Savannah Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, August 23, 1856, Image 1

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VOL. XXXVII IOLD SERIES. Mr i K SAVANNAH, IGA.! SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 1856. NO. 12056. (Mip & JOUR NAL lATURUiT, Two O'clock, P. M. HulMt'i’liilloit Price* of SavnminU Paperx Hy common understanding, Ihii proprietors nml publisher# ol the ihruo papers Issued in Savannah, ItiiVo adopted the rollowtug uuir rm rates of sub- KoripUou, to toko ofibcl this days Dally I’aiKtr, per annum, In advance DO Trl-Weekly “ “ 4 00 Weekly, tangle copy, lu advance On Weekly, nve copies, to one address 8 00 Weekly, eight “ “ “ 10 do Weekly, lea “ “ “ ..12 00 Weekly, twenty " “ “ 20 00 When not paid within one month from the time .ifsubscrltnug tho chargo Tor the Dally will be mwii dollars, an« tbr Uie Tr l-Weekly ,/Im. Tito Wewuy will bo sont only to those who pay In advance The paper will Invariably ho dUconlluod upon %«'expiration or thotlmofor which it hat hecn paid. Tho above ratos to lake affoct from and after this date. ALEXANDER k flNKEI), Republican, H. IJ. HILTON is CO., Georgian & Journal, THOMPSON it WITH1XUTON, AVum. AtvanuaU, July 1,1850. Rbsionation.-Wo loam that tho resignation ol' Sir. J. C. Hunter aa Purser of thd U. States Navy, has been tendered aud accepted. Ur. Huntor, ns our readers know, is a c tix.en of Sa vannah, and has been absent a number of years in the uaval service. New Cotton.—Tho total receipts of this ar ticlu up to this forenoon are 105 bales, 42 of which are offered in the market fur sale ; the baluuco of 63 bales have been sold, or shipped to Northern ports. From our Correspondent. White Sulphur Springs* Virginia may proudly boast of her pictur esque valleys among her mountain ranged. The face of nature is beautiful, and every variety of outlino and color, may gratify the seeker of varied beauty in scenery; while the artist may satisfy himself on trial and tiicn declare that no where else are the elements so atundank to gratify the lover of landscape from the high est picturesque approachimr sublimity, to the hurnblo scene of rural sweetness. The Springs, all of them aro tbroiiged with the good people of tho South; but few north of Pennsylvania, and crowded os they seem, the cry is "still they come;” for we are told that tho Virginians do not visit the White Sulphur Springs untill a ' certain day in August, and that day has not arrived yet. This charming Spring is crowd ed to excess, despite its execrablo feeding, numbers of coaches are daily turned oil with exhausted ladies, and when turned away for vraut of room, they proceed to various houses in the neighborhood, undergoing a kind of •juarantino for many days, until their turn conies by tho changes coutiuuatly occurring, as removals to other nelghborhoriug Springs aro of daily occurrence. A dayattho.Whtie Sulphur may be describ ed by a walk to the Spring before breakfast, after that necessary meal that is unique of Us kind here; tho ladies crowd into the small sa loons, whero occasionally, some good playing and singing ure listened to. Visits to acquain tances morning and evening—cards left— a very neat band is seated under the oaks and plays select pieces from the masters before din ner, and tbo evening closes by gay groups walking—others may be seen ebattiug in the long piuzzas before tho cottages, and a ball or hop alternately closes the day—all euding by half past ten. The sources ofbeauty are many, and of a kind, sauio of them not to lie oonjur. cd up elsewhere. It was a rancorous rcmnrk o f John Randolph, that the only vostige of the Old Dominion was occasionally in the frag meat of aristocracy—a grey headed old negro-, tills is not just—much may bo noticed that fur cos on the imagination the realities of the 18th century, \ now see below me in the distance an old goutlemau well moulded—his complexion florid, hair snowy white, his bine eye and cheerful expression,showing virgorous health,and his doe skin Ieggiug up to the knees, showing his love of field sports and his attach ment to fashion long passed away—while to rnurk hU rank, his servaut also mounted, has also behind him saddle bags, with contrivan ces to carry any quantity of baggage. Every where society moves delightfully simple, pn! meval without tho burthen, (I was about to write the impurtcuanccs) of fashiou. Social life is made delightTul—tho formally of home is put aside and each one is somewhat raised in self approvul, (I will not say importance, for it would be unjust) by the general eflbrt on all Bides arouud you, to set the example of cor Uiality. It is really a social democracy, elms* tened by good breeding and universal nfl'ubihty, ail this is characteristic of the Old Dominion, and others who como ior health or pleasure, have to cart offpredjudices with the anuoyun^ ces that wo think ure sometimes engendered at our homes. It is within the range of what is most probable tliut, visitors will before many yeuis, increase ten fold. Wo have then from every State South of Now York und most numerous from Louisiana, aud the extreme S. W» States. Tho facilities iu progression by Ilail Road ulrca’dy, arc wonderful. The engine groaus os it drags your car up on elevetiou of eighty feet the mile, and from tho raouutuin heights you look down upou u vast panorama of miles in extent, deep, deep, below you. Furms, und buildings appearing like toys iu the per.-pective. It is due to Virginia to pay her the highest credit for her gigantic efforts (tho’ late) in currying her Railroads over the ranges of her mountains. When ull shall have been completed, I think that health, pleasure and economy, will concur in making these valleys the summer retreat of the whole Sou- them people, forming our Alps and Pyrances. and the capabilities, given by nature, may be developed to add comforts, beauties and advan tages, of which at present we have idea. At present there is every discomfort at board and bed at the White Sulphur; meals in the slinpu of u table D’Hole are provided lor Beven or eight hundred people. This could not bo done comfortably auywliere. The system is very bad; tho poor and rich, the lovers of good fare aud tho abstemious invalid, all are subject ed to the sumo law. Tbo poor man, wishing for uu humble room, and simple dinner utouo o’clock, must pay the same as the millionaire, who would like to dine nt $ and luxuriate, could lie obtain his good cheer. The slightest reflec tion would suggest that the European system must be adopted, so that ail may be suited— and that is, like in nil other things in progres sion, to have a subdivision of the labor. Let (•very kind of cottage and room bo obtained, and let the r«3torant attend solely to supplying meals at the hour aud cost suitable to the purse and taste of those who sojonrn for lieulth or pleasure. We have but few people from Georgia here in Ilian from any other Southern State. I met Governor McDonald, with a Savannah family— I doubt if .thei'e is any other. I have nothfag political lo Bay. To the credit of their good taste, no ono annoys anotherwith this theme., Nor is there'anything literary. * aw H panegyric, of apparent disinterestedness* in the LUm'ury Mecscnger of. this month, pub’ fished in Richmond, on a literary production from tho Hviunmh proas. Tito critic says lie docs unt even know the Savamiuh mithnr; und this notice brought a copy of tho work into fashionable distinction, the raiding forming for variety a morning nmusoment in u select circle. The weather at mid-day is whim. I have noticed tho thermometer ono day at tho White Sulphur as high ns Ml at 3 p* in.; lint the* evenings aro cool, nud the nights so chilly us to make a blanket uoinfuatnble. This is the anxious time for our South both in the cities regarding health and tho country for the blessings of tho Harvest; both more Important than tho squaR ble of politicians, for if lieulth ami abundance prevail, our quarrels will be shorter than when real ills sicken the spirit und inflame tho passions. Wo should huvo looked bade upon iu times to comens tho most ungrateful nation or community of any stuto that, ever existed, should wo invite the evils of life and chooso strife while wo have beeif justly boasting, that wo aro more blessed than any peoplo on earth, while other nations but re-echo this sentiment ol our prominence. Perhaps ut present everything isiu a false positiou, and selfishness, in many instances, wou!d rather inflame than liciil wouuda. 1 trust with tho election ol Uuclmmm now era will open tliut will be tho guide of public sentiment among the millions which constituto our'common country. X. Y.Z. Iowa auk— Rcpupllcun Falsehood. Tho Bliok-Rop blioaa pro is is now ong aged in puolishiug li.Kigus and fabricated returns of tho recout flection in Iowa. They Claim to have carried tho St rte by seveu thousand ma jority and to liuve chosen both members of Congress, lu the first District they claim to have elected Curtis over Hall, Democrat, by fifteen huudred majority. Now, wo liuvulltlle doubt that Hull is elected. The Dubuque North'tVest, of tho 13th lust., which contains the latest intelligence that has come to hand, says: "The returns come in slowly. Sinco Satur day we have lidard uulhiug additional, except some lew official returns from counties before reported. A rumor that Pottawatomie gives Hull filty four majority wants confirmation; It wil wc think, he uearerfivo hundred and forty when the truth is known. Hall's vote, as fur us heard from showsu gain over his majorities in 54. We think he is certainly elected/’ Wo have received a paper, published at Council Mulls, Pottawatomie County, whicli has the returns of thut precinct, iu whicli tho Democratic majority is set down at one hun dred and fifty. Tho county has undoubtedly given three or four hundred for Hall, instead of fifty-four, as repoged. Tho Mack-Repub lican boast of fifteen mmdred for Curtis is all gammon, ns will be verified by tho oflieiul re sult. On tho State ticket tho Muck-Republican majority will not exceed three thousand live huudred, in our judgment, il'it comes up to that uumber. We say Black Republican, but the truth is all of the Htate officers elect are Fillmore men, and were nomimitod by a Fill more convention, und afterwards lukeu up and voted for by the Abolitionists- The Fillmore men huvo a separate electoral ticket, and tho division of tho factious will undoubtedly give Buchanan the State in November.—Umrrmmfi Enquirer. North Carolina Flection. Tho Wilmington Journal is troubled by tho constantly accumulating Democratic majority in the Old Nortli State. Says its editor : We are puzzled by the result in this State. It bothers us. Wc have to keep chaugiug our calculations all the time. First we said, after the returns commenced coming in, that we would not compromise lbr any thing under eight thousand. Then some more returns came in, nml we thought it would come neat ten. After a while wo spoke unto ourselves aud said wo would be lunged if it did go ovjifltjn. Pro sently, as it were, we heard from till Uie coun ties but nine, und for them we made ull fair allowances for gain, and.set the thing down at 12,12(1. Now five more of tho counties have come in, leaving but four to hear from, and the majority is within 48 votes u of thirteen thou sand, allowing the comities to be heard from to go precisely as they did two years ago, but they arc certain to show considerable gaius for Bragg, so that his majority may be about thir teen thousand Uvc huudred ; hut we wish it distinctly undeistood that this is no certain calculation, fortliereis no knowing how much gaiu the counties may give. Upon the whole the mujoritmay be looked upon us quite satis factory, aud we need not squabble about a few hundred. A (Juoss Mmmn’UKsKNRATioN,— 1 Tho Repub lican party uewBpupers are grossly misrepre senting tho purticidurs of tho reeenfc.uflty bet ween MeHssrs. Granger of New York, and Mr. McMullin of Virginia. Ah a matter of, they tliroiv ull tho blame for its oueur- niuco on the latter, iu so doing they falsify the truth most shamefully. Mr. Granger commenced the raitmmloratuml- iug by using towards Mr. McMullin wholly un called tbr and grossly abusive language, and was told repeatedly by tho latter to doaist, and reminded that Ids greater ago precluded Mr. McMullin from punishing the application ot such epithets towards him personally, ns Mr. 0. wan using. Whereupon tho latter scouted tho idea that ho sought immunity for his lan guage and bcuriug behind the shield of Ids age, aud was again told and motioned to cease his unwarranted vituperation und go away. Where upon lie assaulted Mr. McMullin, nud was bud- ly pommeled for ids want ul'cnmmon sense aud his ill manuors— Wash. Star. Tun Extra Hussion.— How long will it con tinue? How long will it continue? How long will it continue? greets us ut every turn. Who can answer? Surely we cannot. Three hours will uullice to enable the House to repuir the injury done to the public interest by the fac tious conduct of the Republican party minori ty on the day bel'oro yesterday. Yet the extra session may last until tho first Monday in De cember next. It certainly will last iiuliltlio army appropriation bill shall liuve passed, stripped *of unconstitutional legislation lbr po litical ell'cct. Believing that a considerable ma jority of the House arc now satisfied of the folly of such legislation as the Republicans pro- p ised, in connection with a general appropria tion hilt, we anticipate that the extra session can hardly lust over threo days—ifraore than one, which is questionable.— Wash. Star. — v-;'? In 1855, tho city of Lexington, Ky„ the - home of Mr. Breckinridge, was carried by the Know Nothings by 11)1 majority. In 1856 nt the election they had 72 majority. - In the election held on tho 4th inst„ the Deranctatic majority was 182. 'Hons. James C. A lieu and Wm. B. Archer will again make the race for Congress in the Seventh district in Illinois, which the House of Representatives lias declared vacant. Gov ernor Muttoson certified to Allen’s eloctiou by one majority—8,251 to 8,250—but the House ousted him and declared the scat vacuut. Five of tho Whig United States Senators now in Congress, viz., Messrs. Benjamin of Louisin^pones of Tennessee, Geyer of Mis souri, and Pratt and Pearce of Maryland, have already, in the most public manner, avowed tlieir intention to support the Democratic. Pres idential candidates. Texas Election.—Tho Austin Gazette says: All the returns we reccivo eoulirm our prediction. The triumph of the Democracy iu Texus is complete. Wc have no desire to boast of our glorious victory.—Overwhelming as it is, we will say in tho words of a friend in Burnet, "We have only given a ioretnstoof what may be expected tbrhuchuuun und Breck inridge in Nov.” Let the Fremont men of the North look ut this picture and lay not the flut tering unction to their souls that Fillmore’s lit tle guerrilla baud cun divide or distract the South. Texas is awake to the great issue, from tbo Sabine to the Rio Giaule. Throughout the whole country Bucliauuii and Breckinridge cur ry every thing before tuera. Fillmore is a mere feather iu the gulp. Texas C'oionlzuUoii In Kansas. The following resolutions hnve^been adopt ed hy tho Legislature of Texas : Whereas, the question oi slavery, iu which the State of Texas is largely interested, in common with the whole South, is now being agitated in the Territory o Kansas in such u manner as to endaiu-t-r the perpetuity ot' our Union; and whereas other Southern S ate* I a • taken steps to colonize that Territory lor h B ose of counteracting the efforts of toe grunt Aid Societies of Massachusetts and ituer Northern States : Now, there fore, 1st. Be it resolved by the Legislature of the State of Texas, Tliut the sum ol'lbty thousand dollars be and the same is hereby appropria ted, out ol any public moneys in the Stae freusnry not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose of equipping aud fitting out emigrants for the Territory of Kmisus. 2d. Be it resolved, That for the purpose of carryiug out the object of this resolution the Governor is authorized, whenever a company if emigrants, uot less that sixty in number, shall be organized for the purpose of emigra ting to the Territory of Kansas, and shall have elected a captain to draw from the sum hereby appropriated a sum sufficient to defray the ex penses of such company to the Territory of Kansas, in tho cheapest manner and by the most expeditions route, and to support them after their arrival there for the space of three months; provided the sum so distributed shall lu uo case exceed twelve thousand dollars for every company of emigrants, sixty in number so emigreting to Kansas. 3d. Be it resolved, That it shall he the duty of the Governor to place the sum of money so drawn in the hands of the captaiu of said company of emigrants to be by him expended in accordance with the iutention of these reso lutions ; provided that bufoe: the Governor shull pay over tho said sum of money ho shall require of the captain of said emigrant company a bond, with two or more gtod and sufficient securities, to be nprnvcd by thv Governor, con ditioned that lie will faithfuly and honestly dislmriBO the fund so placed at his disposal, and that he will, to the best of his ability, con duct said company in the cheapest manner and hy the most expeditious routo to the Territory of Kansas. 4th. Be it resolved That should said captain bo deposed from bis command by said company of emigrants, lie will nevertheless, continue to lie tho disbursing agent for said company until their arrival to-mild Territory. 5th. Be it resolved, That these resolutions lie in force from and after their passing. An Amuahsador from the Court of Ava. —Tho King of Ava, between whoso Govern ment aud our own we believo, there have no ver existed any relations of intercourse, lias ap pointed Rev. Eugenio Kincaid, for many years a distinguished Baptist Missionary in Burmali, to visit tlicJUnited Statos for the purpose of establishing such relations. Aud by letters just received by tbo Rev Dr. Keuunru of,this city, we learn that Mr. Kincaid may bo expec ted to arrive in this countiy during the present month,—Phlda, Ledger, Vith me/. Dr. M’Lane’s CKI.WIIUWJLVBRMIKCUK ANlt 1.1 v Bit l*II.W. A slngulai combination, but very effectual, us tho billowing will «how: NifW York, November 20,1852. Knowing, front oxporlouoo, tho valuable quail- lies or.Dr. M’Laiie’s Vormirugomul 1.1 vor Pills, pre pared by Fleming Brea., Pittsburg, t have for soino time back considered it iny duty, and made ll lay bmlnowt, to make those articles known wherever 1 went among my friends. A short tlmo ago I bo- eutno acquainted with the case of a young girl, whoHoemed to bo troubled with worms and liver complaint ut tho'samo time, aud had been suffer- lug for soino two months. 1 brougli m v pc rmodem she purchased ono bottle of Dr. M'Lnno’s Vermi fuge, and ofto box of I.lvbr Pills, which she took ac cording ‘.o directions. The result was, she passed a Urge quantity of worms, and thinks that ono box more of the l’l|!f will restore her to perfect health. Her liu ve uml.residence can bo Umtied on culling K. L. Thcatq Druggist, corner of Rutger nud Monroe h treats. * __ Purchasers Wifi bo careful to ask for DR, M’LA.Nli’rf CKLKbRATip VERMIFUGE, manufac tured by linos., of Pittsburgh, Pa. All other Viruiifuges lit com pa Ison, are worthless. Dr. M’Luuc’s genuine VmmlHqre, also bis celebrated Liver Pills cuu now bo hud ut ull respectable drug stores. None feomdue without tho signature of utiglD—['•!]—D .. PUSHING UpffcS. SpYutiirali Market, Augual ‘43. ^fUs Uila fdrenuop, JJ8 bales, 5 bales old crop ut llyi, bnlejf).QW cotton at P2. " > Imports, BALTlMOR&f-SteaiUildp Freeman Ruwdou— jjtwn bushels cbm. -CL Cximru. BUENOdAYRlCrf —Burk Vesta, Hardy.—148,878 feet Lumber. NEW YORK.—Per steamship Augusta—87 bales Upluud Gotten, aa baits Sea Island Cotton, St bales Domestics, 122 boxed, Poaches, 7 baskets Peaches, 27 barrels Pouches, aud sundry packages'll iz Yellow Fever Pant} nt Brooklyn. A letter dated New York, Monday, says: There is a regular panic over at Gowa- nu3, to-day, growing out of a number of additional deaths, supposed from yellow fever. Many families have removed from tho place altogether, and many others are packing up. The Nassau Hotel was closed this morning. Gowanus is a small village situated about midmay between Brooklyn und Greenwood Cemetery, and about a mile and a half froi^ Hamilton Ferry. The disease is supposed to have been communicated by the infected vessels at anchor at Gravesend Bay, ucar by. To-day, the railroad ears have stopped running from Brooklyn, through to Go- wunus, in consequence, and the Board of Health have detailed a body of police men at the corner of Thirty-sixth street and Third Avenue, to restrict communi cation. . Some excitement exists in Williams burg also, in consequence of a number of deaths, from a disease closely resembling yellow fever, at Green Point. The doc tors pronounce it billious fever. Tho ves sels in Gravesend Bay were to have been removed to the Southwest Spit this morn ing, but owing to the difficulty of inducing men to go on board to work Rhty, at last accounts they were nearly all still at an chor. There arc no persons on hoard these vessels' except oue man to keep watch—tho sick having all been taken to tho Marine Hospital—yet such is the dread of contagion that neither sailors nor stevedores can he induced to go near them. Tho excursion bouts at Staten Island and Coney Island carry few passengers, in conseauencc of tho nearners of " Yel low Jack” to these pleasure grounds. The hotels, nt the latter, aro not paying expenses. Sharking Suicide. Wc record with much pain the follow ing melancholy case: On Tuesday morning a locomotive on tho Greenville road, on the way to the depot, enme suddenly upon a mnn lying between two cross-ties in a depression, so that he could uot he seen until the engine was almost upon him. He was seen to lay his head on the rail, but too late for tho engineer to stop the engine. His head was Bevered from his body, and fell off the track—his body was left as he sate, with his hand clenched on a cross- tie. It appears upon investigation that the individual intended suicide, and left a let ter at his boarding house stating his in- tention. His name was George Shcgog, formerly a clerk iu Columbia and ut the Greenville depot.—Columbia South Car olinian, 22d inst. Republican meeting at Philadelphia, An immense Republican meeting was held ut Philadelphia Tuesday night. Ow ing the storm, the meeting could not be hold in Independence Square, but took place in the National Hull, which was crowded to overflow. . Wm. I). Lewis, Esq., was chosen President, after which a series of resolutions were adopted affirm ing the Philadelphia platform, and holding that the election of Freemont was necessary to the maintenance of tho Union and the peace of .the country. Also, applauding the course of the majority of the House of Representatives on the army bill. Hon Mr. Coflamer, of Vermont, Trum bull of Illinois, and “Niagara” Burlingame, of Mass., wore among the speakers. Dur ing tho evening a glee club sai.g the Star Spangled Banner and other songs. There was immense enthusiasm manifested by the audieuco, and tho speakers were re peatedly interrupted by cheers and ap plause. Every part of the spacious hall wns crowded. F ob bam:—a lot o uuglS lino Indian Poaches. A. BONAUD. riSIDES AND HAMS—30 lihds Clear Sides O 20 tierces choice Hums, landliiRaud lor sale by nnglfi HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO. V INEGAR, FLOUR, ko-—25 bbla Cider Vlmgnr 20 bbls White Wlno Vinegar 50 baskets quarts nud pints Wlno 100 lmxes nsnrtcd qualities Roy’s l<oinon Syrup 25 casks Hlbberl’rf Pint Porter 25 do Jeffrey’s Ambro Alo, pints; landing and Cor sale by aURtft HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON & CO . B ISCUITS.—100 bbls Butter, Sugar, and Soda Biscuit, 20 do Pilot Broad, 10 bbD Princeton k Fox’s Crackers, 30 boxes Milk nml Sodr Biscuit, in store uml for wilo by niiK Id. WEBSTER k PALMES, P OTASH—10 cases Kootitled Potash, lu tin cans forlhmily use; 10casks Potash,Just received and for sale by JyJl RODGERS, NORRIS k CO, F IOR SALE—10 shares Gas Company Slock, by au|B 3ARKMAN At BULLOCH. Cuinntirriol IkkUtgeiiav COLUMBIA, All22.—Cotton.—Tboie was uo cutiou ou aalu j'caterduy, cuuaoqueutly wo have no transactions to if port, nor have wo uuy change to nuticcintho rnutkot. WILMINGTON,- Aug, 21.—Tt’RmnxK*—There has becu quite a Get;. v ,a iu Virginia uml Yu.l>w Dip, since our last ru^t; we nine sales of 2,L4i bb.s. ih$2.8u u 16 j»»>r obi. lor Virgin uud Yellow Dip, imd$l.ui)a$l.lQ# for Hard—lust sales ut lowest figures. {■Mims.—281 bbls. spirits Turpeupuo sold ut SO a 57 J, cents per gull ui; tciug a dtcliuool'J cts, per gUilUU. < liusix.—000 bbls. No. 1 Kosiu sold ul $2.75 u $0 per bid usiu quality, uud 41fi bbls. No. 2 do. sold nt$1.25 pur bbi. Tab —No sales. NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 18.—Cotton .—With only a limited inquiry uud light sunk, the sales were con- tinea to 125 bmes No change in prices. UVKIU'OOL CLASSIFICATION. Inferior 0#08 I Middling.... 10#®U>X Ordinary I GoodMld’llngllJi©— Good uni.... d j Mld’g Fair.. .12 fd)— Good Mid lwailtJi | Fuir nominal. STATKAlKN'f OK COTTON. Stock ou baud 1st September, 1866 bulcs 38,216 Arrived since -....1,750,442 Arrived today 45 Total 1,707,702 Exported to date 1,785,722 Exported to-day OUO Oilierenco lu the uggruguto ain't of bales burned, shipped to the West aud short cleared, uud the amount of short i e- ceipis aud made from samples, &c 2,572—1,788,204 Stock ou baud uud ou shipboard not clour- ed ai p^r actual count by (ho Price Cur- rout... 0.408 The receipts included 20 bales new crop, making the entire amount, up to to-day, 68 bales. .Sugar and Mouhsks — Small rales nt previous rules. i’liiix.—Mc.'S couiiimcd to retail at $20 26 a 20 60, tho sales including ono lot of 60 bbls. at $20 60. IJacon.—Sales ti5 casks Clear aides, In two lots, at lUJic. Retailing at previous rates. Lakh.—Sales v05 tlercos Prime ut I2jfc. and on Saturday 200 at the same. Fubiuum,—Nothing transpired. Colton to Liver, pool ?*d. ExuUASfltH—Demand moderate. Lobdou 0Ji u0 /« per cet prom lads 6.12a a610)i New York (sixty Day Bills I alM per cetitiila Sight Chunks................ Jf per cent p. *m Imping intelligence. Port of Snvaiinak August 43 ’Arrived* Steamship Florida, Woodbull, New York, PaUcL rord, Fuy At Co. Steamer Darlington, Brock, Pulatka, Clugborn & Cuuuiughatu. Stuaraer Eliza Kcoblor, Paraclmcla, UCRaysov. Steamship i-recuiau liawdon, Green, Baltimore, Brigham, Killy it Co. Cleared. BarkVosta, Hard, Monlaveldaor Buenors Ayres, Brigham, Kelly k Co. Dopurtcd, Steamer We!aka King, Palatka. Coiudgnces. Per Kleani hip Fri email Riwdon, from Baltimore —U N Aldrich, Youim k Wyatt, Wm P Young, Webster k Palmes gt Central K R, T 6 Wayne & Sons, M A Cohen, Agtlrou Co, Brigham, Kelly k Co, Patten, Hutton & Co, Rodgers, NuirL 4k Co. Ruse, t-avU i: Long, Chuffar &Lo, T tsWuy .« k ‘■ons Clurghurn & Cunningham, Look ti it. nul lings. Williams a ltuuliffc, Jos A Barron, \\ Greenvi.le . Co, Wm Duncan, S I’amior it cou, Minis k Johnston, J P Culiius. F Cliumpion it Co, ;> M LcIHtenu, TM Turner a Co, W D Lthiidgo. W King A; Suns, Cranu, Wells it Co, A SHaitri go,W H B irroughs, C While, Johu Fin aysou, G Bank tna'i, A Haywood, M Molina, J B Ripley, Hudson, it Co, TUonit Muckny, Rub m it mdLIi, McMuIpiii it Ll y e, J H Uushlur, LMullet & Co, Lynn k Snider, Konuui.y it beach, Gilbert k Tilduu, erngor it Wado, .1 E UoFord, W GDlckoou, Waver it t'otutuntinu, E O’Byruc. Per steumer Darlington, from Palatka itc —S M Myro 1, A F Mlus, Foote it Jaudon, Glaghoru it Cuu- uiugkuiH, Boston & Villalouga, Fiustelu it Kekman, McKee it Bennett, E Parsons & Co, Kiug itt Waring, Ghaever it Co, Hone JtCouuery, C Eppiug. Per steamer Eliza Keeblor, liom I'aruchucla.— 30 bales new cotton, E 0 Wade, J Ricbardsone. Passengers* Per .steamer Darlington, from Palatka, Ac.—J C Richards, s J Keimrd, J J Snider, MiS3 ifargarct O'Btleu, w Winter, 0 S Wilson, Mr Baker and lady, J M Wure, James Jolco, Jus Gowau, Jj H Pottle, Mr Fawcett, A Coleman, H H Kendrick, J R Ricbnrds,C Oxeuloua, H Kuhrd, AE F Heels, A Abrahms, Bryaut George, and 8 deck. Per steamship Augufa, for New York—John Ingcrsoll, Mrs Rosenburg and Infant, Mrs F Fliber, Mrs B Hassock, Miss C Green, Mrs Blumlnswmg, Noliou Tift, Peter Jacobs, S D Floyd, A McConkey, C G Rico, G S Wilson, E Baun. J bhlpp, J P Coldns, Juo Hasting, L T Riggs, Michael Lavio, Caihriuo McGlone.Mrs Gurmauy, G WGarmsny, Mrslar- combe, child and servant. MrsEA champion, W H Elliott, Rev S French. W W Carter, G B Hayden, Quin L Howard, C Appel, W P Ellis, Isaac M Rosen- wnld, T McKenna, A B Davis, D W Drosser, Jas New Jan A Barron, EFitzgoraid, and 15 steerage. M' aug 28 NOTICE. R, DAVID ROSENBLATT Is ray lawful Agent, during my absence from tills city. lw FANNY SILBER. “VTEW GOSHEN CHEESE k IlLTi’EII.- Xi 20 boxeit Choice Now Ooalion Cii to kegs do do dn L'Pior. 20 tubs do do do do, lauding por Hteamor, and for sale by aug 20 BORANTuN, J< illNHTON N Co D omestic liquors-. 150 bbls l’iko’s Mtgnolla Whiskey, 60 lima do, tuOdoMnnong, Whiskey, msnrtnd brands, 6 do Old Bourboii Whiskey, 100 do E. Phfilp’s Gin, 60 do P k il Conn. Rivor Rvo Gin, 20 do Brandy, 20 quur casks Twigg Hoop 1st and 4tli proof Brandy, 20 eighth do dO do do do do, 16 qtiur do Malaga Wino, for sale by aug 10 WEBSTER ,t PALMES. IANCY LIQUORS.— * fi'J bexo.i (Bug r mid Blackberry Brandy, 4 cases Ginger Wino, 40 cases (.turret, 6 do assorted Liquors, iu store uud lbr said F aug 10 WEBSTER k PALMES. PATENT ICE JffiUHERS. J UST racolved, ONLY tl^Hrodays from Bal- tlmoro by the now HdJffiPriip Line. Tim nu merous enquirois will be glud to learn that they huvo finally urrlved. „ .. . , KENNEDY k BEACH, Houso-furtiDhiug Storo, Hodgsou’s New |j|.,ck, aug 4 __ B ACON.—35casks Bacon Sides for sale, tour rive per brig Zorvaster, liy aug 2 LOGKhlT i: hNK LINGS. coWee, sugar die. 0.11 DA--8 |rime Bio Coffee 2SUU loo "Fuir “ 60 «lo Old Government Java do. 60 do Prime Laxity iu ilo 10 Hilda. Choice 8t. Croix Bugur. ro do do New Orleans do. 15 do do J*. R, do. 2o }a Cheats Fine lly-nn Tea 20 y % do do Biaok lbs Papers 60 Caudles, 12 lbs e.i.-n. Fine Hyson Tea. 60 Uo 0 lbs each, do do do 50 do Odo do do Black do In store and for sale oy SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k Co. aug u REFINED AND C LA HI FI ED SUGAttS. Xt \ Bbls Stuart’s A. G-udieJ bugur. OU So “ A. Clarified do. 60 " “ B do do. 60 " " G. do do- Just received and for sate by aug 6 SCltATON JOHNSTON k CO. -20 bbls and 60 kegs No L ard and candles 1 Leaf Lard 75 boxes Adatnaotiuo Caudles, slur brand 100 do UeudulPs Tallow do, just received aud for sale by JylO SOUANI'ON, JOHNSTON k 00. UGAIt, SOAP, SODA, SYRUP AND STARCH— 160 bbls .Stuart’s A, 11 and C Sugar 75 du Crushed uud Pulverised Sugar 160 boxes ColguBPs uud Deadell’s Snap 176 do Pule do No 1 do Castile do Toilet do Sub Ouh Soda " ‘ .to S 100 do 100 do 150 do 100 do 50 kegs Washing 76 bbls Syrup 100 boxes IiCtnon Syrup 200 Uo Oswego, oigato’a A Beudcll's Slarr.h. landing uud in store tor sale by aug 17 MeMAHON k DOYLE. Li IDES <K SHOULDERS—50 lihds Priiiios Bacon IO Sides, 80 hints Prime Bacon Shoulders, Just received and for sale by aug 6 _ SCRANTON, JOHNbTQN k CO. B EADELIJSTALLOW CANDLES—76 boxes ti kS Beadell’aTallow Candles, in store and for Bale by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. aug 6 S’ UGAR, STARCH, SOAP AND HiDA- ltiO bids A, B mol U Sugar 60 do Crushed nnd Pulverized Sugar 150 boxes Starch 260 do Pole, No 1 mid Family Soap 25 kegs Washing Soda, 60 boxes Garden do, landing and In store and for salo by MeMAHON k DOYLE, uug7 205 and 207 Bay street. B acon, biscuit, bread, brooms, brushes, &o.—25 hints Bacon, Shoulders and Shies 26 Uo Ribbed do 60 bbls soda, sugar and butter bUcull 10 do pilot bread lUO dozen hrooms 100 do shoe, stove uud scrubbing brushes 60 do b irrel envors 100 do bucket 1 ., lauding and lu stare for sale by MeMAHON k IlOYKE, aug17 105 and 107 Bay street. C LEAR BACON SIDES—A very choice article iu lots lo suit purchasers, for sale by nugltJ^ CRANE, WELLS k CO. S UGAR.—20 bbls Stuart’s Powdered Sugar 25 do dn Crushed do, lauding und for salo hy imgl4 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. )ILt)T llREAD.—25 bbliTreu.lweiPis i Hot ureuu, . landiug and for salo by nug!4 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON & CO. C RACKERS.—OU bbls hand tuuiie atigar Cracker 25 do soda do 25 do Butter do lauding and for salo by aug!4 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. B UTTER.—20 tubs choice uo»hen Butter, muding per steamer and for sale by aug!4 SCRANTO.n, JOHNSTON k CO. B UCKETS AND ItRuUMS— 60 dozuou 8 hoop Painted Buckets 26 do 2 do do do 25 d Brooms, landing and for salo hy aug!4 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. CM JAP, STARCH AND CANDLE* i O 300 boxes Colgate’s Family, Pule and No] Sou, 75 do Bead ell’s mid Smith’s Family cl* Jib do and half uo Starch 260 do Tallow, Adumantino uud Sperm Cun dlo, in storo and for sale hy nug!6 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON A CO. O NIONS.—IU bbls of Now onlous per etcamu Florida, received and ior tale by a gti J D. .IE-8E. J ~ US.' RECEIVED-White Briiliaiiies Check A ul* is. inks und Cuiubrics Lu hes’ black .'ilk G.oves Water Twist Long Cloth, Patent Leather Belts Huckubuk Toweiiog, «<;. Fur .*uio by auu7 DkVVITI a: ModGAX. L aud and ugriunus— 20 bbis Prime While Leal Lard; 50 boxes Prime Herrings. Lauding and for sule hy mayl6 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON k CO. F OR SATE ON THE WHARF—Landing this da. Irora sclir J A Rich : 146 bbls City Rectified Molasses VOO coils choice KontuuKr Rope nugl-t LOCKUTT v «NEL1.IV(W. W ill a. i—.u u !• ..t*w Or.uuus iwctniud, u. storo uud for ra o by aug 14 8C1UN10N, JOHNSTON k CO. B KANDY.—26 ft and 16 % cn^ks iwig hoop 4th proof Brauuy, m store and tor si le Uv _ uugld hCRANION, JOHN&Ti -N ti CO. t sTARCH.—50 boxes Oswego Pearl Starch 5 50 do Rea.lelPs do do, lauding aud for sale by aug14 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON .t CO. M P OTATOES.—400 barrels superior Planting Patotocs; 50 do Western Reds - and 50 do Peach Blows, for sale by mar8 BRIGHAM, KELLY A CP. 7 ARNS AND OSNABURGS—1 bom&ston Factory L Xarns and Osnahergs, for sale by Jy25 CRANE, WELLS k CO. ATCHE& Ac.—100 gross Matches In woou _ boxes, 160 boxes Mustard 200 boxes Adamantine, Hydraulic and Sperm Candles, received and for Buie by JylT McMAIION & DOYLE. LOTS. “ F OU SALE.—A fine lot in Wesley Ward.— Also two nu Gordou street, oast. For sale low FoeBimple. Aoplyto A. WILBUR, GotPI Insurance Agent and Broker. - ina y 111 Bay streot. COME ALO AG MVl I HAVE just received, por steamer Freeman Raw- don from Baltimore, another lot of MILLER & BROWNS VV ELCO M H A M S. Also, 6,000 lb3. or Baltimore City Cured Bacon, 25 bbls Sugars, assorted—Crushed, Powdered and Clarified; No. I A 2 Light Urowu Colfeo Su gars, &c., Ac- —ALSO— Pig Pork and White Uenu3,G. Hawo’s Fulton Mar ket Beef in cliolco pieces. Por steamer from New York, Choice Table But* ter and Chccso. All to bo found nt BARRON’S, Family Crocery, Corner or Whitaker A Churtoa streets.- aug 5 C HAMPAGNE CIDER—20 cases John J Mix’s cel ebrated Champagno Cider, a choice article, now In store and for salo by atigl J. D. JESSE. R AY—200 bales Hay, fn Btoro and for salo by jy25 CRANE,‘WELLS k CO. P RESERVING PEACIIF8—Just received a choice lot, suitable for preserving, nud for sale by jy 31 J. 1). JKBSEB. C ANDI.ES.—60 hoxos BeadelPs O’a Tallow Can dles, 80 do do 8’a do do, landing and for solo by jy8 SCRANTON, JOHN&TON k CO. B ACON—lOcasks primp Shoulders, just rccelv ed aud for sale hy Jy24 YONGE k FRIERSON, 49 Buy st. TTATS.—100 dozen Plantation Hats, in store and ,n_ for sale by Jy8 J. M. FYRE,142Bayst. iqu (Tks a Nfi’D alxjn— 250 bbls Whisky, various brands 100 do New England Rum 76 do and y t casks Brandy 50 do PAH Gin 25 lihds Bacon, Sid03 and Shonldors, receiv ed and for salo by MeMAHON A DOYLE, Jy2fl 205 aud 207 Bay street ’ ARD—16 bbls and 26 kegs Lea l Lard I 5 kegs extra SmithUeld Lard, for sale by *— WEBSTER k PALMS. .1. Ilf. RYIUS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, uiig20 No. 14J4 Bay-sti, Savannah. “PHILIP m7 liu IMBlih, .TV8TI0S OF THE PEACE, NOTARY • 0NVKVA*CFK, ACCOUNTANT ANl COP11ST. Will exenlo Deoils, Mortgages, Tower of Attorney. Wills, Bunds, Notices uud Taking ol Iuturrogutorles. 0111 cu at the Court House, Savannah, Gu. CHart Days, Third Tuosduy iu euuh mouth, auu he id ut the ofiluu of Edwin d Wilou, Esq. Rasiiluuco, Guston, between Baruurd and Tattnal street. Any call at night, on business, will bo uttondci- toImmediately. * jy2b . WM. M. wVujAMsT'”*TliAni)KUH OUVKK. JACK BROWN WILLIAMS, OLIVER dk BROWN, ATTORNEYS) AT LAW, Buena Vista, Marlou County, Ga., Will iiractlce iu the counties of Marlon, Macon, Hous ton,Stewart, Buudolpb, Muscogee, Iajo, aud anj udjoluing counties, where their services muy hi roquired. my 11 WILLIAM PHILLIPS. ATTOUNEY AT LAW, UA1UKTTA, OA. out 26—ly DAVID WILDS, ATTOUNEY AT LAW, SPARTA, UA. Will pructiuo in Urn uounttes of Hauceok, Warren Wasliingiou, and Baldwin. Rkvkkk\(:r j —Bohn ii Foster, Kabun k Fmttb, am E. A. Soullard. riavauuali. Jiuit) Ai’HJKNEY AND COUNcKUAiR AT LAW. •idIce corner of Bay uu*i i Tayton-Bts. SAVANNAH, OA. my ll J iBNmrWTLLEl MS, A T TOU NEVA T L A W, No. 8, Drayrou riiroet, Suvauuah, (Jemgla. muy ft—ly 1>R. C.ftAtU.lfiS H. COLD1NG, UFFJCE AND RF.^lDENCIv. No. 14 LIBERTY ST One door west of Drayton, myl WM. C. Ci.NiYIdLLY, A T T 0 R N r. 1 A T 1. A W , iVABKLU, WuKrU COL’.VTV, A. (J'OKI OKIICU, ALU AX Y.) Will practise iu the c«miui fi (. ircait,aud iu Macon, .woly aud Worth t'oimtius oMhe Mucioui.lrciilt. 0“ Purtiuular atmuliou given to the collection ol claims lu {South-Western joz—tim E.CUMmNG, A T T 0 It A v* 1 a i I. A W , l'ebl-ly iKwi.NTux. ua. ' LANilll it ANDERSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ttpG-ly MAOOX, CA. \V lLIilA Ullir DASIIEU, ATTOUNEY AND UOi'NtiKLLOU AT l.AW, Trmipville, Lowndes County, Ga. Will practice in Thomas, liowndes, Clinch, Ware, Appling, Telfair, Irwin, I.aumid, and Pulaski counties, Georgia; and m Jefferson, Madison, Ham llton, and Coluiuhiucoimties, Florida. [myll MILLER <te ROLL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BltUN.SWlCK, GA. Will practice iu tim B. uuswick Circuit—compris- iug the following Counties : Glynn, Wuyue, Cumdou, Warn, Apppliug, Clinch, Coffee und Charlton. JOHN D. MU.l.KR, L. C. ROLL, aug 3 ly A. TRUMAN & CO„ A net Ion uud Co ml illusion Merchants, ill) Bryan Street, savannah, gluugia. \. Thomas. [jo 12] y. b. Paruuk. W.H. F 'lUtELL, DEALER IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES und Foreign nnd Dunustlc Fruit, corner Broughton and Wliitaker-sU. fowu uud cotuury supplied with choice goods at moduruto prices. All orders promptly uttouded lo, and satisliicUou always guaranteed. epl8 JOHN G. FALL 1(4ANT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN WINDOW BLINDS, WINDOW SASH AND PANE DOORS. West sklo Monument Square, Savannah, Ga. inayll JOHN O. BOOTH, ~ CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Will also give his atluutlon todcaigus In Architec ture. Olllco in the alore of John Williamson, Eaq., day hiroet. mylfi chaffer di co., No. 0 Whitaker Street, Siix'aunnh, Ga., WliUI^ALK AND IICTAIL DEALKKS IN wlASUi-a, Blinds, Doors, ilouldings, &o. White U U*ad,Ziuo, Whito Liusoed, Npunn, Whale, Tun. .icrs’und NoatstootOlls, Glass. Brushes. Gold ixuif, iroiizo, Builders’ Hardware. Nails, Murulo Muntds, kc., ko. Jc4 JOHNM.MILLKlST ATTORNEY AT LAW, Oillco corner Bay aud Draytou streets _ jy I# A. H. CHAMPION. (Successor to Champion & Watts.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, No. 4 Barnard st., botweuu tho Market und Bay st., SAVANNAU, OA. Dealer iu Groceries, Foreign und Domestic Liquors, Dried Fruits, kc,, kc. Reference—A. Champion, Esq., Samuel Solomons. Esq., Messrs. Rabun k Whitehead, aud Swltt A Co., Savaunah, Ga. myll JOHN R. COCHRANE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dublin, Laurens county, Ga,, late junior partner ot tho firm of A. & J. Cochkanb, irwiutou, Gu., will attend promptly to ull business entrusted to hit- care. Particular attention paid to collecting. Ro ference—Dr. C. B. Gnytou, F. H. Rowe, Dubliu, Ga.. M Mar-di, Mavannah.myll YONGE di FRIERSON, FORWARDING and COMMl&MUN MERCHANT*. NO. t»4 1IAY-8TKKCT. SAVANNAU, OA. a)ir4 P. JACOBS, H EG Alt AND TOBACCO STORE. ,<i. 2b, Bull street, (sign of the Big lufiiati.) N, B.—Keupn constuntlj ou baud apuundi, Hh>< •’tuisli, and American Fugurs, ui wholerale uud re- i. Also, i hewing fidmcco. Minlt. ,Ve. jinn* 1 JABILs McitKNHV, a.suruucu Broker aud jS'otar) Public. d.ume i'role.L, Nolen and 1 iteu*.**... avuiug* qnsted, Charier Parties attd A . l.-<ndr druwnt ,pera projHirod where!... • cuvei .u.-res ir»»n .uerieun or British Uudcu wniers, aim .lUoutinl veil to all mutters connected w lit shipping nud li.- rauco, No. lib Bay-street nqs^iu* the trout •*• io Custom House. Ij uov 8 JESSETTBE RN ARD, ATTUKNEY AND COl.N^LLl.Oli AT LAW, Ncwnauoviile, Fla. ieierenee—George . Lrowu. William Dell, New- nansvihe, Fla., A. H. Hiliou, Boston <X Villulougn, .Nivunuah. tin. myll CIA AS. U.s U1PUELL ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' MILLEWJKV1UJ4. OA.' Practices Ijlw iu the various Counties of the Go nulgeu Circuit, uud iho adjoining Counties of Twiggs. .uiiruUn uud Washmglou. Refer to—John Boston, H. A. Craue, and R. B tilton. tool4 GEORGE A. GORDON, VTTORNKY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AND Commissioner of the U. S. Court of Claims foi the State of Georgia. Olllce Corner Bay aud Bull streets. 1> my 10 ☆ OIsOTaiN'G'jT EMPORIUM, ft l DUUK WEST OF'THEKKI’UBLICANBEADING ROOM. Flue Reudy-made W.O. Price, fashionabij: AND MILIIABY TAYLOR, No. I4Y Bay Street, SA VANS AH. tor Orders from city and county solicited 5OHFsV NORRIS] ARCHITECT. OUithlng; Huts aud ca;)S, rihirts, Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, Ganes, Umbrollas Uravuts, Stocks, Handkerchiela, and F'aucy Articles Tor Gentlemen. Also, Superfine Cloths, aHsimert aud Vestings, will be mude to mea sure, unexception able In style and - workmanship,’ by the best mechanics, at shortest notice slou, offors his services to bis friends und thf public as an Architect and Superintendent. Designs fot any part of tho country supplied and executed iu all tho various branches of his profes sion, Huch as Public Edifices, Stores, Dwolllnga, Monumeuts, iw. Thoroughly Fire Proof Btoros de signed and oxecuted. OUlce at present In Bay Line, tear of the Custom House. Jan 3—ly STRANGER] If you want a good and cheap Jyit VI *tauj uuHio ur uwuu up w measure; uiso Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars or Drees Furnishing articles of any description, call and se lect from the largest and best stock In the city, at the Star Kmix.rlura, 147 Bay street. WM. O. PRICE. MUK.C.U lougues, mokcdBeci, Pig hams "anil choice Opahen Butter, received per steamer Florida and for sale by Mg7 J. D* II. J. D A V ANT, JA, FACTOR AND OOMMI88ION MERC ANT, No. 07 Bay Street, Jy 30 Bavsnnah.Qt ATTORNEY AT LAW, TilOMASVIUJC, H10MAB COUNTY, OA. Ail business entrusted to hls care will . ■rompl attention. Iyr—marl 7 1AMKS 0. Rul/QKkrt, .ABM A, VOMUS. RODGERS At NORRIS, . flate Crane & Rodgera, WHOLESALE GROWERS, bav-strkbt, savannah. Juno 1, 1866, [je *' J. °GI>W* * ' B. H. IfAWHX . OGDEN, STARR 4t CO h Shipping and Oommission Mercliants, BAV-HTKEST. 8A VANN AH. QA. PATTEN, HU’Pl'ON di GO., FACTORS. Forwarding and Oommission Merchants, Bayratreet, Savannah, Ga. 0. H. iUKKISON. A. 0. KOOSURB HARRISON di McGBHEE, AUCTION, COMMISSION, RECEIVING AND i'orwnrdins Blcrcliunls. )9 AND til DU0AD-8TREET, COLUMBL’8, GkOHUIA. 49* Piu tlciilar attention given to the sales of Beal kittle, Negroes audl’roduco. 9Jg~ Uberal advances made on Negroes ami Mer bandisc. RKrKKKXfw*: RUSK, PATTEN k CO. | „ Gl NBV &DAN1F1L, >Cohimbux. Ga s‘iKWARl.GKAV &UU.J 'III SI. llAYlj. «. II.Vl/l Bavanuab *3ir.nrtxii,UAiil (KUU. J • RLSF-, DA Vic & LONG, l , WM. WRIGHT, j YOUNG, ATKINS & DUNB iwuou, iliiVlAS & Hl-NUAM, > , , . C. A. GltFJiNF. k GO., f A|«»la«liic*»*t: II. S. SMITH, y Mobile, Alubaina. i«:l 23 i y 11. ELLIS, /uclor and LStuarai Commiasion Merchant* no; 71 OAV-STKEkT, SAVANNAU, UA., RRF’Kjt*** Ttf—ilohbrs. Uuglioru ACnnulugbam, Belt v Prentbv, Ogdeu. StArr k Co,, Savannah ; J. I' hompvnn Roftnn. . At UUY CUUPKK. 4X0. COUPU FKAMKK. COUPER di FRASER, FACTORS k GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bay street, Savannah, Ga. [myll JEFFERSON ROBERTS, GENERAL 00A1 MISSION MJtliCHAN T, AND UKALUi IN Timber and Lumber. . SAVANNAH, Gu. WNLLs & WILLIAMS, DEALEK8 IN DOMESTtlO, FOREIGN AND FANC) DliY GOODS. No. 149 Congress-st., Savannah, Ga. JAS. T. WEIJaj, formerly of Beaufort Dish S. c lHEOl'lllLUiS WlLUAMh, “ Scriven Co.,Ga sept 7 ’7' "‘“'RUSK, DAVIS & 1A)KG, COMMlSiSJO]y: MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GA. may 80 /. o. ucss. WM. 8. DANIELL. “ " ATTORNEY AT LAW. SAVANNAH. OA. Oillco over Thomas M. Turner A Co.’s Dr Store, Bay street. W y- R. LOCRATr. ~ u i. hvmiui LOCKK1T 6i SNKLLIA'GS, COMMISSION MEROHAN^S. AND SHIPPING AGENTF, tun, .. . .. . . Savannah, Ga. Will attend to the selling of all kiuds of urodu strict attention given to receiving aud forwardl •foods. may 81 i y Auction & Uommig8ion House, Macon. ( a. r. McLaughlin, General Agent and Auctionee Solicits ivorn hia friends consi|nmenta ol ev description. Takes orders lor Cotton. AS' Special attention given to tho sales ot F Estate, {Stocks and Negro property, at public private sales. Prompt returns and dispatch. Reference—C, A. L. LAilAK, mob * jas, w, UHOS. H, *, MMlMM GREEN * SMOOT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OOt2fl THOMAiffQN, OA. JOHN iflLBO. Ordlunry of ChufJinm County. ANU illOHSEV AT LAW. OfllcB In the CourtHuuBe, my,; anI'honV ttvOiLfloB; ATTORNEY AT LAW, Savannah, aeorgla. **■ Once ou Buy alre.1, over Uie Bank ofBuvi nuL. nayii lt."F. IDLE * BROTHER, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION CHANTS, Savannah, Ga., and Montgomery, Ala. F. T. LOLK, | R.F. COLE, Bay street, Bavauuab. | a>mmorce st., Momg' „ , - KEnCHENCKB. Holcomb, Johuson, k Co. I Cohens k Herts, Lockett A BuolJings, I Edwin Parsuns k Co., Robert A. Allen, | sscrouton, Johnston k SAVANNAH, GA. myl H. L. P. KINgT ATTORNEY AT LAW, Corner of Buy anti. W Strei SAVANNAH. fob 22 8mt A. K. WRIUIIT. J P. K ravage WRIGHT d. BAVAGK, AMl/AAAJWAI AAW-, . BRUNSWICK, GA. JylB JONH S. BOWK A, ENGINEFJt, AKcHTTEtT AND SURVEYOR. CORNER UK DRAYTON AND DKYAN-HTU., , (Above G A. L. IJUUar.) Jytt—8 m 1 A. MeALPIN A BROTHKHS; Lumber, Mill aud Brick lards.' 5 SAVANNAH, UA. M. WHIT HM1TH7 ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, AJJjUAIUK, turn kujhum. Will pracuce m tbo Eastern uuo ouutbern t ouuties Refer u>—Col. H. B. Sibley, and R. ti, Uuton, 2ni vannali. toti-Au C. W. MAliiiV, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW KKANKUN, HEARD CO,, (JA. Will attend to professional busiueHs m the Counties ul heard, Carroll, Cumpbeil, Coweta, Fayette, Ifori- wether aud Troup. Kolereuco—Hou. L. Y. Hill, LaUrungo, Ga.; Hon, • avid li win, Marietta. Ga.: Colonel M. M. TidwiJJ. •• ayetloviUe, Ga.; and Mr. William Dougbem.»o- umbus, Ga. supri-ly Wm. McAllister. NEW MAKULE YAHD, Opposite Laurel Grove Lenieitry, Suv'h, Ga. Marble Monuments, 'ioniba anu Grave btoncs, turn- hbed on reasonable terms. Orders res- pocu inly solicited. ap!8 . D. A. O'BYllNE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Oillco 176, Bay-st., over Turner k Co’s. Drug More SAVANNAH,GA. nov 10—ly CRANE, WELLS A CO., FACTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Savannah, Ga. ’ S. W. BAKER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAI Mouticcllo, Jefferson County, Fla. Reference—Hon. W. B. Fluung, Savanna] EDWARD G. WILSON. MAGISTRATE, NOTARY AND COMMISSIO OF DEEDS. At Messrs. Ward k Owens' Law Olllce. WAYNE, GRENVILLE di CO OOMMIS8IO^A^)^Fo3\vSJM?feERCH Bay-street Savonnah. THOS. 8. WAYNE. f. K. GRENVILI R. ALEX. WAYNE, Jy 6—tf Savannah. W. T. SAMPLE, Chattan J. W. PATTERSON. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Troupville, Lowndes Conty,Qa. (mu ALII. Corner of Broughton and Whltaker-Sts.. SAVANNAH, OA., SUCCESSOR to T. 0. Rice,Manafactarorand Dealer in every variety of common and fine CANDIES, kiln dried and warranted to resist effec- tually the hot damp atmosphere of a 8outhcrn t ll- ate;also Lemon aud Strawhury Syrup, Ac. Terms sn. prices Inw. If—my 11 CARY’S DAGUKRKOTYPE types and 1 P. M. OAR? W OULD respectfully give notioe that hls rooms sre now open for the season, and rea dy tor the reception of visitors. - lL By thei Ansiurnrrs process persons may now have rsffiasssiSf.'aKjg