Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, July 26, 1856, Image 1

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VOL.'XXXVm [OLD SERIES.] sAVANlill, (C4A.. SATURDAY, JULY 2(1, NO. 12031. litililMilAft 5 JOURNAL HtTMUAt, Two O'clock, P 91. 1'LAt.t, nn THK Nkw J All..—Plan* Tor till' Lew Jail were submitted to the Justices of Hie Inferior Court by Mesns. Scliull, Morris, lloag, tnd Colwu. Tho pltn or llr. I). LTCohen was • <cv(|it«d by Uro Justices after mntiire detllM-ni- lion. ^ Yuulig Amrrlen PI re Cmupm.y d'he raw of this Coiti|iany, [ireseuls, uui|Uos lliinuitly, allhU tine a most remarkable pliaae, and ir e Invito tho attention of the fillet, tinil law abltliug cltlaona to tiro matter- to those who duslro to make |>olitlcnl ua|ilbrl, and to gain Villus l.y appealing to tho augry nudes- olioil wo Inivo not n.word tn say. liot us look oaliunlyal tho I'aols. Young America I’ire Company ts charged wlttilnsulnirdluntlon, *0., and the Savaunah Fire Company, to whoso oliargo, the Fire apparatus or the city is com mitted by ordinance, take their engluofrom them, bcsiauso it la believed that they are not proper keeper*ot the same. At this stage of the matter, Young America Firb Company- appeal to the Mayor and Aldermen /or o re- hearing <d'Ihetr cate, on the ground that they had been condemned unheard. Here a ipieatiuu Is made by His Honor tho Mayor, whether the Savatiuah Fire Company lute the right to take away ,u engine from a volunteer Company-- mark,* this question Is made by the Mayor, and hot by tho enmplalnlug Company, IVe decliue to make an elaborate argument on this point, because the report of the Comini,* tee Is clear aud full, but, we will re* mark, that no ona doubts that the Savuunuh Fire Contpauy has, by ordiuauce, the care of the tiro apparatus or the city s aud this very rare aud control, ex necettilale, Involves the right to take said apparatus from those to whom it bad been committed, when by their miscon duct they were regarded as uuaafo depositories of the aume. Indeed, tho complaining compu' pauy received the engine on the express condi tion that It was to be taken from them for ill. aubordinatlou, Ac. Young America Fire Com- psuy nowhere disputes this right of the Huvuu. nab Fire Company, but expressly ad mits. Ndw, on this state ot tacts, what should [undent men have done? Why, precisely wliut Council bus done—return It to the tribunal having power toact.with instructions to give the paity charged a bearing; if ho can absolve himself front the charge, well und good; but If not, then Judgment will lull on the guilty. No fair-minded man will doubt thatsjustice will be doue. The Savannah Fire Company is com posed of honorable men, who would scorn to do an act of injustice. But what will prudent, sober mjuded men say, to the couduct of the minority. They do not grant what la asked—a re-hearlug, but with out an investigation of the facts—and In utter ignorance nr them, they aver the innocence of the c -mpany charged with insubordination, uud resftre them their engine. Wo make no com- meuton this course. Let prudent men reflect upon it. Washington Correspondence. Washinuton, .fu!y 2‘J! Mr, Brook* (who had not gone Southward, bat airnply went beyond the reach of a peace warrant yesterday,) made hi* appearance in public today, aud was Instantly bound over to keep the peace. It In understood that ho and Mr. Burlingame have exchanged, not shots, but notes, nud that every thing has been amicably arr&ugcd. Thus, Washington is once more re* stored to quiet. Mr. Bntler to-day, introduced a bill in the Senate to substitute on annual nalmy Tor tbe present compensation of member* of Congress. It Is to be hoped that this bill may become a law, especially as, the ^ompgnsatiou beiug the same whether the session fct long ur short, there will result in a greatnbirdgoment of alt time-kill lug practices. This city, to be suro, is protlted by long sessions; yet, there are few of its citi zens who would not prefer less profit and bet ter order. When Cougrees becomes a place of rigid business, the men who love quarrel* aud fights will shun its halls. A bill was to-day discussed in the innate, b; Mr. Toombs and others, the otyect of which i to urote’et American discoveries of guano. This bill seems general, but is special. One or two Islands in the Pacific have been discovered by Americans, who wish the opportunity of dcriv* lag profit from them; and this, they allege, is to on done, though the gnnno, of the first quali ty, is to besold at our portsfor one half of what is now given for the guano of Peru. But how can this be done? All tho Peruvian guano that is taken to Europe, is promptly sold for as high prices os it brings here, aud much more could be sold there. If it shall be sold here at a smaller price, will not speculators buy it up, and sell it at a high price either here or in Ku* rope ? And then, there are many kinds of Ma nure, but guano at its present price is deemed the cheapest or all. Can it be made still cheap er without their experiencing n corresponding depression. The harbors of Wisconsin being up iu the Bfpate for improvement to-day, Mr. Toombs de livered au argumentative and powerful speech Id opposltibn to the proposed appropriations; still, that ^r Racino passed, and another la likely to pass. The House has given much of Us time to tho Nebraska contested case. Chapmun, tho sitting member, and Bennett, who wishes to oust him, are both young men, who havo hardly made homes in the torritoiy, but simply were voted for ^because the people dldnt look at the mut ter earnestly. Neither of really entitled to the scat,.the present feelings and views of the people being considered ; but, Chapman will finish out his term. He Is an intelligent, pleas ant, modest, manly little fellow, ana will serve bis constituents well when becomes to know something of them and their wants. * — Impartial. The Week of Disasters.—Last^week was emphatically full of accumulated horrors, and fire was the most active agent iu each case of destruction. The village of Corning, N. Val most destroyed by a couflugration. Tho town of NewArk,N.J., severely visited in the some manner. A steamboat on Lake Erie burned to the water's edge, and a propeller on Lake On tario, with a loss of at least fifty lives iu the one case, and twelvo In the other, while the railroad accident near Philadelphia caps the climax of this budget of calamity. Profl'mlliigt of Connell. («• ; 8.i\.\.Y\Mt. July 21. I Sit'!. tuxuitirv lumr. Thu mu Wslunu'l, it iitlifM-iijr of ilio t.'oiuiuUteo i», whom wo* referred thu putltliui «»i the Young Am erica Fire loiupauy No. It. seillug forth that lltoy liml Iwu nrrit gut'll, trl*<l mid condemned without hearing,aud without any 'imiteo ef Urn charges ‘ought itgtiiiHl them, and praying Council toluv«- lignin tin: ncltaii (he Hitvanuah Kirn Company wilh the i;>nii|Mi.p of tho petitioners, beg leave |o r«'|K»ri: Id renting ultngcihnr IVum llu* t-oitcluisiiiua of ihu luitjorily tn your Uoraiuitteo, and Imlng fully rfnU-fii'd iii mu' own minds that Cmtucll has Htuplo JurisdUiUmt over nil cate* nf dUlcrcnco that may colon b?dnv li on up,k\iI between i-uliordfoafo'bndi*-;- of its nrontifU ami it Mil, and Hint the whole Fh$ tK'IHirttm ut oo tis ilwiy tun' Indlvlduntly >4 .nbir- dlnniojoili . i'll) Anthomy, w«* n-k your i-att'llil lUMd'oirlU'the -iihj Oiied extrtteta from tin? Act* •ii,i| ordinances tiosring npou tho •nun*. t'udnr the Actor tho U'gMaturo parsed 2d Ivnimb *1-1824 granting to the • tty of Havsnnnh the prlvlfgo of w-uUUshUig an LcgUm Company, it »*•> t-uantmi that it 8lmlt ho the duty of the retd Gottipuiiy in «:;t-.o of Fire, lo tuko charge m and mutiu--*j tin* ciigmo tn tin* City or.fHVanuitli, ami the .mid t'oinp:iny thu I ho subjected in such mloi and regulatlon-i for their [overmimnl and couduot ns shall bo proscribed by ho said corporation of tho City of Suvaunah. Bjr secliou Ud of air Act to incorporate the File Company of the Oty or Savannah, ossentoii to Udh December 1834 It la enacted u thnt «alil corporation shall tdt'ct their officers in Ihu utanuer pointed out In the ordinances or iho City Council of Mavnituah, and that nothing In this Act slinll l>o n» construed as to ut Jto said Fire Company inJt-pcudffiil of tUu CUy Council ;but It shall coal unu to be snbjdit io tha same coutrol of the City Coiiucil as that Inxly heretofore exorcised over It.” it will he Ihu* nm-n Umt tho Department by Legislative provision is tna lo tho more creature of Council,dependent upon. It for Its exLstcueo and all !U powers. The ordinances of the City mpully guard thin right. -Section 4th, Ordinance, Idas, provides, Thut the said Flro Company shall telect from their owuhody a t.'hlef; und such other oflicors as may appear to ihom nuccssary, uud shall have the pow- or to make aud establish a aye tom of byl'iws which they may alter or amend ut pleasure, for the man agement and direction of subl company, provided said by-laws ahull not ho coutrary to thi- or auy other urdtuauco; and tho said company shall havo »wer to Una or expell auy ol* its members for vlo- attou of this ordinance, ortho by-lews of said com- W7* hue. 6. That the said Company, alter tun appoint ment of the .sold Chief Firoinati, at any time, shall always make a report of tbe same to Council. See. 7, That thu sold compauy shall take charge of und to have the care and management ol alt tue Engine houses, Engines, buckets, lire books, lire hose, ladders uud other Implements lor extinguish ing Ures, that now hel/ng to or may hereafter be provided by (Amuuil; * Sec. 8. 'Umt In case nl' Uro the Chief Fireman shall havo tho supreme and absolute command Of the iltemuu, of all pursuus cuuueuted with the Ure dcparimeut, uud the uutlro apparutus that may be employed tbr the extinguishment of Urus, aud in tho absence of the Chief Fireman the above su preme authority shall devolve unsomo other fire man or firemen, uncording to such urruugoiueut us shall havo buen previously provided by the fire company for such imergoncy. Aud it shall be the duty of tbe said Chief Fircmau to examine or cause to bo examined twice, or oltoner, tu every year into the caudltiou of the Engine houses, Engines, fire buckets, aud other fire implements belonging to tbe Cerporotion, uud make a statement of it lo Council, and if auy addition or repairs should be required at any time, it shad be his duly in co-operaliou with, tho Kugiue Committee to cause them to bo doue and a report of tho expenditures be communicated by blin to Council at au airly period after tho work shali.bave boon performed. Hoc. 12. That it shaft be lawful lor the Chief Flro man, or nny of tho inembuis of the Fire Company, when a Ure breaks out, to coramaud auy porsuuer persons to aid aud assist la filling the eugtues with water and iu convoying tho said engines aud buck ets to the place or places where the Ore may be, and to aid nud assist In extinguishing tho Ure, under iho direction or the firemen : Aud, U' auy persou or persons shall roluen or neglect to obey such com mand, ft shall be the duty ot’ the City Marshal or any or tbe City Constables, or Iu their abionca, it shall bo lawful for auy fireman to urrest such per- sou or persons, and to bring him or them before tbo Mayor or any of tho Aldermen present who urn horeby authorized to commit, Ac. Sec. go. That It may be lawful at auy fire for tliv chief fireman, or iu his absouco the directing ibro- mau, calling to bis advice and assistance the Mayor, or iu his absence at least oue Aldermau, aud bn la hereby authorized and empowered lo order unit cemmaud any person or Ittrxons to ppil down or blow up any bou#e or limwea. Sec. 1st, Ord. fith Doc., 1826: Whenever any va camy shaft occur, by doath, resignation or oilier wise, iu said company, it shall he the duty of the members immediately to nnmluute apruperpor- sou t<» fill such vacancy: * * * Aud tin* chief firomuu or eomuaudiug officer shall im- modi itnly communicate -uch namhiatlon to Coun cil, who shall reject or conHrm tho samo. See. fird. Ordlnuncn 26th May, IS 2d. That auy de faulter tor not appearing promptly at Ida po/t on tlio alarm of lire, without n i>ntisfuctory excuse, ou re port of tho fctttuB to the M*yor of tho city, tho badge of the said defaulter shall bo forfeited and no further badge allowed him except hy order of Council. . Ordinance '24til .l/areh. 1826, lsl .See. page 102. And that tho number of said Company may always he complete, the A/ayor of Hie city shall have the power to till such vacancy from the persons so nominated until tho meeting of Cmuicil,ut which tho regular nppoiutmuut may ho made. Sms, 8rd. Ordinance, 1853. That no cistern, engluo house, engine, lire plug, ladder, Uro hooks, bncKcU, axes, uor any other property or apparatus used for extinguishing fires, belonging to Iho city or Unvan- nali shall he urodut any flro hy any persou or per sons, except uudor the direction, management‘and control oftlie Savannah Fire Company through us acting Cider, and u!l orders given to any Fire Com pany through «ald acting Chief or any member or the Savannah Fire Coiuimuy acting by Ills orders, shall be obeyed by all Fro Companies whethor their acting first or second officers be present or not. Mention 4th. That the Chief Fireman ov such pur suit as may bonding iu ids place, shall have power ir any person shall violate any or the provision of this ordination, or shall refuse or uoglcct to obey any command, to cause Iho City .Marshal or any city Couhtablo, or iu tholr absonce it shall bo lawful for any Fretnan to arrest such person and tiring him beloro tho .Vayor or any or the Aldermen pre sent, who is hereby authorized to commit him to the Guard Uouso until tho next day, If ut night, or if iu day time, to commit said oflbuder to tho cus tody of a Guard until the extinguishment of the fire, and thereafter take hl.i recognizance to appear ho- toru Urn .Wayor at tho next ensuing Police Court, and ou conviction thereof, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars. The minority of your commit! tuo are therefore of opinion that tho Fuvanuah Fire Company Is but a subordinate body in our system or city government, depending for its existence In tho first place upon tho Will of tho Couudl; that tho objects of its crea tion are clearly sot forth in the statute authorizing it, and that It can exorcise uo power not specially granted in the ordinances or tho city aud necessarily appertaining to tho duties imposed upon it. Wo furthermore reel assured that ail tbeso.acts and do tags are fit and propor subjects of review by tbe May or and Aldermen iu council assembled; that the latter havo the right and it is tboir duty, to confirm or an nul any and nvery proceeding that may be had by said company that to them may appear contrary to tho ordinances of the city, or In contravention of the claims ofjusilooaud right. Wore It not so wo should have Iu our midst a body of organized officials, cre ated for tho public good, yot wholly arbitrary iu its powers aud owing no resputwlbllUy to tho people or these acts. Such an institution we regard as »ir Mary J/omlonlinli. iron wuui'iu ofoi.ior, pray ' lug iMuncll to dlri-rt tho llt.v Tica-mror i" refund her auiiMitit ••( double lax ovorpsid by her. mnmxH hkiu .txn UKVKnmm to hxanck cosnirrm. or .i/ary M. Wylly per A* T. Mowin', pl aying CVumuil to die ct tho City Treasurer'to refund S.T2 60 double lax, overpaid by hur l*»i* 1864 and 1866, Of John it llowoft, praying Council to refund $«, tax paid by him on a slave tint 12 years bid, errun- eutiidy returned by hltu iu 18.16 and ISMi, tiiroujili igiiurtince of tiie Ordinance. Of James S. Neidllnger fur oaImIc, .loltu Keelder, praying a revuhintlnU of lot No. 8, and improve, tneiils Indian Street, Yamacrau, nr a reduction of taxes to he nmdo then on. Uecatto; jiiirl ’ of the Im provements w > re burnt iu 1856, tnmnt rniTioxs. of tho Savannah Young J/eii’.- t’liri-tiau clatiun, praying Council to remit the price of ton No-. Ufiii aud tllifl iu Uurid tlrnvn Comutory »Vi;., referred tn the CmundUeu ou, Ucaltli and dome- ‘ ry. The petition ol Ahisuil M Hail, owtu-r ui Iho Not them .-dxth part of lot No. fill, l.lcttiiaiu word, praying m veparnto lease, was tend and «rant"d. MISCH.MNKOVH MATIWt. im motion of Aldonnau Arnold, »!».• rides woro suspended and the ilillowi'ig immod r« ad tho second time, viz: A tdd to ho nutltl U au ut dlimtice to tnlMhltih the mile, of rorporutlou Altoruoy, to declare tho duties attached to hKIiI office, to fix tho salary of said Cor poration Attorney, to prcfcrihc the time, term and method of his election, and to provide for. vacan cies, on motion of Alderman Arnold, the blank was filled with the words ono thousand dollars, and tho said ordinance was passed under Iho title thereof. Tho yeas and nays were ceded for, with the fol lowing result, viz: Yeas—Aldermen Cliutnplun, iiaidugo*, Lirldi-ou, Cohen, I'oscy, Arnold—B. Nay—Alderman Allen—I. LKAVK or AhiKSC'K (lltAMliU. .Edward XI. Preudorgast.Clty shorin'.thirty da>s. and to Alfred F. Torlay. Keeper of Laurel Grovu Cetneioty, Ibr four wIRjks. 4. H. Hllchcottk to he Mr. Turley’s deputy, Ainoiiutofaccouuts passed VI,7B6 ui. routK'll Adjourned. I'.mVARlMi. tVUXJN,Clerk oiUoniicil. ¥ AWL!.. To be eutIUed an Ordinance lo ostablLsii the oflfee or Corporation Attorney, to dcclaro the duties at tached to sold olficc, to fix the salary or said Cor poration Attorney, to proscribe the time, term uud method of Ills election, nud lo provide fur vu- cuticles. Fee, 1. Uo U ordained by the Muyor und Aldur men of the city of Savannah and the hamlets there of tu Council assembled, aud It is hereby ordained ‘ y thu authority of the sumo, Thut Council shall, ut Jto first regular mooting iu August next, elect by ballot ti ‘‘orporatlou Attorney, whose duty it shall bo to represent thn city iu aft cases brought hy or agaluat tho city in any of the courts of law or equity: to give his legul opinion upon any subject connected with the Interests of the city, whenever desired by tho Mayor or either of the Aldur men; to revise auy ordiuauce submitted to hlufj to attend the meet ings of Couudl upon the trial of appeal cases, when ever so requested in writing by tho Aloyor or two AUUrmeu, aud generally to be tho legal adviser counsellor uud advocate of tho Corporation of the city of Savannah. Fee. 2. And he It further ordained by tho author ity aforesaid, That the salary of said Corporation Attorney shall bo one thousand dolilars per annum, payable quarterly at the Treasurer’s olllue. ■ Sec. 3. Aud be It further ordained hy tbe author ity aforesaid, Thut tho officer so elected as Corpora tion Attorney, under the provisions of section first, shall hold the said office until Iho first regular meet Hiouth of Foot Passengers in Boston— The rights or foot pauQKgen in our streets was the subfoct of in important decision in tha Municipal Court to dajr. A hackman was con demned to four raontht's imprisonment for tres passing on those rights and running over a loot passenger. The Court stated the rule of Uw io such coses to be, that carriages had no paramount right of way In tbe streets, and that drivers were bound at all times to heed tht rights of those on foot and to exercise due care lor their salty. This is a timely decision. Long habit and impunity have emboldened driven of carriages and wagons, and other teams, especially to insist upon what they stem to imagine to be their Priority of right, and to hinder aud annoy, and even to endan- ger the safety of foot passengers, by always claiming the precedence In theprivllegs or the highway—Boston Traveller* July 18. ,, Kib * at - Amsterdam N. Y—Albany, Julu *rr. A disastrous Are occurred yesterday at iXW!** V Yl ' which destroyed the Amer- U heavy >D ^ * eveni ^ husineaa bouses. Tha loss York, July nonr.^ * bl ^led henoe for Liverpool at •pecV day ‘ ^ u P WMd * of W \ Texan FiftW*-A coiTOM|Himleiit oftlie X O. Delta, writing in>m Hadrnp, Texas, tut the OtU, gives an neeouut of a bloody uttVay Iwtween George tumble ‘^tid Goodlow Miller, of that place. He say*:, On Monday, MUltr, Cbrneltou* Ilembbili,. and his two brothers, nttnc to town, uml as Miller wits pa-sihg down the street with a man l>y thu inline of I'anady, followed hy UcmphilI. lie, Miller, met Gamble in five street, drew a Derringer nud fired at him, the hall taking cflbefc in tho lower part of tho uhdomeu. Gamble returned the fire with u holster pistol. Miller shot him ugnin with another Demimcr; Gamble retnrued it with u six-sluwter; Miller thett drew it six sliuoter, uud was in thn net of fireing, when Oomelitis Hemphill shot from behind Gamble and struck him iu the back} Gatuhle turned uud fired ou Homphill, who ran to a post mid fired again; hy this time Miller tmd shot again but l think missed Gamble; he, Miller, then inn, Gamble,fired ut 1dm, and thou fell to his knees, uud when iu till* position, Hemphill fired nt him again. By this time ono of Gamble’s friends lmd got a six shooter, aud cauie running ftp, when Hemphill run, and was prevented from •’ shooting Hemphill by the crowd which had got iu tho way. He then took after Miller, who was limiting towardH the store of 0, K. Hall; he did not get a chnncc to shoot Miller before he got to tho store, and niter 8mith (as that wan biH name) returned from Milter, Gamble was down, and died in ten minutes, having received four shots ono In the front uud threo in the back by the Hemphills, ns he was fired at by all three dur ing the affray. . Col. Hardee.of the Dragoons, has been appointed Commandant of Cadets at West I’olnf , Vico Brevet M^Jor Walker. Horn rived at ids post yesterday. Bui.vs wick ami Floiupa Uailkoad.—Wo have Just learned that contracts-wero takenyes terday, by meu of amplo ability to perform them, for the grading and eross-tlea of this road from the Alapaha river to this place, and from here to the Florida line in the direction of Tal lahassee. We will give more particular Inform ation In o\\vntxt.~»Thoma$viilt Watchman. XI3YY ADVrcUTIS RM KXT • * ’• Kiuv * juvAftf, k nyv " ;> * .1 'H'OR.XKYS AT LA IP, BUCNMVICK, HA. jytt* A . THUMAN 4t CO., Atidiou und Cotnlmaalou Memliaiiu, UO Bryan hit reel, savannah, ueonoiA. ili,mAa. Qetaj .*». 3. I'AMWA Destructive Fire at Newark, Ohio.—on Saturday last the town of Newark, Ohio, was visited by a disastrous fire, which consumed the Ohio House, the American House, the Postoffice, and the buildings east of the Ameri can and North the courthouse. Tbe officers about the postoffice succeeded in getting all the papers out safely. The courthouse was saved Savnimtii Market! July W. COI’iON—N*o tiantacllOGi io Cotton to notice tlt^ foruuoou. Exports -l‘er ship Richard Cwhden- : bi -2,125 ujIl'3 .Sea Island Cotton LlYfcEi 001. bates Upland, aud 15C 3,0W Oak Slaves. . 8T. JOHNS, N. B.—Per bark H. A. Allen—261,163 lug or council lu January, eighteou hundred uud feet P P Timber, 28,204 ieet Sawed lumsor, 135,000 fifty-nine. (I860,) and that Couudl shall at • wild Flooring Boards, 328 *aoks Flour. 1.080 bushels Cor" Urst regular moeUng in January, 1859. and every laud 15 ca«k» Rice- three years thereafter, elect by ballot u Corporation 1 Attorney, who shall hold his office for three years. MKJUPH13, July 24.—Cono>--l’heHunted receipts Sec. 4. And bolt further ordained by the author- aud stocks prevented auy transactions of note, aud Uy aforesaid, That should a vacancy occur in the tho few sales made ruugo from 8>{ to 10>$c. office of Corporation Attorney, by death, reslgna-1 Wheat.—Bui little arriving, and buyers are ofiev- lion or otherwise, thn said Mayor and Aldermen I iug 85a«0c for fair and 96af 1 for strictly choice, shall fill the vacancy in the same manner as is pro-1 Some contracts tor immediate delivory havo beeu scribed for other city officers in soutiou 13 ofau or-1 nmdo within ttio past tew days at 90c dluaucu for the better deUuUig aud enforcing tlio Ut\- j • tle-t. poiuiiug out tbe oaths, and establishing the I WlLMINB’KfX; .July 24.—Tcnvkamic—•intes yes • tees ef the several city officers therein specificil, I terduy of 383 l*bls at 82 76for virgin, 2 80 for ytd- and for other purposes therein mentioned: passed I low dip, an * t 30 Ibr hard, per bbl ot 280 lbs. No 2d August 1839, and to be found in p, Oi of tho print- transactions to day. «d ordinances of tho city. ] Swans Tum*.vnxK~-.Sates to day of 700 casks at Sec. 0. Aud bo it further ordained by tho author Ity aforesaid, That all ordinances and parts of or dinances militating against this ordinance bo, and the same are hereby repeated. Passed in Counci, Savauuuh, 24tU July, 1863. [L. 8.] EDWARD 0. ANDKiUON, Mayor*- KowaruU. Wjmo.v, Clerk of Council. A BILL. To Im* I'UlilieU Au Ordiuauce to tux certain per sons visiting tho City of Savannah. Be ft ordained by tho Mayor and Aldermen ol' the City of Savannah and bamlots thereof iu Couucil assembled, * und It is hereby ordained by tho authority of the sumo thut from an alter the passing ol| this ordinance a tax of two hundred dollars Is horeby imposed an each slave, or free person or color, who6hnlU'ome,orbe brought into the City of Savannah for the purpose of beiug trans|»ortcd to IJburln.or any other part I11 Ai'oica, cither direct ly, or Indirectly, through other parts or places, fom this city. And he it farther ordaiuud'by.tlio authority afore- _Jd, that If any owner, or any slaves or Slavs so brought, or carried to be so transported us nlorsaid shall-, neglect or 'refaso to |wy, on demand, tho lux above imposed then it shull bo tho duty ol tho ... . . file, per gallon. Roaix.—Fates Yesterday of lOOCouimou, at 81 16 |sjr bbl. and of 76 bbis No 1 at $3 76 pe^ bbl. Nothin" doing to day. ..... . . ^ - - - f bid. . . «r hu* perilue. B.vri).v.— Nortii Carolina Is iu very light stsck, with a fair inquiry, and Hie price lm« advanced, Fotno 8,200 His received this morning sold nt ltic for shies and .shoulders, aud in, IB‘^ul7o ter hog round NEW YoHK, .Inly 22—.Cwn».\—The market run- tiuuf.4 to tend upward, with a moderate deiuaud for the local trade. We quote hs follows : xkw vork russnvuTinx. N.Orleaus. Upland. Florida. Mobile. & Texas. Ordiuury 9/i 9% Middling it# 11 a n^» u« Middling Fair... VZ)i V2K 12>i 13 Fair 12,V 12« 13*4 Wi Covfkh—Continues quiet but steady. Holders show uo deposition lo reduce thalr demand-', and buyers tak hold ratlmr reluctantly. TH« sales are unimportant. ciork or '-‘"nnon to tajne «xoou«iou lorthwItT. aeaiVuTl I rioHruontiiMw?,' an'JlhS'ir fluid owner, and tha MnrsjMl is hereby required lo I orH efi'cctiales, havo pubmltted to a farther dc- tovy thoaaldexectten and coltecuhenmomit there- of loaigo per hid. with great Irregularity lu of. • I laurket. Ami bo itlurtber ordained by the authority u thro- Oou.v—Is firm und Mint lu good demand; sulesol Bald, that If any free person of color, so brought, U| quo bushels at-67aGSta'n for unsound 69a0l ter or causing to hut transported as utoresaUt slutl on M j v .q Western, «Va«2ter Southern Yellow, COafit demand neglect or rofa*o to pay tlio tax atoresnid It for Hound Yellow, and 81*70 ter Southorn While. RbaU be tho duty oft heClerk of CbuncUgto Iwjh* ex-1 Moi.a^ib.—Only a limdorate demand prevails at RbRt TION NOTH'K. O N Tliitrsdtiy. ;th August next, Conned trill olort h Cor|M)ii»H<m Attorney. Salary Boud $tf,00u. Appllcallouh must im handed u> mo on w before 2 u’ofuck, I*. M., ut the day of election. Two -ecu ritics required, whoiM name 9 inu-d he htated iu the application. KDWAKD «. W1L40.S, Jyifi Uork H* Omiu-il. bNITED BTATMS MAIL LINK. fW PalaUca, East Fla,, via Darien, Htrmuwfck, at. Slarufl, Ih'uamtiu'X, JarkwuiriH*. MitMMmra, (Mack Creel:.) and I‘folate. m -aiP** ^ Tho new und elegant .-lejtiopackot fi^SBBlBDdHtJVUTHN'. Cupt. tlrook. l-en-f every rueudny mortilHit. fa •••••lock. ft*r the above places. . Freight wilt h« takmi tor Trader a Hdlund »nt*»r, me-tiut" liuidings ou M Mary’rf Itircr. Air* No (might will b** tnVrn after l> o'clock. For freight or puMflgu, imviog excellout state, room ac'JummiHiutlotiif. apply on board, at tho Flori da Steam packet Wharf, near tho Has Works, or to JyttV C'lJUtHORN h OUNNTNOUAM, Ag’ts. PHILIP M. KtittMKLL, JUSTICE OF THE PEAOE, NOTARY CONVEYANCER, ACCOtrNTANT AND COPYIST. Will oxoule Deeds, Alortgagej, Power of Attorney, Witte, Roads, Notlcen and Taking ol Interrogatories. Office ut tbo Court House, Savannah, Ou. Court Days, Third Tuesday iu caoh mouth, and hold at the offico of Edward u. Wilou, Esq. Residence, Hasten, between Barnard and Tattnall street. Any cull at night, on business, will bo attended to Immediately. Jy25 HUVME WANTED. A House in a rospcr.talo neighborhood, huI- table for a small family. Apply at this of- 3—jy24_ COLEMAN HOUSE BY LANIER & EADY, Knoxville, Tennessee. The Undersigned having taken eburgeof this largo und commodious House, respect- faly solicit and hope to merit a liberal share of patronage. Tho houso te furntehedln the most thorough aud modern style, will! a view to convenience and c-nnfort. It is situated in the heart of the city, convenient tu nil the business uud on tbo principal street. Anomalous is always in readinoss to convey passengers to and from tho de pots on tho arrival and departure of the eara. The stage for Until vale .Springs arrives and departs dally. Tue table will be suppliod with tho bo.-q tho mar ket affords, and no pains will lie sjwred to render guests comfortable. SAMPSON LANIER. Jy24—0 JOHN EADY. W. fl. FAHMKLL, DUALKlt IN CHOICE FAMILY OKOCWJI^ nud Fnit lgn mirt Domestic Fruit, '.vrmr llrouyh'm und lf*/litV-kcr-eU. I*»wit wild country -.implied with V’lmlee gV"»l-> at Miudm'Hio .tllorderr prouipUy attonded t... vwiWrtvtiuu «lw«i> guaranteed. *1*18 JOHN 0rFALCIOAlW, WHOLESALK AND RETAIL PKALKR IN WlNfalW ftl.LVD«, W1NDOM SA8H ANi» J ANh DOORS, , . Wmi -id« MMi.urtientKqttaie, Savamwh, tea. may II JOHN C, HtMFI’lL WYH. KMHNEKU ,YN1> BWUVKYOH. Will id.m give hi'* Rtleirtfou fadedgn- lu Architec ture. Office in the* - tern c.r John Willlnmantt, M-, Bay Kir set. tnyw (IUFFF.KACO., No. H WIiUhKci Street, Hnvninmh. ha., wnoustaiK am* anrAu. mtAUaw in - - *• **-*-*•— *-• tthito A. bllOllT, Mac f K R II l 1 L D E H. Will take coniraets. ter Building ana Working Ala- tnory ul every do^rlption. Residence, MoTlMrs Jewett V Hoiilli tide .Ifmna at octgo JAMB8 M. teVVAGK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, tH*J»ASVll.l>, IHuMa* COUNTT, DA. All bustne-i. ••ntru^ifd 14. iiL care will receive Pfoinpi atteutim lyr—mar 17 % vfllo\V Mcci'LLOIl, ATTORNEY AT LAW, „ riavunuah, Georgia. 4RF'ot* Bay citr.'.u, ,»rer thu Bank of Beveu* aeb. hb2 U'LSHI-y, niimlK, Doors, Mouldings, Ac, hhito O U'ad,/iite, White Utmeed, tfperm,W hute, i*n- non* mill NeetsfiiotOils, «!■*», Brushw. Cold Lwd, . uaunistn ,« jivukhbb, Bronze, Builders’ Hardware. Nulla, Marble Mantels, I AUCTION, COMMISSION, RECEIVING J Ao.,kc, —• I I'oruiirdlnK iilerohuutii * f WlXiSfc. *59 AND <11 nuOAOSTHEI.T, COLVMM70, QB0BQUU 1AWW O. ROIOIMM, ”■ ItOlHtKHrt ,1 ftUitiuN, (late Ci um.i A Rodgi'i,- WHOLKri.YLE UE00EH8, BAY-SfRKICr, SAVANSItt, JUII*. I. JM66. ‘ (j„ eft v. j. dui<M«. w». 'tAHH JI. H. H. < 0.. Hliippiu^ and CoaiQii&ion Merchant, SAT-SIRLKI. HA VANN AM, UA. F ATTId ji ," it lTi-TOA ik co., ^ , FACTORS. Ftirttatiling uud Uomniihsiun Merdmutfl, Uaymlml, ^Hraniwh, Ga. li.i’V,' A. O. MOOnM, ..All HI HON MKHBE, ” ■ — AND .milk M. MiUB*. attorney at I.AW, (fill® corner Bay «wl Ur.,-tan Mr«u. jyl* - «fnaaAM~gHinawr'“ attorney AT 1.Aw, HAR1K1TA, Ok, out go—ly . ... . ' UAVlf> U. WIilBS, ATTORNEY AT I.AW, nrAHTA, OA. Will practloo in the counties of Haunook, Warren Washington, and Baldwin. Kxnttxxcis—Bohn 6t Foater, Kahuu * smith, and E. A. Boullard. Savannah. J» uW . r. bV Hilton, attorney and counsellor at uw. office corner of Bay and l>rayV>n-Rta. BA VANN AH. OA. my U — HE.mY WILLIAMS, " attooby at law. No. 8, Drayton Street, Savannah, Georgia, may 5—ly JE88K T. BERNARD. ATTORNEY AM* LOU.VSEIJfOR AT LAW. MtWi.ausvilh*, Ha. Koierenco—Oeorgv* . Brown. tyilUaiu Dell, PALLBTTO WANTED. B ROPOSALS Witt be received at the office or tho CHARLESTON AND SAVANNAH RAILROAD, No. 84 Broad street, Charleston, until tbe 1st of Au gust, for famishing and delivering at tho Terminus or the Road, on tho west side of Ashley River, six ty thousand (00,000) lineal, or ruunlng feet of PAL- metFo LOGS. TBkPalmetlo must be of tbe best quality, of raa lure trees, straight, and freshly cut. it will be sub jected tn the Inspection or tbe Engineer before be- tug received. The logs must conform uearly to the following lengths: 20,27, 35 and 43 feet. The delivery to commence at tbe earliest possible Interval after tbe above named dato. THOS. F. DRAYTON, jy24—uod4 President and Chief Knglnnor. morion, CONFIG NESS per schr L Peacock, now discharging at Hone A Connery’s wharf, will please attend to the receiving of their goods. • • -- -•-■*. Jy23 HUNTER A GAMMKLL. WANTED TOHiHK.' A BfEADY WOMAN that cau do the cooking, washing and ironing of a small family. A|>. ply at No 40 corner of York and Jofforsou streets, or at Freeman A Henderson’ Jyi7 NOTICE. milK firm of i W Morrell A Oo. was dissolved ou X the 24th of September, 1861, by Iho death of N F Webster. • „ ’ Jy22—Im 1. W. MORRELL. ta'kk so-iicB; P URCHASERS will have their goods delivered freo ofoxjienso wilh quick dispatch from tho Savannah Grocery and Fruit Depot, corucr Brough ton and Whitaker streets. Or* l would call tho attention of Fruiters gener ally to my well snlootod stock of Groceries, recolv- ing dally. Jo2fi—tf W. IL FAHltELL. prlsent high iiricos Rick.—Wo not Ice a fair iuqulry; exporters arc awaiting their letters tier Niagara; sales oi l20 tes ut 4a4?;o. Whisky.—The market Is heavy with a moderate demand: sales of 160 bbl.* Ohio ami Prison at 43c, and small lota at 41, cash. ecullou for tlio samo, and tbe Marshalls hereby re quired "to proceed as In case of defauliful' payment of taxes, hy free persons of color, nn now establish! ed. Ordinance read iu Gomiuil first time, 24th .Inlv, Sett. EDWARD G. WILSON, Clerk of <’<Mm*:il. AN ORDINANCE To increase the salary of tho Health OOluur of the city of Savanua and fix his foes for hoarding ves sels and for giving a oortlllcate of health, or permit, to come up to thu city and discharge their loads. Whereas, from tbo Increased Commerce of tlio Port of Savannah tho duties ortho Health Officer aro greatly increased, and tho salary him not been In creased during tho last thirty years. Beit Ordained by tho Mayor aud Aldermou of (ho Clearetl, City of Savanuah, and Hamlets thereof In Couucil I Ship Riclmrd Cobdon, Black, Uvcip.K*l—A 1.1*- assembled, and It 1bhereby ordained by tho author- mar Uy oftlie Hame, That from and alter Iho passage of llsvk R A Allen, Cnricton, Pt John*, N B—Carlton A this Ordinance the salary of tho Jloullh officer bo at Parsoua. the rate or five hundred dollar*. ~ _ 4 . Bo ft further ordained, Ac., That the Tecs of tho 1 , . Dowavtcw Health (which shall be paid by tho owner, master | Steamer Welnku, Kiug, PicolaU, or consignee, or any vessel) shall be as follows: 1 “ ' “ Kor i-taU-ns nny veraol lyiny «t lfl« Qunr.nilmi i HOOK AGENCY irovmflnilort Jnokaon, not nnonofllns miiE Submrtbcra have estaMIsliefl a Book 101,8 ,, ,, rs ,, X Agency In Philadelphia, and will furnish any ...... a.iaiii.wr on.i imnutiim u ..anaoi ».... 1 book or publication otthe retail price free of post- l-oi \isfting and inspecting a tesaol which has | jgg. An j, pp rPO nH by forwarding the subscription No arrivals shire our last. Jackson or Olav: or blflgio M2 and $'l magazine, they will receive a copy of either oftlie threo portraits. If subscribing to $6 worth of magazines, all three portraits will be gratis. Music famished to tin hose who may anti-republican, lucousi-uent with tho powers aud duties Imposed by law upon tho City Council, and subversive ol'tho rights ot tho citizen. We are fur thermore or the opinion, as regards tho merits ol the petition that has been laid before us, apart from tbe issues of fact ponding between the Savannah Fire company and the Young America Fire Company,that the termer lu depriving the latter of their engine and apparatus, especially without a hearing, and as a conscqueuce disbanding said compauy andde prlving tho clty or tbelr services in case or fire, act ed without authority oflaw. The undersigned beg leave lurtbor to say that so far from throwing tho slightest obstacle lu the way oftho Savannah Flro company iu the exorcist of their legitimate powers, we are ready to uphold and aid thorn in tho same when ever ft may become necessary; nor do w# desire to be understood us cxteudlng tho slightest encourage ment or countenance to disrespect or insubordina tion or any kiud among the firemcu of tbo city to wards said company, but are ready to aid in tho suppression and punishment of tho same lo every manner In which it can be legally done. We there fore recomend that the Savannah Flro Company be lugtruclod by Council to restore tho engine to the Young America Fire Company No. 6, and arraign before the propor tribunal for punishment such per* sons as may have been guilty lu the premises. Respectfully, EDWD. C. ANDERSON, ROBERT A. ALLEN. Fruncs a. Bartow, Ksq., naked to bo heard at Council in liehelf the Young America Fire Compa ny. Permission not granted. Ou motion of Aldeiman Laohlisou, secendod by Alderman Cobon, tbo majority re|*ort was adopted. oROixa.vcin mun vni vrst TiMfi. An ordinanco to Increase tho salary of the Health Offionr of tho city or Savannah, and fix his foes for boarding vessel* and for giv lug a certificate of health or permit lo come up to tho city and dnuharge their loads. A bill to be entitled au ordinance to-tax certain iwrsons visiting thi» city oT Savannah. Au ordlmuioo auumdator of the fire ordinance* of thn city or Savannah. nrririn.v* man ami uka.vtki*. Of .Vrs. .Vary Clor, guardian for Julia Kelly, pray ing Couucil tn direct tbo City Treasurer to refand her,If 25, amount or double taxovnrp ild by her. uf E, Lockett a member ortho Chatham Artillery, lug Council to reiuftii fine of *20, Imposed on lor failure to attend the City Court as a Juror. AN ORDINANCE Ameudutory nf the Fire Ordinances of the city or Savanuah. „ _ Bo it ordaiund by the .l/uyor and Aldermen of tbo aoU t city or Savannah, and the hamlets thereof lu Couu- 1 ell assembled, and It is hereby ordained by tho au-1 Envelopes ofoxory slzo aud description in targe thority of tho same, That from and alter the. pas- orl maU quantities hirnlshod. 8oal Presses, Dies, sage of this Ordinance, it shall be lawlul for tho £ 0 sent to order. owner of any wooden house to olevate any portion I |£ V ,. f . io-jcrlptiou of ougravlug on wood executed os high m, tho rldgo ortho main building, provldod wlt |, .oatnoss and dispatch Views of Buildings, the roof mereof, is covered with tin, slate, or any Now ...Headings, Views ol Machlnory, Book II- Incombustible matorla , and that the area covered | liatnui ,, u - lodge Certificates, Business Cards, cfo, by tbe original house be not increased. All ordors seut by mull promptly attendod to Per- Sec. 2. Bolt farther ordained, that ft shall bo | aon3 wishing views of their buildings engraved can lawful for any owner of any house, to erect portl- scD a a Daguerreotype or sketch bribe hulldlug by cos on any height hor dimension, provided tho roof ] ma jj or express. be covered with tin, or any incombustible material porsona at a distance having saleable articles will and do not oncroaeh on auy public street or lane. Qua ft to Uud* advantage to address the subscribers Sec. 3. Be It further ordained, That it shall be l asW0 would *jt as agent for the sale of tho same ALAHAMA LOTTERY! [AUTUoruziui nr thk stsik or AuniXA.J iliton CLASS F-NliW SERIES. To be drawn In tho City of Montgomery. Alabama, In public, on WEDNESDAY, August 13th, 1868, oh the HAVANA PLAN! SAMUEL 8WAN, Manager. Prizes amounting to 204,000 Dollars!! Will he distributed according to tho following MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! 30,000 Nunihm-16,1^1 Prtuit $40,000 15,000 7,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 10,000 mo, ooo aro $800 16,000 arc 400 7,000 are 300 3,000 are 240 2,000 are 200 1,000 are 100 1,000 aro 100 200 are 800 120,000 16.186 prizes amounting to $204,000 Tho 15,000 prizes of $8 arc determined hy the number which draws the $40,000 prize—ft that number should be an odd uutnber, then every odd number ticket iu the Scheme will be entitled to $8J^. Wan even number, then every oven number tlckoi will be entitled to iSJ* in addition to auy other prizo which may be drawn. Purchasers in buying au equal quantity ufodd aud oven number tickets, will be certain of drawing nearly one half the cost of the same, with chances or obtaining other prizes. AU those tickets eudlng with 0, 2, 4, 0, 8, are even—uil those endeug with 1, g, 6,7, 9, arc odd. 49T Remember that overy prize is drawn, and payable in full without uo-ittcllou. All prizes ol'$1,000 and undor, paid immedi ately after the drawing,—other prizes at tbe usual time or thirty days. AU communications strictly confidential. Tho drawn numbers will bo forwarded to purchasers Immediately after tho drawing. Wholo Tickets, $10—Halves, $6—Quarters, $2 60. Prizo Tickets cashed or roucwod in other Tickets at either office. Orders for Ticket-* can bo addressed either to S. SWAN k CO., Atlanta, Ga., Jylfl Or 8. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala. l prize «»r.. ..$40,000 i*. 1 do do,. .. 15,000 is. 1 do do.. .. 7,000 In 1 »to do.. .%.»»»» . 0.0QQ Is 1 do do.. .... 2,000 U 1 do do.. .. 1,000 is 1 do do.. .. 1,000 H 10 do do.. .. 200 Iri 100 do do.. ... 1001* 4 prizes <>| $200 upproxim'j: tf* a a im. ti 4 •• 76 4 •' *\0 “ 4 ” 60 •* 4 “ 40 4 *♦ 25 “ 40 « 2U 16,600 8.. lawfol for nny owner or any house, to raise tho 8ameby adding tboretoa brick or stone basement, provided the walls thoreof are uot loan than eigh teen Inches In thickness, and tho roof covered with tin or other incombustible materlul, aud that the arcacovered by the original house be not Increased. .Ordinance read In Council 1st time, 24th July, Usii. EDWARD 0. WILSON', C. C. BYRAMl d PIERCE. 60, South Third street, Phlla,, Pa. nov 26—d&wly L ard-20 bbu no sale by Jp24 Loaf I-nrd, lauding and for SCRANTON, JOHNSTON & CO. Norfolk, July 22.—Dr. N. C Whitehead, for more than 20 years President of the Farmers’ Bank in this city, and acting Mayor during the epidemic of last summer, died last night, in the 04th year of his age. His death throws a deep I gloom over hte extensive circle of friends and | aua B ACON—76 hints prime Bacon Sides 26 do do do Shoulders, land- iud for sale by Jy24 SOU ANTON, JOHNSTON A CX>. jjOMESTIC LIQUORS 76 bbla E Phelps’ Rye Gin 60 bbl. Domestic Br.rnir 60 (lo Now Orlcaos Whisky 60 Uo Luther Eetton'e Rum. jest received tor unto by admirers. Tbr Rnlutrent Question,—Jolm a. Cum mins a lieutenant colonel In her liberty's ser vice, located In Canada, recently mado a state ment that during the Mexican war, the United States were constantly enlisting troops at Niagara, iu Canada, and other points. The statement Ills since heen flatly contradlctod by Thomas O. Caltln, who during the Mexican war wasttrtny surgeon at Fort Niagara, N. Y. | Bonos op NiOARaava,—General Qolcurle, a Cuban refugee, tnd for a time a member of the Cuban Junta In this country, but lately an active member of Walker's government In Nlceragua, Imsarrlvtd In New Oaleans, and the Delta says he brings over Inndeof the Nicaraguan govern ment, which be ts enthorlied to negotiate In Ale country. JyM SCRANTON, JOHN6TON k OO. F an Jo, _ )UR—125 sacks and 50 bbls Tonnossee Flour, Just received uud for safo by YUNGE U FRIERSON, Jy21 49 Bay stroat. n. W wtt«fuU«n given to tho ftali's of Baal j tudHte, Ntigroo.-i tuid Produco. |chSdlz^ ,M * ,nl rt ' lvaBcts ron 'fo” u .N'fgrons aod Hex- HKXSKfcfoVWi : i’ATTKN fcClU. , Gt'.N'UY 4c i'ANJKL, >('o!iiiultiiK, (>«. .1fi.WAin,UitAYitUj Rt BE, DAVIS A IJieYfl, I \V.\t. WHKitrr. / •'fc'wnsi* V«d aU'KINf k DlNJUJt, i . , . , I.'. A. Git KENE ic t-u, / Apalaobsottto ft, rt. i'UTU <„ OOl 23 'MiTH, pfobifo, AluliMiua. B. BLLIS, Fuctoruutl Ueueral Commissiou Merdmutf NOj 71 aav-BTiutu-r, sAVaNNau, ua.. TIN lil M VInaklv I .. .. ... 1..-I f a i'remiss, ugden. Ftarr a 1 nn'iapyou, Boston Savannah; J. P, oo? t . A ' mi LoinPJBR <k fhaneb!^ 1 ******' FACTORS & GKNfJiAi. COMMISSION MKRCHANIB, ^ steept, Savamitth, Ga, (myll . WILLIAM LYNN. “ ...... Hell, NifW-|UO»lJL'MON a\.ND FlRWARDINt. MKKtHA.Vl ViHUSvilfo* Fl».r IL ft. HlUott. Boston A Viliulonga, | ^ 8. Day Hrett, .VowinnaA, Georgia. Savanurii, Ga.’ __ ‘M. "WHiT SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALUQ1TOB, US! ILOIXDA. WUi practice lu the fAatern and rioulhoinCounUe Refor to—Ool. S. S. Slbluy. ud R. D. Hilton, S» vannab. rubd-tr iDHASr orOAMPtWI,!, ATTORNEY at law, MULKMIVItU, 0*. Practices I aw in the various Gquuu*» u tuw Oo mulgee Clrcuit, *ud Urn atljoiniug Counties ot iwlgga, Laurens und Washington. Refer to- John B*wwb, II. Crane, and *». B Hilton. taSOlBSE A.'CtOIUyoN, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, JMtt Vomini**ioner of tht V, S. Court a)' tHaim Jot tht Slat* of Georgia. Gffive Corner Bay aud Bull stieata. Ij luyie DUV (DilAHLKM H. C'OLDlNtU, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, No. 14 I.IBfiRTY 61.. Ono door west of Draytou. uiyU . WM. CJ. COXXKLLl'e AfTORN E t AT LAW, UbAMMI.IA. WOKTU COPJCrV, .A., (HWV limUK, aiJUXV.) Win practice lu the Circuit, and In Macon, Dooly aud Worth L'nuullei oTOo MAConGrouit. Mgr I’Artiouiav attention given It* the collection ol cluluia in MmUt-Western Georgia. j«*3—fi E. tliMikG, ATTORNEY AT LAW, fobl-ly lUWIXTO.V, OA. LANlUll A ANBER80H, attorneys at law, apa-ly SLA oox, ua. WlLLIAfil H. DASlIKH, AflOllNEY AND t'Ol'NSKLWJK AT LAW. 1'rouprUte, lawndea County. Ga. WUI pravtive In Thomas, l/owndw, Ulueh, Ware, Appling, Telfair, Irwin, Laurena. and I’nlunki ountiorf, Georgia; slid iu Jetfoison, Mattlson, Ham id fV»ltiroi*lnrcouuUeiJ, Florida. [myll June U JEFFBR806 ilOBERTS. ' . GENERAL OOMMiSSlUJS MKKOHaJST, AND DEALER IN ’ Timber and Lumber. SAVANNAH. On. WHlts oit WILLIAMS, — ... I'k'.AV,Saoamuh, Uu | SguMpflS5S r “■ srdx u HUSK, DAVIS* LONG OOAlMISSioN MEROGiiSlIs ._ w SAVANNAH, OA. ’ WJI. B. BAAIULL. ATTORNEY AT LAW UVJOOUM ,QA. iSSTavTUT ,,m r u - T -“-^|gg LOUKK-l-X eg NNKLLINGS"“ J " 0i ‘ COMMISSION MKKOHANTS AND H-SHIPPING AGK.N i',>, I Will attend tu u, e weblog up all kinds^If credu -..j Isttaut'entta llv-mto rceelvbia iww.miJ i.,et i o, 1 A A Co | u,nM^MnconTu.. Gcttortti Agent and Auotioneet. .Hnliuiin trout hM frlonds umn.luniii.iiti, «: wWtaiataet itiven u, tlx. ol Real /. '* t'ri'JHTty, .1 yubllcMd fi J*tw.«l«,. J rump!return.eeud utinalek. I fleforenee—t. A. J. I-6HAII, _ 1 molemi* ““OHWKN Cl SMOOT,' 1 ’ ATTORNEYS AT LAW. __ faOSUSTUS, IU. (1- J OHN BILBO, inyia IU<*n,anti fVdurabinrcoi wm.m. wiiijaWsi luamiKtrs uijvrk. jack mwiw.v WILLIAMS, OLIA'KU A BROWX, A1T0RKRY8 AT J.AW, Buena Vista, Marlon County, Ga., Will practice iu lh* counties of Marion, Macon, Hous ton, stuwart, Randolph, Muscogee, Lee, sod any rtdjoiuing eountier, where their wrvlcc,s mm' bo required. o$rll As Xi. (IffAMNION. (Successor to Champion A Watts.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCKK, No. 4 Barnard at., between the Market and Bay *q, SAVANNAH, UA. Dealer in Groceries, Foreign und D.nm>tic liquoiv, Dried Fruits, Au., Ac. , _ Reference—A. Champion, Ksq., Baiuuv-l jtetoiuons, I T Esq., Messrs. Uahuo fc wMlttaftd, and swift h.Co., 1 .... . Snvaunah. G:t. my 11 I **•!L'OLK 4t liltOTJiKit. John h. cociiHank, Iforw ardino and commission uer ATTORNEY AT LAW, I „ , CHANTS, Dublin, ).»nreivi county, U»,, late Junior partner of I oavanmth, Uu,, umt Mont come m. Ain the firm ol A. 4s J. Uokhiun!!, Irwinlon, Ga., will I F. T. Cuu , i it. F. Coi?‘ attend promptly to all business entrusted to his I Bay s!rea«, ^avNimab. I Commerce *i. tfoniK'rv — — *•* " wukiuowjw. * Office iu (lie Court Hons*. A I rOBNEY AT LAW, tiuvuitiiHh, Grorgln, 4MT tHBecon Bay xtreet, over tho Ikmk ol Bavau- mayis care. iVrllcular attention pni*t to collecting. Re-'I foreuco—Dr. C. B. Guyton, F. H. Rowe, Dublin, Ga., m Marsh, Savannah. ^ myll KSwARDINn .INK COMU1SSJON MjJutHANTi-, MV. t»4 RAV-rtTOKKI. SAVANNAH, HA. apr4 A. SKiLY-IN S uHOTlIKBS, Lumber, Mill and Brick Yards. Sept 3 SAVANNAH, UA. a cziOTSxzira a Hz EMPORIUM. Hz l DOOR WK3TOPTHKHKPUBLIL'AN BBAD1N(| ROOM. Holcomi*, Johnson. At Co. lxwkett Boeillnss, Rebcrl A. Alton. B ACON—IU casks prime Shoulders, Just receiv ed aud* ...Mi. I for salo by YONGR it KttIKBSUN, 4P Bay nt. J UST RECEIVKD, per sohooper J, R. Allen,from - Baltimore— MASON’S CELEBRATED UNRIVALLED PREMIUM CAKES and CRACKERS, Jumbles, Lemon Cakes, Tea CakoH, Scotch Cakes, Ginger Snaps, Edinburgh Cakes Milk Biscuit, Soda Blaclut, Wine Biscuit, Butter BlsouiL Wider Biscuit, Pic Nic Biscuit, Ac. At BARRON’S, junt-20 corner Whitaker and Charlton-sts. NOTICfSWMA1UNEK8. A UGHT VESSEL has boon moored In Cola- boque Sound, (In 4> 3 ' at ho in 3 water at low Ude,) between Grenadier Sboals aud the Eastern Breakers running off the South-Eastern point of Hilton Head. Sbe is schooner rigged with a third mast for tho lantern: hull painted red, and will show ono bright white light, at an elevation of thirty feet above the sea. Tybee Light bear 3. )i W. Tyboe Beacon bears a. 8outh-Eaat point of Hilton Head bears N.N.fc. Braddock’t point bears It. by E. Stoddard’s house ou Daufuskee Islsud bears W.N.W. Tbellght will be showu for tbo first time ou tbe evening ot August 1st. By order or Light House Board. C. Maxioailt Muhku, Jy24—0 fa |1. Insp. eth last. W.O. Price, FASHIONABLE AND MILITARY TAYLOR, No. 14T Bay Street, SA VANN AH. yy orderslrom otty and county solicited, fob 6 HTRANOKKt If you want a good and cheap Klnt-Roady-made Clothing ; Hats and Caps, Shirts, Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, Canes, Umbrellas Cravats, Stocks, Handkerchiefs, and Faucy Articles for Gentlemen. Also, Superfine Cloths, as.iinion and Vestings, will bo mado to mea- sure.unexcoption- able iu stylo and workmanship,' by the best mechanics, nt shortest notice • . CoIk-iu A: Hertz, Edwin Parsons & c<*., A.N.NAIf, OA. myJS W*t. I.. Wvrh. " wm 'uuIm , "KUB A H.VOK, • fovcnwnm w l immos, ........ .. IMI’URTWES ok Oil IN A, UI.AtW, AND liAHTHK.1-W.llk . a-.M •“flTIKB-BT. CIXARLESTON. S. n III tui'l.l,'Country Jlmluuu- will, u,nd. fu linofM nn low rntos us thoy can buy lu New 1 orlr, «r clMiwhirv, «*»l*t 2N j n ii. L. p. Ring, — A T f O RNE Y AT LAW Corn or of Boy and* Whit nker a?rt*ia, 8ATANNAH. ieb^ _ fiiuos JONH 8. HOWEA. ~ LNG].\kt:tt, AKOH1TKOT AND SURVEYOR fOBXKR OJ' ntlAVTON AM* BKVAN-CTH^ ’ jyti—an, ( *' Kir ° 0 A u,mr > ...C.W.IUBRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW mm 'TUSUJS, IttAW) «>., u». • • flm.uena lopreroaion.l Dutlnessiu ih.cSEBe, SB ■bie Monuments, ibmbs and Grave Htonea, furu- Bhed on reasonable terms. Orders rea- Jpcctfully solicited. apla wethor and Trewp. Trunk, VnUcc,"Carpet Bag, IDiS?dTrwfnrSriettM^^Ga^^CbtomqM^st or Clotting of any kind or q’.11 r.y.tlsvnlo, inTf ana’ itr.' \raLm jtourtcm^Co’ »ty. ready made or made up to your Ilumbug. Ga. measure; also Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars or Dress I * . . . Furnishing articles of any description, call aud se- I Win. SIcALLISTKR. lect from the largest and best stock in the city, at " tbo Star Emporium, 147 Bay atreot WM. O. PRIOR. DRS; LEFLER 6t WlLCOX, Dentliti. ARE now frilly prepared to in* sort full or partial setts of Teeth ou tbe principle or Dr. J. Aliena’s Patent Continuous Gum, By this improvement, the form of tbe race can be restored to any degree or rotundity that may be desired. It Is applicable in all coses where the cheeka havo lallea in and cannot be detected by»ho closest observer.— This method combines the foliowingi ivantages:— An artificial gum, which exhibits a perfectly natural and lifo-like appearance, and imparts totbetbeetb that peculiar expression which eharacterlxoB tbe na tural organs. Thte Gum consists or a Hllacious compound, which la applied and ftiscd upon tbe Teeth and Platein inch I CRANK. tVELLB *~§vn’ a manner, as to fillup all tho Interstices around the I FACTORS & COMMISSION MFnnw a v*rfl base or the Teeth, and also unites them firmly to I Savaimifh n - “ eroh ANT8, each othor and to the Plate upon which they art 1 u “* * * Ts-* 1 - Drug swrej D. A. O’BYRNB. ATTORNEY AT LAW Offlee 176, Bay-st., over Turner & Cb’s. Dru mtID—ly "S*fflU*K'«aSW IIOtvaTuT - ATTORNEY AT l“w ' UOc E^u.m, urn w»to Bunk ■ur 10—ly '"*»"**’•*. J^ARIfa-24 Itegs prime lx*nf laird, Justrcocived J und for salo by Jy24 KODUEKS A NOURJs*. H ARPER FOR JULY.—Harper’s New Monthly MagaxlQe, lor July, recelvod and for sale by \Varnock a DAVIS, jtiuolS 169 Congress street F LOUR.—iiHi'sauics Palace Miiis*Floar, suportliro 160 sacks Knoxville do do 00 do I^noir’s do extra 60 bbls Nashville do du For salo low by jy» PATfBN, HUTTON 4 00, TbAGGING AND ROI’K—75 ba'fo* Guuny Ciolh 13 80 half bales do do 200 coll* Kontticky Kupv. iu store, for sale by J/23 WEBSTER 4 l'ALMES. XT casks Tennessee Hams, a Kiiperior JZL article, for sale by Jy8 WILLIAM LYNN, 87 Bof street. Xj^ULTON MARKET BEEFv-10 Half bbla A} Fulton Market Doer, and 10 do do-Pork. Just received by* - y20 J. D. JfcritiK. QUGAR—iioTihdVcijoice sit Croix Sugar, juiTTo- O celved and for sale byl JfW SCRANTON, JOHNSTON 4 CO. sett. This secures perfect cleanliness or tbe Teeth, Offlee over DeWltt 4 Morgan, Congress street. V Republican and Georgian copy. feb 16—U jJKNOT» T RY. Drs. ROYALL A JOHNSON, Dentists, office corner 8t. Jullen-sL sad Market Square, over H. Wll- MJ U mot’s jewelry store. Office hours from 8 to 2 o’clock, and from 8 to 8. mar 11 «ora uRonghtON stiucKt hack and LIVERY STABLE. ■ Tho undersigned having put the s above Stables In good condition,. M ® Prepared to accommodate tbelr 1 jrfrj customers with Carriages, Hacks. Buggies, Sulkies, Ac., with sound, gentle, and well broke hersee. and carefrti drivers, Horses boarded on accommodating terms, and well cared for. Two pairs of fine Carriage Horses for sale.' Inquirer— uer or Barnard aud Broughton streets. *pU4—ly STEVENS 4 KUJSTON WoorASDUrMKRT A LL kinds of Wood, Boards, Planks. Joist, Timber, Shingles. Light-wood, Peals, Dutsrn Lathi and Pollings, far sale, at wholesale and retail, low for cash, on th* new wharT recently erected on the Lumber Yard of Robert A. Allen A Co. favetunh, On. S. W. BAKER. AND COI.’NSELuIr AT LAW, MouUcello, Jeflbrson County, FIs. Hetereuce—Hou. W. B. Funnxo, Savannah, Go J RitWAROoTwiLioS; 10,11 MAClarrRATIi, VOTARY AND COUMI&SIONKk OF DKEDd At Messrs. Ward A Oweus’ Law Office. [myll ooMHmtioNInncRiNw H. AIXX.tiAYNK, ft. T. SAMPLR*- J J 8—4f Savannah. Outtannef*: J* W, PATTERMiiv “— .ATTORNEY AND OOUNs*EILLOR AT LAW 1VoiipvUle,I«wndesGouty,Ga. A /iif „ M.FiTaaKHAtn—— mar 12—ly W M. J. fa MOULTON Wd ****' ^VSiyST