Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, August 05, 1856, Image 4

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—.—-— aoMbeftra the Court Bum door Id iidMUaw. brtweea ibote|*l hourt ■MBBte lathrarofMb' Uellehcr, out In tutor of Jim tjS^MrttDtottttlDlDrorofWuverkOoojua- UmTto. ill DoUo, eproperty rotated out by II. PRKNDERG AST. 8. C.C. 8. CUCITOH’I UU aecfoo order peaod Wh Ju , _. nod Tth July, 1160, by IboOounof OrdluarycC WayncCounty, old Id on the flrtl Moo dor in October next* be* Iwn the usual boon of sale. before tho Court Homo door Id Wayaeatrlllr. the bUowluc properly, s ss j's Sfd^snftd Tsxmsi botro and creditor. of Uu oouto at I.. W. Bryan. i furoucMh jy» W. A. &VLLEMS, Executor. dpitb ob 5B5Q5EG i'tHAT&AM COUNTY—To »U whom It mxy t^aDOora: WDereMidoDD Uxllery,will upplyto tho Sen or Ordinary tor UttMeDUmhory a. admlni* train oo tbo bud. or William Wright thruo oro, otto and aomouUh aU whom Itmay ooaaora. to he aad appear betiwo aald Court, to . maba odIioMod (ITanyuiey bate) oaor betbra tho M MaSdaSr la Kotamber nut, othwtre .aid Ul- tanwutbattaaiod. WNaoao, JobaBUbOgB*., Ordinary lor Chatham Ooaaiy, Utlo aabutaycf April 1«M. wSK -OHN BILBO, o. o. o. 'a*^» ttATBW GEORGIA, CHATHAM CO. muaa whom It may ooocora: Whereat Hary Ann X Heat will apply at th* Court of Ordinary for let* tore momHonry on the eetate of Jamea P. Dent,— That are Iharafete toon* and admonlahaU whom It oaar oeooera, »o b* aad appear bolbre aald Court, lo man object! ooa nr aay they hare) on or before the Pint Monday In December next, othcrwlxo raid ’’wnauaJobfaibo, bq., Ordinary tor Chatham County, thla third day ofjuno, ISM. jSt o6hn bilbo, O.c.q ■TATS OB' QSORG1A, /CHATHAM tnrllNTY.—To all whom It Huy eon- Uoant: whereat, Patriot Ryan will apply at tho Coart ofOrdlaarylbr lottora of admlnlatratlon on Hi imu of Daniel Collin*: Three are, taeralbro, tootle and admonlah all ^"^tM^WveYSj’ort 1 tore tho ant Monday la August next, otherwise said tetters will bo nranted. Wltaaaa, John Who, Eaa., Ordinary for Chatham amnjr. Ul. twmty-mtrddejr c/June^UM. & ft Mlwilw ell first Monday In December uoxl, otherwise •rill be iranled. tohtt Bilbo, Ihq. Ordinary for Chatham fourth day of June. 1860. JOHN BILBO, o, c. o. B UR8UANT to an order of tho Honorablu tho Court of Ordinary of Chatham County, possotl »term, 1868. will be Mold, on tho Ant Tuesday In August next, beforo tho Court Hotuo door iu said oounty or Chatham, hetwoen the logal hours of sale, the following property,'to wit.: Lou Noe. throo (8) and tour (4) Jbeing partoruarden lot No. nine (9). Spring mil, City of Savannah, fronting on Railroad street; also the following negro slaves: .lack, rotor, Alexander and 8arab. Sold as thu proporty or tho •state of Samuel Ur Itnu, latoofsald county, deceased, for the benefit of the holrs and creditors or said ea- lute. HICUARD WAYNE, Admlnlslrator do bonis non. ou jo4 Estate of 8amuol Grimn, C HATHAM COUNTY.—Ita all Whohi It may con cern : Whereas, the cstato of Joremtah Mc Donald lies unrepresented In couscqu'enco of tho death of Nathan Brew ton, tho oxcoutor, ami unless some lit and compotout person applies for tho ad ministration of said estate, with tho will annexed, I shall appoint Jamos Wilkinson, or somo other lit and proper person, administrator with the will an nexed do bonas non, on said estate: These are, therefore, to clto and admonish all whom U may concern, to bo aud appear bolbre said Court to inako ohloction (if any they have) on or bofore the first Monday In August noxt. Witness, William l<oe, Esq., Ordinary for the county or Bullooh, this 12th dajr ofJuno, 1866. te!6 WILLIAM LEE, o. c. o. . v .,FnunVt JP . oxmtaU AnvxKTtmht •■•wjirAMtiv aiIiwt, Boston, New. York, Ft*. ata, and Baltimore. JAMKH U. rlMbHS. UKALEIt AND IMI’OIITEII OF Wn.ctira, Jewelrj’jjjllvri- W.m, (fan- no. 12, south 2i» enunw, nuunKU-Hit. septa , ~ • , iy IVBLBON SWEK/.F.V, DESIGN EH AND SCULPTOR IN MARBLE. Ibrnor Aslor 1'lnco and 4th Avenue, IN OIXMK WtOXIMITT TO TUX AiTTUK I.IIIKAKY AM) T1IK NKW H1HUC UOUSN, NKW YORK. mHR most cxUmalvo variety and the largest 1 stock of Mouumouts, Tombs, Head Stoma, Ac., luAtneriua, can bo (bund at tills u.'tablDlmtont, from plain to tho most elaborate and oruutu iu design und workmanship. In addiliou to the stock always ou hand, a great variety of drawings, appropriate and original may bolbund, from which work will bo ex ecuted promptly to order. Ordors fnlllilutiy executed, and shipped to any point available by water or steam. Persons visiting the city of .Now York on ploasuro or business ato roapocUhtty Invited to visit this or tablishmout. ocUi VIRGINIA SPRINGS! SOUTH-SIDE, RICHMOND k DANVILLE, A Virginia A Tonitcsscv OiVDB. tfrunt t). piMKCK’s AOVKUTIMMI AOKNOV, rtlttJUiKM’tlta. PA- Authorised Agent for tho Envunimh Journal. iiiuiliSd’il PX'ISHS®" IWfifiS-WuJoir WITH .UUVt,^ —a— or GBORG1A, B ULLOCH count Y.—To all whom It may con- oan: Wberaaa, Aaa Johuxoa will apply at lha t« Ordinary for aald county, for lotion oTad* ■lolxuauoa, wlih Ut* wUl annoxod, oo tho oouto of Mary WUllaau, lato ofaald ooumy, deccued: lban an, theroforo, to dto aid admoalih all abom tt mar ooocora, tab* aad appear befbro laid Ooartto make ohjactloo (If any they ban) oo or DothroiMInt Monday la Aufuat doxi, olhtrwlxa ■aldlaaan will h* (ranted. Wltaaaa, WUUam boa, Ba,., Ordinary tar Bullooh aoj^thaaothdayaf ^ , e wlCtiUUIA, lilUKHTY COUNTY. f|V> aa whom U stay concern: Whereas, Mrs 8a- ■ ran J Jones, Admlntitralrjc upon the estate of /Case N Jones, late of liberty county, deceased, will apply to the Court of Ordinary of said county rb TbMearethS3br{ioetteand admonish all whom It may oonoern, to be and appear before said court, I* mas* oblectioax, IT any they have, in terms of lb* law. otherwise said letters will be granted. Wltnea. W P Garldeau, Ordinary for Liberty BTAT^ OF GEORGIA, K UIIjOCH COUNTY.—To all whom It may con vent: whereas, Joe lab Davis will apply at the ri d Ordinary for tetters of administration oo Iba estate of Henry Davis, late of said county, de ltaic of Georgia, Bulloch County. A DMlNISTRATOKa' 8AI.E,—By virtue ef an or- der from tho honorablu Court of Ordinary of ■Sid county, passed on tho Urst Monday in Juno, will be sold at tho court houso door or said county, botwecu tho lawful hours or sale, on tho first Tues day In Augusta One tract of loud, containing ouo hundred and fifty acres, In said county, on tbo Ca- noocheo river; also, a part of four other uurvoyu, containing six hundred and thirty-two ncrcs, on Cu- nooehee river, well Improved and lu good roimir, consisting of swamp, bay aud pine laud. Sold as the property of Nathan Urowton, deceased, fur tho benefit orthe heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of aalo. BENJAMIN BREWTON, \ AlU , lVa SIMON J. BREWTON, f AU4u r3> June 2d, I860 ' Jel6 Itate of Georgia, Bulloch County. A DMINISTRATOR? SALE.—Will bo sold, on tho JK first Tuesday in August next, before tbs court house In Statesboro 1 , in said county, under an order of the Court or Ordinary, Fifty-four (64) acrca of Pine Land, granted to James Deal, and bpundett by lands of James Woods, William Alton and Elmoro Manes, belongisg to tho estate of Jamea Deal, for the benefit of tho heirs and creditors of said cstato. Terms made known ou tho day orsalo. MARTHA DEAL, 1 Adra’x. CALVIN DEAL. fAdm’r. June 12th, 1866 . _ _ _ Jo 16 WAYIVB CO^ «A., JULY 23th. 1830. T HE public aro warned that from this duto I will pay no drafts made by S. O. Bryan k Co., as no such firm exist. From.tbls date tbo business will be continued on my own accouut. aug 2—lm SAMUEL O; BllYAN. GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY: O N tho first Monday in August next. I will apply to the Ordinary of Chatham county Tor leave to sell the negro slavos beouglug to tho estate or Clara A* Ogilbay, deceased, lor the bouefit of tho holrs and credit >ra of said estate. Juno 4 JAMES A. LaROCHE, Adm»r. whom » may concern! are, taerefore. to cite and admonish nil may concern, to be and appear bofore said J make objection (ITany they have) on or t&t first Monday la August next, otherwise lion will bo granted. WILIJAM LEE, o. o. e. MaTB OF GKORG1A. B ULLOCH COUNTY.—To all whom It may con- eora: Wberoas, Goaerai B Mlkell, will apply Mtnoumrt of Ordinary tor letters of administration with to* will annexed, on the estate of Martha Groover, late of said conaty, deceased: Tbsso aro, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom » mar oonoern. to bo and appear beforo said Count* make objection (if any they have) on or bolbre tao first Monday la Soptomber next, other wise said totters will be granted. WRaeao, William Leo, Esq., Ordinary for Bulloch oounty. into Slat day of July, I860. Sn WILLIAM LEE, o. s. c. ttBUBQlA, CAMDEN COUNTY. mWO MONTHS after date, application will be X maoo to the Honorable Court of Ordinary for A oounty* tor teavo to sell the following named nsgrooa; sums and her throe children, Irene, Mi lls sad 400: belonging to the estate of Louisa Tomp- Mas, deceased, for the benefit of said heirs. WILLIAM B. THOMAS, Guardian. JeObrsoatoo. June 10, 1888. June 30 ‘ 1 ciLYNIf KHkHUFFg IALU, \W7UAt — sold before the Court House intheclty Ff oi Brunswick, oounty of Glynn, on the first Taesday m August neat, between the legal hours of •ate, the totlowisg property, to wit: Onelotorparool of laid sonata, lying and being In the city of Bruns wick, In tas county of Glynn, state of Ua., known aad alsUflgmsbed lu the plan or said elty as Old Town Lot, numeer two hundred and fiftr-threo, and the tmprovemeste thereon; levied on by virtue of a ft to 1stooo out of tho City Court of Savannnab, In the county oi Chatham, In favor of Beniamin C Frank- Ha vs Charles E Slanders. Property pointed out by plaintNT JyS M. 0. B. WRIGHT, a a. e. GEORGIA, SCSEOCH COUNTY. S IXTY davs after date, application will be made to ins Honorable Court or Orinary of Bulloch county, nor leave to sell all the lands belongieg to the estate or Thomas Crosby, late of said county, dceeaaog. for the benefit or the heirs aud creditors of sate eetatai JylS WILLIAM F. CROSBY, Adm’r. OIVORClfi. Elisabeth Cowley V In Codec Superior Court, vs. ‘ > May Term, 1856: John Cowley, j tt appearing to tne Coirt from the Roturn of the Sheriff, that the defendant John Cowley, Is not to be found in Coffee County, and it further appesrB that be is not in the State. On motion ot Wm. R. Oaulding, Attorney for libelant, It is ordered that MrvloebbMrftcte* on said defendant br a publi cation of this order in one of the public Journals in Savannah, once a month for three months proceed ing the next termor this Court, requiring said de fendant to appear at tho next term of Coffee Su perior Court (nNovembor next,and file his defensive fdtgtlton to said Court. Atrfit extract of tho mluules of Coffee Superior Court. ARCH’D MeLEAN, Deputy Clerk. "Atgfi&m. - LtUfiCIj FOR DlVOllCK. Blmbelh Cauly 1 Tn Coffee Suporior Court, (oha’liair. J TT appearing to ihe Court, from the return ot the X sheriff, that the defendant, John Cauly is not to be found In Coffee county, and be is not in the stute; mi motion of Wm B Oaulding, attorney for libellant, It to ordered that service be perfected on said de fendant by a publication of this order in one or the pubUe Journals ot Savannah, once a month for fibre* months preceding the noxt term ot this Court, rsusirlng said defendant to appear at the next term ofOofbe Superior Court, ia the mouth of Novem ber next, and file his defensive allegation to the ^Atrue extract from the minutes of tho Superior Court. * • M .'V WTD ABHLEY, Clerk, UBS W»R DIVORCE, ■TATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM CO. fTIHE undersigned have formed a Co-partnership X under the Aot of tho General Assembly of tho 8tate of Georgia, entitled “An Act to authorizo Limited Partnerships,” assented to the twenty-se cond day of December, In the year 18b7; to be con ducted under the name ofCarlEpping, for tbo pur pose of transacting a Commission and Genera) Mer cantile business In tho elty of Savnnnah and Slate of Georgia. Carl Epplngt or Savannah, will be tho general partner, and George IV Germany, of Savannah, who has contributed Fifty Tbouaaud Dollars, iu cash, to tho common stock, will be special partner. The JuainoM tocommouco the first day of August, In the y«ar eighteen hundred and flfty-slx, and to terminate on tne first day or August oightoon fifty- nine. In witness whereof, tho said Carl Epplng aud Georgo W. Germany have hereunto signed the foregoing agreement, this thirty-first day of July, CARL KPP1NG. G. W: GARMANY. Ansar: MONTGOMERY Cl'MMlNU, J. I. C. C. C. august 1—ttw 49" The Milledgevilie Recorder, will publish six weeks. 4’ tyTHi ■fti NOTICE. - • - arsons having domands agalust tho ostato Ichard F. Williams, late or Chatham cotiu- .. teceased, are horoby notified to presout them within the time presoribod bylaw lo the subscri ber ; and all indobtod to the said estate are request ed to make immediate payment to M. B. M1LLEN, Administrator do bonis non. March 25—6 w ltwtJy21—Jo 7 NOTICE. O NE moutli after date, application will bo maae to the Bank oT the Stato of Georgia, for tho payment of a Twenty Dollur Note on tho said Baidc, (No. 42.) tho right hand half of which has been li«t One lnontn alter date application will be tnado to tho Marine Bank or Goorgia for tbo payment or a Twenty Dollar Noto, (No. 884) on said /tank, tho right band hair of which has been lost. ly®—taw—4w WM.ttHlGirr. Villa Kica. July 8,1860. ARRANGEMENT. Shortest, most comTortablo and most expeilitiouH Route to the VIRGINIA SPRINGS t THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. And Baggage Chocked Through, oxccpt oil Stages. Visitors to thoVirginlnla Sprliigs by this roulo, take the South-Side Railroad ears ut l'eturrihurg, or tho Richmond aud Dauvilto curs at Riclimuml, ut 0 A. M., dolly, (Sundays excopiod,) arrlvo at Lynch- tiurg to dinner, and thouco, via tho Virginia and TOnnossec Railroad, reach Bonsack’s Dcjwtat a 1-4, and Salem at 4 P. M., and nt oitlior place take Kent* Suutmei'soii Ji t'o’n Flint Lino ot* Stage* f Those via Bousack's lodge at Fiucostlc, dine at tho Rod Sweot, or Sweet Springs, aud arrlvo at tbo Whito Sulphur Springs, (17 miles) early ou tho evening of tho second dny from Petcroburg, or Rich mond, without NIGHT TRAVEL, and with but 04 miles of Staging. Or by tho Salem route*, stop ull night nt tho Koauoko Rod Sulphur Springs, (10 miles distant from Salom,) dine at the Hud Sweet, or Sweet Springs, and arrlvo at tho While Sulphur Spriugs ou tho evening of the following day. Tho Virginia & Tennessee Railroad Is located through n most romautie country, possessing a cli mate unsurpassed for its salubrity aud delightful poruturo. Tho road passes tho baso of tin* PEAKS OF OTTER! And within three miles of the Alleghany Springs, one mile of tho Moutgotncry Whito sulphur Springs, and within four miles or tho Yellow Sulphur Spriugs; all pleusuutly situated n few miles apart, ou the Eastern slope of tho Alleghany mouutolu, lu Mont gornury county. Tho waters or those Springs are cclcbrutcd for their great medicinal qualities, tbo ac commodations aro cxcollcnt, aud liuvo been greatly Increased sinco last season. ^-Visitors to tho Rod Sulphur Springs take Kent, Summuraon k C'o'h Stages at Nowhcru Depot, uu the even lug of tho day that they leuvo Peters burg or RicUmoud, and arrlvo at tho Springs on the following day to dlnuor, and Salt Sulphur Springs early In the oveniug of the second day from Rich mond or Petersburg. Tho Road from Nowberu Depot to tbo Red Sul phur Springs, (88 miles,) bos been gradod uni greatly improved sinco lust season, and is now re garded asuiio of tho boat turnpikes in tho moun tains. Tho Hue of Telegraph from Richmond will be com pleted und In operation to tho Mootgomcry White Sulphur Springs early in June. Passengers to Kuoxvillo, Tennessee, take Kent, Summersou k Go’s stages at tho Western terminus of tho Virginia k Tonno.-seo Railroad, now 180 miles from Lynchburg (anil being oxteudod Westward at tbo rate of 8 miles per month) to the Eastern termi nus of tho East Tennessee and Yirgiuia Railroad, and arrlvo at Kuoxvillo in 21-2 days from Peters burg or Richmond. Pure from Petersburg or Uiebmoud. To Red Sweet, or Sweot Springs via Bonsack’s,$10 00 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Saicm.... 10 60 “ Whito Sulphur Springs •• Bonsack’s 11 00 “ “ “ “ “ Salem..,. 11 60 “KodSifipher Spriugs 12 26 “ Alleghany Springs 8 00 “ Montgomery White Sulphur Springs 8 25 “ Yellow Sulphur Springs.. 8 45 “ Knoxville, Tenuesseo 23 00 NoTK.—'i'ha chnrgo for tickets to the Allcghuny Springs, Montgomery Whito Sulphur and Yellow Sulphur Spriugs, does not include the charge from tho Haiti end to the tipi mga. Passengers ler tho Al leghauy Springs, (4 miles distant.) take tickets to Shawsvilie—for Montgomery While Sulphur, (l mile distant by a brauclt Railroad,) take tickets to Big Tunnel aud for llio Yolluw Sulphur, (4 miles dis tant,) tako tickets to Ciirislinn-burg du|K)t. Con veyances will bo found nt tlnwo places. For further Information apply to K. A. GOODWIN, Ticket Agent S. S. R. R., Petersburg. CHARLES CAMPBELL, Sup't Richmond A: Dunvitlo R. R., Richmond. NK.WLY i«WU!T«l> AT ,T!U; SAVANNAH JOURNAL, BOOK & JOB OFFICE. Mehilmnt*’eliu' bp supplied at short itetlce wlih Hlll-lVcnds, Bills off lintlltiB* Deny Books, CIuiiiIni a, CJortL . nnil Blniik Hook** . Particular attmititm "givenBOOK AND PAM PHLET HUNTING, such as Catalogues Ter OollogCH, I'rocccdUigs of Meetings. ltepurLs, lly-Laws, etc. Tliankfid for the very liberal palronuge iiuretolrrc received, wo respectfully solicit a contitiuaqcb oi tho Slime, feeling that we shall be able to please all who may favor us with a call, Imth a« to prices aud execution of work. NOTICE ‘Id MAHlNEiVs. mi(B buoys ut St. Simons Inlet aud Sound have X boon arranged in tlie following munner : tinier Bn.• Bu-.y I- a large ilrsi clurts null, | aimed red, with the No 2 in white—is placed is twenty fuel water ut low ti'ie, ami must be it-lt oil the star board lmml entering. hTSiimiiia Licht I tears N W by W y A W. North 1 Stint of .lokyl W by N N. Middle Buoy—is a laVge second elie-s nun, paint ed black, with No J lu white—is placed in sixteen reel water nt low title, on tho Ton.turn edge of the Middle Ground, und uiu.-d ho left on the |sjrt hand entering. Ft Simons Light bears X W by W U W. North point of Joky l W Tty N. Inner Buoy—is a second class uuu, painted black, with tho No 3 in white—Is pi mod in twenty-ono led water at low tide, on tiio point nt shoal riiuniiig off from .lekyl Island, und must he left on tho |>ort hand entering. HI Simons Light bears N V. by N N. North point Joky IW Ity 8 S. In llic Sound is the Ixtwer Middle Ground which is UM*i:ond class mm, paintoti with red black horizontal drlpi"—is placed in twelve feel * REMEDY lousands upon tboc^aiiM 'owtoC-itioof i/ra, Having rd’olved tho Prize Medal at thu World’KTlilr, hfonow offered to Htb public as llio lYiw? Ktfo of the World. Tested aud approved iwithuy have been every- whore, their erowulng victory • wiu ruserved to ho awarded by tlioJurh^uftlio World’sF.tlr. Tiio proprietor placed One TUousuml Iktllars iu (Sold lu tho one oxulblted at thu World’s Fair, l/>n- dou, and Invited all tho I’lck-Ltlcks iu the world to opeuthoFafo, with or without llio keys*, and take tho money an a reward for their ingemilty ; ultlimigh oporated upou by several skilled In the art,, no one could Pick tho Lock or open the Bulb. By nu Improvement upon the original auluntumlcr, introduced by tho presout owuer of tho patent-right, ilia interior Is rendered wholly Impervious to damp, und books, |tapurs aud Jewelry talgltt bo preserved lu one of Ids safes for a century without contracting n blemish from tuuuid or milldew. To guard against countorfelti every tfafu from tbo nmmiliiclory of the subsprlltor, and sold tty him or ids agents, lias u brass plate in front, bearing bis name; each Is also furnished with one of his Im proved Tlilof Detecting I/tcks, which is a good guar antee nguinst robbery. 8. C. HEUIUNG vk CO., Nos. 106,137 and 139 Water-sl.. N. Y. Agents in Fuvannuh, Messrs. DELL k. PRENTIS8, who keop constantly ou hand a full und comploto assorlment, wlilch they will sell at Manufacturers’ prices. J»«PW8_ LOCAL KVIDI'INCE OF THE VALUE AND F1RE- i*K0or yt’.ujTim op WINDER’S SALAMANDER SAFES, As Mnnufariuird by mams\e Marvin, A'mlorlt. In tliu Oro or llio Uil insl.. which consum ed tho brick bulldlog occupied Ity Mr. Jno. *f. Thomas, opposite the Gas'Works, iu lids city, was a safe ol tho above dencriptiuus containing the books, jiapcrs, aud money of Mr. Thomas, und although the building >vus detroyed, tho said Safe sustained no Injury whatever from the intense heat lo which it hud been exposed. On open ing tho 8afo, tho couleuU woro fimml uudisturbed. and in tho snmo order and condition us when placed there, cxcopt n slight discoloration to the projecting ends of a few papers, und tho backs of one or two of tbs books, caused by tho steam generated iu tbo Safo, while ut Its greatest heat. The 8afu aud coutcuts, as it came from the ruins, may still bo scou, in Uto |KMses.siou of Mr. Tltomii;*, at tbo Gas Works. A largo assortment of these ceio- bratod Safes always ojt hand,and for sale by C. JI. CAMPFIEIJ), Agcut for tho Manufacturers, July 20, l$55. 171 Bsy-fct., Suvnmmli, (fa. j r | in r. ouoys at si. Andrew’s inlet and Sound have , 1 tako ploasuro in corroborating the foregoing ktato-I X boon arranged m tho folfowing manner: ! their superiority over all other preparations for tnuut, aud lu addition would add, that tuu hooka arc • liar Duny—u a accoud classcau, painted ml, with ' such complaints us tho proprietor recommends, now In use. J. 1. THOMAS. ; the No 2 in white—i.-; placi d hi sixteen water at low | Numerous preparations of Sarsaparilla andofBuchu Wood \ard, terry Mlutrl. j tide, and mind he left on Hie starboard hum! enter- ' *• * * - oct6— 1 tf i ht£. Lillie C’umlmi land Light bears W by W •£ N. • South point of .lekyl N W by W. "GBNL_ llalmboldte lVlghly iNtund Fluid Bxtrwrv . ... ISA CERTAIN, BAKE, AND EFFECTUAL V 1 .MHI Discuses of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, I Drottsy, Weakness, Secret UUesses, Obstruc- liens, I'cmale Oora|ihUnts, and all diseases oT the puxual Organs, whether In r ' MAIJB OR FKMAlaE. drum wlmiovur cause they may have ortahutad, and NO MA1TER OF HOW I-ONG STANDING, I liia itopular and spocilio remedy is now offered to the a filleted, aud guaranteed to cure all the above complaints. 11 searches out tbo tory root of Uto <1 incase, driving out all 1)10 diseased fluids of the body, thus removing the cause and rendering the ‘ 5 " r ' , CERTAIN AND PERMANENT. •IIiIh medicine allays wain and Inflammation, which other remedies Invariably cause, and can be taken with less trouble and expense to patient*. Thla In fallible remedy lias saved thor from the hands of „ Mtn MERCILESS QUACKS, if not from premature graves. In cases of Infection the Compound Buchuls the only article worthy of the Uwt confidence of Uto afflicted In perfortumg SAFE CURES. . it contains no narcotic, mercury, or other injurious i drug, but la purely a Vegetable OompotiUon. tt is very agreeable to llio taste, creates uo percepUble odor, ami may bo taken by persona of either sex wiUiout hindrance from business or medical advice, iui plain ilirections for uso accompany tho medicine. Beailor, if you havo any ortho above complaints, do not neglect thorn, DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. With this medicine you can cure yourself, und thus prevent all oxposure. TRUTH MUST AND WILL PREVAIL. This medicine speedily and eflbotually cure* the most virulent form of secret diseases, and eradicates itimv l uvery particle or Infectious matter from tbo systant, 5 li:' ,h0 Clth usm Sim! 1 felffiS!!! HUmboW* Highly Co»e.»trat*d Gam- iK “ I 1 Nonl' 3or IcfbvHaS V oul,d FlnldTKxtrael Saraaparllla. liT iv s ,/ < J url " 1 ol ,s, "“ d • For purifying tho Blood, removing aU disease* art- - Hing from excess or Mercury, exposure aud Im prudence in life, chronic constitutional disoases, arising from an impure stato ef Blood, and the ouly reliable and effectual known remedy for Uu cure of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ulcer ation* of tho Thfoat and Lop, Pains and Sw*iuuigs of tlm Bones, Tetter, Pimples ou tho Face, and all Scaly Eruptions of tho “ ‘.Hyir D *' W ‘ V tanJBI 1 wtonswaaaBSS 1 ®' and Usd attention from the Pronriilr UalUlrnn. HUpnoki la SStSSEJS* Cancer, for the past ton y^rTu IS. 0 any Physician In the South. H'V** 4 b ) S*dKa r ^” U ’ or *“ • d 2fr Uo w -" ° Orimn, Blown, for «afo by |., M f -^-wm-iriSS fau.V * u, Irannlatad by Bcoyle. 1 u> “ **»*., uSrS?l!,’*cSh! p '■ ,,Uf^, " al ‘ , ' ,,ew "IW b u bSsr."““ i H£j v ,7;» or u,, - qi ' c - i,h w **.».«, ThcAllacbl la Madrid. Romance of the Harom, by Mix, ISffli Baebel Gray, by Jolla kavaeaiigb. ' , Karneal IJnefead, by Mrs. Ixe Meau. ' ■"» W.TilOHh’yWnjJuu. T U8T HECEIVEO—ao boxes sfiJE; jj prime article, 20 tierces choice TiS?' Hams. In store, aud for sale by iu>fab«., WAYKK, t tt AJKW CKOP CUBA JiuCAbaKrfi~^ 10 of tbo Abbott Bevercaur, IWaafeIn Iota to,oil purchaser#,^hy 1 “'* tw KOIkiers « Middle Mldfik* Ground Buoy—is a .-ecou*l v.hvs , mm, painted red, with No i iu while—is placed in olgh'fi-n fed water ut low title, amir tho elbow ol thu Middle Ground, aud nimt be loft ou Ihe t-btr- board hand entering. North point nl'.lckj I bars X i K Ja K. Brunswick poinl W by ri. Upper Middle Grtnmil Buoy—is a Mtcond clttsu j mm, painted rod, with tliu No 0 iu white—b placed | Tl in 18 feet water ul low lido, near the upper end ol. . tbo Middle Ground, and must bo left on tbo star-! *7 W SlnlriJWoSs'^K l """ " '&.!!%^cxM{^^te?!5Jff5L£rf ^Noiit—iiirnunieir in ior imp i.i in.r ii... i Uto United Stales, and have given to (taUent and S'iHSSSi liv order of tbo l iebt lion m* Iiour.i nnd unequivocal satisfaction, and produced the moat c” MANiciAiii'rMOHHu salutary and bonoflclal offecta, Numerous letters j c .»« tf i.‘jl lnsnector utb 11 trici i ,m vo been received from the most distinguished • • - I-(A,A. l - !• physicians in the country, aud from the professors T t..-. . JIARINERS. or several medical colleges, recommending tp the Hr. buoys ut hi. Audrow s Inlet and Bound have , highest terms tho value of these medicines, j |l,'.|lll 111 vntn/<.it It, tin. IWII.itt-iti.. Illn..liaa . 1 al.T.I.. I I... — .11 .tt... — _~.l — utU'ying to the proprietor of these modictnes o to state that It is now nearly three rears ■ *»***,*/ iw Ga)<i ca, hi uin iriuu generally, his sincere thanks for tl age and Influence, which has rouu hta trade to all parts of the State WAREHOU8K, 140 Oongrett and 67 SL Julien tor'*, mHB UNDERSIGNED would take thU o„>, for their libera; til , resulted iuoxtia.... t part, of UicKuw. Abo, norlda, Alabama and Inrnw, UwrMw iSC him to exhibit a atock uosurpwd {„ U J “i '-', d ?amlUM, Morcbauu, Hotel Keepers, ,m m. boat Owaan uo parUciUarly luvliej to qukv-1 praieat atock, which la pow complete m i, ’ parlous department*, couslBUog to put ottheiiS mg goods, vis: CARPXI DEPARTMENT. Royal Medalloo, EngiUli Drugset* ua , Royal Yalvet, rious wM&T ( u Mooet WUtoQ, Mosaic Hearth Ku- Velvet and CbetdliV’f; & Tulted Reft,', 4 Plane ane table Ceveo g“rllaMevcryvtmi) Silver k Brass sub R.; TapoBtry Rruasols, twer Loom **— Brussels, Ingrain, VOTIOR. TflHRIEE months after data application will be made X to tne Marine Bank of Savannah, for tho pay* meat ot two Twonty dollar bills, vis.: lettor B, 8070, and letter U. 697, tne left halves of which havo bcon loat. waIIES I*. HUDSON. Tallahassee. Fla., May 17, 1866 3m» my20 NOTICE. S IXTY days after data, application will bo made to tse Honorable the Ordinary of McIntosh oounty, tor leavo to sell the real estato*, being in this county, of thu late James Smith, known as Stdop (nee) Plantation sold for tho benefit of tiio heirs of said estate. DEAN M. DUNWOODY,) ’ JOHN JON©, J-Kx’ors. JOHN F. DUNWOODY, J Darien, .mly 1,1866. Jy2 NOTICE. O NE MONTH utter date, application will be maae to the Statu Bunk or Georgia, for pay ment of a twenty dollar bill, the left baud half or which has boon lost. Juljl JOHN D. KENEDY. Midway, Alabama, July 1, 1656. NOTICBt A -LL persuus having claims against tiio eetate of Evan Jones, lato of Charlton county, Ga., de ceased, are requested to present them, iu terms of law. and those-indebted will please make payment to tbo subscriber. STEPHEN McCALL, Executor. Centrovillago, Ga., June 14th, 1856 Jo22 NOTICE. K Wilkinson, \ Ihoa. WBklaaoo.f , bSV’ r Court, In IJberty Superior Cc May Term, 1868. j Court, by the return of the \ In the above stated case, (hat the defend- .... be found In the county, and that he is nsttoto*found In the stats; oo moUonof Wm B Sanldeo, eounssl for Ubsllant, U is ordered that ser- rta* ba parf«M<l oo aaM dofaodaat, by a pubUe*. BoacC IbUMUe* coco a moulh for three mouth*, ■axt nraeadlox tbaaait tcrmoluld Buparior Court, raartnu aauTttftwlaat lo b* and appear at tho aaxt term or Liberty Superior ^TMaxbLl from tbo mloota, of laid Superior U * rt ' H. A. rRJBPt, Clark, AXH BROWN I h! BROWN. Bulloch Supaolor Court, March Term, 1866. to tbs Court. by the return of the X the ,defendant^William B Bro "d Jn ths county of Bulloch; on firm, Attorney for Ihs plsintt i.dsfondaiil do appear andfite —Jve allegation, on or bffoto the sext term of this Court, and thst ^jLtras Mttract from th* minutes, this 29d day of DAV» BEASLEY, OSS as, 'ILL be sold, between tho usual hours of sale, on tbo first Tuesday In August next, before the: court house door In Trader’s Hill, Charlton county, Ga.. Two negro men, (Dick and Tom)—be longing to the cstato of Evan Jones, lato of said county, deceased. Sold under provision of tho will and by order or tho houorcblo Ordinary of said county. STEPHEN McCAU*. Kx’r. Ucntrevillsgo, Ga., Juno 14th, 1866 _ jo22 BROUGHT TO JAJL. Brought to jail in Swaiusboro, Emauuol Co., ou the 4th Instant, a negro man; he says ids name la Harry; that ho belongs to tho ostato *ol Thomas Clay, or Bryan County, Gu. Ho is jht complexion, with a slight scar over tho left eye; about 6 fuel 3)( inches in height, and about 26 years old. Tho owner iu requested lo come forward, pay charges and tuko him away, as ho will be dealt with m tbo law directs. HENRY OVERSTREET, |JeO Jaior. •fe B W? out / lLttan Aon of light cc REMOVAL,. Tlia subscriber has Removed on the Bay, next door to the Ropublicani ofiice, where lie is uow opening a handsome assortment or SPRING HUMMER GOODS, which he will sell by tho trn or mako to order in tbo most Tashionablo style. Also, Ready Made Clothing for the present and coming season. Thankful for post fevers, he hopes to merit a con tinuance of the same. N. B.—Cutting, Altering and Repairing dono at the shortest notice. Just received White Drill Coats and Pauls, Whito and Figured Marseille* Veata, for sale at a small pro- Sprl2 JOHNW. KELLY, j DllAPHR AND TAUjOR* JEFFERSON STREET NEAR BROUGHTON. Tbs subscriber takos this opportunity *44 to Inform his friends and the public, that ‘ha la enablsd, from experience, ana the (U ^Intuitive perceptions of the truths of..*UB. •cltuce. based on thu common rules of survoying ~ 1, both plane and spherical, to out and mako up , enta to fit the human form In the most completo 1 finished style, to all who may favor him with a tars' fenoy dresses, Ball ooatumes, Military and bmen’s Uniforms, ho., feo. j P. HORACE GRANT, 0 7 ° 1 y* °°* door NorUl 01 Brou * 1| h» street. July 26Ut, 1855. Middlo.Bnoy-.i-i a second class can, painted red, with the No 4 In while—Is placed lu nineteen feel water at low ttdo, near the High North Breakers, ,.._ r , end must ho left on the siurhout d iinnd eutei ing. Btrua in succesBive operation to take up the extrac- Utmuand Light beara W Ity N *4 N. Feutli point 01 live matters, and, iu consequence, are most fra- mHB Subscriber grateful to his friends and i,? u Vr Buov-G u t-econd c1r-s cm miuirn 1,1,improperly made, and not unfrequenUy I patrons for their continual favor., would state with v 0 l Vn white n 2 i ’..IS v L* U .- k J! , m 1,: that in addition to tho improvements in DYING, uo iLiorto lovi tldo i^r. H e ^ I l ^ u . dl ,' l by him during his last visit to Inland and i SKASS 'Sfru u 15 W ?. u „ a l u DYING AND RKNOVAT1NG ESTABLISHMENT, 73 YOKE STREET, NEAR TIIE COCRT HOCSK, SAVANNAH, GA., EatnbllMhvd In 1SU2. I1HB Subscriber gratefol to his friends and uuu ; quiroil by him during his lu^t visit to ICflglaud aud Scotlaml, has made arrangementa ler exto " *' business, by which ho U new enabled greater variety ol‘colors 011 slik and wooloi , shawls, &o., which he trusts will generally ple;iso ; ---••• all who may favor him with their patronage. I '.X, t., LHl i' l n , b ?' ? .' , ; nziJ *“‘*» Guutiemcn’a gormeutsdyed, cleaned m- renovated i ‘„„luu,f-ihuai riinulnV ilownVroiit'tliP eJn! 1 [ Vu-'* 1 as may bo required, in theHamos.qtcrlor style which | Ej? l u l;lTh. has generally so mtieii please friends. Table Covers, and ImUt-a’ Crape sunvw, x«., «.• » w cleaned aud finished iu tho first slyJ't. i "iif!*.*- !.♦ n„. l.,ii». Lailioa’ Bunuots dyail, blood,oil aid |.vo»:o,l 'i ....!“ 1 Vuiin hSS S“iT" 1 ',' ia mncl C,i-l,l/,.,nh1n stvlnu * [ OllHi- UtH, pailltOd blUCk, Witll N«t 3 ill WllilC—in ana various modes of preparing them have given, all of which of course will differ according to tho mode or preparation which each individual may udopt. , . , , . The.-o medicines require considerable care In the water ut low ttdo, near the High North Breakers,; nrcpurutiou und the employment of different men- and must ho left on Hi * • ' - • - — - . Ired, if not rendered totally inert, by tho injudicious and unskilful management or those unac quainted with pharmaceutical preparations. *1 is tho most fliehlonnblo stylos. Orders frofii tho country promptly uUouded *o. Terms modvrato. When parcels ore seal by steamboats or railroad, word should bo sent him by ictlor ihrougli tho post ofllco, so that he may knew where to coll for them, incit 10 ALEXANDER GALLOWAY. HEiriTZELMAKiVK ESSENCE OP JAMAICA GiNGEIl. T HE distinguished favor with which tills tvseaeo has boon received throughout all sections oi tho Union as a remedy ut once safe, agreeable and clfectual for Incipient Diarrluea, Cholera Morbus, Weak nnd i elaxed Bowel-*, I'rodrnlion by liuut or fatigue, Dyspepsia, Flatulence, Colic, Cramp, l.un- guoror Debility from sedentary habits, Ac., lias in duced tho proprietor tn givolt every publicity in his power. Upon its merl in comment is unneco.-.sary, as its own intrinsic worth is Us beat oulogvn U car ries with it tho ovitience ef it * superior excellenco, freely attested hi by the young, liie old, and scores ot' families who, prompted Ity :t careful regard for tholr Health und comfort, are daily adopting it as nu i.vnm~NKAiit.K p.tstn.v UKSiKttv. Tlicro is perhaps no medicinal preparation extant ?o simplo and harm less, yot salutary atid ullbctlvo, whoso worth will he more appreciated or uulvorsnllv adopted Hiatt llio liquid Ginger prepared l*y ileintzeiman. For sale by J. K. DeV’oUD, Druggist. Jel0 3tn .Savannah, Ga. :iu<l ohviato the evil alluded to, Insve made a num ber of experiments to ascertain the most effectual mode or oxtractlug tho virtues of the Sarsaparilla and tho Buchu, aud to discover tho most eligible form for their exhibition. The experiments nave resulted most favorably, and it is with much pleas ure I now offer to the publln and the faculty my Compound Fluid Extracts, which contain all the vir- I v..„, |v>, uu*, n, »uu .»in,wuiic—is i tues uf tho articles they aro represented to bo made I Ju ton _ lli t u V ' v atot ut low tide, and mu.*t be j from In a highly concentrated form, mid are the moat licase.1 m*. lutHUH und , nuu not niUN to tho westward of it. nueberlaint lea* eum Stowl*. s«„ ' •4‘Jf'*™™ B by B tt K. Inner mini ,.r Jekyl x ! Power Three Twojpl _ . Wool Dutch, Carpets Biudicp, kc ’ CURTAIN AND UPHOLSTER YDKPa&m BrocatoUee. Lace and Muslin Qm ■ Batin d§ Dunes, GiUCorulces, Satin and Silk Damask, Gill Fins aud Bands Worsted and Cotton Damask, Tassels, lncUm Cords; Velvet and Plush of various color*; winj-.v Bhadee, new style. Also, evsry variotv of Furniture Covering, fr* mings and materials for decorating. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. From two to Twenty-four foot wide, for folia tin Rooms, cut to fit without a scam. The subscriber will oblige himself to m&ketbt . •ices on all description of goods as low uthem* quality can be purchased in any Northern city. *03" Carpets cut to Rooms and goods sent to u, part of the city free of charge. tar An experienced Upholster will utkLdtoiL making and laying of Carpets and Oil Cloths via desired. The decorative and curtaiu dtparttueu ii n charge of an Upholster of Bcknowledeedtaatu, ikilL W.H.GU10N, Agent OCtl8 140 Congress and 67 8L Julien-*v E. Jl. OUJ*,^ Sup’t V. k T. R. R., Lynchburg. KENT, SUMMEKSON k CO., iuyl3-3ut Fincastie, Virginia. CENTRAL RAILROAD. left ou the jwirt hand entering. Cmiibnlaud Light hears S Ity K. Outer point of .lekyl bears’N H. Noth.—In rumiing in lor .<t. Andrew’s Bar bring the Light to bear W by N }£ N, while in four fath oms water, 'litis hem lag as a course will take you up tu tho Bar Buoy, thi n haul off to Hie northward until Hu* Middle Buoy, No 4. is in range with Uto Light, (to avoid two pimps in a direct line, W ity N )■ N, between tin* two buoys.) whotl steer for it— passing it to the mnUiward. From this buoy a N W by W ‘i W omirse will bring you into tliu h’ound. By order of Hie Ught Hoiisofitoard. U. M AMU AULT MORRIS, Jt'28—if L. II. Inspector, 6th District. PITCHERS. O N nnd after Sunday, the 14th October, inst., and until forther nolice, tho Passenger Trains omuu Central Railroad will run os follows : BETWEEN SAVANNAII AND MACON. Leaves Savannah Daily at...5 a m and 12.16 )> ». Arrlvo in Macon “ “..2.16 p u " 1 am. Leave Macon “ “.11.46 am “ 9.80 pm. Arrive iu Savau’h “ “10.46 p m “ 7.20 a m ilKTWKKV SAVANNAH AND AUGCSTA. Leave Savannah '..12.16 p u and 8.80 p. m. Arrive in Augusta 8.45 r K “ 6.30 a m. Leave Augusta............6. am “ 4.80 pm Arrive in Savamiuh 1.80 r m “ 10.45 p UhTWKKN MACON AND ACQUBTA. Leave Macon 11.46 a m and 0.30 p m. Arrive iu Augusta 8.45 r u “ 6.80 a m. Leave Augusta 6. am “ 4.30 pm. Arrlvo In Macon 2.16 pm “ 1. 'a m. mrrwntN savannah, Mnjjnwxviujt k kato.xton. Leavo Savannah 6. am Arrlvo in MiUodgcvillo 2.45 p m. Leavo Macon 11 46 a m Arrive in Eulouton 6. pm. W. M. WADLEY Gon’l Supt. Savannah, Ga., Oct. 12, 1865. octl6. CHANGE Ok* 8CIIEDULE ONlm SOUTH WESTERN RAILROAD Over which passes tliu Great New York & Mew Orleans Mails, O N and alter Sunday, February 3d, 1850, two daily trains hutwuen Macon and Golumliiw, aud ouo between Macon aud Americas, Leave Macon at 2 a m, and 31* si; arrive at Golum- bus at 7 15 a m, and 1030 r m ; leave Columbus a* 416 am, and 1 30 p at;arrive at Macon at 10 54 a m, and 7 40 p m; leavo Mncon at 2 a m; arrlvo ut Amcri cus at 0 40 a m; leavo Amcricus at 2 20 p M; arrive ut Macon at 7 40 p m; making a complete connection be tween Montgomery, Alabama, and Augusta, Kings ville, Wilmington und Charleston; also, with Central Railroad Trains to Savuunali, Mlllcdgovillcaud Eaton tou, and With Macon and Weslorn trains to Atlanta Chattanooga, Nashville aud Kuoxvillo, Tcuu. At Columbus with Girard and Mobiio Uuilroau u. Euiaula, Ala., connecting dally at Americas with four horse Post Coaches to Tulluhasseo, Albany, Thonmsvlllo, Bainbrldge, &o., with tri-woukly hacks to Lumpkin, Cuthbcrt, Ao., at Fort Valley wlih bucks to Ferry, Hnynosvillo, IlawklnsviUo und Knoxville, Ga. Fasseugers for Amcriuus und points holow Fori Valley, should take tho 1216 r m train from Savan- null; und tho 6 pm train from Augusta, to uvoid de tention ut Macon. For oilier points on tho South- Western or Muscogeo Roads take cither train from Savanuab or Augusta. Passengers leaving Amcri cus at 2 20 p m will roach Columbus at 10 30 r m tiio sumo night, Pussougcrs from Columbus aud the West for Am- cricus, SouHi-wcatern Georgia or Florida, should take tho 130 p m train at Columbus, sleep at Fort Valloy, aud reach Amorlcus at 6 40 a m noxt morn ing. First class steamships louvu Savannah for New York on Wednesdays and Saturdays, and for Phila delphia on Wednesdays. Passage la the Cabin $25, Steerage 88. Faro from Montgomery to Savuunsh $14 00 “ Columbus “ “ lo 00 .“ Amorlcus “ “ 8 80 GEO. W. ADAMS, Sup’t. Macon, January 30tb, 1850. inuyl6 VmaiNIA CENTRAL R.ROAD. ■IURT8I ■IIIHT«1I •niRTmil T HAVE Ja»t recelTcd a large aaaortment of AlwhUaauu tiurnt 8hirta, or er.ry quality ami Wj*. aedaaferaly nmlo, wlih pullar* inaloU, order, will awo b* taken, aud ahlrta made tu unit asy particular ityln or laile or the wearer, call at thdSur Clothing Emporium, 147 ttiy elreot. $y ii wm. o. rmoK. HiAanES—SW Clide, puocheoni aad'bhll Hue- _ coredo, Barbodoea aud Haw Hotel' Winter Arrangement-Car* Starting foon liroad si. Heavy Rail nil thu way toGordonsvIllc. W HEN tho Potomac la .closed with ice this mute may bo relied on by passengers, to ou- suro tho connection going North or South. Tiio road is entirely rolaid with a superior T rail os for as Gordonsvlllo. During tho wiuter tho train will start from the old station, in Richmond, on Broad street, at 7tf a M., pass Gordonsvlllo at 11 a m., and arrlvo In Staunton at 826 p m. Down train Icavos .Staun ton at 0 40 a m, passes Gordonsviilo at 11 a m, aud arrive In Ricbmoud at 2.30 p m. Faro to Gordonsvlllo $2 no l . “ “ 6 oo | Both trains arrlvo in Gordonsvlllo in ample limo | to take tho train of tho Orango and Aioxaudria Rail, road. Persons who icavs Klchmand at 7)i a m., can Brooke Hall Female Seminary, MEDIA, DELAWARE CO., PA. MISS MARIA L. KAKTMANN, I’HixniMT. Tlii-i Seminary, located in Hie do- lighlful uii'i henlthy village of Media, thirteen mile? from riiiiudcinhiu, by Railroad, will he OPENED ON WEDNESDAY, Soptember 10th, 1S58. The commmlioutt huildlug, nowin process of erec tion, wlih all the modern improvements, will bo finished by the llret of August, und wi.l contain hucIi accommodations, both in point of taste aud comfort, as cannot fail to satisfy parents that while their daughters aro enjoying tho benefits of inuutul oul- ture, they have also the comforts ol a retlucd home. This institution is osmiili.Hit-tl with a view to aifoid to young tallies tho most perfect combination of ad vantages for tlm attainment of a thorough aud ac complished education, and uu pains or oxpen.-o will bo spared to render It Iti reality what It professes to bo. a scliool of Hupcrlur merit. Mbs Kastman, tho Principal, was ut tho head of a r chool in Now Eng land previous to her residence iu Pennsylvania, and for the lust six years has been known to the patrons of Aston Ridge Seminary, as prodding teacher in IhatinsUtr.tioii. Tbo Rt Rev. A. I’jlt.-r, Bblu-po.' tiio itioeivv of Pvnnsylvatiia. says:— “Miss M. J.. rta-'luuu, whu proposes lo open u Yount. 1 Julies' rtam.tmrv iu Media, Delaware Co., Pa., if* .September next, has been known to the sub scriber for several years past, lie has a very high .opinion of her capacity, c.filcUmcy aud devoteduos* as au educator. She has hud a large und success ful experience. The buildiug which is to be erected for her uso will contain every accommodation. Tho village aud surrounding country aro distinguished fir hua'tbfulm*.-*.-. and beauty, and tliu subscriber has confidence that parent.-, win* entrust their daughters to Miss Eiislnmu will have m» rt-a-ou to regret it.” Miss Eastman will ho uid<*d \>y an cliicietit corps of feacliers. Tho French language will bo taught aud «imkeu by a l'ari.'iiiu lady, residiug iu tbo family. The Latin, German, Rpanishaud Italian languages Will receive due attention. The Natural Ecleiices will ho taught, with the aid of a large and expensive apparatus. Tho Musical Depurtmoiit will bo under Hie charge ora lady eminently qualified to fill the situation; uml all preferring a tuu to teacher oh tlm Piano «r in hinging, can have the bottom of a Visiting Teacher from Philadelphia. Drawing aud PuiuUug will be underlie direction of a lady accomplished in tho art. Tho number of pupils Is limited to forty. TheTorms for Board aud Tuition In all tho brandi es oxccpt Music, uro 8150 per aesjlou of live mouths. Miss Kastumn has liberty lo retur to the following gontlomon:— Ht. Bov. A. Putter, D.D., and the Episcopal clergy Hon. F: Pierce, President of tiio United stales, lion. ». P. Clmso, Govurimr of O.iio. I PI Ion. N. U. Bilker, Ex-Governor of New Hamp shire. Hon. M. W. Tuppun, Al. V. from Now York. Rov. N. htem, of N'orrisfown, Pa. Rev. A. McLeod, Clearfield. Pa. Florae Butler, E-;q,, of Philadelphia. J. B. Okie, Esq., do. E. W. Clark, Esq., d(*. Georgo Wharton, Esq., do. * Christopher looser, Pottsvllle, Pa. Georgo Wyman, 81. Louis, Mo. Hon. P. C. Johnson, Washington, I). C. For ftirtlier iNirtlaulura, or tor circulars apply to tlm Principal, . Alta'S MARIA EASTMAN, JolO end 3m Media, Delaware Co, Pa. muomuALs, T)UTNAM’S Monthly Magazine for May. JL trank Leslie’s Gazette of Fa.-liiou:> for May, Blackwood's Edinburgh Roviow tor April.* RoccIvlmI atul lor salo by W A KNOCK k DAVIS, may 16 I6» Congress street. DOUBLE Wat ex* Pitchers, Some now aud beautiful designs, Plated uml Brlta- nia. At the H.iu-o Furuishhig Store, 156 1 SR< )UGHT( ,S. STRKKT, UORACK MORSE. Savaiinali, April30. npr3Q Tu Wool selleus. ~ rpHB Undersigned lwve this dny opened a JL Store in Congress street, opposite tho Market, for the purchase of Wool, Nluep Skins, Hides, Bees Wax, Deer Skins, aud Country Produce iu general. Tiio highest cash prices will ho paid for all the above articles ou delivery .in Savannah. Mr. L. J. GUIL- MARTIN has been appointed us Agent, hi whom ull persons having business transactions with the un dersigned may upplv. J. W. SMYTHE ,Y CO. riavauitah, May 10,1858. uiuy20 PIANO FORTES, HAVING lately received large ad ditions to our PIANO FORTIN, wo nro enabled to oiler at tills lime the greatest variety iron) the best manu facturers, from tile plainest square lo the most elab orately carved, aud from six to woven octaves. Uur Pianos are selected from tho manufacturers whom we havo full confidence iu, und we are par ticularly requested by them to give a guaranty with every iurftnitnont sold by us ns regards durability, tone, &o. Persons iu want of a first rate instrument may ro ly with safety uiton gettiug such a cno by selecting lrotn tho following makers, whose instruments wo endeavor j 0 keep constantly on hand, viz : H. Wor cester, J. Cldckcriug ikSon, Nunns it Clurko, Bacon k Ravor.s, Jl. Waters, uml Haines, Brothers ft Cam ming. 1. W. MORKKU. .k CO. auc 2] 33 -A. T3E1 KOTJjBdffii, HOT, COLD AND SHOWER, I HAVE bos'ii asked to allow tho Rath Rooms to remain open to a later hour Umu nine o’clock ; 1 theroforo give notice that from this duto tho Ruth House wiil In; upon • until eleven o’clock at night. Price 25 cento. Fix tickets for $1. J«27 J. Jl. HAYWUUl’, Agent. Clt\E FASMOMIM OLOTIllNG, AT llKDUCLlD RATES; B ARGAINS (Ull now bo laid by all those who wUh to clothe themselves genteelly, as 1 wilt f-etl tho balanco of my lteady-Mmle, at ro'lttced rate-» on time, ami ten per cent, oil' lm* cash Ci»:i ait'l avail yourself of tbo chance to obtain good arti cles. At tin* *'t»r Clothing Emporium. WILIJAM t* PRICK, i'tno z 7 1IV iuiy .in-et Hu'tr, oxira'qimfi- salt* by YOXGK A: FKIEIta'O.V, No. hi Bay street. Tjtl.uL'n.—fit) barreto superfin J- ty, just received, ami furs by may7 CRANE, WKI.ES J: (XL Onsl'w Ohio Catawba Lframly in store, regular Agent for .1. .\1. EYRE, »t Bav street. HHIJJ. FLOUtt iu store aud IW sale 50 and litr sale by tho ouly fttvnimnli my 14 L IHLK T1IRUAI) CAUNTLIOTS—Tlte only article of tlm kind iu tlm city. For sale by .». W. TIJUKLKKLD, ntar27 corner of Congress anti Whitaker-sta. A PPLKS & POTATOES— 10 hills Clmloo Morcur Potatoes; 26 “ “ Ittwptl Apples. For sale by take the Oraago anil Alexandria cars si Gordons- mttvn I. A. RROWN title IT thoy ohooso to do so, and by that taaln will \rAKN.—2ft ft.iliM Yarn, assorted numbers, in reach Alexandria by 8.40 cm., but this company can X <lure, ami for sale by Ucketthamonly to GorUonsvIllo. .iyb CIUM-PVVEIX8 .V t' ( ). oql7 tf . D« WH1TOOMB, BapL d v.sNTvitlftutf—5u iad>w «X-mdturg8, Geurgiu~m'in- , ufoetory, lu fitorc, anil ftir aald iu lots iu suit purchasers, by jyB CRANE, WELLS & CO, ool7 IT H. D. WHITCOMB, BapL , v-f 7pswTjrarTO3S55Ba,; O'! active preparations which can ho made. Two ta bles poonslid or the Extract Sarsaparilla, added to a {tint of water, U equal to the Lisbon diet drink, and one bottlo fully equals iu slrcugth ono gallon of Syr up .Sarsaparilla or decoction as usually made. PRICES: Fluid Extract Buchu, $1 per liottlo, or 6 for $6 “ “ Sarsaparilla “ “ “ *» “ Cv-riificutes of cures and recommendations from distinguished professors And physicians will accom pany each preparation. Proparod and sold by H. T. HELMBOLD, Practical aud Analytical Chemist, 2«3, Chestnut-st., near tho Girard House Phiia. To he had of Druggists and Dealers in overy sec tion ol the United States aud Canadas. AU totters for tho modicino directed, to the propri etor rccoivo immediate attention, and safe deliveries gunrautood. _ sept 1—ly-dtw JOHN Ua MOOttB & COr, GIBBON’S BUILDINGS, SAVANNAH., Ga. WHOLESALEk RETAIL DRUGGISTS. Would call tho attention of Morchsnts, Factors, Planters, Physicians aud others, to their ex- __ tonslvo and woll selected stock, comprising overy article in thoir lino of business, and wldch they offer for salo on the most reasonable terms for cash, or approved crodlt, viz; PAINTS, VARNISHES, GLASS, AC.. White Load. FnroandNo. 1; Tioraan's Colors, dry mul In oil; Japan, Copal, and Coach Varnishes ; Unseat! Oil, Spirits Turpontiuo, Window Glass, Put ty, Gobi Loaf, Paint Brushes, Sash Tools, and Gift* ziers’s Diamonds. lamp, machinery and tanners’ oiia, Bleached sperm, Whale and Lard OUs. for burning; all descriptions of Oil for machinery, vts M Patent Oil Unbleached Sperm, Lard aud Rapo Seed Oil; also Tanners,’ Neats, Foot and Sweet Oil. GROCERS’ ARTICLES. Nutmegs, Mace, Alspico, Cinnamon,Pepper, Ginger, Mustard, Saleratua, Soda, Pearlash, Sweet Oil, Starch, Fig Blue, Matches, ko. FOR PHYSICIANS. A great variety of the boat French. Euglish, and American Chemicals, Pharmaceutical Preparations, Select powders, Surgical Instruments, Vials Specie •lur*. Mvtalic Saddlo bags, Ac. Also, CAMPHENE AND BURNING FLUID. Any oue who may favor them with their orders may depend upon their receiving the best attention, and that all goods furnished will bo of a reliablo quality. Should tuoy not give entire satisfaction, they may be returned at the option of the purchaser DR. SANFORD’S INVIGiORATOR, r \ a mild laxative, tonic and stimulant,uiii recommended to tho public, relying upon lull trhuio worth in the cure of the following ccmplalat AllBilUousDeraugemeuta, SIckHeauncliu, impe; ■is, Habitual Oostivenoes, Chronic Uiarrha>, Colk Pain in the Stomacla and Bowels, General Milt} Female Weakness, Ao. For sale by Drogthe & eraUy, and by John. B Moore k Co, and Win V Lincoln, Savannah. ly febl‘2 fjp TrilBER 1 TiMBEttll XHE Undeesigned has just received, for «:• (600) Fivo Hundred pieces of good --Lli-jt Timber, averaging ot or one thousand feet tos-ui 9 fob JEETEfoiOS llOUKK'ih rAoi 2 bbls large No 1 MackereL 3 do do No 3 do 3 do do No 2 do 2 half bbls Blue Fiab, 2 do Pickled Herring, 3 do No 1 Salmon. 6 quarter bbls No 1 Mackorei 10 kite No 1 Mackerel, 10 do No 2 do 6 Kits Ton ; 1000 lbs Cod Jan26 J. A*. tskotiA J ^OT~RECHVli5TilY EXPRESS-AuuUier h t. riety of Silver Ware of the most beautiful p<t tern and finish, butter knives, pickle Luivo; m: forks, knives, forks and spoous, fruit knives forks, cake and peto knives la every variety, ards and salts in all variety from plain to the ornamental. O. M. OKJFFIX, Successor to the late M Earimio. in Coruer Bryan and Whitaker«i. Tongues and Hounds, Cod Fish. For sale low In RATES OF ADVERTISING. For one square, oT800 ems or less, of any tji-u to larger than Nonpareil, 76 cents for the flrstai'fc cents for each subsequent insertion,for any timeta than one month. All Tabular work, with or without Rules; atid.U vertisementa occupying doubio column, thill m charged double the above rates. Advertisements of whatever leugtb, for toy W" less than one month, to be charged at traitf.t*< rates. For s longer time at the following rate* . as s option or the purchaser. mu MO U J. SrDE FORfi, 1 APOTHECARIES HALL. S. E. Corner ofrf Broughton and Barnard Streets. Sayan- XW uah Ga., WTioicsalo and retail Dealers in M, Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, Dye Woods and Dyu Stuff*, French, English, and American Perfum ery, Fine Toilet and Bliavlng Soaps, Combs and Brushes of every description, Surgical and Dental Instruments, Trusses and Supporters of all kinds, Spices, .Snuffs, Manufactured Tobacco, AU the Patent or Proprietary Medicines of the day, Suporior Inks, Pure Wines and Brandies for Medicinal purposes. Extracts lor Flavoring, Toilet and Fancy Articles, &c. N. B.—Especial attention given to the S 'alien of l’hysiciaus’ Prescriptions and FamUy «. Ship, Family aud Travelling Modlclne Cases, With plain Directions for uso, including Directions for treatment incases of poisoning, Drowning, ko. njrijy pOUN AND CORN MEAL.—1000 bus prime (tarn, White aud mixed; 60 do frosh Corn Meal ii storo anil for sale by PATTEN. BUTTON k CO J.V 2 point— X 5u barrels Mess Pork, 25f uo Prime do I-ttilling mid for sale by •my 14 HOLCUMBE, JOHNSON k CU. oVi’KHlOK Clittlce Gtwlion Hotter and Dutch O, received per steamer Alabama by may 28 _ .1. D. J1-N.SK. H AY.—iTiil imies prime NonU River Hay, laud ing till-, day from (trig Augusta, and lor sale oil llio wlmrf by JyH ^ _c:rane ! __ WKUJW). * Kf.j I'liviiton Lices. htipenor qualiiy; 1*3 Zephyr Whalebone Skirt*; French l.tueli Drillings; York Mills and Water twist Rlemdiod fihliT- Ings. Black Molro Antique Trimmings Black Elastic Belts; English Thread Faigings; llasiery, Rlhbons, Am. Just received per steamer Augusta, Jol2 DsWITT ft MORGAN. O dNAbUlU 13—30 bales Osuaburgs, Movviou nnd Thomit-ion Mills, just received und for salo by .I'UiclK * (!R,\\K, WEI.IS ft CO. QYKU1* AND MoLASSKd 50 liltls choice .New Orleans Fynip, 76 do do .Molasses. Ju-il receiv ed and for .*uh* l»y Jy7 FUR ANTON, JOIIN.^IUN k 4.U a \ INNNV <II—lu ftere and for sale Ity VT ju uo 1 PAll.I.FORD, FAY k Ul. XI DBTAUD, Nr.—lot) boxes Mustard; 16U Uu ItX pure Pepper; 130 do Hturc.h; rccifived aud for sale Itv jauel'.t mcmahon at dovlk 206 aud 207 Bay street. ijUG.VR—2U lilutoehotcn^t Croix Hugur, just re- v ceivvd and tor sttlo by JylO .dCRANlON, .KHINSTON A: GO. H UAP AND jaYAHOll—'?6'boxes .Smith’s Family 33 do Ritelianutt’s do 13d boxes ('nMlo'a lb bar and No I Soap 61) do do Pule , ilo A'.) do Oswego pearl fitarcli A 1 ' dt> UeadeU's do «Ut. Just received c *1 for sale by Jy24 riCRANIGN, .loil.NHToN a Co. I jli'la." I'SiftM ANI. I'fcpjfc-ill Kfn s’i'IIW ' llea .U, 133 do Pi|tos 2fi3 reams Wrapping Paper 6U tlitzttli Pickles, received und for Mtu by Mt'MAHON ft DOYLE, . Jy2l 105 and 17 Bay street. READ 1—READ 11-READ'm ■ That is, if you can sco; and iShiigBl If you can’t sco, you can flniiy~ r alt kinds or “holps to see,” at the Watch and Jowtdry Storo of D. B. Nichols A CO., in Congress street, next door to tho corner or Whltnkor, where you can purchase Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, aud Fancy Goods, as low os at auy other store in thocouutry. . We have received per steamship Alabama a fresh lot of those iluo Stool Spectacles : also, a supply of Pebble aud Periscopio Lens, which we are prepared to fit in all kinds of frames, at Bhort notice. Oar Periscopio. Lens (so called from their peculiar shape) havo au advautago over all others, us they have a greater range of focus, so that tho wader is not compelled to hold tho book or paper at a certain distance from tho oye. Call and see. „ D. tt NICHOlfi k CO. A3" No charge for showing goods, mar It D. B. N. ft CO. E OPE—700 coils Rope, various brands, all or goo*! qualiiy, in Btoro and for sale by apr2» BRIGHAM, KELLY ft 00. /'lORN—In storo and for Rale by <iui*A locks rc.wmu n us, MERCER UNIVERSITY, PENFIHLD, UA. FACULTY, rmsiDKNT, N. M. CRAWFORD, D. D. raoncMORs. College* S. P. SANFORD, A. M., Mathematics. J. K. W1LLET, A. M., Chemistry aud Natural Philosophy. H. II. TUCRER, A. M„ * Bellos I oi tires, u. W. WISE, A. M., Greek und Latin languages. WILLIAM G. WOODFInTa. B., Modem Languages. Theological Seminary. N. M. CRAWFORD, D. D? h.^liwiasUcal Hi,lory and Utblleal IJUrature. WIMJAM WIUJAMf, A. U., HyHtL>iiiHii.r and I’.atDrAl Tlinelogy. Aendeiuy* THOMAS A. SEALS, Principal. The Commencement is bold on (be last Wednesday in .Iuiy, The next Tvtm wifi ttommouco ou tho test Wed nesday in August. The price of Board iu tho village is $10 par month; washing, room rent, fuel, Ao., $0. By order itf.the B*iar»l ofTrustocii. my12 2m s. LANDRUM, Secretary. f’lUBAl vjUj. jUwton' OTP 1 Square $10 10 $20 $24 $30 2 Squares.,. 16 22 20 28 36 8 do .... 20 27 32 30 44 4 do .... 24 32 88 42 52 6 do .... 27 36 44 46 61) 6 do .... 30 40 60 64 65 T do .... 32 48 M 60 10 8 do .... 34 46 68 62 74 « do .... 36 46 61 66 77 10 do .... 88 60 64 70 60 For any time not above specified, • proportion oharge will be made. A deduction of 26 per ’cent from tho above rW 1 will be made on advertisements appearing alvely on tho fourth pago or tho dally. Advertisements ordered three times a we**, *“ bo charged two-thirds tho above rates.. Advertisements ordered in the Weekly editioa- Ji per square for each insertion, for ruytirr,eie**'*r one month. For more than oue mouth nt one the rates specified In tho abovo tablo. Special notices, 10 cents per lino for tho first,» 5 cents for each subsoqent insertion, nna in to be subjoct to oontract. Marring* uotlces »i. * neral invitations 60 cents each. No special not^* inserted for lees than 60 cenu. Obituary g«jg} Reports, Resolutions, or Prooeodlngn or •ay 80 ®‘j‘ Association, or Corporation, ordered tobepuW * fitoamboati» r wtii e bo advertised at $W i'W w® at for each boat advertised. .innaris Steamships, where but one is running, nnm; if twoormore,$80oacb. Auctioneors* advertisements not to bo mW . contract, but to be ehargod at the rntw prs* 6 * 1 por square. . r . The paper, under no clrcumrUncw, to b«ln“ ed in a contract. Professional and business cards not exce<uiw Hues, will be inaorted at $20 per annum. . ^ Calls on persons to become candldstia,, inserted as other advertisements, to be I*!' 110 variably in advanoe. u fl u Announcing candidates for ofiice, $10, >° M ’ in advance. „ tvi Advertisoments not marked on the ww.’Jj specified time, will bo Inserted until fo rl)l < wSS*Mybtiffortwo monthsadvertishjl. jJJ than contract, amounts to over $W, a dtauc 26 per cent wtU be mado, , . ,, on , c % u> Ybarly advertising, with privilege orchnng bo taken at the following rates: . <45 For ono square, renewable once a wees, ^ “ 44 44 StlmosorofteajM Every additional square contracted for to 0 ed one half tho abovo rates additions. Yearly advertisers sball be Untiled to t contracted for. AU contracts shaU ‘JJJJjjt# stating definitely the nsturo °l the J■’“JjJrSL ecc advertisod. Any advertisoments "JHgjiir*** nected with the business shall bo ttargcd sc; ^ ly, and also any oxcoss of msttor ovsr ui duo when called tor. ,«udlu8 «*' Roaularadvorllscra aud .11 cdJ“ munlcatlou or rcqulriuj notice j dejigo* 1 w , c0 . tontlon to fair*, cpaccru. MirMi,ct“) , ao u torlaluaeuu, wbera efierge* “f.KSi ,virr»“ lance—all uottco* ofprlrato * ts0Cl ?' l %M C rwl*« Uoo dc*l*ucd to call attention to (jJ'J'l SSflltl* calculated or lutendad to *aj*n*j**"“2S M m raata, oan only ba tn»*rtod with **“*«*,„,» mat mo *amo I* to ba |«W tor. Jf ''“HJjncl. editorial columu (which can be onl) J'tt^„ibi lion or me editor*} me *ame wiube cbtfsw ratooTnolle«athaoSOconi*|wrltoo- w .\rwM sswaatfR®Ss> Tbo»imonu totoh.rnbctM-rcbM^^. to oontinue binding, tmtil ebangw by ftsaflwaspB&eSsflJ “ifi the expStloo Of tb. period tor wbia "TaHun* * to- amytm * HBHSBSHHHa