Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, August 12, 1856, Image 3

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"HBALTH OITIIWK, BAVANNAll,? July lOtll, 1850. J All vessel* arriving nt tho |>orl oT Suvon- WOT nah, from the Woat ludlea, Moxieo, Ooittral Auterlen, South America, or from any port wlmro eoutaglous Infections ami malignant diseases arc ureralllnj:, (*leo t all vessels having slokuess oh board, or liavlug usd sickness on board, hIuuo lost slearauco,) are required to come tu anchor oil Kort Jackson, there to remain without omnmunlcu- iuu with tho oily of Savaunah or mljacout country, untirvisitod by the Health OUlcor. No batter Vowel shall recolvonuyof the crow or uiMhcngers from voshoIs suhjoct to tho above or* d«r tor tho purposo or carrying them to the city or Us vicinity. Vessels will not he detained lu Quarantine unless such detention bo nceemry. Any violation of tho ubovo orders will subject the violator to tho penalty ortho law. F. II. DEMKRK, liunUli Otlloer. Approved K. C. A.vukkhox, Mayor. tl-Jyl7 teT.i Ofllro Snv’h, Allmiiy & Gttir U. It. Co., I Suvaunuh. 27tli Juno, 1850. j _ An Instalment of 10 por cotit., being the sixth oil the Capital .Stock of this Company, hereby called, and required to bo |utid ut this ,tlK:e 011*1110 1st day of September next. By order Oil AS. tlllANP, juikuW—wtl3 Secretary and Treasurer. NOTICE C. U. R. “ THE freight on corn from Atlanta to Sa- SresT vanusth will bo roducvil to 10 o. per hnshOl eu and after he 1st day of April next. \VM. SI. WADl.KY, tlonorul Superln'l. lr.iu<i*»u tatlou olllce, ) ., s vuiril Pail Koad < J m '“ *‘ S IIOWE'S COTTON HARVESTER. a Tho great desideratum of IMaiitors is Ihml- SlSf ly obtuiuod in tho successful invention of Howe's LVilton Harvester, with which one hand can pick a* much cotton as live III tho ordinary way, betides saving au Immense amount of labor. Wlril Whinny's cotton Gin Is iu Us alter stage, llowe’s Harvester Is In picking. For further Information, apply to A. WILBUR, 111 (lay r licet. Agent for the States of Georgia uud Florida. jythJ . To tlic Jtatnni of the Start'll lieotglnu. -..jy All debt* duo to tho Georgian previous to ilxtiv the till! Instant, are payable only to the un dersigned. Notes ami accounts duo hi the city will be presented Immediately, amt all debts tine in the country will bo rorwardod by mi early mail. This being tho tlrst time that the undersigned has publicly appealed to his late patron, lie feels that they will not consider him unreasonable in urging upon them tho uocossity for immediate payment. Itemittnnccs may be mado directly to tho under* signed, or to it. U. Hilton ft Co., whoso receipt will be valid. PHHJI’ J. PUNCH SavHiinah, May 28, 1830. mylS-lawdftw TO PniKTTBBLB. I’hii subscribers ouor for sale a largo and varied assortment of socuud-haud printing material, sum* dent to establish a complete Job Olllce, with bill few additional articles, consisting In part of— Ono ample tout of small pica, as good an new, and vari ous fouts of job type; ono super royal hand-press; one line & Co.’s proof-prois. latest Improvement, new; two or more largo imposing stones, new; dou ble and single stands; cases, composing stick 1 *,col umn rules, galleys, chases, etc., etc., together with various other articles pertaining to n newspaper or Job olllco, n. B. ll.'LTON k CO. Juno 28 KKUZIB’S PATENT WATER FI LTKll . An assortment of sixes nnd | with tho latest improvement, ciiu ! only ho found nt our store. Wo will soil them nt the mniiu- facturor’s retail prices, adding only the transportation, mid put them up free of charge. KENNEDY A-. BEACH, Hodgson’s block, corner of Broughton aud Bull sts. Julyl7 PATEN' AL1NG CANS AND JARS, .lust received tin invoice of Ar thur’s Patent Air Tight Sull'-Scnllng C A N JS AND JARS, For Preserving FRUITS, TOMATOES, ftc. Full directions ' for preserving accompany each Gin. For ?alo at manufacturer’s prices l»y HORACE MORSE. 115 Broughton st. Also, an assortment of Ludlmv ft Co’s auil Bur nell's Screw Top Fruit Cans, less than cost. jy H» ffittV’S'DAGuEllKt>TYPE , A ill l«»«6 t yiies mill Photography. P. M. CARY W OULD respectfully give notice that his rooms aro now open fur tho joiisou, uud rea dy tor tho reception of visitors. By tho Aximorri'K process persons may now have tliolr children's pictures taken, in almost any posi tion they may choose, in from I to a sceodds suing. By the I'lioroOKAt'iiio process <dd Daguerreotypes can he transferred to Jaipur, heauiifiilly colored and enlarged to lire. oct 22 NEW TlSTSTOllE ANirsilWET-1 RON MANUFACTORY. 141 SOUTH OF MAKKKT Kql’AltK, llttYAN STKKKT. 1 would iuform my ol-l friends and patrons 11 have opened tho above store to conduct the I Stm o, Tin uud riheet-lron Ihisim.MS in all Hh 5various forms, and where will he found a gen eral iiswtmciit of Sieves, Tin and e'hcet-lrou Ware, which I will he pleased to show, and at Hindi price as will satisfy any one wishing to purchase. All kinds of Rooting, Gutters of Load, Galvanized iron Work of every description, .loh Work aud Re pairing executed with dispatch, old Stoves put up and Pipes furnished atfchort notice. Tin Ware at wholesale uud retail. Call down ou Bryan .street, It will pay you for your walk, oct2 JOHN .J. MAURICE, Agent. wy Vf -V * V „„ 7vnMrw 1.7 aecummoliitod with good Rooms and IMnrd.tttt Itio iVo.ti'ddonf Mottlgtlittery rirool, ono door ahhvc Siutb street. MRS. M. S. KAY MUR. doe 12—U . FoTt ~HAiTfo. ~~ jgh Six Tracts of Isitid, 500 acre each, *>• r t xr miles from the city of Savannah on tho s. A. idtlnlf Hall Hoad, well adapted to t\ u growth ot Hire, Cotton anti Corn, and Wood eiiougt to pay for It ten times over. Apply to fob 27 If C. A. n /'I D FRENCH CJlllNA, W1 Il’i’E <RlAN 1'i’IO, AND GLASS WARE. 14b MKKn.MI -TKKKT, CltAltl.KKTO.N, SOUTH CAllOMNA.” vijAm*. Tho .subscribers respectfully solicit. t EK from the travollug public, an Inspection raJ'j Hasp of their stock of Frtlnoh and English iRfu v*# Chinn, iu pluin white, guld baud, and tfPil/ decorated dinner, desert, breakfast, tea, toilet, tete-a- tete sols and vases. Also. Cups tilid .°aiteers, ftc., ol the eeletiraled Sevres China. While Granite of tho best munoliietmers. Rioh mil French. English aud Kolx-mtau Glass. They have a variety of oeuumeidh it* I’arlsiuu W.oe, Boats olT-uHiemi. Clay, Webolur, and <>theis, j •net stat'iele-' ef the Greek Slave, Venus do Mcdicls, tec.. ftc. They have also a beautiful, durable and cheap arli- •: tor ilouis .tad heal ths, of t J lnlu ami EiicuimIIi! TIIcm. I'heic stock being very general, eartfully ..elected uud Imporled direct, oil'ors imlur.cmeuts to mcrclmulH a - n-ell us families, to whom goods will lie put up at Hie lowest for cash. WF.BU A SAGE, luitMrt-rs, smiiHVsurs to Cameron. Webb Co. MUM, STEPHENS’ r l.l.U.*fl’RATKD New Mouthy. No J.voi 1,for July, devoted to Tales,, Illustrations, Art and General Literature, each number beautifully omhollidioit in the Ihiest style of wood illustration <. j Y ^WYeOT-1 Li on Taylor "if Wl; Ik , . ....... —-.jipfi^gtvtmltit'w tobor. Apply at till* ofllou. Jyu-Vf ;■ r:?! _ l-'OR RUNT—Tflo two Stares, No«. 8J i uud 8ft Bay street. Apply tn 1 WM« DUNCAN. HttgO—2nW4* TO RENT* p A STORE in .Gihhoti’K Range, Congress and St. .Dillon stroets. slnn given iinmodiatoly. Apply to august 1—Hw2. M. OUMMING. Ion moHUtr, having a ht engaged, will moot 'TO RENT. imtidmg corner Day and Draytoii sts., siiitublo lor mercantile purposes and stor- | age. For particulars enquire at June la THIS OFFICE. ' ‘WANTIfllS TO III:XT ‘ A commodious, airy utnl pleasant House s’lajcjfr in a'de-irahle part or the city, for which it mttlfnul l | '*'** , -il I’fluu will ho pitid. Enquire nt tho nllloo of the Georgian uud Journal, june u»‘—If OFFICES FOR* RUNT IN THE 1'HKKE-StORY ItRlUi HOUSE M adjoining Dm olllce ol lhu subscriber. He? basement uoul.l make, with some slight improvement, no exc-dletil lawyer’s-olllce. flm Uri-t and seuoud doors uiil lie lot iorCmiulmg- Humus, ami the third for sleeping apartments. Con nected with the establishment is uu out building ol brick, suitable for servants. A pply to C. A. L. LAMAR, septa Corner Drayton ami Rryau streets. silly rauxin, ;, , SK Inrpo portion of ftotohl ougmic , t (||#(tatcb nn ahove| frr uid^c^^rrpn^ apply 4 FORLiVKRl’OIJL.—Tno A i ship JAMES RAY will lutvo dispatch fur Iho tibuvn |Hirt. ££ For freight Apply to Jo8 HUNTER At UAMMKLL. between I FOR NEW YORK—Union Link—Tiioro- iSfifcBitlar packet scl.r JONAS SMITH, Furman, master, having most «r her cargo ougagod, will have quick dispatch Tor tho above port. For freight or pasHugo, apply to Jy2a OGDEN, STARR & CO. T r.UII K UK IM.M KMS : Lull Jewels, Alice, Tho Falls of hmeltaha, Stay and Slippers, Time’s changes, liovo in ’7d, Eurekn, I'lie Shady Side, Nellie's UIu-.|oim. The Mummer Vo cation, A -'tury of T\^» Lives, The Disappointed Husband, t he Maiden’s Confession, Tilings Wo Talk About. Subscription price $1 5.0 per year, iu mlvuno-. Specimens of tho above may he .-.0011 ut the llook- store of WAUNOCK & DAVIS, Iy4 lap Congress street. “msii^wnsev. _ Mil-’, undersigned will, for live dollar* per lot, amine any lauds in the comities of Appling, Wayne, Ware or Celfoo, aud report to the owner as to their pie cut value, the pro-poet for their bo. coming morn valuable in future, and wltebier or not there i- being an.v trespass committed thereon, invariably pledging himself to give a trim and cor rect account, for which all remittances will lie ox- |*ecled ill advance. He will also sell and remit when requested, and as directed, for seven per cent. Ho will also promptly attend to all professional business ontruutod to his care. VERNON C. McLKNDON, my Id AUurtiey at law. Homesville, (in. MATRIMONY MADE EASY, D l! HOW TO WIN A MOVOlt.—Thu t-nsv ! lVUiflple of l/ive, interspersed with Directions J lor the Preservation nnd Exultation of Personal Ikanly ami Ijovetlaes-i, ami for prolonging human life he.aithily mtd luqipily to the very longest period of humau existence.— Splendidly engraved on steel. Tho single, married, and the married happy.— Wluil is lover—with instruction* for courtiug, in or ■lor to win the nlfoetions of thu opposite sex. file Lights and Shade* of Married life. The Reproductive Organs of Females handsomely engraved : and the inllrmltie* of Youth nnU Maim i ly, with their reme*lies. I'KWIXAM’V IIV i’l-VI KS. at diUVrcitl stage* of gostaliou—how to uetcrininu when it exists—how to prevent pregnancy, and with a lecture on Love to married ladle* and gentle, tnon. Price 60 cents per copy. On tho receipt ol the money through m.uiU (post-paid,) one copy of the hook will he sent by mail to any part of the United Statu*. Published CHARLES WALKER, No.88 South 3d st., Philadelphia. Pa. Also, Du. taUROtX’d PHILOSOPHICAL VIEW Ot MAUKiAUK. A popular treuti*o on .he secret intlrmitics o. youth aud maturity nrisiug from genital diseases In hot!) sexes with upwards of one hundred and twen- ty-Ovo ll/hographs and < ngruvings illustrating the tttiaUuuv, physiology, and diseases of the sexual or* gnus, their structure, uses ami 1'uiictious. together with plain directions for tho perfect cure or syphilis, gleet, stricturo, etc. Price 50 cents per single copy. Published by CHARLES WALKER, No. 518 South ltd st., Philadelphia, Pa,, to whom all orders must ho sent.iiplia—u VAhUAHhK PiMH'EIlTY FOR «A1*E. M ’fiie two-story hrlek store on Congress street, now occupbvl by Messrs. Ehisteiu .k Kckmati. This Is one of thu best stands in Iho city for any kind of business. Terms *• j wilt ne made accommodating. For particular* in- ! quire nt 142 Dioiighbui idrcct, above llm .-tore of T. L. McKenna. tfmayl4 TO RENT. fho Dwollmu lately occupied by .Indue Fleming, in Taylor street, near I nay nut. Said llout-e 1* three stories ou a basement, with good servants’ rooms, nnd util houses, sslon given immediately. Apply to luh 28 l). L. COHEN. FOR RENT. Possession given immediately — Three J story brick bouse, now and hi good order, j ou Macon street, next cast residence to Mrs. t Jewett. pply at this olllce. t tt may27 ATLANTA HOTEL. ATLANTA : : : : GEORGIA. .1. .T. riKSl.lSlI, PiniliUlui. M ImIc i>f I he Vct'ii iu hili I Intel, Mew Orleans. Passengers per Evening Trains will lind Mapper ready on the arrival of the Car*, nmylj MEttORANTS’ HOTEL, JACKSONVILLE.. EAST FLA JOHN liUZIi.VlAN, FrapHclor. tlO.tlU) lHII 11.1 V SI 50 no.utn i*Ku wt’KK ’. n 00 UOAItn fUU MONTH 20 00 , may i;i lyr 1 7M/HJR.—loo sacks Palace Mills Flour, super 11 no ; 130 sacks Knoxvillo do do do tlo extra do PATl’KN, imTTON .k CO. —125 sacks aud 00 bbU Touiiossec Flour, 00 do Lenoir’s 50 bhls Nashville For sale low by Jy» F lour- Just received and Tor salo/by YON OK .X F1HERSON, Jy24 _ 4l» Bay street. B ACON—10 casks prime Shoulders, just receiv ed arid for sale by Jy2i Yt*NG E fc FRIERSON, 4U Day st. " ATM.—luu dozen" Plantation lints, In' store nud J. M. FYRK, 01 liny st. H a . ... Cor sale by jya C 1«»: / I H AMS.—20 casks choice Baltimore Hams, just received ami for sale by JylW SCRANTON, JOHNSTON Se CO. / 1 UNNY CLOTH—For sale iu lotstosnlt ptirrlm- \JT sers, by Jy8 RUSE, DAVIS k l.v.MJ. i 6U boxes fresh ground do 25 do Candy, just received and for sale by .iy-i McMahon doyle. | \KY GOODS.— 1 sidles open worked Hose, do I J U*le Thread do, do English nud German do Children's Cotton Hose and Sucks Gent’s Half Hose, fancy and plain Do Milk and Lisle Thread Gloves Du Lisle Under Shirts Ladies’ Gauze, Merluontid Thread Under Shit Is Do Hair Cluth Skirts Cambric and Swiss Flouncing nn l Bands, &»., for sab? at lowest prices by J>’22 IjkWJTT fi MORGAN. C l ALL AT G BIFFIN'ri and you will Uud the most / beautiful assortment ot small Fancy Articles in china uml gold oruamuuted, coiislsthig in partol Jewel boxes, fancy do, reticules, llorets, hotpiet va se*, cables, dracket grandolas, small do, coioguo bottles, ribbotiH, cologne, luuturn blue llorets, can dlesticks, uud last though not least useful, match boxes, a very tasty selection and something new en tirely. G. M. GRIFFIN, Successor to the late M Kastman, Jy6 Corner Bryan and Whitaker sts. I^OTS. 1 iM)U SALE.—A lino lot in Wesley Ward.-- ? Also two ou Gordon street, cast. For sale low. Feu simple. Auply to A. WILBUR, Gon’i Insnranco Agent nnd Broker, may 22 111 Bay street. NOTICE. ^ A LL persons having claims against the estabnM George M.Troup, deceased, will hand them hi, iluly uttestnd, and those imlc'htcd will please make payment to either or tho undersigned. THOMAS M. FORMAN,^ | j, x M BARGAINS I N RICH DUKAS GOODS AND MANTILLAS—bal ance of rich llouueod Organdies. Bareges, Crape do Paris nnd Tissues, at cost to close them out; also, rich Isico Mantilla*, at reduced price*, for sale by Juno 4 IhtWirr fc MORGAN ItACilAEL ANli THE NEW WORLD A Trip to the United Stale* and Cuba, translated from the French by Leon Bcauvnllet. Walker’s Expedition to Nicaragua and HMory o the Central Amerieau War, with a map. The Modern Story Teller, or the her I Meries of the best authors, now ltr»t collected. Freeman Hart’s Worth and Wealth, or .Maxims, Morals and Miscellanies lor mcrcauta, new supply. The Attack on Sum Slick lu England. Carpenter on the Microscono, aud its revelations, with upward* of 400 ongravlngs. Wharton and Stillu on Medical Jurisprudence. 'Ibe Sculpt Hunters, by Oupt Mayne Reed. The (Jrey Bay Mare and other luminary skele.h- cs, with Illustrations. Clara, or Slave Life iu Europo, with au Introduc tion. by Sir Archibald Alison. Western Africa, by Rev J L Wilson; John Halifax, Guutleincn. JyJI W. THQRNE WILLIAMS. MILI.8 HOU8K; UOBNKIl MKETING AND QUEI3N-STKKBX8, riiAUl.K.siu.'j; i>. c. .?•' THIS Htm«e iSnow adapted to all the Vi Rail of thoTianillmg Public, mid theef- •iJJfeffl for Is of tho Proprietor will be p» deserve .■biia&im. their patronage, mat B1 THOMAS S. NICKERSON. ROWLAND’S SPRINGS. ig THIS well known watering placo isffiH^ ■uiL again ipun for the reception <d' eom.JnilL pany, under the Immediate supervision of the pro prletor. Tho aoe.ommodutiou* are extensive. The Springs are 5)i mile* from Carteravlllo, on tho Wctvrn & Atlantic Railroad, whore couches are in readincs* to convey PusHonger* to and from tho airings, connecting with tho train* each wav. JOHN S. ROWLAND, Propr otor. nug 2.d&wlmo ifeM. Instead of going North come to tho Stone Ii!3t5=fl Moimtaiu House, and spend your summer, a* everything will he done for your com- fort. Conveyances wll 1 ho furnished to convey passenger* to IjUwrcncoviBc, Gamesvlllo and Clarksville. JIZF l’asseugur* by tho Georgia Railroad tako sup per nt this house. ALEXANDER & CLARK. Y. S. Alkxanuhk, formerly of Lnwrencovlllo. J A. Ci.ahk, Social Clrclii, 2m—jo 2 fob 5 im>lAN SPRING HOTEL. The Undersigned has again tho pleasure of informing In* numerous friends, us well ns tho nubile ut large, that ho 13 yet at tho Indian Spring Hotel, aud Is fully prepared, with tho uxsiaiaueo of Id* sons uuil his own experience of six year* at the hotel, with the best cooks that can ho procured, as well a* assis tance of all kinds, to ink of ml those who visit tho Spring a generous share of tliolr patronage, intend ing to spare no pahm of himself to make all such us picnic to give him a cull comfortable. The Indian Spring Hotel is now open, and ready to receive ull Bt Marks..., 18th & 27th those that will please to call. There will ho at For- Cedar Key*..14tlt .k 28th sytlio Depot coaches and hacks ready to convey all *“ such as wish to go over. EDW. VARNER, inuyi'S-Btaw t*epl Proprietor. *** Muvannnli Republican, Morning New*, nnd Churlo.-ton Courlor will please insert the above three times each week until 1st .September, nnd soud their bills for payment. EDW. VARNER. FOR NEW YORK,—Union Ijnk.—Thoregu- lar packet scltr. NORTH jRTATK, Horton master, will bavu quick dispatch for thu ubovo port. For Freight or Passage, apply to uttg 2 OGDEN, STARR fi CO. FOR N EW YORK .—Union I Jne—Tho geg- t utur Packet S’oluwnnr (5. 8. DA VIM, Abell Master, will have quick dis|Ntlch for thu above port. For freight or passage, apply to July 2 OGDEN, 8AllR & CO. EGR lailLADKLI’IIIA—Tito staunch Tust .HtJg-aillim sclir R W TULIi, A RI Mtrowbridgo. muster For freight, apply to quglt) C. A. GREINER. .If* FOR PHILADELPHIA.—IIkuon’ sLink— ^IMLT'ho tine tu-.Ur FANNIE, Cupt Uem-Um, will have dispatch for tho ubovo isirt. For freight, ap ply to jy!8 C. A. GUEINRL irOlt PHIIjAUKLPIIIA. To sail Salui'iUtit, AuhuU 10. at It o'clink, A. At. «» .-r-K The United Mtatc* Mall Steamship ■H-Z-sSOS EKYSIONK 8TATK, Capt. Hurdle, will leave a* above. For freight or passage apply to 0. A. GREINER, Agent Cabin Passage 20 00 Steerage Passage 7 00 - Passengers by this ship for Baltimore and Wash ington will he landed at New Castle, Polawnro, if desired, from which place cars start three time* daily for the above cities, and other Southern point*. _ nuglO Foil NEW YORK. Will sail on Nalurtlatli Wh August, at (1 o’cfwfc 1‘. J/., iirtvisclu. ..»• •' The steamship ALABAMA, Capt. . (!. R. Schenk, will leavo as above. dU For freight or passage apply to PADELFGRD. FAY tc CU. Jyao Cahiii Passage $26 Steerage Passage 8 OSb ’ Shipper* ef Cotton by those Steamships will please lake notice, Hint no Colton will ho received at the presses that is not distinctly marked on the edge of the hale. auglft Niagara Falls, the Lakes & Canada tUlORTEST AND CHEAPEST ROUTE. Per Steamship Keystone Slate, via Philadelphia NIAG-RA FALLS $!3S. A KB. ' THU UUBAV WMSTKHN INSl'llANUH (X). OF NBW YOKK, A ltlj tuklug Marluu ItlfikH nt their Agcney, cornor ol Dray loti uml Bryan streets. Approved Risk* will bu taken on liberal lorma, and tlie usual crinltt given on Premium Nutea. Throe quarters ol the ImshtesH will ho ruturuod to the cits tinner* In scrip. €. A. («. Loninr, fell lit Agent lu N^vannuh. "iNSlJilANCfc. ' , Soiillutrii Rlutunl liiHtii'iiucvCointmiiy, 8iiuUu!i‘a itliitunt Lille In*. Company, Home Insurance Company, of IV'. York, Sgrhiglidtl b’lre &. 31aline tnu. Cioin’y, Risk* In the uluivo Insuraucu (^nnpumes underta ken by WWC. KING « SONS, Agent*, No. mi Bay street, Mavumiah, l-llh December, 1865. duel i FiilK, DLUtlNli] AiVU lilb'fl i N S U Li A i\ C h. SO. Ill, HAY-STRICIil. OAIMTAI, KEWIIWHNTUI), Nunrly t'ftiir .Hilliuti By tne following responsible Block Compauten. CUnvtvv Oak t.KV. iuHUt'unee Company, OF UAHTKOUI), OT. Idiiultiible Klre l?i*imnico Company. OF LONDON. t«'ai*mei‘*' anil lllci-linnti'*’ Fire, Alartne unit Life liiatii'niinu C/'ninpuny, OF l’lllbADEt.lMlIA. Ilrhl^eporl Fire and 31 urine lutiiiranee Company, OF UUIDUKt'OUT, L'T. /60*T..e subfcrlber will etpRit Insurance tu any umoiml in all part* «>f thu MU to on every description of property. Lite insurance, to any amount, ul the rate, for the hi'iielll of heir* aud creditors, or payable to the wife free from the claims of creditors. Murine tusuriiucoon Hails or Cargoes mull parts of the world. jau25 A. WILBUR. MUTUAL H 111 IV M FIT LIFIfl LVSUltANliF. COMPANY, NEWARK, N. J. Charier 1‘erpdnal. Nett ucuillltUlallon, .lull. 1. t8«'»*»*‘ $2,25)1),OUI* 47 i'otal amouutot divideluU paid to date 716,41)2 tk) Total amount of claims by death paid to date l,u5W,lHH) 84 (SL’IXatSHOH* TO WtlMIHlCK ■> tllft.L.) T0-M0RHN\V, at 11 o’oTock, tn front of .atoro will bo sold,— . Tho usual aubortinont of Groceries, Provisions, Liquors, Crockery uml Glass Ware, Dry nnd secoud baud Furniture?, Clothing, Fancy Artlclo* Watches, Jewelry, Terms, cadi heforo de livery. liu- Allurtlctu* purchased at auction and not ket tle lor previous to the next regular tale, will bo sold on account and risk of former purchaser. uugl2 PHI LA- DELP’A SQO. riYHM LINK couneulH at Philadelphia with tho I Great N*irth-Westorn Railroad Routo, through to Niagara Fills amt Bulfalo, ht sixteen hours from PlrilaitelplA... Through Tickets, with the privilege of stopping at Philadelphia, ami iutorinuiilato points, lor sale by tho Agent. Eure to Niagara Falls or DullUlo $28 “ Elmira 20 “ Canandaigua 27 CHARLES A. GREINER, Agent, ,|23 Mavunuah. Georgia, CABIN PASSAGE TO NEW YORK 00. Si nil-Weekly’ United State* RIatl Line. r nilJ3 NEW ANJ) SPLENDID SlDlsJ-WUEEL I 8leain*jil|is— _ KNOXVILLE.. 1,600 ton*..Capt. C. I). Ludlow. AUGUSTA .... 1,600 “ . .Capt. Thomas Lyon. FIfiORlDA 1,5100 “ ..Capt. M.S. Woodhull. ALA BAM A.... 1,5300 “ ..CapL G. R.8chcnck. , WILL IJCAVK SAVANNAH KVKRV WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Those ship* aro among tho largest ou the (most, unsurpassed in speed, safety and comfort, making their passages In tlfly to sixty hours, aud uro com manded by skillful, careful uud polllo olllcers.— Having elegant state-room accommodations, they oiler a most desirable conveyance to New York. Cabin Passugo to New York $25 Steerage Passage to Now York 8 PADKLFORD, FAY tc CO., Savaimnli. SAM’L L. MITCIIII.L. 13 Broadway, Now York. FLOIttDAPOilTS, FLORIDA .STEAMSHIP COMPANY. *U. 8. Mall IJno—From Now Or leans to Key West.—Steamships FLORIDA and VANDERBILT.—Those line steamers will iu future muko their regular semi-monthly trips, leaving as follows: *’ A -* Key West, .. 10th & 24lh $1,282,488 97 Benjamin C. Miller, Mcurctnry, Joreph i- Lord, General Ageut, Robert L. Patterson. President. •rite funds of this Company are all safely invested iu tlrst class bond* uml mortgages, stocks, cash, and uote* of members fully secured by their policies For further particular* inquire of OUAJtLKS A. t'AULKY, Agent in Savuuuuh, At the olllce of Hell & i’rcutlss .1, ,s. SULLIVAN, Medical Examiner. KKKKKKNCK I Messrs. Papki* - ohi>, Fay kCo., 1. K. Tkst, Miq., State Bank. leu 2H COMPLETE OUTFIT FOR llOt sK KEEPERS, 8 au important item, uml to Ituow where to' , gut exactly what is wanted isequully important, tall ul ‘KENNEDY & BEACH’S” Hodgson’* Svw lilucli, Co j'iii-r oi’iiroup;h Ion uud Dull Stt cnlfe, uud you will llml everything pertaining to House Keeping us well us Refrigerators, Meal Palis. Wood- cc Ware, uud Tin Ware, Willow Ware, heauiiful Wuter Coolers, Patent Ice Pitchers, Brushesia every variety, Bud Cages. Bathing Tubs, Indeed nearly everything that cull irecull.'d for, reeolleellheplueo. apr in MACHINERY AND IRON RAILING MANUFACTORY AND AC5ENCY. HT. JULIAN STREET, MAVAANNA1I, GA. (Near the Market.) I/HOAI tho mostuomplcto iUeillticn in hi* own X establishment, and througli his couneclion* with several ofilie principal mauuihetcrng e.-taU- iishmenls of Philadelphia, New York, aid Boston, the Undersigned is preiuired to liirmiwh MAt'HIN EBY, PORTABLE .‘Vl’EA.M ENGINES, POR'iAIJLE SAW, GRI.-tf AND FLOUit MILLS, CAST AND WROUGHT IRON RAILING, STATUETTES, STORE FRON’R*. Columns, Wlmlow Sill* nnd Until*, Iron Doors, Shutters, fee., at Mvrlhcrnprices. He I* also prepared to repair Machinery and iron work of every description, at short uutieo, uj-on reusimublo term*.. A* agent for BAIRD’S PHILADELPHIA MARBLE WORKS, ho iu also prepared tu exhibit u great varie ty of designs fur MONUMK.ViS, TOMB STONES, Ac. Also Iron lulling in great variety, for enclosures, and to receive orders, uud put up the work ut nuu; facturors’ prices. H. 11. L1NVILLE Suvuuuuh, April 11.1866. aprl 1 iUOUltNINCa GOODS, B LACK French Bombazine, Black Alpaca*, Black Uiuni Cloth, Black Mohair, Black Chullie, Black French Ijiwii, Biaek uud White French Mus lin, and u line assortment of Striped and Plaid Black uml While Gingham* and Calicoes, Plain nud Striped Black Sewing Silks, and Gruuurihies, Barege aud Tissue*, Plain and Figured Black Silks, for siiiumev collars and sleeves, of Iho latest paterns. For sale by LJel’Jj AIK IN It BURNS. HAVE YOU INSURED YOUR LIFE Til & CHAUTEtt OAK iilFifi iciSUilANCIS C0MPAKY, OF Hurt fowl, Cl. CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS .OVER $400,000. JAS. C. WALKER, President. 8. II. Worn*, Seeretary. Till.*; Company Insure* Li e at the lowest rates, consistent with uatety tu thu assured. Fur further Inlbrmatlon, apply to A. WILBUR, Agent, jyyJU 171 Bay street, Savannah, lia. MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE. THE INTERNATIONAL liibumuce (Joni|miiy. NO. 28, MEHOUANT’S EXCHANGE, NEW YORK. CASH OAriTAL—§31^,000^ AGENT FOR SAVANNAH, Jliimck M. Caitei, AT THE OFFICE OF AlitfSIiX. YOU MO, WYATT iH CO., No. 85, Bay Street, below the Post Ollicc. UIIIKOfWJW : ALANS0N MARSH, A. R0LI.0 Firm uf A. 8. Barnes k Co. Childs, Prutt & Co. Livingston, Ballard A Go, ALONZO CHILD, ‘ 1\ BALLARD. rvmi-muuiui] u ii/b, ■ New Orleans, lOtli A24111 Pomutcolu..,.lltll 3:26th Apalachicola. 121 h 3;20th ACON.—35cask*Bacon Sides for Halo, tour- rtvu per brig Zorvaaler, by ling 2 LOCKETT k HNK LINGS. B B ACON—76 hlitl* primo Bacon Side* 25 do do do Shoulders, land ing ami for sale by Jv24 Gil ANTON, JOHNSTON 3: CO. W able for putting up peaches, 3w., just receiv ed and fur sale by Jy27 A. DONAUD. Jo 10 A le, lard, Taylor k S DANIEL H. B. TROUP, Ac.—20 bbl* Prime Uird; ; 60 do ... . k s-on’a Ale; 60 do sugar, soda and but ter BIhoiiU ; received and fur sale by McMAIlON k DOYLE, InnnlP 205 and 207 Bav strnul. B AsKhlS—All elegant assortment ol Truvflfffft Baskets, Just received by Hleumer from New YorK. A call is invited at KENNEDY k BEACH’S House Furnishing Store, Hodgson’s new block. jyJ7 muOTcCo" AND .SEHTius. 60 Boxes' Grant k X Williams 6sk 8* Tobacco. 20 Boxes 100 Tobacco. 6 rflil*. Importod Plantation Sugar*. In Store aud for wile by. SCRANTON, JOHNSON k Co. ring 6 H AY—.'likfhalo* very ourol'nlly Helected, to ur nrrlvo v JyiO PATTEN, UUfTON 3: CO. L EMON .SUGAR—A new article for making lout- uiiado without lemons. 60 cit^o* Just received ami for wile by Jyao DODGERS, NORRIS .V Co. 8 UN DRIES—Received per Hluutnaliip Alabama, from Now York— 3 Firkin* Choice Go*hon Butter, 6 h'JXil* Pino Apple ChcoHo, 10 liuxe* Cream Cheese, 6 barrel* Onions, 11 Imxu* IfioTnon* aud Oruuge*. 2 barrel* .Stuart’s celebrated eyr-ip, and 3 Quintal* New CoiBlsh, for Halo ut J. I). JICSSKK’S, Jy 30 In Broiighleu street. M ATCHES, fco.—100 groB* MalchcH In woftd boxes, 160 Iioxch Mustard 201) boxes Adumatillne, Hydraulic and Sperm Candla*. received and for Sale by jy 17 MoMAlION 3: DOYLE L iquors and bacon- 250 bids Whisky, varlou* brands 100 do New England Rum 76 do ami ’u cask* Brandy 60 do P 3s II Gin 26 hhd* Bacon, Side* and Shoulders, receiv ed utnl lor sale l»y McMAliOX 3: IH>YLK, Jy20 205 and 207 B:iy slrcel. L ARD—lftlibls end 25 keg* U>a I li»r«l 6 kegs extra Smith field Uird.fur sale by Jy 17 WI.B-TF.R k PALMS. L ARI) AND HEltiUNGS— 20 bbl* Prime White Leal Uml; 50 boxes Prime Herrings. Landing and for salo by . may 15 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. C HOICE LIQUORS.—10 hall pipes O. I). k Co. /Jraudy. r> pipe* Holland (Metier Swan) Gin ; 2 ptmclicon* old Jamaica Rum ; 1 tlo do St Croix tlo; 10 cask* Fort Wine. Iu store uml for sale by augfi SURA N ION, .1011NSTON k CO. ST. MARYS’ IIOTEf,. The ubovo named House Is now open for the reception of Boarders ami Travellers, uml tho undersigned promises lu spare neither pain* or expense to make hi* pa tron* comfortable. Hi* table will uhvays bo sup plied with the choicest that the market uml the sur rounding country nllbrds—Fresh Fish, Oysters, Ven ison, Wild Game, 3so. Thu IlutihO Is large aud airy, and within a lew yards of the landing, on tho beau- liltii river Ft. Marys, ami is a tlo.iiruhie place for in valid* amt others a* a summer resort. Thu stage leaves the House three times u week for Woodstock Mills, Ccntrevlllage, amt Trader’s Hill, and the 8a- vauuiilfi boat* touch going uml coming, so that per sons will nol he inconvenienced, but eiui leave when they do? ire. I’riuc* will ho made lu corrcsimud with tlrst class country hotel*. THOMAS B. JONES 81. Marys, May 27,1850. 3m iny27 1XU1AN Sl'IUXOS, (IliOHUia. BRYAN W. COLLIER Respectfully announces that the ubovo House will ho opened for tho reception of guests, on the 20th instant. He has been .turbinate in securing thu service* of Mr. •lame* Grillln, well known to tho public a* tho keeper of the Ninety Milo llunso ou tho Central Railroad, to as.iist iu tho KUporlnlcmUmce of the Molutosb House during thu seitsou. A baud of mu sic has also been secured. 8tagu* will hu in readi ness nt Forsyth, ou the arriv'd of trains, to convey nasseuger* with comfort ami dsputcli to tho houso. No pains will he spared to mnko guesls as comfort able ns possible, uud a more than usually brilliant season is contldontly anticipated. 11 A—Juno 5 gUNDIUli , s 1000 Roam* Wrapping paper. 100 halo* Twine; 200 doz Scrubbing nud Slioo I Brushes. 60 M importod Spanish Sugars; 250 boxes Tobacco, various hrande; 150 suck3 Rio Colleo; 76 mat* Java Codec; 100 doz Brooms; 60 doz Washboard*; 60 Covered Baskets; 160 boxes Family Soap;* 160 do Falo.Soap; 75 do No. 1 Soap; 600 Gross Matches; 60 half chest* Young Hyson Tea; 60 do do Oolong do: 100 boxes Gaudy; 60 boxes Sealed Ilerring3; 76 boxes Fresh Ground Collee; 100 boxes Imported Castile Soap; 100 boxes Toilet Soap; 60 .U, y t , and wliolo hexes Rais Ins; Received and for Bnlo by McMAIlON 3: DOYLE, »nay!4 205 and 208 Bay street. TaUtpa Buy.. 16th & 29th Tumpa 11th 3: 25th Cedar Keys.12th 3c 26tli St. Murks...14th 3:28th Apalachicola, 16th k 29th t Funsncolu... 10th ft 30th Arrive nl Koy West 17th k 1st | New Orleans, 17th 3:1st Agents in New Orleans, doc25 Pin E. G. ROGERS, k CO., 72 Foy(I rass street. S UGAR, COFFEE AND TEA—26 hhds Mascova- do and New Orleans Sugar 60 bhl* A, B and C do 160 sack* Rio Colleo, 6u mats Java do 26 boxes fresh ground Colleo 76 idlest* Oolong, Hyson, ko. Tea Received uud for sale by Jy 17 McMAIlON A DOYLE. /"I OLD FENS—Fersons desirous or obtaining a VX goood Gold Feu, are Invited to call ami in spect u new lot which we have ju*t roooivod, uml which wo cuu recommend. Jy 23 __I).JI. NICHOLS k CO. NEW BOOKS. /"S ODKY’8 LADY’S BOOK, lor July; Arthurs VJT Homo Magazine, for July; Fotuivoii’g ,Month ly Magazine, for July; Harper’s New Monthly .Mag azine, for July; uud, Graham’s Illustrated Monthly, for July, Tho History or Europe, from tho fall of Napoleon to the accession id'I soils Napoleon, In two volumes, by Sir Archibald Alison, a new supply. Ilorllia, by Frodrlku Bremer, translated by Mary HowitE Tho Ship Carpenter’s Wife, a story for tho times, by W E 8 Whitman. Tho Tauglutown I .otter*, odltoil by thu author or Record* el'tlio Buhhlotou Parish, Ac. Salad fur tho Hodal, by the uulhor of Salad for the Solitary. Comic Miseries of Human Life. Fhi-ri-biH-tuh, a song that’s by no author. For sale at 169 Cotigross street, by Juno28 WARNOUK k DAV18. P URL WATEIL—If you want tliolineHt drink ing wuter iu tho world call uud purchase one of KhIrIFn Patent Wntur Filter*, the artlclo mentioned iu Wuter OoinmisHlonurs’ last Report, which wo warrant to purify llio Suvuuuuh River Wawir perfectly—au iudltiiH. , uaablo urtlelo for plantation use. KENNEDY h BEACH, Jan24 only Agents for their salo In Savannah, A LE AND PORTER.—26 bhls Hummer .Stock Alo, 20 cask* Ifyns*’ Ixradon Forlor, pint*, Just re ceived and for Hale by JyO SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. H AMS.—10 casks Teuncsseo Hams, a superior artlclo, for sale by WILLIAM LYNN, 87 Day street. Jy» L ARD—25 koga primo I.oar Lard, Just roooivod aud for sole by y24 ltODUFRS ft NORRIS. FOR CHARLESTON, VIA BLUpFTOAL BEAUFORT AND llll.TON HEAD. Tho superior steamer GORDON, J. F. Brooks, Commander, having been thoroughly overhauled ami furnished with a new holler, will reaume her trip* to Charleston, leaving Iho Charleston 8t-nm Packet wharf on Sunday, August 17th, at 5 o’clock, !’. M. She will leave Charleston on Sunday, the 24th. amt the 31st lust., at tho same hour. On Wednesday, September 3d, the Goitnnx will commence her reg nlur trips for tho season—twice a wed:—leaving Sa vannah every Wednesday and Saturday evening. Kxci'usio.v TieKOTs, allowing pa**eiigers t«> go to and return from Charleston or any of the way pla ces, will ho issued ou board uulil lurllmr notice. For engagements, apply to J. F. BROOKS, augt) Charleston wharf. FOll JOHNSON’S LANDING, AND INTERMEDIATE PLACES, 'Ji) leave on Tuesday Nielli, the Vlth instant. - ctf* 00 >h The light drufUtcumor, WILLIAM •II.EBBY, Captain A. G. King, will leave regularly a* above, from tho Charleston Slcampacket wharf. Apply to fob 11 __ i 8. M. LAFFITEAU, Agent. UT S.liLtiiLiiio ~ FOR PALATICA, FLA*., IVa Darien, Urunswick, &'/. Marys. Oa., fhrnandt- na and Jacksonville, Picalata and Black Creek, Fla. s* THE steamer WKLAKA, Capt. N ip;;f;7fijmnf3wi will leave for tho above place* every .Saturday Morning, ut 10 o'clock. This boat lms large aud airy State Room accom modations, and taking the Inland Passage, oll'er* every inducement to Invalid* and olhcrs. P’relglit will he tftkon t«»r Trailer’* Hill and lutcr mciliate lumlinguou St. Mary’s River. No freight will ho Liken after D o'clock. Fur freight or passage apply ou hoard ut the Florida Sloam packet wharf, or to Jy25 CLIO HORN ft CUNNINGHAM B ASKETS! BASKETS!—Wo would cull the attention of tho ladles to our stock of Work, Traveling anil lino Fancy Baskets, the largest assort ment iu thoclty, at the Houso Furnishing Sloro, 156 Brouglitou-strcct. mar’21 _ HORACE MORSE. STRANGER! R you want a good and cheap MMJpJTrnnk, Vnllcc, Carpet Bag:, Clothing or any kind or quail- HiLiJihidLlty. ready mado or mado up to your tncasuro; also Huts, Caps, Shirts, Collar* or Bros* Furnishing articles of any description, call uud se lect from tho largest ami host tlock in tho city, at the Star Emporium, 147 Bay street. Wll. O. PRICE. COOL RETREAT! THE AKB0R BILLIARD SALOON, (Ul-STAIRS) Corner Bull uud Rryun strools, over Barber Strop June 27 J. M. HAYWOOI), Agout. barber shops. Pulaski IIuusc Barber Hliup, Owen? Brick Building, opposite Uie J'ulasld House, FIVE WOKKMKN ENGAGED. Dlnrshali House Barber Shop, Broughton Street, FOUR WORKMEN ENGAGED. T HE Htibscriber, thunkfUl to his fellow-citizens for the liberal patronage he has rocoivod, nud I* still receiving, hog* rosnoclt'ully to iuform thorn that lie lms engaged Kulllciout additional (lnd-class workmen from «<>mo of'tho host Barber Shops in New York, uml Will he cimblud to accommodate a* many gontlomon u* may honor him with tliolr pa tronage. N. It.—The Barbershop* aro closod on Sundays— stranger* will phm*n boor Ibis III mind. B AGGING ROPE, &c.—76 bale* Bngglng 200 cun* Western Hope •2,000 Hi* Twine, rarrmlo by Rjyfr RODGERS, NORRIS ft 00. LNITED STATES MAIL LINE. Fir Palatka, Fast Fla., via Darien, Brunswick, St. Marys, llrnamlina, Jacksonville, Middleburp, (Black Creek,) and Picolata. .•stfl? 3 ®* Tho now and elogattt steatnpacket ^^SaiC DARLINGTON, Capt. Drook, leaves every iiiesday morning, ut 10 o’clock, for the ubovo places. Freight will ho takeu for Trader's llill aud lutcr- mediate landings ou 81 Mary’s River. No freight will ho takeu after l) o’clock. Fur freight or passugo, having excellent Hlato- room accommodation*, apply on hoard, ut tho Flori- ilu Steumjiackot Wharf, near the Gas Works, or to Jy25 Cl.AGHORN ft CUNNINGHAM, Ag’te^ FOR CHARLESTON AND FLORIDA. .*fp^» 3k Tho line steatnpacket CAROLINA, ■■ii r-tninin Uoxetter, will leavo hero for JacKsiiiiviiio, Picolata and I'ulutka, every Tiio*- day aftumouuai 6 o’clock; returning, will leavo for Charleston, every Friday morning at 9 o’clock. For freight or passage apply on board, at Willink’s wharf, or to M. A. COHEN, Agout. June 14th, 1850—ly fi(3r Freight* payable on tho wharf. (Jl’iUNG AND SUMWU CU)THlNG.-i'll"o O subscriber would Invito tho attention of all in waul of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, to Ids slock illicit lias just boon received, at tho Star Clothing Emporium, 147 Buy street. apr!6 WM. C). PRICE G. M. GRIFFIN, SUCCESSOR TO LATE M. EASTMAN, Corner of Rryun and Whitnkor Streets. HAS uow ou huud n beautiful as sortment of Jewelry or every dis- criptiou and kind worn by ladies aud gentlemen, ami willsellntunusually low prices, I have this day received (per Express) a largo stock of elegant Blvor Wuro, consisting of Cako and Flo Knives, plain aud engraved Fish Knives and Fork*, Pickled Knives and Forks, Kulvcs, Forks uml Spoons, Napkin Kings, Nutmeg Graters, &o. &o., all iu .Morocco cases, mid suitable for prosonts. I have also this day received au addition to my stock of huirwork of light colored Curls, Topsys. Braids,Front Pieces, Bands, Uncle Tom, 3;c., which now makes my assortment complete. Orders received for any color desired. Wntchoa repaired by and under ilia supervision ol’Kolf, aud all othor work douo In a workraanllko manner, nud warranted. may 26 C OFFEE.—160 bag* primo Grucn Rio Colleo 100 hags fair alo do do 60 mat* old Goyoriuuout Java Collbo 26 hags old Murm’uTha do 60 do prluio Lagulru do 5!) do do Porto Rico do 26 do do ohl Rio do In storo and fur sale by Jy4 HUH ANTON. JOHNSTON ft CO. RiJTA BAG A SEED. F RESH Ruta Bag#, Flat Dutch, Red Top. nnd I.argo Norfolk Turnip Seeds, warranted tho growth of 1850. Just,received and teranloh^ n b ; Jyl8—3 Mouutuont Square, 1 Win, M. Dudgo ft Co. WM. M. DODGE, P. J. AVERY, U. A. CURTIS, •• “ H. A. Curtis ft Co WM. E. RULED, 8. T. LIPPINCUIT, ISAAC NEWTON, WM. A. JIUSTKD, •» Hustcil ft Card WM. JI. RIVERSMlTll, W. 11. l.VUX, II. LyoifV; Cu. GEO. CHAPMAN, “ “ Leo, Jlurphy ft Co. JU8. U. WlvSTCtiTf, " Briggs, Woslcott ft Co. JOS. FATMAN, *• “ Fat man 3: Co. SfEt’HEN VON ilOUliS, GEO. SAVORY, “ “ Geo. Savory ft Co. J. A. REQUA. AIANSON MARSH, President. CIIAS. W. OGDEN, Vico Presineul. WM. E. ROLLO, Secretary. Tbis Company will Issue Policies upon Ma nue, Inland Navigation, Traiisportutiou aud Firo Risk*, at liberal rates of preiupilii. Lurise* promptly uud liberally adjusted. JAMES M. CARTER, Agent, net 31 No. 85, Buy street. THE GREAT WEVA’EItN FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Xu. 107 Walnut strut, Fhiladilphia J‘tnn. CHARTER PERPETUAL..... CAPITA I. $50tf,U(ML nUK, MAIllAK, AM) I.VMMI IXSl’lUXCK. idRLCIORpV Charles C. Ualhrop, 632 Spruce street; Alexander Whlldcn, Merchant, 14 North Frout-st. John C. Hunter, linn uf Wright. Ilumcr a Co.; E. Tracy, Urm of Tracy ft Baker; John R. fiM’Curdy, Urm of Jones, White ft Jl’Cnrdy Isaac liazlehursl, Attorney and Counsellor; Junms I). Smith, ilrm of.lumcs B. Smith ft (Jo.; Theodore W. Baker, Urm of Tracy ft Baker; JI. «. Walton. 390 Market street; Thomas K. Umcriek, 63-4Spiucu street; Jehu J. Baker, Goldsmith’* Hall CHARLES C. LATHKO.", .President. Tims. K. Limkiuck, Secretary. JAMES M. CARTER, Agent, June 16 No. 85 Bay street. ENTERPRISE INSURANCE C’OMP’Y, No. 11 Pine street, New York, (ma’WKUN UUOADWAY AND NASSAU 8TKKET.) Cash Capital—$150,UUU! mills Company insures against iu** or dutuage by I Fire, on thu must rca-.ouahle terms, dwelling house* aud furnlluro, warehouse*, stores aud mer- idiandize, factories, ships tu port, etc. All losses will be adju.-ted and promptly paid. J). 8. MIL1.S, President, C. BRUO.M, Vico President. Kuw’n C. Tayi-ou, Seurotary, Gko. It. Dkaxk, Surveyor. JAMES M. CARTER, Agent, Juno 17 lor Suvuuuuh, 85 Buy street. - WM. J. HUNT, Cor. JTIoiitKonicry & Vo>‘.. sts. SAVANNAH, OA., I.IjY ini'onna the ljidn-a uml ieiitlemen of this City that servo them every evening with Ice Cream, Cakes & Confectionery, In Ills own peculiar style, and hopes to merit u share of public patronage, Savannah, 17th April, 1S50. 3m nprl7 TO HOUSEKEEPERS. ANIEL CltONlN Upholster, 20 Bryan-st. . would respectfully announce to tho citizens ui anunhtlmt iie is ready to ntako and put down Carpets. Oil Cloth, .Matting, ftc., at tho shortest no ice, uml on tho most reasonable terms. octu-tl ir Savan: 1 C E CREAM! NEW CONFECTIONARY STORE No* 08 Bryan SI reel. TWO DOOR* AIIOVK MK. GRIKKKX’* JKWKLKV MOKK, rpHEumleQfigncd respectfully informs the La- X dlos ofSavuunali In particular, and tho puhlio generally, thnt ho has this day opened a now Confco- tiauury Store, aud will keep ou hand u large aud rush assortment, of nil kiudsuml discretions. . Hu will ut all time* uud hours, bo ready tofuruisb parlies, with supper*. Coffee, Tea ami Chocolate, ut all hours, Oruamuuted Cakes, Pie*, ftc. ftc., made to order, Ho hopes from lung experience to give satisfaction to all who will honor him with tliolr patronage. M. U BOZZ01*A« No. 98 BryunS "SILVER WARE, CUTLERY, ftc W E have just received u new aleck of Silver Spoons, Butter Kulvc*, Salt Cellars, Fish, l’lo, Cuke nnd Ice Cream Knives; also, Steel nud Plated ou Steel Table Cutlcrv, Carver*, Ice Pitcher*, Bread Knives. Plated uud Paricii Butler Stauds, be sides u quantity of useful article* too numerous to meution. D. D. NICHOLS k CO. Juno 4 . TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES. CARPET WARE-HOUSE, 140 CONORS** AND 67 *T. JUUXN-HTKXinM. S HE Suhscrilier has received, nnd will open this day. tho largest and mostoxtonslvo variety INDOW SHADES over olforod in this city. It Is thu luiuutiou of Iho udvortlsor tu keep constantly iu store a largo supply or all tho various patterns und stylo* manufactured by tho mnmilUclurers ol this couutry audof Fruuco, to which thoatloution of mer chants and families hi thu city and country, 1* tu- vlted. They will ho Hold at wholesale nnd retail, at satisfactory prices. W H. UUION, Agent. Max Sutaino Wine, in store und lhr Halo by Jyl2 OGDEN, ST ARB Jit CO. BY BELL & PRENTISS. BY BAItKMAN & BULLOCH. Farih ht Private 8alo. A very dbdrahie tract of Idnd, Only throe miles from tho city, conialnlng about 80 acres, half ef which is cleared ft under good aite subHtauUulfodce. Thii . loured 'land Is n rich loomy soil, and well adapted for gardening purposes. There Is a well of most excellent w/.tur ou tho premises and all necei- *ary out-building*, negro, housos, barns, Ac. Tha balance of tho tract, say 4o ucros, in uncleared land aud heavily thnbcrod with vuluablo timber, and the soil excellent. Thu locality b, very excellent; not ono cose of slckuetM has occurred on the prom- im* during the whole Unto the present proprietor luuiowuodii. T'hl* is a olmnco for an Investment rarely to ho met with, - and any person wishing a quiet private residence near the city, or any person doHliouN «d going into tno gurdcuiug biuincss to raise fruit and vegetable* fur our market, will dm! Ibis the place to suit. For term*, which will ho Tory liberal, i< threat our counting room, 164 Bay street. Title* ui . i pula- hlo. ^ Ueg‘2 At Private Sale. 1700 bunhe'i! Rice, an oxcullont article for stock *»l all kind*. Call aud examine. Price 25 cent* per bushel. JuneFJ ToltenL Two good store*, under thu bhlf, at the foot ol Whilaker street. jtmu 19 Wanted to Ptltchte-o A couveliit-ut hoiine, tu a ceuttui louitiuli—one I i on ting on a square would be preil-i red—for such au wto a liberal price would be given, jiuiolU At Private Sale. Thirty eligibl? building !/>!*, 6t) feet front by 1(JU to 124 i et deep, situated on Taylor, Gordou mid tuuilou nlreeiA. ’liiusu lets are ou high giouud amt some of them in the immediute ntighborhood of (lie ki j-eletied for Iho rite ol the savuntialt, Albany ami Gull Railroad Dtpoi. Term* same a* city lot-, viz : one-llfth cash, me babuicu bearing interest at six per cent- Juut in N bhVfSFOOT OIL, ot the .rest quality cont-Junily for sale low by CHAFFER ft CO., may 16 o Whitaker street. O. 0. POOLE, No. 11, Whittaker Street, (two door* from Rryun,) W1IOI.KSA1.K AND UliTAIL DKAI.K11 IN Hiwlutii, lllluil*, Doors, Paints, Oils, Viu— ttlsltes, Window Glass, Putty, J*!, iCajv. Painter*’, Gralnors’ uud Artists’ Bnishu*; ^fi|Whltewuiih Heads uud Dusters, Dry uud Mixed Paints of every description, Artists’ color* in tubes, Prepared Canvas*, ftc. PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS AND FUtK BOARD PATTERNS. Rooms prepared with neatness uud despatch.-— House, Sign and Ship Puhiliiig, Gilding, Gruitiiugmid Glazing doue iu the host stylo uml ai inoderuti- prices. AU order* Iruin the country promptly attended to. inch 28—ly WHiMOT’8 JEWELRY STORE 1* receiving by every arrl-s^w—^v vul a large and rich assort-pgr J \ ^ jnento! Gold ami Silver Watches, Dlutuouu ’in*. Kuw aud Finger Rings, Muutlo uud other Clocks, Spoons, Fork*, Tea SSotts, Caster*, ftc., of Sterliug Silver. Jewelry hi every variety, Ivory Table Cutlery, lino Pocket Knives and Scissors. Rich China mid Parian Vases, uud other nrttclcs. Fine Double tiarrollod Guns manufactured tu his own order. Gunning Implements of all kind*. Plated Walters, Castors, Tea Setts aud Candle sticks, with u great variety ofFaucy Article*, suita ble fur wedding gifts, too numerous hero to men tion. All kinds of Watches nud Clocks repaired by the most experienced workmen. 8. W1LMOT, inuylk No. 1 Market square. BROUGHTON STREET HACK AND LIVERY STABLE. Tho undorslgncd having put tlie •-. abovo Stables in good condition, aro prepared to accommodate tliolr customers with Currluges, Hacks. Buggies, Sulkies, ftc., with souud, gentle, aud well bruko burses, aud careful drivers. Horses bourded ou accommodating terms, uml well cared for. Two pair* of Uuu Carriage Horses for sale. Inquire cor ner of Barnard aud Broughton streets. apl!4—ly STEVENS ft ELLISTON GENERAL NOTICE. S ILVER AND GOLD PliATING uuu uow be doue ut homo. Mr. CHARLES KEMIS11 having es tablished himself permanently, nil work in this lino will he duuo with dispatch. All ropulrlug of Castor*, Teapots, Cuudlcslicks, Simnius, Forks, or any other article will bo done neatly before plating. All old silver plate, such us Teusetl* or Urns, Fork* or Spoon*, will bo re-Unished und mado equal to new, mid at moderate prices. All work or orders loll at my store will be tdtemled to promptly. P. S.—Watch case* galvanized, may27 G. M. GRIFFIN. TU ARRIVE, LANDING C3 IN STORE BACON LARD, ftc. | HIIDS Clear and Ribbed Sides lvU 50 do Shoulder iu air tight packages Du) kegs No 1 Lent' Lard, 60 hbl* do do 30 casks do, most approved brands SUGAR AND MOLASSES. 6t) hhds very choice Porto Rico Sugar 60 do fair Cuba do 300 hbl* Clarilied, A It and C do 60 do Crushed do 25 boxes 1/iaf do 150 hbl* New Orleans Moliusos 50 hluls Cuba do 109 hbl* California Syrup RAGGING AND ROPE. 125 bales Gunny Cloth 6UU coils Rope, pure hemp LIQUORS. :;oo hbl* Connecticut Whisky 150 do K Phelps’ Gill 60 do pure Gin, P ft II 100 do New England Rum COFFEE. 400 bags fair to prhuo Rio loo do primo Ltguira 50 do Java, It) pockets .Moclm. For salon tho lowest market rales JyiO HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON ft CO. THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY I i’ ii i' oi. s~oIn tmejs t. i T in a euro nud speedy cute for burns, piles, corns, felons, lever pores, ulcers, scald head, tetter worm, tote nipples, (recommended by uur- Mr.q) sore und cracked lip*, Ironh wouuds amt sores of any description v It I.- a must valuahie remedy and cure, winch tan be Ictdlllcd to by ihuutumts who liavu uscu it ui many puriluus ot thu South for the last few year.-., iu uo m.-tuuce will the salve du any homy, or interfere with a physician’* ptesenp. turn. The propriettr hu» numerous certlllcute.? ute., h u«r.-> from.people who hu\e used it themselves, .and must cimiusily recommend it to others ua u speedy uml cerlttiu remedy for tho above named diseases. A trial i* all thut is uecesstu*y fur iu own recouimeiiduiiMft. Among the many Uml have testitied to the elllcu- ty ef this vuitiut'lu remedy, aud rucstiiineuded It to Hie public, ure in-K A T Ridley, Judge E Y lltll. .Judge O A Bull, R J Morgan,Esq, J LStephens, hsq, uuu thotituiids of other*. Sold lij d ItMoore f Suvubliali,Gu; J Kiiali, AUiei idle 1 , Uu; Clark ft Wells, Augusta, Gu; Alctveuson, Robin* ft Co, New York; uuu druggist* gtuuuiiy. kJf By reuniting olio duliut lu tlie pruprieti?]' <t single box ot Die Ulldmetit Will bo luwuitiet- t-y mail, tree postage, to any part of the L- Mam. sold by J. R. Muuui-., fuvmuiah, Gu., uu,t .ot g gists generally. V. J. MOURE, l’ropt tutor, may 13 uxGrange, t>u. 1‘ATENT ECLll’BE iaiiisri© Every man iris own CuTu Drititt r. j tALLAND BXAillUK CUAMUEHLAlVfc \J Patent Eclipse Jlanu Stamp, the best, cheapest and must convenient of any tl.;;;, .o. mi- pirj-'sv yet ollered for sale. ALFRED WLBSITlU, Oon. Agt. Ilpr 3 ly 136 C'ougress M, uin mt'iiuviiD skwmb Mcijms. 1"\ KS1UNED Expressly lor lmdtiug Bugs—uud X/ which Is decidedly superior to any other machine for that purpose, spool or skein ihmid cuu bu used of any desired length, aud Minch will not need to be changed until the whole is used. Bug luunuufuciuiers, GruiiTunu Hour uieiclmuts uro particularly invited to cull and examine U at 135 Cuu gross hired. May25. AU-'RED WEBSTER,Gen. Agt. HUNT A WEBSTER'S. IMPROVED SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. TVESIGNED for Families, plantations, Dress uia- JL/kors, Tuliors, Bout ft shoo muuul'ucturers uud others who may wish to do their own sewing cheap ly and with expedition. This machine hews u uul- term stitch with liutb side* ulike, uud which will utft ravel. It is more simple, is less liable to get uul ef order, and costs loss la proportion than any other nmebiue, aud Is warranted to bu perfect, und to woi k well. All appurutu* uocussury lor cuuvuuiuut use la furnished with It, und any instruction will be given that wilt bo uccc-ssury to ensure to tho purchaser Ks successful operation uud durability. Tho public uro respectfully invited to call mid ox« amine them ut 136 Congress st. ALFRED WEBSTER. Gen. Agt. JGjr A very neat aud'oruaiuoulal iron ’table wiiiuow bo givuu with a machine fur u sii>j1I sum lu addition to tlie regular price. May 26. L AMP OIL, VINEGAR, ftc JIi*t received: 20 bbl* Solar lamp Oil, 10 cases Olive do 50 boxes Dcadull’s Heap, Sturch and Camlln* 30 do Colgate’s Family l’nlo and No 1 Soap 20 do Ground Colleo 20 do Judge’* pure Sperm Candle* 100 do Chocolate, Mustard and Pepper 20 do Yeast Powders, 10 cases Table Salt 60 duz 2 and 3 hooped Pall* 50 doz 2 ami 3 ply Brooms 60 doz cotton ami munillu cord? 60 doz Scrub Brushes, assorted 20 doz painted and cedar Tubs 60 gross wood mutches 20 casks Byass’ London Porter, qt* and pint* 100 ream* assorted Wrapping Paper 6 kegs clioico Goshen Butter, for salo by DAVID O’CONNOR, Jyl3 corner Broughton and Drayton sts. ;ygg^ SUNDRIES. 160 hag*good to primo Rio Colleo; 75 bags old Government Java do; 130 bags old brown Java do; < uu narrels Stuart's A, B and C Clarilied Sugars; 60 ” “ Crushed and Pulverized do; 40 hhds Porto Rico, Now Orleans, aud Muscovado Sugars; 50 boxes Btuart’s l/»arSngur; 60 hhds Sides and Shoulders; 25 casks Trowbridge ami Beaty’ i IlamB; 160 bhls Doutncnd nnd Oakloy Flour; T5 bhls uml half bbls-Canal Four: 150 bhls Butter. Sugar and Pilot Crackers; • 60 boxes Soda CrucKors; 200 boxes various brands audqunlllios Tobacco; 25 cases Myer’s Aromatic do; 160 bhl* Cuba nnd Now Orleans Molasses; 60 bhds Cuba do; 50 bhls No. 1 Leaf laird; 200 kegs und cans Lard; 5 M lb Bar Lead; 500 bags Drop aud Buck Shot; 500 kegs, half* and quarters, Dupont's Powder; 75 bhls Mess und Primo Pork; 50 boxes Nectar Whisky; loo quurts Suhotdam Schnapps; 100 casks pint* Alo nnd Porter; 300 hid* rectilled Whisky; 100 bhls Now Eugluml Hum; 160 bhls Phelps nnd E Phelps’ Glnf 60 casks common nud pure Malaga Wiuo; 60 bhls White Wiuo aud Cider Vlucgar; 20 crates empty Wluo Bottles; lu Btnru aud for salo ou accommodating terms, may 15 IIOLCOMBE. JOHNSON ft 00 FliKSII GROCER ES. I N STORE—per steamship Knoxville—Extra Ta- hlo Butter uud Choose; Beef Tongues; Smoked Beef; Hunts; Bacon; 1'ig Pork; White Bonus; llcck- er’s Solf-ralslng Hour; Kulslus, Figs, Dates, Prunes, Almonds, &o., ftc.; Picklos of all kinds; Preserves, assorted; Braudy Fruit, assorted; Preston’s Premi um Chocolate; best of Teas, Colleo, aud Sluart’s No 1, a, II and C Sugars; Hibbert’* London Porter: Falkirk’s Scotch Alo; Cluretand other Wiues; at BARRON'S Family Grocery Storo, JuuolB coruor Whltukor and Charlton st*. JUST KKCHIVEU rBBTSSoKiBXT 1 CASE Richardsons 8uporlor Irish Unons, Cheeked Cambrics, Nainsooks, Swiss Muslins StripodSwlsB, aud Plulu Jaconets, 1 case l’ulm LoarFans, Cotton Frlngo aud Wldo Trimming Braids; Gross Cloth, Now York mill* Shirting, 1 case Sunorlor Calicos at Otfcts. 810 and 11-4, Bleached-Cotton Slicetlugs, ftc., ftc. for salo at tho lowo&lprlcos, by DEWITT ‘ * T ft MORGAN. HOWES COTTON HARVESTER. PATENTED DEC., 4, 1865, rillil-S iuiproveuivnt L-nubles one Held iiuud to piuk Xn»mudi cotton as Uvo can pick by the old method aud having tlie cotton free from trash, aim in better condition ter ginuing. « Tho above uiachiue* uro for sulu ut 136 Congress street Savannah, aud 325 Meeting Htreet, Charles- tou, S. C. All enters from abroad will receive prompt utleullon. Planter*, Factors, Colton Brokers, und all interested are respectfully invited to cnil uud examine them Couuty Rights can ho bought ou favornnle terms. . May, 26. ALFRED WKlfc-TKR. H ARPER FOR JULY.—Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, lor July, received nnd for sum by WARNOUK ft DAV3.-1. jnnoiS 16l* emigres* otre-1 DENTISTRY". Dr*. HOVALL & JOHNfcUN, Dentists, olllce corner St. Juiieu-st. und Market Squaro, over 8. Wll- mot’*jewelry store. OQico hi.urs from 8 to 2 o’clock, nud from 3 to 0. mar 11 com O N CONSIGNMENT—" 2000 bushels Prime Com; 100 do Cow I'eas; 200sacks “Palace Mills” Flour; 10 bhls ltuw Gim; 10 du Mouoiigaliclu Whisky; 6 do Domestic Bruudy; For sale low, by Jol3 PATTEN, HUTTON ft CO. XxITTIjIES t COllN AND OK TIIK HTATK* OK ho. CARO UNA, OXORCIA AND FLORIDA PATENTED MAY 10, 1854. COPYRIGHT SECURED MARCH 1865.^ T HE attention of Planters nnd Stock Feeder. is respectfully called to tho abovo Mill. They are now in uso by at least 10,000 ortho most practi cal Slock Feodors throughout tho couutry, wuo aro ready to testify to Uioir superiority ovor all othor Mills of a similar klud. Tucso Mills aro mado tho exclusive business of tho pntoutco, Mr. Soott, who being u practical mau, superiutcuda the casting in person, and solccts only such Iron ns Is host adapt ed to tuclr uso, which, liko car WI190IS, rcqulro to be made of metal knowu to bo hard and strong.— They weigh from three to flvo huudrod pounds, ac cording to sizo, and can bo put in operation in twen ty minutes without oxpciiso or mechanical old. Tho IJUle Giant has taken tho first nremtam at nonriy all tho State Fair* throughout tho union, and that In tho most complimentary manner. They aro guaranteed ngoinst breakugo or dorangomont when used according to directions, and warranted to give Iho most perfect satisfaction, or tho money reminded on tho return of tho mill. Thoy arc of throo sizes, aud will grind from olght to lllteou bushels good feed per hour, according to sizo, with ouo or two horses. wo uow olfer thorn to tho trade complete, ready for attaching the team, at reduced prlcos. Mr. C. H. CAMPFIKLD1* our Agout In Savannah, orwhom U10 mill may bo had at our price, march 7—oodftwly T OCOMOTIVE NEEDLE&—A new and elc- XJ gant nrtlclo which needs only to bo tried once to Insuro tho constant preference of tho soamstrees, just rccoivcd mid ter salo by mar 18 LADSON ft ROGERS. HURRAH I-.HURRAII 11 J UST ARRIVED, porschoonor A. Dovorcaux, iu four days from Havana, a fresh lot of choice Fruit, for tho 8avnuunh Fruit Emporium, consist ing of—400 bunches Bananas, 100 dozen Pino Ap ples; 6000 Plantalus, 3000 Sweet Oranges, Tom atoes, and ono bosket Green Ginger. For sale by Juno 14 J, A. BROWN. SUNDRIES. 1 AAA POUNDSchoico Battimoro Shoulders; XUUU and 1200 do Uo Sides; 100 choioo sugar-curod Hams, in bags; 600 iraunds choico Tonnessoe Hams; 15 barrels choico l^al lfiOrd: 10 tioreos extra wbolo Rice; 6 do Lair do; 20 boxes Family Soap; 10 do steam pale do; 10 do No 1 do; 7 woman’s frioud do; 6 chomtcal do: 15 boxes Tallow Candles; 10 do adamantine do; 10 4o pearl spor m do; 10 boxes A, B aud G Sugar; 13 bags good Rio GotTee; 7 pockets old govornmont Java Codec. AU the abovo ter salo low by Jus. » J. A. BltmvN.