Savannah Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, August 22, 1856, Image 1

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VOL. XXXVII IOLD SERIES.I Savannah, ig-a.i Friday, august 22,1856. NO. 12055. & JOURNAL 'WIIHAY, Two O'clock, P. M. ^7,,!,,(loll Price, arsamniwn Paper. - .-orammi uiulorauuiillni, Urn pnnirlomw ami ,IKIio» nl ilio Ihroo p»|ior. UhuuiI In, re ndi>|iiu4 II10 followtag unlr nn rate a! »ul). „,,u,iu, w uko.oUi'ct Dili ii» l‘ai»r, i«r .nnim, In «Wauoo W iw iWwkor “ , , “ ’ U® ..lily, luillS mr> 1“ .dvauee a On oinl.M, to 0110 aililruis 800 3S ■»** “s Wiit'ii mi pahl within ouo month from tho time cnbierimag the charge for tho Dally will bo men Isr#, «na for tho Trl-Weekly ./Iw. no Wconiy will be sent only to those who pay in iwiice me |wpar will invariably bo dlsooutiiied upon expiration of the tlino Air which it has boon ild. Tho above rates to Uke efaiot (bam and after this k " .il.KXiSDKll k SNKIil), Kipubliam, K. B. HILTON k CO., Georgian t£ Journal, THOMPSON k WITIUNOTUN, AVwi. ^tVitnnsh, duly l t 1869. *T£3Xj QG*Ri •RIO. ,utiT nnd exciting new* from Kmisns. .Vkw York; Aug. 21.—Dispatches from Kan- state that Robinson and other culprits un- er indictment for treason, had made their es- ape, and that the cltlzons of Lecompton had A Shannon refused to call out the troops, otliitig from the movements of Geu. Smith, la a battle near Assawattomie, the Abo)*. oui?U were repulsed with U killed and 10 onndcd. Later accounts state that Lecompton has been ken nud destroyed by tho Abolitionists. [At the date of the last newspaper accounts om Kansas, tho United States Court was in f alon at Lecompton, for tho trial of Robinson ad otiicr criminals. The attack on that place as doubtless made by Lano’s party of Free* oilers lately arrived from tho North-west. We idli be very much surprised if the citizens of ie territory, aided by volunteers from Mb mri do not “rub out” theso scoundrels.— Glokouk A Jour.] Freshets In Near York State. New York, Aug. 22.—A freshet has over, owed the banks of the Hudson river. Tho iers at Albany were submerged. There was rent destruction of property at Poukeepsic* total loss Is estimated at quarter of a mil- on dollars. Congressional. WmvNUTOS, Aug. 21.—Congress having e-asserabled, the President sent in a message, irgiug the necessity of supplies for the gov mment. A bill foe that purpose passed the louse by 8 majority, containing tho Kansas atriction, in tho same terms as in the proviso, hich caused tho failure of the army appro. Hation bill last Monday. SECOND DISPATCH. Still Later Accounts from Kansas. New' York, Aug. 22.—.The latest Kansas ac- ounts received at St. Louis, state that Le- orapton bad not been taken, but was defended y citizens and troops, several companies hav- ig march to its defence on the 10th. Great excitement existed along tho Missouri Democratic Meeting. Our city readers will not forget tho Demo- ratic meeting to-night, at St. Andrew's Hall, iddrcsses may bo expected from Messrs. Fore- lan, Lloyd and Qaoahl. Hull Rond Meeting In Bafulirldge. *, A meeting ol the citizen* of Decatur county held at Balnbridgo, on the 14th hist., lor he appointment of delegates to the Thomas* ilte R. R. Convention. On motion of Col iuuneilyn it was Resolved, That sixty delegates bo appointed y the Chair to represent tho Railroad interests f this county, m tho Railroad Convention,to e held iu Tnomosvilie on the 4th of Saptemher ext. Tue report iu the Argus says: Mr. Sims, in a short speech, urged upon the itizous ol Decatur couuty the importance of >eiug represented in tho convention to bo held a Tnumasviilo un thu 4tii of Septemqer next. Ie saul that he bad no doubt tuo pe- pie ol 'nomas and Lowudes would compromise upon he Jlruiuwiek line, aud still less doubt of tho ndinatiunof tho people of Savauuah to come o it. That the true iaterest of Decatur was to use icr iuUuenee to produco that result. But in the event that a compromise could not « clTocted upon the Brunswick liue to Thomas- ille, aud from thence to Bainbridgc, our dele tes ought to give to the Suvannab, Albany nil Gulf Company assurances that if they will un their road from the initial poiut direct to Uiimridge, tho people of Decatur would favor ue move, and stand by them to the last. TELEGRAPH TO APALACHICOLA. TboMariauna (Fla.) Patriot says: We are happy to learn that tho Battery ur the Telegraph at this place has been re vived. Tue line will ho in operatiun from 'olmnbus to Marianna by the 1st of November •wt There is $J00 yet to be raised to entitle is to a depot. From the L radon l o.-t, Aug. 4. American Policy on tlu Sound Dues Question. We cannot but congratulate tho American (raverument upon the course it has now taken with reference to theso disputed Sound Dues. That Denmark is unublo to show u charter from maritime uations of the world, bindiug them to •ay the impost in ail tuno coming, is unques tionably true. Bat she can plead immemorial wage iu favor of her rights, and it is now tco ute fur America, or for any other country, to raise tho question of their validity. Had the Ubinyt oi Washington, therefore, determined w maintain the ground with reference to this question which ft took up some months ago, the results, as the Times observes, might have proved serious enough. Had compensation in My sliapo been refused to Denmark, tho sympathies of Europe, aud of this country in Particular, would have been with the weaker ’C»bUowed eVent ofimy collisitm that might We confess that from the lauguago of Mr. fwrey, we at ono timo entertained but slight ,,0 Iim of an amicable settlement of this dis pute, but wo ure glad to perceive that, os the’ present American Government approaches the probable termination of its career, It has gnulu ■my adopted a more conciliatory tone in its in tercourse with foreign powers. Its recent oirer compensation to Denmark very naturally induces us to ask whether it might not be well [jr us to follow its example ? America Is will- ,Jf “wer the precise terms that have been njured to us. She will indeed, have a much .u LP 8U . m t0 W. but it is to be calculated mi the self-same basis—namely, In proportion the »«!!i ,U i ro tiiilfic. If, therefore, “ “■* ' * * * she Wasliington Corrcspondeiiw. Wasiiinoton, (Tursday,) Aug. IU. For many reasons it is evident Unit tho extra session, culled by tho President In consequence of the defeat of the Army hill, will bo very short, probably ending with tho present week. The fact that a majority of the House have grown weary of tlie extraordinary measures of tho Republicans, was plainly proved by the failure, by a majority of live, of the motion made by Mr. Campbell, of Ohio, that the (louse Insist on the Kansas proviso. The uext rnotiou tho Deiuocratio side of the Houso would have been to recede from this proviso ; but this was prevented by tho factious conduct of tho Republicans. On re-assembling, therefore, even if there sltould he a full House, there can he no reasonable doubt of tho tinal and speedy retreat of tho revolutionists, which, of course, much accelerated by the fact, Unit their extra legislative services will bo performed lor noth ing under the new law, ns l have already stated. All Unit the Administration needs h a ma jority of each House—n quorum. If it lias that, it will nut insist on thu return of enemies, who might lie thus aggravated iuto obetiuucy and u short resistance. But nil will uow go right, aud the whole ullUir will lie a clour gaiu to tho Democratic party, and must produce mi excellent ellbct in the approaching campaign. The Democracy of tho Semite have simply dune their duty, and have ugulu and again assorted their independence as a legislative body, refus ing to be coerced, by dread of the stoppage ot tlie legitimate operations of tho government, into any action which they believed to be uu- uecess.ry and unconstitutional. Tho Republi cans have lo.-t a muve iu the great Presidential game, which is far wors t than if they had made no move at all. The retraction which they must inevitably make gives the move to tliuir. adversaries. Bo much for good old dem ocratic skill. Much injustice lias possibly been to Colonel. Benton in tlie doubts expressed by some, of the sincerity or his support of Mr. Buchanan. The withdrawal of the Benton Electoral ticket, in lavor of thf. regular Democratic Electors, coupled witli his declaration made in a late letter to General Price, dated August 10, aud ,ust published, indicates mi honest purpose. Iu that letter ho refers to the designs enter- taiued by some to put up iu Missoui i u Fremont electoral ticket, uud lie deuounces it os injuri ous in every aspect—inortilying to Fremont, on accouutof the smull vote he would receive, uud injurious to the public, on uccuunt of its ten dency to aggravate sectionalism. Prominent members of the free soil party, with some of whom I have conversed on the subject, profess to believe iu tho truth of his insertion that ho opposed Fremont's nomina tion nearly hal^ a year before those who charge him with promoting it knew of uuy such design. One of them, who was mainly instrumental in securing Fremont’s nomination, very lately said in my hearing that he lmd tried to briug over Mr. Bouton, but utterly failed ; tbat|ho suggested’to hiui.the propriety of notuiua ting Fremont lind tho probability of Ida success if nominated, aud that Mr. 11. secodted the idea, becainso indignant at the base suggestion of his defection from tbo Democratic party, and would hear no one on tho: subject. Another gentleman in high position, uu old and tried member of tbo Democratic party, 1ms assured iue that several months before the Ciucinuati nomination, he culled ou Mr. llenton, and, iu order to sound him, suggested Mr. Douglas as a suitablo candidate. Mr. Benton emphatically expressed his opinion thnt tbo uotuluution of Douglas or Pierce would inflame the existing sectional feeling, und declared his stroug prul- creueo for Buchanan, us a moderate man,whose administration would restore tranquility, while it would be strictly und ent rcly Democratic. Another fact seems to show Mr. Benton’s personal disinterestedness; he wishes to return to tho Uuited States Senate, yet his strong ud- vocucyofMr. Buchutmn'a cause in his late speeches in Missouri, and his determined op position to tho Know Nothing party, by whose iilliuncQ.nlono he cau eeciite hia election to tlie Seuave, would seem to deprive him of all e nance iof success. Assuredly he knew well that his course could not conciliate either Anti-Benton Democrats or Know-Nothings. But enougli oi Mr. Benton. Whatever may bo his real motive^, Missouri is now bdituiu for '.Buchananl r Tue treo is kuown by its fruits: so shall we know Mr. Benton. Impartial. ,r oi mo uamc ironic, ir, there Zw\". K H, 01 * 1 for America, which sne leatly thinks it la, can it bo bad lor us ? John Jr*., 9 proved himself in general a sue- K“'sB9ll» t| »yw with (urelga Power. | bol c ?!', not . 8»f.r wrong lo following tho «*m|iie of Uncle Sam, cpooUlly whero ”• JJf “f >“ qnwtlon relntM to money. The tr ^"nh of tho Anglo-Saioo family bun SWTWV m0K “a*. In these mat* ‘Spit European rolatlventand wo futlh “ r V roo , f uf Uu) moderation of (ho tlian that they have hum Bj£ >l without henltutiuu by Presldont l'lerco .ImMi!!**?!!' ov A|1 “ Y Offiukiih.—Tho ro- B , re a vet M “ Jw HamUton-W. Merrill, Ihi u "f? 00 ? hragoonB, hasbeon accopte* 1 tavyrenldont-to take effect February (hSent °. r Sepona Lieut. Henry A. ljcen ucce Pt cU by w<ti su»r t0 ko cffect ^ 3 °> is60 *- Extra SusstoN of Congukss.-Tho follow ing remarks ure from the Washington Union; •* It will bo seen from tho roregolug procla mation that the President bus lei it to be ids duty, in view ol thu failure oi Douginas to make the necessary appropriations for the army’ to convene Congress to meet nguin on Thursday uext. No one who thinks of tho disastrous consequences of disbanding the army under ex isting circuiiiHtuiicus cun tail to see tho neces sity for tills measure. Tlie im poses upon tlie President tlie solemn duty of seeing that the laws ure executed, und to tills end provides him with a militiury force fur the common UcTcuce aud security ot the couutry. But Cimgrea* has tailed to provide the tueuua of supporting the men who compose thu urrny. Tho Constitution does, however, authorize, the President, on extraordinary occasion, to con vene Congress; and us this is the only remedy iu liishniids tor securing the uieausof main taining the urmy, uud, through that brunch of the service, of preventing disastrous consequuii ces, lie bus promptly uud wisely resorted to it "A result lo this extraordinary remedy bus bceu forced opou the Executive by tbo persis- tunco of a portion of one House of Congress in a measure which we have ugaiu aua ugaiu characterized as fuctious and revolutionary, it lias been persisted iu with u full kuowlcdgo that it would defeat ull appropriations for tnc army, uud thus leave thu public peace unpro tected, or of requiring un extra session ot Con gress. Tlie revolutionary measure hud no legitimate connection witii uu appropriation bill. Tim two Houses agreed ou the appropria tion bill proper, but tlie Uouso iusistou on an nexing uu miusiiul uud unconstitutional con dition to tlm bill, and puraistcd.iu it until, tinul- iv, a factious minority resorted to the moans of defeating the bill which we detail ill another article. “We have now a practical illustration of the spirit which actuates the Republican leaders, it cull no longer be questioned- that they are re solved to ride or to ruin the government, lt is not necessary to conjecture whether tlm same spirit will not produco the sumo result at tho extra sponsion. That is a matter for Congress, Tlm President has his duties to perform under the constitution, and he bus resorted to tho only power that ho possesses to see the laws executed mid tlm peace of tho country preserved. If tlm House ot Representatives choose to perse vere in their eilbrt to coerce tlie Senate aud tlm President, and by thut means preveut the exe cution of the laws und the maintenance of peace, the responsibility will rest where it prop erly belongs. Tho President bus done his duty; tlm Seuute has doue its duty, aud will do it again; the House has taken ono pgriious step in revolution,uud it remains to bAcn wheth er it will be repeated.” Rail Road Meeting.—Tlie Railroad nmet'ng ing held on last Thursday, in this place, speaks for itselt. Our people are determined to se cure tlm location ofu raiiroud to Bainbridgc. As our columns wili show tlm citizens of this county prefer the Main Trunk to uuy road, nnd they are resolved to use their utmost efforts in the approaching Convention to reconcile vari ances uud promote the uiuicable adjustment of ull difficulties hitherto preventing the organ!, zution of tlm Main Trunk Company.—Bain- bridge Argun, Murder in Virginia.—A letter in the Lew itfhitig (Va.) Era, from Highland county, dated 11th August, says that two negroes have been urrested there tor the murder of uu Irishman named Sheridan, and confessed their guilt It appears that a widow named Wiley married Sheridan a few months since, und not living happily with him promised the two negroes $160 it they would kill him. Old nees nt Ileal Life. Vvxna Election. A lotttfr dated Austin, August 6, says : Tho election passed i ll' iu this city iu a nuu- nor tlmt reflected credit upon tlm inimoitunts. 1 have uever witnessed so warm apolitical con test settled iu such a quiet aud orderly way. A stranger would scarcely have observed uuy unusual excitement. Tnere was little if auj mure drinking thnu < n other days; aud 1 saw out one or two cases of intoxicution, nud nut ono of quarreling nud lighting, uud I believe there was none such in the city. 1 was led to anticipate something of this kind Irom the great zeal and warmth with which the cauvas.- oils boon prosecuted. ' You will see from tlm returns, as far as tbe> have come in, that tlio Democrats have gener- gniued lurgely on their opponents, since the last elections, in nearly every town and pro cinct heard from. Iu this city tho gain of the Democrats was n6t anticipated by either party, for many of tlm best informed Democrats here believed thnt their opponents had the majority in tlm city, until tlm result of tho election show ed tlm reverse. It is uow pretty clear that Buchanan will curry tills Stute by n majority of fifteen or twenty thousuud. Another letter to the Galveston News, dated Austin, Aug. (5, says; A set of resolutions passed botli Houses to day fully endorsing tho character of the Hon. D. 8. Terry, one ol' tlie Judges of tho Supreme Court of Culilbriiia, and who according to our lust uccounts wus in the hands of tho Vigilance Committee of Bun Francisco, and ids life ap parently iu great jeopardy. Judge Terry was urraerly a citizeu of Texas, and has here very many warm and devoted friends who deeply sympathize with him in his present unfortu nate condition, in the bunds of enemies, where the laws and authorities ore set at defiance. The resolutions request our Representatives in Congress to use their utmost efforts with the Executive of this Union, to induce him to em ploy such constitutional menus as ho cun to se cure for Judge Terry a fair aud legal trial. The Marine Locomotive.—This is the name given to a new inveutiou of a steamboat,which, if successful up to the point ol' expectation of the inventor, will mako a complete revolu tion in steam navigation. The imnciplc is, to make tho sumo body which gives buoyancy to tlm boat, perform ull the oflices of propulsion. This is attained by two large hollow cylindera made in the shape of a screw,which ure operat ed by a steam engine. Upon a frame work at tached to these cylinders is erected tho cabin, freight rooms, &c. No resistance bcin^ made by the displacement of water, it is anticipated that the “Murine Locomotive” will attain a speed which would be regarded as fabulous We saw lust winter the op. ration of a model on a small Beale, which certainly gave every promiso of success—screwing along tlm surface of tho water ill a manner and at a speed quite surprising to behold. What it will do ono a large scale remains to be seen. The inventor is Mr. Lonsdell, a machinist oi this city, who has obtained letters patent, and has admitted to a participation of ownership several of our citizens, who have formed them selves, into n company. They propose to re ceive additional stock, enough to build aboatou a scale largo enough to thoroughly test the feasibility of tho plan. For this purpose books will be opeued on Monday at tho otffco of the Rap^of \\ eat Tennessee, corner of Main street and Court square, where a model uud drawings may bo ami.—Memphis Bulletin, ThrU. S, War Brig Bainbridge.—Some of the newspapers having intimated fears of the loss of this ship, wo have great pleasure iu announcing her return to Montevideo on the J2tb of June last, from her cruise to tlm Htraits of Magellan, on which she set out in March lost. Her errand was to relieve the crew of tho Ame rican shin Manchester, wrecked in those Straits. On arriving at the sceue of tho disas ter it was found that tbo only two survivors of the Manchester’s crew bad been rescued by another ship. The Bainbridge, however, was so fortunate os to rescue the crew of the ship Western Bridge, of Liverpool, England, from the Cbincha Islands, bound for Queenstown, Ireland, with a cargo of gnaho, also wrecked in the isatne Straits, and earned them—thirty-one aoqls In all—to Montevideo. All ’were well on tho Bainbridge— Washington Star; A DEFENCE OF HOOFS—THEIR UTILITY AND BEAUTY Hooped skirts were an experiment lust year, put forth with many misgivings; but this season a Roman triumph. Thu iudms, by that union which is strength, have practically put the vexed question at rest, by hooping themselves (iu tlm language of Duuiul Webster) to tlm mllest extent. And not only do they tako pos session of tlm streets or our cities, theso victo rious hoops, but in our rural district they puss out ol doors of every plcaseut hum house, und iu our villages they Mil up tho aisles* of every church. Wo go with the Indies (uot in thus enclosing our lower limbs, but) in our decided approval of this piece of vulture—und stand prepared lo rcuder our reason fur so doiug. I might state, but 1 would hardly rely upon a reason, which a good-natured friend sugges ted ui behalf of a hooped skirt, namely, that it wuuld net admirably in certain cones us u h lb-preserver. If u lady thus robed should Happen to full down Irani tue roof of u house, the lull spread skirt would let her down to tlm ground us gently us though she already had on a pair of angel's wings, Or if slm were cast far out upon tlm deep water some ill-fated otcaaibout explosion, (uot a wild conjecture iu theso days,) instead oidisplayiug tlm common •‘ulacnty lu.sinkiug,” she would float majes- ticully us u swan ou the surface, liable to uo mistaken for sumo lair mermaid, or for anoth er Venus vising completely in womanhood uud beauty from the waters. Blm wuuld tuns ride upon the wings of tho wind, aud sit as a queen upon tlm ilouds. But old loygyism grows red in the face at all uuvclties, uud puts its sharp nose into ev ery musty record of tho past in search of pre cedents. lt worships tlm former times, aud deems that the tushion of those times, having no savor of young America, must be only wise and good. But tuo timid old fogy may learu that tlm famous Queen Amm una tlm accom plished ladies of her court stood out with houps io tho formidable dimensions of bay-stacks, und doubtless thu great Marlborough threaded with tho muzes oi niuny uduuce. Aud m later times, uud in our .own land, in tlm very golden ago of American history, these skirts Kit iu the hip ol tlm Father of his L’ouu- try, in the person of Martha Washington who with her dressed back from her forehead aud eucosed with ample hoops, is represented to us iu tlm pictures us a very model of graccfuluess aud dignity. Though they do look uinuplngly like young America, and in keeping with tho fast times iu which wo live, these hoops belong in fact to the old school, und commeud them selves to tho luvor of the backward-gnziug conservative, ns much as to the onwurd-raarch- iug progressive. it is enough for me, though excessively timid that my guud old giuudmother wore hoops aud uy so doiug sanctified them. But we turu to wbat some would deem the higher considerations of utility aud beauty. Au old fashioned quilt fa ohjeetionab le oumuny grounds; what then Bhutl we say of half a dozeu of them, with other heavy skirts, worn together for tho suke ot giving lulluessto the shape V What an amount of material they u»' quiredi uot forgetting cotton, cord, caudle- ivicking and rope. What labor to stuff and put together ono of them to the requisite degree of atilfness or standuuativeiiess, tuo temule neigh bors having frequently to leave their own most useiul avocations to aid in the great work,even os the men turu out to assist in raising u burn! And then in sultry weather uke tbo present, with the thermometer up to ninety and a hundred degrees, tho fervid suu striking bi peds dead and quadrupeds mad, how awfully uot aud intolerable a load of these quilts must uo! “Think ot that, Master Brook'* Ouo of them at night would smother the maiden who had intrepidly borne six or more of them in lira heat of tUe day. A hooped skirt, on the other hand, deserves a pateut as a cooler. Aud then it sets so lightly ou the frame—uot hang ing as u dead weight ou the weakest part of tho irail, flexible anatomy of woman, injuring the organs of respiration, weakening aud curving tlm spiue, and occasioning many of her spcciul debilities and troubles, uo that in tho spring time of her Ut'o, when sho ought to bloom like a young rose iu the morning, from this very cause she is pale, haggard und prematurely old. Tho subject, may not be deemed iu our prop cr provinco, and rather than go deeper into it wo refer our renders to whnt Miss. Catherine Bcocber, tint true sister of her sex, has so well and wisely written about it—giving the oldj skirts a terrible shaking uud pulling. But it is ono thing to pull down au ancient institution, which ought no longer to ataud, aud uuothcr thing lo devise a proper substitute whero one fa needed. And genius was nevermore lucky than in the invention of hoops, that cover tiie form and give it os much fuiluess us may be desired, without being objec tionable ou tbo score ot expense, labor, beat and weight, like a load of o d skirts. And I might add. thut by giviug an ample develop ment to tho hips, a consummation devoutly wished And prided iu by the ladies, tlm chief temptation of tight laoing la removed. And in this respect, also, they promiso to inaugurate a new era of health; doing- more than all the rouge and lily white coulddo to beautify our sisters nnd daughters, and bring buck a lost bloom to the fudedcheeku of our wives, and even mothers. We have said enough us to utility ; and now ns to the more interesting consideration of beauty, which, as we have Just soon, is con nected with utility. Tho qimctlon ut issue, if it be at issue reduces itself, then, to one merely of fact—wlmthor hooped skirts do impart the proper contour to tho female form. A lady passed my wiudow tlm other day upon whom 1 leveled tlm battery of curious nnd observant eyes. In her notions on this subject sho was of the former school. Tall sho was and thin even unto laukness. As the day was oxcessively warm, though discarding or eschewing hoops slm had too much sense to make herself a mar tyr to beauty hy (tearing along the streefa the heavy cross of half a dozen skirts, or of /even one. Her dress therefore, (of rich materials, I might add,) hung straight down to her feet, clinging closely about her form. 8of Giles Suroggfn's ghost most have looked In its wind ing sheet And as luck would have it, that I might enjoy the opportunity of Instituting a cumparIson, a young lady, admirably hooped in the prcseht style, came by a moment after, so that bo*h stars were in my field of vision at tlm same time. It is well written, that one star differeth from nuother star in glory. Tim demonstration was complete. You might ns well compare the Austrian Maritoruess to Romeos Juliet, or to Desdcmona. You might as well compare a tal low caudle to the Queen of Night,” “wheu she unveils her peerless fa m, and o'er the dark her silver mantle throws,” as to liken that collapsed maiden to her of tho hoops. The one was like aship-of-war on tho bosom of the deep, with all its.snowy canvas spread, and its gallant pen nons streaming in tlm wind. I voted unan imously for the hoop,as in all other, where they come iuto comparison with different modes of fitting out that fearful and wonderful creature, woman, to sail the streets or grace tho drawing-room. No President will evor got (certaiuly not on tlie next November) anything like that unanimity of suffrage with which men and women alike award the palm to the hooped skirts, as that which, of all inventions, most admirably perfects the graceful of the female from.—Philadelphia Inquirer. Dr. M’Lnlie’s CKI.WUIATEII VEKMIVl'OK AND UVKK FILLS. A singului combination, but very uflei-tual, as thu following will show: New Yokk, Novombor -0, 1862. Knowing, from experience, tho valuable quali ties ol' Dr. M’Lano’s Vermifuge uud Liver Fills, pre pared by Fleming Bros., Pittsburg, I have lor some tlino back comldered it iny duty, and mado it my buslne«s, to mako tlioso articles known wherever 1 went uniting my friends. A short tlino ago I be- jL'aura acquainted with the casti of a young girl, who sccinod lo bo troubled with worms uud liver uomplalut at the samo time, ami liad been suffer ing for some two mouths. Through mv persuasion sho purchased ono bottlo of Dr. M’faitie’s Vermi fuge, and ouo box of Liver Fills, which sho took ac cording to directions. Tho result was, sho passed a largo quantity of worms, nmUhiuks that ono box more of tho Pills will restore her to perfect health. Bur im-no aud residence can bo learned on calling ou K. L. Theal), Druggist, corner of Rutger and Mouroo streets. tST Purchasers will bo caroful to ask for 1)R. M’LANE’S CELEbRATED VERMIFUGE, manufac tured by Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa. AU oilier Virmifugcs in compa'ison, are worthless. Dr. M'Lauu’s gonuiuo Veunifugc, also his celebrated liver Pills cun now bo had at ull rospectublo drug stores. None genuine without the signature of uuglO—[a]—8 FLEMING .BROS. toutertiiti jnitiitgence. Savannah Market, Aug. 2a, COlTON.—No transactions to uotlce iu this urtl ole (Ufa forenoon. NEW ORLEANS, Aug. lc.-CVrn»N.—TlieroTiaVe boon sumo lew buyers iu tho mai-Kot to-day, anu thu sulus reach OUO bales, Without any chuugu in prices. TUo purchases wore mostly lurtUn North Not a bale of new crop bus come hi m-duy, Uiougn tho receipts ou the corresponding day last uuusou. 658 bales brought by ouo boat. LIVKIU'UOL CLASSIFICATION. Inferior 0&©8 I Middling.... 10#® 10*f Ordluury 1 UoodMuPlhigU»a©— UoodOrd.... y>ifa) i Mid’gFair...12 fa)— Good Mid.... ll>4fa)ii I Fair Id fa)— STATEMENT OK COTTON. stuck ou baud 1st rioptutnbor, 1866 bales 40,232 Received since 1,760,078 Received to duy 208—1,760,1140 1,707,178 1,787,220-1,7b8,u46 1119 8.803 Exported to iluto Exported to-day Stock uu buud not cleared Ulltereuco lu thu uggeegata aui't ol' bales burned, shipped to the West uud short cleared, uud tho uiuouut of short ic- ceinls aud ruudu from sumplos, Ac 2,672—1,780,488 sugar and JIolassbj—No change in oiihor. Mu- lasses neglected, aud Sugar in luir request ut stea dy prices. Pork—Dull, with sumo retail aulos ut $20a20 60 lor Mess. Bacon.—Bales about 20 cusks Bides at 10)^a 11c. for choice Ribbed uud Lleur. Laud.—'The only uulo we uotico to-day is 150 bbls son and inferior at—. Wiilskv.—Fxtru brands of RcotiUcd (Doan's, Wilabiro&o.,) selling in small parcels at 32c, and Dexter's at 4cc. Cofkkb—Improved doumud, and 1460 bags sold or which l2Uu at 10}i, 126 uu 10&, and loo at 10J£ cunts. Prices have givcu way At of u ceut, since tho making up oi Poursiuo’s circular, which will be found elsewhere. Bale Rope— loo coils hand spun sold at 10#c. Rico—66 casks sold atfio. for prime. Exchanges—There is uo alteration in the rales whicu continue iittlo better thou uominul sterling 9>£uU# per cot prom Franco dull 6.13#o£».l8# pr uoilar New York ttixty Day Bills lal# to 1# pur centals New York Eight Checks #ul}i per ceut p.-tm Freights.—Some Wheat shipped to Havre to-duy a) 22o., und yesturduy 6,000 to 0,000 sacks at 20o. pur bushel. MEDICAL COLLEGE OK THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. r E Auuuul Course of Lectures in this Institution will commence on tbo Urst Monday In Novem ber, on lira fallowing bronchos: Anatomy by J. F. HOLBRuOK, M. D. Burgoiy by E. GEDDINGS, M. D. Institutes uud Practice ul Medicine byS. HENRY DICKSON, M. D., L. L. D. Physiology by JAMES MOULTRIE, M. D. Materia Medica by HENRY R FROST, M. D. Obetrlcs by THOd. 0. l'RIOl EAU, M. D. Chemistry by C. U. SHEPARD, M. D. Demonstration of Anatomy, F. T, MILES, M. D. Prosector to tho Professor ol Surgery, T. F. M. GEDDINGS, M. D. clinical instructor. D. T. CAIN, M. D., Physician to tho Marine Hos- pi pal and Clinical Instructor, Lectures twice a week uu the diseases of that Institution. At the Roper Hospital Clinical Lectures are deliv ered twico u week bv tho physician and Burgeon or the Institution, aud operations prrformed before the class lu the Amphitheatre of tho Hospital. Tub faccltt Ward in tub Roper Hospital —By tho couvouicncos they have been able to fUrulih, a valuable addition has been mado to tho surgical practice or tho city. Operations aro performed be fore tbo class, and they have opportunities or being familiar with the subsequent ucatmcct. Tho anatomical rooms aro opeued tho latter part ofOctobu^andthe dissections conducted dally un der tho direction ortho Demonstrator. Much atten tion is directed to this doparment; the material be ing abundant, aud UI ustratlons of various character being afforded far acquiring a competent knowlodgo of this all Important branuh of study. ' HENRY R. FROST, M. D.. Dean. Charleston, June, 1866. aug 6—law4 S UGAR, SOAP, SODA, SYRUP AND STARCH- 150 bbls Stuart's A, B and C Sugar 75 do Crushed aud Pulverised Sugar 160 boxes Colgate’s and Boadell's Soap 176 do Pale do 100 do No 1 do 100 do Castile do 160 do Toilet do* 100 do Bub Gab Soda 60 kegs Washing do 75 bbis Syrup 100 boxes Lemon Syrup 200 do Oswego, volgato’s&Beadoll's Starch, landing and id store for sale by aug 17 MCMAHON k DOYLB. ■au jpUM M'lligeiiiT. Port of Snvaininli... , .August Hit Arrived. Edward, Jones, New York, Colions k Hertz. UrtJl steamer Carolina, (,'uxotter, Jacksonvlllc. lo MA Cohcu. J. HI. EYltE, UOMMIfeluN MERCHANT, Biiir’ii No. 142 Dny-sti, Snvaininli. Departed. Summer Carolina, Cuxotlur, Char fas ton, Rtvmnmmta. Wilmliigtou,' Aug. 20.—Cid, Kchr Pearl Dexter, Jacksonville. Philadelphia, Aug, 18— CM, sclir Transit, lloilbrd, Suvummh. Baltimore, Aug. 1'.'.—tclirC Cfctr tfan. Holton, Savannah, (tho 0 C 5 was from l hlladcphia foi this port, but pul into Wimihigtoii for repairs.) KORKUIN FORTS. Vigo, July 20—The .dir Thomas Holcombe, Low- duu, irom i-avauimb put iuut ltd.port und cluuied on tho 28th, lor Cadiz. St. Johns, (N. B.) Aug 13.—Arr, bark It A Alien, Carfatou, Savannah. Consignee. Per steamer Carolina, from Jackson vil.o.—L Le vy, M A Cohen. Passengers* Per Stcuuior Carolina, Irom Jacksonville —IIH lluuy k lad)’,A Galloway,LJ Hi:whig,3 Tailbacks, G li Thresimr, J W S Crowder, Mias l.utliam, L b Aiutueuiun, J A Bradock, a it BluoJguoj, n U Mil lar, V McMeekcr, and 3 deck. NOTICK. W HY is Nogroot allowed to go out with their i-treet Waggous aud ihivc Carriages uu Ilnur own account,.after B.MiKlug in thu t-vuiilug. aud before be.l ring in tbo moruiug, without u spe cial ticket Irolu the thief of Police. As tl.e law re quires sumo white person with thorn, around thu Hiulfeuil Railroad? late and early iu&eu. aug 22—It* HANSON’S IMPROVED E NAM BLED LIGHTNING CONDUCTORS, C U'iislruclcd and sold Wholesale ami Retail ut his ) Factory, No. Oil S. Bondetroct- Baltimore. Copper nnd Enameled Ru l» cnintructud uu ship*, Dwelling and Public Buildings, in tho snlhstaud best inauuer. Also, for rale, Lightning Rod Points, Glass Insu lators und Trimmings fur putting up Rods. Orders Kdi with Joseph llurvey,Jr-, No. 049 West Fayette street, Whit j K Woodward, No. 3 North street, or ut Factory, No. 9tt South Bond street, will be promptly attended to. Persons winning particular information relating to theso Conductors wili pleaso address E HAX- :ON, No. ild Bond street, Baltimore, Md. __ aug 21—Ira 100 DOLLAliS REWARD. Jk Ran away from the subscriber, "ii tho 2d SL^day of Juno last, his mulatto woman LAU* <K$itA, about It* years of age, middle height, j3»_rntbor sleuder form, bl tek eyes and of u u.,vrouist countenance when spoken to. Sho has assumed tho uarno of Marla Hutson, and would pass far a free negro, and may lure forged free pa- purs. When last hoard from, sho was iu the Great Swamp iu *t. Luke’s Parish, und nuiy pass over into Georgia In company with some white person. A reward of twenty dollars will bo paid far Her de livery to mo, or lino any Jail iu Georgia or South Carolina so that I ran get her; ono hundred dol lars for proof lo convlitum of her being carried away hy u white inun with infant to steal, ami fifty dollars for thu like proof of her being hurlmred. DERRICK PETERMAN, ttUgft—2uw4 ClllUouvltle, S. C McCarthy ginned sea island COTTON IN LIVERPOOL. A BROKER iu Liverpool rep ining oluss and val ue of a consigi.m* nt or tho McCarthy Ginned beulsluud Cotton from n liouso in this city, writes os fallows: “1L, 7 bogs ravish color, witli a little shell, uot much; but tho p.-uuil’iiity of this quality is tho sta ple, aud tho st> fa of its dualling and up; dilloreut to tho usual Rtlier Gin operations. Tho sample before lianuluu,i.aisomo di-rlit appoaranue ofhuviug been Saw Ginned. tJiinxuminatinii, how- over, shows that, uli ;ho staple, both as t» l-.-ugih aud uniformity, has been preservod, uudu much greater degree of freedom und Rimluoss has been glvt-u l*y tue process. This rennrk applies more ur less to uli tho marks ot this eli pim-nt- lu thn- Inatnuce. tho -mpio is stout und a good l.ngth, uud without bjlug fiuo, n m i course." Tlm undersigned, agents for the above moutioued Giu», always Imvo a supply ou luud, at 8126 escli. BUsTUN a VILLaIA'NGa. aug 6—wi’in PHILIP M. HUBSULL, s 4 s a!W«F ’and COM 1ST. Will uxoulu Deeds, Mortgages, Power of Attorney, Wills, l.ouds, Notice.-, and Fusing ol In tot rogatories. Oil)co ut tho Court House, Puvuimuh, (la. Court Days. Third Tuesday in each raunto, and hold ut tlnfoillco or Edwaid ♦-. Wiluii, Esq. Rhideuoe, Gaston, botwocu Barnard uud TalUiall street. Any call ut night, on business, will be attended to iin mod iafa.y. Jy26 WK. mTWILLIAMS. TIlADDKt'H OUVKK. JACK BROWN WILLIAMS, OLIVKR A DROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Buena Vista, Murluu County, Uu., Will practico iu the counties of Marlon, Macon, Hous ton, Stewart, Randolph, Muscogeo, l^c, aud any adjoining counties, where tlioir services may be required. luyll WILLIAM PHILLIPS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, MARIETTA, UA. uot 29—ly • DAVID il. WILDST ATTORNEY AT LAW, SPARTA, GA. Will practice iu the couuties of Hancack, Warren Washington, and Baldwin. Kkfkkbxon—Bobu k Foster, Rabun A rimiia, and K. A. Soullard. Savannah. jau9 it. D. HiLTUN, attorney and at law. • mine corner of Hay uud Drayton-sti. SAVANNAH, UA. uiy li jjjg£jg v WILLIAMS,' ATTOUN BY AT LAW, No. 8, Uiayton Street, Stwanuah, Georgia. may 6—ly dr. Charles ki. colding, UFF1CE AND RLSlDENCE, No. 14 LIBERTY ST.. Hue door went of Drayton, myll WJII. C. CONNELLY, ATTOUNiil AT LAW, lUIWPM, WURTH WW, A. | tV*T OKHCZ. ALBjUOfJ Will practise in thu Soatiiowi Circuit, uuu iu Macon, Dooly and Worm Counties ortho Macau Circuit. $9“ Particular attention given to the collection ol claims iu South-Westerli Georgia. Je2—6m B. CtflttMING, ATTORNEY AT LAW, fob 1-1 y mwi.vro.v, ua. L iVN110ir& _ AN DkRSONT ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ap6-ly macon, ua. WILLIAM II. DA^HKR, ArrUHNEY AND CUUKSEIXUK AT LAW, Trounviflc, Lowudes Couuly, Ga. Will practico in Tlmmus, lowudes, Clinch, Ware. Appling, Telfair, Irwin, Laurens, aud Pulaski counties. Georgia; aud in JeUbrson, Mudisou, Ham ilton, and Coluinbiacounties, Florida. [myll ~ MLL LE li & ROLL, " ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MtUNSWIOK, QA. Will pructlco in tho Brunswick Circuit—comprlu- iug tho following Counties : Glynn, Wayne, Cumdcu, Ware, Apppliug, CTit.eH, Colfee and Olmrllon. juhn b. miller. l. c. roll. aug 3 l> A. THOMAS & CO., Auction nnd Corntmaaluii McvchnnU, 110 Bryan Street, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. A. Thomas. LM2J S. S. Pakdux. * W, II. P 'liiiKLL, DEALER IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES und Funigii nnd Domestic Fruit, corner BrouyhUn and Whitaker-sts. Town uud oouiury' supplied with chuicu gomb at tuodcrulu prices. AU orders promptly utloudqfi to, uud satisfaction always guaranteed. spl8 joffirerFALCitfANr; WHOLKSALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN WINDOW BLINDS, WINDOW SASH AND PANE DOORS. West sldo Monument Square, Savannah, Ga. may 11 AliiICiil TO M.1IUMEU8. f I1HE Buoys ou the Bar uud River of rft Marys, X Ga., aro now arranged m tlio fa.lowing order . tui. Buoy is a 2d class non uud painted black and wiillo porpouuici lar stripes, is ju»t uuisido tho bat iu .4 lu 1 wutjr ul low tide aua cau bo pas sod un eitnur hand, too light hoaso boating S W. Tlm 2d buoy is a 3d c ass iron cuu painiua b.ack with ihe uutubor one >u white; this buoy is just uisido tlie bar iu 13 teet water ut mw lido tbo miutb Break- ors. und must bd le.t ou tlio port hand outering. Tuu 3d buoy is u 2d clas* iron nun puiuted rod wm* tuo number two iu whilo; this buoy u tin edge of me North Breakers iu 13 leet water ai low tide, uud must bo lull ou tho etarbuuid baud enter mg. iiut.y No 4 Is a 3d mass 11 on uuu pntutod blauk with tiie uuiubor three iu while: this bu.,y is ou tin uu go of the couth Breakers iu lz lout water at low tide, uud mast bu K-fl ou the port bund eutciiug. lluuy No 6 Is a 2d c usd Iron uou painted red witli tho number fifar iu white, uud is on tho inner point ul tho North Breakers iu 14 fact water ut low tide, and must be left uu tlio bturbourd hand entering, uuoy No 0 is a 2d class iron nuu paiuiod black w.tb the number live iu wiiite; ran, buoy is near tho point of shoal ruuulug oil'from Amodu Island; is iu 18 feet water ut low tide uud be iett on the port hand 111 entering. Buty No 7 is a 2d class Iron cuu p.luted black with the number sovou lu while; this buuy is near the tiger Hlaiid bhual at tlio eu trance of Feriium.lua river, Is iu lo iett water 1,1 low tide uud must be left on tlio i>ori lunu g>.|ug i< M Marys. Buuy No 8 is a 2a class iron nuu ; ann ua with red and black horizontal snipes; taw but y isou thu (loiut of shoal farmed by tuo jcuaiou u. tho st ilarys aud Cumberland rivers, and is lu 12 feet water at low tide. By ordor of thu Light liouso Board. C. MAN10AULT MORRIS, uuglO—9 L H. Inspector (ith Di.-trlot. ■VTEW GOSHEN CHEESE & Ul'Tl’ER.— 20 boxes Choice Now Gosucu Chceso. 10 kegs do do do Butter. 20 tubs do do do do, lauding per steamer, and fir sale by aug 29 SCRAN TON, JOHNSTON .k Co. D omestic liquors- 169 bbls PIko’s Magnolia Whiskey, 60 bbls Tuscaboosu " do, 100 do Monuag, Whiskey, assorted brands, 6 do Old Bourbon Whiskey, 100 do E. Pholp’s Gin, 69 do P k H Conu. River Rye Gin, 20 do Bran Jy, 20 quar casks Twlgg Hoop 1st and 4lh proof Brandy, 20 eighth do dO do do do do, 15 quar do Malaga Wino, for salo by aug 19 WEBSTER A PALMES. F ancy liquors.— 39 boxes Giug. r and Blackberry Brandy, 4 cusoa Ginger Wiue, 49 casus Uurrct, 6 do assorted Liquors, In Htoro und for sale by uug 19 WEBSTER k PALMES. PATENT ICE PITCHERS. J UST rccolvod, ONLY thirty-two days from Bal timore by tuo uuw Steamship Lino. Tho nil merous enquirers will be glad to learu that tiicy have finally arrived. KENNEDY k BEACH, HouBc-furniYhiug Store, Hodgson’s Now Block, aug 4 B ACON.—35 casks Bacon Sides for sale, to ur- rivo per brig Xorvuster, by aug 2 LOCKETT & SNE. LINGS. COFKKK, SUOAK dw. O/ U \ RAGS prime Rio ColToo ASUU 100 14 Fair “ *- 69 do Old Government Java do. 60 do PrimoLnguyra do 10 Hhds. Choice St. Croix Sugar. 10 do do New Orleans do. 16 do do P. R, do. 20 y % ghosts Fine Hyson Tea 20 do do Black ‘4 lbs Papers 60 Caddies, 12 lbs each, Flno Hyson Tea. 60 do 0 lbs caoh, do do do 60 do 6 do do do Black do In store and far sale by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON & Co. aug 8^ REFINED AND CLARIFIED SUGARS, ff i\ Bbls Stuart's A. Crushed Sugur. OU 60 “ “ A. Clarified Uo. 60 '» “ B do do. 50 “ “ C. do do* JOHNSTON k CO. Just received and for Halo by aug 5. SCRA’fONJ X ARD AND CANDLES;—20 bbls and 60 kegs No ±J 1 Leaf Lard 76 boxes Adamantine Candles, star brand 100 do Boadoll’a Tallow do, Just received and for salo by Jy» SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k 00. R, J. DAVANT, JR, FACTOR AN^COMMISSIONHERC aNT, ' Suvannth.Q. JOHN V. BOOTH, CIVIL, ENU1NEEU AND SURVEYOn, Will also give liiH attention to designs in Architec ture. Ulllco iu the sioro of Joliu WiUiumaou, Esq., Bay street. mylb CHAFFER & CO., No. 0 IVliiInker Street, Savannah, Un., WflOUttALK AXU KKTAIL UKAUiRS LV RASHES, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, &c. White O U*ud, Zinc, Wbito Ijusui’d, .Sperm, Whale, Tan. •mrs’iuid Neulslnot Oils, Glass, Brushes. Gold U‘ul, Broilzo, Bulliters’ Hardwure. NuiIb, Marble Mantels, &c M ko. jo4 JOiirULMiOiEh. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ofllce corner Bay aud Drayton streets JypJ A. 11. CHAMPION. (Successor to Chuinpiou k Watts.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GUOCEB, No. 4 Barnard st., between the Market and Buy at., SAVANNAU, GA. Dealer lu Groceries, Foroigu aud D<imcstic Liquors, Dried Fruits, Ac., Au. Retort-nee—A. Chuiupiun, Esq., bamucl bfalomous. Esq., Mes.-rs. Rabun k Whitohuud, and Swilt AlCo., riavumiuh. Ga. myll JOHN U. COCIUIANE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dublin, Laurens county, Ga,, late Junior partner of Iho firm of A, & J- Cocuka.vb, Irwluton, Ga., will attend promptly to ull busiuess entrusted to his care. 1’articular ultontion paid fa collecting. Re ference—Dr. 0. B..Uuyfan, F. U. Itowe, Dublin, Ga., M Marsh, Savannah.myll YONGB & FRIERSON, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, .VO. 94 IlAY-SniKkT. HAVAVVAH. UA. upr4 P. JACOBS, SEGAIl AND TOUACCO STORE. No.'29, Bull street, (sign of the Big Indian.) N. B.—Keeps constantly on hand Spanish, Halt Spanish, and American Segura, at wholesale and re- til. Alsu. Chewing Tobacco, gnulU fcc. jime 1 JAMES SXcHENRY, Insurance Broker ami Notary Public. Muriuo Pretests Noted uud Extended, Average, adjusted, CUurtcr Parties and Average Boudsdrawna Pupers prepared whereby to recover losses Irom Ameriuuu or British Underwriters, and uttculton given to all matters connected with shipping aud lu> turance, No. 118 Bay-streut npposito the front ol tho Custom House. ly nov 8 JESSE T. BERNARD, ATTORNEY AND COUNbEUOR AT LAW, Nownausvillo, Fla. Referoncu—George ... Browu, William Doll, New- nunsville, Fla., ft. B. Hilton, Boston k Vtllalougu, ■Saviiunuti. Ga,myll CHAS. G. CAMPBELL ATTORNEYATLAW, M1LLKDOEVILLK, QA. 1 Practices Law in the various Counties of tho Oc mulgco Circuit, and the ydjoiiilug Counties of Twiggs, Uurens und Washington. Refer to—John Uosten, H. Crone, and K. B Hilton. Iubl4 umuituK A. 65EB9E ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AND , Commissioner of the U. S, Court of Claims for the State qf Qeot'gia. Oifice Corner Buy aud Bull streets, ly mylo OLO^HIKTCr /T EMPORIUM, ft 1 DOOR WB8T OF THR BBPUBLICAN BRADlMg goOM. ☆ Flno Ready -made Clothing ; Hats and Caps, Shirts, Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, Cones, Umbrellas Cravats, Stocks, Handkerchiefs, and Fancy Articles f*r Gent lemon. W.O. Price, FASHIONABLE AND MILITARY TAYLOR, No. 147 Bay Street, SA VANNAU. Also, Superfine Cloths, osaimers and Vestings, will bo made to mea- lure.uuexception- ablein stylo and • - workmanship,' by the best mechanics, at shortest notice ik* 49*^ Orders from oity and county solicited. JOt 10 H NSTNORRTsT' ARCHITECT. slon, offers his services to bis ITIouds and the pnblio as un Architect and Superintendent. Designs fot any part of tho couutry supplied usd oxeculed in all tho various brunches or bis profes sion, such as Public Edifices, Stores, Dwellings, Monuments, &o. Thoroughly Fire Proor Stores de signed und executed. Office at present in Bay Lone, roar of tho OuBtom House. Jon 3—17 STRANGER! CJflbsSCVBfc— ,f y £ u * B°od and cheap f6*dy made or mado np to your measure; also flats, Cape, Shlrto, Collars or I)TOM Furnishing articles or any description, call and se lect from the largest and best stock Id the city, at tho Star. Emporium, 147 Bay BtreeL WM. 0. P RICE. QMOKku Tougues, raokedUucr, Pig Hams and kJ cholco Oosben Butter, recelvod per steamer Florida and for sole by 1 sngl J. D. JSSSB. JANES hi. SAVAGE, , attorney at law, thomasttui, rHoruseopinPT, oa. . All business entrusted 10 bis care will receive prompt attention. lyr— mtrl7 JAN Kb U. KOI >OkH.H. •ANNA, MOOJUS. RODGERS <St NORRIS, Date Crane k Rodgers, WHOLESALE GROCERS, BAY-KTUICBT, BAVANNAD. . Juno 1,1865, [Je i* r.A.oQMW. jin. mawlnt. a.n. wakdox. OGDEN, STARR At CO., Shipping and Commission Merchant*, HAY-STHRKT. SA VANNAU, OA. PATTEN, HUTTON At CO., FACTORS. Forwarding und Commission Merchants, Bay-streut, Savannah, Ga* 0. a. UAHHU.W. A. (1. KMUM IIAIUUSON di UtOBHBB. AUCTION, COIUUBSION, HECEIVINO AND Forwarding Merchant*. 69 AND (11 BNOAMTRUT, 00LD1UD8, (HOMlA. HOT Particular attention giveu to the aides of-Real Estate, Kogrccs uud lToduco. liberal advances made on- Negroe* and Mor ebaudize. MxrxsxNCw: KUbE, PATTEN k CO. ) GUN 11Y & DANIEL, )-Columbus. Ga STEWART, GRAY* CO. j RUSE, DAVIS k LONG, \ WM. W1UGHT, / Savaunab YOUNG. ATKINS k DUNHAM, 1 , C. A. UllEKXE k tX>., I Al*«l*cli*r»iU. U. S. SMITH, t Mobile, Alabama, out 23 ly ll. ELLIS, Factor and General Commission Merchant NO; 71 DAV-STKBfiT, 8AVANNAB, UA., Rwumto—Messrs. Clogborn ACuunlngbunt, B-i k Prentiss, Ogden. Starr k CO., Favammli; j •* Thnmpfon. Bevton. n... wn. At'bucv cuumt. jxo. cot’m wuskh COUPER At FRASER, FACTORS k GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bay street, Savannah, Ga. (myll JEFFERSON ROBERTS, GENERAL COMMISSION MJfiBGHAJrr. AND DEAlJ-J; IN Timber and Lumber. SA VANNAU, Ga. WELLS At WILLIAMS, DSALKB8IN DOMESTIC, FOREIGN AND FANCY DRY GOODS. No. 149 Congiess-st., Savannah, Ga. .. JA8. T. WFXIB, formerly of Beaufort Dial. S. THEOPH1LUS WILLIAMS, « Scrlvcu Cu.,Ga. sept 7 J. C. Kt'HK. j, fl. DXVIh. W. II. 10.VU. RISE, DAVIS At IDNG, COMMISSION MEIiCHANTS, SAVANNAH, OA. may 80 WM, H. DANIELL, ATTORNEYATLAW. BXVAVVIU. ax. Oifice over Thomas M. Turner A Co.’s Druf Store, Bay street. myj * I. LOCKMT. u p kVKTtlvn. LOCKETl- & SNELLINOi, OOMMiSBION MEKOHANi’8, AND SHIPPING AGENTS, Savannah, Ga* Will atteud to tho selling of all kinds of produce Strict attention given to receiving aud forwardini Roods. may 31 \y m Auction & Commission House, Macon.U,. A. It. UcL.AUUHL.lKi, General Agent and Auctioneer, Solicits from Ins friends consignments ot every description. Takes orders for Cotton. 49* Special attention given to tho soles ol Real Estate, Stocks and Negro proiwrty, at public and private sales. Prompt returns and dispatch. Reference—C. A. L. LAMAR. mch 8" JAB. w. (IKKK.V. II. r. SNOOT. GREEN 4b SMOOT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OCt2fl TilONXSTON, UA. JOiLN BILBO, ,Ordinary of Chatham County, AM) ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ufilce in the Court HoUbe. mylli ANl’fiGNV'KIctilJLtOlt; ATTOKNEY AT LAW, Savannah, Georgia. 49* Office ou Bay street, over Uiu Bank of Savon- nah. ma3rl3 It. F. COLE * BROTHER, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, Savannah, Ga., and Montgomery, Ala. F. T, Coin, 1 r. *. Coln, Bay street, Savannah. | Commerce st., Montg’ry. KKFKKENCIM. Holcomb, Jobusou, k Co. 1 Cohens k Herts, Lockett k bueiltugs, Euwm 1 urauna k Co., Robert A. Allen, I ticrantou, Johnston k Co SAVANNAH, UA. mylS H. L. P. KING, „ ATTORNEY.AT LAW, Corner or Buy and*. Whltukei Htreeu. SAVANNAH. fob 22 3mos A. II. WKIOHT. J T. K. BaVAGI. WRIGHT At SAVAGE, AlTUHSJiYSAT LA W, BRUNSWICK, GA. Jyl9 JONH 8. HOW BA, EXUINEMt, AKtUlTUT AM. CUKVkYOK, OOKSKIt OK DRAYIUM ASP PHYAS-XI... (Above U A. L. liuuur.) Jy6—8m ' A. McALPIN At BROTHERS, Lumber, Mill and Brick Ifards. wpt 6 UVANMAH, OA. M. WHIT SBliTH, ATTORNEY AT LA W, XLUQATOK, OAST VLOKUIA. Will practice hi the Eastern and Southern Countiee Refer to—Col. S, s. Sibley, and R. B. HUteu, Sa vannab. feb2-tf C. W. MABRV, ATTORNEY AT LAW VKAMKUN, muon 00., UA, Will attend to professional business in theCountlet of Heard, Carroll, Campbell, Coweta, Fayette, Meri wether and Troup. Reference—Hon. E. Y. Hill, LaGrange, Go.; Hoa. Dovid Irwin, Marietta, Ga.5 Colonelfi, M. TldwelL Fayetteville, On.; and Mr. William Dougherty, (£ lumbus, Ga. sepl7-ly Wm. MeALLISTER, Mar hie Monuments, Tombs and Grave Stones, fora- kibed on reasonable terms. Orders res pectfully solicited. apl8 D. A. O’BYRNE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Offleo 176, Bay-sL, over Turner & Go’s. Drug Store SAVANNAH, GA. nov 10—ly CHANB, WELLS db CO., FACTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Savannah, Ga. S* W. BAKER, ATTORNEY AND*COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Montlccllo, Jefferson County, Fla. Reference—Hon. W. B. Franco, Savannah, Ga. myll EDWARD G. WILSON. MAGISTRATE, NOTARY AND COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS. At Messrs. Ward k Owens’ law Office. [myll WAYNE, GRENVILLE At CO«,~ COMMISSIO^L^j^JwSJS^^fcKRCHANTB, Bay-street Savoinah. THOS. 8. WAYNE. C. E. GRENVILLE, R. ALEX. WAYNE, W. T. SAMPLE Jy A—tr Savannah. Chattanooga. J. W. PATTERSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, TrouiiviUe.!<nwndesConty,Ga. (mil fit. FlTZUKHAIiP. Corner of Broughton and WbltahiHti,, SAVANNAH, GA., SUCCESSOR to T. C. Blue,Mtnnfretunrsad □ Dealer In every variety of common umLIm CANDIES, kiln dried and warranted to resist effec tually tho hot damp atmosphere uf a Southern • 0- ate; also Lemon and Steawbury 8yn& ho-Terms an prfaiwlnw. • if—my ll typt^ T t LcVS^ r ' v ' k, ' W OULD respectfully give notice that Ua rooms ore now open for the season, and rea dy tor the reception or visitors. By the Anmtorm process persons may Sow hare tbelr children’s pictures taken. In almost anv posi tion they may choose, In from i to 8 aecodda sniinf. By the PHOToaKAraioproceu old Daguerreotypes can be transferred to paper, beantlTnlly colored and enlarged to Ufa. oottt