Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, August 06, 1856, Image 2

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: : '■ • 'smzwmmmm; OffioU lPaptr of th« Oitf udOonntj H.'BTHIETON&CO. tmfmmom and puiuamiu. Lift, L 1, MUM*, - - • - - - - nuior. P. HAMILTON, - - AaatatMiC Mlln. WIMWD4Y MORNINO, ADO.«. FOB PRESIDENT: JAMES BUCHANAN, 1 . of nxmTbVAKU. FOB VlOB PRESIDENT I JOHN c. BRECKINRIDGE or nnocsT. Elorton Iter UreMata at Lu|>. WILLIAM H. STILES, of Chatham. IVERSON L. HARRIS, of Baldwin. ALTHUUTW ron TOR ATATR AT LAROS. HENRY Q. LAMAR, of Bibb. AUGUSTUS R. WKIQnT, of Floyd. DI8TMOT XLKOTOU. lit, District, Thomas M. Formam, of Glynn. Id. District, Samuil Hali„ of Macon. 3d. Dktact, Jaw N. Ramsay, of Harris. 4th. District, Lucius J. Oartull, of Folton. fith. District, Joint W. Liwu, of Cam. MIi. Diidnct, Jaw P. Burnous, of Gwinnett. 7th. District, TnoKAsP.SArroLD, of Morgan. 8th Distriot, A. 0. Walirr, of Richmond. . of Mas, Gan. Koaatna Moot fit Fillmore-with out satire eonaaat FiUmora or Fremont—we are willing that ha' should take hit choice.. Ha la weloome to .go for anybody, ao that he keep clear of the Democratic party. Honaton'and Benton have for yean played trcaoberons both toDamocmoy and the South. If the latter la still caned by their procence, let ns rejoice that the former la rid of thotr connection. It laospeclaUyDtand becoming that Houston should oppose Buchanan and support Fillmore —oppose Buchanan, one of the earliest and moot steadfast advocates of the annexation of Texas; support Fillmore, who stated thut he would nercr rote for her admission so long as alsTery existed within her limits. Still, what we stated sometime since remains true. Not a single prominent Demoont has been found throughout all the Southern States, in good standing In the party at tko tlmo of Mr. Buchanan's nomination, who is not support ing him. A parallel fact was never before known since the South became divided Into par ties. White scores,hundreds And doubtless thous ands before unconnected with the democrats have rallied under bis standard, as the only hope of tho South and of the Union, not one dcsortcr has been heard of. Docs this signify nothing 1 We need hardly say that.Houston has been fet many months a member of the K. N. organiza tion ; and received the censure, nearly unant' mously expressed, of the last Texas Legislature for his vote on the Nebraska bill. SciiMti 1 ftorftvMkaaian, contains a vary able letter Horn Senator Pearce, of Maryland, in fkvor of Buchanan In It.he says: “The contest seeaato me to lla between Mr. Buchanan and Mr. Fremont. Mr.* Fillmore's Mends Indeed olaim a great reaotloa in Ills favor; hut I have taken much pains to ascertain what his strength Is In the flee States, aud so far I havo not been able to satisfy my self that ho can carry a single one." Hr. Pearce’s colleague, Senator Pratt, anoth er Whig, says: It Is the deliberate conviction of my judg ment that Fillmore and Donclson will not carry single non-slaveholding State.” And yet tho Know Nothlugs pretend to be lieve Fillmore wHI be elected I THE OLDER I GROW, THE MORE IN- flUNED I AH TO BE WHAT IS-CALLED A STATES RIGHTS MAM—Jama Buch anan's speed! on Ms admission of Arkaneat, in 1838. I FULLY ENDORSE THE RESOLUTIONS, AND MAY FURTHER SAY THAT I AM WHAT IS CALLED A STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT—John C. Bmkenridge in re sponse to kit nomination for Ike Pics Preetdm- cy- LATER FROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL OF THE The Van Bnrens vs. Fillmore The Savannah Republican la not plcasadwlth our rejoicings over the union just consumma ted between the New York Hards and Softs; and Is less pleased, we suspect, with the foot Itself. We are told that Its “cflcct is to restore such aboUtlonlsta as the Preston Kings, Vau Burens, si id osins genus, to the fond embrace of the Democracy.” We reply, that as regards Preston King, he is one of the “dry rot” spe cies, who has been eat off, and has gone to his own place among the Black RepubUcans. As for the “Van Burens et id omne gsuus,” we de fy the Republican to a comparison of their re cord on the slavery question with that of Mil lard FUlmore'; yet, as regards the present po sition of these gentlemen, while the Republican places Fillmore at the head of its party, the Van Burens are put at the tail of ours. Southern Democrats were supporting Van Bu- ren for the Presidency, their position would then be closely analogous to that of the South ern Americans—Van Boren, like Fillmore, hav ing been for one term an occupant of the White Honse. And wo venture to assert, that whoever examines the records will 8nd the ad ministration of the former quite as conserva tive and quite os Southern as that of the latter. While supporting Fillmore, neighbor, the less you say about Van Bunn's abolitionism the better. EMEU. Nxw York, August 4. The steamer Emeu has, arrived from Havre with advioes to July 32. The Havre Cotton, market was dull. Sales for one day 300 bales. Consols were firm. Political. There have been serious disturbances in the Papal States, owing to the dearness of food. It is ramored that the King of Naples contem plates abdicating In favor of the Dnke of Ca labria. Spanish advices say that all was quiet at Madrid, but that Barcelona, Saragossa, Bilbos and Lagrove are in a state of excitement. The London Timet states that Mr. Dallas Is empowered to propose to the British Govern ment the establishment of San Juan as a free Port under Nicaraguan Sovereignty, reserving to Costa Rica the right of traffic through it and through such portions of the river San Juan as may be necessary. Tho Hnsquito Indiana to be concentrated In a defined territoiy, which shall leave clear tho mouthof the Rive San Juan and the town, but their rights are to be guaranteed to them and an annuity, for a term of years, to their Chiefs. The Bay Islands to be restored to Honduras, bat the Belize to remain as British possessions, with the same territorial limits as in 1830. ARRIVAL OF THE ATLANTI C. Four OtyiLater from Liverpool. N*w Yom, August 4—The steamer Atlan. tic baa arrived with Liverpool dates to the 23d Joly^-The cotton market exhib its no new fea ture, quotations steady and the demand fair Sale* of the three days 20,000 bales. Specula! ton and exporters took 7,000 bales. Fair Uplands 6f. Middling 6d. Middling Mobile 0 3-10. The Floor market is firm. Wheat has advanced Id. Manchester trade is generaliy unchanged- Consols have declined j, quoted at 95|. There have been several Cotton failures, with very heavy liabilities. From Spain. The Spanish accounts are conflicting but there has been no more fighting. Few York Markets. N*w York, August 4^—The Cotton market is dull and unchanged. Flour has advanced 1 shilling. CBnttntrtnl Miigtnct. SAVANNAH MARKET. Omcic or ms Daily Gkorqiax k Jovrsal, » Wednesday, August 6tb, 1866. J COTTON.—Arrived slnco tho 20t3 instant, 1443- # bales Upland, aud 1 bates Sou Island, as fol lows : Dy Railroad 1143 ba’os Upland, from Au gusts aud landings on the river, 600 bales Upland, and by southern boats, waggons, Ac., 7 halos Sea Islands. Tlie exports during tho same period have boon 1471 boles Upland, vlr.: to New York 1413 bales Upland, and to Philadelphia68 bales Up land—leaving a stock on baud and on ship board, not clearod yo3torday, or 1403 halos Upland and 633 bales Boa Island—against 3871 bales Upland und 328* bales b'ea Isluud at the same period last year. Again we have to record anothor dull.week In the Cotton market. Tho ouly sale which took place so Tar as wo could ascertain, was 14 halos at ll#o, agalust 603 hales the corresponding wcok lost year, II will be scon that tho ontlre receipts Tor tho week only amounted to 1143 bales, aud exports 1471 bales; reducing the stock to a uomimal t*jlut, aud leaving the market bare or auy offering lot*, with no prospect of Improvomont the balanco of the sea- sou. Tho receipts at this port slnco 1st Sopt’r are 396* 667 halos against 380,676 to tho samo dato lost year aud tho increase in the receipts at all the ports, to tho latest dates, as compared with tho last yoat, aro 723,683 bales; In tho oxports from tho United Statu to foreign countries, os compared with the same dates lost year, there is au lucroase of 444,387 to Great Britain, 71,010 boles to Frauco, and to othor fbroigu ports 237,125 baled, and tho total increase 761,027 bales. Tho receipts or cotton at all the ports, up to the latest dates, give tho following results:— The Grass Caterpillars.—Wc have been told, by a gentleman of a remarkable character istic of these little pests, that like the Kilkenny Cats they cany on a warfare amongit them* •elves. In a bottle in which ten of them were placed, all but two were entirely destroyed and they died, no doubt, of wounds roceived in this fratricidal battle. It is to be hoped that they will soon complete this work of self-destruction, as we have heard great complaints of their at tacking and doing injury to the corn blnids. At a meeting of tho Chatham Mutual Loan Association, held last evening, the following iuma were sold: $1,000 at 13} per cent., $1,000 at 144 per cent., $1,000 at 13 per cent., $1,000 at 14 per cent. Court House Sales.—Yesterday was the general sale day in the City and County. Wa giva below the principal items of interest to the public generally; Messrs. Bell & Prentiss sold, for $5,500, lots Noe. three and four, being part of Garden lot No. nine, fronting Railroad street. Mr.T. J. Walsh sold, for $3,065, five lots, sit uated in the village of Yernonburg in,this county Mr. George W.Wylly sold eight shares of Central Railroad stock at $105 per share $100 paid in. Mr. Bpencer Currell sold, for $610, a negro woman,aged 40 years; also for $060a negro man, aged 35 yean. Mr. John S. Hontmollin sold several negroes at frir prim. uThe Model*President.” Mr. Fillmore, we are told by his admirers, made a model President. Ts it not tbon some what singular that four yean ago, when his •ervlces were fresh in the recollection of tho people, a Convention of his own party friends assembled to nominate a Presidential candidate ahould have repudiated him. Such is the fact, In 1852 a Whig National Convention assembled it Baltimore and p though sufficiently conserva tive to adopt a sound platform on tho sutyect of slaved, they nevertheless set asldo him whom we an now to regard as a modsl President. In other words, Democrats are now asked to sup. port on#'whom bis own party rejected after tuple trial, four yean since. Tire Savaumali Republican Sold; I Day after day the evidence accumulate* that the Democratic nominee is not to be known in tho great struggle between the Union aud the anti-slavery fanaticism at the North. \Thy is it that onr Democratic Mends cannot see a truth so glaring and palpable to the sense I—Repub lican. Really, wo are afraid the prescription once suggested by Mr. Benton (now high authority with the Americans) for the. benefit or a lire, thcr Senator will have to bo tried upon our neighbor. Benton, if wo recollect rightly, said that hones in Missouri sometimes become dis eased in each a way that the only remedy either to "cut them for tho cimplce, or to shoot them for the big head." The eimplicity shown by the Republican in tho article from which the above extract is taken is truly un alarming Indication! * For example: it has actually swallowed a burlesque letter to the 7'ribune, from Columbus, Ohio, as a veritable retord of a serious fact The Tribune correspondent ridicules a Fill more Ratification meeting, by showing that tho prominent actors in tho afiiiir were really Buchanan men, who took part ia the proceed ings to keep the fowFlUmorenesin countenance. Here is n portion or the letter. From a careful perusal of it our readers will find no difficulty indoterminclngtliat the Republican 1ms been cold—badly cold. Correspondence 'or tlio X. V. Tribune, Columsus, Tuesday, July 22,1850. The Border-Ruffian Democrats of this cits and vicinity, aided slightly by the Old Line Whigs, held a Fillmore ratification meeting in this city on the evening of Friday last The remarkable features of the meeting were, that the whole affiiir had been cut and dried before hand by the Democrats. “Tho Statesman” had urged it on, publishing the notices, Ac. The resolutions were drawn up by a leading Buch anan man, and all the applause and enthusiasm came from that party, which was represented by Sam Cox, former editor of “Tho Statesman,” J. P. Slough, Secritary of the Democratic State Central Committee, and othen equally well known as strong Loco-Focos. These men not only made themselves con spicuous in the meeting by applauding the speeches bat actually voted with the Fillmore men, endorsing the resolutions in the heartiest maoner. This was more especially noticeable in regard to Mr. Slough, who yielded himself up to tho wildest and most vehement enthusi asm whenever Fillmore's name was mentioned, or an argument adduced in his favor. SheBuchananitos here look upon tho defee- tion of Mr. Sioagh as especially ominous, as ho lias held, and now holds, a prominent position in the party, and certainly wields much in. fluence. The Republican'a comments on this Jotter aro rich enough—but we have no room ibr them. It is needless for us to add that the Statesman mentioned above is one of the strongest Bu chanan papers in the West As for J. O.Slough, the Cincianati Enquirer (Dcm.) of August 1st has annoueements over his signature, as Act. Sec. of Ohio Dem. Ex. Committee, of numer ous Democratic mass meetings. Increase. Now Orloana 481,774 Mobile.. 186,764 Florida 6,810 Toxas 41,688 Savannah 13,208 Charleston 3,101 North Carolina Virginia 732,314 8,681 per .per • P®r .per ..per .per bb!.|14 00 •per bbl. , .por bill. ..per bbl, mm 16 (8 Decrease. 2,060 5,671 Stock on hand Sept. 1,1856.. Roc’d Biuce July 29.. 1143 Roceived previously. 378276 (COMMUNICATED.) Savannah, August 1 1850. Messrs, Editors As the condition of the hidrant water of the city is now a matter of im portance to our citizens, and of speculation and argument, I claim a right to make some sug gestion on the subject. Our public squares have long since been a subject of pride, and well may they be; for thevo arc few cities even of twice or thrice tho size or Savannah that can boast of so much beauty and comfort in this particular. But thero is still room for im provement. Let thero be a small Fountain placed in the middle of one of onr largest squares, that would be constantly throwing a thousand streams into the parched and heated atmosphere, and the health of the pluoo will be improved, the eye will be pleased and the water will be constantly changed and kept wholcsoBto. Fu Philadelphia, where tiio water seldom becomes disagreeable by standing in the pipes, and where there is sometimes a scar city of water, moHtofthe public squares arc supplied with a Fountain merely for cioansing and purifying the atmosphere. Small Foun tains could bo erected in our public squares, at a trifling expense, by which our town would not only lie beautified, but the health of the in habitants und the quality of the water mucii improved. A Citizen. _ Lecture of Prof* Mucc. It will bo scon that Mr. Mace, who like tho hero In Sartor itesarius, is" Professor of things lu general/’ proposes to enliven our dullness by a lecture this evening. We are informed that the Profaaor had throngs to hear him In New York last winter. Total 723,683 SEA ISLANDS.—No sole* or exports to report for the wcok. Received 7 bale?,viz: 2 by Boats aud 6 by the Savaunah, Albany k Gull' ^Railroad, from tho plantation of Win H Miller, Esq., on tho Ogoochoe, RIOK—We have no change to notice In this ar ticle since our last. Sales for the week 140 tlorco3 st prices ranging from 3# to 3% per 100 lbs. COFFEE.—The market has again been Inactive, and tho demand limited at former prices. BACON—Ha* attracted little attention the past wcok The receipts of Tennessee* have been am plefortbo demand, and in gome instances ounces Klons have beeu made to effect gales. Wo quote Bhou Iders 10# to 11 cents, Good Clear Sides 12# 13 cents,Ribbed 11 # to 12,and Cincinnati Canvassed Hams ut 15 per lb. FI.OUU.—The stock of Flour or all grades la rap idly decreasing. Wo quoto choice Georgia brands as follows: Superfine (now wheat,) $8 to 8#, and Extra Family at $10 per barrel. Holders aro firm at these prices. Receipts 162 barrels, and 263 sacks. Exports 170 barrols and 45 sucks. WHEAT.—Wo have no sales to report the past wook. Tho receipts foot up 17,360 bushel*, and exports 18,386 bushels, principally to New York. Quotations nominal. SUGARS.—A light demaud only exists, the trade purchasing sparingly in view of tho high prices de manded. CORN.—With no receipts worthy or note, price! havo still further advanced. Tho stock Is much ro- duccd and dealers are realizing 76 to 80c. iu quan tities, and 86 per bushel by retail. OATS.—We notico a sale of 1,000 bushels during the wcok at 46 cents, retailing at 56 to 00 per bush el. Stock ample. HAY.—Thero has toon no receipts during the wcok, but the «tock is still ample and will quoto as boforo 80 to 86 for Northern, aud $1 to 1# for Eas tern. LIME—Is iu good request at $1 26 to 1 87 per barrel. Stock heavy. SALT.—Wo havo no arrivals to roport slnco our last. A lot or 5,000 sacks has beeu sold from store SI 05 per sack. HIDES—Havo materially improved slnco our iast. Wo uow quote 11 to 12# cents per lb. ROPE.— 1 The market is quiet at our quotations, say 11# to 12#c., aud Dillon’s 18 to 13# nominal ly, nono being on the market. MOLASSES—Early iu tho week seme inquiry existed for Cuba, resulting in tho rales of all offering in tlr3i hands at 38 cents per gallon. Tho stock i a n<>w controlled by Jobbers who aro realizing 40 to 42 coats for Cuba, 69 to 66 lor Barbadoos, and 00 to 65 for New Orleans. ROUGH KICK.—Wo have no transactions to re port in tide article. Received during tko week 7,000 bushels. LUMBER.—Wo uotlco no chuuga la prices, a good inquiry exists tor prime merchantable Timber. The Block is rather reduced. BAGGING.—This article has attracted marked attention the past week, with sales of70balos at 18, 60ut 17#, 16 a< l’«., aud 100 Rolls at loo.; tho market closing Urm. Sea Island Bagging dull and neglected. UQUOR5.—No sales te roport for tho wook. We quoto Amcrlcuu Gin 48 to60ccuts, Philadelphia and Baitmore 39 to 46, aud New Orleans 38 to 42 cents per gallon. BUTTER k CHEESE.—The demand for choice Butter is fair, with a light stock. No change 111 the price of Cheese. FRUIT.—Lemons $6 60 aud Oranges $7 per box FREIGHTS—Fokbux.—Cotton to L’pool,no vossel Coastwihk-To N. York,in steamships,$100 for square and 126c. for round,and 6()cforsqr in sailing vessols aud to Boston, #; to Baltimore und Phlldel- phia, In sailing vessels,#. Lumber aud Timber to Eastern and Northern ports $7 to $10. Wheat, by steutnor 16c. per bushel is demandod; sailing vessels tako it at 7 a 8c. Rice 126c. Por steamship* for Baltimore 300 tou for Copper Ore; # for Cotton; 100 for Rice. EXCHANGE.—.Sterling, 9# por cent, premium.— Banks aro selling Sight Checks on all Northern cities at # por cent, premium ; aud purchasing Bight bills at # dls.; 5 to 16 day Bills ut #©# por ct. dis.; 30 day Bills at #©# per ct. dls. ; 60 duy Bills 1# to 1# percent, dls.; 90 duy Bills 2©2# por ct. dis. on Philadelphia, aud Baltimore 60 day bills at 1# a 1 #, 00 day bills 2 to 2# por cent, discount. Exp’d sluce July 29,. 1471 Exported previously. .377286 14692 378757 14092 Stock on hund and on shipboard not cleared August 51856 1462 633 SAUK Tins LAST TEAK. Stock ou hand Sept. 1,1854 2600 Rec’d sluce July 30.... 901 — Received previously. 364747 14928 366048 COO 14928 Exp’d previous! ly .30. dy.... 368248 ..1900 — 362477 16200 304377 Stock on baud and on shipboard not clearod Aug 6, 1865 3871 Export! of Gottorn. Bioe and Lumber. ron TUB WKKK ENDING AVOC8T 4th, 1856. COTTON. WnSUKTO S. I.|Uplands. KICK I.CMBER Ia Ciota Franco- .... 150162 Wo3sor River 340650 Now York 1419 220 180000 Philadelphia 68 72 20044 Xewberryport 123825 Total 1471 292 816171 TOWNS. | 181)0. j Augusta and”Hamburg,' July lT. Macon, (Go.) July 1 Columbus, (Ga.) July 1 Montgomery, (Ala.) June 7 Memphis, (Teun.)July 10........ Stock of Cotton In Interior Towns. NOT INCLUDED IN THE RKCKIPIB. Gunny, Tow..; Dale Rope .a,-..'.. Dillon’s Kopo....*« Bacon* Hnms. .... .Shoulders Hldos '..... Boor, N. York, Mess Prlmo Cargo... a. Bread. Navy . .. Pilot.. por bbl, Butter*Gos’u Prlmo.per lb. No. 2 per lb. Brick*,'Sav. 1st qual.por M. ft. Nortkoru por M. ft* Bees Wa* per Ip. Candles* SpormocelU.por lb, Adamantine... per lb, Savuuuah made, Tul.. per lb, Northorn do. do..por lb Cliccse* Northern.... pur lb. 12# © Coffee* Cuba, d Laguyra per Good fair to prime., .per lUo per Java por Cotton* Upland, Inferior por “ Ordinary.... per “ Middling.... rper “ Mid. Fair....per “ Fair 4c vy.fair, per “ Good fair....por Cordage* Tarred por Mauilla per Domestic Goods, Shirtings, brown....per Sheetings, brown....per . . Brown Drills per yd. 8 © Cotton Osnaburgs.... per yd. 9 Duck, English por bolt. 10 00 Fisk* Mackerel, No. l.per bbl. 19 00 No. 2.por bbl. 10 00 No. 3.per bbl. 7 00 Flour. Canal per bbl. Balt. Howard-st. sup..por bbl. Philadelphia per bbl. Georgia per bbl, Grain, Corn, per bush. “ retail.. ..perbush. Oats porbUBh, Wheat per bush. Rico per cask. Glass, Fch. Wiudow..por 60It. Gunpowder per keg. Hay, Prime, Nor them, por cwt. ou >< Eastern., per cwt. 1 00 Hides* Dry per lb. ll Deerskins per lb. 20 Iron, Sweods, asao’d.. per lb. 1 06 Pig Scotch per tou. 38 00 Hoop per cwt. 4 26 Shoot per cwt. 4 26 Nall Rods per cwt. 0 60 Lard por lb. 13 Lime* Rockland per lb. 1 62 Lumber* S. Sawed* refuse per M. ft. 0 00 Merchantable pcrM. ft. 13 00 River Lumber, ref...per M. ft. 800 Morch’ble to prlmo...por M. ft. 12 00 Ranging tim’r for exp per M. ft. 10 ou Mill Ranging por M. ft. 0 Oi White Pino, clear.... per M. It. 30 00 Merchantable porM. ft. 18 00 Cypr ess Shingles perM. 4 60 Suwcd Cypress do-,.perM. 16 00 Red Oak Staves per M. 16 00 While do. pipe...perM. 66 00 Do. do. hhd....pcrM. 30 00 Do. do. bbl....perM. 20 00 Aiolasses* Cuba 40 Now Orleans per gall. 60 Nalls, Cut, 4d. to 20d.. pur lb. 4 25 Naval Stores* Tar.. .per bbl. 3 50 Spirits Turpentine.. ..per gall. 42 Varnish per gall. 86 Oils*Sperm,’d.per gall. 2 26 Do. full do...por gall. 2 10 Do. sum’rdo...per gall. 0 00 Whale, racked, wint.per gall. 80 Linseed per gall. 00 Tanners por gull. 16 00 Osnaburgs*Flax.. ..per yd. 00 Pork* Mess, Western.per bbl. 19 00 Prime per bbl. 17 60 Moss, Now York....per bbl. 18 00 Porter, London per doz. 2 75 Ale, Scotch 8...per pnt., 2 00 Raisins* Malaga. ...per box. 4 00 Spirits* Brandy, cog.per gall. 4 60 Otard, DupuyACo.. .per gall. 6 00 PInet, Castilou k Co.... per gall. 600 A. Soignetto’s »er gall. 3 60 Lcger frcrcs per gull. 3 00 Poach po* gall. 66 Domestic por gall. 44 Gin, American per gall. 48 Holland per gall. 1 60 Rum, Jamaica per gall. 2 60 N. E., bbls per gall. 40 Whiskey, Phil, k Dull.per gall. Now Orleans per gall. Sugar* P. Rico and St. Croix.per lb, N. 0. Sugar per lb, Havana, white per lb, “ brown per lb. Loaf aud Crushed.. ..per lb. Salt, Uvcr’l, coarse... per suck. Cargo, bulk por bush. Turk’s Island per bush, lectures ON THE LAWS TOP gATOnn. rarvn — —~v - PROFESSOR Macf 11 A Cube., K lUtxr.k.m k Son, J M Coopor k c, Tb. tru. Expounder or the l-riocirt^ « WHUoodiiord, W»jn»,Ora»vlUokCoJWUlbr«p wboM(drooluMud aptrintorebb ttJ h 5 n r Minis k Jobiuloi, J BIcbzrdKm, «od Yoaif k Fit ulo obuu. oftuiopo, bu cu»bW bi~ ,! **—o wanriftHtil r:."” 11 . w nuk. Con.lcnet., Por US M .tonniw Corolln. from Chnrluloo known Uiom w.ndorlul devtlopmenu .hX.®* 1 ' —. utounk Ibe eduented world 1 wh «h mm r.Mii|m, . ; l'er USM .tremor 0 rollon, frrei amrlulon- WEDNESDAY K V P V i v. „ Vf Nolson Indx k child, Mlu itcRory.Mr. Bodohu v h « I N 0, Mrs Blakemsu, Miss G Dillon, MUs A D.lion, Mis* M AT THE Ko.l*, oGuodsls 4clady. J M Pennington lady * 2 children 4 17 servant* B y Burn* lady 4* 3 chil dren, T Price k lady, Mrs W W Smith, J Kelffer, D R Dillon, B A Carter, J SGlsueli, J GPutnum, J Tepcu, J l’sthson, SO House, Cept Abert, US A. J W mark, W E Chamber*. E Banknlght, sad 8 dock. Columbia, (S. C.) July 10 3262 1825 800 800 300 1866. 8161 3740 1449 6024 1600 16C0 3 37# (a) 3 87# 2 26 (S> 14 Oh 4 60 © 7 60 (a) 1 H (a) *2 © © 116 © 39 ©4 60 © 4 60 © 7 00 © 14 © 1 M © SOU ©16 00 © 10 00 © 16 00 © 16 00 ©1000 ©40 00 ©26 00 © GOO © ©20 00 ©60 00 ©40 00 ©2600 © 42 © 65 © 460 © 400 © 46 © © 260 © 260 © 000 © 100 © 95 ©1600 © 10# ©2000 ©1800 ©2000 © 287# © © 460 ©1000 ©1000 © 7 00 © 700 © 600 © 126 © CO © 60 © 176 © 300 © 50 46 42 LIST OF VESSELS UT FOBT. Ships. Alabama (s) Woodhull N Y.. Pad elf or il Fey fcCe Trcemun Ruwdou (s) Green, Balt.. .Brlg’m K k C° Telegraph, wt’g Mono k Connery Pearl, Hutchings,,...Barcelona....Webb 4:Broths Feruuuduula, Niukorsou..Cadiz Cohen k Herti Pelor Lomlll; lloey NY OCohon Maji-Hio, Duran wt’g A Low 4c Co Sonoontn. J N Baker, Vaunerman Philda C A Greiner Jonas Smith, Firman,... ,1’d’g.. Ogden, Starr d Co Ploudono, Brown, l’d’g JTRowland X Berry, Trim.. Rockland Me.. Carleton 4c Parsons Sheet Anchor, Hake.... Boston.. .Urlgbam R k Co Eulipio, Jones ,N Y Cohen 4c Herts North State, Horton... ,1’d’g J T Kowlanp Comparative View of Vessels LOADING LY TUB DNITSD STATES FOB rOKklUX PORTS tovto'^rM^flTtura? ELECTRICITY—Found to bo tlio Orniocleul ■ of Creation. clc "' **n THEORY—Module or tho Unfolding ,nj incut ortho :/ v IWlVEltdE-OomprUiui Sum, PUnou ou.l u. litea. •RIU1N—Of tbs Black Race dUcov«rej m u,. Inu rior of Africa. wz “*• RED RACE—Origin discovered ou lb* Llindt/b raatra. NEW HhJlORY- and the FalLof Mas. ANIMAL LIFE—Principle discovered bj the emy oricleacea at Paris. ACM- NEW TESTAMENT—Origin and Formation from History. CHRISTIANITY—Origin of both Catholic aud v,,, aslant. rfW SPIRIT SOUL-Analysis or the Human JUnd-cvre Agency. " N HUMAN INTELLECT—Electric Influanr^Eiiioi tlon of Spiritualism. “W WOMAN’S SAGACITY—Principles of Natural er to road humau character. HUMAN SOCIETV—Illustration* un iu Tiu« False conditions. e m THE MILLENIUM—Principle or iu beciuuiM-a* tiny of the human race. routs. New Orleans, July 25. Mobile, Aug 1 Florida, July II Savannah. August 6 CliurlcsflBugust 2 NewYoNP July 26 Other Port** J uly 26.. | 1856 11 |OB|Fr|OP| 1865 QBjFr 4| 1[ , 0 0 0 21 1 2 10 89 0[ 9j 8| 2 ‘ 0 Total,... ....“| 73|14|106| | 41J 8| 77 Bank Share, and Stook. mnunoss. IoowIpbb’t vwcE\mvro’Ds. Bank State of Georgia. Planters* Buuk Marino Buuk Con. R. 11. 4t U'k’g Coin’y. BaukolSavaunah Gas Light Company S. W. R. R. Company Georgia R. R. Company... Macon k Wost’n R. R. Co.. Wes’u 4s Atlantic R. R.Co. Muscogee R. R. Company. City Bonds Mechanics’Saving Bank, Augusta 4t W. Rail Road... 100 118 a — 80 97 a 100 6U 70 a 72 100 116 a 116 100 116 a — 26 27 a 28 100 08&tntors 100 par 100 a 108 loo 87 'a 88 92 iit Nono off’g 100 12 per ct 14 por ct 14 per ct 10 per et 10 per ct por cl 8 perct 8 por 10 per . por 8 pero: 7 por cl 10 per Bank Note labia. Soap* Amor., yellow..per lb. No. 1 per lb. Palo por lb. Family per lb. Shot, all sizes per lb. Begars* Spanish...... per M. American per M. Tallow’, Americuu...per lb. Tobacco* Munfac’d.. .per lb. Teas* Souchong per lb. Gunpowder per lb. Hyson per lb. Twine, Seine per lb. Baling per lb, Wince, Madeira per gall. Sicily Madeira per gall. Tenerlffe, L. 1* per gall. Malaga, Sweet per gall. “ Dry per gall. Claret, Marseilles.... per cask. “ Bordeaux per cask. Champagne per dos. Wool, Southern, unwashed.per lb, “ clean per lb.i WooUklne* lambs, each, i each, 88 © [authorized bt thk ctatb or qborou.] FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY. CLASS 18. To bo drawn in the city of Atlanta, in public, on THURSDAY, August 28,1856, on tho HAVANA PLAN. SAMUEL SWAN A CO.* Managers PRIZES AMOUNTING TO $20 4,0 0 0!! Will be distributed according to the following BRILLIANT SCHEME 1 30*000 NUMBERS—15,ISO PRIZES I 1 prixoof $40,000 is $40,000 1 « 10,000 Is 10,000 1 “ 10,000 Is 10,000 1 “ 6,000 Is 6,000 1 “ 2,000 Is 2,000 I “ 1,000 u 1,000 1 “ 1,000 1s 1,000 II prizes of 200 are 2,000 100 “ 100 are 10,000 4 prizes of 200 app’g to $20,000 prize, are 800 100 76 60 50 40 25 10,000 prise, are 10,000 prise, are 5,000 prize, are 2,000 prize, are 1,000 prize, are 1,000 prizes are 200 prize, are 0 © 11 11) X IS n# 10 © 12 © 14 © 1C 112 © 1 25 80 © 66 66 © 70 © 6# © 7 © 1# © 8 19 00 6 00 10 ©6000 ©1500 © 12# 16 © 80 ' © 76 © 100 © 100 © 36 © 26 © 400 76 76 30 18 3 00 76 1 26 60 46 40 60 10 00 22 22 18 © 150 © 62# © 60# © 80 © 80 ©2200 © 23 © 26 © 60 & 60 15.C.00 of $8 amounting to 120,000 15,186 prizes amounting to $201,000 The 16,000 prizes of $8 aro determined by the uumber which draws the $40,000 prize; ir that number should be an odd number, then every odd number ticket 1b the schome will be entitled to $4; if an even number, tben every even number ticket in the scheme will be entitled to $8, in addition to any other prize which may be drawn. T'urchasers in buying an equalqoantlty or odd and and even number tickets, will bo certain or draw; ing nearly half the cost or the same, with chances of obtaining otaer prizes. AH tho30 tickets ending with 0,2,4, 6, 8,are evea —all thoso ending with 1, 8, 6, 7,9, aro odd. Remember that every prize U drawn, and paya ble iu full without deduction. All prizes of $1000* and under, paid immediately after the drawing—oilier prizes at the usual lime of thirty days. 43* AU communications strictly confidential. The drawu cumbers will bo forwarded to pur chasers immediately after the drawing. Whole Tiokots $10—Halvoa $6.00—Quarters $2.60. Prize tickets cashed or renewed In other tickets at either office. Orders for tickets can be addressed either to S. SWAN k CO., Atlanta, Ga., or jy-7 S. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala F ulton market beer—10 H»if~bbu Fulton Market Beer, aid 10 do do Pork. Just roceived by! may20 J. D, JEa GAP. BKOOMd, LARD AND BLlJE—20 boxes No 1 Soap, 69 Pale do, 76 do Family do 100 dozcu Brooms, 60 kegs Lard 100 boxes Fig Blue, received and for sale by McMAHON 4t DOVE, JylO 206 and 207 Bay st. Liverpool CURRENT PRICK, JULY 11, A9 COMPARED WITH TI10SI OP 18 65 AND 1864. UKOUGIA. B’k Slate or Georgia.. Par Planters’Bank ' Marino Bank Con. R. II. k B’k’gCo.. Ga. R. R.& B’k’gCo.. Bank of Savannah.... Mcoh’cs’ Sav’g Buuk. Merch’ts 4c Planters Bank of Augusta Mech’cs* Bank, (Aug.) Aug.Ins.4: B’k’gCo.. B’k of Br’swlck,(Aug) Union Bauk City Bank Mon’fuc’rs B’k, (Mac.) Merch’ts B’k,(Macon)3ds Manufao’rs’ &Mech’ca SOUTH CAROLINA, AO. Charles’nCity Banks..Par Columbia Com. Bank.. “ Bank or Hamburg.... “ M. B’k of Cher aw.... “ Bank of Georgetown.. “ Bank of Camden “ Ex.Bank, (Columbia). “ Bank of Newberry ... “ Bank of Chester “ Plant’s’B’k, (Fairfield) “ S. W. R. K. Bank..... “ New Orleans.. .3 pr c. dls North Carolina... 2 a 3 dis Virginia 2a2#dis Alabama.....,2a4 dls Tennessee Safi dis Export* of Cotton and Bioe. PROM THE PORT OP SAVANNAH, COMMKNC’U SEPT. 1, 1866 TbxYzllowFzvzk at Sew York Qvaiuk- tine.—tfeto York, Auguel 2.—There bare boon eighty cue* of yollow ground fatally „ illow fever at ourquarantine Kind this season, eight of which turmhutted Savannah Market* AngmtO. COTTON—No transactions reported in this arti cle yesterday HXlUR—126 sucks and 60 bbls Tennessee Flour. just received aud for sulo by , YOXGK k FRIERSON, jy24 40 Bay street. ACOX—10casks prlmo Sboulders. Just receiv ed and for sale Dy Jy24 YONOR k FRIERSON, 49 Bay st. H ATS.—100 dozen Plantation Hats, iu store aud for sate by )ya J. M. FYRE*94Bay st. C ANDLES.—60 bnxo.s Uoadoll’s 6’s Tallow Cun dies, 30 do do 8’s do do, inudit g and for sale iiy Jys BCIIASTD.N, johnIW ft m B agging roue, *«.—76 bales Daggiug 200 coin Western Hope 2,000 lbs Twiuo, for sale by Jy9 RODGERS, NORRIS Si CO W jTire BitANJIY—! wwikH White Ural,.,, Hull* able for putting up poaolioH, Ao., Just receiv ed and fur sale by Jy27 A. UONAUD. WBRRKTO, Slnco July 20 Previously. Siuco J’y2P Previ ously. S. I. Upla’d S. I. Upla’d Tl’ccs Ti’ces, Liverpool... Loudon.... 7730 161207 806 Oth. Br. P’ta 59 234 i& Tot. to G. B. .... 7705 161441 Oil Havre Marseilles., 670 16201 ::::: 99 Oth. Fr. P’ts ""A .... Tot. to Frn’c ... 670 10201 09 Hamburg .. S.Petorsb’rK Oth. N.E. P’ta .... &6i& 659 Tot.N.E.P’ta ... 6616 650 4850 Oth.W.I.P'ts So. Eurepo.. Oth. F’n P’ta ...... 280 198\> To.oth.F.P’s ...e‘e .... 6231 New York.. 1413 2689 119360 226 7047 3920& 7220 4024 Provldeuco. , 803 Philadelphia 6f i& 21011 72 2G61 Baltimore.. 43&S 737 Charleston.. 2782 1239 ( 767 N. Orleans.. Oth.U.S.P’ta 472 2960 Tot. C’sIwIbo 1471 6621 204020 292 20530 Grand Total. Ufl'lMOO 377280 202[ 2833 IRVING* 8 WSIIINGTON. V OLUME III of tlio Ufa of George Washington, by Washington Irving. We onu supply all who wish this most dosirablo work, in any styloof binding. The Wanderer, a tale of life’s Vicissitude*. "Trudging along, unkuowlng what ho sought, And whistling as he wont, far want of thought, Ey tho author of tho Watchman, Uimpligher, otc. John Halifax, Gontloman, by the author or Tlio Head of tho Family, Olive, &u. Dickons’ Household Words far July. Putnam’s Monthly far July Frank Leslie’s Gaxoltco of Fashion for July. Mr* Stephens’ Illustrated New Monthly far July, K kwooil’ Edlnburh Magazine far June. Fr j WARXOCK St DAVIS, Booksellers and Stationer*, Jyi 169 Congress street. Bowed ordinary... middling fair good fair good.... Orleans and Mobile, ordinary...... middling fair good fair good ch gin’d marks. Surat ordiury... middling,.. fair good fair,.. good S. I. Bt. k sawgln’d. ordinary .., middling.., fair good fair...... good and liuo.. Pernambuco.... Domcrara Egypt’n(ord to fair) Do (good fair to One) West India i860. 6# a 6# 0# a 0# 6#a 6# 6#a 6 % 7 a 7 5 a 0 0#n 0# 6#a 7 7«a 7# 7#a 7# 8 a 8 4#a 4# 4#a 4# 4#a 4# 6 u 6 5#a 6# 6 a 9 11 al2 12#al3 13#al4# 15 alO 17 tt08 6#u 8 0 a 9 0#a7# 8 alO 0 a 9 1866. 6#a 6# 6#n 8# 6#a 6# 7#a 7# 7#a 7# 6#a 0 C#a 6# 7 a 7# 7#a 7# 7#a 7# 8 a 9 3#a 4 4#a 4# 4#a 4# 4#a 4# 5 a 6# 6 all# 11 al2# 13 &13# I4#al5 10 al7 18#a30 0# a 8 8#al0 6#» 7>i 8 HlO o#a Q# 1864. 4#a 4% 6#a 6# 6#a 6# 0#a 8# 0#« 7 4#a 4# 6#a 6# 0#a 6# 6Ji a 0# 7 a 7# 7Ka 8# 2#a 3 3#a 3M 3#u 3# 3#a 8# 3*4 a 4# 6 al2 9#al1# 12 a!3 13#al4 16 al6# 17 a 30 8#a 8 6#al0 6#a 7 7#al0# 0 a 9 taken on speculation to this date bags 329,1 Ditto of same period of 1855 580,670 OompuRtlva Export* of Lumber, PROM TUB PORT OP SAVANNAH, COMMKNO’G SEPT. 1, 1865 WHEBK TO. jsr?».i- r ° v ' , »i is64 ' Liverpool London 2232213 450643 6186803 1000269 UU4H378 Ollier British Porta..... 115U6023 Total to Great Britain... Havre Bordeaux Othor French Porta . .. 730108 172231 160162 188000 4805 197887 827300 Total to Franco 150152' 1040339 1029992 South of Europe North of Europe WeBtludloH, &o ! 1071639 340550 586031 j 1550976 1044333 1532106 2049091 Total to Foreign Porta.. 340550' 3208046 0126130 Boston ; 2818805 1220772 649189 2382414 630604 646147 2740997 Bath, (Muiuc)....,.... 1 1035026 Now York Philadelphia Baltimore aud Norfolk.. Other U. S. Ports ' 3674018 180000; 628020 62772; 404157 123826J 5281500 Total Coastwise 3 4469jl3018096 '8076083 Grand Total. 81617l|3103006» 28361075 Receipts per Central Railroad August (1 4002sacks Wheat, 64 bales Domestics 01 hhds Bacon k Mdse., to Rabun 4cSmith, J logersull, Wil liams k Ratcliff, Cruuo, Wells 4: Co,Cohens 4: Hertz, D D Copp, Youug k Wyatt, Brigham, Kolly k Co, It R Agent. Wnyue k Son, Rogors k Norris. Wav a Taylor, Huso, Davis 4i Long, E Sibley, M D Ether* idge. P APER—600 reams Wrapping l’apor, assorted si xes, lauding and far salo by Jy24 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k 00. E XTRA UEoloo Goshen Butter, a fresh supply, per stoamcr Knoxvillo, far solo bj ^ Jya K RDZIE’S WATER FILTER.—Just rocolvod an assortment or sisos Kedzot’a improved Water Filter* far filtering Savauoah River Water, far sale by HORACEfMQRSE. Jy 9 166 Broughtoa SI. [TAY—100 bales prlmo Hay, now landing and □. far sale low from tho wharr, by luno23 C. A. GREINER. SUNDRIES. 1 A A A TOUNDS choice Baltimore Shoulders and 1200 do do Sides; 100 choiee sugar-cured Hams, in bogs; , 500 pounds choice Tennessee Hams; 15 Darrels choice Leaf Lard: 10 tierces extra whole Rice; 6 do fair do; 20 boxes Family Soap; 10 do steam pale do; 10 do No 1 do; 7 woman’s friend do; 6 chemical do; 16 boxes Tallow Candles; 10 do adamantine do 10 do pearl sperm do; 10 Duxes A, B and C Sugar; 12 bags good Rio Coffee; 7 tickets old government Java Coffee. All the above for salo low by June 7 J. A. BROWN. ARMORY HALL. -Iilracur.l.tiv, loAU.» 4 i tli PROF. MACE has travelled ten years iu Lira* and in the United States—two years in the Hvy Und and Egypt, seeking the owin cfthe Bib« ' TICKETS s... (d To be bad at tho principal Drug and Book gjorei aug 6—1 POIl PHILADELPHIA, " To tad Saturday, Aumut 16. at 9 o'cZocA, a y The United States Mail gteafeL KEYSTONE STATE, Capt. j£S will leave as above. For freight w passage apply to C. A. GREINER, Arm Cabin Passage so 00 Steerage Passage 7 w Passengers by ibis ship for Baltimore and Wnh lngton will be landed at New Castle, Delaware if desired, from which place earn start three times dally far tho above cities, and other toattan points. ang 4 FDR NEW YORK. WiU sail Saturday, 9th Avgust, at 2 o'clock, p, y ■ Tlio steamship FLORIDA, Copula Woodhull, will leave as ator*. For freight or passage apply to PADELFORD. FAY k CO. 40- Berths not secured until paid for. - Cabin Passage 125 Steerage Passage 8 fiQF* Shippers of Cotton by these steamsbipi «ji please take notice, that no Cotton will be receivedu he presses that is not distinctly marked on the td;t of the bale. aug c WANTED. T WO or three Boys; none but thoso who cu come well rocommonded need apply, jy 31 J. M. HAYWOOD, AgL WANTED TO HIRE. A STEADY WOMAN that can do tho c«fa|, washing aud ironing of a email family, ply at No 46 corner of York and Jcllorsuu otr«u, or at Freeman 4: Hendersou's. JylT aug o J.D. JESSE. day aug 6—3 HIRAM KODBRTS. Piesideot.* BA V i COFFEE, SUGAR Sic 200 Rio cofreo 100 “ Fair 50 do Old Government Java do. 50 do Prime Laguyra do Hhda. Choice St. Croix Sugar. 10 1 10 do do New Orleans do. 1$ do do P. R. do. JO # .Chests Fine Hyson Te« 20 # do do Black # lbs Papers 60 Caddies, 12 lbs each, Fine Hyson Tea. 60 do 6 lbs each, do do d» 60 do 6 do do do Black do In Etore aad lor sal* by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON & Co. aug 6 P IG H .VMS—Smoked Tongues and Smokod Beof received per steamer Knoxville, and far salo b Jy 17 J. D. JESSE? C ORNED BEEF', PIG PORK, A*C. Junt roceived 10 half barrels Fulton market Corned Beer; 10 barrols and half barrels Pig Pork- Hams, Sides and Shoulders; 10 barrels extra No 1 Mackerel; 1 do No 2 Mackerel; 6 do Herrings; 2 drums Ood Fish, and 25 barrols 8moked Herrings, in star0 and for sale by jell DAVID O’CONNER. S SUGAR, SOAP AND STARCH— 20 hhds Muscovad audo Porto Rico Sugar 30 bbls A, B aud C do 160 boxes Pate aud Fumily Soap 60 do Castile do 250 do Fraser’s, Colgate’s and Oswego Starcb received mid for sale by McMAHON 4: DOYLE, Jy26 206 and 207 Bay street. H AY—-200 balos Hay, fa storo and far sale by Jy26 CRANE, WELLS k 00. P RESERVING l’EAGUMJ—JUBt received a choice lot, suitable for preserving, and for salo by Jy 31 J. D. JKBSKE. G UNPOWDER—300 kegs Kentucky RifloPowder, FFg 60 hair kegs do do do, FFg 100 qr do do do do, FgFFg 600 caunislcrs Sporting Powder, in City Mi zine aud for salo by Jy23 WEBSTER k PALMES.’ Msgtt- iu cases ntcuuva i oiuu, iu iiu cun. X. for family use; 10 casks Potash, Just received and lor Bale by Jyll RODGERS, NORRI8 k CO. B AGGING and ROPE—75 bales Gunny Cloth 30 half bales do do 200 colls Koutucky Ro|>o, In store, for sale by jy23 WEBSTER 4t PALMES. K OPE.—100 colls Rope, to arrlvo per aohr Alba JylO PATTEN, HUTTON k CO. F LOUR.—300 saoks Palace Mills Doublo Extra Flour, Just rocolvod and for sale by Jy8 RUSE, DAV18 k LONG H AY—300 bales very carefully seloctod, to air arrivo PATTEN, HU TTON k CO. Jyio , t ACON.—50 hhds prlmo Bacon Mdes, 25 dodo do 11 Shoulders, Just received aud for sale by JylU .SCRANTON, JOHNSTON 4l CO. L AID) AND CANDLES.—20 bbld and 60 keg* No 1 lxjuf Lird 76 boxes Adamantine Candles, star brand 100 do Uoadoll’s Tallow do, Just received and for salo by JylO SCRANTON, JOHNSTON 4t CO. ~ RUTA BAGA seed. F resh Ituta bm, Flat Dutch, Red Top. and Urge Norfolk Turnip Seeds, warranted the growth or I860. Just received aud far sale b;‘ Jyl8—3 ... to by W. W. LINCOLN, Monumeut S quaro, Y arns AND OSNABURGS—I homaston Factory X*rn* and Oenabergs, far salo by Jyiffi CRA NE, it CO. the same preferring cash, can in money, aug 3 JAS. S. WUKlSft City Treat- FRESH GROUND CORN MEAL. Off BUSHF.lii Fresh Ground Cbm Meal i* 4uv store, aud for Bale low by aug 3 YOUNG & WYATf. O NIONS.—10 bbls or New unions per fittawf Florida, received aud for sale by DIVIDEND NO. 1. T HE Merchants’ and Planters* Bank Las this daj declared its first Dividend of Four per cot, for Six Months’ business, payable on anil after to LOST. A large Pocket-Book containing a eta bar of papers, Ac., or no value tou; person but tho owner. A liberal re ward will be given to tho porioa te turning this office at)£ 6 SAVANNAH VOLUNTEER GUARDS Your attention is called to a resolution of to Corps, adopted at the lost regular in regard to all members whose accountiire not liqludated by tho regular meeting, which uses place this month. —... BARNARD E, BEE, Secretary, aug 6—1 Qi |A COII5 Ropejuit received, and for uugH.6 by W.J. RBliV. CITY TREASURER’S OFFICE, Savannah, 2d August, UM T HE Bonds or tho City of Savonfftb, doelsl Frt ruary, 1857, (commonly knowu^as McAllnw Bunds,) issued for Central Railroad fctock, ww” redeemed on application, iu Stock ot the Cfntn- Railroad and Banking Company, at iu luarkfus uo, rae Boodl belog recelvc^at ^nn^HwJ^ BECKWOVRTII'8 ADVESTCBBS T HE Lite ami AdvoDtures ot J. 1 Ch;ef of the Crow Iudious, with IHuBtrg Appleton’s Railway and Steam Navigation un published monthly at 16cts. . Memorials of nis Time, by llcnry Cockburn. Tbe Eftrnost M«n-A tldcb, of ibi tWff and labors of A. Judson, first'Missionary w m ??ew Age or Gold; or the Life and Adventure*® 1 Robt. Dexter Romalne. „ nf Cbrtf The Tongue ot'Flro; or tho Truo 1 °*r« r “ tlanity, by Win. Arthur au eminent Metn^ preacher. , a ffm.j History of Immigration to the U.»*, Vt Brorawoll or the State Departiueut. JirT(j , Italian sights—Papal Principles, by J* with Illustrations. •gSR S ' ghU ’ " J Ul ^w! 1 mamyaw* LAWRENCE’S ROSEBiDALE UV* DRAUUC CEMENT* _, Br two Sraud? t,ra,ul '; ll L,5. c l JJ 1 y iid n* by tho Lawrence Ceweut Comi<any. lB ,i. warranted of the best qualltjr*> JJJJ*L&tMl most every department of lbo bTdra^ S. Government, and othor ^PffrLpany.o* works. For sale at tho office ol the Comp* >- lg!4—?m 92 Wall ilref- LAAO AOKNCY-Brul>*«' lck ’ ®*‘ rxFFEKS hlareXtoS^blio Coffee. OUuch, Djwndcs ^ l J 1 Sj*ud«olli‘4 ( ' attention given to locatiug. purchasing an town lots in the town of Bauuawick. rkfxrkxcw : . HruM wict DrHOollIni, Macon; Dr B. ! “ l *<* Thomu H Hnrdon, g«TMiii»bi Him rd, Thomasvllle. VALUABLE RICE PDASFAI 10 * POE SALE, wmnx no. oil* orui cn’ JJ * will l* O N llw Onl TuMduj In DrceoiL'r n f* ■old tutor, llw Court r ivot, w mull, the WuittUon on Ibe 8»'J“ croic, £ mile* nroin the olijr, known Mp'L'Iiner.c* longing to tb. eetete of tbe We,ww,« ulnlng elx hundred nnd eJlb'JJ 0 ', ar it iu>W whlohthore»retwobondredjwee tide rlo. tend, mid ono bwidred “ ' for under good bank* nod lu » In* *“ h und nnd» lion. Aleo, eevonty Ovo MrollIM culUvellon. Ou lb* piece *'• *8°T 0U!tB nnd • tb« ovoraecr'e home, b»rns, negre , fi pen*^ outbuilding*, all In « gorejtete* "P* K Hurt* deilrlngtu poroluso will cell 0 r tlioprjS knewu on lb. ^.kmont give* »»g! ** tymgfr ^p TheCharleston Mercury um P u week until the day of »*]*. v 4 *;■;* 'Mkfcid