Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, July 26, 1856, Image 2

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6E0BI JOWL. i KnowXirthtoj Sptnkor. u4 • ■OjorRf WltMlXtM mmr. TH-wwMy —* w-fciy. sKsasa-- MHblUl bill* We ■ntieatthen. ., .. i ■ . _ *wo eoefen *IUi *"•». Ont U*ro earn Oa«UlB»perofthe City and County Dcnwcno. «bow«* wtthih. K». Nothings 1 * ' — -—= , otbifi nta thn bttW, wtlng liretblrti. bare bare been defeated. Hut la It eat niton- tibiug that "American’' paper* aboold bare the bardlbood to complain of the coune of there dtllnqofotv, The hardened reprobate, criticising the abort eomingaof prufeaaedChrktlai furnishesthe only parallel to auch unblushing effrontery. Bi B, HILTON & CO. raoruanuH asd ronuntana. m. •. HIlTOJr, - - - - - Editor. %, r. twanaor. - - tuanm ttuw. ■TODAY MORMWO, JtlbV »>• FOR PRESIDENT: JAMES BUCHAN AN, or rcotsrLVAJtiA* for Vice PHBslOKNT; JOHN 0. BHECICINHIDOH, or mertecKY. Klcetora for the Stale at Large. WILLIAM II. 8TII.KS, of Chatham. IVERSON L. IIARItlS, of Uahlffin- xltkxmxtxs ronrm: trzTS at biKUK. HENRY 0.1.AMAll, oflllhh. AUGUSTUS It. WBIOnT, of Floyil. Dimmer kLucioiw. UL Dtatrlet, Tuoius M. Foiuiak. of tJIynn. Id. Dtatrlet, Stnun. Hall, of .Macou. Id. DWrlct, Jasks N. Ramsay, of Harri*. 4th. District. Ltrcica J. Oznrnzu., of Fulton. Ith. Diatrict, Jolts W. Lk«is, of Cuss, eth. District, James P. Simmoxs, ofGwInneU. 7th. District, TnoMAS P. Morgan. Ith District, A. C. Walked, of Richmond, THE OLDER I GROW, TUF. MORE IX- OUNED I AM TO BE WHAT IS CALLED A STATES RIGHTS MAH.—James Bueh- sms’s speech on the admission of Arkansas, in 1134. 1 FULLY ENDORSE THE RESOLUTIONS AND MAY FURTHER SAY THAT I AM WHAT IS CALLED A STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRA T—John C. Brtdmridge in re- t to hie nomination for^hc Vice Prtstdcn- BUCHAN AX ASSOCIATION. All persons In fsvor of James Buchannn and John C, Breckinridge for President und Vice President of the United State*, aro requested to meet at 3L Andrew’s Hail at half-past eight o'clock on Monday evening, 25th inst., for the purpose of organizing n B-ichananand Breck inridge Association for Chatham county. Col. A. B. Lawton, and Hon. John E. Ward, will ail- dram the meeting. By order of the Executive Committee of the Democratic Party. Mr. Stanwood, who was assaulted by Mr. Vicks, In New York,U note blsck rcpnbUcan or s freesoller, hot s nstiunsl whig—end hed nodiseuMion elioat Brooks or Sumner with Vicks, or any one else at the Metropolitan Hall. Ho is one of our most respectabio citizens and merchants, end was only endeavoring to ■score an acquaintance from participation In an Im pending broil, when he wa» »o violently at tacked by Vicks. Therefore, the attempt to convert the conduct of Vicks into a sectional or party offence, and use It as party capital, is as unfair as the mode of Vlcka's attack upon Mr. Stanwoodj or as It would be to hold the frcesollera responsible form misdemeanor caused by brandy sold by a Fremont man. We clip the abort from the Boston Poet. We are inclined to bellieve that Mr. Uusbrod Wash ington Vicks is not the great man that beta represented to be—wo question his being a friend orCol. Brooks or oven an acquaintance. A gentleman recently here, Mated to us that there had been an Individual by name Vicks, who under the guise of a drummer and dun of a Baltimore bouse, exercised n profession not quite so innoccut That the said individual hud visited Georgia, and had been detected In the small peccadillo of "stock- ing the cards.” If the family of the Vicks he large we may do the one alluded to in the Pori injustice, but if he he the man who hon ored Georgia with his presence he cannot un der any possibility be a represeutatire of either Cel. Brooks or the Southern people. Country Correspondence, Crop* In Dooly. Vienna, Doom' Co., July 21 sVrtir t It. Be Hilton fy Co: Wo are are now buffering much for the want or ruin. Com crop* Will be short In this Coun ty, Cotton looks better, but if it doe* not rain noon that too will be nhort. Yoon respectfully. The Itlcc, Corn and Cotton Crops In Month Euteni Georgia. Near Darien, July 19. Mess ri. It. B. Hilton 4* Co. : Ge ntlemen—It ib refreshing to see iu your paper, .a .notice of the Agricultural interest of our State, and as you solicit^ Information* allow me to say something of the crops in this* neighborhood. All the Rice Crops on the Ah tamaha promise a fair yield, and perhaps are better than an average; but from the backward Spring the heads are fully a fortnight later than usual, in shooting out, which will make very late cutting, and those plantations low on the river must suffer from the ravages of the rice*birdH,a.H they are certain to come at a given time, whether the Heels ready for themjor not, and they will remain until the last is taken from the Held. Sorao of the rlco crops have suffer ed from the ravages of 'the catterpilhr, and the rice will not recover entirely from having been eaten down. The Corn Crop# are very good considering the excessive dorught, but in some localities) have Ijcen entirely destroyed by the catterpil lur, and planters have been compelled to re* plant their crops as late as the 1st of July. The Cotton Crops,,/ understand,are generally good, but tinier we have rain coon, no one will inuke sweet potatoe seed for next year. It fe thc]drye*t season since 1845.—The coun try healthy. Very Respectfully yours. Rice Planter. A Loudon paper says : Notwithstanding the very advanced age of many of the galluut veterans who grace the “Navy List,” and who have won an Honorable name in the naval history of their country the past throe months have passed without audngle change in the active list of admirals or vice admiral*. In the rear admiral’s list there has been one casualty in the same period. Capt. .1. Milligan Laws now bows the captains’ list. The list of the captains ou reserved half pay has teen Increased from 50 to 00. One hun dred and forty four officers fauve accepted the offer of retirement, and have been accordingly removed from the active list of commander*. We suy that we see nothing very extraordi nary in this as they are no doubt all well and safely preserved in port. I(6K6< WasmiMTOM, .SmlyW. Tbo denouement of tbs Boooka and Barilo. gum diHcol»y«ee*»to bare cum at iuL. Mr. BnUawam.bavin,, as I hart stated. In .cut pobHahed in Ib* Itallaaal Metlitenter at tot list, ammci], wlthoot qualm cation, the re*|x»- sibilit, of Ib. speech to which objection bad bran taken by Mr. Brooks, and having thn. withdrawn hi. declaration uude to Mr. Hroooks, and contained in hi. lately published memoran dum, that. In speaking as he did nr Hr. Brooks’ assault upon Hr. Bumoer, be designed to dis criminate between the man and the art, Mr. Brooks inquired of him by note, on the same day, where,out the District, it would be conven- lent to him to negotiate in reforeuce to the ox* Sting difference. Mr. Burlingame, in reply, In' dicated the Clifton House,Cintdi,astheplace. end Saturday next at noon u the time, lor the " —- negotiation. The Union of Unlay a statement to the public, by Mr. nil ..ret’ bid til <*• *««• ™ *P’ OsmtMod*, from a cruise alntix the com,. ThcTa peuted uoenuiy. . . .. aeybai hMti as for south as a, 6o, hut liar, ant re Tb* chairman explained In a few happy and- uf incideut. ten at st noiuui, iimii pertinut renurks. the ohjccta of the meeting, fast., bark Hary Barry. for^Wlls, rrodyfor «» N«w York Cotton Mnrktl. New Yojuc, July 26.—Only a moderate basi- neat to-day, with price* In favor of the M-ller. Sterling Exchange 0/ to 9{. Pardon of Wagner. Wagner, who was convicted of enlisting re* traits in the CHmea, has been pardoned by the President Political. The Democrats of Vermont have nominated Henry Keys for Governor, and endorsed the administration. The Liquor Law has been re* pealed in the British province of New Bruns wick. / From Mexico. Nxw Orlems* July 25.-Thc steamer Texat bring* later newa fromMcxico. Tho difficulty between Spain and Mexico has been arranged, A charivari of the French Minister had caua ed trouble in the Mexican Cabinet, producing gome changes Immense gold placera bad been discovered -in the department of Guerrero, Mexico. Liter from California, Nicaragua, und Mexico. New Orleans, July 26.—-The Granada has arrived. Committee of Vigilance ut San Fran- cUco, have captured government arms, taken one hundred prisoners, and arrcntcd Judge Terry for stabbing. When the steamer left all was quiet and prosperous. FROM NICARAOCA. Walker has been declared President of Nica ragua. A detachment of Americans had ls-en fired on by the Rivas party in lsum. Characteristic-: of the Campaign. With no disposition to use harsh language, jet compelled by the inexorable demands of troth and dnty, we have to say that the charac. teristics of the campaign thus far exhibited by the organs opposed to Mr. Buchanan, arc their ntterinsensibility und boundless assurance. The time was when the udage, “they that live in glass booses should not throw stones,” had u meaning. That time has passed. Carlyle once said, “ we whose fathers were hung, why should we talk about ropes 1” The signification of these phrases, before their significance came to bo lost In modorn political warfure, was that the guilty should not call attention to thorn- eelres by charging crime upon others. For example, be who had been convicted of sheep stealing should be careful not to insiuuutc pet ty larceny against his neighbors.—should, in deed, be prevented by a sense of nhamc from ■peaking of theft; and his friends should be equally considerate and equally forbearing on his account and their own. No one who reads tho Southern papers on. listed in the support of the American Presi dential ticket will fail to make ihenjiplicntion of these .remarks. On the question of oar domestic institutions the record of Mr. Fillmore is to that of Buchan! an as the darkness of night to the brightness of noonday ; yet, with an effrontery that might the d—1, the Know Nothing papers have not hesitated to charge Mr. Buchanan with freesoilism 1 They pretend to stand on the Platform which pledges Georgia to dissolve, the Union in the event of the abo. lition of slavery In the District of Columbia ; they know that for long years Mr. Fillmore lias been in favor of that measure—they Anow that Buchanan has uniformly opposed it; yet these cbivalric and uncompromising foes of freesoil. n, fall of ardor in the support of Fillmore, grievously shocked that any true Kouth- enter should vote for Buchanan! Bat not only docs the Democratic nominee fill short of the high standard of devotion to the South, demanded by thn supporters of Fill more:—the same gentlemen uro dusuLisflcd that the Democratic party 1ms fulled to carry out, fully, its free trade and anti-internal im provement principles—yes, a party organ which for years and years was leagued with the sup- portent of a high tariff—with men who de nounced every effort of tho Democracy to re dact it, and who only auhmitted to the great reduction of Mr. Polk's administration when utterly overpowered--now complains that the Democrats have not nominated a mom thorough going free trader than Jumcs Buchanan! Complaint k further made by the Know Nothing papers that tho government Is squan dering the public money, and especial ex ception is taken to tho pussngo of several river and Harbor Improvement bills, over the Presi dent's veto. Will the reader credit us when we assert that every Know Notlilug and Whig Senator voted for tbeso bill? Tho ratify lug tho nomiuatlonV'FJUmora andTJom nays— Messrs. Biggs, Prod head, Butler* e j a °n* Tlie resolution was defeated by the - - strong vote of ono for and eighty-four against It. A resolution was then carried by a vote of .fllllH iA film tilmloln*. 41.. I . * Clxy, Evans, Fitzpatrick, Hunter, Mason, Belli, Toomba, Toncey and Yuleo wore, to u mini, Dtraoentte. The House of Representatives Tin; Kli-.riiIII Commandment. "I come, fellow eitiaens, from a free State like your oivn; I never owned or cxpe.tod to oivn n slave. But other men, better than I um, und us good us any who are around mo, have conscientiously hold slaves. It is in vnlnto Httncklhc motives of a whole community, when that community is ono of the most civiz- h1 and refined portions of the inhabited world. [ Cries o r good, good.] What do tho South ask ? To l,c let ulonc. They do not Interfere with us: they do not want to Interfere with ns. All they ask is to be let alone. But we buve certain leqiirauts for public power and place who will not loam tbo eleventh l ommandracnt—“Mind your own ^business.'—[Laughter.]” That speech was made at n political meeting in one of the Northern Status. It would he superfluous In add that the meeting was a Democratic meeting. Remarks of this kind mo made at none others. The speaker waa Joseph rtuudull of Philadelphia. Tho plac. Tammany Hull—the day the 4th of July. President Pierce deeply regrets his busty speech, made from the portico of the While House, on tho receipt of Bucbunan’n nominullon. He lias experienced this regret frequently, hut urges in extenuation or Ids blunder that ha was over persuaded by Gen. Cass unil Douglas, uf the Kenutc. Tie efforts which Interested parti sans in this city are making to show that the present administration is a unit, in supporting Mr. iJiielmnun, is positively fulse. Pierce aside, neither Davis nor Cushing ure Ills friends, and I- illmore's election would be preferable to either of them to Buchauau’H. In conversation on Saturday evening with Gen. Houston, who la Iretih from tho South, I wim assured that Fill more would get as many Southern Slates us Buchanan, while a gentleman who was present -u.democratic editor, or Virginia--said that tbut .State would cast, for the Know Nothing Presidential candidate, ten thousand more votes than it did when Wise was elected. Georgia. (Jen. Houston gives for certainty for Fillmore. Each day the question is liecoming more Inter- csting, und the desire stronger to know how Ml*. Buchanan is to he ducted, und where the Stales will conic ft-om that are to elect him.- Patience, three mouths will tell tho story, hv dcclarlug in favor of Fremont and Dayton. When tho New York Herald Is fairly sold it does ntlend to tho business or It* clients with great assiduity. Fremont and bis Maraposa mines have got Bennett, und ho works faithful ly. Ills correspondent ut Washington stntesns fact« the most improbable lies that wore over heard. Asu foir specimen wo giro above .on exlruct from tho wild correspondent, of tho 2ild I'tly- There will ho found somo newu for Door- glims, us to our State going for Fillmore. Tho most insane of partisans can not bo found with suflicli-ut ahburulion of mind to mako the shite-menl Unit there Is the barest pouibilitu of such an event. Tho Now York//rraM'says It finds tho fol lowing significant paragraph In tho Troy “The Know Nothing l^jdgc a t Clifton Park, fiftratoga county,, at tliolr lust meeting, acted ton members Brooks, of all these facts, in which he charac terizes as preposterous the proposition of Mr. Burlingame to meet him in Canada, at a dis tance of near seven hundred miles by tbe mail route—“a route running through the enemy’s country," which could not be passed over “without running the gaantlet of mobs and os- sonins, prisons and penitentiaries, bailiffs and constables." He might get to Canada, be says, bat If Burlingame were to fall, he would never getback. Boston Common, he thinks, might os well have been designated as theplace of meeting. Mr. Burlingame bu, In truth, placed himself In a very absurd position. Htil ho flraily de clared himself no duelist, but ready to deioad himrelf against a hoatile one could have any right to reproach him. But having, by his lata card. *0# ny b|» reply to Mr. Brooks note, recognized the ■’■’Code qf gq/jor, he should not now complain if bin coqypuku] ff.tflo und pile rare considered and declared V rqefppfn. ■ion. If ha had invited hi. opponent <o meet .him at Philadelphia, it would have bean quite if reasonable. Ou the ether baud, ills friend* declare the CUfton House to be aa“couveoient" ana aecara fo » Southerner u any place in thla latitude M a floytharqc;, I believe it was 'Soy. Slrahg, setts, who, la the lo4 war witn (iffit refused to allow the State troops to croon tb. border into Canada, saying thal la lilM Of war, American blood obould not be ebed on foreign soil. Mr. Burlingame, it Menu, isoppoiedto shedding American blond on American wlU- Uero is I pct)fllcf of Uasiachtuetii ;utlwriUta, to the most oppp print, place for their "an piring blood” to “sink in the ground,” Tho interest in tho Herbert ci*T continue*. To-day, tha Diatrict Attorney, Mr. Key, urguad lor Mveni hour* with great power against tha adoption by tha Court of tbeinstnictionsadopt- ed by It intho former trial, j( tho Instance or tbo Counsel for the defence, and psuecially against tho doctrine therein laid doyd, ft was immaterial who eoq)wnced the 'affray, if, at tho time or shooting, the prisoner consider ed hlnuelf In imminent porla), Ho quoted from Itoscoe’s Criminal Hvideoco and Russell on crimes, to show that * previous endeavor of tho first assailant to withdraw ftam tho tfftay mast bo shown, In order to make hla suhoe- quent imminent peril a Justification of homl- <In the regular series of Internal Improvemant bills, the Senate today took up and passed without a division, tha bill making to appro priations for removing ohstructloifg from the mouth of the Savannah river. A large p*lt of tbe oession was consumed in n debate on ’ a mo tion by Senator Weller to postpone the con- ■ideratien of other similar bflla, tor tbe purpose of taking up tbe Pacific Railroad bill, which Mr. Toombs, in the course of ths debate, sold he would oppose to tbe bitter end. Tbo House has been engaged during the dey in considering the claims of Gallegos, tbe dele gate from New Mexico, end of hia contestant, Otero. A printed argument by- Gelltgoe, who speeitn English very imperfectly, weened from tbo Clerk’s desk. Otero replied in a writ ten argument, which was heard attentively, and much admired. Hia manner la goad, bis Spanish accent very slight, and bit appearance quite preposisss/ogp Latiil—Galegoabus batq ousted nod Otero seated kya vote of one against t barest of the House! The House has ordered 20,000 copies of the majority and minority Kansas Reports with all tho evidence and the journal ot the Com mittee— 1100 page* ’.—and 100.1)00 copies of the Reports without the evidence. Bank Aourev tv Teokasville—II will be Mon, by reference to Col. Remington’s card, in another column, that the Bank of Savannah has established sn agency in oar Town, ' and Is prepared to discount Bills of Exchange, Drafts, Ac. The creation of the agency will tfihrd many important advantages not hitherto aqjoy. ed by our bhsy and enterprising community, while it must materially advance the convent- enca nf our merchants and business men gener ally.—Thomuttiille Watchman. Tax Evil Evfects gy qofgg qu a Buxom —On Monduy night a rather singular trocar* renca took place at No. 75 Chrysiio street, ft appears, as far us wa could ascertain, that! man, named JolmHammiU, has for some time past been on a regular bender, and while labor- log under tho effects of mint juleps and brandy smashes, he paid a visit to a friend of his, numed Thomas G.Smith, residing at the above number |n Cbryatie street The usual *— 1 -* conversation being exhausted, Smith i that tho pair should pndpayor to pui door upon its binges. While ihuj no|—.., .. this delightful occupation, Smith made some objections to IlammllTs made of carpentering, whereupon tha latter drew a pistol from his pocket, and in tha coolest manner possible, fired it at tho bead of Smith, wounding him severely in the ueck. Officer Pearsall, r,f|he Tenth ward police, lioariug tho discharge of the weapon, entered the plnce and arrested Hamuifl on charge or attempt to kill. Smith was conveyod to tbo station bouse, wbsro Ills wound was dressed by tho district surgeon. Justice Bremen committed Hammlll to prison to await tho result of the wounded man’s in juries—N. Y. Herald. WllATTOBV DO WITH TUB KANSAS Fl'NDS On tbo 5th of February, 1850, tliire won n salute of ono hundred sod three guns fired lu Dearborn Park by Swift’s artillery. Tho occa sion was tl|0 election of Blinks, as Speaker o! the House of Representatives. Tflo artillery wore employed to fire salute by several respec table Fusioiilsts in this idly, who 'undertook to seo tho company pnld. After tlni salute h£' boon fired, tho artillery asked for their pay, am. and ulf tho funds that ubolitiun Chicago conld raise, was not equal to one half tho claim. The geutlaman who had contracted before the firing, to pay the debt, though keenly alive to tho “atrocity” at violating compacts, refused to pay; tha artillery men brought suit and obtain ed judgment for tho amount they claimed— Tho judgment remained imsqtleflpd, until after tho Kansas at) Wide bed bc#n col, lectod In this city. Ths defendant lb Rfe suit was one of tha most clamorous in urging others toHubdcribe for “Freedom in iUQsas; ,; and. skortlj after, the judgment againHt him for the powder wasted In honor of Banks' olection, was taken up. We do not know, and therefore do not aaiert t iat that judgment was paid ont or the K&nsas funds, but the coincidence Is re markable, and to apply the funds to that pur- lose, would |n our Judgment, lie Infinitely more lonorable and putno/ic Mian to waste them upon such men as tbe heroes of l^lngton^CMeago Ttmet. bom hU;brother residing In New York. Inquir ing Into tbe expediency mid policy of bringing out four or tv. hundred men, who would bm come ten./<*< settlers, »Bk pro-slavery t«- denciee, and as to tbe probable chance of ob taining claims for there men. The chairman In the coarse of bis remarks, amidst applause, ■poke of the conservatism among the traa democracy or the North, and that they would ever bo found shoulder to shoulder with Ure and Territories. On motion of Col. H. T. Titus, It wu rreolv- ed that nCommittre ol five be appointed te prepare suitable rerelntioas, expressive of the renreof tbe citizens ofLecompton in regard to tbe queries of Mr. Rodrigue. The blowing g entlemen were appointed said committee ol. H. T. Tllus. A. P. Walker, W. H. Glows, J. C. Thompson ud Dr. B. C. Brooke, who, nfter retiring n few momenta, reported the followin [ preamble and resolutions, which were unzn m Whereas,'we'have received reliable informa tion that a large number of conservative State rights men, residing in the city of Now York, and its vicinity, hnvn expressed a dealt, to emigrate toiKaosaa aud assist u. In sustalnln [ tbe laws of the Territory und shaping our laxt • tutions, provided that they cut be oreured thit they wilfbe able to find’pennanent homes In their midst, and meet with n generotia welcome from the law and order party of the Territories therefor*, Resolved, That we, the citizens or Ucoinp fob; have xscolypi) this intelligence with no- felguedsftlsfscjion ‘ a most cordial anil WT ,„, Iik , do all that leys In our power- to litfct 'life# In selecting desirable locations, aud will render them 1 such other service as may he condanv. fo their welfare and comfort. Revolved, That we hall this movement on TLXpqftqf jhp cqomr7*!ive men of the North of our present positions and previous coufiip. Tbe most entbuslsstic spirit prevailed, end spedJhe, expressive of their satisfaction at the demonstration *of icowmttm on the part of the North were made bf the Chairman, Col. IRQ nvuu VVCIO iuauB ey — 11—' Titus, Mr. Clowes. Hr. Thompson. WuUter, Col. Preston and CM. Wo^Jqfln «t the coU or the meeting. Imttttrctal |nttl(ignur iLYlt July at. OOnON—Solas ysaterdsy 7V bale*. *t llftc- ,m-Up FtorM.—M brt* _ , _ Bxi OMMq IN crek* Stos’sw "Whitt, *1 tales DnmisUci*, 125 pkjrs Ruudrict.——J’er brlf I hllnra —IS bslej rplasd CWtou. 00,002 feel Timber. . — —.... # —* —j BALTIMORE.—Per rtlr Wwy IflrMlJII ft brt* Fractor. of Pr«»ridcn«c, »JnuJr Wllwxw ropiier m«140*»ck« Fail, » . rrarewM.— i- .H’..,- lS£rKliic?, 5 bar Father*, l c*dkm«ior, BY LAST Nff; I rr 'smTTt 1 ok. ufTlXibojr IJfbl, bri* Fractor, of Provldcotv, dajra from XewYork.for Nt M»ry-. Ofl rtlbih- arisM, «|toke brig'’rime*. «*» Batli, 10 day* frooi N York, fbr fV»boy; and brig l-ndl from CharloNtae, for *8010. Cleared. Stealu*bip Huridm, Lyon, New York—I’adellorU, Brig Pb5iirai Jonm, Soar Yurt—Brigbaiu, Kelly k Co. Schr Hdaey Price, Oandy. BalUmora—Brigham Rally k Cm. Schr N M»trj, Trim, Rockliod, Ua—farlalou k PSfaOttS. ^ a ^ Memoranda. Maw York, July 39—Arr, acbr I. tlorirude. Fair- child, Sarsaaab. PbiUdetphis, July 28—Arr, brig Tyraat, Uregory, Jacksonville. NewJfonx, July 25.~ < 'oihuhxI,^ StockhW hw withdrawn w n cmuliiUte for th. ifiS- dencyinfovorofMr.KlUmore. The Ji»v3 Whig State Comtnittwb. re colled a (-J v £ tian to elect Delegate* ti. u National tiou at Baltimore. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS HOWB’I COTTON HARVBSTBB. Tho great dretderatum of PUutar* U finet- oSulneU in the successful inveaUunul Rowe’s CUtos Harvester, with which one hud can flick u much cotton os five la the ordinary wsy. hMldos raving an immense .mount of labor. VTli.t Whitney’s lotion Uis is la Its of,sr stage. Bows'. Harvester Is In picking. For further InrormsUon, apply u A, WiUtl'K, 111 tfoy street. Agent for the (tales of Hpprf ia in I FI irida. Jyae OFFICE OF TUB BOARD (9F (COM- NhtSIDNFRS 0»’ THESAF’H WATER WUR1D-, Assents. July 23d. ifjM. so— The Bosrd at CoUUaJulopry* fo- M™» Kw nib Water Works. Will lifo i Secretary ra Monday, tbe 41b day of Augu.t celt, at 4 o’clock, P. II., to 411 vacancy occuloaed by tbe resignation of th. onderaigned. getary non—Bond (Lots) By order, WM. WAttlNO HAilEBoBARt jy24—10 fiec’7 gay’h Water fforsL FOR PHli.ADBl.PHl7: taturd.rented ti. atCo'ctuA-. p. M. “ j&K0S!!*.9WitttJA»i* , »iF * fttfSkl.ANI). MF—i’sr brie N Beriy—for/ee) fl Tlinher sod loimlier. CUIXMBIA, July dd.^Curt”*—Tta<. Were » lew bates Cottoo on tbe markel yesUrdsy. wblch war freely taken si former quotations, viz: osll NASHVILLE, July oZ-Wesst—Small lota of Wheat continue to be ottered dnllv In oor ms'keL and doslsr. were offering jrederdsy 7Lc for A rood •rttc-le though some Indifferent samples Iniled te command more thui 40c ... Bams—r-ontinaea in good .laluand. wltbool any change in pike*- ‘ «'er steamship Florids! , ^“?New York—2 Miser Clark. Master Clerk, Ifoa Colh, 8 Fucl|tw»ngcr. E Fuciitwangcr, C K grSville.T C (UL Mrs Bragg, Mill Smith, Mrs Bugbee, F Haider, M-r Hardro, Miss c«Un., Mrs Eckman and cblld, Mrs Davis and child. Mis. Uvia, Mrs Ittllr, C tannber.;, n ear- ve^RAmuith, AsVsndcgrzff, MrBfoftartn.Mrs Morr.4’, Hiss I. C.rrnlier* rod an,, ifl«s R«relM W Morrell, Miss 8 J Morrell, Mi|i M Morrell, 0 w Slia*br, l.tloedwln, N N Curtis, Capt J Montford, C CW|!«i|, C 11 linkman, C tl foew.,1, M lUrdeti- Miss CHnj,a,d, njid If ajerraee. Sr. Lows, July 75.—Guv. Labe In. Info Kiaate,with 00Umen folly armed returned, mid it Is reported (hit he bs.^S thst he woold lore* his wsy up the MlwJj with snothsr regiment. Gen. HemevlS Col. Baker were.! Leavenworth. * " ,a A MOCUHIDED Btix.—We were Ue**d Thursday night and yesterday raorninT;:!? very refteshlog rains, wblch we presume ,1, ered ■ large cztent of country, Never .! rain more needed, for Hie fanner* were r,.,r. that they woold have to bov corn and ffiS The injury done to the crop. I,, hx* Iwen Immense, and lb|. rain can c.?,iJ partially restore iL Had it ,-,i n e a 7 fcn (lavs rsriier, corn would lave ken fill and chrip; hud If not come this ueik Z crop would have been feoirally c-jrL.llecl It Ls, a Brest deal of fodder and we™ „ a„ i' considerable Ijortion of the core crop b,„ been cot off—CW. inquirer, lcth inif." * iyASMiFOTOx, Julf fe-PrivslT bills an unimportant character were diSKJ, to day. the Senate passed a hill tor feTl 1 . payment of pcstage on aU printed matte,' ,rs ' The Jure’ in the Herbert mso, ,n,, absencehf-forty-five minutes, rciureed'il.IS cfot of hot Gnifty,and Mr. ! H«Urt was iff iOsrjmfiwi July 2e—142 haics Coinin', fff 111 sjoksWhe.i,liJ |)aWJ)qme*MC>, entauas con. end Mdfo., in Base, Ds'l* * !po>, ofdpr, I ton ft VilUlongs, Brlghsfo Kei» ft Cp, I’pope ■ it dmiliogF, AThomisgCo, country.-rCAeroA-er Gedrgian ■ % UsDKnanoh’XD Explosion—Ak Opzbatox CqmxxD—No little excitement waa created mate ol the yreapL jlr. Joseph A. Chadwick, as well u tbs Daptatn, Mr, Sejh Chester, were warmly applsnded for the honorabls course they had panned in discovering the fugitive* ana banding them over to the proper Author!- ties. These gentlemep are from the North, and therefore deserve the more credit for their promptness In obeying the laws of Viislnia. The servants detected were a yellow follow named Thomas, olive of Mrs. James Gray, led a black man called Muffin, owned by Ur. wm. H. Mcfarlond.—Rietanoml pitfaftlt of Than- day. Lot Hand/, tbe negro cook and steward of the vtonal, waa and commiticed to trial for soticlog away *nd PQW«|ji)g tho slaves. IxwaoFTffK Gio. A. Hoi'i.av News was received yesterday of Hie mipposed loss of tho ship Geo. A. Hopley, of nml for this port from Livcruool, by being driven ashore on the const of Ireluod, with the prospects of becoming a total wreck. Tho crew wore all saved. The ship Is ths proparty of Messrs. John Fraser A Cu., of this oily. Both tho ship and freight were fully insured intlilscity, Philadelphia, N. York anil Boston—principally, it la beffevcii, la tho latter city. Tho following aro amoag the offices liable to tbe annexed amounts:—The Gbarleaton Insurance A Trust Company, til,- ODD 1 Ilia Fireman's Insurunca Company of this city, #0,300 ; tho South Carolina Insurance Company of this city, .7,5IK); theBouthern Mn- "y °f Philadelphia, »1,700.—Charftslm Ker ning IVrun, 7tlh inet. W. I). Porter, in the New York Herald, points out n now way to discover murderers. He X l on7imZ’> , " 0 ‘ lsl ”* *• wem "° ni ° ivh : The following msthod will, in rasuv cases, defect tbe perpetrators or a murder: It Is well known that sll ol.jecfe ore actuxllv painted or impressed upon the retina of tho eve. Should a person die by * violent dsnth, tho object be fore tho eye at tbo Urn* remains impressed on the retina. If the covering of the eve Is scraped down thin, gnd a powerful magnlf/loc K i applied, this image will he distinctly wen. was the Ural discovery of the i|sgusrrpOr type. Any scientific physician condo tnls. Jsb Printing Promptly* Neatly and Cheaply. Done. The public in general, and our Democratic rrisnds in particular, will remember that there is connected the Georgian 4* Journal es tablishment pn,e of /he ajiom (h<fjiq;apbly equip- pad job offices in this soctluu pf'jjhe jthilod. If we aye cojrrppUy advised, some of the most beautiful speclpeipi pf jq\) yofjc ever done in 8avann»h hive lately pu&4 4W °«r presses. GlveasatrfeL Our (acllities enable us to exeauto QVVry de scription or letter press work from a mammoth poster to the smallest card, and from a book to a circular, with neatness and dispatch, upou the most factory terms. Orders firm? alj pjnj cjl ^9 country will re tolv e prompt aifeqiio#.. To MU i .KKYUTOS’E 8TATE,’'cij4, f ffirdib, will leave u above. For frelgUl or iNUMfe apply to C. A GREINER, Agent Gtbln Passxgo 20 00 §l^orcge PsiiHKo 7 00 PonmiMni WIHU aUip for pallimore end Wash ington win be lintled tit NevHCAlw,' Delaware, II desired', from Wblch* pTaco Girt 'i»Wt thi'fco times •felly fi* the **iibbve r cTtlM,* , e)#«i^U»dr Southern points. J >22 fobWkW’YoRk. 7k tail Saturday, 2d August, of — •'clock, JI. Tho steamship ALABAMA, CepL Ludlow, will lesve as above. For freight or passage apply to I FADEIJORD, FAY k 00. OaHoFowaf* 926 Steerage Wauge .• 8 49* Shippers or Cotton by these Steamships wilt please take notice, that no Cotton will bo received at tt e presses that Is not distinctly marked ou the edge of tig Fife- * Jy27 KOI Via Darien, 1 na and JacktonvUU, IIHBHA, m. misrjs, vm.flmondi- tu, Picdata dnd'hlaVt Creek, Fla. THE steamer WEuAKA, Capt. N it bos large and airy Hate Room 1 >. and taking the inland Passage, every Inducement to Invalids and others. Freight will be taken ror Trador's Hill and inter mediate landings on St* Mary's River. No freight will be taken after 9 o’clock. For (freight or passage apply on board at the Florida Steam packet wharf, or to ' ]j3+ CLAGHORN k CUNNINGHAM. TTTHITK BRANDY—0 ca#ks White Uruadj, suit Vf abje tor putting up petrhus, he., Just receiv ed and ror rale by Jy27 4. BONAUn. very. This accom< offers It C9U SIZE NLABOBD, STYLE IMPROVED. It bu dobls th# quantity and strsngtb of natural color. “gbt brown to it, quickest, efioapest al Sr Is tho ever mudo, _ Direotious for use accompany each box.« Price—1 us. gl—2 ou. 81.60—4 ozs. 8^1—8 ou. 86. [Eutered according to uu Act or Congress, in the S ear 1866,'by A. W. Harris ou In the Clerk's Office of 10 IHslrict Court of tbo United States for the Eastern by A -Com District cj P« nnsylvauia.l F6r safe by mxnu'acl declB—ly ’lOittuU HARRISON, fa. j>hfa. TO PHINT , iho*ub<crlberji oilier for aalo u fergd and varloil asnortmeut ol riccfjinl |jqni| uriutliig raatdriul, suffi cient to <*tablj*4 f .cqmbljbfe Job Pfflpo. with but few additional articloH, cbiiMi-uug jn part pf—Ono a'liplulDiit orstnall pica, us good ua uGw. aud vari ous ronu of Job type; ouo xuper royal hund-presa; one Hoe ti IV« pyuof-projirfl latest improvement, new; two «r more (urge jmi¥j'Inz etonej, new; don- bio and Mingle stands; ogSM, «on)|M«Jng Kt)ckB,col* umu ruloM, galleys, chases, etc., elo., togolher with varloiiH other artiulos pertaining to a uowspaper or Job office. R. B HILTON k CO. Juno 28 E XTRA Choke Ooslieu liutter, a fresh supply, pur steamer Knoxvillo, tor dale by J. 0. JErWE. Jya THE HAVANA PLANT More Friges tljaa Rlanka. 1,767" PRIZES l j’ i 2,000. .. . . „ (.“nurt Mmi. 0 s$rorp suporuitenueuco of Only IB,OOP If ambers 1(1 Jasper County Academy BY Ajjl^rojjJjyjsv ME BTATEJDF OEOROIA. To be drawn Atigb^^fh^ n& Macon, Qa., under the sWorn Col. James M. (jiguu and JimuM A. NLsbvt, Esq. Patrons will please examine Ibis Scheme careful- ly, compare it with any oilier, ami if it Ih not the bent over offered, and the chaneod to obtain capi tal* fer butter, don’t purchaio ticket*. CA AITAL. $15,000. J Print of 815,080 is 815,000 } " 3,000 Ih 3,000 1 “ ........ 2.000 1s 2,000 4 “ 1,000 bra 4,000 10 “ 500 are 5,000 60 “ 100 are 6,000 20 Appruxiiu’M or 850 In 816.000 price are 81,000 60 “ 25 to 3,000 “ aro 1,260 60 •* 20 to 2,000 “ are l,WM 80 “ of $12 K to each or the capitals* or 81,000 are 1.000 7800 prices or 8>f are 63,760 7767 prises gtwuptjng 1° 8102,000 Tickets 810, Halves 86, Quarters 82 60. *^£8 Prizes payable without dcilu Unn. The 7(600 prizos of 88K are determined by the number which draws tho 816,000; if that number should fee on odd number, theu every odd uaibber ticket in tho suliome will bo entitled 88 60; ir ah even numbor, then every ovon mlmber ticket will btcuUtlcd to 88 60, in addition to any othor prl2« which may bo drawn. Purcbaoers buying an equal quantity of odd aud even number tickets willl be certaiu or drawiug nearly ono hair tho coxt of tho sanio, with chances of obtaining other prises Ail tlioflo tickets ending with 0, 2, 4, 6,8, are even; all those endlug with 1, .1, 6. 7, U, are odd. PcrsouB sending money by mull need not fear its hoing'lod. Orders particularly atteudod to. Com municatlonM ccmtidoiitiiil. Dank iioIom of uouud banks takeu al par. Tbose wishing particular numbers should order Immediately. Addrets, JAMES F. WINTER, Jyl3 Manager, Macon, (ia. SjUoaK—20 hhdHcliolce St Uro I x HugarT jusf 1 1- ceivod aud tor sale by' igl9 tfCRAtfTON, JQHNffTON k CO. [ArrgoWW RT m *TAT* py opospiA.] FORT OAINkS ACAOBMY LOTTERY CLASS 18 To be drawn in the city of Atlanta, in public, on THURSDAY, Augu.-t 28,1856, ou the HAVANA PLAN. SA^juR^WAN it CO., fitaiiagrre raizra am6p.stoo w 2 0 4,0 0 0 I ! iccnrding to tho following mbm 84b m. - ..840,000 , 10,000 is 10,000 . 10,000 1s 10,000 , 5,000 is 6,000 . 2,000 is,.,, 2,000 . 1,000 it 1,000 . 1.000 is 1,000 f are 2,000 0£C^.... 10,000 400 ?O f Q0Q ] 1 prizeoT... 1 “ !.*.* 1 •' ... 1 “ .. 1 “ .. i ft 11 Prints TOO gut MM 4 prices of2Q0 app'g to 820,009 priae,. are I r VIM priie,ire i 4 If.0^0 py|ze, afo . : 4 4 »• 60 4 “ 40 *« 4 “ 25 “ 40 11 20 “ 16,000 of 88 amouitlug to, . r .306 -xx P r Ij e . ST« 240 2,660 prise, aro 200 1,000 prise, are 100 1,000 prizes are 800 200 prise, are 800 120,000 1086 prizes amounting to.... .6204,000 "’T1P6 prices of |0 are determined by tbe numbtr wblch a raws lie 840.U0U prize; It' that number should be ail odd uumbjjr, tbetr every odd number ticket in tbe sebeuo will be entitled to 84; ff an even number, then overy even uumbor ticket lu tiie sebeme will be entitled to 68, in Hddition to any other prize which may be drawn. Purchasers in buying an equal quantity of odd and and eveu uumbor tickets, will be certain or draw’ ing nearly half the cost of the samo, witli chances or obtaining obior prizos. All tjckzts ending with 0,2,4, 0, 8,tre eves —111 Lhwe ekdlng With 1, «j, 5, 7, W, i*rn odd. Remumbdrthat Overy prize Is drbVli, and l>aya- bjolurull withoutdOductltm. 4 All prized of FlQOO, and under, paid immud lately alter tbe drawing—oilier |>ri^es at the usual lime of thirty dgys. ■QT All conjrifuuipiitlons strictly cunfidential. The drawu numbers prf» (orprafOod to pur chasers immedigtefy affop tbe dra)g}pg. Whole Tickefei 810-rUa)ves 85.00^-Quarters §2.6p. prizo Uckffe cashed qr renewed in ojhor tickets st either office, Orders for tickets osn be gddrespod either to 8. SWAN It CO., Atlanta, Oa., or Jy27 8. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala DIVORCE*. ANN BROWN j ta Ballocb 8apMior Cuurt, WILLIAM It'. BROWN.J M.refiT.rm, 1150. TT appearing to tbe Court, by tbo return or tbe JL Shorin', thnt tbe defendant, William B Brown, Is not to bo found in the county of Uullocb; on mo tion or Levi 8. D'Lyou. Attorney fer tbo plaintiff, it Is ordered that tho defendant do appear and file his anii«(ir*uV"fli!runHivu •ullomtlun. on or bafoia the •rst day or the Eotf terT4 H 0PiUjs Uqurj, a^d that ibUcaiiou of this will bo made in ojjo of ttjo p'db- gazelles of tbo city of Savannah once a month fer three month*. A true extract rrotu the minutes, this 23d day of March, 1866. Jy27—lutnbrn DAVID BEA81JEY, ct v uu. i'uly Cotton »snrqj.( Ba Gilliland, uwltet * liMUinro, * “i" •> I ,jlijo ner I bl“ U si“ SS!? , *!!!25L Wte-.-. I wm£ caamum .»l«i"tr A Son, E Parsons k Co, Coheu^ It Hertz, U i# vopp, Wayne k Pon. Claghorn k Cunningham, Rodger*, Norr^ feC^^iderl^iikew^^ NOTICE. O NE month after date, app’lcaUon will be made to the ltank orthe .State of Georgia,tor the pay ment or two one hundred dollar bills of the Branch at —, the right band halva* or which have beon *— In tbe mills. Jy2i ; * ROSfiJX k yilJ-ALONGA. NOTICE, O NE month* after date, application will ho made hi the Bank of (he State of Georgia, for (tin pay ment or threo twenty dollar bills of tbe Branch at Augusta, tho right band halves of which have been lost In the moil. Jyll-lm BOSTON It VIl.Ul.uNGA. JfOTICB. GNED T IE UNDERSIGNED having this day associated themselves together for the purpose ut conduct ing tho Wholesale 1 Grocery Burnous.-*, and having purchased tU* stock of RtWgera ft'NorrW; will here- alter continue the business-under the Qrtri of Rod gers. Norris 4e Co., at the old stand, corner of Bay and Lincoln streets. JAS. G. RODGERS. JAS. A. NORRIS, Savannah, dupe 2d,18$| Nb! g: ®cif 0N ’ J«2 rphE firm of Rodgers k Korri* having this day X boon dissolved by the above association, either partner will use tbe name of the firm in liquidation. JA8. G. RODGERS, JAS. A. NORRIS, Savannah, June 2d, 1866 Je 2 ‘ $45,00 BEWAHD, F R proor to convict any whito person liarbor- ing my Apprentice Boy NED, a fine looking mulaftoboy about 13 year> old, whit ran away the afternhoop' of ths 27th of Juue. 616,00 will be paid to onT perron for proof to couviet any colored person harbAringbltfi, of five riidUr*'will be paid #n hia delivery to fee. June 2 ‘ J. M HAYWOOD. S SV.UAR, MJAP A?jU HfARCH— 20 bh'ig Muicpvad qndfl Pot jo H|c*i e'ugur 06fifels A. liatidp ' tb" l&O boxes 1'ale aud Knm‘ly Soap 60 do Castile du 260 do Fraser>. ColgateV amlUtWegoStarch received and for rale by McMahon * DOYLE, ' Jy2tf 2Cfiand207 Bay street. /'1ANDLE8 AND COFFEE—100 boxes Sperm, Tai- w lotr. Adaroantino Candle.** V 2W bags Rio Coffee 26 boxes froth grOuud Coifeu 50 mats lava' received aud tor sale by McMAHON k DOYLE, llb’and 107 Bay street, T 1QU0R3 , L 260 bills'Whl T* mn Hr, V. AL'/jN- varlfiun brapdr 100 do New England ltiim '* j6 tji) Brandy 3 UUU J. WRB, 0 l’ltHGin 26 bhdi Booon, Sides and Bhouiders, n ceiv ed and for sale by McMAHON L DOYLE, Jytfl 206 and 20" Bay s!r»at. MEDICAL COLLEGE OF GEORGIA Acou.-ta, July 1866. f¥JHK TV/El.*TY-yjTTH Course of Lectures In this JL. InstiAitiou tsIJtcommeiKe tug yjrM Monday in FACULTY- 0, M, NkWiog, m, p., Anatomy. I.. A. Dfuas, u. u., 8urgery. L. 1*. Garvin, n. n , Materia MedicA, Therapeutics and Medical Jurisprudence. J. A. Evk, m. p., Obstetrics and Diseases or Wo men and Inrantfl. H. Y. M. Mllkr, m. p., Physiology and Patholygl- cul Anatomy. Aurr. Means, m. n , Professor of Chemistry. Li-jX FpKfl, i» , ,, i’‘tin>»Dj and Practice oi Medi cine. “ • : ra-* . U- F. CAMPKKUq st. u., Surgical, Comparative and Mlcrosoopio Auatomy. R. CAsmu, x. p., lkuumstrator of Auatomy, «. 1). Sixxons, x. p., Asslsniant Demonstrator, Clinical Lectures will bo delivered regularly at thu City Hospital, ami ample opportunities will bo afforded for tho study or Practical Anatomy. Pees for tho entire Course $105 CO Matriculation Tickot (to bo token once) & CO For for furthor parriculars. apply to jutC—8«‘ ; - • . • a. Sli KSWTOS, Umu. MATHIMONY MAuk iKjCSk /~YB HOW TO WIN A LEVOR^Thp easy 1/ Principle 6f love, Interspersed with DlrecUons lor the Preservation and Exhibition of Personal Ilenuty and Loy , and for prolonging (luipatl life heifltbily aud happily unchauged. SpiriU of Turpentine Uii m ,„ »!*>_ Is Bonin. Bice is doll. FrtigLU n, ,**?<• ______ RAtx AT Last^-After some SjT or eight weeks dry .spell, we ate at la.,t favored inS what promises to be an abundant tain. Macf or the corn crop is pari saving, butthere ut other crops that will be greatly leie&tc-dt,, fjjTorable seasons from tills out—CJn^in Sex Sthoke.—A man wu-, pacing East u* s this nroning, in the vicinity of the Exchange when he was seen to totter und fall under tb supposed effect of a sun stroke. He was Im mediately carried into a hou*e, where medicil attention wa** given. He teemed to re vive cn der reriorativea, and was alive at last account* —Charleston Eve. News, 'JO/A inst. • Washington', July 25.-Mr. Buriiogkme tu* been arrested and held to bail in i>,000. Mp Campbell, of Ohio, became his security 1ft Brooks has gone to the Virginia Springs. * It is q great pity fha* hp did not baye Jjigj self -held to fesil’* a$ soon as his «pepc% yi> concluded. " Js \ esterday the rireeu of Atbuta were deluged with raiu. It commenced raining at an early hour in the morning, and continued almo*t without ceasing, throughout the (lav. The crop* have already suffered considerably from the drouth, nnd although yesterday's rain come too late, it must doubtless prove highly advantage ous to the planting interests in this vicinity,*. Examiner, 20/$. t . , .. , AY—200bales* Hay,tnstore and tor saleby Jy26 ' CRANE, WMLS it CO. ;N8 AND OSNAUURUS—Ihomaston Factory •JL ^XiVns cj)iI Ossahergs. fer sale by Jy2J*"‘ nJU-rt . CRANE, WBLL8 4i CO. C ANWSU* AND |N .ItilflsJ? ' 3000 lbs extra canvassod bag Ifutus 1000 du sugar cured do —AlJtO— A superior quality of Tennessee Hams, siiiall size fer family use, at 12>«’ cents per pound. 26 bbls Crushed Sugar 20 do B Clarified do 20 do 0 do du 26 do Powdered do 10 do St Croix do 5 hhds extra Porto Rico Sugar 5 tibia «lo Stuart** Syrup do Uarotf Sides 5 hhds Brooms, Palis, Basket Tubs, Matches, Scrub Brushes, Flour Pails, 4c., fer sale by J>'26 J. A. BROWN. riOLI) PENS—Persons desirous of oblatulnK a U goood Gold Pen, aro luvited to call and in spect a new lot which we have juvt received, aud which we can recommend. Jy23 D. B. NICIIOLS k CO. CR|6jyc II CHIN A.WH ITK cill AN IT K, ANJ) GLASS WARE. 146 sniwi sTxm. 6KAhuat?qx, soyru cakouma, Th4 subScHbohi respoctfully solicit, from the traveling public, an Inspection! of tholr stock of French and' Eb'glMh China, In pfelu white, gold baud, and docoratod dlrniQr, desert, hreuk&ut, tea, toilet, tete-a- tete sots aud vases. A Up, CujW and 8aucers, 4c., ol tho celebratod Sevres China.' White Gjranito of the boat manufacturers. Rich cut French, English and Bohemian Ulass. They hAvo a variety of ornaments In Partita* Ware, Uiuto of Calhoun, Clay, Webster, and otnerv. andStotuetea of Uie Greek Slave, Venus do Medicls, 4c.. 4c. They have also a boauUfitl, durable and cheap arll- elo for Hoars and hearths, of PUItt and Bncamstlc TUos. Their stock bring very general, carofully salaried and imiwrfed direct, oflhrslnduoemsntoto merobanto as wall as families, to whom goods will bo put up st the lowest rotes fer oaah. ... WEBB 4 8AUE, Importers. T,W*bbfc6e. « S to the very* limfesj' period of hulhau exjstonco.— Sjilendldiy engraved on* Mqef.' The single, married, and the tparrjed happy.— What Is love f—with Ipstnictiops for CourUpg, in or der to win the affections or the opposite sex. The Lights and Shados of Married Life. Tho Reproductive Organs of Females handsomely engraved: and tbo Infirmities of Youth and Malurt ty. with tliolr remedies. PHKU.VANCY ILLCCTKATED BV PLATE. ut diffurent stages of gestation—how to determluo when it exists—how to prevent pregnancy, and with u lecture on Love to married ladies and gentlo< ineu. I'rice 60 cents per copy. On tbe receipt of ths money through ir nil, (jRwt-jwtd,) one copy or the book wMi be scut by mail to auy purl of tbe United Ftotiu. puWfyj cHARt^ WALKi No.68 South ad stStiUodrif Also, Dm.UCROIX’S PHILoSOPHT" MAHiw. GE. A popular treatiso ou ,lio secret infirmities ol C itii and maturity uriaing from genital diseases In b sexes with upwards or one hundred and twen ty-five lithographs and engravings Illustrating the auatomy, physiology, and diseases or tho soxual or gans, their structure, uses aud functions, together with plain directions fer the perfect cure of syphilis, gleet, stricture, etc. < ■ Frio* £0 cents per single copy. Published by • >•7 .tCHAfsLEU WALKER, No. 38 South B41 st.YMiitluteiphla, I'a,. to whom all ardors must be scut. apU2—U gOAP'ANnVrARCil roF ’76 boxes Smith’s >smily 30 do UuclianAn's da 100 boxes Colgate’s lb bar aud No 1 Soap 60 do do Palo do 60 do Oswego Pearl Starch 69 do Bcadell’s do do. Just receive*! aud fer salo by JylU_ SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. C l L. SjDOAHH, jSfow^YWk.’ofoy ilanufijc- /• turor ol thn Orlglmfi Steel Ring abdTdotb Burring Machines aud Feed Rolls, to b» attached to First and atsa Second Breakers and Finishers or Wooion Carding Machines. The attoebmont to Sec ond Breakers and Finishers is very important These machines are in successful operation, on First Breakers, in most of tho principal Woolen Fac tories In ths Uultcd Slates, Canada and Mexico, and aro deemed by oxporienced manulkcturors as tho most perfect machines used, and iudispcnsnblo to tho economical aud successful manufacture or wool. They aro in fact the only strong, durable and sue- cossfuliy operating machined in uso. No cording tfiacuin& should tmphh Ifotir wUfefiut them. ''The Feed RolW aro ailoiigiiidduishfe, qnd wor thy or attention. * 1 1 " ' Circulars explaining these Machines and Roll, and references to Mills having them in Ulie, may be had tty addressing ’ C. L. GODDARD, No. 3 Bowling Groeu, Now York, to whom orders should he addrossed. aoptlS—lyw 100 DOLLARS REWARD. f PHEI above reword will be paid to any porson A who will furnish proof toconvlriiau of the jwr- son or persous, who attempted to blow up my bouse on Friday night last, by exploding a quantity of gunpowder under U. iyi8—8 KMMA WOOD. P OTASH—10 coses Rectified Potash, tu tin cans, fer family use; io casks Potash, Just received and for sale by Jyll RODGERS, NORRIS k 00. VALVABLfB RICK PLANTATIOS FORSALb, a winiLv Ti« krns or me oty or N Um first Tuo.-da> in December next, ail, i* sold before the Court IToiL-e 'a tl e citv d li vaiiuoh. thu 1 iantatioh on thr ilrer, i-L tolle* from the ci»y, known a$ Mulberry Grove, be- longing to the estate of the late F bitip Ulmer, ron taming six hundred and eighty-.raven sere?, u which there are two hundred acre* f-f Ui>t quality tide rico land, and or.e hundred and tinv-flre acre, under good bar.kK and in a line suit* fer culUva tiou. Also, seuMity live acres of high Innrt onder cultivation On the ;,!a.v i»ffs a iood 6me'ltog iijiis**, ovorMvc'ji h«UMi, 'Jiirw,'negro'uouse.* and*fori outbuildings, all In-a go*nl slate of-repair, l'enstu dMiriug to i*urcliB.*c wilt enll ui'on the undesigned; who resides witiiiu four miles of the Grove. Terrm of sale made known on the day of said. Poe***? siofi not giv&u until the jlrsi of January! 1 Jyl7ri*l H. K. HARRUSb.N, Ex o. 4JF* The Charleston Mercury will pnbiwb on’o a week qntil tho day or safe: • * IjAVP Atillli'tV, FflHE Itndi n gned will, for five dollars per lot, JL lauds UJ the CVUAI108 Of Applinf, Wayno, Wai« or Colic-, and report to tho owners.* to tlselr pre. ent value, the prospect for their be coming more valuable lu future, and whetoer or not there U being any trespass committed thereon, invariably pledging himself to give n true end cor reel account,' for Bhieb all temhlanpps period in udvanpe. ..% * • t > > r.» Ho will also'sell npd remit when TMuesl^d, os directed, for seven per cent. He will also promptly attend to all professional business out rusted to his core. vernon c. mclendon. my 13 Attorney at law, Homesvlllc, fis. M L'MAKD, 4c.— loo boxes Mustard; 160 do pure l’cpper; 100 do gtorch; received and hv sole by Junol9 McMAHON k DOYLE. 206 and 207 Bay street. ITS! BASKETS!—We w«idc. _ attention or tlie ladles to 6lir stock-of Work, Traveling and fine Fancy Boskets, the largost assort ment In the city, at the House Furnishing Store, 164 Broughton street. ' tnar21 HORACE MORSE. Xfc, LA ill*, kC.—mO bbUlTime Uni; 60 do .Taylor 4 Son’s Ale; 60 do sugar, soda aud but ter Biscuit; received aud for sale by MCMAHON k DGYI.K- innnlO .if* 206‘afid 207 Bay etjr<M» 1 piaLmHinST 'pLUMBINO, in oil its vorious branches, at- X tended to at the shortcut notice, and in superior style. Also, may be found Shdwfer Baths, Galvanlz- id Iron, Tiu aud Leadrii Bath Tubs; Copper Boilers, - *on Water Closets, Lead Pipes; Sheet Lead, id rlatod PqcJm, Forco lmmps, India Rulwr ‘ or sole gt the lloute Furnish Sfert. No. T6| Brotwhloo street. maria Httiurt LAND A ti KN C V—B ruii rtvle It, CJa, EDWIN M. MOORE . chase and sale of lands In the counries ol Glynn, Wayne, Camden, Charlton, Appling, Ware, Coffee, Clinch, Lowndes end Thomas. Particular attention given to locating, purchasing and selling ol town lots its the town of Baunswick. RKTKREXCE3 J Dr R Collins, Macon; Dr B M Cargile, Brunswick Thomas H Harden. 8ovannah; Hon James L B*‘» rd. Thomssviile. PHOTOGHAPII8." |. Largo stzad Pjww^rjpiaj U ' “ T BTUXBRi' AT TWELVE DOLLARS PER MEM Also, Ambrotyne* and W* guerreotypes, iu ui# usual su perior style. A call is solicited. J. W. MILLER, mar27 cr. St. Julian s^aud Market square P I JtriKK—60 iibls Calcined Plaster, in store aud I Jyt2 OGDEN, STARR k CO.4* T) ECEiyEl) per steamer Knoxville • Xl> Ladlw Hastic Belts, black and colored Do Nett Mits; all qualities. Also,' Gents browu English half Uosp Do Silk an d I isle Coves, for >*ale by Jyl7 IADSON d UOGEIW. L AMP OIL, VlNWtAlt, Ac.—Just received 20 bbls Solar Limp Oil, 10 cases Olive du 60 boxes Beadell’s Soup, Starch and Cumlles 30 do Colgate’* Family Pale and No 1 Soup 20 do Ground Coffee 20 do Judge’s pure Sperm Capdljut loo do chocolate, Mustsfd au*i Pepper . 20 do Yeast Powders, 10 cases Tsbte sglt 60 dox 2 and 3 1ioo}n**I Palls 60 dox 2 and 3 ply BroomB 60 dox cotton aud mauilla cord* 60 dox Scrub Brushes, oasortod 20 dox painted and cedar Tubs 60 gro#s wood matches 20 casks Byass’ I.nudou Porter, qts uud |d«w 100 reams assorted Wrapping Paper 6 kegs choice Gmheu Butter, for sale by DAVID O’CONNOR, Jyl2 corner Broughton and Drayton UW, uIN aSh HHAXPY 5U (ibl* l.nfCoF M ton’e-Rum this F * 60 bbls E Phelps' Ryo Gm 25 do Domestic Brtfitre 20 V and 16 K casks 4tlt proof Brandy. " htore and fer safe by jy« 8O1UNT0N', JOHS'SION * LVX i-u UNl’OWDEit—500 Kentucky WOc iW'i‘f- 6*0 half kegs do dll du, FKg 100 qr do do do do, tgl fg 600 canuisturs Fportlug Pewdor, in City Maga TRACTORS. TIROPOSALS tor erecting a Masonic Hall lor Sofe- Jr moo’s Lodge No. 1, wlU be reoelved at my of- •SCS,** ' lr,, a WW