Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, August 03, 1856, Image 2

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. ‘' 'syi-s OBOIGMN Oallr, Trt-W«klr Mn Wwkly. Oftoi* 1 Paper of the City end,County R. B. HILTON & GO. raOFRIBTOBa AXD rOBMUlIKlIS- I. >. HILTON, - ■ M. P. HAMILTON, . • nuior. - AulilAiit Editor. ■UNDAY atORKIRO, Al’Cl. a. FOR PRESIDENT: JAMES BUCHANAN, or PIWMVI.VAXtA. FORVIOR PRESIDENT: JOHN C. BRECKBTOTI)GE‘ or mxttcxt. HlMlora for the Mate u l.ur^r, WILLIAM M. STILES, of CliAtham. . IVERSON L. HARRIS, or Baldwin. AITKIOUTBJ FOR TRIi 6TATK AT I.AHlIK. HENRY 0. LAMAR, of Bibb. AUGUSTUS R. WIUOitT, of Floyd. oisrmcr elcctohs. Irt. Dinrlct, Thomas M. Forman, of lliyira, 2d. Dbtrict, Samuel Hall, of Macon. 3d. Dittrlct, James N. Ramsay-, or Harris. 4Ub District, Lucius J. Oartrsll, of Fulton. 9th. District, Jonn W. Lewis, of Cass. 9th. District, James P. Simmons, of Owinnett. 7th. District, Thomas P.SArroLD, of Morgan. 8th District, A. C. Waleer, of Richmond. r*y ■ ■, • • ■larkwo-A'a Mspslm tor July on the oreven approiln —^TS_-a. ' • I have .Ultra, II fv m THE OLDER I GROW, THE MORE IN- OLINED I AM TO BE WHAT IS GALLED A STATES RIGHTSMAN^James Buth- asum's speech on the admission of Arkansas, in 1896. I FULLY END0R9E THE BE30LUTI0NS, AND KAY FURTHER SAY THAT I AM WHAT IS CALLED A STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT-—John C, Breckinridge in re sponse to his nomination for the Vice Presulen• <¥• Launch of tub New Steamer Light Wa- thju—This new steamer built by, and at the shipyard of Mr. 8. H. Papot, and intended for th$ freighting business of the Aiapaha and Ocmulgee rivers, was launched yesterday morn ing. She went into the element contrary to programme. It appears that after being wedged up, the cable holding the sliding way parted and away went the boat,much to the disappoint* ment of many persons that were going aboard launched with her. The disappointed who are anxious, can bo gratified if they will be present at the launch of the new tow boat now building at Will ink’s Ship Yard, Eastern wharves, which will be ready in u few weeks. We gave tbe the dimentions of tho Light Wu* tar several weeks ago. She will make her iri al tripin about two mouths. Committee Rooms of the National Democratic Resident Committee, Washington, JuhjUl 1866. 7b the Postmaster at 8m: The Democratic Natioual Committee respectfully request you to send in, nt your ear liest convenience, separate IL-ts: 1. Of English names, 2. Of German, Swedish, Dutch, Norwegian and French names of persons who receive their letter* through your post office, for tho purpose of sending them Democratic documents, calcu lated to’ promote the election of the Democratic nominees for tbe Presidency and Vice Presi dency of the United States. « Very respectfully, Ciiah.J. Faulkner. Address: Hon. Chairman Nat. Dora. Res. Committee. Circulars of this character having been ad dressed, by the Democratic Executive Com mittee at Washington, to a largo number of Northern Post Masters, quite an outcry wrh made on the subject a few weeks since. In that outcry the Fillmore papers of Georgia * joined with considerable vchemcuce. Yet what crime the Committee had perpetrated was by no means clear. It was not theu, nor is it now. Being charged with the work of distributing documents, they simply desired to kuow whether os regarded particular individuals;those documents should be in one language or another There ore many persous of German and French birth and education,who though long residents and citizens of this country read English with difficulty. To such it was desirable to send documents presented in their native lan guage. Hence the circulars asking the infer matiou sought by that copied above. To show that this work is most praiseworthy und that instead of blume the Committee de serves the thanks of the South, for their labor, we quote the following from a late Washington letter: The Black Republicans are flooding the cn’ firs North with ineendiury Abolition documents, appealing to the worst passions of bigoted und fanatical people, und poisoning every fountain •nd avenue that leads directly to the honest, reflectlug and thinking masses, and it is simply the Object and desire of the Democratic Com- Bdttee to counteract, and ifpossible defeat their nefarious and deliterious schemes. We ask, what Southern man will venture to condemn the efforts of tho Democratic commit tee to counteract this work of the enemies of our section? Do they not rather merit the highest praise for distributing among voters, of whatever name or nation, conservative and con- stltutional views, in opposition to malign en deavors of the Freesollers and Abolitionists? And should they promote tho dcieut ot Prc Boat, by aiding to secure the clectiou of Bu chanan, (who alone cau defeat him) will it not be a matter of rejoicing throughout the whole Booth? Kansas Affairs. We had the pleasure, recently, of conversing with Alpbeus Baker, Jr., Esq.,of Alabama, wbo with Dr. Jones and L.F. Johnston, Esq., lias recently been engaged in canvassing Central ' Alabama for the purpose of raising men and money for Kansas. Success bus crown their efforts. Twelve thousand dollars have been subscribed and about $4,000 paid in cash by him, and deposited in tho bunds of Henry D. Clayton, Fsq., of Claytou, Ala., who will start for Kansas about tho '20th August, with* a company of Kansas emigrants. Persons desir ous of emigrating to Kuasas, of good character. , industrious habits and accustomed to labor, will be taken to Kansas, by Mr. Clayton, froo of charge: no other class of persons need apply, , as they will bo peremptorily refused admission Into Mr. Clayton’s company. Emigrants are expected to support themselves alter they ar rive in tho Territory. Settlers ir. Kansas are entitled to a pre-emption right to 100 acres of land. Senator Atchison in a letter to Messrs. Baker and Johnson, says : “Stir up your best young men to comoon, let tho old and tho wealthy furnish the means.” and pledges himself that Missouri "will do ullsho canto feed and fur nishail Southern men.” * • Mr. Baker, who hus Just returned from Kan sas, says: "No true Southern man who is not afraid to sling the hammer and lay hold of the S * iiv, and who ia not 'afraid to earn his bread tho sweat of bis brow, uced four the want provisions. Bacon, ilonr and meal aro cheap ana abundant, and tho hearts ol tho Missou rians are as generous an their spirit is uncon querable.” AsinkAS KguesUoii This msgsalnc, which cxprcswr lhe High T«y seatlmentof England, le oat in W irticlo In the July number, on "The Dispute With Am erica.” It opens by depicting the condition of our domestic aflhira- our trouble* in Kansas, the Stunner and Brooks difficulty, drawn from the New York 7Vines and Post, and of course con siders ns in a very poor plight# awert tho dig nity of a nation. K appears to think that the dismissal of Mr. Crumpton Was tlic result of an electioneering trick on the part of Gen. Pierce, and tho general unfriendly feeling held by tho United States towards England. It conceives that this Government lias a strong desire to hilly, with very little ground or power for tho exercise of that amiable propensity \ amfthnt England is tho only country, by our relations with her, which offers a good opportunity for its practice. While giving ns such a character, it affords a very fair specimen of English bra vado, and In a very quiet way teaches us (If wo art addicted to whut wo are accused of) where we teamed the accomplishment. Wo subjuiu an extract ;.wbich Is of portentous significance: Wo do not fully identify the people of the United States with tbe preeent policy or their Government, and we have little doubt that tbe results of it wilt bo such as still furtner to darango the popularity of the Pierce Cabinet,— for tbe Americuns, while ever inciting tueir Presidents to overbearing acts, have uo sym pathy with them wheu they fall, or laud the Ifuion in political cmlrarrawments. Neverthe less it is impossible to shut our eyes to tbe luet that a spirit of dislike to this country is gcuc- rat among the people of the States. And, how ever htrauge the circumstance may at Ur«t seem, it is in reality susceptible of easy explanation, We huve already indicated the cause, it is to be found iu the simphi-fuct that Great Britain is the only power with which the interest ot the United States have brought them into coutlict. Mr. Disraeli says truly that at the bottom of the Enlistment quarrel lies tho Central American question; but the rivalry existed before the central American question arose, aud, if other iuttnences do not come into play, will continue after that question also is settled. Great Britain, unlike the other European powers, has vast iu terests at stoke in tho New World, and iu her magnificeut licet she has means such us no other power possesses of transporting her mili tary strength across the broad basiu of the Atlantic. Accordingly she is the only greut State with which the American Union has yet como in contact, and hence the widespread Uisliko with which she is regarded in tho latter country. It has been remarked as extraordi nary that there is always an American paty in this country, but never a British oue in Ame rica. Our readers will uow perceive how this happens. Tbe British people, like their Continental neighbors, have been at war in turn with almost every state m the world, and by long experience have learned to bear rivalry with equanimity, While standing up tor our own interests, we tire not surprised that other States should as stoutly muintaiu theirs. • Hence wo wiU engago to say that, even during, the late war, there was not more personal antipathy felt In this couutry towauls tho Russians than has prevailed of‘late years towards ourselves among the people of tho United States. The Uuited States do not yet know their place in the world. In their own hemisphere they have cucouutered nothiug mffie redoubtable than roaming savages nnd petty halt-breed States fuiliug to pieces of their own accord. Hence tho Union has learnt to be arrogant iu its policy, and intoxicated with its really marvellous pro gress, has come to Imagine that it has the world at its foot. The progress of events is destined to explode - this delusion. The United States have uever yet felt the pressure of Europe— hitherto Continental Europe might have been non-existent so far us regards acting as a check upon the policy of tho union ; but ibis statu of tbiHgs will not contiuue. We need uot go over tbe ground which wo discussed at considerable length last month, to show thnt Europe and America aro gradually being brought into closer connexion—that the Powers or the Old World will como to take a livelier interest in tbe affairs of tho New,—and that in this way the United States will receive a lesson as to their true position in the community of nations, and will come to discover that the British alliance is the best one to cultivate after all. As the world grows older, the Powers of Europe will appear more and more in Central America ; and if a war between England and tho United States were now breaking out, the latter Power would probably be mortified to find at its close, that the European Powers had established something more solid than more protectorates in the coun tries of tho Isthmus, If England bo forced to go to war with the Union, she need not go alone. She does not require assistance to main tain her dignity and rights, bat she would not want alliances were she to seek them on the Continent of Europe. The overbearing spirit of American diplomacy has become intolerable to many of tbe European States; and Franco aud the Western Powers'especially recoguise in its policy towards the weak States ot Central Americu, a perfect parrallel to tho recent ag- imvte the truth .In the view I l .ucccMaril - A umc laitcu, it will necessarily follow that any conservative vote for tho American nomi nees North will bo equivalent to a vote for Mr. Fremont, as It will Gen foie taken from Mr. Buchanan, his only real competitor. It Is clear, then, that to the Sooth nlnne can the friends of Means, Fillmore nnd Donelaon look for the propablc chauce of ati electoral vote; and It is to tho States of Maryland, Ten- neMco, Kentucky, nnd Missouri that they pro- fees to lank with tho greatest hope of success. It ta manifest that it this hope were realized, it might indeed ptovent the election or Messrs Buchanan aud Breckinridge by tbe people, but it would only throw tho electimi of President into the present House if Representatives, coin- losed os that nouse now is. 1 )oc* not the elec- lion of this same House, uftor a contest of two months, of a Blank Republican Speaker, ad monish ns of tbe danger of such an experiment? Who can doibtthaPour, political fabric would bo shaken to its very foundation* by this election of President living thrown upon tho present House of representatives? On the other hand, is it uot certain—beyond the contliTgeuog of a doubt—that the vote ol tho Stutcs indicated for Mr. Buclmuau, when added to that of the other Southern States, would secure his election aud the consequent safety of tbo Union? It is obvious that in this condition of tho canvnas, the only serious con test is that between Fremont and Buchanan; that the only possible result that tho most san guine of tho friends of Fillmore und Donelaon can hope to attain is to carry the contest iuto the House of Representatives. Who cun con ceive anything more fatal to the peace of the couutry, ’ more Insane in political action, than such a course leading to such a result? Sup pose Mr. Fillmore to reach the House of Rep resentatives with tbo votes of four or five States, (his utmost possible strength) no man can se riously contend that he would be elected Presi dent, and assuredly few will be found bold enough to assert that, under such 'circum stances, he ought to be. The only effect, then, of giving the electoral vole of any portion of the .South to Mr. Fillmore would be to transfer the contest between Mr. Buchanan and Fremont from the hustings to the House of Representa tives ; nnd the danger to our country, naw sufficiently menacing, would, in that event, be appalling indeed. Who can contemplate tho oocurrenciLftf such a contingency without feel ing that he would be a traitor to hi* country if ho failed to exert every possible effort to avert so awful a calamity? I deem it, then, to be my duty, aa well as that of all who believe with me that the election of Freeinout would be the death-knell of the Union, to unite in the support of Messrs. Buchanan aud Breckiuridge; and I shall sustain their election to the best of my ability. Whilst 1 concede that there aro certain principles hith erto professed by the party which nominated them that cannot receive our support, yet on the great issues of the constitutional rights of the South the platform on which they stand meets my cordial approval, and is in accordance with that of the party which 1 now address, aud to whose kind favor ‘f owe the honor of holding the seat I uow occupy, nnd which 1 shall cease to hold after the 4th of March next by the fiat of that party to which Mr. Fillmore has attach ed himself, nnd which is now dominant iu the Legislature of my native State. Let Maryland Whigs remember that the poli tical battle uow being fought is one of the deep est interest to them ; that the maintenance of the constitutional rights of tho South is the is sue tendered to the American people by the Democratic party, and (as the Whigs have no candidate) by that party atone; that upon this issue the Republican party have , staked the Union; and In such n battle, upon such an is- sue, they must bo true to those who are doing battle In our behalf. It would be indeed sad if, in such a contest, the conservative strength of tho country should not bo unit.d: it would be as strange as sad, if, in such n contest, Southern men should not be found battling shoulder to shoulder for the maintenance of-tneir own con stitutional rights. In thus accomplishing what 1 believe to be a duty, I shall be inexpressibly gratified if I shall find myself sustained by tho approval of my fellow-whigs, who have refused to abandon ei ther the party or the principles in support of which we have so long and so faithfully united, and which we shall remain at perfect liberty to reorganize as soon as our common effort* shall have succeeded in averting the perils that now threaten onr beloved country. THOMAS G. PRATT. VKiW»RA.f»0, Un(m.l..i J?lamtiOTOK, July 81.—Tic Renal, bu to iky confirmed the nomination or Geary, u Governor of KAous. Th. Kansas contented elcctlou wik kid over la the House. The vote will he taken to morrow and Whitfield will undoubtedly be r« joeled. The admission of Iteedor I. doubt ful. * - . Part «f lavaimaK.,.I;-Angiut 3 Arrived* No arrival stnea our last. Sow York Market*. Nuw Yokk, July 31.-Cotton dull and very unsettled, allowing a decline of j. Sales of the dAy 600 bales. Middling Uplands 10$. Democratic Nomination*. New York, August 1.—The United Democ. racy of New York have nominated Judge Van derbilt for Lieutenant Governor, and John Rnaxe) for Canal Commissioner. Me»«r*. tV. I*. Fitriwi k Co., are about to pub lish a novel that, from » perusal of the early sheet* with which we have been favored, we do not hesi tate to pronnuuce equal to the early aud beBt works ol Coopor. It la a atory of Saratoga: uot the preien Saratoga, of fashionable life; but the Saratoga of sixty years ago. wheu the solitary log hut or a pion eer occupied tho site of Congress Hall; aud the surrounding woods were full of bears, panther* and Indians, Among the prominent characters In troduced is Crazy Jake, a maniac or superhuman strength and diabolical cunning, wbo plays all £0rt3 of wicked pranks. He takes a violent fancy for the fair Luclle Valcora. seizes her and carries her oO'as easily as a wolfedoes a lamb. The pur suit undertaken by her friends, with the assistance or Catroot a friendly Indian, who tracks the fugitive with the unerring skill of a bloodhound, in admlra hly told, as in the mnulac'a attempt to rarriflce tho half-breed Joe, who tins fullcn into his dutches. Sandy Brigham's account of hi* scouting expedi tion to ILirgnyne's catup, a few years before, rends like a genuine chapter Trout our ntlrrlng revolution nry history. Intermingled with the more thrilling incidents and adventures is a love story which it c-oncoi ved with great beauty and delicacy. In tbeeo days of ••IUg Pickers'* aud “Newsboys’’and that class nr sentimental novel* with which the public have been so liberally desed of late. It ii refreshing to And a work of the good stroug nervous style of the “ Leather snot-king Tales." atig 3 Cleared. Brig Jutatst Wakefield. Troll U LloW,"(France) -Miller k Michael j. Steamship Alabama. Schenk. New York—Fade! - ford, Kay It Co. Htfvntmati Market, AiigMst 2. COTTON*—Xo tran ‘actions In Cotton yesterday Kv ports. LA CIOLA, (FRANCE),—Per brig James Wske- Seld, 137,818 feet PPTimber, 12.774 feet Lumber. NKW YORK.—Per <te«rajblp AUbsms—27 bales Cotton, 2,044 sticks Wheat, to barrels Flour 66 packages Sundries. PHIL, PHILADELPHIA—Per nteamshlpKeystone Stats, iinrdi.. , 40 bale* Cotton, 72cjmXs P.lce. 6 Backs Wheat, 20 - » u?.lue?. y » ’ r* J Xi U.8- Jll tain lloinwitk,. VI Ul._. Departed. Menwer Wctuka, King. Palatial. i Yarns, 'J barrel* Oreaso, : packages Mdse. 2 bir* Railroad Iron, 8 Memoranda. Ilceelpte per Central Hall road August 3 107 Wales Cottdh, 1637 sacks Wheat, 27 casks B» oon and tndr.e, to 1 Davenport, Brigham, Kelly k NEW YORK, July 29.—(.Id, sbootiur* « Law. and { K It Agt, T H Wayno k Son, D U Coup, OCouea, J Truman, Hi Augustine. Crsnu. Wells k Co, John Iogtrtoll, Cohens kHertz, Brook* k D. Solders k A, Franklin k Brantly. , f Passenger*. Per steamship Keystone State, for Philadelphia— , W A Cunningham, K W (Voper, TII! WANTED. “ lady, WJJ TJlWOor three Boy*; nope but those who can T J Threlkeld, ...... Berry, W S IJncolu, Charles Sterling a Turpin, L N Winkler, V W SkUL H L ? Pulsiier, K J come well recommended need apply, jy 31 J. M. HAYWOOD, Agt. WANTED TO HIRE. A STEADY WOMAN that can do the cooking, J\. washing and ironing of a small family. Ap ply at No 40 corner of York and Jefferson streets, or at Freeman Ac Henderson's. Jyn PALMETTO WANTED: % P.OPOSALS will be received at tbe office of the Truchelut A lady, Master Skiff, Dr Henry, S 3 Boon k lady, J B Sawyer, Jo* Prtutun, Fraud* Teller, W W Evans, T 8 Loran, It W Lenar, Mrs Ann Hai nsy, Mrs F. 8 Mayo, R !(England k lidy, It McAld worth, F Bacbley, A U Owens, T Scbluchleren, N' K Barn.-.m, it M Wake man, Mrs Lett, Matter Trucba- hit, Mrs W W Bower* k infant, Mrs Betbuuo A child, J K Blylcr A lady, J Cans A lady, LGSbatv A la dy, Mrs B F Chew, Ml** Chew. Davis Holliiuu k lady, O W Anderson A lady, Mr* C A I. Iju.isi A child AssrvaatS'KC Anderxon jr, «v A J Miller la dy A child, If If Freeman, H F Chow. U U «»'•*> toian __ . Bradliw Bra'dler°’urlVc*sS'.li Sit -R CHARLESTON AND SAVANNAH RAILROAD, Sti uX v-5TfttBB MtaaBusau ikSlnawi Mra 1 No. 34 Bromi street. Charleston. untU the lit of Au- I’sr .u...n*hlli AUlmtn., N»w Vork— JMteJ lupMUon of Iho Ikig near boforo bo- arsKr-j s •s&sszr* - i **-•«« Willberger, E L Harriett, M liter. Cecil Berric-u, Dr : . 20,2711 35 ®hd 43 feet. E F Ford. M I andoner, Joha Carney, RI. Onion, 11 • JJo cjefijery to «g»«ncoce at the earliest pMSlble Monhelm lady A son, Vermeysr, Wm F J Ogden. Ci after the abo\ e date. B King, R L Willard, John Clagborn, 3 Fleheman, .. W Clerk, A Stein, Stafford, J Reilly ladv Mi** D 0 J>24—eod4 1 resident and Chief Engineer. FrUber, MUs Paraons, Win T O Barton. Mrs John*,, BECKWOl'RTH’Z ADVENTURES. MDs EMills, Mias Moore, B EllUon A lady, Ml-a rflUK Life und Adventures of J. P B<;ckwourtb, Virgin, Mrs Virgin. S C dtearus, Mri C Smith, Miss \ X CbjeT of the Crow Indians, with illustrations. C W Milion. Mis* Jane Russell, Mrs II UBInnt A son, 1 Appleton's Railway and Steam Navigation Guide, 3 C Lanier A lady, Miss AC Smith, D Vuudrnbsrg t published monthly at l&cts. k iany, K Winslow lady L ton, c IP 01 ms lead Nl> Memorials ol dis Time, by Henry Cock burn. ‘ i—A Btti ‘ ’ VALtfABLr BICE PLANTATm? FOE SALE, V MWbolbr.UieCoafi |i„„ s< , MOMb, Ibe fUnlaU™ c, u„ BavMo.h !l a »• mllM rnm ibe uiy, known a, Hull,,", JJI;.' Ia lobflou In tbe «Ut« of lh« lain ilJKjk. Ululng tlx hundred nnd id s htjr4trai wlllcu Urore are two bludrud ,xre. id n, , rfc, i '< tide rice land, end onu bun !r-.l au.i nftV n*. i' IUll » under,nod bank, end in efl(|enil® Uon. Rlro.eevcnty five e-ie, of u“X. , n ? la « eolUTetlon.^n tbe piece ore e 8 no,l Sreitt^f ornMer’i bottle, barns, nrero boot..IBS,"*w, outbuilding.., ell in e gienl Mate of repair it '• II denlrlng In purebjee w.ll csll mon H. K s Et-i, who reetdea witbin Unir mllw nr i®*-. or Kllte timer, ki irix, mile* of the Grove. Terms of sale made- known on the ii... . P< *S'j-8km uot given uutii the ftm of ?ilf _ h. k. jurkisIvM. &*T The Charleston Mercury will inLi’.i f week until the day of nal.-. * , notice. milE UNDERSIGNED having tliU dat ■, X themselves together tor the lug tho Wholesale Grocery Uu,in' purchased th« stock ot Rodgers k Norrta l«iu ** alter mnUnu* the busine** under the flm 7* gerr .Norris At ©>., at the oi s stand, «w ncr V? and Uncoln street* ar Brinson, II Hill, nnd 8 steerage. MQOOCIlce county, un.,nm uuivuu im«c ••L The letter is dated July 11,1856, Frank- Uo, a Territory. Ur. Satin says: "Ex- •ffirated and (also reports of Mujor Buford's strength, promise Us nominees! conduct, while on his way and In this country, gresaions of Russia upon Turkey, which Eu- ropo found necessary to resist by means of u general ^coalition;Swill in due time, if its arro gant policy bo not discontinued, be formed againsttite American Union. Any war about the allairs of Central America must greatly ac celerate the progress of events iu this direction; aud, for the sake of averting uuysueh contest, by touchiug the American moderation, we beg them to look ahead and consider into what' difficulties their present policy is likely to load them. Letter of « 17. S. Whig In furor ofJlu- chanan. Hon. Thos. G. Pratt, one ol the Senators from Maryland in tho Congress of the,United States, baa addressed a powerful appeal to the Whigs in behalf of the Democratic Presiden. tial ticket. Asserting that tho very life of the Union is iu danger from the Black Republican party, and that the two organizations!u opposi tion l o it tire those headed by Buolun.ui and Fill more, he says tho only question which Whig? should ask themselves is, which of these "of fers the best guarrantee of success in crushing out of existence this new and monstrous sec tional party, which threatens the life of our country V” Ho expresses the opiuiou that in most of tbo Northern States Fillmore will have no electoral ticket, and states it aa his “deliberate judg ment,” that he cannot cany a single non-aluve- holding State. His electoral votes, then, can come alouo from the South; und should his friends carry all that they claim for him—Ma ryland, Kentucky, Louisiana and Tennessee— they nt most do no more than ent ry tho elec tion into tho House of Representatives, wliero bis success is altogether out of the question. The whole letter is eminently worthy of pub lication throughout the Union. For the pres ent, we must content ourselves with giving its conclusion: # It may uot he Jiumatcrinl to observo that nei ther or the national nominees will obtain throughout tills broad laud any votes which will not bo oast by national conservative cili- zetts.und it is to ho regretted thnt in this crisis that vote should bo divided between two nation al candidates, whilst the entire nnti-nntionul vote will bo concentrated upon the sectional nominee. To judge of the relative strength of the two national organizations it Is unuccessuiy to trace mimitelyAlie origin of tho American party. It is sufficient to bring to your recol lection that it was originally composed, North nud South, of the dissatisfied members of the two old parties, und that in tho North it.-* orig inal members were those who opposed the con servative princeples upon Uio shivery question avowed In tho platforms of tho two old parties. It must uot escupo your recollection that upon tho nomination of Messrs. Fillmore und Donol- son a largo majority of tho Northern delognles seceded Irom tho Convention, declared their Intention not to support those nominees, nnd subsequently united Iu tho nomination of Mr. Frcemont. This separation of tho sectioual from tho national portion of tho American par ty has occurred iu every Northern State in tho Confederacy. I deduce from these facts tho nationality of tho supporters of Messrs. Fillmore and Donclson, aud 1 submit tho inquiry for the honest decision of those to whom this paper is addressed,what non slaveholdingStato cau thin national branch of tho American party, thuu shorn of tho larger portion of Its ^original Tun nuw Mini3Tf.ii to Mexioo.—John For syth, Esq., tiic newly appointed United States Minister to Mexico, reached this city on the night before last, and wan, yesterday, at tho Kirkwood House. He came, we presume, to buVo the usual consultations with the Depart ment of Stute necessary to enuble a new pleni potentiary fully to comprehend all the points in the subjects to bo committed to his cure. We predict for him a successful diplomatic career; for wo really know no other gentleman hetter fitted by natural mind, attainments, manners nud character to exercise effective influence in such a position, and more especially with such a people as tho Mexicans. He is said to have left Washington this morning for New York, to return hither in a few days ; wheu he will prob ably speedity close up ids business with the Stale Department and at once depnrt on his mission iu a Government vessel.— Washington Star. Job Printing Promptly, Neatly find Cheaply Dour. The public in general, and our Democratic friends in particular, will remember that there is connected with the Georgian 4* Journal es tablishment one of the most thoroughly equip ped job offices iu this section of the Union. If we ore correctly advised, Home of the most beautiful specimens of job work ever done in Savauuuh have lately passed from under our presses. Give us a trial. Our facilities enable us to execute every de scription of letter press work from a mammoth poster to tho smallest card, and from a book to a circular, with neatness and dispatch, upon the.moal satisfactory terms. Orders from all parts of the country will re coivc prompt attention. TO FAXSTTimS. I lie gubicrlbcrs oiler lor salo a large ami varied assortment of second hand printing material, suffi cient to calahlish a complete Job Office, with but fnw additional articles, ennsHing In part of—One ample font of small pica, ns good as now, nud vari ous fonts of Job type; oue super royal hand-press; one Hoo k Co.’s proof-press. Intost improvement, now; two or more large Imposing stone.*, now; dou ble nud single stands; cases, composing sticks,col- limn rnltM, galleys, chines, etc., etc., together with various other articles pertaining to a newspaper or job office. It. B. HILTON k CO June 28 B uB , ry, » ba’ circulated there (Alu.) Ho not only T what he promised to do Iu his circular, om New Orleam wo traveled like gentlemen. Bo furnlaUed ne wltl. wagons end tennis,horses provisions and clothing from the time we got hero to tbe present. Hie high character 1, Move the taint ot each small calumniators,and I- would gladly vindicate one whoso motives art to pore and putrlotlo at 1 know Major On- ford’e to hav* been."— Columtnu view ot UiU subject I Imvo endeavored to pro- sent to their consideration, null no one of them will lay thnt a single non-nlnvolioldlng SW,o Is certain lor Fillmore and Donelson.— T me, lthink /will dovolop the fact that Messrs Plllmoro and pehoUon will be loft without an electoral ticket In most of the I ree States, and it is at any rote tho deliberate conviction of my Judgment that they will not carry a single non- elanholdlog State In the Union. If I am right ACON A-N'D PORK.—50hhils ClnarSides, 26do Ribbed do, lo casks Hams 50 bid* Mess iv»rk. last received and for satehv jyfl RODGERS. NORRIS U CO. ' AC'OX—10 cask* prime Side*, jusl received and _ for sale by Juno 25 DRANK. WELLS A C'U. M ATCHES. &u.—mo gross Matches In wood boxes, 150 boxes Mustard 200 boxes Adamantine, Hydraulic and Sperm Caudles, received aud for Sale by jyij McMahon & dovle. F G HAMS—Smoked Tougttus aud Smoked Beef received per -Reamor Knoxville, aud for sale b Jy17 J. D. JESSE. H ats.—lt)0do/.»*u i'lantutiou llat*, ii) ntoro aud for Hale by Jy8 .1. M. FYltE, 94 Bay at. G CJ1.I) j'EN’S—I’erions «le*iroiiH of obiainUig a goood Gold I'en, aro invited lo call and in- spuel a now lot wldub wo li ivc jtnl received, and which we can recommend, jyaa d. r. xicuols At co. H \UI\1HHM H UOLUIlinAN HAIR DYE. SIZE NLARGED, STVLE IMPROVED. It haa dohle the quantity and strength of any other, „ It gives a porfectly natural color. It colors every shade from light brown t( jot black, , It is porfectly harmless to tho skin. Its efrect is instantaneous and permanent. It Is tin* best, quickest, cheapest and safeat dyi ever made. tfe' Directions for use accompany each box.*"g& Price—1 or.. $1—2 o-zs. $1.50—4 ozs. $3—8 ozs. *6. [Filtered according to an Act of Omgross. in tbo year 1855, by a. W. Harrison iu tbe Clerk’s Office of tho District Court of the United Stato3 for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.] For sale by tbo manufacturer, AP0I.L03 W. HARRISON, dec 18—L 10 South 7th r,t.< Philadelphia. B ACON.—35 casks n.iunu Sides for sale, to at*' niab. • • 1 Tbe Earnest Man—A sketch of tbe character , and labors of A. Judson, firat fMlsslonary to Bur- New Age of Gold; or tho Life and Ad ventures of Robt. Dexter Rotnaine. —Ikii ' vuli».U^Srfi^ n T1T?u'"um7iT,T;V.m'mr 1110 Tongue of Fire; or the True Power or Chris- 1 ’ K *“ 1 l,,r : tlauity, by Wm. Arthur an eminent Methodist , • .............. ....... nreacher. i rive per brig Znrvaster, by 1 KIT k i JP24 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k t.'O. B ACON—75 bhds prime Bacon Sides 25 do do do Shoulder.-, land- big and for salt* by Jv24 SIJKANTON. JOHNSTOX \ « i» -75 bbl* K piirl|M’ Rye D OME-S'i'R? MQtRiKd- r 1 Gin 50 bbl* Domestic Brandy 50 do New Orleans Whisky 60 «lo Luther Feltou’a Rum. .lust receive aud for sale by jy24 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ii Co. F LOUR—125 sunk* aud 60 hbU Tonnessee Flour, Just refjolved and for huIo by YONGF. v jy24 Y^ACON—10 ca<k* pritno Sbouldors, juat rcceiv ed aud for sale by Jy24 VONGE At FRIERSON, 49 Ray st. : J UST fiFCElVKD—100 choice family iThiii.h, 5~bbi* i extra Baltimore lard, 10 whole aud half bids j Pig Pork, 10 half bbl* Ham*, extra Fulton Market preacher. Hbtory of Immigration to the U.S., by Wm. J. Brum well of tbe fctato Department. Rabun sight*—Pupil Principles, by J. Jarves, will) illustrations. i’arisian Eighth, by tlie same author, august 1 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. 1 AWRENCE’S ROSENDAlfiE HY- DRAULIC CEMENT. , HOFFMAN S ROSENDALE CEMENT. . rlTHESE two brands of Cement are manufactured : X by the Lawrence Cement Company, and aro - ■ warranted of Ibe best quality, being used in al- ,; mo*t every department of the work* under the U. S. Government, and other Important hydraulic FRIERSON, works. For sale at the office of the Company, on 40 B*y street. the most favorable terms, by M. W.-WOODWARD, Sec'ry, jyl4—2ui 92 Wall street. New York v kuLOEks jAS. A. N'ORHN UW). M. *- Savaiiuab, Juue 2d, Pj5*. ... JOHNSltiv • IN «)- N. I3IKCH. ' T HE firm or Rodgers * NorrL havinu ’ been dissolved by the above a»ociai 1 ,JrJ*-' _ bG< ? n dissolved uy tue above n>*ociaTi.m"L^ partner will use toe name 0: the linn iu li«jijS* JAS. a. RODfijy JAS. A. XfiRt.M ' Savannah, June 2d, 1856 TO BUILDERS. riySB SUBSCRIBES is prepared to cieau X the shortest notice, and m the- m<*t manlike manner, all kind - of Metal Roofing ( hi Cornice, or other work connected with thoinar.f' taring or repairing of Copper. Galvanised Iron or Sheet Iron Business ’ / “ J < HORACE MORW UrouMhtoa «t NOTl( E. T HE firm of I W Morrill is Co. was dmoIvM the 24th or September, 1554. by the death!/? F Webster. * Jy22—1m i. w. MoiiltFjj NOIJCK, — O NE month after date, app icution will bema-. tu Ike Bank or ibe Sun, ol Ueorg!, hr ill ., ment or two one hundred d« lar bill* or the n r LJa at , tbo right band halve* of which have bo! lo*t in the mails. u w ‘ Jy21 BOSTON .X VH.I.AD).\C.y notickT "—- NE month after date, application wiiHieimi, _ to the Bank of the State of GecrfU, fortlwwr ment of three twenty dollar bids 0; the DraicVii Auguata, the right hand halve* of w hich hateU* loit in tbe mail. ‘ jyll-lm 0 N ;; LAND AGENCY—Bruiiuxvlck, Ga. EDWIN M. MOORE O FFERS hia services to the public in the pur chase and sale of lands in the counries ol Beef, Pig’Head*, Pig Shoulders and Hants, for sale ) Glynn, Wayne, Camden, Charlton, Appling, Ware, by DAVID O’CONNOR, | Coffee, Oliuch, Lowndes and Thomas. Particular yiJ oorunr Bra uhpia an 1 D.mvh t sts. attention given to locating, purchasing and selling ot f LAGGING AND ROPE—75 bale* Gunny Clotli ! towu lola jB lUe town ° r Baunswick, J3 30 half bales do do 200 coil* Kentucky Rope, in store, for .-alu bv jy23 WEBSTER k PALMES. * E OPK.—100 coils Kojm*, to arrive per setir Alba Jyll) PATTEN, HUTTON & CO. RKFEKKXCBt Dr R Collins, Macon; Dr B M Cargiic, Brunswica Thomas Ii Harden, Buvannab; Hon James I. Few rd. Tbomaaville. F LOUR.—fiOO .sack* Palace Mill* Double Extra Flour, just received and for sale by jy8 RUSK, DAVIS k LONG BOOK AGENCY. i f|lHF Subscribers have established a Book I X Agency iu Philadelphia, uud will furnish any | book or publication at the retail price free of jxjst . . . i age. Any persons by forwarding the subscription ■200 bale* very caret ulty selected, tour ■ price of any'one of tho 83 Maguziues, such a* Har- 1 pi r’>, Godey’.*, Putnam’s, Graham's, Frank lajslic's Faihious, Ac., will receive the Magazines for one year aud a copy of a splendid lithograph portrait ot either Washington, Jackson or Clay; or If subscri bing to a 82 and $1 magazine, they will receive a copy of either ofthe threo portraits. If subscribing to $0 worth of magazines, all three portraits will be sent gratis. Music furnished to those who may wish it. Envelopes of excry size and description in largo or.small quantities furnished. Seal Presses, Dies, Ac., sent to order. Every description of engraving on wood executed with neatness and dispatch Views of Buildings, H ay arrive jyio p.v rrEN, hutton k co. : . ACON.--6U hhda prime Bacon Miles, 25 do do do * * Shoulders, Just received uud Jur sale by jylO SCRANTON, JOHNSTON & CO. L ARI) AND CANDLES.—20 bl.»l* and.50 kegs No 1 ijuaf Lard 75 boxes AdumatUlnn Candles, star brand 100 do Beadoll’s Tallow do, just received aud for sale by _ jylO • • SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. RUTA I1AGA SEED. RESH lluta Biga, l-'lat Dutch, Red Top. and large Norfolk Turnip Seeds, BOSTON k VILULONCi FRENCH CHINA, WHITElilU.NiTP AND GLASS WARE ’’ 145 MKL71XU STKKLT, CEAKU^niX, .-01TH CitOUJi The subscrllicrs reaj-cctt'ully «ikj[ from the traveling public, an in?j>ccijoiif of their-stock. of French and English China, in plain white, gold bund, And * decorated dinnor, desert, breakfast, tra, toilet. tete set* and vases. A iso, Cuj« and Siucore, tho celebrated Sevres China. White GraniteU d* best manufacturers. Rich cut French, EnvlDh u* Bohemian Glass. They have a variety ol ernaaier.u :u E lk. Ware, Busts oTCalhoun, Clay. Wet -k*r, anduV-n andStatuctes of toe Greek Slave. ViuusdelfoW kc., ko. They have also a beautiful, durable and cbeapin- ole for floors and hearths, of BDUd ami Encan*tie Tilts. Their stock being very general, carefully and imported direct, offer* induccteent- to mdius as woll as families, to whom goods will bepucfg the lowest rates for cash. WEBB k SAGE, lmputcr.-. successor? to Cinnernu. Webb An THE HAVANA PLAN. More Prizes than Blank NE VV ADVERTISBMBNTri. FUESII GROUND CORN MEAL. fi)KA BUSHELS Fresh Ground Core Meal in &CJ\J store, mid for sale low by at«R « YOUNG k WYATT. 200 iiug 3 f. C01I.S Ropo just received, and tor sale by M. J. REILLY. H ARPER FOR JULY.—Harper’S New Monthly Magazine, for July, received and fur sale by WAKNOCK k DAVIS, JunelH |59 emigres.* street. H OLLAND GIN—5 pipes Mender Swan Holland Gin, for salo by l.vd SCRANTON, JOHNSTON & CO. C 1AND1.ES AND COFFEE—100 boxes Sperm, ’J'al- / low, Adamantine Candles 250 bags Rio Cutfcu 25 Itoxo* fresh ground L'oil'c..- uOinauJuva do, received aud fur sale by MuMAHON k DOYLE, _ jy2d 105 and 107 Bay street, I AUD—26 kog* prime Leaf Ijird, Just recciveil J uud fur sale by HOPPERS k NORRIS, rpuol salt in store,lur salo y»L Q ALT— sacks Livt O h by Jy 80 RODGERS, NORRIS k C». 3000 lb* P.xlra cauvossod bag Hanis 1000 do sugar cured do -•AISO— A superior quullly of Tonnersee Hum*. *uml size for family use, at 12,’<J cent* per pound 25 bbl* Crushed .Sugar 20 do It (.'Inrilled do 20 do 0 do d, 25 do Powdered do 10 do St Croix do , o lihd.a cxira Porto Rico Sugar .* ld>l* do Stuart’* Syrup 5 lilnls do liiicnn Side* Uriioin*. Pail*, Basket Tubs. Matches, Siru I Drusiies, Flour Pall*, k>'., far salo by J.V25 J. A. BROWN. R efined anik:larimed .sugars— 50 libl* Hluart’H A Crashed Sugar, 25 do do Powdered do 50 do do A Clarified Uo 30 do do B do do 50 do do (J do do .limt received and for sale by Jo! I? UK ANTON, JOHNSTON At CO. til /?T Dili Ft. J. 'I 'ayi or VSo i PiTa fiTr eueiveu au iTBV AO (tile by MpMAIHJN k DOYI^, j«l I Nos. 205 k 207 liny Mrcct OAIMilt 11AN(iIN(JH ANJ> IH)- X Jm-t received a grunt assortment of the most elegant pattern*, with border* to match, I‘inm8 cents to $2, at CHAFFER k CO.’S, aprfio No. ti Whitaker slreot, WOOLS ANU LUMriER. 4 Lli kinds of Wood, Boards. Flanks. Joist, LX. Timber, Sbliif'les, Llgbt-wiKid, I’osls, Eustern I jitiiH and Palling*, for nal«, nt whohumto aud retail, low for cauh, on Hit? new wlmrl recently erected ou •jlm Lumber Yard ofltoboit A. Alton & Co. roar P.’~ 1yW M. .1 1. MO|lJ,TON TO JWA8TKH IIUILOERH AND CON TRACTORS. P ROPOSALS for orcellng a Masonic Hull tor Solo/ mnn’H I.otlgo No. 1, will bo received at my of fice until ibe tint Monday iu August next. Jyo—:Jw JOHN S. Do WEN, Avchltocl. E ElMCI ^fTmI i i h • d n ypnr fltexiner Ain bam a— Hrokera *tlf-ratiuug Flour, Cliolro Table nutter k Cheoso, at BARRON’S Family Grocery, jy SO Corner Whitaker k Clmritou sis. MILLER & ROLL, ATTORNEYS NT UW BRUNSWICK, GA. Wifi practice tn tho Brunswick Circuit—nomurU- iug tho following Counties Glynn. Wayne, Camden, Ware, ApppSip?, Clinch, Coffee and Charlton. JOHN B. MILLER. L. C. ROLL, aug 3 Ry CITY THE A SI iIlEIl’S OFPICE,”’ "* Savannah, 2d August, i860 rpHE Bonds ol the City of Savannah, duoTst Feb- X ruary, 1857, (commonly known a* McAllister Bonds,) Issued for Central Railroad Stock, will be redeemed ou application, in Slock of tho Central Railroad and Banking Company, at Us market vnl- ue, the Bond* being received at par. Holders of the same preferring cash, can have them redeemed in money. JASs. S. WILKINS, aug 3 City Treas. UNIVERSITY OF NASHVILLE, MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. T HE.Sixth Annual Course of lectures iu this In stitution will comineucc on Monday, tho 3d of November. A full preliminary course free to nl- students, will bo given by (Uo Professors, comeiicl lug on tho first Monday of Gctober, Professors’ Fees $105. Matriculation Foe $5. Practical Anatomy 810. Graduation Fee 825. For Catalogue of Aiiatomy and Aunounmoment, apply to PAUL F. EVE, M. D., Jy28—0 I)eau of tbo FaouR|r. growth of 1858. JyiH- Just received nud for sale by W. W. LINCOLN, Monument Square, . Newspaper Headings, Views of Machinery, Book] I : warranted the j lustrations, Lodge Certificates, Business Curds, do. Clll.l I'.I* , 11 , . .. . , , . . Y AUN'd AND iteN ABU KGS— t homa*ton Factory Xarus and Usnnberg*, for sale by jy-2.* CRANE, WELLS k CO. C ORNED BEEF, PIG PORK. kC. received 10 hair barrels Fulton market Corned Beef; 10 barrels and half barrels Pig Pork- Hams, Sides and Shoulders; 10 barrels extra No 1 Mackerel; 1 do No 2 Mackerel; 5 do Herrings; 2 drums Cod Fish, and25 barrel* Smoked Herring*, In store Hint for sale by jell DAVID O'CONNER. S al'll AR, SOAR AND STARCII— 20 hlirig Muscovad audo Porto Rico Sugar 30 bbl* A, Band C do 150 boxes Pale and Family Soap 50 do Castile do 250 do FraSer’s. Colgate's and Oswego ftareb received and for sale by McMAHON k DOYLE, Jy20 205 and 207 Bay street. PLUMBING, P LUMBING, iu all Its voriotis branches, at tended to at tho shortest notice, and in superior style. Also, may be found Shower Baths, Galvaniz ed Iron, Tin and Leaded Bath Tubs; Copper Boilers, Patent Pan Water Olosnts, I*M»d Pipes, Sheet Lead, Brass and Plated Cooks. Force Puiups, India Rubber Hoao. For sale at the Ifnitan Furnish Store, Ne. 165 J Brousbloo-itM'n. raario WMR*K | ^OTIcE.—R. A. Ora wford aud K L. IlnJuu j All order* sent by mail prouiptly attended to. Per sons wishing views of their buildings engraved can send a Daguerreot} p« or sketch oftlie building by muil or express. Persons nt u distance Laving saleable ar bales will find it to thpD advantage to address the suoscribors a* we would as a^ent for the sale of the same BYRAM d PIERCE. 50. Boulh Third street, Phila., Pa. nuv_20—dAwl ; BARBER SHOPS. v I Paliutkl Honae Barber Shop, i Oioem' Brick Building, opposite the Pulaski House, FIVE WORKMEN ENGAGED. Mar*hull Houae Unrbcr Shop, Broughton Street, FOUR WORKMEN ENGAGED. flUlS subscriber, thank fill to bis fellow-citizens X for tbo liberal patrouago ho 1ms received, and Is still receiving, beg* respectfully to lurorm them that bo has engaged sufficient additional first-class workmen from some of tbo best Barber 8bnps in New York, aud will be enabled to*accommodate as many gentiemeu as may honor him with their pa tronage. N. B.—The Barber Shops are closed ou Sundays— strangers will please bear this ip mind. OTICE.—.—R. A. .. arc my duly autlmri&id agnuts during my ah- i sonco from tbe Statu. J8 HORACE MOKteK. AN CONSIGNMENT— Y/ 2000 bushels Prlino Corn; 100 do Cow Peas; 200sacks “Pataca Mills*’ Flour; 10 hblH Ihiw Giro; Kido Monongabela Whisky; 6 do Domostiu Brandy; For sale low, by j(»13 PATTEN, HUTTON k CO. 1 _>LASTER—60 bbl* Ualcluod Plaster, iu store nnd . lor sale by OGDEN, STARR k CO. Jyis J EMON SYRUP—150 boxes, receivod and for J sale by Jyi7 McMAHON * DOYLE. A LBA NY* ALE,—25 bbl*. Albnny Stock Ale, JtiM mmivod, aud for sale by SCRANTON. JOHNSTON k (XJ. jmio 1 BALTIMORE BACON." 3 A/4A POUNDS BALTIMORE BACXLN, in • vUU store and fur sale by IlA RROV, jutiu20 oornor WlntakerTmd Charlton-sts. IJASKfclTS! BASKETS!—We would call tha U attention of tbo-ladies to our stock or Work, Traveling und lino Funny Baskets, the largest assort ment tn tho city, at the House Furnishing Store, 166 Uronghton-Rtreet. . mur21 HORACE MORSE. P APER--600 reams Wrapping Papor, lusHortod si ze*, lauding nnd for sale by Jy2t SCRANTON, JOHNHTON k CO. 1 ,1 XTRA Choliio Goahon Buitor, a fresh sujiply, liper steamer Knoxville, for snlo by J. I). JESSE. jy* K KDZIE’S WATER FILTER.—Just received uu assortment of sizes Kodzel's improved Water Filters for tutoring Nav/umah River Water, forsaloby HORACE MORSE. |y 0 166 Broughton St. sundriksT ■| AAA POUNDS clioien Baltimore Shouldora: IUUU and 1200 do do Sides; loo cboleo sugar-curod Hams, in bags, 500 jxmndH oholco Tennessee Hams; 16 barrels choir,o Leaf l*ird: It) liorcoa extra whole Rico; 8 do lair do; 20 boxes Family Soap; 10 do steam pak do; 10 do No 1 do; 7 woman’s friend do; 6 chemical do; 16 boxes Tallow Candles; 10 do ndamautine do; 10 do pearl sperm do; 10 boxes A, U aud C Sugar., lit bags good Iliu Coffee; 1 jackets old govorument Java Coffee. All tho above for sate low by juaoT J. A. BROWN. TUST RECEIVED, per schciouef J. K. Alien, from «J Baltimore— MASON’S CELEBRATED UNRIVALLED PREMIUM CAKES and CRACKERS, .Tumbles, Lemon Cake.*, Tea Cakes, Scotch Cukes, Ginger Snaps, Edinburgh Cakes Milk Biscuit, Soda Bisclut, Wino Biscuit. Butler Biscuit, Water Biscuit, Pio Me Uisuoit, Ac. At BARRON’S, June20 corner Whitaker ami Charlton-sta. STRANGER! If you want a good and cheap {Trunk, Vallcc, Carpet Bag, or Clothing of any kind or quaTi- Ty, ready made or mado up to your measure; also lints, Caps, Shirts, Collars or Dress Furnishing at tides of any description, nail and se lect from the largest and host stock in the city, at tho .Star Kmmrlmu, 147 Boy street. WM. 0. PRICK. -COOL RETREAT I THE ABBOR BILLIARD SALOON, (upstairs) Corner Bull ami Bryan streets, over Barb'er 8 Imp June 27 J. II. HAYWOOD, Agent. UNDERGRADUATE ’DEPARTMENT. (WESTERN MILITARY INSTITUTE.) fpilE next Session of this College will open on X Monday, September 8th. The Classical Course is roll ami ovary tanillty is afforded lo Studonta in Scientific Brauclie** A Preparatory School is at tached, embracing u course of two years. Tho Military eystuin i* adopted as an effectual menu* of preserving good order, economy, regular habits, und active bodily exercise. Charges for tuition ami boarding, 8100 por term of 20 weeks. Surgeon’* too $5. Engineering, French, Spanish, German. Book-Keeping nnd Fencing, ennh 810 por term of 20 weeks. Tho lust session of Uio Medical Collego closed With 339 Matriculants and 86 «raduulo3, from 13 States, Tho Military Collego closed Its tlrat yoar In Nashville with 154 Matriculants from 14 StateB. For Catalogue ami Regulations, apply to. n. R. JOHNSON, Superintendent. Nashville, July, I860. 8—Jy28 IRVING’ 8W81H NGTO !Ni V OLUME III of the Life of George Washington. by Washington Irving. We can supply ull wlut wish thU must desirable work, in nny style of binding. Tho Wanderer, a tale of Life’s Vicissitudes. , “Trudging along, unknowing what ho sought, And whistling as ho wont, tor want of thought.” Ey tho author of tho Watchman, l4tmplighcr,«tc.. Johp Halifax, Uontlomau, by the anther of The Head of tbo Family, OUvo, &o. Dickons’ Household Words tor July. Puluum’s Monthly for July Frauk Leslie’s Gazetteo or Fashion for July. Mrs Stephens’ Illustrated'New Mouthly tor July. Blackwood’ Edlnburh Mitgazlno for Juno. For Bale by WAttNOC’K & DAVIS, Booksellcrj and Stationer*, Jy2 150 Oongross stroot. P OTASH—10 ca9<fe RocUflod Potash, in Uu oaus, tor family use; lo casks Potash, I ust received '"jyi| r “ al " by RODOKRS, NORRIS ft ro. m RANDY, OIN, 'ffHKib ■For uio H AY—200 bales Hay, fn store and for salo by Jy26 CRANE, WELLS 4; CO. XYREdEKVING PEACHf.S—Just received a choice X lot, suitnblo for preserving, nnd for sale by Jy 01 J. D. JKBSKE. SUNDRIES. 160 bags good to prime Rio Coffee; 75 bags old Government Java do; |30 bags old brown Java do; i >1 barrels 8tuart’s A, B and C Clarified Sugars; 60 • “ Crushed and Pulverized do; 40 hhds Porto Rico, Now Orleans, and Muscov-ado Sugars; 60 boxes Stuart's Loaf Sugar; 60 hhds Sides and Shoulders; 25 casks Trowbridge and Beaty’ < Hams; 150 bbl* Deumead aud Oakley Flour; 76 bbls and ball'bbls Canal Four; 160 bbls Butter, Sugar and Pilot Crackers; 60 boxes Soda Crackors: 200 boxes various brands and qualities Tobacco; 26 cases Myer’s Aromatic do^ 160 bbls Cuba nnd New Orleaus Molasses; 60 hhds Cuba do; 50 bbls No. 1 Leaf Lard; 200 kegs and codb Lard; 6 M ft Bar Lead; 600 bags Drop and Buck Shot; 600 kegs, ballk and quarter*, Dupont's Powder; 76 bbls Mess and Prime Pork; 50 boxos Noctur Whisky; 100 quarts Schcidam Schnapps; 100 casks pint* Ale nud Porter; 800 bbls rectified Whisky; 100 bbls New England Rum ; . 160 bbls Phelps nnd E Phelps' Giu; 60 casks common and pure Malaga Wine; 60 bbls White Wine and Cider Vinegar; 20crates empty Wine Buttles; 600 boxes, Soap, Starch, nud Caudles; In store and for Halo on accommodating terms, ’ may!6 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k 00 R OPE.—200 Colls Rope for salo, to arrive per bilg ’Zorvnster; by aug 2 LOCKETT k SXELLINAS. 1,707 PR IZI> !'' >2,000. Only* 15,000 Numbcrslli Jasper County Acmleim I LOTTERY, ' BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF GBja,i| CLASS P. To be drawn August 16lli, 1850. ai CoiKvn Hill Macon, Ga., under the sworn supcrititenitauif Col. James M. Ixigan and James A. Ni.-bet,Dj Patron* will please examine till* Scheme w&l ly, compare it with any other, nud ifiti?M6i best ever offered, nnd the chalices to obtain tala far better,' don’t purchase ticket*. CAAITAL, 813,GOU. |1 Prize of $15,ONI) is 1 “ 3,000 is 1 “ 2,000 i- Bfl 4 “ 1,000 are tif 10 “ 500 are M 50 “ 100 are M 20 Approxim’s of $50 to $15,( 00 prize aro SU4 50 ’ “ 25 to 3,000 “ nre I5\ 60 -• 20 to 2.000 •• 80 “ of 512 to each of the capital-: of $1,000 are in 7500 prizes of 8>J are. 7707 prizes amounting to $1«#| Tickets 810, Halves 85, Quarters $2 W- Prizes payable without deduction. The 7,500 prizes of $8k are detcrmincJ Ij ifl number which draws tlie 516,000; If iliatn«T should be an odd number, then every otM ucVJ ticket in tho scheme will be entitled fS iO;il even number, then every even mmiiior ikWtj bo eutitled to $S 50, in addition to any othcrifw which may bo drawn. 1 Purchasers buying an equal quantity of oJlq even number tickets will! be certain ti •WJ nearly one half the cost of the same. withiUii of obtaining other prizes. . Jr Ail those tickets ending with 0, 2. even; all those ending with 1,3. 5.7,9, arewij Persons Bonding money by muil need uotftv* boing’Iost. Orders particularly attended to. (J munlcatious coufldeutlal. Baal, notes banks takeu at par. 1 Those wishing particular tuimbors aboulD"! immediately. r Address. JAMES F. WIND*; I jyl3 Manager, Macon, u | [acthori/kd nv thk i-tate ok ckokcia-] __ PORT GAINES AC’ADldlU V LOTTKBl| CLASS 18. To be (lravn In the city ol' Atlaiito, in I' 1 - 1 '1 THURSDAY, Allyust 2S, lS56,ool» HAVANA PLAN. BAMTJBT, SWAN Ai CO., Mning'"| PRIZES AMOUNTIMC ro I 2 0 4, 0 0 0!J Will bo distributed accordlni! lo tlie ("l' 1 ’— BBII.MANT SCHE'ltl 30,0011 NItJinEHS-t.'i.lS.' M*" 1 1 iyT^OASSh-S.—100 barrels Molasses tor sale, to lYA arrive per brig Zorvnster, by aug 2 LOCKETT k SNELUNGS. RELIGIOUS WORKS. H ISTORY of tho Groat Reformation of tho Six teenth Century, In Germany, Switzerland,&c, by .1II Merle D’Aubigne, five volumes completo in oue. The Life of Martin I.uthor, tho Gcrmau Reform er, iu fifty pictures, from design* of Gustav Kouig, to which ia added a skotch of the rise and progress ofthe Roformatlou in Germany. 1. to and Timoa of Rev Elijah Hoddiug, 1) D, lute Senior Bishop of the Mothodist Episcopal Church, by I) W Clark, 1) D. Sormons on Sovoral Occasions, by the ttov Johu We*ley, A M, tn tour volumes, j Sormons from the Pulpit, by II11 Bascom, !> D, Life or II Blddletnnn Bascom, I) D, L 1.1), Lite Bl.-liop of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, by Rev M M Ilenkle, DI). Posthumous Works of the Rov Henry B Bascom, D D, L L D, one of the Bishop* of ttie Methodist Episcopal Church South, edited by tho Rov Thomas N Ralston. AM. Ufo of the ltov Robert Newton, D1), by Thomas Jackson. Tho Bard* of the Bible, by George Uuifillan. Tho Anulogy of Religion—Natural and Revealed —to tho Constitution and Course of Nature, by Jo seph Bailor, 1. L1), late l/ird Bishop of Durham. Baptism—a troatlso ou tlie nature, |>eri)ctuily,' subjects, administration, mode, aud uses of-tho ini tiating orUinnueo of the Christian Church, by Thos 0 Sumners. Baptism—with reference to tta import, anodes, history , Vroper use, and tho duty of parouts to imp- tizod children, by James L Chapmauf n minister ol the Memphis (Nmtorenoe of tho MothodUt Kplsoopal Ctiuroh) South. 1 prizo of.... 11 prizes of.... 100 scnmiF. .810,000 is.... . 10,000 is... . 10,000 is... . 5,000 is..., . 2,000 i*.... . l,000i*... . 1,000 1*.. 200 are 100 are 4 prize* of 200 app’g to $20,000 prize 10U 76 00 60 40 26 20 10,000 prize, are 10.000 prize* * w 5.000 prize, M 2,000 prize, a-’ 1 1.1)00 prize, are 1.000 prize* a f0 200 prize, ar^J 16,000 of 88 amounting to ••*"' ’JA 16,185 prizes amounting to 7' i.irl Tho 15.U00 prim or *8 “"ffr* number which draws the $10,000 number should be an «*’d numticr, u ‘ .. jpl number ticket in Ibe scheme will b ®' f,1 if au oven number, then every even " in the scheme wifi bo entitled to any other prizo which tuny be Purchaser* In buying mi equal ^ ;d atul oven number tickcU, will be ey** f i>1 lug nearly half tho cost of the satin- I of obtaining otnor prizes. - , AU tlioso ticket* ending with 0, —nil tlioso ending with 1, 3.6,«, y " a n*i t«.i Remember that every prize l« " n ‘ ' bio in full without doilucttoti. .. AU prize* or $1000, ami under, l« « aftor the drawlug—other prize* m ' I '^iM^^Roommuulratloiisfiti'R^y^^'wl The drawn numbers will be tori' chasers Immediately after the draung- ^ Wholo Tickets tlO-mivos ^ l’rlzo tickets cashed or renewed i» at cither olllco. ,, ,. ..„i ..ulier t" ^ Orders for tickets eati be uinnta. ‘ is ' 4 i 8. SWAN k CO., < jy27 8. SWAN, Mentgomerj. F ulton MARKfif•r 1 d 'iiS. ■ Kullon Market I’cct', n»,l W rccolfoaiiyi , u. maygo ■ .-jpji R S ’ OAf. DRUOMd, 'iARII AN'II No 1 Soap, 50 Palo .lo, «tlo . loo dozen Itrooras. 60 kegs lar H ntl 205 iirniyO'.' - p JylO ; ?z~ ^ ay— 100bafes prime ^- for salo low from the wharf, W