Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, July 28, 1856, Image 1

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jpg Sl journal MONDAY, Two O’Clwk, p. n. lltc Democratic Meeting lo-nljjlii. Wc fed It our duty ah well tw our idoiiuura to call the attention of the Democrat* ami ull per non? win) propose to act with thorn In Urn coun ty oVcit.Uhiim,to tho praUworthy or#auizutUm which will bo inaugurated to-night. It in a time wliioli requires an u-wociutiou o| tliuklml pioposed, in order that the pooplo may have weaker* ntroiahetl them both, IVom nt home and abroad. to address them from time to time. We ask all the friends of Buchanan ami Brock- luiidge, to unite in tho undertaking, and unsure Utem that if they will hut iond an assisting hand, they will ensure a crushing victory tor the Satumal Cundiiiates of the country, in old Chatham. They will give the overwhelming vote of our people for the old patriot and states man of Wheatlaud, and the young -sou ol Ken tucky MimiiKR.—Last night about nine o’clock ou the Thunderbolt road, a negro man by name Wtilntm, the property of R. A. S.mllavd, «tabbe l a boy called Richard, the property of .Mr. Ay mill am Harmon. The wound ,wus in dicted iu the region of the heart, uud produced death in about mt half hour, An inquest was held over.the body this morn ing by t’orouer Eden, and verdict touiul. to the eifect that “the deceased come to his death from a wound lufllctcd about the region ol the heart with some sharp Instrument by William, a Have, said to tie the property of K. A,. Soul- lanl. SeouB.s Dkath.—Mr. .1. Christy, a house and d ( ,,» j, ,inter, died suddenly this forenonti front the elleets of the sun. Mi • John Reedy, our Receiver of Tax Returns has kindly furnished us with an abstract of hi* Tax Digest for the year 1850 : _ 542,8514 acres laud, valued ul >2/iU8,lMU ll,Q19 slaves, valued ut 4,781,01151 Value ol city property, 7,0051,lol Ainouut of money and solvent debts. 4,087,213 yaluvo of merchandize, I .M4 ,‘lf>8 Capital invested iu shipping, i}8C,27A Capital invested iu stocks, 4c 348,130 Value of furuitiito over $5100, 370,700 Valve til other property not lie tore enumerated, "" .>45.041) Total amount, dumber of Polls returned,. t; i •*' v> .Thu Plw Comp iiiln« NVe do itoi propose to make any lengthened reply to the article iu the Republican of this mornlug J on tho Kira ('umpnidrs. With all res pect tojthy guutleiucn who made tho minority repfn t. ’we coii.slUer tlio nuggu.stiou at tho end of Unit report n dodge,anil for this simple rea son, The b.ivahmiii Fire Company, under tho ordinance which gives tho power to tako uwuy the engine Ac. of uu offending Company, de prived the Young America Company of its up? paratus lor general misconduct as u Company. It has investigated already tho question iu this light, audit pro,.OM».s under the recommenda tion of Council to give a new trial upon that point. The trial of individual oiiteers or mem bers of the Company can iu no event be brought up. Tim minority have said that‘!we there fore recommend that the Savannah Fire Com- pour ’» ted by Council to ore I hi? engine to the Vcamg America Fire Compuny No. .1, and arraign before the proper tribunal h»r punishment such persona us uiuy have been guilty In the premises. Itespeetfully, Rmvu. U. AN.niamoN, ItollBIlT A. ALLMN. Thu 1 stand 2d ollicers of YouugA merica are c-ojjicio 11101111)0111 of the Savannah Fire Compii* oy; they cun been tried for misconduct under the by-laws of the latter body, and may be expell ed. The members of Voting America cannot lie tried individually by the latter compuny ; the only punishment against them as Uulividu’ als is by u line from the Mayor, ill the Police Com I. ruder tlm recommendation of the mi nority to ’• arraign before thepi'oper tribunal foi'punishment such persons u.« may have been guilty in the premises,*’ if tlm offence should turn uitt to he the urt of ull tho members of Voting America, perhaps the gentlemen of tho minority will contend that the proper t< Umnnl is Uie Mayor’s Court, and jusijfy their shrewd? ness in the use of the term “proper tribunal.” Thu .Savannah Fire Company has'no jurisdic tion over them, except as persons to whom an Kujfhm Ik’Qii cii Iras tod. Its only remedy was to take away that Engine. The Republican makes mis-statements. It says the majority was of opinion that Council had m» right to determine the case, dually, on appeal. That is not so. Any expression of opinion on that question was studiously avoided in the .nujority report. Its plain purportistlmt the Sayannuh Fire Company had tin* right to take away tlm engine, and that the petition shows no'reason why Council should interfere $ and nothing else. Xo injustice h.H boon done tlm minority by uu. Misrepresentations we never make. FOURTH OK.ItILV IN LONDON.: rn | Hjim'lirs uii the CMtoiutloti-Eiiulleli fuel* Washington Correspondence. Atmotpkeric Telegraph—Internal Improve menti—Herbert! Trial. Washington, July 23th. Pimtc hill day—Friday—i. without interest aiu-mul „ (?The ^'Atmospheric 3 Telegraph 1 ' failed to come ufiduthe Semite to-day. The Inventor Wishes a hundred thousand dullars to ninke a fair experlntdii Ho has a beautiful model ui the llotun^s. nhoift sixty feet |ong-a smooth |rou tune, with au air-pump to exhaust it; when thus eshausted, n miniature mail bag dies from one end to the other in “no time," as itlsulleg- •d will he the cose upon a larger scale ou our mail routes. It i« a matter ot astonishment to some at least of these luembereof the old Whig putty who are now. os national men and uu.nutioual grounds, acting with the Democretio party, that even the old leaders ol that party ure In stall about so completely ou that old hone of contention, the qnestion of intornul Improve ments. With a few exceptions, the political leaders of the South, both Whigs and Uemo- ;mts, who cauoot dildefstaud the expediency WnsIilntiobafitVor lavishing the public mo- Bey -onTochl iraprifvements • in whicli they und their cudstitnenu can have no poasiblu Interest; wither director iBdlrectflte protesting with amaro raent,though uusucce!i3fuiry,ugaimd tmsbuuueu mania for protecting the commerce ol every community throughout the North and Nurth\ve.->t that will raise the cry of geucrul commercial ue- necessity. Without goinij into a discussion oltbe propriety or impropriety uf internal improvemnU as applied generally to the whole couutry, it may well be wild that tbi* partial, one-sided syolvin, that uow meets ho much lavur even from the old-liuo Democrats ui the “strictest sect,” is,-in the apt language ol Senator Toombs, who has energetically oppos ed it throughout—“part uud parcel ol ugeuera scheme to get public money, ou the old and vulgor idea. ‘If you snatch my back, 1II tickle yonr elbow-" “Why,” he asked, ••hbm«idii Y e nurtdrod thousand peoplpot (Jeorgra, wh u have uo rivers, und who have spent $20, iu makiug communications to get their produce to market, be afterwards plundered for the benelit of nine thousaud people of Wisconsin V When Southern Senators have eompluiued of the partiality exhibited iu making uppro- S riutioiM almost entirely for Wisconsin and [ichiguu improvements, Senators from the North toll them it is because the South wilt make uo demands lor like appropriations. The South, then, has full notice given it: let it scramble for its share of the spoils. > The interest iu the Herbert case continues unabated. Nearly the eutire day yesterday was occupied by Mr. l'reston, of Baltimore—retain ed by the Irked* und relatives of jhp deceased {6 assist in [he piospciitiim iq u very sea rching, jiblp dtp] feryhf address |o the jury. To-day the Hon. Percy Walker, ot Alabama, iu his ad dress to the jury iu behalf of the prisoner, made a most severe allusion to tho fact that Mr. Pres ton, though, ns he himself yesterday declared, usually found defending thoao accused of crime, ha- yet in this cane taken the positiou ot nssis- taut prosecutor, for hire. Ho declared that "ull great Neptune.-,’* ocean” could not wash from fils hand the stale felt there by the price of blood, but rather, like the blood id* the aged Duucan on the fuir hand of the murderous Queen of Scotland, it would “the multitudinous seas incarnadine.” The case will be given to the jury this even ing. Many think that tho Jury cannot agree; but the file lids of tho prisoner ure conlldeut of z an acquittal. iMi'jurmi.. Ykm.ow Fkvkh at tiik Bai.tiwoiu: Qoauan yiKK.- The Baltimore Patriot of last Friday Tim baik Alice Tatlpjii, from Cuba, is de tained ut quarantine, in consequence of Bioknew? njftoiHf her crew. The schooner Baltic, (,'upt. Stevens, from St. Jugo de Culia, was also quar antined this morning, she having lost two of her crew by yellow fever during the passage, aud Cant. S. is now down with tl;e same dis ease. This is us it should be, and while wo ure confident that every care and attention will bn paid to the sick at the Marine Hospital and on board vessels at quarantine, we have also tho consolation of knowing that every care is being taken by our health officer to prevent conlu- null inqtowoitU America. The Fourth of July was colebrated by a par ty given by Mr. Pcuhody, ut which one hun dred Americans sut duwu with u few Ruglisli guutiomeu. Mr. Peabody took tbe chair shortly uftur seven o’clock, supported ou tho right by the American Minister, Mr. Dallas, and on tho left by Mr. W. liiowu, M. l\; Mr. Stell, of Manches ter: Mr. Morgan. of Ijoudoiip Mr. Sumcrby, of Boston, United fitatea; Mr. P. N. Dallas,' Sec retary of, Legutiun, and Mr. Ctoskey, United States Consul utSimtliampton, acted as Vice Presidents. Mr. Juliu Alacgrudcr, M. P{ 8. U. Hall,aud Mr. J. K. Jimcs,.the wulptor, Wera among tlm English guests. Alter tlio removal of tho doth Mr. Peuhudy rose and said: Your Rxcelleucy und gentlemen, I am uow aliout to puss, in tiie common accep tation of the phrase, “the the loving cup.” Hut 1 have be lore me two cups, the one of Drillsh fabric, tlio other of my native bale, presented to mo several years since by niy esteemed fiieiid, Mr. Francis Peabody, who is uow pres ent. Before passing these cups, allow mo to say n word or two with respect to tlm day in connection with myself. The lli-sl dinner l gave hi commemoration of the 4th of .July, I77d, ; was iu tills hall in 1850, aud 1 was then, us now, honored by tlio presence of tlio Ameri can Minister, of n large party of my own coun trymen, anil of several Ruglisli friends, some ot whom it'ls my luippiuess to see mound'me to-, day. That experiment proved successful, aud j some matters in i-oferal.-. in 1851, in consequence of the largo number j Messrs. Brooks and HiJHingame. Tlio entres ol* my countrymen who came over to visit tbo ; prmdcuce, together witlj the statements of Mr great RxliiliUuiu, I determined on sutatituliog Brooks and Oeu. Dane, appear iutliis mornings for tho dinner a concert and bull. ■ Union. There is but one ouiuion among nil .V few of my countiymcn uudoavored to dis- hoimralile men nliont tjho aflair. Mr. Uurliii- suade me Irani the attempt to bring Rngllsh. —— * 1...»••**— —«•» - men uud Americans togotber on such au occa sion, lint the aeceptauco of the Dukeuf Wei Ungtotr put au e. u to my doubts, und a thou sand happy faces, ut Ahmic’s, ou the 4th of July, 1851, sealed my success,—-(cheers)—and, I trust, broke dowu the assumed barrier to the union of Englishmen aud Americans, in cele brating this glorious uuuiversary, never ugain to be elected. (Cheer*.) But to return, gen tlemen, to the cups : these cups of love and peace, the one of British fabric, tl;o other of our Ainericaii oak, idled with tho same foun tain of good cheer. I send one to the Rust aud tiie oilier to the West, aud when they meet iu tiie circling bound may they puss with the touch of friendship. (Cheers.) The two caps were then passed round, Mr. . , - - for ‘ “ NEW 1 iBVEWpSBMBOT earnest in resorting to priibtttal revolution. On the bill makiug appropriation* ttorthe army, on yesterday, Iu OommitMe pf the Whole, an amendment was adopted providing that all the nets of the Kansas legislature nro declared null und void. If this amendment la adopted in tiie House, the army bill will go to the Senate, when tho amendment will bo stricken out.— Upon thoHouso’a inalatlAg, v the army bill will lull. -It is understood - that* the name process will bo resorted to for the defeat of the other appropriation bills. ThM would 'bo practical revolution, and tiro. consbquonco so disastrous Unit wo will not assumb that black republi canism is prepared to persist in such u mad » Mr. | course, und therefore we awuit the result before " indulging in further comments. - Tlio Committee of Elections recognised tho revolutionary doctriue that the laws of Kansas arc invalid, and for that reason reported that (tenoral Whilliehl was not legally elected dele gate from Kansas. ThA ; also report tliat Onv- cruor Rctulei 1 is the logaWtelegate, although the committee 1 sent to Khijsu*-say thut ho was chomi without uny legal authority for the elec- - -jttnu , tion. Mr. .Stephens made a minority report. Such' lire the revolutionary strides which have marked one day’s proceedings!—fVnshinRtan Unioni July 25. 'J S|n!ciiiU’<iir.«jH)iuK'Uco otauu Dully Pvimsylvauiun. Front Wnijihliigton. Uahiiinuton, July 2il ineiitioueil ill my »»Atmi.Miiu*. .imy my Jilspatch ol yesterdaj’ feredee to a duel lietweon DRY GOODS. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! ! J AMKS O’HARA won! I respectfully iuroriii ills patrons, nml tho public geuornlly, tlmt iu ordar to prrpiru (or the Tail truth*, hoU uuw 0S«jiiiwaopi' ills aissorltnout Iu store, AT COSTPRICES aud would invito attention thereto, ut hi* storo, Jy28 _ Congrcss«>4n-i!ii<. ‘MAflKBl i x tv m uioii co uict . " JDJ.y tkhm, jwo. \ITIIKRKA8, John J Curbur, John Kelly, Daniel TV G Olnott, Theodore Brigham, Charles Iuie, and Albert M Sullivan, summoned to attend tbo presont term of till* Court iw Petit Jurors, have lundo default for tlio term : It H ordurod, that they bo lined twenty dollars each, unlos* they tile good and sufficient cause of excuse on or before the Urtd day of the next term of tbl* fomi Trim extract from minute-*. Jy*28 \VM. 11. BUI t.OCH, lU'k i «. o. c. uur fervent hope is that ids euiioftyora way prove Biiiiiolent to wrest our city front tiie plague ot all pestilential diseases. Another Foahk ur in \Vabminuton,—a. correspondent or the New York Express, writ ing from Washington on tho 23d instant, says; We had another little flare np to day. Mr. Edmundson, of Virginia, met that illustrious and pure Republican, Orsemus B. Mutteson, in the lobby near the House Post Office, and took him to task pretty roundly. He informed him politely, in Victoria Anglo-Saxon, that lie was a rascal,’ a corrupt dog, unworthy the asso ciation of gentlemen, and whom he hud always Uesjibed.” Matte»on took it like a Republican and onulipcl away alter Mr. Uarutlicre. Cioj. Smith anOI ntlicra Interfeied, to savo him from further eiutlltatlou. . *1 Key West Oorrespiindenee, Kkv West, July 25. Yellow Fern- at h'ey lYnt—Afurinc Intelli gence, ' The bark Tropic, Bird, from Havana, bound to New York, arrived at this port on the IDtii of June, iu distress. She came up to the wharf aud remained until the following day, when she was ordered iuto Quarantine. Four of the crew deserted and secreted themselves on shore. The bark sailed tiie 24th of June tor New York — on tiie 20th, two of tiie deserters were taken to the Marine Hospital, where they soon after died of tiie yellow fever. The other two seamen wore taken sick, one on the lfltb, and the other the 20tli of July, oue has recovered aud the othe r is dead. Tlio pilot boat Dart, of this place, arrived the 30th ult., {from Havana. On the 1st, one of her crew was taken side, but was not removed from bis boarding house until the black vomit lmd set in. lie was taken to tbe Hospital ami died- A man who assisted in dioeburging- the fruit, brought iu tbe Dart, also took sick^ was taken to the Huspilal and died of the same disease. On the Utli of July, a ludy who board ed in the home udjoiuiug the above mentioned sailor boarding house—her room being 30 feet distant from that occupiod by the sailor with the black vomit, was takeu sick uud died ou the 12th. A lady friend visiting the lust mentioned per &-OU on the -1th, pievious to her sickuess, but while tbe case of black vomit was at the adjoin ing house, u Jbeavy storm occuriu,g was obliged to remain wild her for the night, and on tiie Sth she was taken with tlio fever, uud ou the lath was u corpse! Up to tiie present moment, eight deaths have occurred from tiie fever, two citizens. There arc now some H) or 12 cases of fever on the Island—nil among the uuucdimatcd. Tlio eases are mild, and but one is considered dan gerous. During tiie sickness of tlio flrat men tioned cases, tiie weather was extremely uu- plcinmnt—•wind right from tiie north, and tem perature from 85 to l>5j degrees. A gj'eut change occurred on ihp iGtli, tiie thermometer indi cating 80 ut nine aud 85 «t 2 o’clock P, M., the wind being I la* “.South-east trade.” There have been showers daily for tlio past week, all uccompunicd by lightning the latter on the 18th, -.striking two houses in tlio city. Since tlio cliungo In the wind, tlio sickness lias in creased, but all cases ure of the mildest type and readily yield to gentle treatment. The alarm occasioned, and tbo fatal termination of the lirst case? has subsided mid uo fears are en tertained now tlmt tiie epidemic will assume a malignant form. Wc have been particular iu tracing the progress of the disease, that these feeling an interest iu tlio question of coutugion or infection, may have the facts to argue front. The highly electrical statu of the atmosphere may huye some connection with the improved condition of the patients now under treatment, a ml goes far to prove that Prof, Merriam’s theory kfter all may be correct. The ship Astoria, Capt, Holmes, from New Orleans,bound to Marseille, arrived on the lltli. She put in through Homo informality being dis covered in her papers—und also to discharge some factious sailors. Tlioship sailed tiie 18th, hut taking the same vrew. The schooner Win. I*. Springs, Oupt. Mar shall, from Cicnfiirgos for Philadelphia, hav ing yellow fever among her crew, was obliged to feck tills port for assistance, uud arrived the ]3ti;. The Cuptaiu’sHoii dled.tho day of her ar rival, aud also a seaman named Monroe. Tlio rest of tbe crew are convalescent. Tho schooner Alieonn, Capt. Boss, from Bird island, Carribboun Sea, with a cargo of Guano, bound to Baltimore, arrived tho 13th, leaking and with pumps out of order. Made tho neces sary repairs and sailed the Jtitii. The tirttk B. II. Gamble, Potvell, Irani Now York, 27 days, bound to HI. Murks, arrived tiie lfitli, and procuring provisions aud watpr sailed sainejiiiy. belt tlio Bahama batiks upon which shcTiau been ul anchor for 18 days, in company with a fleet of one hundred vessels, nil bound west The bark C'hurlc* B. Truitt, Capt. Shull, ami brigs Allred Axnll, Xordeii,iiud Henry,Uaptuin Gilchrist,atrlyed the 17th Irani Philadelphia,nil With cargoes of coal for the United Stales Na val Depot. Schooner Vapor, Capt. Ijipran, arrived tlm 18th from Mobile mid sailed the 2uii» for New York. Tho bark Alabama, Capt. Ktet-kbridge, from Havana, bound to New Graucda, in ballast, ar rived the 22d with several of her craw sick with fever. The brig Royal Sailor from Cardenas for Boston, arrived the 21st,leaking, She lias linen ashore ou tiie reef, Imt got oil without taking assistance. She is discharging. United States steamer Fash lull, Baker, nr l iv' d on the 23d at Tampa with the Hick of t he- army Irani the swamps of Florida, hound to New ^ orlt Hospitals, sailed name day. Faii.uuks in Livtuirni)!,, London where. -Private advices from Liverpool an nounce tlio failure of John Nunn, a cotton broker of tlmt city, whose liabilities ure divid ed among several leading merchants of tho town. Tiie lailnre nlsn brought down the house of John WrJglit & Co„ suinnen and inanttfkc- tnrer.iof Stockport and Luncuster: audit lias likewise embarrassed a commission house ut Manchester, though its .suspension lias not been announced. A failure on tho London Stock Exchange was also reported on Friday, heday previous to tbe nailing of the Persia, Peabody drinkiugto the guests from each State of the Union, separately, uud afterwards to those train “Old Englundpiud her Colonies,*’ Mr. Peabody, alter propuuiug the lhst toast, “The day we' celebrate, called upon all who were friendly to the sacred cause oi liberty nml civilization to do honor to the into mories of tit»» great men who liud pledged their fortunes, their Itouoroud their lives to support that cause; which was received with loud uceluuiution. , ,Mr. Pea body claimed a bumper lor tlio next toast, which, ho was sure, needed no speech from him to recommend it. The toast he had just proposed was the only one to which he would have given precedence over tlio present* He liuil never yet known un American who would not drink the toast of “Her Majesty the Queen,” with as much ent husiasm as the most loyal ul*her subjects. The toast was drunk with enthusiastic cheer- lug. Mr. Peabody said hu should next Imre the pleasure of proposing a toast in honor of the Chief Magistrate of tliq land of his birth, ‘The President of the United States,*’ which was re ceivcd with great applause. Captain Muckinuon, H. N. ( iu propo.-hig the uext must, tluuikcd their host, tiie merchant prince, who had eiiteitaiued them in so prince ly ii manucr, for the cflbrts he bad mado to cultivate relations of friendship between Joliu Bull and Brother Jouuthati. [Cheera.j In tl>- course of three years a country as large as Hug* lauu Ims been occupied anil cultivated. C'npL Mackinuou concluded by proposing, “The Memory of Washington/' which was drunk standing aud iu silence. Mr. W. Brown, M. P., said—Before propos ing tlio toast which lias been placed iu my hands, permit mo to congratulate you on meet ing you to celebrate a day which will ever he remembered in tiie history of tho world—a day from which we, tho snbjeCta of her Majesty, have derived as much advantage us you, the citizens of tbe United .States. [Cheers.] We are not answerable for the tins of statesman- ship, for the grievous errors of our forefathers: und your illustrious Washington—wise in the Senate, skillul in the Held—who must ever live iu yoqr hearts, is also remembered with pro found resiiect by Engluud, as well as by the whole of tiie civilized world. [Cheers.] How rejoiced would he be, were he living at this moment, to seethe prosperity of the country which he may be said to have brought iuto existence, to see tho enterprising spirit of his couuti-ynien leading them, uow to make com munication between two great oceans—the Paeilic and the/Atlantic--now to bridge over lofty racks, and uow to explore tho perilous Arctic sojh. [Cheers]. I deny that England leels any jealousy to ward* tiie United States; wo rejoice iu your prosperity; wo have wisdom enough to know that by tne prosperity of other, nations, particu larly as regards tl;o United States, we We as much bcueiittefl us they nro. [Cheers.] The notion that the fortunes of one country a rise from the misfortunes ol another is, 1 trust, bv this time exploded. Tnio, Home slight differ ences exist now botween us,but when we And gen- tlemeullko his Excellency, for whom we all feel the deepest respect; and tl e Minister with whom be luis to negotiate, anxious to get rid of those differences, there can bo but little doubt that they will soon he amicably adjusted. [Cheers.] I bog to propose "the health of his Excellency the American Minister,” whose character stands so pre-eminently high both iu Ills own and this country. Tho toast was drank with loud dicers . Mr. Dallas.—It is extremely difticnUy, amid expressions of so much personal kindness, not to lose Bight for a moment of the great national demonstration on account of which wo ure as sembled, and 1 return you my most hearty thanks for tiie personal compliment you have paid me. 1 rejoice to And in this land so many ardent and patriotic Americans meet to cele brate tlio adversary of our independence. [Loud cheers.] We arc,as a country, but eighty years of ago: we are at this moment honored by the prusenco of one of tho leading men of ‘America, who is only one year younger than his own country —General Mercer, [Cheers;] but, notwithstaniF itig tho youth of our country, how justly,proud may wo ho of her.—[Cheers.] At tiie time of her birth she was a puuey creature, sickly, fee ble, diminutive. Look at her uow. She then contained but2,500,000. Her population is now 27,000,000. Her territory was then a margin of tlio Atlantic. It is now an immense conti nent. Her wealth was thou comparative pover ty. Her resources are now actually exhaust- less. [Cheers.] Iler greatness, too, hours n tafr proportion to hor physical development. deal configuration every- [punu after what lias lirtju said, und after wluit Ims been published over, his .signature, it torus supposed by every one jib would bold himself responsible, lint judging from the singular manner of bis accepting tho challenge, tnkiug. tho construction put upon it by his own frieuds, it is n complete hack (town; nay, more, it isono of tiie most humiliating, lame, und impoteut subterfuges ever resorted to by u man who pro fessed to recognize tljo code ; and it is so looked upon by every limn with whom I have convrcwd. 'Thus tho game cock of Massachu setts 1ms lmd his gafts knocked oil* during nil coming time, nml will, lie turned out to ran with tiie pullets, who strut their brief hour upon the dung hill. Massachusetts chivalry, like Bob Acres courage, lias oozed out their tin— ger’s ends. Lot us hear no more of that trash hereafto. ________ Fim.houk U.VTinoATioN Meetings.--New York, July 25, The Fillmore antiilcatlon meet ing at tlio academy of Music lust evening was largely attended. Speeches were made by Messrs. Davis of Maryland, Moore of Ohio, ami Marshall of Kentucky. The Brooklyn meeting held hut night was also large Speeches were made by Messrs.— Harris of Maryland, Marshal! of Kentucky, and Perrin of Tennessee. Si'Eakku Banks.--T!h!*po 1 itlca 1 character of Mr. Speaker Banks has been faithfully sketched by tiie Boston Pilot. It says: “Mr. Bunks was forty years of age last month. He lius had a varied life. He lias been a factory boy, a carpenter, a machinist, a dancing master, an actor, an editor, u lawyer, u nationul Democrat, a coalitionist, an ardent lover of the Irish, q champion of religious liberty, a Know Nothing, and is now a Know Nothing ^reesoller. This is a chequered life.” New York Wiiigs for FiLi.MORE.-vl/6anu, July 24.—The Whig State Committee Ims call ed n Convention to be held on the 14th of Au gust, to nominate delegates to tho Mational Whig Convention to be held at Baltimore on the third Wednesday of September. Tho com mittee piismd resolutions recommending Whigs to support Mr. Fillmore for the Presidency. For Buck anii Biibck.—Mr. S. Castle, un able member of tbo Cleveland bar, an active old line Whig politician, who traveled with Gen. Scott In tills State, iu 1852, is out iu a jot ter for Buchanan and Breckinridge.. !W2 UNIVERSITY OP NASUVILhE. MliDUAL riKl’AHl'MKNT rptIK .-‘txlli Aunrnl Cour.-u of l.i'«lur<M In this in. X. Htltutlou will couiinuticu on Monday, llio .H«l of November. A tali preliminary coursii Iron to ail at-udimtt, will lit* given l>y tlio Trulessors, comonc- Ing on tlio lirst Monday of (iclubor, IVnfeiMurs’ Kens 8105 Mntriuniiitiiin Ken Practical Anatomy $tu. Gnulnulhii 1-VuSWi. For Cutiilo^ue of Anutmny and AnuoiunnciiMjut,apply to PAUL K. KVK, M. D., Jy*2S—0 taunt or thuVacuity. UNDEliWil VDUATB WfipAKTJiiKiVf. (WF-SrpJltN’ M1UI AUY IN. TiTUl’K.) I MtK next 8o. 5 hi»m of tliG Collejio will open ou . Monday, September SUi. Tlio Cla.'iduai Course U full and every flfeiilty i* aii'Jrdc/i to Huutant-* iu 8ciontlllu Bruiiche.i A I’rcpVnii try 8ciiin»l ds at* tacbcd, ombruc.iug a course of two yearn, lie: Military rystom G ado]>lc>l us an olleclual mean.- of preserving good order, economy, regular liabita, and active bodliy cxcrciao. Cliurgcs lur tuition und boarding, $100 par term of‘JO weeks. Surgtou’s fee 85. Kugliieoriug, French, Span lull, German. Book-Kucplug aud Feueliig, each 810 per term of 20 weeks. The lant se.ssion of the Modicul CoUej-o closed with 33W Matriculant and 85 (Jraduato.i, from lit States, The Military follego closudiL'S Ihvt in Nashville with 154 .Matriculniita from N riates For Catalogue and Regulations, apply to 11. H. JOHNSON, Saperintondi nt. Naslivllle, July, 1850. IJ—jy'JS PIANO FORTES 1 PIANO FOIlTEHti AND MEL0DE0N8! Tho large-1 Piano Forle, Melo.loou and Music Store In tlm United- M ites. , _ , . Twelve of tho niu-t celebrated Maun- lactureru in this country, have made tlio .-nl>.*cri- berV Ware-rooms a depot, and hlmse f cole agenl, fortlnir magidiheut instriinenis, and ho U now prepared l > tell tlrsl clast Tiuuu and Mu >*d« on-, at prif f 0 per cent ctuaper than any oilmi dealer in the Union. Also. con imitl\ly receiving, n *\v octave, model I’iniuu*, with iiupiuwd action, at the very low pi icaoj Slsft, and raugiiia Irotn that up to *216. JOHN MAlt'rll, Now Mdtonle. llu.I, i.hasmileli eet, above .Seventh, Philadcjphiu. Uruiich store, Wilmington, Del. The names of Munufacturera ar«. ns follows: Boardmuu, Gray k Co., Albany; Jacob Chickermg Bosun; Sielnwuy &8on.--, New York; F. 1*. Hums, Albany; Huzdton & Brothers, New York; A. W. Ladd k Co.. Boston; William Miller, New York; .1 Marsh, Philadelphia; C. W. Fisk .a Co., Au.soniu; Geo. A. Prince a Co , Buffalo; Curlmrt, Needham .V Co., Bo non; Mason A Ilnnlin. Now York. Jy2B—I Snvtutimlx Market, July 29. Cui’l'ON —Xo iramactUnH inlutton to notice tins lorouunii. Exports. UKLFAaf. MK.—For brig Two Boys—lOJ.iUS tout Timber. 12,874 feet Lunib -r. NEW YURK.—Per Utnariliii—44,uud lect limber, an.unu feet Lumber. ATLANTA, July 20.—Corwx—‘J tu tuc—receipts •ry light. ll.icM.v.—flog i-ouu.l lb to lOjje, clear .Sides I2.\ 12‘a, Bibbed U:tll^,HiUIH lO^ull),, SllOUtlers 0 and .tales fie per Ifi Got id stock in market with a fair demand. Kick—Guo l to prime C)£ii$c. NEW ORLEANS, .Inly 22.—Corfo.v.—'The sales to day comvriscdOu bait, picked up In small lota, a iriccf witbiu -.he ru»go of o«r quotailhns uferlor 8 Ordinary...... Good Ord.... 'J)* (JnodMid .... 10 ®V)U STATKMKXT IIP COTTOX. Stock on hand 1st September, 1865,. Received ninee Koceived today Coiiiiiraal |utelllgemt. FOR SAL.ll. P RIME Toimo soa Bico.i, Shocl.lcrs nud Clear Sides. Alsu, Corn for sale. JyJ8--n _ WAY fcTAYLOIt^ ELECi'ION KOTICK'r' O N Thuraday, 7th August uext Cimucil will oloct u Corporation Attorney. Palirv 81.000. Bund $?,00f). Applications nn)>t be handed to me on or bcfme o’clock, P. M., of the day of election. Two soon- rilies required, whose uainos must liu stated iu tbe application. EDWARD «. WILSON, Jy2B Uork of Couucil. PHI hi I* m; ltUSSEIih, ’ JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, NOTARY CONVEYANCER, ACCOUNTANT AND COPYIST. Will exmno Deeds, Mortgage!, Power of AtUnuey, Will?, Bonds, Notices and Taking ot Inter rogatories. Office nt tlio Court Home, Savannah. Ga. Court Buys, Third Tuesday iu each month, and held at tho offino of Edward G. Wilon, K-q. Residence, Gascon, between Varusrd nnd TnttuaP street. - Any call at night, on ousiuosy, will b: attended to immediately, Jy26 Middling.... 10)if5) 10J£ Goi.dMtdTii!gll<irt?— MUl'g Fair.. 12 fa) - Fair, (S>- . bales .'<8,21)1 ... 1,764,040 0t)0 Exported to date.. Kxjtorted to-day. 1,762,504 1,7511,170 1,079—1,700,640 There is iu her physical coniiguration every thing to delight the eye ami exult the imagina tion ; she hits tlio noblest niouutuins the mo»t extended lakes, tho widest rivers, the richest prairies. And in harmony with this is tlio pro- gross o! her genius, and her moral pr inciples and the great elevation of her political maxims, [Cheers.] cordially concurred iu tho flrat, second and third toasts that were proposed. With regard tq the second, permit me to observe (hat, If there is uito feature of the American character more prominent tlmn another, it is tlio lioarti- ness with which they receive the toast of tin* lady whoso natno ih almost foremost in the hearts of Englishmen. (Loud cheers) I n dc my countrymen who uro acquainted with tho universal spirit of America, who know the ox tent to which wo cany our civilization, wheth er we do not always drink a double bumper to tho ladies in preference to tho gentlemen ? (Cheers uud laughter.) As to tiie present toast, I thank you for tho maimer in which you have received it, its only merit being that it comes from William Brown, of Liver pool. (Loud cheers.) Tho concluding toast of “The Ladies” hav ing been given by Mr. Peabody, tho company separated shortly before twelve o t douk, all of them highly gratilied with their evening’s en tertainment. Tiie national airs of tiie two countries were played at intervals during tiie evouing, by n very efficient baud. The Bpriugllcld Argus makes tlio following pointed contrast: Buchanan is n statesman; Fremont is an adventurer. Buchanan is known und tried; Fremont is unknown and nntrlcd. Buchanan has served his country faithfully in mpurUut political stations fur over forty years Slock ou hand not cleared 112.316 SeoAit.—Thoro Is vary lilllo arriving, uud only 100 lihds were raid at Qrm pn<*oi», Mm.ASsEs.—Vuiy l'.tlta dOiug on the Levee uwlug (o tho low »(uck. Frock.—1 ho sales com priced 20U bids lluontSI 76 to 5 26, lu5o tiUpurllno Illinois at Stl 50, UGH St l/tuis at G :47 . 11(10 ut« G6, and llu extra on pri vate (arm*. Wmkat.—150 sacks new Red sold, iu two «r lliroo lota, nt SI 45. Coax.—Tho st ick is reduced, and \re hour ol only about2000 sacks sold, of whichH77 mixed uud llou in three lota, mostly white, at 68 200 from store ul GOc per hushwl. Puna.—Mess coutiumis to rulad ul $21. Bacon* —Rih Sides retailed nt 10 V, tail a small lot soi l atlO. Laiso.—Nothing transpired. NVhi.-kv.—60 bids Kcctillod k»1<1 ul U4c. CVincK.—Tits sales of flio embraced .'Wo bugs at lQMo, und 100 ut llUi- Freights.—Tho asking rule to Liverpool is 7-Hid for Cotton. Exobamqks—We know of uo ehnnge worth uottn* lug— Sterling. 0>a n 10 per ect pm Francs ‘ 6.12>* u 6.18?^ pr dollar New York Sixty Day Hill* 1» 1 tfpr «t dla Now York Sight Chocks pur u — pr «t dla dually becomes Armor, and uml bus to-day bt-cu uctlve. Sales of 4,o-jo bales at our revised quota tions: WILMINGTON, July 20.—TuitritNTtXR—Sales yns terdey of :'.S0 bills at S2 75 for virgin, 2 30 for yel low m • • 11 a« for bird, per bbl of 280 Ih#. No traus... ...isto-day. Sr hum Tt'nrKXTi.vK—Sales to-duyof 7tHi ciiskaut :i4u. per gullun. Rasix.—Sulus Yesterday of UHlCommou, ii'.iM 15 per bbl, and of 75 lilib No 1 at $3 75 pe* bbl. Nolbiug doing to-day. Taii—Sales yesterday of 48 bids at $1 20 p- ' bbl. Iliipug ^ittclligeuiT. Port ot* Hnvnniinli jul Arrived. Steamer Gordon, Burden, Baltimore, taJ I* Brook. Cleared. Brig Two lloya, Cooper, UjIAist, Mo—lit-c-rs,'fboinf sou k i o. Sclir Lamartine, Tliorudiko, Now York—.Beers. Tlnunp.ou k Co. Dcpurtul. Bteumer Win Soibrook, Peck, Charleston. CmisIgiiceN. Per steambur Gordon, from Bultiiuore—Central Ibiilroad Agent, Yonne & Frlurami, S M lnffiteau, McMahon ,M Doyle, 51 A C'ohcu, W M Davidson W M Wadii.y, Clialter k Co, Lockett 4: Suullliiss. J SI- cliel, ('ratio, Wcells & Co, J Finliyum. Memo ramtoi Oaltpaoie, July 2ii—CM, schr Samuel Francis Ur< wu, Jaoksonvillo. Philadelphia, Jiny 25—Cld, sclir R W Tull, Tow- bridgo Suvumiuah. llUL^kG WA.Vl’EU. A Uou?u iu a respectalo neigh in uhood, .. table for u small family. Apply at this of- ii®. lice. :i—Jy>i PALMETTO WA NT13 D. t mgr TiLaXp-- 1 ,.. R l CHARLESTON AND SAVA S NA11 It A lLttUA D, No. 34 Broad street. Charlo»lon. until tho 1st of Au gust, for furnishing and delivering at tlio Tor mi mis of tho Road, on the west side of Ashley River, six ty thousand (60,001)) lineal, or running feet of PAL METTO LOGS. Tho Palmetto must be of the best quality, of ma lure trees, straight, and freshly cut. It wid hu sub jected to the inspection of tlio Eng Uecr before be ing received. Tho logs must conform nearly to the following lengths : 2(1,27, 35 uud 43 feet. Tlio delivery to commnnco at ihocuilie-t predblu interval lifter tho above named date. THO*. F. DRAYTON, Jy24—eod4 President and Chief Englm-or, TAKE NOTICK. P URCHASERS will have their goods delivered free of oxpouso with quick dispatch from the Savannah Grocery and Fruit De|iot, comer Brough* ton and Whitaker streets. ©5" 1 would call the attention of Fruiters gener ally to my wall Moloctnd stock of Groceries, revolv ing dally. Jo23—tl* _ W. 14. FARRELL. A LA liAAl A LOTT 10 R Y ! lATOIOUIZKD IIY TIIK HTITK OK At.AIIAMA.J m\\m Jflilitnni SlcnhimiiCntteni CLASS F—NEW SERIES. To be drawn iu the City of Montgomery. Alabama, ill public, on WEDNESDAY, August 13th. 1856, on tho II A V A N A 1» Jj A IV I SAMUEL SWAN, Mauugcr. Prizes amounting to 204,000 Dollars! ! Will be distributed according to tho following MAONIFK ‘ENT SCHEME l 00,000 Number*-15,185 Prizes! 1 prize of $40,000 is $40,000 I do do 15,000 is 15,000 1 do do 7,000 is 7,000 1 do do .. 3,000 is 3,000 1. do do 2,001) is 2,001) 1 do do 1,000 is 1,000 1 do do 1,000 Is 1,000 10 do do 200 is 2,000 100 do do 100 is 10,000 4 prizes ol $200 npproxim’g to $40,000 arc $sou A. K. WKIUIIT. J P.K. SUVA!)):. WmuilT lii 8AVAUR, ATTORNEYk AT LAW, WlUiViWTCJv, GA. jylti ' A. TUOHAIdt CO., A net iuii nml Comlmaaloit Htrvluiiu, 110 Bryan Street, SAVANNAH, OEOKOIA. A. Thomas. . [Jo 12] 8. )?. PAknux. .—‘ iljPjuSua . i r DEALER IN OtiOIOfl FAMILY GROCERIES nml ForelGti uud Doim-atlc Fruit, coin nr Rrough ten and Whitaker-de. fown and couutry supplied with choice goods at nnidoruto price.-. All orders promptly attended to. uml sutiHfaotion always guaranteed. «p!8 WUOLBSALB AND BKTA1L DKALSK IN WINDOW BUNDrf, WINDOW SA611 AND PANE DOORS. Wust side Monument Square, bavaunuh, Ga. uuiyn JOHN CV UOOTHr - CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Will also give his altautiuu todoaigu* in Aruhitee- turn, office in tire store of John WUliiunnoii, Esq,, iiuy street. ^ myl’J (JHAmil 66 CO., "v Ko. 6 Whitaker Street, Sn van nab, Qa., WllitU>Al.i: AXt> RWA1L DKAI.KHS IX t iASUliS, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, &c, While ) lx-ad, Zinc, White Linseed, Sperm, Whale, Tan- iters* and Neatafoot Oils, Glass. Brushes, Gold Leal, Bronze, Builder.-’ Hard warn. Nails, Marble Mantels, to:., &c. Jo4 JOrtV alWliIK, attorney at law, <mice corner Bay and Drayton ?tracts, jy is \TT J OUNEY AT LAW, MAHIKTTA, OA. out 20— ly DAVID O. WILDS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SPARTA, UA. Will practic.u iu tlm countius of Hancook, Warren Washington, and Baldwin. RmiKENCKH—Reim \ Foster. Rabun It Smith, and K. A. Soullard, Siiyautmli. Jm® U. i>.'HU.VON, ATl'OUXKV AND COUNSEUjOIl AT LAW. OQloe corner of Bay aud Drayton-«U. S A VANN All, OA, . my 11 “ uKSji^ wiEtpssy; A T T O ITS K Y AT LAW, No. 8, Dmytou Street, Savaunali, Georgia, may ft—ly « JE.8SE T. UEUN AliD, ATTORNEY AND t.'OUNSKLIXJU AT LAW, x'ewu&usvtilo, Fla. Rufcrence—Georvu - Drown. Wiiiiuiu Doll, Now nansville, Fla.. U G. ililtou, Uostou k Viilalouga, .-tiivaiinah, Ga. tnyl 1 " PL WU IT SMlTii, A T T0RNBY AT LAW, ALUOATOK, KAfif KtOlUDA. Will nractlco iu tin* Eastern and .Southorn Countiti Rofer lo—Co). s -Ibley. and R. Jt. Hilton, 8a vaunab. * foblMf CRiisV u.’c AitulinK A T T O It N E y AT LAW, jni li'.OOKVlUjJ, OA. PraeMces I .aw in iho various Couuties of the Do iuuI^l. o'-P. aud the adjoining Counties nffwiggi, U.ireus amt w . -.ugton. Refer to—Jimu Boston, U. A. Crane, and R. B Uilton. lcbl4 UEOltGR' to Gt)UDt)5, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AND Commissioner cf the U.S. Court qJ Claims Jot llu Slate of Georgia. Office Garner Bay aud Bull streets. jy _ _. my lti ■nt. iU,CUl«!SH F». CULU1NO, umciv ANII KtjTllliNLK, Nu. HUUKUTV BT, Uuo uoor we> t ol Drayton. inyll WJI.C. CO AN F.LLY, A T T O It X r, : A T L A W , HUHUU^, wnutu cvusty, a. |iiw omuH. juuMt.) Will prucii-o in the Urc.ul.aud in Macon, lkudy .uot \Voi in Co’.u.Uc'i <»^iie Macon Circuit, ffS- iMrtiuului attoutiuu given to the collection ot claims iu Aontli-Wostoru Goorgin. Jec—uiu ■ia;0iJraSNca, AT TO UN BY AT I. AW , hiol-ly mwixTtix, ua. ' LAMEU.5ANUBIIS6N, ATTOKNBTS AT LXW, ap6-ly MACON, OA. WlLLlAAi II. MSlUiR, ‘ AVfGKNEY AND CGUNdKLLDK AT LAW, Troupvillo, lA»wndos County, Ga. Wilt practice in Thomas, Lowndes, Cliuoh, Ware, Apjding, Tchiiir, Irwin, Ijnirotw, ami Pulaski cotmtlos, Georgia: upd in JoHersoii,Madison, Ham illou, and Gjlumoiiicounties, Florida. [my 11 WM. il. WII.iTaaTT ll(A!>r»KCrt OUVKH. JACK DROWN .WILUAM8, DL1VEU 6i BROWN, ATlORN’KVs AT LAW, Buena Vista, Marion County, Ga., Will practice in tiie enmities of Muriou, Macon, Hoax- Ion, fetewart, Uaiulolpli, Muscogou, Lee, aud any adjuiiiim: co.nuiu-, where their .-.ervlcoe m^y be required, mrll At It. ItiAiuAuft. (Successor to Champion & Watts.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, No. -t Raruard hi., bwiweeu tho Market und Bay bL, SAVANNAH, UA. Dealer In Groceries, Foreign uud Domcatlc liquors, Dried Fruits, -ve., kc. Reference—A. Champion, Esq., Samuel Solomous, ftaj., Messrs. Rahun & Wlillohuud, uud 8wUt 6:CO., Savauimh. Ga. _ nryll A. BHOHT, ; . .. .t. t • »AoTEU BUliLuk:*.!, Will Uk« roulracu tor Bulldiu uid Wwklu Ml- M0rj Of .rer,' dreerlplta,. ■ QHNsTItln Jewell', Radk.« Boulb aids J«om rt ooiK JOBt»r tAVAOk,— “ ATTOBNET AT LAW, Ml maumu, iwcxu oocxtr, ae. All bailneu ealniWd to ble earewtU ieoelTe prompt ettenllou. - lyr—merit ANTHOWV McOUIXOH. ATTOKNEY AT LAW, Bavannob, OMTgte. :■ 4W* Office oo Bay iireet, ovar the Dank of gar an 1 *o. tlib2 jAMMe.aonoam. T nODOBRtt Sc NORRIS, f 4*to Crano k “ * 27! June 1,1866, BAY-STRUT, lAVANMAB. Deyr V. 4. OQDBt. WU. MAM, Jt. B. H. UAUU. OGDEN. STARR & CO., Shipping and Commission Merchant*, urenin, M vaunab. tie. HMhSr 21 PAcroaa Forwarding and Commission Merchants, Bayitmt, lavaiuiiffi, Ga. O. B. UAUU80N. A. O. MOOEUU, HARRISON Si HcGEHKS. AUCTION, COMMISSION, REOEIVINO AND Forwardinii merchants. SS AMD 01 DKdAtBSTKEKT, COI.CUUDH, 0E080L* Particular attention giveu to the ealow ui Real (•jttatc, Negroes and Produce. 40“ liberal advunca, made ou NuMrovw and Sei • ehu/idize. MnnuaiUBM KU8E. PATfEN A GO. , GUNBY &1IAN1KL, VGoluuibus. Un STLWART, GRAY & CO. J RUSK, DAVI8 & LONG, I , WM. WRIGHT. / Uavouuan ? YOUNG. ATKlNH A DUNHAM, I C. A. GREKNK Jt GO., / Ajatlacltnsoia H. 8. SMITH, [.Mobile, Alabama OOt 23 B. ELLIS, Factor and General Commission Merchant 11 n ho; 71 BAY-msar, bayannah, ga., Meoin. Ooghorn A Cunningham, bell A Prvntiss, Ogden, BUrr A Co., flavsnoah ; J. P, Thompson, Boston. oov 1 WM. ACDUTOODWai. JNO. c COUPBR Si FRA8E. FACTORS A GENERAL COMMISSION I Bay street, Savannah, Ga. WILLIAM LYNN, COUUB310S AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, .Ve. 87 Bay street. Savannah, Georgia. Juno 13 JBVFBMON nOBBBTI, GENEBAL COMMISSION MEROUAN'f, AND UEALIlH IK Timber and Lumber. SAVANNAH, Ga. , WELLS « WILLIAMS, DKALBlta IN DOMESTIC, FOUBION AND FANOl „ DBY GOOD& No. 149 Congren-.t,, Savannah, Ga. JAS. T. WELLa formeriy or Beeutorl DUL S. O. THEOPHILUS WILLIAMS, “ Scrlven Co.,Ga «#pt7 O. husk, j, n, davu. w. n mwa RUSE.DAVI8A LONG, UN>0, OOMMISSiOK MERCHANTS, -m SAVANNAH, OA. may au M ^ OATAlfltAB, C Office over Thomoa M. Stqre, Bay street. i. uxaaerr. 0 . * LOCKETT Si SNELLINGS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND .SHIPPING AGENTS, Will attend to the selling orS^kESxfS^ Strict attention given to recolving and foniri goods. may 81 jy Solicits lrem Ills friends conslgnmouu ol erer> description, lakes orders tor Cotton. jKf Special attention given to tlio ialea of Baal Estate, stocks aiid Nogro property, at pibllo and l‘ r yate sales. Prompt returns and dispatch. Reference—C. A. L, iJtMAR.- ttoh80^ . us. w. usuaai. u. r. moot. GREEN * SMOOT, ' ATTORNEYS AT LAW. 00120 XHOHASTON, US. JOHN lie COCIUtANE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dublin, uiurend couniy, Ga„ lute juuior purlucr of tho ilvm oi A. & .L t'ocuiUNR, lrwluton, Ga., will attend promptly to all lutalne-’s eutrusiod to his cate. I’articular uttantiuu paid tu collecting. Re- feranu:—Dr. G. D. Guyton, F. 11. Rowe, liubliu, Ga., M Marali, Sivauuuli. luyll vonou s vsmBses, TOlltVdJlDi.VIJ ANIJ DiniMUdlUN MKIICHAN'IS, xo. Ul luv-rriuarr. savanxau. ua. apr4 "■ a m., vli51n* unWrliBRS, : Lumber, Mill and Brick Yards. ftCpt. 5 SAVANNAH, UA. ojLsc>'a?JE-xxaxro-' a . "ft EMPORIUM, if l nooil wkst of run uei’pdlican kkadinq koom. W.b^PrlcuT, FASHIONABLE AND MI LI I ARY TAYLOB, No. 117 Bay Street, HA VANNA/l. Ordinary , w „ , AND ATTORNEY AT LAW. . Office in the Court House. mvia , ~ AVrmbSV MnWCLOk, ATTORNET AT LAW, Savaiuiali,-Geor|ta. ,J > 49r Office ou Bay street, over.the Bank of Savon- ~~ b. * 1 ; coeb 4TBiKi®irEB? ,), - a for warding and commission her - CHANTS, .Savannah, Oa., and Montgomery, Ala. K. T. tout, I ■ 11. f, Don Bur street, Ssvaauah. I Commerce at., Uome'rj, ji KsruiKMeKs, : . - t»iri Holcomb, Johusoa, & Co. | Cohens ft Herts, Lookctt & Suelliugs, I Edwin Parsons & Co., * , J Scranton, Johnston toOo SAVANNAH, GA. my!8 Robert A. Alien. Flue Ready-niade Clothing ; lluta and Caps, Whirls, Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, Canes, Umbrellas Cravats, blocks, Hamlkorehiefs, aud f anny Articles for (ieutlollicu. Also, Superflue Cloths, ussltncra uud Vestings, will bo made to mea sure,unexception able iu style aud workumuBhip,* by tho bust tuuchauics, at shortest 4 4 ‘ 4 1 4 - 4 ’ 4 1 40 15,000 100 75 00 60 10 15,000 are 400 7,uoo are 300 :i,ooo aro 210 2,000 nro 200 1,000 aro 100 1,000 aro ICO 200 uro 800 120,000 16,185 prizes amounting to $204,000 Tho 16,000 prizes of ?s uro determined by tho number whicli draws tiie $4ii,i«'0 prize—if thut number should be an odd mini be r, Uicn uvery odd numb or ticket iu the Scheme will ho entitled to $S}£; If an oven number, then every even number ticket will he entitled to $SJi in addition to any other prize which may be drawn. Purchasers In buying an equal quantity of odd uud evon number tickets, will bo certain of drawing nearly one half the cost of the sumo, with chances of obtaining other prizes. All those tickets eliding with O, 2, 4, 0, 8, uro even—all tlume emtaug with 1, p, 6, 7, n, uro odd. j$jg- Remember that every prize is drawn, aud payable iu full without de-luctiou. Iff AU prizes of$l,000 aud under, paid Immedi ately niter the drawing,—other prizes at Iho muni time of thirty days. All communications strictly confidential. The drawn uumbuju will ho forwarded to purchasers Immediately oiler the drawing. Whole Tickets, $10—Halves, $5—Quarters, $2 60. Prize Tickets cashed or rone wed in oilier Tickets at either office. * Orders for Tickets cun In* addressed either to S. SWAN & CO., Atlanta, Ga., Jjrltf or H. hlYA.V, Moixyomory, Ata. WANTED TO HIRE. A STEADY WOMAN that can do the cooking, washing and Ironing of a small family. Ap ply ut No 48 cornor of York aud Jenbrsou streets, or ut Freounm It Hondorsnu’s, jyn .... . J UST RECEIVED, per schooner J. K. Allen, from UAltimorn— MAHON’S CELEBRATED UNRIVALLED PREMIUM CAKES and CRACKERS, Jumbles, Leinou Cuke?, Tea Cakes, Scotch Cakes, Ginger Suapi, Edinburgh Cakes Milk Riacult, Soda Bisciut, Wine BUcuil, Uniter Biscuit, Water UWcuit, i’le Nlc Biscuit, &c. At UARRON’S, Juuo20 corner Whitaker and Chorltca-sw. SfS m Ordorsfrom city uudcouutysoliclUid. ^ rob 6 STUANUElli R' you waut a good uud cheap ISiOJjyTriinlM A’allct*, Carpet ling, \ ^ V\°*' A’lolltliig of uiiy kind or quail- ■HlyEMdMialiy, ready uiudo or made up to your measure; ulso Hats, Cups, Shii ta, Collars or Dress urnishiiig aiticius of uuy duscripliou, call and i led from the largest nml host stock iu tho city, the .star Emporium, 147 Bay street. WM. O. PRICE. liUS. LEFLEit 6i WILCOX, DenUstV. ; >-^*yy_ ARE,uow fully prepared toin* serf full or partial setts of Tooth ‘'LTrrvVt 011 1110 l n *i Mc il , *° °f Dr.J. Allons’i pfttmit Continuous Gum. By tills improvement, the form of the fuco can lie restored to any degree ot* rotundity that may he desired. It is applicable in all cases where tho cheeks have lUlleo iu uud cannot be detected by Gia closest observer.— fills method coinbiues the following* Ivantigos:— Au artlllcinl gum, which exhibits a perfectly natural and life-like appearance, mid imparts to tiie theetb that peculiar expression which characterizes tho na* turn! orcau-j. This Gum cousista of a silaclous compound, which Is applied and fusad upoutho Tooth aud Plate in such a uiauner, nu to ull up ull ttic uitnratlces uround tbe base of tlio Teeth, and also unites them flriuiy to each other aud to the Plato upon which they are sett. This secures perfect cleanliness of the Tooth. Office over DeWitt k Morgan, Congress street. *** Republican and Georgian copy, fob 16—tl DENTISTRY. Urs. ROYALL & JOHNSON DenUsta, cffice corner St. Julieu-sl. NnSSBA and Market .Square, over ». Wll- •J I LJL u raov’s jewelry store. Offico hour* tram 8 to 2 o’clock, aud from 3 to il. mar 11 _ com UUOUGIITON HTlltelfiT llACiC AND UVERY STABLE. Tlio undersigned having put the "v atiove Stables lu good coudltton, ■ >»re l>rej>aredlo accommodate their J'JiLLZXBk cusiomera with Carriages, Hacks. Buggies, Sulkies, to}., with sound, gentle, aud well broke horcoa. and careful drivers. Horses boarded uu accommodating terms, und well cured tor. Two pairs of line Carriage lloracs for sale. Inquire cor* nor of ihrnard aud Broughton streets. apll4—ly STEVENS Sc FXU5T0N WOOD AND LUIHDKll. A LL kinds of Wood, Boards, Planks. Joist, Timber, Shingles, Light-wood, Posts, Easters. Laths and Pullings, for sale, at wholcsalo and retail, low lor cash, on the now wharf recently erected on the Lumber Yard of Robert A. Alton Sc Co. mar 12—lyW M. J. L. MOULTON WM. 8. DANIELL. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Turner It Co.'s Drug -«y7 Auction & CommisaionHouse, Macon,(it. a. r. McLaughlin, - JUiUi iiiLHU. iary of Chatham Ceuhty, 1 ' WEBB Si SAGS, ’ (sooorasoits TO OAMUtOX, WttB k 00. IMPORTERS OF CHINA, CLASH, AND EARTHEN-WABB U6 MKKTINU-ST. CHARLBSTOH. 8. O., Will supply Couutry Merchants with Goods In tbelr line at us low rates as they can buy in Now York, or elsowbere. •opt 28 u HTITK KM; ATTORNEY AT LAW, Corner of Bay aiidg Whitaker Blreef. SAVANNAH. fob 22 JONH S. BOWEN. ENGINEER, ARCHITECT AND SURVEYOR. CORNER OK DRAYTON AND BEYAN-«B_ (Above C A. 1* lamar.) Jyfl—8m c. w. mabEl • ATTORNEY AT LAW , g* FRANKUN, IUURD OO., OA. Will attend to professional business In the Counties or Heard, Curroll, Campbell, Coweta, Fayette, Meri wether and Troop. Reference—Hou. K. Y. Hill, LoGrauce. Ga!:Hot. David Irwin, Marietta, Go.: ColonelM. M.TIdweU. Fayette villa, Go.; and Mr. william Dougherty, Go- ■ep!7-iy lumbus, Go,. wm. McAllister. Mur ble Menumouts, Tombs and Grave Stonee, Ihra- hhod on reasonable terms. Orders res- Jp<>cttally solicited. •1>1B. D. A. O'BYRNE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Offlee 176, Bay-st., over Turner It Go's. Drug Store! BAYANNAH,GA. * nov 10—ly —GfcOHgg THttPP MGWaHK ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office Monument Square, near 8tato Bank SAVANNAH, GA. nov 10—ly CRANE, WELLS * CO,, FACTORS A COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Haranwah, Gw. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Monttcollo, Jefferson County, Fla. Reference—Hon. W. B. Funma, Savannah, Ga. • . . myll EDWAKD U. WILSON. MAGISTRATE, NOTARY AND COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS. At Meura. Word & Owens' Law Offlee. [myll * WAYNE, GREN coioaasio: Bay-street SamnMJt.. TH03. 8. WAYNE. C.JC. C R. ALEE. WAYNE, jy 6—if Savannah. J. W. PAT- a ATTORNEY AND OOUNSKLLC Troupvillo, Lowndes Oonty,Odt ■ 1 M. FITZGERALD, t»T.C. Rln.lluiahctninud ery v.rl«ty of commw ud hi s*d«mp Umaipkmol ^BmtbSncS. B ’ n >£i3T