Savannah Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, August 15, 1856, Image 3
• .'-■ .i-v- I , , irt'r „ ' • • •ry-sgSKSZ ' iv’•■ '•.• m.: IlffiALTH OFFlOli SAVANNAH, l ’ . ; July 10th,.1856;.'/ * All yesisto arriving at the port of Savau- _ nab, nrom tho Weal Indies, Moxioo, Central Coricrt, South America, or dram auy port where Emulous infectious and malignant dlaeaioa ara Availing, (also, all veisola having sickness on. E r d, or having had aloknoM on board, sluoo last iarauce.) aro required to como to anolior oil ft Jackson, thero to remain without commuulca- it with the olijr of Savaunah or adiacont country, liil visited by the Health Officer. ■No boat or vessel aball rocolvo any or the crow 1 N^songors from vessoia subject to Uio abovo or* v tor tho purpose or carrying them to .tho city or ftauuinriU not bo detained In Quaraulluo unions ■oh iiotontlou bo noceaiary. Iahv.violation or tho abovo orders will subject violator to the penalty oT the law. F. 11. DKUERE, Health UlUoor. lAimroved K. C. ANDSuaoN, Mayor, tf-Jyl? . THE HAVANA PLAN. Southern Lottery. More Prizes than Blanks, Bdlce Sav’li, Albany At Gulf R. It. Go.,) Savannah, 27th Juno, 1856. J _ An Instalment or 10 per cout., being Uio sixth on the capital Stock or this Company, I hereby called, and requlrod to bo paid at this ■ n on tho 1st day of Soptembor next. By order _ OIIAS. tlBANT, I juue2S—wtlS Secretary and Treasurer. NOTICES O. R. R. _ THK frolght ou rorn rrom Atlanta to 8a* vaunsth will bo reduced to 10 o. per bushel lu uud niter he 1st day oT April uext. WM. II. WADLEY, _ Qe acral Superin’t. | frutisportattoui office, J - . , nar Larul Hull Road. I HOWE’S COTTON HARVESTER. i» Tho groat doaldoratum oT Planters is dual* ly obtained In tbo successful Invention or lowe’s Cotton Harvester, with which one hand can Kok 03 much cotton as live In tho ordinary way, lvi(lc3 saving an immonso amount of labor. What I'hitney’s Cotton Giu is lu its after stage, Howe's Birvc? tor is iu picking. I For furthor information, apply to 1 A. WILBUR, 111 Bay stroot, Agent for the Btatos of Uoorgla and Florida. Jy26 ^ j jijip jjj 0 The subscribers olfer lor sale a largo and vorioil ln.*urtmont of second-hand printing material, sulll- lient to establish a oomploto Job Olllce, with but lew additional articles, consisting In part of—One ample font of small pica, as good os pew, and varl- tui fonts or Job type; ono super royal Imnd-pross; line lloo & Co.'s proof-press, latest Improvement, now; two or more largo Imposing stones, uew; tiou- tleuml siuglo stands; coses, composing sticks,col* torn rules, galleys, chases, etc., etc., together with tirious otbor articles pertaining to a nowspaper kr job olHco. R. B. HILTON ft CO. | Juno 28 keuzie’s Patent water filter An assortment of sixes and with tho latest improvement, can only ho found at our Htoro. We will sell thorn at tho manu facturer’s retail pr Iocs, adding ouly the transportation, and put them np (Tee of charge. KENNEDY ft BEACH, Hodgson's block, coruerof Broughton and Ball sts. Julyl7 ■PATENT 1. BALING CANS AND JARS, Just received an In voice or Ar thur's Patent Air Tight Stslf»Scall»g CAWS AND JARS, For Preserving TOMATOES, &c. Full directions for preserving accompany each Can. For salo at manufacturer's prices by HORACE MORSE. 115 Broughton st. Also, an tesortmentor Ludlow ft Co’s ami Bur eau's Screw Top Frnlt Cans, less than cost. Jyib , AflIU HO jtypea and Photography." P. If. CARY \TfOULD respectfully give notice that his V ? rooms are now opon for the season, and rea dy lor the reception or visitors. By tbo Avbrottfi process persons may now havo (heir childreu’8 pictures taken, in almost any posi tion they may choose, in from 1 to 3 sooodds silting. By the Photographic process old Daguerrootypos can be transferred to paper, beautifully colored and enlarged to life. oct 22 HOARDING. LIE VISUAL gentlemen or small families tan be VJ accommodated with good Rooms and Board, on tile (Vest side of Montgomery street, ono door above South Broad street. MH3. M. line 12—If Foil each, 3 .*r 4 I. 9. RAYMLK. MALE. Six Tracts ol' Land, 600 acre T7 miles from the city of Savannah on tho 8. A. ujidGulfRail Road, wall adapted to the growth oi Rice, Cottou and Corn, and Wood euougb to pay for It ten times over. Apply to rob 27 If 0. A. C'l/IUD. NEW TIN STORSTaND SHEET-IRON MANUFACTORY. 141 SOOTH OP MARRR KOUAHB. HKYAN HTKXCT. ^ I would Inform my old frlouds and patrons {5^ I have opened tbo abovo sloro to conduct tbo flHNStovo, Tin and Shcet-Irou Business In all Its various forms, and wboro will be found a gen eral assortment of Stoves, Hu andShcot-lron Waro, which I will bo<ploased to show, and at such prico as will satisfy any ono wishing to purchuso. All kinds of Rooting, Gutters of Load, Galvanized Iron Work of every description, Job Work and Ro- pairiug executod with dispatch, old Stoves put up end Pipes furnished at short notice. Tin Ware at wholosalo and rotoll. Call down on Bryan street, It will pay^ou for your walk. oct 2 I J. MAURICE, Agent. C OFFEE AND CANDY.-100 sacks RioCofTco 60 boxes fresh ground do 26 do Candy, just received and Tor salo by Jyil McMAHON ft DOYLE. D RV GOODS.—Ladles open worked Hose, do LUlo Thread do, do English and German do Children’s Cotton Hobo and Socks Gent's Half Iloao, fancy and plain Do Silk and Lisle Thread Gloves Do Lisle Under 8hlrts liidics' Gauze, Merino and Thread Under Shirts Do Hair Cloth Skirts Cambric aud Swiss Flouucing and Banda, fcc., for salo at lowest prices by Jy22 DbWITT ft MORGAN. MATRIMONY MADE EASY,' O R HOW TO WIN A LEVOIL—Tho easy Principle of Love, interspersed with Directions 1 or tho Preservation and Exaltatiou of Personal Beauty and Loveliness, and Tor prolonging human life healthily and happily lo the very lougest period of human existence.— Splendidly engraved on stool. TI10 single, married, and tho married happy.— What is lovor—with Instructions for courting, in or der to win tho aiructlous of the opposito sex. The Lights and Shades of Married Life. The 7,805 PIUZ CM M ffcfco. Only 15,1)00 Nuiiilnn.ilI Jusper County Academy LOTTERY, BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA. CLASS «$. To ho drawn Soptembor I6lh, 1856, at Concert Hall, Macon, tin., under tho sworn superintend ence (if Col. dames M. l/igan uud .lames A. Nlshot, Esq. Patrons will please examine this Schema careful ly, compare it with ntiy other, uud if It is not the best over offered, and tho chances to obtain enpi t»U far bettor, don't pm-cham tickets. CAPITAL, $15,000. 1 Prize of $15,080 Is, 1 “ ... I “ ... 2. “ ... 5 “ ... $15,000 ,000 Is 5,000 2,000 is 2,000 1,000 are 2,000 600 are 2,500 ro " 100 aro 7,500 20 Approxim’s of $60 to $16,000 prize m e $1,000 60 “ 26 to 3,000 “ are 1,260 60 20 to 2.000 “ aro l,t'U0 100 “ of $lO to each of the capitals of $1,000 arc l.ouo 7M)0 prizes of 8Jj aro ; 03,760 TO.RENT—A Ct 0 Taylor sir ft. I’ossesslon given 1st | Uibor. ^pply nUhwbfllce. FQtt, ilENT—Tho two Stores, Nos. 83 uid 85 Bay street. Apply'to WM.'DUNCAN. - nugO-2aw4» m TO RENT. A .STORE lu Gibbon's Range, between Congro.w and St. Julleu Btroats. Posses- sion given Immediately. Apply to — M. GUMMING. august 1— twi T*> RENT. Building corner Day and Draytou-sts. suitable for murcuijlle purposes and stor age. For particulars enquire Ut I nge. For partlc Juno 13 ~ WANTED TO RENT emiulr THIS OFFICE. A onmmodlmw, airy and peasant House iu a doslrablo part of tho city, for which a liberal m ice will be paid. Enquire at tho office ortho Georgian and Journal. June 2*r—tf OFFICES - FOR RENT" IN THK T11KEE<STORY BRICK HOUSE udjoluing tho ollleo of the subscriber. Tho bnsoment would make, with some slight Improvement, anoxeolleutlawyor’s-ollleo. To iiivtiuul Kocuud Hours will ho lei for Counting- Rooms, aud tho ll^lrd for sloupmg apartmouta. Con- ucc.ted with tho establishment Is an out building ol brick, suitable for servants. Apply to C. A. L. LAMAR, sopt3 Corner Dray tou and Bryan streets. 7806 prizes amounting to $102,ouu rickets $10, Halves $6, Quarters 62 60. 47 Prizes puyulilo without dedu. lien. Tho 7,600 prizes of $8 k aro determined by the uuiubor which draws the $16,000; if thatmimber sbould bo an odd number, thou every odd number ticket iu tho scheme will bo entitled $8 60; if an oven nunibor, thou every even number ticket wld ho entitled to $8 60, iu addition to any othor prize which may he drawn. Purchasers buying nn equal quautity of odd aud even number tickets wllll bo eertaiu of drawing nearly one half the co4 of tho eumo, with chances of obtaining othor prizes. All those tickets ending with 0, 2, 4, 0,8, arc even; all those coding with 1,3, 6. 7, <>, arc odd. Persons sending money by mull need not fear its boing lost. Orders particularly attended to. Com munications conUdeiitiul. Bank uotos of sound banks taken at par. Those wishing particular numbers should order Immediately. Address, JAMES F. WINTER, auglU Manager, Macon, Ga. CAITTA . PRIZE $50,000. Alabama Lottery, (AtmiOKIZKtl BY TUK KTiTK OP AMIUMA.J lonthm Mlititnt Slrntam Mini ' CUSS G. Tr» be the City of Montgomery. Alabama, in public, on FRIDAY, Set tember lath, 1863, on the HAVANA PLAN! SAMUEL SWAN, Manager. Prizes amounting to 200,000 Dollars! 1 Will be distributed according to tbo following MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! 30,000 Tickets Only! 1 1 prlzo of. $60,000 Is 1 do do 25,000 is 16,000 Is 10,000 Is 0,000 is M00 6,01)0 U ... 6,000 ........._ n |0 oo do do...., . do do do do do do do do 3,000 Is.. $50,000 . 25,000 . 16,000 10,OIK) 10 do do.. 80 do do... 100 do do.. 1,0001s 3,000 60013 6,000 4001s 82,800 2001s 20,000 4 “ 300 4 “ 260 4 “ 176 4 ” 160 4 “ 125 4 “ 100 4 “ 80 4 •• 70 4 “ 60 40 “ 40 320 •* 30 400 20 VALUAULE PROPERTY FOR SALE* Tho two story brick store ou Congress street, now occupied by Messrs. Elnstolu ft Kckumn. Tlds Is one of tho best stands iu tho city for auy kind of business. Terms lie made accommodating. For particulars In quire at 142 Broughton street, above tho sloro orT. L. MoKenua. tfmayU TO RENT. The Dwelling lately occupied by Judge j Fleming, In Taylor street, near Drayton. I Said House is three stories on a bnsomont, kwith gnuJ servanls’ rooms, uud outhouses. weiiston given Immediately. Apply to feb 28 D. L. COHEN. FOR RENT. Possession givon Immediately — Three | story brick houso, now and In good order, I on Macon street, next castrosidenco to Mrs. tJowotL pply nt this ollleo. d ti may27 ATLANTA HOTEL. “ ATLANTA ■ i i i GEORGIA. •T* J. I1E8LER, Proprietor* Late, nf the Verawlah Hotel, AVui Orleans. Passengers per Kvculug Trains will Bud Supper ready 011 the arrival of the Cars, mny!4 MERCHANTS’ HOTEL, HOARD FEU DAV 1 60 UOAIID PKIl WEEK fl 00 HOARD I’KK MOXTH 20 00 .mayl3 lyr MILLS HOUSE, UOHNElt MEETING AND QUEEN-STREETS, aiAUI.KSTOJ^. 0. M THI8 House imow adapted to all tbo wunls of the Travelling Public, and tho ef forts or the Proprietor will bo to deserve their patronage. mar 31 THOMAS S. NICKERSON. ROWLAND’S SPRINGS. THIS well knowu watering placo is -igaia open for the reception of enm-w puny, under the Immediate supervision orihe pro prletor. Tho aeeonmiodatious are extensive. Tho Springs are 6y z miles Trom Cal lersvlllo, on tho Western ft Atlantic Railroad, where coaches aro in readiness to convey Passengers to and from tho Springs, eoanccllug with tho trains each way. JOHN 8. ROWLAND, Propnotor. uug 2. dftwlmo ■ Instead of polng North como to tho Stono Mountain House, and spend your summer, us everything will bo done tbr your com- fort. Conveyances wil 1 bo furnished to convoy passengers to Ijiwrenccvillo, GaincsviUo aud Clurksvillo. fST I’ussetigors by tho Georgia Railroad take sup per ut this lmuso. ALEXANDER ft CLARK. F. 8. Alkxandkii, formerly of Lawrcncoville. J A, Cmiik, Social Circlo. 2m—ie 2 1,000 prizes amounting to $2130,000 PRICE OK TICKKT8. Wholo Tickets $10; Halves $6; Quarters $2 60. PUN OK THK LOTTERY. Tho Numbers from 1 to *0,000; eorrospomllng with thoso numbers on tho Tickets prhilod tm sopa- rato slips of paper, are encircled with small tin tubes, and placed In ono wheel. Tho Urst 200 Prizes, similarly printed and cucir- cled, are placed In another wheel. Tho wheels are then revolved, aud tho number Is drawn from the vvheol ot numbers, ami at the same time a Prize is drawn from tho other vvheol. Tho number and prlzo drawn out uro opened and exhib ited to tho audience, and registered by the Commis sioner, the l’rizo being plaeod against tho number druwu. This operation is repeated until nil tho Pri zes are drawn out. INDIAN SPRING HOTEL. Thu Undersigned has again tbo pleasure of informing Ida numerous friends, us well as the public at largo, that he is yet at tho Indian Spring Hotel, and is folly prepared, with tho assistance of his sous and his own expcricueo id' six years ut the hotel, with the best cooks that cun bo procured, us well us assis tance ofmll kinds, to ask of ull thoso who visit Uio Spring a generous sharo of their patronage, intend ing to Bpnro uo pains or himself to muko all such as please to give him a call comfortable, Tho Indlau Spring Hotel is now opon, and ready to rccoive all those that will please to call. Thero will bo at For sythe Depot coachos and hacks ready to convey all such as wish to go over. KDW. VARNER, may 23-3 taw tsopl Proprietor. V Savaunuh Republican, Morning News, aud Charleston Courier will ploaso insert the above three times each week uutU 1st September, and send their bills for paymout, EDW. VARNER. AI'I’KOXIHATWM PRIZES. The two preceding and tbo two succeeding Num bers to thoso drawing tho brat 200 prizes will bo entitled to the 800 Approximation Prizes, a-eording to tbo Scheme. 47 Tho Manugors, determined that thoir lotte ries shall exccll ull others, oiler to tho public the above scheme, which, for tho brilliancy of Its Cap itals, aud the chances of obtniulng Prizes, has nev er boon cqualod. 47 Remember that evory prize is drawn, and payable in full without uoluution. 47 All prizes of $1,000 and under, paid Immedi ately after tho drawing,—othur prizes at tho usual time of thirty days. All communications strictly coutlUcutinl. Tho drawn numbers will he forwarded, to pnrehosors immediately after tho drawing. Orders for Tickets should be sent in early. Prlzo Tickets cashed or rcunwed in othor Tickets at either ollleo. Orders for Tlckots can ho addressed either to 8. SWAN ft CO., Atlanta, Ga., augl'i Or 8, SWAN, Montgomery, Ala. [AUTHORIZED RY THK fcTATU OK UKOHUIA.J FORT GAINES ACADEMYLOTTERY. CLASS 18. To bo drawn In the city of Atlanta, in public, on THURSDAY, August 28,1860, ou tho HAVANA PLAN. Reproductive Organs of Fomalcs handsomely engraved: ami tho IuUrmltlos of Youth and Maturi ty, with thoir remodios. PKJXLVANCT ILLUSTRATED )IY PLATB3. at dllforent stages or gestation—how to dotormine when it exists—how lo provent pregnancy, und with a lecture on Lovo to married ladles and gentle- SAMUEL SWAN A CO., Manager* PRIZES AMOUNTING TO 2 0 4, 0 0 0!! Witt bo distributed according to the following IEV” * Prico 50 cents per copy. On tho rocelpt of the money through mall, (post-paid,) ono copy or the book will be scut by mail to any part or the United States. Published ■ CHARLES WALKER, No.88 South 3d st., Philadelphia, Po. M Also, Dn. Lacroix’s philosophical view oi- A popular treatise on tho socrot infirmities ot youth and maturity arising from gonltal diseases, in both boxoh with upwards oronohuudrod and twen- ty llvo lllhograplis aud engravings llhiatrating the anntomv, physiology, and diseases of tho soxual or- Kans, thoir structure, uses and functions, together with plain directions for the pcrroct euro of syphilis, klwd, strlcturo, etc. Price 60 cents per single copy. Published by CHARLES WALKER, No. 38 South fid st., Philadelphia, Pa,, t owhorn all orders must be Bent. apll2—u ]\T ATCHfcy. ftc.—100 grosB Matches in wood ItJL boxo3,160 boxes Mustard 200 boxes Adamautine, Hydraulic aud Sperm Undies, received aud for Salo by Jyi7 McMahon ft doylk. JUST RECEIVED PER FLORIDA. 1 CASE ItichordHons Superior Irish Linens, JLUicckcd Cambrics, Nainsooks, Swiss Muslins htripc«lr*wisB, and Plain Jacouots, J,cu=o Palm Leaf Fans, Cotton Fringe and Wldo Trimming Braids; Crass Cloth, Now York mills Shirting. • omm Haporlor Calicos at OJ^cts, *10 and 114, Bleached Colton Sheetings, ftc., ftc. for salo at tbo lowestprlces, by - DEWITT ft MORGAN. BH1LUANT SCHEME 1 30,000 NUMBERS—15,185 PRIZES! SCHEME, 1 prlzo of $40,000 is $40,000 1 “ 10,000 Is 10,000 1 “ 10,000 Is 10,000 1 •• 6,000 is 6,000 1 “ , 2,000 U 2,000 1 •• 1,000 U 1,U00 *,000 is 1,000 200 aro 2,000 100 aro 10,000 11 prizes or.. loo " 4 prizes of 200 upp'g to $20,000 prlzo, aro 100 76 CO 60 40 26 20 l&.oOO of $8 amounting to.. 10,000 prlzo, aro 10,000 prize, uro 6,000 prize, aro 2,000 prize, aro 1,000 prizo, are 1,000 prizes uro 200 prizo, aro 800 400 300 240 200 100 800 800 ..120,000 ST. MARYS’ HOTEL. Tho abovo named Houso U now opon for the reception of Boarders and Travellers, uud tho undersigned promises to sparo neither pains or oxpenso to make his pa trons comfortable. His tablo will always bo sup plied %ith tho choicest that tho murkotand tho sur rounding country nfibrds—Fresh Fish, Oysters, Ven ison, Wild Gumo, ftc. The House is largo and airy, aud within a few yards or tho landlug, on tho beau tiful rlvor St. Marys, and is a dosiruble placo for In valids and othor* as a summer roBort. The Btage leaves tho Houso three times a week for Woodstock Mills, Ceutrcvillage, and Trudcr’s Hill, and tho Sa vannah boats touch going and coming, ho that per sons will not bo Incunvcnlonccd, but can leave when they doriro. Prices will bo made to correspond with first class country hotols. THOMAS B. JONES St. Marys, May 27,1860. 3m my2T lur uuiwiuu in cargo, .... BRIGHAM, KELLY ft CO. Jf /l-gjn.iyKHiijoi,.—Tmo a i »iiTin5s)EB RAY will havo dispatch for tho abovo port. ■**FCr freight apply to Je8 HUNTER ft GAMMKLL. FOR NEW YORK—Union Line,-Tim rog- Gfe ular Pocket Schooner ENCHANTRESS, __SK. Simpson, Matter, will have quick dispatch for tho abovo pert. For freight or passage, apply ahg 13-3 OGDEN, STARR ft CO. FOB PHILADELPHIA.—Tllo nt.uuoli llut THK UIUCAT IVIStll'mtN INSURANCE (30. OK NEW YOIIK w. ur Nbn lUlln, A liB takiuff Muriiio Biska at their Agency, corner or Dray ton uml Bryan stroels. Approved Hicks will bo token ou liborol terms, ami (no uhuuI credit givon ou Promlum Notes. Tbroo quarters of the business will be returned to the cuh toinurs in scrip. C. A* L. Litinor, foblu Agent In .y.vatmab. iwsuitAivcir _ tailing sebr R W TULIa, A M Strowbrldgo, master For freight, apply to auglO C. A. GREINER. To mil Saturila^ August lO. al 0 o'clock, A. M, ilfim ID. U» U «» HIAA, . ill. United States Mull Steamship KEYSTONE STATE, Cupt. Hardlo, will loavo os abovo. For frolglit or iioHsago apply to - C. A. GREINER, Agont Cabin Pasbogo 20 00 Steorago Possago 7 00 Passengers by this ship for Baltimore and Wash ington will bo landed ut New Castle, Polawuro, if desired, from which placo curs start three UmoB dully for the above cities, uud other Southern points. auglO EUR NEW YOUR. Soutlii’i-ii Mutual Iiumrnnct) Company* Southern Mutual Life Ins* Company, Hume Insurance Cnmpuny, or N* lurk, Syrluglldd Flue 4k. Marine Ins. Uom’y* Risks lu the abovo Insurance Cumpauloa uudorta kou by WM, KING ft SONS, Agents, No. 'JO Bay ptreet* davmtugh, 14th December, 1866. Uocl4 FIRE* MARINE AND LIFE NSUitAiN-C b. HO. Ill, HAY-STllEE'l. CAPITAL UEPIttaENTED, Nciirly Four Alillion Dolmis. By the following responsible Stock Companion. Clint'ter Oak Life lnsitrnnue Company, OF HARTFORD, CT. Jy3l> tlurday, w P. M., precisely. Tho Htonmshlp ALABAMA, Cupt. lG.R. Schenk, will loavo as ubovc. f For freight or passage apply to » PADEliFORD, FAY ft CO. Cublti Passage *, $26 Steerago Passage 8 7 Shippers or Cotton by these Steamships will please tuko notice, that uo Colton will be received ut tie presses that* U not distinctly marked on the edge of tho bale. uugll) Niagara Palls, the Lakes & Canada SHORTEST AND CHEAPEST ROUTE. Per Steamship Keystone State, via Philadelphia Farmers' and Median leu' Fire, Marine utul LI1V) Insurance Company, OF PHILADELPHIA. Urltlgeport Fire and Marine lusurance Compuny, OF BUIDUKPOUT, CT. $5l m 'r.,o subscriber willelfcut Insurance to any anuumt in all [>urt* of tho Stale on every description "** property. Life lusuranec. to auy atuouut. at tho lowest rate, for the licuulit ot hoirs uu l creditors, or payable to tho wile free from the claims of creditors. PHILA* , DELP’A Muriuu lusurunco ou Hulls or Cargoos to all parts tho world. Jau25 A. WILBUR. _ MUTUAL UENEFITLIFE INSURANCE NIAG’RA PALLS $!40. 1 111 ■ ■■“ SH8. T HIS LINE connects at Philadelphia with the Great North-Western Railroad Kouto, through to Niagara Fills aud BuRblo, in sixteen hours from Phlladclphi... Through Tickets, with tho privilege of stopping at Philadelphia, and intermediate points, for sale by tho Agent. Fare to Niagara Falls or Bufihlo $28 u Elmira 20 1 Canandaigua 27 CHARLES A. GREINER, Agent, J23 Savannah. Georgia. COMPANY, NEWARK, N. J. Charier Perpetual. Nett accumulation, Jau. 1,#86U* $2,230,006 47 Total amount of dlvidcuds paid to dulo 716,402 66 Total uiuouut of claims by death paid fo dale l,33U,U00 84 CABIN PASSAGE TO NEW YORK $25 OO. $4,282,488 07 Boujuiuiu C. Miller, Secretary, Joseph i.. Lord, Uenoral Agent, Robert L. Patterson, President. ♦The funds of this Compuuy mo ull sufoly luvosUd first class bonds uml mortgages, stocks, cash, und notos of members folly securod by their policies. For further particulars inquire of CHARLES A. FARLEY, Agent iu Savauuuh, At the olllce of Bell ft Prontis* .1, .*\ SULLIVAN, Medical Examiner. lUiKKKKXca;: Messrs. Padkijtokd, Fay ft Co., 1. K. Tskt, Esq., Slatu Buuk. fou 29 Semi-Weekly United State* Mall Line* r |!HE NEW AND SPLENDID SIDE-WHEEL ■ Steamships— oNOXVIUiE.. 1,600 tons..Cant. C. 1). Ludlow. AUGUSTA .... 1,600 “ .. Cui»t. Thomas FLORIDA 1,300 “ ..Copt. M.8. Wondhull. A1ABAMA.... 1,300 “ ..Cupt. G. K.Schonck. WILL LKAVK SAVANNAH BVKUV WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. TUuso ships aro among the largest on the coast, unsurpassed in speed, safety and comfort, making thoir passages in filly to sixty hours, aud are com manded by skillful, carofol and imlito otllccrs.— Having elegant slate-room accommodations, they offer a most deslrablo conveyance to Now York. Cabin Passage to New York.... $26 Slcerago Passage to New York 8 PADELFORD, FAY ft CO., Savannah. SAM’L L. MITCHILL. 13 Broadway, New York. FLORIDA FORTH. FLORIDA STEAMSHIP COMPANY. —U. 8. Mail Line—From Now Or leans to Key West.—Steamships •FLORIDAand VANDERBILT.—These Qno stcainora will In foture mako thoir regular semi-monthly trips, lenving as follows: New Orleans, 10th &24th Key West, .. 10th ft 24lb HAVE YOU INSURED YOUR LIFE THU CHARTER OAK LIKJ2 INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Hartford, Ct. CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS OVER $400,000. JAS. C. WALKER, President. 8. II. White, h'ecrelury. This Company iiwures 1J e at tho luwest rates, consistent with safety to tho assured. For further Information, apply to A. WILBUR, Agent, Jyyl3 171 Bay street, h'avuuuah. Ga. feb 6 Pensacola.... 11th ft 26 th Apalachicola. 12th ft26th St Marks.... 13Ui ft 27 th Cedar Keys..l4th ft 28th Tampa Buy. .16th ft 29th Tampa 11th ft 26th Cedar Keys.l2ih ft 26th St. Murks...14th ft28th Apalachicola,16th ft'JOLh Pensacola... 10th ft 30tli AGENT FOR SAVANNAH, James M. Curler, AT T11K OFFICE OF MKSSUX. YOU SO, lYYATT <£ CO. r No. 85, Bay Street, below the Post Otticc. Arrive at Key West..,, ,17th ft 1st \ Now Orleans, 17th ft 1st Agents m Now Orloans, dcc26 6m E. G. ROGERS, ft CO., 72 roydrnBS street. DIKKCTUKS: A1.AN80N MARHH, A. ROUX) Firm ot' A. 8. Barnes ft Co. FOR CHARLESTON, VIA BLUFFTON, BEAUFORT AND HILTON HEAD, ft fa The superior Eteamor GORDON, J. P. Brooks,Commander, having boeu thoroughly overhauled nud furnished with a uew boiler, will resumo her trips to Charleston, leaving the Charleston Sfoarn Packet wharf on Sunday, August 17th, ut 6 o’clock, P. M. Sho will leavo Charleston on riuuday, the 24th, mid the 31st Inst., ut tho same hour. On Wednesday, September fid, tho Gordon will commcuco her reg ular trips for the season—twice a week—loavlug Sa vannah every Wodnosday and Saturday evoniug. Excursion tickets, allowiug passougors to go to and return from Charleston or any or tuo wuy pla ces, will bo issued on board until further notice. For engagements, apply to - . J. P. BROOKS, augO Charleston wharf. FOR JOllNHON’8 LANDING, .AND INTERMEDIATE PLAGES, To leave on Tuesday Night, the Uth instant, m - a. Tho light droft-stoumor, WILLIAM JUBmKL LEBBY, Captain A. C. king, will leave regularly as above, from the Charleston Steampackct Wharf. Apply to fob 11 S. M. LAFF1TEAU, Agent. U. S. Mall Line FOR PALATKA, FLA . Via Darien, Brunswick, St. Marys. Ga., fhmandi- na and Jacksonville, Picolala and Black Creek, Fla. THE steamer WELAKA, Capt. N King, will leavo for tbo abovo places every Saturday Morning, at 10 o'clock. This boat has large and airy Btato Room accom modations, and taking tho In laud Passage, offers INDIAN 81MUNUS, tIKOKdIA. BRYAN W. COLLIER Respectfully ouuoudccs that tho abovo House will ho opened for tho reception or guosts, on tho 20th instant, lie has been ^fortunate lu socurlug tho services of Mr. nines Uriflh), well known to tho public os tho keeper of tho Ninety Mile Houso on the Central Railroad, to assist in tho superintendence of tho Molntosh Houso during the season. A baud ot' mu sic levs also boon secured. Stages will bo iu readi ness ut Forsyth, ou tho arrival of trains, to convey nassctigcrs with comfort and ilspatch to the houso. No pains will be spared to make guests as comfort able ns possible, and a moro than usually brilliant soasoii Is confidently anticipated. tlA—Juno 6 modatlona, every Inducement to Invalids and others. Froigbt will be takou for Trader’s Hill and inter mediate landings ou St. Mary's Rlvor. No freight will bo tuken alter 9 o’clock. For freight or passage apply on board at tho Florida Steam packet wharf, or to Jy25 CLAGHORN ft CUNNINGHAM. jPiSM l JHL 2 Brushes. SUNDRIES. 1600 Reams Wrapping paper. 100 bales Twine; 200 doz Scrubbing aud Shoe UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. For Palatka, East Fla., via Darien. Brunswick, SI. Marys, Umandina, Jacksonville, Miidleburg, (Blade Creek,) and Picolala. .mW* ^ Tho new and elegnnt steampackct _aaBSB2 DARLINGTON, Capt. Brook, leaves evory Tuesday morning, ot 10 o’clock, for tho abovo places. Freight will be taken for Trador’s Hill and later- modiute landings on 8t Mary's River. 47 No freight will be taken after 9 o’clock. For frolght or passage, having excellent stato< room accommodations, apply on board, at the Flori da Stoampacket Wharf, near tho Gas Works, or to Jy26 CLAGHORN ft CUNNINGHAM, Ag'ts. 60 M imported Spanish Segars; 260 boxes Tobacco, various brands; 160 sacks Rio Coffee; 75 mats Java Coffeo; 100 doz Brooms; 60 doz Wushboards; 60 Covered Baskets; 160 boxes Family Soap; 160 do Pale Soap; 76 do No. 1 Soap; 500GrosB Matches; 60 lmlf chests Young Hyson Tea; 50 do do Oolong do: 100 boxes Candy: 60 boxos Scaled Ilorrings; 75 boxos Fresh Ground Cofi'oe; 100 boxes imported Castllo Soap; 100 boxes Toilet Soap; 50 >4, and wholo bexos Raisins; llocoivod aud for salo by MoMAHON ft DOYLE, mnyl4 205 and 208 Bay streot. FOR CHARLESTON AND FLORIDA. Tho Quo stoampacket CAROLINA, Captain Coxottor, will leavo hero lor JucKaouviUe, 1'lcoluta aud l’alalka, every Tues day aftornoou at 6 o’clock; returning, will leave for Cliarloston, every Friday morning at 0 o’clock. For frolght or possago apply on board, at Willlnk’s wharf, or to M. A. COHEN, Agent. June 14tb. 1866—ly 47 Freights payable ou the wharf. JI>l!INO AND 8UMUE1I CLOTHINO.-The J subscriber would invito tbo attoutlon of all in want or SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, to his stock which has Just been received, at tho Star Clolhlug Emporium, 147 Bay stroct. uprlb WM. O. PRICE F LOTtf. OR SALEr—A fine lot in Wesley Ward,— Also two on Gordou street, cast. For sale low. »w simple. Aoply to s A. WILBUR, Gen'l Insurance Agout and Broker, J?»y 22 111 Bay street r - ll „ "LAND AGENCY. T*IE undersigned will, for fivo dollars per lot, A exunifoi^j auy lands In tho counties of Appling, W-W’ Ware or Coffoo, and report to tho owner as ,iru »enlvalue, the prospect for thoir bo- foute valuable in foturo, and whotoor or being auy treuimss committed thoreon, uvar.ably plodging himself to give a truo andcor- ^ l ,5i :i ; , ‘ l| nt, for which all remittances will boox- Pccto l in advance. «?/»* f 1 * 0 8 oil and remit when requested, and soven p°r cent. sss a 10 *“ p™"* 100 * 1 16,186 prizes amounting to $204,000 Tho 16,600 prizes of $3 uro determined by the number which draws tho $10,quo prize; 1C that number should bo an odd number, theu every odd number ticket in the scliomo will bo entitled to *4; If an uvun number, then ovory oven number ticket lu tbo scheme will uo entitled to $8, in uddllhm to auy otbor prizo which may bo drawn. - Purchasers in buying au equal quantity of odd nod and even number tickets, will bo certain of drawj big nearly liaff tbo cost of tbo same, with ohunees of obtaining otaor prizes. All those tickets ciidiug with 0,2,4, 0, 8,are cvea —all tlioso ending with 1, 3, 6,7,», nro odd. Uoinombur that ovory prizo Is druwu, and paya* bio In foil without deduction. All prizes of $1000, and undor, paid Immediately after the drawing—other prizes at the usual timo of thirty days. 47 All communications strictly confidential. Tho drawn numbers will bo forwnrdcd to pur chasers immediately after the drawing. Wholo Tickets $10—Halves $6.00—Quarters $2^0. Prizo tickets cashed or ronowod iu other tickets at either office. Orders fur tickets can bo addressed either to 8. SWAN ft CO., Atlanta^ Ga., or BASKETS! BASKETS!—We would call the 13 ultcutlou or tbo ladies to our stock of Work, Traveling uud Quo Fancy Baskets, tbe largest assort ment It) tbo city, at tho House Furnishing Storo, 166 Uroughton-struet. nmr21 HORAOE MORSE. my 18 vebnon o. uclendon. Attorney at law, Homantil* 0*. Jj2T 8. SWAN, Umit^mnery PURE WATK1^-I Tyou want the llnest ilrluk- JT ing water in tho world call and purchuso ouo of Kidzle'i Patent Water Filters, the article mentioned In Water Commissioners’ lust Report, which wo warrant to purify tbo Savannah River Water perfectly—an indispensable urtlclo for plantation use. KENNEDY ft REACH, |uu24 only Agents for their sale in Savannah. A LK, LARD, fta—2-J bbU Prime lard; 60 do Taylor ft Son’s Alo; 60 do sugar, soda und but* tscuit; received and for salo by ter Biscuit; JunalO MoMAHON ft DOYLE, 206 aud 207 Bay strtsi STRANGER! If yuu want a good and oheup IJTniiik, Vallco, Carpet Baa, "or Clothing or any kind or quail- •ty. ready made or made up to your measure; uiso Hats, Cajm, Shirts, Collars or Dress Furnishing articles of auy description, call and se lect from the largest and best stock iu the city, at the Star Emporium, 147 Buy stroot. WM. O. PRICE. COOL RETREAT! THE ABB0R BILLIARD SALOON, (upstairs) Corner Unit and Bryan streets, over Barber Shop Juno 27 J. M. HAYWOOD, Agent. BARBER SHOPS* Pulaski House Barber Shop, Owem' Brick Building, opposite the Pulaski House, FIVE WORKMEN ENGAGED. Marshall House Barber Shop, Broughton Street, FOUR WORKMEN ENGAGED. rpnE subscriber, thankful to Ills fellow-citizens X for tbe liberal latruuage ho has received, and is still receiving, begs respectfully to Inform thorn that be has engaged sulllclent additional first-class workmou from sumo of tbo best Barbor Bhops In Now York, and will bo enabled to accommoduto as many gouilumun as may honor him with thoir pa tronage. N. B.—Tho Barbershops are dosed on Sundays— strangers will ploaso boor this in mind. B a< i AGOING ROPE, fto.—76 boles Bagging D 200 coil* Western Rope 2,000dbg Twine, for sale by JyO RODG— DOERS, NORRIS ft CO. G. M. GRIFFIN, SUCCESSOR TO LATE M. EASTMAN. Corner of Bryan and Whitaker Streets. HAS now on hand a beautifol as- ^ sorlmont of Jewelry or every dls- Ha crlption and kind worn by ladies flUdl and goutlomen, and will sell at unusually low pricos, 1 havo ibis day recoivod (per Express) a largo stock orologant River Ware, consisting of Cake aud Pie Knives, plain and engraved Fish Knives and Forks, Pickled Knives and Forks, Knives, Forks und Spoons, Napkin Rlugs, Nutmeg Graters, fto. ftc., all In Morocco coses, and suitable for presents. I havo also this day received an addition to mf stock of hairwork of light colored Curls, Topsys. Braids,Front Pieces, Bunds, Undo Tom, ftc., which now makes my assortment complete. Orders recoived for any color desired. Watches repaired by aud undor the supervision ofself, and all other work douo in a workmanlike manner, and warranted. may 26 C OFFEE.—ICO bags prime Green Rio Coffeo 100 bags fair do do do 60 mats old Government Java Coffeo 25 bags old Maracalba do 60 do prime Laguira do 53 do do Porto Rico do 26 do do old Rio do In storo and for salo by Jy4 SCRANTON.* JOHNSTON ft CO. F ine liquors— 2 half pipes Kloppor's Brandy, vintage 1816 4 quar do do do do 1816 10 k do do do do 1815 4 half do Otard Dupuy ft Co’s do do 1864 4quar do do do do 1864 6 y, do do do do 1864 2 half doHonnessa do do 1840 2 do do A Seiguotto do do 1864 60 half, quarter and eighth pipes Cognac, Ro clielle aud Bordoaux Brandies or various brauds 3 pipes Modor Swan Gin 10 6 gallon demlJonsOld London Dock and Clo vor Loaf Gin - St Oroix and Jamaica Rum In puncheons Old do and do do in derations Very old Port and Madeira Wines In demtjoijs Champagne, Rhino and Claret Wino In casos and baskets: in bond and store for sale by augO WEBSTER ft PALMES. TTAMS XX roc JylO AMS.—20 caska choice Baltimore Hams, jmt received and foe. salo by KJRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. ■. . V- ■ . J ! . -V - : v , (HPOOBMOM TO HOUEtCK ABXLL.) TO MORROW, qt 11 o’cl*k, in front or storo will bo sold,— Tho usual asKortmont or Grocorles, Provisions, Liquors, Crockery and GIobs Ware, Dry Goods, uow and second hand Furnituro, Clothing, Fancy Articles Watches, Jewoiry, ft>*, fto. Terms, cash before de livery. 47 All articles purchased at auction and not sut- Uo for previous to tbo next regular sale, will bo suld on account and risk offormor purchaior. ntig14 Equltnliln Fire Inanrmtcu Oomimny, OF LONDON. A.COMPLETE OUTFIT FOR HOUSE KEEPERS, S an impot taut item, and to know where to get exactly what is wanted Is equally important, oall at “KENNEDY & BEACH’S” Hodgson's New Block, Corner of Brough ton and Bull Streets, and you will find everything pertaining to Houso Keeping os well os Refrigerators, Meat Safes, Wood- cc Ware, aud Tin Ware, Willow Waro, beautifol Water Coolers, Patent leu Pitchers, Brushes in evory variety, Bird Cages. Bath lug Tubs, indeed nearly everything that cau ducsILmI for, recollect the placo. aprie MACHINERY AND IRON RAILING - MANUFACTORY AND AGENCY. Sr. JULIAN STREET, 8AVAANNAH, GA. (Near the Market.) Is 1 ROM the most complete facilities in his own A establishment, and tbruugb hts conuectlons with severul of tho principal mauulhcturng estah- lisbmeuta or Philadelphia, Now York, aid Boston, tho Uudorslgued is prepared to forninBh MACH1N KEY, PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, PORTABLE SAW, GRIST AND FLOUR MILLS. CAST AND WROUGHT IRON RAILING, STATUETTES, STORE FRONTS, Columns, Wiu-low Bills aud Unlils, Irou Doors, Shutters, ftc., at Horthemprices. Ho is also prepared to repair Machiuory and Iron work orevery description, at short uoUce, upon reasonable terms. As agent for BAIRD’S PHILADELPHIA MARBLE WORKS, ho Is also prepared to oxblblt a great varie ty or designs for MONUMENTS, TOMB STONES, fto Also Iron Railing In great variety, for enclosures, and to receive orders, and put up tne work at man- racturero’ prices. H. H. LINVILLE. Savannah, Aprilll, 1668. _ aprll MOURNING GOODS, B LACK French Bombazine, Black Alpacas, Black lama Cloth, Black Mohair, Black Cliullie, B ack French Lawu, Black and White Krcucb Mus lin, and a lino assortment of Striped aud Plaid Black aud While Gtugbuins and Calicoes, Plain and Striped Black Sowiug Silks, aud Uronadlues, Barege uud Tissues, Plaiu aud Figured Black Silks, for summer collars und sleoves, of tho latest patents. For salo ■ peiaq A1KIN ft BURNS. O. O. POOLE, No. 11, IVhlttakcr Stroot, (two doors from Bryan,) WUOLVSALK AND RETAIL DEALER IN Sashes, Blinds, Doors, Paints, Oils, Var nishes, 'Window Glass, Putty, Ac* I Painters’, Graiaors’ and Artists’ Brushes; .Whitewash Heads and Dusters; Dry and .r——-- Mixed Paints of every description, Artists’ colors in tubes, Prepared Canvass, ftc. PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS AND FIRE BOARD PATTERNS. Booms prepared with ucatnoss and desiialch.— Houso, Sigu aud Ship Painting, Gilding, Graining und Glazing done in Iho best stylo aud at moderute prices. All orders from tbe country promptly utteuded i. men 28—ly - WILMOT’S JEWELRY STORE Ins, Ear and Fluger Rings, Montlo aud other Clocks, Spoons, Forks, Tea Setts, Ousters, &c., of MARINE AND PlllE INSURANCE. THK INTERNATIONAL liisiu'uucc Conipiuiy. NO. 2S, MEllOUANTS EXCHANGE, NEW YORK. Sterling Silver. Jewelry in every variety. Ivory Table Cutlery, tine Pocket Knives and CASH CAPITAL—$313,ouu Childs, Pratt ft Co. Livingston, Ballard ft Co. Wm. M. Dodgo ft Co. ' ii. A. Curtis ft Co ALONZO CHILD, I. P. BALLARD, ** WM. M. DODGE, “ V. J. AVERY, H. A. CURTIS. WM. E. HOLLO, 8. T. LIPPINCOTT, ISAAC NEWTON, WM. A. UUSTKD, WM. 11. KIVERSIHTH, W. H. LYON, “ “ W. H. Lyon GEO. CHAPMAN, “ “ Leo, Murphy ft Co. JOS. 11. WESICoiT, “ Briggs, Westcott ft Co. JOS. FATMAN, “ Fulmuu ft Co. STEPHEN VON MORES, GEO. SAVORY, “ Geo. Savory ft Co. J. A. REQUA. ALANSON MARSH, Presidout. 1 Hnstod ft Curll Si Co. CUAS. W. OGDEN, Vico PresiponL WM. K. ltOLLO, Secretary. 47 Tills Company will issue Policies upon Ma rine, Inland Navigation, Transportation aud Firo Risks, ut liberal rates of premium. Looses promptly aud liberally adjusted. JAMES M. CARTER, Agent, out 81 No. 86, Bay Street. THE tilt Id AT VVIdSTBl ItNFIllK AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, 0/ No. 107 Walnut sired, Philadelphia. Penn. CHARTER PERPETUAL...... CAPITAL 85UU,000. KIRK, M1KI.NK, A.NU l.VUNU INSURANCE. DIRECTORS: Charles C. Iathrop, 632 Spruco street; v Alexander Whlldcu, Merchant, 14 North Front-sL: John C. Humor, firm of Wright. Hunter ft Co.; E. Tracy, firm of Tracy ft Baker; Johu K. M’Curdy, firm of Jones, WlUto ft M’Curdy; Isaac llazlohurst, Attorney and Counsellor : Jamos U. Smith, firm ofJumes B. Smith ft Go.; Theodore W. Baker, firm ol' Tracy ft Baker; It. S. Walton, 8UI) Market street; Thomas K. Limerick, 634 Spruce streot; John J. Baker, Goldsmith's Hull CHAKLES C. LATHROP, President. Tiios. K. Limkrick, Secretary. JAMES M. CARTER, Agent, Juno 15 No. 86 Bay street, ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPLY, No. 11 Pine street, New York, (UETWEKN BROADWAY AND NA8SAU STREET.) Cash Capital-$150,000! rjVIIS Compuuy insures against loss or damage by Firo, on the most reasonable terms, dwclllug bouses and furniture, warehouses, stores aud mer chandize, factories, ships in port, cte. Alt losses will be adjusted and promptly puid. 1). S. MILLS, President, C. BROOM, Vico ProsideuL Kdw’d C. Taylor, Secretary, Gko. B. Drank, Surveyor. •TAMES M. CARTER, Agent, June 17 fur Savuunub, 86 Bay street. Cor. WM. J. HUNT, Moiituoiiiery dc Vor.. sts. SAVANNAH, GA., L> ESPECTFULLY inl'oi-ms the Ladle, uud X\ Gentlumou of this City that ho Is prepared lo servo them every oveulug with Ice Cream, Cakes & Confectionery, In his own peculiar stylo, and hopes to merit a share of public palronago. Savannah, 17th April, 1866. 3m aprl7 TO HOUSEKEEPERS. ANIEL CRONIN Upholster, 26 Bryan-st, „ 1 would respectfully uuuouuco to tho citizens ol .vannah tiiat lie is ready to mako and put down Carpets. Oil Cloth, Matting, fto., at tbo shortest no ire, and on tho most reasonable terms. octfi-U \y tiavani 1 C E C REAM! NEW CONFECTIONARY STORE No. OS Bryan Street* two noons above Mr. gkikkilv’s jewelry stokz, HHEuadewigued respectfully informs the La- L dies of Savannah iu particular, aud tho public generally, tbut ho hus this day openod u uow Conico tiunury store, uud will keop ou baud a large and I’t-sh assortment, ol all kiuds aud discriptlons. He will at ull times and hours, bo ready loluruisb parties, with suppers. Coffee, Tea and Uhoeolate, at nil noun. Uruainouted Cakes, Pies, fto. ftc,, maae lo order. He hopes from lung experience to give satisfaction to all who will honor him with thoir patrouuge. M. B BOZZOLA* No. 98 BryanS SILVER WARE, CUTLERY, ftc. 'll TV. have just received a uew Btock of Silver TV Spoons, Butter Knives. Salt Cellars, Fish. Pio, Cake and Ice Cream Knives; also, Stool and l’lulod ou Steel Table Cutlcrv, Carvers, Ice Pitcbors, Bread Kulvcs, Plated and Purien Butter Stamts, be sides a quuutlty of usofol articles too numerous to mention. D. B. NICHOLS ft CO. Juno 4 TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES. CARPET WARE-HOUSE, 140 CONGRESS AND 67 ST. JUUKN-BTRXrW. mHE Subscriber has received, and will open I this day, tho largest and most extensive variety oTWlNDOW SHADES ovor oil'cred in this city. Ills tho intcution of tbo advertiser to keop coustoutly lu storo a largo supply or ull tbo various patterns aud styles manufactured by Uio manufacturers ol this country and of France, to which tho attenUon of mer chants and families in the city aud country, is in vited. They wlll bo sold at wholesale and retail, st satisfactory prices. W H. GUION, Agent. Jan 8 BY BELL & PRENTISS. irom »hu my, wimaiumg auout bo acres, nair or which Is cleared ft under good and substantial fence. Tho cleared land Is a rich loomy soil, andwidl adapted for gsraeulng purposes. There Is a will of most excellent water on Uie promises and all fieoaf sary out-buildings, negro, bousos, barns, fto. Tbi bulunco of tbo tiaot, say 4o acres, is unolsared land , • and heavily tlmherod with valuable timber, and tho soil oxcollonl. The locality is very oxeollent; not ouo caso of sickness has occurred on tho prem- i ses during Uiu whole lime tho present proprietor bss owned ii. This Is a chance for an Investment rarely to bo met with, and any person wishing a quiet private rcBldcuco near tho city, or any porson desirous or going into tuo gardening business to raiso fruit aud vegetables for our market, Will find this tho pluco to suit. For terms, which will bo vory liberal, Inquire at . pur couutlng room, 164 Bay street. TUlos undlspula- bio. augO At l'rivate Bale. 1700 busbu s Rice, an obedient article for stock of ull kiuds. Gall aud examine. Price 26 cents per bushel. junold ToXeuL Two good nlorf*8, undor tho bl'iff, at the foot of WhUakor street. June 19 Wanted to Purchase A. convenient tucdlum-slzod house, In a central location—one fronting ou a square would be prefor- rod—for such uu ono u liborul prico would be givon. junoltf At Private Sale. Thirty eligible building Lots, 66 feet front by 100 124 ii ut deep, situated on Taylor, Uorduu and uslou Htreels. Tliesu tuts are on hlirn around and Gaston streets. These lots are on high ground and some of them in tbe immediate neighborhood of the tot selected for the site of iho Savaunah, Albany and Guff Railroad Depot. Torms same as city lots, viz : oue-iltlli cash, Uie balance bearing iutorost ut six per ceut. ^uel8>^— VJU1 GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY I T Is a sure aud speedy cure for bans, piles, corns, felons, tefer sores, ulcers, scald bead, tetter worm, sore nipples, (recommended by nur ses,) sore uud cracked lips, fresh wounds und soree of any description. It is a most valuublo remedy uud cure, which cun be test!Ucd to by thousands who have used it lu many portions ol tuo South for the lust few yours, lu no mstanue will tho salve do any ipjury, or interforo with a physician’s prescrip- Ion, The proprietor has numerous certificates and utters from people who have nsod It themselves, and most earnestly recommend it to others os a speedy and certain remudy for tho above earned diseases. A trial la all that Is necessary for its own recommendation. Among the many that huvo testified to tho efilca- cy of ibis valuable remedy, und rcct-muiuucod It to tbo public, uio Dr Jt A T Ridley, Judge K Y Hill, Judge U A Bull, R J Morgan,lisq, J L Stephens, fcuq, and tliuuauuds of others. Sold by .1UMoore, Favaiinub, Ga; J E Hall, Amor- lens, Ga* Clark ft Wells, Augusta, Ga; Moheosou, Robins ft Co, New York; anu druggists generally. 47 By remitting ono dollar to the proprietor a single box ol inu Oluluicut will be torwaruud by mail, tree of postuge, to any part of Uiu b Maim. M>ld by J. Ii. MUUUK, savuunub, Ga., und di i.g giatc gciieridly. V. .1. MUUHK. Proprietor, nuiyifi LaUrunge, ca. Is receiving by every valalarge uud rich assort-^ __ fount of Gold and Silver Wutcbes, Diamond PATENT ECLIPSE Stf 10) Evory man bis own Cant Printer. 'ALL ANU EXAMINE CHAMBERLAIN’S v Patent hcll|isu Hand Slump, tbe bust, cneupusi aud moat convenient of uu> tiling mr tbe puiqmBO yet oilbrud for sale. ALFKKD WEBSTER, Gen. Agt. apr 3 ly 136 Congress Et. Rich China and Parian Vases, and other articles. Fine Double Barrelled Guns manufactured to bis own order. Gunulug Implements of ull kinds. Plated Waiters, Castors, Tea Setts aud Candle sticks, with a great variety orFancy Articles, suita ble far weddlug gifts, ton numerous hero to men tion. All kinds of Watches and Clocks repaired by tho most experienced workmen. S. WILMOT, maylfiv Wo. 1 Market square. BROUGHTON STREET HACK AND LIVERY STABLE. Tbo undersigned having put the above Stablee in good-condition, aro prepared to accommodate tlielr customers with Carriages, Haolu, Buggies, 8ulkies, fto., with sound, gentle, and well broke horses, and carefol drivers. Horses boarded on accommodating terms, and well cared for. Two pairs of fine Carriage Horses for sale. Inquire cor- nor of Barnard and Broughton streets. ap!14-ly STEVENS ft ELLIBTON HUNT’S IMPROVED SEWING NA0H1NES. 1 \ ES1UNED Expressly tor making Bags—and -1J which is decidedly superior to any other machine lor that pm po»o. sjiooi or skein ihresd cun be used of any desired length, and winch will not need to bo cbuuged until Uiu wholo is used. Bog manaul'acturcrs, GrahTand Flour merchants ara particularly invited to call uud exuiume u at 135 Con gross street. May26. ALFRED WEBSlER,Gen. Agt. GENERAL NOTICE. S ILVER AND GOLD PLATING can now be done at' homo. Mr. CHARLES KEMISH having ... ablished himself permanently, all work in this lino will be douo with dispatch. All repairing of Castors, Teapots, Candlesticks, Spoons, Forks, or any othor article will be douo neatly boforo plating. AU old silver pinto, such os Tcosetts or Urns, Forks or BpoonB, will bo ru-fiulshod aud made equal to uew, aud at moderate prices. All work or orders left at my store will be attended to pron 1*. U.—Watch coses galvanized, may27 O. M. GRIFFIN. TO ARRIVE, LANDING & IN STORE BACON LABD, ftc. -fl AA IIUD3 Clear and Bibbed Sides XUly 6u do Shouldor in air tight packages 100 kegs No 1 Leaf Lard, 60 bbls do do 20 casks do, most approved brands SUGAR AND MOLASSES. 60 bbds vory choice Porto Rico Sugar do do do do 60 do fair Cuba 300 bbls Clarified, A B and C 60 do Crushed 26 boxes Loaf 160 bbls New Orleans Molasses 60 lihds Cuba do 100 bbls California Syrup BAGGING AND ROPE, 126 bales Gunny Cloth 600 colls Rope, puro hemp L1QUOR8. 300 bbls Connecticut Whisky 150 do E Phelps’Gin 60 do puro Gin, P ft H 100 do New England Rum COFFEE. 400 bags fair to prlmo Rio 100 do prlmo Laguira 60 do Java, 10 pockets Mocha. Forsato tho lowest market rates JylO HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON ft CO. L AMP OIL, VINEGAR, ftc.-Just received: 20 bbls Solar Ijunp Oil, 10 cosos Olive do 50 boxos Beadoll’s Soap, Starch and Candlos 30 do Colgate’s Family Palo and No 1 Soap 20 do Ground Coffeo 20 do Judgo’s puro Sperm Candles 100 do Chocolate, Mustard and Pepper 20 do Yeast 1’owdorB. 10 cases Table Salt 60 doz 2 and 3 lioopod Pulls 60 doz 2 and 3 ply Brooms 60 doz cotton ana manilla cords 60 doz Scrub Brushes, assorted 20 doz painted aud cedar Tubs 60 gross wood matobes 20 casks UyaBs’ London Porter, qts and pints 100 reams assorted Wrapping Paper 6 kegs choice Goshen Butter, for sale by DAVID O’CONNOR, Jyl2 corner Broughton and Drayton sts. SUNDRIES. 160 bogs good to prime Rio Coffee; 76 bags old Government Java do; hh|S0 bogs old brown Java do: uu barrels 8tuart’s A, B and C Clarified Sugars; 60 •• “ Crushed and Pulverized do; 40 hhds Porto Rico, New Orleans, and Muscovado Sugars; 60 boxes Stuart’s Loaf Sugar; 60 hhds Sides and Shoulders; 26 casks Trowbrldgo and Beat^i Hams; 160 bbls Donmead and Oakley Flour; 76 bbls and half bbls Canal Four; 150 bbls Butter, Sugar and Pilot Crackers; 60boxes Soda Crackers: 200 boxos various brands and qualities Tobacco; 25 cases Myer’B Aromatic do; 160 bbU Cuba and New Orleans Molasses; 50 bbds Cuba do; 60 bbls No. 1 Lear Lard; 200 kegs and cans Lard; 6 M lb Bar Lead; 600 bags Drop and Buck Shot; 500 kegs, halts and quarters, Dupont’s Powder; 75 bbls Mess and Prlmo Pork; 60 boxes Nectar Whisky; 100 quarts Boheldam Schnapps; ' 100 caskB pints Alo and Porter; 300 bbls rectified Whisky; 100 bbls Now England Rum; 160 bbls Phelps aud E Phelps’ Gin; 50 casks common and pure Malaga Wine; 60 bbls White Wine and Cider Vinegar; 20 crates empty Wlno Bottles; , In storo aud for sale on accommodating terms, mayl5 HOLCOMBE. JOHNSON ft Ct) FBEWU GROCER E8, JN STORE—per steamship Knoxville—E^traTa; bio Butter and Cbecso; Beef Tougues; Smoked Beer; Hams: Bacon; Pig Pork; White Beans; Hook er's Self-raising Flour; Raisins, Figs, Dates, Prunes, AlmondB, fto., ““ * assorted; Bra um Chocolate; neat w »«»b, vuuee, rqu Biuarvs no 1, A, B and C Sugars; Hlbbert’s London Porter; Falkirk’s Scotch Ale; Claret and other Wines; at BARRON'S JunelB Family Grocery Btoro, corner Whitaker and Charlton sts. J^EW IMPOTTATION—26 baskets quarts ft pinto _ Max Bntaine Wbie, in storo and for salebjr jyia OGDEN, STARRJk do. PHOTOGRAPHS.. Urgailud Photograph., u- ^ MILLER, AT TWKLVI DOLLARS FXR DOZXX Also, Ambrotypes and Da* guerreotypes, In bis usuai su perior style. A oallU solicited. J. W. MILLER, mar27 cr. St. Jullan-st. and Market square. ■yjfHITK BRANDY—$ caiks Wblte Brandy, soft* .. able for putting op peaebee, ftc., Just receiv ed and for sale by ■ Jy27 A. B0NAUD. BY BAKKMAN & BULLOCH. , Paroi at I’rlratoau.. A v«, detlrakio tram or land, only throo DIM nm thn a lu MMila nla,. an Z - a.-I* .* PKYOR’B OINTMENT. HUNT & WEBSTER'S. IMPROVED SHUTTLE SEWINU MACHINE. V RESIGNED for Families, plautatiuns, Drosa ma* AJIters, Tailors, Boot ft Shoe manufacturers and otbors who may wUh to du tlielr ownBuwingcheai^ ly and with expedition. This machine sews a uni* term stitch wUh both sides alike, and which wUl uct ravel. It is more simple, Is less liable to gut out of order, aud costa less in proportion than auy other machine, and Ib warranted to be perfect, and to woi k well. All apparutUB necessary for couveuiunt use Is furnished with it, and auy iustructiou will be given that will bo necessary to ensure to tho purchaser Us successful operation and durability. Tbo public aro rosi>ecU'ully iuvitod to call and ex* amino them at 136Congress st. ALFRED WEBSTER. Gen. Agt. 47 A vory neat and ornumoutai Iron Table wilinow bo given with a machine for a small sum lu addition to the regular price.May 26. HOWES COTTON HARVESTER. PATENTED DEG., 4, 1866. mHIS improvement cuables one field hand to pick X as much cotton as five can pick by the old method and having tho cotton froo from trash, and in better condition for giuniug. Tho above niuubluus aro for salo ut 136 Congress street Savannah, aud 126 Meeting street, Charles* ten, 8. C. All orders from abroad will receive prompt uttcution. Planters, Factors, Cottou Brokers, and all interested aro respectfully iuvitod to call and examine them. County Rights cun bo bought on favorable terms. May, 26.ALFRED WEBSTER. •py ARl'ER FOR J ULY.—Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, for July, rocolvod and for salo by WARNOCK ft DAVIS, Junol8 .169 Congress street- DENTISTRY. Dre. ROYALL & JOHNSON, Dontists, office corner St. Jullen-st. and Market Square, ovor S. WU- mot’s Jewelry store. Offloa hours from 8 to 2 o’clock, and from 3 to 6. • • r mar 11 eom SilTCONSIUNMKNT- 2000 bushels Prime Corn; 100 do Cow Peas; 200 sacks “Palooe Mills’’ Flour; 10 bbls Raw Gim; 10 do Monongahela Whisky; 6 do Domestic Brandy; For sale low, by Jel8 PATTEN, HUTTON ft OO. L ocomotive needle&-a new and ele gant article which noeds only to be tried onoa to lusuro tbo constant prcferenco of the seamstreas, Just received and for sale by marlS LADSON ft ROGERS. HURRAH !—HURRAH 11 J UST ARRIVED, per schooner A. Dovereaax, In four days from Havana, a fresh lot of choice Fruit, for the Savannah Fruit Emporium, consist ing of—100 bunches Bauunus, 100 dosen Pina Ap ples; 6000 Plantains, 3000 Sweet Oranges, Tom atoes, and ono basket Green Ginger. For sale by June 14 J. A. BROWN. SUNDRIES. 1 AAA POUNDS choice Baltimore 8bonIders: XUUU and 1200 do do Sides; 100 choice sugar-cured Hams, in bagi; 600 pounds choice Tonnesseo Hams; > 16 barrels choice Leaf Lard: 10 tierces extra whole Rice; 6 do fair do; 20 boxes Family Soap; 10 ao steam pale do; 10 do No 1 do; 7 woman’s friend do; 5 chemical do; 16 boxes Tallow Candlos; 10 do adamantine do; 10 do pearl sperm do; 10 boxes A, B and O Sugar; 12 bags good Rio GoObe; 7 pockets old government Java Coffee. All tbe above for sato low by June 7 J. A. BROWN. TO BUILDER*. mHE SUBSCRIBER la prepared to execute X at the shortest notice, and In tho most work manlike manner, all kinds of Metal Roofing, Gotten. Cornice, or other work connected with themanuGu- luring or repairing of Copper, Galvanised Irou, Zino, or Sheet Iron Business. HORACE MORSE, octlS 166 Broughton atj IRVING'S WBHINGTON. f TOLUME III of the Llfo oT George Washington. Y by Washington Irving. Wa can anpply all who wish this most desirable work, in any style of binding. The Waudorer. a tale or Lire's Vicissitudes. “Trudging along, unknowing what he sought, And whistling as be went, for want or thought." Ey the author of the Watchman, LampUgher, etc. John Hallftx, Gentleman, by tho anthor of Tha Head or tho Family. Olive, fto. Dickons’ Household Words for July. Putnam’s Monthly for July Frank Leslie’s Gazettes or Fashion for July. Mrs Stephens’ Illustrated New Monthly for July. Blackwood’ Kdinburh Magazine for June. For •ale by WARNOCK ft DAVIE, Booksellers and 8tationers, Jj*169 Congress street. £JALL AT GRIFFIN’S and yon will find the ,n _ beautifol assortment or small Fancy Articles Ia china and gold ornamented, consisting In partot Jewel boxes, fancy do, reticules, florets, boquet va ses, cables, dracket grandolas, small do, cologne bottles, ribbons, cologne, lantern bine florets, can dlesticks, and last though not least usefol, match boxes, a very tasty selection and something new en* tlrely. G. M. GRIFFIN, Successor to the late M Eastman, Jy5 Corner Bryan and Whitaker its. LiUOAR AND TEA—Just recelvod ftfbbla Crush* O cd Sugar, 10 do ground LoaT do, 20 do A, B ft C Clarified do, 6 hhds Muscovado do, 10 half chests Black Tea, loose and in # and lb packs, forsale by DAVID OXONNR, aug8 Corner Broughton and Iftaytonsts. ACON, LARD, ftc.—Just received 200Reynold’s 1 choice family Hams, 8 hhds do Shoulders, 10 65kNo 1 LeafLard,6 kegs prime GoshsnButter, 10 whole and half bbls Haws’ Corned Beef, for sale by _ DAVID O’CONNOR, aog8 Corner Broughton and Draytoa its. • ,*; ’ ■Bfl—asftw-to