Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, July 30, 1856, Image 2

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t I J Dally* TM*WmMy MMl WMfcly. 1 Paper of the City and County R.B. HILTON & CO. raOPHROM AND rUBMMIKItl, n. a ULTon, - • B. V. HAMILTON, . Editor. (HVIIPU MOBNINO, JULY 31. FOR PRESIDENT: JAMES BUCHANAN, or rKXYHTLYANU. fob Vice president : JOHN C. BRECKINRIDGE- or UNTVOCY. ■IhIki (Or (lie Stale at LarRr. ' WILLIAM a STILES, of CluUum. IVERSON L. HARRIS, of Baldwin ALTONATC4 TOR THE STATU AT lAWHS. HENRY 0. LAMAR, of Bibb. AUGUSTUS R WRIOiiT. of Floyd. DtmiOT KLIVTOm* IB. DMrkt, Tuoau H. Korean, of (ilyun. Jd. DMrlct, Sari-el Hall, of Macon. M. District, Jarir N. Barrat, of lUrrU. 4tk. District, U-cirs J. Oartrill, of Fulton. Mb. District, Jobs W. Lewis, of Cam. 0th. District, Jarir P. HiRRoss,of(iwiunetL 7th. District, Tuoeas P. Safi-old,of Morgan. 8tb District, A. C. Waliir, of Richmond.^ ManasOistHt. awdCalir.mla The pwpb or Georgia hare lately heard much of the alleged dofccta and .alia of the nsassTallnsdmlnOliitlTrprllry mil bare been Reared to try the ci|icrtment of Know Nothing rule. Although it ennnot be denied that the Union owet the greitutei and glory which it baa achiered from the days of Washington. to the aucceeslve denweratie administrations of JeSbreoa, Madison, Monroe, Jackson. Polk and Pierce, yet it Is grarely contended tluit democ- lacytea failure, and wo arr, Inriteil to seek n substitute. We are offend Americanism—so called—In its place. Americanism having been (Airly tried In two at least of the Slate, of Ihc confederacy, it is proposed to carry it uioler Mr. Fillmore, who has f|ualilied liiin-clf by- taking tbo osths of the party, into the ndmio* lalratton of tbo General Government. We lay that the principles of tills new party have had a trial lu two of tbo States or the Union. Would no I the country, especially llie South, do well to examine their workings in those States wrore atteaipling to apply lliem elsewhere r.rnta, Wltal the AsymMMeussaM when leeagarsl af Wnldtsl Welker. . 1 BOARD OF HBALTH. •nan wma NmlulMl. The following editorial appeared In Ibe publican, In retpotue to the announcement of Buchanairii nomination. We jwk' thc public to contrast ft frith %m» which err mnr from day to (ley making thvli ap|Hxira|ice in its columns. The Democratic Ramliitri The Presidency )im been in the hand* of the Democratic party during tli« greater portion of the last hall century, and it is therefore not an impossible thing for tbo name party to sncceod in the coining election. With theac two facta in mind, we hare looked forward with no little interest, and we may tuy anxiety, to the action of the late Cincinnati Convention ananxiety not prompted do rnucii by consideration* of party success as by a sincere derire for the safety nod permanent good of tin* country. Wo con lew that wo breathed freer, mid felt lighten ed of a load of apprehension, when the tele graph announced to an, Saturday last, tliat the choice of the Convention for Chief Mngittrate of the Union had fallen an Jamea iiuchanan, of ,. better than we had expected ot the Democratic f urty—better for their own reputation, which us been sacrificed in times pant by the noral- The Ann Savassau, »lb Joly, I860, le Board mol. Pretest—IL J. Buckner, Chair- : 1.Ikirenj' »rI, Major F. 1L Bacon. E. IDgar, T. A. Aakyw. J. Malolrr, t- T. II. ‘tklo#on,4. M. Shcl'iiun, H. AstjiUn, E. .•* Zitlrewrr.T. J. Key lor, W. Hurkr A. J.J. liVis A. Bnabnl, M. J- Kinney, K Lovell,K. fimilh, J. J* tobbln-, C. Tb. kdUwring is PresMsnt Walker 1 * inan- * gnral •ddress: (n assuming the duties of the Presidency of the Republic, I fed deeply the difficulties and i office involve*. Tbo ;cht Trout without and or sleepier vigilance and untiring energy to preserve the Govern ment from the enemle* which threaten it. In order, therefore, to administer pnqicrly the affidra of the Republic, I require all the a*«to- Unce I can derive from the patriotism of its citizen*, uml from the skill, courage, and *df- reetraint of its soldiers. On them and on the Divine Providence which controls and direebi the course or wtatea and empires, I rely j for assistance in tho proper discharge ol the duties I this day assume. The republic has reached an era in its history not second iu importance to the day of her iu-1 dependence from the Hnaulsh monarchy. The 15th of September, 1821. was the opening of \ |u>,B, rt «,r interment? in the Cathedral Cemetery n.r the revolutionary eitoch of Nicaragua. 1 hope „ K . wock July. is 5*; this may be Its doM. The klnigglc* ol thirty- j, 1) , w ._,„i„ iairl „, 1 sey.,r* s,m str'ijk., In- WANTKD. rnironr lb,<4 Bo,.; nnjw but thwe who cal I .mhro W.-II rerommonfled need ijw - ■ ■••vfror bra. J. U. llAYWOUD. AgL WANTKD TO A HIKAIfV WOMAN Um. ven de the Vookuif, wA.hlns Md irrolne of » [.mil,. Ap. A. nrvim-f, * a, i. i a.r.Li, r .hiiii *. -- ...... ,n, .t So 46 corner of Yofk .nd JRWim d/NU, r .t Freeman A Henderwm*. ion had fallen upon so Worth/a mau five years have, it is to in: hoped, taught the liuebnnan, of I’cmiAylvanlo. Il *M jwople that liberty is not to be obtained nmidst THE OLDER I GROW, THE H0RE IN CLINED I AH TO BE WHAT IS CALLED A STATES RIGHTS MA N—Jamu Such- MB's tfotth OR Ikt admitrion of Arkamat, in IBM. I FULLY ENDORSE THE RESOLUTIONS, AND MAY FURTHER SAY THAT I AH WHAT IB CALLED A STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT—John C. Rrtektnridge in re- oftrss (a hit nomination for Iht Viet Prmdm- *»• czo. Three Days Later from Europe. ARRIVAL OF THE . . nation of weak and obscure men to the highest The first of thwe States h ILwuelnuclta. political station, aud better for the country Two years since she elected a Know Nothing! which can ouly e attered out of iu present Governor and. Know Nothing Ugiehi.nro by ^5^““ Ita^^ta^l'liVlIly. iug in that it gives tho assurance that the suc cess of cither of tho great political parties iuto which the country is d vided, is compatible with tho public safety. Like Mr. Fillmore, he is a statesman, free from all fanatical or sectional prejudice, and a true friend of the Constitution and the Uuion. Wc are opposed to him In many of his pol tical sentimenta, yet whatever may be our iH>«ition in regard to film iu the coming election, his past course upon the moat • • ‘ rr an overwholming majority. The achievements of that legislature—it* Him cmnaiitteos—its fugitlve-slave-noUification law—its choice of the abolitionist Wilson to the U. S. &uate —are fresh la the minds of the public. No party ever before, perhaps, accomplished so complete a triumph as the Kuow Nothing- iu Massachusetts—apd anch are some of the results of their policy when iu the cnjoyuicut of the upont alarming quertion of the present day, has boon most porftet freedom of development. A | ajch ns to'free him from •‘'out hern suspicion and second election continued the same men iu prejudice. We shall wot. iu the face of that history, imitate NIAGARA. New You, July 20. The steamship Xiagara has arrived, bring ing three days’ later intelligence from Europe. The Cotton market is very* much unsettled. Sales of the day of the steamer's leaving 2.000 The Niagara brought $70,000 in specie. The Arabia* maUs left Bostuu this after noon. A Urge portion of the most valuable part of the cargo of the ship George Hoplf'j will lie The vessel is a total wreck. •learner Burnt. New York, July 30.—The steamer JoJai Jay Was burnt on Lake George, and n number of the passengers perished. Tornado mi Cincinnati* A great tornado has passed over ('Incinnutl by which mocli property was destroyed. ffumrlesme and Wreck of Vessel*. New Yore, July 30th.—Advices to the lat July from the coast of Labrador stuto that a terrible gale and hurricane occurred off Green bland. Twenty-nine out of a Heel or thirty vereels were totally wrecked, tho name* of which are unknown. Three more large vesseLs wen lost off Dog Island, the crew of which perished. The losa is said to lx* very heavy with only a partial insurance. Hkaltu o* the City .--The report lor the •reek shows very remarkable exemption from ‘ fatal sickness. The whole number of inter ments la hot alz—four of which were children under two years of age, ouou death from sun stroke, and the other from murder. Wc doubt whether any city in the Union cun pre-ent «.nch a record. Blackwood’s Magazine.—We have re ceived from Col. WUliamn, agent, fer the American publishers, Blackwood for July. Tha following is the table of coutentu : Tbs Crimean Report and Chelsea Inquiry; Tha Baow Storm: Tho Athelinga; or the Three Gifts; Part II.; Travels in Circassia, Part 111.; Greece and Italy; Tho Scot Abroad. The Man •fConicil: A special Embassy In IMS; Tho Dispute with America. Proposed Itwllrond Conveulion We are informed that the Board of Director* of .the Savannah, Albany and Gulf Railroad Company ^t their meeting held yesterday .deter mined to addreBH tho citizens of Houthorn and South-western' Georgia, on the auljeet of tho Main Trunk Railjpad. Tho addresn will be cir culated as soon oh It can be published in pam phlet form. It invites tho citizens ot tho Conn ties Interested in the Main Trunk, und the Brunswick and Florida Railroad Coinpauy, to appoint Delegates to a Convention to be held atThomMvll!e,on the 4th day of September next forthepurpoac of taking hucIi action »h may lead to the organization of the Atlantic and Golf Railroad Company. ' We conalder this action of the S. A. A- G, (fampany, to be the beat and wincst coiii-kc that coald be pursued. Should it meet with u fa* vorable response from all tho parties at interest, the Convention may bring to a fortunate issue the vexed question of the Main Trunk organiza tion. Such nn event will bo hailed with joy by a large majority of tho people of Georgia. If It fails, Savannah, will not bo responsf. Me for the rejection of the proffered uid of the State to an enterprise of great impor' tance to Southern and South* western Georgia* Niwa ruoM I.ideuia—100,000 Xkuroks SoLDr-Webave received tho Liberia licrald of the Slit oT Miv. Tho contents of this single number reflect but faintly any light on tho poai- Uoa and prewpect* or that Interesting Itepub- l 1 *. ^e.’^gttt article the Herald contains, li devoted L/ proofs of tho Scriptures being a revelation from God; and in a contribution In another column, aomo interesting facts are given rcunectloK the heathen worship of tho natives of'the Interior. The Herald aunoun- oeatbearrivabat Monrovia of the government schooner Y*rk, from Grand Cano Mount, with President Benaon on board, ills Excellency. It appear*, baa been ubscntiffectlng a personal a natmentof hostilities existing between two Khhorlng native tribes, the Zarroh people ItbeVey; and his negotiations are said to have been kucccwfiil. It is estimated that there have been no lera than 100,000 natives killed and sold out of the Vey country, and these predatory wars have been the great pro* ductive cause of the alavo trade in the region. One article, beaded “Onr Country,” urges tbo importance of a more strict attention to ogri- culture, as a basis for true national prosperity ; hot proponnd#be .somewhat coramnulst doc trine, that as success in farming counot be ex- from Individual enterprise alone, the take hold bf it as tho nine tenth “I of bei>Kistenoe.” and devote capital to H»e lady of his Excellency, vJr A -Hcn'wn, gave birth to a ion 10th of May,—i/w/on IVaveller July power, and the same policy in action. The latest exhibition of their spirit wu* made by the convention, whose proceedings appeared in our column* two day*, aluce. Those proceed ings called forth tho following comments from the Boston Courier—a paper always rcspecta* hie, but neither now or never Democratic in its politics : “How the mighty have fallen! Here waa a party which becarus powerful by false pro mises, now divided and subdivided,—each fac tion denouncing each faction in language the Jowest aud In tones the moat bitter. We long ago foresaw that tbli would be the end^nd the very individuals that counselled the “Ameri cans” not to heed iim, have been tho first to de sert the national creed of the American party. Indeed the record shows that the old Native Americana have gained nothing. They have not a dezen representatives in office in the State, and their Governor, through bis agents at Worcester, offered to sell out to fusion hist year. So it haa been with every party in Massachu setts who have coalesced with the Free Soilers. The combination of IRA4 was nothing but a coalition. The oaths, and grips, and promises of .fealty to regulate nominations—the dark lumps and midnight meetings—had but one •nd, and that was abolitionism. The charac ter of the men elevated to office—the Sena tor and Congressman—foitllies this assertion.' If farther proof bo needed that the majority and the controlling power of the Know Noth ing organization is Free Soil, it will Ikj found in the recorded proceedings of the late con vention, in which the name of Fillmore was re ceived with derision, and that of Fremont wite cheers; iu which a resolution to endorse the nomination of Fillmore and Donelsoa was pro- nonnred out of order by the shameless decisions J of the shameless presiding officer; and the “sympathy” and “support” of the Imdy was pledged to Charles Sumner; iu which one ora tor typified meanness as u Fillmore man.uiid in the next breath glorified Fremont aud bis Jessie. Such is Americanism in Massachusetts in J 850, aud such it was iu 1854. It lias un dergone no change; the disguise lift 1 ' liceii re moved—that is all.” So much for the reigu of Americanism in Massachusetts. Wo might refer to its succcs* (?) complete or partial in soms of the other northern States, but forbear—and paw from the At lantic to the Pacific count. I.ast year the rule in California passed from Democratic into Know Nothing bunds. Theso gentlemen elected Governor, Legislature, Judges—making a clean sweep—and what do we behold, before the expiration of a twelve- mouth ? Revolution rampaut und irresistuble - Iaw and its officers superseded by the edicts and acts of aii irresponsible mob. The people have risen in their might, and set aside authori ty which had proved impotent for their pro tectleu—and now the American Governor lias no remedy hut to issue his nervelews prod luna tions. The record Is before our readers. The history of the Amcricau States furnishes no parallel. Is it then American rule, as exemplified iu Massachusetts uml California that the people will substitute for the loug tried and ever .suc cessful sway or Democracy ? It is easy fo frit- eIk. it in not difficult to find fault. Flaws oven may be found in the most perfect work. We will not, therefore, say the Democratic Administration, cither State or federal, have been at nil times perfect. Util we will suy, that to substitute fur Democracy .which has gene rally worked well, Americanism which in the States trying it, bus ho disastrously failed— would bo the extreme of lolly. Tbo new steam whip"Lebanon, Captain T Cook, for Liverpool, sailed from Jersey City, at 12 o’clock on Thursday. She took out twelve passengers aud $150,hOO in specie. The Buffalo CourierTTinformed that the ill- stared fiteamer Northern Indiana was valued by her owners at two hundred thousand dollars, und that she was not insured. UlNgi-ai-tf'ui Conduct ol' Auicilcnns In Paris. The title of Americun citizen (so long a pu*s- 3 the ungrateful example of our Democratic frieudn towurds Mr. Fillmore, by laying ut his door charge^ qf utKilition uud un friendlines* to the .South. There is one aspect, however, in which this nomination i* to os peculiarly grateful. There is no doubt that it is the result of the ascen dency ofuortliorn influence hi the Convention; yet for once that influence has been applied to the accomplishment of conservative ends. It Du triumph over ultralsm—over that radical reckless spirit of a false-named progression, which has growu up iu the Democratic party of late years, whose motto U irnovation, uud in whose eves nothing is sacred. “Young America” it has been called, with .Stephen A. Douglas as its great representative uud leader, who of late has been strengthened by the al liance of similar discontented -pirits from the ranks of the old Whig party. These men have sought to change the entire tide ot public sent!- ment in this country, to repeal its time-honor ed laws, aud to revolutionize the wisest and most wholesome features of iu policy. The nomination of Mr. Buchunuti. au old line c< senratlve Democrat, is a complete overthrow of this party und their visionury schemes—we hope for all limo to come. In this respect the nomination is n most important one to tho whole country. Had Douglas or Pierce, (who, though conservative by nature, would have been surrounded by tho same inflmmeesaud haw not the strength to withstand them) receiv ed the nomination, our government for theuext four years would have becu but the chariot of I’ho.'bus in the daring hands of u modern Flue- ton, whirling recklessly along to the destruc tion of ail that is sacred, and just, and good in the ablest government of earth. Thanks to the “thunderbolt” from Cincinnati that arrested their dangerous career! port to favor!) bow mi*cs prejudices against one in conrt circles, in consequent of disgrace ful scenes which stain Ibut honored name, und but few of which ever reach the public ear iu the United Hiatts, although they uro the gossip oftdl Europe. It has not been long wince lour or live Americana became l»eastly drntik ut a hall in the Tuillerius, and forced their way to the Emperor’s table at supper, making the greatest ‘ ilglng in uproar, und indulging in liberties which might Ijo pardoned only at tho penultimate hour of u political clam bake. Tho annoyance a “scene” would cause, and the fuct that two of the party were ***** prevented them from be ing extruded from tho prcciuctH of the pulucc by the imperial mouiuls. Rut the disgust uud. astonishment raised by their degraded miscon duct persuaded tho court chumlierlainB tliut there must be u mistake somewhere; they be lieved these brutes had eiirreptitioi/siy obtained their tickets und uniforms; several detective police officers were summoned uud ordered to observe these persons during the remaining period of the bull, and to dog them home when they retired, that they might usoortuin if in deed theso persons were the people they repre sented themselves to lie. To the astonishment of the French, the po lice discovered tliut there wus no manner or fraud. You will not lie surprised, uftur this, when 1 tell you that these persons regard tins whole occurrence uh a “good Joke,” and t he circumstance of their being attended home by the detective police as “decidedly rich.” With Up exception of a forcible entrance* in to the Emperor’s supper saloon, disgusting in cidents of tliin nature occur wheuover the Em peror or the Prefect of Heine gives a hall. Americans regard the iuvitatlon to these places as a carte blanche, on which they may write any “spree” they please. At the last hall giv en at the Tuilleries, two Americans;.went in fnll court costumo from the palace to the Mill ion d'Or, where they exhibited their state of beastly intoxication to tho lareo throng until» late hour of the morning! Drunkenness is u vico which here is confined to the most degra ded of the lowest dosses. American ministers fail to exert the influence whidi belongs to them and whidi, If used, might altogether put an eml to these disreputable scenes.—Par- »• Cor. Uoaton Atlau, Tho English ship Harsh, bound to Barcelona, which wae towed out over the bar on Humliiy last, by the Cuba, returned day lieforo yester day, und mmlosignal Torn pilot outside. Af ter having gone about n hundred miles, the Contain discovered n negro mim, (a slave) who had secreted himself on board, lie was tnkon ebargo of by one of our pilots uud brought tu the city. Thiawe consider a very haiidaomu conduct on the part of the Captain—meantime, espe cially, as he had suffered much annoyauce from tho desertion of bis own crew, while here, from the luck of efficient legal aid in recovering tiie deserters.—Pentacoia (Fta.) Democrat, 24/A inat, The Old Ijitit* Whig* or Georgia A high uud sacred responsibility rests upon tliin class of our fellow citizens iu the ensuing Presidential election. To such of thorn as are member* of the Know XoUiiug organization, and adhere to its principles in the face of the searching examination to which tho»e princi ples have been subjected during the Inst twelve months, wo have no further words of exhorta tion or warning to address. “They are joined to their idols, let them ulouc,” say we, until time, tho immaculate teacher, shall couvince even them of their folly. Rut to those Old Line Whig- who have never identified thorn- selves with Hint organization, and. to those who, having fatal impressions und fraudulent enticements, joined Uicir lodges, and sworn fealty to their doctrines, have since patriotical ly acknowledged their mistake and repudiated it* authority, wc would respectfully present considerations us to what now becomes them to do, ns patriot*, as .Southern men. Were a mere party triumph uil that is de sirable ut this crisis, to a Democrat urging tho claims of Rucluuian mid Breckinridge, in Georgia, we inigllt well ,bo content simply to make parly appeals to thoso whom past events have fully identified with tho Democratic par ty. That party has a eleni aud reliable major ity in this State, as disclosed by the general cfectious of last Octolior. The Democratic candidate* for Governor received Ufty-thrco thousand four hundred mid seventy-eight vote*, u clear mujofity over both the opposing candi dates of three thousand nine uutidrcd nml fiuventy-two votes, and a majority of ten thou sand two hundred and fifty-six vote* over the Know Nothing candidate. There was tin over whelming Democratic majority iu cadi branch of tho Ijcgiduture. Of these liity-thrco thou sand four hundred and seventy-eight voters, voting for Gov. Johnson, we lmvo not heard ol otic man who will not vote for Mr. Buchunuti. We challenge tho Know Nothing pres, of the State to name a nitigle individual, of any proni- inoitco or influence, among all this vast body Georgians, now supporting Mr. Fillmore. On the other hand, wo have the patriotic ex ample before us of many Influential citizens, who were last year voting with the Know Nothings, .some of them then members of that organisation, others Old Line Whigs, opposed to the Democratic party, who are now open supporters of the Buchanan und Breckinridge ticket. Some of their names have already hues given to the public, und there is no improprie ty In here repeating them, Hon. Anbury Hull Juduo Joseph Henry Lumpkin and Eugcnhis A. Nisljct, E. If. Pottle, John A, Jones, und H. A. Thornton, Esqs., lion. Hopkins Hulsey,Col. Chisholm, ami others. Wc could add many more names. Three political papers, that last year advucuted Know Nothing principle* und candidates, are now the advocate.* of the elec tion of Buchanan and Breckinridge—the North Georgia Time* at Dalton ; the Cheivkce Geor gian, at Marietta, mid the Republican,n\ Wash ington , Wilkes county. These are some of the indications to show that the Democratic ticket will receive thousands of votes this year more than It received last October.—Augusta Con- slihilionulixt. i;«3l»ort of liitoriMcnl* mi l*iir* I Urow Ccinr-uty lor tbo wock ending 20»h July. IWt». July 'nr*nt$«ill b-irn,S*»«niii»t«. OIO.MIL July 23 —Infant, s days, F|w*iiis. Joly -Jl—Hurriet A. MiHi.I.U yw«,W«teto' llr.aiu; Clira, I 2-3 year*. Teething.- Ju'jr 21 — ftleliirt, a», \l'ir<W«j|, kroner' J. II. llrnucocK. pro. toui. Keeper L. U. U. J>C WA.VfKIJ. i uni l-t .*r November, a comfortably romWliod l!*»«w in a he*',thy U"-aU"n. AC- dre-a >1. II.. Hu- oflue, stMtirw rent. Jte )"»y li. Jie petty fend* of contending chieftains, and I that prosperity doe* not result from a constant state of civil broils and iutertiuc commotions. After a long scries of bloody conflict*, the Re- mbllc has need of internal peace mid quiet for he development of its varied resources. I ain- ccrely trust that all good citizens will assist me in the maintenance or that order which is the first requisite of n well governed Statu, and without which ail national development or indi vidual welfare is impossible. Not only l* internal order required fur the advancement of material wealth and prosperity, but uiso for the proper defcucu of tho Republic from tho external enemies which threaten its repose. The other four States of Central Amer ica, without reason and without justice, have undertaken to interfere ill the domestic affaire of Nicaragua. Conscious of their own weak ness, und fearful lest the prosperity of Nicara gua should detract from their wealth, these neighboring State* are enviously endeavoring to interrupt our progress by force of arms. The imbecile rulers of these States, too, reeling that they have failed to perform their duties to the »eople they undertake to govern, dread lest heir impoverished countiymen may finally fly forTefuge to tlio»o who havo redeemed Nica ragua from anarchy and ruin. Moved by such ignoble sentiments, these miserable relic* of a once powerful aristocracy are striving to im pede the march of events in this Republic.— But the impotence of their efforts i* beginning to be made manifest to themselves and to the world; and they aie now appearing as blind initrumenU in the hand of an Allwi.-e Provi dence, which, out of the bad passions and un worthy motives of men. educes good and im provement. In our relation* with the more powerful na tions of the world, I hope they may be let to perceive that, although Nicaragua may be cam- jmratively weak, sho is yet jealous of her honor, and determined to maintain the dignity of her independent sovereignty. Her geographical lositiou and commercial advantages may ut- ract the cupidity of other Governments, either neighboring or distant; but I treat they may yet learn that Nicaragua claims to coutrol her own destiny, and does not require other na tionalist* to make treaties concerning her ter ritory without asking her advice and consent. While pursuing a course of fetriet justice to wards foreign citizons and foreigu Govern ment*, we only ask that the same equity may be granted to ourselves. ^ The principles which siiall guide me iu the administration lioth of the foreign and domes tic affair* of the Government ure few and sim ple. To allow the utmost liberty of speech and action compatible with order and good govern ment, shall be the leading idea of my political conduct. Therefore, the greatest possible free dom of trade will lie e.-tubliriicd, witli the view of making Nicaragua what nature in tended her to he—the highway of commerce between two ocean*. And with this freedom of trade will come tin- art* of a civilization which grows and increases bv the wants and necessities itself create.-. Wtiile facilitating as fur u.« po.<siblo the material development of the State, I shall not be unmindful of its intellec tual and inoral requirements. To promote the proper education of the people, and to en courage them in the practices of that devine religion which constitutes tho basis of all modern civilization, shall be objects of primary importance. And for carrying out the iuten- tiona with,succcss, 1 humbly invoke the aid of Him, without whose assistance all human exertions are hilt as bubble* on 'a stormy sea. Damri. I'out, Jv.-c|M*r <'■ Whitt*. 'J. colorcl 4—total «*•. M. J. BUCKNKR, Chairman *. "• 8. A T LtWHKfCK, St. J*., sfcc’ry H. It. Job Printing Promptly, Nrntly niut Cheaply, Donr. The public in general, uud our Democratic I friends in particular, will remember that there is connected with the Georgian fy Journal es tablishment one of the most thoroughly equip ped job offices in this section of the Union. If we ure correctly advised, some of the most: beautiful specimens of job work ever done iu j Savannah have lately passed from under our presses. Give us a trial. STRAYED CATTLK, Came iuto the eurto-nrc of the uuder.-ojUM-'t *ome tiiiM- ,Ibm. four bcail of faille, viz: One b|«A _co«r with no horn*; one red aud white hrtfer. about two year*oh», marked with an muter 7 In etch car; one red heifer, with the end ot one car cut ofl, amt one dun ralf about one year old. Tim owner, or owner* of said catilc. are re- qui-xted to call, pay expenses*, and take them away, • r thev will hr- -»M lo defray the fame. TffOS If. THUS, juty a Thunderbolt Bond. FOR NEW V0HR. . . Il'iW totl on Saturday, 2d AwjutL, at 6Jt * elsrk 1‘ M., pretifdy. Tla- .-(cumship ALABAMA, Capt (J. R. .-fchenk, will leave a* above. For freight or parage apply to » l-ADKIJOlUl. KAY A CD. jj-8d VALVABLK MICE FOR SALE, * vmua TEX mu* ot .nr or . , ri , % o ’ssrflsaM’srsH^'. SB&2ffl3SS^“'jsssg!; toojet util* *Mt., IlffiSk Ulnlni ril huMle-1 .nd • ullr lev.. vbkb ttair. .re tan liiinif. ( Hie riMJtad.ud oh lienorM H.41(|, ,'Wtj I under (nod tank. tu . j IkM. *l», «ere»l, Ure .ro of Llgb S calUrMlnn. On the ptae. .it .*00; d.Vlta, ^ j aveneer'. bonie. tain., n.nro I outbuilding*, all iu a g*-ei w f tI(a . f ,? k* -J dralrinx to purchr>e w.Uu ut«a u v'„ ,,r *u« i Kx*r, who resides within i.niMoiJwor’,?!?^ I or Kliza Ulmer, &*irii f rb. I tnito* of tbo «rove. j Terms of aak made knoaa the . Toees-akrtinot jrtveti nu«d th• i jy17-td II. a HAKUlSS,^ TtieCliMrle.*U>u tier.-? ry w n wXk until the day of r.K ' " NOTH K, T ie UNDHisiuxrji u. *, n.., 1 Ihemaelvt - togeliur iuf tho Wholesite (in^f-rv ». ".. l , I purchased th« str^k oi iw] - , Surnf'L 1 H I after continue (he burh.r - ' e ter ii ..‘f.,. ‘ .v ’ f f er*. Norm 4:0 . at th» »• tSiZV" I and IJncotn street*. ’ tCer ,J ' Our fucilitte.enable us to execute every do- j J'-dr.- i. from which t*'-**- scription of letter press work from a mammoth ; poster to tiie smallest curd, and from a book to j FOR Plftll*ADKl*PlllA. To util Saturday, .4 uyutt "<I. at C. o'clock, J*. M. The I'nite-i State. Mail Steamship KKYSTOXK STATE. Cajd. Hardle, will leave a* above. Tor freight or lui-isugc apply to C. A. tiHKINKH. Agt-ut CuImii Pa.-age 20 00 Steerage l*as«.un- 7 00 Pa->eug»-r.. hy tin.- • lii;. tor Baltimore and Wash- ingto:. will Ik- luuili-d at New Ca-tlc. Dt-lawuro, il desired, from which plan- cars start three lime* daily for the More elti®.«, and other Southern points. Jy22 P ltK*EKVINU l'KAfH*S—Just received a eboleo jot, suiutdo for preserving, and for sale to- the must natUrnctory tarras. ! * p VLMETTO tVANTED Orders from all part, or the country will re | PALMETTO » ANTED. ceivc prompt attention. ; Lliu lubwrlb.-rs oilbr for sale a large and varied a*-ortmont of #econd-hand priming material. sufU-• clent to eMabli.»h a complete Job Office, with but few additional artiule.*, cousl'tlng In p*rt of—One ample font of small pica, us good u* new, and vari ous fonts of Job type; one coper royal hand-pre->«; one Hoe A: Co.’s pruof-prez?, latent improvement, new; two *r more large ImjKijing ►tones, new; dim- bio ami single stands; cases. comjKi.dng sticks,col- uinu rules, guilty?, chases, etc., ole., together with various other article? pertaining to a newsi>a|*er or Job oilier. it. H Hfl.TON .V CO. Juue 2‘. U AU IV1 H O N 1 H UhLVMUUM HAIR DYE. SIZE NI.AKOKD, STYLE IMPROVED. It has dohlo the quantfty and strength of any other. , , It gives a perfectly natural color. It colors every shade from light brown to jet block. , It is perfectly harmless to the skin. Its efftet is instantaneous and permanent, hi? Uio b«-t. 'piickc-yt, cheapest and “afest nvr over made. /Hr Directions for u*« ue«.-.mi|Kiny each box.*%R price—1 oz. 41—2 oz*. $1.50—4 oz?. —Sozs. S5. [Entered according to nn Act of Congress, in the year 1655, by A. *V. Harrison iu the Clerk’s Oiliee uf the District Court of ihe United .State* for llie Eii-tern District of Pennsylvania.] Kor rate by the manufacturer, APOIJ.OS W. HARRISON, duels—lv 10 South "111 Ft.. Philadelphia. Coiittiierdiil ^ntcliigfiirf. SavuuiiaU Jlnrki-t, July 31. COTTON.—No<aeUon*re|K-)tb *l in thi? urlivlc yojUorday. Illijipiitg Siitdligmrr. R ROPOSAD* will be received at the office or the CH VRI.K-TON AND SAVANNAH RAILROAD. No. :U Broad -troet. Charleston, uutd the Ut of Au gust, fof furnrildng an<l diliveriug at the Termimu of the Road, on ibe we?I side of A.-dih-y River, »ix ty ili*ii.‘Hud (lu.oo)i lincul. or running feet of PAL- MKTni I AHiS." The Palm-.-ifo uiu*t l>e uf the beat quality, u( nu lure tref*?, «tralght. and fre»bly cut. It wld be sub- ji-cted b> die iu?|>cctio!i of ihe Eng ueer before be- tug received. Tiie log- tnn-i i'uufortu nearly to the following { ieliglhs : 2o. 27. :(5 aud 43 feet. I Tire •leiivrry to conuueuce*at the eailic-t pj?*ib|e inter vul alter the above named date. ntOS K. HHAYTUS, Pre-idem and Chief Engineer pTiotouitAPiis* i large sized Photographs, Ut* ken hy MILLS R, AT TWKI.VK DOLLARS PER DGZUl •s and Da guerreotype- perlor style. A caff is solicited. J. W. MILLER, tnar27 cr. St. JulUn-st. and Market square, r ~* ~S OTTCErTO”MARIN B R B. A UGHT VKS-KL ha- Ii-hu muoro-1 m (ala hoquo Sound, (in 4* a utlioms water at l»w tide,) betweeu Urenadiur shoal? und the Eastern Breaker? rueniug oil' the .-outh K^i-tern point ut Iiiiton Head. She Is .-chooru-r rigged with a third mast Ibr the lantern; huff (tainted red. and will show one hi ight white Isdht, at uu elevation «*t thirty feet above tire sea. Tylu-e Light hear S. U W. Tylrce fioaeon hears S. .*j»:nli-Kast pilot of llilbtn IL-ad bear- N.n E. Uradd'N-k*? point bears N. by K. Sptdriard’? Intuse nn l»aufu?kee Island bears W . Thel'gbt will he shown lor the tlr.-t time on the cveufoL- ot August 1st. hy order oi i.i^ht House Board. r'. M.WKlAt'LT Mukkis* jy24—’• L. H. lu?p. Cth DUt. '*-■ b. Rnizi^ -f": WKIU, • 'J J>->. S HIm li Savannah, Juue M, rnitF. firm (4 P/slgi-f* n Norris o ■ X taro daiolrc.1 by tta I partner will use the n«ui<- ot tli» crw i L it., . ‘ I «. Ait* I Savannah, Juue 2d, ls5>. ’ A - Xf d'kl? ) ' TO Ul'lLDKltS. tl rnHE SUBSCRIBER i.* prepared to n A at the shortest nonce, und in the manlike myiner, all kinds *-f Ma,l horyfir.r t ' * Cornice, or other work coll. cttM w:tb the i ’’ turtng or repairing of Copj«er, tjalvwii»-j i.,*!. 4 • or Sheet Iron Busme?.- HUP.A'. t llOkrf ’*■ Bro-^Ls.* , ■ kotue. I T HE firm of I W Mom-11 1 <, t tLo 24lU of September, 4 >54. bv t!,. Webster. Jy22—lin _ _i. w. y NOTH K. U NK mouth alter date, app iratiou »ni W., F9 to the Bank ol the 5-:tat.- <>| t.wgn for t- . . . lM meut of two one hundred ,. hr bhU of »h- R • at . the right hand hal;-. - ' lost in the mail?. Jy21 Boslu.Vj Pori ol* Snvnnitnii Arrived. No arrrivnfs .-inec our Inst. A t'ntioi H t -r«Am.—Mr. Samuel W. Cham- hei», of Boone county, Kentucky, in new iu this city, lor tliu inirpose of presenting a heavy claim for rc-af nutate. The estate is valued at over $2)1,000,0(11). It consist* of twenty ucrcn of land in ono of tho best parts cf this city.— It was granted to id* great-great grandfather by Williurn Penn, in loot). Tho deed wae in poa* session of nn ancestor at Chester when that town war taken by tho British, and cairied to tho State arehieves for safety und is now in Harrisburg. Mr. t'linnihera seems to have worked at the cbko with rare fidelity for many years. Hi* great difficulty ha* boon to establish ids ances try hy documentary evidence: in this ho imp finally succeeded. IJu is now in posseHsion of the marriage certificate of Ida great-great grand father, and also those of every one of Ids descendants down to hire father. Thu certifi cate of 1(11)0 is ono drawn in tho stylo peculiar to tho Quakers of thorn days. A copy of it is iu Ids po.-Fc?.dou, which is in n Bibio bearing date 1031. This Bible was printed “by Robert Darken, nrlnter to tbo King’s most excellent majesty.” Tho Chambers' family removed from Philadelphia to Delaware, where many of them uotr reside. Samuel (-humbers is duly authorized to prosecute tho cluim for nil tiie descendants. Holms employed.!. W.Steven- non, an eminent lawyer of Covington, Kentucky to supervise tho Inisiues*. uud consulted very eminent counsel here. There seems to lie a very curious provision iu the deed from Will iam Penn, which, taken in connection with n still more curious statute of our State, passed during the Revolution, in regard to proprietory rights, which prevents the statute of limitations from running ugniust it. Mr. Chambers de signs tu prosecute for its recovery.--PhiluHcl- pit (a Tune*. Mauiuauk an Epidemic.—-A Pennsylvania editor says tliut marriage has broken out among ills neighbors, and tliut it is spreading with frightful vinilonco all over tho northern end of thu country, carrying off’ hundred* of his tail)- Kcrihcra. Hundreds of cuhoh, lie says, lmvo come under Ills own obHcrvution, till of them htineluiiH—once seized, tha victim is a case; the only thing that can be dono is to call in a cler- R to prepare 1dm for Ids fate. Having i complaint lieforo. ho says, is no pro tection against it. A willow who hod caught it yunrs before, and was slowly recovering from its effect, Muflcrcd a relapse, and woa now lt>4 beyond recovery. Sho hits married a aocond time. [I'ruia the Taiiffut I’ciiimmlur of July lo.] The Flood of '30 In South Florida* In consequence of tho recent heavy rains the roads through this section of the State uro im paled to such an extent us renders it impossi ble to travel. The stage from this place to Ocala is discontinued aud we cannot approxi mate when it will resume its regular trips. The immeuso amount of water, failing in cascades, has materially injured the crops.— From Hernando County wo hear m Mime fine plantations being'entirely mined. In some places the richest of hammock lands, iu a f*tuto of cultivation, have been covered with sand, from 12 to 15 inches iu depth, washed from more clovuted points; iu others, the field* are sub merged, crops destroyed, uud the lace of the country cut into ravines;-piany “sinks” have been caused, as it were by a convulsion ol na ture, which would secin to indicate that wo are to bo favored with improved facilties for taking a trip “.South”--some of them being bottomless, in a word,the heretofore deplorable condition of our citizens is now rendered almo.4 intolera ble-most or our farmers h.ul abandoned their field*, uud the few that had held out, despite the dangers which threatened them, were flat tering themselves over their fair prospects; but alas! the elements seem to Imve united with the Seminole* in their conspiracy against tiie wel fare of Smith Florida, and tho only dependence of her citizen* for sustenance Is now rendered futile. | We have hud but ono shower per day for the pa*t four days, uud wo entertain the hope that tho country will soon l»e drained, but, wc fear, it will require u longtime to put the mads iu any thing like u passable condition. Stave** In Kansas. From the following paragraph whidi weelip from tliuH putter SovoroUn, of^tho Hth inst. published at Atchison, iv. T., it would appear that the slave population of the Territory is open tho increase; “During' the past six months the slave popu lation in this portion of tho Therritory has greatly increased. Many .settlors from South Carolina, Virginia and other Southern States have wisely brought there slaves with them us the most effectual way of settling tho question of slavery iu the Territory. These a re tlu? kind of settlers wc need here uow. We want men of mean*, who will opeu large farms—work their slaves, and by experiment test the adaption of slave labor to Kansas. Every farmer in this ucighijorhood, assures us that their servants are much healthier here than they were at tiie South and are capable of performing more labor. The soil of Kansas ennnot he beat, uud every staple that is pro duced in tiie South cuu be profitably cultivated here. What then Is to holder »»ur Southern friends from moving into tho Territory iu large numbers, and iu nil cases lo bring their slaves witli thorn. Wo can assure them that their property is just as safe here as iu South Caro lina, nud the negro-thief is as closely watched and as severely puhished, as in the most dis tant Southern Slate. We again repeat there is no risk or danger iu bringing slaves lo Kansas. 11 id m« v 1 xtkll kiknt.—A late English peri odical contains a review of “Audubon', the Na turalist, in the New World; his Adventures and Discoveries. By Mrs. Horace St. John,” in which the Iwok is stated to “describe his wonderful career and wanderings among lakes, forests, aud prairies,'' “Ids life in the wildest solitudes,” “Ida escapes from oarthquakos, hur ricanes, and assassins,” during his explorations —we quote literally—“oftlio territories of Ken tucky, Virginia, tho banks of tiie Ohio ami Mis* sisaipni, Louisiana, Philadelphia, and the Flor ida* I" * Receipt 1 ! per Central Railroad. July 20—123 Usl.vs Colton, SSI rack.- Whoa), 57 Barrel* Hour, 5a .sacks <!<*, 37 lilrJt’ Ricoh atul imlzc, to Brigham, Krt y’u t.'o.Rutc, lUvls k Long, I Davenport, A H UaMriilgo, Wayne k Son, ratten, Hutton k Co, It K Cofo Uro. John lnyereoll. Clap- horn k CunulUKliaui. John Bruuphtou, Asters of Mercy, J M O’Neil, Crane, Wells a: 'u. Cohen-: k Hertz. DIM-upji. ^VilUuins k Rutchll', Way k Tay lor, .Young Jc Frierson. t.AWR10NCE’S IUISK.VDALE HY DRAULIC CEMENT. HOFFMAN'S ROSENDALE CEMENT- T HESE two braids or Cement arc manufactured by tiie htwrenee Cement Company, and arc warranted of tin* best qua ity. beliif? used in al um,t every department of the works under tin* U. S. Covernment, and other important hydraulic works. Kor .-alo at the office of the Company, ou the moat favorable terms, by M. W. WDtiDWARD, Sec’ry, jyl4—2m U2 Waff street. New York I IKCKIVKD per Men Iji-Ues Mistiu Belts, bltck and color r titvutner Kin .wilk*: Do Nett MsD, all qualities. Also (tents brown English hilf Hose Do silk and IJAe Cove/, for .-ate by jy!7 I .A D.SON if. ROPERS. BALTIMORE BACON. 3 000 10UNKS PALTJMOBE BACON, in i! and Ibr sate by 1IAUUON, corner WbitakerVnd Cbariton-ats. —100 boxes Mti.-Uird; 160 do 100 do Starch; received and for McMahon x jioylk. 205 and 207 Hay atruot. M L’.STARD, kv. pare I’eppel; rale bv jituelO ASKBT8! BASKETS!—Wo would cull the ^■ittenUou of.the ladies to our stock of Work, Traveling aud line Fancy Ba-ket-,tlie largest assort- meut iu limuity, at llm llou-o Kurnisliing ritorr, 165 Hroughton-Ktroet. mar21 HORACE MOUSE. LE, LaIU), Ac.—2U bbls I'rium Iznl; 6u do Taylor & Son’* Ale; 60 do sugar, soda and but ter Blte.ult; recolvcd and for sain by mi.mahon & doylk. •Mf. ami 20' Ray -tr**. t C (ANDLf;s.—-60 boxes Dondeii 7 ”0*?" ThIIiav Can* ) dies, 30 do do O’? do do, latiiffng and for uale by JyK r'CHANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. ix viujijyxfii NOTH K, O NE month alter date. ..y,,'., »ua a.J u- ^ . to the Bank of the Stan- l (.». r:w f.. r it-iJ I ment of three twenty ..’..Par hills m \\* BratchH I Augusta, the right hau.i Ealr^Mif which Ln.d^ f BdsTuV A VHJJtteXta lost iu the mail jyll—1m FRENCH CHINA, WHITE GItA.\m AND GL1.V WA?j: 146 nsnxo strkct, auKi>>tos, .-.hth « The subscribers re.*pectfuliv jji.c.i from the traveling pubj.c, on iLi^ea, L | of their stock ot French and Engii-L China, in plain white, gold bond, am _ decorated dinner, desert, breakfast, tea.toih tv tele sets and vasee. Also, Ceps and saucer- & Also, Ambrotypes and Da- the celebrated Senes Chau Wh.teGr^.v- erreotype?, in bis usual au- best manufacturers. Rii-L . i FreLch, Eci.^r Bohemian Glass. They have a variety uf ornaments ia Ware, Busts of Calhoun, Clay, Webster, ai d • r • andStatuetes of the Greffc Vem: ; C- Y . kCj, kc. They have also a beautiful luralUaru’ct . > cle for floors aud heurtli.-. oi Plain nml Encutulle Tliu. Their stock being very general, carolmly and imported direct, offers itd uv ernc-nu to tuertt^ whom good* will be pot ej.« e lowest rates for cash. WFIbU A .-AGE, impurten. successors to Cameron. WfMHto, THE HAVANA PLAA. More Prizes JgACON--tO unska prime Bides, just received nud Ibr sale by Juno 26 CRANE, WELLS A CO. F I/JUIl.—20 sack* miporllnu Four, DIO do Due do U7 bbl* rupurlluo Flour, lor miIu by Jy3 Wll J JAM LYNN, 87 Bay street. M ATCiliy, At!.—liio KreK^iliriiifu'ii "in* tvooH boxes, 160 boxes Mmdnrd •JOOboxei Adnniatilin.’, Ilydnmlfo mid .-perm Candles, recoivod nud Ibr Fa lit by ,|y 17 MoMAHOX k |K»YLK. P ” Ml 11A Mr*—Rmotied Tongues and Hanked lloiif romilved p..r steamer Knoxville, und Ibrnili- b _ jyl7 .L I*. •'K**E. H ATS — loo duzni iTmitntton llat*. Iu store and ft*r uulo by Jy8 il. M. FYKE, 04 Day si. ItVAtWHAIJ, k SON'S iMehnttod Vlg linn*, tig IVi. Moulders, and Pig Bacon. Also aotin* now Bmnked Tongues and Fresh RmoWeil Beef. Ibsu.ivc.l por Alabama, Dy nn»y'J8_ u ^ l>. "ThTTLo x usT'recoTve «r wiiTfor Mc^AHON k DOYLK. fmjsrsmxr- J tale by B AUGlNt- ROPE, kc..—76 bales Ragging 200 coll* Western Rope 2,000 Km Twiuo, for sum by Jyt| __ RODGERS, NORRIS k CO. P APER—Wh) reams Wrapping Paper, assorted sf- to.*, luiiOiug and for sale bv tygl -CR.WTON'. JOHNSTON V «*<• E XTRA Clioice (Josli'on Dutter, a fre«b supply, por etonmi-r Kuoxville, lor sale by J. D. JIXSF.. Jy3 UBAR—20 lihdsVliuH-cVt Croix Sugar, just re- colvud und Ibr side by • Jylli SCRAN) ON, JOHNSTON a (Jj. saiierlitie do extra do jlLOL'IL—100 sacks Pain* * • Mills Flour, ; 150 sacks Knoxville do Co do Lenoir’.-* do 50 bids Nashville do For fiiilo low by jyu PATTEN. IIIITON & CO. 8UN OKI EH* : r.jL 150 bag? good to prime Rio Colli! . 7ft ling* old lioverumeut Java do; IfiAiiiSi*- 0 bugs old lirowu Java do; Dili barrels SI tin id's A, it mid C tianlled Sugar?; ftb •• Urtisluid and Pulvcrizeil do; to hh'ri Porto Rico, New Orleans, and AI»i.-eoe*du Sugars; to boxes Bluurt's Isiaf Sugar; 60 hlid.* Sides and Shoulders; lo en-ks Trowbridge mid lteaiy' Hum?: 160 bids und Oakley Flour; Tft bbis mid half bids Canal Four; 160 bbis Ibittor. Sugar and Pilot Crocker*; lit)boxen Crackers; 2)0 boxes various brands mid tpiiiUtle* Tobn. ro; 26 eases Myur's Aroitiatle. »b»^ IftU bid* Cuba mul New Orleatre M.da w*: m 60 lilids Cuba do; 60 bills No. 1 Lour Isml; 200 kegs and cans lard; b M tb Bur Lend; 600 bugs Drop mid Buck Slmt; 600 kegs, halt's and quarters, Du pent V powder; 7fi bills Muss mid Pritno Pork; 60 boxes Nuular Whisky; lOO quarts Silieidmu SoliiiutqH; 100 casks pint'* Ale aud Porter; 300 bids nvlilled WIlLkV; 100 bbis New England Itum; 160 bids l'holps and R Phelps' L'Jn; 50 casks common aud pure Malaga Wine; 50 bbfo While Wine mid Cider Vinegar: 20crates empty Wine Houles; 600 boxes, Houp, .staicli, und Cumlius; In store aud for sale on ucuommoduliug terms, nmylfi^ lloi.coMhe, Johnson .k oo B Ai.iil.No AND Uoi'E—76 bale! liiiniiy t’ioth 30 half bales do do 2oo culls Kentucky Itopo, in More, for sale by ,iy-*3 AVER.-TER k PALMIX. JOHN S. NOKB1S, ARCHITECT. H AVING resumed tho practice of his proton- siou. offers his services to his Iriemls and th' public a;- an Architect und .su]»orintcndcnt. ' Designs lot eny part or the country supplied am) executed in all the various branches of hi* prole? slon, such nr Public EdUlcos, Stores, Dwolllngs, MOtmmcuts, kr. Ilieroughty Fire Proof fitore-' Jc signed and execute*! Oili*.. at pre.-eU in Bay 1-ane, roar or the O’.'sfom Hou-e Jan 3—1) HI VINO'S WBH1NOTON. Y OLU.MK lit of the Life of Ceorge Washington by Wu> ldr.gton Irving. We can supply all wlm wi-b tills most dc.'irolde work, iu any style ot binding. The Wanderer. a tale ol, Life’s Vicissitudes. “Trudging along, unknowing wlmt be sought, Aud whistling as he went, tor w. nt of thought. 1 F.y the author of the WatJituun, founpliglior.etc. Johu Halifax, Gcntleiuan, hy tiie author of The Hoad of the Family, Olive, kc. Dickens’ Household Words for July. Putnam’s Monthly for July Frank I**lteV Gazette*! *•! Kualdon lor July. Mrs Stephen*’ IlliMrated New Monthly for July. Blackwood' Kditibtirh Magazine for Juue. I t r fialo by \VAKNOCK k DAVIS, Ibioksuilors aud Stationers, Jy2 15D Congress street. LAND AGENCY—iirtiiisvrlck, GaT EDWIN M. MOORE O FFERS his .services to the public lu the pure chase uml sale of laud? iu the counriet ol Glynn, Wayne, Camden, Charlton, Appling, Ware, Coffee. Clinch, Lowndes aud Thomas. Particular attention given to locating, purchasing aud selling ot town lots in the town of lUunswick. RLVKItKXChs : J)r R Collins, Macon; Dr B M Cargile, Brunswick Thomas II Hardcu Suvauuah; lion Jumw I. Sew rd, Thoina.-vill*'. liotili AUENL’Y. rpilF Subscribers have established u Book J. Agency In Philadelphia, nud will fit coir h ati} book or piiblicatioii at the retail price lien*)!'|M»?t ago. Auy perreii* by forwarding the subscription price of any one oft bo ft) Magazines, such as liar- p r’>, Go.b.y’s. Putnam’s, Graham’?, Frank l.esllo’1 Fashions, a*'., will receive the Magazines for one year aud a copy of a splendid lithograph portrait ol either Wiediiligloii, Jackson «»r Clay; or If subscrl bing to a $2 and SI magazine, they will receive i copy of either of tbo three portraits, if subscribing to $0 worth of magazines, all three portraits will be soul gratis. Mu-lc r*triii.-bc.l to those who may wish it. Envelopes t.iVxory rdzu and description in large or small quantities furnished. Soul Pr Ac., suuito order. Every deserlptluu **i engraving *<u wood executed will* neatties? met dispatch Views uf Buildings, New.-japer Headings, Views uf Machinery, Hook (I lustrations, foidge t.'ertlficates, Business Curds, rfc All orib»r* sent h.v mail promptly attended to per sons wishing views of their buildings engraved can send a Daguerreotype or sketch of the building b) mail or express. Persona at a distance having saleable articles wilt liiul it to tied** advantage to address the suliscriher? as we wotilu ...It as agent fur the dale of tho same BYRAM «£ PIERCE. ftU, .Smith third street, Phila., Pa IIUV 2d—d\w1 BAnUE It SHOPS. i*iilii«k! (louse Uarlier Shop, Own** Uriel: Ihiibtinj, **/*/**iit* the Pulaski House, FIVE WOKKUKN KNQAQKD. Aim's Ira iT 1 to uno llartier Kliop, llrauyhtim Street, r»U»t WORKMEN KKOAUKU. i pHE .subscriber, tlmnklhlto hi.* fellow-citizena 1. tor Hu* liberal patronage bo haa received, und Ih atill receiving, begs respectfully to luform them that he lias engaged sufficient additional tlrst-chnu workmen from some of the best harbor Shopa in New York, und will be enabled to accommodate ns many gent hum’ll as mu\ Inoior him with their pa tronage. N. J).—The Barbershop;* mv closed on Sunday?— strangers will please bear this iu mind. L Alii)—2ti bbis No 1 fo’ur Uni, luiding aud itTr sale by ,l|)24 R" rolls Hope, to arrive per sclir Alba i'ATTEN, IIUTTON * CO. OPE.—100 jyio j I iM/iL’It,—uiui sack* Vuluca Mill? Double Extra Hour, Just received aud for Kilo by JyS _ BUSK, DAV1H ft 1.0X0 f^ULTOX MARKET BEEF,-lO Half ■I. Fulton MarJ.i>l Beef, amt 10 *lo do Pork. Just recoivod by nmy20 J. D. JESSK. S OAP. IlIttiOMS, LAUD ANDlilVUE—20 boxes .Vo I Soap, till J'alfl do, 76 do Family do 100 dozen llroems. 60 keg* Lard IU» boxes Fig Blue, received and for sale by MoMAllON k DOVE, .15*10 _ 20ft and1207 Hay Hi. H AY—100 bales prime llay, imwT laudiug and for wtle low from tho wharf, by junoS.1 a A. GREINER. 1,767 PRiZKM!! . $MpM Only l3,oou Numbers::i Jasper County Achdeiuy LOTTERY, BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF UKOD U CLASS P. To be drawu August 16th. l-'C. at O nceri ih Uacou, Ga.,winder the ?worn superiwcudiuct - CoL James M. I/)gan and James A. NUbct, )'•; Patrons will please examine thU Scheme cuie:. ly, compare it with any other, atul if tt U nittl-1 best ever offered, sad the chance* toebutura> " tals far bettor, don’t purchn*e ticket'. CAA1TAL. $15,000. 1 Prize of $1.',,W0 is |j 1 “ 3,000 is SJttf 1 “ 2,000 D 2.W 4 “ 1,000 are iWil 10 “ 500 are. ... .. 3/4 50 “ 100 are... .... 3ft| 20 Approxim’? of $50 fo *i«,t 06 priw.ate tty* 50 “ 26 to f.,000 •» rJ £0 •* 20 to 2.000 •• »•>* Wi»| to “ of$12>* to each of Ihe capita- L of $l,0ou ure 7600 prizes of 8>i aro 7707 prizes amounting to $Rw»| Ticket* $10, Halves $6, Quartere $2 e<> Prize? paynhle without dodu tic;.. The 7,600 prizes of $8‘4 aie determined t) number which draws the $16,000; If thatm&xV should be an odd number, then every odd usk * ticket in the schomn will be entitled $S 60; if a even nutnbor, then every even number ilcto'iM be entitled to $8 50, in addition to any other |r*M which may be drawn. _ Purciiasers buying an equal quantity ol ouJum even uumber ticket? witli bo ceitahiof du'figj nearly one hair tho eo*t of tbo same, with fist* of obtaining other prizes Ad those tickets ending with i», 2. h ",U' even; all those eliding with 1,3, 5. 7.0. areo-^ Persons sending money by mall need not for * boiug’lou. Orders particularly attended b- w muuicullon? coutldciitial. think notes ef n~ banks takeu at par. , .... Those wishing particular number slionlt immediately. .... Addrest, JAMES i. WIMtt, jylfi Manager. Macoc. to. OTAaH-^lO *caies licciiiled l’otasb, in tinett for family use: 10 casks Potash, jiwt ftw and lor sale by . v . jyll RUlXJKRrf, NORRls £ [acraoRoan) sr thk ctatb of ukjkcu ] FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTEBl CLASS 18. To he drawn iu the city or Atlanta, n Ij-w- ‘ THURSDAY, August 26,1S5C. l1 ''- HAVANA PLAN. SAMUEL SWAN A Ctf ..;*'’ PRIZES AMOUNTING Tu Hi 2 0 4, 0 0 ■!)!,!. wm be 30,000 NUMBERS—»«!** scnuiK. 1 prize of $40,000 is.. B acon—76 him? prim.* 2ft do do .SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. ihicoii Sidea " «io Shoulders, laud ing and for sale by JV24 -CltANTtm. JOHNSTflN k ID. D omestic LigiioiH Gin -7fi bbl? K Phelps* Rye 60 bbis DoUtoetic Braiidv AO «lu Now Orleans W’hisky fto do Luther Kelt .mV Rum, just receive*! and lor sale by Jyg4 HORAN ION, JOHNSTON k 00. I jll.OUR—'126 sac|i* and 60 bbl* 'foutuvMce Flour, ; Just received uml for sale by Jy.M B ACON—lu t'Aikspriiiii e»l and tor sale by iy-4 YO.N'OE k FRIERSON, •IP Bay street. Shoulders, just recvlv- Vt»M!E At FRIERS*>N,4tf Ray st. J U-T RKCKIVKD—100 cltolnofamily Barns, 6 bbl* extra llililmoro Urd, 10 wholo ami half bbia Pig Pork, 101m l lull llaiiu, extra Fultou Market Beef, Pig Heads, Pig shoulders and llanu, for sale by DAVID O’CONNOR, yt2 uo. uer Brougham and Drayton eta. I 1 l l I 1 »• 11 prize* ot. 100 10,000 is.. 10,000 is.. 6,000 is.. 2,000 i.-.. 1,000 it.. 1,020 ii.., 200 are ^ 100 are 4 prize* of 200 app’g to $20,Ow pow* i *• too •• 10,000 prize.arc a u *. 10,000 prize, are 4 ». yu •• 5,000 prize, •'* 4 •* 60 “ 4 *» 40 “ 4 26 40 “ 20 « 16,000 of xB amounting t*> 16,186 prize* amounting to’rt ^ tlio 16,1100 prlwrf or $8 g- II 1 II* 2 000 prize, arr • 1.000 prize, arc 1,000 prize* at* •JOO *:w>' •••'.'.'..'..i hr tl« »,vuw piicen ui •••• • - - i, . j iu* which draws the $40,000 I “* ’^1 should bo an odd number. .Ln number numbor ticket iu the scheme will be ‘ f w pi ir an even number, tbcu every * '«•' a jjiticsw lu the scheme will be entitled to rtf. 1 any othor prlzo which may be mmv. i rurcliuscrs lu huyiug an equaj'P'M “’•* of MI and even number tickets, will be *»' . f |.jp» I lug nearly half the coat ol the ?*»'-. or obtaluiug otacr prizes. All those ticket j ending with tj. •-^ —all tJioao ending with 1, 3. 6,.,»»Jj" a „j ^.t Remember that every prize 1? draw", bio In foil without deduction. muiiei**''- All prize* of $1000, aud uutler, i«S,^ .' aflop llie Jrawlnc—oilier l.rlxoJ «' to tll *3- AlTcotamuutailtaisslrlolJ.Y > “'‘S'w i* : TUo Jrewu number, will be ti>r*“J chasers Immediately after the drawing- ^ Wltole Ticket* $10-Uulvcs $5.00-Q«« , ‘ ^ Prize tickets cashed or reuowod l» 0 1 at cither office. ,.i,|.cr»" OntarelorUbWetambemUr^^ Jy2T 8. .SWAN*. Monll!™.^. 1 ; ptuMun-o. hM ,.t P LUHDINO, lu all ita *«?»!“„K,W tcliJud to «t .be “bor.w<I^J.V» > etyle. Abm, may bo round Sho* or > f p,*n od Iron, Tin end londe.1 Belb ( rl I-'d 1-elen.I'enWater Oluota, UwjSlJ ! j mt |aliubi-J Dreee and rWodOoke. bora. TumiJ.J“ K , H Uuco. for onto n. Uie Hooeo tarobb ew Brouybtoaotroeb. flOJAC* M* 9