Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, August 13, 1856, Image 1
i VOL. XXXVIII [OLD SERIES.] SAVANNAH, (GA.V WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13* 1856 NO. 12045. yito.v Subscription Price* of SnvnntmUPnptirn \\y common understanding, tho proprietors and |ttibli«Uon« ol the threq^papora Issued In Suvnutmh, Imvo »tlo|»ioil tlio following null’ rm rules of soli-, sorlptlon, w tuko effect tills day: Pally Paper, per annum, In advance $<i oo Trl-Weekly “ “ 4 oo Weekly, r*uglo copy, In advance a 00 Weekly, uvtf copies, to one address 8 00 Weekly, «gbt “ “ 10 no Weekly, ton “ “ “ W oo Weekly, twenty “ “ “ VlO 00 Wlieu net paid within ouo mouth from tho time nf sulMCrtmas tho char go for tho Daily will he wren dollars, a»<< ihr tho Tri-Wooklyjhv. The Woolly will bo Bout only to those who pay in advance. Tho paper will invariably ho diacoiiMuud upon the expiration of tho time for which It has boon paid. The above rates tn taka allhit from and alter this tale. ALEXANDER & 8XKKH, JkpubUetin, It. B. HILTON &U)., Genryian <£ Journal, THOMPSON k WmilNUTON, AYiw. Savannah, .Inly 1, Wfttl. ttluvc Life In KliKinnil. Tho London correspondent of the IMiiladel- pliln Pennsylvanian given tho following luirrld, picture of “slave life’* In Kuglntid, It Is unli>r- tmiale the canting hypocrites of the British •lo should ho so absorbed in devotion to the ivelfarc of the Southern blacks ns to have no thought for the degrading wretches toiling at their very doors. The letter trout which we quote is dated July 23: Tho Karl of Hhnfte&biiry and Lord Hubert Utuivoncr have lately convoked n meeting, ut which were exposed somo of tho horrors of tho social condition of “tho white slavesut'Kng- land/' whicli l would respect fully recommend • “ calm uud deliberate ntteution of your iy TBX»13Gri^T>XX. Throo Days Later from Europe. AUUIVA1. OF THE CJZ.JSTJ±.JZ»J±. m N i:w York , J uly 11 Tho steamer Canada, with three days later advices than brought by the Aim go, arrived nt Halifax this evening. SECOND DEJPATCI1. The Canada,'* dates uro to Aug. 2. Tho Brokers’ Circular quotes uu advance 1-1U in Cotton on grades below Middlings. Sales of the week 70,000. Speculators took 10,000 and exporters 10,000 bales. Pair Orleans Middling 0 3-10 Pair Mobiles 0.5 Middling Mobiles U.J Pair Uplands 0| Middling Uplands 0 1M0 Sales of Friday 12000 bales. Speculators and exporters took 4,000. Private letters bring favorable accounts. Stock on hand, 780,000. Phur declined Is Gd to 2 shillings. During the week Wheat has declined from 4d to Gd, and Indian Corn Gd,the market dos ed irregular. Provisions nro generally unchanged. Baring Brothers quote Coffee with ail up ward tendency. Sugar steady. Market of Americau Stocks Unit and active. Money market unchanged,slightly stringent, Consols declined 4, quoted at 05 l. * Political news unimportant. The Spanish insurrection was in statu quo. Saragossa was submitting. Tho Spanish Min ister at Paris, has resigned. Democratic Victory In Missouri. St. Lons, Aug. 9th.—It is quite certain that Polk, tho rogular Deni icratio nominee forGov- ernor, nud tho Democratic State ticket are elected In Missouri. Benton 1ms not received 25,000 votes. Caruthers, Anderson, Woodson, Craig, Blair Green nud Pholp3, uro elected to Congress. Further l*y the Arngo. New York, August 11.—Russia refuses to surrender Ivars until the last soldier of tho Al lies 1ms left Turkey. Flro In Pomoroy* New York, July 0.—Tho tdegraph veports A fire in the busiuess portion of the town of Pomeroy. Ohio, which destroyed sixty build ings. Arkansas Victory. Washington, Aug. 11.—Tho majority for Conway, the Democratic candidate for Govern, or of Arknnsus, is live thousand. [That wilt del] New York Markets. Nnw Yo«k, Aug. U.—The cotton market uuehuuged. Sales of the duy, 400 hales. Flour declined 12$ cents. Wheat from 2 to 2 ceuts. Corn has declined 0 cents. Congi-ouloitul. Washington, Aug 11—Senator Dougla* made an elaborate report from the Semite Ter ritoriul Committee against the House bill for the reorganization of Kansas uud the restoration of the Missouri Compromise. In the Haute, Campbell, from the Committee of Ways and Means, reported a tariff hill udd- ing to tho free list salt, raw wool I,flow the value of 15 and above 50 cents per pound ; ulso ull classes of drugs and dye stuffs used in man ufactures, and ull raw materials entering into the composition of our manufactures. The 1)111 says Jiotbiug about sugar, its considera tion was postponed to tho third Monday in De cember. A message was received from the President vetoing the appropriation for tho improvement of the Des Moines Rapids on the Mississippi. The bill will however pass over the vetoe.i Tho post office and light house appronria. tioushuve passed.—All tho important business of the House is in u state ot unsuu! forward* ness. The Florida at New York.—Wc learn by u dispatch received by tho agents, Mohses Padellord, Fay Si Co., that the Florida hence,, arrived at New York this morning in GO hours —all well. lo the Abolitionists, uml then leave them to decide uu which side of the Atlantic is thu Goddess of Lib erty and Humanity mure siueoicly worshiped, or whether does the chivalrous spirit- o; man towards woman breathe warmer outlie Monarchical or uu the Itepubliean shore. Be it then proclaimed, us lur as this humble pen uud your widely circulating journal can do it, from me southern promontory of Flori da to the coasts of l ake'Supeiior, and from the mouth of tie Mississippi to the river ot. Lawrence, that within the capital of tho British empire, thirty thousand yumg k-mates are hilMtuuiiy winked as milliner*, twenty two hours out of the twenty lour; that rest lor meals during tlieao Ue.itn-dealiug turns is absolutely denied them, their fund being stewed up, minc ed iuto small portions for the purpose ot sav ing curving time, while two hums* repose is deemed sutlioicut to restore the exmuistca ciler ies id' these hopeless daughters of destitu tion ! Wlml eau we do fur them- how can we in- teiere between capital uud labor—between the Jew mid Ins pound ut ltesh,’ 1 exclaim the Chris tum state.-meii, pliiluiilhrophist, uml k puliiuui economist s who voted $.'»00,OUO,Odd to manure die bleak held* of Alma,, ami .Sebas topol, with the rotting curp.-o of l>l),(JUU fellow creatures, who support royally and its encircl ing corruptions, ut an animal outlay ol up- wauls ot ill),UU'.),DUG, who solace the declining years of the loyal lituloUol Geo. IV. withm the pliiieely pensioned halls ot Hampton (\>uit— and wtio recompense Hie uposiolic idleness ol our Slate representative* ot the poverty-swum lishcrmeii ut Galilee \v14u a hunt—ouo tomili ut which—would heal the sorrows and gladeu the heart of every wretch who sighs within the ireufnfcroueo of their Isle. It aught could aggravate these scenes of re volting wretchedness, it would bo the electri fying contrast ol the lot of thu tilled dame—at me evening splendors ot the ball room—reclin ing beneath thu lustrous chandelier, uu the damask ottoman, ot on the gold bespangled velvet of (he vis a-vis—who hardly deigns to *• blush at the piuiae of her own luvclme**,' while blooming m the very dress over the drud ging task of whoso completion—but a lew uours previously—her ill-tilted sister iuul swoon cd in Lie poisonous uUuosphotu of some kclal mid deserted purlieu of Loudon, while prose cuting her labor with consumptive cough, dimmed eyes, and palsied bauds. Let us cease to wonder, if under circumstances like these, thu Uuzzliug hydra temptations of ’>111' vast me tropolis should ut least seduce many a fair child of virtue to abauduu hoc bright but thorny path in despair.—How often lias thu pure ni uocenL and lovely girl, oncoperhaps the idoliz ed hope of ullliicut ami dealing parents, on whose young check “the winds of Heaven dare not blow tu roughly,” gazed with mi aching brow ami a palpitating heatt from her forlorn garret, uu tho richly dressed and pampered cyprluns who thronged the bustling slice is be low—and lmw often 1ms that girl, whose lo* ty mind and woman feelings recoiled at a life ot prostitution—lullen an unknown uml uimiourn ed victim to a suicidal death. 1 four that there is too much reason tonppre- lietid that mauy a fairer form Hum graces the saloons of Loyally, lms, during the brief uud bitter years ol her existence, pined tv living skeleton mu id luxuries mid voluptuousness un heard of in* the doomed i'ulace of the Baby lonian Monarch—'-and that the deep uml silent waters of our Thames roll over mauy uu untold tale of human sorrow such us the imaginative genius of lingune .Sue or Alexander Dumas never dreamed, mid hide the dark secrets ot inuny a uobler heart tlmti throbs in the bosom ol' a Dutchess or a Queen. Strange, that al though a lemulo sovereign lias worn the Grown ofKiighiiid during a icigii of it) years, no sympathy with thu suffering sisterhood has yet commissioned a government inquiry into the cuu-ics uml mcaus of prevention of the emei fate which too olleii tempts woman to forget her owu gentle nature, and to tearfully avenge her wruugs on that society by the very state of perdition which brands Her us its outcast, Koine few years since, indeed, Her Grace of .Suther land, endeavored to urouso .the dormant feel ings of her order. But 1 blush to Bay that the voice ol mercy was but feebly responded to by our female nr- rislueraey, who chained to the shrine of every fashionable Irivolity, abandoned tu the malt- sex the almost undivided honor of munifcslmg some slight interest in the cause of the strug gling or the fallen martyr of famine, disease and destitution. However, such horrifying and disgusting atrocities ns uro so extensively mid systematically perpotiuted by the respectable Christian dealer or Jewish trader in human life, should not be consigned to the capricious correction ot private clan ity by the govern ment, which proteases to protect even the beast of the Held from the inhumanity ol its master, but should promptly iuterleie, mid consider every putty pound within the walls of its Treas ury ns it cheap price for the redemption irom Mich u diabolical perversion of their destiny. Hint » cx whose true mission of nature were to prove man’s real guardian Kctuplt upon earth; who in the darkest hour of adversity could cheer and bless l is path, uud in the most brilliant suiishiue ofltis prosperity could shed a still brighter lustre uml ludiuncc 011 his way. teJGMA. From AYmthlltglmi. Washington, Aug. 7.—The lion. Percy Walker, of Alabama, who wax among tho most conspicuous members of the American Conven tion in Philadelphia,uud who led that wing of the opposition in the protracted contest for Speaker, openly recanted last night, and made a clean breast of Ids preference for Mr. llttelinii- uu. But he was not content with going this length. When interrogated by Mr. Allison as to his course in case <!ol. Fremont should he elect ed, uud the Missouri Compromise ro.-lmed, lie was free tossy, that 11 “dissolution of the Union” was Ids remedy. This is tho common cant of tho day, uml ever since Mr. Fillmore’s speech at Albany, encouraging sectional resis tance, it huff become even inoto cheap, us mi dement of political wavtarc, Mr. Walker’s abandonment now, is only Im portant or tflgnlltcnat, innffinnolt tin it tends to show the same sort of iudietUiou,us wlieu the Boutbern Americans ven ded from their candi date lor speaker, and without lieMtutiou adopted Urn Democratic nominee. The mo tive which iuspired in the ouo case, is quite likely to animate them in the other. And now that Kentucky, after nil tho pro- testation*, lias gone over to tho Democracy, the country may lie prepared for a pretty general stampede in that section. The fact cannot be disguised now, from the hlimtost partisanship or tbi'jnosl ncrvciKo understmilling, that Mr Fillmore’s only power ns a candidate, is to contribute strength lo Mr. Buchanan. He is not seriously in the field, except as a means of diversion. There arc, to he sure, certain locali ties in which lie still exercises some inllnenee, and might eommahd more if lit? were less iden tified with the proscriptions of a secret order. But under the bust circumstances he can at tain no practical results, not even so much mnv *as to throw thu election into the House. The contest is imh.stutitiully narrowed down between Mr. Buchanan mid Gol. Fremont,and to vote for any other candidate it to (brow away support. — Phila. Gazelle. Tito Fever ut Qmivnutlnc. Nnw York, 8,0 l\ M.— 1 The accumu lation of vessels ut the Quarantine Station, having cases of yellow fever on board, or com ing from places where that disease existed, has naturally created no little fconsutiuii on Staten Island, especially us several fatal cases o! fever are said to have occurred outsido thu Hospital. To-day there was a report in town to the ellbet 'thatthe inhabitants of Tiiompkinsvilie (Quar antine) have held a meeting, and formed a Vigilunee Committee, whoso duty it shall be to prevent nil persons from passing out of the gates into the village, mid obliging all those employ ed inside to remain inside or out. Tills may or may not l;o true; but the most stringent oxer thins are made by the Health Commission ers to protect tiie health of the residents, ns well us to prevent the scourge reachilig the city; and their efforts thus far have been very successful, In the mco of uu unusually large licet of infected vessels at the Station. Tills rumor, moreover, may have originated among parlies interested hi having II10 Quarantine re moved to Kandy Hook. Kduuation in Connecticut.—From the an imal report of the Superintendent of Common Schools in Connecticut, we learn that during thu last year foity-one new school houses were erected. Tho number of School Societies, in the State is two hundred and twenty two, of which one hundred and eighty-nine have made no returns. There arc sixteen hundred and twenty-six districts, being eighteen loss tliun the total of the previous year, the policy of disbanding the small district! having begun. Of children between the,ages of two and six teen years, there are in tho State 100,820. Tho capital of the ochool fund is §2,040,1)32,05, mid tho income last year was $147,215,02. There are reported in very good condition, four hund red and IItty- our school houses ; in fair con dition live Hundred and sixty-four; in very hud condition throo hundred and thirty-two. Of the teachers three hundred and ulxty-ono have attended tho Normal School. Failure or a Grain Stixti.ation for $2,000,000.—It is believed that tile liabilities of M. l’luee will prove even greater than was an ticipated, and that, so far front being inferior to $2,000,000, they will exceed this sum. The Duke ol Gulluria positively loses u million of dollars; M. M. Earnest, Aiulre Co., Count do A Word from a IUxent Fii.lmoub Organ.— The Cincinnati Daily Commercial, until lately friendly to tho election ot Mr. Fillmore, basilic following remarks upon the great Democratic victory in Kentucky j To u man nut totally stultified by the bent of party warlaro, it would seem pcriectly demon strable that Hie hope which Hie Fillmore tucn Imve entertained of gaining the State of Ken tucky, and thereby carrying the Presidential election into the House, is baseless. The re turns of the election of Monday tell a story that it is idle tu disregard. A party press may make very ingenious essays to explain away the catastrophe, and editors give most excellent reasons why it is as it is; Imt experience has often taiignt that their efforts in that behalf, however hrilliunt, are of too slight materials to form Hie basis of future operations. The truth is, that, reliable Fillmore State in the Union, thu Fillmore party lias received wlut is, to all intents and purposes, u death-blow tu its prospects. The elaborate and slmm displays of enthusiasm with which it lms been endeavor- iug to deceive itself ami thu world, have nut uuswered the purpose. Filhnoroism lias cer tainly received its death blow in Kentucky. The Clmttnnooga Gazelle of the 0th Inst wys that the health of Chattanooga is very good. Somo few eases of sickness incident to the Hummer months among the children is about the amount of sickness iu tho city. Death nv Lightning.—On Sunday afternoon last,'during the prevalence of u storm in Anne Arundel county, Md., Mr. William T. Wilburn’s wife and his sister-in-law, living near Davidson- ville, were instantly killed by a Hash of light ning—nud strange to tell, Air. Wilburn and the house iu which they lived, were not harmed in the least. Morny, the Fcroircs, lose about three hundred thousand dollars apiece. M. Place was a marine puiulcr before the golden fever attacked Paris, and began his adventurous career with nothing but wind. He is Haul to have been tho owner of those immense quantities of grain at Chicago which has attracted so much attention, and he lost heavily by stock specie.—Paris Cur, Poston Allas, ,/uuc 0- Growing YtjtiNUKit.—Lnkfc Monday, “Tom Thumb,” being exainiued aft u witness in court dt Cincinnati, Ohio, dcolared, under oath, that ho Is now iitnotceii yearn of age. Many yearn ago tho show hills umimmcud him as being twenty-one so, that, unlike tho generality of mortals, the “General” Is constantly growing younger. A Heavy Train.—On Sunday morning a train, consisting of 21 ears,'containing cow*, sheep, horses ami two pnsscuger curs was drawn over tho Erie Railroad to iierght Hill, N.J.,by 0110 locomotive! ltELKAhKD.—-B. F. Dalton (one of tho Iruuvs 6fthe Summer filial Jlirlution ease) was re leased from prison, Boston, Tuesday—his term of sentence having expired. The ttno $200 which was imposed, 111 part of-I1I9 uoiitencu, was remitted by.the Governor. Drowned.—Mr. Halt Told Davis, aged 25. foreman in Whicher’n pail factory, nt Laconia, N. H., was drowhed last Friday in tho Wiu- uippisankee river, at that village. On Satur day afternoon, two sous of Mr. U. C. Smith, of Boston, Mass., while on u visit ut Spencer, were drowned while (milling. Their ages were respectively eleven uml Hived years. It is slated that .iCoriielhiH Vanderbilt has purchased the Nov York unit Button Central lhiilroad,and will soon start a lino of steamers in connection with the road to form on opposition route from New York to Boston. The Veiled Piltuuk.—A, story is told of two artist lovers, both of whom sought the hand of a noted painter’s daughter, • And the ques tion, which of Hie two should possess himself of the- prize so earnestly coveted by both, having come to the father, he promised to give his cb:ld to the one who could paint tho best. So each strove for the maiden villi the highest skill his genius could cominnn J. One painted u picture ot fruit, and displayed it for the li er s inspection in u beautiful grove, where 1 lath- P a X birds sung sweetly among the foliage, and al. nature rejoiced in the luxuriance of bountiful life. Presently the birds came down to the canvass of the ymiftg painter,nnd attempted to eat the fruit he had pleturcl there. In his tturprLo and joy at tho j'oimg nrtist’a skill, the fattier declared that 110 one could triumph over that. Soon, however, Hie second ‘over came with his picture, and it was veiled," “Tuko tlm veil from your painting,” raid the uld man. “1 leave that to you,” saithlho artist with simplicity, The fat her uf the young and lovely maiden approached the veiled picture uml attempted to uncover it. But imagine I Is astonishment, when, us take elf the veil, he found tho veil iUelf to be iPj picture! Wc need nut say who was the lucky lover; for if the artist who deceived the birds by skill in painting Iruit, manifested great powers of art, lie who could bo veil his tnnvufis with the pencil as to dosoive u skilful master, was sure ly the greatest artist. Worms! Worms 11 Aureal inuny learned Iren tic have been writ ton, cxpHiulng Bn-origin ef. clus iiylngthu worm* generated iu thu Uunmu . ysL-ni. Scarcely any topic of medial scicnco lias elicited mor nctilu observation and prefund research; and yet phsl- clmvj uro very much divided in opinion 011 tho nub- ject It must bo admitted, however, Ihul after nli, a mode of expelling tl'cse worms, and par by ing the body from their presence, Is rf more valuo than Urn wisest disquisition! ns to tho origin. Tins os- lulling iigont has al length been found, Dr. M’loiau’g Wrnilfafo, prepared by Fleming Bros., is the much sought niter speed lie, an l has already surpcrcocd nil other worm medicines, Its clllcucy being uni versally acknowledged by medical praclltioncra. 4J3" Purchasers will be carclul to ask for bit. M’LANK’S CEI.KbltATlJ) VERMIFUGE, manufac tured by Flkminii Bays., of Pittsburgh, l’a. All other Viriuifuges iu com| a Lon, uro. worthless. l)r. M'Lana’s genuine Vermifuge,'also liis celebrated Liver Pills can now bo had ut nil respectable drug stores. None genuine without tho bigunturo uf unglr:—[1J—G FLEMING DUOS. .SavumuiD AInrkc-t, August Id. COTTON.—No transactions reported iu this article this Ihrcuimu. Another Church Paving for Skirts.— Some years ago, when the narrow skirbnvcrc in fashion, certain good people built a church up town. Iu order to get as many teats us possible, the slips were made pretty narrow, i’his has occasioned great inconvenience of late: but was got along with us well as pos sible, until n few weeks since, when four lathes, wearing those huge whalebone skills, became wedged in one of those slips, uud were druwn out with great dilficulty. Tho trustees had u meeting, and nt mice, resolved to come up to the age, and workmen arc now engaged in re modelling tho building, so that a similar acci dent will not be likely, to occur again.—Ns V. Times. MA'.'ON, Aug 12.—No Colton ou falo; pi-Lc-s nom inal. Invention of Stays.—Tradition indsts.that corsets were first invented by 11 brutal Imtcher of the thirteenth century, as a punishment for his wife. Shu was very loquacious, and find ing nothing would cure, lie put a pair ol* stays on her in order tu take away her hmitli, and so prevent her, as lie thought, from talkiug. This cruel punishment was indicted by other heart less husbands, till at last there was scarcely a wife in all Loudon who was not condemned to thu like iniiicliuii. The punishment became so universal at lust that tho ladies, hi their de fence, made 11 lusliiou of it. and so it has con tinued to the present day. OIIATi’AXOOUA, AugustBacon.—No ruling sums ibis week. Notice 0,200 l *s hoy round ut u ceuts. From n to 1U)£ nuy bo considered lair quo- lulloiis. .supply goon, eon:;—llus Huvuncod. A 101 2,1,00 bu Jiuls nt 47 ,‘j eruts, tucks luc.udod—)o to 50 is miubio. l-i.mju—In sucks fioui $2 to 20; per bbl -tit $7 00;owiug lotjuuhty. Laud—10 to 10jj els. Supply good. Wiuqt—May bj quoted L mu uo lo $1 DO—lira rate quality ol tVbitoSl 10. \\ ry boat in Red $1 00 As yet most 01 the trau'actions uavo ranged from jo tu yi ou Paiwian Follies—It is said that eye glas ses,.attached to a ribbon and worn over the left eye, have become a “public measure” with tlm women of Paris—a style which wo trust will not lie introduced here. In that city uf fashion, too, we observe that a new style of dress called the Itedingoto has been introduc ed, of which full descriptions are given iu 1 ho “authorities.” It very much 1 escmfiles n geu- tieinuii’H frock coat, which demonstrates the truth of our creed Hint the huhea always en- ueavor to be ns near the men n« possible, in everything. XANJIViLLK, Aug nit 7.—V.'ukat—Small lots ol vVlieot coi timiu to bo L-Ubicd iia ty in onr uiurkci. and dealers were offering yoAirday The lor a good 111 tide though somo tmiill'wrei’t Maniples faded to command more than 1100 Baco.v—i.'oidluiios iu good demand, without any cUun&u iu pi fees. (From 1 he Manchester Kxaiiihivr, July 20.) TlkoNuii-Otnclal ReiU'csentniloii oflihig* land nt Wamliingtoii. Her Majcsty’H government entertain a singu lar idea ol the course which benefits their dig nity in reference to the United Statea. They have submitted to Mr. Crumpton's dismissal, Friendly Belations between Burmah and the United Statics.—TJic New Torn Kx- amiuer says: We are informed by a friend in this city, that lie lias just received a letter from u reliable source iu Burniah, informing him that tho Bov. L, Kincaid and family were boor to start tor this country, by the overland route—Mr. Kin caid having received live thousand rupees from ms Burmese Maje.ity, tho King of Avn, : to be the bearer of a royal letter to our government, inviting the establishment of Iricudly uud com- nicrciul ro utions betweeu the Court of Av.i and the United States. Mayor Wood, of New York, positively ro luses to ho ucandiduto for Mayor this fall. Commodore Lavulett^lms been ordered to the command ol Wuahington Navy Yurd, vicu Lap tain Forest detailed to command the Bra zil wpmdron. Cool.—Tho mother of Goullio having been A.,!* tofio toapurty out! 0 day sho died, nho wmt lor unswor thut "Maduiuo Gmtho icould »ut come, us who was euguged in dyiug.’ Accident on tiii: Orange Boar.—The train ou the Oruiigo nud Alexander lhiilroad when near Bristol station, Thursday, ran over a cow. The mail car was thrown from the track, ami so broken that it was necessary to leave it be hind; hut fortunately no perwon was injured. Tho accident detained tho train three-quarters of an hour. (Correspmnk-ncu N. American fc U*3. Gazette.) MIkniiui'I lilcttioii, St. Louir, August 8. We have additional returns to those already cent, and, so far us tho Governorship is con cerned, it Is easily to ho seen that Benton has no chance whatever of nti election. The pros pects of Polk, (uiiti-Ucutoii,) uro, however, good, and the impression appeurs pretty gene- ml that ho will he elected, iu tlio cuntoBt for ineiiiliers of Congress, sufficient rolmus Imve been received to render quite certain tho sue- cess of Messrs. Blair, Cnrothem, Green. Phelps aud Jaeksou. Messrs. Phelps aud Caruther* are present members, tlm former (Whig) from thu sixth District, and the latter (Democrat) from the. seventh. Tho vote generally throughout the State ap pears to have bean quito lurge. but they arc determined to be revenged alter all. Our self-willed cousins arc to bu made to feel the weight of our displeasure, not o'f course, by tho presence of gun-bouts nud war steamers iu tho neighborhood of Now York—this is out of the question—hut by compelling them tu en dure the tremendous evil ol* going without a British minister.* Such appears to bo the pur port of Lord Pahiierstqii’s reply to tho question proposed by Mr. Milner Gibson. When asked whether it was intended soon to appoint u sue* cessor to Air. Crumpton, his lordship replied that the government imd come to no decision. Lord Palmerston is by no means nice. His ideas of retaliation are easily met. 1 f ho cannot play a great, game, lie is quite content to play it little one. Tiie United State* will 110 doubt feel mightily uneasy ut this mark ol his lordship’s displeasure. ltoHidont ministers nro fur show rather than use, and the littlu use they nro uf is us often mis chievous as salutary. Nvo apprehend that no great harm will accrue from the absence of any special representative ol* British interests at Washington. Both nations understand cadi oilier too well to interpret such absence us any thing more than a sign of ollicial chagrin. We marvel, however, that Lord Palmerston does not show more wisdom than to hidalgo iu such a pettifogging species of retaliation, if we had any just ground lor resentment against thu United States in dismiss-tug Mr. Crumpton, the proper course would have been to dismiss Mr. Dallas. As wo did nut think proper to take lids stop, it would have been more dignified to Imve lost no time in appointing a successor to Mr. Crumpton. By delaying to do so, wo ..con fess our vexat ion. wo admit an affront, wo ac knowledge a grudge which wo think it wiser to nurso than to avow. Nobody feel* any respect fora person who is, vulgarly speaking, “In the dumps.” It is a very imdiguillud condition, to nay tho least, and If Lord Palmerston chooses to submit to it, ho lms 110 right to umko us share in the indignity. Cuiuiuei’cifll iSutelligeni'c. Kxport.-t. (•'ALU/..—IVr bark FeruaiuHiia—85,074 feet J' P Tinnier, 41,171 toet Lumber. WKSL* L’OIX l’, Aug bv—Cotton today Is gelling ut prices ruughig Irom B to be. ATLANTA, Aug. U.~Corrox—V to 10c—receipts very light. Bacon.—Hog round 10 to 10*40, dear (Sides 12a 12)4,Ribbed 11a II>4, Hams Jo;4ullJ4, (itiouders .1 and doles Go per lo. Good .slock m market with 11 fair demand. . Rico—Goo 11<> priuiu G*4aSo. WILMINGTON, Aug 'Tcm.Nii.vK—Hales yes terday of E21 bids uud to-day of EDO at $2 73 for virgin, 8! fill for yellow dip and 81 GO fur bard. M'Utrrs Tua'ji.viixii.--;-a!es y osier day of 100 rusks ut uu l lo-cay **f 40 ut .-amu price. Ra-iw— Sales of 10,00(1 lads Common nt SI 20 for luge bbl*. • T ak — Xono in market. Coax.—Solus yesterday of 272o b'lsliels on privato terms, and to-day of 2'JU(l busiiels at 01)4*5, leaving 2'.Kit bushel < yet on tlm market. Flock.—Wo note uu advance with a light supply, .-.’sties ot go bids l’ay tvlllu at 8s lor super an 1 8.1 lur Utility. piping IndUigtnte. Fort ol* Suvuitiuili AUGUST 13 Vr cl veil. U. H. M. Stnamer iveystouo SLito, llardle, I'fiila. delp * In, Gd hoars, to O A Greiner. Cleared. Bark Feniandiua, Nickerson, Cadiz—Ctdieiis 5c . Hertz Fmwi'iiKors, I’er steamer Kcysfime 8t*tc,irvmlTiilaUelpldn— TTiMiner, J* B ilousam, A 8 Nautel, 11 .Morse, Mrs M A Waver and child, .1 W Ntouu ami lady, Mrs J 1* Mortis. MissOCGordon, C.lougsletler, (> Xmwiiin, uml 2 in hleeragp. Goinilgiiiii'u. For steamer Koystonu Ntato, from Philadelphia— S1) Brantley 5: Co. lltylur 5: ivlino, X li.Burnuin, A Da-.I.-r, A IJouauil, .1 1* Ureoks, Urlglmm, Kelly u '..o, .1 M Cooper, O Cohen, Crane, Weds 5c Co. I) D Copp, .u A Cohen, W H Ktiirhige, W Duiieau, M Jor- ken, l* lileusou,.) Gleeson, C *v Greiner, Huicombe, Johnson & Co, llarudou’s KxpresH, Hud.<ou, Flem ing i: Co, Hardwick 5c Cooke, 0 .lolmsuii 5c Go, P Ju> cobs, King 5c Waring, King 5c Nous, U T J.tiwton, W W Uitcoln, 8 M ijirtlteau. G A1, Lunar, 11 Mnr*:e, W 11 May 5c Go, AloKeo « Bennett, 1 W Morrod, Mu Mahon 5c Hoyle, 7*1 U'Bryan, li Paruou^ikGo, I’nltuu, Uu lion 5c Go, Pudellord, Fay a Co, M •) Hetlly, Jim Ryan, Ruse, Udvis 5c Lmg, Rallroml ^gout, J Ste gun, A A 8<domons, .1 Nlmrer, Nnyder & Askew, T .M Turner, W T William-]. W M Wiulley, J Wernlum mer, Webster iz Palmes, Wayne 5c tSon, Williams 5c Ratcilffe. Young, Wyatt 5c Go, Yongo 5c Ft Ioi'hoii, ;.{AGON.—GD hlids prime llacrtm hides, 25 do do do »* 8I1011Idors, Just received uml for salo by JylO SCRANTON, JollNSTON k CO. B acon an li PUKK.—GU UUds Clear tides, 25 do Ribbed do, It) cusks Hams GO bids Mess Pork, Just received aud for sale I: y Jyu ltd] Hi liltS, NORRIS 5k GO. i\M\v ;y)ViiimsEiVUTA i.'> AUMOltY HALL. 111CNHY M l.AW, will drllv'er. a I.KC- TURK on ilin Her or Oiutouy, its (nuxin* andUskd, ul Arumiy Hull. THIS EVENING, VJtli lust., ut H)4 o’el’rtik. A'lniiituiieo GO ceiiLs. Tiokets for sale at all the bookstores, and nt Urn door. uttgl2 BOAllD Ol? IlidALTII. A regular lticeilagorthe Board or UouUli will b? belli oir Wednesday, the loth imu., atfi‘4 o’cieek- P. M. Meiubors will oxamim* their Wanls carefully uml report all nuisances. By order of M J. BUCK Milt, Chairman U. H. S. A.T. lAwnust’K, M. 1).. S.e'y B. 11. Savannah, tith Aug., 1H5JL quiz PHILIP M. nUSfllQLL. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. notary */jn'Vkya (;fu. accountant'and COPYIST. Will oxoutaDeeils, Mortgages, Power of Attorney, Wills, Bonds, Notices and Taking ol Intorrogutones. Office at the Court House, Savannah, G11. Court Days. Third Tuesday iu ouah inoutu, ami bold at tlio ollloo of lidwind Wlion, Esq. Hssidouoo, Gaston, betwoen Barnard and TatUmll Htreet. Auy call at night, on bmdnuas, will be uttunded to Im mediately. jy2G lot) DOLLARS REWARD Will bu paid u piece, for the tfppi ohonsion aud lo Jgm- nt Id any 8ul‘o Jail so tlut I gel H tb 'in.' of my iwo n. groes. • BOSTON ana -- IJt.JACK, smm.tlnms -ealLul John.Jack is a largo O' pper eoioroil l'vUow> bus a tlovvneast look and rough luce, weighs about 1150 an 1 is G fuel lo Inches high. Boston is very black wRIi a wide spues between bis upper fionl Uulii, high forehead, turns his fuel out iu walking, i > G met 1 inch high and weighs 13 1 ur tut). My address h 4 mil 's of RainWell, 8. C. i.ugl2—w)y WM. ASHLEY. WANTED AT MAUKUALL HOUSE. . WO Ciiauiburaiuhis. (wlnt*-.) u mail Cook', aud *. lour Diuiug Room Boys. Nuiio but tlm.-o wlm e *n come wed r«:commem!e l ne«i<l apply. uugl2—RALPH M L11UM. M i'irfS l'ORli—.Vj bb.K M.J h Peru, just received aud lor sale by ugl2 IP'PGKUS, NOhltlS k CO. L«'ELX.O\V~Cl*iA: NS OF CHATHAM Ct.UXTY. J am a e.tiulldato tor ro-electton t<* tho of- ll«« of R c.dver of fax lutun s to January next, ami respectfully solicit your s dlVugos. nog 11 JOHN RlitlDY. W 'ANTE I at —Obi Llia.upngiiu Buttles will llmt sale faugll) A. Bt/NAUI NATIONAL POLITICAL MAP or TUB UNITED STATES. J UST PUBLISHED, containing addt)ra>e Portraits, from t ie. of Freiu-mt U .cbituun, Mllmoie, !>:*> ton, BreeltiiiiMge and l!ou:btdi, With llm Flat form of their respietivo . puites, n.g. thur w.ith llieir letters ofuecoptAUeo and a vast amount oi atutistK'al mutter, inieiostlug to all paill j.-]. This inti]* 1- bjautifuilv colored, size 24 by id Inches, extends th.ouijli to tlio Pmdllo co.i»t, tlm o.\m 1 boundaries of a!) • tlm States uml Territories, MMifidil Comp omieii Due, Sec. It ulso contains a v.du :b e Liagrum, .showing tho ups aud uowns In relative W pupniauou of tile .-everal states' of the Union lor the last ulyouis. l’oi tlcia sof dll purtles. wiiblngtoliavo.bcio'f t'mm nan-rial l'or belug t'aliy pn*lo;i .a *. slngh)' g in co, in i.-t pj..-u.-.» u 0-py of ,ilils Map. I rieo in sheet m. iii, 25 cents; pi Urn iu puckul form, 6j coni'*. N. E.—Uoploi Ki*t (pt'fil pabl) on r -a-lpl of the price. 10U,UU ‘ Agt ills "wanted t«> sell tlmui. Ad- Iross A. raNNKY, PiU haliur, 1JG Uro.i iw ij, New York. N. B.—ICdRor.'of uuW#qM|»!rs gtviug tlio abnvo one insertion, shall receive a copy of ilm Map. ftilgll—2 A. It. LOST A CHECK of " ay 5c Taylor, No. 2, on MercbuuL-i' and Plantor.i’ Bank lor 810. Payment <f aatuo has bucm stop .-oil. • * JOHN N*. LFAvIS. ttUBff ELECTION NOTIC'D. C 10UNCIL will, at Us next icgitlar meeting, 2Lt J lust, elect a Weigher of Ilay, vleo R J R Bee, resigned. Salary, Fees—Bond a-'iO. Apt Ueants will tnimu their finuitrities(iwo requir- «)*1) amt hand in their application to mu, on or be fore 2o’clock, 1*. M.. *d taut uav. i.'im'iih> *: wtisi'iv augO KBVVAUH G. WILSON, Clerk of Council. McCarthy ginned ska island COTTON TN LIVKKPOOli. A BROKER in Liverpool reporting class aud val ue nfu co'isignuuut of the McCarthy Ginned suaisland Cotton from u liou.;u In tills cily, writes ns follows: “11., 7 bags farfili color, with a little shell, not much; but thu pjcudailty of this quality is tlm sta ple, uud the sty I „■ of It* cleaning and puilmg up; different to tlio usunl Holier dm operations. The sample before hamiliig, has somo slight appearance of having been Saw Ginned. On oxauduation, how ever, shows that ult tlm staple, both as to L*ngth and uniformity, has been .preserved,, uml a much gi eater degree of freedom and uiudnoss Im * been given I y tneproua-s. This renrirk applies more or ieds to all the marks of this shipment. In this instance, the staple i : stout and a good l.tigth, uml \vltho..t Hue, is 11*4 co.irsv.” Tb iuiider-i.iie i, agents lor the ubovo momioned Gilts, always Uavo a a-ply oil baud, at 8125 BOSTON ec VILLALDNG.l. mig 5—W2iu MAYOR’S OFFICE, 1 - * *1. J tlTV OF S.WAX.VAII, 6:!l of August, 1650. „ T 0 OWNERS OF LOGS, und all others whom it may coucerii You ura hereby notille 1 to l:cep your Dogs In and prevent them from going ut large within the city Limits. Any Dog found going at largo utter this notice, and until the 20th day uf September next, shall bo killed. [»..«.] KIWI). C. ANDERSON, Mayor. Attest. Knw'n. G. Wilson, clerk oi Cottucil. nag 5 VALUAHLE RICE PLANTATION F1 )K 8ALF, WITIIIN 1KN Mil Ki or 11IK CITY Ol* SaVZNN.UI. O N iliu llrot Tuesday iu December uext, will bn sold beiuro the Court llousu in tno city of ga v.*uimli, tim lLiutatlou ou the c'uvauuuh liver, tun mdes from the cny, known as Mulbcriy Grove, be longing to the estate oi tim lute Pbitlp Umier, con- mining six hundred uud eighty-seven June.-, ul winch there arc two huudrea acres of first quality tide rice mud, aud utiu hundred uml lU'ty-Uveuire.. under good banks and iu a fiuu slate for cultiva tion. .Dio, seventy live acre.) of htgn hud under cultivation, uu Urn place are a good owe ling Loiuc, overseer's bouse, barns, negro bouses uud turn oulbuihfings, ull in a goo i slate of repair. Fur&kU. desiring to purcimmi will call upon 11. K, HurrUmi. Kx’i, who reshtos witniu tour mites oi llm Grow, or Klixa tuner, Ex’trix, who re-dde.1 wiihiu two miles oi the Grove. Terms of Mile ma le known on tlm day of sole. Po.ijCibiOu not given mud u.e first of January . jyt7-td U. It. ilARIU.'UN, Kx'or. tti,- Tue Charleston Mercury vv.ll panm h oncon Ween until the tiny of >.*|e. MOOLiL AGENCY / Subscriiiers Imvo established a Boult X Agency in I'luiuaeipiua, imu will luruish any ouok or puuliciitiuii at ttm retail price free ol poet age. Any persons by for w an hug the subsuriphei. price of any one of the 82 Magazines, accli iia Hui- ,»* v’s, Gudey'H, Pulliam's, Graham’s, Frank Isrslio’s FiuhieuA, Ac., will rucuivu tlm yiaguzinus tor oue year uml a copy of a spjuudid tithogruph portrait oi either Washington, Juekson or Clay; or if subseri Omg to u 82 and 81 magazine, they will receive u copy uf either of the three portraits, if subscribing tu 8d worth of magazines, ail three portraits will he sent gratis. Music furnished to those who may w-ish it. Kuvelopcs of oxory size nud description in large ur small quantities furnished, seal Presses, Dies, 5cc.,seuttu order. Every description of engraving on wood executed with ueutnoss and dispatch Views of Buildings, Newspaper Heading-?, Views of Machinery, Book II lustrations, Lodge certificates, Business cards, do. All orders scut by mail promptly attended to Per sons wishing views of their buddings engraved cun send a Daguerreotype or sketch of the building by mail or express. Persons ut u distance having saleable articles will find it to lln'G advantage to address tho subscribers us wo woula ...>t at agent for tlm sale of thu smuo BYRAM it: PIERCE. GO, South Third street, Pliila., Pa. nov 2C—divvly L ARD AND CANDLES.—4*0 bblt and GO kegs Xu 1 Leaf Dll'd 76 boxes Adumantiuo Candles, ttnr bruud lot) do Uc Adult’s 'fallow do, Just received and for sale by jyit) _ SCRAN ION,JOHNSTON A_CO. FilESIK GROUND CORN MEAL. «) *. A BUSHED^ Fresh Ground Corn Meal iu *5Uv store, and for sale low ty mig;» YOU u 5: WYATT. MILLER iic ROLL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, UUUNSWICK, GA. Wlil praetl io in tim Brunswick Circuit—compris ing tho following Couutius : Glynn. Wayne, Camden, Waro, Apppllng, Clinch, Coll'eu uml Chaiitoii, JOHN B. MILLER. L. C. ROLL, uuga Jy A • TttlJMAS dk CO., Auction anti Comlmssion Morclmnlii, 110 liruan Street, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. A. Thomas. tjul21 S. S. Pakdcx. T.m- .. . It. F MtUELL, DKALKtt IN OUOlOfi F AAULY OltOCERIES uml i'ordgn ami Doinvutlc Fruit, corner ltrouyhtnn anil Whilalcerols. owu uml ummiry supplied with choico goods at moderata prices. All order? promptly uttunded to, und Hiitfifuotion always guaranteed. spls JOHN u. faCUOant, WUOI.ESALE AND KKTA1L DBALBK IN WINDOW BLINDS, WINDOW SA811 AND HANK DOORS. West Hldo Monument Squaio, Suvuunuh, Ga. may 11 JOHN C. IlOOTIl, CIVIL KNCINFBU AND SUHVKYOH, Wnl also give his attention to designs in Architec ture. Oillco In tlm store of John Williamson, E-q., Bay street. niyJSI CHAFFER «Sk C6.~, No. G Wliltnker Street, Huvaiumli, tin., WIIUI.KSAIJ1 AND UKTAll. IJEALKIW IN (RASHES, Biind3, Doors, Muuldlngs, Ac. White U 1/cad, Zinc, Wliito l.luseed, Spuriu, Whale, Tun- tiers’uud NeutsfootOils, Glass, Brushes, Gold Leal, Bronze, Builders' Hardware. Nulls, Marble Mantels, \o., &o. je4 ii tifi n M. mi.Glen7 ATTORNliV AT LAW, Oillco corner Bitv aud Druylou htreets Jyis K. WilliillT. J I*. K. KltVAOK •WlUailT «Si SAVAGE, ATTOliXtiYS AT I.A IK, __ BRUNSWICK, GA. _ .tylO A. il. C H .0(11*1 ON. (Successor to Ulmtnplun Si Watts.) WLIOLKSALH AND ni-n'AlL (iltOOKtt, Vo. j Da rim rd st., between tlm Murkct aud liny st., SAVANNAU,GA. Dealer iu Groceries, Foreign and Domestic liquors, Dried Fruits, &e., ftc. - Reference—A. Champion, lisq., bmnuel Solomons, Ksq., Messrs. Rulmu Whitehead, aud Switt 5cCo., Suvuumth, Ga. mvli O. a. HAHKlMON. ArO. M UAU1USON * DtUUHEB, AHOTJON, COMMISSION, IIKCEIVINC _ L oi'u'itrdiiiii Mcrcliants. 59 AND Ul BBOilNBTlUaa, COLUMBUS, flIOUU. JOHN «. COCH11ANK, Al'l'OUNKV AT LAW, Dublin, utnrens county, Ga,, late junior partner of the linn of A. .2.1. Gouuiunk, Jrwinton, Ga., will attend promptly to nil business entrusted to his care. Particular nttuutiou paid to collecting. Re ference—Dr. G. B. Guyton, F. 11. Howe, Dublin, Ga., M Marsh, Savunnah. myll YONGK Ot FIIIE11SON, Forwarding and commission merchants, NI*. D4 lUY-SrKKCT. SAVANNAll, OA ujir-) A. NoALFIN vSi ilUUTllERH, Lumber, Mill and Brick Yards. EOpt 5 SAVANNAH, GA. P. JACOBS,' SEGAll AND TOISACCO STORE, No. 29, Bull street, (sigu oi the Big Indian.) N. D.~Keeps uonstautiy ou hum! Spauish, Hail Sixuiish, aud Amcricuu Sugars, ut wholesale and rc- nil. Also, Chewing Tobacco, Snufi, Ac. June) - JAn SIcUENliY^ ~ Luauruuce Broker and Notary Public. Mariuo Protests Noted and Extended, Average, uiijusted, Charter Parties und Average Bonds drawna Papers preparo l whereby to recover losses from American or British Umlorwritors, and attention given to till matters connected with shipping uml lu- surauoe, No. 118 Buy-street opposite the front ol the Custom House. Iy uovfi JESSE T, UEIINAUD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Nuwimnsviilo, Flu. Reference—Ge <rgc . Brown, William Dell, New- nansvilie, Fla., B. B. lliltou, Boston & Villalonga, Savannah, Ga.myll M. WHIT SMITH, ATTOHNEY AT LAW, ALUOATOR, HAST FLORIDA, Will pructicu iu the Pas lor u uml Soulliern Counties liefer to—C'oi. S. S. Sibley, and it. I). Hilton, Sa vuunah. fobZ-tf ' Oil AS. O. CJAM1-U1SI.1., ATTOHNEY AT HAW, UILLKDUKVILLK, OA.* 1 Practices in tbo various Couutics or the Oc tnuigeo Circuit, and tho udjoinlug Counties of Twiggs, Laurens aud Washington. Ruler to—John Boston, H. A. Crane, uud it. B Hiitou. foDl4 ATutJKBOlL ATTOUNEY AND OOUNBELLOB AT LAW, ANl) Commissioner of the U. S. Court of Claims foi the State qf Georgia. office Curuer Bay uml Uml streets, i. my 10 WM. M. WILLIAMS, TIUUIJKUS OMVKR. JACK IIKOWN WILLIAMS, OLIVER Oi BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Buena Vista, Marion County, Ga., Will practice in the counties of Marion, Macon, Hous ton, Stewart, Randolph, Muscogee, Leo, aud auy mUoming counUos, where their services may be required. inyll WILLIAM PHILLIPS, ATTOHNEY AT LAW, MAltlRTTA, GA. OC.tfili—1\ DAVID G. WILDS, A T T OBNBY A T L A W , SPARTA, GA. Will practice iu tlio counties of Hauceck, Warren Washington, and Uuldwiu. Hkkkukncxs—Bohn 4: Foster, Rabun A Smith, and K. A. SoitUard. Savannah. jnntf R. U. lilLTUN, AtTURXEY AND COUNSELLOR AT l AW. L'liico corner of Bay and Dray ton-sts. H AVANS AM, UA. myll HENRY WILLIAM^, ATTOUNEY AT LAW, No. 8, Dmjtou Street, Savannah, Cloorgia. may ft—ly DR. CtiARLES 'll. GOLDING, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE. No. 14 LIBERTY ST., Guo door west of Drayton. myll H AY—tfOi) liukM very carefully svlcclmf, to ar arrlvo jylO PATl’EN, HUTTON & CO. R ECEIVED tliis-day par Steamer Alabama— lL-ckers sdl-raijiug Flour, Choice Table Butter ft Cheese, at BARRON’S Family Grocery, jy U0 Corner Whitaker & Chut lion via. * Clothing ; Hats and Cups, Shirts, Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, Cauci, umbrellas Cravats, Stocks, Handkerchiefs, And JfFaucy Articles r tv P OTASH—10 coses Rectified Potash, in tin cans, for family use: 10 casks Potash, j u»t received uml lor tale by Jyll RODGKIW, NORRIS k CO, B AGGIN’G AND ROPE—7G halos (inuny Cloth UU half bales do do 200 coils Kentucky Rope, in fitore, for halo by .ly-’d WEBSTER Si PALM ICS. F l.OUR.-3tU) sucks Paiacu Mills Double Extra l'l.ntr, just received mid for sale by jyS RUSK, DAVIS 5c LONG A/f Ol,ASSES.—loti barrels Molasses lor salo, to IVx arrive per brig Zorvaster, by mig 2 LOCKETT 6i SNFILING3. QUGAlt. STARCH, SOAP AND aUDA— O lUO hols A, B uml C Sugar GO do Crushed and Pulverized Sugar I6>) boxes Slnrch 250 do Pale, No 1 und Family Soup 25 kegs Washing Soda, ftU boxes Cordon do, landing aud lu atoro and for sale by McMahon & doyle, uugT 203 and 207 Bay street. WM. O. CONNELLY, ATTOUNEY AT LAW, ISABELLA, WOKTU COC.VTV, -A,. (POS1 1 OFFICE, ALBANV.) Will pruutise iu tho Soutiican Circuit, aud in Macon, Dooly und Worth Counties of the Macon Circuit. «S" Particular attention glvcu to tlio collection (<t claims in South-Western Georgia. je2—(ini ■ e.cCmmTno, AT TO UN EY AT LA W, fobl-Ty luwi.vio.v, q.\. IM.N1KU & AMffBUW, ATTOltNEYS AT LAW, npG-ly halos, ua. ' William'ii'.' iiAsiitcit,' ATTOUNEY AND COUN8EUMU AT IAW. Troupville, Lowudcs County, Ga. Wilt practice in Thonms, I/>wndes, Clinch, Waro, Appling, TeltUir, Irwin, I^urcns. uml Pulaski countios, Georgia; aud m Jefferson, Madison, Hum Hton. and Columbia counties, Florida. [myll ☆ OJUOTBIfil-Gr A EMPORIUM- Of I DOOH WB3T OF TUB IIEPUBUOAN IUjADI.S n M OOM, FiuoReudy-mude for «9cntlumeu. W.O. Price, FASHIONABIJS AND MILITABY TAYLOll, No. 147 Bay Street, SA VANiXAU. Also, Superfinu Cloths, ussimers ami Yostlugs, will ho inaUo to mca- suro.unoxccption- able iu stylo amt workmanship,* by tho host mechanics, at shortost notice .m. Ordersfrom city and county solicited, jpg wa. Al'ULKV UoiTFU. JXO. OOUPXM I COUPKIl dS FRASER, FACTORS k GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bay street, Suvaiiuah, Ga. [myll R. J. HAVANT, JR, FACTOR AND COMMISSION HERO ANT, No. 07 Buy Ntre.t, ’ jy 30 S»vann»h, Ot A. SHORT, RASTER BUILDER. Will take contracts for Building and Working Ma- sonry or overy description. Resldenot, No. I Mr* -IcwoU'r Range. 8nuth side Jonra at oettO ATTORNEY AT LAW, HIQMAHVILLK, fllOMAB COtJKTT, OA. All bualnc.-os entrusted to his cart will promt)! attontlon. lyr—marl? JAMBS 0. ROnaBHS. .AXM A. M RODGERS Ot NORRIS, (Into Cmne At Rodgers, WHOLESALE GROCERS, UAY-8TRKRT, SAVANNAH. - June 1,1855, [fof* t. J. OODKN. WM. STARK. Jr. ■, OGDEN, STARR Ot CO, vuiinn, O. vU.j Shipping and Commission Merchants, HAV-BTKKKT. SAVAtiHAD. OA. PAT'X'RN, Ilt'fTON diCO., FACTORS. Forwarding and OommissioR Merchant.,, Sftvnmmtl. (1.. DSt“ Particular attention givon to tiio Bales of Rea) Estate, Negroes and Produce. ffJr Uhcrul advances made on Negroes and Mar- uhuiidlzo. • KKFKKKNCm ; RC'i-E, PATl'EN 5c CO. I G IN BY k DANIEL. yOolumbua, Ga STEWART, GRAY 5tCO.J (>t'<W I.A VI. f. 1 nV-il \ RISE, DAVIS k LUNG, I WM. WIUGI1T, / BavauuaU YOUNG, ATKINS 5k DUNHAM, I C. A. GREENE k GO., J ApatodtitooU II tl LIIII-I'II I II..LII. A * 11. S. SMITH, VMobilo, Alabama; out 23 B. kLLIB, ' Factor aud tieueml Commiadoo Merchant KO; 71 BAY-HTBKBT, SAVANNAH, OA., cl.-t.i tl... ..... .--I V..u... , .a HAI-DIBUI, KCTERh to—Messrs. Glngboru k Cunuinghum, Bell Frontl*h, Og'leu. --'tarr flt Go., Savmnmh : J. II IbompKon. Ikwtan ■John s: norHTsT' ARCHITECT, TTAVING resumed thu practico of his proles* XA. sion, offers hla services to his friends aud the pnblio os au Architect aud Superintendent, Designs fot any part of tho country suppliud aud oxocutod iu all tho various branches or hts nrorcs- slon, such ns l'ubllo Edifices, Stores, Dwellings, Monuments, 5bo.* Thoroughly Flro Proof Htoros de' signed and oxocutod. Oflleo ut prosont In Bay Iauo, roar orthoOuatom Houbo. Jan 3—ly TO MASTER BUILDERS AND CON- . TRACTORS. R0P0SALS for erecting a Masonic Hall for Solo raon’a Lodgo No. 1, will ho rooolved at my of- llco until tho first Monday in August noxt. jyO—Gw JOHN 8. BOWEN, ArohltooL WILLI AAA LYNN, CO.MMSSION ANl) F( RWARDING MERCHANT, .Vo. 87 Hay thtel, Savannah, Georgia. June 13 '■ »1 EI'T'ERSON KOUER'iffi, UENEIIAL GOMM1S8IOJN MEROUANT, AND b£aUill IN Timber and Lumber. SA VANNAH, Go. WHJ.LS « WILLIAMS, PKALKltS IK DOMESTIC, FOREIGN AND FANCY %r DUY GOODS. . „ t7 0, Cmgress-sU, Savannah, Ga. JAS. T. WELLS, formerly of Boaufort Disk 8. C. T11EOPHII.US WILLIAMS, “ Scrlvon Co.,Ga. sept 7 ' •• *" “ va “. J. n. DAVIS. W. H. I OKU. Ui:SK, DAVIS A LONG, OOAIMISBIOK MERCHANTS. iiU'iVMIU r, . ' ' SAVANNAH, GA. may 30 \VJI. S. DANXKLL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SAVANNAH. UA. AH** Ollloo over Thomas M. Turner & Co.’s Dru« btoro, Bay street. m y7 ■ x. lockkit. u. d. an LOCKETT dt SNELLINGS, COMMISSION MEBOHAn’tS, AND SHIPPING AGENTS, Savannah, Go* Will attend to tbo eolliug of all kinds ofproduoe. strict attention given to receiving and forwarding Koods. . may 81 iy Auction & < A. It. MfLAVGK...., G (moral A gojit and Auctioneer, !N)lioitri Irom Ins friends, consignments ol every dcsci Iplion. Takes orders for Cotton. SjH.ciul attontlon given-^to the sales of Real Estate, stocks and Negro property, at pubUo and private halos. Prompt returns and dispatch. Reference—C. a, L. LAMAR. -- mch 80 JAS. W. UKRKN. 8. V. akdoT. GREEN * SMOOT, ATTOltNEYS AT LAW. TH0MA8T0.V, GA. OCt20 JOHN BILBO. Ordinary or Chatham County. AND ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in the Court House. myW ANTHONY M^CVLLOH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Savannah, Georgia. A3** Office on Bay street, over the Bank of Bar an- tmh. mayia R. F. COLE * BROTHER, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION man CHANTS, Savannah, ~ V. T. Co Bay street, S „ . RKFERK.NCHS. Holcomb, Johnson, 5k Co. | Cohens A Herts, Loukott 5c Snolliugs, I EdwinPanonakGo., Robert A. Allen, | Soranton, Joluuton b Co SAVANNAH, GA. my 18 . CHANTS, Savannah, Ga., and Montgomery, Ala, F.T.C0W, I * K. F. Coul street, Savannah. | Commerco sL, Momg’ry. WM. L. WKBIt. me. n. BAUB , WEBB dt SAGE, (srcUKSOKSIO CAMUtON, WEBS k CO. IMPORTERS OF CIGNA, GLASS, AND EARTHEN-WARE 146 C11AULKSTON, 8. 0., Will Kiq'pi} Country Morchumd with Goods u thet^ hue ut as low rules us (boy can buy in Nsw York, ur ohewhoro. sept 28 |y L. P. KING, ^ ATTORNEY AT LAW, Curuer oi liuy ami M Whitaker Streets, SAVANNAH. fob 22 3mos JONH S. BOWEN. ENGINEER, ARCHITECT AND SURVEYOR, COKXKR OK DRAYTON AND BKYAN-BU., Jyfl—3m (Abovo C A. L. lAtmar.j C. W. MABRY, - ATTORNEY AT LAW FIUXKUX, BEARD OO., GA. Will Attend lo professional business In tho Counties of Heard, Carroll, Campbell, Oowoto, Fayette, Wuri- wother and Troup. Roforence—Hon. E. Y. HUI, Utirauge, Ga.: Hon, 1 trill Ii( O.. ■ tf n'j. .. David Irwin, Marietta, Gu.Colonel fi.'M. Tl'dwaU. ** '. WllUam Dougherty, C«1 Fayetteville, Ga.; and Mr. lumbua, Ga. sepl7-ly wm. McAllister. kshed on reasonable terms. Epcutfully solicited. up 18 D. A. O'BYRNE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office 175, Bay-st., over Turner b Go’s. Drag store SAVANNAH, GA. uovlO—ly GEORGE TROUP HOWARD. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office Mouument Square, near State Bank. , SAVANNAH, GA. nov 10—ly CRANE, WELLS A CO. FACT01IS & COMMISSION I V Savannah, Ga S. W. BAKER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSEUDR AT LAW, nilU IrUUDOAUAIKAI UIH, Montlcello, Joflbrson County, Fla. . Reforeuce—Hon. W. B. Fuausa, Bavannab, Ga. myll EDWARD G. WILSON, MAGISTRATE, NOTARY AND COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS. At Messrs. Word 5k Owons* Law Office. WA YNE, GRENVILLE dt CO., [myll R CHAN IB, COMMISSION AM) IOR„™ m , v Say street Sawwah. • „ THOS. 8. WAYNE. . C. E. GRENVILLE, R. AIJCX. WAYNE, W. T. SAMPLE/' jy 6—tf Savannah. J. . W. PATTERSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Troupville, LowudoaConty.Ua. fmll M. FITZGERALD, . Corner ofBmu^hfoiumd WhltokarHItv, QUOCESSOi^to T. cAuc.Jlumfkctar.rud jj Dealer In every variety tu common and lu . warranted to resbt eflhc- tually tho hot daml) atmosphere oT a Boutbern Ch- 'aah, prices low? l “ i8 “ /8,r wr