Savannah Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, August 17, 1856, Image 1

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VOL. XXXVII I OLD SEMES. SAVANNAH,■;ljjjA.1 SUNDAY, AUGUST 17, NO. 12049. FROU YRtlERDAYAFTERNOON'SEOITION Subscription Prices of ■aYftttitnh Paper* It/ common understanding, tho proprietors and publishers ol the three papers Lsuod In Savannah, trnvo adopted the following unlf rm rates of sub scription, to tako effect this da/: (tally Paper, per anuum, In ndvanco 98 00 Trl-Woolny “ “ 4 00 Weekly, woglu copy, In advance 2 00 tVceklT, u»« copies, to one address 8 00 Weekly, «*«bi “ »• » looo tVookly, iwj “ “ “ WOO Wookly, twenty “ “ « 20 oo When net paid within ono month from tho time orsubJcrltmig tho chargolhr tho Dali/ will bo team dollars, atw ihr tho Trl-Wookly^w. Tho Woeai/ will bo sent enly to those who pa/ in advance. The paper will Invariably be Uiscontlnod upon she oxpiramm of tho tlmo (hr which .it has boon paid. The above ratoa to take offeot from and alter this late. ALEXANDER k SNEED, JkpuWrart, It. B. HILTON k CO., Georgian <£ Journal, THOMPSON & WlTlllNGTON, New. Savaunah, duly 1, I860. Fine this Morning.—At a quarter pust two o’clock, this (Saturday) morning, the lour tene ment one story wooden building, situated on Montgomery street, Oglethorpe Towu, was dis* covered to bo on Are. The building was entire] ly destroyed, and no assistance could be render o’d by our efficient fire department, as it was in nu isolated place and a considerable distance from any flro plug or cistern, yet many of tl.* Hose Carts of the department went out at the burning building prepared for service. The fire originated in the north vacant tenement, aud was the work of an incendiary. The other tone ments of the block were occupied by free color ed families, who barely escaped with their lives- saving but little of their effects, the loss falls heavily on them, as their scanty means will no f allow them to procure the necessaries that they have been so unexpectedly deprived of. The block is owned by Mr. Christopher White, and it is supposed that there Is a partial insurance on the same. Benton Electoral Ticket Do^n^-A dis patch from St. Louis states that the Benton electoral ticket for Buchanan and Breckin ridge, has been withdrawn in Misssouri. It was at one time feared that, that ticket might give Missouri to Fillmore. Hon. E. W. Farley, Hon. George Evans, and J. S. Littlo, Esq., three of the most prominent "straight Whigs” in Maiue, occupied con* apicuous place3 upon the platform at the Demo cratic mass meeting held in Portland last week Speech op Mr.Crawpobd—The Washington Union extols in very high terras a speech lately made by Hon. Martin J. Crawford, in the House of Representatives—for its "historical research, force of argument, clearness of diction and the accumulation of overwhelming fucta. Missouri Election* The latest intelligence from the Missouri elec, tlon is contained in the following correspon. deuce of tho Philadelphia North American <$• Gazette, an antl-Democratio paper. It will be seeu that it concedes a majority of 7000 to the Democritic State ticket, and says tho Legislature will be Democratic. *The latter is an important fact, as it gives the Democracy tried, reliable Senators, aud thwarts tho scheme of the Beaton mm and Know Nothings to di< vide these offices betweep -themselves, by giv->'hjghvst candidatesVl' tUc lag one term to Bsatoa aud the other,to au American. St. Louis, August 12.—Sufficient returns have now been received to warrant the an nouncement of tho election of the following Stite ticket: Governor—Trustm Polk. Loiuteuant Governor—Hancock Jacksou. Attorney General—Beujirain F. Massey. Auditor—E. B. Ewing. Treasurer—W. H. Buffiugtou. Tue above are ull Democrats, and it Is conceded that their minority will average seven thousand. Tne Congressional districts have all been heard from, and tho now delegation, it U be lieved, will stand five Democrats and two- Araericuns, not counting Akens, K. N., who is elected simuly to fill a vacancy. Tho regular newly elected delegation is as follows: 1st District, Blair Republican. Anderson, American. Greene, Democrat. Craig, Democrat. Woodson, American. Phelps, Dem., (re-elected.) Caruthcrs, Dem., (re-elected.) The Legislature will be Democratic, but not largely so. 2d 3d 4th Oth Oth 7th Healtu op New Orleans.—The Bulletin of Monday l at, says: It is now near the middle of August and the city still continues in the enjoyment of most excellent health aud without the remotest sign of anything like au epidemic of auy description. We have little doubt the crises is past, anu that we shall remain during the remainder of the season as healthy as wo Imvo beeu hitherto. Thus lav we have had tho pleasantest season in New Orleans that we have experienced lit many u year. A new era is about to dawn upou us in tills respect—au era full of bright anticipa tions and high hopes. It certainly is a very long path that never turns, and our path, we think, has reached the turning point. UiitveruliyGeorgia. The Commencement Exercises of 1856—tho multitude of visitors—the eloquent speeches— the number of beautiful and efegant ladies, all tended to make it one worthy the palmiest days of Franklin College. \V Where ao many did well, and when we are mixed up with so many by personal friendship we will not' particularize, having given last week, the Programmes of the week. The Trustees have worked earnestly for the real interest ot the College. They havedetermiuedtoBellthe Botannical Garden. To inclose the College grounds with an iron railing, to lay them on into walks and adorn with tress. AUo to educate young men for the Ministry by giving tbem tbeir tuition free. To give the tuition I'reo to ten young mon from tho State. Olio Irom each Congrcaiional District and two roin tbe State at largo; bom the applicants Ibo Favuly are to select. ~ # Vale “ ' ' Ibo Valedictory is to be given to tbe beet speaker among those who take any of tbo honors. Washington Correspondence. Washington, Aug. 12,1850. It Is now very evident that Congress will ud Journ, pursuant to resolution, ou Monday next] The Senate having struck IVom tho appropria tion bills tho revolutionary amendments with whichthey were clogged by tho House, the House have shown their return to reason bypassing yesterday the Army appropriation bill, without Mr. Slieriuau’s amendment. All the aputo. prlatiim bills are uow very well advanced, aud cuuuoi fai! to pass in full time. ludeod, the pre sent dongress has been an unusually industrious ono, for, notwithstanding the loss of tun weeks in the olecthm of a Speaker, the business of both Houses is iu a more advanced stage than is usual during the lust week of tho session. In tho So unto to day* Mr. Welter moved to take up the Pacific Railroad bill. Mr. Hunter moved, ns a teat vote, to lay it ou the table ; which was agreed to by a voto of 25 to 23. dis the vote .is an important one, aud shows the views -'entertained of. the bill by the repre sentatives of tho.severul States, f will give it in full. Yeas.—Messrs. Bayard, Bell, of New Hamp shire, Uetijaiulu, lfrlgga, Blight, BrodUcud, Brown, Butler, Clay, Douglas, Fessenden, Fitz patrick. Hale, Houston, Hunter, Iverson, Mal lory, Mason, Pearce, Reid, Slidell, Thompson, of Kentucky, Thomson, ot New Jersey,Toombs aud Yulee. Nays.—Messrs. Adams, Alien, Bell, of Tcnu., UlgUor, Cass, Cullnmer, Dodge, Durkee, Foot, Foster, Coyer, llarlan, James, Jones,JJ of towu, Junes of Tennessee, Pratt, Sebastian, Be ward, Stewurt, Wade, Weller und Wright. Tho voto being professedly a test votu,tho yens may bo considered as opponents to tbo bill—the nays os its friends. A bill providing lor tho examination and paynicut of.certttia claims of citizens of Geor gia aud Alabama, fur losses sustained by depre dations of the Creek Indians, was pushed Uy u vote of 21 to 20. A communication was received from the President, giving informaton asked by a reso lution of Marco 3,1855, of tue proceedings of commissioners appointed under the law of Felt* ruufy 8, 1853, to adjust claims uuder tho Con vention of Febiunry 8,1853, with Great Bri tain. iu ihc House, the legislative, executive und judicial appropriation bill, returned by tho Sen* uto with umcuduieuts, wus referred to the Com mittee of Ways und Moans. Mr. Wulbriuge, of Michigan, from Committee on Public Lauds, reported the Pacific Railroad bill of the Company incorporated by the State of Missouri, with a substitute byway of amend ment, providing l'or Railroad uud telegraphic communication between tbe Atlantic uud Pa cific. Mr. Denver,of California, remarked that the bill wus the suiue iu substance as that agreed upon by tho select committee. Mr. orr moved its postponement till the second Monday in December. The motion was lost by tho custiug voto of the Speaker. This bill will therefore be the first business in order on the cull of the Committee on Public Lauds. Thus it seems that the House at least will cou- sider the expediency of constructing a road to connect us with the Pacific. Its fate, when considered, however, no one cun sal'ely coqjec- jeeture. The New York Herald of yesterday, iu au article ou the olcctiou of a President by the House iu case there should be noue by the people, makes a strange mistake. The Con stitution, it is well kuuwu, provides that iu default of an electiou of President uud Vice- President by tho people, tiie House shall from the throe highest on the list of those voted for as President, immediately choose u President, aud the Senate, from tuo two highest ou the liat of those voted for as Vice-President, shall choose Vice-President; uud it is further pro vided that if, before the 4th of March following the popular election, the House shall fail to choose a President, the Vice-President (mean- lug, of course, tho Vice President ihus.eleoted oy the Senate,) shall act as President. The Herald, however, states that, |Jiu case of such driuult of the House, till tho 4th of March, tue election will "go over to the Senate,” who must elect us President’’ ouu of the two ighvst candidates of the people lor Vice Pie-- sldent, aud ** Mr. Breckinridge will be elected President of the United States upon the first ballot.” This is plainly incorrect. The mate rial result will indeed be tho sumo nut Mr. lireckiuridge cuuuut be elected President by the Senate, who have no such power given them by the Constitution. They can elect uhu " Vico Presideut, aud ho would then '* act as Presideut,” us the Constitution expresses it. Secretary Muroy’s reply to tho proposition oi tho Europcuu powers to unite with them in their recently adopted provisionsof Maritime law including the ubulitiuu of privateering, is con sidered u masterly exposition of our policy iu maritime affairs. He shows most plainly that, as it is against our policy to support either large standing armies or largo navies which ure daugeruus and burdensome to the people, we cuuuut, without utter ruin, relinquish the means of warlike unuoyuuce und protection afforded by private armed vessels, uuti! the world shall uave so far advanced toward perfection und undisturbed peace us to give up altogeth er the right to destroy or soizo private property on the sea us well as on fand,iu time of war. He offers on the part of the United States to give up the right to use pri vateers, if the Euuupcatt powers will bind them selves, on their part, not to allow their public armed vessels to seize private property on the ocean. The wrong of privateering, as he well argues, consists in the fact, not tuut it is u sei zure by private vessels,but that it is a seizure of private property .which should be sacred on land and seu, in peace uud in war. If the powers of Europe will not use their means to seize our private property, we will not use our mouus to seize their property. Such Is the offer of our government, to which, of course, the powers will not nccede. Impartial. Washington, Aug. 13. Although, as I have stated, the House has re ceded from tiie Sherman proviso, to tho Army appropriation bill, the real, material questiou at issuo between it uud tho Senute has nut been yielded, and, from present indications, will not be. Mr. Fenuiugtou’s proviso, udopted yester day by the House instead of Mr. Sheiinuu’a, though not so manifestly unconstitutional, is •uvu n u mu nu luum imuj uuuuunuiiuuuuui, 10 quite as objectionable. Jt differs only in this, tuut it does not provide for disarming themili- tin tl.« .1 1. 1* I tia iii the territory, though it restrains the'Presi dent from employing tho Federal forces there, for the enforcement of the Territorial laws Senator Butler was vehemently denounced a' short time ago for buying said that the best plan of pacification would bo to issue a writ for Sharpe’s ritles in the Territory—that is, to disarm tbe people. This was regarded by tho Freesoil wing of the Senate us iu violation of tho clause of tho Constitution which pro vides that "the right of the people to keep und bear arms’* shall not be intriaged. Yet their friends in the House, at Mr. Shermuu’s sugges tion, did precisely the same thiug. So much ml consists To allow those young men to riao with their class who may fall below tho average standard, U they have been punctual, studious and of good deportment. To en'orce rigidly (Helpline among the students in the Chapel, College grounds and while In our town. All officer of tho College are strictly enjoined • }J wry out this last, and any neglect to do so, the Prudential Commmittee or resident Trus tees ure authorized to convene the board of Trustees that they.may dismiss the delinquent officer. _ Ibo trustees filled the. vacancies In ti... Board by electing P. M. Nightengale Esq.. D. W- Lewis Esq.,B. H. HiU l Ejq.|and Judge H. The on the Rev. J. v , VAlW ru, »im mo iviy «•». Axon oi Greensboro.—./Men* Danner, ir, r ,cre * 3 uo tru th in the report that Judg- 5m D-oompte and Cato, of Kansas, have been ^ikwlly requested to reslgu, nor have they been removed. ucce Pted tho Governorship on no sucl conditions as alleged- r - ihere is no ground for the statement that e prosecutions in Kun^ fra. treason and «ber crimes are to be quashed. for political consistency, iu this particular on ly have they receded from the revolutionary proviso. They seem firmly resolved to adhere to tboir present position: the Senate seems equally resolved to reject any such imposition. Ou tho House must now rest the responsibility of tho final defeat of the Array bill. Tho other appropriation bills seem safe. Afewinlormul conferences by individual members of tbe two Houses will sec all right in regard to tbem. Mr. Seward had intended to call up in the Senate to-day tbo hill for the improvement of the Des Moines Rapids, which wus returned to both Houses by tho President for reconsidera tion, aud yesterday passed by the Houso by a constitutional mjjority of two-thirds, notwith standing the President’s veto : and it was un derstood that Mr. Weller would press the bill making appropriations for new fortificaeions: but, soon alter the reading of tho journal, tho Senate went into executive session, and so continues to the time I write. lu tbc House the bill for tho relief of Isaac Adams, was passed by u voto of 106 to 66. This DiU renews and eutends to March, 1864, the power priting press patent, grantod to Mr. Adams in October, 1830: also tiie patent imuit- n ,—. ed him in Murcb, 1836, tor additional improve- ffuiioiia CoNTRADiOTUr— Washington, Aug menta In the same. Thls waa a somwhut unex- i3. , ~riiero is oo truth in the renort that Judu- iiected triumph ; for the friends of Mr. Adams had almost given up the hope of bring Ids case before the House ibis session. Tie most they expected to accomplish was to show those who would avail themselves of the expi ration of the patent, and proceed to manu facture the press, that there was alittle ubjec- press, that there was a little ubjec- tiun to tho extension asked, and that it would be dangerous for any one to Invest capital Id the manufacture, when an extension might at auyrtinie be obtained. The’Navy Appropriation bill, to which three amendments were yesterday mado by the Sen ate before passing it, was then taken up, and, in pursuance of the reeoimneudatlon of the Committee of Ways and Means, one of the amendments was concurred iu, aud two were rejoated. Mr. Campbell, of Ohio, reported from tho suiue Committee, the Legislative, ex ecutive und judicial appropriationljilLumeud- ed bv tho Semite, which was tlieu considered iu.Coniraittee of the Whole. The dauso wrick- enoiitbythe Senate, appropriating $182,765,85 fur iKioks voted to members by the resolution of July 7, 1856, was restored, with a proviso, proposed by Mr. Campbell, that those members who may be unwilling to receive the books voted, shall return them or an&pf them to the Clerk ot’ tho House, who shalLteport the same at the uext session. This prdttoo he stated to be for the beuclit of thoso members who may have conscientious scruples against the resolu tion ; though accord lug to lijs experience, such * i, Ml * members, though mbiiuly the resolu tion, would very readily receive the books, after “ 1. Wbr * * its passage. What a wholesale, shamefulswin die! It is said that, of this sum voted $90,000 will go to outsider speculators. The vole 04# restoring the clause stood, 75 to 42. There,is much regret expressed at the action of the Sunate Library Committee, in striking out the House resolution providing for the pur chase of fifteen thousand copies of Dr. Katie’s book. It is hoped that it may yet bo brought before the Senate as a new resolution, and passed. Dr. Kane was never preceded aud may never bo followed to tho regions he "explored. His success bus reflected honor upou nis country. His book is one ofgreat merit, and is published mold ecouomicably than auy other work has ever been published by the government. Impartial. v Rail Roau CoNyi&ite at TUoMahvillk. I From the gefftlMpiniy Olid courteous Presi dent of the a,'A|SJu. Rail Road, We have re- ceivdU a pamphlet $6py of the address of thut Company, inviting we Brunswick & Florida Rail Road Company* ibo citizens of Boutneru and South-Western 7 Georgia, and of any other counties which may Teel interested in the Main Trunk, to meet them in oouncil on Tnur^lay, the ith September,‘ 'at ThomawlUe. The ob ject of this convention Is, as we understand it, to consider the placability of organizing forthwith, the Halt). .Trank, (and, it thut be, found impossible, to *ukcpftain tho flnnl aud de cided couolusion of Ml the parties interested. Wl/atever deliberations may engago the atten tions of-this convention, its action will bo con clusive, aud while we cannot anticipate tho re sult, we foel no hesitation |n assuring to the delegates a cordial-; and hospitable Georgia welcome from our citizens.—jTftomo«oi//c Watchman. The Thomasv file Enippriee says: We desire to see all tho delegates meet hern, and discuss the suiject fairly, let every section present its claims and say what shall be done. If tbe connexion cap be made satisfactorily to all tbe parties, we recommend it most hertily, bid tbem God speed in the good work. Tho Republican of this morning publishes the following despatch: WAaitniciTON, Aug. 15.—There is ho truth in tho report that Mr. Fillmore’s friends in Con gress have held meetings to abandon him ; but thut they are mill of tbe opinion that pressing his claims is essential to save tho Union. (Signed) N. G. Foster. Mr. Fillmore’s Letter of Acceptance. The Rome (Ga.,) Courier of Tuesday, contains Mr. Fillmore’s Letter of Acceptance in response to the nomination tendered him by tho American Party of Georgia. Buffalo, N. Y., July 31,1856. H. V. M. Miller, E*q. Sir I huve the honor to ackuowledgo the receipt of your letter of the 12th iustant, in forming mu that, at a Convention of the Ameri can Party of tho State of Georgia, held in tho city of Aluoon 011 the 8th and Dtn instant, I was unanimously nominated as their candidate for the Presidency of the United States at the eusu- ing election. Being already in the field as tho candidate of the American party of the Union, I cannot feel, otherwise than flattered und honored by the ac cession of Georgia to her sister States in the- support of my uomlnatlou. My political senti ments arc too well known to need any recapitu lation here, and my character and termer ser vices are tho only pledges which I can offer, that I wifi if elected, use my best endeavors so to administer tho government as to restore harmony to the conflicting sections, and main tain a cordial uniou between the States, by givlug to each and all that protection which tbe Constitution has guaranteed. If my friends believe that I have sufficient intelligence to know their Constitutional rights, aud sufficient hones ty and moral courage to maintain them, they wifi be satisfied with this, but if I lack either uo pledge could supply tbe deficiency or jutify them in giving mo tbeir support, I accept the nomination so generously ten dered with n grateful appreciation of the honor done mo by the Convention, and beg leave to express to you my thanks for the kiud manner in which you have been pleased to communi cate tho result of their deliberations. T remain your friend and fellow citizen, Millard Fillmore. Kentucky Election,—Nearly complete re turns of tbe election in the Second Appellate District, iu Kentucky, have been received. It Hs composed of twenty three counties, and gave Muorehead, the Know Nothing candidate lor Governor last year, about two thousand five hundred mujority. Duvul, Democrat is now elected Judge over Marshall by from eleven to twelve hundred majority, beiug a Democratic gain of nearly four thousand in that single district. Of the twelve Circuit Judges heard from, seven are Democrats, four Know-Noth- • • — • ■••• • *• ings and ouo Buchanan Whig. The Democratic majority, in Kentucky at‘his election will be from seven to ten thousand.—Cincinnati En quirer. Florida Railroad.—The Schooner Francis Burriit arrived at Fernandina on the 2d lust., with a cargo of Iron and Spikes, for the Flor ida Rond. There is also another schooner dully expected with more Iron and Spikes, and ono of Norris’ Poney Engines. As soon os tbe Chairs arrivo which are expected by the next arrival, they wifi commence laying down tbe Iron. Tho line is now located up to the Sante Fe River, and as soon as the weather moderates, the locution wifi be continued on toCedar Keys. The Chief Engineer, Mr Siugletery and his Assistants, have returned to Fernandi* na. We learn thut Fernandiua is improving rapidly, nnd that Mr. Fernandez, one of our old merchants, wifi soon commence the erec tion of a large and commodious store. Now is the time to buy town lots while they.ore • ’ HleRn low.—-Jacksonville Ripublicn, National Democratic Central Committee! —The following is acorrcct list of the National Democratic Central Committee, which it wil. be well for all papers favoring the election of be well for all papers favoring tiie election of Buchanan and Breckinridge to publish, viz : Hon. C. J. Faulkner, of Virginia; Hon. J. L. Orr, of South Curolina; Hon. T. J. D. Fuller, of Maine; Hon. George Vail, of New Jersey; Hon. John Wheeler,of New York; Hon. Geo. W. Peck, of Miciiigan; Hon. J. D. Bright, of Indiana; Hon. J. Gluncey Jones, of Pennsyl vania ; Hon. J. V. Wright, ofTenucsseo 5 Huu. Amos Kendall, of Washington; Col. John W. Forney, of Pennsylvania; C. H. Winder, Esq., of Washington; Jonah D. Hoover, Esq., of Washington; Walter Lennox, Esq., of Wash ington.— Wash. Star. Resignation of President CnuRCH.—Every true friend ol Franklin College wifi bo pained to learn that Rev. A. Church, D. D., handed in his resignation at the late meeting of the Board of Trustees of the institution, to take effect the first of January next. Wo learn that a com mittee wus appointed by the board to wait up on the President and urge him to continue his connexion with tho college. We trust the committee will be successful, and that tho Doo- tor wifi yield his private feelings to the public good, fie has been connected with tbe insti tution near forty years; and through sunshine and shower, in prosperity and adversity, has ever shown hiraselt to be an earnest, efficient and faithful officer. The good wishes of hun dreds who have been enriched by bis teachings will folloty him in his retirement.—JJan- "Belle Brlttan,” who writes tho Wquant let ters to the New York Mirror, from Newport. Is no i ther than the redoubtable "Fanny Fern.” alias Mrs. Parton, wife of the man whn doesn’t believe in a Devil! An exchange callage members of the Re- Edward C. Dclevan, the "Apostle of Tern- itfon to vote for pcrance,” announces his intent! Fillmore. The New Bedford Tri-Weekly Express, here tofore the organ of the American party, will hereafter be found supporting "Buck and Brrck.” The College . Veutilre, a Fremont paper in Hudson, Ohio, has collapsed. In its number, the editor says that, "by dint of perseverance, he bad procured fifty-five subscribers and two advertisements.” Punch says he agrees with Portia, that "Tbo quality of Maroy is not strained for his style Is as thick and muddy as it can be. Punch is of this opinion because he found it dif ficult to swallow. Lord Olarendon went thro’ tho operation with pain. Storm.—We have no further particulars ot' the storm in the vicinity 01 New Orleans, save the following paragraph in Monday’s Bulletin. A severe gulo spr\4>g up at about four o’clock yesterday morning, ..accompanied by a heuvy fait of rain. The violence of tho wind increas ed und continued during the entire duy to blow, accompanied by freqffcnt heavy Bhowcrs; signs were blown down aud awnings demolished. We have heard asyeb^f no serious accident or damage. The Bteum$ts Red River and Amuudu, and a new steamer In course of construction, lyiug at Algiers. paHpd their moorings and were driven to this fflile of the river. The steam- ) Mexico, which was to have left for Galves- tdWit H a. m., was not able to leave her berth. The Indianapolis (Ind) Sentinel, giving an account of u German Pi lemocrat meeting at Logans|>ort, on Saturday lost, says: The entire w iyl_ ,.... German population of that city participated in tne proc of tbeir attachment to the Democrat party. Valuable Accession*. Hon. Wiliis A. Hawkins, the candidate of the American party forthe Second Congressional 1 Georgia, for Congress, last year, ^ * • ridge. District ol . w . has come out for Bochanan and Breckinridge. He made a speech, recently,nt a Democratic ' Wulton county, in wl meeting in-Wuiton county, in which ho took his position under the Democratic standard. Hon. William I. Hudson, an Amcricuu Repre sentative in the last-Georgiu Legislature from tho county of Harris, has taken position in fa vor of Buchanan and Breckiurldge. Ho do- llued his position ih a speech recently deliver ed at a Democratic hieetuig at Hamilton, Gcor- Jack Brown, Esq., of Talbot county, Ga., late icreai of ' Solicitor Gonereaf of the Chattahoucheo Cii* cult, has come out in favor of Buchanuu and Breckinridge.—CWum6u« Timet. .Miss Sayers’ Maiiiiiaok.—Tho following des cription of Doctrcsi Sayer’s marriage was writ- eu by an eye witness: ,"We were among the few assembled at the residence of the bride’s father, in W'arwio, Gi- ango county, July 27th,to witness the marrisgc of Mr. John W. Hasbrouck, editor of tbe NV.utg Perss, Middletown, New York, with Dr.Loydlu Sayer, editor of the Sybil, of tho same place. The bride was dressed in Mie reform costume : skirt of white India book with pants of white satin, a basque of brocade silk, (color ashes of roses) trimed with deop lace. No ornaments except a simple breastpin. The cereulony was performed by themselves. Tho bride iguored that part of the accustomed marriage ceremony which demands of women undue subjection and obedience, yet promises equally with tiie groom to stand true to his side iu uli the duties ol'iife; each appealing to other for their ap^rovu', aim each consenting to the terms adopted by them selves. A short aud very appropriate prayer wasoifered by the elder brotner of the'brlde.' Republican Falsehood—A correspondent of tbo Boston Telegraph Bays that a Fremont electoral ticket will soon be nominated iu Vir glnia, and that this deuionstation is owing very inuob to tho expulsion of Mr. Underwood from the Old Dominion fur participation in thePhila. delphia Convention. > Fukmont and Donelson.—Tbe editor of the Columbus, (Ohio) Statesman, a few 5bys ago,- inquired of a zealous supporter of Fremont tee reasons for his preference fur that CundiUate ? His reply was: "I am not an admirer of Fre mont, bub I am in favor of disunion, which will uo the inevitable result of his election to the Presidency.” Preparations for tub Czar’s Approach* ixo Coronation—We read iu the Berlin (Ju ly 24) correspondence of the Londou Times : "Theprogramme for the popular festivities that are to accompauy tiie coronation in Mos cow has ulready received the sauction of the Emperor, In the form iu which it has been drawn up by the Director of tbe Imperial Thea tres, Guedeanoff. In addition to other provi sions for the entertainment of those assembled in the old Russian capital, there wifi be compa nies of Russian, German axd French actors, and Italian opera singers. Among the numerous crowd of applicants for Government- conces sions, the French are, in all branches of enter prise, the most tavored. Buchanan at Home—The enthusiasm for Buchanan in Lancaster county is steadily in creasing. From every section of the county our information is of tbe most gratifying character. He will not only poll the entire democratic vote, but hundreds of old-line whigs aud scores ot JtnericatiB will vote for him. They cherished him as oft esscemed neighbor and iricud—as a man with whom they have been long and inti mately acquained—a statesman whose ouly aspiration is tbe good of his country uud the union aud perpetuity of the republic—Lancas ter Intelligencer. Disijnionism— 1 The disunion flag, with six teen Btars only, .still continues to flout across the public highway in this village—an em blem of sectionalism and a disgrace to the party which placed it there—Norway {Maine) Advertiser. The Ship "City of Montreal.”—It appears the Euglish underwriters have given up all hopes of the City of Montreal, trador to this port, and supposed to have been lost in tbe ice on her spring voyage ; as wo understand they now paying tbe claims for losses by this xl—Montreal Pilot. Worms! Worms!! A great man/ learned trealUo have been writ ten, explaining tho origlu of, and classifying tho worms generated in tho human system. Scurcely suy topic of medial science has elicited mor acute observation and profund research; and yetphsi- clans uro vory much divided in opinion ou tho sub ject. It must be udmittod, howevor, that aflor all, mode of expolling those worms, and purifying the body from tbeir presence, is of more valuo than tho wisest disquisitions as to tbo origin. The ex pelling agent has at length boon Ibund, Dr. M’Lane’s Vermifuge, prepared by Fleming Bros., Is tbo much sought after Bpcuiflo, and has already Burpercoed all other worm madlcines, its efficacy beiug uni versally acknowledged by medical practitiouors. OS' Purchasers will bo carcM to aslc for DR. M’LANE’S CELKbRATED VERMIFUGE, manufac tured by Funnxa Bros,, of Pittsburgh, Pu. All other Vlrmifuges in comparison, are worthless. Dr. M’Luuo’s genuiuo Vcrmlfugo, also bis celebrated Liver Pills con now bo had at all respectable drug stores. None genulno without the signature of augl3-[lj—G FLEMING BROS. VALUABLES RICE PLANTATION • FOR SALE, WITHIN TEN MIL** OY Tiff CRT Of SAVANNAH. AN tho first Tuesday in (teoember next, will he sold before the Court House In tho city or 8a vimnab, Ibo Plantation on the Bavannah river, teu miles rrura the city, kuown as Mulberry Grovo, bo longing to the estate of tho lato Philip Ulmor, con- UilulLg six huudred and clghty-sevou acre.', of which Ihoro are two huudrod cores or Urst quality Udo rlco land, and ono huudred and flRy-five acres under good batiks and lu d fine state for cultiva tion. Also, seveuty five acres of high laud under cultivation. Ou tbo place are a good dwelling bouse, overseer’s house, barns, negro houses and • tuer outbuilding*, all In a good stute of repair. Porstms deairing to purchase will call upou H. K, Harrison, Ex’i, who resides withlu lour miles of the Grovo, or Kllxa Ulmor, Ex’trlx, who resides within two miles ortho Grove. Terms of salo mado known on tbe day or sale. Possession not given until the first or January. Jyl7-td H. K. HiRRISON, Ex'or. jgg" TheCharloaton Mercury will publish once n wssk until the day of sale. On ft CatlicrincM hlaun. when oua vDltto his B ti'*u, on the 6th Inst., UKOKUH M WALIJ- , K*q. Mr. Wald burg w'a* a 'Irsuendatitfiom a highly Tt*!*t)oetablo fura !y,'drlvtu from Europe by tho Intuloreut spirit of religious, persecution, uud Huuloil m -outh Otroliiia PHILIP SI. HUM,SELL, He graduated at Princeton, after wh'ch he Btudted luWjliinl wus udmittod to tho bur tu his native city; but. having .inherited a competency, he declined preieoiiPiig hi* profession, to which hocould'imt Have failed to have boon an orUumcnt, If a uilnd of the first order and, highly cultivated, furetcLt dis- J unction. Coiniiurnai Julcilijjentt. Snvnunnli Market, August 1G* COTroN’.—No transactions reported iu this article tliD forenoon. Exports. PHILADELPHIA.—Per steainffilp KeystonoStuto —50 Ind .!■> Cot tun, 04 ca*kr Rico, »2 bales Yarn, 8 bales Wool, 64 empty Barrels aud sundry packa ge*. NEW YORK, Aug. 11.—Corro.v—Nothlug has yet disturbed the monotony of the dullncs wliich bus so long distinguished the market; beyond a few huudred bulei to npUmurs, nothing has iranjnircd. We oomluuoour muninaLquotiitlons as follows : NEW YORK CLASSIFICATION. Upland. Florida. Mobile N. 0. Ordinary u% Middling UK UK UK Middling Fair...l^K 1‘JK Wi Fuir YiVt. 1 m Y2J{ 18k L'OFFKU—The umrUct is .steudy. wlllt salos ot 600 bags ' io, per Fume, at lOKc; C3U do ut Ue; 100 Uo, Skimming* ul lUalOKe; 400 bugs kiguiiyru, pm tut UK; -00 do fct Domingo, on terms not transpired und 3,00) mate .lava ull 4 Floiik—Our market for We-tern Canal Flour oponodJialOo. better, but ut tbo close litis Improvo- moutwiunut l'ul y sustained, with only 11 mode rate inquiry for export aud tho local trade. Tho assortment ol desirable brands Is poor, and the ad vanced queuitlou* of liuldut'H tuUUid to the dulluuss Tho sales uro 1^,500 bbla. Wukat.—'The sales urc 12,000 biisheLt Southern Red nt $L 03 for old, and $L 14 for prime new. Kick—Is steady und und u trillo more active; 110 tes sold at $3 76a4 60 pur 100 lb. CoitN—is l >wur and moro uu'lvo. 8alos of 09,000 bushels ut 68aU2 for unsound, and 63aQ4 for West ern mixed. WnisKV—The market is firm, wills a fair de- mnml; Halos of 239 bids Ohio uud Prisou at 39e, and Drudgo ut 08u. ^ipnji Jidtlltpnce. Port ol* Sin van mils AUGUST 10 Arrived. fU’umer Darlington, Brock, Pulatlia, to t'iaghoru & Uuxuinglmm. Cleared, atouinship Keystono Mdu, llardiu, Pbiiadolphia- tj a ureiuor. Memoranda. Haiti more, August 13—.wr, steamship Frouiuau Kawtiou, Greou, wivunuuh. t .. Passengers. ivr stc-ainor Keystone State, for Philadelphia—T Lowonbmg, M .lambs, S Koihchlid uuduvts,UL Lenmau, n KotbcnilU, G Brown, M Browu, B uam- mon, Wit Dillon, Master Dillon, M Cobuu, J it Law renco. W King, W laurtns, J Bremen, W N Mat- mows. T Wnlkcr, J 11 l.uuonberg, t» B ftouo, John Sherlcck, M Miidlaiou, G Sutcliffe. J FulUgaui, I Bruiiuor ' ;ncca, .>1 siijuiuiun, u ouwiuif, j cuii>a» u, i » turner, .1 Benedict, J D desso, J V Barbel’, B iiu- ■, J Kyle, A Hu tor. J McCarty, T r Do 11 ham, 1, uuoy, J .*> Mealier, Mrs W T riinlth, Mrs U’ton- gor, henuoy, , — - . .... noli, M.hs o’l.'onueli, Mrs it Bo.ton, Mrs W »* Dick- sou, Miss llousionu, J Llppman, J Lionel. B Botton, md l.luc* In, J MTUun, 111 LighUoot, ft II riuniiug, Miss Mitchell, Miss liumavray, iius W i» 1 hristopbor uud Iuly, W j Ingraham, C11 Camp- field, J K Parrou. Mr Barron, Miss MClull, Mr Me Call, Mrs Jones, SI 0 Kenuony und 2 chiidrou, Mus Delnny, W H Autrey, n Duubuiu, H A Uurioy, J ‘1 Archer, lady uud a tuildreu, £urrougus, Mrs Surovcu, T <U Turner ana laiy, 0 L Sm.Ui uud lady, J M j Heury, W H Baker, J r uuuu it M Cuuritni, 3 W AUdeisuu. nr, J W Audvrsou Jr, W Baud, W U U.Cott, Miss It Dessau, Sirs J 1' Counts, h 0 Atitlor sou, Jr, Miss M Aiidersoti, Mils Benjamin, and 3'. stuerugo. Per tteamor Darlington, from Plooiata—Miss M K Preston, d .1 Lu y ujU oidy, Miss L Jo-.epn, M. Ciiuver, u Freeda..uvr, 11 K Furtuud iudy, J il )i sou uud iudy. A ■< Dues, J d HaaL, Bolwu Uuj, C J UuuLi, uud 1 deck. C'oiisitfiitfcfc, l’or steam *r Jlur..ugmn, irdoi PaUtka—5 bkla Colon, 1 tot Hides, I do J.u«r ..«lus uud auudrioi, t LiO'iou a VL a.ouga, Itunideu’- L.presr, a Banaud. ti v, J LachDoti. a At ..user, Wubstor «iu.iucs, Fa. a y.uil, Aauer uuu Coustauthic, and urder. FOU PJULAUELPJUA. Jfli mil Saturday, Auyiut zo. at 6 o'clock, P. it. Hie uuied Ntates Mali &teum.»ni]- KKYSluNK STATE, Cupt. Hurdle, vt ill leave as above. For freight u, J 15 if i. GltKlNFlK, Agent. Cabin Passage ..20 ou Bteurugo Pussago 7 DO Passengers by inii ship fur Baltimore uud Wash ington will be lauded ut New Castle, Delaware, 1. de-irod, from which plaeo curs start three timer dally for tlio ubovo cities, and other {southern points, augtU a,, TO HidM .! _ Tho two Teuomouu corner or Taylor 1 and Wmuiker streets. Possession of om 1 given immediately, tbe other ou iho lato. l ictober. Apply ut this ollluo. 0—Li NOTICE TO DUUiflKUtl. milE Buoys ou tbo Bar uud River of st. Marys, X Ga., uro uow arranged ut tlio fuduwtug order . uar Buoy id a 2d ol id) iron nun puiutod black uud wuito porpuhutut.lar stripes, is just outside the bat iu t.4 to t water ut low tide uua can bo passed on either huud, the light hoaso boariug 8 W. TUo 2o buoy is a 3d c.uss n on cun pain tea b.aek with tiie number ouo iu white: this buoy is just msldu Un bar in 13 loot water ut low lido i<u tho riohth Break- .-rs. und must be loll ou tho port huud outeriug. Tho 3d buoy Is a 2<1 class iron nun puiutod red wm. tho number two iu white; this huoy Is uoar tin edgo of tlio NurlU Bieuaers iu 13 loot water at low tide, uud must be lull ou tho siarbuutd huud cutor mg. Bin y No 4 is a 3d c.uss iron ouu paiutod black with tlio number ihreo iu while: this buoy is on the ougo of iho toulli uroakers iu lz lout water ut low tide, aun must bo i At on tbo purl baud entering. Buoy .no 6 is a 2d 0 usS iron uuu paiutod red with tho number lour iu white, uud is ou iho muer poun of tho North Breakers iu 14 lout water ut low tide, uud must be loll on the starboard baud entoriug. uuoy No 0 is a zd class iron nun paiutod black w.tb thouuinber live iu wuito; this buoy Is near the point of shoal running oil'from bland; L iu 18 foot water ut low tide uud must bo loll ou the port huud mcutcriug. Bu y No 7 is u zd class iron can p.intoa black tho number so.ou lu whito, this buoy is near tho rigor Kluud shoal ut Uiu ou trance of Foniuauiiia river, is iu lb lout water ut low lido aud must bo leil ou tho port hand going t st Marys. Buoy Nu 8 is a 2d class iron uuu \ a>ui oa wlui rod uua black horizontal atiipos; t.ns ou.y is ou tho point of Bhuul f .rmua by tho joucilou o. tlio st Alurys aud Cmutterlaud rivers, uud is lu 1* foot water at low tide. By order of tho Light House Board. 0. MANTUAULT MORRIS, auglO—S L il. luspoctorCtU District. SOUTH-WESTERN R. 11. CO.,) MaCu.v, Aiigart 14Ul, 1850. j D IVIDEND NO. U.—The Board of Directors have this duy declared u dividend of Four Dollars pm- share on the capital stock of this Company, from iho earnings of the Road l'or tho six uioutha oudiug July 3lat, paj able on uud aftur tho 16th in staut. Mockholders in Savannah will rocelvo their divi dends at tho Central Railroad Bank. JNO T. BOIFEUILLET, auglfi—lin Seo’ry and Trcas. 101) DOLLARS REWARD. • Urnaway Hum the subscriber, ou the 2d of Jane lust, his mulatto wumau LAU- <a, about 10 yours of age, mlduls height, uthor slouder lorm, blmk eyes and of e u „^ca4t countonunco when Bpokcuto. She has assumed the uamo of Maria Hutson, aud would pass for a Ireo negro, and may hive forged free pa pers. Whoa last hoard from, she was iu tho Groat Swamp In M t- Luke’s Fin ish, und may pass over into Georgia lit company with sumo white ponton. A reward, or twenty douars will bo pa d for dor de livery to mo, or luu> auy jail in Georgia or Boutb Carolina sotbailcau get her; oun hundred del larsfor proof to conviction of her being carried uwuy by a white man with intent to steal, and fifty dollars lor tholiko proof or her boing harbored. DEDKICK FETERMAN, aug9—2aw4 OHHsouvhle, 8. C. ' CITY TREASURER’S OFFICE, T - - „ , , , **, 2d August, 1800 I1E Bonds ot tbe City uf f-avuunab, duo 1st Feb- ruary, 1857, (commonly known as McAllister Bauds,) issued tor Cont.-ul Kui ruud Stock, will b. ro lociucd on a; piicatiun, in Stock of tbo Centra Railroad nnd Banking Company, ut Its market vul- we, tho Bonds being recoivod at par. Holders of the samo preferring cash, can have them redeemed iu muuoy. aug 3 JAB. 6. WUK1N8, • Ity Truoa. VT01ICE.—R. A. Crawfotd und E I.. Hackett XI are my duly authorized agents during uy ab sence from the Bute. J9 . HORACE MOUSE. r • r-'-Wtlr'?.’. COFVIST. Will exeuto Deeds, Mortgages, Fewer of Attorney Wills, Bonds, Notices and Taking ot luterrogatones. Uiilco at tho Court iiousi;, Bavannah, Ga. Court Days. Third Tuesday In uuob mouth, sue held at tlio office of Edwfttu Wllou, E«q. UHidcuco, Uustou, botwouu Barnard ahdTatuiul street. Any call at night, ou business, will be atlondeu to Immediately. ,, . Wni'M.~vnUJAMH. ' TUAUDKCS OUVUt.‘"JACK'BROWN WILLIAMS, OLIVER A DROWN, attorneys at law, / Buena Vista, Marion Couuty, Ga., Will practiuo iu the onuuileo of Marlon, Macon, Hous ton, Stewart, Randolph, Muscogeo, l^o, aud an) adjoining counties, whors their sorvicuH may be required. my 11 WILLIAM PHILLIPS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, .MABUem, OA. oct2d—ly DAVID O. WILDS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SPARTA, OA. Will practice in the counties or Hancsok, Warren, Washington, and Baldwin. Rrwhinob—Bohn & Foster, Rabun A Smith, and E. A. Soullard, Savannah. JauB It. D. HILTON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSE1AOR AT LAW. Office corner of Bay uud Drayton-its. SAVANNAH, OA, my II tamlliV Willuuu, : attorney at law, No. 8, Drayton Street, Savannah, Georgia, may 6—ly Dit. carles h. colding, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, No. 14 LIBERTY ST., One door west of Drayton, myll WM. C. CUN NELLY, L T TO R N E Y ” * ‘ AT LAW, UAIIKUA, WOKT1I cot'xrv, A. (ru.ST umok, ALKANY.) Will practise iu tho Soulliyii Circuit, and In Macon, Dooly und Worth Counties onho Macon Circuit. 49r Fartieulttf attouuou given t<i the colleotioti ot claims in Suuth-Wostorn Georgia. Jo2—6m e.cumming; * ATTOUNEY AT LAW, fflbl-ly IRWI.VTOM, OA. EXSTkK S AMUKUttUM, ATTORNEYS AT I.A W, ai&-1y macon, oa. WiLLiAMTf.DAlRERr ATTORNEY AND COtlNSELLGK AT LAW, Trmipvillo, Lowndes County, Ga. Will practice in Thomas, Iziwudea, Clinch, Ware. Appling, 'folfulr, Irwin, Laurens', and l’ulaskl counties, Georgia; uud m Jcll'orson, Madison, 11am ilton. uud Columbia counties), Florida. [myll MILLKU Jlc itOLL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BRUNSWICK, GA. Will practice lu Uiu Brunswick Circuit—compris ing tho following Couutios: • Glynn, Wayne, Cauideu, Waro, Apppling, Clinch, Coffee und Charlton. JOHN B. MILLER. L, C. ROIX. aug 3 ly n.THoMvSatCo., AuolIon and Comlmaalon niorchautu, 110 Bryan Street, SAY ANN All, GEORGIA. A. T'UOMAlt. [Jo12] H, S. Fakcuk. W. H. F MtUELL, DEALER IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES mill Foreign and Domcatlo Fruit, corner Broughton and Whitaker-tU, town uud country supplied with choice goods at mudoratu prices. AU orders promptly attoudod to, aud satisfaction always guaranteed. bj>18 WUOLKSALK AND KXTA1L DEALKR IN WINDOW BLINDS, WLVDOW BASH AND PANE DOORS. West aide Monument Square, Savannah, Ga. may 11 jOhnc. booth, ~ CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Will also give hb attouUon to designs in Archtteo *•- -* ** "**"*"' Wdliamson, Esq.. my 13 ture. Office in the store of John Bay street. CIIAFFEtt As CO., Vo. O Wlittakei' Sti’eet, Savannali, Oa. WUOIJC-iALK AND RKTAIL DKAUfte Of ABIiKS, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, &o. White O Load, Ziuo, White Luiscd, Sfperm, Whale, Toji turs’uiiii NoatsfootOlls, UiasH, Bruhhos. Gold Le,tl, irouzo, Builders’ Hardware. Nails, Marblo ilonteis. so., &o. Jq4 “JOHN H^EUXeNT '^ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office curnor Bay nnd Drayton streets m$ A. H. CHAMPION. (Saacessor to Champion & Watts.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, No. 4 Uaruurd si., botwuen the Market and Bay fct. SAVANNAH, OA. Dealer in Groceries, Foreigu and Domcstio Liquors, Dried Fruits, tic,, Ac. Reference—A. Champion, Esq., Samuel Solomons, Esq., Messrs.Rabun At Whitehead, und Swilt ACo,, •Hvannah, 11 JOHN it. COCHltANK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jubfin, Lauruus cuuuty, Ga,, late junior partner ol tho firm of A. At J. Cocuraxb, Irwiutou, Ga., will attend promptly to all busiuosa entrusted to his cure. Particular attention paid to collecting. Re- fcrouco—Dr, C. B. Guyton, F. H. Rowe, Dublin, Qa„ M Marsh, Savannah. myll FORWARDING AND COMMIBBlUN MERCHANTS, NO. 94 BAY-STRUtr. SAVANNAH, Oi, apr4 A. flluALPIN df BKOTIUSHS. Lumber, Mill and Brick Yards. sept 5 SAVANNAH, OA. P, JACOBS, 8EGAR AND TOBACCO STORE. No. 20, Bull street, (sign of the Big Indian.) N. B.—Keeps constantly on hand Spanish, Hall lpaul8h, and American Scgars. at wholesale and ro- iil. Also, Chewing Tobacco, Snuff, Ac. Juno 1 JAMES McHENRY, Insurance Broker and Notary Public. Muriue Protests Noted aud Extended, Average, idjustod, Charter Parties and Average Bonds drawn* t'apers prepared whereby to recover losses from \morican or British Underwriters, and attention ,'ivon to all matters connected with shipping and lu- mrance, No. 118 Bay-street opposite the front oi ibo Custom House. ly nor 8 JESSE T. BERNARD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Ncwuansvillo, Fla. Reference—Georgo .. Brown, William Dell, New* nansvllio, Fla., R. B. Hilton, Boston k Vlllalonga, o u Savannah, Ga. myll M. WHIT SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LA W, ALUOATOK, KA9T FLORIDA. Will practico (n the Eastern and Bouthorn Counties Refer to—Col. S. S. Bibloy, and R. B. Hilton, 8a founah. fob2-tf . CHA8. U. UAMFUBCZ; ATTORNEY AT LAW, (OLLXDQXVTLLR, QA.1 Practices Law in the various Counties of the Oo mulgeo Circuit, and tbe adjoining Counties of Twiggs. Laurens and Washington. Refer to—John Boston, H. A. Crane, and R. B dilton. fenl4 GEORGEltrGBit DOS7 ATTOUNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AND Commitsionerjtf the U. S.jCourt qf Claims for Office CornerBayand Buf/ streets. ly 1 mylo ☆ OXiOTHINO a EMPORIUM, ft l DOOB WX8T or TM REPUBLICAN BlADINp bqqm. Fine Ready-made Ciotldng; Hate andCaiw, Shirts, Collars. Gloves, Hoslory, Cones, Umbrellas Cravata, Stocks, Handkerchief, and Fancy Articlus for Gentlomen. W.O. Price, FASHIONABLE AND MIUIABY TAYLOR, No. 14V Baj Street, SAVANNAH. Also, Superfine Cloths, assimori and Vestings, will be made to me*- duro.unexceptlon* able in style workmanship/ by the best mechanics, at shortest notice $9* Orderafrom city andcounty solicited. « fob & JOHN S. NORRIST ARCHITECT. I J* AVING resumed the practice of hlsproles* IX slon, offors bis services to his rrienda and the jnblio as an Architect and Superintendent. Designs fot any port of tho country supplied and rear of tho Custom House. ** P r ® # * nt STRANOERl ft y«<u want a good and cheap Trunk, Valles, Carpet “rCiothtr »g of any kind or qua! Baar, quail* ty, ready maue or mad* tip to your Hate, Ups, Bhirte, Collar* or Dress —“ descrlp midUure, atso t .riUibuig Mltoln ot any. description,- c.ll .od > to | r r «m U 1 o UriMl .ml Imoi .lock In tlio city, u Uu Bur Kmporlok, 14J B» ,u«t. TO.O. PMOa H. J. 1> A V A NT, JB, F-ACTOn AND COilMISSION MEBO ANT, , No. OT Hoy Btacct, Jy 30 Savuilub.G. A. SHORT, MASTER BUILDER. Will lake contract for Building and W«— — ■onry or every ilcacrlption. Hiwidencs, No. i Mrs lewGtt'ti Range. South aide Jomw it oot $0 JAME8 M. SAVAGE, ATfORNEY AT LAW, TUOItASYlU K, niOlUB OOVNTT, OA. All tiuslqers untrustefl to bis care wUI »•«•*▼# prompt attention. ; lyr—marl? JA*1» U. ROUJWIS. RODGERS de NORRIS, (lute Crane A Rodgers, WHOLESALE GHO(5eR8, BAY-ATXXXT, SAVANNAH. June 1,1866, . p*y» ,v. WN. STARR, Jr. OGDEN, STARR b. a. sunn . deco*, BAY-8THKBT. BA VANNAH. OA. FATTEN, KHJTT'ON de CO*. PACT0RB.. Forwarding and GommiBsion Merchauta, Bnyatrcct, Savannah. Ga. 0. a. UAIIKJ80N. ..... HARRISON de McGEHEE, AUCTION, COMMISSION, BECEIVliJa AND t'orwurdliiK Itlercliant*. 59 AND 61 BROAIMJTHKXT, OOLUHBVS. OBOBOIA. SV Particular attention given to the sales of Real Estate, Negroes and Produce. $ST liberal advances made ou Negroes am) Mor ohandiie. ffjtmxNCBH: RUSE, PATTEN & CO. ) GUNBY ti DANIEL, VColumbus, Ga STEWART, GRAY & CO. j RUBE, DAV18 k IX)NG,) a, vuunnh WmTwRIGHT, / Bavannah YOUNG. ATKINS & DUNHAM, l ....... C. A. GREENE k CO., , f Apolnohimda H. 8. SMITH, k Mobile, Alubama. oct 23 ly B. khtlB, Factor and General Commission Merchant NO; 71 BAY*STBBKT, SAVANNAS, OA,, Rw**s to—Messrs. Ulaghoru A Cunningham, Bell Jt PreutlBB, Ogden, Starr k Co., Savannah ; J. P. iTuiinpPon. Bop ton. ttn»- • WN. ai’DLKV OOUPVR. JNO. OOl’CSR IdUteSR. - COUPKH de FRASER, FACTORS & GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bay street, Savannah,'Oa. fmyll JEFFERSON ROBERTS, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND DEALhR IN Timber and Lumber. SA VANNAU, Co. WBLLS A WILUAU*. DEALERS IN Domestic, foreign and fancy DRY GOODa No. 14U Congress-st., Savannah. Go. JAB. T. WELLS, formerly of Beuuiort Dial. b. G. TUEOPHILUB WILLIAMS, “ Scrivcn Co„Ga. sept? «, u. BIM. J. il. UAYin. w. a. lOROi COMMlsfioiIMERoffANTS, SAVANNAH, oa. may 3u Wii. s. dawSbBl;— ATTOUNEY AT LAW, RiVAXNAH, Ql. MSP Office over Thomas il. Turner &Co.’u Drig Store, Ray street. mjl I. LOOkKTr. u n MM«ra ira.M LOCKETT de 8NELL1NGS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND BU1PPINU AOENTB, Savannah, Ga* Will attend to the zoffing of all kinds of produce strict attention given to recoivlng and fbrwardlnc roods. may 81 iy Yucfion 6l CommiEsioa House, Macon, Ga. A. It. MO.AtUHiaN # Cxonerai Agent aud Auctioneer. SoltcttB from tun frluinlH couaignmecte ol svsry •ioscrlptlon. lakes onlers for Cotton. 463* Special attention giver, to the sales of Real •••suite, Blocks and Negro property, at public and .iri vatu sales. J'rempt return1 ami dispatch. Kcfcroiico—C. A. L. LAMAR. - mohtto IOi«. W. iiHtJLv. u f MRiyw OH1LCN * RUUO-r, ATTOllNEYS AT LAW. OCtlll) TfiOVAHTW., a.. JOHN HILBoT Oiillnuiv of Chatham County. AND aITOKNLV a“lAW. Officejn tli, Cp.if t Hoii.9, my,4 ~ANTiiuiVYmcClLLOh, ATTOItNET AT LAW, Savui.iiolt, Georgia. *ST Offlce on Ray .treot, ovor (Go Bank of Satan-. m.yli I(. f. COLES do HHOTUKH, FORWARDING AND COMMlSSIOli ™ CHANTS) Aacanna/i, Ga., and Mmtgomm, Ala, F. T. Cora, | R.f. ooia, Bay oDoet. saraimah. | Commorca ok, Uoau-ry Hmouafors. Hotoomb, Jobnsoa, A Co. j coltooa A Hertz, - Lookoll A BoelltUKS, tuwm IHrsona A Co., Hebert A, Allen, I Scranton, Johnston & Go SAVANNAH, DA. myl8 „ U. L. P. KINO, „ ATTOKNMY AT LAW, Corner at Buy anil. Whitaker Simla, ■ ATAMNAH, fob 22 Hmrm At K. WEIGHT. j • r uvitio WRIGHT de SAVAGE, A11VHNRYS AT LAW. BRUNSWICK, GA. ’ Jyl9 JUNH H. BUWEF, “ ENGINEER, ARuHUM AND SURVEYOR, CUH.NKH OK DKAYTON AND 8KTAN-81S- (Above C A. L. lamar.) JyO—3pi 7 C. \V7 MABRY, “ ATTORNEY AT LAW KK1NKUN, UXAIU) 00., OA. Will attend to professional business In the Counties of Heard, Carroll, Campbell, Cowota, Fayette, Meri wether and Yroup. ’ Relerence—Hon. E. Y. Hill. LaGrange, Ga.: Hun. David Irwin, Marietta, Ga.; Colouel M. M. Tidwell. Fayetteville, Ga.; and Mr. William Dougherty, C& lurnbua, Ga. sspl?-iy hbed on reasonable terms. "Orders v jpoctfully solicited. ap 18 D. A. O’UYRNE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office 176, Bay-st., over Turner k Go’s. Drug Store SAVANNAH, OA. nov 10—ly GEORGE TROUP HOWARD. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office Monument Square, near State Bank. SAVANNAH, QAa nov 10—ly. CRANE, WELLS * CO., FACTORS A COMMISSION MERCHANTS Savannah, Oa. ’ S. IV. BAKER, ’NbEIXOR ATTORNEY AND CODNbHAffR AT LAW, HuuUceUo, JetTerBoa Comity, Flz. Reftrebee—Boa. W. B. Funaro, Smumfc myll EDWARD G. WILSON. - HAOlnlRATE, NOTARY AND COHIUB8IONER AtMeMr».W»rdS Ow.n.’ Uv olllce. [myll WAYNE, UltEN V1LLE dt CO., OOHMIS8ION AND TOEWJU7lN«r 1 Bay-Mrta8w*nnak. THO8. A WAYNE. 0. £. URENTOIX R. ALEX. WAYNE, W. T. 8AMPl£ Jy fl—tf Savannab. ““ J. WT PAl-lBUSOIl, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Troupvlllo, LovndesComy.Oa frail U. klTZUEHALU, - ‘ Whih ComerorBrouahtun and WhII.Sar n/ 8AVANNAH, 0>, i — ...—_ _ _ _ ^ w efibc* ' ally tho hot damp atmosphere of a Southern CO. ' tnate;also Lemon and Btrawhnry 8yrttp;*|gc. Tsnas ■lift prices tow.- - » ; - - v T {f^y n CARY'S DAUDEHEOTYPE' type, and Pliotonapl®^** P. M. CARY W OULD reapectfuUy give nolle. Out tala tint they may ohm,, la from 1 to s aeeodiaahihg.'i Ryth. Faimuiunuc proem ola taiwnoina SSI .Vs-ta ■;V»- iliu ■ ■ '4: ; . iiHHmmm W ;v ; ; ’M s j' :-H . ,.i ■, ■ ■i; ;v;tj:; am