Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, August 03, 1856, Image 1

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VOL. XXXVUI [OLD SERIES ] SAVANNAH, (GA.I SUNDAY, AUGUST 3, 1866. NO. 12038. GMllM & JOURNAL Subscription Prlcra of Savannah Paper* By common uudorstaudlug, the proprietors and publishers of the three papers Usuod In Savannah, tuvo adoptod the following uuli' rm rates of mib- sorlptlon, to tako effect this day: Daily Paper, per annum, In advance $6 00 TrhWeokiy “ “ 4 00 Weekly, vutgle copy, in advance ............ 2 00 Weekly, nve ooploe, to one address S 00 Weekly, wght « « “ 10 00 Wookly, um “ “ “ 12 00 Weekly, twenty “ “ “ 20 00 Whim hut paid within one month from the time of gubmrl^ig the charge fbr the Dolly will bo aerm dollars, aa<i tbr tho Tri-Weekly jltv. Tho Weeny will bo aeut only to those who pay In advauce. The paper will Invariably bo dlaeoutinud upon the expiration of the time for which U has boon paid. Tho above rates to take effect from aud after this into ALEXANDER k BN RED, Republican, It. B. HILTON k CO., Georgian <i Journal, THOMPSON k WITHINOTON, A'ewi. Sar&unah, July 1,1606. FROM rJSSlEBDA r>s A fternoon edition. BY TBXiXIOfLilJPXI, Dcmocrutlo Nomination In New York, New York, August 1st.—The Hards anti Softi hnvo, iu jolut Convention, nominated Awa Q. Parker for Governor of that Stale* Tho Communication of the Supcrlnten- dant of the Water Works. We publish to-day with great pleasure the eommumicatloaof oursuperintendant of Water Works, which hos been brought forth by our editorial notice yesterday afternoon, of tho con dition of the water in some portions of the city. We think that he labors undor a misapprehen sion, as to the desire of any ono to arraign him before the public for any dereliction of duty. The matter complained of is one over which ho can Uavo no control, genera l)y speaking, as our River water will always, where there is a freshet above bringing down vast quantities of vegetable matter, be inclinod to become putrid by remaining in the pipes. In this particular instance, he has tho direr* lion of tbo Mayor for not doing what, perhaps, might bifa temporary correction. The eimplo fact with regard to oor editorial is, that we did not even know to whoso charge tho matter was given, and it was therefore only meant as a general complaint of the condition of tho wa ter. We havo been informed by our Superin tends, that some successful experiments have recently been made at tho Works in filter* ing, but that sufficient head of water thus pu rified has not os yet been obtained .to supply tho city. It is a strange fact that it matters not how offensive the water may be, when filter ed for drinking it becomes perfectly sweet and pure. / First Cotton by the Savannah, Albany & Gulf Rail Road.-We understand that the first urrival of Cotton by the Savannah, Albany & Gulf Rail Road was received yesterday. It consisted of five bales of Sea Islands, and was from the plantation of Mr. W. H. Miller, on the Ogeeohee. Coroner’s Inquest.—Coroner Eden held au inquest this morning on the body of Mr. George Rankin. From the evidenco before the jery, it uppearsthat he was discovered lying dead this morning, and it is their opinion that the death of the deceased was caused by his accidentally filling from the top of the wall In front of the Counting-house of Messrs. Briglmui, Kelly & Co. Mr. R. was tin employeo in this office, a reliable, intelligent aud industrious man. He leaves a large and needy family who were de pendant on him for a support. Another Man Missing .—We learn that Jos McMahon, a Horse Shoot* by trade, in the era* ploy of Mr. Alfred Kent, has been missing since Tuesday morning lost. Ho was an intemper ate man. When seen lost he was lurking about the wharves, and is supposed to have drowned himself while laboring under n fit of delirium tremens. For Kansas.—A company of 30 gentlemen left Petersburg last Wcdnsday for Kansas, un der tho conduct of Col. Thomas II. Rosser. Among them are John If. Robertson, Alfred Lewellen.aud Thomas H. Leddy of Richmond. Mr. Buchanan’s Chances.—Tho Washing ton Correspondent of tho Charleston Courier, writing under date of July 29tb,snysMr. Buch anan’s chances nro now brighter than at any previous time. Fire at Indian Riveb Florida—A slip from the Post Master at Indian River, Flori da, dated July 23rd, and received this morn ing, runs a8 f follows s " Tho Post Office here wui destroyed by tire o»i the I7tb, with all its contents, together with the Quarter-Masters store attached— with moat of its contents. Origiu of the fire unknown. Florida Chops.—A friend juat on from Tal lahaseeeinforms ns that tho crops,of both corn and cotton, aro good in Middle Florida. The grass caterpillars have, however, done some damage to the former. [communicated.] Messrs, EditorsI have noticed with some surprise your editorial of yesterday on tho sub let of hydrant water. It appears to me that complaints of the water ought, in justice, to be communicated to me, or iuforma. tlon ttereof be left at the office of the Com- mU9ioners, previous to my arraignment before the bar of public opiuion in your columns; any faults of management would thereby be sooner corrected. Except those submitted complaints have, however, been made in any manner—although I have been daily expecting them, because I have not had it in my power to discharge the water in certain parts of the city where it is not much used, to the extent I do 1 eited, aud knew to be necessary, in consequence of an order from the Mayor not to turn it off in the streets. I havo endeavored faithfully to dlachargc my duty, and in its performance have succeeded in furnishing an Improved and good water sup ply nutil about a fortnight ago, when the river became uuusually tumid’ from a freshet. In ibi3 condition of the water, a free circulation in thb pipes is absolutely necessary; because, if allowed to remain long in a state of repose, the largo amount of vegetable and mineral in. gredient, speedily dovciopea gasses of an offen- Hive character. • If I may be permitted to discharge the water occasionally from the hydrants, tho evil com- plained of will not again occur. I cannot per ceive that any deleterious consequences are likely to spring from wetting tho streets. On the contrary, I believe it would lie salutary. If, however, tho opinion of medical men is op- pwed to it, I will cheerfully yield my jadgmeut to their superior knowledge and experience. R. D. Guerard, S. 8. W. W. New Orleans Markets.—New Orleans July 33.--Four hundred bales of Cottoif sold to-day. No effect has been produoed by thi radian’s news. Bagging aud other article* ore unchanged. WaahlnRtoii Correspnmliiiicc. Washington, July !I0,18.5a. It ii now gonoraliy thought tho Ilousu will not cousider the Senate Kansas bill this session. The Republican* will not allow it to be taken up; fur they cannot afford, in the Presidential campaign, to lose the excitement resulting from tku continued discussion of tbo wrougs or K«u. sas. They care littlo for the exposure of their plan of agitation among politicians,so Jong a* their unsophisticated constituents seeing md knowing nothing of tho tricks of lugisintion, qan be kept in ignorauce of the true state of tilings, and led to suppose that Mr. Buchanan’s frlomis obstinately refuse to alleviate the suffer* lugs of Kansas, contrary to the established rule of the House, that no now subject shall bo tack * cd to such bills us tlml of the Army nppropria tlon, various amendments to this bill have been proposed, ull relating to Kausas, with tho knowledge that they must finally bo defeated, and that tho effect of persisting In them will bo to defeat tho appropriation. They have ull a tendency to continuo agitation, and aru brought forward evidoutiy for tho purpose of evading the responsibility of rejecting the Seuate bill for tho pucillction of Kausas, which waa suggested by Mr. Toombs and favored by Mr. Douglas. The course of the Republicans in tho House during this week goes far to substautiuleibo charge made by Mr. Douglas against them in tile Semite u few days since, Mid which Mr Fessenden so indignantly repelled—that they aru constantly endeavoring to stop the course of legislation, so as to have an opportunity of reproaching tho majority in tho Senate with neglect of duty when proper hlllls aro not promptly passed; and thul they would deny all appropriations, and so entirely stop tho wheels of govermneut, rather than not succeed iu their unworthy projects. Mr. Sherman’s amendment to tho bill named passed yesterday. It provides that, until Con gress shall have declared the Slmwnec Mission Legislature of Kansas a valid assembly, tho United States military force shall not bo em ployed to enforce its enactments ; that tho President shall, meanwhile, preserve peace, suppress insurrection and protect per sona and property from unlawful seizure and searches in the Territory aud upon the nation al highways in Missouri and elsewhere; and that ho Blmli disarm the present organized mil itia oi tlieToiritury, recall the United States arms therein distributed, aud prevent armed men from going into it to disturb the public peace or to enforce or resist real or pretimled laws. If, then, the territorial officers cannot enforce tho laws, they can not, under this amendment, be enforced at all. It amounts to a repeal of the Constitutional provision that, the President shall take care that the laws be faith fully executed; for tho laws fn question have not yet boon repealed by Congress, they remain on the Statute book, uud yet the legis lative power of the Government, assuming ju dicial functions, would make the executive power of no avail, by prohibiting tho enforce ment of existing laws by Federal force. A most absurd enactment, truly! Why not at once declare the laws unconstitutional, aud ro. peal them, rather than let them stand thus without the possibility of enforcement ? A short time ago, iu the IIois*, a bill to an' nul certain acti of the . Sbawneo Legislature and to secure to the citizens of Kansas their rights and privileges, was refuted to the Com mittee of the Whole; yesterday, on motion of Mr. Dunn, of Indiana—-the same who iu words threatened to withhold supplies, to bring the Administration to terms—this bill was taken up, and a substitute offered by him was adopt ed by a vote of 88 to 74. It provides for a com plete reorganization of tho Territory; repeals the laws passed by the Territorial Legislature, setting free all parsons imprisoned under those laws ; and restores the Missouri Compromise. This is regarded as tho ultimatum of the Re publican party, upon which they will obstinate- ly insist, withholding their assent to the appro priation bills until its passage by tho Senate. The moat remarkable part of the bill is the res toration of the Missouri Compromise. Nothing but the moderato counsels of such veteran poli tical managers ns Blair could ever have induced GJddingStk Co. to agree to tbefuturo admission of slavery pven us far North as 30 dogs. 30 min. In tho Senate a long and lively discussion took place yesterday aud to-day on the bill re ported from the Committee on Commerce, to continuo the improvements iu the harbor of Newark, Now Jersey. All tho arguments pre viously made against these improvement bills* and against the gcnural principle upon which they are founded, were reiterated by their op* poneuts, and repelled in the usnul manner by their friends. In reply to Mr. Hunter, Mr. Ben jamin mado to-day a most forcible speech, in the clear and vigorous stylo for which he is distinguished, repelling the objection of ine quality and partiality in the appropriations for, the improvement of rivers and harbors, and defining his position in reference to tho who’* question. He urged that objection might us well be made to inequality of appropriations for naval und mil.tury stations, necessary for coast dofence, and custom-house appropriations, so much more necessary, and therefore larger in New York, for example, than in Ohio, ns to inequality in such appropriations as are now raaklug for improvements whore they are most needed to regulate and increase commerce- Unlike tho Senators from Michigan, we voted for these bills on the ground that Congress has the constitutional right to improve harbors de signed and used for general trade with other Stated or with foreign countries ; bat that such right does not extend to harbors whose trade is not general or foreign, bat restricted to tho Stato to which they belong. Imparti Aii The Pardon of WA«Nmt.-rMr. Attorney General Gushing,In making kuown tho Pies! dent’s intention to pardon Wagner, convicted at Now York of u participation in the British recruiting hunlnss, says: Under present circumstances, no exigency of domestic policy forbids that which is con sonant witli the feelings of the President in re gard to tho foreign relations of tho subject— namely, that nothing shall remain of anv crim inal proceedings connected with tho laic sub ject of controversy between the British and American Govei’fmiouts. In this view ho fins already ordered tho various ponding prosecu tions to bo discontinued. Steamboat Accident—Loss of Lii'is.— Whitehall, Vt., July 30.—The steamer John Gray bnont yesterday near Qunilcld in Lako Georgia. Several of tho passengers uud crew K erished: among the former fourilndic*, whose odics havo been recovered. A dispatch cceeived Irora New York states that Miss Renshaw of New Orleans, was one of tlic Indies who perished.-- Ilrunstvlt-k mut Florida Roll Roml. The friends of Brunswick aud Thomasvilk*, will be truly gratified to learn that this Road is now under contract from the Satitla to the Florida lino, iu the direction of Tallnhassc. Tho division, from Big Creek to the Alapnlm, will be constructed rapidly by tho gentlemen who undertook the contract at Brunswick last May, and by citizens of Thomas, Lowndes, Clinch and Ware who havo subsequently sigued with them. From Alupahn to Thomaavillo, the road hus been let to three of tho most respon sible and substantial citizens of this county, and from Thomaavillo to tho Florida line, the work has been committed to tho bauds of a gentleman amply able to execute a much heavi er contract. AH those contractors engage to grade and furnish superstructure for tho road, the com pany binding themselves to lay the iron upon every consecutive section of ton miles, aa soon us tho same shall he completed . This arrange ment secures to Tiionuuville the Bruusirick & Florida Railroad beyond the possibility of de lay or failure, it has been entered into after mature deliberation, und with tho earnest de termination on the part of all parties Interested to adopt it ns their settled and permanent pul. icy. we shall decline consequently, as wo have previously intimated, to discuss with our coteiuporarios tho now valueless questions of responsibility as regards tho delay iu tho organ ization of tho Main Trunk Company, or wheth er the stock iu tho Atlantic & Gull Railway will pay sooner than stock in a singlo road IVooi Thomaavillo to Brunswick.—y.Wmi.v ville Watchman. From the Enterprise we learn that Messrs James T. Hayes, Thomas Jones, and Mitchell Jones, of Thomas county, took the contract on tho Brunswick A Florida Railroad, from the Allapulm to Thomiisville, and Dr. Mitchell, of the sumo county, that, on tho Rond to Tallasa.v seo, from Tiiom.isvitlo to the Florida line.— Terras, one third cash, and tho balance iu Stock. Weather and Crops.—Tho weather for a few days has been excessively warm. On Thursday, and Friday lost we had abundant rain, though they were somewhat partial. We hear a good many planters complaining of drought. A sort of grass caterpillar la doing n good deal of injury to sorao crops. With the older corn tho only harm they can do is to destroy the fodder, but they are injuring the cur of young corn, and are, wo believe, injuring cotton also.—Albany Putriol. Tiiiiriulk Gale—Twenty-nine Yusskls Lost,—Provincetawn, Muxs., July 30 A let ter from Greene Island Straits, Bello Isle, says a terrific gale occurred there on tbo 1st July, in which 29 vessels were driven ashore aud lost. • Three hundred men were on shore liviug in tents. •Aw ... - — — Eliza Livingston, having been found dead in Tallahassee, a few days ago, tho Coroner’s Jury returned a verdict that she came to her death “bytho excessive tiso of chloroform, laudanum und liquor.” Cave May.—A correspondent of tho Phila delphia Ledger says, that there haa been 7,621 nrrivula ut Capo May this season. On Monday, the aggregate receipt# or the Hotels, were $1,106 42. Ho says! Siuco I arrived hero, on tho 19tli hist., the thermometor has indicated,at tho hottest time, 64 degrees. This was yesterday, at II o’clock. At three the mercury fell to 79 degrees, and this morning, at 6 o clock, it stands at 72 de grees. Last week there were several robberies on tho Islaud. At the United States Hotel a southern gcntlomnu was robbed of $1,699; another person of 800 ; one of $135, and a family of two gold watches. At Columbia r bbed of a f ludy was robl i diamond ring and a gold itdy „ . w .. watch. Several notorious characters are said to bo here. An individual calling his name James P* Philips, alias James Coffman, was arrested in this c|ty on Monday night last, for passing a fifty dollar counterfeit bill on the State Bank of Georgia. This bill, we understand,is well ex- ecutea and calculated to deceive even good judges. Ho had also, at tho time of his arrest a fifty dollur bill on the Marino aud Fire Insur ance Bank, Savannah, and a hundred dollar bill on the Bank of Hamburg, S. C., both counterfeit, but very will executed. This should bo a warning to the public to bo ou tho lookout for all such speculating gentlemen. Wo understand this fellow hails from Blount County,Alabama.—Rome Com. Advertiser, 31s< ult. N ill YV A.l) V IflilT18«MIflNTi C IIM IIAU 8HBIUFFS SALK. W II,li be soi l before the door of tho Court House, in tlio* city uf8avaiiuah, Cuuutyor Chatham. on 1st Tuesday lu October tioxt, between tho legal ImuM of sale, two Clocks, two Louiikos, oho Cedar Bedstead, on t* Spring BidsluaU, one Hair Matrass, levied on as tho jiruporiy u! .John Sparger- burg,In favor of John Dovnnnoy. cold undor foreclo- unroot & mortgage FI. Fa’s issued out of tho Honor- able,Inferior Court of Chatham County, July Term, lfcbtl. august 2 REN’J. L. COLD. S. 0. C CITY SllEltlFF’S SALld. W ILL bo sold belbro tbo (blurt House door In tho city of SavauuaUfbctwceu tlm legal huutn of sale, on tbo Tuesday in September next. 2 Sorrel, I Uuy, aud 1 uroy Horses, levied on as tho property of Ann Uubiu, to mtiafy U FI Fa’s Issues out of Hie Hon, tho City Court of SavAimati; uuc Iu favor of John Galiubur, ouo iu favor or .Inmun Lynch, and the other lu favor of Waver k Constan tine, vs. Amt Dobl.*, ^property pointed out .by I'lHintilfs. Terms cash. uog 2 EDWT. M. PftKXDKKUASn S-O. c. 8. WAYHECO,, GA., JJJLY fWlli. 1950 FT1HE public aro warned that from tills dato 1 X will pay no drafts made by 8.0. Uiyau a Co., as no such tlrm cxl-t. From this date tiiu business will bo continued on my own account, aug 2—lm SAMUEL 0; BUY AN, Commercial Intelligence.' Saviuinnlt Market, August 9. COTTON*.—No transactions reported in this article ttdtt forenoon. Kxjinrts. -For brig Mucftit- •32,000 feet of Congressional. Washington, July 30.—Senate—The Senate considered the bill introduced by Mr. Butler of South Carolina, to regulate the compensation of members. Mr. Yulee, of Florida, reported back the bill for tho Ocean Mail contract with Commodore Vanderbilt. Tho bill for tho improvement of tho Newark harbor was discussed. House.—The House discussed and finally passed tho bill for the settlement of revolution ary claims. The Kansas contorted election case was made thn special order of tho day for to-morrow. Mr. Washburn, of Maine, gavo notico that he would move the previous question on it. ut. 3 o’clock in tho afternoon. The fortification bill was discussed. The House thon took a recess. Oim Fohbbqn Rrlations.—Tho latest rumor* from Washington are to the effect that Great Britain will cro long send out a Minister to sup ply tho place of Mr. Crompton. Lord Howden (formerly Ambassador at Madrid) is mentioned. There is somo reason to hope that the Central American difficulty is to be settled now by Great Britain’s consenting to retrocede the Bay of JbinudH to tho Slate of Honduras. Severe Storm—Boston July 21M.—A Bcvoro thunder atorm passed over Bouton nnd vicinity yesterdoy. At Watertown, tho steeple of the Orthodox Church was blown down. Buildings were struck by lightning .in Went Cambridge aud other places. Tbo ongino house of the Worcester Railroad wits struck and eetonflre but was speedyil eatinguished. The Congressional Elections Columbia July 311—Col. Brooks received 7,990 votes aud $000 were contributed towards the paymenut of hh'flno and expensive iu wio Sunnier affiiir.— The vote for Col. Keitt was ulso large. . The Governor sent tho certificates of their re-elec tion to Washington in advance. Hottentot Custom.—Among tho Hotten tots, if a widow marries again she is obliged to out off tho joint of a finger for every hus band she marries after tbo first; this she pre sents to her new husband on her wedding day, beginning at oue of hoi* little fingers first. New York Politics.—Syracuse, N. V.,July 30.—The Soft Democratic Convention met to day and temporarily organized, with Governor Kemble acting as Chairman. Lord Palmerston and the United States, From the Loudon Morning .Star, ol'July 16th. Nothing can bo more erroueous than tho no tion that Lord Palmerston’s imperious and swaggering demeanor is directed only agaiust tho heads of arbitrarygovernmen ts. lfbe makes any datin':tlon uta)l, it is that implied in the cutting sarcasm addressed to him by Moutalm- cert, in his recent letter on Italy, when he peaks of his “prudent long niuifty" toward the powerful. Most certainlyrtlie character of the governments with which he has to deal has no iufiuence on that braggart and bumptious temper in which he delights to indulge. He has shown the same alacrity to quarrel with the constitutional monarchy ofFrauce under Philippe, and with tho democratic republic of America, ns with Russia and Austria. M. Gu zot and Mr. Webster have complained as bitterlj' as Prince Sohwarzonburgh or Count Nessel rode of the difficulty of conducting nuy nego tiations with a man of such a porcupine soul. Miss Martineuu. in her “History of the Peace,” alter describing tho change of administration in 1841, by tbo accession of Sir It. P el to office remarks that the appointment of Lord Aber deen us Foreign Secretary wns peculiarly for tunate at tbnt crisis, in consequence, among other things, of tho alarming state in which Lord Pahuerstonjiad k left our relations with Amorica. She then adds, in allusion, it is supposed, to a conversation betweeu herself aud Mr. Webster. ‘•It seems strange,” observed ai American statesman to an English traveller, “that we republicans should be glad when you Tories come into power—One would think that out sympathies should be witli your reform govern ments; but tho truth is, we cannot get ou with your Whig Ministers. They do not understand business, aud they do not understand official good manners. Your Tory Ministers are able aud attentive, and courteous, and when we do uot agree we are not likely to quarrel. But with the Whigs we have to forbear, and nothing goes on smoothly.” In like manner, when the debates about tUe right of search took place in the Frencli Chambers iu 1842, it was openly declared by Guizot and Soult that nil the difficulties on the question had occurred dur- i»g Lord Palmerston’s term of office, and that when J^ord Aberdccu succeeded him none had arisen. And wo confess that, so far from feeling any assurance on tho ground of liberal sympathies, w« look with special anxiety to the prospects of abandoning, at tho present critical moment, our relations with Amerien to the unchecked caprices of the Prime Minister, Symptoms arc uot wanting to warrant tho darkest ap prehensions, Wo believe it is no secret in political circles that Lord Palmerston was bent upon tho summary dismieal of Mr. Dallas, nnd would lmvo succeeded in that determina tion but for tho opposition of his colleagues, and probably the significant hints of Mr. Hay- ter as to the atcito of feelings in the House and in tho country. Every one must have remarked tho suppress ed bitterness which ho brlrayed towards tho American government in the debato on Mr. Graraptou’s motion; ami if ho feels, as It isim- f iosslble for him not to feel, that ho stands rambled and rebuked before the Great West ern republic, wo bcliuvo lie is just the man to look for an opportunity to wreak his grudge against her. For, let it bu observed, that no successor to Mr. Crompton has heou appointed, that no intelligence hus l>cen communicated to tho country as to tho state or prospects of tho negotiations respecting Geutrat America, and that additional naval forces continue to bo sent out to tlio West India waters. Is there no man in tho House of Commons that has the couraire to insist upon sumo explications being given on these points before Puriiameut is prorongued ? Will their preseutatives of tlio people bo corn tout to dlipcrsp themselves over the four points of tho compass without making an attempt to ascertain, at least for what purpose are ibeso enormous reinforcements of oar marntlme ar- mamsnti lu the West. NEW YORK* Lumbar. COLUMBIA, August l.~Oorro.v.—There was a fow balls of cotton offered ysstordny morainf, which was lakoa at former quotations, viz: 0 to BALTIMORE, July 30.—A more ohsarful feallnf was tiidlcatoil to-day oa 'chango sinew the copious rains or yesterday. There was a full attendance. Holders or Flour aud grain wore firm—prices, with n slight upward tendonoy. glilppors nud millers bought freely. Stock of Hour very light, and but littlo coming In. TUa leading nrtlulos of grocerlus aro in fair re quest. Supplies comnaratlvtljr modorate. Whisky du.l—transactions limited. Coma Tho market U quiet. Transactions very limited. Not much disposition to purchase. Asslo 100buds medium Bloat8‘{c* We quote good lo prime at lO^allc; choice ll>4all>£: Laguayn 11 nil)£; Juva I4al5 cents,’ as to quality. Stock or K|o on baud about 45,000 bags. Flour and Mkau—The Stock of flour on hand continues very moderate, and htl lore Ann KocelpU light. We note a steady demand jor homo use aud shipment to tho South. .“Sales this morn ing of560 bblsnew Howard street aud £>00 do old, choice brands, nt$7 25, closing firm. City mi.l, held flrrn’y at $7 25 and Ohio at tho samo prices. No Bales since chango. Family and Fxtba Flovr —Wo quote Ilaltlmero faml y ground at $925a05i*; extra do Rt8a825; How ard sueet and Ohio family at 8 UGa8 50: oxtra do 7 2a- a7 ROtof? 7$ per barrel. NKW ORLFANN, July ‘2S.—(kmo.s,—Owlnu part ly to dirk uud rainy weather and p irtly to tho ro ducml supply olforlug, buyers withdrew from4he market to-day, and wo did not hear of a sale. Wo notice In tho receipts a halo of tho new crop from Texas, the lacond this season: Inferior f>?4f?t)8 * ,,J Ordinary 8>n fS> 9 UoodOrd.... Ofc© OH Good Mid....10 ©10tf STATXMKNT OF COTTON. Slouk on bund Ut September, 1855... Received since Received to-day Middling.... lOMf&lo# Good Mld’llugll>5fn)— illd’g Fair.. 12 (id— Fair — r«i — 1,705,223 1,767.812 fl,480—1,774,292 Exported to date Exported to-day. • . Slock ou hand not closrcd ' 20.031 Conan.—Tho sales of Rio comprise 1UI) bays SUlmmlngs at 8. 3 -*c, atul 320 bags at lOall. I*HiaiiT8—Nothing transpired. Cotton to Liver pool 7-16J. ExcRanob*—detunnd limited. Sterling OH a 19 cot pm Franco 5.10 a 5.15 pr dollar New York Sixty Day Bills l,al# pr ctdis Now York Sight Chocks par a pr et prom DIVOIIC12. Elizabeth Cowley) Iu to .loo Suporlor Court, vs May Term, 1b56: John Cowl»y, J It appearing to tua Co».rt from tho Roturn of tho Sherdf, that tttodeiVnaant John C-owley, Is uot to bo lojud in Coffee County, and it furtuer appears that ho U not In the Stuto. On motion oi Wm. R. (laulding Attorney for iibelaui, it is ordered that service bo perfected oa a d defendant bv a publi cation of thi so,*dor in o.,o of tho public journal.* In tfAVttunak, once n month for throe mouths proceed- lug tho next term .-f thi* Court, requiring said do- fenduuttoupposr at tho next term of cotfeo Su- pjrior Court la Novotnbor next,and llln hta arfousivu uLy.itiou to said Court. A true extract of tbo minutes of Coffee Snjmrlor Court. AKCIl’D McLEAN, Deputy Clerk. ' Aug 2 3m. On.. WANTED. A WHITE WOMAN to net uj uurso, to go to Brunswick, (la.; must give reference aj to uuuractor. Enquire of S. D. BRANTLEY & CO., August 1—3 Ho Igson’s NVw ll'iilding. TO IlidKT. r A STOKE in Gibbua’j Range, between CongruaJ a't IM. Jit.Ion afreets. Fo.-uos- si>m given Immodlutely. Apply to aiigu-t 1— twd M GUMMING. L EMON SUGAR—a new article for making h-m- omido without k-muus. 50 cases Just •rcoulvod uu.i for side by jy 30 ItODGERS, NORRIS ec Co.* E KCKIYKD tbls-duy pjr steamer ALbntnn— iL-CKcrau»lf-ridling 8lour, L’boli.-e Table Unitor & Cheese, at UAltKONVJ Family Grocery, Jy 30 Corner WhUake*- & • Its-1 »■" -t-». DU*S'l)itlfcl>»Kavivii'i por O front Now York— 3 Firklus Choice Gotheu Butter, 5 b >xo.i I'ino Appl t Choose, 10 it-ixos Cream encoj-j, 5 barrels union*, 11 boxes Lemons and Orauges, 2 barrels Stuart's celebrated Kyr .ip, uml 8 Quintal, Now Co-JUsIt, for'su.e at J. D. JEdSEE'3, ,iy 80 -in Broughton at root. EXECUTOR'S SALE. B Y virtue oi'ou order paused 7tli July, 1658, by the Court of Or Uu u y of Wayne Coim'y, win bo sold on tho llrst M unlay iu October next, bo- tweeu the usual lxoura ol sale, before tho Court Uoudo door in Wnyaesville, the tolluwiug property, to will A Negro woman, * .lion, 30 years of ago, ulso Uor seven children, Francis 10 years of age, Lucy 9, Mary S, Robert R, George 5, Cba. 1 dto 3, and Elsy 2 years old. .Sold for uto bnnoilt ol' the heirs and creditors or the u.stato ofi . W. B.yan. forms cash. W. A. SALLENS, Executor. jy 30 CHAFFER & UU., No. O Wliltnkev Strict, Savuittiult, WHOUMALE AND HKTA1L DKALKIW I* Ct A81I1S8, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, Ac, White O l<ea«l, 7duc, White Lmsei’d, Npenn, Whale, Tun- uerd’uml NoutsfootOlls, UIiuss. Uruahed, Gold Bronze, Builders’ Hardware. Nulls, Mii'blo .MunteU, &o., Ao. Je4 YO Ai, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OlHen coruor Bav uud Drayton rtreots Jj'18 WBJJSSrFTilOK ATTORNEY A T i, A W . MARIETTA, GA. not 2tU~l j. ATTORNBY AT LAW, SPARTA, GA. WUI practice in tbo counltiv. of Hancock, Warren. Washington, ami Baldwin. Hsfxkkncks—lu*lin In Fcvtor, Rubuu k Srolta, and K. A. Boullard. Eavannah. janO^ iiriiniiLTOw, ATtuKNEY AND CUI:NM':LLU1! at law. Oillce corner ol Day and Drayton-eta. SAVANNAH, (U. toy 11 YifiNiiv witmm; ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 8, Drayton Street, Savannah, Georgiit, may 5—ly UR. CHARLES U. COLUlNCi, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE. No. 14 LIBERTY ST., Ouo door west or Drayton, myll Wiff. C. OOAfefelLIiY, A T TT) R N bn AT LA W , aallKLLX, WOKTIl COUNTY, .A.. (POST OFVIC'R. AI.DaNV.) Will practliHO In the SautUuMi Circuit, und lu Macon, Dooly uud WormCountloAoHuo Mucon Circuit. tR!“ Particular attention given to tho collection ol claims iu South-Wcatorn Georgia. ji;2—fim ~ iSUffitusW, ATTORNEY AT LAW, fob Uly iRvri.vrox, oa. BARG AINS! BARGAINS!! SELLING OFJf’ AT SMALL AD VAN CIS ON GOST. milKsubjcriber wishing to make room for his X FALL GOODS, which will aoon be coming In, offers hU present stock ot DRESS GOODS, &o n nt u small advnuco on Now YorkCoat. J. W. THRELKKLl', Congress nn-l Whitaker streets. N e vva plgAse copy. July *2fl Port of Savannah AUGUST Arrived, Steamer Darlington, Brock, l’nlutku Ac., Clagburn k Cunningham. Cleared, Brig Macon. Hendrickson. New York—Brigham, Kelly k Co. Conilgneiii. •hr Eteamor Darlington—l bale Cotton, S do Moss aud Mdzo, to J W Anderson it Co, Emsdelu k Eckmari, F MMyrrell. • DRY GOODS. BARGAINS! BARGAINS ! ! J AMES O’HARA would respectfully inform tils patrons, and tho public generally, that iu order to prepare lor tho fall trade, held now J933JLa33X3NrG* OJPF Ills ajsjortmeut m store, AT COST PRICES nml would Invito attention •m-rcto. ut Ida store,' j>'28 likl Cmigrwfttm't. CHATHAM INFERIOR COURT. JULY TEaM, 185U. 41 WHEREAS, John J On her, John Kcik', Daniel TV G Olcoti, Theodoro Brigham, Charloj Lee, and Albort M Sul.ivan, s immonea to attend tho present term of this Omit as Petit Jurors, Have uiade default for the term . u is ordered, thattuey he llued twenty doil.irj ea.m. unless they tlio good mid siitflclcui cause of excuse rm or before tho nrst day of tho next term of tms Court. True extract from ntln-4,is. _jy28 WM. H. Bjid.OCU, Cl’k i c. o. u. Paaiengen. Per steamer Darlington, from Palatka—R Grant, A Stevens, Screven S C PIowder,J H Dresser, Gowan.J H Sikes, C WCUapliln, It Mackty, W SLln- ciln, Brickort, J M Barrie, H .*-outliwnrn, J A An derson .1 Hurt, E W Jones, U H Jones, A Jones Ai lady, J I.ippmatr.RH liong, W H Long, W Cunning- hum, Miss Harrison, K Cooper, and C Sterling 4: lady. TAKE NOTICE. P URCHASERS will havo tucir goons delivered freo of expense with quick dispatch from tne tavannaU Grocery and Fruit Depot, corner Brough ton and Whitaker streets. 03TI would call the attention of Krmtors goner- ally tomy well HOlectnd stock of Groceries, rcranv- Ing dally. Jei3—tf W H FAUKKLI WOOD AND LUMBER, A LL kinds of Wood, Boards. Planks, Joist, xX Timber, Shingles, Light-wood, l'03is, I'Asteru laths und failings, for sale, at wholesale and retail, low for cash, on tho uow wharf recently erected ou ihe Lumber Yard of Hobort A. Allen fc Co. toar 13—lyW M. .1. I. MOtir.TO> S ALT—8,COO sacks Liverpool Suit iu storo.lbr salo by jy 30 RODGERS, NORRIS A Co. 3000 lb3 extra canvassed bug Hams 1000 do sugar cured do —ULSO— aujHirlor quality of Tennessee Hams, small slzo for family nso, at 12# cents per.pound, 25 bbls Crinhod Sugar 20 do ti Ciaridcd do 20 do 0 do do 2ft do Powdered do 10 do St Croix do 5 bil ls extra Porto Rico bugar ft bblr do Stnurt’J Syrup olilnU do HacouHidoR —ALSO— BruiiiuH, Pulls, Basket Tubs, Matches, Scrub Brushes, Flour Pft.lL?, Sic., for sate by jyw> J. A. BROWN B A for eitlo by Juno 25 CRANE. WELLS f t CO. ■pM.OUR.—20 sacks superfine Four, 130 do Quo do jy» i bids HUpnrflno Flour, for salo by WILLIAM LYNN, 87 Bay street. M ATCHES, loo gross Matches lu wood boxes, 150 boxes Mustard 200 boxes Adamautluu, Hydraulic and ftpurm Candles, received and for Salo by Jyii momahon doylk. P IG HAMS—Smoked Tongues und smouou B.*ef received per steamer Knoxville, and for sale b Jyl7 J. D. JESSE. H ATS.—100 dozen Plantation Huts, in store and for sale by jya . j. M. FYRE,04 Bay at G OLD SENS—Powons diwlruns of ubmiuing goood Gold Pen, are Invited to eailandln- spnot a now lot tvhloh we have just roooived, and which we onu recommend. J)*23 D. B. NICHOLS k CO. H ARPER fur j ULY.—Harper’s New Monthly Magazluo, for Jul^received ami jbr sale by vAP.NOCK AD DAVIS, 150 CongresB Rtro« t. Jtuie18 H OLLAND GIN.—6 pipes Mender Swan Holland Gin, for wile by "'111. jyd SCRANTON, JOHNSTON CO. C ANDLES AND COFFEE—100 boxre Sperm, Tal low. Adanmntlno Candles 250 bags Rio Coffee 25 boxes fresh ground Colfea ftO mats Java do, rooolvod uud for tale by MnMAHON k DOYLE, Jy*J6 105 and 107 Bay street, *y^ArtD—26 prlrno Lwrf Lmd, Just reuetyeii J aud for Bale by y24 RODGERS * NORRIS. ELECTION NOTICE ^N Tliarsday, 7th August next,^ Council wifi _ oloot a Corporation Attormy. Salary Rjud $.',003. 000. Applications must bo handed to me on or before 2 o’clock, 1*. M , of the day of Ruction. Two secu rities riquirod, whose names mu-tbo stated In the application. EDWARD ii. WILSON. ,1y26 U.-rk of council. ALABAMA LOTTERY! [ACIUOIUZKD DY TUB STATE OF SIABAMa.J ^nutljcni Mlliktu Slraimn jCato CLASS F—NEW SEMES. To bo drawn In the City of Montgomery. Alabama, Ip public, on WEDNESDAY, August 13th, I860, HAVANA. PLANI SAMUEL SWAN, Manager. Prizes anaouutlug to 204,000 Dollars I! Will be distributed according to the following MAGNIFK ENT SCHEME! BO,ODD Number*—15,185 Prizes! 1 prize of $40,000 is 1 do do J5,uii0 is 1 do do 7,000 U 1 do do 8,000 Is 1 do do 2,000 It! I do do 1,000 1s 1 do do 1.000 U 10 do do 2001s 100 do do.,.. 1001s 4 prizes ol 5200 approxira’g to $40,000 are $800 100 76 flO 60 40 26 20 PHILIP III. UUftSELL, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, NOTARY CONVEYANCER, ACCOUNTANT AND * COPYIST, Will exeutu Deeds, Mortgage i, Power of Attorney, Willa, Ronds, Notices and Taking ot IntorrogntoriOL Ofltcu at tho Court House, Savannah, Ga. Court Days. Third Tuesday lu ouch month, and held at thu ofUco of Edwuid G. Wilon, I^q. Rwldence. Gaston, between Barnard end Tattnall street. Any cull at ulglit, on busiuosr, will boattenUod to Immediate'-y. __ ' jy'Jft A. n. wmoHT. j iC k. bh’vauh. WRIGHT & SAVAGE, ATTORNEY#AT LAW. BRUNSWICK, OA. .iylfl * ‘ A , WuiilT^ (5Tcu., ‘ AtU'tloh nml Uomlmsslon DletTltmiU, \, Tuu.mas. 110 Bryan Street, .SAVANNAH, GEORGIA [Mgj Vv. u. FAitmoi,! . S. 8. I’JtKUUK. H. J. D A V A NT, JR, FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 07 Ilay Street, jy 30 , Silvan nab, Qa. aTHSE MASTER BUILDER. Will tako contracts for BiUldiitg and Working Me- • •fonrv of every iloain lptlon; Residence, No. a Mm Jewett’s Range. South nldo Jones st. i ; oot 80 JAMBSnLSAVAGE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, fHOltASVILLB, niOBLAS COUMTV, UA. AU Uualuoas entrusted to his care will reoetve prompt attention. #_ lyr—marl? 4AMBS «. IIOIXUUW. .AMSA. MOWUH. KODUUR8 As NOIIR1S, (Into Crano k Rodgers, WHOLE' *■’ i»,u wiiuu o. JVJUMUI n, lesale orooers, June 1, 1865, BAY-BTKKKT, SAVANNAH. [)0‘P OliALliR IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES it mi Fumlgn nml Domrstlo l | ’i ult, corner Broughton and Whitakcr-it?. fowu and country supplied with choice goods at modorate prices’. All order? promptly attended lo, nud satisfaction always guaranteed. spin JOHN u. T^aLCIgaiv 1-r AND ltkTAIL DKALBK IN WINDOW BUNU8, WINDUW 8A81J AND PANE DOORS. West side Monument Square, navuuuah, G». may 11 John ■c.'boothV CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Will also give his attention to designs In AreluU'c- turo. Ultlco In the store of John Williamson, Esq., Bay street. my 13 XXniHtt & ISffiMK ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ap5-ly MACON, OA. “ Wr££lAkl H. DanHER. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Tronprille, Lowndes County, Ga, Will practice in Thumns, Lowndes, Clinch, Ware. Appling, Tolfalr, Irwin, Laurens, aud Pulaski counties, Georgia; and m Jolforsou,Madison. Ham Uton, uud Columbia counties, Florida. [myll JESSE T”BERNARDi ATTORNEY AND COUN8ELIA)R AT LAW, Newnausvldo, 1-lu. Roforonce—Goorgo . Brown, William Doll, New- imusvlllo, Fin., R. H. Hilton, Boston & VlUalonga, Savanuah, Ga.myll M. WIUT HIlUTii, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALLIGATOR, HAST FLORIDA. Will practice in the iiastoru uud Southoru Counties Refer to—Col. 8. 8. Slbtoy, nnd R. R. Hilton, Sa vannuh. fob2-tr CMAS. U. CAiliifWSlth, ' ATTO It N E Y AT LA W , " JUT.LEDaEVn.Ui, OA." Practices Law iu tho various Counties of the Oo mulgoo Circuit, and the atljoluiug Comities nt TwIggs, I^urens and Washington. Refer to—John Boston, H. A. Crano, and R. B Hilton. tub 14 GiUHoi a. UoiUhIiv, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AND Commissioner of the U. S. Court of Claims for the State of Georgia. Otlluo Corner Bay and Bull streets. mylo WM. M. WILLIAMS. THADUKl’S OL1VKH. JACR^ROWN WILLIAMS, OLIVER <& BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. •tiueua Vista, Muriou County, Ga., Will practice in the couutios of Marion, Macon, Hous ton, btuwarl, Randolph, Muscogee, Imo, ami any adjoining comities, whtire their services may be required. myll aTII. CMAlii-lUIV.' (Successor to Clmmpion (Is Wotts.) WHOLESALE AND DETAIL OHUOEU, No. 4 Barnard st., between tbo Market and Uny'st., SAVANNAH, OA. Douler in Groceries, Foreign nud Domestic Liquors, Driod Fruits, &c., &o. Kefercnuo—A. Champion, Esq., Samuel Solomons, Esq., Messrs. Hnbim & Whitehead, anil Swtit MCo., davattnab. Ga. • myll JOHN R. COCHRANE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dublin. Laurens county, Ga,, late junior partner of tho tlrm of A. &J. Couura.nk, Irwin ton, Ga., win attend promptly to all business entrusted to hit care. Particular nttoutiou paid to cohecliug. Re ference—Dr, C. B. Guyton, F. H. Kowo, Dublin, Gam M .UnrWi, Nqvnniutli. myll YONUU A FRUIRSON, FORWAMILVU AMI CUUMSalU.N MLKCIUNTS, NO. 94 UAY-8TREOT, SAVANNAH, OA. apr4 A. on ltituTiiKlcs, Lumber, Mill aud Brick Yards. •epts aivtinuH, oa. S. WM. KTAKR, Jr. B. I OGDEN, STARR A CO„ Shipping and Commission Merchants, _ UAV-3TIIKET.SAVANNAH, OA, " FATI'E^, HUTIDS di CO., FACTORS. Forwarding and Commission Merchants, Bnyitrert, Suvmiimh, On* a. H. IUKKWO.N. A. C. MOUJiUiM. HARRISON 6i McOEUEE, AUCTION, COMMISSION, UEOE1VIMO AND l'urivni-<liu(( JMcrcliuiits. 5, AND III imUAINDTItKIlT, COl.l'UBl’B, OEOKUIA. 8®- I'articular tttteution given to thu tales or Real fetute, Negroes and 1‘roduco. 4®” Ubernl advances tuude oh Negroes and Mer- cbnndlze. , WJKRKN'ON : RU^E, FATTEN ti CO. > . GUNDY 4t DANIEL, U>»lumbus. Ga ’ ' 8TEWAKT, GRAY AtlX). j RULE, DAVIS k LONG, 1 , WM. WRIUHT, ) ^vauimh YOUNG, ATKINS k DUNHAM, > . ’ • , . C. A. GREENE k GU, f Apulachlcota II. S. SMITH, J-Mobile, Alabama OCl 23 |y bTETThs. Factor ami I Jouoi al CommiBaiou Merchant 1 No; 71 DAr-SrNKGT, savannah, oa., RKma ro—Messrs. Clughorn&Cuuuiughum, Bull A* I'rouliss, .Ogdeu. Starr k (.’o,, Savannah ; J. I*, Tluuniwou. Re-itrn ».,w • WM. A‘t)l)LUv't. , Ot * , KR* J.NO. COt'i’rt*. KRA.'KR. COCKER & FRASER, Factors ,*v general ojmmj.smon mekchaniyi, Uoj* street, Savuiiunh, Ga. finylJ WILLIAaU lykn, COMMSSION AND i‘i‘RWARDING MERCHANT, No. 87 Day sheet,,Savannah, Georgia. Juno 13 . JEFFERSON ROBERTS^ _ GENERAL COMMISSION MKROHANT, AND DEAi,bK IN Timber and Lumber. SAVANNAH, Ga. tVKUn Hi WILLIAMS, DEALERS IN DOfilEST.JC, FUREION AND FANClL- DiiY GOODS. *Vo. 149 CongresM-st,, Savannah, Ga. JA8. T. WELLS, tbnueriy of Beaufort Dial. 8, C, iTiKOl'HlLUu- WlLUrVMS, •• fcorivuu Co., Ga. sept 7 l, o. ness. j. n. luviin w. H. uwro, ■RUSE, DAVIS & LONG, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GA. may 30 WM. 8. OANniEL, L TTO It N Ey AT LAW, , tUVA-NXin. (U. Office over Thomas M, Turner & Co.’s Drrir my7 Storu, Bay Htroet. U. LOCKtTl. u, x». kN’H imu LOCKETT *Si SNELLINUS, CJQMaVIISSION merchants, AND HUIPFINU AGENTS, Satamuth, Ga. Will attend to the soiling of all kiuds of product* ’trintttWuiitlon given to rccoiviug and forwarding tooda. may 31 lj- luctiou k (Jommiusiou House, Macon, Ca. A. H. McLAlUHLIN, G eneral Agent and Auctioneer, SoiicitH from his friends consignments of evtre loacrijitiou. Takes urdors for Cotton. Gd ’ Special attention given to the solos Of Real into, .'inckfi und Negro proi>orty, at pubho and Pt*i valOtuiuH. J ‘rompt returns and dispatch. lieferonco—C. A. L. 1AMAK.mob80 /AS. W. OKbOLV. a. r, d] GREEN * SHOOT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 0Ct23 THOM ASTON, OA. JOHN BILBO, ~ Ordinary of Clmtliam County, AND ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In the Court House. myl8 TsWtfJfTEt'ULulM; ATTORNEY AT LAW, Savnimuh, Geurgla. 4*i>“ office on Bay street, over the Bunk ot Sevan- UttU. muyia U. F, COLE BRuTHEIii FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MEB CUANTB, - Savannah, Ua., and Montgomery, Ala. F. T. C’olk, I K. F. Cols, Bay street, r-nvannah. | Ct'mmorco at., Momg’rjr: HKFOULSCia. tlolr.omb, Juhuson, k Co. I Cohens k neru, Mickett A* SuelliugF, I Edwin l'ursous k Co., dobert A. Allen. ] tciautou, Johnston k Co SAVANNAH, GA. my!3 r». L. WKW1. ” WM. B. IAOI . WEBB & SAGE, (fiUOOHSOJWTO CAMKROX, WK1H & VO. IMPORTERS OF CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTHEN-WAHB 146 MEET1NU-3T. CHARLESTON, 8. 0., Will supply Coiiutry Merchuntj with Goods in tbair Hue at an low rates as they con buy lu New York, or elsewhere. sept 2b iy H7l, P. KING, ATTORN E V A 1 LAW, Corner nf Buy andg Whitaker 8trMt% SAVANNAH, fob 22 8moa P. JACOBS, SEGAR AND TOBACCO STORE. No. 29, Bull street, (sign of the Big Indian.) N. B.—Keeps constantly on huutl Spanish, iiu.l Spanish, nud American Sugar a, at whoiooitlo and ro- all. Also, Chowlug Tolmcuo, enulf, kc. juno 1 jadIem HciilMtf; Insurance Broker and Notary Public, Murine I’rotests Noted aud Extended, Average, aifiustod, Cliartcr l’artltwainl Average Bonds drawns I’upors prepared whereby lo recover losses from Ainoricau or British UuJerwriuud, aud attcuticn alvcu to all mutters connected with shipping and In- surunce, No. 118 Uay-etreet opposite tin* trout ol the Custom Houho, ly uov8 C. W. itlAiiivY, ATTORNEY AT LAW FRANKUN, UBAKJ} CO., OA. Wlil ultond to profesblonal buslucss In thcCuunlicn of Heard, Carroll, Campbell, Coweta, FayeUe, Mi ii* wothor and Troup. Reference—lieu. E. Y. Hill, LaGrange, Ga.; H< o, David Irwin, Marietta, Ua.: Colonel M. M. Tidw« 1L und Mr. WUllam Dougherty. »o- ☆ OJLaO*I'Jta:XAM’«3r A EMPORIUM. 1 BOOK WEST OF THE BKl'UBLICAN KEAD1NQ ROOM. 16.185 prized amounting t«> .<204, non Tho lB.OQu prized of $8 nro detci mined hy tho number which draw.t the $40,000 prize—If (hut number should be an od<l number, thon every odd number ticket In tlm Scheme will bo entitled lo’$8 w ' ir an oven number, then every oven number ticket will be entitled to inudditlon toiinv other prlzo which rmiy be drawn. Purchase™ In buying au equal quantity of odd aud ovon uumber tickets, will ho certain of drawing nearly one half the cost of tho natno, wlthchonccB of obtaining otbor prizes. All those tickets ending with 0, 2, 4, «. 8, aro oven—all thoue endong with l, o, ft, 7 p tt ro odd. 4ST- Remember that every pruo la drawu, and payable iu lull without uo-.uaion, 461* All prizes of 81,000 and under, paid Immedi ately after thu drawing,—oilier pri/oi at thu ujidul time of thirty days. \ All communications strictly oonadomlal. The drawn numbors will be forwarded to purchasers immediately after tho (Irawlng. Whole Ookota, #10—Halves, ^—Quarters, #2 60. I'rlzeTiokets cashod or rouewod In other 'flckots at either olfico, Ordon for Tiokets can be addressed olthor to 8. EWAN k CO., Atlauta, Go., J/19 Or H. 8WAN, Montgomery, Ala. Fiuu Ready-made Clothing ; Hats and Caf^, Shirts, Colluiu, «loves. Hosiery, Canes, Umbrellas Cravats, Stocks, Haudkorchlcfs, and Fancy Articles for Gentloraen. W.O. Price, FASHIONABLE AND UILIIART TAYLOll, So. UT Bay Street. 4U VAiVNAlI. Also, guporfiue Clotlia, osslmcrs aud Vestings, will bo madu to mea- iure,uuexceptlon- ablolu style and - workmanship/ by tho bei.1 iiiavhauiep, at sbortoflt notice >v» #3* Orderafrom city and county solicltod. fob 6 -tv DRSe LEFLER WILCOX, Dcntlata. 'a*—hw ARE uow folly prepared to in* * efTW!S ^ sort full or partlalsotu or Tooth on tho principle of Dr.J. A Ileus’s Patent Coutlnuous Gum, By this improvement, tbo form of tho faco can bo restored to any degree of rotundity that may bo desired. It is applicable in all cusca wborctbe cheeks havo rallen la and cannot bo detected by ’ha closest observer.—. This method combines tho following* -i,-antigen;— An artificial gum, which oxhlblts a perfectly natural aud llfe-Uke appearance, aud liuparta lo the theeth that peculiar expression which oharacterlioa tho tural organs. This G um couHlstM of a bIIacIous compound which I. npfilloj mil rated upoottio Tooth unrt Plato lo oooB » mnunor, u to all up all tho lutoratlooa .round tho hasoot tbo Tooth, aud alau uultoo theni Oruily to each other and to tho Plato upou which they are aott. This secures perfect oteanlluossof tho Teeth, Office over DeWitt k Morgan, Congress street %♦ Republican and Georgian copy, fob 16—tl JONIi S. BOWEN. ENGINEER, AllOUTEtT AND bURVEYOR, co ax kb or niurtox jlxd ukvax-bw., (AbovoC A. L. Jjunur.) JyO—3 m Fayetteville, Gu.; lumbus, Ga. sepT7-ly Wm. McALLlSlER. NEW MAliBLE YARD, Opposite lMUrtiUrovc LmeUry, Sav'h, Gu. Marine Monuments, 'iombu aud Gruve Stones, RuB* Ehod ou rtuifi'>uable terms. Ordera rea- Rnctfully solicited, ap 16. D. A. OTiVUftK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office 176, Bay st., over Turner k Co’s. Lrug Stor# SAVANNAH, GA. nov 10—ly^ GEORGE TROUP HOWARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office Monument Square, near State Both. * SAVANNAH,OA. nov 10—ly ChAMU , WELLS <fe CO., FACTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS^ Saviuiiinh, Gn, S. w. BAKER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSKIJ.OR AT LAW, MouUccUo, Jolfereon County, Fla. Reference—Hon. W. B. Flemlno, Savannah, Ga. myll EDWARD ti. WILSON, MAGISTRATE, NOTARY AND COMA11S8IONKR OF DEEDS. At Meflara. Ward k Owens' law Office. [royll WAYNE, GRENVILLE A CO., COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS Bay-street .SawnnaA THUS. 8. WAYNE. C. K. GRENVILLE, R. ALEX. WAYNE, W. T. SAMI’lZ Savannah. Chattanooga. J. W. PATTERSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, TruupvlUo, Lowndeeentity,Qa.^ (mil bkwuitbt. Dm. BO TALL & JOHNSON, Dontiata, office corner St. Jullou-at and Markot Square, over 8. Wll- . ' 1 *■! ' » mot’ajewolry atorft. Offloe houni Itom • to 2 o’clock, and from 8 to C. asm com M. FITZGERALD. twl tabcnStie Corner of Broughton and WU SAVANNAH, GA., S D D r Knd DCCESSOR to T. C.I ) Dealer In every variety of common and fine NDIES, kiln dried and warranted to reelat effec tually the hot damp ataoaphera of a Southern Cli mate; also Lemon and Strawbnry Syrup. Ac. Terms ash, price* low. tr~«rU