lie convenient to yon to negotiate i» m fereneo to tiio diffeience klwceu iu>. ^ Very itspactfuliy, Ac., Hon. A. Iturliugamo. ’ .Apjirehendlng an nricst Iron, ih, odlcloe, interference ol Mr. Burlingame’s friends I knew no Irlenil of mine would lodge infom,' tiou-at nightfall {left my oiu^SiTd weuttn Hie house of a friend for gn-ntir J!r, rity. At about |2o'clock (Jen. lame ealleiS delivered Mr. BurHngume-s reply u>mml which read us follows: > ’ ... WaaiiisoTOK, !>. C., duly 21, lgsa Sin—Your not,; or this dale was oiared'n, my hauds l,v Ueu. Une this alteruoou. In re ply, [ have to say that I will he at the Clifton House, ou the Canada side of Niagara i’alL. J Saturday negt, at Vi o'clock, 1|„ to “argot? ate in reference to auy “difference betwesn ua which, In your Jugment, may remiire set tlement “outside of this district. ■ 1 '' I have the honor to he, Your obedient servaut, ci „ „• A. BURUNtUMK. Hon. 1'. S. Ukooks. After recapitulating the hiitory of the pre vious settlement, Mr. Brooks proceeds as fol (otys | He requires nie to meet him in Unnada, a dh tuncc of-negr seyen hunred itiiles by the mill route—a route rumiing throiigh the enemv'i country, and tlnough which uo man knowsfe|. ter than Mr. Burlingame that I could not saw without running tho gauntlet of mobs and J sassitw, prisons and penitentiaries, bailfth end constables. Ho knew that I could never get lo Canada, and Hint were I to do so, and lie were lo lull, that I never would get back. He might as Well huyo desigimtpj) Boston Common. Hh proposition iS'Ol so )irc|*istel'Oua a characlw that the pul,lie will apiircclato It without chd mont from inc. j .... Wien lie repudiated the memorandum which fl-uS l)Vf;pa|»‘t] liy liis friend and deliv'eredinkU «wu, r l felt some sympathy fohhS agony ol' a jhotid inHu driven to doing wVca/ that • he might ‘retrieve tho homn* or a Steti whifli lutjl bepn Jariijshed fjy unwbilliy repr^ reiiturivp.s, Rut Ri-j jus{ cbmlRiop b u-prii than the former, nnd J deliver him to that cob* denitration which honorable men in every com. infinity will sternly iullict. I have no further demands upon him, but should he be screwed I npto the point of muklug demands upon me, 1 1 will yet treat him as a gentleman, and meet j'im at any convenient and accessablo poiut up- WMin\\ termn., I respdcftdly ask that the subjoined letter from Lea. Luiie nray Ira read, and submit my condiip^ tp tjrp mtciligent and spirited peima ol PTO »!* Jibe Pfilon, ’ i 1 > P- Brooch, Wasulsgton City, July 22, Dkah Sir—I have deemed it proper and Just to make the following statement; , At your request I caUed?yesterday. at near 3 o dock, as your Irieud, upon lion. .Mr. Burlin game, that being.the first opportunity I hod of meeting hiui, and of delivering your’uote. Af ter he had fend it,1 Rifortned him that I wit requested by. you to , nice tiiat a rncetjr?a should lake plaira at the earliest practicable ro<fc jnent, suggesting that afternoon, or this morn ing at 4 o’clock, and hoped that it would eui t his convenience. 1 i’prtbpr sjatsd that you had supposed that'all 4‘fleivuces- jjttw‘eeii yod himself had bccn'adjuste'd; that-he (Mr: Burl game) [jhad re opened the fmatter, a« “ supposed, for'a personal ^ifUculty, and i j-ou'weVe un^ioua’to jjaye it ended'witlidjit lie replied, ’'That is thefcciingof a gall man, and Brooks is a bravo wap \\m would have to look onU’ora friepd,andl none iu his mind ut that time, aud perhaps could not he ready for a meeting at as early hour as you expected. I also impressed upou him the necessity entire • epiwy, save, with his friend, i further requested that he or hist frii would communicnle with me at my seat wl the House was in session, or at my room a! its adjournment; nnd as ho had the rich selecting the place for the meeting, onus! <4her arrangements as are usual upon such cations, that, he wonjd have the kindness let mo as early a day as was eojiv tent wlibn imtV where iful what it tfoiijd tei Lust eVOhllk>-.‘'nKnnt-1 Vn’olnnl- »l,n nnnlnJ u. u.crampnraL fae pi? ol meeting designated in said note is so far d tant and would subject you to so many bazar of arrest, nnd also to a jurisdiction without tl limits of the United Stales, that, as, yo IViond, 1 adytsc you, without hesitation, tots no further notk'p nr the maitpr. ’ 1 am. sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant, .fFSEPH T.AXE. Hon. 1*. s. llitoohs. I OPE.—pH) coils Uot it- ‘to urrlve per fehr Alba L jy 19 ’; *V‘ rATl'KN. 1 HifrnLV'A co. p 7 XI'RA tihpit e - GiolieiVilnttur, a Vresh -supply, |i'tT i'liJJjpJlir fljiiixvljlc', lor sole fjv 4- |L VALUABLE RICE PLANTATION FOR SALF, WntUXtKS MU K> OS IUK OTV OS SAY A.S.SAM. O N tiie first t'nesilay in Decctabcr uext, will sold hcTuro'tho Court House in tl.e city of Si vaimali, tiio 1 lantatinn oil the Faviunmh river, tto miles l'ri'iu the city, known us Mulberry Grove, be longing to the estate ol tiie late H)lliii>L’lnipr, cou- tabling six hundred ami eighty-seven acre?, N which thore are two hundred acres of first quality tide rice kind, and une hundred anti fifty-five acrw under gooti hunks aud in a fine state for cultlva- lira). Also, seventy five neres of high land multi' cultivation; Oil the place tiro u good dwelling liuuit*, ovoi>eerV house, lmrns, uegro houses uud • iber outbuildings, all in a good slate of repair. I'erfwA desiring to purchase will call upon the umiorslgned, who resides within four .miles of tiio Grove. Teruw of sale made known ou the day of sale, ties-*# siou not given until the first or January: jyl7-td H. K. HARRLSON, Ex’or. JiijF The Charleston Mercury will publish once» week nutil the day of sale*. : 1 1 LAND AgENC> . T HE limit r8igned Will, for five dollars per J°p examine jmy huuls hi tho counties ot' Aiuuiolt Wuyue, Ware or C’oilee. and report to the owlierW to their pi iv-ont value, the prospect for their fcofttiug inorO vuliiaiih) in tiuHiro, ami wlietiior H' Dot there is being Any trespass cpipniitM ^Ucrgpp. Invariahly pledgilR himself pi give (i tr»c find st reet account, for which all -remittances WH* bpw* peeled in udvauce. . Ho wifi ulsosell nnd remit when ro«Juostmi, as directed, tin* sovep per cept. . .1 l|e will also promptly attend to all jiroliWflon*' business entrusted to his euro. VERNON C. McbtuN'lHJN. my 13 Attorney at law. lioniesvillc. <lg ^ M imaki*, fa*.—loo boxes Mustard; 1W do pure l’eppcr; lOo .lo Starch; received «ua sale bv Mo.MAHON k DOYLE. June in 2US nud 237 Bay sireot^ B XsiTcthTBASKElS!-Wc would call*b» attention of tiib indies lo our stock of worsi Traveling and fine Fancy Basket-*, the largest assoro meut m 1 he city, at (lie House Furnishing Store, •*' Broughton t-tract M ,, odk - inar2l HORACE 4 L(-:. i.aRii, \c.—2U bbls~Prime l-iwdjJ 0 J® Taylor .v Sou’s Ale; 50 do sugar, sodaiuni •or Rtamiit; rac.elved and for sale by MoMAHON k DOYLE, ro5 miti 257 [Uy vtnwL. FLUMKING. ** IjhUWIBNLi. ifinl|i^ voriotw hrouchejg 1. inudfid t*»- at the Almftest uMliW*. lutd-il style. Also, may bo found Shower Hatiui,1 u.l Iron, Tin .anti Leaded Hath .Tuba; t’Ofqwr U« , 1-i.loul I’m, VVati'i' 010411b,, l«d Ill'Mfb Brass uml i'luted L’oi'ks^ Force i’lmqjs, India n llorio. For sain al llm IIouhh FurnUh Store, .>■»• Rrought'iii Airrt O •uarl9 HtlH'fT IP’MHK Glynn, Waytm, Gauideu, Charlton, A|'l ,l, ug» Cofioe, (Mine’ll, hiWudos and fhoniks. Urtic . atte|ifiouKjypupjTqjta[|hg l *““ M ’*‘’*’ ,t,,, * nl ‘ ,1TOn h •’ low U’lojs tir lira town ' ' 1 f Ml Dr lUTdliirti MW 50 ^!