Savannah Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, August 19, 1856, Image 3

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mm BBBMBt '.;.;V F:y.' ; ?*«-'’*r < r-' : f-T '• ■:■ ifr> —— 99S )^W4rtnraMMW CHATHAM lm. I am a candidate for re-election to the of* & tloo of Rfcolvar of Tai Return* In January 5ir , T£!rWJSrt^. MEDICAL CARD. i_ DR. J* »• 01,100 '» UiD Steflbrtl Ilouso, cornorof Whitaker aud Hull street* ssiiloucc at tlr*. Romsharl’a, Weal Broad atroot. nugl3 IIBALTU OFFICE, SAVANNAH, \ July lfltu, 1800. t «. All vessel* arriving at the (tort or Savau- _r u»k, from the Weal Indies, Mexico, Coutral Bioricn, South America,, or from any port jvhoro aMgioiu Infections and malignant diseases aro lulling, (also, all vessels having sickness on aril, or having had Biokuesa on board, since last esraace,) are required to come to anchor oil irt .laekson, thero to remain without cnmmuulca* au with the city of Savannah or adjacent couutry, 3 Q§ toy nm HmIIIi Ollier. ’ Ko boat or vessel shall rocolve any or the crow sponger* from vessels subject to the above or* r for tlw purpose of carrying them to the city or vicinity* ’Vessels will not be detalnod In (JuaranUno unless ch detention bo nooossary. Any violation of tho above orders will subjoot •lolator to tho peually or tbo law. • F. H. DEMERB, Hoaltb Officer. Approved K* O* Aniiuumn, Mayor. tr-jy 17 Hoc Bar'll, Albany d( Golf R. R. Co., 1 Savannah. 27th Juuo, 1850. J An instalment or 10 per cent., being the 3r sixth on the Capital Stock of this Compauy, hereby called, and required to bo paid at this •u mi Uio 1st day or September uext. By order GHAS. GRANT, lune.’S—wtlS Secretary and Treasurer. NOVICE C. It. R. £■• THE freight on corn IVom Atlanta to Su> W vannath will be reduced to 10 c. per bushel Hud alter he 1st day or April uext WM. M. WAIXLBY, General Superln'l. fraus inflation office, ) otral Kail Road. J mar 28 IIOWE'S COTTON HARVESTER. r Tbo great desideratum or Plantora is dual ly obtained In tbo successful invention of nre’s Cotton Harvester, with which ouo hand can k as much cotton as flvo in the ordiuary way, sides saving ah immonso amount of labor. IViiut tiiim y’s Cotton Gin Is la Its after stage, Howe’s irvo- tcr is lu picking. Vnr furtlior information, apply to A. WILBUR, 111 Bay street. Agent for the States of Georgia and Florida. Jy2* the Patrons of tho Sar’h Georgian All debts due to tho Georgian previous to the Cth instant, aro payable only to tho un signed. Notes and accounts duo lu the city will presented immediately, and all debts duo in tho mtrjr will ho forwarded by an early mall, mis living tho tlrst time that tbo undorslguod bus blioljr appealed to his late- putron, ho fools that •V will not considor him unreasonable in urging dii them the uocessity lor imiucdiato payment. Remittances may bo mado directly to tho uudor- iied, or to R. B. Hilton & Co., whose receipt will valid. PHILIP J. PUNCH, iavautiah, Hay 28,1856. my!8-lawdftw O PRIXTBIRS, he subscribers oiler lor sale a largo aud varied jortmout of second-hand printing material, sulll- ut to establish a complete Job Office, with but additional urticlos, consisting in part of—One pie font of small pica, as good as now, und varl- fmits of job type; ouo super royal hand-press; lion ft Co.’s proof-proas, lato3t improvement, ; iwo nr more largo imposlug stones, now; dou- atitl single stauds; cuse3f composing slicks,col- n rules, gidloys, chases, etc., oto., together with riuiH other urticlos portaluing to a newspaper job office. ft. B. HILTON ft CO. uuo 28 A CARD. HOC public is informed, tbut in connection with uiir geuerut and special sales, we will keep at store. Ill) flryau street, a General Intelligence ice, whm c Wants, either domestic or commercial, I lie entered, and tboso wishing to sell, hire or iango will find this an admirable medium to bo ted. Persons having servants to lot aud thoso ntiiig them, wil llnd this tho most practinablo II cmoiuical source to send their orders for any tumidity whatever. Charges moderate auglT—tf A. THOMAS & CO. ' HOARDING*. J BVEItAL gentlemen or small families caube Mimiimodulod with good Rooms and Board, on I’tfj-t side of Montgomery atroet, ouo door above tb broad street. MRS. M. S. RAYMLR. ec 12—if FOR SALE. | Six Tracts of Land, 600 acre each, a jM * miles from the city ol' Savannah on the 8. A. ■thill Hail Road, wetl adapted to tie growth ot i.Cuttdu and Corn, and Wood enough to pay for hi times ovor. Apply to fb 21 tr C. A. OU»Ul). CAPITA'. PRIZE $5°,00°. Alabama Lottery, [AtmiOKPlKn HV TttM SUTX OF ALAIUM4.] lanthru Biilitnni Jlrnitctuti Infant CLASS \1. To bo drawn lu tho City of Muutgotnury. Alabama, in pnbllu, on FRIDAY, Foptotnbor lath, I860, on tho 11 AVANA PLAN I HAMUKl. atVAN, Manager. I’rlxes amounting to 200,000 Dollars 11 Will bo distributed according to tho following MAGNlFlVliNT SOHKMT3J ao.OUU Tickets Only I I fO RENT. Tho l*o TonomeutH oornof of Taylor r und to Idtaker streets. I'ussest-lmi of olio given Immo llutoly, llm ollmr on iho 1st oi I October. Apply ni this olllco; '—A con Taylor str.-etr Possession given 1st Oo- | tobor. Apply ut this office. Jyil—tf vltteftk WH RENT—Tho“ two Stores, Nos! 83 lillHl and 86 Bay street *“ ** * augit—vaw4* Apply to WM. DUNOAN. T«* RUM'. Iluilding corner Bay and Drnyton-sU., I siiltabln for inoruuiitllu purposes and star- I ago. For particulars enquire ut Juuo 1U THIS OFFICE. 1 prizo of $60,000 is. ) do do 26,000 is. 1 do do 16,OUO Is 1 do do ... . 10,000 is, I do do 6,000 h 1 do do 6,000 is 1 do do 3,000 is 3 do do 1,0001s 10 do do 600is, 89 do do 400 is. 100 do do 200 Is, .. 6,000 82,800 20,000 4 prizes ol ItoOapproKlm'g fof&(),nuu arc 1,000 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 41) 320 400 :ioo 260 176 150 125 iuo 80 70 60 40 HD 1,000 prizes amounting to., 26,000 are 1,200 15,000 are 1,000 10. mm are 700 0.000 aro ooo 5,OtH) arc 600 •3,000 uro 400 2,000 aro 320 1,000 aro 280 l,two uro 200 600 are 1000 400 arc Ort00 200 aro 8000 $200,000 MUCK OK TICKOTS. Whole Tickots $10; Halves $6; Qaartors $2 60. TU.V OK TIIK L01TKIIY. The Numbers from 1 to . lymo, corresponding with thoso numbers on tho Tickets printed on topu- ralo slips of paper, aro nucirclud with small tin tubes, aud placed m oim wlu-ni. Tho llrst 200 Prizes, similarly printod and encir cled, ure placed in another wheel. Tho wheels are then revolved, aud tho number is drawu from tho wheel ol numbers, and at tiro same time a Prize is drawn from tho other wheel. Tho number uud prize drawn out aro opouud and exhib ited to tho audlouoe, aud registered by Urn Commis sioner, the Prize being placed against tho number drawu. This operation is repeated until ull the Pri zes aro drawu out, APPROXIMATION I’KJZKS. TI10 two precading and tho twosucceudiug Num bers to those druwiug Uio lir«t 200 prlzos will ho entitlo.l to tho S0O Approximation Prizes, a-cording to tho Scheme. The Managers, dolormined tluit tiiclr Lotte ries shall excell all others, oiler t«* tho publio thu above scheme, winch, for tho brilliancy of its Cap itals, aud tho cliaucus of nbtuluiug Prizes, lias nev er boon equaled. $9“ Remember that every prize Is drawn, and payable in full without deduction. j$S“ All prizes or$1,000 ami under, paid immedi ately after the drawing,—other prizes at tho usunl tirao of thirty days. All communications strictly confidential. The drawn numbers will lid forwarded to purchaser* Immediately after Iho drawing. Orders for Tickets should bo sent iu early. Prize Tickets cashed or renewed in other Tickets ut either office. Orders for Tickets can be addressed cither to 8. 8WAN ft CO., Atlanta, Ua., aug!2 Or 8. SWAN, Momguiuory, Ala. (BMMflprcUfl.ltA. [AUTUORIZKO 11V 1IIK STATIC OK OKOKtilA.j FORT GAINES AOADEMVLOTTEIiY. CLASS 18. To bo drawn in tlie city of Atlanta, lu public, on THURSDAY, August 28, I860, on the HAVANA PLAN. SAMUEL SWAN ft CO«, Managers. PRIZES AMOUNTING TO $ 2 0 4,0 0 0!! Will be distributed according to tho following BRILLIANT SCHEME! 30,000 NUMBERS—10,180 PRIZES! HCIIKMK. ,'.$40,000 is $40,000 ,, It),IKK) is 10,000 .. 10,000 is lo;ooo .. 6,000 is 6,000 .. 2,000 is 2,000 .. 1,000 is 1,100 .. 1,000 IS 1,000 200 arc 2,DUO 100 are 10,000 MATRIMONY MADE EASY, R 1IOW TO WIN A LEVOR-Tho easy Principle of Love, interspersed with Directions the Preservation and Exaltation of l’enmiai Bounty mid Loveliness, for prolonging human llfo henlthlly and happily he very longest period of human oxlstcnco.— .'inliJiy eugruved on steel, he single, married, and tho married happy.— at is love?—with instructions for courting, in or- t<> win tho alfectious of the opposito sox. The its aud Shades of Married Life, lie Reproductive Organs of Females handsomoly raved: and tho Infirmities of Youth and Maturi witli lueir remedies. PKKJ.VANCV [LUCTKATKD BV PLATB3. liiferent stages of gestation—how to uotermino eu it exists—how to prevent pregnancy, and h a lecture ou Love to inurried ladies and gentle- 1. riie 60 couts per copy. On tho receipt of the uey through mail, (post-paid,) one cupy of the 'k will be sent by mall to any part of tho United to*. Published CHARLES WALKER, No. 88 South 3d at., Philadelphia, Pa. 'he, Dit. LaCROIX’S PHILOSOPHICAL VIElYOI- BiUUdUE. “ itopular treatiso on tho secret infirmities oi fh and maturity nrisiug from genital diseases in u sexes with upwards of one hundred and tweu- lvo lithograph* and engravings illustrating the tciuv, physiology, and diseases of tho sexual or- their structure, uses and functions, together h plain directions for the perfect cure of syphilis, it. stricture, etc. rice 60 coats per slnglo copy. Published by CHARLES WALKER, No. 38 South 3d st., Philadelphia, Pa,. »bom all orders must be sent. apll2—U BOOK AGENCY. M1F Subscribers have established a Book Agency ln‘ Philadelphia, and will furnish any 'k or publication at tho retail prleo rrco of post- '• Any persons by forwarding tho subscription or any ouo of tho $3 Magazines, such os Har- s, Uoduy’s, Putnani’s, Graham’s, Frank I/alio’i ‘hious, 4c., will recoivo tho Magazines for ono r ami a copy of a splendid lithograph portrait ol ‘nr Washington, Jackson or Clay; or if subscrl- g to a $2 aud $1 magazine, thoy will receive a >' of either of the threo portraits. If subscribing •9 worth of magazines, all three portraits will be ^ gratis. Music furnished to thoso who may hvebpeg ofoxeryslzo and description In large iQiall quantities furnished. Soal Presses, Dies, ;t sunt to order. very description of engraving on wood cxocutcd hNoauien aud dispatch Views of Buildings, wspaiwr Headings, Views or Machinery, Book II- wuions, Uidgo Cortiflcutcs, Business Cards, rfc. orders sent by mall promptly atteuded to Per- «wishing viows or their buildings engraved can a Dagiiorrootypo or skotch ortho building by ilorexpros3. * 'ersons at a distance having saleablo articles will litto their advantage to address the Bubscribors wo would aot os agent for the sale or tho same a it. J?X5 AM PIERCE. to, rj 8trcet . Hllh -1 1 *- ANS AND JARS, -jefX&VHn?.' Just received au luvolcoof Ar thur’s Patent Air Tight Self-Scaling ' CANS AND JARS, For Preserving FRUITS, TOMATOES, Ac. Full directions for presorvlog .. , accompany each ror sale at mauulhcturcr’s prices by HORACE MORSE, 116 Broughton Bt. an ussortment of Ludlow ft Co’s aud Bur- j^w Top Fruit Cans, less than coat. I prize of... 1 “ !!.’ 1 “ I “ .. 1 “ .. II prizes of.. 100 ** ...I. IIIU Ills 1 4 prizes of 200 upp’g to $20,000 prize, are 100 76 60 60 40 20 10,000 prize, uru 10,000 prize, aro 6,000 prize, aro 2,000 prize, uro 1,000 prize, arc 1,000 prizes ure 200 prizo, are ,.120,000 16.000 of $8 amounting to.. 16,186 prizes amounting to $201,000 Thol5,u00 prizes of $8 are determined by the number which draws tho $10,000 piizo; if that number should be an odd number, thou every odd number ticket in ttio scheme will ho untitled 10 $4; if au oven number, then every oven number ticket In tho scheme will ho outitled to $8, in addition to any other prizo which may bo drawn. Purchasers in liny lug an equal quantity of odd and and even number tickets, will bo certain of draw; iug nearly half tho cost of tho sumo, with cliuucrs or obtaining utacr prizes. All those tickets endiug with 0,2,4, 6, 8,arc even —all thoso ending with 1, 3, 6,7,0, uro odd. Remember that every prizo is druwn, and paya ble la full without deductwu, All prlzos of $1000, and under, paid Immediately after the drawing—other prizes at tho usual lime of thirty days. Xjjp Ail communications strictly conlldcullul. The drawn number* will ho forwurded to pur chaser* immediately after the druwiug. Whole Ticket* $10—Halve* $5.00— Quarters $2.60. Prizo tickets cashed or reuowud in other tickets at either office. Orders for tickets can bo addressed either to 8. SWAN & CO., Atlanta, Ga., or jy27 8, SWAN, Muutgomery, .Ua WANTED TO RENT A commodious, airy and pleasant House in a duHiruhte part of (lie city, tor which a liberal nricu will be paid. Enquire at thu olllco ol Uio Georgian and Journal. Juno z«—tf OFFICES FOR RENT IN THE riMEE-STORY BRICK HOUSE adjoining llm olllco of the subscriber. The basement wuuld make, with some slight improvement, mi excellent lawyer’s-olUce. m lirsitiml second doors will hulul for Counting- Rooms, und tho third ibr sleeping upurtmouls. Con- Hooted with the establishment is uu mit-bulldlng ol brick,suitable Ibr servants. Apply to O. A. L LAMAR, septa Corner Dray ton and Bryan strorta. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. AtsggL. Tin) two-Btory brlek store on Congress (55JB§| street, now occupied by Messrs. Einstein k iilH R^kmiui. Tills is ono of tho best stands in ilullM. tlm city for any kind of business. Terms will Du made accommodating. For purlieulur3 In quire at 142 Uroughiou street, above tho store ofT. I.. .McKenna. tfranyU TO RENT The Dwelling lately occupied by Judge Fleming, in Taylor .street, near Drayton. Said House Is three stories on a basement, _wlth good servants’ rooms, aud out honsos. Possession given Immediately. Apply to I). L. COHEN. FOR RENT. Possession given immediately — Three I story brlek house, new and in good order, I on Mucun street, next east residence to Mrs. l.Iowolt. pply at this office. d tt may27 ATLANTA HOTEL. ' ATLANTA i : : i GEORGIA. J. J. IIESLER, Proprietor. Late of the Verandah Hotel, New (Means. Passengers per Evening Trains will Uud I Supper ready on the arrival of the Cars, muyl4 MERCHANTS’ HOTEL, ““ HOARD KKIl DAT $160 1IOAKD PKK WKKK 0 00 KOAKD PKK MONTH 20 00 kmaylil lyr MILLS HOUSE, CORNER MEETING AND QUEEN-STREETS, CilAKMMTOSj'C. O. t THIS House Utoow adapted to all the wants of tho Travelling Public, and the ef forts of tho Proprietor will bo to dusorvo their patronage, mar 31 THOMAS S. NICKERSON. ROWLAND’S SPRINGS. IJlUf THIS well knmui watering place LifjSjf Mill again (.pen for thu reception of com ftO. pany, under the immediate hupurvlslou of tho pro prictoi* Tlie ttcciuiimodallons are extensive. Tho Springs are 5miles from Cavlcvsvllln, on Uio Wc’tei n ft Atlantic Railroad, where couches aro In readiness to convey Passengers to and from tlie Springs, connecting with tlie trains each way. John s. Rowland, Propr otor. ung2. dftwlnio STOP. Instead of going North come to tho Stoua Mountain House, und spend your summer, a* ovci ytiling will ho done for your com- fort. Conveyances wil 1 ho furnished to convoy p;issctigers to LawreuuevUio, Gamesvillo uud Ciurksvlllc. #S“ i’assengcrs by tho Georgia Railroad tako sup per ut this house. ALEXANDER ft CLARK. F. 8. Alkxaxdku, formerly of 1-awrencoville. J A. Clark, Social Circle. 2m—lo 2 FOR LIVERPOOL,—The A 1 American ship FALCON, Hatton master, having a . . large pirllon of frolglit opgagod, will meet with dirtptiluh a.- above, for balance of cargo, apply 10 llRUHIAM, KEI.LYftCl). Full LWERPiiUL.—-Tue A l sfifp JAM 1^1 RAY will liavo dls|«itch for the above port. _ For freight apply to Jo8 HUNTER k UAMMKLL. FOR PHILADELPHIA.—Tlio Htauuch rast tailing selir R W TUI.i., A M Strowbrldgo, master For freight, apply to •UglQ O. A. GREINER. FOR NEW ORLEANS.—The schr JULIA A. HIOH, Suars, master, will have quick lisiNiteh for tho abovo port. For freighter char ter apply to tho caplaln, on hoard, nr nugl4 * —***"'*' " , on unam, nr I.OCKEPP k 8NKL1.1NGS FOR PHILADELPHIA. 7b sail Saturday. Auaust 30. (it 5 o'clock, l*. J/. The United States Mail Steamship KEYSTONE STATE, dipt. Hurdle, 'will loavo as abovo. For freight or ’passage apply lo C. A. GREINER, Agent. Cabin Pu*Migo 20 00 Steerage Passage 7 00 Possongor* by this ship for Baltimore aud Wash ington will bo landed at Now Castle, Dolawaro, If desired, from which place cars start three times daily Ibr tho above cities, and oilier Southern liolnts. ang>8 Niagara Falla, the Lakes & Canada SHORTEST AND CHEAPEST ROUTE. Per Steamship Keystone Slate, via Philadelphia FARE TO PHI LA- NIAG’RA PALLS 83S. DELP’A $30. T HIS LINE connects at Philadelphia with tho Great v.irth-Western Railroad Routo, through to Niagara Fills and BulTalo, in sixteen hours fu>tn Phiiadulphu.. Through Tickots, with tho privilego of stopping at I’iilladoliihia, and intormodiato points, for sale by tlie Agent. Faro to Niagara Falls or Buffido $28 “ Elmira J28 Fnatidaigua 27 CHARLES A. GREINER, Agent, Suvaunuh, Georgia, CABIN PASSAGE TO NEW YORK $*5 00. Semi-Weekly United State* Mali Line, r |1HE NEW AND SPLENDID SIDE-WHEEL ■ Steamshiiw— KNOXVILLE.. 1,600 tons..Capt. 0.1). Ludlow. AUGUSTA ....1,600 “ ..Capt. Thomas Lyon. FIX)RIDA 1,300 “ ..Capt. M.8. WaadhuU. ALABAMA.... 1,300 « ..Capt. G. R.Schouck. WILL LKAVK SAVANNAH KVKKY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Tlieso ship* uro amoug the largest ou the coast, unsurpassed iu speed, surety uud comfort, making their passages iu tlfty to sixty hour*, and are com manded by skillful, careful aud polite officers.— Having elegaul state-room accommodation*, they oiler a most desirublo conveyance to Now York. Cahiu Passage to New York $26 Steerage Passage to Now York 8 PAllEU'GRD, FAY ft CO., Savannah. SAM’L L. MITCHILL, 13 Broadway, fob 5 _ Now York. FLORIDA PORT*?. * >• - FLORIDA STEAMSHIP CO dl’AN Y. ,. . U. 8. Mail Lino—From Now Or- | A^Jai.-YSar t cu n s to Key West.—Steamships WftKSBHBpLOKIDA and VANDERB1 LT.--Tlieso lino steatnors will in future make their regular Kund-ihouthly trips, leaving as follow*: Now Orleans, loth ft24th Peusacoia.... 1 ltli ft 25th Apalaclucula. 12tlt ft'JOtli 8tMarks..., 13th ft27th- Cedar Keys..14th ft 28th Tampa Bay.. 16th ft 29th Koy West, ..10th&2Uh Tampa lllli ft 2.1th Cedar Keys.12th ftUGUv 8t. Murks., ,14th ft 28 th Apalachicola, lMli ft 2uth Peusacoia... lOtli ft «0Ui Arrive at Key West 17th ft 1st | New Orleuns, 17th ft 1st Agents in New Orleans, doc25 «iu E. G. KfJUERB. ft CO., 72 PoydruB* street. INDIAN SPUING HOTEL. Thu Undersigned has ugum the pleasure of iulbrmiug ins numerous friends, ua well as the public ut large, that he is yet at tho Indian Spring Hotel, aud is fully prepared, with tho assisiuncu of his sons aud lii* own experience or six years at the hotel, with the best cooks Unit can bo procured, a* well as assis tance of ull kiuds, to ask of all those who visit tho Spring ttgonormis share of their patronage, lutond- iug to spuro no pains of himself to make all such as please to give him a cull comfortable. The Indlun Spring Hotel is now open, aud ready to receive all those that will please to cult. Thuro will be ut For- i.ytliuDuiiot coaches uud hacks ready to convey all such as wislt to go over. ROW. VARNER, may 23-3 taw tsepl Proprietor. AivanuaU Republican, Morning Now*, aud Charlo.-tuu Courier will please insert tho ubovc three times each week until 1st September,and scud tbeir bill* for payment, EDW. VARNER. st. marys’ Hotel. ~ Thu ubuve named Housn is now open for the reception of Boarders aud Travellers, aud tlie uudersigued promises to spare neither pains or oxpenso to make his pu- truiin comfortable. His table will always ho sup plied witli the choicest that tho nmrkut and the sur rounding country altbrds—Fresh Fish, Oysters, Ven ison, Wild Gnmo, fte. Tlie House is largo and airy, aud within a few yurdB of tho landing, on tbo beau tiful rlvor St. Marys, and is a desirable place for in valids mid othors us a summer resort. Tho stage leaves thu House threo times a week for Woodstock Mills, Ccntrovillugo, aud Trador’s Hill, and the 8a- vttuual. boats touch going and coming, so that per sons will not ho luconvcnleuccd, but can leave when they desire. Prleo* will bo mado to corresi>ond with llrst class country hotols. THOMAS B. JONES St. Marys, May 27, 1866. 3m my27 THE HAVANA PLAN. Southern Lottery. More Frizes than Blanks. * ™ STORE AND SHEET-IRON MANUFACTORY. "KJ..?? WAW. IRTAlf STRXXT. i ' n ' orra my old friends and patrons itm, ve 2I WDe ^ the above store tooonduct tho «•) and Sheet-Iron Business In all Its buKi.rtm \ forra *>whore will be found a gen- ich I °f Stoves, Tin and Sheet-Iron Waro, Mil * ‘‘ 10 P'oosod to bUow, and at such prleo WlkSdJ W °« De wishing topurchase. 1 IVfiricor* llooflD *» Gutters of I/iail, Galvanized iio» SS« r y description, Job Work and Re- SfSfS^SSStlP 1,1,1 U1> •niraiL *“ i ro “ 11 - 0UI Ilownon .j 11 -111 liay for your wulk. JOHN J. MAURICE, Agent. 7,805 PltlZHS!!! M)0Q. Only 18,000 « MiiilKf.ilI " Jasper County Academy LOTTBRY. BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA. CLASS S, To bo drawn September I5lli, 1850, nt Concert Hall, Macon, Gd., under tho sworn superintend ence of Col. James M. Logan aud James A. Nisbct, Esq. ’ Patrons will pleaao examine tills Schomo careful ly, compare it with any other, and if it Is uet the best ever ottered, und the chances to obtain capi tal* fur bettor, don't purchase tickots. CAPITAL, $13,000. 1 Prize of $15,090 is $15,000 1 “ 5,000 is 5,000 1 “ 2,000 is 2,000 2 “ 1,000 arc 2,000 5 “ 500 aro 2,500 75 « 100 ure 7J500 20 Approxlm’s of $50 to $16,000 prizo are $1,01)0 60 <« 26 to 3,000 “ aro 1,250 60 .» 20 to 2,000 “ aro 1,000 100 « of $10 to each of tho capital* or $1,000 are 1.000 <600 prizo* of 8# aro 63,750 7805 prlzos amounting to $102,000 Tickets $10, Halves $5, Quarters $2 60. 4®" Prize* payublu without deduction. The 7,600 prlzos of $8 tz uro determined by the number which draws the $15,000; If that number ahouid bo an odd number, then ovory odd number ticket lu tlm scheme will ho outitled $8 60; if an oven number, then every ovou number tlokot will bo entitled to $8 60, tu addition to nny other prize which may bo drawn. Purchasers buying an enuul quantity or odd und evou number tlckuts willl bo certain of druwiug nearly one half tho cost of tho same, with chances of obtaining other prizes. All thoso ticket* ending with 0, 2, 4, 6,8, aro oven; all thoso ending with 1, a, 6.7, b, are odd. Persons sondiug money by mail need not fear its botnglo3t. Orders particularly attended to. Com munications confidential. Bunk uotos of sound banks taken ut par. Thosu wishing particular numbers should ordor immediately. Address, JAMES F. WINTER, augl3 Malinger, Macon, Ga. ’'•“wMtoidil!"* »r obtaining a ’ “'"'“’MeA lo call and in- HRS. STEPHENS’ I LLUSTRATED Now Mouthy, No 1. vol 1, for July dovoted to Tu!o3, Romances, Illustrations, Ar, aud General Lltoruture, each number beautifully omboilished in tho liuost stylo of wood illustrations T.UILK OK CONTKNTS : Lost Jewel*, Allco, Tho Falla of > Innolmha, Stays and Slippers, Tlmo’s Changes, Love in *76, Eureka, rim Shady Side, Nellie’s Illusions, Tho Summer Va cation, A Story of Two Lives, Tim Disappointed Husband, Tim Maiden’s Confession, Tilings Wo Talk About. Subscription prico $1 60 por year, In advance. Specimens of tho above may bo soon ut tho Book- store of WARNOCK ft DAVIS, Jy4 159 Congress street. EXCURSION. a-li' The steamer WHLAKA, N. King, ^i^^IgSLi^'mmaiiiier, will leave the Florida Sluuin jacket wharf on Thursday, 21st Inst., on uu Excuillou to Beuufort. ut 6 o’clock, A. 51., so as to allow several hours in Beaufort und return same day. Fare $1—no half price. Nursos with chil dren iu urtns one faro. Meals extra. Music and Refreshments on hoard. uuglS CLAGIIORN ft CUNNINGHAM, Ag’t*. FOR CHARLESTON, VIA BLUFFTON, hEAUFoltT AND HILTON HEAD. Tho superior hteamer GORDON, ’J. P. Brooks,Coinuvtuder, having boon thorouglily overhauled uud furnished with a uow ho.ler, will resume Imr trips to Charleston, leaving tim Charleston Str ain Packet wharf on Huuday, August 17th, at 6 e’clouk, P. M. 81m will leave Charleston on Sunday, tlm 24th, uud Um3l*t mst., at tlm same hour, on Wednesday, •.September 3d, tbo Gordon will comtncucu her reg ular trips for tho seasou—twice a test*—leaving 8a- vannah every Wednesday uud 8atutday evening. EX'.uil-jion 1'iCKKTs, allowing passengers to go to und return from Charleston or any ot the way pla ces, will be issued uu hoard uutil further notioc. For uugagemouts, apply to J. P. BROOKS, aug9 Charleston wharf. U. S. MalTLluv FOR PALATKA, FLA., Via Darien, Brunswick, St. Marys, Ga., Fbrnandi• na and Jacksonville, Picolata and tilaek Greek, Fla. r THE steamer WEI^KA, Capt. N ^^ySSMmKlng, will leave for tho above places every suluraay Mominy, at 10 o’clock. This boat bus large uud airy Statu Room accom modations, und taking tlm lulaiid Puss ago, offers every inducement to Invalids aud others. Freight will be tukou lor Trader’s Hill ami inter raodiato landings ou St. Mary’s River. No freight will bo taken alter 9 o’clock. For freight or passugo apply on board ut tho Florida Steam packet wharf, or to Jy26 CLAOHORN ft CUNNINGHAM. Iitsurantt lltes THE GREAT WlChTlOR.V iANlUAiSCK CO. OF SEW YORK, A KB taking Aliirltio Risks nt their Agency, 23L corner ot Drayton und Bryan streets. Approved Risks will he taken uii liberal forms, and the usual credit given on Premium Notes. Throe quarters of the imsiuess will ho ictunmo to tin! mis tomers in scrip. C. A. L. Ldiunv, fob ID Aguul iu S f vannali. iNsuiiAnitJK. Suit tlie nt Mutual liiMitruiico Company, Soutliern Muluni Life Ins. Uuiuimtiy, lluiuu linuiraih's Uoiii|muy, of N, tork, Sjirliifilielil Fire dt Murine Inn. Uom'y, Risks iu the abovo Ituuruitoo OmijMinies imderta ken by \VM. KING & SONS, Agents, No. »9 Day street, rtavtiimuh, 14th jiecemher, i»66. duel l FUtE, MARINE AN1> LIKE 1 N B U ii A i\ U fo. iVO. 111, ISAY.STHEE't. OAPIT.ll, IIKPUPSUNT13U, Ncitrly rout- .Uilliou Duliurs. By tlm following rosponsihie 8l<s)k Companies. Oluirter Ouk Life Insurance Compiiny, OK UAHTKOKD, CT. E(|Ultable Fire liisuruitce C'omiiauy, OP LONDON. Farmers* anil Mechanics' Fire, Marine nml Life Insurance Company, OF PHILADELPHIA. Bridgeport Fire aud Murine Insurance Company, OK nttHKlBrOUT, UT. 4S$r*T.m subscriber wilietloet Insurance to any amount in ull part* of tho State on every description of property. Life Insurance, to any amount, ut the lowest rato, for the heuollt ut heirs uud creditors, or payable to tho wife froo from the claims of creditors. Marine Insurance on Hulls orCurgoos to all parts of thu world. jan26 WILBUR. MUTUAL UEN EFIT LIFUaVkUR A NCK, COMPANY, NEWARK, N. J. Charter Pernctiuit. Nett accumulation, Juii. 1, lrt6U* $2,23U,ut>6 ti Total ainouutof ilividomLs paid to date 715,492 60 Total amount uf claims by Uuutli paid to date 1,336,9111) 8-1 $4,282,48!) HI Benjamin C. Miller, Secretary, Joseph i. L«r«l. fenernl Agent, Robert L. Patterson. President. •Tlie I'uudrt of this Company are ail sal'oly invested iu flrsl class bonds ami mortgages, stocks, cash, aud notes of members fully soenrod by their policies For further particulars Inquire of CHARLES A. FARLEY, Agent iu Savaunnh, At Urn office of Bell ft PrenPsft J, s. SUUJVAN. 51edieui Examiner. KUKK.KLXCK 1 Messrs. Padklkokd, Fay a Co.. I. K. Thkt, E*q., Stale Hank feu 29 HAVE YOU INSURED YOUR LIFE TUB CHAltTliR OAK LIFE LY Sim AMU COMPANY, Ol' llui'troi'd, Cl. OA8H CAITl'AI, AND SUltl’LUri OVER $406,000. JAS. C. WALKER, lTo-*ident. 8. II. Wiiitk, Secretary. This Company iuoire.i Lie at tlm lowest rates, consistent with safety to tlie assured. For further information, apply to A. WILBUR, Agent, jyyl3 171 Day street, Savannah. Ga. MARINE AND FAKE INSURANCE. T liWmmATIONAL i nsamipjt: Company. NO. 28, MKROUANT’S IfiXUUANGK, NEW YORK. UAbii OAri-fAi.—?^iL2,(JUO AUKNT KOU SAVANNAH, J a hi os M. ISai't <; r, AT THE OFFICE OF MtiSSitS. VOUNG, CO., No. 85, Bay Street, below the Post. Oiliee, DittKcruKs: ALAXBON MARSH, 8. A. HULLO Firm of A. 8. Barnes ft Co. ALON/.U GUILD, “ “ Gldld*, Pratt ec Co. ‘ i.ivingsiou, Bullard ft Co. Will. M. Dodge ft Co. H. . Curtis ft Co HustOd ftCnrJI • W. il. J.yon ft Co. ‘ Leo, Murphy ft Co. 1 Briggs, tVcrtluutt ft Co. * Futiimu ft Co. ‘ Geo. 8avory ft Co. PATENT ICE PITCHERS. J UST received, ONLY thirty-two days from Bal timore by tho now Steamship Lino. Tho nu merous enquirers will bo glad to learn that they liavo llnully arrived. KENNEDY ft BEACH, House-l'urnHdng filoro, Hodgson’s New Block. aug4 B ACON.—36 casks Bacon Sides for sale, to ar rive por brig Korvustor, by aug 2 LOCKETT ft SNEbLIKGB. L ARD AND CANDLES.—20 bids uud 60 kegs No 1 Leaf l*ird 75 boxos Adamantine Caudles, star brand 100 do Beaded’* Tallow do, juat received and for sale by jyl'J SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. FRESH GROUND CORN MEAL. •)Z{\ BUSHED Fresh Ground Corn Meal in Ut)\J store, and for sulo low by aug 3 YOUNG ft WYATT. H AY—300 baio* very carefully selected, to ar arrlvo Jy 10 FATTEN, HUl'TON ft CO. F LOUR*.—300 sacks Palace Mills Double chetra Hour, just received and for sale by Jy8 RUSE, DAVIS ft LONG P OTASH—10 cuses ltcctilled Potash, tu tin cans, for family use; lo casks Potash, Just received und lor sale by jyll RODGERS, NORRIS ft CO. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! SELLING OFF AT SMALL ADVANOE ON COST. T HRsubscriber wishing to mako room for Ills FALL GOODS, which will soon lie coming in, offora hi* present stock of DRESS GOODS, ftc., at a small advance on New York Cost J. W. TIIRELKELD, , Congrez* and Whitaker Btroels. N*WiP!$M®OOp|Lf; ; . V JttlyW 1 POTATOES.—400 barrels superior Planting . PutotocB; 60 do Western Reds* and 69 do Peach Blows, for sulo by mart BRIGHAM, KELLY k CO. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. Jbr Polaffta, East Fla., via Darien. Brunswick, Marys, Fernandina, Jacksonville, MiddUbura, (Black Creek,) and Picolata. A -••fl— ^ The now and dogant stcampacket DARLINGTON, Capt. Brook, leaves ovory iuesuay morning, at 10 o’clock, for tho above place*. Freight will bo taken for Trader’s Hill and inter- mediuto landings ou St Mary’s Rivor. j$S“ No freight will be taken after 9 o’clock. For freight or passage, having excellent state* room accommodations, apply on board, at tho Flori da Steampackct Wharf, near tho Gas Works, or to Jy25 _ CLAOHORN ft CUNNINGHAM, Ag’tS. FOR CHARLESTON AND FLORIDA. Tho lino stcampacket CAROLINA, CiiDtalu Coxottdr, will leavo hero lor jacKhuuvme, Picolata and l'ulatku, every Tues day atternoou at 6 o’clock; returning, will loavo for Charleston, ovory Friday morning at 9 o’clock. For freight or passage apply on board, at Willink’s wharf, or to M. A. COHEN, Agent. June 14th, 1856—ly Freights payable on tho wharf. I. P. BA LIARD, WM. M. DODGE, •• P. J. AVERY, H. A. CURTIS, MV II. ii. HULLO, 8. T. LlPl'lNCuTT, ISAAC NEWTON, Wil. A. HUSi'El), WM. 11. BlVhKSMITH, W. H. LYON, GKU. CHAPMAN, “ 1 JUS. ii. WLSICOIT, * JOS. FATMAN, •* • SfEPiJLN VON MORES, GEO. SAVORY, J. A. KK'JCA. ALAN80N MARSH, Presidout. CUAft. W. OGDEN, Vico i’resineut. WM. E. KUUA), Secretary. This Compauy will issue Poltcios ujam Mu rme, Lutuud Navigation, Truuspurtutiun and Fire Risks, ut liberal ruten oi premjum. Ijiskus pn<mi>tiy ami liberu.iy mljusleU. JAMES M. CAttlEH, Agulil, out 3l_ _ _ „ Nu. 86. lioy street THE GREAT iVESTERN FIRE AND MAULNh IN^URANGE UlMPANY, Oj No, 107 IFtt/nuZ street, Philadelphia. Penn. CHARTER PFitmiUAL. CAPITAL $3Uu,UtK». KIKK, MA1UMi, AND l.M-VXD 1.YSCHA.VCK. TSuilTORo} Charles C. Latiirop, 632 Spruce street; Alexander WhiUlen, Mercliaut, 14 North Frout-st.: John \i. Hunter, llrm of Wright. Hunter a Co.; E, Tracy, llrm of Tracy ft Baker; John it. il’l'urdy, llriu of Jones, While ft M’Curdy; Laao Haziehursl, Attorney aiul Counsellor; Jamo- R. oimtii, llrm of James R. Smith ft Co.; Ttmadore W, Baker, tlrm uf Tracy ft Baker; R. 8. Walton, 3ot) .narkelstreet; Thomas K. Limerick, 634 Spruce slreut; Johu J. Baker, Guhlsmitli’s Hull CHARLES C. LATUBOP, Prcsidonl. Tuo*. K. Limkkick, Secretary. JAMES M. CARTER,, June 16 No. 85 Bay street. illicit (in SalSs. BY BELL & PUENTLSS. ' (rtlTCK-jWIKW TO t’llII.IIHK K it ltkl.ii.) TO-MORU()W, tit 11 o’ofouk, nt front oi'More will be sold,— Timui.tiitl UM-orltnonl of Grocories, Provisions, LUptura, Crockery and Glmwt Wave, Dry and second hand Furniture, Clothing, Fancy Anicius Wutclms, Jewolry, ft", &o Terms, cash before de livery. #3** All artlulo* purchased at auction and not set tle for previous to tho next regular sulo, will bo sold on uccumitand risk offormer purchator. uugio A UOMFLETE OUTFIT FOR HOUSE KEEPERS, i S uu important item, und to know where to gut exactly what is wuuted is equally Important, cull ut “KENNEDY & BEACH’S” Hodgson's New Moult, Comer ol'Drougli ton nnd Dull Stmts, und you will llnd everything pertaining to House Keeping a* well a* Rolrigerators, Meat Sate*, Wood- ci Ware, and Tin Ware, Willow Ware, lieuutlfol Water Coolers, l’utcnt Ice Pilchers, DrushoHiu every variety, Bird Cages. Bathing Tubs, iudeed nearly ovory tiling that can lioRullad for, recollecUho place, upr 16 MACHINERY AND IRON RAILING MANUFACTORY AND AGENCY. ST. JULIAN STREET, 8AVAANNAU, GA. (Near tlm Market.) • J ?nOM the most complete facilities in bis own . establishment, and through ids connections wlth&e#rul uf tlio principal munufacturng estab lishments of Philadelphia, New York, aid Bostou. (he Undersigned Is prepared to rurniimh MAClllN ERY, PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, PORTABLE SAW, GRIST AND FLOUR MILLS, CAST AND WROUGHT IRON RAILING, STATUETTES, STORE FRONTS. Columns, Wludow Sills and Until*, iron Doors, Shutters, ftc., at Nor/hernprices. Ho is ulso prepared to repair Machinery ami iron work of every description, at short uotico, upon reasonable terms. As agent for BAIRD’S PH1LADJ4UTHA MARBLE WORKS, he is also prepared to exhibit a great vurie ty of designs for MONUMENTS, TOMB STONES, ftc Also Iron Railing in great variety, for enclosures, uud^o receive orders, aud put up tlio work at nmu- I'acl'urcrs’ prices. H. 11. UNVILLE Savumiuli, April 11,1S66. aprll B 7' MOURNING COOPS, Iwtl'K French Bombuzmu, Black Alpacus, Black Lama Clntb. Black Mohair, Biauli Cuallie, Black Freudi Utwn, Black aiul While French Mus- tiu, and a lino assortment of Striped and Plaid Bluck mid While Giughams and Calicoes, Plain aud Striped Blauk Sewing Silks, and Greuadiues, Barege and Tissues, Plain and Figured Blaek Silks, for summer collars and sleeves, of the latest uaterus. For sale by [Jc-12J AlKINft BURNS. C. c. POOLE, No. 11, Whittaker Street, (two doors frum Bryan,) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Sashes, Uilmls, Doors, Pnlnt«, Oita, Viu- iiIhUcs, Whitlow Glasw, Putty, ftc. 1'aiuters’, ({miners’ and Artists’ Brushes; (PjLggaWliitcwash Heads and Dusters, Dry mid ^•*f®^Mixod Puiuls of every description, Artists’ colors m tuties, Prepared Canvass, ftc. PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS AND KIRK BOARD PATTERNS. Rooms prepared witli neatness and despatch.— Housu, Sign ami Midp Painting, Gilding, Graining and Glazing done in tlie best style and ut mmler.ile prices. All orders iron) the country promptly attended to. mcli 28—Jy WILMOT’S JEWELRY STORE ’ Is receiving by every arri- ^5^Jval a large aud rich mssert Gahftiuent of Goldufid Silver Wutulics, Dimuomi Pins, foir and Finger Rings, Mantle uud other Clocks, Spoons, Forks, Tea Setts, Ousters, ftc., of Sterling Silver. Jewelry iu every variety. Ivory Table Cutlery, line Pocket Knives and Scissors. Rich China aud Purimt Vases, and other articles. Fine Double Barrelled Guns manufactured to his own order. Cunning Implements of nil kinds., Plated Wallers, Carlors, Tea. Setts and Candle- slicks, with u gieat variety ofi’aucy Articles, suita blc far wedding gifts, too ii jinerou* hero to men tion. All kiuds of Watches and Clock* repaired by the most experienced workmen. S. WILMOT, ntnylU «h>. 1 Market square. BROUGHTON STREET HACK AND LIVERY STABLE. The undersigned having put the ...... . above Stables lu good coudltiou, are prepared to accommodate tlioir i^r r*^ rr Tiflf customers witli Carriages, Hacks. Buggies, Sulkies, fte., with souml, gentle, aud well broke horses, and careful drivers. Horses buurdcd on aecomniodatiug terms, and well cared for. Two pair* ol duo Carriage Horses Ibr sale. Inquire cor ner of Barnard ami Brougirou streets. h|>I14—ly STEVEN.** ft ELLfSTON liiction Salts. fif BABKJMAN & BULLOCH. Farm at rrlvatu Salo. A very (lo.'irubie tract, only three miles from the city, comulnlng about 8t) acres, half of which is cleared ft under good ami substantial fence. Thu i leured laud is u rich Inouiy soil, and well adapted for guruunlug pm poses. There is a wed of uioi-.t excellent water ou thu promises and all nocea- rary out-buildings, negro, houses, bains, ftc. The balance of tbo t.uut, tay 4u acre*, is uncleared land uud heavily timbered with valuable limber, aud tho soil excellent. The locality Is very oxoellout; not ouo case of tdekuesa has occurred ou tlio prom- l-es during tlio whole time tlm present propilotor has owned it. This 1* a chutico for au investment rarely to bo met with, and auy parson wishing a quiet private residence near thu city, or nny person dunitou* of going into tlio gardening bn.-lnes* to raise Irult und vegetables for our market, will Hud this thu place to suit. For terms, which will bo very liberal, luquiro at our counting room, 164 Buy street. Title* umiisputu- ble. uug9 At Private Sulo. 1700 bushes Rice, au oxcellcni article lor stock of ull Kinds. Call uud examine. Price 2& cunts per bushel. JunolO ToTtoutt m Two good stores, under tho blua', at tbo foot of * WhiUikur street. juut 19 Wanted to Purchase A convenient medium-sized house, iu a central locution—one fronting on a squuVo wuuld bo prefer red—for sueit uu one u iibtrul prico would be givoti. JunelP At Prlvato Sale. Thirty eligible building Lots, 56 feet front by 160 to iz4 nut deep, situated on Taylor, Gordon uud Gaston sired*. These lots ure ou high giotimi aud ftuuiuol them iu thu immediate neighborhood ol the u>l selected for the bite ol the Savuinmb, Albany uud Gulf Railroad DujkiI. Terms uuuiu us city lot-, viz : une-tltih cash, tnu baiuucc beating interest at six pur cent. junclW GENERAL NOTICE. S ILVER AND GOLD PLATING can now lie done ut home. Mr. CHARI,ta KEMIMl having es- tuldisliud himself permitueiilly, all work iu this Hue will be done u iMi dispalcti. All repairing oft ustoiv, fea|tots, Caudiesttelu, Spoons, Forks, or any other article will bo done lieutiy before putting. All old silver plate, such as Tca-elta or Urns, i urkb or Spoons, will be re tiiiished aim made equal to new, uud at inuderutc prices. All work or orders lull ut my store will bo attended to promptly. P. .*-.—Watch cases giilvauized. may27 O M GRIFFIN QPRINQ AND SUMMER CLOTHING.—Tho O subscriber would invito tho attention of all in want of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, to bis stock which bos just been received, at tho Star Clothing Emporium, 147 Bay street. aprl& WM. O. PRICE JUST RECEIVED PER FLORIDA. 1 CASE Richardsons Superior Irish Linens, Checked Cambrics, Nainsooks, Swiss Muslins StripodSwlsB, und Plain Jaconets, 1 case Palm Leaf Fans, Cotton Fringe und Wide Trlirtmiug Braids; Grass Cloth, Now York mills Shirting, l case Superior Calicos at OJ^cts, 810 and 114, Bleached Cotton Sheetings, ftc., ftc. for sale at tlio lowestpriues, by DEWITT ft MORGAN. Q UN DRIES. J UST RECEI VED— 15 bags clioico old Government Java and Rio Coffee; 20 hair cheats Black aud Grcon Teas, loose and In qunrtor pound packagos. It) hlids Ught Muscovado Sugar; . iobbls It L ft D Stuart’s Crushed und Clarillod Su gars; lObbls self rlslug Flour, 25 bag* Extra and Superfine Flour; 20bbis Soda, Buttor and Maplo Crackers; 60 boxes Beadol’s family Soup, Starch and Candles; 60 doz Pails and Brooms; 100 doz Scrub Brushes, and Cotton aud Manilla Cluthos Linos; 10 gross Mutches: 26 boxos ground Coffoo and Pepper; 60 boxes Mustard and Yeast Powders, Maso,Ciuua- Inna, Nutmegs, aud Cloves, and 10 eases tablo Salt, ftc., ftc. In store aud for sale by DAVID O’CONNOR. Joll Cor Bniughton and Drayton sts. G. M. GRIFFIN, SUCCESSOR TO LATE M. EASTMAN. Corner of Bryun aud Whitaker Streets. HAS now on hand a beautiful as- .. sorlmout of Jewelry of every dis- criptlon and kind worn by ladies ,%& aud gentlemen, aud will sell at unusually low prices, I liavo this (lay received (per Express) u largo stock of elegant giver Ware, consisting of Cake and Pie Knives, plain aud engraved Fish Knives and Forks, Pickled Knives and Forks, Kuivoa, Forks and Spoons, Napkin Rings, NutmegGrulers, ftc. ftc., all In Morocco caso3, and suitable for presents. 1 have also this day received un addition to my stock of buirwork of light colored Curls, Topsys, Bra!d3,Front Pieces, Bauds, Uncle Tom, ftc., which now uiukes my assortment complete. Orders received for any color desired. Watches repaired by aud under tho supervision of self, and all other work done iu a workmanlike manner, aud warranted. may 26 TO BUILDERS. T HE SUBSCRIBER iu prepared to execute at thu shortest notice, aud in the most work manlike manner, all kiuds or Metal Roofing, Gutters, Cornice, or other work couucctcd with tho manufac turing or repairing of Copper, Galvaulzud Iron, Zinc, or Sheet Iron Business. HORACE MORSE, oct!3 _____ lw Broughton st. S MOKED Tongues, mokedBeef, Pig items choice Oodiun Buttor, received pur stet Florida aud for sal* by and C OFFEE.—160 bags prlrao Green Rio Cotfeo 100 bags lair do do do 50 mats old Govorumont Java Coffoo 25 bags old Muracalba do 60 do prime Lagulra do 50 do do Porto Rico do 25 do do old Rio do In Btore and for ealo by Jy4 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON ft CO. F ine uquoks- 2 half ‘ 1815 1854 1854 1854 1840 1854 ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMP'Y, No. 11 Pine street, New York, (UETWEKN UUO AD W AY AND NASSAU STREET.) Cnsh Cnitttui—!$isV,UOG! FllHISCompany insures ugumst toss or damage by X Flro, on tho most reasonable terms, dwelling houses and furniture, warehouses, stores mid mer chandize, factories, snips in port, etc. All losses will be adjusted aud promptly paid. D. S. MILLS. President, C. BROOM, Vico President. Enw’D C. Taylor, Sccrctury, Uko. B. Drank, Surveyor. JAMES M. CARTER, Agent, Juno 17 . for Savmuiuli, 85 Buy street. WM. J. HUNT, Cor. lUonlifoiuei y & Voi'* sts. SAVANNAH, GA., I>ESPECTFULLY iulbrma the Ladies uud XV Gentlemen of this City that ho iB prepared to servo them ovory evening with Ice Cream, Cakes & Confectionery, In his own iHiouliarstylo, and hopes to merit a share ol public patronugo, Savuuuuh, 17th April, 1866. ' 3m aprl7 TO HOUSEKEEPERS. 1AAN1EL CRONIN Upholster, 20 Bryan-st, X/ would respectfully auuouucc to the citizens ol. Savannah that lie Is ready to mako and put down Carpets. Oil Cloth, Matting, ftc., nt tho shortest no ire, and ou tlio most reasonable terms. oct3-tl 1 C E C RE AMI NEW CONFECTIONARY STORE No. US Bryan Street. rwo norms amove Mu. Ukikkkn’h jewelry .stoke. fpHE undersigned icspectfully informs the La- X dies ofSavannali in particular, and tho public goncruily, tbut ho has this day opeiicda new Cotilco- tiunury Store, uud will keep ou baud a large und rush assortment, of all kinds and inscriptions. He wtU at all time* and bourn, be ready lo furnish parties, with suppers. Coffee, Tea and Chocolate, at all hours. Ornamuutod Cakes, Pics, ftc. ftc., made to order. He hopes from long experience lo givo sutisfur.tlon to all who wlllhouur him with their patronage. 'A. B B027.0LA, No. S3 DryauS TO iVltillVE, LANDING Ai IN S'iORE BACON LAUD, ftc. *1 AA lllllis clear aud nibbed Sides Xv/V/ 5o do Shuulder in air tiglit packages 100 kegs No I Loaf ljird, Co bids do do 20 casks do, most approved brands SUGAR AND MGLASSES. 50 bhds very choice Porto Rico Sugar 60 do fair Cuba do 3l)l) bbis Clarified, A B and C " do 60 do Crushed do 25 boxes i,uuf do 160 bbis New Orleans Molasses 60 hlids Cuba do loo bbis California Syrup BAGGING AND ROPE. 125 bales Gunny Cloth 600 coils Rope, pure hemp LIQUORS. 300 bbis Connecticut Wldsky 150 do K Phelps’ Gin 60 do pure Gin, P ft II 10b do New England Rum COFFEE. 400 bags fair to prime Rio 100 do prime Lugulra 60 do Java, 10 pockets Mocha. For sale a tlie lowest market rates jylO HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON ft CO. L AMP OIL', Vinegar, &o.—Just received: 20 bbis Solar Limp Oil, 10 eases Olivo do 60 boxes BeudolP* .reap, Starch and Candlos 30 do Colgate’s Family Palo aud No 1 Soap 20 do Ground Cofi'uo 20 do Jtidgo’s puro Sperm Candles 100 do Choeuluto, Mustard und J’oppor 20 ■ do Yeast Powders, 10 cases Table Salt 60 doz 2 uud 3 hooped Fails 60 doz 2 uud 3 ply Brooms 50 doz cotton aud munilla cords 60 doz Scrub Brushes, assorted 20 doz pniuted and ccdnPiTubs 50 gross wood matches^ 1 20 casks Byass’ London Porter, qts and pints 100 reums assorted Wrapping Paper 6 kegs choice Goaliou Butter, for sale by DAVID O’CONNOR, Jyl2 corner Broughton and Drayton Bts. THE ( GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY 1 PiiYOIt’s'oTNTMKttT. X T is a sure ami speedy cure for burns, piles, corns, felons, lever sure*, ulcers, scald head, letter worm, sore nipples, (recommended by uur- bus,) sure uud cruukcu lips, iresh WouUUs and sores of uuy description. It ia a moat valuable remedy aud cure, which cun ho testified to by thousands who have used it in muuy portions ol thu 8outh for the lust few years, lu m< mAuneu will thu salve do any iqjury, ur Interfere with u physician's proscrip tion. Tlie proprietor lias numerous ccrtitleutea and letters from people who have used it themselves, aud must earnestly recommend it to others a* a speedy aud certain remedy for the above named diseases. A trial is ull that is necessary for its own recommendation. Among tliu many that have tcslitlod to tlie effica cy of Uus vuUmble remedy, und rectiiitiiciitieu it m tlio public, ure Dr tt A T Ridley, Judge h Y Hill, Judge O A Bull, It J Morgun,Kaq, J I, Stephens, hsq, ami thuustuids of others. Sold by J BMoore, cuvanuuli, (iu; J K Hall, Amer icas, Ga; Clark ft Weils, Augusta, Gu; McJveesnu, Robins ft Co, New York; ami druggists g* bvialQ. ltd)- By remitting one dollar to Uie projiriutor a clngie box ui itiu oinluient will lie forwarded by mail, tree of postage, to uuy part of the l Malta. Sold by J. B. MqurL, savuuuiili, ua., and dug gists generally. V. J. MOORE. Proprietor, may 13 _ LaUrungo, (.a. PATENT ECLIPSE JliilSfliii » U ii IUU>0 Every man tdi own (.’lira Piuitcr. | 'ALL AND EXAMINE CJUAMBERLAJN’ti l’utcnt ludipse Hand Stamp, the best, cheuptst and mosi convenient of any tiling lot (In- pinptse yut uttered fur sdle. ALFRED WEBSTER, Gen. Agt. apr 3 ly 136 Congress St. JIL.NVS 1 Jil'IUiVKDsFdmti ^MALTlWtS. Jj \ l^iG.NKD hxpiessty for making tiags—nud I J which is decidedly superior to any other untchiuu tor purpose. Spool or skein iJirct.d cun bu uacd oi mi} deni red length, and umcb will nut need to bu changed uutil lltc whole is used. Bag luuuuuluetureis, Grain'aud Fleur uierdiunts aro particularly invited to call and examine it at 136 Con gruss bt reel. May26. A1JTKIEU WEBSTER,Gun. Agt. HUNT Nt WEBSTER'S. IMPROVED SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. 1 LlvSlGM'.l) for families, plautuUuiis, Dress im»- Xyxers, Tailors, Boot ft j*uuu munuiucturerH und uiuers who may wish tu do their uwu sewing ctieup* lyuiid with expedition. This uiuchlnu »uwsu uul- torm stitch with both sides uliko, nnu which will net ravel, it is more simple, in lees liable to get out if order, and coati less in pi o[ioi uon Hiuii uny ulhir uiucldnu, und ia wariallied tu be periuet, mm to we. k well. Ad apparatus ueceasnry l<5r convenient use is furnished with it, aim an} instruction win be given ibal wilt be ueceosary to oiiaiire tu tlio purebasor Ha suceesatui operation auu uurubuity. Tlie jiubiiu are leapedluily invited to cad and ex* amine them at l36tongrusa st. ALL RED WEBSTER. Gcu. Agt. &o‘ A very ucal umi oiuamentui Iren luUJo w.o now bo given with a luuoi.ino fora anatU sum ill adt.itton to the regmur ju ice. Am} id. HOWES COTTON JiAitVES'J EiG i’ATKa li.i> DEC., s, lean, improveu.ent enable* one ueln hand m pick Xaa much cotton as five cau pick h> ibe old inuihou und having the cotton ireu num iruab, uuu iu belter cunuuiun lur ginning. Hie above luaciunea ure for sale ut 136 Congress street.revauiiub, uuu Jz6 Meeting-atreel, nharles- tun, a. C. Ail orders trout abroad wm revv-ivo prompt uttentiuii. I'lauters, Fuctura, (.otton Brokers, uud uh interested are lespuctlnily inviteu lo call aud oxuuimu them County idgnta can be bought ou favorable terms. May, *6.ALFRED WEBSTER. DENTISTRY. Dre. ROYAJJj & JOHNSON, Deutists, office comer St. Julieu-st. and Market Squuro, over S. Wil* mot’s Jewelry store. Olllco hour* Dora tuo2 o’clock, and from 3 to 6. lT com O n Consignment— - — ~ 2000 bushels Prime Corn; loo do Cow Peas; 2008acks '• Palace Mills’’ Flour; 10 bbis Raw GIm; 10 do Munongahela Whisky; 6 do Domestic Brandy; For sale low, by Jel3 PATTEN, HUTTON ft CO. L ocomotive needles.—a new and eie- ganl article which need* only to be tried once to insure tho constant preference of the seamstress, just received and for sale by murl8 IiiDSON ft ROGERS. half pipe* Kloppor’s Brandy, vintage 1816 4qtiar do do do do 1815 ilO )g do do do . do 4 half do Otard Dupuy ft Go’s do do 4 qimr do do . do do 6}{ do do do do 2 half do flcniio3sa do do .2 do do A Selgnotto do do 60 half, quarter and eighth pipe* Cognac, Ro chelle and Bordeaux Brandies of various braud* 3 pipes Modur Swan Gin 10 6 gallon domijonsOld London Dock and Clo- vor Loaf Gin St Croix aud Jamaica Rum in puncheon* Old do and do do in domijons Very old Port and Madeira Wines In doraUonH Champaguo, Rhine and Claret Wine in ease* and boskets; in bond and store for sale by •Ug9 _ WEBSTER ft PALMES. H AMS.—Wo asks eboleo Baltimore Hams, jut received and for sale by jylO SCRANTON. JOHNSTON ft CO. SILVER WARE, CUTLERY, «fce. W E liavo just received a uow stock of Silver Spoon*, Butter Knives, Sait Cellars, Fish. Pic, Cake und Ico Cream Kuives ; ulso, Steel and Plated ou Steel Tablo Cutlery, Carvers, lee Pitchers, Bread Knives. Fluted uud Puricu Butler Stauds, be sides a quantity of useful article* ton numerous to montiou. D. B. NICHOLS ft CO. Juno 4 TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES. CAIU'ET WARE-HOUSE, 140 OOXUK&S AND 57 ST. JUUK.V-STUKKIS. mHB Subscriber has received, and will open ■ this day, tlio lurgest uud most exteusivo variety olWlNDOW SHADES over ofi'eredlu this city, it ia the intentiou of the advertiser to keep constantly in stove a large supply of all iho various patterns and styles manufactured by tho manufacturers oi this country aud of France, to which tho atluuttou or mer chants und families in the city uud country, ia in- vitud. Thoy will be sold ut wholesale and retail, at satisfactory prices. W U. GUION, Agent, jan 8 v TYTEW IMPOTTATION—26 boskets quart* ft pints J3I Max Satoine \y lao, iujitero and forjaloln sundries. 160 bags good to prime Rio Coffeo: r«f 75 bugs old Govornmcnt Java do; bags old brown Java do; ■■ luu barrels Stuart’s A, B uud C Clarified Sugars: 60 •• “ Crushed and Pulverized do; 40 lihds Porto Rico, New Orlouus, and Muscovado Sugar*; 50 boxes Stuart’s LoarSugur; 50 hlids Sides aud Shoulders; 26 casks Trowbridge and Beaty’: Hams; 150 bbis Denmead and Oukioy Flour; 75 bbis und hull'bbis Canal Four: 150 bbis Butter, Sugar and Pilot Crackors; 60 boxes Soda Cruckors; 200 boxos various brands aud qualities Tobacco; 26 cases Mycr’rt Aromatic do; 160 bbis Cuba and Now Orleans Molassos; 60 lihds Cuba do; 50 bid* No. 1 Leaf Lard; 200 kegs aud cuus Lard; 5 M lb Bar Lead; 506 bags Drop and Buck Shot; 500 kegs, halls mid quarters, Dupont’s Powder; 76 bbis Moss nnd Prime Pork; 50 boxos Nectar Whisky; 100 quarts Sclieidum Schnapps; 100 casks pints Ale and Porter; 300 bbis rectified Whisky; 100 bbis New Englaiid Rum; 150 bbis Phelps and E Phelps’ Gin; 69 casks common and puro Malaga Wiuo; 60 bids White Wiuo and Cider Vinegar; 20crates empty Wiuo Bottles; In store and for sale on accommodating terms, may 15 HOIUOMBB. JOHNSON ft CO FJRESIl GROCER ES. I N STORE—por steamship Kuoxvilic—Extra Ta bic Butter aud Cheese; Beef Tongues; Smoked Beef t Hams; Bacon; Pig Pork; Whito Beans; Keek er’s Sell-raising Flour; Itnlsius, Figs, Dates, Prunes, Almouds, &c., ftc.; Pickle* of all kiuds; Preserves, assorted; Brandy Fruit, assorted; Preston’* Premi um Chocolate; best often*, Coffoo, and Stuurt’s No l, A, B and C Sugars; liibbert’a Lmdun Porter; Falkirk’s Scotch Ale; Claret and other Wines; at BARRON'S Family Grocery Store, junolS corner Whitakor and Ckurltou sis. PHOTOGRAPHS. i Large sized Photographs, ta ken by miller, AT TWXLVa DOLLARS PKR DOZZS Also, Ambrolypes and Da guerreotypes, in his usual su perior style. A call!* solicited. J. W. MILLER, mar27 cr. St. Jullan-at. aud Market square. W HITE BRANDY—6 casks V^tTBrondy, suit able for putting up peaches, ftc., juat recelv- H Attl hit Full JULY.—Harper’s Now Monthly Magazine, lor July, received and for sum by WARNOCK ft DAVIS, Juuel8 169 Congress street. IiITTliB aIANT CORN AND GOD MILL. K TUB STATUS OF HO. CAROLINA, OBOKU1A AND FLORIDA PATENTED MAY 16, 1864. COPYRIGHT SECURED MARCH 1865. THE attention of Planters and Stock Feeders X is rospectfoliy called to tho abovo Mill. They aro uow iu use by at least 10,000 of the most practi cal Stock Feeder* throughout tho country, who are ready to testify to their superiority over all other Mills of a similar kind. Those Mills aro made the exclusive liusluess of tho patentee, Mr. Bcott, who being a practical man, superintend* the casting In persou, and solocl* only BUoh Iron as Is best adapt ed to their use, wliich, like car wheels, require to bo made of nictol known to be hard and strong.— They weigh from three to five hundred pounds, ac cording to sizo. and can be put in operation in twen ty minutes without oxpenso or mcch&nic&l aid. Tho IJttlo Giant bus taken Uio first premium at nearly ull the Stato Fairs throughout the Union, and that in tho most complimentary manner. They ato guaranteed against broakago or derangement when used according to directions, and warranted to give tho most perfect satisfaction, or tho money refunded on the return of tho mill. They are of three sizes, and will grind from eight to filtecn bushels good feed per hour, according to sizo. with one or two horses. Wo now offer them to tho trade complete, ready for attaching the team, at reduced price*. Mr. C. H, CAMPFIELD Is our Agent in Savannah, orwhom tlio mill may bo bad at our prico. march 7—eodftwly mvING'SWSHINGTO^ V OLUME HI of the Life of George Washington. by Washington Irvlug. We can supply all who wish tlds most Ucsirublo work, in any style of binding. Tlio Wanderer, a tale of Lifo’s Vicissitude*. "Trudging along, uuknowlug what ho sought, And whistling as ho went, for want of tHought." Ey tho author of tlio Watchman, Lampiigher, etc. John Halifax, Gentleman, by tbo author of The Head of tho Family, Olivo, &c. Dickens’ Household Words for July. Putnam’* Monthly for July ■ale by Jy2 WARNOCK ft DAVIS, Bookscili r* aud Stationer*, 169 Congress streeL OUOAR AND TEA—Just received 10 bbl* Crush- O ed Sugar, .10 do ground Louf do, 20 da A. B ft L C-arlfied do, 6 bbd* Muscovado do, 10 hair cheats Brack Tea, loose and in X u|ul X packs, for sale by DAVID O'CONkR,