Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, August 12, 1856, Image 4

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■ —— . jfctjal ^bbcrtiscuunts. ■ H&THJU IURIUm 8ALB. Ll« bi h| | Mm lb* duor of l&« Coart Hmm lomra c if of tUranuan, t>*ab<y*f tin, an Ut Tue »• Jay ti iftctobcrncxt. brtwure IIm Im Mm of M4. i«ro «two Uaut«. MeCedar ft aUteid, o »-Spring D «*• lUir Norm tor *4 on e* the poverty .<« Jvbu Sp*fa«** barg.ta fan* of John Dtraunty. .«11 under Mm ° ftrenf« mortcafe FV Fa's l<sucf out at tbe lluc*. aMtJafant* Own U Chatham (Umiy, July reim, JIM, •ogtul * WSSJ. L. COLE. SCC. CITY MUBUMV*** BALK. Ilf ILL U* br4«* M odfl Mount anor In W&ZffJSX** «**»’•• »»* legal buura Bwrw*aym MifaoiWf far**, a «MI. • iUj. a*J 1 Gray •* *+*». usvioi oom the 'MMity * l«» Hon*. «» *t-**y * t' »»'* ‘•• uc » pTMMiy „ __ , Out oTtoe tluQ , tbt Oif Court Of Strauuub. oue la fan* of Julut Oa'ub.r oj# in r»v-*rof .'am*. Lyueb. a«d I» other in uror f Waver k 0*i>Uji- Nm, r*. A*a DobT, jKOpfity putoturi out 0/ l»[....iiif. Tv*B9«C*Uli. mx i iai •. 4 p t^vnnoA'T s c. c. s. BXbitTu. ’ii K.VIK. B Y rlrta* u» uu«». Uer pa««ei 7 th J-lf, 1K5*, by tbaCm iuf Ur i-at 7 »i wayueCouay. wiu 4tuaUMUr*>U*ui«} at October ••«*»» b... tweea (ti« a-uai b»u» ut Ml'*, i*ow« Uk- tom t House Cm* tu Wuymavidi, thu toduwtnig p.opcriy, to aril: A Negro wvaun, .leu, «o years ot el.a tatr aorett end ire iffru-cit Id y ura <*• ag«\ LtCf II, 4ary a, itab;.l 6. Ce *fgo •’•. < tea I 4le 3, WftJ Li y iy >u» o.U. ».J i«.* bcuvul * l tin.* betranuAc uOikirj of Uiu o>ut<i ui i. tf, 0 yau. Tnuoub. W. A. SALLEX3, Executor. Jj 30 NTA I’E Or i.MMlol.t, C IUATHAM COUNTY—To A\ whom It may tooucuru: wut*r«*i«.jiu»t. \Ui.oj .arm *|*p.j to u»v Ururt ot OnJiuarv lur u.*a**r, i.i-tui-ory a* auumo tratrua uo Ur* Estate ut W'^um WngUt Uus*e arc. tttarmure. to ale *ua wi^u.-li aU whout » u»»> •unccftb to ire -i*u apui-ar oclore sold ‘ourt, to nuxu ooiecUua (ti auy u.**v Itavej uu or Urlore tut- flr«t Mood** m Aorvunuv next, uib*i t »» raid Let- tan wut tm «rat>U<(. WtUnm. Joan htilro, tni., ordinary lur CLatLun County, uua e.Kbtilay u Aunl Is>i. -•ULN iillJSO, o. c. c. apr « ITATK UK UKUI(UI\~ Cll Vrli AM CO. fIzrail whoio it may tVlicrca.. Wary Ann JL UfUt Will apt ly at tbei'oirtol Ordinary lur lev tor* Ivinm- rv i« the e.-oui* «at Juiu-aj 1*. l>,m.— TtHwe are therefore to«o. juuJ ad ooo:»b ..I. a bum It mar concern, tu tre atm aujiear before mid t'ourt to mue ubierUou- (if anr Uiey have) on or belorv the i*ir>4 Mnudavin i*ev.euir*-r next, oUierwbo eaid lottera will berraiiU*.!. VuortAii Jonu hubo, L»o., Ordinary fur Cbatbain Ooootv. Uiia third lay ol jun»*. l«£ .. j*fc -UiLN BILBO, OX.C. STATE OP GEdKIilA. C hatham cuuntvv-to uii whom it may concern : Whereas. John I*, lime* wth *(*,.»> It the Court of Ordinary Tor letter* di-nn-wiry aa ad- ■unlotraior un ibe h-uic «d Juine*> C. Iltue* : Tbeae arc, therefore, to cite and a>lrnoui..b all whom Vi may uuut-orn, to h« and aj^iear ttelore *aid Court to make Objection (ii ant they have) on or be fore the Oral Mouday in Ot ceinbor next, utberwue •aid letter* trill tie if ran ted. WitnoAo, John Bubo, Ordinary Cor Chatham county, Uiia fourth day y i June. 1$&0. June 6 JUliX UU.Bf). o. c. c. _ _,I1 |«r ou draft* tmade by A 0. By an k On., i« nr* ioefa Orta exf'L Prom tbit data t *e bunowt widbco«Uuuel oa my own a oututL •mS—Iw* RAMI'flifl: W1T1V. STATE UPUbUHUIA. Uta i •uawTut ritUK u *der*hftK*d baveUutned a CV|«rtner»hlp X under the Act of the ‘»«»rr*l to tenth y of the ftafa of Georgia, mi.iiel -An Act to authorize limited I*.rtu«r<‘ldpt, , » united to iLe iwmiy^c. ohij d»-y of iVrefub.T. In the ) ear 7; to l*e con- d ele i uuder the name of Carl Employ, for the t*ut» iwac ol trauaaLUng a CututnuHon and General Her- c*nti e buiinet- tu the city of Sivannah and cUtecf e»ifu. till Ecp’ng, of Faraanah, erlU he tbs general ! puttier, and George IV Germany, of Farannab, »» «rhu ha* c-nirihutof Fifty Inoi-aud Ifct.Urr, m inwh t to toe cofnioou Mock, will ha »i«xial partner. The .ajUaeae to commence lb- Cr»t day of Angust. in the )tar eighteen bu*:ured and City ^x, and to prinaafauatue Ur.itda/ of AoguM eigUte*.*n Uay blue. iu witoosi where*/, the *ai>l Carl Epptaf and Gcor«e W. Garuuiy litre h<rcunto signed the lurrgoing axreen>ent, Ibi* thirty Or t day of July, ISM. CAKL KITING. G. IV: AHUANY. Amt.7: UOSTCuytEhY CVMVING, J. I. C. C. C. a fu*i l— v *7* Ih-r iliUedgerllle Kecoider, will pub.i.b -IX a ike*. U1ER, Boctoo. New York, FbA / ■ jla, and Baltimore. j aHETbTKUM.KS, DEALER AND lUroUTEU OF Watches, Jtwtlty^SIlm Ware, Pan* so. 12, turn So nun, nmainxntu. teiAS ly NELSON SWBEZKY, ; DKSfUXEK AMI SCI LI'TOK IK UAKBLK. Corner A? tor I lace and 4th Avenue, cwn nujznurr to thi a*tuk lumumt xad th .raw mux nocut, m ruax. rtlUE most extetuire variety and the largest X •took of Monuments, Tombs, lb-ad Moot-, Ac., in America, can he round at this o.tabiuhmcnt, from pLun to the most elaborate and ornate in doigu and workman*hip. In additioo to the stock always ou baud, a great variety of drawing*, appropriate and ongiral may befouud, from.which work will be ex ecuted promptly to order. Order* raitlifully executed, and ehippe*! to any l>otni available by water or Meats. Per*ou* cL-nuig the city of New Yerk on pleasure or husmesa are respectfully Invited to visit this os ublhbment. ott3 UOOK A- JOB .OFFXCK rp.VG iu oUis a tcr «l&te, ap,» i.a<.... a*, i b j msde X t*tb- Ho-i Uosrt or »*ru nary ol IMlcu o-uu. •y t.r i< a > u to am at me L-u b.doigiu< otbe ualate ot Alutc-s I ai-OeO. aeita-c I. J-MIA^XAII lU'NKX, Adro'ix. a*gT T1W> T»Y MiNSELl.Y, adm'r. GEORGIA, I.IUERTY COUNTY. T AG tun.ih. alter U.t*«. pic•t;on wi I be luaio t»the lbiu GjuiI of o *■ n .»y f»r liber coiuty lor Jeuvo i-t el i-b the I -nu* belmgmg t< the e.-t.le of a bn F B a ly «/t -aid cojoty, de cexicd, .or the bei eat uj n • u»*ir* an . C; s, Juil > ... III! .i Lr.V. I fcugC L. t|. aM'KL'V . f HKIUU.VU'K I*A-*I>..‘!T f uif>IIiuroK S3 *T«e ip) Wmi HALL'S PATENT HJWHEIUl'BOOF IjOCK. I la ring received the iTixo Medal at tho World's Fair, are now 1 Merchants can In* ..opinied ai -l»..rt notice wuh offereJ to the pubUc | Ulll-Ilcnd», Dili* or Lndluir, fi.'WJ* n«r B-fc*. L'irfulur,. C.r.1. and approved as they Rml Blank Udokt, awarded by tl>e Juries of tho \torld »ljir. j I'nxmUin.. ol llodiuc* 1‘pw/rt- liv-I »n-- Gold In the one exhibited at Uic Wor.os lair, Lon- . r(<civp ,i r***.*-. tti: . ... . don, and iuvitc<l all the Pick-lock* In the world to ; llie locimct'ijt wr-hii, i"~ ", OKnlheS^,. wiU.»r»1U r „l» l»r«. XTEjoSSTOf 1 , , money as a reward for tlie:r ingenuity ; alUtouph , vcculic , n oI „. pr operated ujion by *everaJ skilled in the art, no one could lick the Lock or oj«i the Safe. By an improvement upon the original Salamander, WKG1NIA SPRINGS! SOUTH-SIDE, RICHMOND k DANVILLE, AND Virginia 46 Teniieaaee SUMMER T\ lOTICK. lilRht. months after uau: Application will be made Marine dank .'^vaUuan tuf the pay- u ut <>i two Twenty dollar bill*, viz . letter B, bU<u, an I letter <J. t»V7. the haiv**j >A which have heel) .u-t. i‘. lil'leutN. ITa., il*y 17. IX-Vj 3tn* tnivk STATE OF GEORGIA, B ULLOCH COUNTY —Tu ail wu»iu It tnay con cern: wherea*. GnlSn W j a**GU will apply at the Giurt «a Ordinary tor h*tu*r> w r g iaroJao i. p • f Martha Partlsb, a tnmor heir or JOjiau A i'ar. L-h, decea-ed: Thtt-e are. utere ore. in **Ite and a<lin'<nGb all wbotu it nw oon^e.'U. to no vid *pi»car b -fore said Court, to niaKc objection nr any they have) on or before toe tir^t Mouday m Octou.r next, otherwise •aid :«4u*.-« will be cra itMi WitoeM. wtiiiani l.ce, b*i . Ordinary for Bulloch county, uua 6th uay of August ibid. augv Wil.i.1 Ail LEE. o. c. c. STATE OF GEORGIA," B riJXKTH COUNTY —Tu ill wli-du it may cor.* eern : Whareax, the e t tie of Wi.harn l-avis is tujiip e*eutcd, it n-j pernou apploss lur the a Ist auuu, 1 *Im.1 app »tut J».-i *h ■ a - is, or some oth •r Ut and pr« pjr person as aduuuUtrator ouwUJ TlibM) are. therefore, »« cite n4 idinanisb all whom it tnav rouceru, to on<l a,, u «r before said Court iu make objection ftfauy they luve) on or before toe nr^t Mouday :n Gct.ber next, otherwise said letter* will ike group'd. Wiiur.s-s. WiXam l^ee. Esq., Ordinary for Bulloch county, the Gib uay ol August, 1 WO. auirt WILLIAM I .EE. n. «. c. B U < M'A I'iv ur tiKiOltaU, FULLOCH •••il.Vry —Tn%M wb'iin it may con* • cero: wh-rea^, Seab »rn B Cowart will apply at the Court ot tirdin«rv tor i**tp*r* di-mi-sory an Admininirator ou the estate of Patrick DKeleher, deceased t These are. i*a*refere, to rite and admonish all Whom it mnr e-nceru, P» be au<l «p|«ar before «ai I Court to make • bjection (it any they iiavcj on or b;» fare me nr«t M.- Uyin K-.-bruiry next, otherwise Said letter* win be i -»tuU*<J. Wlmexa. U i li tu Leu, E^q., Ordinary for Bulloch County, this an day ol August. K60 aug* WILLIAM LEE ... b r. GEORGIA, LIBERTY COUNTY. fTV» ait wmitn it uuy etiiretn : Whereas, Ms ■& I ran A Jones. A lunuisir <lr x up n t ie e late *1 JIuoM A Jones. UP: of Lionty c unity, decea-ed. Will aumV to the Court ot ordinary ot .-.aid county for latter* dusmissorv • Thnne are tnerefure to ate and o<l monish all whom It mav concern, lo be anu ai p.*ar before said court, fa uiutfl ofiiw.tiiitm, if any Ua-y have, in terms of the Uw.outerwl«u -ai l i*;tu.r^ wiil i/c geaut**l WitoissM. W P Gai i ieau, Ordinary lur Liberty county, tuts loth of January, siid. Jyiru-'J W. P. Gilt (DEAL*, o. L. c. NT ATE OF GEORGIA, B ITijjiCH iblJMY —jo a i w.oM. itrn.-iycon* .•asm : Whereas, Gonersl h 1 w,il apply St iUm u«rt nfitrdiiutry lor ieUur« ol a«iininJ-»raiion With tue wi.l ann xed, an Hie estate ol Mirtha Groover, late of i cou .>y, deceased : These are. therefore, to *••!« and mlmonlsh ail whom a uiav rsmaeru, to oeaud a, p.-ar -m-i Court to inane objection (ii any wioy liav-) on or before uu* first Mouuay iu >•- Ai inbor next, other- Wise sa»u letters wi I b • grunn-d. Witness. Wi.liaui U-e h*i|.. Ordinary for Buiicch souutv. uju kl*i day of Juiy. isbd. JW21 WILLIAM LEE, n. «. c. CJEORGIA, IJULL(1LII COUNTY* S iXf » Uavs alter uuie, appuculton aj.i u« lua-Je to uu: llonorab.e Coail >o Ui Ui-U > o. ill >>. Ii County mr leave n> «ed au ine landt be.ougmg u. thee.iUieol Hioina- • roauj, ute ol b-ji * eo .i.ty, dcceaseti. lur lue beiiulii u. ti.e belts aau oioJUorn Of httlu os 1*1 u Jyji. WILLIAM V. CRo llV A-uii’r jJiYbUdd, EUzthetU Cowley | lu ■- o «*.e aaj»erioc (o art, v* r May Tut mi. John Coal >y, ) ltau(iea.i-g to i..o Co*rt Loin ili-t Return cf the Sher.U, Unit tue iu * u uut JoUu Co V • y i, not .o be .Oiuii in CoiTjcUb iuiy, aad it i..r.aer app-a that he G not iu the state. Ualiiouuo o. Win. Gauidiiig AU0r»ey lor iibeluni, it is or efnl tii serviLU ne iMirteutus ou a d uufuu lout *»\ « p'.b i- catlou Bavauoali. ouue a ijio.aU for ti.ree moatu lo< the ne *.t leriii . f Ibis coot, leiporn.g ran oe- fundaut to appear ut toe next term ol o.;u: nu p-'f.or Court iu November neXi.un * me uis -• feusi * e lUegatlOu IO sale Co-r.. A true cxuaci o> me minutes of ColLe Saj-erior Court. ARCJi’D IICLEAN, Deputy Clerk. Aug 2 3rn _ bllJEL FOR DlVOtttlGr* Bli»MU.uiuiyi upcrlor Court, Jointly. ) MuyTym.lMO. J r ap]a*uruig o> the Court, Irmn the return of tho sbeiill. tUat tbu uefeudaut Juliu t-auiy is tint to fOUnilU Collee county, aud be Is ma m the stale; on luottuu of Win li usiliinig, utturuey fo liheiuni, it U ordered that surucu be j/e t fueled on nuid .NOTICE. S IXTY u*v* .nftr-r <1 ite, appiicatiou wiil b* ma *e l-» to** Humoaoie tae urduary .4 Milub^h uuty. i*.r leave to sell the real e.-txt*-, being In this cojntv. ai th>- Lite Jauiey Fmitli. known a* Sdon (rmel ILnuuon sold fur the benefit of the ue»r* Ot tali SSatHlK. DEAN M DUX WOODY • JOHN JON IN, JOHN r. lit’NWOODY Darien. July t, !!»•■ DV.) >Ex*orf. »V, i iitmcB. A LI. |*r~.n4 having claim- oga the e-late ot /X Evan Joues, Ian- i.f Cbuillou co-imy. Ga., de- tea el. are »i*q tested to pr« eeul them iu term* law, and Hio-e mdebleJ will p!ts>e make puyiue*.! tu the subuipber. STEPHEN McCALL, Executor. Cenir.-viV.age. <‘»a.. Jui.v Hi jo-*J NOT.Cfc,. fpiiE CNDERSlGNLD having tills day auccitlcd X ihetn-elve* together lur the purpose i t i:ondi.ei* log the Wnolesile Grocery Bu-inc&s, and having pu>cb-asol ih» -Ps:k ol Ro-iger.- ti Nurrb, will here* a.lcr < onunue the busiue » under the lirtn ol Rod ger*, Norri* k no , at the old staud, corner of Baj and Lincoln streets. JA5. g. Hodge its, JAS. A. NORRIS, GEO. U. JOHNSTON, JNW. N. BIHC’H. Savannah, June ii, 1S6C. j« 2 T HE firm of Rodger* K Norri j buying this d iy been divsolved by the ubove association, eitln-r partner will u*e the name of the lirm in iiijuidation- JJS. G. ROISJMLS, Jan. a. Norris. Favannah, June 2d, 1W0 Jo 2 NOTICE7 O NE rnunth after date, appiii ftb'-u will be made ti>ihe Dink of the cute if Georgia, tor the pay- meut of three twenty d*lur bills ot the Brancti at Augusta, the right hand Eal.C: of which have been lust iu the mail. iy 11—lm BO-TON k VIIJJtLONGA. Nulieb. ^■piIE firm of I W M *rr»•!. ti Co. w u? di--olrcd on X the uTtli of September, ISM. by the death t-f N t iVcb'L-r. yyi2—tre I. Vf. MORRELL. AGTitfa. O NE month after date, app ication will he tn »d" to the Bant: ofthe State «»f Georg.a tor the* p y- inent oi two one hundred do lar bills of the B. alien at —. t‘ e right hand halves of which have been lost iu the uiatis. jy-’l BOSTON k VILLAI.ONGA. TAKE NCITiCAi. P CRCHA8KRS wiL have tneif goods delivered iron oi expense with juick di-pateh from inc avam.ah Grocery and Fruit Dejxit, corner Brouga- tun aud Whitaker street*. JL5* J W ijI I cad the attention of Truiters een?r- »by vnny well aUiectod dock of Grucern**. rtioiv- mg ilaiiy. je.Ci—tf W. II: FaKKKLL. BROUGHT TO JAIL. Brnujiiit lojail in »waiii*l>aro, Lmanuel Co , on llie 4th in-taut, a negro man; he says id name is Harry ; that ho 'beimjg- to the e-talc .-I ih-diias C'.ay. of . ryun county, Ga. He i- «-i . b iii complexion, with a eiight tear over the le:t eye;aboi.t A feet2}Z iuctiAi tn height, and about-'J yea. * old. The owner Is requested to come forward, pay charges and lake him away, as he will be dealt with a« the law direct:. HENRY uVEKFi'KEfcT, j’-9 .la or. I; UfcHIlUVAL. The subscriber lia^ Removed on the . Bay. next door to tue Rejjubl.cau ||| olli. e, Where he W now ojiening a‘ 1 handsome a-eoi tim nt ol a i* R I N G tAi> .■' GUUIC?. Which he Will red •*> tu< putern or make Pi order in the iin.d lasluonui.le •tyie. aLo, heady Made clothing for the pre eut •iud coming xeasoii. ThauKiui lor jranl favor*, be hopes to merit a con- tiiMauceol the .atue, N. B —•Jultiug, Altering and Repairing done at the shortest notice. •I'M received White Drill Coatu and i’ai.ts. White d F.gured Ilarseiiic* Vents, fur sale at u tiuall pro AltltANGfaltfaNT. ihertttt, most comiorubie and must cxj^'.itlooi Route to the VIRGINIA 8PIUX08 1 TIIHUUUU BY DAYUOHT. And Baggage Che.keJ Through, except ou SUget. Visitor* to the Virgiutma springs by this route, take the «iuth->lde iUilroa 1 car* at J'etendiuig, or the Richmond and lunvlile car* at Richmond, at ti A. II., datiy. (Sunday* excepted.) ariirc at Lynch* burg to dinner, aud thence, via the Virginia and Tenue.'see Railroad, reach B»u5ack r * I*ej»i-t at d 14, and aaiem at 41*. M., and at either place take Kent, Siuumcrsoti & CV« Flue Lliui of Stage* 1 Those via Bor.hack’* lodge at Fincastlc, dine at the Rod sweet, or Sweet cprmg*, aud arrive at the White sulphur spriug*, til mile*) early on the evening of the second day from Petersburg, or Rich- uioud, without NIGHT TRAVEL, and with but C4 m.iesof ctagiug. Ur b.. the Salem route, etnji all uigi.t at the Roanoke Red Sulphur Spring*, (lu mdei dbtaut from Salem.) dine at the Red sweet, or sweet Spring*, and arrive at the White Sulphur Spring* on the evening of the tvliowing day. The Virginia k Tennessee JUiiroad is iocatc-i through a most romantic country, p i*se«mg a oil- mate un*urpa*2ed lur ns salubrity and delightful tern- i*erature. The road pas-ea the bi-e ui the PKAKS OF OTTEU! And within three mile* ot the Alleghany Springs, •me mile ot the MouLomerjr White sulphur Spriugs, aud Witu.n four mite*of the Yellow Suiphur spring*; ait piea*ant.y *Uuated a few tulle* apart, ou the Eastern slope of the Alleghany mountain, iu Hunt gumviy County. Tlte water* of these spring* are celebrated ior their great medicinal qual.Ue*, these- couiuiodatiou* arc excellent, and have uceu greatly increased since last season. tOTVisitor* to die Red Sulphur Spring* fake Kent. S-miner*on k Co'* Stage* at Newoern Depot, ou tue evening td the day that they leave Deters- ourg or Rielimuud, aud urrive at the 8priugs on the folio wing day to uiuner, and salt Sulphur Springs early in the evening of the second day from Rich mond or Petersburg. The Road from Newborn Dej>ot to the Red Sul phur spriugs, (38 mile*.) has been graded an* greatly improved since lost season, and U now re garded a*oae of the best turnpike* in the mouu tain*. The hue of Telegraph from Richmond will be com pleted and in operation to the Montgomery White sulphur Spring* early iu June. i’a-.aeuger* io Knoxville, TcnnesSfe, take Kent, Summerst'D k Co’e stage* at the Western tormina* oi tb, Virginia k Tcuue see Railroad, now ISO miles from Lynchburg (and being extended Westward at the rate ot 5 per moi.tii) to tbe Ea*tcru termi nus of (lie Tout Tennessee aud Virginia Railroad, aud arrive at Knoxville in 21*2 day* from Peters burg or Richmond. Fare from Fcteobjr! or Biclunnnd. To Red svrcct^orsweet spring* via Bun*uck’*,810 00 “ *• “ ** “ •• “ Sa.etn.... 10 6o “ White Sulphur Springs “ Bou.«ack’s 11 00 “ “ “ “ Salem.... 11 6u “ Red Sulplier Spring* 12 26 “ Alleghany Spring* g Oo “ Montgomery White Sulphur Spring* 8 26 “ Yetiuw Sulphur Spring*., 8 46 *• Knoxville, Tennessee 23 00 Noil.—ihu charge lor ticket* to the Alleghany Spring*, Montgomery White Sulphur and Yellow sulphur Spring.*, doe* i.ot iuciudu tbe charge irutn the Haiiroad to tho Spring*. Pjt-scngcr* tor the AI iegiiauy Spring.-, (4 mile* distant.) take ticket* to shuwsvniv—ror Montgomery Wnite sulphur, (l •line diiunt by a brunch Railroad.) take ticket* to B g Tunnel aud lor the Yellow Sulphur, (4 miles dt*- uutj take ticket* to Christian burg depot. Con veyance* will be fouud at those place*. For further information apply to ti A. GOODWIN, Ticket Agent 6. S. K. It., p, teraburg. CHARLES CAMPBELL, Sup’t Richmond k Danville K. R., Richmond. E. H. GILL, Sup’t V. k T. R. R., Lynchburg. KENT, ftCMMERaO.N k CU., my 13-8:n Kiucastle, Virginia. tit. aprl2 JOHN tv k*FI I V OHAPISll ANUTA 14*0X1. JE»Kif.-o.S a lit LET NEAR BRoLt.HloN. fin* subscriber takes this op|H>rtunity to inluriii ills fri.-ud* and the public, that be in enabled, from experience, aud the utuilive perceptions oi tbe truths of icieuce. ba-ud on the cotninoii rule* ol nurveyajy lorm.-, both piuneaud -phericui, bi cut and tnuke op /arineiiD to tit the human form in the most complete *nd ilnirthed »iy!e, to xii who may favor turn with a call. Coy*’ fancy dferries. Bull coriturne*, Military and Firemen’fc l.uifomib, kc, t tvs. r. HORACE GRANT, | l«ller*o:i «t., one door Nortii o! Broughton street. 5 j dcr 7 — ly WOOD AND LLMiJJldJt. u ne iieneau i on a d uufuo i^it ot a f.b .- i * |j, KitMls of Wood, Hoards. Planks, Joist, oflliitb.-uo; tob.e of the pub.e; jomu.-... j limber, idiuigle*, |jght-w>nid, p«,u, F^-teiu '* ‘ f * latli- uu-i i'ailiiig*, ior -ale. at wboie-ale and retail, ow for c-*mi. on the new w’liail recentlj erected on >'ie Lumber Yard or Uobeit A. A'.leu .S Co. marl.’— lyW M .1 I MOf'l.TOV CENTRAL It A 1 h it o A D> -Vdip O N and alter Sunday, the Uth Uctoljer, insL, aud until furtiiur notice, the Passcuger Tratua ■iu the Central Railruad wiil run a* follow* : OBTIVKKN SAVANNAH AND MACON. Lcavcb Navauuab Daily at...6 a st aud 12.16 r X. Arrive iu Macun “ “.,2.16 r x “ l am. 1/,-ave Macon “ “,11.46 am “ 9.30 n. Arrive in Euvan'll “ “10.46 mi 11 7.20 a x KtrWKKN fAVANNAU AND XCOCtfTA. l/iaveSivanuah ....12.16 p u and 8.30 p. u. Arrive in Augusta 8.45 t* x “ 6.30 a x Iwjave. Augu-la 6. AM “ 4.30 V M Arrive iu Suvuntiah 1.30 v u “ 10.46 p UKTWKXN MACON AND ACtil'KTA. U*ave Macou 11.46 a m and 9.30 p m Arrive iu Augusta 8.45 pm “ 5.30 a m •*«tve Augu.-ta ti. a M “ 4.30 p m. Arrive in Macon 2.16 p m “ 1. am. UKIWkXN SAVANNAH, MlU.H*iKVIUK ii kATb.VION. Ia-uvo Savannah 6. a Arrive in Milledgeville 2.46 p u lA-ave Mucou 1145 am Arrive iu EatonPJb ! 6. p m W. M. WAD1.EY Gcu’l Supt. ."’avannali, Ga., Ott. I*. 1856. octl5. H 'ST< tec- UEMGKH'S WORKS. TORY' ol the Great (testerillation of tho Hix* tec-nth Century, in Genii ui>, .•'WitzorlJinLke, hi a il Merle D'Acb gne, live volume* comp-t t-j in <ne. Tho life of Martin Luther, the German lt< term er, m fifty niiiture*, I out de-'g-ia ui Gustav Konig to winch i- u hit d a fki-h h ol tlic- ri-e and pr<>gre*.f 01 the Reformation m <<ei in my. Lie uni iiuie.i I Rev Uij.»u Ucddiug, (til, late .-enior i;i->liojM.f the Methodist i pi-ct Chinch by D W Clark, D D. tuoiMuii Fevcrai O^ca ious, by the Rev John feudaul uv a puliUcutiou of tin* uruer iu • n : oi tlie j 'Je 1 y, a M, ii*, fo- r vudiiitiu-t. ptthlic Journal* ol .•.uvaunalr, once u iii-.utii lor j .-e. tnoii* liom the Pulpit, by HJJ Ihucorn, I) It, three mouth* preceding the uext term oi Hus Court, ; L •- i>- retjulnug *uld deremmtittoaniHiar wtttei M-xt term | Ldo of II P.i.Jdhunun Rn-com, D D, LLD, Lte of CollheKuuerior Court, i" the uiuiitli ol Novem- i Bl-hop of the Methodist Lpiscuptl Church, .Soutli, her oust, uud ulo hi* Uefeitnlvu uliegatlcii to the by Rev M il llenkie, Hi), cause. Postliuin-ius Wutk< of tl A truo extract from the minute* ol the .Superior Court. Jyi rlW’D A8IILEV, Hcrk. LlllEh FOIL DIVORCE. E WIlklu^iH, ( iu IJliorly au|*rl..r Court, Dios. Wilklniou ) iin >‘ lcr ‘". Il,i0 - I t appermgto tue Court, by the return of the shurilf, m the uiiovu staled ciwo, that the defend. ant 1* nuito be found lo tins county, .»nd tluu be U nut to lie found in t io Hiate; ou mutioii of Win B Gauldeu, counsel lur libellaut, it i* ord«-re i that ser vice he pjifectud i-n sai-i d-di-n-luni, by a pubic*. - tkrn of tin* notice mice a mouth tor months, next preceding the next turm of suul .*uneriur i.ourl, requiring <mi i Uelcimant te bu and unpear ntine next turm of Llbeity aujierior Court io unnwei in Ute *ald cause- A true extract from tho ml mi to* of Kidd .Superior Court. jyg rt. A. FILtSlIR, Ciork. * biVOltCE. ANN BROWN ) In B illuub Bupcelor Court, wii.L!AM 11: niwiro.) , J 'T a|»|H.*arlng to ihu Court, tov tho return ol the ghuilir, thill tho liefeiidulit, William il Brown, not to be lound in tlm coi.niy or Bulloch; on urn- Uou of Levi 8. D’Lyoii, Attorney for *■**«» ptalntill, it U ordered tlnrl the iiefuiiduiil doapp. ar and Ute hi * answer or defensive ou or buloic tho flr*t Uuy of tho next term of Him C ourt, ami thu E ublicaii ui ol till* wul bo made in om of Hit* pub- 0 gazettes of tiro city of auvauuuh once a month tor three muiitlM. .. „„, , . A true extract from tho minute*, tlilu 22d day of Karclh 186b. • * DAVID BEASi VX. v v o»»*5. ftlllilTtt I 8111111811 8IHRT8 III I HA VP) junt received a lurjfe iumoi tmcirt of white aud figured nlm ts, of every quuiity and atvlo. AiiU gujierhiy made, with collur* tu mulch, orderu will aw« bo taken, utjd alilrto mado to ault aav twrlluulur stylo or u*>io ol tho wearer, call at Uq star Ctuthlni '— tA " my 14 ina Emporium, 147 Bay utreot. ‘ wku.l-IUCE. tlm Rev Henry rf Bascntn. D D, L I. D, one «•!' llie Bi-bop* el tnu Metliodi-t I pi-cojal Cliurcli Nuiitli. uditod Ly the Ite-v Tlioumi N Rtlslon, A M. Life ol the Rev Ih.bcri Newton, D D, by Thulium JacKHon 'Hie Bird* ofthe Bible, by George Guifillun. The Anuioey of Rdigioii— uud Revealed —to the Coiirilitiilion .iii.i Course of Nature, by Jo- xepli Boiler, L I. D, late bird JJi-liup ol DurlMiii. Baptiun—a iic'ti*o on tbe nature, perputuity, subjects, admmlstr.itioti, mode, and uses ol ibe mi- na mg ordinance of tte Chnstiau Church, by Thus o .Sumners.—wiili rcfercncts to its iui|>ort, mrsles, lii -buy, proper use. mid Hm duty of pa euts to bap* liz-i i children, liy James I. ClMpmiiu, u miuDter ui Hie Memphis Conference of Hiu Metliodtet Epi*enpal Cliurcli. .south. For eulu ul ifiO Cougrcs* .-trec-t Ly Jum*22 WaKVul'K k DA VI?. rpilli ATTJiNTiOM ol nliuiigcrH visiuhk tlie X cily and lliu public generally, i* invited to uu examination of our stock of .spring und .Sumiuir Goods, which for variety and style is iiot lo bu ex celled in this cily. apr28 AI KIN k BURNS. K “I'K.—’’00 Coils Rupii "fur sale, to arrive per b’lg '/orvasier; l y oug - . OCKETT k SNELI INC S’, P \PER—600 reams Wraj p ug 1’apur, assurto t ni ‘/•v, luuding and for uaio bv IV2I isCIUNT.iN, JOHVSTO.V k CO. E XFKa Choice Gosliun ButterririVeTh *u~pply, per Kteuiiier Knoxville, lor sulu by y 3 J. I). JEtteE. K KDZIE’.S WATER FILTER.—J„ai receive t un assorliiiMUi of sixes Kedzoi’s Improved Water Tiuers lor U.luring tiavuimuh River Water, forsa.e by 11 RACE MORSE. IF y 166 Uruuglitou ftt. M OLA*i>|-.S—36b lilids, puncheons ana uiiT* jiid- covudo, Uurbodoe* uud New Orloau* Mnlas iu*. m store uud fur sale by JuutJO WElldTLR it PALM Ed. T^rurn L. RiKncE A AOV0.TWNU AGCtCT, nULAtitm.U, tA. Aujhortxcd Agent for the NavanuMi JfioraaL BOOK AND JOB WM NEA1LV KX>X*UTED AT THE SAVANNAH JOURNAL, ]; I innL* I. Inn nmnnn * ■ - DU. - W.lL HOIEUSV, I von tb. .realm, ut or &V»1 « T.tumt. it U.i ■ ?• hi I aary blocou.: tear U*c an.: . B Broadway, atKi tetmui* ate.-m u,. lv u ‘ I furnished Bonn.*, wUu g>xi a*.. u . £ “d | ways«hac4, UAL» L , ed at this Jte-UteGot, toe J and kind oRenUoo from thi j t. /W „l., e “^ikiit I W. Motrcm. .WsJJtoto tn a', urjcufjM Cane*r, far tbc- psurt tea ’ r, ‘ lle “* “ Jit •- tlbbd Introduced by the present owner ol the patent-right, the interior U rendered wholly imjicrviou* to damp, and book*, papers and Jewelry might he preserved tn one of hi* safes for a century without contracting a blemish from mould or mill dew. To guard against counterfeit* every .sate from the manufactory of the tubscribcr, and sold by linn or hi* agent*, lus a brass plate n Trout, bearing hi* name ; each U elvj furuuhed with out of bu- Im proved Thief Detecting lx*cks, which t* a good guar antee against robbery. S. C. HERRING k 00.. No*. 136, 137 aud 139 Water---C, N. Y. Agents In savannoli, ileaara. UE1J. k PRENT1&*, who keep constantly ou hand a full aud com plot aasortmeut, which they will sell at Manufacturer-. prices. *ept2S execution of wora. MPlTCli T'O'WAUIAKRS. T he buoy* at M. Mtn-u-1 lulr-t nnd 8»uud have \>w.. arriuige.t tu the l.-ttewmg manner : ituter lit. Ba y i- a large Ors 1 ebu - nun, j oiuted red, witli the No 2 iu wane—i* placed is tw enty tect water ut low tide, and tnu*t be hdt on the star- i hoard hand c-uteriug. M f»nv»nj ia.V.t War* N W by W >i W. North j-int cl Jekyl W by N >- X. Mi :die Bj<y—i* a huge stcouti clais u.n"i«ait.t- cd black, with No 1 in white— i- paced in sixteen - tect waiu' at iuw tide, on the terstvrn <dge of the’ Middle Ground, and must b.jielt. . ; tin* jn.rt hnn-i entering. M fatuous Light bears N V.* bv W U W. N*rth j*j‘t,t ot Jekyl W by N. ’ • lnu. r Buoy—U a -comd cla.*..* uun,pxint<sl Vlafik, tTKl.lf.uiDf- GENUINE PKEPAB/ Htlntbold’s Hlglily Corn Jicjtttid Fluid EHnu. I L* A CERTAIN, SAFE, AND EFFELTVAL REMEDY "~7\ull i'lAtw cl the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, ’ Drep*y, Wutkne^a, .Secret ld»ea*e*, Obxtruc- tn iu, Tetttuv U-mphunte, and all uDexies of the Fc-xoat organs, whether in MALE OR FEMALE. —-- /•->•-• is i*t from w hatever cause they may have originated, tn-i > any PhjrnjAan .n tut wAu. PaUu.t« a j NO MATTER OF HOW LONG STANDING. . « «1 per diem, or $!i per mvfai, llub^* ^ Tl»i« !>oiwlar and specific remedy is now offered “ advance. * *^1 u, tbe aifiicted, and guaratiteed to cure all tbe above •#* Yn L.ure tiie „ . ooinphunt*. It searches out the very rout of tte-. ** cotmnuniuox*,. must u> C £M • di-i-a-e. driving out all the diseased fiuids of the addrewed U> W. h. ^ body, thus removing the cause and rendering the briaj^ CERTAIN AND PERMANENT. Tl.t* inodlciue allays pain md InllamroaUon, which Blow.iX«t bv oU*.r remedies invariably cause, and can beukeu w.tli les-s Double and exj-ca^e to j«Uente. Tb*a *a . —hEU.y t (J< fallible remedy La* saved thousands upon tte*—«yi “GA. JUSS 311 IlHAlV^ the hana* of T T MTLD bfau», Canada and Cu! j U ficbwegler’* Itetory of in 4., MERCILESS QUACKS, , _ b net from premature grave*. In coses of infection i trawJaUd by Set vie. tho ComjxHind Bucbu is the only article worthy of! Hie lex-t confidence of tbe afflicted in i^rfornnog aOECfRBS. . rother itecpb. ^ *iiu 1 I Presort’* PLiup^l of Sjcat,, •P.U^ I ,c i^y u i]. I U contain* no uarcotic, mercury, or other injurious j brother Jt i* ] Dav&uV History of tit Q:.. r,*. <■1 He drug, but is purely a IVjrfaWe Comj*xilwrt. . very ogiccablo to the ta-te, create* no jicrccptible . Hanover—2 vol*. olor, aai may be taken by person* ol either tex 'JbeAliarhl to Madrid, without hindrance from business or tncdical advice. ; Romance of tne liaroin. oy y; :s4 p^,.. a. ! plfdn direction* for use accomjttny the medicine.} Rachel Gray, by Ju.u r.*»ai.« Reader, If you have any of the above complatol*. do j Earnest limdoad, by Mr:. L, T*V|.tz. not neglect them. ! mars V»''. TJlidiNhWini.u. DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. ! . v—i- . :rr; . . ; with Hi- ,\u a lo rtltM, Mtcdu’ra i'wimjTitc n,u ‘ UU.,n>eJlcin«>»•> aa cur. 04 Ihu . b "r3-. l comp.ete j lect water m low tide, oti the i-1.1t «,l ,-te-a: running P revcn L^‘. , -l x , p ^.HJ£: .... I Hams! lo .tore, aid \-,i 1 v I factureri . „i\ rum JeKy 1 teiaiid, aud must be left os. tt.e i-oii „ * “ LT,i ML.iT AND «ILLJ RETAIL. n * . i* J •- - . - - ... -- ' , Uua medicine speedily and effectually cures tots 1 tnar • hand entering. .*,t rim u - ENViLl 1 / city, was the above descriptions containing the book*, paper-, and money cl Mr. Thomas, and although the building was detroycl, the said Safe sustained no injury whatever from Hiv intense heat to which it had been exposed. On o;*ea- tng the Safe, the contents were fouud undisturbed, and in the tame order and condiUun a.- when placed there, except a slight discoloration to the projecting ends of a few paper*, and the backs of one or two of the books, caused by ihe Meam generated in the Safe, while at it* greatest heat. Tbe .Safe and content*, a* it came from the ruins, may still be seen, iu the possession of Mr. Tboiuas-, at tbe Ga* Work*. A large assortment w these cele brated Safe* always on band,and fur sale by C. U. CAMPF1LLD, Agent for the Manufacturers. July 20, TS65. 17T Bay-.-t., Savannah. Ga. I take pleasure in corrotoiraticg the foregoing state ment, and iuadditiou would add. that the book* are now in use. J. T. THOMAS. Wood Yard, Ferry Wharf. July 26th, 1555. octe—ti - _;c-J* placed i-ijiu’wL foil water at low tide, uear the cibow t>l the Mid do (itouud, and in >1 be lift on the star- board hand entering. Nertn jK.ji.t ed Jt-ky 1 bar* N E h E- Brunswick i*.ii t \y by Lpjier Mi -die GroucU R .oy—i- a nun. painted reJ. w.tli tho Nw’e in w in IS le-ci w-«ler ut low ti te*. in .tr the- the Mid-.le Ground, and tnu-1 be ln\ b *ard ban: euterii y. Brunswick i-.n.t bear.-. W Mouth *>i Jvnj 1 Cre-. k S j, second cLv te—1, place, upper end I- tl.ebuoysa* directed. By order of the Light House Board. t MANliiALJ.T M0: C2S—tf 1. li. lin-bettor, nth Di-iri.-t. only- cure - ation. of the tIVUH, 1CIWI, < Scaly te-uptions of the Skin. Il 1* gratifying to the proprietor of these medicines to be able to state that it is now uearly Uircc V»-ara since they were first introduced, during which t!tr.e they have been extensively used in various part* of the United States, and have given to patient and practitioner the highest degree of satisfaction to the various case* in which they have been employ ed ; whether in towu. country, hospital or private prac tice, they have invariably given the mostdec.ded and uiic-juivoval sahsl'actiou. and produced theniost salutary and beneficial effects. Numerous letter* have been received from the most distinguished Families, ller^hanis. Hotel . fc -. .. bo»t Owu-r- «... fWci r.;. ;i v, W ^I m xu fa I l a riMihtWo,| present aUa-k, wU-;L i; 1. various department*, •. tog goods, viz : CAlil'Ej DEPAIiUiEXt. Royal Medal.oa, Royal Vlvc-t, Mocet Wilton, Mocet Bruise la, Tapestry Brussels, Power Lorn Brcs-.cL- uy-:. (!i I riM 1 ‘I J- "- •' Hcsnu h,, ve.vuMjaaStrml I-i...auUV.tCcTsff IriH Bar uuoy—i-.a.-ecomtclus*can. paiute- ted, with J such complaint* tue No 2 iu white—is placid in sixuvu water at low • Numcro j tide, and must Le Ieiton the starbuurd Laud ent.r- i and various mode I ! S ‘.t Lut.eCutnbc-ilandiJgbtbears W by W N. ; given, all of which j south potot of Juxyl N \\ by T\. ; the m<eJe of prepar i-iEate addition to the improvemeut* iu DYING, ac quired by him during his la-t visit to England and Scotland, has made arrangements fur extending his business, by which he is now enabled to dye n i greater variety of colors on silk and woolen dresses, j abawl3, Ac., which be trust- wiil generally please all who may favor him with their jiatronagt’. ou* prei*aratiotis of jarsap-arilla and ot Bucbu ; ^ r ^ .. V- ru:CC '’ irious mo-dOL of pro luring them have been 1 f‘ !5i ' rfl R‘"*tau.4 of course will differ according to ! _ »»orstou anu Lvtten lav-eh, L/j.'jtct j of preparation which each individual'nay , * elVwt ‘ V£f - C -- cvioriitiot, ‘ * * J hhade.-, tew styk-. uc-rable care in the : e \ KT >' 'bmty *-•• i :rc:i.reCov*ntf1 different men- : “^8= fc0d “ a ^*; J** r /' H : 1 up the extrac- 1 ILOOll oJL < are most fre-, Fr0 “ «*o to Jwentydvu; tee: v. f., r Hj,c oucntly improjerly made, and nut uulrequeutiy ' _ ttewni*, cut to nt w;te, .ta.-cm , !a-\ can. painted black, much impaired, if not rendered totally Inert, by the . c ' 5: . w ’ 1,i - n.ia-.e;: tj iuha I placed in twenty.-one it-*-1! injudicious and uuskilful macagemeut of those untie-; » ,nc * soc ‘-’^orij-ti'.n of a-. «oh uiLtu water at ,owtiue. near a dry *h ml ruunmg .r in quainted with pharmaceutical i>rei*arations. *• in * ’icaniy can be pmcha-e-J m any ..'rtoe.t cdy. 1 i U i f ! u!,a Ljintid, an.'. nni-i be left cu thf port; therefore of the highest consideration anu imt-ort-. *3*' Carj>ets cut to anu KwBteaipsj I h ind entering, umib-.-rland Light tea:.- .*• V. by \\ auec t-> the public and to the facultv that there P a 5d_V the city tree oi charge. I ributli J*".nt oiaekv^1 X V*' } t \\‘. should be standard preparation* of uniturmstic-uctb ; An cxj»eiienced Lphojter will xtULi into 1 , * u l “ e H Jhc* Mi-lule Groan-i Buoy—■ .uc^ an-1 po-sessir.g the most auvr.ntages. To effect This --u GotluI van. pa i.ted wnli red and black horizontal j and obviate the evil allude J to, 1 have made a cum- j Tne uecorativo au.-curta,e oeiurta^i I Ler of experiment* to ascertain the most effectual: “.charge of an Ipnc-teieru\Ue.g t .du.-eu.| tii'ite- e-r extracting the virtues cf the .<arsai*arilla : £i:1 ‘ r ”• “• GLlU.N, jjttt and the Buchu, and to discover tbe most eligible: _ , ocl1 ® 14j Longre:.' cj d b, si. form for their exhibition. Tlie experiments Lave j grateful to hw friends and ; ,,; npr Un . ,, , patron* tor their continual favors, would state , Kj . }) C « 1 • a ‘: can » P a,ot ® a bIaC,: - ‘ mraramenta in HVINi* or. -’•o 1 “i white-i re-:ulto-l most favorably, and it is with much picas* ‘ tc uro I now offer to the public and the faculty my I (impound Fluid Extracts, which contain all the vir- teT n ' DR, SANFOIUFS 1NVICORAT0B, S a ujild Iasative, tonic and stimtJatt.asdb recommended to the public. rt.yu.j the most fashionable style?. ' ‘ ~ j b l - , k > " i,! ‘ s " hi white—is - tue-* of the articles they are represented to fee made Orders Trom the country promptly attended U». f l ‘ c -tew u<ie. and tnu-i be i »rctn iu a highly concentrated form, and are the most, tSuvenel- ' Cnmfc!rY£if» Terms moderate. ' ; -U ou the jt.t hanu enterii.g. Cuinberland light active preparations which can be made. Two m- : iSfuta'Se C rJS- B u«& When parcel* are sent by steamboats or railroad, j ^ b >! S " °V ler ) H * AX Jwyl bear* X K. • blesjioonstia of the Extract .-Sarsaparilla, added to a i the otn word should be sent him by letter through the |».»st office, so that he may know where to call for them, mch 16 ALEXANDER GAI.LUWAY. HELVTZEuiAm ESSENCE OF JA9I.UCA GINGER. T HE dUtinguished favor with which this essence has been received throughout all sections c-t the Union a* a remedy at once safe, agreeable and • effectual tor Incipient Diarrhma, Cholera Morbus, Weak and relaxed Bowels, Piodration by teat or tatigue, Dy.-pcpeia, Flatulence, Colic. Cramp, l an guor or Debility from sedentary habits, kc., lias in duced the pn.prietoato give it every publicity in hi* power. Ipou its merril- comment l.s unnecessary, u* it* own intrinsic worth is it* best eulogy. It car ries with it the evidence of its superior excellence, freely attested to by the young, the old, and scores of families who. prompted by a careful regard tor their health uud comfort, are daily adopting it as an Lvnca’U.GUiii t; fxxily nimiuiv. Theic i* p.u haps uo medicinal preparation extant so simple uud harm less, yet salutary and effective, whose worth will be more appreciated or universally adopted than the Liquid umger prepared by Hciutzelmun. For sale by J. fc\ DrFultD, Druggist,' jelo 3m .Savutinuh. 1 ;a. toglit, (tu avoid two 1 imp* iu a durct line, \V bv X ii N. between the two buoys f ) when steer tor it— ' IHVsatog It to the southward. Fruit this brovaN W by W y„ W course will bring you into the s- und. By order ol the l ight House Board. by hrigrijts fr. IVo. * ftbff VMliEU 15 ut received, for sl ot ffvi ibiffi JcffS—u C. MAXIGAl'LT MoRRI-V L. il. iu.-p.H:tor, cth District. ICF‘TlfCHEHS. DCHBLE Wn tcx* Pilehi-re, Some new am beautiful de-lgus. Plated and iirita- Jarsaparilla “ 45 41 •• ; (5uo) Five Hut .. c .». ._ jr . Certificates of cures and tecommcndaUoc* from j Timber, averaging uv- r on*, thousand h-cl loitid SisV.nguiabed profi-isots and physician* will accom- 1 9 feb JliFFiL-oX ituBHth. inguhbed professors and phy pany each prejiaration. Prejared and sold bv I!. T. HELMBoLU. Practical and Analytical Chemist. '-63, Cbestnut-sl., near the Girard House Ptola. l'o be had of Druggist* and Dealers in every see.. Hon ol the United btate* und Canadas. All letter* for the medicine directed to the propri etor receive immediate attention, aid safe dcfivcrii.v guaranteed. sept 1—-ly-*Jtw JOHN «. MOOl'lE Af COV, GIBBON'S BITLD1XG8, fifAVAXXAU., Ga. WHOLESALE k liETAlL JJliVGGISTS. Would call the attention of Merchant*, Factors. Planters, Physician* and others, to their tensive and well selected M ackerel, hj^wnu, sai. 2 hhl* lajge No 1 Mackerel, • 0 do do No 3 do 3 do do No 2 do 2 haffbbls Blue Fish. 2 do tockied Herring, 3 do Xo 1 tsuziicu, 5 quarter bbi? No 1 Vncsore- 10 kits Xo 1 Mackeit'. 10 do No 2 de 5 kits Tongues and ironed*. L 1000 lb* CV-J Kish. For .-ale «»■ jattafi J MUST* . f.wv> Savannah, ApritoO. aprSO tli.iX-.KOF hCHEDLTJv UN THE SOUTH WESTERN RAILROAD IH'I-I' Wtliwi JI.IHnLH tltu Gl'VUt New Vork ii sew Orleaus Raiis, U S anti alter buuday, February 3d, ls50 two dully trains between Macon and Columbus, a. *l one between Macon and Atnericu*, I.C.1 ve Mucuii at 2 a h. aud 3 f xi; arrive at Colmn. hu.s ut 7 16 am. uud 1030 v xt; leave t’olutuhu* &' t 15 a a, and 1 301» >1;arrive at Mucon at 10 54 a «, and 7 4«i v hjlouvu ilucon at 2 a it; arrive at Atncri •m* ut 0 4u a a; leave Atnericu* at 2 20 »* it; arrive ut dticou at 7 4u i* it; making a complete cuuiuctiou be tween Mmttgmneiy, Alabama, and Augusta, Kings viilu, SViliiiiiigtoii and Charleston; al.*.o, with Central itutiroud Irani* to .Savuiumli, Milledgeville and hatui- t-m, and wuh .Macun und VVeatern train* tc Atlaniii tiaiiutKaiga. Nhishvilte and Knoxville, Tumi. At Columbus with tilrurd and Mobile Railroad to Kuiaula, Ala., connecting daily at AmericuH with lour horse Post Couclie* to Tullaiiiwseo, Albany, I'UmuiwvUlu, Buiubriuge, Ac., wittitri-wnukly hacks 10 l.miipkln, Cullihurt, Ac., ul Fort Valley with buck* to 1 e.ry, H.iynosVitlu, llawkinsvillo und Knoxville, Ga. Passeinter* for Atnericu* und points below Fort Valley, Hhould u»ko the PJ 16 v x train from Bavan- ouli; and the 6 »* ii tfiun from Augusta, to uvoid de tention ut Macon. For other jioiiita on thu .-outh- Western or Musi-ogee Road* tuku cither trutu from .'uvaiinuh or Augudta. PiiriHunger* leaving Amuil- cu* ut 2 201> xt wifi reach Columbus ul 10 30 r xt the same night. rurirouger* from Columhu*»and the West for Am- ericua. MAUli-Western Georgia or Florida, should hike tho 1 30 i* 11 train ut Udumbu*, sleep at Fort Valley, und reach Atnericus at 0 40 a it next morn ing. Hrst clans steamships leuvo Savannah for New York on Wednesdays uud Saturday*, uud tor Phila- idpliluoii Wedneaday*. Passage Ia thu Cabin $25, Steerage $8. Pure from Jiontgotnery to Savannah $14 00 “ Columbus 44 44 10 00 14 Atnericus 44 44 8 80 GEO. W. ADAMS, Sup’t. Macon, January 30th, I860. may in Brooke Hall Female Seminary. MEDIA, DELAWARE CO., PA. MISS MARIA L. KAs'1 Manx, i Ki.M JFAi. Till- Semina-y, located in tho do- ligtilful uti<> hsalthy village of Aledia, thirteen mile* from Philadelphia, bv Railroad, will be OPENED OX WEDNESDAY, 8cptemb2r 10th, 1856. Tue commodious bulidiug, now m process of erec- lion, wilh all the iiiikIitu iuipiovement*. wi.l he Hutched bv ite? Ur«t of Au,'u-t, and wi l contain such accommodation*, both in jioiut of ta-te un«t c tnfort, as cannot laii to situfy paretiu that while their daughter* Are enjoying the bom lit* of im-ntiu cul ture, they have uUu t -e couilui Uo.a refine l home. Tbb ln-tit itioni* estsbli Leu with a view to alibiU to young ladies tue ui -st perfect continuation ot uu- vantages tbr me attu nuicnl of u thoiough and ac- comp.i»lied education, Uud uo pains or exp.m-v wid be spared to n uder It iu leailty wl.a a prole.*K*s to tie, a school of superior merit. 51i s Kv-tuiati. the Principal, was at the head ot a -cl.ool in New Eng land previous to her residence in t enn.-,y ivutuu, unc lor the lu-.t .*ix years ha* been kuowu iu the j. urou- or Aston Kiuge aeminsiy, us prusldiug teacher iu thatin-liiu.uj. The Rt liev. A. i'jltrr, BLhop o. the Diocese of Pennsylvania, say.-:— ,"iIi«A M. L. laaAmxn, who propose* to open a Yount ladies' i5em nary in Aledia, i*eJawaie Co., J’a , in stj.temuer next, ha* been kuowu to the sub- ecrilier foi sevetai years past. He has a very high opinion often capacity, uiiicieucy uud Uevoteduess a.* an educator, aho iia* hua a large and success ful experience. The oudding which is to be erected for her use will contain every n .coinmudatiou. Hie village mid surrounding count! y are di-.tuigui-hed f <r lie»thf-.)ue=s und bcutity.and the subscriber hax lajulldcni 0 that parent* who entrust their daughters $i .Mi** Kastman will have no r* tv-on to rvg 1 et it.” Alia* lovitinuii wilt be aided by uu efficient corps of Teachers. The French language will bo taught and spoken by u Puri-inu lady, residing iu the latuiiy. Thu laitin, Gcrtuun, rpunishand Italian language.* wlli receive due auentiou. The Natural science.* will bo taught, with tlie ai l of a (urge and expensive uppiratu-. The Miuh-al Dejuirtmciit wiil be under the charge of a lady eminently qualified to fid the .-Uuaiiou- and ull prelerriug u mate teacher on tho Piano or 111 .■diigiug, can havo the bauuUtof u Vi.-iting Tcuchci from Philadelphia. Drawing and Painting will be under the direction of a lady accomplished ia thu art. The (lumber ul pupils is limited to forty. ThoTurm* lor Board und Tuition iu ull the branch- c* except xiusic, uru $150 per sos -ion of five m<>nUi*. All** hoidtumu liu* liberty to rcler to the following gentlemcu:— Rt. itov. A. Potter, D.D., aud tho Episcopal clergy llou. F: Pierce, President of vlie United stales. Hon. b. I*. LTiuse, Governor of <J , lo. 1 *ilou. N. B. Baker, Ex-Goveruor of New Hamp shire. Hou. M. W. Tuppau, M. C. from New York. Rev. N. totem, of Norristown, Pa. Rov, A. Alcisiod, tlcurfield, Pa. Pierce Butler, K*q,, of Philadelphia. J. B.Ukie,l-teq., do. E. W. Clark, Esq., do. George Wharton, Esq., do. Christopher Loiser, Pottaviilo, J’a. George Wytnan, bt. I/iui*, Mo. Hou. I*. C. Johnson, Washington, D. C. For further particulars, or for circulars apply to tho Principal, MIAS A!ARIA KASTMaa , JelQ cod 3m Aledia, Dvluwaro Co. Pa. VIRGINIA CENTRAL R.ROAD. IFmtei Airunyr.mait—Can iSItn tiny fount Hruad St. Heavy Hull ull tlm way toUortlonavIlle, W U1CN the l'utoinuc is uloKCtl with ice this route limy Ui relied on by pu-triongor*. to on sure the cuune. Hon going North or South. Tho road h entirely rcluid with a siijRTior T rail oh lar as GordoiihVille. During the winter the train will start irmn Hie old station, In Rielimuud, ou Broad street, at 7 *4 a xt.. pax* Gorduiisvllle ut 11 A xt., and arrive 111 8luuiiloii ul 326 f xi. Down irain leaves Staun ton ut 0 40 a m, passe* Gordon*villo at 11 a xt, and arrive lu Richmond at2.3U v xi. Fare to Gordon*villo $2 00 44 “ 6 00 Both trains arrive in (iorduiisvillo lu amplo time to tuku Hie truiu or the Orange and Alexandria Rail- road, persons who leave Rtchiinmd at 7)4 a m.. can fake llie Orange and Alexandria cars at Gordons- villo if they choose to do so, und by tliul Utaiu will reach Alexandria by 3.40 I’M., but this company can ticket them unly lu Uordniuvillo. ot:l7 If II. D. WHITCOMB, Hupt. fYESTti COTTOiTVESTS—Jurt remivud VJT tud Dir ulo li, J. W. TUHKI KEUI. au/ll Uiiim ud WUUukor itrKK. TU WOOL SELLEUS, q'HK Underdlgned hnvc thi. day opened a i Store in i.oiiLn-i- .-treet. opposite tte- Al.irket. for Hie purclta-o m Wo> l. sl»«ep skin*. Hides, ftee- Wox. Deer Skm--, and Country Produce in Tlie highest ra-h price.* will be piid torai! tho above article- on delivery in Favattuah. Air. I.. J. Gl'lL- M.iRflN has been appointed a? Agent, u* wtemt a.; persons having b-i*ii.(>* transaction* with the uu- dorsigned may applv. J. W. 8.MYTHE k CO. savannah, May ly. 1S5Q. uuiyuu PIANO IDlT’FK^r ! HAVING lately rvtoived iarec ad- ditious tii our PIaNu 1'HlMLs, we ft tn are enable.} to oiler at this time the ' * x * * ‘greate.-t variety irmn tlie be.-t mnuu. lacturers, from the plaiiic-.t • .piare to the tn-st elab orately carved, und from -i.\ to -even octuvea. tlur Piuiut* are selected from the manul.icturc-r3 whom we have fell confidence in, and we are par ticularly requested by Hu m to give nguxrauiv with every ia-.trutnem sold by u.« a.-, regurds ilurabilitv, tone, .Vc. Persons Id want of a first rate instrument may re ly with safety ujsm g.-ttiug »uvb a one by selecting Irmn the following makers, whose instrument- we endeavor l' 4 keep cuu-ui.tiy oji hatfl. viz : II. Wor cester, J. (.'bickering .k .-on. Xuuii.i \ CiuFke. Riu-m. At itaveus. H. Waters, and Maine.- . Broiln r* Cum mine. 1. *.V. AiOKKKLL Jt CO. amt 37 BAT 32C'"STC> _ XJ^-jCST HOT, COI.D A.VU S1IOWKH. I HAVE he 11 i-ked to allow ihe ton!) Rooms to lu nam up-m to a later hour limit nine o'clock ; l therefore mve no:ice tliat from tlii* itete tho Bath House wi.l bi upon until eleven o'clock at night. Pric<* 26 cent*. Six ticket* for §1. Jc27 J. M. HAYWOOD, Agent. 1' At the II Also Kuril!.* hitig if m r HHnri-im v .-.-ol—r JQ. tensive and'well selected stock, comprising j T USTRliCElVED DY EXPRESS—Arntber teal “ 0 1 iitipAiV'\h a- r- ovv,y urt ‘ cle lu lbGir line of business, aud which they j O n-.-iy 0.' silver n are of the m».-t be-utldja 1 r.ALi. otfer for sale uu the most reasonable terms for casit, ; tern anu duteh. butter kuivc*. pick e kuvd ol or approved credit, viz; forks, krnve*. fork.* and spool *. freit tti PAINTS, VARXLSHES, GIw\S5. kC., forks, rakrf acd pin kmvc* la tviry ttriipt-i White Lead. Pnreahd No. 1 ; Tiemaa’s Colors, drj ■ ard* anu saits iu a.l variety ft* 111 p.uutetatta] and iu oil; Japan, Copal, and Coach Varnishes . ! oruunici.tai- G. M UnlH’iA. Unsecd oil, Spirit* Turpentine, WiuUuw Gias*, Put | Successor to the late ii U-iti-s. ly, Gold Ia'oI’. Paint Brushes, Sash Tcols, and Gl.%- j jyS Corner l.:yan utm tth.taltua zieri's Diamonds. .« 1 ——— s I«VA!P, AiAClilXcJtT AXD TANNER*' OILS. it VTVs IIP 1 iivvUTlsIVd. BleachedSjwm, Whale and Laid Oils, ior burning ; | lv , . . _ V / . f,. 1 ..,1 all descriptions of Oil for machinery, viz., l atent On t - r l „ Cl r V' 1 ''h ^ “ - » V-’ik cr o ^ Cub’cue Led bpMtn, Lard and Raji 8eed Oil; also * ,4r 8 l * r t4,al1 Nwiiwrch. .5 cent- tor liar tofa. fanner.-.’ Neats, Foot aud tweet Oi!. UKuCERb’ ARTICLED.,. Mace. Alspice, Cintiamun. Pepper, Ginger, sid.-tat d taleravus, toda, PeariasU, Sweet Oil, btarch. Fig P:tic. Matches, kc. A varietyEbsIWi. and , !»L** n »“* dmtli to'lo eia.f-S’« ate] Vutevicat. Chemicals, Pharmaceutical Preparations, l .7*' ... ... ... „ .... I t’ehvt jsiwder*. turgical Instrumeus, Vials Specie J.trr. Alidade Saddle bags, esc. Also, CAM PHENE AND BI RNINU FLUID. Auy v-tte vvho tnav favor them with their orders may •lejK-nil ujvu tiieir receiving the best attention, anu that all goods furnished will be ot a reliable quality. Should thoy not give entire -ati-faction, they may be returned at the option of the purchaser. tnahlb U 7, J. E. DE FOUD, APOTHECARIES HaIJ n t. E. Corner of, UrmiglAou und Barnard Streets, tuvan mb Ga., Whoic.-ak-and retail Dealers in JB-v AT REDFCE1) RATES. Vl.N.i can < nw In* had b„v an tiio.-e win* Ii to cltiihe them.-vivc* gu..leeliy. us 1 win 1 me bdance of tu> Reudy-Aladc, at reduced rate-on time, uud un per cent, olf ior ca.*li in.I aim avail yo:,: -vli oi the chance to obtain good a* ti des. At tile .-tar nothing i.lilporilllll. WILMA AI i) PRICK, pH*** "X* u: t ,,y t J .1I.OUU.—5u barn I > supctihil* i lour, c . ly, just received, and formic by .ttru qitaii* PKlllUDlU.OiN. P UTNAM‘8 Monthly Magazine for May. Frauk Leslie’*Guzvttuut Fa.*htotti.lor May. Blackwood'* Edinburgh Review ior April. IlccclvoU uud ior *ulo bv WAILS'OCK k DAVIS, fftaylQ 16U Couitroxs street. 1 FLUUH iu wtoru ami lor *alu A.&Q by may7 CKANI-, Wl.M.d A: CO. X.( i Cu«k« Ohio Cutowha iiraudy iu Ktoru, V v/ b*r ►ulo by H10 only regular Agent tor faivuiiuuh, my 14 J. AI. EYRE, 04 Uav ftrcct. L isle THHEAD GAUNTLETS^—Tlie only urliclo of tho kind lu tltu city. 1-or sale by J. W. THRKLKKIJ), mar27 corner ol Congress and Wliitaker-at*. A pples & potatoes— 10 bbl* Choicti Alerccr Potatoes; 26 *‘ “ P.uat'etl Apples. Fof A*ln by Applen. I. A. RltOWN. yARX.—25 Kile* Yarn, assorted uiimhur*, in jy» , and Ibr sale by CRANK WKI.I.S Jc CO. O d.NAliLUoS—5o bale* osiiabtirgn, Georgia tiiuu* ulaciory, in iiUire, aud tor aulu In lot* to *uit purchaiior*, by CRANE, WELLS li 00. jy-2 YOXuK A: I RILlb-ON, Xo. P4 Buy strei pUHK— JL 61) barrel* Ale--:* larger than Nonpareil, ecu:- tm each subsequent insertion,for &cy •,L:«u one month. « ■ All Tabuhu work, wither without Ruit*; Kill I v» rtisement* occupying double column. charged double tin-above rates Advertisement* 01 whatever length.faxiywl K' r a lntcer time at tte i 'li' rr.tfs j So. olto-^uaresllinol'.niC'sjbinK-jJ tu-sjtni'e,l..'-j t 1 Square,.... 2 Squares... $10 lt> $20 i-4 *30 l< 20 25 It j 3 do .... 27 0. 30 41 4 do .... .4 «12 35 4. 6.1 6 do .... ..r. <4 4t 6l 6 do .... ;.o 40 b>.' 64 vi 7 do .... ;.•_ io bi b> .0 S do .... 34 4< 05 CJ .* 6 do .... Off 4s t-1 DO 6 10 do .... ;■> 6i 04 7u lu ng*. Mcdiciuc* and Chemicals, Dvv Woo,Is and i For any time net Dye Muff-, French, English, and American lx-rfum- j etiarge w 1I1 lie niuuc. cry, Fiuy Toilet aud Mi a v iff g Cuubo anu', AdvuucUoiiot -.6 above slwcifieU, * Soaih,. Cvutu tunll *«“"•»«« -» l«r i-mi* (rum Hr tithes of every description. Surgical ami Dental . will be rnaue on advci n.-cimi.t* #i-l* Ji * H lnstrumcuG, Tru.-se.* and supporter* ot all kiml.*. : * ,vt v ol * inc fourth page tu tne <:aiij. .-pbet, Miuffs. Alanufactured Tobacco. All the latent!. Advertisement* ordered l.iiectinf#* or Proi-rtytaty Medtciuc-s of the day. &tt|K-rlur lute, jbe clurged two-thirds the above rate#. J Pure Wine- aud Brandies tor Medicinal purines. Advertisements orderc.. in He Extract- for Flavoring. Toilet and Fancy Article*, «v. l wr S( i u '‘ r l t> *w eai1 ' ‘ Sl - lor Lp *2- x. R.—K-peeiu: attekliou given to the 1 ‘*. ne «»oiitl» lor inau ouc itu-dhauti lirepmatiou Physicum?’ Prescription* und Family Recijies. Ship. Family uud Travelling Alediciuc Ouw, i Willi plain Directions lor use. including Direction* fo: ! treatment in ca*v* of poi*ouiug, Drowning, k0. ■i )4 L v the rates fp-cibeu in the ul-ove Ub.e: epec al notice*, Jo cent- per line fertile to* 5 cents to r cadi stibseip-nt m-eitun, ii- Ju |“ to l»e subject to coot rat t. Mari:;** nnlicK »)• “ nerulinvitations Co cent* each. X"d* 11 * 1 .:*. inserted for ie*s Hum 5u cent*- ubitutjv' ( A S, U CUl h S MKAL.-.1000 bus prime | toiwt:/R»5u^7ari’ Lorn. U hue and mixed: 5o do tresb turn Meal I Association or Corporation, orueicd tu L<P‘ n store and tor-ale by I cd. 5 cent* ner line f lU *i be advertised at !.•:* J'ork. 26 uu Prime do Inndiug aud for sale by juyl4 Hul.COMRE. .lulIXhOX k CO. S LIi'EhiUit Choice Go*lieu Rutter am! Dutch Ciiee-.e, received jwr steamer Alabama by may28 .1. it. .IF.vF. H AY.—luu bale* prime XorthThveFHajT laud- ing thi- day from brig Augu.-ta. amt lor sile ou tho wharl by J>« CRANE, |ii*_ 4 ruvidon Luce-, superior ap ±2-4: Zt’phyr W lugs. . . huiobetic Kkirt.*; Flench Drildngs; A'ork Si ill* und Mater twiit Ricu W Kl.l.SCO. dny; ~ _ f ,m-.- H'-rrov ^ rn ! c 'i,™XaL'm"r READl-UEAD :UUEAl)!!i ’ | for each boat advertised. Wi1 ,j That is. d y on can -ce ; mid 1 Mc&tnsh’ps. where one Is ruL:diif : ri.i- if you c an't ’.ce, you can find a.l kind* of ••help* to see,” ut the Watch aud Jewelry Store of D. B. Xicbol* & Co., iu CoufVt*** street, next dour to thu corner of Whitaker, where you cun purchase Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, ami Fancy Goods, as low as at any other store in the country. We have received per steamship Alabama a fresh line*, will be inserted at $20 per ilDDl ‘ , ‘!' lot of those hue Med Spectacle* ; also, n supply of I Calls on person* to become ranjwa A, ^$1 Pebble and Periscople lams, which we are prejtared 1 inserted us other advertisements, m *•'« te- ] to Ut in nil kind* ot frames, at short notice, our variably in advance. now hi* Peri.-copic J/ms (>o caiieti irotn their peculiar shape) Announcing candidates for, fiv, | have an advantage over all others, 11* they have n greater range of focus, to that Hie reader is uot compelled to hold the book or paper at a certain distance from tbe eye. Call aud see. • D. B. NICHOU* i CO. &3T No charge for showing goods, mar 11 I). R. X. A CO, uuut; ii two or more, go* each. „‘*til Auctioneers’advcrti-eiuciit- Ml JLwl coutruct, but to be charged at the rates ■ per square. tnkl yj$| The pa(ier, uu.ier no circunirtanct-i, to t 1 ed Snavoniraci. Professional and business cards not « Ct * ■ rJX| Announcing candidates for iu advance. . . , fr , r 4»l ua co ii>' ' , until W w ' <^K K Ol’E—700 coil* Hope, various brauds, all of good quality, in .-tore and for sale by Itpr29 IlKIGllAAL KELLY k CO. Black Aloire Antique Ti iiniiung.* Biack El l-I.c Dells; Eugli.-b 1 In cad Edgings: Hosiery, Ribbons, \c. Just re»:eivi'«t per steamer Augusta, Jo*2 __ DxWirf ,k MORGAN, j 0 .-f.SAUUtue—3u Tale. Uniiab irg*, Alowtou and • Tnuiuafitoii M.Rs, just icccivcm aud !• r sale by i JUHOI8 GUAN’K, WU.LS Jc Cu | & l YREl 1 AND MOLASSES.^-6(I bbl* choice New \ J Uilean*syrup, 76 dodo Mola*e«*. Ju-t receiv- ! ed and tor sale by ,i>*7 ftCRANTON, JOHNSTD** tc i U. / ' UNNY cj.UTH—In *toro ami tor .-ale by U Juno4 PAI.KI.KORD, FAY ,s CD M USTARD, k<*.—106 boxes Mustard; 160 do pure Pvp|M.'r; 10C do Starch; received atol for 1 McM.iMUN k I'OYLK. C TOHN—lu htore und for sale by J iii- t •. I !xEi't'uS 4KM.1N I sale bv JunelO 206 and 207 Pay street. fiii.\il—2iTliinl*choice St Croix .Sugar, just it- ». celved and for sale by jy 10 SCRAN 11 >N. JOl IXSTOX .V c. i OAi r X\j»’sTAKd 11—’.6 boxes SinTiiC* Fuinily 30 do B uiliaVau’ri do lt);i boxy* Col.uto'.- lb bar ar.d Xo 1 Soap 60 do oo Pide do 60 u«» Oswego IViirl etarcli 6'l tl«» Bended’* do do, Just received a id for Milo by Jy24 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. P IFE8, PA® And PICKLES"--hO gD.'s 1*11*0 Head*, 100 do Pipe* 250 renin* Wrapping I’a per 60 dozen Pickles, received uud Ibr sale by • McMahon a doylis, JySl 106 and 17 Bay btreot. "MERCER UNIVERSITY, PKNF1ELD, C4A. FACULTY. nuMiDEvr, N. M. CRAWFORD, D. I). VKOF»««>tUI. ('oilctre* S. P. SANFORD, A. M., Matlieumtics. J. K. WUJ.UV, A. M., Chemistry ami Natural Philosophy. H. 11. TFCRER, A. M., Belie* Udtrcs. u. w. wise, a. m., Giyok uint lattin IxttiKuagcs. WILLIAM G. WOODF1X, A. B., Modern laoigtiagos. TIipoI o^lcu 1 Semi uury* N. M. OKAWIOKI), I). D:, Kce.losia'dicul Hi.-tmy aud Biblical Lilcrnlure, WILLIAM WlUd.VMf-, A. M., Systetnatie and I’a.-torai Theology. Academy. THOMAS A. SHAHS, Principal. The Commencement K held ou the last Wednesday iu July. llio next Tet tu will commence on tho last Wed nesday in August. The price ot Board in the village Is $10 par mouth; wa diiug. roam rent, fuel, kt.. M. By order ofthe Board offritelees. my 12 v’m S. 1.AXDUUM. Secretary, C .UUA ’HViI^ABSEs—'llib I'arKO 01 tlm brl« ) R, n Uvhw ot»upynot yu«jtt,r._ tjnrttjo.Oy aigrMH PAD] FAY A 00. AdverUsotnenta not mark 1 specified time, will bo inserted l>ayment exacted, , lHc . u?i When any bill for two nionths aaveru- than contract, amount* to over i?w, * u 25 per cent will be made, , o-tirR 1 * Yearly advertising, with privilege »'i bo taken at the following rates : .. pi For one square, renewable oncc a » g “ •• •• 3 nines of# 11 ! Every additional squarecontnicitsl wrw ' ed oue hull thu above rates additional- __ , Yearly advertisers shad be 1IU J :U '^ ,* i n ti& _ contracted tor. Ail c« utrai t- shall e« ^zl statiug definitely the nature cl ,Ut , advertised. Any advertisement neoted with the business shall te ly. and also auy excess cl matter ove contracted for. ,,. Contract advcrtlscnicupi P a - v ^ lt ‘^?A U tKbH To Usemciit* from strAHgtrsaiiuwau. payable in advance. All others wfil due wlten caiieti tor. scn diM Regular advertisers and aliotln. re d to D-fl muuication* or reqturlug n.-tice* pubhc^l tenUon to lair*, concerts, soiree. *• n ""' e [ vr *inPB tortaiun. t*. whero charges ait every tiuico—-t .u»tices of private live fieri -d to call ottenuon m |W»w r idu«Ji^M calculat' or inteuded to l’ n JB ,1> £ e 5nJer*tt J ^| rests, ea . only l*o inserted with the “ that lh. .uno is to be naifi tor. | ‘ us . ,j, t d^l cfiltoria . oluuni (which van be oul) «‘ . | sfill Hou on .i editor*) the same will be ■ rate or m i to** than ffU cents i*J'‘{Jj- XriWl Tlie undersigned, publishers ol Djjjr and Weekly ucw>piii«rs in?a .u*wj W l<| ourselves strictly to adhere to the '» ^ ■ charge*, mid in no instauce to dcviau m The above rates to take tflict Maja * ^ttli to continue Uttuliug, until eliangul b) ■ majority ol Hie uufierslsucd. . ^1 N. U Thi* schedule shall not in tbe integrity or exlsUng contracU. • ^rigJI the year or auy utlicr siHaified hb ,c » «iu(i * With the expiration of the I*eriofi hr Sxkkd 4t Sou, Hat ublican i l .^. av<* TaoaiNox M Wunoonw,