Savannah Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, August 15, 1856, Image 4
‘ ft? ' ' CHATH.Vtl IliilRim SALK. Unix l» wt I bcloro the door of tho Court W llituM,lath* oltjr of8»T»un»n, OiunijniT Outturn, on litTuuttoy to Outotwrnoxl, Oelown ttol!»»lliourjofi»l».t*i) Cloom. two Uhhwm, Mi Uador Bottle ut, on"Spring II idiUud, ouo Hair Milr.u, krkd on ut ilio|>ro|WMjr ut Jobu Sparser- rarur of John Derantu-jr. roll under forced- •orool ■ mortgage FI. Fa’u Lrucilout or too H«>™’ aUa, Inferior court or CluthamOauui/, July term, "uugoitt 1 BEVJ. L OOtt 8. C. 0. CITY ■UEHIFF'S SALES. L(m sold boforo tue ‘ ourt ■■IWUV.S.UW...O ... ' ouri Hou«o door in W theclif of Savannah, lictwceu tbo legal hours orsale, <m tuo dm Tuesday m Baptember ucxt.2 Borrol. t ttsr. a*l I Urey tl>r*ci, levied ou as tho 5»*ity TO* DobleV UI *ati»ty 3 FI Fate MUM Ml oi in# Mon. Iho City Court or Savanuab; ono in favor of John GilUher. ono In favor of Jam** Lf uch, nod tho other m favor > ( Waver ft CoiuUn* Una, vs. Ann DoU *, j»rop?i ty polutod out by PlaiuUtt*. Termscasu. aug J SO*i M. P iRMnKROA'T S C. C. S. /~1 nAT1UJJ COUNT?.—to all whom M may con- U wraTWhorSw, William A Boyjr- wW apply attho Court or Ordinary for letters dUmltoty as cunrdtflo «f Robert 0 and Ueorgo'M Waltaco t Tbcso are. therefore, to dte and admonish all whom It may oonrern, to bo aud appear before said Court to make objection (Ratty they have) on or before the first Monday In , March next, other* wi-o snltl letters will bo gianted. Witness. John Hlibo, Kaq., Ordinary for Chatham county, this Uth day or Aug use i860. •' vLMKR, ltsfAmsom, augll t 1U1.H0, o. o. o. WAYAid CO., GA , JULY 85th, 1S50. T UB public me warned that front this dato I will pay no droits made by 3.0. Bryan ft Co., a« uo flnu oxt-t. From UiM date tbu business will be continued ontny own ircuunt. aug 2—Ini SAMUEL O; BRY4N. STATE OF OfeiOllUIA, CHATHAM CO, rjUlK uudendgttml have farmed a Co-partnership v.r AMttnilKC New York, Vta. ‘Ha, and Baltimore. JA1IBS Dt F1ULEI, DEALER AND IMPORTER OF Wfttaltes, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Fan cy tioode, Ac., NO. 13, SOUTH 2d erurr, pHiuiuorau. i<qft8 ly EXECUTOR'S SALE. *OY trirtue of ou order passed 7Ui July, 1853, by X) theOjU'tof OrhUiiy or tVayue lAruiity, will neaold on tho first It *auuy In Ocfabcr next, bo* tween the u»ual hum a ut sole, before tho Court Bonae door in WnyuosvlUo, tho tollowing pioperty, to wit: A Negro women. * Lon, 30 years olage, also iter seven chlldrau. Freuds 10 y jure or ego, , Lucy 0, Mery 8, Robert 6, Gourge 6. Che 1 >tto 3, and Bt*y 2 yj*rs o.d. Sold far tuo beueut "l tho heireaud cieditors of the osute ofi. W. B-ysn. Tmueub. W. A. SALLEN3, Executor. JJT80 (STATE OF t.BUlttilA, £ IHATHAM COUNTY—To all whom It may rououerti: Wlicretu.Joan Uallery,srtil apply to tho in or Ordinary tor Letter* iHsmlaury os udminD- InUioe on o»« Estate of William tVrignt the»u are, Ihamare^tn dte end eamnuuh all whom It may Concern, to be ana spacer before said Court, to meaeobteetkm (tfauy tn*v have) uuur before tbu $r<t Moudev In Novemoer uext, oihwwe sold Let ters wtu bn muted. • Witness. Jonu mi bo, Era., Ordiuery for Chatham Oouuty, ibis e-ghtday or Aurli 1866^ -••UN BILBO, o. c. a apr ITATB OK GBOKUIA, CHATHAM CO. flAUatl wbmn it inay concern: Whereas Mery Anu X Deni will at tn« Court of Ordinary far let ters Uismissorv on the estate of James I'. Dent,— These tie therefore to no* aud udiuouisli all whom It mav concern, to be aim anpear before said Court, to made objection? (if anv they have) on or before the 11rut Monday in Decemner next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Wines* John Bilbo, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham County, this third day of Junn. 1853. Je& -OHN BILBO, O.C.C. _ under tho Act of tho General Assemb y or the 8tato or Georgia, entitled “An Act to authorize Umltod lteriner*Wpt, M assented to tho twottty-te* conu day orDecoinbjr, In tho year 18 .7: to be eon- ducted under tho name of Carl Epplng, for tho pur pose uf transacting a Commission and Gouorel Mor* esutt-o business In tho city of Savannah and state of Georgia. Curl Epp'ng, of Savannah, will bo tho goneral pu-tner, and Georgo W Garraauy, of Savannah, who lut contributed Fifty Thousand Ifa.lars, in cash, to too comraou stock, will bo special |iart»er. Tho .ualuess tocommeuco th-flrst day of August, In the ytur eighteen hundred and fltiy-slx, and to term nato outbo Urst day of August eighteen tifty nine. In wltnans whereof, tho said Carl Epplng and Gcoruo W. Garmacy hivo hrreunto elgucd the foregoing agreouiutit, this llilrly Dr.t day of July, \m. CARL EPP1NG. G. W: 'lAKHANY. Attkst : MONTGUliKUY CD1J1IING, J. I. C. C. C. august 1—«;W 43- iho Milledgoville Recorder, will publhh six WecKS. rjAWtJ months alter date, uppllcuiiou wiiibJ made to tho Hon Court of ordinary of Bulloch coun ty, far leave to suli ell too lauds boiougiag >o the estate of Moses Lauiiuu. uecea.«od. Jt HI ANN AH IU.NNKN, Adna’ix. aug3 TIMoTUY KBXNE1.I.Y, Adm’r. . NELSON 8WEEZEY, DESIGNER AND SCULPTOR IN MARBLE. Corner Astor Placo and 4th Aveuuo, IN CLOSX paOXHHTT TO TVS AOTOK UBRARV AND THK NKW Btnur aotm, imr tokr. rpiIE most extensive variety and the largest I stock of Uovumouts, Tombs, Head Stones, Ac., In America, can bo found at this establishment, rrom plain to tho moat elaborato and ornuto In doslgv and workmanship. In addition to tho stock always on hand, a great variety of drawings, appropriate and original may bo (bund, (Tom which work will bo ex ecuted promptly to order. Orders faithfully executed, and shipped hi any point available by water or steam. Persona visiting the city of New Yerk on pleasuvo or business are respectfully Invited to visit this es tablishment. oct3 VIRGINIA SPRINGS! SOUTH-SIDE, RICHMOND ft DANVIIJ.E, AND Virginia ft Tennessee SUMMER WITH IUIJ/H'1 7 ATENT ’foMTMUl’l’.OOF LOCK. Ilavlug received the Prise Medal at the World’s Fair, are now offered to tho public os tho Prise Sofa of the World. Tested and approved osthoy have been every where, their crowulng victory was reserved to be awarded by the Juries ortho World’sFalr. The proprietor placed Ono Thousand Dollars in Gold in the one exhibited at tho World’s Fair, Lon don, and invited all the Pick-Locks In the wurldto open the Safe, with or without the keys, and take the money as a reward for their ingenuity ; although operated upon by several skilled iu the art, no ouo could lick tho Lock or opeu tho Safa. By an Improvement upon tho original Salamander, Introduced by tho present owucr of tho patent-right, tho interior is rendered wholly Impervious to damp, and books, papers and Jewelry might be preserved In ono ofhU sofas for a ccutury without contracting blemish from mould or mltldew. . To guard against counterfeits every Safe from the manufactory or the subscriber, and sold by him or his agents, has a brass plate in front, bearing his namo: each Is also furnished with one of his Im proved Thief Detcctlug I/rcks, which Is a good guar antee against robbery. S. C. HERRING ft CO., Nos. 135, 137 and 130 Water-st., N. Y. Agents In Savannah, Messrs. BELL ft PRENTISS, who keep constantly on baud a full and complete assortment, which they will sell at Manufacturers’ ■ sept28 Shortest, mo3t comforteblo and most expeditious Route to tho STATE OF GEORGIA. /CHATHAM COUNTY.—To all whom it may concern : Whereas, John P. Hines will appiy at the Court of Ordinary far letters disml«ory as ad ministrator on the hatatc ol James C. Hines : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all Whom it may concern, to bo aud apiiear before said Court to make objection (if any they have) on or be- fore the first Monday in December next, otherwise ■aid letters will be granted. Witness, John Bilbo, Ksq. Ordinary far Chatham county, this fourth day of Juno. I860. June ft JOHN BILBO, o. c. < STATE OF GEORGIA, B ULLOCH COUNTY—Ti* ail Whom it may con cern: whereas, Griffin W Parrish will apply at the Court ot Ordinary far lettors or guardianship of Martha Parrish, a minor heir of Joaiah APanuh, dec eared: - These are. tnerororo, to rRe and admonish all whom n mav concern, to fa* and appear before said Court, to make objection (if any they have) on or before toe first Monday tu October next, otherwise ■aid letters will be granted. Witness, william Lee, hsq., Ordinary far Bulloch ooontv. this 6th day of August 1S58. augH WILIJAM LEE. o. b. c. STATE OF GEORGIA, B ULLOCH COUNTY—To all whom it may cor.- com: Whereas, tho estate of William Davis is unrepresented, if no person applies far the admin istration. I shall appoint Josish 1 avis, or sonio oth •r fit and proper person as administrator on said estate: These are. therefore, to dte rnd admonish all whom it mav concern, to da and apiMur before said Court to make objection (if any they bavo) on or l»efore we first Monday in October next, otherwise ■aid letters will be granted. Witness. William Lee, Esq., Ordinary for Bulloch eonmv. the 6th day of August, 1856. augQ WILLIAM LEE. o. n. c. HTATli. US' oEUUUtA, B ULLOCH miHNTY —Tn all whom it may con cern : whereas, Seaborn B Cowart will apply Ot We Court of Ordinary for letter-* dl-mDsory os administrator on tho estate or Patrick D Kelcher, deceased: These are. therefore, to cite aud admonish all Whom a mav c*«Mtern, to be aud ap(>car before said Court to make • bjection (if any they luvc) on or be fore too nrntM.-ufayin February next, otherwise said tetters will be i r>»nte<J. Wituess. WLlitu Lee, Esq., Ordinary for Hulloclt Countv. this 6th day of August, 1856. aug4 WILLIAM LEE.«». n. c. GEORGIA, LIBERTY COUNTV. rpO all whom it may concern: Whereas, Mrs Fa- I ran .1 Jones. Admtuutratr.x up >n the estato of Jaurea N Jones, late of Lihnrty county, deceased. Will auptv to thu Court of Ordinary or said county for letters dismnssorv, THt«e are therefore to cite and admonish all whom U mar concern, to be aua appear before said court, to mans ontnotiohs, if any they have, lu terms of the law. otherwise said tetters will be granted Witness. W P Garioeati, Ordinary for IJberty county, this 10th of January, 1850. JyitU-2 W. P. GIR1DEAU, 0. i. c. STATE OF GEORGIA, B ntJjtlCH Ortj.snr.-To a'l Whom it may con. corn : Whereas, General E illked, will apply M iIih court of Ordinary lor tetters oi udiLlui'trutiou With tue wi.l aunexed, on tbu estate ol Martha Groover, lata of sal l cou ny, deceased : These are. therefore, to nim aud admonish all whom »inavcouueru. to oeaud appear before said Court to inakn objection (it' any they have) on or heforo wo first Monday ta Sooterabor uext, other wise sam lettArs wnl b i grunted. WtiRoss. Whliam Lee, Lw|„ Ordinary for Bulloch county, inis xlst day of Juiy. 1656, JyiO WILIJAM LEE, o. P. C. 'GEORGIA, BULLOCH buL.vil. S IXTX davs after Uutu, appituatiou wht bo made tome Honorable Couit oi urinary oi Hadoch county tor leave to aud at) tue lauds beiuugiug to the eiUte of ihomai Lruaoy, late of aula county, deceased, tor the benefit oi tue hen a aud creditors of tutia tatuuo JyH» WILIJAM F. CRO.-BY. Adm’r. AliVoRUui. Elizabeth Cowley) Iu Co.iee Superior Court, vs. > May Tettu, IsoSi John Cowley, ) It aopeai lug to ue Co irtfiom the Roturu of the Shernf, that tue de.i-nduutJohu Cown-y. is uot to ba toaud lu Coffee Couuty, aud it termer uppeara that be fa not iu the State. Ou mouou o. Wm. it. Gautdiug Attorney lor dbcluut, it la or-icred that service be purtecte\ ou a d uefeuJunt uv u pub.t- catiou of this order iu oao of the public journal* iu Savannah, once a mouth for three mouth-* precccJ- ing the ue&t term a this Court, requiring said do- fandaut to appear at tue next term of «.o;ice Su perior Court iu November uext,ana Uiu hie -efeuslvo ale jail on to surd Court. • A true extract of iho minutes of Coffee Superior Court. ARCH’D McLEAN, Deputy Clerk. Aug 2 3m GEORGIA, LIBERTY COUNTY. T WO rn'iiiiU* utter date, uiplc-uiou will be made t<» tho Hon Court or O.u n try far liber ty couuty. tor leuve to .-el <>li tbol.uds belonging t* the oolite of John F B a ly, of said couuty, do- ceaaed, for tho benefit ol his heirs and ci editors. JOHN tLjm VDLEY, j ^ 0Tit augO E. Q. ANDREW'. NOTICE* A LL persons having claims against tho estate of George M.Troup, deceased, will bund them iu, duly attested, and those indebted will please make payment to either of the undersigned. Jo 16 THOMAS M. FORMAN, DANIEL H. B, ORMAN, 1 l. TROUP, J Ext*. NOTICE. T HREE mnnth3 after date application will bo made to tie Marine Bank of aavanuah. for the pay ment ol two Tweuty dollar bills, viz : letter U, 3070, aud letter o. b97, the left halves or which have been lost. w«*ME3 P. HUDSON. Tallahassee. Fia., May 17,1856 3m« my20 NOTICE. S IXTY uava after date, application will bo made to tuo Honorable tho Urdinary ot Melutosh couuty. mr leave to sell the real estate, being in this coiiniv, of the late James Smith, kuowu as Stdon (rice) ITantation sold far the benefit of the heirs of said estate. DEAN M. DUN WOODY’, 1 JOHN JONES, J-Ex’ors. JOHN F. DUXWOODY, J Darien, July 1, 1866. Jy2 NOTICE. A LL persons having claim* against tho estate of Evau Joues, late of Cbarltim county, Ga., do- ceased, are requested to present them, in terms of law, aud those indebted will please make payment to the subscriber. STEPHEN McCALL, Executor. Centre village, Ga., June 14th. 1850 Je22 NOTICE. r IE UNDERSIGNED having this day associated themselves together for the purpose ot conduct ing the Wholesale Grocery Business, and having purchased ill* stock of Rodgers ft Xorri3, will here- niter coutiuue tho business under the firm of Rod gers, r Norris ft Co., at the old stuud, corner of Bay and Lincoln streets. Savannah, Juno fid, 1856. JAS. G. RODGERS, JAS, A. NORRIS, GEO. H. JOHNSTON, JNO. N. BIRCH. Je2 1 1HE firm of Rodgers ft Norris having this day . been dissolved by the abovo associutioD, either partner will use tho namo of tho firm in liquidation. JAS. G. RODGERS, JAS. A, NORRIS, Savannah, Juno fid, 1856 je 2 NOTICE. O NE month after date, application will bo made totheBankof theStute of Georgia, for the pay ment of three twenty dollar bills of tho Branch at Augusta, the right bandhalvosof which bavo been lost in tho mail. lyU—lm BOSTON ft YILLALONGA. NOTICE. fTIHE firm of I W Morrell ft Co. was dUsolred on JL the 24th of September, 1854, by the doath of N F Wubiter. Jy.-2-lm I. W. MORRELL. KOT1CK. O NE month after date, app ication will bo made to the Bank of tho State of Georgia.t'ur the piy- meat of two one hundred do lar bills of the Brunch at , toe right hand halves of which have been fast in the mails. Jy21 BOSTON ft VILLA LONGA. TAKE NOTICE. P URCHASERS will have tueir gooua delivered free of expense with quick dispatch from toe skvaunah Grocery and Fruit Depot, corner tirougu- tun uud Whitaker streets. #3* 1 would cail tbu attention of Fruiters ucnor- ally to my well selected atock of Groceries, receiv ing daily. JoJU-tf W. H. FARRELL. VIRGINIA SPRINGS I THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. And Baggage Cheeked Through, except ou Stages. Visitors to thoVirgiuinia Springs by this route, take the :*outh-:>ide Railroad curs at Petersburg, or the Richmond aud Danville cars at Richmond, at ti A. M.. daily, (Sundays excepted!) arrive at Lynch burg tu diuner, aud theuce, via tho Virginia and Tenuu&soe Railroad, reach Bonsack’s Depot ut 31-4, and Salem at 4 P. M., and at either place take Kent, Sommcrson ft Co's Fine Llue of Stages I Those vis Bonsack’s lodge at Flncastle, dine at the Red Sweet, or Sweet Springs, and arrive at the White Sulphur dprings, (17 miles) early ou the oveuiug of the second day from Petersburg, or Rich mond, without NIGHT TRAVEL, and with but 64 miles of Stogiug. Or by the Salem route, stop all night at tho Roanoke Red Sulphur Springs, (10 miles distant from Salem,) dine at the Red Sweet, or Sweet Springs, and arrivo at the White Sulphur Springs on the evening of the fallowing day. Tho Virginia ft Tennessee Railroad is located through a most romantic country, possessing a cli mate unsurpassed fur its salubrity and dellghlfuUem- perature. The road pusses the base of the PEAKS OF OTTER! And within throe miles of the Alleghany Springs, one mile ortho Montgomery White Sulphur Springs, and within four miles of the Y’ellow Sulphur Springs; all pleusautiy situated a few miles apart, on the Eastern slope ortho Alleghany mountain, in Mont gomcry county. Tho waters of these Springs are celebrated for their great medicinal qualities, the ac commodations aro excellent, and have oeen greatly increased since last season. - 43*Visitors to the Red Sulphur Springs take Kent, Summerson ft Co’s Stages at Newbern Depot, on tho evening of the day tbutthey leave Peters burg or Richmond, and arrive at the Springs on tho following day to uinner, and Salt Sulphur Springs early in tho evening of tho second day from Rich mond nr Petersburg. The Road from Ncrbcrn Depot to the Red Sul- phur Springs, (38 miles,) ha3 been graded and greatly improved since last season, and is now re garded as ouo or the turnpikes iu the moun- tains. The line or Telegraph from Richmond will he com pleted and In operation to the Montgomery White Sulphur Springs early in June. Passengers to Knoxville, Tenncssie, take Kent, Summerson ft Go’s stages ut tho Western terminus of the Virginia ft Tcuno.-sce Railroad, now 180 miles from Lynchburg (and being extended Westward at tho rate ot 8 miles per mouth) to the Eastern termi nus of tho Eust Tennessee and Virginia Railroad, aud arrive at KuuxviUe iu 21-2 days from Peters burg or Richmond, Fare from Petersburg or Biehmond. To Red Sweet, or Sweet Springs via Bofisack’s, 110 00 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Saicm.... 10 60 “ Wliito Sulphur Springs “ Bousack’s 11 00 “ “ “ “ “ Salem..., 11 60 “RedSulpher Springs 12 25 M Allegbauy Spriugs 8 00 “ Montgomery White Sulphur Springs 8 25 “ YoliowSulphur Springs 8 45 “Knoxville, Tennessee...,,., 23 00 Note.—The chargo for tickets to the Alleghany Springs, Montgomery Wbito Sulphur and Yellow Sulphur Springs, does not include the chargo from the Railroad to the Springs. Passengers lor the A1 leghany Springs, (4 miles distant,) toko tickets to ShawsviUe—lor Montgomery White Sulphur, (1 mile distant by a branch Railroad,) take tickets to Big Tuuucl uud lor tho Yellow Sulphur, (4 miles dis tant,) toko tickets to Christian-burg depot. Con- vcyuuces will be found at thoso places. For farther information apply to E. A. GOODWIN, Ticket Agent S. S. R. R., Pitersburg. CHARLES CAMPBELL, Sup’t Richmond ft Panvtilo R. R., Richmond. E. H. GILL, Sup’t V. ft T. R. R., Lynchburg. KENT, SUMMERSON ft CO., myl3-3m Fincastle, Virginia. BROUGHT TO JAIL. Brought to jail iu Swalnsbnro, Emanuel Co, on the 4th instant, a negro man; he says hi-, uatue la ltarry, that he huluugs to the o-.Utu »it 1 homes Clay, of -ryau County, Ga. He is of ugui complexion, with a slight scar over the leit oye;about 5 feet 3)5 iuuhe* in helgUt, uud about 26 years old. The owuer U requested to come forward, pay charges and take him away, us bu wiii bo dealt with as the law directs. HENRY OVERSTREET, J‘-9 .lafar. REMOVAL. The subscriber has Removed on the Buy. next door to the Uepublicun inWMff office, where he Is now opening uf rjflll/v huudsome assortment ol SPRlNUL-lUi/ AND nUMMhJi GoujiS. which he will sell by tin pattern or make fa order in tho most fashionable •tyte. Also, Heady Made clothing far the present and coining season. / Thuuklul far past favors, he hopes to merit a con tinuance of the >ame. N. U.—Cutting, Altering and Repairing dono at the shortest uotice. Just received White Drill Coats and Pants, White and Figured Marseilles Vests, for sale at a .i mall pro fit. apr 12 JOHN W. KELLY. UUEL FOR DlVOttbE. ■taMhuuUy) lnCo ,r eo Suporlor Court, Jota^r. ) llayTotra, 1850. r appearing to the Court, from the return of the sheriff, that the defendant. John Cuuiy is not to bu round in Coffee couuty, and hols nut in the state; on motion or Wm B Gautdiug, attorney far libellant, it It ordered that aurvtcu be perfected ou said de fendant uv a publication of Ibis order in one of the S ubtle journals of davaunub, once a mouth for tree months preceding thu uext term of this Court, requiring said defendant to appear ut tho next term of Ooffeo Suporlor Court, in tho mouth of Novem ber next, and file his dcfemdvo allegation to tho A true extract from tho minutes ol tho Suporlor Court. Jy2£W»I) A81ILKV, Clerk. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. E Wilkinson, ^ In Liberty Superior Court, Tbos. Wilkinson.J ^ Tcrm . 1850. I X appertng to the Court, by tho return of tho sheriff; In the abovo stated cose, that tho defend ant la not to bo found in the county, und that ho is not to be found in ttio state; on motion of Wm U Gaoldeo, counsellor libellant, It is ordered that Her- Vico be perfected on said defendunt, by a publico- lion of thu notice onco a month fur three muiiili* next preceding tho next term of sold superior Court, requiring said defendant to ho aud uppear ut the next term of Liberty Superior Court to answer in the said cause* A true otract from tho minutes of Bald Superior Court Jy2 I’ d. A. FRASER, Clerk, wuasaa a. oivuna.j XTappenringtothuCourt bv tho JL Sheriff, that tho defoudaut, Will Is not to be found in the county of [ DIVORCE. '' ANNBROWN 1 in BJllocbSupcoior Court, UtahH H - . BROWN.J iIwcl ‘ I « r,n ' 1#5a ' - - ■ lhQ rQ t arQ or tho William B Brown, j county of Bulloch; on mo tion of Levi S. D’Lyun, Attorney for tho plaintiff, It Is ordered that tho defendant do uppear aud Uio his answer or defensive allegation, ou or holme tho trst day of tbo next term of this Court, und that K blication or this will be made iu one or the pub- gasettm of the city of davauuah once a month for three months. A true extract from tho minutes, this fifid day or March, 1866. Jy27-~1am9n DAVID BEASLEY, n 8 0 n c. •HIHTttl MHlUTal I MIUMTS111 T HAVE juat received a large uaauilmeBt or X White uud figured shirts, or every quality amL style, and superbly made, with collars to match, orders will auo f - -* -• ■ - _ a be taken, and ahlrts nindo to bu)c nny particular style or taste or the wearer. Call at ! fthe Star Clothing Emporium, 147 Bay street, ay U WM, 0. PRICE. II DRAPER AND TAILOR. JEFFERSON Sl'KEET NEAR BROUGHTON. The subscribur taken this opjiortiiuity to inform his friends and the public, that he U enabled, from experience, and tbo .intuitive perceptions of the trutlis of- science, baaed on the common rules of surveying farms, both plane and spherical, to cut and make up garments to fit the human farm in the most complete aud finished style, to all who may favor him with a call. Boys’ fancy dresses, Ball costumes, Military and Flremeu’B Uniforms, ftc.,ftc. P. HORACE GRANT, Jefferson st., one door North of Broughton street, dec 7—ly WOOD AND LUMBER. A LL kinds of Wood, Boards, Planks, Joist, Timber, Shingles, Light-wood, Posts, Eastern Laths and PuilingH, far buIo, at wholesale und retail, low for cash, on the uew wharf recently erected on jho Lumber Yard of Robert A. Allen ft Co. mar 12—ly W M. J. I,. MOULTON RELIGIOUS WORKS. H ISTORY of the Great Reformation of tho Six teenth Century, in Germany, Switzerland,ftc, by J H Merle D’Aubigne, five volumes complete in ono. Tho Ufa of Martin Luther, the German Reform- cr, iu fifty pictures, from dosigns or Gustav Konlg, to which is added a sketch of the rise uud progress of thu Reformation in Germany. Lfo and Times of ElUah llcdding, D D, lato Senior Bishop or the Methodist Episcopal Church, by D W Clark, D D. * ' Sermons ou Sovoral O'cadona, by tho Rov John Wccley, A M, m four volumes. Seruioii3 from tho Pulpit, by II B Boscom, D D. LI, D. ’ ’ Ufa or II Blddlcman Bascora, D D, L L D, lato Bishop of tho Methodist Episcopal Church, South, by Hcv M M ilanklo, J) U. Pusthumous Works of tho Rev Henry U Bascom, D I), L I, D, ono of tho Bl8hoi« of tho Methodist Episcopal Church South, edited by tho Rev Thomas N Ralston, A M. Jucksoii ° K ° V K ‘ jb5rt Ncwton » D D, by Thomas JS® ?* c '! 3 ° r the Bibio,by George Guiflllnn. iho Analogy of Roligion—Natural und Revealed 'fad Courao or Nature, by Jo- Beph Butler, 1, L D, lato Lord Bishop of Durham. Baptism—a treatise on the nature noroetuitv subjects, administration, mode, and uses ol the ini- oVumnorH U,UlC0 ° f tlle ^ brtaU " 1 Church, by Tbos Baptism—willt refarcnco to its import, modes, history, proper use, und tho duty t orparents to bap- tlzo 1 children, by James I. Chapman, a minister of the Memphis Coutereuco or tho Mothodtst Episcopal Church, South. 'For gale at 160 Congross Btreet by Junetffi WAR.VOCK ft DAVIS. fjpHB ATTENTION of utruiigerH vimtiug the city uud the public generally, w Invited to.u_ examination of our stock or Spring and Summer Goods, which for variety aud stylo is not to he cx* celled IP this city. •pr2* AIKIN ft BURNS. CENTRAL RAILROAD. UUANUL OF6UJ O N and after Sunday, the Uth October, Inst, and until farther notice, the Passenger Trains on tuo Central Railroad wilt run as follows: BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND MACON. Leaves nuvannah Dolly at...6 a m and 12.16 T X. Arrive in Macon “ “..2.16 r m “ 1 am. Leave Macon “ “,11.46 am “ 9.30 VM. Arrive iu Savan’h “ “10.46 r m “ 7.20 a m ttrrWKKN SAVANNAH AND ACOU8TA. Leave Savannah .12.16 p M and 8.30 r. Arrivo iu Augusta 8.45 pm “ 6.30 a m. Leave Augusta 6. a m “ 4.30 r M Arrive iu Savannah 1.80 pm “ 10.46 P HKTWSSN MACON AND At’OCSTA. Leave Macon 11.46 a M and 9.30 P M< Arrive iu Augusta .8.45 p m “ 5.30 a m. lojave Augusta 6, AM “ 4.30 P M. Arrive iu Macun 2.16 p m “ 1. am. HLTWEEN SAVANNAH, NILLKDUKV1LLK ft SATONTON. Leave Savannah ,,,5, am Arrive in Mtlledgevlllo 2.46 p M. Have Macon 114&AM ■Arrive in Eatontou 6. PM. W. M. WADLEY Gea’l Supt. Savannah, Ga., Oct. 12, 1866. octl5. CHANGE UK SCHEDULE ON THE SOUTH WESTERN RAILROAD Over \vnidi iiumci the Urvut New Vork & New Orleans Mails, O N uud after Btrnday, February 3d, 1858 two daily truius between Mucou aud Coiumbusi and one between Macon and Americus, Leave Mucon at 2 a m, and 3 p m; arrive at Colum bus at 7 16 ah, aud 1030PM; leavo Columbus0’ 4 16 a h, and 1 30 p m;arrive at Macon at 10 64 a m, and 7 4b p m; leave Macon ut 2 a m; arrive at Amcri cus at 6 40 a m; leave Americus at 2 20 p M; arrive ai Macon at 7 40 p m; making a complete connection be tween Montgomery, Alabama, and Augusta, Kings ville, Wilmington aud Charleston; also, with Cbnfra) Railroad Trains to Savannah, MUiedgevilleacd Eaton- ton, and with Macon and Western trains to Atlanta Chattanooga, Nashville and Knoxville, Tenn. At Columbus with Girard and Mobile Railroad Eufaula, Ala., connecting daily at Ataerlcus with four horse Post Coaches to Tallahassee, Albany, Thomasville, Ilainbridge, ftc., with tri-weekly hacks to Lumpkin, Culhbert, ftc., at Fort Valley with hocks to Perry, HayncsviUc, Hawkiasvillo and Knoxville, Ga. Passengers for Americus and polut3 below Fort Valley, should take tho 1215 r m truin from Savan nah; aud tho 6 pm train from Augusta, to avoid de tention at Macon. For other points on tho South western or Muscogee Roads lake either train from Savannah or Augusta. Passengers leaving Amori- cus at 2 20 P x will reach Columbus at 10 30 p m tho same uigbt. Passengers.from Columbus and the West for Am ericus, SSoulh-wcstern Georgia or Florida, should take tbo 130 p m train atCulumbus, sleep at Fort Volley, and reach Americus at 6 40 a u next morn ing. First class steamships leave Savannah for New York on Wednesdays and Saturday 1, and for Phila delphia oa Wednesdays. Passage la the Cabin 626. Steerage 68. Fare from Montgomery to Savannah 614 “ Columbus “ “ 10 “ Americus “ “ 8 GEO. W. ADAMS, Sup’t. Macon, January 30th, 1866.maylfl VIRGINIA CENTRAL R.ROAD Winter Arrangement—Cart Starting foam Broad St Heavy Roll all the way to Gordonsrllle. W HEN the Potomac is closed with ice this route may bo relied on by passengers, to on sure tho connection going North or South. The road is entirely relaid with a superior T rail as far as Gordonsvillo. During tho winter the train will start from the old station, in lUcbmoud, oa Broad street, at 7a a m., pass Gordonsvillo at 11A M., and arrive in8tauntunat326 p m. Down train leaves Staun ton at 6 40 a m, passes Gordonsvillo at 11 a m, and arrive In Richmond at 2.30 r m. Faro to Gordonsvtlle .62 00 “ " 6 00 Both trains arrive In Gordonsvllle In ample timo to take tbo train or the Orange and Alexandria Rail road. Persons who leave iUcumomUit 7X a x.. cat take the Orange and Alexandria cars at Gordons- ville IT they choose to do so, aud by that taaln will reach Alexandria by 8.40pm.. hot this company can ticket them only 10 Gordonsvllle. 0017 tf H. I>. WHUOOMB, Snpt. iss^srnsm U MdfogUabjr^^ J. W^MUajaUj^. ,Fr«»n» t. PlllUttiM’a nnamsiNo ; »u<»imu AOKNCnf, fUlUlMlPtlUj PA. Aujhorisod Agent for tho Favsnnab Journal. iilk m job hunk NEATLY EXECUTED AT T1IF. SAVANNAH JOURNAL,If BOOK & JOB OFFICE. 1 ! tWa» HKlHGULD* GENUINE PHEPARA Holmbold'a Highly Cmic< uouiid Fluid fixtrsu ——u* IS A CERTAIN, 8AVK, AND EFIECTUAL REMEDY “Tlult Diseases of tue Bladder, Kiduoya, Gravel, 1 Dropsy, Weakness, Secret Disease*, Obetruc- m-m, Female Complaints, and all disease* of the Sexual Urgaus, whether in HALE Oil FEMALE. from whatever Ibcy Buy lutv. ortetuulwl, ud NO MATTEH OK HOW Hffill STASDINO. Tills popular and specific remedy U now effered to tho utlUctcd, aud guaranteed to euro all tho abovo .. . — .. ——•—r—... ■ complaints. It searches out tho very root of tho ffiwii l» t WWK AND PAM- j mmosc, driving out all tho diseased fluids of tho PHLET PRINTING, such as Catalogues lor Colleges,' JoJr thus removing tbo cause and rondoring the Proceedings or Meetlugs, Reports, By-law.-*, otc. . flur /' Thaukfal for the very liberal luitronuge heretofore ' CERTAIN AND PERMANENT, received, we re*|>octfuNy solicit a coutlniuiiieit «»l rhts medicine allays pain and Inilammatiou, which 1 . .... - ...... .mA nnh 1.A lal/An Merchants con bo suppiled*at short notice with BIU-Hcads, BUI* of Lading, Dray Books, Circulars Curd* : aud Blank Book*. tho same, feeling that wo shall ho able to jdiMai- mlother romedlos Invariably cause, and can be taken ■hn iymiv fuvn. 114 11 i-dU I1t.1i. ...- ... . . .. ... * . J >rvi. u who may favor us with a call, both us to |. r ir execution of work '. U. Mosumv-h IW'illMAHY FOB tbo trcatmehlof Can-. '' cer* k Well*,FUtuk,’ anu'.-iiikmu, | iratdmrUd CMBiuuJwiuii'irty !.% t c l S5\", lUnllM Koorni, With SO04 uul tr u ;rV «Bt,*!! w.y. M huuil, Iwtli Udtoi und Knuralca u? 1 nlttUii. InntHuttM., r®llTffiuh,. l |, 0 I i“'. 0 S' and kiud Mloullou frulu tins l rni.rii.tiir, u- ... f"; kla tlutrou. Hid prucllM lu that ]ir,rril,|i .iLjA' Cuncw, tor tire put un year.- u not .urmifft J uy I'hy.ict&u In tho Buulh. l'atlisuu «re Imlrdll ut $1 pur dl«m, or Oh pnr munth. .in belnij rnndr. ! in advance. h 1 lrl1 *#• Fee* to be a*reu<l u|«m Uluto lb. caais i.,,, dertaken. All cerumuulcatksiis must be i«,,i addrcaaed to K, >|.wi]’v Wd ' *“* • <irm.n, c>. LOCAL EVIDENCE OF TUE VALUE AND FIRE- phoof qUAunm or WUaDER’S 8ALDIANDER SAFES, At Manufactured by Stednu & Marvin, A’ew Vork. In thu fire uf tho 3d lost, which consum ed tuo brick building occupied by Mr. Juo. T. Thomas, oppostto tho Gas Works, in tiffs city, was a safe ot the above descriptions containing the books, papers, aud money or Ur. Thomas, and although the building was detroyed, the said Sofa sustained no ipjury wuatercr from tho Intense heat to which it had been exposed. Ou open ing the Safa, the contents were fouud undisturbed, and in the same order and condition as when placed there, excopta slight discoloration to the projecting R&l'iCK TU HAIUIIKUl. T HE buoys at St. Simons lulet and Sound have been arranged in the following manner : Outer Bar Bu »y Is a largo first class nun, i alntcd rod, with tho No 2 iu white—is placed is twcuty fact water at low tide, and must bo left ou the star board hand entering. St Simons Light bears N W by W X W. North point of Jekyl W by N £ N. Middle Buoy—is a largo second class nun, paiut- cd black, with No 1 in white—W placed lu sixteen feet water at tow tide, on the Eastern edge of tho Middle Ground, und must bo left on the |Kn t hand entering. St Simons Light bears N W bv W W. North jtolnt of Jekyl W by N. Inner Buoy—U a second class nun,painted black, with the No 3 in white—U placed in twenty-one fact water at low tide, ou the point ol shoal niuuing off from Jekyl Island, and must be loft on the port hand enteriug. 8t Simons iJght bears N E by N « N. North point Jekyl W by 8 y t s, In tho Sound is the Lower Middle Ground Buoy— which is a-occnd class mm, painted with red uud black horizontal stripes—is placed iu twelvo feet water nt low tido. on the lower point of tho Middle Ground, to mark tho two chatiueU. st Rimous Light hours N E by K. North of Joky! Island S E by S % 8. Middle Middle Ground Buoy—is u socoud class nun, painted red, with No 4 iu white—is placed in eighteen feet water at low tide, uear the elbow ot the Middle Ground, and must be left on the star board baud eutoring. North polut of Jekyl bars X E j* E. Brunswick point W by 8. Upper Miudlo Ground Buoy ' with less trouble aud oxpense to patients. This In fallible remedy has paved thousands upon thou—ads from the hands of MERCILESS QUACKS, if uot from premature graves. In cases of infection the Comi>ound Buchu Is tho only article worthy of tho lea..t confidenco of Uio afllicted In performing SAFE CURES. It contains no narcotic, mercury, or other Injurious drug, but is purely a Vegetable Composition. It Is very agreeable to tho taste, create* no perceptible odor, and may be taken by persons or either aox without hindrance from business or medical advice, as plain directions for use accompany tho medicine. Reader. il‘you bavo any of the above complaints, do nut neglect them, DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. With thU medicine you cau cure yourself, and thu* prevent ail exposure. TRUTH MUST AND WILL PREVAIL. This medicine speedily and effectually cures the most virulent form of secret diseases, aud eradicates every |»irticle of Infectious matter from the system, restoring tho patient to a [wriest stato of HEALTH AND PURITY. Blows, for saio by mar8 HON. BSS 3IUllilAY'S TTN1TED State*, Canada ahd Cuba. BRIGHAM, KELLY L ci, U Schwegler’s History oi Phdosopby ia EfoUa translated by fieeyle. 1 a ‘ k car'“ ,rei-M *’ a*- «•» onds of a faw papers, and the backs of ouo or two of the books, caused by the steam generated in the Safa, while at its greatest heat. The Sole and contents, os it camo from the ruins, may still bo seen, In the possession of Air. Thomas, at tho Gas Works. A large assortment or these cele brated Safes always on hand,and for sale by C. H. CAMPFIKLD, Agent fur tho Manufacturers, July 26, 1866. 171 Bay-st., Savannah, Ga. I take pleasure in corroborating the foregoing state ment, and in addition would add, that tho books are now in use. J. T. THOMAS. * Wood Yard, Ferry Wharf. July 26th, 1865. oct&—tf DYING AND RENOVATING ESTABLISHMENT, 73 YORK BTREET, NEAR THE COURT HOUSE, SAVANNAH. GA., Established In 1833. mHE Subscriber grateful to his friends and I patrons far their continual favors, would state that in addition to tho improvements iu DYING, ac quired by him during his la-t visit to England and Scotland, has made arrangements for extending his business, by which he Is now enabled to dye a greater variety or colors on silk and woolen dresses, shawls, ftc., which he trusts will generally please all who may favor hint with their patronage. Gentlemen’s garments dyed, cleaned or renovated 03 may be required, iu tho .samo superior stylo which has generally so much pleased his patrons aud friends. Table Covers, and Ladles’ Crape Shawls, ftc., cleaned aud finished In the first style. Ladies’ Bonnets dyed, bleached and pressed la tho moat fashionable styles. *■' Orders from tho country promptly attended io. Terms moderate. When parcols are sent by steamboats or railroad, word should bo scat him by letter through tho post Helmbold's Highly Concentrated Com pound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla. For purifying the Blood, removing all diseases ari sing rrom excess of Mercury, exposure and im prudence in life, chronic constitutional diseases, arising from an impure stato of Blood, aud the only reliable and effectual known remedy for the cure of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ulcer ations of the Throat and Legs, Pains and Sw«uiugs of the Bones, Tetter, Pimples ou tho Paco, and all Scaly Eruptions of tho Skin. It Is gratifying to tho proprietor of these medicines ., , , - - —„ is a second class nun. painted red, witii the No 0 iu white—U placed in 18 fact water at lowatide, near tho upper end ol j ,, boar^ljaud r euterhigl a Srfiuswick 6 point bean'w ; , ' :Sacetbey WerC flm lutr ° aucea > aurmg wwcnum ® 5T Mouth of Jekyl Crock8t5iJ 1 1 the >* ^vobeen extensively used in various parta of ^Noir—lurunnine in^ C « n n r hrin„ ,».« the United States, and have given to patient and oni lnl0 ll,c ; ssuss By order of tbo Light Houso Board. ft on,, **«* r *« i '"' "rndnrod th B most C. MANIGAULT MORRIS, 1 U t... ...l, ... Jo28—tf L. H. Inspector, oth District. and unequivocal satisfaction, and produced the most salutary and beneficial effects. - Numerous letters have been received from tho most distinguished physicians lu the country, and from tho professors of several medical colleges, recommending in the highest terms the valuo of these medicines, and their superiority over ail other preparations for such complaints os the proprietor recommends. Numerous preparations of Sarsaparilla and of Buchu and various modes of preparing them have Wen given, till or which of courso wiii differ according to the mode of preparation which each individual may adopt. - These medicines require considerable care In the preparation and tho employment of different men* . , struain successive operation to take up tho extrac- [joint ot! tivc matters, and, in consequence, are most fre- ■ quently improperly made, and uot imfrequentiy a second cla3scan, painted black, . much Impaired, if not rendered totally inert, by the lite—is Placed in twoutv.nnn iW>t ! itiiiulirioiiQ nml ttnskilful mann<M>mpr.t ‘ NOTICE TO MARINERS. T HE buoys at it. Andrew'* Inlet and Sound haTo been arranged in tbo following mnnuer: Bar Buoy—is a sceoud class can, painted red, with tho No 2 iu wliito—is placed in sixteen water at low tide, and must bo lert on the starboard hand enur ing. Little Cumberland Ught bears W bv W >5 N. South point of Jekyl N W by W. ’ Middle Buoy—is a second class can, painted red, with the No 4 in white—is placed In nineteen feet water at low tide, near the High North Breakers, Napoleon’s Confidential Correspondence with t. brother Joseph. u Davan'a History or the Queen’s or fa., Hoi* Hanover—2 vote. The Almchi iu Madrid. Romance of the liarom, by Ab&j 1’ardue Rachel Gray, by JuliaKavanaugb, Earnest Unsioad, by Mrs. Iaw I fonts. BUT 3 W. THuHM; WlLIJ^m UST HECELVEU-2U Iwx^Tstalirn _ prime article, 20 tierces choke •lenmwL Hams, lo store, and for sale by marSfi WAYNE. -tiiiKNVll.l.K Am \JEW CUUF CUBA MULAShi5wiu c jjl go of the Abbott Deverea nx. dully oil 1.1, _ go of the Abbott Devereaux. daily oVi i.S for tale In lota to suit purchaser^-, by J»Q^ U01GER- S'tJr.Hijj CAkPET ANilUl*liOLSTKff\ r ~ WAREHOUSE, 140 Oongrett and 5T St- Julim Sired* rpHE UNDERSIGNED would take thi* q JL . ( > x faulty to express to bis friend.- and tin- , generally, his aiucere thank* far theii libera i.Ltr* - age and influence, which ba.- resulted in e»t udon'i hi* trade to all pertaoT the State. Also. »ar.> * Florida, Alabama anu Tennessee, UietcUy cttubiii, him to exhibit a stock unsui pi-sod in any Suutta-i city. Families, Merchants, Hotel Keepers, anu boat Owners are particularly invited tr. exumm. t h. present stock, which is now compleio la alt th, Tarious departments, consisting In |>art ot ike folio* ing goods, vis: CARPE1 DEPAlt THEM. Royal Modaboo, Royal Velvet, Mocet Wilton, Mocel Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, Power Loom Brussels, Three ply Ingrain, Two ply Ingrain, Wool Dutch, English Druggets, (of u rfoia wlritbi,) Mosaic Hearth pugs, Velvet aud Clietii'.le bua Tufted Rugs. ^ Piano and table Corera Door Alat-(every variety, Slver ft Brass stair Wt Carpets' Binuiugs. &c. and must bo left ou the starboard hand entering! CumloaiUJgbt bcara W by X X. south polm it Jekyl SFjjW. ^Inuer Buoy—Is ,„ iav » .. ,... T1 . T1TTJ with No i lu white—Is [tlucod in twenty-one tVrt j injudicious audW-kilfal management of those unac- water at low tide, near a dry shoal running utt'trutn i iiualnled with pharmaceutical pre[»ratlou3. te Cumberland Island, aud must be left on tbo port ; therefore of tho highest consideration and imttort- l\ inn itlilitt*lni, ri'mltn.l.ii.l t t-l.. I.- > 1 ... ' — • ... • « -• *• ... .. . A hand entering. Cumberland light bears SW by AY anee to1b6 public - and to the faculty that tiiere toujh point of Jekyl N W Ji W. | should be standard probations of uniform strength office, so that ho may know where to cull for them, men 10 ALEXANDER GALLOWAY. HE IN T Z E LM ANN ’8 ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER. fTlHE diitlngnlshed favor with which this essence X has Leon received throughout all sections of the Union as a remedy at onco safe, agreeable and effectual for Incipient Diurrhcea, Cuolera Movbus, Weak and t elaxed Bowels, 1’iostration by heat or fatigue, Dyspepsia, Flatulence, Colic, Cramp, lan guor or Debility from sedentary habits, ftc., has in duced tho proprietor to give it every publicity in hla power. Upou Ita merrits comment is unnecessary, as its own intrinsic worth Is its best eulogy. It car ries with it the evidence of lu superior excellence, freely attested to by the young, the old; and score* or families who, prompted by a careful regard for their health und comfort, ure dally adopting it as an ixmsmiuBut faxily KKiiKDY. Tiiore i* perhaps uo medicinal preparation extant so simple und harm less, yet salutary and effective, whose worth will bo more appreciated or uuivorsuUv adopted than the Uquid winger prepared by Heintzelman. For sale by J. Ik DkFuRD, Druggist, jelO 3m Savannah, Ga. Brooke Hall Female Seminary. MEDIA, DELAWARE CO., PA. MWS MARIA L. EASTJIAN'N, I’muPAL. Tbi- Semin*')*, located in the do- lightful and healthy village of Media, thirteen miles from 1’hiladeipbia, by Railroad, will bo OPENED ON WEDNESDAY, September 10th, 1866. Tne commodious building, now in process oforec- tion, wllh ail tho modern impiuvcmcuts. will be finished by the Urst of August, uud will coutain such accommodations, both la point of taste ami omlbrt, as canuot fail to satiety parents that while their daughters are enjoying thu bunutita of meutal cul ture, they have also the comforts of a refined home. This institution Is ostabll hed with a view to afford to young ladles the most perfect combination of ad vantages far the aUuinmout of a thorough and ac complished education, aud no pains or expense will be spared to render it m reality what it protesse3 to be. a school of superior merit. Mbs EiMmau, the Principal, was at the head ol a school iu New Eng land previous to her residence iu Pennsylvania, and lor the la.-t .-lx years has been known to the patron? of Aston Ridge seminary, u.i presiding teteber iu that Institution. Ite Bt. ituv. A. i’Jttir, U'shop o. the Diocese ot Pennsylvania, say*:— “Miss it. L. cuutnun, who proposes to open tv Young LadiCs' Demuary lu Media, Delaware Co., Oa Ir. Ua. ...... I... . 1 I. ’ » t * . , .. ... scrlber for several years past. He boa a vory high opinion of her capacity, efficiency and devoteduess as an educator. She has had a largo aud success ful experience. The building which is to be erected for her use will contutu every accommodation. The village and surrouudiug country aro distinguished far hea thfulness and beauty,mid the subscriber has confidence that parents who entrust their daughters to Miss Eastman will have uo rr&sou to regret it.” Miss Eastman will be aided by an efficient corps of Teachers. Tho French language will bo taught aud spoken by a Parisian lady, residing In the family. The Lullu, German, apanishund Italian languages will receive due utteutiuu. The Natural Sciences will be taught, with tho aid of a large aud expensive apparatus. Tbo Musical Department will be under the cbnrgo or a lady eminently qualified to fill the situation; and all preierrlng a male teacher on the Piauo or In Ringing, cau have the benefit of a Visiting Teacher from Philadelphia. Drawing aud Painting will be uuder tho direction of a lady accomplished la the art. Tho number of pupils is limited to forty. The Ter m3 for Board aud Tuition in ail tho branch es except Music, are 6160 per session of five months. Miss Easttnau has liberty to refer to the following gentlemen:— Rt. Rev. A, Potter, D.D., and tho Episcopal clergy Hou. F: Pierce, President of the Uuitcd States. Hon. S. P. Chose, Governor of O j io. f.SHon. N. B. Baker, Fa-Governor of New Hamp shire. > Hon. M. W. Tappan, M. C. from New York. Rov. N. bum,of Norristown, Pa. Rov. A. McLeod, Clearfield, Pa. Pierco Butler, &q,, of Philadelphia. J. R.OkIo,Esq., do. E. W. Clark, Esq., uo. Ueorga Wharton, E*q., do. Christopher I/user, Pottsville, Pa. George Wyman, St. Louis, Mo. Hon. P. 0. Johnson. Washington, D. C. For further particulars, or far Circulars apply to tho Principal, MU& 51 ARIA EASTMAN, JolO tod 3m Media, Delaware Co. Pa. PERIODICALS. P UTNAM’S Monthly Magazine for May. Frank 1/2*lie's Gazette of Fashions for May. Blackwood’s Edinburgh Review lor April. Received aud far Hale by • WAUNOCK ft DAVIS, maylfl 169 Congress street. ^2^ DDLS. FLOUii in store and for sale • by may? CRANK, WELLS ft CO. £ ft Casks Ohio Catawba Brandy ia store, and far sale by the only regular Agent far Savannah. '*— my II J. M. EYRE, 04 Bay Mrect, L ISLE THREAD GAUNTLETS^-The only article of the kind in the city. Fur sale by J. W. THRKLKKLD, mar27 corner of Congross and Wbitaker-ste. A pples & potatoes- mi bbls Choice Mercer Potatoes; 26 For sale by mevfa. Russctt Applet ^ X^ARN.—26 bales Yarn, assorted numbers, in X store, aud far sulu by jy8 CRANE ygLLS ft CO. f \SNAUUltoM—5l> bales Osnaburgs, Georgia man- \J ufactorjr, lu *Ui _ - *■ •*. | purchaser*, by nr* i store, and. for. sale In lota to suit CRANE, WELLS ft 00. . . i. -« In tho Sound i3 tbo 5Iiddlu Ground Buoy—second ! aud possessing the most advantages. To effect tiffs class cau, painted with red aud black horizontal j uud obviato the evil alluded to, I have made a uum- stripes—placed in ten Jcet water at low tide, ou a I Per of experiments to ascertain tho most effectual point of shoal running down from the Satilla Kivcr, ! mode of extracting the virtues of the Sarsaparilla and nearly iu the middle of the Sound. Vessels i uud the Buchu, and to discover the most eligible must uot pass to the westward of it. Cumberland farm for their exhibition. The experiments nave CURTAIN AND UPUOLSlklll’DEPARTiim Brocatelles. Late aud Mu.-liu Cunalts Satin de Lames, GiltCornices, Satin and bilk Damask, Gilt Hu* and Hindi, Worsted and Cotton Damask, Tassels, Loojsitj Cords; Velvet and Plush of various colors; Window Shades, new style. Also, every variety of Furniture Covering. Trim mines and material- for decorating. FLOOR OIL CLOWS. From two to Twenty-four feet wide, for Halls ao, Rooms, cut to fit without a scam. The Bftbscribcr will oblige himself to make thi prices on ail description oj guxia as low as the mb. quality can be purchased in any Northern city. ft®- Carpets cut to Rooms aud goods sent to am part or the city free oi charge. A9* An experienced Upholster will attend to th> making and laying of Carpets and Oil Cloths whoa desired. The decorative and curtain duparuemit n charge or an Upholster of acknowledgedt&ieu. skill- W. H. Ul'lQN, Agent oct!8 140 Congress and 67 R. Julien-sta Inner polut of Jekj 1N Light bears S by E K E. WXW. Buoy at the entrance of Satilia River—is a second :lasa cau, paintod black, with No 3 in white—is placed in ten feet wator at low tide, and mu-t bo left ou the port hand cuterlug. Cumberland Light bears S by E. Outer point ot Jekyl bears N E. Noth.—Iu running in for St. Andrew’s Bar bring the Light to bear W by N K N, while In four fath oms water. This bcai lug as a courso will take you up to the Bar Buoy, then haul oil*to tho northward until the Middle Buoy, No 4. is In range with tho Light, (to avoid two limps in a direct Hue, W by N N, between the two buoys,) when steer far it— Passing it to tho southward. From this buoy a N W by W X W course will bring you into tho Sound. By order of the Light House Board. C. MANIGAULT MORRIS, Je28—tf L. H. Inspector, Gth District. ICE PITCHERS. DOUBLE Water Pitcher*, ifome uew and beautiful designs, Plated and Brita- ula. At the Ujuso Furnishing Store, ~ 165 BROUGHTON STREET, HORACE AIORSE. Savannah, April SO. aprSO TO WOOL SELLERS. THE Undersigned have this day opened a X Store iu Congress street, opposite the Market, for the purchase of Wool, sheep Skins, Hides, Bees Wax, Deer Skins, aud Country Produce in general. The highest cash prices will be paid for all the about articles on delivery .in Savannah. Air. L. J. GUl£ MARTIN has been appointed as Agent, to whom all persons having busiuess transactions with tbo un- designed may apply. „ , J. W. SMYTHE ft 00. Savannah, May 10, 1866. rnayfiO PIANO FORTES. HAVING lately received large ad ditions to our PIANO FORTES, we are enabled to oiler at this time tho greatest variety troro the be:?t manu facturer!-, from tho plainest square to the most elab orately carved, aud from sis to seven octaves. Our Pianos are selected from the manufacturers whom we have fall confidence in, aud we are par ticularly requested by them to give a guarautv with every instrument sold by us a? regards durability, tone, ftc. Persons in want of a flrst rate instrument may re ly with safety upon getting such a one by selecting from the following makers, whose Instruments wu endeavor to keep constantly ou hand, viz : H. Wor cester, J. thicker ing ft son. Nuuns ft Clarke, Bacon ft Ravens, H. Waters, andllaiues. Brothers ft Cum- mlng. I. W. MORRELL ft CO. aug 27 B AND SIIOV I HAVE been asked to allow iho Bath Rooms to reinaiu open fa a later hour than uiuo o’clock ; 1 therefore give notice that from this date tho Bath House will be upon until eleven o'clock ut night. Pr^o 26 cents. Six tickets for 61. J. M. HAYWOOD. Agent. me FISIIIIB.IBLB CLOTH, AT REDUCKD RATES, B ARGAIN* can now bu had by all tnose who wLh to clothe themselves genteelly, as I will ae,l the buluuce of ray Ready-Made, at reduced rates on time, aud ten per cent, off lor cash. Ca.l and avail yourself of tho chance to obtain good arti cles. At the Star Clothing Emporium. WILIJAM 0 PRICK, I'ine f, t4“ Itay jpILOUU.—5U barrels superfine Flour, extra quail- ty, just received, andfarsule by YONGE ft FRIERSON, Jy2 No. 04 Bay street. P OUK— 60 barrels M«3S Pork, 25 do Prime do landing and for sale by myl4 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON ft CO. S' Cheese, received per steamer Alabama by may 28 J, D. JESSE. J_^AY^—100 bales prime North River Huy, land- ing this day from brig Augu3ta, and lor sale on tho wharf by Jy8 CRANE. WELLSCO. Pavilion Laces, superior quality; I 4 I muivu Alices, si Xdd rt Zepbyr Wbaleboue Skirts’; French Liucn Drillings; York Mltis and Water twist Bleached Shirt ings. Black Moire Antique Trimmlugs Black Elastic Belts; English Thread Edgings; Hosiery, Ribbons, ftc. Just received per stcamor Augusta, Jel2 DsWlTf ft MORGAN. O HNAUUltG*—iiu bales Osuuburgs, Mowtou uud Thomasfan Mills, just received and for sale by Juuel8 CRANE, WBLU ft 00, gYRUP AND MOLASSES.—60 bbls choice Now o Molasses. Just recciv Orleans Syrup, 76 do ed and for sale by Jy7 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft LO. / xUNNY CLOTH—In store and .for sale by June 4 PADELFORD, FAY ft CO. M USTARD, ftc.— loo boxes Mustard; 160 do pure Pepper; 100 do Starch; received ami for sale bv JUholli McMahon ft doylk. 206 and 207 Bay street. OUUAlt—20 hliduchoice St Croix Sugor, Just n- k7 celved uud for sale by Jyl9 SCRAN ION, JOHNSTON ft CO. 8 0AP AND nTAROH—76 boxes Smith’d Family IT ‘ ~ • 30 do B-tchanan’d do 100 boxes CoUato’d lb bar atid No 1 Soap 60 do do Pule do 60 do Oswego Pearl £tarch 6'J Uo Boadell’d do Uo, Just received a Jd for rule by Jy24 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. JplPl^. PAPEB AND PICKLES —60 gro,d _Plpe Heads, 100 do Pipes 260 reams Wropplug Paper u 60 dozen Pickled, received and for sale by McMahon a doylk, Jytl ^ lot and 17 B*jr strew. resulted mo3t favorably, and It Is with much pleas ure I uow offer to tho public and the faculty my ComjKHrad Fluid ExtracLs, which contain all the vir tues of tho articles they are represented to be mado from in a highly conceutratedform, and are the most active preparations which can be mado. Two ta- blespooustul of the Extract Sarsaparilla, added to a piut of water, U equal to tho Lisbon diet drink, and ouc bottle fully equals iu strength one gallon of Syr up s’arfaparlUa or decoction as usually made. PRICES: Fluid Extract Buchu, $1 per bottle, or 6 far $6 “ “ Sarsaparilla “ “ “ “ “ Certificates of cures and recommendations from distinguished professors and physicians will accom pany each preparation. Prepared and sold by H. T. HELM BOLD, Practical and Analytical Chemist, 263, Chestnut-sL, near the Girard House Phila. To be had of DruggUts aud Dealers in every sec tion of tho United States and Couadas. All letters for tho medicine directed to the propri etor receive immediate attention, and safe deliveries guaranteed. sept 1—ly-dtw JOHN B. lUOORK & CO., GIBBON’S BUILDINGS, SAVANNAH., Ga. WHOLESALES: RETAIL DRUGGISTS. Would call the attention ofilerchants, Factors, Flamers, Physicians and others, to their ox- tensive and well selected stock*, comprising every article in their line of business, and which they offer far sale on the most reasouablo forms far casn, or approved credit, viz; PAINTS, VARNISHES, GIASS, &C.. White Lead, Pure aud No, 1; TIeman’a Colors, dry and in oil; Japan, Cojial, and Coach Varnishes ; Linseed Oil, Spirits Turpentine, Window Glass. Pot ty, Gold Leaf, Paint Brushes, Sash Tools, and Gla ziers’s Diamonds. LAMP. MACHINERY AND TANNERS’ OUR, Bleached Sperm, Whale and Lard Oils, for burning ; all do.-criptiuus of Oil far machinery, viz., Patent Oil Unbleached Spent), lard aud Kapo Seed Oil; also Tanners,’ Neats, Foot and Sweet Oil. GROCERS’ ARTICLES. Nutmegs, Mace, Alspice, Cinnamon, Pepper, Ginger, Mustard, Solcratus, Soda, Pear lash, Sweet Oil, Starch, Fig Blue, Matches, ftc. FOR PHYSICIANS. A great variety of tho best Freuch. English, and American Chemicals, Pharmaceutical Preparations, Select powders, Surgical Instruments, Viate Specie Jars, Mctaiic Saddle bags, ftc. Also, CAMPUENK AND BCRXLVG FLUID. Any one who may favor them with their orders may depend upon their receiving the best attention, and that all goods furnished will be of a reliable quality. Should they not give entire satisfaction, they may be returned at the option of tho purchaser. • mahlO tl ■g J. Ei OE FORD, APOTHECARIES ilAU^ s. E. Corner oty Broughton and Barnard Streets. Savan- uali Ga., Wholesaly and retail Dealers in, Mediciucs and Chemicals, Dye Woods and Dye Stuffs, French, English, and American l’erfam- ery, Fine Toilet aud Sliavtug Soaps, Combs aud Brueiiies of every dtfecripiion. Surgical aud Dental Instrumems, Trusses and Supporters of ail kinds, Spices, Suulls, Manufactured Tobacco, All the Pnlent or Proprietary Medicines or the day, Snperior Inks, Pure Wines and Brandies for Medicinal purposes, Extract.-* far Flavoring, Toilet and Fancy Articles, ftc. fty N. B.—E^jieciul attention given to the preparation or Physicians’ Prescriptions aud Family Recipes. Ship. Family aud Travelling Medicine Coses, With plain Directions far use, including 1 Erections far treatment iu coses of poDuning, Drowning, ftc. «p7 iy C IOKN AND COHN MEAL.—1000 bus prime J Corn, White and mixed; 5u do fresh Corn Meal a store and for »<aie by dec 31 nvrTFN H1TTOV b C( READ i—UKAD II—RKAD III That Is, if you cun see; aud ;if#ou can’t see, yon can Und w _!alTkinds of “helps to see,” at tho Watcl Jewelry Store of D. B. Nichols ft Co., in Congress street, uext door to tho corner of Whitakor, where you rau purchase Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, and Faucy Goods, ns low as at any other store in the country. We have received per steamship Alabama a fresh lot or thoso fine Steel .Spectacle* : also, a supply or Pubblo and Perlscopic Lens, which we are prepared to fit iu ail kinds of frames, at short notice. Our Periscopic Lens (so called from their peculiar shape) have an advantage over all others, as they have a greater range or focus, ho that tho reader is not compelled to hold the book or paper at a certain dtetauca from tho eye. Call and see. D. B. NICHOLS ft CO. POT No charge for sbowing goods. mar 11 D. B. N. A CO. OPE—^700 coils Hope, various brands, all Xli of good quality, in store und for sale by BRIGHAM. KELLY ft CO. apr29 /"10KN—In store aud for sale by Vy mu* i.iKBfrwmuN os MERCER UNIVERSITY, PKNFlEIiD, GA. FACULTY. rKAUOKM, N. M. CRAWFORD, I). D. FROFKfSORS. Colleixe. S. I*. SANFORD, A. M., Mathematics. J. E. WILLET, A. M., Chemistry and Natural Philosophy. H. H. TUCRKR, A. M., Belles Lettrcs. . U. W. WISE, A. M., Greek and Latin languages. WILLIAM G. WOODFLVA. B., Modern languages. Theological Seminary* N. M. CRAWFORD. D. D:, Ecclesiastical History and Biblical Literature. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, A. M., Systematic aud l‘astnr/1 Theology, i Academy. THOMAS A. SEALS, Principal. The Commencement is held on tbo last Wednesday In Juiy. Tho next Term will commence on the last Wed nesday in August. The price or Board lu the Tillage Is $10 per month; washing, room rent, fuel, ftc., $3. By order ortho Board oTTrustee*. my 122m B. LANDRUM, Secretary. the brig flUHA M0LAHHK6-'lhe cugo ot DR. SANFORD'S UTVIGORATOR, I S a mild laxative, tonic and stimulant,and h recommended to the public, relying uptm iuk trinsic worth In the cure of the following coreplaiu All Billious Derangements, Nick Headache, Dytpc eia, Habitual Oostiveness, Chronic Diarrhaj, Colic Pain in the Ntomach and Bowels, General Debility Female Weakness, ftc. For sale by Druggists gen erally, and by John. B Moore ft Co, and Wm. IV Lincoln, Savannah. ly fcbl'd m tuiuuk: TisuiKitn X HE Undeesigned has just received, for sal (6(Ki) Five Hun ired pieces ot gwM hliij|ni Timber, avnrugiug over one thousand tett losUilt 9 fab JIFFEJisoN UuBHOn 'oiactf iiiiis Fiour, sajjfift F lour.—too sacks i** 150 sacks KnoxvUd 60 du Lenoir'* 60 bbls Na-hville For sale low by d(> do do •'‘lira do do PAT! RN. F T, r ON ft CO. HVLOUR—126 sacks and 60 bbu Tenajdtee Floor, TjM X just received aud for &alc l y YONGE x FPIF.PS'UV, jy24 4y Biy street. G UNNY CLOTH—For sa’.e in lots to suit jvwth aers, by j>« RUSE. DAVIS ft l/.’NS. 1 Ual tttUtAV Li) t tAi RLcc—.iu. liter u -c ra ti riety of Slvor ti are of the most beautiful pat tern and finish, butler knives, pick c knives aoi forks, knives, fork* aud spoors, knives r:i forks, cake and pen knives In every variety, raw ards and salts lu all variety from puiiu io tho most ornamental. G. M. GkH'KIN, Successor to the lato M Ka-ttnao, jy6 Corner Bryan uud Whitaker sti. RATKS OF ADVERTISING. For one square, oi 300 ems or less, of any type cot larger than Nonpareil, 75 cents far the untaudW ceuts lor each subsequent lnsertiou,for auy time than one mouth. All Tabular work, with or without Rules; and Ad vertisements occupying double column, <d*iU 1* charged double the above rates. Advertisements of whatever length, for any tlau less than one month, fa be charged at transi&l rates. For a longer time at the following rates 1 Square $10 16 820 524 $50 2 Squares... 16 22 26 28 86 3 do .... 20 27 32 80 44 4 do .... 24 32 38 42 62 6 do .... 27 36 44 46 eo 6 do .... 30 40 60 64 65 7 do .... 32 43 64 65 76 8 do .... 84 46 68 62 74 6 do .... 3U 45 61 66 77 10 do .... 38 60 64 70 80 Association, or Corporation, ordered to be 5Sifu£ ViKriWw ** y’n’unio.tOa. ftaytol J . A*'. $I6 For any time uot above specified, a proportion charge will be made. A deduction of 26 per cent from the above raw will be mado on advertisement* appearing mu' 1 alvely on the fourth page ol tho dally. .. Ad vert Dement* ordered three times a week, wm be charged two-third* the above rates. . Advortiscmenta ordered in the Weekly edition.** por squure far each insertiun, tor ai y tiu.eD-**'^ one month. For more thau ouo m»uth at ‘ l * J the rates specified in the above table. .... Special notices, 10 cents [»er Hue for the first, 6 cents far each subseqout insertion, and iu no to be subject to contract. Mart lags notices *1. ** neral invitations 60 cents each. No specie iuserted for less titan 60 cents. Obituary Rejtorts, Resolutions, or Proceedings ot «uy5°®^| ed, 5 cents per lino. steamboats will be advertised at 540 per »n BU for each boat advertised. atiiamshipa, where but one D riuutlng, »4oI* r » u num; if two or more, $30 each. Auctioneers’ advertisements not to bo subject contract, but to bo charged at the rates pre=crire« per square. . . The paper, under no circumrtanccs, to he iociu ed in a contract. Professional and business cards not exceeding lines, will be inserted at $20 per annum. .. Calls on persons to become candidates. inserted as other advertisements, to be ps- a ,or variably in ad\4nce. t Announcing candidates for offico, «.I0, to m 1 iu advance. Advertisements cot marked on the copy . specified time, will be Insortcd until forbid, w payment exacted. ., _ n , h , r When any bill for two months advertMufi o» thau contract, amounts to over $50, a Ueaucuoo 26 per cent will bo made. -ai Yearly advertising, with privilege ofcbwge bo taken at the following rates: For one square, renewable once a week, •?: “ “ “ twico “ “ “ “ 3 time? oroftentr <o Every additional square contracted for to w*" 1 ed one half the above rates additional. Yearly advertisers shall be limited to Ufa * contracted for. All contracts eball be ta stating definitely the nature of the busing advertised. Any advertiiements not P r °Dfj,*i r -ia. nected with the business shall be charged ly, and also any excea* of matter over ffio contracted for. ,, to ,.« r i r »d- Contract adfertisemenU payable vertisemenU from strangers and transient pcgJJ payable in advance. All others will be cowiw*' due wbta called for. f0 m. Regular advertisers and ail others 80nd ^LSf l t- munication* or requiring notices deiigueuto _ B . teution to fair*, concerts, soirees, or au> tortaiumeuts, where charges are mad* lor tance—a'l notice# of private associations, cr« j Uco do.-Ip nod to call attention to privutc ecurpi calculate : or Intended to promote indnun**^^ rests, ca» »nly be inserted with the under* lW that tin* itno is to be uaid far. R ediforia column (which can beouly liou oi Um editors) the same will |>o tbarge« rate of not less than 2u cents [a*r line. —^ Tlio undersigned, publUher* ol Daily, Tri aud Weekly newspa|*ers in ffavnnnsn. WJ g,, rf ourtelvos strictly u> adhere fa the abovo “ ^ charges, and in uo instance to demteuierei ^ The abovo rates to take effect March 1, rfl binding, until changed by the vote The a to coutiuue b._ majority oi the uuderaigued. v t $d N. B.—Tiff* schedule ahaJl not in the integrity of existing CMit/acta. Ahwt-w*,