Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, July 26, 1856, Image 4

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■SW B» rtflMii. . hum OODHTt—T«a«ta«U Mr \v oonccre: Where**, Joh« P, P'— — aiilioCtami* onlmarj lofloture < n!nUlr*U« M Um MU. of 4mm* * Aiarau warren, ImuHtuT Ibltorfor Oo»rf re ClmUiam ('why, In MlhM H. IlshU Ann n.IWull ami Jatm-i J. i,"t. 0* Carl. Proparty jwiutcl out by ^"'"gOWARII U. PHEXPFJWAST.' jniy k Miorlirc. 0.8. ^ rmr STATKOirofeoUaiA, ‘ /CHATHAM COUNTS—To all whom it may \_#oooceni: Who itMjonn \UUcry ,wlU npplytoUio Court of Ordinary lor Utters lHsmtsoryM admlnU Iratioa an the Esulo of William Wrl^lit the-o ore, Utafruore. to cllo ami aammibli all whom ll may ooooarn. to l>o ami aptn-ar before tala Court, to ■oke offioclfeu (if any iney have) on or bofore tbo •m Moudav In aVoveroiHT uext, olhwlso said Let- ' tera wiU bo fronted. • WlUtoas. jnnii Bilbo, fc*<>, Ordinary for Chatham OBUBtf* U>U e.gbtday <>T April I860. -oilN II1LBO, o. c. o. npr« atATfiOF (lEliltUIA, CHATHAM CO. T ) all whom it may concern: Whereas Mary Ann Peat will apply at tlio Court of Ordinary for lei* tors Aunlssorv on the e>tat.» of James I 1 , ivnt,— Those arc t heretoiu to ate and admonish nil whom It mar concern, to ho amt m»iv.u before said Court, to mane objections (if auv they have) on or beloro the lint Momlav in becemoer next, otherwise said lettera will bo framed. Witness John ltd bo, Ksq., Ordinary for Chatham Oouniy, IDU third day of Juno, 1S5L J* ..U11N BILBO, O.C.C. NTATfe'OF GEORGIA, C HATHAM • •*»NTY.--lh all whom It may com earn: wIvh-hm, Patrick Ryan will apply at tho mart «Ordinary lor l iters of ndmiufetruilon on the estate of DmiiM CoUtus: Thcoo are. therefore, to cite and admonish all Whom n mav cmwatu, to be ami ap|*ear before void Court to make ••omvikui (if any they have) on or be- tore tne Urst Mireutay in August next, otherwise paid latter* will be rrantixl. WUuos*. John H.ibo, Esq., Ordinary Tor Chatham County, mis twooty third day-or June, ISM. June » JOHN BILBO, u. c. c. t1 — BTATK of oeoruTa, S UUiUCH CuUNl V —To all wtiuui U may cot:- earn : Whereas, Apo Johnson will apply at the riot Ordinary Tor »aiu county, tor letter* of ad* ministration. with tbo will annexed, on tLu estate Of Harr Williams, lale of raid county, decl ared: Those arm therefore, to rite and aJ:i.oa:.d» all whom rt tnatr concern, to t>« and appear beluro said Court to tnnkp objection (if any they haw) on or botore the llrst Monday m August next, otherwise ■aid letters will be granted. Witness, William Lee, Esq., Ordinary lor Bulloch county, tne 2otU d&y id June V'A. JuawTJ WILLIAM LEE, o. «, baton Mid ) on or bo* - otherwise Mid letters will be gran tod. Witness. John Bilbo, Km. Ordinary tor Chatham county, this fourth day or June. i860. Juno <1 JOHN BILBO, 0.0.0. ADHMitnunm’i KOBE PURSUANT to an order of tho Honorable tbo JL Court of Ordinary or Chatham County, paued Juno torrn, 1861. will bo sold, o- tho first Tuesday In August next, before the Court House door in antd county of Chatham, between tbo legal hours of rale, tho tottoV ‘ * “ ‘ **—“ and four Spring 11., ... , Street; also tho tolkmtng negro slaves: Jack, Peter, AlcxamloramlHarah. Bold as the property oT the o.<utet>r Samuel Griffin, lace of said county, deceased, tor the benefit of the heirs and creditors «C said ca* late. RICHARD WAYNK, Administrator do bonis non, on jc4 Kfilalo of Samuel Grinin, ' GEORGIA, t-MA-rnA^l COUNTY. O N the first Monday in August next, 1 will apply to tho Ordinary or Chatham county tor leave to sell the negro slaves beougiug to the estate of Clara A- Ogillmy, deceased, tor tho benefit of tho heirs and credit ws of said estate. Juno 4 JAMBS A. LaKOCHK, Adm’r. iy <n umiinin, uctween tno logoi naurs 01 me, olio wing property, to wit.: Lou Non. three (3) tour (4). being partoTGardou lot No. nine (V). ug llili, City of Savannah, Irontlugiou Railroad UKUKU1A, IglllffiltTh' CUCATX. flK> all whom It may concern: Whereas, Mrs Sa* B ran J Jones. Aduimt-tr.ur x up >n the e-utotf Jama* M Jones, lato of Libia tv comity, deceased, will apply to tho Court ot Ordinary of said euviuty tor (suers disfnl3-‘ftrv Thentiaro tuereforo to cite and aduiouuh ail whom It mar concern, 10 bo amt at p.*ar before said court, to maae offiocUous, tf auy they have, in terms of the law. otnerwlso said totters will be granted Witness, W P Garldeuu, Ordluury lor Liberty county, tnts 10th of January, i860. Jr HU-2 W. P. cm IDEAL’, o. t.. c. C1TATE UK UEUKUl A—BULLOCH CU„ May truth, jj ISAtl—Two months alter date application will bo tnaua to thrt Houorablu 0>>urt of Ordinary of said Ooanw tor leavu to sell all the lauds belonging to the estate i f Micltac-I Doualdaon, deeeaicd. tor the beneht of tho heirs und ci editors and said deceased. myvs-Sw JOHN K. Glllso.V, Adm'r. NT ATE OF GEORGIA DCLLOCH COUNTY.—To all whom it may con* ll cent: whereas, JotUh D.-.vis will apply at the Court ot Ordinary tor letters of administration on the estate of Henry isavtJ, late of stdd county, do ceauui • Thus* are. meretoro. to rite and admonish all whom it tn-\v concoru, to t>e and appear before naid Court. 10 inane objection (if any they have) 011 ur before tno fifpt Monday in August next, otiicrtvis* said loiters will bo grouted. Witnesa, william Lee, Mq., Ordinary tor Bulloch coantv. tula JflUt day of Juno. 185C. Jure‘29 WILLIAM LF.E. o. r. c. STATE OF BKORG1A, B ULLOCH county.—To ail whom it may com corn : Whereas, General E ilikell, will apply u mo tonrt of Ordinary lor letters of administration with tuo will annexed, on tb,* csUtool Martha Groover, tavo of *Sl l county, do:eased * Theso are, tliereforo, to vno ami tnlmonUt nil whom tt utav concern, to bo unit appear before said . Court to maun objection (tf any they have) ou or beforn tno drat Monday in September nest, other wise sorn Kitten; wtd be granted. Witness. William Lie, hHt|., Ordinary tor Bulloch county, tnm 21st day of duty. Jy»WILLIAM 1.KF, GEORGIA, CAMLlv-, tint.,, x. mwo JUU.NTILS lifter oati. app icatioti will be X mnua to llm Honornb.o ivmrt of Ordinary lor Sold county, for leave to soil llm follotviug named negroes: nose and her tnreo diildn-n, Ireu»% .Mi nis and ,»>«: belonging toUifio.-t.aoof j*ou:-aTomp kins, deceased, lor the bcuoUt of .-aid heirs. W1LUAM 1). 1 HUM a A Guardian. Jefferson ton. June 10, lt64. June 30 GGY.VW SHERIFF'S HALE. W lLt. f»« fold before Ute Court llotu:-} lu tiro city ot Hritiinwii-k, county of Ulvnn, on tho ilui Tuesday iu Auiru-it next, between tlio icpnl hours of Mle, the toiiowing property, to wit: one lot or parcel of land situate, lying und beiug iu the uiy of Bruns wick, iuum county of Glynn, .-i.aeof ou., known and(lixUiiKuiHtind in tbop!on orsai-lcity u<Old Town Lot, numoer two hundred and fi:ty-ihrce, and tho improveuiuutg thereon; levied ou by virtue of a U fa Idsuoa out of the City Court of ."'avnnuuah, lu tho ootutty 01 Ghath.iia, in favor of Benjamin c Prank- tin vs Charles K Flanders. Property iK/mted out by platouir JyT wi.-O. ». WTOOHT, h. o. c. WOTiC'to. O NE mi maue v> tho .Suuo Bank or Georgia, tor jwy meat or a twenty dollar lull, tho left hand hall of which bos been lost. JuUi JOHN ]). KENEDY. Midway, Alabama, July 1, 18Gb. GEORG lA, BULLOCH^COUSTYT S IXTf davs aftor date, application wi.I be made tome Honorable Couii of Orinary of Bulloch county, tor loavo vj sell ull Ihe lauds belonging to tho estate or Thomas Crosby, lute of naid county, dec/*MMi. lor the bunelit ot the heirs ami creditors of sola tiKtaiu Jylb WILLIAM K. CiPJ.-TlV, Adm’r. hUTIt-Jfi, O NK raoiilh after date application will ho maun to tne Book of tbo rttatc of Georgi 1. lor the payment or a Twenty Dollar Note ou tho j.aid. Bonk, (No. 42.) llm right mnd half of which has been k«t One inonin alter date apt>neation will bo made to the Marine ttauk of Georgia mr the puyinont of a Twenty Hollar Note, (No. ;»S4t on said Dank, the right luuiu nail'of winch lias t>ccu io«t. JyO—1* w—4u- WM. JJ. H1G11T. villa iuca. *iuiy 8,1866. ' biu'x’io'id, rTtHRBEmonUw after duto application will be made X to i»to Marino Bank of Havannab. for the pay ment ot two Twenty dollar mils viz : letter ft, :;u7u, a&d letter U. bU7, thu left imi vn< of which huvu Iter-u loll. «mMKH P. IlL'DriON. TellahaMeo. Fla., May 17, I860. ton* tny_n NOTICE. S IXTY aevn nBor date, application w*II l*n made to tne Honorable thu ordinary ol McIntosh county, tor leave to cell tlio real r-tato, hdng in this oouniy, of tlio iuto Jumes Smitlt, known n.i Sidoa (noe) PUntatiou sold tor the bmelitof the heirs of said estate. DEAN 11. DUN WOODY, 1 JOHN JONl'H, UEx’oru. JOHN F. JiUNWOODY, 1 Darien, July 1,180Q. JyJ LIolSij fuu RivuuceV ' Elizabeth Oouly) ^,,[f 00 p.uyerlttr Ctmrl, Jobataulv. ) JUy/ftnn, WM. E f appearing tu the L'ourt, from the ret urn of tie.' sheriff, that tho defendant, John Cauly is not to found iu Colfco county, und he is not m the .-.tutu; on mottou of Win II Uaalulug, uttornvy iui hbeiiuui, It la ordered that survico be ivoi touted on fendaut uy a publication of this order In m - c. pnbllo Journals of davunnub, once a month tor three months preceding tho next term of thn> Ouurt, requiring Mid dctuiiuunt to uppeur at tlio next term 01 Coftoo Superior Court, In tho month of Novem ber next, and Ulu Ids detouidvo alingnli<>n to tho cause. A true extract from tho minutes of the Superior Court. JJL. BW'l) AKlfLKV, Clerk. LIBEL for 1x1 vouch, BWIWmo.., ( UUur.y Stii-yrlorCi.itrt, Tho*. wiikiuni.J * l “>’ W: I T appenng to tho Court, by the leturu er tlm aheriff, iu tbo above hutud emu, that the defend ant If not to bo found In the touiity, und ilea he is not to be found In tuo stale; ou motion o: Wm U Gaulden, oounsel tor tibeliuui, It Is 01 dot ed that t.ui • vice he perfected on suid detohdunt, by a puhiiea. Uon of thu notice once tt mouth fur three mouths, next preceding tho next term of caid.'-upf-ii';: G. irt, requlrlog wild dofonunut to he and appear at the next term of Liberty £upcrloi* Court to nimwcr lu tbeiald cause- A true extract from tho utlnubM of nalJ .Superior Court Jy3 d. A. FRASER, Clerk. *NX DROWN “V' TS. V Divorce. WILLIAM II. BROWN.J r 1 appearing to tlie Court, bv tho relutn of the Sheriff, that tho liefenuunt, William B Drown, la not to bo found In tho county of jMiioch; on mu tton of Levi S. U’Lyon. Attorney tur thu plaintiff, It Is ordered that tlio delbnilunl do appear und Ihe his answer or defensive allegutlun. ou or Itoloic the ■fit dsy of the next term of this Court, and that R bUoailon ol this will ho made iu one of ihe pub- ganottoe of tho city of .Savannah oncu a montli lur threo months. A Duo extract rrom tlio minutes, this 22d day ef March, I860. Jyll—Um3tn tpra XX form DAVID DKASI.CI-. umibc. .. -louSSIm prTmu Dsy| juivy laiiuuig and for Mle low from tho whatf. by “ C..A, Dll KIN KP flgif ^y. i Boetoo, New DI8IONKR AND SCULPTOR IN MARBLE. Corner Aetor Plooe and 4Ut Avenue, IX CLOSvfxOXJXlTT VO TXS ACTOR UIUMRT AXII TMSlfKW ■nu IOCH. XXW YORK. riTHB monk extenriva variety and the largest X Mock of Monuments,Tombs, Head Stouw, Ac., InAmorlca, can be (bund at ibis establishment from plain to the moat elaborate and ornate in design and workmanship. In addition to the stock always ou band, a great variety or drawings, appropriate and original may be (bund, from which work will be ex ecuted promptly to order. Orders faithfully executed, and shipped to any point available by water or steam. Persons visiting the city of New Ywkoo pleasure or business ore reepoctnuly Invited to visit this ee- • octa DROUGHT TO JAIL Brought to Jail In Swolnsboro, Emanuel Co., . j tho 4th instant, a negro man; ho says his uame Is Uarry; that he belongs to tho estato ol Thomas Clay, of Bryan County, On. He Is nf light complexion, with a slight scar ovor tho loft eyo; about 6 feet 3)4 inchei In height, aud about 20 years old. Tho owner U requested to come forward, pay charges und tako him away, as he will bo dealt with as Um law directv HENRY OVKiVfTKKCT, JcO Jalor. NOTICE. Richard F. Williams, lato of Chatham coun ty. decease J, ore hereby notified to present them within tho time prescribed by law to the subscri ber ; and all indented to tho said estate are request ed to make immediate paymeut to IL U. MU JAN, Administrator do bouis non. March 26—Ow _ ltwtJy21—Jo 7 C HATHAM COUNTY.—TO all whom It may coa- corn: Whereas, the estate of Jeremiah Mc Douall lies unrepresented iu consequeuco of the death of Nathan Urcwton, tho executor, and unless ■sotuo fit aud comimtont person applies for the ad- mluDtratkra of said estate, with tho will annoxod, I shall appoint James Wilkinson, or aomo other fit and pruper person, administrator with Um will on- uoxed do bonai non, on said estate: Tlioso arc, therefore, to cite and adtnoulsh all whom it may couccrn, to bo and api>car before t-nid Court to make objection (if any Uicy bavo) ou or beloru the first Monday lu August next Witnes.'. Wiliam Loo, Esq., Ordinary for tho counter of Bulloch, this 12tb day of June, 1850. VIRGINIA SPRINGS! SOUTH-SIDE, RICHMOND It DANVILLE, AND Virginia A Tennessee J0I6 WILLIAM LEE. o. c. c. State or Georgia, IS alloc H County, A DMINIMTRAT011&’ SALE.—By virtuo of an or der front tho honorahlo Court of Ordinary of siuu county, passed ou tho first Monday iu Juuo, will bo sold at tlm court door of said county, between tlm lawful hours of sale, on tho first Tues day iu August, Ouo tract of land, containing ono hundred aud fifty acres, in *uld county, on tho Ca- noocheo river; also, a |wrt or tour othor surveys, containing six hundred and thirty-two acres, on Ca* nouchfu river, woil Improved and in good repair, cun-fisting of swump, bay and pine land. Sold as thu pro]»crty of Nathan Brew ton, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on tho day or sale. _ BENJAMIN BKEWTON, I XAm ,„ fisioN j. tmmvToN. ; AOm “• Juno 2d, 1650 jo 16 State of Georgia, ilalloch County. A DMINISTRATuRs’ SALE.—Will be sold, on tho llrst Tuesday iu August noxt, bofuro lbs court huu&i« in .'tatesburo’, in said county, uuder an order of tho Court of Ordinary, Fifty-tour (64) acres of I’mo txm i, granted to James Deal, and bounded by luud3 of James Woods, William Alien and Eimore Mimes, belonging to the esluto of James Deal, for tho In-ueii* of tlm heirs and creditors of said estate. Term* made known on the day ofule. MARTHA DEAL, ) AUtn’x. CALVIN DEAL/ / Adm’r. Juuo I2tb, I860 je 16 aotkJk. A LL persons having claims against the estato or Evan Jones, into of Charlton county, Ga., do- ceosotl, are requested to present them, In torins of law, and those indebted will please mako payment to thu subscriber. STEPHEN McCALL, Executor. Centrcviliage, Ga., June 14tb. 1850 je22 W ILL bo sold, between tho usual hours of sale, on the first Tuesday iu August next, beforo the raurt house door In Trador’d Hill, Charlton county, Gx. Two negro men, (Dick and Tom)—be longing to the estate or Evan Jones, late or said county, deceased. Hold uadur.pruvisl n of tho will nnd by order of tho houorcbto Ordinary of said county. STEPHEN McCAU., Ex’r. Cutitrovillago, Ga., Juao 14th, 1850 je22 RKLIGIOUN WORKS. H ISTORY of tlio Great Reformation of tho Six teenth Ccutury, lu Germany, SwitxorlauU.&c, by J II Merle D’Aublgne, five volumes complete iu uao. The life or Martin Luther, tbo German Reform er, in fifty pictures, from designs of Gustav Konlg, to which is added u sketch of tho rise ami progross of the Kflormatlou in Germany. L to and Times < f Rev Elijah Redding, J)D, lato Senior Uiihop of the- Methodist Episcopal Church, by li W Clark, I) D. Sermons on Sovorul O'-casdotis, by the Rev John We.-ley, A M, in four volumes. .Sermons from the l’ulpit, by H B Bascorn, D D. LLI>. ’ Life of II Biddlcman Bascorn, D D, L L D, lato Bi*liop of Urn Mctlmdist Episcopal Cliurch, South, by Rev >1 M Hcnkla, I) D. ' Posthumous Works of the Rev Henry B Bascorn, D D, I. 1. D, oun of the Bishops of tlio Mcthodibt Episcopal Church South, edited by tho Bov Thomas N llalntou, A M. Ulu of tho Rev Robert Newton, D D, by Thomas Jackson. The Birds of the Ifihlo, by George GuiUllau. llm Analogy of Religion—Natural and Revealed —to the Constitution aud Course of Nature, by Jo seph IJuller, LLD, lato Lord Bishop or Durham. Baptism—a treatise on the 'nature, perpetuity, subjects, administration, mode, and uses ortlm ini- tia tng ordinance or the Christian Church, by Thos OBumner.s. BaptLni—with reference to Us Import, raodefl, liiitory, iiropor use, aud tiio duty or parents to bap tized children, by James L Chapman, a minister ot ilm Memphis Cbufercuco or the Methodist Episcopal Chui . ii. .South. For Mdo at 159 CuugrcEs stroct by Juuo22 1 W A KNOCK kDA VIS. . SIIIIITHI SIIIUTH11 NllllLTH f 11 i llAVB ju?t received a large aasortnicnt of white ami figured Shirts, of every quality aud styfe, and superbly made, with oollars to match, orders will also bo taken, and shirt# made to atilt any particular stylo or taste of the wearer. Call at the Star Clothing Emporium, 147 Bay street, wy 14 WM. O. PRICE. 1112MO V Ali* ~ Tlm subscriber has Removed ou tho Bay, next door to the Republican, otiice, where he Ls uow opening a handsome xuortment or 8PIIINO 1 AND .SUMMER <><KJDH, which bo will sail by tho paUeru or mako to order in tho mo3t fuahlonablo stylo./ ALso, Ready Mado Clothing tor the present and coming xexson. Thankful for po>.t favors, lie hopes to merit a con- liiiuadco of the same. N. B.—Cutting, Altering and Uopalrlug doue at tiio shortest notice. Just received Wiiito Drill Coats and Pauls, Wtiito and Figured Mni Kciiles Vests, fbrsaloata small pro fit. frprl'j JOHN W. KELLY. ‘A Blt.VPKll AND TAILOR. JR6YKIMIN KTItECT NEAR UROUGHTON. J The subscriber taken this opportunity to Inform his friends aud tho publiu, that ho Is enabled, from experience, und the Intuitive poruopllnuH of the truths of. tumtifco’hosed ou thu cotomou rules of surveying foi iiis, both piauu add spherical, to out and make up uarments to lit tlm humau form m the moot completo •*nd linUlind style, to all who may favor him with u call. UoyK* faulty drueswt, Ball costumes, Military and Firemen’s I’uifurmH, &c..&c. P. HORACE GRANT, Jenbrsou it., ouo door North of Broughton street, deo 7—|y pAl r ai ffANOINOS AND UOHUlillfc!.— JL Just received a great assortment nf tbo most elegant imttcru-t, with borders to match, from 8 cents to »2, ut CHAFFER & CO.»8, aprfio No. 0 Whitaker street. G. HI. GltifrFJN, SUCCESSOR TO LATE M. EASTMAN, tyorncr of Bryan and Whilakur Streets. ' IJAM now on hand a houutilul ns- ^ stA’luront of Jewelry of overy din- cription aud kind worn hv ladles and g< utlcfmm. aud will roll at uuusuuliy low prices, Ihavethii day received (per Er press) a large ’■to' k cl" elegant biver Ware, cunslstlng of Cake and I'lo RlfiYcL plain aud engraved Kish Ktiivon nnd fork), lidded Kulvos and Forks, Knives, Forks nnd Sjkioim, Nankin Rings, Nuunng Orators, Ac. Ac., all in Morrx^ocums, aud suitable tor prosenta. I liavo .i. jo received an Addition to my stock of Imlrwork of light colored Curls, Topsys. Braids,Front I'iti cus, Baud a, Utwslu Tom, fai., which now make* my assortment cniiiplut.;. Orders received for any color do.fired. Watches r«t»alrod hy and under tho supervision iff self, and all otlmr work douo In a workmanlike inunner^mul wurraiitnd. may 26 O N CONBIUNMENT- ■J9CK) liushols Prime Corn; Kill do Cow Peat; 20(1 sacks “I'aIuco illlJs’’ Flour; 10 hhls Raw (Jim; lu do Monotivaheln Whisky; f* do Domestic Brandy; For sain low. by ! PATTEN. HUTTON A 00. IJUANDyI (JIN.'WHISKY AND RUM—Far u)« ( > ! > (nmyuo) W II.LIA MH h ratcliif. "il- SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Shortest, moat comfortable and most expedition* Route to tho VIRGINIA SPRINGS! THROUGH BY HAY-LIGHT. And Baggage Chocked Through, except on Stages, Visitors to the Virgluiula Springs by this routo, take the South-Side Railroad cars at Peterabuig, or the IUchmoud aud Danville cam at Richmond, at 0 A. II., dolly, (Sundavi excepted,) arrive at lynch- burg to dInner, anu tbenco,*viatbe Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, reach Bouaack’s Depot at 3 1-4, and Salem at 4 P. If., and ateilher place take Kent, Bnmmerson A Co’s Fine Line off Stages! Those via Uousock’s lodge at Fincastle, dine at the Rod Sweet, or Sweet Springs, and arrive at the White Sulphur Springs, (17 tuilos) early on tho evening of tbo second day from Petersburg, or Rich mond, without NIGHT TRAVEL, and with but 64 miles of Staging. Or by the Salem ruuto. stop all night at tbo Roanoke Red Sulphur Springs, (10 miles distant from Salem,) dine at the Red sweat, or Sweet Springs, and arrive at the White Sulphur Spriugs on the evening qT the following day. The Virginia k Tennessee Railroad is located through a most romantic country, possvMsmg a cli mate unsurpassed for Its salubrity and delightful tern- peraturo. The road passes the base or the PEAKS OP OTTER! And within three miles of tho Alleghany Springs, one milo of tho Montgomery Wbito Sulphur Spriugs, aud within four miles or tho Yellow Sulphur Hpriugs; all pleasantly situated a fow miles apart, ou tho Eastern elope ortho Alleghany mountain, lu Mont gomery county. Tho waters of these Springs are celebrated for their groat medicinal qualities, thn ac commodations are excellent, and have boon greatly incrcusod since lost season. 49-Visitors to U10 Red Sulphur Springs take Kent. Summcraon It Co’s Stages at Newborn Depot, ou tbeeveuiugor the day that they leavo Peters burg or Richmond, and arrive at thu SprlngH on the following day to dinnor, aud Suit Sulphur Springs early in tho evening or the second day from Rich mond or Petersburg. The Road from Newborn Depot to tho Red Sul phur Springs, (38 mllos.) has bebn graded ani greatly improved since lost season, aud is now re garded oh ouo of tho host turnpikes in the moun tains. Tho lino ofTolegraph from Richmond will l>e com pleted and In operation to tho Mcotgomury White Sulphur Springs early In June. Passengers to KnoxviUo, Tounessee, taka Kont, Summersun k Go’s stages at tho Western terminus or the Virginia k Tcnne.-soo Railroad, now ISO tnilas from Lynchburg (and being extended Westward at the rate of 8 miles per month) to tho Eastern termi nus or tbo East Tounessee aud Virginia Railroad, and arrivo at Knoxville in 21-2 days from Petera- burg or Biohmomh Fare from Pelenbarg «r Riebaonil. To Rod Sweet, or Sweet Springs vlaBousack’s.flO 00 “ “ “ “ “ *» “ Satem.... 10 60 “ White Sulphur Spriugs “ Bonsack’e 11 00 “ “ “ “ ** Salem.... 11 60 “KedSulphcr Springs 12 26 M Alleghany Springs 8 00 “ Montgomery White Sulphur Springs 8 25 4k Yellow Sulphur Springs 8 46 “ Knoxville, Tcunossee 23 00 Not*.—The charge for tickets to the Alleghany Springs, Montgomery White Sulphur and Yellow Sulphur Springs, docs not include the chargo from thu Railroad to tbo Spriugs. Passengers lor the A1 IvgUany Springs, (4 miles distant,) lake tickets to Shawsvilie—for Montgomery White Sulphur, (1 mile distant by a branch Railroad,) take tickets to Big Tuuuel and tor Um Yollow Sulphur, (4 miles dis tant,) toko tickets to Chrlsliantburg depot. Goa* vevaucc* will bo found at thoso places. For forther information apply to K. A. GOODWIN, Ticket Agent S. S. R. it., Petersburg. CHARLIE OAMPUKIJj, Bup’t Rlchmnud k Danville R. K., Richmond. E. H. GII.L, Snp’t V. k T. R. R., Lynchburg. KENT, 8DMMEHBON k CO., myl3-8tu Flucastle, Virginia. CI3NfTRAii KXTCKoXK O N aud after Sunday, the Utb Octobor.inrt., and until further notice, the Passenger Tralnx gn me Central Railroad will ran aa follows: BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND MACON. Leaves Savannah Dally at...6 a m and 12.16 r x. Arrive la Macon “ “..2.16 v u “1 ax. Leave Macon “ “.11.46 a m “ 0.80 t x. Arrive in Savtn’h “ “10.46 r M “ 7.20 a u HCTWBOI MAVAXXAB AXD ACQCHTA. Leavefc'avaunoh ..12.16 p m and 8.30 p. x, Arrivo in Augusta 8.46 pm “ 6.30 a x t Leave Augusta ,.0. am “ 4.30pm Arrivo In Huvannah 1.80 p m “ 10.46 p BCTWttX SUOOX AXD AVQVWtA. Leave Macon 11.46 a m and 9.80 p M. Arrivo iu Augusta 8.46 r u “ 6,30 a x, Leavo AuguutA 6. am “ 4.80 r x. Arrive in Macon 2.15 p m “ 1. am. xxrwcxx tuvaxxxH, xiunxiiviux & eatoxtox. Leave Savannah 6. a m Arrive in Milledgevlllo, 2.46 p x. Leavo Macon ..1146am Arrive in Eatonton 6. p x. W. M. WADLEY Gen’l 8upt Savannah, Go., Oc). 12, 1866. octl6. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ON THE 8 ° u o T vii ft^MP AD New York & New Orleans JHalls. O H und uftur Sunday, February 3d, 186(1, two dally trains between Macon aud Columbus, ami ouo between Macon and Amuricus, taavu Macon at 2 a m, and 3 p m; arrive at Culum- bUH at 7 16 a X, und 1030 P x : leavo Columbus at 4 15 am, aud 1 30 p m; arrivo ai Macou at 10 64 a m, aud 7 40 p M; leave Macou at 2 a m; arrivo at Amcrl at 0 40 a m; loavo Amorlcas at220 p u; arrive at Macou ut 7 40 p x; making acomplotoconnection be tween Montgomery, Alabama, and Augusta, Kings ville, Wilmington and Charleston; also, with Central Railroad Tratux to Savannah, MlUodgevilloacd Kotor- tou, and with Macon and Western tralnx to Atlauth Chattanooga, Nashville aud Kuoxvillo, Tenn. At CoiumbuH with Ulrard aud Mobile Itallroad it Kufaula, Alii., couuectlug daily at Amorlcux with four Uorao Pont Coaches to Tallahaaoee, Albany, Thorouxville, Rainbrldgo, Ac., wlthtrl-wiixly lacks to Lumpkin, Cuthbert, Ac., at Fort Valley With hacks to Perry, HayuosviUe, Ilawklusvlllu and Knoxville, Ga. Passengera for Amorlcus und polufe below Fort Valloy, should tako tbo 12 16 i> m train from Savan nah; aud the 6 p m train from Augusta, to avoid de tention at Macou. For other potato ou thu 8outh- Western or Muxcogeo Ronds tako ollher truiu from Savannah or Augunta. Pussougors leaving Amerl- ous at 2 20 p m will reach Columbus at 10 30 r x the samo night. Passengers from Columbus aud the West tor Am crlcuti. South-western Goorgia or Florida, should take tbo ISO p s traiu at Columbus, sloep at Fort Valloy, aud reach Amerlcun at 6 40 a m next morn- ‘“ft™. class steamships leuVo Savannah tor Now York on Wodnesdays and Saturdays, and for Phila delphia on Wednesdays. Passogo la the Cabin 126, Steerage $8. Faro from Montgomery to Savannah 814 00 “ Columbus “ “ 10 00 “ Amoricus “ “ s 80 GEO. W. ADAMS, Sup’t. Macou, January 3Utb, 1866. maylft VIRGINIA CENTRAL R.ROAO. Winter ArranjKment—Van Starting fom Broad St Heavy liall all the way to Gordonsvllle. W HEN the Potonuto In closed with Ice this routo may he relied on by passengera, to on- sure the connection going North or South. The road Is eutirely retold with a superior T rail ax for as OordouHvIllo. During tho wiulor tho train will Hart from tlio old station, in Richmond, on Broad afreet, at 7# a x., pass Gordonxvllle at 11 a m., and arrive iu fitaautou at 326 r m. Down train leavxa Staan* ton at o 40am, pas* ex Oordonxville at 11 a m, nnd nrrive lu Rlobmond nt 2.80 r m. Faro to GordonivUle 12 00 “ *' 6 oo Both tralnx arrive In Gordonxvllle In ample time to take the train of the Orange nnd Alexandria Rail road. Porxonx who leave Richmond xt 7M a m., can take tho Orange and Alexandria earn at Gordonx vllle IT they choose to do so, aud by that taaln win reach Alexandria by 9.40 r u., hot thlx company com ticket them only to OordonxviUa. ADVKXTMXO A0OXCV. PXUADKMWA, PA. AMlhorined Agxnt ibr the Savannah JonrnaL HcaaiM.'i ^atkItt kHik^PkooV- WITH ^ifBaCpBOOK UJCK. HmIdi recelvM th. ('rile HnUl .1 Um World'* FWr, *ro dov oCerrd la Ui. public m ibn rriw hr. or IU). WorM. Tested slid .ppnrrd Mtbcy bare been erery- wbere, their crawoUf Tletonr wm reserve to be .warded by tbojurle. otth. World'iVilr. Tbe proprlPtor plwwd One Thousand Dollars In -Old in tlio one exhibited *u!ie World's fair, Un- den, nnd Invited all Ihe nek-lack* lathe world to opealhnSare, with or without Ihe key., and take the money aa a reward tor their Inienulty -, althoufh operated upon by s.rerel akUled In thawt, no ono could nek tho Lock or open tho 8*Te. By an Impreremeal upon theorUlrnlHalimaiKter, Introduced by the prnseut owner ortho patent-right, Um Interior la rendered wholly Imnenrtona to damp, and hooka, paper* and jewelry might be preserved In ono or kla sMea for n century without contracting . blemish tlrom mould or mllldow. To guard against counterfeits ever}' (Safe ftoiu the manulactory of the sohscrlber, and aold hy him or hla agents, luu a brass plate In front, bealjng bis name i ooeb Is also nirolshed with ono or his Im proved Thler Detecting locks, which Is a good guar- nnteoagalnMrobbcry.^, ; Nox. 136,187 and 189 Watcr-xt., N. Y. Agents In Savannah. Morwrs. BELI. k PRENTISS, who keep constantly on hand a full and complete assortment, which they will 'sell at Manufacturers’ prices. aeptss local fvuSRaror the valdb and iIrk- WIUDER'S^AJLAMAKDKR lAFEI, a. mumSfr gg» ■* last., which consum* ed tbo brick bulldUig occupied by Mr. T. lliomas, opiNwite thu Gas Works, in this vu a ol above deaci containing tbo books, papers, and money Thomas, aud although the building was dotroyed, the said Safe xuJtalned no injury whatever from the Intense beat to which ft hod boon exposed. On open■ Ing tho Safe, the coutento were found undisturbed, aud In (ho same ordor and condition as when placod there, except a slight discoloration to the prqjoctlng ends of a fow papers, and the backs of ono or two or the books, caused by tbe steam generated In tho 8afo. while at its createst heat. The Bale and contents, as ft came from the rums, may still be seen, In tho possession of Mr. Thomas, at the Gas Works. A largo assortment of those cele brated Safes always oo hand,and for sale by C. H. CAMPFIELD, Agent for the Manufacturers. July 26, 1166. 171 Bay-st., Savannah. Ga. I take pleasure iu corroborating the foregoing state* ment, and iu addition would add, that the books are now In use. J. T. THOMAS. Wood Yard, Ferry Wharf. July 26th, 1866. _oct6—U I Eg* S trealllM-M l NKATLY EXtXtTKD AT TUB UENUINK: mT'AIIAIK/NB. • ll.lmbetd’. Highly Ciii.iiliMtcd SAVANNAH JOURNAL, F BOOK Si JOB OFFIOK. Hare haul* can be euppTieUnt abort nctlc- will, BIU-H.lltU, BUI. or Ming, Bray Hooka, Circular., Cord. ooojiU Plwld Extinct llucho. CfcKTALN, AND kmcniAI. HKHMiV | >U IcOf-i . . ■-•* - nt;; l i in-ib I . fpllM; t.| l mary ts local ed l<«k «!.•- ,; Broadway. ci.u c«.i4«ii,- ,. r.nm tmwmrs. um- - rr -r —-f‘ l TundAb«*lt KWlRl-. W\U. - 4U , ,‘ ^7‘ v ^ Xql ►RDUcftkOi (fft^^“errKWn7ys; Gravel, ] $ I SegnMihgan., whMberm^^ from whatever cause they may have originated, wtd ; anr l'hyAkJun in the PnuU. i iv>..t-r,». Hr .‘ S I NO MATH-m OF HOW I/»NG STANDING. atfl jwrdiviu. ''r 815 |k. r fu.*„|„ “2J»4vs 1 This popular and /peciflo remedy h uow > ’ n hdvanu ■ I to tbe ttflUctedt tad guaranteed to cure all th*- above . •ff* *8 , ‘- , «d utot* *** **r. complaint*. It searches out tti« very root of the . J55* ton * . A!l . t t ( .V., ' i disease, driving out all the diseased fluid*- of the 1 Bddressed to W. K I t body, thus removing the cause and rendering the > “go ThauklhTfor Ihe very'lllwreiiJ.lroiiagoberetotere - c0 ” CKRTAIN AND I'LKHANKNT. I «“l*ri*ir Pi^ raas»-sKL6s«! js ! : d0 ^ l>rttcuior attention given to BOOK AND PAM I 5,^7 dririoz out all the dtocased fluidy of the ' Eddressed U> PHlaET PRINTING, such os CMtologmjs tor Gollegw,; (hu* remoring the cause and rendering tbe > E°ff® I enra l TTdTATGK the name, feeling that we shall be able to please all; lolBWC . who may favor us with a caU, both a* to prices and 1 J/ih iia trouble and expense lo palieiits. This in-, execution of work. • Jjllbleremody has savedtbousands upon thou.ands I DYING AND RENOVATING ESTABLISHMENT, 73 TORS STREET, NEAR THE COURT HOUSE, SAVANNAH, GA., Established In tklM. icrfber grateful to his friends and _ for their continual favors, would slate at In addition to tbe improvements in DYING, se aulred by him duriug his last visit to EEfclimd and Scotland, has made arrangements for extending his business, hy which he U now onabled to t'ye a greater variety of colors on silk and woolen dresses, shawls, be., which he trusts wiU generally please all who may fevor him with their patronago. Goutlemon’s garments dyed, oluaued or reuuvated as may be required, lu tlio same superior stylo which has generally so much pleased his patrons and Table Covers, and Ladles’ Crape Hhawls, be. cleaned and flnisbod in tho first stylo. U41es’ Bonnets dyed, bleachod and pressed ‘a tho most fjuhlonable styles. Orders from the country promptly attended to. Terms moderate. When parcels are sent hy steamboats or railroad, word should be sent him by letter through the post office, so that he may know whore to call for them, men 16 ALEXANDER GALLOWAY. IIEINTZELMANN’8 ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER. 3 [1I1E distinguished fuvor with which this essence L has bceu received throughout all sections ol o Union os a remedy g| onpo safe, ngrecablo tud effectual for lnclpiont f lHarr)»«s, Cholera Morbus, R eok and relaxed Bowels, Prostration by heat or fatigue, Dyspepsia, Flatulence, Colic, Cramp, Lan guor or Debility rrom sedcutary habits, be., has In duced the proprietor to glvolt every publicity in his power. Upon its merrito comment is unnecessary, os Its own intrinsic worth is its best eulogy. It car ries with it tbe ovldenue of Its superior excellence, freely attested to hy tbe >ouug, the old, and scores oT families who. prompted by a i-arefol regard for their health and comfort, aro dully adopting it as aa LVDBmuiBLK family muiKttY. Thoi o is perhaps no medjelnai preparation extant so simple and harm* Isss, yet salutary an«l effective, whose worth will be mors appreciated or uuiversallv adopted than the liquid uujgor prepared by IfelutFoltnau. ffWK buoys at SI Simons Inlet at X boea arranged in the following n outer Bat* Du #y Is a large Oral clas from tbo hands oT MERCILESS WALKS. U not from premature graves. In case* of Infection the Compound Buchu is tbe only article worthy of tho lotud confidence of the afflicted in performing SAFE CURES. MOTIOK tO MAHiNICRM. aud Sound have : manner: --- - - , class nun, isinted rod, with tho No 2 In whlto—is placed U twenty foot water at low tide, and must bn left on tbo star board hand entering. .<t Simons Light b»ara N W by W )i W. North point of Jckyl W hy N y, X. Middle Buoy—U a large recond claw nun, paint ed black, with No 1 iu white—is placed in sixteen feel water at low tide, ou the Eastern edge of the Middlo Ground, and must ho left on the tsirt hand entering. St Simona Light bears X W by W U W. Xorth point of Jekyl W by N. , - Inner Buoy—Is a second class nun,painted black, with the No 3 iu white—U placed in twcntv.otio lout water at low Udo, on tbo point ol shoal running off from Jokyl Island, and must be loft ou tbe port ■ —. -v.-, . hand eutcrlug. 8t Simons light bears N F. by n )« Ttiia medicine speedlly ond effoctually _ «’ ur *« the < RRhiiUii. tvtat 4I , Mfilfi MlliltAAk Y T NiT£D fiUtes, (.aitadn huu ( Bcbwegler’s Hifiorv pg translated by Bceylc. ■ Prescott's Philip 2d of , Calf olid in Cloth. Nopoln m's C^»nfl«i**utml (.... It contains uo narcotic, mercury, or other injurious ; brother Ji.^ph. drug, but is purely a Vegetable Comporiltnn. It to Davan History h Um i.>. t very agrooable to the taste, creates no perceptible j Hanover—2 vols. odor, and may be taken by |«r^ms ol either sex * R^ine Aihu'hi lu Mnurtii without hindrance from business or medical advice, Romance or tht* Haroni. *•.« ji .. as plain directioas for Ui« accompany the mcdlciue. Rachel Gray, by Julia knvbKui:..*,. Readcr t if you have any of the above complaints, do Earnest Unstoad, »»> Mr/. U*. ip. H/ j. e Oxford, Savonoj Druggist, annahti For saloi JelO 8m Brooke HollFemale Sominmy. BIKDIA, DELAWARE CO*, PA* MISS MARIA L. EAHTMANN Principal. ♦ This Seminary, located In the de- ligbtful ami healthy village of Media, thirteen miles from Philadelphis, hy Railroad, will bs OPENED OX WEDNESDAY, September 10th, 1856. The commodious building, now in process of erec tion, wilh all the modern improvements, will bo finished by the Ural or August, and will contoiu such accommodations, both in point of ta.<>to aud comfort, as cunnot fall to satisfy parents that while their daughters are enjoying tbo benefits or mental cul ture, they have also tbe comforts oi a refined home. This institution Is ostsbltohed with a vlow to aflbrd to young ladies tbe most perfect combination or ad vantages for the attainment or a thorough and no* cotnplUhed education, and no pains or expense wiU be spared to render it iu reality what it professes to be, a school of superior morit. Miss Eastman, the 1’rmcipal, was at tho head ora school in New Eng land previous to her residence iu Pouusyivoula, aud for the lost six yegrs has becu kuowu to tho patrons of Aston Ridgo rfsiuijiary, as presiding teacher lu that Institution. TheRt. Rev. A. PaUsr, Bishop o: the Dioceso of Pennsylvania, says:— “Miss M. L. rjistraau, who proposes to open a Young Ladtos summary lu Modia, Delaware Co., l'a., In September uext, has been kuowu to the sub scriber tor several years past. He has a very high oplnlou of her cupacity, efficiency and ilovotodnoss aa uu educator. .She lias iiad a targe and success ful exporience. The buildiug which is to ho erected for her use will contain every accommodation. Tho village aud surrounding country aro dUliuguinhed f«>r hea'thfuiness w.d beauty, aud tho subscriber 1ms confidence that parents wuo entrust their daughters to Miss Eastman will ituvo no reason to regret it.” Miss EusUnan will bo aided by au oilluiont corps of foHchors. The French tour-u«ige -will bo taught uudspokon by a 1'artolau lady, retMUaj In the family. Tlio I Jilin, Goruiuu, Spaaishaud Italian languages will receive due altcutidu. Tho .Natural fclouce.i will bo taught, with tho aid of a largo aud oxponsive apparatus. The Musical Department will bo uuder tho charge of a lady emiuuutly qualified to fill the sltu&Uuntaud all preferring a male teacher on tho l'iuuo or iu gingiug, can hate the bangtftor a VUltlng Toachor from Philadelphia. Drawing aud I'aluUug will bo under tho dlrectlou of a lady accomplishod In tbo art. Tho uumbor of pupils ft limited to forty. Tho Terms for Board and Tuition in all the branch- os oxcopt M ns In, are 9160 per sa-odon or five mouths. Miss Kastman has liberty lo refer to tbe following goutlomon:— Rt. Rev. A. I’utlur, U.D., and tlio Eplsco;uil clergy Hun. F: Pierce, Profidenl of the Uuitcd Mutes. Huu. S. P. Chase, Govutaor or O . lo. hire**’ ** ,,wk * ,r » Duvornor of Now Mainp- Hon. M. iV. Tapiiau, M. U. from New York. Rov. N. btom,oi Norristown, Pa, Itov. A. Ale hood, Clourllold, Pa. Pierce Butter, Esq.,of pbiladelpUia. J. 11. Okie, Knq., do. K. W, Clark, laq., do. George Wharton, Esq, do. Chrtotophor LuMer, PottsvIUo, Pa. Gcorgo Wyman, St. Louis. Mo. llou. P. 0. Jobusou, Washington, D. C, 6or furttior particulars, or for clroutsrs apply to *• Frlucip.1, Mias JIAHLA EASTMAN, JotO toil 3m Media, Delaware Co. Ma. l‘KIUODICAI.8. pUTNAU'B JIuatLly Maxazino for May. <*• , lawllo'a Uuitllo tl’Vaeliliaia Dir flay. Ulutkwu.i<l’a KdluburgL Hevltw tor April. Received and Ibr tale by WAttNOCK k DAVIS, maylfi 169 Congress street. 1 <0 K ttUUi. FLOUK In store and fur sale by may7 CRANE WF.IJA k CO. Zf \ Casks Ohio Catawba" Braudy iu store, 4JXJ and for Halo by the only regular Agent Tor Suvaimah, J. M. EYRE, my 14 U4 Bay street. JUST UBUKIVlfiD. PER tiTEAMER, an assortment or (Misses aud Children’s Plain Straws. , _ Ijidios’NHDI'OUrAN BONNETB, IN- K Famh- haw and FUTrt. AUo a few noTS’ HAW. For side hy Mite. FREELAND, may 17 Broughton afreet. L ISLE TUKEAD GAUNTLETS.—The only article of thu kind iu tbo city. For sals by J. W. THRELKELD, our27 corner of Cungrsss and Whltoker-sts. A PPIJCS k POTATOES^ 10 bbls Cholic Mercor Potatoes: 26 “ “ Knsaett Apples. For sale by ■Mil* J. Ai X. North point Jekyl W by g 2*. In the Sound U the Lower Midilo Ground Buoy— which lx a >ocond class nun, paiutod with red and black horixoutal stripos—is placod in twelve feet water at low tide, on tho lower point or the Middle Ground, to mark the two channels, ut Simon* Light bears N E by K. North point nr Jekyl Island 8 E by 8 8. Middle Middle Ground Buoy—Is a second class nun, pointed red, with No 4 iu while—is placed In eighteen feet water at low tide, near the ulbow ot the Middle Ground, and must bo* left on tbe star- hoard band entering. North i*oiut or Jokyl bars N E Li E. Brunswick point W by 8. Cpiwr Middle Urouud Buoy-is a Htiamd class uuu. painted red, with tho No 6 lu whim—U placod in 18 feet water at low tide, near tlio upper end ol tho Middlo Urouud. and miut bo left ou the star board baud outeriug. Brunswick point bears \Y X 8. Mouth or Jekyl Greek 8 y, K. Non.—In running in lor 8t Simons Bar bring tho light to boar X W by W X W, while in four rathoma water. This bearing as a course will tako you up to tho Outer Bar Buoy and into the Sound, passing the buoys as filrectod. By order of tho Light House Board. C. MANIUAUJ.T MORRIS, i c28—tf _ L. H. Inspector, 6th District. aVOTlCK TO MAllINKKNi ~ T HE buoys ut St. Andrew's lulot uud Sound have boon arranged iu the following m inm r: Bar Buoy—is a second class cau, puiuteJ rod, wilh the No 2 in whito—is placed iu sixteen water at low Udo, and must be left on tho tturbourd hand outer- lag. Llttto Cumberland 14ght bears \V by W •£ X. South point of Jokyl N W bv \V. Middle Buoy—u "V second class cau, pslulcd tad, with the No 4 In white—is placod in uineteeu feet water at low tide, near tho High Xorth Breakers, and must ho loft ou the starboard hand entering. Cumland Light bears W by X « X. South point oi Jekyl X W X W. luuer Buoy—U a secoud class cuu, (wiutod black, wilh No 1 in white—is placod in twenty-ono feet water at low tide, near a dry shoal running off from Cumberland Island, aud must bo lull ou tho i»ori hand entering. Cumberland Ught boars S \V by W X IV. South point or Jekyl X W x W. Iu the Sound Is tho Middle Ground Buoy—second class can, paiuted with red and block horizumul stripes—placed in tou feel water at low tide, on u point of shoal muffing dowu from tho Fatilla River, and nearly iu the middle of tbe Souud. Vessels must not pass to tbe woxtwurd of it. Cumberland Ugju^ears 8 by K X K. Innor point - r Jokyl N Buoy at tlm sntruuce of Satilla River—is a'second class can, paiutod block, with .No 3 in whito—is placed in ten feet water at low tide, and must bo left on the port hand entering. Cumberland Light bears 8 by K. Outor Hat of Jokyl boars N M. Nuts.—In muffing in for 8t. Androw’x Bar bring tho Light to boar W by X X N*» while iu lour fath oms wafer. This beating qs a courxo will take you up to tb<; Bar Buoy, then haul off to tbo nor tit ward until the Middlo Buoy, No 4 is in raugu with the Light, (to avoid two lamps in a direct line, W by N X N\ between tho two buoys,) when Rtoer for It— passlug it to tho southward. From tills buoy a N W by W X W course will bring you Into tho Found. By order or the Light House Board. 0. MANTUAULUdOKItlS, Je2fi—IF I.. H. Inspector, fllh District. not neglect them, w Hl"lt\KUiUj*i.. DELAYS ARE DANGEROl^ j ■ynss ufV'PIVPIt ‘in » With this medicine you can euro youraoir, aud th»F I ,,, v w*xes rShoodn. prevent all expoaure. , : U TT* - »>«.> .' * TOimrUUST A*l> WUX MHKFAIL. '■> - ' - - - -■ ■ WA^Sk. I.I'KSVH.i. ... fBPPU tfiLLINESY SRC Dross Making. MRS. FREELAND has open ed at her Rooms, No. 174 Broughtou Street, a fine selec tion or Spring Milinery, and is constantly receiving per steam ora, now and different styles of Bonnets; also, Dress and Mantilla patterns. *9" Bonnets cleaned aud presaod as usual, aprio ICE PITCHERS. DOUBLE Witt*** I s !I eliera, Kotno now and beautiful designs, Plated and Ilrita- nia. At tho Hju?e FurnUhiug Store, 166 BROUGHTUX STREET, HORAC1. MORSE. Savannah, April80. aprao rrm. TO WOOL SELLERS. rpHE Umlendgned have this day opened a X 8tore in Congress street, opposite tho Market, for the purebaso or Wool, Sheep Skins, Hides, Boos Wax, Doer 8kin«, aud Country Produce In goneral. Tbo highostcash prices will bo paid for all the abovo articles on delivery ,la Savaauah. Mr. L. J. GC1L* MARTIN has been appointed os Agent, to whom all xenons having business transactions with tho un- derslgned may apply, J. W. 8MYTHE k OO. aarannoh, May 19, 1866. may20 ' PIANOFOIITE8. HAVING lately rocelved large ad- diUons to our I’IaNO FORTES, we ore enabled to oiler at this time tba ‘greatest variety from tho best manu facturers, from the ploiuoxt square to tbe meet elab orately carved, and from six to seven octavos. Our Pianos are selected from the manufacturers whom we have full coufldeuce iu, and we are par ticularly requested by thorn to give aguarauty with every Instrument sold by us as regards durability, touo, Ac. Persons m want of a find rate Instrument may ro- ly wilh siUuty upon getting such a ouo by selecting from thu following makers, whose instruments we enduavur to kcop constantly on luuid, vis : 11. Wor cester, J. Chickoriug k Son. Nunns & Ciarko, Bacon k Ravens, II. Wafers, and Haines, Brothers A Cum mlng. 1. W. MOKKKU. h OU. aug 27 c cki L nfcTttra i THE ABBOB BILLIARD SALOON, (upstairs) Corner Bull und Bryan stroots, ovor Bsrbor Shop. June 27 J. M. HAYWOOD, Agt^t. MDSHW*,’ 0 ’ ’T- HAVE horn askod to allow tbo Bath Rooms to X < eoiaiu upon to a later hour thun nine o’clock ; 1 therefore give notice that from fills dsto tho Batli llouso will bo upon uutll eleven o’clock at night. Price 26 cents. Hix tickets tor *1. Jo27 J. M. HAYWOOD, Agent. USE BSBI0S4BIE (MSB, AT IIKDUCKD RATES. B ARGAIN,-i cau uow bo liud by ail those who wish lo clothe thoinsoivos gonfeully, as 1 will soil tho balance of my Ready-Mado, at reduced ratos ou time, and fen per cent, off for cash Ca.l aud avail yourself of tho cliaucu to obtain good arti cles. At tho Star Clothing Emporium. WILLIAM 0 PRICE, June 2T 147 feif street F IjOUR60 barrels superfine Hour, extra quail- lyjustroccivod, aud for safe by YONOK k FRIERSON, jy 2 No, 94 Bay street. poiik— X 60 barrels Mass Pork, 26 do Prime do Landiug und tor safe by my!4 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO UPEkIOR Choice Goshen Bultor aud Dutch Ohoeso, received per steamer Alabama by __ mayi» J. D. Jr5.SK. L| AY.—100 bnlca jirlrnc North’Rivor Hay, hu*d- XX lug tht*. day from brig Augusta, aud lur safe on tho wharf by Jy8 CRANK, WKIJ>SCO. | fc>/4 Pavilion Laces, superior quality; XA9 Zephyr Whalebone .skirts; French Liuou Drilllugs: York Mills aud Wafer twbrt Bleached tiffin ing*. Block Moire AuUque Trimmings Black Kiss Uu Holts; English Thread Kdgiugs; Hosiery, Ribbons, *c. Just received par steamer Augusta. Jal2 DxWITT k MORGAN. O tiXABUKGti—30 haies Osusburgs, Mowtou uud Thomasioii Mills, Just received end for sslu hy jmiolS CRANK, WKIJ8 k OO. UYRUP AND MOLA8SE8,—io' bffi* choice Now LJ Oi l*m* syrup, 76 du do MoUs*<m. just rooolv- od und tor mle by ■ / Jy7 hCUAXTOX. JtlllNhTO.\ A IU O M’NnV CMriH—lu *tore oud tor"sale by r Juno 4 PADKU10RD, FAY * m most virulent form of secret diseases, aud eradicates every particle of infectious matter from tbo system, restoring tbe patient to a porfevt statu of HEALTH AND PURITY. Heins bo Id’s Highly Concentrated Com pound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla. For purl()'tn< the Blood, removing all diseases ari sing from excess of Mercury, oxttosure aud im prudence in life, chronic constitutional diseases, arising from an impure statu of Blood, aud the only reliable and effectual kuowu remedy for tho euro of ticrofula, Halt Rheum, ticald Head, Ulcer ations of the Throat aud Logs, Pains uud Swellings of tho Bonos, Totter, Pimples ou tho Face, aud iui Scaly Eruptions ortho Skin. It Is gratifying to tho proprietor of these medicines to be abio to state that it U uow nearly threo years since they wore drat introduced, duriug which time they have been bxteufivoly used lu various parts of the United States, and have givon to pationt and practitioner the highest degree of satisfaction in the various cases iu which they lutvo bocu employed ; whether lu towu. country, hosidtal or private prac tice, they have Invariably given tho most decided and unequivocal satisfaction, and producod tho most salutary and beneficial effect-*. Numerous letters have been received from tho most distinguished pbyficlfnx in the country, aud from tho urofcxsora of several medical colleges, recommending in the. highest terms the value of these medicines, and their superiority ovor all othor preparations for such complaints os the proprietor recommends. Numerous preparation* of Sorsupurillu and of Buchu and variuux modes of pre|iurlng them have boon S lvun, ail of which or course will dUfe-r according to 10 mode of preparation which each individual may adopt. Those medicines require cuusldorablo care lu the preparation aud tho employment of different men- Btruu iu muccossIvo o|»eration to tako up tlio extrac tive matters, and, in couscquouco, aro most fre quently Improperly mado, ami not unfrequentiy much impaired, if uot rendered totally inert, by the Injudicious and unskilful management of those unac quainted witti pharmuccutlcul preparations. It is therefore of tiio highest cuufidorutiuu and iiujtort- anco to the public and to tiio faculty that there should bo standard preparations of uniform strength und possessing the moat advantages. TO effect this aud obviuto tho evil alluded to, I Imve made u num ber of oxperimeuta to uscertain tho murt ell'ectual mode of extracting tlio virtue*, or the Sarsaparilla und tho Buchu, and to discover tho most eligible form for their exhibition. The oxiierimcnts have resulted most favorably, aud it 1* wilh much pleas ure 1 now offer to the public uud tlio faculty my Compound Fluid Extracts, which coutaiu ull U10 vir tues of the articles they aro represented to bo made from in a highly couceut rated form, and aro the most active pnqiaruUons which can ho mode. Two ta- blespoousrul or tho Extract .Sarsaparilla, added to a pint or wafer, is equal to tho Lisbon diet drink, aud one hottlo fully oqtills lu strength ono gallon uf Syr up Sarsaparilla or decoction aa ii*uul!y mado. l'lUCIte: Fluid Extract Burlm, 61 per but tic, or 0 tor 95 “ “ SarsapurlllM •• “ “ “ “ Certificafes ot cures and rccoumondatlonH from distinguished professors and physicians will accom pany each preparation. Prepared hiuI sold by H. T. HKLMBOLI), Practical and Analytical Chemist, 203, Chestnut-st., near the Girard Houso I’hila. To be tiud of Druggists and Dvafer* In every sec tion of tho United States and Canadas. AU letters for the medicine directed to the propri etor receive immediate attention, aud safe dolivorio guaranteed. sept 1—ly-dtw JOIl¥ P, Glennie: & CO., " GIBBON’S BUILDINGS, SAVANNAH., Ga. - WHOLESALEk RETAIL DRUGGISTS. ggi Would call the atte^fiou of Morchanta, Factors, Planters, Phyelclucs uud others, to their ox- tensive and woil selected stock, comprising •very article in their Uno or business, and which tboy offor for sole on tho most reasonable terms for cash, or approved credit, vlx; PAINTS, VARNISHES, (HASS, AC.. White Lead, Pure and No. l; TJenmn’s Colors, dry and in oil; Japan, Copal, aud Coarb Varnishes ; Linseed Oil, Spirits Turpentine, Window Glass, Put S , Gold Loaf, Paint Brushes, Sash Tools, aud Gls* era’s Diamonds. LA Ml’, MACHINERY AND TANNERS’ OILS, Bleached Sperm, Whale and I*rd Oils, tor burniug; all descriptions of OH for machinery, vlx., Patent Oil Unbleached fc'i»crui, Inrd and Kuih» Seed Oil; also Taunerfl,’ Neats. Foot uud Sweet Oil. GROCERS’ ARTIClaES. Nutmegs, Mace, Alsplro, Cinnamon, Popper, Ginger, Mustard, Saloralu*, tioda, Pearhtah, Sweet Oil, Starch, Fig Blue. Matches. Ac. FOR PHV8ICIAX8. A grout varioty of thu best French. English, aud American Chemicals, Pharmaceutical Preparations, Select powders, Surgical Instruments, Vtalr Specie Jars, Metallc Saddle bugs. Ac. Abo, CAMl’HEXE AND BURNING FLUID. Any ono who may favor them with tbolr ordora may depend upon their rccolviug the best attention, and that all goods furnished will bo of a reliable quality. Should they uot givo entire satisfaction, they may be returned at tho optiou of the purchaser. mahlOlt J. E. DK FOfffii, APOTHECARIKH H.U.L. S. E. Corner or, Broughton and Barnard Streets. Savon- _ nah Go., tVlioleraleand rotalt Dealors in__ Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, Dyo Woods and Dyo gtulfii, Frvuuh, English, and American Perfum ery, Fiuo Toilet And Shaving Soaps, Combs and Brushes of every description, Surgical and Dental Instruinenta, Trusses and Supporters or all kinds, Spices, Suulfs, Manufactured Tobacco, All tho I’atout or Proprietary Medicines of tho day. Superior Inks, Puro Wines and Brandies for Modicinal purposes, Extracts tor Flavoring, Toilet and Fancy Articles, &u. 49- N. B—Espcifial uUe&Uou given to the K oration or Physicians' Proscriptions and Family pos. Ship, Family and Travelling Mediciuo Cases, WUb plain Directions for use, including Directions tor treatment in cases of poisoning, Drowning, Ac. •p7(y -Tin- *V 9u ;r tf ( ' 10HN 4NIJ COHN MHIaL—imi bus prime J Corn, White and mixed; 50 do fresh Cora Meal u store aud for sale by *ci« riiw nrrrov am OK An I—IU3AO li-READlll ' That is, If you cau sec; uud tfJWffyou cau’t soe, you cau Uud jCZj aUKall kinds of “ helps to see.” at the Wufeh auu Jewelry Store of D. H. NlchoLs A Co., in Congress street, next (hair to tho corner uf Whitaker, where you c an purchase Wutcfe<s, Je>yolry, Hllver Ware, uud Fancy Goods, ns few as at any other store in tho couutry. Wu have received per stoumship Alabama a fresb fel of those fine Steel Spectacles : also, a supply of Pebble uud I’eriauopiu I-cit?, which we are prepared to lit iu all kiuds or frames, nt short notice. Our Porlrcoptc laons (su culled from their |>ecullar shape) have an advantage over all othors, us they have a greuter range of focus, so that tho reader Is uot compolied to buffi the book or |>aper at a certain distauce front the oye. Call aud see. , D. B. NICHUlii A CO. W -No abiirge for showing good*, tour 11 D. B. N. A CO. OPE—700 coils Rope, various brands, all XV of good quality, in storu and for sale by apr29 BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO. /'10UN—Iu store and for sale by ill*** 1,» ? CEiTvSVrtl.t.lN 08 MERCER UNIVERSITY, PENF1ELD, GA. FACULTY. PRKHIpm, N. M. CRAWFORD, IK ll. fMOFSSSONM. College. H l>. SANFOHl», A. M., Mathematics. J. E. WII.LF.T, A. M., Chemistry aud Natural Philosophy. H. II. TUCKER, A. M.. Belles l^ltrvs. U. W. WIHR A. M., Grook aud Lutin laHUKuages. W1LIJAM 0; WOUDFIN. A.n., Modern l*aiiKiia|(Uk. Thcologli-ul Seminary. N. M. CRAW FORD, D. D\ KoeleslasUcal History and Biblical I .Herat are. WILLIAM WllaLlAMe, A. M., Systoinatlr. and I’Uhtorai lltiadogy. Arailemy. _ THOMAS a. 8KA1H, PrffiripaL ^TbeOommeucemeut i* held ou tbe last Wednesday Tho next Teim w|U ootnmanoe on th* lost Wed nesday In August. The prieo e? Board In the village Is $10 per month; washing, room rent, fuel, Ao., $8. By order oTtbs Board or Trustees. my 12»m B, UNDRUM, Beorotory, /*ftruA~uouBSH=is eMp'W'm \IEW CROP CUBA MOLAbKte, Xl go oT the Abbott lievcruaux, Osin P V. " r for safe In lots to suit purchaser? In l n, ‘" jgg 1 111,1 * «Mi* VABPET AlVDlPHni.Htfclli WABHIOW. 1 A wnltf lu eiiiroa. lo bl. Mm. auJ ui ?"' guenUg. bU Moccre lbaok.- fortlirti Hirer*, age and UIIuuim, wbicb Im roams.., Ualredo to all part, or tUcStai... au, u ' Florida, Alabama aud Toinuase,., uiertbv ' bdm lo .iblblta atocb ouau.pao,, “iu ft ( Families, Mcrchauta, Hotel Keein-f. aui <, boat Owners are particularly ii.viltfi ioyuJ' ' present stiKk, which is now com^-w m J, " various departments, consisting m jin ofthef .i. I Ing foods, vix: , m * CARP El DEPAR1MEM Royal Medalioo, Royal Velvet, llocet WiUon, Mocet Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, Power Loom Brussels Three ply Ingrain, Two ply Ingrain, Wool Dutch, Rigiisli Iiruggi-u. /,.• rious widths ) Mosair Hearth Ku,. Velvet aud Cheufi. ,- Tultol Rug*. Piano and uW«Cov«. Door llal,(orere v. ri „, SU,ei fe brwgu, o,;,. t Corptia liui ll!.^, it. CURTAIN A ND UPUvLSl tlt Y DkPAhTXM\» uliU cumki Satin de Lullies, Gilt Cornices, Satin and Silk Damask, Gilt Hus ui*a Bands Worsted and Cotton Damask, TasAtti, Looibu. Cords; Velvet and Plush of various colors - tvimta Shades, new style. Also, every variety of Furniture Urerinu, Tnn, mlngs and tnaterioLs for decorating. FLOOR OIL CLOVIS From two to Twouty-four feet wide, for Han,,.,, Rooms, cut to fit without a ..coin. .The Hobscrlbcr will oblige hitusetf lu nnktta prices on all description of goods a- low us the nan, quality cau be purchased in any Northern cui EOT Carpets cut to Rooms aud goods hm l, «l, part or tho city tree of charge. fa* An experienced Upholster willaikutiiuUt, making and laying ol Carpets auu Oil Cloths »h,. desired. Tho decorative and curnuu dcpartuitw ( , B chargo of au UpboLtcr of ackunwicdgedtafivsii* ■hill. W.H.GU0N?W 0Ctl6 140 Congress &i.d 67 SL Juiiea-st. DR. SANFORD’S lXVIGOUATOH, r l a mild laxativt, tonic und stimulant,uijR, recommended to tho public, relying upon iuk trinaic worth iu tho cure of the following compl&lst AU BlUious Derangements, SickHcadacbu. te. «ia, Habitual Oostireucs*, Chronic Disrrboe, Cola Pain In tlio Stomach and Bowels, General bcbliin Female Weakness, Ac. For safe Lv DruggUu »»i. •raUy, and by John. B Moore A Co. and Wm. ’* Lincoln, Savannah. _ ly ;ebl2 111 TUIUKRl' TMIBEltll X HE Uodeeaimed baa just received. Ibr salt (600) Firo Hundred juoc c- of goo-! L Upj4r< Timber, averaging over one thousand icvtiosuk » fob JEFFEiteuN liUliUOV \| ACKEIlEU HEltrtllNli, dAbUOOrre ATX 2 bhls large No 1 Mackerel, 8 do do No J dn 3 do do No 2 do 2 hia if bblc Bine Fish, 2 do Pickled Hermit 3 do No 1 Snluiou, 5 quarter hbia No l Markerea 10 kits No 1 Mackerel 10 db list 2 (Ire 5 Kits Tongues and Sound. fc 1000 lbs Codfish. For salt. i.-M t*» JE026 J \ i.ituU J UST RECEIVED BY ENPItl^S- Mother Ut. u riety of Silver Ware of the mna beautiful ptf tera and fiuUli, butter kulves, plckfe kuivet ana forks, knives, forks and sjaooai?. fruit knlvea and forks, cake and pen kuives in *ury variety, mu< urds and salt a in all variety lYoua plain lo the rno-i ornamental G. M. GRIFFIN, Rutvessatr to thu late M Eastman. Jyfi Corner Bryan and Whitaker lt|i RATSS OF ADVERTISING. For ono square, or300 cm* nr le.*s, or any tv j* m larger than Nonpareil, 76 rents for tho Ur-t,ui !k cents for each subsequent insertion,for auy tiine les» than one mouth. All Tabular work, with or without Rub-*; wi.t m vertisemonts occupying double column, fialJ h? charged doublo the abovo rates. Advertisements or whatever length, tor any m.v. less than one month, to be charged nt trsnclwu rates. For a longer time at the following rate? 1 Square 810 10 820 824 tno 2 Squares,.. 16 22 20 28 3*i .V. 3 do .... 20 27 32 36 41 J6l 4 do .... 24 82 88 42 52 7. 6 do .... 27 36 44 40 00 ft- 6 do .... 80 40 60 64 Ci fo 7 do .... .32 43 64 68 70 100 8 do .... 34 40 68 62 74 110 6 do .... 86 48 61 06 77 111 10 do .... 88 60 64 70 80 m For any time not above specified, a proportiona chargo will bo made. A deduction nr 26 per cent from tho above rau* will be mado on advertisements appearing ex< U slvely on tho fourth page or tho dally. Advertisements ordored three times a week, win bo charged two-thirds tho abovo rates. Advertisements ordered in the per square for each Insertion, for any time less thin one month. For moro Ilian one mouth at one hah tbe rates specified In the ubovo table. Special notices, 10 cents per Uuo tor tho first, 6 ceuts for oach subscqon} insertion, amt in oocsm to be subject to contract.' Marriage notices $1. Fd neral iuviiations 60 cbnts each. No special notice! inserted for loss than 60 cents. Obituary Notice*, RoiKjrfe, Resolutions, or Proceedings of anySocielf, Association, or Corporation, ordered to be publish ed, 6 cents per Une. steamboats wlUbe advertised at $40 ptr sodob for cnch boat advertised. Steamships, where but ouo is running, ftOpersn nutn; if twuor more, 880 each. Auctioneers’ advertisements not to be subject to contract, but to bo charged at the rates prescribes per square. Tlio paper, under no circular lances, to bo InciuJ ed In u contrast. u , Professional and business cards not vxreeUiRi ‘ lines, will he inserted at $20 per annum. Culls on |H?rs»ns to become caudldater. win w iuserted os ether ud vertieumenta, to be paid mr ® variably iu advance. .. Announcing candidHti^’for ofilce, 610, to be psio tu mlvaucu. Advertisomnits not narked ou the cony tor* specified time, will be Inaertod until forbid, »<* jiuyineiitoxueted. when any bill for two months advoril*lug. thun coutract, apiouuts to over f 60, a deduction « 26 per cent Will bo made, ... Yearly advertising, with privilege of change be token at tho following rates: . For ono squure, renewable once a week, *« “ • “ “ twice “ *• “ •• ** 3 times or offend 70 Every additional square contracted for to be charg ed uuo huirtlm above rules additional. Yearly advertisers shall be limited to lb® ■’J**f* contracted for. All contracts shall bo in writing, stating definitely the nature or the business»® 1 advertised. Any advertisements not properly cob nested wilh the business shall bo charged sop*™**: ly, und also any oxcohs of matter over the «nwuni coutrauted tor. . ... Contract advwtisemenU payable qufcfwiytr Tt tisements from strangers and transient payable in advance. AU others will be ooosW***® duo when called for. . . Regular advortlsvrs and ull othersseiidtng municutions or requiring notices dc.-igiicd to “ tentlon to fairs, concerts, soirees, or auv |*uouc tortammeuts, whore charges are made M tauce—ail notices of private nseeclatlotw. everi tico designed to call atfeutlou to private ouwrpru» calculated or luteuded to promote individual un* rests, cau outy bo tnaerted with tho imderfunamg that tlio name Is to be paid for. If iuserjcl in editorial coluiuu (which can bo only at the obcw- tton of tho editors) the same will be charged st u» rate of not loss than 20 cents i*or line. Tho *'^ 1 and V oursolvcs strictly .« ... - charges, and In no lustamw lo deviate'therein®* . The aoove rates to tako efl'eot March 1, I*® 8 ' *?. to ooutlnue bindiug, uuttl changed by tbe voi«« ■ PWlorlty of the undersigned. N. B.—This schedule shall not in aio Ihe Integrity oT oxlHting contracts. All oonfr»w»J W "«“S? auw * 1 * agnoL ffrriiHfsan B88I as • of not loss than 20 cents per line. H liu undersigned, publishers of Daily, Tr» "^J Weekly newspajicrs In Savannah, Ga., J'lwi* solves strictly to adhere to tho above bn* •