Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, August 07, 1856, Image 1

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f< VOL. xxxvm [OLD SElilKSil SAVANNAH, (CIA.1 THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1880. NO. 18041. Subscription Prices of ls^aniMh Papers By common understanding, ihoiproptloluw and publishers «l the three papers Visited in Savannah, hnvd adopted the toltowint'jmir rin rates of sub- lorlption, to take eflbet this dap: Pally Paper, per annum; la advance. $d oo Trl-Weekiy “ “ 4 00 Wookly, waglo copy, In advance 2 ou Weekly, u*e coplos, toons address 3 00 Weekly, want “ “ “ lo oo Weekly, toe “ “ ..........12 00 Weokty, twenty" “ “ 2000 Wheu n«t paid within one month from tha tlinu or*ub4orltHOg the charge tbr the Dolly will ho seven dollars, asa tbr tho Tri-Weokly Jltv. The Wmwiy Will be lent only to those who pay In advance. Tbe paper will Invariably be dUooutluod upou (bo oxptrauon or kite tlrao tbr which It has boon paid. Tho above rates to toko effect from aud otter (his dale ALEXANDER A SNEED, /publican, It. B. HILTON AGO., Georgian d Journal, THOMPSON A WrriUNGTON, News. Savannah, July I, tlM. MOM YESTERDA YAFTERNOON'S EDITION. BY TJaXiBaXiAPH 1 Hew York Markets. Nkw York, August 6c—The cotton market 1« without change. Bales of tho day 400 tales Middling Uplands 11J. By the Atlantic. . New York, Augait 5.—Letters received by the Atlantic, dated on Wednesday, reported Liverpool soles on that day .of .of 7,000 tales. Market steady. Kentucky Election. Washneton, August 5.—Partial returns from the election held In Kentucky on Wednesday, report majorit'ea in favor of the Americans. Congreaslonl. Washington, August 6.—The House has passed the several amendments (adopted in Committee of the whole) to the Civil Appropri. it Ion bill, among others, those restoring the Missouri Compromise, suspending the territori- laws of Kansas and striking out all the appro, prlatlons for tho support of the Kansas govern ment. In the Benito, a mosauge was received from the President, denying that any orders had been sent to Col. Sumner to dlspnrse unarmed assemblages of cltliens. Election Ratmrna. Washington, Angust Kentucky.—Later returns from Kentucky are sontradlctory. The Democrats are claiming a victory. Missouri.—Benton, at the last accounts, was ahead In the race for) Governor of Mlslouri, and is supposed to be elected. The vote in St. Louis is for Benton 5,139—for Ewing, Know Nothing, 4,053—for Polk, Democrat, 2,159. Blair, Black Republican, U elected to Congress from St. LouU, beating Kennett, Know Noth ing, 1,000 votes. Iowa.—Partial returns from Iowa ore favor able to tbe Blaok Republicans. Arkansas.—Partial returns from Arkansas show that the Democrats are ahead. Death op Mr. Gbobob M. Waldbubu.—Wo have to announce the death of Mr. George M vVuldburg, which occurred-on his plantation cn 9t. Cnthrino's ^Islands. His funeral (ns will L* seen by the advertisement in our paper) will take place at- tho residence of Dr. Richard Wayne;South Broad street, to-morrow alter We learn from a dispatch to tho Agents iu this city, that the Keystone State arrived at Philadelphia at three o'clock on Tuesday morn- tng, in 67 hours from this port. Railroad Accident.—The “Nashville" pas. senger and freight train, which left Savannah at 0 o’clock yestorday, ran off tho track near station 17,73 miles from this city, tearing up the track some 20 feet, and throwing down some 15 feet ot tressel work. Four of the freight cars were badly damaged. One train band was slightly hurt by jumping off. No other harm done. While the down train was waiting at tho scene of the accident for the repair of the dam. age, the passougers amused themselves by taking a vote for the Presidency. It resulted— Buchanan31,Fillmore 16,Fremont0. Avery fair Indication or the result in Georgia text Novera her. The repulse of the obolitioulsts in the attack made on the village of Franklin Kansas, was due to the heroism of James Banks an English man who went to the territory in Col. Buford’s comp&uy. Let the Know Nothings put that In their pipes and smoke it. Tne Eufaula Spirit says: No nuti ve son of tho South could have ex ceeded Mr. Banks's courageous devotion to her rights, and we are glad to learn that his 1 Id friends here purpvBe sending him some testi monial of their hearty appreciation uf his con duct. A Ravenous Alligatok.—On Weducseay of this week, Josiab Ferris andBufonia Pales, S gentlemen of this place, started to Long , situate about 2 miles distant, for the purpose 0f Kshiug. They were engage d in this sport when a large Alligator arose alongside the boat, and, as quick as thought, dashed ahead, wheeled, turned on his side, and clasped tho bow of the boat between his Jaws. The teeth made considerable indentures in either side. Finding hut little could be done in this way. tbe monster gave several vigorous shakes, tear ing the bottom ont of the boat and sinking it in four-foot water. As tbe boat was disappearing, Fates, woo was poling at the time, struck tbeTr antagonist over the head, and, alter securing a foot-hold on tho bottom, repeated his blows with such rapidity as to confuse the mode of attack; finally, after maneuvering for somo time, with mouth extended, the Alligator made a held charge upon the young men; as he ad vanced, Ftiles succeeded in jamming the pole down his throat, and holding him thus until Ferris, with a small pocket-knifo, was cuabled to wonnd him so severely ns to decide the con test. After the victory^was won, a cursory view ot their position, forced upon them, apprised them extreme danger to which they wore expos ed. Inclose procmity were live or of those hideous animals, staring at tnem, as though determined to mako them tbeirprey. The cap tured one measured 15 feet.—Tampa Paninsu- far. mu. rn,y«Moitia and the manna- VUE IS UU1IA I Olio of the darkest chapters in Mr. FHIinoi'e's dark record if* that which recites his course iu connection with the invasion uf Cuba by Lopez, hud tho niaasrcre of the gallant Urltteh- denaud Ills llfty heroic followers. Thorc is n groat deal to be said on this subject—lor which wo have not room to-day. Here is a brief report of tho tragedy as contained In a curaxnnlcution from Havatui, to the Savannah Georgian, at tho time of Us occurrence. A Ulumly day In Hi\VA\mn_.Tlie Ex ecution of fifty Patriot«—Conduct of Aittfla-lrnu Uousml. Havana Aug, 111, 1851. The bloodiest day of the Cuban Revolution is fast drawing to its close, aud the muii that is now rapidly setting in thu west has seen llfty prisoners, tho greater part of them young Ame ricans, stmt iu cold blood aud their mutilated remains torn and dragged by a savage populace,- the outpourings ot Spain, the mule of Europe. Tills morning, about H o'clock, the steamer Habeiicro arrived witii titty prisoners. At 11 o'cluck they were shot ut the foot of the Fort AtareA, in tho presence of au immense ussomb * The saddest portion of tho history which I have to relate is the indifference of the Ameri can Consul to their sad fate.. This gentleman, as you arc aware, is Mr. A. F. Owen, late re preseututive from Georgia iu Congress, aud no minated by Mr. FUlmoro, to replace Gen. Cambelle, tho late Consul here. Mr. Owen was called upon by an American gentleman resid ing here, to see if ho niudo any dlbrt to seo those of his couutrymeu who wero thus inhu manly to be shot; the Couusul took the ground that they had been declared outlows by Mr. Fdhnore.und that ho should not interfuro in the matter. Alter some conversation ho concluded that he would write to the Captain General, which he did, requesting only an interview. At two o’clock ho had received no answer. 1 do not write this in a spirit of anger, hut alter hours of calm reduction; uud, to tiny geutlcmuu who nsks my name from auy other motive thau au impertinent curiosity, you ure at liberty to use it. Mr, Owen I leave to thu judgcniout of his fellow citizeus. Cl/BANNO. In publishing this letter, ut the time of its reception, we spoke as follows : Many of our subscribers iu reading the fore going will hung the head with the fact, that the Consul therein mentioned, is a Georgian. To such wo would say, Judge not Mr. Owen, too soverely. He is but tho agent of a higher power—Millard Fillmviir the President of the United Status—and doubtless acted under Instructions. Besides had he ex' postulated, os we contend thut ho should have done, if unt as an American yet upou princl. pies of universal humanity :—had ho done so, however, the Captain General would only have had to read from the message of Fili.houb, wherein that functionary denounced Lopez oh an adventurer “ for PLUNDER and ROB BERY "—and the Consul would have, been struck dumb! If so be that tho President is right in charging plunder and robbery as the objects of the patriots, then indeed wore those patriot heroes pirates and robbers and de served their fate. But wo appeal from the sentence of the President to the judgement of tho people." It will be sceu, that at tho timo of the occu rence we entered an appeal from the judgment of President to the high tribunal of the peo- plo. That appeal is now up for hearing. Next November the popular judgmeut will be pro nounced. 'Ve await the issue with entire con fidence. We now add .• Mr. Fillmore'* Cuba Froclnmutlou^ Washington, April 15,1851. Whereas there is reasous tobfiieve that a military expedition is about to be fitted out in the United States, with intention to invado tho Island of Cuba, u Colony of Spain, with which this country is at peace, and wbereus it is be lieved that the expedition is iustigated and set on foot chiotly by foreigners who dare to make our shores the scene of their guilt uud hostile preparations against a friendly ] and seek by a falsehood and misrepresei to Kcduoo our own citizens, especially the young and inconsidfrate iu their wicked schemes, an ungrateful return for the benefit conferred upon them by this pcoplo in permit ting them to make our country an asylnrafor oppression, and in flagrant abuso of the hospi tality thus extended to them. And whereas such expeditious cun only be regarded as adven tures tor plunderand robbery, and must meet the condemnation of the civilized world, whilst they are derogatory of the character of our country, in violation of the laws of nutions, and expressly prohibited by our own statutes, which declare “that if any person shall, within the territory or jurisdiction of the United States, begin or set on foot, or provide cr prepare the raeaus for any military expedition or enterprise to be carried on from tbeuce against the terri tory or duminlons of any foreign prince or state, or of any colony, district or people with whom the United States are at peace, every person so offending shall be deemed guilty of a high misdemeanor, aud shall bo fined not ex ceeding three thousand dollars, and imprison ed not more than three yara.” Now therefore, I have issued this my pro clamation, warning all persons who shall con nect themselves with any snch enterprise or expedition, in violation of our laws aud nation al obligations, that they will thereby ■ubject themselves to the heavy penalties denounced against Buch •Bences, and will forfeit their claim^to tho protection of this Government or any interference iu their behalf, no matter to what extremities they mhy be reduced in con sequence of their illegal conduct; and therefore I exhort good citizens, as they regard our na tional reputation—as they respect their own laws and the laws of nations, as they value the blessings of peace and the welfare of their country, to discontenance and by all lawful means to prevent any such enterprise; and I call upon every officer of this Government, civil and military, to use all efforts in hie power to arrest for trial aud punishment every offender against the laws of the country. Given under my hand tho 25th day April, iu the year of oar Lord 1851, and the 75th of the Indcpeudece of the U. S. By the President, Millard Fillmore. or with Mr McDaniel, is a young man of brilliant piirU. At the close of tho exhibition, the President conferred the first degree iu the Arts upon the members of thu Senior Glass, 22 in number. The degree of A. M. wan conferred upou a number ofyoung won, former graduates of the College. The honorary dogree of Master or Arts was conforroil upon Rev. .le»*e M. Wood of Cedar Town. & At 1 ociock in the afternoon, uu address wa delivered bofore the two Literary Societies by tho lion. Tho’s. W. Thomas of Elbert. This epeeob wo». not polished, entirely extempora neous, blit full of great thoughts aud strong arguments. His otfioct was to consider tho question: How far morality and, religion should bo the sultfeot of legislative enactments. Whether agreeing with the speaker or not, all confessed Judge Thonnw a mail of marked and strong intellectual powers. Owing to Homo peculiar elratnmtuuctH, Prod dent Crawford was lead to presont his resigua* tlon to the Board of Trustees, iu Savannah, In May last. At the late Commencement the Fac ulty of tho University, and citizens of Penfield presented to the Board formal petitions for Ills re-lcction—expressions to the same effect were lmu from the denomination in various parts of the State. To these solicitations the Board un animously responded by re-electing Dr. Craw- lord to the Presidency of the University. Tho College Is now filled I11 all its departments by seven able and competent officers,and its affairs are exceedingly encouragelng and prosperous. It is located In a beautiful retired village in which no man {sallowed to sell ardent spirits or present tho usual temptations of towns for the ruin of young men. Visitor. From tho Tamps Peninsular ol'July 20. Gen’l Smith left this place yesterday, for head quarters, Bay Port. Gen’l S informs us that he anticipates hut little delay in complet ing the organization of his command (six com panies—two horso and four foot,) when ho will ho ready for active operations in whatever quarter promises most for public good. Iu the meantime, he will furnish all the protec tion withiu his power to Hernando County, and if a necessity should he made to appear, men will be despatched ou scoutlug duty to ly section of the frontier. Gen’l S. talks to suit'us, and, we doubt not, the clzens ofHSouth Florida will have much less to complain of hereafter.' Gen’l 8. Is commis sioned with militlary rank. Soda Fountain Explosion—Yesterday, about teu o'clock iu the morning, we heard a uoiso like a clap of young thunder, In the direc tion of Smith 5s Ezzard’a Druing Store. The cause as we soon ascertained, was the explosion of a soda fountain, while Dr. Quack was in the uct ol charging it. Fortunately no futher ’dam age occurred that some injury to a neighboring door uud the tearing offof Dr. Quack’s panta loons and a segment of his coat tall. The Doc tor says he thinks ho shall go into some other business, as engineering a soda fountain is decidely a hauardous investment.—Atlanta Inteligencer, 5jth.inst. itinera! Jnmtaticm. Tho friends and acquaintance of .Mr. UEUKtiF. M. WALDBURG, Mr. Jacob Waldburg, Judge Nl- coll, Dr. Wm. H. Cuyler, uud Dr. aud Mrs. Wayne, are invltod to attend the fuunral or the former, Crum the residence or Dr. Wayne, Corner of South Broad aud Montgomery streets, to-morrow after noon, at live o’clock. \ JyO Commercial Intelligence. Savannah Market, Angnst 0, C&CXOX.—No transactions reported In this article tbW forenoon. Exports. NKW YORK—l'orsolir Jonas Smith—5 bulea Up- laukCottou, 154 biles Cotton Waste, 30 biles Do- mealies, 8,281 bushels Rough Rice, broils Leather, 19 bales Feathers, 13 pkgs Metal, 8 pkgs Mdzs, ATLANTA, Aug. 3.—Corrox—9 to 10c—receipts very, light. Bacon.—Hog round lo to lo%o, clear sides 12* 12%, Ribbed 11a 11%. Hama 10%atl%, Shoudera 9 aud Joles 60 por lb. Good a took in market with a falrdomand. Hick—flood to prime 0%aBu. CHATTANOOGA. August 2.—Bacon.—No ruling aalos this week. Notlco 3,200 lbs hog round at 9 ceuts. From U to 10% may bo considered lair quo tations. Supply good, Cohn—Has udvuncod. A salo of 2,000 bushels at 47 % cents, sacks Inoludod—45 to 60 Is reliable. Flour—In sacks from 92 to 93 26; per bUl 4t 97 00; owing to quality. Lahd—10 to 10% eta. 8upply good. Wheat— May ho quoted from 90 to 91 00—Urat rato quality of White 91 10. Very host orRod 91 00 As yet most ol tho transactions nave ranged from 86 to $1 00 NEW YORK, Aug. 1,—Canos—<Continues very dull at yesterday’s reduotlou: only a low sairn have transpired to splunors. Wo quote as former- ly: NSW YORK CLABSIVICATION. Upland. Florida. Mobile Ordluary 0% «« Middling UK UK 11K Middling Fair... 12% 12% 12% Fair 12% 12% 12% Cokfkk—'Tho market is steady, with salon offiOO bags Ho, per Famo, at 10%c; 500 do at 11c; 196 do, Sklmailtigs at 10al0%o; 400 bags Laguayra, part at 11%; 200 do St Domingo, on terms not transpired aud 2,000 mate Java at 14%o. Flour Our market Tor Western Canal Flour openod 5al0o. better, but at tho close this improve moutwasnot fully sustained, with only a mode rate inquiry for export and tho local trade. The assortment of desirable brands is poor, and the ad vanced quotations of holders added to th« dullness Tho aaloa are 12,500 bbls. Wiirat.—The Halos aro 12,000 bushels Southern Red ot 91 63 for old, and 91 74 for prime new. Rice—Is steady and and n trifle more active; 110 tea Bold at 93 76a4 50 por 100 lb. N. O. 9% U% 12% 13% A 1.1» K KMAINIO El, KOTIOIN. OCTOBER 13TH, RIBMISTilY OF VOTERS FOR 1856. Last Month for Registry. A. John8 Auhord, fleorgo W Anderson, Edward U, Anderson, William R Adams, Hartwull 8 Andrews, Richard D Arnold, Wiillatu S Abbott, fleorgo li Ash, CUurlcH it Ash, Alexander Alkln, Robert A Alien, Robert B Allen, Robort Austin, Thoodoslus A Auosto, John W Andcrsou. David Abrahams, Mat thias Amorous, Kllpbnlot A Alton, Fetor W Aloxun- dor, Benjamin R Armstrong, Ooorgo A Ash, Henry Atkinson, Thomas A Askow, John Asondorf, Wil liam H Adams, John Aruow, William Audre, b.uac 8 Anderson, T Fulmer Adair, Jamoa Ahcatn, Zauh- arlah Abell. Richard W Adatn*. William It Adame, Aatvine A Andrew, William AHUM, Horatio N Al- drink, Iredell A Alexander, William W Austin. B. Josoph W Brown, fleorgo F Brown, Richard Brad ley Joseph Bryan, Alexander F Bennett, Frederick Bok, William D Bushier, Joseph Bryan No 2, Freder ick W Bailey, Augustus Bouaud, James 11 Baslilor, Is rael Boar, Anton Borohert,Isuao Brunner, Wm 8 Bas inger, Harvey LByrd.Peter A Bloii.Jamos A Uurron, Augustus Bouilueau, David- Bell, fleorgo A Bolffuul- lett, Edwin H Bacon, Gilbert Butler, flutshalk Brown, Wm H Burroughs, Hour/ Brigham, Joseph II Baldwin, Siegmuud Borg, fleorgo « .1 Buutz, Mi chael Boloy, John Boston, John Bilbo, Solomon D Brantley. Francis 8 Bartow,Rllllun G Barton,Samuel F Boll, Aloxaudor Uoyssoau, John W Bizo; Samuel Barclay, Honry Brown,Thomas Burglu, John Brown, Wyatt M Urugg, Joseph K Blylor, Jumos Baxter, Jos F Beard, David F. Botnwoll, Uiarloa W Blanker, Dun- lol H Buldwln. Tnos J Bulloch, Jelui Rurko, Wm Hen ry Bunuli, John 11 Bohukeu, Baruurd Bush, James M. Bailor, Heury Burt, James A Brown, tollman E Byck, udin F Boufouillot, fleo L Blount, William F Brantley, Marion Bliss, Aloxaudor BuobloU, Wil liam Burk, Dennis Brady. Houry K Bliss, Hoa ry Rice, Jobu Brady, William B Bourqulu, New ton 8 Boll, William A Boggs, Rlnlmrd Burke, No ah K Baruum, Henry Uotjeumn, William fl Bul loch, John Barry, William H Banks, Dennis lliun- uerhftssott, Henry F Oennott, Thomas Blount. Peter Berauc, Michaol Brunuan i’atorlck Brady, William Jatnos Bulloch, Michaol Butler, tirosvonnr K Bevaus, Henry Bandy, Harris Borlnch, JohuBBarthelmess, Felix BouyssotqJohn Briuian, William PUoweu Jr, Abratam Backer, John J U Buntz, Seaborne W Browne, Willium Barrett, Authouy Basler, Jolm S Bowen, Robert M Barthelmess, William D Broome, Joseph A Brown, Garton Buckler, Barnard E Boo, James T Buckner, Patrick Burns, John N Birch, Ul- rlo, Burk, William P Bowen, Johu A Besaonger. Georgo 8 Bartbelmeaa,Houry Stiles Bell,Michael Uol- ■in, John B Barry, Samuel Urocklntou, Johu D Ber ry, FhUlp II Bebn, Johu Breou, Wiliam II Bulloch, Vale .tlno Brunner, Francis Blair, William II Baker, Michaol Bryan, Johu Barclay, William Brealer Mi chael B “ *'*“- * ” " • ~ - Bennlni John W ... , rick Brady, Charles E Brasch, Augustus E Burch, Dennis Brugdon, Jolm Burns, Glhert BBulkloy, John C Blanco, Edward By mo, Conrad Bruygotgcl, Tillingkast Brunner, Alexander M Barbee, Richard J R Bee, Patrick Bradley, James H Bucknor, John Bruce, James Brown, Valentine Bailer, James J Boyd, Robert Bruoo,John T Baker, William J Braucli, James G Blunce, Robert TBarcloy, Willium A Black, Worthington G Butler, Charlua W Brunner,Edward W Buker, John B Barnwell, Jamos K Bolloagb, Charles W W Bruen, William DBacon, Honry C Ber- rlo, William W Black, John H -Bnrgksa, Conrad K Byck, John G Bryan, James A Baker, Orson Bar ber, Henry Borgardus. James Brown, Martin J Buckner, William Beenken, Frauds 8 Brattiey, Wil liam Bolden, Eli Boullncau, John BaytaugU, Jordan P Brooks, Oliarles H Bull, Edward J Black, John P BolfeuiUet. C. Goorgo A Cuyler, Lemuel W Crabtree, Willium Crabtroo, John W Coates, Patrick Curran, floorge LCopo, Lewis F Cooko, Charles Clarke, Robort J Camiing, John F Cardell, Francis T Colo. Wm A Cone, Edwin ft Caatoilaw, Hugh Cullen. Joseph V Cuunerat, Moses A Cohcu, Jolm Cuss, Win. Oscar Charlton, W'm. Cullen, Silos M Coldiug, James A Courvolso, Henry Crosby, Bernard Coustantluo, Daniel B Camp. Octavua Cohen, William M Charters, Joeoph 8 Ciaguorn, David Lopez Cohen, Poter L Constantino, Frauds Champion, Montgomery Ouramlug, Wallaco Cummlng, Wm A Coupor,Uriah Cranston, Charles H CumpUeld, Robert JCaughoy, Aaron H Champion, William Cox, Goorgo CaUey, Phillip Connell, William P Clark, Allen Cullon, Thomas Clark, Frederick Cook, Patrick Clark, Wil liam HOuylor, Jamos Caffrey, Eugene M Caldor, 0 O Faucott, James A Fawns, Charles Forde, Ih'nja- min F Freeman, Bsnjamin Franklin, Uuudwlpli H Foil, Edward 8 Fulton, George W FenusdlJohn Fal- ton,floorge (1 Freeman, Jamet Flanlsat*. Fredeilvk Fisher. 14. John flatnmell. John B Oallio. fleorgo W flur- many, Tliomas flrouu, Jutnos F. flniilroy, June|di Croon, Charles II fluuldiiig, fluorgo A Gordon, fleo Gordon, Frauds L flue, Josoph Gaimhl, Josejdi F Gammon, Ooorgo M flrlilhi, Seaborn floodall. David 11 Galloway, Uoujamiu Uiotiovoly, toureitee J fluil- martin. Clmrlvs F W GlUo, N*ilmnonGnrlner, Bto- phonLGuioti, Uenjamln fleorgo, touts flronvoid, fleorgo Gass, Patrick Gordon, fleorgo Geiger, Cars- ton Gerdts, Jutnos fl&linudot, William E flolfokon, Jamos H floifekun, toonidas J Gill, towis H flood• mau, flobhnrd fluiitz. Samuel C Uurmony, William W Gordon Jr, Peter uaffuey, John Gallagher, Jobu floolz, Johu fl Gnunn, Michaol John Green, John Gilliland, Joseph Fay Grcenough, Solomon floodall, Patrick (lleeson, William flruou,Rlohard Dflucrard, Matthew flallaghor, Jamos fl flaruolt, James flilioo- ly, Pliil'.|i fllobelhoUKO,- Jamos M Gilligati, William A flibhons, Jose; 1 flotlo, John flotz, fleorgo flera- endon, Calvin l.flulini l, Willium W Goodrich, Jo- soph Geiger,Jr. .Marlin Gorklu, WilliamTGoodwill, Jamos Gibb. Jiiiiua BGaudry, Johu MGuorard, Al- exatidor Gullsway, James E Gaudry, William Gal- nliln, sen., Charles flunthor. Philip flogctihdmor, Hugh Grady, Joseph Goorgo, Augustus Graham,Wm H Green, John Gordon, Francis Golden, Wm H Gra dy, Charles A Oral uer, flustaf Albert Guoepstehs, Jliarlss W UriovcH, Joseph fluame, Wm W Graham, W’m It Giles, Daniel W Anglo, John Griffin, Nicholas Gel!, Jydo Goodwin, Jamas Garland, Israel Geer, Charles W Gould, Edgar D Guerard, Jumos C Gugel, Perry Graves, Win E Guo. Wm fl Godfrey, Wm Garranghey, Mlclmol flcrnld, EUenle/er W Gifford. M. Isbinuel Hover,CUrlstiunliersuli,flcoUuas,Joiiuinuii Hill,Thomas 11 Harden. James Hunter, Joseph Haw thorn, John B Hogg. Peter F Haiisoholut, John K Her- utiudez, Bolomon lUmUy, John C ltuuter Lemuel L Hover, Wiliam !> Howe, Henjnmlu 11. Hardee, Oimrlos S Honry, Charles 8 Ilarduo, Noblo A Har- doo, Alfred Haywood, William P Huntor, fleorgo D Humbert, William Wariug Habursiiam, Thomas Hcery.Erastus Houry,Robort Hutchinson, Josopl. M Haywood, Georgo 8 Harding, John Hover. Elisha Hagar, Tliomas Horau. Abraham Harmon, Francis W Headman, Lowis F Harris, Algoruon 8 Hartrldge, ILomas Hough, Heury tlaupt, Willlan Huntor, Ern est Honor, Albert llurig, Jorcmiah Hlrscli, William Hertol, I*atrlck Hogan, floorge F Headman, towin E Hertz, Edward J Harden, Patrick Hanloy No 2, Samuol B Haupt Samuel H Hopkins,Dennis flarloy, Joslah Holmes Edwin I. Hollis, William llone, Johu Haupt sen, David Harrlgaiq William floss, Thomas WHalpiu, Nicholas Hernandez, Oliver 8 Hunter, Martin Habursetzer, Edwin Humphreys, Charles A Hall, William B Hermes, -Spartan L Hutchinson, Harry Hay in, Henry Harper, William D Howell, Jolm Iliggings sen. Johu FHerb, Ross Holland, Tim othy Howard, 'tilllam B liodgsou, Jacoo Hemmer ly, Johu A Hengls, Glaus Hartman, Clirlstopher llaas, Edward H Hurdcu, Samuel P Hulsey, James J Humphries. Tbr mas Henderson, James F Hob son, Marlin Horn, Paul Haller. William L Haupt, Patrick Hays, Andrew Hansen, Moses Y Hundorson, Goar Heilbrua, Murmaduko Hamilton, Michaol Ho- gun, Jolm Haloy, Goorgo N Hendry, John Hanlon, Michael Houuossy, William Honry, Frauds Hernan dez, Stephen Hatlrir.n, Jumoa Ilayo3, William Har per, John B Haas, Jolm H Hannon, Edwin I. Hollis, floylo Henderson. George Troup Howard, Jamos E Hogg, llobort Habersham, Johu Heissonbutel, Enocli I) Hendry, Richard H Howell, William Fran* ces Holland, Tliomui Holcomlio, David 8 Hender son, Jolm It Hamlet, Joseph C Habersham, Samuel P Hamilton, Elisha L Hackott, John RHowell, Peter Horrman, Alexander Hendrix, E*lward C Hough, Johnfl Howard, David S Howard, Ezoklel 8 Hur- rls, Andrew J Haupt, William II1 tausman,George W Hardcastiu, William J lUrty, John Holland, Robert Hilton,George Holmboldt, ChrDtopher Hoa- eoy,Timothy Hoany, WilliamNoyle Habersham, James J Hines, Cliurlea Harrigan,John D Humbert, Chriatopher Hernandez, Luke M Hamilton, Philip Holler, Petor, ITausberger, Putrirk Hauley, James B B Harley, Domingo Hernandez, John JHall, Ed ward D Hoyle, Jamos Hlno, Joseph B Harvoy, Ju- Hus Hodman. Edgar L Harriott, James fl Ilewett- Peter D Hellyhelm, John M Harrison, Miehael Au, gustus Harkins, Julian Hartrldge, Levi 8 Hart, Ma thew Hard rig, Capt Thomas Iloynes, Wm Haldt, Chrtstlo Hohorson, lsaoo Heury, Robert R Haber sham, James Ilughos, John flennlngor, Matthew Hogan, Ashley I. Aaron Champion, Peter Cavanaugh, or, Jamos Campbell, Danlol Clarx. uan r urau- Jamos Cromlay John D Charlton, Thomas Colravy, William Condon, ArttdCordez.Cprneilus Colles.Frod, crick O Carl, Patrick Cullen, Th03 Chalflnch, Jasper N Cook.John L Clements, Jsmee Oou»cr, kanrino Cohen, Elias Cohen, Marcus Cohen George 11 Clark, Moses Ooburu, Jamos Casey, Thomas Curty, Luke Christie, Johu Cunningham, Charles Cannon, Pierce Condon, John A Chambers, Nicholas Cruger, Wil liam Cunnon, Jeremiah Cavanaugh, Moses 8 Cohen, John Connor, Richard Claucy, Patrick Cavanaugh, Edward Coyne, Patrick Connor. William F Chaplin. Joseph P Collins, Riobard W Cope, William Cotter, Hugh Cromlay, John Christy, Michael Connor, James Curlus, Johu U Cubbedgo, John 11 Censor, Daniel liloE Carlton, Jame3 Claucy, John Greouo , Daulcl Cromlay, John Curry, Jamos E- Copo William Carson, James Champion. Johu M Coo per, Goorgo Crabtroo. Jamos M Clark, Bolomun C.ilicn, Cyrus Chaffor, Joseph Cain, Houry R Chris- low sales tlan. Jamos T Caun, Goorgo W Couser, Peter Clark, Danlol Colo, Lawrence Connell, Thomas Conway, Andrew Connors, Matthew Collins, Michao> Cloary, Michael Conway, Isaac 8 Clark, William Cowrun, Lewis R Collins, Patrlcb Con-y, Michael Carey, Thomas Conneff. Stephen i 11 Cubbodgo Charles H Connery, Geo Clark, Robt Carr, RiohurdRCuylor, Edmund Cotter. Thomas R Clarko, George II Cheo- ver, Johu P Cohen, Frauds p Counts, George Clark, John Counts, Thomas Culkiu, CorverinoOapilla, Ma- rlou, CapiUu, William Connors. Antouto Clilusa. Georgo H Cameron, Clomonl (i Cooper, Edmand Couuor, Robert, Curry, Josoph 8 Carruthera, A wen Coyle. Hamilton Couper, Alexander Wilsea Camp bell, Riobard Carrigan, Charles A Golding, Fredor- iok Cornwell, Thomas Corr, William A Conory, James D Cubbedgo. Benjatniu L Cote, Anton Char ter, John Casey, William O Carter. D. Adam J Dotson, Isaiah Davenport, Archibald C Davenport, Thomas Dowell, James H Dcmund, Goorgo W Davis, William II Davis,* Jacob F Doo, Clto&loy Dugger, John D Dolannoy, Honry J Dickor, son, tovl S D’Lyon, Albert L Detorgo, Martin Dug gan, William M Davidson, John Devanny, Johu Doylo, David R Dillon, John Deacy, Hugh Dovluo, John Doylo No 2, William Dunn, John U Davis, Hoa ry Dohlwos, Sheldon C Dunning. Sholdon C Dunning Jr, John 51 Downing Riobard J Donovan, William J Port of Savannah August O iJisTKKssiNa Calamity.—During the thunder Htorm on Thursduv last, we are pained to learn,that Stephen Divine, Esq., living about twelve miles from this city, in Jones oounty, had three negroes and three mules insUn- taueoucly killed, and a fourth negro seriously disabled bv lightning. The unfortunately had taken shelter during a severe .storm nnder a tree-hcnce the extent of the calamity. It should operate as a caution to others against «u'h situaflons in the fbituro.—Southern Itecoreder 5th inst. Aid for Kansas.—MaJ. Warren D. Wilkes reached hero yesterday ovening, and met the emigrants who go with him to Kansas. Upon mustering his company he found 17 from Ches ter, 15 from Sumter, 3 fron Auderaon, I from Abbeville, 2 from Lexington, 1 from Lancas ter, and 4 from Richland. We wish them success In their patriotic mlntoa,-. Cofambfa Carolinian,5th inst, From the Macon Meaaenger . Commencement of Mercer University Messrs Editors A few dotUngs of the re- ceut Commencement at Penfield may be ac ceptable to your readers. The exerciios opened on Sabbath, tho 27th ult., with a'sermon by the Presideut, Dr. N. M. Crawford. It was oue of his most successful and eloquent efiorts. His address to the graduating class in the conclu sion wasthriliiugly imppressivo. At night a sermon was delivered before the Young Men’s Missionary Sociory of tbe Univer sity, by Prof. Wm. Williams, who has been re cently invited to tbe chair of Pastoral and Systematic Theology. It was a scholarly, chaste and practical discourse. Tho Sophomore Prize Exhibition was held t Monday morning. Prof. Tucker having but recently entered upon the duties of the Belles Letters department, had had blit iour weeks in which to prepare the class; still hero was no reason for regret, as the exhibition was pronounced on all sides the best ever wit nessed in the Collage. In a classical speech upon eloquence by Col. R. M. Johnson of Spar ta, himself au Alumuis of the Institution, tho first prize was awarded to Adrien S. Morgan of Penfield, and the second to Ja’g. S. Murrow of Effingham county. The Junfor Exhibition on Tuesday was creditable but not equal to tho other classes. Commencement Day is always regarded as the great duy of such literary festivals, and at. tracts largo an promiscuous audiences- The day on this occasion was fine; tho iurgo Chapel waa crowded, isles and galleries, aud ninny were forced to find their pluces outsido the building. The speeches of tho young men were generally good and delivered with dignity und manliness. Tho speech of Mr. McDaniel of Atlanta on Macbinvelistn was a remarkably fine production and his vuledictory was a model of its kind. He is believed to be tho very first and beat iraiued mind among the Alumni of tho Univer- I nlty. x Mr. Beals’ also who divided the first lion- Arrived. Steamer Weiaka, King, I’nlalka, to ClagUorn it Cunaigbam. Cleared. Sobr Jonas Smith, Furman, New York—Ogden, Starr b Co. Memoranda. Wilmington, Aug 3—Arr, schr Eclipse, Jones, Sa vannah. Passenger*. Per steamer Wolaka, from Palatka—J C Howell, lady, 2 children aud BVt, J Bosbo; lady, child and bvI, l)r Habersham, P H Loud, W Hope and art, J L May andsvt, N McKonry, E Curry, DurnmiU, W Bryan, C Flander*, Parker, J Darden, Coanor, Man ila, Waldburg, It Cohen, Patterson, Btotesbury, W Berry, J Ctrcooply, W Wilson, and 22 deck. Consignees. Per steamer Weiaka. from Palatka—7 halos Sen Island Cotten and Sundries, to Boston k VllUlonga, J M Eyro, W Reinshart k Son, Claghorn k Cunning ham. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, HOARD OF HEALTH. A regular mooting or the Board of Health will behold on Wednesday, tho 6th lust., at 8% o’clock. I*. M. Members will examluo tholr Wards carefully and report all nuisances. By order of M. J. BUCKNER, Chairman B. 11. 8. A.T. Lawrknoz, M. I)., Boo’y B. H. Savannah, Ctli Aug., 1856. au 0—l jr, u — r , # Dixon, Andrew H H Dawson, Mason M Davis, James Downing, William Duncan, James H Dcmund, Wil liam G Dickson, James Dugnon, William J Dowell, Michael Deacy, William J Dotson, Martin Dolun, Pat rick Doyle, Homer W Denslow, John B Downing, John F Dillon, John Downing, Joseph O Davis, Poter Demarc, Thomas C Davis, William Dauneufelser, Jo- 1AIID, diibUttC. .huuiui n la, uuiuca * Darling Martin Dohrmann, Richard W Delaney. Jotin Daly No 2, John Dolan Thomas Day, Bernard Dully Jolm Dotson, Martin Dunnegan, Jesso B Dasher, Michael Donnelly, WilliamC. Dawson, tow- Is G Davis, John H Davis, Cornelius Donorau, Pat rick Doyle, William J Doualdaou, Johu Doyle, James FX Doviuo. Alexander Doyle. Ralph Dunning, Asa lelllday. I. James 1) Irviuo^llenry luunon John lintneu, Jolm Ingorsoli, Josoph W Gronmen, Peyton R Joitson, Edward Jahu, Robert M M Jang stetta, Jolm R Johnson, William B Jackson, Goorg* O Jolmsou, Edward Jones, Jolm M Jolm3ton, Wil liam Johnson, KfnanueUosoph, Aloxander Johnston, Jackson Jerkins, Jolm Jones, John T Jones, Robert EJackBon, George Jones, John D Jessie, Claus Jach- ens, Georgo H Johnston, Joseph Johnston, Francis Jordan, Charles C Jones, James Tobias Jonea, Jamos Judge, rotor Edward Judontics Enoch L Johnson, Freuorlck Jachins, Jamo3 M Jones. M Jones, Eben- ogor Jcuckos, Alfred E Jonas, William M Josoph, Thomas Jouos, Powr Jacobs, John J Jackson, John D Jufwoly. K. Pldncas M Koliock, James Kelly Frederick Kronson. Willium Krebs, Noah B Knapp, towis Knorr, Johu J Kelly, William tovy Kaplan, Joseph Kein, Julius Koos, 8 Frank Kline, James King, Thomas J Kirk, Johu Kelly, Charles B King, August N Kolhhaus, Honry G Kunrt, Frederick Kuck, Jolm Kelaer, Ezra Kout, Jolm Klnnoy, Anthony Kelly, Patrick King, Mctood King, William King, Jn, Frederick William Klein, Michael Kerley, James W S King. John HKelioy, Alfred Kent, Michael Kellel hor, Edward S Komptou, Patrick Kelly, Dcunis Ko- lor, Daniel Keano, l’eronce Kor, Franols King, Hanford Knapp, Wlllaint H TKlng, 'Gwen K*hoe, John W King, Willulra King, August Keebler, WIL Hunt Kino. L. William C Lawton, Jordan towe, Jamos E Lam- bright, Chas E Landvolght, John N Lewis, Charles L Lodge, James B Law, Charles A L Lamar, Miohat Lavln, Tliomas E Lloyd, Edward Lovoll, Jacob C Levy, Josoph Uppmon, Henry F Llchte. Wil liam tow, James P tong, Alonzo B Luce, Daniel N Lain, Frederick tohoff. Hugh torkin, Charles H LaCosto, Edward Lockett, William H Lloyd. S Yates Levy, Charles too, Georgo tong, John 11 Lightburn, touis Lcgriel, Simeon tone, William Lynne, John Lyon, John Lano, Robert tocblisun Casper tonzer, Dan’l Lee, Peter W too. Charles P tondershlne, Jamos A toRocho, Daniel Lnpbam, Jamos tovan, John Linsky Thomas tonnalinn, Andrew J tobey, Henry totbrop, Oliver W Lilllbridge, Thomas Lyon, JohnTtothan, tovi IJ’.llenthal, William E tong, Barney toddy, Alexander R Lawton, James torkin, Jamos M totbrop, Walter toaoy, George W towe, Hugh Logan. Jolm Lovell, Wllllain H A tone, Wil liam tone, Jolm T Llnebergor, Edward Lynoli, William W Lincoln, Timothy towan, Orlando 11 Lur- burrow, John torkin, John Linskey No 2, Nathaniel toveli, Jamos toughlau, Peter Laurens, Christian tompe, Henry H IJnville, Peter Logan. James Lynch, Jamos F Linder, Mathew Lurburrow, Wil liam H Long, J/alcolm toraon, Wm toko, Henry Little, John Luma, Win Laltimore, Antonio tow- reuco; Wra Low, James Langley: Rasmus P tore lie; Wm W Ltmday: Frauds touis: ihmlel toaliy: Sam uel AT’ Thomas Murtuugh, Hugh W Mercer, Nathaniel C Mills, Peter W Mlngst, Thomas Morton, Johu Mai- lery, Mnuuel Molina, Charles F. Mills, John Morri- bou, William HC Mills, Alvin N Miller, Valentino Martin, Wra J Mooro,Horace Morse, Houry O Mohr tens, Isaac Minis,Thomas G Miller, Anthony FMira Abraham Minis, Richard O Mackall John Murchi son, William H May, John Mastorson, Edward Mo ran, Thos A Maddox, Jacob Manses, John C Mat ters, John Mskln, Georgo TMillon, William B Mell, Patrick Mom, John M Mlllon, Cornelius Murphy, - A Maglfl) James ,V**Jui»iirnfy; Wm./ J/o!nt.»sh; James J-Ma- Kenxio; Tlumm- fl J/cCloskcy; .Wlclianl J/cClary; Thomas .McCarty; touar M .tfoBonell, Janies j/c- Donahl; Beruard I- McKenna:Wm Md.’arthey; IlUgli. Mclntoe; Junius Mcfltdre; Ell K Mi-floe: TlmmdH McNulty; hitrlek McOtlujy. N. Alexander fl Nccland, Tlimuas J Naylor, Kdwlii L Noidlingor, Jolm W Nevitt, Jolm U Norton, Jolm C Niooll, William G Norwootl, Patrick Noyle, lames Nungazer, Eilward Nugent, Joseph B Nettles, Ter- oiiuo Nugout, Thomas E North. Josoph Nowlan Na thaniel Nungazer, Joseph B Nix, Thomas A Ndrri*, Theodore Nlcklus, towis F Nlcoll, William Norris, George N Nichols. Johu I) Nooly, Thom a* William Ncalll, Georgo William Nix. John Nelli. Tinnitus Nally, Gilbert N Neyle, David B Nichols. Michael Nayiou. James Nolan, Dauiol K Nungazer, Robert CNock, Jumes 8 Noiullngor, floorge T Mchoils, Georgo A Nichell, Patrick Xntighten. «. Johu Oliver, William CO'ln hcoil, Jolm W flwtns, fleorgo 8 Owens, Doniitilck n’Byrm*, Detitils fl’Hitlll- van, James O’Hara. I.iim o Pott null. Mat tin O’ilan- lon, David 0*Keefo, Dennis U’t'uunor. Owen O’ Rourke, Dennis fl’toary. William O'Jhvyer, Patrick O'Connor, Edward Hornort Olmslcad. Joliu M O' Neill, John O’Cflumdl, Jeremiah O’Sullivan Frauds H Ortno, Richurd II Oglcsity, James fl’Byrno, Maxoy D Osteen. Charles Oxotdus. Tliomas fl’Cou- uor, Iluury G Olivor, Thouia.- O’Bryan, David O’Con nor. Jumo-t O'Hara, Luko O’Connor, James Oliver No 2, WUlium 1) Oliver, Mlclmol O’Brien, Jolm O’ Brien, David L Ogden, Edward O’Byrne, Muitrlco O’Connell, John BOglcbay, William W Oates, Pat rick O’Connor; Johh O’Brien, Jumos O’Hara, T O’Brien, James O’Briau, tireon F Oliver, Tlnmthv O’Connor, Daniel O’Sullivan. P. tovl E l*rice, Edward Padolt'ord, Robort D l'apot, Josoph F I’olot, Orriu O Parker, Antonio Pouco, Wm J Par ton, Maludml Parish, Christlnn Pierson. John Postell, Michael Proudergast, George FI’alines, Wil liam Parrish, Charles F Preston, Edwin Parsons, George Parsons, Frauds A Potillen, Thomas l’ren- dergast, Patrick Price, Joseph W Phillips, Philip.! Punch, John F l'osoy, Edward M l’rendergost, Hen ry II Phillips, Edward Pndelford, Jr., William A Pittman, Georgo C Pitder, Martin i’oyton, George W Par duo, Thomas u Poud, Domi is M Patrick, Edward Powers, Norris T Finder, Pauiuel B Palmer, Thoiuns Purse, Patrick Prenty, fleorgo Patten, William F Preston, Petor Prenty, Patrick Prenty. No2, Charles U Patterson, floorge Power, Patrick Price, ilorbort A Palmer, Heury A Patterson. Charles Pursous, David G. Porter, William T Park, James fl Park, William F„ Parker, Jolm fit Palin, Kamuol Plainer. Satnuol L PiUntau, Jumes M Prentiss, Joint Pliur- len, James Prunty, Jamis l’rendergost. John Power, Janies C Pierce, Richard A Purdue, Richard Power, Tliomas Pitt; Peter 11 Porclval;Francis Perez; Charles Pritchard; Houry C Pulsll'er; Joseph BPreston;SiivestorPhelps; Joint 11 Parish; William Boas Postal!; Robert B l’apot, .Samuel N Paimt, Charles H Pickott; Alexander J Perry; Christopher I’owmar William O Price; Benjamin 8 I’olot 44* MurUn Quinn, WliHam 11 Quinley, John Quuntock, William Quinn; Thomas Qululovan. R. Joseph B Ripley, Francis W Reid, Mlohuel J Roll- ley. Hiram Roberts, James J Richardsou, William J Richardson, John A Riolmrdsou, Ooorgo itohortsoB, Jr, Jacob KosonBold, Matthew Ryan, Jamos M Russell, Robert Halford. Philip M Russell, John Reedy, Andrew M Ross, Honry ilosor, Tliomas Rod- Torn, william Kahn, Charles K Robinson, Johu Ryaa, Augustus Reich, David Roos, Felix J Rosenberg, Jolm Ryne, Petor Rttbol, Patrick Ryan, William RobluBon. Burney Ro*tney, Henry Rothschild, Johu W Ronuhurt, Francis Reeves, James Robinson, William J Reynolds, James Russoil, Francis Ruck er t, Joseph Ruckert, sr, William W Remshart. Jamos fl Rodgers, John Ruckort, Jamos Ray, Jeac Roseuband, Aloxaudor R Ralston, sr, William Roll- ly, Goorgo Robbins, Waring Russell, Charles E Ry an, John W Read, John W Rabun, Captain Josoph Ross, William Robkiu, James Read, William Rog ers, William Rem hart, Cornelius D Rogers, Rov’d Charles W Rogers, Barney Ronoy, J. ha 1* W Road, Josoph W Robarts, Johu C Rowland, William Red- lleury Roggentine, Henry Roger, t, Frederick ltydor, John Rollly, Nc Pbilli loums M Rosis, Frederick lty dor, John Rollly, No ., Hugh Rouan, .Patrlcli Riley, Jl nry Ryan, An drew Rollly, Herbert Robinson, Honry C Huyior, Thomas Rooney, Alexander It Ralston, Jun’r Rich ard Rodgers; Jumes Bond Read, Jacob Rotbhnnn, William O Rodgors, William P Hobart«, John Rutherford,Francis Joseph Buckerst, David Rosen blatt, Goorgo L Roberts, Olinius Keuoau, Duniell ilfan, Micuael Rollly, Thomas C Reyes, Patrloh Ra ley, Jonathan Robothanr Joan 8 Rogers; Cornelius HRlketnan; Poter Refill, John ltotchiord; Joseph Posy:William P Riddle;John Redmond Beujuinin W It las ton: Theodoro ltober; John Riley: tools Robider; Frederick Roynolds; Capt John Russell; William H Robbins; Dewitt C Rowland; Thomas Roman; Michael Kotcbford; Patrick Redmond James KReilly; Andrew Rogers; John Richardson; Peter Riley. S. George W 8tono, Alex A Bracts, Heury Strainer, Francis M Stono, John A Staloy, Albert Scarbrough, Ebenezer Sutton, William Starr jr., William Smith, Robort Strouss, James Sloven, Jamos Sullivan, Dan iel H Btowart, Kmamud Shoftnll, Charles Slager Frances Sorrell, Jacob Shaffer, Joseph M Shell man, George W ShaUbr, James Stevens, William R Sym ons, John Savage,Samuel L Spelseggor,HonryStibbs, John H Stegin, Daniel T Scranton, John Slono, Fred- •riek W Sims, Mordocal SheftaU, Sr., 8olomon Shef- tall, Timothy 8heody, Henry\JStephens, Francis R Shackelford, Michaol Sheahati, Honry D Sykes, Con rad Schneider, Jamos J Stanley, Johu Shwink, Ed ward, Saudora, William 8woll, William L Strobhart, Timothy Sheridan, William Sheody, Jacob Spang, Georgo M Salfuor, Furley R Sweat, Edward A Soul lard, Samuol S Slbloy. Judah M Solomons, Alexan- audor F Simmons, William II Smith, Philip Smith, Edmund Bweouey, James P Sorovou, Alexander A .1 C Shaw, Boqjamin B Smith, Barney Smith, Joseph Sioboi, John Shea, Washington Sauls, Jamos J Sul- dor, George PSnldor, Jacob Schall, Michael Stoin, Cornelius Sulllvau, JolraG Sexton, James Shophard, James H Schley, George 8toveuson. Patrick Sulli van, John HStolnherg, John Stoddard, Heury Soltaor Paniol Sullivan, John II Smith, Morty Shea, Patrick Short, Dedorlck Schaffer, John Scuduor, Dauiol Sul livan, ChrlstalnSnldor, Patrick Smith, Reason II Bui- livan, Samuol B Swoat, Frodorick Schaffer, Nicho las Sinnot, Herman Sangstock, Henry H Scranton, William Smith. Samuel Stirk, Ellas B Shad, Johu 8cantan. Joseph Sulllvau, Thomas .1 Swygover, Hen ry A Solomou, Samuel L M 8pelseggor Jr, Jeremiah Shohan, Charles E Smith, Jamos Smith No. 2, Wil liam F Shearer, James A Sowell, Julius Smith, I.lzaar Solomons. Frederick Strauss, James S Silva. Victor Sluder, W ilUatn Sherzer, John Sulllvau, John Sullivan No 2, George W Stiles, Miles Scarborough Peter Seara, Tliomas Slattery, John E Smith, W» Uam Sauders, Richard S Scruggs, John Shorridan, Francis Shells, Michael Scanlan, Jatiu »C Stutovant, towis Rtcrir, Peter Smith, Albert M Su/tvan, Jo- soph D Smbbins, David Stokes. Richard Sttryo, Frederick Schoeneberger, Ephraim Scudder, Dan iel Smith, John Spellman, William Sawyer, Richard Scanlan, Richard Charles Starks:Eldridgo C Swain; Albert Strusser; Augustus Julius Schultz; Petor Smith; John B sbnnn; Thomas F Screven; John Simpson: Richard Stcelo; Jacob Simmon: Jolm A Schaffer; James Simmons; August Schlodemam; Thomas EShaw; towis K Smith; JohnB Slinoniu; Willliam Stanley; William II Stephens; John E Stillwell: William Starr Senr; towis Smith; William Srallh; John H Smith; Henry D Sncllings; John F Simons; PairluktScanlnn; Adam Short; Jolm Sher lock. T. aug 8 4ob W Wright, jobs Williamson, Stephen B Will* ltams, Francis WtDon, Francis H Welman, William Wade, Stephen William., John WUder, SdanelB While,. James W White, iflcbael Welsh: Amoa ■ Webster. James Warner; James Ward; Georg* M rUtot>her t WUl*;Jhlui rd J Wmooat; John John H Willlnk; Chaa tir M White; Jreob L Wlucborg; Jatnos Welch; Robert: W*ffgflO«tlae:OM " Wylly; John Wilkinson: James G Watte: Richard A Wayne; Richard Wortnington; Michael Welch; Patrick Wlmion; Morris WoUY John George Weke; tl.rliiophor Wltzjen; George B Woedoo;-Jo**ph FWirticor* nr,V ' Vlll ' u,n!,on : 'tatrgo 'vnilx,Hiomaa Y. Philip Yonge, Win P Yonge. Johu A Yoage. Jacob Young, Dr tostou Yonge,,Wm A A'fUtgq, dareoee U Yonge, Petor Yonsott. • r 11 Z. Poter Zavadoski, Edwin 8 Zittrouer, Zetgler,Solomon Eittrouor, Jacob Zimmerman. feCuK or Council’. Omci l City 01 Savunnab, 4th Angiuit, 1160. / i hereby certify that the above named penom have registered their names as voter., at tlM Aldormanlc election, which will bo. held cn tho 18th day of October next. Tho Registry ctoect atS'o’dook, P. M., on the first Monday to Septem ber next. EDWARD G. . WILSON, . Clerk of Council. MAYOR’S OFFICE, f Cinr ok Savannah, 5th of August, 1846. f f no OWNERS OF DOGS, and all other, whom It X may concern. You are hereby notified to keep your Dog. In and E re vent them from going nt largo wlttdu the CltY tails. - . Auy Dog found going, nt large after this hoUoe, and until tlio20th day of September next, shall he killed. [l. h.J EDW’D. C. ANDERSON, Mayor. Attest, tow’.. G. Wilson, Clerk of Council, aug 6 McCarthy oinnbd iba uljSd COTTON IN lilVKRPOOL, A BROKER in Liverpool reporting oioss and val- xX nc of a consign 1 m nt of the McCarthy GIuumI Sea Island Cotton from a house in Ihlt city, write, as follows: “1L, 7 bass farish color, with a little shell, not much; but tho peculiarity of this quality la the ata- plo. and tho sly Is of its cleaning and putting up; diilorent to thu usual Roller Gin operation?. The samplo before handling, has somo slight appearance of having been .Saw Gluued. Ou examination, how ever, shows that ull the staple, both as to length and uniformity, 1ms been preserved*' and a much greater degree of freedom and kindness hat boen given by tbe process. This, remark applies more or less to all thu marks of this shipment.. Iu this iustauce. the staple is stout and a good l h‘gth,and without belug tine, is not course.” The undersigned, ageuts for tbe above mentioned Gins, always have a supply on hand, at 9126 each. BOSTON k VILLALONGA. uug 5—w2ui RlFlNEU ANJO t'tAliiFiED SI GARS ff/Y Bbls Stuart's A. Crushed Sugar. Ovj 69 “ •* A. Clarified ao. 60 “ “ n do do. 60 “ “ C. do do- Just received aud for aale by aug 6 SCRATUN JOHNSTON k CO. GEORGIA, LIBERTY COUNTY. T WO m.nths after dato, application will be made to tho Hen Court of Ot dinary for Liber ty county, for leuvo to sell alt the lauds belonging to the osutoor Johu F Bsasly, or said county, de ceased, for tho boneflt of his heirs aud creditors. JOHN 8. t BRADLEY, } ^, or- migA E. Q. ANDREWS, «10 REWARD. Hi a wunu ruinvur whu vouow vara, which lolttheGroat •geechoe Bridge on last Friday. The said dog had on at tho time, a collar with tho uam. or Mr. H Couper engraved upon it. McL KING. aug 6—6 BACOO AND HEGARS. 60 Boxen, Grant fc Doyio, Morris h ueraere, uoorge w uiuju, irnvia S Dauiol, l’utrick Devanny, James Doyle, Jolm Dil lon. Tliomas Doyle, Georgo Derst, Peter Derst. Jo ieph 8 Dorverg.r, Austin Dolaney, Michael Dow- ■ey, Hugh McCall Davenport. Samuel P Dibble, Miller Donlwlch, William E Davis, John noble, Eli jah M Dye, William Dixon, Thomas Donnelly, Fran cis H Demore, James Dally, Frauds G Dana, Sam uel D Dickson, Jobu A Dougtop, Peter J Deifies,John EDeFord, Peter Donelai, Alexander Dusdate, Wm S Dexter, Wm H Dun.log, Christopher H Dixon, Patrick Donovan, Francis Daily. E. Goorge Emmons, Houry R Eostmoad, Stephen El- ... «-*-—»•’—«- **- " 9 Ehrleeh, lot,Charles - , Barnard Ellis, Abner P Earnest, Edward W F.dou. Henry East, Jobu B Epstolu, William TEiam, Daniel Egan. John Everard, Patrick Egan, William fl Etheridge, Jolm Erwin, Philip Kifler, Samuol II Ecktnau, Moses El- kan, Patrick S^aa, No 2, Frances Enwrlght, Henry Ellis, Henry Evers,Thomas Ennii, Jacob A Eipateln Abraham Eipeteln, HenryH Eden, Simen Einstein Abraham Einstein, John J Evans, James A Earns!. F. Robert H Footman. Josoph 8 Fay, Lowis Frey, Dominick Flatioy, John G Falilgant, James R Foley, Joseph Foil, John Foley, Jobu U Forrill, touis N Fal ilgant, Alexander Fswcott, Thomas Ford, Lewis J B Fairchild, John C Fraser, Rob’t G Ferguson, John D Fish, Do it gal d Ferguson, Michaol Finney, Edward Fitzgerald, Cornelius Flynn, Frederick Finch, Mortimer L Farris, Andrew Farry, Arthur Found, Alexander A Fraser, James Fitslmmons, T QB....- -,.. r Williams 6s k 8s Tobacco. 20 Boxes 100 5 bbls. Imported Plantation Segsrs. Iu Store and Tor sale by. SCRANTON, J aug 6 Tobacco, SCRANTON, JOHNSON k Co. Q)AI,T—8,000 inckH Liverpool Salt lu store,for sal* J, KODOKR9, KOHRI6 h Co. l>hy. . - . OR William Moore, Patrick Musterson, William B Malphrus, Ludcr Melirteus, Charles C Millar, Wil liam J L Moulton, Peter Masters, Peter Magana, Johu F Mulligan, Daniel W Sllscally, Fritz Menlako, Petor Maguire, James fl Mills, Ignatz Mutuschlck, Frodorick Myers, Tliomas R Mills, ton Mallette, William Morrell, Henry Mltcholl. Martin B Moyer, Thomas H Maxey, Samuel Mansfield, Enoch Mills, Andrew J Miller. Thomas A 5!yors, Wllllain Morel, William Meredeth, Petor R Magann, Edward Moe- ban, William Morris, Edmund Morlnrty, Morris Murphy, fhomos B Maxwell, Anton E Meyer, Chris tian Marks, Ansehn Milliauser. Robert Miller, John J Maurice, Emanuel Ktondoll, Thomas Moath, Abra ham F Mordecai, Jacob Manko, William Mackay, toander Moore, John J Meldrim, Jamos Monnahan, Michael Morris, Benjamin E Afyrick, Johu Aifiller, Laurence J/alvaney, John Jfahan, William J Mar shall, John R Moyer,Moses Marcus Rufus, A Martin, John C Masters Thomas Murtagh. John Murphy No 1, John Morgan, David M Middleton. David Moran, James Mulligan, Samuel S Miller; John R Martlu; Franklin M Myretl; Joseph Manucey, Sylvester Mi*kelly; Herrmann Marcus;ThomasMahar; James M Mordocao; Wm T Mot gan; James W Myddelton; iu., n wink... r..m». w - . . irty,Heury] Thomas Flonimlng, touis Fried, Sewell H Flake, Jame. Fountain, Joeoph E Falilgant, William BFarr, Anthoay Fitzmaurico, Fdmund Frierson, Peter For tune, William H Flolg, S Henry Flake, Daniel Hood Patrick Fitzgerald, James Foley. John William Fow- ker, Charles W. Fraser. Bilvester Fortin, Henry A Forsyth, Andrew Flatlejr, William G Flynn, Mi chael Feely, Georgo S Frierson, Joslah R Fisher, Joseph G Footman, Thomas M Forman, Adam Fries, John S Fox, Richard Feely, Patrick Foley, Patrick Fitzpatrick, Peter Furlong, Wra G Foote, Hory H Freeman, Michael Feely, Heary Frldel, Patrick P Femmlng, David Fitzgerald, Wm Q Flemming, Wm AblelO Miller; Jumes W Morgon; Hugh Martin; Henry Mombnrd; Joseph O Moll; Charles II Muller; Wm JMUcally; Thomas J/arshall; Bernard Mono- ban; Jacob M Middleton! Ilawey Ml go; John D Mottolle; John C Metzger; John R Moliltenaa, John Miller. Me. Josoph S McDonnell, Petor McCanu, Hugh Mo Lain,James Mclntiro, Aloxander McHardy, Patrick McGovern, William McKcudroe, John W McKoy, Jo seph J McCoy, Robert Mclntiro, James Mclutire, James MoHoury, William 8 McFarland, Robort Me' Keuzle, Patrick McDonoll, James McGloin. Antho ny UcCulloh, l’ctor MeQUUeuddy, William Molntlre Thomas J McClosky, Thomas McOlane, John Mo- Hugh, John NcCabe, Jumos McFcely, Michael Mc Cabe, William J McCauley, Jolm MoFarland, Thom, os J MoNish, George A McClcskey, Michaol McCul- lough, Dauiol J MoKohzic, toward McUabo, John It Molntlre, Jeremiah McCarthy, Jolm McCann, Hugh McCann, Patrick McDermott, Mlcltael McCarthy Rodger Mcflloiu, Fdward McCufl'arty, Francis Mo- Aleor. William McKenna, John H McCarthy, John UoAuUffe. John McCormick,Thomas McCollum, John McConnell, William McAllister, Andrew McGreal, James McCann, Thomas McKoon, William Mctough len, Jeremiah, MoCauliffe, Angus MoAlptn, John |Movean, James W MoAlpln, Thomas McKenna S IDES k SHOULDERS—60 hlids Prime* Sides. fflhhda Prime Bacon Shoulders, just received and for salo by aug 6 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON It OO. COME ALONG NOW! * HAVE Just received, por steam.r Freeman Raw- . don from Baltimore, another lot of MILLER & BROWNS WEL.COM HAMS. Also, 5.000 lbs, of Baltimore City Cured Bacon, 25 bbls Sugars, assorted—Crushed, Powdered and Clarified; No. i k 2 light Brown Coffee Su gars, Aa., Ac* —ALSO— Pig Pork and Whito Beans,G. Hawe’s Fulton Mar ket Beeflu choice pieces. Per steamer from New York, Choloe Table But ter and Choese. All to be found at BARRON’S, Family Grocery, Corner of Whitaker k Chorion street*. aug & lioiCE LIQUORS.—10 half pFpee O. D^'lToo. Rtsudy. 5 pipe. Hollttud (Mcdor Swan) Glu ; 2 puncheons old Jamaica Rum; 1 do do St Croix do; 10 casks Port Wine. In store and for salo by ig* SCRANTON, JOHNSTON Jt OO. B altimore leaf lard,—20 bbta Prime No 1 tour Lard ; 60 kegs do do do do Lauding and for sale by aug6 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k C*. B EADELL’S TALLOW CANDLES—75 boxes 6 It 8 Bead ell’s Tallow Caudles, in store and toe sale by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON It OO. aug 6 Alfred F Torlay, Cornelius Tarbusb, Frederick A Tuppor, Jobu Timmerman, Jamos Taylor, Henry Tow, John T Thomas. Charles Thornby, Francis Trendall, Barnard G Tiidon, George IITitcomb, Johu D Tenbroech. David Thompsou, Francis Marlon Threadcraft, Kttgono J Trucbelut, Jobs C Taylor, William B Tinsley, William Thomas, Samuel H Tul- bird, sr, William Thomas. John V Tarver, John S Tyson, John Thompson, pilot, David 8 Turner, Par ley C Thompson, William T Thompson, William B Thomas, sr, Charles G Talbird, Paul ThomasBon, Michael Tonro, Richard T Turner, Charles Thomp son, William S Taylor, Albert Taltilrd. Michael Tut- ly, Patrick Tully, James C Thompson, John F Tuck er, Daniel H Tumor, Joseph M Turner, Alexander Thomas, William A Tliomas. Jonathan M Thomas, Richard Thomas, Thomas M Turner, Banard Tully Stephen A Turner, John Thyuuo, Joseph R Thomp son, Israel K tolll: Francis Triay: John Tanucr; WilliamH TIhoii: Richard Tumor: fleorgo Thomp son: Francla E Timmons; Charles Trippo; Benjamin 0 Theus; Cnpt William Ttglor; Michael D Treanor. Gevrg* W Ulmer; Christian Ubiler; George C Ul- ior. V. Cornelius Van Der Vloe, John A Voght, Henry Vie!- stlch, Henry Vohu Glahn, Louis Vattlor, Charles Van Horn, Michael Vaughan, John Vaughan, Trla- tam VersUlle; James H Vau Ilouton; Wm L Vroom; John L Villolonga; Wm Van \ r ors - ; Wm P Vollum. w. James T. Webb, Thomas S Wnyno, Gilbert A Wil-kinB, Henry K Washburn, Daniel 8 Wil son, William Wray, Robert Welch, fleorgo 51 Waldburg, Robert D Walker, Henry F Willlnk, Richard Wayne, Henry O Wyer, Alox H Waver, Jacob Waldburk *John W Wilson, W Thome Williams Seth Woodward, Amos Webb, Conrad Waldachmldt, Thomas J Walsh, William Waters, Norman Wallace, Henry D Wood, William Wright. W Henry Wilt- borger, Allen R Wright, Jolm K Wilder, toon Wolf, Joseph W Wood, Ellsna Wylly, John E Ward, Samuel Wolfo, toward O Wlthlugt*n, Jamos Walsh, Enos WUbington, Uohlke Wittmcr, Thomas W Wado, Aaron Wilbur. Charles Weishelt, William F Weightman, Frederick R Wylly, John Wade, James Wynn, Shadrach N Winkler. Thomas A Wilson,David U Wolfe, Hilliard E Wollo, Joaeoh Washburn, Ben- ll*m n nmuivY, UUWHU it Huo, C AngUBl Walter, William H Weekes, William Welsh, Peter Wilson, Jacob Welnheimer, John Westermoyer. James C White, Norman Wallace, John Welsh, ” MIC '• - 1 ivmwu nelsh Conrad Wolgund, Wil- „ u .». Simon Walter, John Williams, James 0 Webster, Richard Wlckbram, Gregory White, Samuel A wood, Augustus Wens. Jacob Walter, Tbomu White, Irvlu L Wolfe, Vordey Woolly, Lemuel Wilson, Charles Edward Wsbstor, JMartm Wendelkln, Jacob Wtlgaad, John F Wheaton, Shel L anding and in .-tohe- 3000 lbs extra canvassed bag Hams 1000 do do sugar cured —juao— A superior quality of Tennessee Homs, small sizo for family use, at 12% rents per pound. 26 bbls Crushed Sugar 20 do B Clarified do 20 do C do da 25 do Powdered do 10 do 8t Croix do 6 hhds oxtra Porto Rico Sugar 5 bbls do Stnart’s Syrup 6 hhds do Bacon Sides —ALSO— Brooms, Pails, Basket Tubs, Matches, Borub Brushes, Flour Palls, ko., tor salo by Jf26 J. A. BROWN. H AMS—10 casks Tennessee Homs, a superior Jy« , article, forsulo by sale by WILLIAM LYNN, 87 Bay street. X lQUuKS AND BACON—a ±j 260 bbls Whisky, various brands 100 do New England Rum 75 do and % casks Brandy 60 do P & H Gin 26 hhds B3con, Sldoa and Shoulders, receiv ed and for salo by McHAHON 6: DOYLE, Jy26 206 and 207 Bay street. o UN DRIES.—60 bbls New York Refined Sugar O 126 boxes No 1 Palo (tod Family Soap 100 do Tobacco of varlons brands 90 do Green aud Black Tea 16 hhds Bacon Shoulders, 10 do do Sldee 100 boxes Candles. Adamantine,Mould, Ike, Just received and for sale by j yao mcmahon k doyik. sale by jan 2 ARD—16 bbls and 26 kef A BONAlfo. 1 Lea 1 LaKT" —tegs Lea 1 .... j 6 kegs extra Smithfleld Lard, tor sale by Jyl7 WLBSTER k PALMS. fFHE ATTENTION of itrangen viziting the X city and the public generally, in invited to sn examination of our stock of Spnag aud Summer floods, which for variety and stylo Is not to be ex celled in this city. apr28 A1KIN A BURNS. L ARD—26 kegs prime Leaf Lord, just received r“ J 1 and tor sale by y24 RODGERS k NORRIS. ; FRENCH CHINA, WHl'i'K ORAITITB. AND GLASS WARE. ’ 146 Mxxnxu snuarr. auwjtvrox, booth oaxoluu.* Tlie subscribers rcspoctfuliy solicit-. from the traveling public, an inspection 1 of tholr stock of French and English 1 _ China, in plain white, gold band, and 1 decorated dinner, desert, breaktost, tea, toUst, tw.- tetc sets aud vases. Also, Cups and Saucers; Ao., ol tho celebrated Sevres China. White Granite of the beat manufacturers. Rich cut French, English and Bohemian Glass. * ^ They have a variety or ornaments In Portaott Wore, Bust* or Calhoun, Clay, Webster, and ethers, andStatuotes of the Greek Slave, Venus de Medicle Ac.. Ao. ’ They have also a beautiful, durable and cheap arti- ole tor floors and hearths, of Plain and Encaustic Tiles, Tholr stock being vory goneral, carefully suisoted and iroiwrled direct, offers inducements to merchants as well as families, to whom goods will be put up al tho lowest rates for cash. WEBB A SAGE, Importers, successors to Cameron, Webb A Co. TO BUILDERS. ~ T HE SUBSCRIBER is prepared to exeoata at tho shortoet notice, and in tbs most work manlike m&nnor, all kinds or Metal Roofing, Gutters, Cornice, or other work connocted with the manutoo- turlng or repairing or Copper, Galvanised Iron, Zlno, or Sheet Iron Business. HORACE MORSE, ootlfi NOTICE ^ Broughton st T HE firm of IW Morrell A Co.' was dissolved on the 24th or September, 1864, by the death of N F Webster. Jy22—lm 1. W. MORRELL. — KGTBMi — O NE mouth after date, application will be ma4e to the Bank orthe State of Georgloffor tbe pay- mont or two one huudred dollar bills of the Branch at —the right band halve* of which have been lost in the mails. Jy21 BOSTON A VILLA LONGA, B Toil ASKETS—An elegant ascoriment of Traveling Boskets. roiR. a rn, lt «.a l b ’ ,,M “ er rrom N,w KENNEDY A BEACH’S Hous^ Furnishing Store, Hodgsoa’s new blosk.