Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, August 06, 1856, Image 1

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voL. MvfiMiB siiiti ics. , (GA.I w; 3.] SAVANNAH, EDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, ,1856. NO. 18040. mm\n journal rlptlon Mom of inviuuiidi P»l»r* " |ty common undsratsradlttg, the proprietor* and puMUtiow ol the three papers tuned tn Savannah, Uv« adopted the foWtng unff rip rate* of sub* Mtlpllon, w teko effect this day: Daily Paper, per annum, la advance Id oo tfl-Wockiy “ “ 4 (>0 vTuok$’< emglo copy, In advance a oo Weekly, nve coploi, to one address 8 oo Weekly, eight ♦* « " 101'0 Weekly, too “ “ “ WOO Weekly, twvuty " " “ .120 00 tYheu net paid within one month (Torn Urn time of «ub*cr\tnog the charge (hr the Dally wltt be aeren dollar*, a»«t (hr the Tri-Weekly Jlw. Ttie Weeaiy will be aent only to thoHo who pay In tdrauce. Thu paper will Invariably be dlsoontinod upon the expiration of the time Ibr which It has been paid. The above rates to take effect from aud alter this tate. ALEXANDER A 8NEED, Republican, R. B. HILTON 4iCO., Georgian 6 Journal, THOMPSON * WITHINfiTON, Mm. -tovaimab, July 1, I860. FROM YE8TRRDA Y'S AFTRRNOO\ EDITION. Arrival op tub Florida.- The steamer Flotidu, arrived a few minutes before our hour of going to press. Her purser has our thanks for lato N. Y. papers* New Post OrficH.—We understand that a post offico has been established ut2j station, Central Railroad, and that Mr. P, R, A. Marlow bos been appointed postmaster. The post office is called Clilton. State mentions. The following States hold eleotlons last Mon day : Kentucky, Iowa, Texas, Missouri and Ar kansas. North Carolina ohooses a Governor nVxt Thursday. In Missouri there were three parties lu the held—the Democratic, the Benton and the Kuow Nothing parties—tho two latter strongly sympathizing with eaoh other in their hatred to the former. Their bonds of sympathy aro tbeso: The Know Nothings wish to defeat the Democrats, so aa to carry the State for Fill* more; Benton wishes to defeat them, and thuB, by depriving Buehanan of her vote, in crease* the ohancea of Fremont, his sou-in- law. He knows that the vote of Mis souri give to Fillmore caunot secure his election, while taken from Buchanan it may accomplish his defeat. His professed prefer, ence for Buchanan is sheer hypocrisy—and of all the acts of his long life the most infamous. Another bond of union between Benton and the Know Nothings is found in au understanding (of the existence of which thore is no doubt) thatU* the Democrats are in a minority in the legislature elected last Monday, ono of the two vacancies in the United States Senate is to be filled by a Know Nothing (Col. Doniphan) and tho other by Benton himself. Under all the circumstances we have but a faint hope that the Democracy of Missouri, led by Polk, their cau- didate for Governor, has triumphed over both Benton and Know Nothinglam. In Arkansas the “ Americans” have been bragging largely: on what grounds we shall soon know. North Carolina Is one of the States claimed for Fillmore. The canvass has been animated botweou the opposing candidates. Bragg (Dem.) and Gilmer (K. N.) Victory we thiuk will perch on the banner of tho former. If so it will be a fair indication of the result in No vember, not only in that but in each of the doubtful Southern States. . iOum Uki.atkinh with Sr Ain.—The Wash ington correspondent of tho N. Y. Journal of Coutinorco, writes: • Tho Ucvermnont of Spain lias given an an swer to our Minister Mr. Dodge, upen tho sov* era! points lie was Instructed to present to that government,'for the settlement of past und the prevention of future difficulties. This govern ment urged, IIrat, tho ostabllslimout in Cubn of aomo tribunal or authority whereby questions rtf an Irritating nature arising between citizens or authorities of tho Uuitcd States, an the au thorities of Cuba might lie speedily settled, without tho delay and embarrassment of a re ference of tho suideet to tho home government at Madrid. Second, our government ask for the removal of certain restrictions and embarrassments from the commerce of our oUtzeiia with Cuba*, aud, > . Third, for tho adjustment of the claims of Amerieau citizcus upon the SpauisU govern ment for spoliation mid wrongs committed up on them by Cuban authorities at various times. In regard to tho llrt demand, the Spanish Government replies through Mr. Dodge, that it oannot depute Imperial authority to any of its officers in Cuba, for that would be tantamount, it says, to rendering tho island independent of tho Spanish crown. Coucernhig the second point, the govern ment of Spaiu pi utilises to enter into reason able arrangements. Rut as to our reclamations, Spain demurs. Tho present government could not allow them without hazarding its popularity, und giving offence to the country. Under the late admin istration, the Black warrior claim was admitted aud paid, to tho extent or forty thotuuud dol lars} uud it was a subject of earnest roprobft tion in the Cortez, und uo more such conces sions will be readily made. Visit to tub RritiNas.—The lion. James Bu chanan visited tho Kphrata Mountain Borings, in Lancaster county, Pa., on Friday fast, in company with Hon. Robert J. Walker, former ly Secretary of tho Treasury. He returned to Wheatland on Saturday cvuuiug. some compassionate people brought ni^ my daughter iu luy prison,she was no iougermy child; she won no longer pure and angelic as formerly; she was corrupt, .body and soul— her manner, her language, Infamous like those with whom sbo had been living. I did not recognizo her myself. Do you comprehend me now ? That man had robbed me of the ovo and soul of uiy child. And 1—I have killed him but once.” Foreman—“My lord, we havo agreed on our verdict.” Chief Justice- 1 “I understand you, geutie- •n, but the law must tako its course. 1 must sum up tho care, aud then you will retire to deliberate.’, Tho Chief Justcc havlug summed up the case the jury retired, nud In an instant after return ed Into the court with a verdict, “ Nut Guilty. On tho discharge of Hammond, the sheriff was obliged to surround him with an escort. Tho women were determined to carry him off in triumph. The crowd followed him all the way to hii huzzas. Letters of Acceptance* Carteret's Point, July 17,185U. Gentlemen.•—Your letter of tho 10th Inst., In* forming mo of my nomination by the Demo cratic Convention, held at Millcdgeville on the 4th hut., as candidate for Elector, was received a few days ago. You kindly express a desire that I should ac oept the position. There uro many circumstan ces tliat would make it desira bio for me to have ull my time at my own disposal, but I firmly believe that the period has arrived which l have long looked for—when, if the people of the Boutb are not united, the cry of Union will iio longer be the cry of sure victory, aud that we will have something else to think of besides union—"our lives, our fortunes, and sacred honors.” Therefore, it is that I accept the honor ten dered to me, aa it is not the time to flinch for privato convenience. There is no party save tho Democratic which embraces the whole United Utates. There is no party save tho Dem ocratic, which hopes for success out of the House of Representatives—and there has never been au election of President by that body, that has not racked this government to its foundation, and those were not sectional issues”Republican and Federalists—Democrat and Whig. Here we have one party purely sectioualand aboli tion, with a speaker of tho House of Represen tatives to back*it—and tho'party composed of parts of all parties—tliat cannot with ceitainty curry three States, and yet can defeat an elec tion by the people and tbrowtho election in the House or Representatives, and thus bring about the very condition of things their own candidate described so well In his Albany speech. How many honorable Southern men would take offico under President Fremont, with his party to back him. Having better hopes for our comraou country in the Democratic Party, I remain your obedient servaut, .. , , , Tnos. M. Foreman. Messrs. Lochrane, Nesbit, Cumming, Stansdl —Committee, Macon, Ga. Hamilton, July 24th, 1856. Col. Lochrane—Dear Sir: Your favor os Chairman of Commltteo, notifying me of my nomination as candidate for Elector in tho 3d District, was received, but hurrying off from Court into other pressing busiuess caused mu toueglect replying. I accept the post assign ed me, aud will use my humble efforts for the success of Buchanan aud Breckinridge. Yours, sincerely, Ac., James N. Ramsay. Col. 0. A. Lochraue, Macon, Ga. Cartersvillb, Ga., July 28, 1850. Gentlemen i In reply to your favor of the 15th inst., informing me of my nomination by tho Democratic Conveution of this Btite as au Elector for the fifth Congressional District and asking ^whether I will accept tho nomina tion, I answer that I accept, and believing as I do, that the best interests of the country will bo advanced by tho election of Messrs. Bn- chunnn and Breckinridge to tho Presidency and Vice Presidency, 1 shall with pleasuro ex ercise what little influence I may have, iu bringing about that result. Yours respectfully, your obe’t serv’t, Joun N. Lewis. Messrs. Lochrane, Nesbit, and others, Cora’tce* Fivk Hundred Mass Meetings.—Five hundred democratic meetings have been held iu the Btuto of Kontucky since the nomination of Buchanan and Breckinridge. Kentucky—Tub' Sixth District*—The Lexington Statesman of Saturday says: " Wo havo information from the sixth district uftbe most reliable character, which gives high encouragement to hope for an immense gain in tne mountains.—We are confidently assured that the democracy can rely npon a gain of Uftccn hundred in tho sixth district over tho majority given Elliott lost snmmer.” Tremedoub Stampeid.—Hon. Arohie Dixon »poke In Union county a few days since, when loity know-nothings withdrew from the order, and gave in their adhesion to the democracy. Fast Going to Pieces.—We publish to-day Riore withdrawals from the know-notbiug lodg- r*undcratand there was quite a stampede w their camp lost night. The most strenuous wcr ioMare being mads to hold on to their after the August election, but In Jbe whole order seems rapidly disband* •t>g—Aegfaf ton Stateman, July 25. Tub Suwbukkm dy the Recent Ua^uoad Calamity—Wo uro'gratified to knov^HR nil of the wounded by the recent railroad calami ty are in n fair way of recovery. Tho relief committee, iu whoso hands over $7,01)0 lmvo already been placed, has visited the afflicted fumilios and aided them thoir pecuniary wants. The number of wouuded in St. J oseph’s Hos pitui is twenty live.—Phila. Ledger, Tub Wau again:? t Walker—A letter from Sau Jose, Costa Rica, says ; We have received here—that is to say, tho President has received—renewed ns aurance, on tho part of Guatemala, San Snlvadoreuud Honduras, that they will attack Walker to thu North, while they press him to make a stronr diversion to the South. Their pitui is to mam upon Leon, where wo are told tlmt Rivas, tho hitherto dupe of tho American filibuster, has iutreuched himself after throwing ott the dishonorable yoke. Tbero they will meet the luulcontcuts and hence vigorously hush the Walkerietes from Granada to Rivas, when they hopo to inclose them between two liras, us they presume that by that period tho Costa Rican,' will ugain have gained possession of that towns thus Walker would eusefy bo thrown into tho waters of tho lake, or dispersed through the forests to dio of starvation, if not under tho knife. Ex-Pkesiuent Rodehts—The! Boston Trav eller states that Ex-President Roberts, of Libe ria, who is now iu tlmt city, 1ms been unanim ously elected President ol Liberia College, by the trustees of donations. Mr. Roberts had uc- eepted tho appointment, and will probably re turn uext week, by way of England, prepared to commence the construction of tho necessary buildings for the College. Prize Fight Between Women.—A most bru tal prize light took place near Gloucester, New Jersuy,on Saturday last, between two females, The tight was a tierce one, tho women punish ing each other to such an extent that they were covered with blood. They aud several of tho lookers-on wero committed to tho Woodbur jail, where Jersey law will doubtless be deal out to them. An Old Line Whig—Tho New Orleans Del ta has the followiug.iu regard to tho course of the distiugulshed Senator Benjamin, of Louisi ana:—We learn from good authority that Mr. Benjamin intends to return as soon os his Con- gresiouul duties will permit, and tuko on uctivo part in the canvass on behalf of the D emoo at • ticket. Occupying a position similar to tlmt ot Senator Jones, of Teuuessce—speaking from the standiug point of un old line Whig, and not, us a turn-coat demagogue, swallowing to day tho principles he avowed yesterday—looking at tho Issues us one between Black Republican ism uud the South, constitutional conservatism and States Rights against Higher Law despo tism--and regarding that ticket as the best aud only available one with which to defeat the Black League—the arguments of so lucid and logicul un orator und clear headed statesman, will uuvucstiouably wield ngreut influence. He will be the "representative rnau” aud spokes- muu of a large, intelligent aud Ibrmldublo class of old lino Whigs, who may be said to hold the baluuee of power in this and many other States of the South. A Painful Case. The following incident will be read witli in terest. It shows that men will allow their rea son aud fceUugH to guide their action, and that abstract law does uot always represent jus tice : An Account of a Recent Trial at thr Old Baily in London, Lord Chief Jutigr Tisdale Presiding.—George Hummoud, a portrait painter, was placed at the bur, to be tried on uu indictment found against himself by the Grand jury fur tho wilful murder, with malice aforethought, of George Baldwin, a rope duuceruud mouiehuuk. Thu prisoner was a man of medium huighth, but sluudur form. His eyes were bluuaud mild. His whole beariug gave evidcuce of suodued sadness uud raelau- choly resignation, lie was furty-ouo yeurs of sge, hud a so't voice, and his uppearauce nud rnauucr bore evideuce to his being a man of distinguished education, iu spito of the poverty of his dress. On beiug culled onto plead, tho prisoner ad mitted that he did kill Baldwin, aud he deplor ed tho act, uddiug however, that on his soul aud conscience ho did not bolieve himself guilty. 1'hercupoii a jury was empanelled to try the prisoner. The iudictmeut was then read to iho jury,and the act of killiug being admitted the government rested their case, uud tho pri soner was culled upon for his defence. The prisoner then addressed himself to tho court aud jury. " My lord," said he, “ my justification is to be fouud iu a recital of the facts. Three years ago 1 lost a daughter then lour yeurs ol age, tho solo meuioriul of my beloved wife, whom it hud pleased God to recall to himself. I lost her, but I d id uot see her die. She disappear ed—site wits stolen from me. She was a charming child, und hut her 1 had no body in tho wsrlU to love me. Gentlemen, what 1 havo- siiflbfsd cutiuot be described: you cuunot com prehend it. I have expeuded iu advertising und fraitlesss searches everything 1 possesses —furniture, pictures, even to my clothes. AU have been sold. For three yearn on foot, I had beeu seeking for ray child in all the cities ami all the villages in the three kingdoms. As soon as by paintiug portraits I hud succeeded in gainiug a little money, I returned to London to couunence my advertisements in the newspapers. At length, on Friday, tho 14th of April fast, I crossed the Sinithllefd cattle market, ill the ceutre of the market a troupe of montebanks were perform ing their feats. Among them a child was turn ing on its head supported ou a halberd. A ray from the soul of iu mother mast have penetrat ed my own, for mu to have recognized my child iu thut condition, it was my poor child. Her mother would perhaps have precipitated herself towards her, uud locked herself iu her arms.— ffavnnitah Market, August 6. COTTON.—No Waiiwiotloiis ra|*»rtot| In Ibis srifols tbU Tor enonn. Export*. NEW YORK—Per schr Peacock—102 bales Got ten, '25 bate* DoiuuUcft, «t casks ttfee, I860 bag* Wheat, 75 bbls Flour, 4 bag* Wool, 10 bag* Flour. ds lodgings with deafening shout* of Wtffc Vrage; or, Al>orlgliial Matrimo nial Jtutlce. Tho following is a chapter from the "Life and Adventures of James Beckwuurth”—noticed in our columns a few days since ; After a residence among them (the Black Feet Indians) of a few days, I had a slight dif ficulty in my family affairs. A party of Indi ans camo into camp one day, bringing with themthrao white men’s scalps. The sight of them made my blood boil with rage; but there was uo help lor it, so I determined to wait with patience my day of revenge. In accordance with their custom, a scalp dance was held, at which there was much additional rejoicing. "My wife came to me with the information that ner people wero rejoicing, aud that she wished to join them iu the dance. "I replied, ‘No, those scalps belong to my poople; my heart is crying for their death ; you must not rejoice when my heart cries—you must uot dance when I mourn.’ “She then weut out, us I supposed, satisfied. My two whito friends, having a great curiosity to wituess tho performance, were looking out upon tho seeue. 1 reproved them for wishing to witness the savage rejoicings over the fall of wliite men who had belonged to our own com- .. . Ono of them nuswered: ‘Well,your wife is tho best duucer of the whole party; she out dances tbem all.’ "This was a sting which pierced my very eart. Taking my battle-axe and forcing my self intojthe ring, I watched my opportunity, and struck my disobedient wife a heavy blow in tho heaiTwith the side of my battle-axe, which dropped her os if a ball had pierced her heart. "I dragged her through the crowd and left her, and went back to my teut. "This act was performed in bucIi a bold ma ner, under tho very noses of hundreds of them, that,they were tbuuderstruck, and fora moment remained motionless. When I entered the tent I said to my companions—'There, now, you had better prepare to hold ou to your own sculps, since you take so much interest in a celebration over those of your murdered breth. eron.’ Their couutenanccs turned ashy pale, expecting instant death. "By this time tho whole Indian camp was in ablaze. Kill him! kill him! burn him i burn him 1 was shouted through the camp in their own language, which I plainly understood. I was collected, fori knew they could kill me but once, "Soonl heard tho voice of my father-in-law crying, in atone that sounded above all,‘Stop! hold fbold! warriors, listen-to your chief.’ "All was hushed in an instant, and he con tinued : 'Warriors, I am tho looser of a daugh ter, and her brothers have lost a sister; yon have lost nothing. She was the wife of the trad er ; I gave her to him. When your wives diso bey your commands you kill them ; that is your right. That thing disobeyed her husband; lie told-her not to dance: she disobeyed him: she had no cars; he killed her, and ho did right.’ Aaaa-to next came to my camp nuuwiu. r son, you have done right; that woman I gave you had uo senso; her ears were stopped ups Bbo would not hearken to yon, and you had a right to kill her. Bat I have another daughter who is vsuugor than she was. She is more beautiful; sbo has good sense and good ears. You may have her In the placo of tho bad one; she will hearken to all you say to her.’ "Well, thought I, that is getting man before I have had time to mourn. But I replied: 'Verywell, my father, I will aoceptof your kind offer,’ well knowing that to refuse him would be to offend, as he would suppose that I disdained his generosity. "My second wife was brought to me, 1 found her. as her father had represented, far more in telligent and far prettier than her sister, and I was really proud of the change. I ilow pos sessed ono that many a warrior uad performed deeds of bloody valor to obtain, for it is a high honor to get the daughter of a great chiof to wifo; and many a warrior has sacrificed his life in seeking to attain each a prize. " During tho night, while I and my wife were quietly reposing, some person crawled into our couch sobbing most bitterly. Angry at the in trusion, I asked who was there.” “ Me,' answered a voice, which although well nigh stifled with sobs, I recognized aa that of my other wife, whom every one had supposed dead. After lying outside the lodgs senseless for some hours, she had recovered and groped her way to my bed.” “‘uo away,’ I said, 4 you have no business hero; I have a new wile now, one who has sense.” “‘I will not go away.’ sbo replied, my ears are open now, I was a fool not to hearken to my husband’s words when his heart was crying, but now I have good sense, and will always hearken to your words.” " It did really seem as if her heart was broken, and she kept her position until morning. I thought myself now well supplied with wives, having two more than I cared to have; but I deemed it hardly worth while to complain, I^hould very soon leave the camp, wives and Fatal Playing.—TheClarkesville (Tenn.) Jeffersonian says:"Wo are Informed that Jo seph Tyler, seu of J. D. Tyler, of this county was accidentally killed — *-~ while engaged in a with a fellow student receive a blow on the stomach, which caused him to fall backwards, striking the floor very hard. Ho died instantly.” Spring Hoods, which for variety and style Is not to be ox- celled in this city. npr28 AIKIN k BURNS. J ^AKD—26 kogs prime Leaf Lard, Just received J and Tor Bale by y24 RODGERS k NORRIS. gALT—8,COO sacks Liverpool Salt lu store,lor sals Jy OU 7 RODGERS, NORRIS k Co. 1"^AN DING AND IN MORE- 8000 lbs extra cauvassod bag Hauu 1000 do sugar cured do weakness, seized him by the clothes—I raised him in tho air, then dashed him to the ground —then ugain; Ito wan dead. Afterwards 1 repented what I had done. At the moment i regretted that I was able to kill but oau.”- Lord Chief Justlco Tindale- “These are uot Christian sentiments. How can you expect tho court and jury to look]witli favor on your defcnco^or God to pardon you, ir you cannot ^Prisoner. \‘l know, my lord, what will be your Judgmont, and that of the Jury; but God bus already pardoned me; I feel it in my heart. You kuow not, I knew uot thou—the whole ox- tent of the evil that man bad dons. When A superior quality or Tennessee Hams, small Blze for family uso, at I2tf cont* per pound. 26 bbls Crushed Sugar 20 do B Clarified do 20 do 0 do da 26 do Powdered do IQ do St Croix do 6 bhds extra Porto Rico 8tigar 6 bbls do Stuart’* Syrup 6 hbds do Bucon Sidos —Al-HO— Brooms, Palls, Basket Tuba. Matchos, Scrub Brushes, Flour Palls, &o., for salo by Jy25 J. A. BROWN. S UNDRIES.—60 bbls Now York Refined Sugar 126 boxos No 1 Pale and Family Soap 100 do Tobacco of various brands 50 do Green and Black Tea 16 bhds Bacon Shoulders, 10 do do Sides 100 boxos Candles. Adamantine,Mould, &c,Juat received and for sale by Jy20 McMAHON k DOYLE. As for uic a voil passed over my eyes. I throw TOREBU Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines, for myncifon tho chief of the rone dancers, Iknew 1 sale by Jan 2 A BON AUD. not how it was—I, habitually gentlo, even to ARC—15 bbto and 26 kegs Lea 1 Lard 6 kegs oxtra Smitbfield Lard, for salo by JyU . WMHTER k PALMS. H jy« OLLAND GIN.—A pipes Mtodor Swan Holland Gin, for sale by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. H Aife.—10 casks Tcnnesseo fianu, a superior artiole, for sale by _ |y* WILLIAM LYNN, 87 Bay street. E iqUutt51i^T7ttAU)3—Qi f"* ’ MACON 260 bbls Whisky, various brands 100 1 do Now England Rum 76 .do and 60 do PA 26 bhds Bacon, Side* and Shoulders, receiv ed and for Ills by McMAHON k DOYLE, Jy26 205 and SOT Bay ilmt- Commercial Intelligent S' Ijjipig 'Intelligence. Pori of Snvaiutah Augnat 5 Arrived. U S M stUikiushU) Florida, Wo.nUiull, from New York, to Pudetforu, Fay A Co. tteuday, 10.46 P M, exchanged signal i with the ateamdr ,Jas Adger. Ilouday 1.80 A M, offHattoras, exchanged signals with the sleatnor Keystono State. 1.46 oxchangui 1 signal* with to* steamship Alabama, off Hatton all bouud North. T EBON SUGAR—A new article for making lorn- I 4 onntli' wIMu.miI IcmniiH. 60 cases JnM received and for swlu by hr,80 RODGERS, NORIUS A Co. UNIlKTES^itMuivuir per steamship: Alabama, from Now York— :i Firkins Choice (iodiuii Rutter, 5 boxes Pino Applo Cbouxo, 10 boxw ('roam ciiuu-w, 6 barrels Onions, 11 boxes Lemons und Oranges, •2 barrels Stuart's colcbrated Syrup, aud 8 Quintals Xuw Codfish, for sale at J. D. JESSKK'S, Jy 80 lo Hroughten Btre* Bpl BARGAINS M Sl-iLLING OX’F AT BMAI.J, ADVANCE ON COST. Cleared. igod/ 7 i fflVE subicri JL e FA 1.1. Gt offers bis prosi ,§mnll Hdvmico Schr 1. Peacock, Terry, Now York, Kuiqor k Gammoll. Departed. Steamer Wolaka, Kiug, Palatka, Passenger*. Per i>loams hip Alabama, fount Now York, W B Cotton, L Goodwin* L Cohen, Mrs llorry, Mis A K Fruumau, Miss A Gulloway, J W Font, B iiirgu, Calvlu Fay, W A Wuldwln, Mrs Gardner It child, Mrs C^bou 4 chddrcu U *vt, Mrs W Holmes, Miss Holmes, und 16 In tbe*teerago. Consignee*. Agents C K U. Alkeu A Burns, H N Aldrich, Brighira K et Co, Boston It Villa longs, K K Bar- uum, E F /fuck, Butler It Frlorsun, G Brown A Co, E O’Byruo, J A Brown, J Barron, u'iiyruo A Dolu- oy, Crane Wolls A Co, D D Copp, M A Cohen, Co- hons.,* Hertz, Claghoru A Cunningham, J M Coo. per A Co, Cohen A Fosdlck, Cbuevor A Co, 0 Guhou, David O’Counor, J B Carter, P L Constauliuo, Chat- fer A Co, Dana A Wosbburno, Lswott A Morgan, J FDoe, A Doyle. W G Dickson, JJH Demoud, W D Ethridge. Da h Eagan,'Foot AJaudon, HCFrcu- man, \V 11 Furroll,Johu U Fuiligaui.E Parsons & Co, J Fitzgerald, S Goodall. Giibort A Ttidoii, UariiUens Express, W ltalo, A S Hnrlridge, Hardwick A Cook, F W Steadman, A Haywood, utls Johnson A Co, j D Jesse, Kiug A Sous, N B Knapp, Kenedy uud Boauh, J O'Kocr, CAL Luraar, Lockett A Sneiliugs, Noble Lyon, w W Lincoln, U Larin, s M Lafiltuu Lynn A Snyder. Win Lyou, 11 Laihrop A Co, F London, J B Aloore A,Co, T McKunua, W H May A Co, D Mailott A CoMcKlo A Bdrnott’TIl Mahor. M Molida, A M Millar A Co Odon, Starr A Co, C Oxomis Putten Hutton A Co, C C Pool, W O Price, Plorson, Heidi A Co, Ruse Davis A Loug, M J Riley, Huyder A Askew, Jacob Schul ler, J rilchts, John ssherlock A Co, J B Slmorlu, W A Thomas, T8 Wayne A Son, Waver AConstratiuo, Wuruook A Davis, W T Williams, W B.A H Wood, Way A Taylor, Youug A Wyatt, Young & Fricrsou. NEW ADVERTISEMENT^ $10 RBWAD, F ir a Whito Pointer Dog with yellow oars, which lott the Great Ogeecboe Bridge on last Friday. The said dog had on at the time, a collar w Uh the name of Mr. H Couper engraved upon U. MC. L. KING. aug 6—6 MAYOR'S OFFICE, ) Ott or Savannah, 6th or August, i860, j rpo OWNERS OF IiOUS, and ull others whom it X may concern. You are hereby notified to keep your Dogs tn aud prevent thorn from going at largo withlu the city Limits. Any Dog found going at large after this notlco, and until the 20 th day of September noxt, shall bo killed. [!.. 8.] KDW’B. C. ANDERSON, Mayor. Attest. Knw’n. G. Wilson, Clerk ol Council. aug 6 McCarthy ginned sea island COTTON IN LIVERPOOL. A BROKER in Liverpool reporting crop and val- ue of a oonsignmt nt of tho McCarthy Ginned tea Island Cotton^foora a houso In this city, writes os follows: "H„ 7 bags forlah color, with a little shell, not much; but tho peculiarity of this quality Is tho sta ple, and tho stylo of its cleaning und putting up; difierent to the usual Roller Gin oporation*. Tho sample before handling, has some slight apiraarauco or having beeu Saw Ginned. On examination, how ever, shows that all tho staple, both as to iougth and uniformity, has been presorvod, aud a much greater degree of freedom and kindness bat beeu givon by tUe process. This remark applies mere or less to all tho marks of this shipment. In this instance, the staple is stout and a good length, and without being fine, is not course.” Tho undersigned, agent* for tho above mentioned Saws, always have a supply on hand, at 8126 esch. BOSTON A vJLAIjOXGA. aug 6—w2m MEDIOAL OOLLEOE^ STATE OF or txi SOUTH CAROLINA. r E Annual Course or Lectures in this Institution will commence on tbe first Monday in Novem ber, on tbe following branches: Anatomy by J. k. HOLBRuOK, M. D. Surgery by E. GEDD1NGS, M. 1). Institutes and Practice of Medicine by S. HENRY DICKSON, M. D., L. L. D. Physiology by JAMES MOULTRIE, II. D. Materia Medica by HENRY U FROST, M. D. Obetrice by THUS. u. PIUOU2AU, M. D. Chemistry by C. U. SHEPARD, M. D. Demonstration of Anatomy, F. T. MILES. M. D. Prosector to tho Professor of Surgery, T. F. M. UNDOINGS, M. D. CLINICAL 1NSTRUCTOK. D. T. CAIN, M. D., Physician to the Marino Hos- plpal and Clinical Instructor, Lectures twice a week «u tbe diseases of that Institution. At the Roper Ho*p tal Clinical Lectures aro deliv ered twice a week by tho physician and Surgeon ol tbe Institution, and operations performed before tho class in the Amphliuoutro or tho Hospital. Tuz FACULTY WAND IN TUI KUPXR HOSPITAL—By tbecouvenleuce* they havo boon uble to furnish, a valuable addition has been made to tbo surgical practice of tho city. Operations are performed be fore tbs class, and they have upportuuiRes or being fatulllpr with tho subsequent u catmsct. Tho anatomical room* are opeued tbe latter part of October, and tbo dissections conducted daily uu- der tho direction of tho Demonstrator. Much atten tion Is directed to tbi* doparment; tbe matsriul bo Ing abundant, and illustration* of various chancier being afford»d for acquiring a competent knowledge of this all important branch or*tudy. HENRY R. FROST, M. D.,Dean. Charleston, June, 1866. aug 6—law4 REFINED AND CLARIFIED SUGARS Bbls Stuart’s A. Crushed Sugar. OU 60« “ A. Clarified Uu. 60 “ “ B. do do. 60 “ “ C. do do- Just received and for sale by aug 6 SCRATCH JOHNSTO N A CO. S IDES A SHOULDERS.—50 bhds Primes Bacon Sides. 80 hbds Prime Bacon Shoulders, Just raceivod and for sale by aug 6 $pRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. COME ALONG NOW! I HAVE just received, per steamer Freoman Raw- don from Baltimore, auothor lot of MILLER & BROWNS WE LOOM HAMS. Also, 5,000 lb*. of Baltimore City Cured Bacou, 26 bbls Sugars, assorted—Crushed, Powdered and Clarified; No. 1 A 2 Light Brown Coffee Su gars, Ac., Ac- , —ALSO— Pig Pork and White Beans,G. Hawo's Fulton Mar ket Beef in eboico pieces. Per steamer from New York, Choice Table But ter and Choose. All to bo found at BARRON’S, Family Grocery, Corner of Whitaker A CUarton streets. aug 6 T OBACCO AND SUGARS. 60 Boxes, Grant l Williams 6s A 8s Tobacco. 20 Boxos 100 Tobacco 6 Bbls. Imported Plantation Segnrs. Iu Store and for salo by. SCRANTON JOHNSON A Co. August 6. QHO!CE LiQUOHS.—10 half pipes O. I). A Co. Hrandy. 6 pipes Holland (Moder Swan) Gin ; 2 puncheons old Jamaica Rum; 1 do do St Croix do ; 10 casks Port Wine. Inetoro and for sale by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. ig GOODS, which will soon bo coining in, present stock ot DRI&'S GOODS, Ac., at u advanco on Now York CoH. J. W. T11KELKKLD, Congress and Whitaker streets. Nows p!e*so copy. July 2I_ DRY GOODS. BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! J AMES O'HARA wmilu rospoctrully luibrra his patrons, and tho public generally, that iu order to prepare for tho foil trade, hols now hi* assortment iu store, AT COSTPRICES aud would Invite utteutiob •u--roto. at hi* store, jy28 128 Congress-street. ^laTTixMnfwFEinmccuuttT: JULY, 4866. llTHEREAS, John J Cnber, John Kelly, Daulel V f G Uleotr, llieodoro Brigham. Charles Lee, and Albert M Sul.ivan, h iimnonod to attend tho prcricul term of tliU Coe it a* Petit Jurors, have made default for tho torn, u I* ordored, thatthoy bo fined twenty dollar* cam. unloas they ttie good and sufficient cause of oxcuso ou or before the first day of tho uext term or tl'ts Court. T'ruo extract from min an. Jy2S wm. H. tfom.ocii, erk i c. o. u. TAKE NOTICE. P URC1IASICR8 will have tnoir good* delivered froo or oxponso with quick dispatch from tne Savannah Grocery aud Fruit Depot, corner Brough ton nud Whitaker street*. gg* 1 would call tho attcnllou of Fruiter* gener ally to ray well selected atook of Groce nos. receiv ing daily. W. II. KAUKE1.L. JJALTIMORK LEAF LARD,-20 bbls Prime No 1 Leaf Lard ; 60 kegs do do do do Landlug and for sale by SCRANTON, aug6 JOHNSTON A Co. KADELL’S TALLOW CANDLES-75 boxes 6 A 8 _ Beadell’s Tallow Candles, in store and for le by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. aug 6 ELECTION NOTICE. O N Thursday, 7th August next, Council will olect a Corporation Attorney. Sal try 61,000. Bund $2,000. AppUcuUoiu tuuHt be htiudcd to tuu on or before 2 o'clock, P. 11., of thu day of electlou. Two s*-eu- • idea required, wnoso tiaiuos must bo stated in the application. EDWARD G. WILSON, Jy2fi Clerk of Council. A LA HAMA LOTTE It Y! [ADTUOIUZUt IlY TUK >r*TK UK *UB*M*.l a CLASS F— NfcW SERIES. To bo druwu In the City of Montgomery. Alabama, in public, on WEDNESDAY, August 13tb, 1866, HAVANA PLAN! on the SAMUEL SWAN, Manager. Prizes amounting to 204,000 Dollars!! Will bo distributed according to the following MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! 30,000 Numbers—1(1,183 Prises! lprizo of.. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 640,000 Is., 16,000 is 7,000 Is 3,000 Is 2,000 1* 1,000 IS 1,000 I* 2001s 1601* .640,000 16.000 7,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 10,000 4 4 4 4 4 4 40 16,000 UU uw ..........a, tvv 19......... AV.UvU 4 prizes ol 6200 approxlm’g lo 640,000 are 6800 100 76 00 60 40 26 20 16,000 are 400 7,000 are 300 3,000 are 240 2,000 aro 200 are leo 1,000 are 100 200 are 800 120,000 16A66 prizes aiuouuting to $204,000 The 16,000 prized of $3 are determined by tho itumber which draws the 640,000 prize—if that aurnbor should bo an odd number, thou every odd uumbor liokot iu tbe Scheme will be cutitlod to 6B If an oven Dumber, then every even number ticket will bo entitled to 68 >£ iu addition to any other prize which may bo druwu. Purchaser* iu buying an equul quantity of odd and oven number tickets, will bo certain of drawing noarly ono half tho cost of tho samo, with obanoes of obtaining othor prizes. All tboso ticket* ending with 0. 2, 4. 6. 8, uro oven—all thoso endong with 1, g, 6,7, 0, are odd. kST Romember that every prtxe Is drawn, and payable in full without doiuotlou. tor All prizes or $1,000 and under, paid immedi ately aftor tho drawing,—othor prizes at tbo usual time of thirty days. AU communications strictly confidential. The drawn numbers will bo forwarded to pnrobasors Immediately after tho drawing. Wholo Tickets, $10—Halves, 66—quarters, 62 60. Prise Tickets oasbod or renewod In othor Tiukota at either office. Order* for Tickets can bo addre**od either to 8. SWAN k CO., Atlauta, Ga., jyltf Or 8. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala. WOOD AND LUMBER. A LL kinds of Wood, Boards, Flanks, Joist, Timber, Shlnglos, Light-wood, Posts, Eastern Laths and Paillugs, for sale, at wholesale and retail, low for cash, on tho new wharr recently erected on the Lumbor Yard or Robert A. AUon k Co, mar 13-1y W M. J. L. MOULTON TO MASTER BUILDERS AND CON TRACTORS. P ROPOSALS for erecting a Masonic Hall lor Sokv' mon’a Lodge No, 1, will be received at my of fice until the first Mom'ay lu August next. jy6—8w JOHN S. BOWEN, Architect. PHOTOGRAPHS. Large sized Photographs, ta ken by MILLER, AT TWELVE DOLLARS PER DOZER Also, Ambrotypes and Da guerreotype*, in IdB usual su perior style. A call I* solicited. J. W. MILLER, mar27 cr. St. Jultan-Bt. and Market square. JOHN S. NORRIS, ARCHITECT. H AVING resumed tho practice of hisproles- slou, offers bis service* to hi* friends and the public as an Architect uud Superintendent. Dedigus fot any part of tbo country supplied and executed In all tho various branches of hi* profos- tiou, such as Public Edificos, Stores, Dwellings, MonumouU, &c. Thoroughly Fire Proof Stores de signed and executed. Offico at present la Bay Lam rear of the Custom House. Jan 3—ly WATCHES—WATCHES—WATCHES, m We are receiving the Loudon Lever Watchon. of the moat celobrutod maker*. In ir* JlGold and Silvor coses. R. F. Cooper’s Du- MlflBplex Watches, Watches for Timing Horses, fine Swiss Chronometers, which we offer at rcasona- file prices, at our new store tn Gibbona’ Range. •OIU28 D. B. NICHOIB k CO. DR8. LEFLER& WILCOX, Dentist*. ARB now fully prepared to in sort foil or partial sott* of Teetb on tho principle of Dr. J. Aliena’* Patent Continuous Gum, By this tbo form of tbo face can bo restored to _iy degree of rotundity that may be desired. It l* Applicable In all cases where tbe cheeks have fotleo iu and caunot be detected by 'ha closest observer.— This method combines the followingt 1 vantages;— An artificial gum, which oxblbita a perfectly natural and llfo-llke appearance, and Imparts tothethcetb that peculiar expression which characterises tbe na tural orgaus. This Gum consists of a siladous compound, which I* applied and ftisod upon tbe Teeth and Plate in sued a manner, aa to fill up all the Interstices around the base or tho Teeth, and also unites them firmly to eaoh other and to the Plate upon wbloh they are sett. This secures perfect oloanllness or the Teeth. Office ovor DeWitt k Morgan, Congress street. V Republican and Georgian copy, fob 16—t! DENTISTRY. Drs. ROYALL & JOHNSON, Doutists, office corner St. Jullen-st. ________ and Market Square, ovor S. Wll- 11 I ■ r mot’s Jewolry store. Office hours 2 m 8 to 2 o’clock, and from 8 to 6. - 1 —11 PIUI.IP M. UUSSRM., JUSTICE or THE PEACE, notary <:onvf.vam;kr. awountant and coi-visr. Will eloululluoiU, Uurtgwei, rownror AUuruujr, Wills, Bonds, Notices and Tuklug o| Interrogatories. Offico nt tbo Court Hoiiro, Savannah, Gu. Court Days. Third Tuesday In each month, and hold at the offico of Edward o. Wilou, Kiq. ItMldeuoo, (indtxn, between Barnard and Tattnall Hlroot. Any val) at night, on btuinc**, will be attended to Immediately. ’ __jy26. miller & roll, ATTORNEYS AT UW. BRUNSWICK, OA. Will pmetico lu thu Brunswick Circuit—coinprU- iug thu following Counties : Glynn, Wayuo, Camden, Ware, , Apppllng, Clinch, Coffee uud Charlton. JOHN B. MILLER. I,. C. BOI.L. aug 8 ly A. THOMAS CO., Auction «nd Comluuslon Merchants, 110 Uruan Street, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. A. TnonxM. [Jo 12] • «. g, piKbmt. H| p XllliBU., •• DEALEIt IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES and Foreign and Domestic Fruit, cornvr Broughton and WhUaker-ttt. Towu and country supplied with oholco good* at moderate price*. All orders promptly attandod to. and satUfactlim always guaranteed. splR FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERO ANT, No. OT Bqrilmt, iy 30 swinitth. fl« A. SHORT, ;■; MASTER BUILDER Will tu|fe contract, for BuIWIm ud Wofklu M.- aonry of every description. Residettofi, No. I Xn Jewett’s Range. Hnuth side Jonre at oetM ; JAMES M. BAVAGBr “ ATTORNEY AT LAW, ! • fHOMAHvatx, raoMis ootJimr, oa. i All busincBs entrusted to his 'ears trill receive prompt attention. . lyr—»arl7 JAM KAO. ItonUKKM,. . .43IIMA, MOXBM. RODGERS Jk NORRIS, 'late Crane k B - -* juim 1,1866, ■AY-BTMRT, BAVAMNA1L V. i. (KHlKW. WX. SMWIjJr. X..JI. I OGDEN, STARR A OO., Shipping and OommiflBioo Hercbs&ts, HAY-flTKKKT. SAVANNAH. OA. PATTEB, HUTTON « CO., FACTORS. Forwarding and Oommissiou Mercbwti, Bay treet, gavaimah. Ga. e.^lJARKWW. ‘ HARRISON $ MeGBl WUOLBBALB AND BKTAIL DEALER IN WINDOW BLINDS, WINDOW SABI! AND PANE DOORS. West aide Mouument Square, ^avuunah, Ga. mayll_ JOHN C. BOOTH, CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Will oLo give hi* attention lo designs iu Architec ture. Offico in the store of John Williamson, Ksq., Day street. myia CHAFFER «3t CO., No. O Whitaker Street, Savannah, Gn., waouesAu and oxtail dbalkkm lv S ASHES, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, &o. White Load, Zinc, White IJusord, Si»orra, Whale, Ton- uers’oud NeutsfootOHs, Glass, Brushes, Gold Loul, Bronze, Builder*’ Hardware. Nall*, Marble Mantels, 4te.,&c. Jo4 TOm MrMirara*; ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office corner Bay and Druytou fatreota Jyw A. S. WKWHT. __ J P. K. HilVAOR. WRIGIIT dt SAVAGE, ATTORNEYS AT LA IF, BRUNSWICK, GA J/ltf aTHTcTiamPIUN: (Sucoossor to Champion & Watts.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, No. 4 Barnard st., between tbe Market and Bay sl.« SAVANNAH, OA. Dealer lu Groccrle*, Foreign and Domretlc liquors, Dried Fruit*, Ac., Ac. Reference—A. Champion, K*q., Samuel Solomons, Esq., Messrs. Rabun A Whiteboad, and Swift A Co., Savunuab. Ga. my It JOHN U. COCHRANE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dublin, Laurens county, Ga M Into Junior p&rluor of the firm of A. A J. Cocuraxk, lrwlnton, Ga., will attend promptly to all business entrusted to his caro. Particular attention paid to colloetlug. Re ference—Dr, C. B, Guyton, F. II. Rowe, Dublin, Ga., M Marsh, Savannah. myll ¥onge 6t fiuerSon; FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 24 BAY-STRKET. SAVANNAH, OA. apr4 A.lllDALPlNdiUUtSTllKHS, Lumber, Mill and Brick Yards. *ept 6 SAVANNAH, GA. JAC - 0Bg 8EGAR AND TOBACCO STORE. No. 29, Bull street, (sign of the Big Indian.) N. B.—Keeps constantly on hand Spanish, Hud Spanish, and American Negara, at wholesale and re- all. Also, Chewing Tobacco, Snuff, Ac. juuel jjambttehbnky; Insurance Broker and Notary Public. Marine Pretests Noted and Extended, Average} adjusted, Charter gfirtios and Average Bonds drawn* Papor* prepared whereby to recover losses from American or British Underwriters, and attention given to all matters connected with shipping and In surance, No. 118 Bay-stroqt opposite the front ol tho Custom Houso. ly aov8 JESSE T. BERNARD, ATTORNEY ANI) COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Ncwnausvillo, Fla. Reftrcnco—George .. Drown, William Doll, New- nansvillo, Fla., U. U. Hilton, Boalou & VUlalonga, Savannah, Ga. myll M. WHIT SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LA W , ALUQATOX, KA8X FLORIDA. WiU practice In tho Eastern and Southern Countloe Refer to—Col. S. S. Sibley, and R. B. Hiltou, Sa vanuah. fob2-tf BIIASroTcTiilSBiSEEr ATTORNEY AT LAW, MOLXDaxvnxx, oa.t Practices Law tn the various Counties of the Oc mulgee Circuit, and tho adjoining Counties ofTwiggii Laurens and Washington. Refer to-John Boston, H. A. Craue, and R. B Hilton. feDl4 GEORCfirA. GDRDDN, ‘ ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AMD Commissioner cftlu U, 8. Court cf Claim* /or the State of Georgia, Office Corner Bay and Bull streets, i j mylo WM. M. WILLIAM*. THADDKC8 OUVKR. JACK SHOWN WILLIAMS, OLIVER At DROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Buena Vlata, Marlon County, Ga., Will practice In the countioaof Marlon, Macon, Hous ton, Stewart, Randolph, Muscogee, Lee, and any adjoining counties, where their services may be required. ngrll WILLIAM PHILLIPS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, MARIETTA, OA. 00126—ly ~ RaVID G. WILfir ATTORNEY AT LAW, SPARTA, OA. Will practice in the counties or Hancock, Warren. Washington, aud Baldwin. Umwofcra—Behn k Foster, Rabun k Smith, aud E. A. Soullard. Savannah. janO AUCTION, COMMISSION, RECEIVING AND Forwarding Merchants* [ft - 69 AND ill BROAD-STRUT, COLUMBUS, GBORGIA. jfSt" Particular utteutlon glveu to the sales of Real Estate, Nogroc* and Produce. . - 4Iir Liberal advances mode on Negroes aud llsr- chondize. RKrnutxoKS i RUSE. PATTEN kCX». ) GUNHYAcDANlKI. VColumbus. Ga v STEWART, GRAY A CO. J RUSE,'DAVIS It LONG, \ . WM. WRIGHT, aavatiuah YOUNG. ATKINS k DUNHAM, I 0. A. GREENE it CO., N 1 1 Apalachloola H. S. SMITH, V Mobile, Alabama, ott 28 ly STellib. Factor aud General Ooniiuiaeion Merchant No; 71 BAY-HTKKKT, 8A VANNAU, UA., Rwkksto—Messrs, tlugboru m unniuglinio, Bell ft Pruuii*H, ogde-n, Starr k Co., Savannah; J. P, Thompson, fbr-toTi. nor 1 WM. AL'DLKr COOPKK. J.\0. OOL'PKB f COUPER At FRASER, FACTORS S GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bay street, Savahnah, Ga. fmyll WILLIAM LYNN, COMM.-iSlON AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, No. 87 Uaytb eH, Savannah, Georgia. Juue 13 GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND DEALER IN Timber and Lumber. SAVANNAH, Oa. ~ ' WELLS at WILUAHI, ~ DOMESTIC, FOBEION AND FANOt DBY GOODS. A’a 149 Contra,-it., Savannah, Oa. 4AS. T. WELLS, formerly of BwuXort W a C. tbeodhildswIluaus; --• sori«nOo.,G«. BcptJ j. o. acs* # * V RUSE.DAinffiA LON©; M "" 1 OOMMISSIOU MERCHANTS. SAVANNAH, GA. may 80 ~ "^vieorDAifmLL; ATTORNEY AT LAW, BAVAimaH. OA. tgr Office over Thoma* M. Turner li Oo.'a Drug Store, Bay street. my7 w. h. uwt>. I. LOCXKR. wiuuit. M.'D. MKEtUH LOCKETT dt SNELLINGS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND SHIPPING AGENTS, WlllaifomlfotUo selling orull'EnSofmndnn. StrlcuttcnUon giyon to rccolvfog and forwarding KooiIh. may 81 ly n,Ua A. R. BIcLAUGHLlN, General Agent and Auctioneer. Solicits from his friends consignment* of svery description. Take* orders for Cotton. *3“ Spoolal attention given to the sales or Real Estate, Stocks aud Negro property, at public and private sales. iVompf reform atid otoafcA. Reference—C. A. L. LAMAR. mehftO JAM. W. UBKXM. . M. *, SMOOT. GREEN * SMOOT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, TO0MA8T0N, OA. Ordinary of ChnUuuu County, AND ATTORNEY AT LAW. JJffloe in the Court House. mylt ATTORNEY AT LAW, Savannah, G*nwH«. Offico ou Bay strest, c Bank of Saraa- r.“ ^fTc©Md~*tiWorWBSr 1 "' FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MEB CHANTS, Savannah, Ga,, and Montgomery, Ala. F.T. Cout, j R.F.Cou, Bay street, Savannah. | Commerce at., MoMc'ry. it. ii. Hilton, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Office corner of Bay and Drayton-sts. SAVANNAH, GA. myll ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 8, Drayton Street, Savannah, Georgia, may h—ly DR. CHARLES' H. COLDiNG, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, No. 14IJBEKTY ST.. One door west of Drayton, myll TCj^AtCHfes, fito.—100 gross Matches in wood ItL boxes, 160 boxt-s Mustard 200 boxos Adamantine, Hydraulic and Sperm Candles, received and for Sale by Jyl7 ,MoMAHON k DOYLE. PATENT ICE PITCHERS. J UST received, ONLY thirty-two days from Bal timore by the new Steamship Lino. The nu merous enquirers will be glad to learu that they have finally arrived. .KENNEDY * BEACH, House-furul'hlng fttore, Hodgiou’s New Block. aug 4 WM. C. CONNELLY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, t&ABSLLA, WORTH COUNTY, «W.. (POST UD10S. A LB* NY.) Will practise In tho Southo|{iCirouit,aBa in Macon, Dooly and Wortn Counties oTTne Macon Circuit. Particular attention given to the collection ol olalms In South-Western Georgia. je2—Om Hi OTHHiag: ATTORNEY AT LAW, febl-ly iRworaoN, a*. L A»i ilB U Si aMJE JiBoN, AITORNGYB AT LAW , «ps-ly ATTORNEY AND CODNSELLOR AT Troupville, Lowndes County, Go.- Will practice In Thomas, Lowndes, Clinch, Ware, Appling, Telfelr, Irwin, Laurens, aud Pulaski countios, Georgia: and u Jefferson, Madison. Ham ilton, and GolumbiacounUea, Florida. [myll OliOTBCIBiTCr A OIiOWBIUCr A EMPORIUM- -Ot 1 DOOR WK8T or THB REPUBLICAN READING BOOM. W.O. Price, Fine Ready-made Clothing ; Hate andOaps, Shlrte, Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, Canos, Umbrellas Cravats, Stocks, Handkerchief, and Fancy Articles for Gentlemen. fob 6 FASHIONABLE AND WUTABY TAYLOR, No. 147 Bay Street, SAVANNAH. Orders from city andcounty solicited. Also, Superfluo aoths, osBlmers and Vestlnp, will ho made to mea- *uro,unoxception- abloln stylo and ~ workmanship,* by the beet mechanics, at shortest notice R ECEIVED tbis-dsy per steamer Alabama— Huckers self-raising Flour, Cholct Table Butter k Cbccao, at • BARRON’8 Family Grocery, Jy 30 Oornsr Whitaker k Charltonsts. IjACOlt AND po RE.—50 hhds clear uSThdo J5 Ribbed do, lo cask* Ham* * 60 bbls Mom Pork. Just resolved and for salo by Jy® RODGERS. NORRIS k CO. RAOON-10 caska prlmo Sldos, Just received and JUM26 CRANE. WELLS h CO. Holcomb, Johnson, k Co. I Cohens k Herts, Lockett k SnolUngs, Edwin Parsons* Oo., Robert A. Allen, I Scranton, Johnston* Oo savannah, ga. myia WM. L. WKBB. WM. M> SABI . WEBB 6i SAGE, (SVOOSSBORS TO CAMXXON, WKBB * OO. IMPORTERS OF CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTHEN-WARE . 146 MKKTING-ST. OBAKLK8TON, 8. 0., Will supply Country Merchants with Goods tn thslr line at as low rates as they can buy In New York, or elsewhere. sept 28 iy H. L. P. KING, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Corner or Boy and 4 Whitaker Streets, SAVANNAH. fob 22 gmot JONH 8. BOWEN, ENGINEER, ARCHITECT’ AND SURVEYOR, COKXKR OF DRAYTOM AMD BBYAM-STB., (Above GAL Lamar.) jye—am c. w. Mabry; ATTORNEY AT LAW FIUNXUN, HXAKD OO., OA. WiU attend to professional business in the Counties Of Heard, Carroll, Campbell, Coweta, Fayette, Meri wether aud Troup, Reference—Hon. E. Y. H1U, LaGrauge, Ga.; Hot. David Irwin, Marietta, Go.: Colonei M. M. TidwelL FayeUetUle,Gs.; aud Mr. William Douglu rty, Co- lumbUH, Ga. ■ sspITjy Wm. McALUITER. hbed on reasonable forms. Orders r« gpoctluily solicited. apis D A 0 , U Yiura —•s ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office 175, Bay-st., over Turner k Go's. Drug Wore SAVANNAH, GA. nov 10—ly. ■ ■. GEORGE TROUP HOWARD. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office Monument 8quare, near State Bank. BAVAMNAH, OA. nov 10—ly ■ ■ ■ ■ CRANES, WELL. * CO., FACTORS ft COM MISSION HERCHANTB Savannah, Ga. MonUoeuo, Jefferson County. Fla. Reference—Hon. W. B. Fuooxo, Savannah, Gi myll EDWARD G. WILSON, MAGISTRATE, NOTARY AND C OF DEEDS, At Messrs. Ward * Owens' Law OSes. (myll WAYNE, GI commissjo; OMOmj v..W...Wrrw TH03.8. Wi YNE. C. *. OMMTOI* B. ALE*. WAYNE W. T. 81EPIA, jy Sivtatudi. aaittaw J. W. PATTEMOW, ATTORNEY AND d)DNB(LU» AT LAW, Troup.H]»,LowndMCnnlr,Oa fall Comar of) M. FITZGERALD, Whitl B uocessor lo T. aWEBSwgBHm ,P«^« «»«J wtoflr of oommoa u< to. < auncapiwn of*