Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, August 09, 1856, Image 4

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/ CHATHAM Mliirn —Il Lbt Hit MAh* Ik, door of u>, Coart HHW WWMWTHHW. BWW MWIW Wl"» r « mortgage R* Fn’a Issued out oTlho Honor* fetter Down cf Chatham County, July Term, Wh all whom It may mlnlitraior c«the tuulo at James G. Hint* : TtMfe are, therefore. to dto end admonish all rboalt may concern, to be and appear before said Court to max* otyoctjoa (If any they hare) oaor be- Iore Urn Aral Moo day in December next, otherwise said leturs will be created. Wltawe, Jobs BUbo, Leo. Ordinary for Chatham county, this fourth day of June, I860. June 0- JOHN BILBO. 0.0.0. BKVJ. k. C.C. A— CITY aUEHIfn IALB Bester, the City tXmrt of Satannab; ouc lofiiror of John GaUaber. one In (arorof James Lynch, and the other In faror of Waver k Cooaton- tine, vs. Ann Dob!?, "property pointed out by Plato tiffs. Terms cash. CD4T. IL PRRNDKRGA*T. 8 C. C. 8. R BIIbCimiU'8 SALE. virtue or on order passed 7tb July, ISM, by thoOeaituf OrlUuiyof Wayne Cuuu'y, will Id oo the first Monday In October next, be tween the usual hoars ot sale, before the Court Boose door in WejruosviUe, the following property, lo wit: A Negro woman, alien, 30 year* of age, also bar seven children, Francis 10 y sara of age, Locy 9. Mary 9, Hubert 0. George 6, tba 1 dte 3, and ED j 9 years oul. Sold for the benefit of the hairs and creditors of the estate ofL. W. Bryan. Terms casb. W. A. SALLENS, Executor. Jya> ADMINISTII ATOU'S SALK, P URSUANT to an order of the Honorable tbe Court of Ordinary of Chatham County, passed June term, 1661. will bo sold, on tho first Tuesday in August next, beforo the Court Uouso door In said county of Chatham, between the legal bourn of sale, tbo fotlowing property, to wlu: Luts Nos. three (») and four (4), being port of Garden lot No. ulno (9). Spring Hul, CUjr of Savannah, trvntlng on Railroad street; also the following negro slaves: Jack, Peter, Alexander and Sarah. Sold as the property of the e*lau: of SamuclGriilln, late of raid county, deceased, for the benefit of the beirs and creditor* of raid cs- tate. RICHARD WAYNE, Administrator do bonis non, on Jol Estate of Samuoi Urlfllu, HTATE OK UKOMAaAA, /CHATHAM COUNTY—To all whom it may l touoctra: Whereas, Jotin Mallery,srtU apply to tho Court of Ordinary for Letters Dumuory as ad min U- ihun on tho Estate of WUItam Wright theso are, e. in cite and aamnouh all whom it may lo bo and appear before aald Court, to ■ 00lection (IT any tney hare) on or before tho ftrst Moodav in Novemoer next, othwlse said Let tan will bo granted. Witness. Joan Bilbo, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham Oftttijr, this e.fhi day of April 1666. -OHN BILBO, 0. a c. 1»» ffATK OK GKOBUI A, CHATHAM CO. mis all whom U may concern: Whereas Mary Ann X Dent will apply at the Court of Ordinary for let* tom DwmUaorv on tbo estate of James P. Dent,— Those are therefore loci in nud admonish all whom It sear concern, to be and appear before said Court, lo man objections (If anv they bare) on or before the torsi Monday in December next, otherwise said Uttar* will be granted. Witness John Bilbo, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham County, this third day or Jane, ISfW. JeS -OILS BILBO, O.C.C. USB, , "orsra sum, Boston, New York, TL. - As, and Baltimore. jaMm Sf pious*. DEALER AND IMPORTER OF W.tche*. Jtinig^tllnr Win, I'm* >0. lif, eocrn 2d motxr, rorununtu. *cpt8 if iiKtQiiWir PATgST Fni»>I»nooF WITH I1ALL'£*FAt!'H c I HATH AM COUNTY— !u aU whom it may con- NELSON IIVEE/iEY, DESIGNER AND SCULPTOR IN MARBLE. Corner As tor Place and 4th Avenue, w cum reoxnuTv to nut asm* uiuukt a.vp th* »gw tuax aocst, *xw voax. riMIE most extensive variety and the largest X <bx k of Moaumenis, Tomb*, Head Slones, Ac., lu America, can be found at this establishment, from plain to tho moat elaborate and ornate in design and workmanship. In addition to tho Block always on hand, a great variety of drawings, appropriate and original may be found, from which work will be ex ecuted promptly to order. Orders faithfully executed, and ehipped lo any point available by water or steam. Persons visiting the city of New Yerk ou pleasure or business arc roKpectfolly invited to visit this cs tabliahmenL oct3 D >uald Ues unrepresented in consequence of the death oT Nathan Brew ton, tho executor, and unless some fit and competent pgrsou applies for the ad- ministration or said estate, with tho will annexed, 1 shall appoint James Wilkinson, or some other fit and proper person, administrate r with tho will an nexed de bonus non, ou said estate: Theso are. therefore, to cite and admoulsh aU whom it may concern, to to and appear before said Court to make objection (if any ttn-jr have) on or before the first Mouday in August next. Witness. Will am Leo, Esq., Urdu ary for tho county of Bulloch, this 12th oay of June, I860. J0I6 WILld.lM LKK. n r. 0. State of Georgia, Uniioeu tuumy, A DMlNlbTKATUKs' »'AI.K.—by virtue of su or- /V der rrom the honorable Court of Ordinary of mud county, passed on tho first Monday in June, will he sold at the court bouse door of said county, between tho lawful hours of sale, on the flrat Tues day In August, Ono tract of land, containing one hundred and fifty acres, in bald county, on the Ch- noochee river; also, a part of four other surveys, containing six hundred and thirty-two aero.-', on Ca- noochce river, wo'i improved and in good repair, consisting of swamp, hay and |une land. Soul as tho prujiorty of Nathan Drew foil, deceased, for the benefit of the heir.-, and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of salo. BENJAMIN BitEWTON, 1 SIMON J. BREWTUN, ( ACAn rs * June 2d, I860 Je 16 VIRGINIA SPRINGS! SOUTH-SIDE, RICHMOND A DANVILLE, A Virginia d> Tenurute SUMMER AKUAflGEMliNT. Shortest, most comfortable and most expeditious Route to tho VIRGINIA SPRINGS! THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT And Baggage Checked Through, except on Stages. Visitors to the Virgininia fprlngs by this route, take the skiuib-?ide Railroad cars at Petersburg, or the Richmond aud Danville can at Richmond, at 0 A. M., daily, (Sundays excepted,) arrive at Lynch burg to dinner, and thence, via tbo Virginia aud TenucfSeo Railroad, reach Bonsack’s Depot at 3 1-4, aud Salem at 4 P. XL, and at either place take Kent, Summcrsoit 1fc Co’s Fine Line of Htngeu I Thoso via Bonsack’s lodge at Hu castle, dine at the STATES OF GEORGIA, C HATHAM tailTNTY.—Tr> all whom it may con cern : wtoreas, Patrick Ryan will apply at the Quart 01 Ordinary for letters of administration on the estate of Dwswd Collin*: These are, u*er»foro, to cite and admonish all whom M may concern, to be and appear beforo said Ooari to nukeiNMectlon (if any they have) on or be fore Um nm Monday in August next, otherwise said letter* wUi be (wanted. Witness, Joan Kbbo, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham County, mis twenty-third day of Juno, 1650. Jane « JOHN BILBO, o. c. c. -STATE OF GEORGIA, iUuHch r ~ “ State of Georgia, Bulloch Comity, A dministrators bale—-win bosou, on the first Tuesday in August next, before Uu court house in Statesboro’, in said county, under an order of tho Court of Ordinary, Fifty four (54) acres of Pmo land, granted to James Deal, and bounded by lands of James Woods, William Allen and Elmore Manes, belonging to the estate of James Deal, for the benefit of tbo heirs aud creditors of said estate. Terms made known on the day of sale. MARTHA DEAL,) Ailm’x. CALVIN DEAL / Adm’r. June 12tb, 1656 Je 15 WAYSECd., OX , JULY 33JU. ISiO. T IE public are warned that from this cate I wdl pay no drafts made by 5.0. B»yau & Co., a« no such firm oxUt. From this date the business will be continued on my own account. augS— ltn SAMUEL O: BRYAN. X>T7u35c II cent: Uuurt ut Un I COUNTY—-To all whom it may con- 1: Whereas, Asa Johusou will apply at U10 * Ordinary tor earn county, for letters of ad ministration. with the will annexed, on the estato Of Mary Williams, late of said county, deceased: Tbtee are. therefore, in cite nud admomoh ail whom it mav concern, to no and appear before eaid Court to make objection (if any they have) on or before toe first Mouday m August next, otherwise •aid letters will be granted. Wltaes*. William Ue, Esq., Ordluary for Bulloch aountr. the 20th day or June, 1S5-J. JUDwri WILLIAM LEE, o. n. c. UKUHU1A, LiUEim fOUATV. r 110 all whom U may concern: Whereas, Mrs .*■'» 1 nii J Jones, Adnumsirutr.x up-.u the i^tote »»f James ti Jones, late of Liberty county, deceased, will apply to the Court or Ordinary ot. said county for letters dismissory; Those are therefore to cite and admonish all whom it mav concern, to be ana appear before *ahl court, to mane oniections, if any they have, in terms of tbe law. otnerwiso said letters will bo granted Witueas. W 1* Gariueau, Ordinary for IJbc-rty county, this 10th of January, 1856. jy|g—2 W^P. G1KADEAU, o. 1. c. STATE OF GEORGIA; J >UUjOCH COUNTY—To all whom it may con- > corn: whereas, Joslah Davis will apply at the urt 01 Ordinary for letters of administration on of Henry Davut, late of aald county, de- These oro. therefore, to rite and admonish ail whom it may concern, to he and appear before said Court, to mako objection (if any they have) on or before tne first Monday in August next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness, william Lee, ha--;., Ordinary for UuUoch tountv. this 27lh (lay of June 1856. Jane29 WII.IJAM LEE. 0. c. a STATE OF GKOUG1A, B ULLOCH COUNTY—To all whom it may con cern : Whereas, Gouural E Mikell, will apply at the Court of Ordinary tor tutters ot adminLstraiion with tne will annexed, on tho estate ol Martha Groover, late of said couuiy, deceased: Thee* are. tbsreforo, to cito aud admonish all whom it mav concern, to to and appear before said Court to make objection (ir uuy they have) on or before urn first Monday in gcotember next, other wise said letters will be granted. Witness. William l>ee, Enq., ordluary for Bulloch •oanty. uts 2lst day of July. 1856. wir GEORGIA, CHATHAM tUt.VTV. O N tho first Monday in August next, 1 will apply to the Ordinary of Chatham county for leave to soil tho negro slaves lieonging to tiie estate or Clara A Ogilbay, deceased, lor tiic beucilt of the heirs and credit ir* of said estate, juuo 4 JaMES A. URriCHE, Adm’r. Jy» VILLI A 51 LEE, o. 11. c. GEORGIA, CAI1BKIV C'UlATY. S WO MONTHd after oate. application will be maue to the Honorabio Court of Ordinary for [ coumr. for leave to sen tho following named negroes: now and her tnren children, Irene, Mi nis and aoe: belonging to tun estate of i/juUiTump- IdlM, deceased. Inr tho benefit of said heirs. WILLIAM B. THOMAS, Guardian. . JetfersootoD. June 10, 1866. June 30 OliYNTV KHKK1KF0 BALK. W ILt, ne sold before the Court House in tbo city ot ttrunawiek, county of Glynn, on the first Tuesday in August next, between the legal hours of sale, tbe following properly, to wit: Uue lot or parcel of land situate, lying and being in tbo city of Bruns wick, into* county of Glynn, suite of oa., known and disbugutsfied in tbe plan nr said city at old To wu Lot, numoer two hundred and fiav-ihree. and Uic improvements thereon; levied on by virtue of all fa Usuea out of the City Court of Savunnuab, in the county 01 Chatham, in favor of Benjamin C Frank lin vs Charles E Flanders. Tropvrty pointed out by plalnttif Jy2 M. <5. B WRIGHT. B. O. «. GEORGIA, BliLLUlll tUVA'TY. S IXTY davu after dale, appUcuUon wi.l be made ID the Honorabio Court ol Urinary oi Builoub county, tor leave fo sell ull the lauds belonging to tbe estate or Thomas Crosby, late of suid county, deceased, tor tho benefit ol tne heirs aud creditors Of sulu estate, Jylb WILLIAM F. CROSBY, Adm’r. DIVORCE. “ Elizabeth Cowley ) Iti Co.leu Superior Court. vs. J* May Term, 1856; John Cowley, ) It appearing to tuo CV.rt from the Return of the Mierill', that lUodoiendunt J0I111 Cowley, is not lo be iound in Codec County, und It former appears that ho U not iu tbe Stato. On motion o; Win. H. Gauiding. Attorney for libelant, it is ordered that scrvtco be perfected on a d defendant bv a pubii- cation of this order in one of the public journal-4 iu Savaonab, onco a month for threu inoiiUi* prcceed- ing the next form of this Court, requiring said de fendant to uppear at tho next term or codec sn- porior Court In November next,and Ulo his defensive alegalion to said Court. A true extract ortho minutes of Cnlfoc Superior Court. ARCH’D McIJCAN, Deputy Clerk. Aog 23m. L1UKL FOR DIVORCE. EUzfibeth uiuly T j u CofTee Hu|ierlor Omrt, Jobn’Lul,. j May Toon, I860. S T appearing to tho Court, from the return ol tho sheriff, thut tho defondant. John C'uuly is not to found in Coffee ouuuty, und hois not in the Htaie; on mouou or Wiu B Gaululug, altornoy rorlibelluut, It Is ordered that xervico bo perfected 011 eaid de fendant uy a publication of this order iu ono or tho public journals of navaunah, onco a month tor tbreo montiis preceding the next term of this Court, requiring said deleuaunt to apjtear at tho next term of Coffee Huporior Court, in the month of Novem ber next, nud Ulo his durunsivo allegation to tho •ause. A true extract from tho minutes ol the Superior Court. ' Jy2 KW’D ASHLEY, Clerk. STATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM CO. rPHE undersigned bavoformed a Co-partnership X under the Act of the General Ass cm b y of the .State or Georgia, rntitlod “An Act to uutborizo Hunted Partnerships,” absented to the twenty-se* conu day or December, in tho year 15 7; to be con ducted under tho name of Carl Upping, for the pur* l>osc of transacting a Commission and General Mer cantile buRncs* iu the city of ^avunuah and stato of Georgia. Carl Upping, of Savannah, will be the general partner, and George W Garmany, of .Savannah, who has contributed Fifty Thousand Dollars, in casb, to tuo common Ntock, will be special partner. The mstuess to commence th<* first <lay of August, in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-six. and to terminate on tbo first day of August eighteen fifty- nine. In witness whereof, the said Curl Eppiug aud George W. Garmany have hereunto tiguod the foregoing agreement, this thirty first day of July, 1850. CARL EPPING. 0. W: GARMANY. Arrest: MONTGOMERY CLAIMING, J. I. C. C. C. august 1—ow AjK* The MiUedgovillo Recorder, will publish six weeks. NOTICE'.* A U, persons having demands against tho estate of Richard F. Williams, into of Chatham conn- ty. deceased, are hereby notified to present them within tho lime prescribed by law to the subscri* her; aud aii indebted to tho said estate are request ed to mako immediate payment to AL B. MIIJ.CN, Administrator do boul^ non. March 26—0 w Itwjjyji—jo 7 NOTICE. O NK month after date application will be mann to tne Bank of the State of Georgia, for the luymeui of a Twenty Dollar Note ou tho said Bank, t«o. 4‘J.) the right nund hull' of which has been lun One monui attc-r date appiicition will be made to tbe Alanue Rank or Georgia tor the payment of a Twenty Hollar Note/ . JW4i on said JUnk, the right buna naif or V. n lias iieen lost. jy'J—iu w—4w WM. B. I1IGHT. Villa r.i'a. July 8, 1856. NOTICE. r piIHbK months after date application will be inado X to i'i« Marino Buuk of tjavanuah. for the pay- mentot two Twenty dollar bills, viz : letter l), 3070, and letter G. 597. the left halves of which have been lost. „hMUS P. HUDSON. TullahurFce. Ha., May 17.1856 8rn* my20 inonJ, witliout NIGHT TRAVEL, and with but 64 mites of Staging. Or by lha Salem route, stop all nigbt at tho Koanoko Ited Sulphur Springs, (10 miles dUtaut from Salem,) dine at the Red aweet, or sweet Springs, and arrive at the White Sulphur Springs on tbe evening of the feliowing day. The Virginia & Tennessee Railroad Ls located through a moat romantic country, possessing a cli mate unsurpassed lor its salubrity aud dclightiultem- perature. The road passes tho base of the PEAKS OF OTTER And within three miles of tho Alleghany Springs, one milo or tbo Montgomery White Sulphur Springs, and wittnn four miles of the Yellow Sulphur Springs;, ull pleasantly situated a few miles apart, on tho Kxiteru slope of tho Alleghany mountain, In Mont gomery county. Tho waters of theso Springs aro celebrated for their great medicinal qualities, the ac commodations aro excellent, and have neon greatly increased siucclast season. Visitors to the Red Sulphur Springs take Kent. Summerson & Co’s Stages at Nowbern Depot, on tbe evening or tho day that they leave Peters burg or Richmuud, and arrivo at tho Springs on the following day to dinner, and Salt Sulphur Springs early iu the evening of the second day from Rich mond or Petersburg. Tbo Road from Nerbcru Depot to tho Red Sul- phur Springs, (38 miles,) has been graded and greatly Improved isincc lust season, and Is now re garded alone of tho best turnpikes In the moun tains. llie Uno of Telegraph from Richmond will bo com pleted and in operation to tho Mootgomery White Sulphur Springs early in June. Passengers to Knoxvillo, Tennessee, take Kent, Summerson k Co’s stages at the Western terminus ortho Virgiula U Tonne.see Ruliroad, now 180 miles from Lynchburg (and being extended Westward at the rate ot 8 inlie» |kjc mouth) to the Eastern termi nus of tho East Tennessee and Virginia Railroad, and arrive ut Knoxville in 21-2 days from Peters burg or Richmond. Fate from Petersburg or lUciunond. To Red sweet, or Sweet Springs via Bonsack’s,610 00 «• “ “ “ “ “ “ Saicm.... 10 60 “ White Sulphur Springs “ Bonsack’s 11 00 “ *• ** “ •» Salem.... 11 60 “ Red SulpUer Springs 12 25 Alleghany Spriuga 8 “ Montgomery White Sulphur Springs 8 “ Yoliow Sulphur Springs 8 45 “Knoxville, Tennessee 23 00 Note—Tho charge for tickets to the Alleghany firings, Montgomery White Sulphur and Yellow Sulphur Springs, docs not include tho eburgo from tho Railroad to the Springs. Passengers lor the Al leghany Springs, (4 miles distant,) tako tickets to Shawsvilie—for Montgomery White Sulphur, (1 mite distant by a branch Railroad,) take tickets U Big Tunnel and lor tho YcIIjw Sulphur, (4 miles dis umt,) toko tickets lo Christian-burg depot. Con veyances will bo found at those places. For further Information apply to E. A. GOODWIN, Ticket Agent S. S. R. R., Petersburg. CHARLES CAMPBELL, Sup’t Richmond k Danville R. R., Richmond. E. H. GILL, Sup’t V. k T. R. It., Lynchburg. KENT, SUMMERSON k CO.. myl3-8m Fincastlc, Virginia. CBN TRAL"RAILROAB, UX3C. Haring received the l*rize Medal at the Worid’aFair, are now offer»i to the public as the Prize Safe of the World. Tested and apjirovcd as they have tocu every where, their crowutng victory was reserved to bo awarded by tho Juries of the World’sFair. The proprietor placed One Thousand Dollars In Gold in tbe one exhibited at the World's Fair, Lon don, aud invited all the Pick-Locks in the world'to open the Safo, with or without the keys, and tako the money as a reward for their ingenuity; although operated upon by several skilled in the art, no ono could Pick the Lock or opcu the Safe. By an improvement upon tbe original Salamander, Introduced by tbo present owner ot the latent-right, tho Interior is rendered wholly impervious to damp, and hooks, papers and Jewelry might be pree>crvcd in one of his safes for a century without contracting blemish from mould or tnilldcw. To guard against counterfeits every £ufe from the manufactory of tho subscriber, and sold by him or his agents, has a brass plate in front, bearing bis name: each L also furnishod with one ol bU im proved Thief Detecting Locks, which Is n good guar antee against robbery. 8. a HERRING 4 CO., Nos. 135, 137 and 139 Wuter-BL, N. Y. Agents In Savannah, Messrs. BEU. k PRENTISS, who keep constantly on hand a full aud complete aasortment, which they will sell at Monutacturera’ prices. sept2S LOCAL EVIDENCE OF THE VALUE AND FIKB- raoor qcaurua or WILDER’S SALAMANDER SAFES, A$ Manufactured by Steam: ft Marvin. Moo fork. In the lire or the 3d Inst, which consum ed the brick buildiug occupied by Mr. Jno. T. Thomas, opjxxsite the Gas Works, In this city, was a safe 0! the above descriptions containing tho hooks, papers, and money or Mr. Thomas, and although tho building was detroyed, the said Safe sustained no injury whatever from the intensebeatto which It had been exposed. On open ing tbe Safe, the contents were found undisturbed, and in the same order and condition as when placed there, except a slight discoloration to the projecting ends of a few papers, and tho backs of one or two of the books, caused by tho steam generated in the Safe, while at Its greatest heat. The Safe and coutents, as it came from the ruins, may still be seen, in tbe possession of Mr. Thomas, at tho Gas Works. A large assortment of theso cele brated Safes always ou hand,aud for sale b; c. 11. camp;- 1 NOTICE. OIXTY uavs after date, application will ho made O to tne Honorable tho Ordinary ol McIntosh county. u»r leave iu sell the real estate, being in this couutv. of the late James Smith, known ua Sidon (riue) Plantation sold for the benefit of the heirs or mud estat*. DEAN M. DUNWOODY, l JUI1N JONES, vEx'ors. JOHN F. DUNWOODY, j Darien, auly 1,1856. Jy2 NOTICE. O NE MONTH utter date, application will bo raaus to tho Stuto Huuk ol Georgia, for pay ment of n iweuty dollar lull, the left hand half iff which has been lost. Julii JOHN D. KENEDY. Midway. Alabama, July 1, 1850. libel for divorce' E Wilkinson, A ]u liberty Superior ffourt. The wWn.J ““ y To , n "' IB6 “- I Tappermgto tho Court, by the return or tho sheriff, in tbo abovo stated earn, thut tho deluiid- ant U not to bo found in tho county, uad thut im u not to bo found In tuo stato; on motion or Win 11 Gaul don, counsel for libellaut, it Is ordered thut Hor- Vic* bo perfected on said defendant, by u public u Mon of this notice onco a month fur three mouth*, next preceding tho uoxt term or said nuperior Court, roqulring said defendant to bo and appear at Uto noxt torm or Liberty Euporlor Court to answer In tho sold causo’ A true extract from tuo minutes of tal'l Silliortor ^ a. A. F1USKR, Clorlc. uivoiitm NOTICE. A LL persons having claims against the estate of Evatt Jones, late of (JlmrlUm county, Ga., do- ceased, are requesied to present them, iu terms A law, aud those indebted will please mako payment to tbe Kubscribcr. STEPHEN iieG'ALL, Executor. Contrevillago, Ga., June 14tli. 1856 je*J2 notice; W ILL be sold, between tlio usual hours of sale, on the first Tuesday iu August next, before tho court hou30 door in Trader’s Hill, Chariton county, Gu,, Two uegro meu, (Dick und Turn)—lie lunging to the estate of Kvuu Jones, lute of said county, deceased. .Sold under provisi 11 ol'tho will and by order of the Jionoreble Ordinary of said county. STEPHEN McCALL, Ex’r. Cenlrevillago, Ga., Juuo 14th, 1856 jc22 BROUGHT TO JAIlT Brought to Jail iu dwainsburo, Emanuel Co , on the 4lit in.-daiit, a negro man; ho says bh name is Hurry; that I10 belongs to tbo 0.tate »>i Tlmmas Clay, of .iryan County, (la. Ho is ot ugbt complexion, with asllght tear over tho left eye;uboutO feel3J| inches iu height, aud about20 years old. Tho owner U reqnested lo come forward, pay charges and take him away, us he will'he dealt with a* tho law directs. HENRY OVERSTREET, Jefl Jtt'or. ot } ln Bu „ illoch Supoolor Court, March Term, 1850. ANN BROWN WILLIAM U*. BROWN., TT appearing to the Court, bv tho return of tho A Bnorlff, that the defendant, William B Brown, Isoot to bo found in tbo county pf Bulloch; on mo- . Uon of Levi d. D'Lyon, Attorney for tho plaintiff, it U ordered that tho defendant do appear aud Ulo his S ir defensive allegation, on or hoioio ttie of tho next term of this Court, and Umi on or this Will bo made |u ono of lbe llub- Ilo gazettes of tho dity or riuvtuiuah once u month lor three months. A trtt* extract from tho minutes, tills 22d day of March, I860. Jyt7—lam3ru DAVID BEASLEY, 0 b 0 0 0. REMOVAL. t ThJsuhHcribcr has Removed on the . Ray, next door to tho ltepubhcan ffl olllee, where lie Is now opening n / baiidsomu assortment of S i’ It 1N oL* AND bUJIMKIt GOGDa, which lie will sell by Uie pattern or make to order in the most lushioiiablo stylo. Also, Ktuidy Mode Clothing for tho present and coming season. Thankful for past favors, ho hopes to inorit a con- tinuuuco of the sumo. N. II.—(.'lifting, Altering aud Repairing done at the shortest notice. Ju*t received White Drill (foals and Pants, White nt-d Figured Morn cl lies Vests, for sale at u small pro fit. aprl2 JOHN W. KELLY. DRAPER AND TAILOR; JEFFERSON STREET NEAR BROUGHTON. Tho subscriber lakes this opportunity to inform his friends and the public, that ho Is enabled, from ex|>orieuco, and tho liutulUvu perceptions of thu truths uf. science, based on Urn common rules of surveying forms, both plans* and spherical, to out nud make up garments to fit the human form in tho most complete and Unhhod stylo, lo all who may favor him with a call. Boys’fancy dresses, Bali costumes, Military and Firomou’s Uniforms, &c,, &o. r _ . .P. HORACE GRANT, Jefferson s|., ouo door North of Broughton stroot. dec 7—ly siukwi SmuTs 11 Hiiim-M i iT T H A Vfc received a Inrgo aHwortmeiit of X white and figured Whirls, or ovory quality and stylo, and suiwrbly inado, with collnrs to match, orders will also ho lakcu, and uhlrto made to cult any particular stylo or u*to or the wearer. Call at tho Mar Clothing Emporium, 147 Bay slroot. »»y'T< WM. D. PRICE. Tiff" OLA»SErf-U66hlHs7punciiu6‘uB and bbls Muo* IvX oovado, Barlmdoez uud Now Orteaus Molas ses, in storo and for salo by JunaSO Wi O N andufierbunday, tbe 14th October, inst, und until further notice, tbe Passenger Trains ou me Central Railroad wUi run as follows : BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND MACON. Leaves Bavaunah Daily at... 6 a m and 12.16 t M. Arrive iu Macon “ “..2.16 r M “ 1 am. toave Macon “ “.11.45 am “ 9.30 PM. Arrive in riavan’h “ “10.46 pm “ 7.20 am BSTWm SAVANNAH AND ACOCSTA. L:ave Mivunnah 12.16 p M and 8.30 p. M. Arrive iu Augusta 8.46 p M “ 6.30 A M, too vo Augusta 6. am 11 4.30 P M Arrivo in .Snvunnab 1.30 pm 11 10.45 p BETWEEN MACON AND ACOCSTA. I/cave Macon 11.46 a m and 9.30 P Arrive iu Augusta 8.45 p M “ 6.30 A Leave Augusta 6. AM “ 4.30 p Arrive in Macon 2.15 pm “ 1. a limfUS SAVANNAH, 5ULUOXJKVIXXZ k ZATOXTOJG Leave Savannah... ........6. A Arrive iu MilledgeviUo 2.46 p l/tovo Macon 1145A Arrive in Kalonton 6, r W. M. WADLBY Gon’l Supt. Savannah, Gu., Oct. 12, 1855. octl6. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ON THE SOUTH WESTERN RAILROAD Over tvliicli passes Uie Ureut New York Si New Orleans Malls. O N and ultcr Huuday, February 3d, 1856, two dally train* between Macon and Columbus, and ouo between Macon and Amcricus, I/mvo Mucou at 2 a M, aud 3p m; arrive at (folum- bu* al 7 15 a At, aud 1030 p M 5 loavo Columbus 4 16 a m, and 1 30 p m; arrive at Macon at 10 54 A uud 7 4u v si;leave Macon ut 2 a m; arrive at Amcrl •ms at 0 40 a m; leavo Amcricus at 2 20 p m; arrivo at Macon at 7 40 r si; making a complete connection be tween Montgomery, Alabama, and Augusta, Kings villo, Wilmington aud Charleston; ul«o, with Central ituilroadTrains to Savannah, Milleugevillcand Eaton fon, and with Macon und Western trains to Atlanta Chattanooga, Nashville and Knoxville, Teun, At Columbus with Girard and Mobile Railroad to Kulaulu, Ala., couuccting daily, at Americus with four horse Post Coaches to Tuliahassoo, Albany, Tliomasvlllo, Balnbrldgo, kc., withtri-wooKly hacks to Lumpkin, Cutbbcrt, Ac., at Fort Valley with hacks to Perry, ilujrucsville, Hawklnsvilie and Knoxville, (ia. Passengers for Amcricus and points bolow Fort Valley, Should take the 12 15 P M train from Savan nah', uud the 6 I'M train from Augusta, to avoid de- loutioii at Macon. For other points ou tho r-outh- Western or Muscogeo Roads toko either train from {favunuuli or Augusta. Passengers leaving Amorl- cus ut 2 201» m will reach Columbus at 10 30 p m tbe same night. PushongOM from Columbus and the West for Am- erlcus, houlh-wcstcrn Goorgia or Florida, should take tho 13U r m train at Columbus, sleep at Fort Valley, and reach Amcricus at 6 40 a m next mora- ing. First class steamships loavo Savannah for Now York on Wednesdays and Saturdays, and for Phila delphia ou Wednesdays. Passage la the Cabin $25, Steerage 88. Fare from Montgomery to Savannah 914 00 “ Columbus “ “ 10 00 “ AinoriouH “ “ 8 80 GEO. W. ADAMS, 8up’t. Macau, January 30th, 1850. rnaylO VIRQINIA CENTRAL R.ROA1D. neatly executed at the JOURNAL, BOOK k JOB OFFICE. Merchants can bo supplied at short notice with Bill-Heads, Bills of Lading, Dray Books, Circular*, Cards and Blank Books, Particular attention giv*n*tr> ROOK AND PAM* PHUT PRINTING, such a* Catalogue* for College*, Proceeding* or Meetings. Report*. By-Law*-, ••ti-. Tlunklui for the very libera I pntmuug.- bi*,et«!« :<• rcccivod, we re.qvcUeli* -olivit a contmuniwe vl the same, feeling that we-(-.aU I- dtf.v V> fit.** • ; <! who may fttvor us with a call. i*iiii «.* t«> 1*1- .... exccutioo or work. Hotick To HahiSebs: T HE buoys at St. s-imom Inlet and Sound have bee-, arranged in the foUowiug manner : Heimbold^lilakljr Cmbc. it utmud fflsld Extrac. — ‘AIN, S.YFM, AND EFFECTUAL REMEDY IOU IH.cases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, } ■’ Drojwy, Weakness, Secret Diseases, Obstruc- J pi qv. Female Oomplainto, end ail diasoses of tbs Sexual Organs, whether In 1 MALE OR FEMALE, front whatever cause they may have originated, and NO MATTER OF HOW LONG STANDING. This popular and specific remedy is now offered to the ofllicted, and guaranteed to cure all the above .- . ... *«««■ complaints. It searches out the very root of the , A11 eoainoDlcation, ma-t be u*tj, dlt«Lse, driving out all Uie discai>cd fluids of the j *6dr«*ed w - R Mortuv 1 body, thus removing Uie cause and rendering the j kagb CUrC CERTAIN AND PERMANENT, n.u medicino allays pain and inflammation, which other remedies invariably canso, and can be token with less trouble and expense to patients. This in fallible remedy lias saved thousands upon thoi—.as r . from tho bauds of . _ . MERCILESS QUACKS, .Schweglcr’s History ol I Lia-opby m v TH . u ,» If not from premature graves. lw case* of infection t translated by tieeyle. 1 - * ils ih . W.K.KO«UeY-l ISS1B1UH* **. FOB the tmtoent of ' 1 wsafier^ ckhed ffoonia, with good and uncty T» at band both tedfc an-r gwateini'"?^ ed at this InstHoUon, and wifi «to moIftSu and kind attofttksi tram tto Prapneh?, “ ifS lc ktolbvcn. Ilk praam in iiui l.irAbte.S 11 Cmxr, {or U.o i«t tm r«r. I, no, UT MryilcUl. iu the fiu.3,0. fi liSS™' w 114 °“' b ' » lu b1 ^ S M- fees w be screed up» k,;o T e u« c* c u deruiten. All cmuiso&IcoUm.. iut-i I... siktttr, - '-riltit, FSfiSHNiSJsftiriSSHg Blows, for sale by ,4 ° * C «E mar8 BKIGHa.M, KEU.y * fll . h6.v. lrHav’s — 1 j TTN1TED States, Canada ai.d Cul- U Schwegler’a History ot ITfiiosoUji s of infection t translated by tfeeyle. red, wiUi the No 2 in white—b placed U twefty i— aiwnSw feet water at low tide, and unu ho left on the star- SA»fc cukes. board band outeriog. t-t Srmorn U^ht b^ara N W 11 contains no uarcoUc, mcroury, or other Injurious by W H W. North point of Jekyl W by N N. Middle Buoy—is u large seeoud class nun, jwint- ed black, with No 1 in white—is placed in r-ixteeu feet water at low tide, on tlte Eastern edge of the Middle Ground, and must be Icit on the port hand catering. St Slmous Ugbt heat? N W by W \V. North point or Jekyl W by N. Inner Buoy—it a second cIom uuu,paiaied black, with the No 3 iu white—U placed iu twenty-une Outer lkr BuVy L a large first cto&BHun r ia]btki i (be Comi»ound BuchuTs the only article worthy of 1 Prescott’s I1»iiip 2d cf Spam, new supply it k,. ■ • ■ “ ' ■ ■ obc.r !’ .SrSiv ' «>- It-l coafl<U-ucr of Ihc »ffl!clcd In perform,^ CUr.w, lu tl«h. 11 1 16 *- ptaceu is iwemy , Napoieofi’aUmfldenUalCurraijondence , brother losepb. ' * 10 “ tmrar:-.HkU»r^ th. Qimra'. of o.e a Wi Hanover—2 vols. UUU9 IbcAliarhi iu Madrid. Romance of the Harem, by ML*! |*a r .lc*- Rachel Gray, by Julia Karajjaugh. Earnest Liuslcsni, by Mrs. Utj Jicnu. mar 3 W. THORNK WJUJAlh drug, hut.U purely a I'cjdaHe Gmpoeition. It U very agrccablo to the taste, creates no jterceptible odor, and may be token by persons ol either sex without hindrance front business or medical advice, e* plain directions for u=e accompany the medicine. Reader, if you have any ortho above complaints, do not neglect them, DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. With this medicine you can cure yourself, and thus — * * *— * — — — — u |-l .tm .1. In LUll -Ullv : . || _ - lect water at low Ude, on the |>oint ol shoal running | pre'ent afi exposare. ppryin off irom Jekyl Island, and must Ik* left ou tho port: „,, TRUTH MLer A>D WILL I KEY AIL. hand entering. St Simons lJght bears N K bv N X ' mulleins speedily and effectually cures the N. North poiut Jekyl W by 6 x/ S 9 '* ' mi«st virulent iornt or secret diseases, and eradicates In tbe Sound Is the Lower MW lie Ground Buoy- every particle of infecUous matter irom the syswm, which U a -ecund ciass nun, painted with red and' fwtoring the patient torn perieot state of black horizoiitai strii>o-—is placed in twelve feet! UEALiU ami l ckiix. water at low Ude, ou the lower i*>lntof the Middio i ...^jw*. Ground, to mark tho two channels, it Simon* * S K by& B b)f E Xw,l ‘ pt,IIU ,,r J< ' 1: - Vl hl - u,J Middle Middle Ground Buoy—u u second clasi nun, printed red, with No I iu white—\* placed in eighteen feet water at »ow tide, near tbe olbow ot the Middie Ground, aud must be left ou the star board hand entering. North poiut of J< kvl bars N E E. Brunswick i*<ict W by d. Upper Middle Ground Buoy—i- sale by PF1KLD, ..... Concentrated Corn- Extract Sarsaparlllut For puriiying the Biood, removing oil diseaiOi ari sing fr om excess of Mercury, exposure and im- prudeuce in life, chronic constitutional dUc*sc3, arising from an impure state of Blood, and the only reliable and effectual known remedy for ito cure of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ulcer* atious of tho Throat and Legs, Pains and Sw v »uug3 of the Bones, Tetter, Pimples on the Face, and all Scaly Eruptions of the Skin. It is gratifying to the proprietor of these medicines July 26,1855 Ageut for tlie Manufacturers, 171 Bay-st., Savannah, Ga. I take pleasure in corrohoraUng the foregoing state ment, and in addition would add, that tbe books are now In use. J. T. THOMAS. Wood Yard, Ferry Wharf. July 26th, 1851. oct6—tf DYING AND HE NOVATING ESTABLISHMENT, 73 YORK STREET, NBAS TUB COURT UOCSE, SAVANNAH, GA., Established In 183A. mHE Subscriber grateful to his friends and 1 patrons for their continual favors, would stato that in addition to the improvements in DYING, sc quired by him during his lost visit to England and Scotland, has made arrangements for extending his business, by which he U now enabled to dye a greater variety of colors on silk aud woolen dresses, shawls, Ac., which bo trusts will generally please aU who may favor him with thoir patronage. Gentlemen’s garments dyed, cleaned or renovated a3 may be required, in tho same superior style which has generally eo much pleased his patrons and friends. Table Covers, and Ladies’ Crane Shawls, Ac., cleaned and flubbed iu the first style. Ladies’ Bonnets dyed, bleached and pressed ia the most fashionable styles. Orders from tho country promptly attended lo. Terms moderate. When parcels arc sent by steamboats or railnxd, word should bo sent him by letter through the post office, so that bo may know where to call for them. men 16 ALEXANDER GALLOWAY. iuBJXTZELMAVNN’^ ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGEli. T HE distinguished favor with which this essence has boon received throughout all sections ol tho Union as a remedy at onco safe, agreeable and effectual for Incipient Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus, Weak and relaxed Bowels, Prostration by heat or fatigue, Dyspepsia, Flatulence, Colic, Cramp, lan guor or Debility from sedentary habits, Ac., has in duced tho proprietor to give it every publicity in his power. Upon its raerrit* comment ia unnecessary, as its own intrinsic worth is its best eulogy. It car ries with it tho evidence of its superior excellence, freely attested to by the young, tho old, and scores of families who, prompted by a careful regard for their health and comfort, arc daily adopt!ug it as an ixmsmftABUC family KKMKPY. There is perhaps no medicinal preparation extant so simple und harm* less, yet salutary and effective, whoso worth will he more appreciated or uuiversallv adopted than the liquid linger prepared by Heintzelmau. j jj jjzFORD, Dr uj 'ggisL iub, Ga. jcio 3m Brooke BallFemale Seminary, MEDIA, Ui-:i.AWAKE CO., PA. MISS MAKIA I,. EAsTMANN. 1-iu.iuml. Till* c'omlnsry, located in tho de lightful und healthy village uf Media, thirteen miles from Philadelphia, by Railroad, will bo OPENED ON WEDNESDAY, September 10th, 1866. Tne commodious buildiug, uow in process of erec tion, with all tho moduru improvements, will he finished by the first or August, and wi.l contain such accommodations, both in point of taste and comfort, as cannot Tail to satisfy parents that while their daughters are enjoying the benefits of meutal cul ture, they havo also tt.e comforts ol a refined home. This institutionU osiablLhcd with a view to ulford to young ladies the most perfect combination of ad vantages for the attainment of u thorough and ac complished education, aud uo pains or expenao will bo spared to render it iu reality what it professes to bo, a school of superior merit. Mbs Kastman, the Principal, wus ut thu head of a school in New Eng land previous to herrcsideuce in Pennsylvania, uud for tho lust six years has beeu known to the patrous or Aston Ridge seminary, as presiding teacher in that Institution. Tho Pt. llev. A. I’jttJr, Bishop ot the Dloceso of Pennsylvania, says:— “ML* 31. L. rAistman, who proposes to open a Youni' &m.uary In Media, Delaware Co., Pa , In September next, has been known to tlie sub scriber for several years post. Ho has u very high opinion of her capacity, elllcieney and devoteducs* as an educator. She has had a large aud success ful experience. The building which is to bo erected for her use will contain every acuummodatiou. Tho village aud surrouuding country are distinguished fir lieu thfuiuess and beauty, und tho subscriber lias confidence that parents wlu> entrust their daughters to Miss Eastman will have no reason to regret it.” Miss Eastmun will l»o aided by un efficient corps of Teachers. Tho French language will be taught and spoken by a ParUiun lady, residing in tbe family. Tho Latiu, German, spuuishaud Italiun languages will rcceivo due attcutlou. Tho Natural Sciences will be taught, with the aid of a large and expensive apparatus. Tho Aiusicul Department will be under the charge of a lady eminently qualified to Uli tho situation; and all preferring a inafo teacher ou the Piano or in dinning, can have Uie benefit of a Visitlug Teacher from Philadelphia. Drawing and l’ulntiug will bo under the direction of a lady accomplished in the art. The number of pupils is limited to forty. ThoTcrms for Bourd aud Tuition lu aU tho branch es except Music, are $150 per sosMou of live months. Miss Kastman has liberty lo refer to the following gentlemen:— Kl» Rev. A. Potter, D.l)., and tho Episcopal clergy Hon. F: Pierce, President or tho United states. Hon. S. I*. Uhaso, Governor of O ■ lo, ‘Wlon. N. U. Bukor, Ex-Governor or New Hamp shire. Hon. M. W. Tuppun, M. C. from Now York. Rov. N. &tcm,ofNoriistowu, Bn. Rev. A. McLeod, Uloarfiold, Pa. Pierce Butler, Esq,, or Philadelphia. J. B. Okio,Ksq., do. E. W. Clark, Ksq., do. Gcorgo Wharton, Esq. do. Christopher Lower, PoUsvillo, Pa. Goorgo Wyman, St. Louis, Mo. Hon. P. 0. Johnson. Washington, D. C. For further particulars, or for circulars apply to tho Principal, MISS MARIA EASTMAN, JolO cod 3in Media, Delaware Co. Po. Pper Middle Ground Buoy—Ia a second class nun. paluled reJ, w.tli the No 6 in whim—U placed in 18 leet water at low Ude, near the upper cud ot ; , - - , . tho Jlldulo UruunJ, and uiu.-1 Uo loft on U.o star- i "! b0 f, blu 10 6ta, J Hi*, 1 “ oW , “f* r , 1)r lbr , < ? , v , rars board band onlorlu-. Urauswkk poinl btm lV I £ , inu! ' hc >' ,' vere fir -< IWodnood during wldcft Une »/ s. Mouth of Jekyl Crock SLt Uioy have been extensively used in various parts of ’ Non.—In running lu lor ill Sftuous liir Urina (Uo . ll, “ S , ul ff’ ,*" d . J»w *lwn to pjUent «nd Llglit 10 boar N W by W ,1; W, wbilo In Ibur falhom- PmctiUonor Uie h.gbo,t degree or «aU s raoliou lo tho walrr. Tbia bearing u . courae win ukc von un v, ! rio , u,i ™ ei to wUlcl1 * l,e t h *'; e , becI ’ I to tbo Ootor Bar Uuoy aud Into tbo Sound, fuaring ,'!' bMber U> } um t ""“"W. b «I>llnl or nrivato nrac- the buovs a.< directed. 1 ** lice, they have invariably given the moctdec.ded Bv order of tho Light Hou-'o Board uud uucduicocal satUVaction, and produced the most * c VANKJAIMT unnnia salutary aud beneficial effects. Numerous letters jc28—tf i,H Imtoctor (,ili DUtri-i bavo been received from tbe most distinguished ' Physicians in Uic country, and from tho profesfors T nr "htJHAEllS. of several medical colleges, recommending in the u at " i ^ u .'f re ^.f u,cl UUcl have , highest terms the value of these medicines, and btn.n arranged in the following manner: > thoir superiority over all other preparations for 5*!\ „ —is a second class cun, paiute. red. with ; such complaints as tbe proprietor recommends, tuo No 2 in white—Is’placed iu sixteen water at low j Numerous probations of sarsaparilla and ot Buchu tide, and must he left on the starboard hand enu-r- j aud various modes of preparing them have been “‘S- LKhi-* Gjimberiaud iJght bears tV by W / j N. t given, ull of which ot course will differ according to i mu ,* v ^ '' • i tlie mode of preparation which each individual »»iay Middle Buoy—Is t secoud class cau, painted red, ! adopt, with the no 4 in white—is placed iu uincieeu loot : These medicines require considerable care in the water at low tide, near thu High North Breakers, I probation and the employment of different men- rs.? i ou starboard hand entering, stria in successive operation to take up the exirac- iTivWw " b - v ^ *'* * N ' -‘•outh |Miint oi five mutters, and, in consequence, are most fre-1 J °.,V *. u. ** 'V . . queutly improtorly made, and uot unfrequeutiy inner utioy—ri a secoud class can, painted hlack. ir,.r». , tn.nii.* ihA.. ... .i.— ! witlj No 1 iu white—U placed iu twenty-one l« water at low Ude. near a dry shoal running offir. _ Cumbsrhuid Island, aufi must bo left on the |»ort therefore or the* highest consideration and imiort- V? ****?..*• Cumberland Light bears a W by W once to the public and to the faculty that there ' i /o Ul 1 "* X ‘ should bo standard preparations of uniform stungtb in uie sound is the Midule Ground Buoy—second . uad |K).-scssing the raaft aavantaxres. To effect this class can, pa;uted with red and black horizmtiil 1 and obviato the evil alluded to, I have made a num- stripsa—placed in ten feet water at low tide, on u ; her ol experiments to ascertain tbe must, etlettual point or shoal running down from the rtttiiia River, motie of extracting the virtues of the Sarsaparilla and nearly iu the middle ot the Sound. Vessels ! and the Buchu, aud to discover the most eligible must not b*to the westward of it. Cumberland : form lor their exiiibition. The experiments have "*8h( hears S by t. l / t li Inner point «T Jekyl N ! resulted must favorably, and it is with much pleas- " | ure 1 uow offer to the public and the iav.uUy my Buoy at the entrance of .Sail! la River—U a second < Comjiouiid Fluid Extracts, which contain all the vir- class can, paiuted block, with No 3 iu white—D • lues ol'^tbe articles they are represented to be made placed in ten feet water allow tide, and must be j from in a highly concentrated form, and are tho most Idt on the port hand eutoring. Cumberland light active probations wlfich can be made. Two to- bears ^ by L. Outer ( ot Jekyl bears N E. ■ blcspoonsfrU of tlie Extract Sars'a(*ariUa, added to a noth.— Iu running in for e’t. Andrew’s Bar bring 1 pint of water, D equal to the Lisbon diet drink, and the Light to bear \V by N )i N, while in four lath- ' one bottlo fully equals in strength one gallon ol Syr- oms water. This bearing as n course will take you : up Sar.-aiwrilia or decoction as usually made, up to the Bar Buoy, then haul off to tho northward PRICES: until tbo Middle Buoy, No 4 is in range the' Fluid Extract Buchu, 51 per bolilc, or G for $5 Light, (to avoid two 1 traps hi a direct Hue, W by N I “ “ t?arsaparii’a »• “ « “ “ )* N, between tho two buoys,) when steer for it— Certificates of cures and recommendations from passing it to Urn southward. From this buoy a N distinguished professors and physicians will accora- H by \\ X W course wUi bring you Into the Sottud. by each preparation. Prepared and sold by By order of the Light House Board. ! H. T. IIKLMBOU*. • Practical and Analytical Chemist, 203, Chestnut-sL, near tbe Girurd House Phila. To bo had of Druggists and Dealers in every sec- lion os'the United {Rules and Canadas. All letters for the medicine directed to the propri etor receive immediate attention, und safe deliveries guaranteed. sept 1—ly-dtw JOHN"II. Mool&^'coT, GIBBON’S BUHJJlNUS, SAVANNAH., Ga. WIIOLESALEk RETAIL DRUGGISTS. Would call tlie atte***iou or Merchants, Factors, Planters, Physicians and others, to their ex tensive and well selected stock, comprising every article in their line ol'busluess, and which they offer for sale on the most reasonable terms for casli, or approved credit, viz: PAINT*, VARNISHES, GI.ASS, AC.. BTiite Lead, PureandNo. 1; Tieman’sColors, dry and in oil; Japan, Cob. and Couch Varuisnc3 . linseed Gil, Spirits Turpentine, Window Glass, I*ut ty, Gold IJiaf, Paint Brushes, Sash Tools, and Glo- ffiers’s Diamonds. LAMP. MACHINERY AND TANNERS’ OIL-:, Bleached sperm, Whale aud Lard Oils, for burning ; all descriptions of Oil for machinery, viz., I’utont Oil Unbleached Sperm, lard uud Rape Seed Oil; also Tanners,’ Neats, Foot uud Sweet Oil. GROCERS’ ARTICLES. Nutmeg?, Mace, Alspico, Cmuamou, Pepper, Ginger. Mustard, Saleravus, siodu, I’earlash, Sweet Ull, Starch, Fig Blue. Matches. Ac. FOR PHYSICIANS. A great variety of the best French. English, and J UST BBCfilVEU*—20"boxSriito®, prime article, 20 time* cLofc* iS, * Hams, la store, and for >a;c Lr roar 2ft WaYNL t*.KFNV)LL> XlHW CKUF CUBA MOUeSfcS^BtS, goof the Abbott Dev* rebus, caliy for salein lots toeuit purrL.- :r . h*. *^“ c RQi LEIt* x- vui.Kis CARPET Aivb VPHULSl’i-f{V WAKEHrilcK. 1 140 Conprcs and 67 SL Juliaj Su&u T HE UNDERSIGNED would take this oi,[v.» tunity to express to hi- friei.tnu tu f V generally, hi? sincere thank.- for th-. lib- age and influence, wit ch ha- requite, laesut- * bis trade to all part? of theiftste. Alo". 0 i • Florida, Alabama and Tenn- r-w. thereby cub" bim to exhibit a stock unzmpa-Mi m aty auk?, families, Merchants, Hotel Keeier-, an«j Hwl. boat Owners are particuiirly invitcJ to exsmirtti, pr&ent st»xk, which it now complete i* ali tb various departments, consisting in j.-irt < • thefoiio»‘ lag goods, viz: CARP El DEPAMMEMT. Royal Medalion, Royal Velvet, Mocet Wilton, Mocet Brussels, Tapestry Brufisels, Power Brus^cD. Three plj Ingrain, Two piy Ingioin, Wool Dutch, Druggets, n nous Width.-,) Mosaic lirartli Ku-; Velvet aid CteU^e’Esj, Tufted K.gj. Pioijo au i tabic Coven Door .< 1 at-(evcijr varies, Silver k Lris; suir liii Carp* Biu.uits. T; Jo28—tf C. 31 AN 1GAULT MORRIS, L. II. Im-poctor, Ctli DUtrict. ICE PITCHERS. DOUBLE Water PI I cite rs, Some new und beautiful designs, Plated and Britu- nla. At the Hjuso rurnishing £ Store, 155 BROUGHTON STREET. HORACE MORSE. Savannah, April80. apr30 TO WOOL SELLERS. ~ fT'HE Undersigned havo this day opened a J. Storo in Congress street, opposite thu Market, for the purchaso or Wool, shiep Skins, Hides, Bees Wax, Deor Skin?, uud Country Produce In general. Tho highest ca^h prices will be paid for ad the above articles on delivery .lu Savannuh. Mr. L. J. GUIL* MARTIN has been ap|iointod as Ageut, to whom all persons haviug business transactions with tlie un- dersigned mav applv. J. W. SM YT1IE k CO. Savaunah, May 19,1856. may20 PIANO FORTES. HAVING lately reuiwd large ad ditions to our PIANO FORTES, wc ure enabled to oiler at this time the greatest variety irom the best manu facturers, from the plainest square to the most elab orately carved, aud from six to seven octaves. Our Pianos arc selected from the manufacturers whom we have full confidence iu, and we are (tar- ticulariy requested by them to give a guaranty with every instrument sold by us as regards durability, tone, &u. Persons iu want of a first rate instrument may re ly with safety upon getting such a uue by selecting from the foliuwiug makers, whose instruments wo endeavor to keep constantly on bund, viz : 11. Wor cester, .l.Chiokering Arson. Sunns kClarke. Bacon A Ravens. 11. Waters, and Haiti**.?, Brothers k Cum- ming. I. tV. MORRELL k CO. aug 27 CURTAIN AND UPHOLSTER V ItEPAJttffll Brocatelles, Lace *uj Mudu. Omfiy Satin de Lainea, Gilt ( Satin aui: bilk Damask, Gut Hu- janI Basi* Worsted and Cotton L-ama^k. ixc-Uuu COrds; Velvet and Plu?h ot Yurie*-- cclvrs;Wia.Es Shade-, new style. Also, every variety ot Furniture Coverirg, Tra mlcgs and matt-mL- for decoram g. FLOUR OIL UL011JS. From two to Twenty-four foe: v>\.for Halb w, Rooms, cut to fit without u -euui. ick, , much impaired’ if uot rendered totally inert, "bj the I P 10 Eiib^criber wUi obtige ii.iu-e;i to cake tot fort 1 injudicious and unskilful management of those unac- oU descrijitlon o. geoa.- lun a* tfceisa ulfirom : quaiuted with pharmaceutical prejiarations. " b quality can to pureba-cd iu. any ,VrtU*,-n c:ty. ?. • -- Carpet* cut to noums and sent v» in. part ot the city tree ot charge. AT* An cn>*jrieiice'! 1'idio.ster trill attend tot*', maklugoud laying ot Carpets soui O.i OoLh* wit. desired. The i.ccorauv e anu cu: u.;:. eepimiatl it n charge of an Upholster ol aewuvwi-.- Skill. W. H. GlTtr.N, Agat octlS 140 Congre-1 m d 57 St. Juu-.-it* DR. SANFORD’S INV1GORATOB, I S a mild laxative, tonic aud atituu!ut.t,atiiij recommeuued to the public, re.} it g li<-l lui» trinsic worth in tbe cere oftheiLii‘*wiu' c-.inpmet Ail Bilitous Deraugeineui-t, mcL IKa.iufie, L'v?k 6ia, Habitual Cost)veuecs, Ch:ou:c 1 .atrlu-. ujc Pain iu the Momach and Bowe^, Gcu-.-ui Ht:;t; Female Weakness, ac. For rale bj l'r-. t ri.*u gel orally, and by John. B Moore k Co, ana Wm. tr Lincoln, Savannah. ly feb'r. 1 TlAlHEll.'I HE Undeesigued has ju-t received, for sale (500) live Hun :rc«l pities «•! good thui Timber, averaging over one thou.-cLd lett tu-ud 9 tub JLFFLKrGN KuUMflA \,l ACKEHEL, HEldUNU, -SA1..VU.N. ifo- ill 2 bbls large No 1 Muckertl, 3 do do NO o do 3 do do No 2 do 2 half bbls Blue Fbh. 2 do Pickled Herring. 3 do No l salmon. 6 quarter bbls No 1 Marker*-:. 10 kit* No 1 Mackerel. 10 do No 2 do 6 Kits Tongues and Sounds, .1000 lb* Cod Fish. Fi r sale itw i JaH26 J. . J UST - RECEIVED BY EXPRESS—An trier fi «n riety of Silver ware of tlie neot beautiful jut* I tern ana Untsh, butur kmve*. pak e kum *m I forkB, kmve*, forks and spurn s, fruit w ^ f forks, cake and pen knives in ev» ry \tr • ty. ns I ard-i and saiu In nil variety from pi.■•in to u * nisi | oiuamcutal. G. M glI1Fi>, Successor to tlie late M Ka-ttr.:n. Jy5 Corner Rtyuuunu Wlmawt-ciU. RATES OF ADVERTISING. For one square, ol 3m* cm.* «»r te.-.*>. «U any tyyeW I larger than Nouparoil, 75 cento for the tL.-t^-ifc I cent* lor each subsequent insertion,fur u:,\ Mwiei I tlinu one month. f Ali Tubular work, with or without Rule*; afrlM- I vortisemeuto occupying double culeiuu, sbrik| charged double the above rates. Advertisement- ot whatever length, for my to I tla-s than oue month, to lie charged at truiwa I 53 I HAVE been asked to allow the Bath Rooms to remuiu open t<» a later hour tliau uino o’clock ; I therefore give uoliee that from this date tbe Bath House will he upon until eleven o'clock at night. Price 25 cents, ffix ticket? fur $1. Je27 J. M. HAYWOOD. Agent. FIXE FASHIONABLE (JLOM'O, AT REDUCED RATES. B ARGAINS cum now bo had by all those who wi-h to doilm themselves gcuteeily, as I will se«l the balance of my Jtoady-Mudc, at reduced rates on time, und ton per cent, off tor cusli Ca.l uud avail yourself ot Uie cliauce to obtain g«wd arti cles. At the .Star Clothing Emporium. WiJJ.lAM n prk.k, »'.* v- 1ft ft-.y ti UVJI »at UI kuv uwi, tuigiisu, uuu rotran American Chemicals, Pharmaceutical PrcparaUons, l Select jKiwders, Surgical Instruments, Vials Specie * "ctalicSuddlebogs, &c. Also, CAM1T1ENE AND BURNING FLUID, any ouo who may favor them with their orders may depend ujh>ii their receiving the best attention, and that ull goods furnished will be of a reliable quality. Should they not give entire satisfaction, they may bo returned at the option of the purchaser. malilO ti J. E. DE FOilD t n APOTHECARIES HAU.S. E. Corner ofCW Broughton and Baruaru Streets. Savon- TIT troll Go., Wholesale and retail Dealers hi Im. „ , Medicines and Chemicals, Dye Woods and Dye Stutfij, French, English, and American Perfum ery, Fine Toilet and Shaving Soups, Combs and Brushes of every de.-cripUou, Surgical aud Dental lustrumeul*;. Trusses and Supporters of all kinds, Spices, Snuffs, Manufactured Tobacco, AU the Patent or Proprietary Medicines of Hie day. Superior Inks, Pure Wines nud Brandies for Medicinal purposes, Extracts fur Flavoring, Toilet und Fancy Articles, kc. JSf N. B.—K*pccial atteution given to the preparation uf Physicians’ Prescriptions und Fumiiy .Recipes. Ship, Family aud Travelling Medicine Cases, With plain Directions for uso, including Directions for treatment iu cases of poisoning, Drowning, kc. gpj iy maenunt— i r Hull all tlio way to nuJoans JJroadSt. Uordonsvlllc. W HEN tho Potomac is closed with ice this routo may bo rolled on by passengers, to on VKBilTER k PALMES, Heavy U HEN iuto may bo rolled on by passengers, to on Huro tlio connection going North or South. Tito road la ontiroly rolaid witli u superior T rail as for as Uordonsviilc. During the wiuter tlio train will start from tho old station, in Richmond, on Broad street, nt 7X a m„ pass Gordonsviilo at 11 a m., and arrivo iu Bluuntou at 0 25 p m. Down train loaves Staun ton at 0 40 a m, passes Gordonsvillo at 11 A x, and arrivo In lllcbmond at 2.30 p M. Faro to Gordonsvillo $2 00 “ “ 6 00 Both trains arrivo lu Gordonsvilio in amnio timo to tako tho trnlu ortho Orange and Alexandria Rail road. Persona who loavo Richmond at 7X a m.. cau take tho Orango and Atoxnudrla cara al Gordons villo if tboy chooao lo Uo so, aud by that Ualn will renob Alexandria by 8.40 r x.. but this company can liukut them only to Gurduusvillo. ocIT tf H. D. WH1T0OMP, Supt. PERIODICALS. IJUTNAM’8 Monthly Maguzino for May. A. I rank la*riiu’s Gazelle ol Fualiiou.* for May. Blackwood’s Edinburgh Rev low lor April. Received und for sale by WARNOCK k DAVIS, » >a yl6 169 Congress street. 1 BBLS, FLUUlt iu store and for eulo X4l> by may? CRANK, WKI.1R A CO. K( \ Uaaks Ohio Catawba Brandy in storo, Aud fur sale by tho only regular Agout for Sttvanuah. J.M.KYRK, ♦ my 14 94 Bay Hi eel. L isle thread gauntlets.—Tbo only article of thu kind lu thu city, For sale by mar27 J. W. THHELKEIJ), corner of Congress and Wbltaker-sls. A pples & potatoes— 10 bbln Gltoien Morccr i'otalccs; 26 For rnlo by mart-' Russnll Apples. Y ARN.—26 bales Yarn, assorted tiumlibrs," In Htorp, and for sale by jy* O aSSiluiCs—6u imlL-H ufoctory, iu store, purchtwurs, by J uy * CRANE WKLLH At I Q, iles Usiiabiirgs, GoiVgla man- , nud P»r hhIo iu iqu to suit •RANK, WEI,IN sk VO. F LOUR.—5U barrels superfine Hour, extra quail* ty, Just received, and fur rale l>y Jy*J_ JJOHK- YONGE k FRIKILSON, No. 94 Hay struct. 60 barrels Mess Pork. 25 do Prime do Landing aud lor sulu by my 14 IlULCOM BE. JOHNaON k CO. S t, received per steamer Alabumu by m»y28 J. D. JES.SK. H - 'AY.~400~bulus prime NorrirKU’eriluy, land- lug thi- day from brig Angustu. aud lor salo on tbe wharf by Jy8 CRANK, WKLLSCO, | A Pavilion iotce*, nupertur quality; J.dS rx Zephyr Wbalobone Skirts; Frencli Drillings; York Mid* and Wah-r twi t ilU*uHi,*d pitirt- lugv. Black Moire Antique Trimmings Black Elastic Bolus; Englisb Thread Edgings; Hosiery, Ribbons, a*c. Just received per sluumcr Augusta, Jol2 DKWirr & MORGAN. O dNARUKGti—39 bales Ustinhurgs, Mowtou uud Tbouuiton Mills, just received umi f* r sale by jmw!8 CRANE, WELLS k Co. UYttCl 1 AN1) MOLASSES.—50 bbls choice New lO Gtleuns Syrup, 75 do do Molaraes, Ju*i rce«-i\ • ed and for shIo hy J>’7 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k u». / JUN'NY tl.t/lH—In store and for sale by VJ June 4 PADKIJ-'ORD. PaY ft CO. M USTARD, kvi—lin) boxes Mustard; 160 do pure Pepper; 100 do Btarch; received uud for sale bv McMAHON k DOYI.K. j uue 10 206 aud 207 Bay street. oUGAlt—20 hintschoico St Croix Sugar, .Iml re- coivud aud for sulo by jylO SURaNION, JOHNSTON k CO. OUAP AND STARCH—,6 boxoi Smith’s Vmnily O 30 do Uucliatmn’s do 100 boxes Col joto’s lb bur and No 1 Soap • 60 do do l'ldo ‘lo , 60 do Oswego Pearl Slarcli 6 i do Bcsdell’s do Uo, Just received u ;d for Kale by Jy24 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON k CO. P fiTS, i'Ai ; ElV7\NU lTUKU* --60 Pipb HeutU, 1W) do PljKli 27,9 loams Wrapping I'apor 50 iloxrtii Piukbw, received aud inr ituin tiv McMahon k dovlk, Jytt 10* and 17 Bay itroot. For a longer time at the rollowins ra let No. ol Square* |lmo|^mo s | Ulo.- j 4 im>f Vl.u, 1 Square,.... $10 10 $20 $24 iii’ 2 Squares... 1(3 22 20 25 «7* 3 do .... 20 27 32 5*3 44 4 do .... 24 32 3S 4. s-. 5 do .... 27 3u 44 46 6 do .... 30 40 60 54 65 7 do .... 32 43 54 6> Tv 6 do .... 34 4o 65 02 74 6 do .... 30 48 61 66 77 10 do .... :js 65 64 70 6e Drug*, /'10HN AND COHN MEAL.—1000 bus prime Corn. \\ bite au<l mixed; 59 do fresh Corn Meal u store uud for -ale by do.- 'ft PATTEN RITTON k CO RE A D ’. -RE AD :!—RE AD U ! Thut is, if you cun sou; uud if you can’t sec, you cau find all kinds of “ helps to 6ee,’’ at tho Watcli nud Jewelry Store of 1). B. Nichols & Co., in Congress street, next dour to tlio corner of Whitaker, where you can purchase Watches, Jewelry, Sliver Ware, aud Fancy Goods, as low as at any other store in the country. Wu have received per steamship Alabama n fresh lot of those Hue Stool Spectacles t also, a supply of Pebble and Pciiscopio Leus, which we aro prepared to lit in ul! kinds of frames, at short notice. Our Pcriscopic lams (so called from their peculiar shape) have an advantage over all others, us they have a greater range of locus, so that tho reader is not compelled to hold tho book or paper at a certain distance from the eye. Coll aud see. D. B. NICHOLS & CO. 43* No charge for Showing goods. mar 11 D. B. N. A CO. E OPE—700 coils Hope, vurious brands, all of good quality, iu store and for saiu by apr29 BRIGHAM. KELLY k CO /^OHN—In store and for sale by VJ p»-'. MKEM’vsmtJM GS : MERCER UNIVERSITY, PEN FIELD, GA. FACULTY. FKBUDKNT, S. M. CRAWFORD, !). D. I’KOFKSSQBS. C«U«se* 8. P. SANFORD, A. M., Mathematics. J. K. WIIJ.KT, A. M., Chemistry and Natural Philosophy. H. 11. TUCRER, A, M., Belles I.ottrfS. U. W. WISE, A. M., Greek and Intin lotUKuagcs. WILLIAM U. WOODF1N, A. B., Modern languages. Theological Seminary* N. M. OKAWKOKD, D. I):, EcdoAlastlcal History and UiDlicul Literature. WII.IJAM 1VH.IJAMS, A. M., Systematic and Pastoral Theology. Academy. THOMAS A. SEALS, Principal. The CommouccmontU held on tho last Wednesday in July. ' Tho noxt Torm will coimnonoo on the last Wed nesday in August. TIjo price or Btwrd In the vdlago Is 910 per mouth washlug, room rout, Tuol, Ac., 93. By order of thu Board of Trustees. .. tny 12 2m 8.’DRPM. 8<*cretary. G uda MDl.A^aEjs—The cargo or timbng K. It. Lawton ofBupertor qua’ltv. For»alo hy ■ay!9 II AoBLVORD, FAY A 00. For any timo uot above sitedfie-J, a prepa charge will be mud.*. A deduction of *_6 per cent frcin :lvibcT«n|r I will be made on advertisement • apj.c*»lugcid*- slvely ou tlie fourth tmge oi tbt- caliy. Advertisements ordered three times a week, *‘- bo charged two-third* the nbcw rales. . Advertisement* ordered in trio v • j per squaro for each in-ernuu, lor ai ytm.ela-s»“ I one mouth. For more thuu one inj..tfi ut oue bu I the rates specified in the above table. [ Special uoticcs, lo cento per due icr tiio tinb •• L 6 ceuts for each subseqont lu.-ertfou, ati.imno^ I to be subject to contract. Marriage notices *»• “ I neral invitations 50 cents each. No*i>eiialWj\ I iuserted for less than 50 cents. Obituary NwJ* I Reports. Resolutions, or ProcK*»'.ings oi nll J'* N '?r I AShiK'lution, or Corporation, ordt-red to iiepuvs-' I ed, 6 ceuts per line. ... I Steamboats will be advertised ftt 910 per I for euch boat advertised. u .Steamships, where hut oue is running. uum; if two or more. &Ui each. ... L Auctioneers’ ndvertoenieiits uot to be I comruet, but to be charged at the rates pre-cr. i per square. i n in-lti Tlie |utper, under no drcumriances, t« fp |B " ed iu a contract. i Professional und business cards uot excccvw ■ lines, will be inserted at 920 per annum. I Calls on persons to become caiuiluaie*.■ " u I Inserted ns other advertLctnents, to be iww K j variably iu advance. Announcing candidates for office, U0, lo t » i lu advance. . , v Kr » I Advertisements not marked on log “W. ^ I specified timo, will be inserted until » I payment exacted. , I When any bill for two mouth-* advertwnf- ■ tliau contract, amount* to over $59, a UfUL V 25 per ceut will be made, . . I Yearly advortlsing, with privilege ofclia i I be taken at the following rates : ra For one square, renewable once a wee*, ^ “ •* ** twice ’* . ,*j •« “ 3 timusorettenf! • . Every additional square contracted for t» I ed oue hull Uie ubove lutes uadiln-fod- ^ I Yearly advertisers shall be ImjiU'j 1 to .{^ I contracted tor. All contracts --U 11 " e ”|' w W I stating definitely the nature ortb* «JJJJJ ti« ] advertised. Any advertisement.- m-t ?,(.* j neetod with the business shall bedwJFI iy, und also any excess of matter curl I contructeil for. * -, r terly: ^ 1 Contract advertisement* pnyal’b I ▼o ILotnciito from strangtrs uia: tr. u» l ‘ ■ payable in advance. All others wW ™ cuw> I duo when oallwl for. . ra wndinit & I Regular advertisers and all **!!>*• f muuicntions or requiring uotlecs . )U bltee* I teuUon lo fairs, concvrto, soirees, LradpV I tortaiumoms, where charges are m»«® rJ . I lance—all notices of private *<.««*•* I tlco desiguod to call atteution to l'* , 'V" , lUvi .| U »iic^ I calculated or Intendoil to i.rotuoto fodtj'' ^ i rests, cau only bo Inserted w ith Uh» JISi #•>* I that tlio same U to be raid for. U m-I editorial column (which can boom> “ I lion of tho editors) tlie same will ho 1 * [ rate of uot less tliau 20 cents l»«r iw** .v,.\v*eW I Tlio uudersigned, publishers ot 1M v»... .fregj L and Weekly newspaper* In ^f'*^**' above liu * I ouraoives strictly to adhere to *•;J[J3dW»* i f charge*, and iu no instauce to de'iuictt e Tho afcovo rale* to take efiecl JIau* 1 '* * to oouiinue biudiug, uuul changed by tuo majority of tho undersigned. .. N/tf.—This schedule shod not in Wjf tbo In Cgrity Of oxIatUig contract. AH the y ar or any other specified 1 » r f,r llhk# & I With he expiration ol the |wtW f,,r 1 were mado.j^^ ^ Co <£ Sxxu> k Sws.Re. uWican. Thoomok kWiiuwhTex, UmM