Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, August 06, 1856, Image 3

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HEALTH OFWO .fStf 1 *} : UeoiaV ** :zzr~- f3p nah, from the Weal Indies, M«xtoo, Central gaeciMf South America, or from auy port when U i'A KUAL KouUiimeubr touall tuttiilk'* *au be O mvMumau i.ued wiih e<*»d itomita amitoMvd.on; urn *V«Jt lhteur Moutg.iiroryntroc.. uiiou.w? iPkiw southm.*a strew. ■ mk)\vs. RAYMUtt • impious lufocUousi and malignant disease* art prevailing, (al*o. Ml y«*«ta having slokneas on UrJ, or baying had atckioM on board, alno* last •learauoe,) aro roanlred to come to anobor off ttniJariwoo, there to remain without oommuuloa- ton with tba oily orferannah or adjacent country, Juul vlilted by the Health Offioer. No brat or voasol ehall receive any of the crow tr uAteengora from vessel* subject to the above or* ]«r u>r the purpose of carrying them to the city or 'Vesselswill not bo detained In Quarantino unless mcli dotontion be neoeeiary. Any violation of the above orders will enbjeot , no violator to Uto penalty of the law. k r. H. DKMKRK, Health Offlcer. Approved B. 0. AimaaooK, Mayor. tf-Jyl7 omoe ■aY*l*. Albany 4i Gmlff E. K. Co., 1 Savannah, 27th June, 1850. f A An Ipatalment of 10 per cent, being the MT «lxth on the QtplUl Stock or thle Company, , hereby willed, and requlrod to bo paid at thin .ffloo on the lit day of September noxt. By order GHA8. GRANT, mwea»—wlia SeoroUry and Troaauror. CITY TRHAICRER'I OFFICE,) Bavaunah, 24th Juno, 1860. J .The Honda of the City of Savannah, due MT lit February, 1867, Issued for Central lull, road Stock, (commonly known as MoAlllator bonds) «ill be redoemod If desired Initookoftho Ceutral Railroad and Banking Company, at Its market valuo, tbe bonds being received at Mr. joi!5 JAMES 8. WILKINS. C ■ OUyTrcas’r. NOTICE C. R. R. THE freight on corn (Tom Atlanta to Sa* far raunath will be reduced to 10 o. per buabol jo and after he lit day of April neat WM. M.WADLKY, Gonoral Suporlu’t. fransnortatlon office, ) m#r no LVnlr.l Kali Road. J mKtt * OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF COM MISSIONERS OF THE SAV’H WATER WORKS. Samammah. July '23d. I860. The Board or Commissioner* the Snvau- gSkT ualt Water Works, will clout a Secretary ou Monday, the 4th day of August next, at 4 o’clock, 1'. M., to Oil vacancy ocoaslonod by tho resignation •f the undoraigned. Salary S800—Bond $6,000. By order, WM. WARING HABKRSUAM, Jy24—10 Soc’ry Sav’h Water Works. HOWE'S COTTON HAItVES'l'Elt. ivTho great desideratum of IMautera is final- BOV ly obtained in the succo&fol invention or Uowe’a Cotton Harvester, with which oue hand can tick as much cotton as five In tbe ordinary way. iesldes raving an Immenso amount or labor. Whut Whitney’* Cotton Gin Is in Ua after a logo, Howe’a Harvester is In picking. For forthor Information, apply to A. WILBUR, 111 Bay street, Agent for the States of Georgia and Florida. Jy20 To the Pattons of the Sav’h Georgian. All debts due to the Georgian previous to the oth Instant, are payablo only to tUe un dersigned. Notes and accounts due in tho city will be presented Immediately, and ail debts due fu tho cwrntry will be forwarded by an early mall. Thu being tho first time that tho undorslgnod has publicly appealed to his late patron, ho leels that iliev will uot uonsidor him unreasonable In urging u|ion them the necessity for immediate payment. Remittances may be made directly to the under- signed, or to B. B. Hilton ft Go., whose receipt will valid. PHILIP J. PUNCH. davuiinnh, May 28, I860. my!8-.lawdftw. KEDZIE'S patent waterfilter An assortment of sizes and with the latest Improvement, can only be found at our store, we will sell them at the manu facturer's retail prices, adding only the transportation, and put them up Tree of charge. KENNEDY A BEACH, Hodgson’s block, corner of Broughton and Bull its. JulylT PATENT AIR-TIGHT IELF-IEALING CANS AND JARS, mm.- ‘ _ SS M UM. Mo Mr. moll, 8 i- V 3B*SH from >tooUy or Savumiti uo tho 8. A. SFSffMfflPWffl SfflW 10 M« urowlli 01 Uluo, Cotton oud Corn, uud Wood oiionui. to pay for It ton times over,. . Apply to fob 27 . tl C. A. i.‘»l'i>. VaLEACllKD BUlrtihga in groat variety, aud U at various prlcw. i'ob’Jl AlKIN ftBURNS LOTH, r Id’OH SALE—A line lot in Wesley Ward*— .A Also two ou Gordou struct, oast. For sain low Feo simple. A only to A. WILBUR, Uou'l lusurauoo Agont aud Broker, uiay 22 ill Bay street. NOTICE. A LL put-sons luvlug claims against tho estato ol lx. George M. Troup, deceased, will hand thoui in, duly utlestod, aud thoso indebted will ploaso make paymouito either of tho uudorslgued. THOMAS M FORMAN. I _. Jo-10 DANIEL H. B. TROUP, S'" —able DWELLING 04 Ion gtvon 1st October. 1000 sauks Salt lu store uud for salo l»y WILLIAM LYNN, Juno 11 87 Bay streot B ROPE, Ac.—lOO bales Uunuy Bug ging; 600 colls Buie Rope; 600 pounds Twluo; received and for Hide by juuolg ‘HOIAIOMBE, JOHNSON & CO. B ACON, PORK, Ito.—&0 lihUa uloar and ribbod Sidos; ROdoRhoutdors; 30 cusks sugar-cured Hums; 60bbis prime aud mess Pork; 30 half bbls Hawes 4: Co’s Fulton Market Beef; & do do Tongues; just received and tbr salo by JUU016 HOIAXJMOK, JOHNSON h CO. ClllUAlt—16 htids choice Porio Rico bUgitr;do O Crownod Muscovado aud Cuba Sugar; BO bbls Burbadoea Sugar; 300 »lo Stuart’s aud Baltimore steam rofluud, crushod, powdered and clarified Sugar, landing, in stoi o and for sale by Juno 16 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON & CO. C OFFEE.—300 bugs lUir to choloo Bio Coll'oo; 60 do Loguayru CoU'oo; 60 mats JavaColfoo;30 bales Mocha Cuifoa; luudlug, lu atoi o aud far salo by Jntielft HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON & CO W ANTED TO PURCHASE—. By or Columbus Bonds, endorsed by tho Muscogoo Railroad Company. Apply to JelO—fitSs PADELFORD, FAY k CO. C hoice wines & liquors-' Just received 20 baskets Heldslck Chumpagno. o quartor casks Sherry, Port aud Madulra Wiucs. 16 doz Claret Wiuo aud Cordials: 3 half pipes old Qtard and Houetto Brundlex; ■ 2 pipes superior Holland OIu. Beaver bruud; 6 bbls old MououguUela Whisky, in gloss and wood. For sate by DAVID O’CONNOR, Joll Cer. Broughton aud Drayton uts, HobEStT VAffiS TO IIKNT A comniodlons, airy and ploasant Hnuso a dostrablo part or tho oily, for which a liberal price will bo paid. Enquire at tho ollluo ot tho (loorglnu and Journal, juno u**—tf * "OFFICES~FOR liBNT AflrML IN THE THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE isSilHDl Adjoining tlioomno of tho subsorlbor. Tbe Imsoniout would make, with sonio slight jUftBiimproveiriout, an excellent iawyor's-omco, Tno first and socoud doors will bo lot for Counting- Rooms, and tho third for Hlaopmg apartments. Con- necte«i with the establlsliiuout Is an uut-bulldiug of brick, suitable for sorvaulH. Atuily to 0. A. L LAMAR, neptS ^ Corner Drayton and llryan streets. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR BALE * Tlio two-story brlek store on congress street, now occupied by Messrs. Einstein k Eckmau. This is ono or tho best stands in tho city for atiy kind or business. Terms lado accommodating. For parUeuiars in quire at 142 Broughton streot, abovo tho store of T. L. McKenna. tfmayl4 Tl» III3NT. The DwolUug lately occupied by Judge | Fleming, in Taylor streot, near Drayton. I Bald House is throe stories on a basement, Lwitli good sorvauts' rooms, and outhouses. wseaslon gtvou immediately. Apply to fob 28 D. L. COHEN. roa ubSt. ' “ ~ Possession given immediately — Three | story brick house, new and in good ordor, ou Macon Btroct, next east residence to Mrs. LJcwotU pply at this ofllco. l ti may27 ATLANTA HOTEL. ATLANTA i i i ■ GEORGIA. J• J* I1EBLER, Proprietor* LaUt of the Verandah Hotel, New Orleans. lUssengers per Evonlng Trains will find Suppor ready ou the arrival ortho Cars, mny!4 For Preserving FRUITS, TOMATOES, &c. Full directions for preservieg accompauy eaoli iu. For salo at manufacturer’s prices by HORACE MORSE, 116 Broughton st. Also, an assortment or Ludlow k Co’s aud Bur- ustt’s Screw Top Fruit Can3, loss than cost. DAGUEKKOT YPM AIUBtiO typM mid^Photo^raphy. W OULD respectfully give uotice that hit rooms are now open for the seasou, and rea dy tor the reception of visitors. By tbe Ambkotypi process penons may uow have their children’s pictures token. In almost any por tion they may choose, in firom 1 to 3 sccodds sitting. By tho Pnorooiunno process old Daguerreotypes can be transferred to paper, beautifully colored aud enlarguil to Ufo. oct 22 0. 0. POOLE, No. 11, Whittaker Streot, (two doors from Bryan,) WUOLK8ALS AND RETAIL DEALER IN Sashes, Blinds, Doors, Paints, Oils. Vnr- itlsiics, Window Glass, Putty, die* 1 Painters’, UralHcra’ and Artists' Brushes: Whitewash Hoads and Dusters, Dry and Mixed Paints of every description, Artists' colors in tubes, Prepared Canvass, &c. PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS AND FIRE BOARD PATTERNS. Rooms prepared with neatness and despatch.— Houso, Sign uud Ship Painting, Gliding, Graining and Glaxiug Uouu in tho best stylo aud at modorote prico8. All ordors irom tho couutry promptly utteudod to. inch 28—ly WILMOT’S JEWELRY STOUB Is receiving by every arrl-^^Vj. vfT^*x /val u large aud rich ,ment of Gold aud Silver Watches, Diamond Pins. Eur and Finger Rings, Mantle aud othur Clocks, Spoons, Forks, Tea Notts, Casters, Ac., of Sterling silver. Jewelry in overy variety. Ivory Tablo Cutlery, line Pocket Knives and Scissor*. Rich China aud Parian Vases, and other articles. Fine Double UarroUod Gnus manufactured to his own order. Gunning Implement* of all kind*. Plated Walters, Castors, Tea Setts aud Caudlo- slicks, with a great variety of Fauoy Articlos, suita ble far wedding gifts, too n Jiuerous here to men tion. All kind* of Watchos and Clocks repaired by the most experienced workmen. S. WILMOT, may 13 No. 1 Market square. L ocomotive needled—a new and eie- gout article which needs only to be tried once to insure tho constant preference of the seamstress, Just received and for sale by mar 18 LADSON & ROGERS. — iiiiuuiini—bibebahti J UST ARRIVED, per schooner A. Devoroaux, in four days from liuvuuo, a fresh lot of choice Fruit, for tho Savunuah Fruit Emporium, consist ing ol—400 buuchus Banana*, 100 dozcu Plua Ap- J A D 6 plus; 6000 Piautaius, 3000 Sweet Oranges, Tom- A “ D i atoos, uud oue buskcl Green Ginger. For salo by - - * Juno 14 J. A. BROWN. MILLS HOUSE, CORNER MEETING AND-QUEEN-STREETB, CHAKUsroSRb. o. M THIS House tftow adapted to all tho wonts of tho Travelling Public, aud tho of- forts of tho Proprietor will be to desorvo their patronage. mar 81 THOMAS S. NICKERSON. ROWLAND’S SPRINGS. THIS well known watering place IsK ui. again (pen for ibo roeoptlon or com-JK puny, under the immediate supervision of the pro prlutor. Tlio accommodations are cxtousivo. The Springs are 5)4 miles from Carter&vilin, on the Wo»tern & Atlantic Railroad, whoro coaches are in roudlnesB to convey Passengers to and from tho Springs, connecting with the traius each way. JOHN 8. ROWLAND, Proprietor, nwg 2.U&wlmo Instead of going Noith como to the Stone Mountalu House, and spend your summer, as overyihlng will be dono for your com- fort. Conveyances wll 1 be furnished to convey passengers to Lawruucovlllo, Gainesville and Clarksville. AST Passengers by tho Georgia Railroad take sup per at this houso. ALEXANDER k CLARK. F. 8. Alexander, formerly orLawroncevlllo. J A. Clark, Social Cirolo. 2m-rie 2 DURE WATER,—If you want tho finest drink- X ing water iu ibo world call uud purebuso one of Kiidsle'i Patent Water Filters, tbe article moutloned in Watei Commissioners'last Report, which we wurratit to purity the Savannah River Water perfectly—an Indispensable article for plantation uso. KENNEDY k BEACH, Jan24 only Agonts lor their salo iu Savannah. D TOKEN’S UOUSEHOM) WORDS, for Juno, re ceived and for salo by WARNOOK fit DAVIS, juue 4 16 Congress street B UTTER AND CHEESE—26 tubs arid lO kegs choice uew Goshen Butter: 26 boxes Cheese; received per steamer and for sale by June24 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON fit CO. J^ARD AftDHERRLNUti— NEW TUT STORK AND HHRKT-1RON MANUFACTORY. 141 soma or markrt aquA**. bkyan strict, a I would Inform my old friemU and patrons I havo opened the above storo to comiuct tho MH Store, Tin and Sheet-lrou Business In all Us various forms, and whore will bo found agon- aralasMorUaetU or Stoves, Tin aud Shoot-Iron Ware, which I will bo ploosod to show, and at such price m will satisfy any ono wishing to purohaso. All kinds of Roofing, Gutters of Load, Galvanised Iron Work or every description, Job Work and Re pairing executed with dispatch, old Stovoa put up aud Pipes faruished at short notice. Tin Ware at wholesale and retail. Call down ou Bryan street, U will pay you for your walk, oct 2 JOHN J. MAURICE, Agent. 20 bbls Drimo White Leal lard; 60 boxes Primo Herrings. Lauding and for salo by mayl5 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON fit CO. D ' RES8 TRIMMINGS—Fringes, black and colored Moire Autique Gauzo, and other styles, in groat variety, and for salo by mar 7 __ AlKIN ft BUBN8. rWi'0>f ’0MBKEi JjAS—A largo supply of whool- top whalebone frame Gingham umbrellas, all sizes, rccolvcd and for salo by Juim Q I.ADSON fit ROGERS. S UGARS—10 bhds choice l'orto Rico sugars: 16 do Fair do; 16 do Fair and 10 do Choice New Orleans Sugar;Just received uud for salo by juno'24 8 :KANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. HIRE. STEPHENS’ I LLUSTRATED Now Mouthy, No 1. val 1, for July, devoted to Tales, Romances, Illustrations, Art and Uouerai Literature, oach number beautifully embellished lu tho flaont stylo of wood Illustrations. TABU OF OO.YTKXT8 : Lost Jeurols, Allco, The Falls of innohaha, Slays and Slippers. Timo’s Clmugea, Love in '70, Eureka, Ibo Shady Sldo, Nelllo’s IUuhious, Tho Summer Va- ^ JjWry of Two Uvoa. The DUappolutod Husbaud, The Mulden’H Couresslon, Things We Talk About. Subscription price $1 60 per year, Inndvuuco. Specimen* of the above may be seen at tho Book- store or WARNOOK fit DAVIS, Jy4 169 Congress streot. t;and agency; T HE undorslgnod will, for fivo dollars pur lot, exatninogany lands lu the counties or Appling, Wayne, Ware or Coffee, aud reporttotho owner us to their present value, the prospect for their be coming more valuable In futuro, and whether or not there is being any trespass committed thereou, Invariably pledging himself to givo a true aud cor rect account, for which all remittances will be ex pected in advance. He will also soil and remit when roquestod, aud as directed, for soven per cent. He will also promptly attend to all professional business entrusted to his care. VERNON C. MoLENDON, ray 13 Attorney at law, UomesviUe, Ga. MATRIMONY MADE EASY, O R HOW TO WIN A LEVOR—The eaBy Principle or Love, interspersed with Direction! ior the Preservation and Exaltation of Personal Beauty and liveliness, and for prolonging human life healthily and happily to the very longest porlod of human oxlstouce.— Splendidly eugruved on stool. The single, married, and tho married happy.— What Is lovof—with instructions for courting, In or der to win the affections of the opposite sox. Tito lights and Shades of Married Lite. Tho Reproductive Organs or Females haudsomuly engraved: and the Infirmities or Youth and Muluri iy, with their rouodios. PKBOXANCT JLLCHTRATKD HT PLATO, ut iliUorent stagos or gestation—how to dotermluu when It oxlsts—how U) provont pregnancy, and with a lecturo on Love to married ladies uud gcutlc- rnna. Price 60 centH per copy. Ou tho rocolpi of the money through mail, (post-paid,) one copy of the book will bo seut by mall to any part or tho Uuitod Stele*. Published CHARLES WALKER, No.88 South 8d »t., Philadelphia. Pu. Also, Dit. LACROIX’S PHILOSOPHICAL VIEW Or MARRIAGE. A popular treatise on the secret Inflrmltlos ol youtii and maturity arising from genital diseases iu bote huxo* with upwards of cue hundred and twen ty-five lithographs and engravings illustrating tiio anatom/, physiology, and disease* of the sexual or- t?atu, tbefr structure, uses und functions, together with plain directions for tbe perfect cure of syphllla, tfleet, stricture, etc. Pries 60 cents per single copy. Published by CHARLES WALKER, . , No. 88 8outh 3d st., Philadelphia, Pa,. 10 whom all ordors must be sent. tpllg—ti S ILK PARASOLS—A now supply or those beauti- ful Silk Parasols have just been recelvod and arc for salo by Juno 6 LADSON fit R0UER8. C IOFFeE AND'CA?IDY.-100~sack3 Rio Coffee " ' 60 boxes fresh ground do 25 do Candy, Just received aud for sale by jyil MoMAlION k DOYLE. D RY GOODS.—Ladio* opeu~workod~HtSe. do Lislo lliread do, do Englisli und German do Cbiidrou's Colton Hoso aud 8ocks Gent’s Half IIoso, fancy and plain Do Milk and Lislo Tbroad Glovos Do Lisle Under Shirts Ladles' Gauze, Morino and Thread Uudor 8hlrls Do Hair Cloth Skirts Cambric uud Swiss Flouncing and Bands, fia for sale at lowest prices by Jy22 DsWlTT k MORGAN. C ALL AT GRIFFIN’S and you Will Und tho most beautiful assortment or small Fancy Articles in china and gold oruamouted. consisting lu part ol Jcwol boxes, faucy do, reticules, florets, boquot va se*, cables, draeket graudolaa, small do, cologne bottles, ribbous, cologne, luutern blue florets, can dlesticks, and last though uot least useful, match boxes, a very tasty selection and something new on. tiroly. G. M. GRIFFIN, Successor to tho late M Eastman, Jy6 Corner Bryan and Whitaker sis. MERCHANTS’ HOTEL, ’ c JSh8mhf f j.#^«of. LA BOARD PKR DAY ....if 1 60 BOARD PXK WRKK 0 00 BOARD PER MONTU 20 00 k may 13 lyr ft INDIAN SPRING HOTEL. Tho Uudorslgued has ogam tbe pleasure or informing his numerous friends, at well as tho public at largo, that ho is yot at tho Indian Spring Hotel, aud i* folly prepared, with the assistance of bis sons and bis own uxporicuco or six years at tho hotel, with tho best cooks Uiat can be procured, as well os assis tance of all kinds, to ask of all thoso who visit tho Spring a generous share of their patronage, Intend ing to spare no pains of himself to make all such as please to give him a call comfortable. The Indian Spring Hotel is now open, aud ready to receive all thoso that will please to call. There will be at For- sytbo Depot coaches and hacks ready to oonvey all suoh as wish to go over. EDW. VARNER, mayi’3-3taw tsepl Proprietor. *** Savannah Republican, Morning New*, and Charleston Courier will pieasetnsert tho above three times oach week until lsVHoptcmbor,and tend their hill* for payment, EDW. VARNER. o x i m ST. MARYS’ HOTEL. The above named Houso U uow open for the reception of Boarders and Traveller!, and tho undersigned promises to spare neither paius or expense to make his pa tron* comfortable. His table will always bo sup plied with the ohoicest that the market and the sur rounding country affords—Fresh Fish, Oysters, Yen ison, WildUamo, Ac. Tho Housed* large uud airy, aud within a low yards or the teidiug, on the beau tiful river St. Marys, and is a desirable placo for in valids and others as a summer resort. Tbe stage loaves tho House three times a week for Woodstock Mill*, Ceutrovlllago, and Trader’s HU1, and the Sa vannah boats touch going and coming, so that per sons will not bo inconvenienced, but can leave when they desire. Prices will be made to correspond with first class country hotels. THOMAS B. JONES St. Marys, May 27, I860. 3m my27 B si Juuies Grl . _ subscriber would Invite tbe attention or all in want or SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, to bis btook which bos Just been received, at the Star Clothing Emporium, 147 Bay street. aprl6 WM. O. PRICE fflOETSIB INDIAN 8FKINUS, GEOKUU. BRYAN W. COLLIER Respectfully announces that tbe above Houso will bo oponed for tbe rocoption or guosts, on the 20th instant. He ha* been ^fortunate in seourlug the services or Ur. Griffin, well known to the public aa tbe keeper, of tho Nlnoty Milo Houso on tbe Central Railroad, to assist in tho superintendence of the Molutosh Houso during the soason. A bond of mu- 10 hhds Light Muscovado Sugar; sic has also been secured. Stages will be In readi- lobbls R L k D Stuart's Crusho ness at Forsyth, on the arrival of trains, to convey passengers with comfort aud iispatch to tho house. No pains will be spared to make guests as comfort- ablo as possible, and a tnoro than usually brilliant season is confidently anticipated. tlA—Juno 6 nn ^JUteS? SUNDRIES. 1000 Iteams Wrapping papor. 100 bales Twlno; 200 doz Scrubbing and Shoe . RAY wS'hmdUp^^r Hu Aon port tfottLi OAW.RU. I FOR NF.W YORK—Uwiw I4»« —TiJTro- bguiar packet sebr JONAS SMITH, Furman, outer, having most of her cargo ongagod, will havo quick dispatch for tho above port. For freight or passago, apply to Jy23 ' OGDEN, 8TAHR fit 00. FOR NEW YORK,—Union Link.—Tho regu- _ lar packet Nchr. NORTH (STATIC, Horton master, will nave quick dispatch for the above port. For Frolgbt or Fassago, apply to aug 2 OGDEN, STARR fit CO. FOR NEW YORK—union lino—Tho reg ular Packet 8cboonerG. 8. DAVI8, Abell •ansM>r, will havo quick dispatch for Rio abovo port. For froight or passage, apply to July 2 OGDEN, BARR k CO. » FOR PHILADELPHIA.—IIkko'n* sLink.— The flno sclir FANNIE, Capt Bcaston, will *pntob for tho aliovo port. For froight, ap ply to Jyl8 0. A. GREINER. Niagara Falls, the Lakes & Canada SHORTEST AND CIIEAPfWT ROUTE. Per Steamship Keystone State, via Philadelphia KAItti TO ' ,* • PARK TO P H1L A- .;J' N1 AG’R A PELP’A PALI/S $540. ga*. T ills* LINE connoot* at Philadelphia with tho Great <*rth-Western Railroad Route, through to NlaguiAFtUft aud Buffalo, in sixtoon hours from I’hiladulphi.-. Through Ticket*, with the privilege of slopping at Philadelphia, and intermediate points, for nale by tho Agent. Fare to Niagara Falls or BaffiUo 828 “ Elmira 20 Canandaigua 27 CHARLES A. GREINER, Agont, J23 Savannah, Georgia. OAB1N PASSAGE TO NEW YORK $25 00. Scuit-Weukly United Stale. Mali tine. 'lAHE NEW AND Sl’LENUID SIOE-WHEEI. X SteamahlM— Knoxville.. i,6oo tons., capt. c. d. Ludlow. AUGUSTA ....1,600 “ ..Capt. Thonuts Lyon. FLORIDA 1,800 “ ..Cupt. M.8. Woodhull. AIiABAMA.... 1,800 “ ..Capt. G. R.Schonok. WILL LKAVK BAVANNAU KVKKV WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Theso ships are among the largest on the coast, unsurpassed In apeod, safety aud oomfort, making tboir passages iu fitly to sixty hours, and aro com manded by skillful, carofol and polite officers.— Having elegant state-room accommodations, they offer a must desirable conveyance to New York. Cabiu Passage to New York.... $26 Steerage Fassago to New York 8 PADELFORD, FAY fit 00.. Savannah. SAM’L L. illTCIilLL. 18 Broadway, Now York. ' IrfiOttiDA !*OrTn7 FLORIDA STEAMSHIP COMPANY. —U. 8. MhII Uno—From Now Or leans to Key West.—Stoamshljw 1 FLORIDA and VANDERBILT*—Theso fine steamers will In foture moke thoir regular semi-monthly trips, leaving as follows: Now Orleans, 10th fit 24th Koy West, .. 10th fit 24th A RB taking Huiue Bldu *t Ag.*07, XL coruor or Drayton and Bryan streets. Approved Hlsk* wilt be tukon on liberal forms, and tho usual credit given on Prominra Notes. Thru quarters of the business will bo returned to tho ous tamers iu scrip. d. A* L, Lamar, fob 10 Agent iu fi^vannah. ~ INHUUA'a*! E. Koutlinru Mutual Insurance Company, goutheru Mutual Life Ins* Company, flume insurance Company, off N* York, Bpriitgfleld Fire A Marina lua* Com'y, Usks in tho above lusuruuco Companies uuderta ken by WM. KING ft SONS, Agonfo, No. 99 Bay street. tiavanuab, 14th Decomhor, 1866. docl4 *'IRH, UABIliS AND UFK NSURANC NO. Ill, UAY-STREE'l. CAPITAL UEP11ESENTED, Nearly four iUillion Dollarn, By Uio following responsible Btock Companies. Charter Oak Lift Insurance Company, OF HARTFORD, OT. Equitable Fire Insurance Company, OV LONDON. Fanners' and Mcckanlca* Fire, Marine anil Life Insurance Company, OP PU1LADKLPU1A. Uaidgeport Fire and Marine Insurance Company, OF BRIDORFORT, OT. ASr subscriber will ofibot luuurauoo to any amount in all parts or the Plato on every description * property. Lifo Insurance, to any amount, at the lowest rale, for tbe benefit of heirs and creditors, or payable to the wife free from the claims of creditor*. Marine Insurance on”Hulls or Cargoes to all part* ortho world. Jan26 A. WILBUR. BIUTUa£ BENEFIT^LtFB INSUli ANCE COMPANY, NEWARK, N. J, Charter Perpetual. Nottaccumulation, Juu. I, I860*....*2,230,006 -t'i Total amuunt of divldaud* paid to date 716,492 OU Total amount of claim* by death paid to date 1,386,900 84 $4,282,488 W a min C. Miller, Buorotary, Joseph l. Lord, Agent, Robert L. Patterson. President. *Tbo funds oftlii* Company are ail sorely Invested - first class bonds and mortgagee, stocks, cash, and notes of members folly secured by their policies. For further particulars inquire of CHARLES A. FARLEY, Agent In Savannah. At Uio office of Boll fii Premia* J, 8. SULLIVAN, Medical Examiner. fou 29 fob 5 Pensacola.... 11th fi:26lh Apalachicola. 12th fit 20th Bt Marks....13th fit27th Cedar Keys..14th k 28th Tampa Bay.. 16lh fit 29th Tampa .11th fit 26th Codar Keys. 12th k 2fltb a Marks... 14th k28th Apalaehicola.l&th fit 29th l’ensaoola... 10th fit 30th Arrive at Key West 17tli A 1st I New Orleans, 17th k 1st Agents m New Orleans, doo26 6m E. O. ROGERS. A CO., 72 Poydrass sweet. VVB JOHNBON-B LAMD1NO, AND INTERMEDIATE PLACES, 2b have on Tuctday Night, the 12IA instant, m - ■IP 1111 >■ Tho light draft-steamer, WILLIAM JaMaHHE LEBBY, Captain A. 0. king, will ob above, from the Charleston Stoarapaeket Wharr. Apply to “ 8. M. U JT, HAVE YOU INSURED YOUR LIFE THE CHARTER OAK MFJS INSURANCE COMPANY, or lioitroiYi, ct* CASH CAl’lTAL AND 8U1U*LU8 OVER $400,000. JAB. C. WALKER, President. 8.11. Wurnt, Secretary. This Company insures Li o ut the lowest rales, eousUtent with safety to the assured. For forthor information, apply to A. WILBUR, Agent, jyyia 171 Buy street, havauuab, Ga. bll b: 'M. LAFFITEAU, Agent. * S.lUil Line FOR PALATKA, FLA., Via Darien, Brunswick, St. Marys. Qa., fhmandi• na and Jacksonville, Picolata and Black Creek, Fla. TUE steamer WELAKA, Capt. N King, will leave for tho abovo places every Saturday Homing, at 10 o’clock. This boat has large aud airy State Room accom modations, and taking the Inlaud Passage, offers every inducement to Invalids and others. Freight will bo token lor Trader's HIU and inter mediate landings on St. Mary's River. No freight wUl be taken after 9 o'clock. For froight or passage apply on board at tbe Florida Steam packet wharf, or to Jy25 CLAGHORN fit CUNNINGHAM. united States mail link. Fcrr Palatka, Hast Fla., via Darien. Brunswick, St. Marys, Femmdina, Jacksonville. Middlebury, (Black Greek.) and Picolata. -jriCJJJq The now and elegant stoampackct DARLINGTON, capt. Brook, loavos overy iuesuay morning, at 10 o’olock, for **“ above places. Froight will be takon for Trador’s Hill and inter- modlute landings on St Slary’a River. 49* No freight will be taken after 9 o'clock. For freight or pauage, having excellent state* room accommodations, apply on board, at the Flori da Stoampackct Wharf, near tho Gas Works, or to Jy26 CLAGHORN k CUNNINGHAM, Ag’ts. MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE. TH£ INTERNATIONAL iiiHiu’aiiue Comuauy. NO. 28, MERCHANTS EXCHANGE, NEW YOKE. CASH UAPlTAi.—i812,0UU AGENT FOR SAVANNAH, James HI. Curler* AT TUB OFFICE OF MBSSBS. VO UN G, WVATT4 CO., No. 85, Hay Street, below the Post OIUcc. DIKKCrWH*: ALANSON MARSH, A. RULlA) Firm or A. 8. Barnes k Co. Childs, I'rau a Co. FOR CHARLESTON AND FLORIDA. *k Tho fine stoampackct CAROLINA, ftKjjBflftCCaptaln Coxettor, will leave hero tor dauaauuvme, Picolata and Palatka, every Tues day afternoon at 6 o’clock; returning, will leavo for Charleston, every Friday morning at 9 o’cloek. For freight or passage apply on board, at Willink’s wharr, or to M. A. COHEN. Agent. June 14th. 1860—ly — Freights payable ou the wharf. B ASKETS—An elegout assortment or Traveling Baskets, just recolved by steamer from New York. A call is invited at KENNEDY is BEACH'S House Furnishing Rtoro, Hodgson’s now block. H AY-^36 bales Northern Huy, lor sale by iy8 WILUAll «NN, 87 liiy si. L ARD.—20 bbls and 60 kega new No 1 Lout'Lard, lauding and for sale by Jy7 .SCllANfON, JOHNSTON k CO. A TLANTIC LEAD,—Constantly on hand uud lor sale at C'UaFFER fi: CO.’s, aprgO No. o Whitaker street. C HAMPAGNE—12 baskets genuine Heidsio Cbompagno in store and for salo by ~*H*V(fc may 10 OCTAVOS COHEN, E WJEIVED |ior steamer Kiicxvillo: l-U'Uui UviUo Bells, black and colored Do Nett Hits, all qualities. Also, Gents browu EuglUh half Hoso Do Bilk and Lisle Goves, for sale by Jyl7 LADSON it ROGERS. F ^UR.—1U0 sacksT'&laoe Mills Flour, su|»rfln’o 160 sacks KnoxviUs do do Jy9 . w *’ - i ran 160 tacks Knoxville 60 do l^nolr’s 60 bbls Nashville For salo low by do do extra do PATfKN, HUTTON ft 00. FRESH GROCERIES. I N STORE—per steamship Kuoxvllle-Extra Ta blo Uuttor aud Choeso; Bocf Tonguos; Bmoked Beof jHams; Bueon; Pig Pork; White Beaus; Mock er's Belf-ruiamg Flour; Ralsiua, Figs, Dates, Prunes, Almonds, &o., file.; Pluklu* of nil kinds; Preserves, ussorled; Brandy Irult. assorted; Preston’s Premi um Chocolate; best ofTeus, Culfce, and Stunrt’s No 1, A, B uud CSugurs; Hlbbcrl’s London Porter; Falkirk’s Scotch Ate; Claret and other Wiues; ol II AKRON'S JnnolB Family Grooory Storo, corner Whitaker und Clmrlton uts. JUST RECEIVED PEIt FL OKI DA. 1 CASE llichardsons Superior Irish Llnenu, Clieckod Cambrics, Nulnsooks, Bwlss Muslins BtripedSwiB*. and Plum Jaconets, 1 case Palra Uur Fans, Cotton Fringe und Wide Trimming Braid*: Gruss Cloth, Now York mills Shirting, 1 case Superior Calicos nt fleets, 810 and 11-4, Uloaohod Coltcin Shoutings, kc., kc. f<ir wito at tho lowe-itprice*. by DEWITT ft MORGAN. T OCOMOT1VE N EEDLE8—A further supply or tho X4 celebrated l/jcotnotlvo Neodlos, Just received and fur huIo by Jyl7 L LADSON k UOGEI18. B ACON AND HAM8.—60 liluls prime Ribbed Hides, IU do do Hioul lor* 16* cholcu sugar cured Ham*. u*t receiv ed by Jyl7 WKIkfl'ER ft PALWEA. A LE, lard, fito—20 bbl* Prime laird; 60 do Taylor k Ben's Ate; 60 do sugar, bo-1 a uud but ter Biscuit; received and for salo by MoMAHON ft DOYLE, Jsntlf 206 and 807 Bay • trout. 60 M Imported Spanish Bogars; 260 boxes Tobacco, various brauds; 160 saoks Rio Coffuo; 76 mats Java Coffoo; 100 dos Brooms; 60 dos Waahboarda; 60 Covered Baskets; 160 boxes Family Soap; 160 do Pate Soap; 76 do No. 1 Soap; 600 Gross Matches; 60 half chests Young Hyson Tea; 60 do do Oolong do: 100 boxes Candy; 60 boxos Seated Horrlngs; 75 boxos Fresh Ground Coffee; 100 boxos Imported Castile Soap; 100 boxos Toilot Soap; 60 yt, X, and whole bexos Ralsiua; Reeolveu and for Balo by MoMAHON ft DOYLE, may!4 206 and 208 Bay streot. S UNDRIES. JUST RECEIVED- . 16bagsoboicoold Government Java and Rio Ooffeo; 20 half chests Black and Groen Teas, looso and In quarter pound packagoa. 10 hhds light Muscovado Sugar Crushed aud Clarified Su gars; 10 bbls self rising Flour, 26 bag9 Extra and Superfine Flour; 20 bbls Soda, Buttor and Maple Craokors; 60 boxes Beadel’s family Soap, Starch aud Candle* 60 doz Pall* and Brooms; 100 doz Scrub Bruxhes, aud Cotton snd Manilla Clothes Linos; 10 gross Matches: 26 boxes ground Coffee and Pepper; 60 boxes Mustard and Yeast Powders, Moao, Cinna mon, Nuttnogs, and Olovea, and 10 cases tablo Salt, ficc., Ac. In store and for sate by DAVID O’CONNOR, Jell Oor Broughton and Drayton uts. IJA8KET81 BASKETS!—Wo would call the lJ attention of tbo ladies to our stock of Work, Traveling and fine Fancy Baskets, the largest assort ment in the city, at the House Furnishing Store, 166 Broughtou-Btroct, mar21 HORACE MORSE. C OFFEE.—160 bags prime Green Rio Coffuo 100 bugs fair do do do 60 mats old Government Java Coffoo 25 bag* old Maracalba do 50 do prime Lagulra do 69 do do Porte Rico do 26 do do old lUo do lu store and for salo by Jy4 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON A CO. STRANGERS If you waut a good aud choap Trunk, Vallce, Carpet Bow* ,or Clothing or any kind or quail- Uy. ready made or rondo up to your measure; also Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars or Dress Furnishing articles of auy description, call aud se lect from tho largest und beat stock lu tbo city, at tbo Slur Emporium, 147 Bay street. WM. O. PRIOR. COOL RETREAT! THE ABBOR BILLIARD SALOON, (upstairs) Coruur Bull and Bryan strooLs, over Barbor Shop June 27 J. M. HAYWOOD, AgonL BARDEll SHOPS. Pulaski House Barber Simp, Owenc' Brick Building^ opposite the Pulaski House, FIVK WORKMEN ENGAGED. MnrctMll House Barber Shop, Broughton Street, FOUR WORKMEN ENGAGED. WHE subscriber, tlmnkfol to blfl fellow-citizens X for tbe libnral patronage bo has received, and I* still receiving, beg* rosnoutfolly to Inform iliom that bo has ongagod sufficient additional first-class workmon from sumo of tbo beat Barber 8bops in Now York, and will ho enabled to accommodate as many gontlouien os may houor him with their pa tronage. N. ti,—lira Barber Shops are olosed on Sundays— strangers will pjsasa bear this in mind. G* M. GRIFFIN, SUCCESSOR TO LATE M. EASTMAN. Corner of Bryan aud Whltakor Streets. HA8 now on hand a beautiful as sortment or Jewelry of every dig- criptlon and kind worn by ladles aud gentlemen, and will sell at unusually low prices, l havo this day received (per Express) a largo stock of elegant Blvor Ware, consisting of Cake and Pie Knives, plain and engraved Fish Knlvos and Forks, Plclued Knives and Forks, Knives, Forks and Spoons, Napkin Rings, Nutmeg Graters, Ac, Ac., all iu Morocco cosoa, and suitable for presents. I have also ibis day received an addition to my stock or hairwork of light colored Curls, Topsys. Braids,Front Pieces, Bands, Unolo Tom, Ac., which now makes my assortment complete. Ordors received for any color desired. Watches ropolrod by and under the suporvisiou of 8olf, aud all other work dono in a workmanlike manner, and warranted. may 25 HUNDIUUH. 600 bags fair to primo Rio Coffee 160 do Java, Lagnayro, Maracai bo and Mocba Coffuo 1160 hhds Muscovado Molasses, 100 bbls. New Orleans 8yrup 80 hhds. Now Orleans, Porto Rico and Musco vado Sugar 400 bbls New York Rectified Sugars 60 bbls Crashed and Powdered do 10 boxes Loaf do 100 bbls Lebanon MlUa supor and extra Flour 200 boxes Adamantine, Sperm and Mould Can dles 160 do No 1 Palo and Family soap and Starch 80 bales heavy Gunny Bagging 200 colls Western Hemp Rape 2,000 lbs Bagging Twine 00 hhds Clear and 60 do Ribbed Bacon Hides 26 do Shoulders and Hams 60 bbls Mess and Prime Pork 10 half bbls Fulton Market Beet 160 boxes Tobacco, various brands 100 do Black and Green Tea 600 bogs Drop and Buck Shot 60 kegs and Untr kegs Hasard’s Powder 76 bbls Sugar, Butter and Soda Craokora 26 do Pilot Bread Togothor with a lull assortment of all other aril- tides in tho grocery line, (except liquors,) lu storo and for sale on accommodating terms by Jyll RODGERS, NORRIS ft 00. ASSiZK OF BREAD) Crrr Tkxascrkr’s Omcr, ) Savannah, August 1, 1860. j mHE average prico of Flour the lost month being X six dnlllars and fifty com * ’ * L ‘ * must weigh ns follows : lOct loaT must weigh 21b 4oz 6 lib 2o* 8 10K* JAMES 8. WILKINS, C. T. atgl N (spocMKHui to mungcrassit.) THIS DAY, at 11 o’d'oolc/m front of store will be sold,— Tbo tuual assortment or Groceries, Provision)!, Liquors, crockory and Glass Ware, Dry and second band Furniture, Clothing, Fancy Articlos Watches, Jewelry, ft*., Ac. Terms, cath before de livery. tOT All articles purcbosod at auction and uot set tle lor previous to tbo uext regular sale, will bo sold on account and rl*k offtirmor purchaser. aug 6 Messrs. Padxltord, Fat ft Co., I. K. Tbit, Eaq., Stato Bank. Livingston, Bullard A to. Wm. M. Dodge A Co. 1 H. A. Curd* A Co ’ tiustod A Carll. A CU9IE , LETE OUTFIT FOlt 1IOU8E KEEPER*, r l an important item, and to know where to getoxactly whatis wanted is equally Important, ““KENNEDY & BEACH’S” and yon will find everything pertaining to House Kooping as well os Refrigerator*, Moat Halo*, Wood- ec. Wore, and Tin Ware, Willow Ware, himutilul Water Cooler*, Patent Ico Pitcher*, Bru*he*ln overy variety, Bird Cages, Bathing Tuba, indeed nearly everything that can hocall.wi lot, rwuil loathe place, apr 16 MACHINERY AND IRON RAILING MANUFACTORY AND AGENCY. 8T. JUIJAN UTKELT, 8AVAANNAH, GA. (Near the Market.) 1/UtOM the most complete facilities in his own X oHtabllalimont, and through his connection* witbauveral of the principal monulkcturng e*tab- Ushmenta of Philadelphia, Now York, aid Boston, the Undersigned is prepared to forumsh MACUIN ERY, PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, PORTABLE 8AW, GRIST AND FLOUR MILLS, CAW AND WROUGHT IRON RAILING, STATUETTES, STORE FRONTS. Columns, Window Bills and lintils, Iron Doors, Shutters, Ac., at Northemvrices. Ho is also prepared to repair Machinery and irou work orevory description, at short uotice, upon reasonable term*. A* agent for UAIUD’d PHILADELPHIA MARBLE WORK*, ho la also prepared to exhibit a great varlo- ty of design* for MONUMENTS, TOMB STONES, *o. Also Iron Railing iu groat variety, for enclosure*, and to reccivo ordors, and put up the work at man- faclurors’ prices. H. H. L1NVILLK. Savannah, April 11,16 W. jtprll B read, matches a lemon syrup—' 60 bul* Sugar, Sodu, ami Butter Buisciilt; 26 boxes do do do do. 160 gross Mutches, round boxes. 76 boxes tamon Syrup. Recelvod and for salo by MuMaHuN ft DOYIJC, Jell Noa. 206 ft 207 Bay street. ■»ygPLLOCH, ; ‘ Farm atVrlvatodffis. ' IaiH •?: which is cloared ft under good and substantial fetea. •The ^ica/ed land to a rich loom/ soil, aadw»U adapted for gardening purpoees. there to a weUof moet excellent water on the prsmtoesand aU ■ sary out-huUdingiu negro, houses, tarns, u. . balanco of the 11 act, say 40 acres, to uncleared laad and heavily Umbered with valuable timber, and tho soil excellent. The locality to very ezoeuenk not ouo case or sickness has occurred eo the prem ia* during the whole time the present proprietor ha* owned it.. . This is a chance for an inveetmeot rarely to bo met with, end any person wishing a quiet private residence near the city, or abjf person desirous of going into tbe gardening business to . - tfiTwlKtar raise fruit and vegetables for our market, will find tills tho place to suit, For term*, which will bo very liberal, inquire at.' „ . , „ , _ om eounUugroom,l64Ilayatreflt.TlUoeund»spttta- Hodgson's Now Block, Corner offtlrougli ble. iys ton and Bull Strente, —— n At Private Bale. Oue ot the Qnost hotel or boarding house ser.- vuut* in the Htate. Kiiqulre at 164 Bay street. June24 At Privateliale. ; A negro woman, 22 years of age, a good plain cook and field baud Warranted sound. TiUe tm- doubted. • Junel9 it Private Bate. *” A uegro man, aged 25 years, a Urst rate hostler aud houso servant.' Title undoubted. Jelb At Private Bale. A very likely negro man, aged 22 field baud. Warranted sound. Title juuelo MOURNING GOODS, B LACK French Bombaxutu, Black Alpacas, Black Lama OloUi, Black Mohair, Black CUallie, Black Freuch Lawn, Black aud White Frouch Mus lin, uiul a Quo ussurtmout or Striped and Plaid Black and While Giughums and Culicues, Plaiu and b'tripeu Black Slewing Bilks, aud Gruuauluu*, Barege and tissues, Plain and Figured Block Bilks, for summer collar* uud aleovos, oi the latest puterus. For sale by [JolS] AlKIN ft BURNS. S OAP, CANDLES, fto.—lUO boxes Buchan ft Smith’s family croup; 100 do Colgate’s No 1 and H Bar do; 60 do do Pule do; 76 do Beadel’s Tallow Caudles; 60 do Adamantine do, Star Braud; 60 do Colgate's uud Oswegu Pcatl blared; lor sale by June24 ftCKAXtoN. .IQHNci'lON ft C^. \] EAtSFOOT OIL, ol tho bust quality*uimbuunn' Xl for oale low by CHtliFER ft CO., may!6 0 WbUakcr street. NEW BOOKS. /XODBY’S INDY’S BOOK, tor July; Arthurs qJl Homo Mugaziuu, lor July; Pctertrou’g Month ly Magazine, for July; Harper’s New Monthly Mag azine, for July; and, Urabum's Illustrated Mouibly, for July. Tbo History or Europe, from tbo fall or Napoleon to tbo accession of trouts Napoleon, in two volumes, by Sir Archibald Alison, a uow supply. Hortha, by Frodrlka Bremer, translated by Mary HowiU. Tbe Ship Carpentaria Wile, a story for the times, by W E 8 Whitman. Thu Taugletown Lotters. edited by tho author of Record* ol tho Bubbletou Parish, ftu. Salad tor the Social, by the author of Salad for the Solihuy. Comic Miseries ui Human Lifo. Plu-rl-bus-taU, a song that’s by no author. For sulo at 169 Cougros* streot, by June 28 . WARN'OcK ft DAVIS. At Private Sale. 1700 bushel* Rice, an excallent article for slock or all kinds. Call und examine. Price 26 cent* per bushel. Junelw . To Rent. Two good stored, uudor the bluff, at the foot o< Wbitukur streot. June 10 Wanted to Purchase A convenient medium-stood house, lu a central location—ono fronting on a square would bo prefer red—for such an ouo a liberal price would be given. Juuuld At Private Sale. Thirty eliglbL- building Lota, 60 fuel front by loo to 124 i. et deep, *ituutcd on Taylor, Uorduu and Gostou »trccta. These lot* aro ou high giouud and sumo of them in tho Immediate urighboruuod of the lot selected for ihu site of the Savannah, Albany and Gull Railroad Depot, forms same aa city lot-., viz : ous-Utlh cash, tno balanco bearing interest at six per cent. JuuelU THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY I PRY OK’sThNTMEN T. IT Is a atttti and tpeedy cure tot buruu, pUec, X corns, felon*, lovorsore*, ulcer*, scald bead, tetter worm, sore nipples, (recommended by nur ses,) sore and cruckoa Up*, treah wound* and sores of any doscriptiou. It 1* a moet vuluablo remedy aud cure, which cau be teotified to by Uioueonua who have uaed it iu many portion* ut tue bouth for the lost few your*, lu no maiunco wUl tho salve do any injury, or iuterlure with a physician’* proscrip tion. The propi letcr Uua numcruu* eeriUlcate* uud letters hum people who have uoeu U lututaelves, and moat eurueatly recomtueuu tt to other* ua a speedy aud curtain remuuy for Uto above uatuud uiaeuoe*. A trial U ull that u, uoc«**ary for It* own recommeudauon. Among the mauy that have testified to tho effica cy of this vufouble remedy, aud recommended it to tbo public, uru Dr K A T Riuiey, Juuge E Y HiU, Judge O A Bull, U J Morgan,Esq, J L btephen*, Eaq, aud tbuusaud* or other*. Sold by J BMoore,savannah, Ga; J E Hall, Amir- leu*. Ga: dark ft Well*, Augusta, Ga: McEeeaon, Robin* ft Co, New York; and druggtow generally. 4F* By rumliting uua dollar to tue proprietor a siugte box ot tue ointment will be lorwarueu by muh. tree of postage, to auy pari of tho b etate*. crold by J. a. HooitE, cavauuuh, ua., and drug. gUtageuurully. V. J. MOORR. Proprietor, may to laGrongo, Ga. \ J ....... f 20 cask* Byass' lrondou Porter, pints, just re ceived and for ualo by JyO SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. PATENT ECLIPSE IflIABi iSw^SCDPo Every mini hit own tsiu Ptnuicr. C l ALL AND EXAMINE CUAilJJLKLAlN'ri f f'uteut tcUpau Uauu atamp, tho beat, cUaapest auu muaitouvomouiof uuy tidug for the purpose yet oilereu for sale. ALFRED WEB8TEK, Gen. Aft. apr a ly 186 Congress at. ALONZO CHILD, I. P. H.UJARD, •• WM. M. DODGE, “ P. J. AVERY, H. A. CURTIS, « WM. E. ROLLO, 8. T. LlPPlNCOtT, ISAAC NEWTON, WM. A. 11 LISTED, WM. H. RIVERSMITH. W. H. LYON, “ “ W. H. Lyon ft Co. GKO. CHAPMAN, “ “ Leo, Murphy ft Co. JOS. H. WESIUHT, “ Briggs, Woeteott ft CO. JOS. PATMAN, “ “ Futmau ft Co. STEPHEN VON MURKS, GEO. SAVORY, “ Geo. Savory ft Co. J, A. KKQUA. ALANSON MAllan, President. CHAS. W. OGDEN, Vico Preeipent. WM. E. ItOLU), Secretary. rTbls C’omiwny will is*ue Policies upon Ma rine, Inland Navigation, Transportation and Fire Risk*, at liberal rate* of prum;uu. Losses promptly and liberally adjusted. JAMES M. CARTER, Agont, oct al No. 86, Bay atroet, MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, 0/ No. 107 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Peim. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL $500,000. HRS, SIAR1.NE, AMD INLAND LNBCRANCK, DIRECTORS: diaries C. Lathrop, 582 Spruce street; Alexander Whiiduu, Morcbant, 14 North Front-st.t Johu 0. Hunter, firm of Wright. Hunter k Co.; E. Tracy, Uru of Tracy ft Baker; John K. il’Curdy, firm of Jones, White ft M’Curdy; Isaac Hazloburst, Attorney and Counsellor; Jutue.s B. amith, firm of Jumus B. Smith ft Co.; Theodore W. Baker, Urm of Tracy ft Baker; R. 8. Walton, 8o0 Market sired j Thomas K. Limerick, 634 Spruco street; John J. Baker, Goldsmith’s Hall CHARLES C. LATHROP, President. Tno*. K. Limerick, Secrotary. JAMIS8 M. CARTER, Agent, Juuo 16 No. 86 Bay street. GENERAL NOTICE. S ILVER AND GOLD PLATING cun now bo done at home. Ur. CHAKLL& KEMlSil having es tablished hiraaoli permanently, all work iu this line will bu done with dispatch, ah repairing of Custers, Teapots, Candlesticks, apoous, Forks, or auy other article will bo done ncatiy before piaUng. All old silver plate, Much a* Teuodta or Urus, Fork* or apoons, will bu ro-Uuished uua made equal to uew, oud at moderate prices. All work or order* loft at my store will be utiuuded to promptly. P. 8.—Watch uoso* galvanized. «nay27 g^m. griffin. * AiiUri SMALL UMBRELLAS. ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COBIF’Y, No* 11 Pint street, New York, (BETWEEN BROADWAY AND NASSAU STREET.) Caato Capital—$150,0001 T HIS Company tnsuro* against Iohb or dauiago by Firo, on tho most reasonable terms, dwelllug houses und furniture, warehouses, stores uud mor- uhandize, factories, ship* lu port, etc. All losses will be adjusted and promptly raid. D. 8. MILLS, President, C. BROOM, Vice Prosideut. Enw’n C. Taylor, Socrotary, Gko. B. Drake, Surveyor. •TAMES M. CARTER, AgeuL June 17 for Savannah, 85 Bay street. „ WM, J. HUNT, Cor. Montgomery A York sta, SAVANNAH, GA., UESI'ECIFULLY informs tho Ladles and XU Gontlemon orthls City that he to prepared t< serve them overy ovcnlug with Ice Cream, Cakes & Confectionery, In his own peculiar style, and hopes to merit a share of public patronago, I Bavaunah, 17th April, 1666. 3maprl7 TO HOV8EKEBPBR8. ANIEL CRONIN (Jpholater, 26 Bryan-st, _ would rsspectfolly onnounco to the citizens ol ivannah that he is ready to make and put down Carpets. Oil Cloth, Mulling, ftc., at tbo shortest no- Ico, auu on tho most roasouable terms. oot8-tf MJiVl-’S lnPMilD SfcWWB MACHINES. I | L&iGNLD LxprtfBSly tor making Dago—and XJ which to deoidouiy superior to auy other luuuuine lor thut purpose, apuui or skoih thread can bu used of auy desired length, aud which will not need to bo cluuguu until the wholo i* u*ua. Bug muuauiactureiu, uralu auu Flour merchants are pa* ucuiuriy invited to cad uud examine it ul 186 Cou grew* bUuet. May26. ^ ALFRED WEBSTER,Gon. Agl. HUNT ft WEBSTER’i. IMPROVED SHUTTLE bEWINCi MACHINE. ,, - . 8n ^ 11 I ItoMWAED for I'unuuoMfplautauuu^Druwima- size Slue Umbrellas, irom 18 to 24 Inches. Ro- X^ker*,TalLors, bout ft fchoo mauul'auturura aud cotvod and for salo by J. W. TURELKELD, Jel2 OoDgro8sana Whitakor streets QUGAR, fto.—76 bbl* aud 10 hbd* A, ti and G P Sugars; 16 hints Molasses; 26 do' Bacon dido* and Shoulders; received aud for sale by MoMAHON ft EOYLD, tunol9 206 anil 207 Bay street. W HISKY, RUM AND BRANDY—76 bids x, xx xxx and xxxx Whisky, 60 do Rum 26 K casks Brandy, 26 bbls do Received and for ealo by Jyl7 MoMAHON ft DOYLE. P IP6M, WRAPPING PAPER AND BROOMS 50 boxes Fipos,20U reams Wrapping Papor, of all sizes; 100 dozen Brooms; for salo by MCMAHON ft DOYLE, June29 206 and 207 Buy street, uuror» who umy wish to do thoir own sowing cheap ly auu with expedition. Ihu mochlue sow* a uni form stitch with both sides alike, and whlub will rot ravel. It is more simple, is loss liable to get out of order, aud co*u lee* m proportion thou any other machluo, anu to warranted to bo period, aud to woik well. Ail apparatus uecoasary for convenient use is furnished with it, and any iuutruoUon will bo gives that will bo necessary to ensure to tbe purchaser K* successful operation aud durability. Tho public ore respectfully invited to call and ax* amine them at 136 Congress st. ALFRED WEBSTER. Gen. Aft . _ A very neat aud ornamental lroa Table whiuovr be given with a machine for a email sum lu addition to the regular price,May 26. G OLD pens—Persona desirous or obtaining a goood Gold Pen, are iuvlted to call and in spect a new lot which we have just received, and which we con recommend. Jy23 D. B. NICHOLS ft CO. D RESS GOODS.—A large aud lino assortment of colored Dress Silks, Bareges, Tissues, French Cambrics, French Muslins, Brilliants and Prints, as well as a large assortment or Wblto Goods, Striped Plaid and Plain Swiss, Organdies, Tarlcton, Book, Nansook, Cambric and Jaconot Muslin, for salo by June 20 AlKIN ft BURNS. BROUGHTON STREET HACK AND IJ VERY STABLE. Tho undersigned having put the above Stablea in good condition, are prepared to accommodate their customers with Carriage*, Hooks. Buggies, Sulkies, fto., with sound, gcntlo, and well broke horses, and carofol drivers. Horses boturded on accommodating terms, and well cared for. Two pairs of fine Garrlago Horses for solo. Inquire cor* ner of Barnard anu Broughton atroota. ap!14—ly STEVENS ft ELLKTON TO ARRIVE, Ii AN Ding ft IN STORE BACON LARD, ftc. . HHDS Clour and Ribbed Sides 69 do Shoulder in ulr tight packages — ~bbr ■ • 1 C E C RE AMI • NE1\ CONFECTIONARY STORE No. OS Bryan Street* TWO DOORS ABOVE MU. GMFFXN’U JEWELRY STORK. dies ol'Savttuuab In particular, and tho public genorally, that ho ha* tblsduy openoda now Conlcc tlanary Storo, and will koup on bund a large aud r.-Bh ussortmont, or ail kinds and dtocriptions. Ho will at all llmus and hours, be ready toiurutoh .i.irties, with Buppors. Coffee, Tca and Utaoeolate, at all noun. Ornamented Cakes, Pie*, ftc. fto., rondo to order. He hopes from lung experience to give satisfaction to all who willhuuur him with their patronage. H. B Bum>LA,No. 08 BryonB 100 100 kegs No 1 Leaf Lard, 60 bbls do do 20 casks do, most approved brands SUGAR AND MOLASSES. 60 hhds very choice Porto Rico Sugar 60 do fair Cuba do 800 bbls Clarified, A B and C do 60 do Crushed do 26 boxes Loaf do 160 bbls New Orleaus Molasses 60 hhds Cuba do 100 bbls California Syrup BAGGING AND ROPF* 126 bales Gunny Cloth 600 colls Rope, pure hemp LIQUOR8. 300 bbls Connecticut Whisky 160 do E Phelps’ Gin 60 do nuroGtn.PftH 100 do New England Rum COFFEE. 400 bag* fair to primo Rio 100 do urlmo Lagulra 60 do Java, 10 pockets Mocba. For sole a the lowest market rates JylQ HQLOQMBE, JOHNSON ft 00. SILVER WARE. CUTLERY, fte. W E have Just received a now stock of silver Spoons, Butter Knives. Salt Cellars, Fish. Pie, Cuke and Ico Cream Kuivos; also, Stool and Plated on Steel Table Cuticrv, Carver*, Ice Pitchers, Bread Knives. Plated aud Parian Butter Standi, be sides a quantity of useful articles too numerous to meutiou. D. B. NICHOLS ft CO. June 4 * gg BBLS. J. Taylor &.^’*^? ( rMdTeda&dftr J sal* by m MoMAHON ft DOYLE, Nos. 206 ft 207 Bay stmt TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES. CARPET WARE-HOUSE, 140 cuxoR&ei AMD 67 nr. JUUKM-CTHivm. • mHE Subscriber has received, and will open X, tbia duy, tho largest And moat extensive variety diWINDOW SHADES over offered In this city. It to the luteutiou of the advertiser to kuop constantly In storo a largo supply of all tho various pattern* and style* manufactured by tho manufacturer, oi into country and of Franco, to which tho attention of mer chants and famille* in tho city and country, to in vited. They will be sold at wholesale and retail, at sattofectory prices. Jan $ W H. GUION, Agent. XJ-KW IMPORTATION—-26 baskets quarts ft pints i-v Max sutalne Wine, in iter* snd for sal* by Jfl2 . OGDEN, STARR ft CX>. L AMP OIL, VINEGAR, fto.—Just rocoiveU: 20 bbls Solar Lamp Oil, 10 cosos Olive do 60 boxes Beadell's Soap, Starch and Candles 80 do Colgate’s Family Pale and No 1 Soap 20 do Ground Coffoo 20 do Judge's pure Sperm Candle* 100 do Chocolate, Mustard and Popper 20 do Yeast Powders, 10 cases Tabid Salt 60 dox 2 and 8 hooped Palls 60 dos 2 and 8 ply Brooms 60 doz cotton and monllla cords 60 doz Scrub Brushos, assorted 20 doz painted and cedar Tubs 60 gross wood matches 20 casks Ilyas*’ London Porter, qto and pints 100 ream* assorted Wrapping Paper 6 kegs choice Goshen Butter, for salo by DAVID O’CONNOR, Jyl2 comer Broughton and Drayton sta. K UM, GIN AND BRANDY.—60 bbls Luther Fel ton's Rum 60 bbls E Phelps' Ryo Gin 26 do Domestic Brandy 20 X and 15 % casks 4th proof Brandy. In store and ter Bale by Jy4 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft 00. K OTICE.—.— R. A. Crawford and E I.. Hockelt are my duly authorised agents during my ab sence from the State. J8 HORACE MORSE. UST RECEIVED, pur schooner J, . R. Alton, from J UST HECUV1 Baltimore— MASON’S CELEBRATED UNRIVALLED PREMIUM CAKES and CRACKERS, Jumbies, Lemon Cake*, Tea Cakes, Scotch Cakes, „ . Ginger Soaps, Edinburgh Cake* MUk Biscuit, 8oda Btocint, Wine Biscuit, Buttor Biscuit, Water Biscuit, Plo Nio Biscuit, fto At _ BARRON’S, corner Whitaker and Charlton**!*, HOWES COTTON HARVESTER. PATENTED DEC, 4, 1866. nruiLS improvement enable* ouo field hand to pick Xas much cotton a* fivo cau pick by lb* old method and having the cotton fruo from trash, ana lu better coudiUou lor ginning. The above machines aro for salo at 186 Congress street savannah, and 126 Meeting streot, Charles* ton, s. C. All order* from abroad wlU receive prompt attention. Planters, Factor*, Cotton Brokers, and all interested are respectfully invited to caR and examine them. County Rights can be bought Oft favorable torms. May, 26. ALFRED WEBSTER. B ALTIMORE FLOUR—loo bbls superfine Balti more Flour landing per sohr Woodbridge, and for sole by Jol SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft 00. r Vtfi' KECKlVKiiper steamer Alabama: Extra clieleo Table Butter Fulton Market Beef Pickled Beef Tonga BARRON'S Family Grocery Store, JylQ Corner Whitaker andQharltoft st*. H ARPER FOR J ULY.—Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, for July, received and for sale by WARNOCK ft DAVIS, Junol8 DAVIS, 160 Congress street. B AGGING, ftc.—200 balos Gunny Bagging 160 hbds Sugar, looo sacks RioCoffse 200 boxes Tobacco, various brands 100 do Scbldam Schnapps 60 bosketa Ueldskk Champagne In store, and for sale on accommodating terms. 2 Jy22 M. J. R efined and clarified sugars^” 60 bbto Stuart's A Craahod Sugar, 26 do do Powdered do 50 do do A Clarified do 60 do do B do do 60 do do C do do Just received and for sale by Jel SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft QO. C ANDLES AND COFFEE—100 boxes Sperm, Tal- low, Adamantine Candies 260 bags Rio Goffeo 26 boxes fresh ground Coffee 60 mats Java do, reoelvedand for sale by MoMAHON ft DOYLE, JygQ 106 and 107 Bay street, XjITTZjB aiANT - CORN AND COB MILL. * OR TM OTATCT Ot WO. CAROUKA, OXOMU XXD flOlUDX PATENTED MAY 10. 1864. SECURED m'aRCB 1$66.' THE attention of Planten and Stock Feeders X is respectfoily caUed to the above Mill. They *9 In use by at least 10,000 or tho moat practi cal Slock Feeders throughout the country, who art ft*dy to testily to thoir superiority over all othet Ullto or a similar kind. These Mills are made the exclusive business of tho patentee, Mr. Soott, who being a practical man, auparintonda the caaU&c In person, and selects only such iron as to best adapt ed to tboir use, which, Uke car wheels, require to be mado of metal known to be bard ana strong.— They weigh from throe t* five buudrod pounds, ac cording to site, and can be pul l& operation in twen ty minute* without expense or mechanical aid, Tbo Littlu Giant has taken the Jtrst premium at nearly all tho Stato Fairs throughout the union, and that In tbe most complimentary manner. They are guaranteed against breakage or derangement when used according to directions, and warranted tegive the must perfect ooUs&ction, or the money refauled on tho return orthe mill. -3 They are of thr 00 *lsos, and will grind from eight to tlitoen bushel* good feed per hour, aeoordlnc te tlu, with on. or m home,. * » we now offfer them to the trade oomnleto. reads wwasattsaSir y’niunrtr <l * **** ** < °*’