Savannah Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, August 30, 1856, Image 2

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if the ditjf md County
B. ■. HIltOM, ‘ - Ml"
e. P. IIAXU.TON, - AMHUnl EdUor
meot, bat gin the extract entire:
Co/. TOm’ Company hildm PrinntnHtti 1 ..
" os MmanriMA.-
I'l-l't! 0
i, of Chatham.
ALTnHinam Tin araw a'miahoe.
t ,wnt6tlT;MPibs;d: ,
District, Thoha» M. Posksan, of Glyun
District, SAsrtl HAtt,, 'of Mobdn.'--
3d. District, James N. Bamsat, of Hart-la.
4tk. District, U'OiusJ.'OABTKELL, of Fulton
5th. District, JontfW.^wris.ef.'Cnsi
6th. DUtwt. James- Pv Bimmons , of Gwinnett
Tth. District,,Tqih(*9 F. Sf^Wi-p, of Morgan
8th' District, Titos. W, Thomas,, of Elbert,
4 A 8TATBSTtIOHTSMAffl-Ktama Bud
nni nmn nn ikt admnion of Mamas,
in ri
nous tahu.nminatm. for. ihe..Via Prcndti
—■ Qt IJSIUIWI J gji.
*»• A ...
. r
try,—An express h»s Jus( srrtycd hero, bring
ing intelligence thet Lccomptonbubceu taken
by Lane’s UyrmWon's, end that our friends an
at tlielr mercy. Tbe attack was made .this
morning about the dawu of dag. Our friends
resisted as long as they could, but were dually
orerpowered by lanes men, who numbered
800—all armed to tbo teeth. „
They attacked thb guard Of tbe U. 8. troops,
who lud in charge Robinson and the other prl-.j
oners, who surrendered, not tiring a mm,and
are now In the liands ; or Lane's men. It Is tin-
possible to state in a letter all tbe outrages
committed hy.these marauders.
The following dispatch,- addressed to Coll
Payuo, of-tho 6th. reglm»nr,'‘tellA asadaad
dreadlul tale. lathers a heart In the breast ol
any law and order man in Kansas that will not
respond to the followipgearnest appeal? j
have come ou to us this morning about day*
light, wblupfd iiid taleii'prt&iJBera our men.-f
Lecomptou is token, «nd deserted by toe wo
men and children. Lanes men are about wi
strong. The .United .States troops .hav.e
been whipped. Will you come to our. roscui
before wc are oU.pyi.rjleijjd \ We are out o
powder aud lead, and every kind of ammunl
tiou. Our ’frielids'ato dofr Rationed lu Sheri!
•Joma’tfohSc, Asmaity ad dan; fad will fight
tbo last. 4 >yi)l.<yw heto com ®
oucee ..Unless we get heTu,we wuf all. l be mui
derea.^Tfeforcgolng Is relianle;. .
• A. O. BOON ...
SncnLaTUB^Moiiday- morning, -18tb, 1J
o’clock—'IV; H/llnssoH; '11 Hinkle and Jos,'
' AnaMsbnlihvtrjust arrived' from Kansas,
lAMl’e rAhf» *AW | AWrU>rtC/».lfF4dC»A.
had settled near Ossawettomte. ; This colon]
whs Unarmed, end numbered in-ell, men, wo
gaen end children, and slates, about two hen
dredl .Their housed were burnt,'andBjtttel
properly (even tp .the clothes ef. the children
taken or destroyed,.
On-the 13tb InlL, a party numbering somt
filty attacked tbe house of Mr. White, ta L:
kins county,and .drove him lntoIUeepuri.reU
ting him-of everything; ;He l»a Free But
man, but sustain* the laws, knd wmattache ,
ror attempting to broenre the arrest of tb i
mQfderereof ^llklnaon.-
On. the. lJth. hiaUnt,.three Jwnifed Abel
tionista under. Jirowa, .many or them. Lane' i
men, attacked a house occupied by. ihe..Pn ■
slavery men in Franklin. . Oar. friends uumbe ■
ing but,.fourteen,-made a gallant tight -ant 1
their house was set-or-flre: Tbe Abolitiraisi i
took the cannon; Which hid "been left at thit
the 1 city of Oxford,!
ukfuntgrOwiiRL': He w vqnr peer, eoi
| Aim, Brick tenement corner Wblinkor and
1 “ PowMlnn, given-laUKh,
. (From Aho:si,!.l.pul3 Rppub'Hwi^AugualSl.) „
ExcltlngN«w«,rrom Kiumi,
TE RIGHTS i^thfiTrcaveutorth City Jduraal.of the l7t|
indge in h • —last Saturday morning—we find nhmeroi
articleaonineBuybddr'rtcWt tfutrageacon
milted by Ldne'a toed upon tbb'pboblft of Kai
. ... * «-<—* ■"•‘iointeu shape.
Niw York, Ang. 28.—The cotton market
is firm, '«U((M of the, aaylS ,0b bales'.
... JUi anticipated,'idvicfs ,'from f tOrle?^
to the 27tb, state the receipts of New Gotten
at ipO bales agaitist'10,000 buieb received u p
to the tame time lost yean:..
Niw York, Aug. 2D*—The fever at Fo
Hamilton is abating, the first accounts
gremly exaggerated, the'sufTerenf are rcceiy.
•lAgdfwyktfcatidri. No'siekneabfcore.'
Fire In Brooklyn.
N*w Yorx, Aogt -28.-^-The' tosin oil works'
andfactOry‘ofHarriH & Stoddard,' Brooklyn,
were destroyed .by, fire, this morning.with
large stock of rosin. *****
The loss Is estimated at $12,000.
BlNTiNcfaD.—The slave lshac, on trial yest r-
day before Justice Connell and a jury,was fou id
gnilty and sentenced to be whipped and
discharged on tbe payment of ccsto.
urge our citizens to go, immediately tothord
cue of our friends In Kansas, Tbey^onfirtn thl
up on Wcdnixdpy, Auguil 2t)l\.
sas, but they arfeTu & Veit*disjointed ...
Before proceeding to give the n jWs nmnshef
by the Jr“* -
account of tbc ciplirro'of
in the Lccompton Union of
ing to thLS accbiint n'partyc
ttmay'bC'WeUMalluda tot!
' uro'of Frmiklm,‘contalni
hitm of the 4tb. Accon
n'partyof Lawrence outla-
aided by noma of lane's inenattacked the to-
at. Frankllii'on Taesday nighf, dWlif *
o'clock. -. .
They numbefpd some two hhndred and fi!
strong,and.kert op the attack for. about foifr,
hours. The citizens o.f Franklin collected in
log house, and defendc'd 'themselves bmvel
them, the assailants flllcd a wagon with ha;-
and,setting it on Are, backed it up to the hoi
whereupon ih'elnmatci hodtd leave it to
cane tbo'fldmds. The scodhdre! then entered
the Fori Office, and robbed it of about (80 |n
cash, all the bed blankets did clothing wilt
they, could find and many other things : in
fact, everything they could lay their' ham
0n, fhey first'went "to*’ ^ankliu pad demanded
Judge Fane, the County Assessor for Rouglhs
County, aud another nun by the name of Reg
gies. If will be rememljereu (hat these Lawrfn
ceites held a meeting some time sihee and
1 Un uielSth instant, they proceeded to • r
tack Treadwell's* •ettlemsiie,4a"Dougla» cool
ly, numbering about ‘thirty- mem ■ The tAhol,
tionbta numbered about' four hundredrmei
Under thfe command'of Brown and' JWalkb
well,mounted,and armed. '"' "f
TheySladftd ftp »'
tiken at iranktin,, and. itlemp)^ to./toffpiy d
.ThreadwauSkparty.. The.latter, QVMpttWend
and scarce/ofwnmunitlna, attempted, to.escap i
but as they were on foot, • we-fear that-riioet' i
them have follem tUot /friends are- constant y-
comhfrrtn’,Wbttefi‘fad , pltnidered. •
Hourly expres^b ‘ arrtvb - atmoudbibg tl e
progress of tbe traitors. VVe have not time o>
iaedcompaign.i ... .., -
■ WadKhevathateretUs Lccompton la lake u
In ten days not one prwlavenr settler. wilLIc
left on the-Seuth side of ‘Kansas river, unleh
instanfaid beghbntbetn,
Our frisaiii an-the aurib aide
unprepared, will .lhea...bc,.extei
' We give'you ho more rumors, -bdt-a *imp o
Btatemeiit of undoubted facta. "We hay to ytu
The Kansas News.
We have devoted this morning a large spdee
to the most reliable news from Kansas; glvi ig
, It In a connected form. It is unnecessary for
to say, that with the names of David 11. Ate if
' aon, of Russell, Boone and Stringfellow attach id'
to most of this intelligence, it commands a c in.
fldence throughout tbe whole South. Tk ire
may be, and po dealt arc, .poitlous of the ac
counts greatly exagerated, and some ahsolut ;ly
untrue; but one point is established beyonla
doubt; that the i Territory .of Kansas has la eu
ipyilded by a- large ■ 1 body of. men,, armed i nd
equlped by the Abdlltlon committee at Chic; go
for thcpgf^Mit Qf glabinif, . war upon pcactfnl
citizens.; It (s .moreover tgtfQ tl\at, they h ive
deliberately attookod.. settlements, burnt, t es-
' .troyedand stolen the property of-the bona I Ide
“ settlers oftbfb.Tejjitpfy;, cijrryiDg oat (heliw
tentlons for which they were > organized. N Ine
.--tenthB-of the med who-farm-this force, hjive
never beforb oAt foot In Kdnsas.
They come not as tellleri, but u» an mealing
OfTny* 4 ■ 11. I j U i;*-- *j«» if
The SChthem peopIe onght to be made aWaro
of two tbing£—first' that .a 'large inajorit; of
.ttopwpleNo)tb','‘arn,W;.h»gv/‘ir/K,i'“s> l «‘‘
orgomsatten tomake warupoa them—sco ad-
ly, tbat' Vafit' ainountfl ' Of ’money are b ing
with operatorelii Washington,and detdrs in Cun
sas,,, ThfeWMjifts.'thH toy'S coniplcte ut leroI
rtka'ainfc'«irbWcA'.W,is‘ 1<A, ^ etwe,)a the '
••'uttiitoiddn-Congrcssnndiih* iUTstkfSi of lao.
^ th.
J iLtbat the p ovP
a 1 together, ah >uj(
/i Bill ^*wby S!iVfCec aul
,, fo
toe/ WISH WDmrenuuuwfp.^v.^^jW
,a in ipcsptofSbst-.tlioiArmy.has, beenused: fo; mo
< u jiarpose'df ,: attock’on ,, 1he’N‘‘rtlicrd'set ties
*° 4 X- Tln^iiang 1 ‘ upon tets"'li^,l’,!4ffi&
' ' ' will
9 Comnllttcd
.«h1llu been
ad perhaps to pabri;
Reas few of their lives,
JsYWhb-toiriugk. i.KhcymiUsetup tHchlie'
their tbumlera Vi'‘‘lic“Trit!um aatii/ rak
ThelattewWw.tftPPrt-)^ who re P rcs
; frm.;
c Jinging tolto) proviso. The ci d has
'..their 1 sagacity and icrcW
' batrlotiem. * ibi' gdverument is a Bldvfe-o racy
^ M A.L 1 A' ^ e * „r,U nl ,1 nru
ers, ui d the
„ n imnye hcadsu. by i.;SouUiara MhlUias bejj
cent out to'elanghtor'the innocent sett ers
Kansas. ,i. ,i ,, r.
Ui- Gen. Fierce has shown, markedsagni ity
hizfdsntgeident of the ' Armyin Kansa i ;.he
'!i ; .'.iM’i6“contrifed,'lhat wbiio bbrn'g on tin spot
for :Observath>n,. It, basdAP 0 . Instance com,
"- lnconflictwith thooitizoiv,' Ibone .of tieoc*.
l, ,„aonnt»,.,b». trupllhe ’Abolltlojlsts appear to lm'
' detcrmiocd to allow the armv no longer to oc^
copy this' poaltW. ’Tpoy are rfeterrah ed to •pj t 'l lcu t’ w , cH cct. y : ?he;
is, dl nttseki an&m fool have done .so to a port on Of 4 c'jiid iinteju hbltf h'cbiii
it already. If by tills course of action the
' government znd the army baa com ested
In. acts of necessary idoodsiied with'
Hie Democratic- party;.'and the DenjocraL
' |e' party by hatural cbasci|hcnce with >1 r. Bu-
rhfU.p, the,grime will nfst with that par y and
that patriotic csndldaie. . Wbojcan answer for
the effect on the public mind oftlie Nortli?
• : The queriion then arises os towhat tUo Soutfi
■hill do In the present emergency. Tho a wwor
is simple. lat her hntoarhgo bjr every t mans
lnber.p»wer,emlgipti9Pto.thD Territory Let
-her bight the Devil with fire,’.. Let, bCr give
money liberally. Tho Htotc of Missouri; has u
' dal men her by a comity of interest; her insti
tutions, of a like character'with our own,are In
jeopardy, and If tbe Abolitionists make a foot
hold for themselves on her larder, her position
wUl be deplorable Indeed. Will Georgia do
nothing ? WUl Bavankah do nothing ?
peril pf his own life, and bs
soon os Laneis party arrived! at Lawrence, they
Immediately Franklin oaddcmajid
ed the Assessor. There were only about fif
teen men In Franklin at the time of the attadk,
and they fought successfully two, hundred ahd
fifty if thetrenemtes, and when -tlte ‘assailaats
left, theyhad sustained»lcBs,qf. some sixteen
killed and wounded. There were only two [of
the citizens of Franklin wounded, and that very
slightly. .
Captain Anderson, United States Army,,who
had three prisoners in his custody, charge with
breaking open the Post office at FrankUh Ja said
to have been notified that if be did not give them
up he would be attacked, bnt this "does not
seem to have been dune..
■ The-Journal/ under- tho head of .Mho Bloojdy
Issue Begun,’'' states that an expressman had
arrived from' Lecomptou, which place he left
the afternoon of the 16th, who states that Cap :
tain Treadwell's company of/lbttymen were
surrounded by. three hundred and eighty-lp
Abolitionists,--who bad ..sworn .that. no quart
should be given them. Captain Tteadweu's
men were in a log-building) and held oat man
fully. They'managed to get a woman to ca
u message to Governor ShaUnhn,'asking for
Tbe Givfirtiot 4 , it Is said; bulled upon the United
States military forco. but they refased to act.
' Oil thC'afrival Of the news'of the" sltuatta
tint BMlhBlr
ered, to he tbemsslvca driven trom.thLir.homi'
rally histantly to the reeoue, • —
Thb Abolitldnisto -proclaim that "no qua -
ter will be given!" “Every Pro slavery mini
must be exterminated I* 1 Whip will hi you
DIK.AT0BI80N, /• .
1 W. H.'RUSSELL,' 1 ' " .
" A. G. BOONE, ". .
,...B r F,.H*RtNF^LM)'(y',' ,.
^Westport, Aug. 16, 1856. •- *> »•
’ I/.'!,.... ‘
William H. Russell, of the firm', of -Majo s,
RoaseiACo.,writea tohis>WemUatlsexl»gt m
as follows : -* • •" -t - .
rr .’tNP8?kNDflM^Pf»%ag*‘)Q*
General William Shield$ and Wb B. JVt
det: *" J * *!!“.'*' 'V .j_
GlNiMtEWtroMr. BpdngO^ft Mu a*
jnst arnved, bringing intelligence, of tit? attack'
to day oqiCoU Yitua'. house..near. veQQmpU d,
and tbe probable murder, of the. entire, par ,y.
There were thlrtv men to tbe housey«odt as it.
was surrounded by at least four bundred-A >07
litiouiiito'there is'hripdssibility of tbe escape
° f Anot&portlauof!We 'AbolUtonlforojHli,t-
tucked tbe bouse of Gen. G. W. Clarke, Indian
Agent, about two hours after destruction q|,
Colonel Titus' houfe; and while tbe Express
was leaving, tbe roar of tbe cannon was dlar 1 *
tinctly beard. Lane la in the field-^Jonos ti ey
declare they will bang. Lecodipton has faleu
ere thid.ami RobiosoD aOd dll tbo other pris?
oners indicted for treason have no do'pbt betn-
rescued. 'CoL Titus’ house is. Phly. one ruife
from Lecompton. • ....... . ,, '
. W. H. BUSSELtl *'
The events in Kansas have excited! feeli
of great exasperation in the border count!
and nothing but some Providential intcrpi
tiou can save that Territory from* being delui
with blood, It Is 1 not to be Concealed that th'6'
people, of tbe adioioinfg bounties have detenqiil 4
edtomakd comtoobcatrie 'withthe'prb-slav
out seeing a thousand men in pursuit 6
marauders. When the people . of) th<
States understandy as they. wiJl ido, tbmhese
tv outrages have alt been commenced' by the meu
id. sentfrorr ' ‘ *
J.jinkb^ offbia'
P/eston wdijudi'
r — Colonel
Titus' houfeo Wd.Vttrrdufiddfi'by a large num
ot'todi'hiia It'ii WWd ;l tfat‘Odl6bdl TH
1.'..1 ,.L.T~.AA UJ.hU
1 killed, andtir.
killed'."” 1 1 *’ »n /■
It'^’ertWHl/ tfefl 'iftcfthlneafliit the.;
jany of United States troops, havibg'dharj
*^tobinsofi^ld > othfer* prisoners, su
fcreu : thdn'td : iiyan‘e^''ta«T''Without flriL,
'dhVTliM'^iiei^sddtorf’toi^aliiidit^rcd ,
Kd’Wd kWIf HWifate'/to'beHe^ltfutiti! W61|ave
'^r3HS.®irty‘“ toeri/afr dtJVtt
.ilcrtwyiflgmtMftpfiDSffita^v-,ul. i,-j , •»
III On the15th a party of clghtAeh,,P|rirria rery
ineUohpiSfc'-sCfopppedjto, Lage’e men, cu
kiKnS j raea:
GencraKCiatk^JnJted itates agent fo • the-p]
etPwilnJhis. family a irosa
*rtitu irfh‘iiiiitf.1 twelve 6
ibis wau llie f “nr/.L MWthe^^ivttiitlm JriUing^oC/fgwdRep Aim*.
•jGf-inn ij'onfq*
aonrivhM wnsifottod,rn>«ihaAii «cs 4 ..,.
ly, was taken prisoner and bis .faoysatl lurnl
^ptitHpukAitactf'»ff-tHe iitfr’tiepji 0.-: awa-
T"];ij,>yL-fri] \ivit ailtl
jitjoniria imW^wqnw
,.mWe huh*'We''BU(fl6f l | iliHutn‘,‘ip'^'^afi(rfiay
larip tn-wliich we. find Retailed istateme its of-
nevcral"00Atm/.atfari^tq.which allusion baa
" first f is alettcr li|om l Mh , R. J Bi“ l Cn no,
iplii^en priFnftfclin'f T
...,/JJiiANKUMy ifi. (%# Wdh&day ;"Aiig. lfip
■'Editor iBorder- ilufilab—Deac.i rite: J .bout
eleve0o!ctock,.cu,tb©.nigbt9l.tba 1^ initant;
we were attacked here by aljout two hu idred
and fifty Abolitionists from Lowrenco. They
isJnhinebPthem men; up to Wntand .our irras, 1
Our captain,lit-IiuckJv4>replied that be vould'
,not giv.e.tbem,up.( wiA.calipM-bjSimeniiu- nbto-
boring fourteeni-anu they,, all said |t|a the ,
would die befere tbe. Abolitiou.. thieves,s iou)(l
have Uiem. Tbe Abolitionists then surra inded
tbd house and commeuced to fire upon it, vbicb
out men 'i’etarnted.' Tne Abolitionists, ; li nling
i^too hot’rot- them,' ^treated for about hirty
“'nutes/when they made another attacl,
I a .... an .* *"im'. _.l lift !L - •I*.s>—II 8Ct
<501 i6Tiia j
ad tliitf the ooly'pfiance foV tfi(m was to bura
tho bouse and run ns oat, wh)
'Inoii called.fur '.quaftef, wh'ii
gave by dlaarrolng'usqf opr United Stitch mua-.
sets and. small urms, and let its .go after
threotofilng us very hard, '
- Plunder Waa Ute next in order.. Tha - first
demanded tho key of the peri office ofSimuel
Grand; which'hegavo them. Theyhhntei tram
top to bottom for orma, taking what was Ihore.
They than robbed the post offleo or abo it (TO
worth df stamped envelopes sad other va uablo
“ " ;y then proceeded to H Cran i, jr/-
thirty United Statos
and about $450 wortl?*
BUrnes they took a lari
Mr,'It. S.'Cmnethr^ *■
• ■ . f- M».|(' ) || 1; «■, I
. .,, *«T«imst. Marh.t, Aug. M-.
COTrONc-h'“,t'Sm.'IIP“»f°.“"hr. 10 thllartl-
I cl« y*4tord*y . _ _. .
, WiUilNW/N,' lisKBhr J i;8p«acer^li60' sirnks KOkE ic.^. - .
o*lf 1 ^ 60 bales OuimyBqqtJnz
; a his- 'torches
•ftatnri! of hte
rc ., TJEn ^ r ri1»
easy and polite manners, htg.oMigiiig dm-
portion; uad his wum-and 1 tgenerons- iia-
.tUft hg itoon won the, donfideabe 'ditd *■
leeifl-Dt many ;df tbtfte iipqtr. whoW. n>
Waited. 1 The poverty othis dotbing se
hinrbetter to-8howdhe ; rieli|ieM
which lmly ueedW fuMwtibdto mhkeitl-T-a,.,
one jVJttik (KbUiSwi W° wl»p 1 HMeipu per '««•(»! (Uili-ualfi., Am. 30.
Theetudents of the .UniveirhitjtiBeeilig I ..i^briri.WtCB. W^w^'sWbfsb.a^idoK.yu'r.
_i>Iltei(-lowly m>
•fietfirmined' .ttrWd’
Uttlo.ishawt f «tihn*',-ea<teu,. : HuU.« .hCoul
came tm*efrtwv*if fiet-iv superior;tOr 1 soniu^ vowtv auci *■*&**
ohfts itt8troct0»,'‘ : “** , ,J - T 1 " \ *•?; i ptulewunlferm/ far tb* Umiiwd baijaess Joiiig full
.gnmCwas U thMtu.nmnbem.iweroL mmUH? J
•to'recogttiwj 1 -gifted •• and itmonted| Cpland> Klor i da . Mobi i e ,s.o~
' hnd*ne^dytoootl.oniiD*ry,ii M ,.»H ...!•«•»
‘ ’J I UI.MIItiu * ,wl
/•SB—-'Slii.n., .
. IMWii
s t.u50 bosertalloir CsoiIIm.—- —
•Ito bosw Oolf ste.*nile and Family Soap I
160 boxes 8Urch-
(br« • RODGERSjNORR18 kCO.
tug ‘.9 _ .
F lUimT—160 •ackfl Extra, *nd BuptrflnerioBr,
rrom Pttlaco Mills, or new wheat. Ju*t read re,
Mini ror Male by * R0DGER9, NORRI3 tt 00
MUg gS I s *
_ —iported gpimiab Begwu;
boxen Tobicco, v*riouk bracd-
'aoo roiliKtfutuclyH .
. COO Ibd Bayglug. Twite.
'‘•bug " J ”* 1 'ftLDOMBE.'JOHNSON <1 CO.
TJlEuURi—3d bbU ‘ IreiD grounUTkdir tu'blrrebi
YOUNG ft IgYjtyT. ,. u
...... j M.UiiiLi,
Young U/aotiTea;
. . do..
• “bSSFihUreaauSrce;
100 boxes Imported CtdUle ^o a p.
100 boxes Toilet.So*j»;
60 >4, X. »nd Vbofe b»xee RaUias.
Received mud fur tale by
McMahon k ixjVia
ni*yl4 .. -X06 uud- muiy stivU
_ -tw-
lur sate by
•ug 21
i if-Hltt 00 iN.-l,Wbdih«i Prims ‘B-dtlmoro
V-v' . White Corn, tor ariA by -i * • •
... SUSSZ,, . ,YHU(iQ.* VVYdJT,. ..
Tjr-MT.—coo coiu fiopj- tor hale,- to .srrivc per I
XV-btlg-ZorvMsUri-bj'. ., ..... ...n i ... ».,. t .. M
. JjCfffltn; t SNEIJJNG8.
•T> A/KJiTa^Au elcgapt MdxurUnenior Traveliflg
, J3 i l^et-^l^s^re^vei by Mtpjuner ^from Newi
• KKNNEOYift-BfiACU’S. .1
-J^jJW»teh(p«fts» HjjtehnfJWI VW.-
h ItASOfS^'kc.—tlTBSSi NiSiiu Lorabuiaoc
xJ Grange^,.received per steamer./and for >»alr
by jy.Kl. ,
1JA8KET8I BASKETS 1—We waukTcailtL
U-Sttentienof tbe kulira to out it«k
TraveUog Mi flue Ft
m*Bti»tbecity t A
'ffteV^was 11*. iJIK *i' j 4 pRK!.H tiAcoN tMiNtfi-A y .*/ |TZT7,
Ttere-nroBoa-seotv whi«-'Iri)m'!<hebpe:fr.;rwyB,rrfembwnji(wtih^ wlaWxst'^Lsjl. 1 Iwwiitft.' simi'.-MDA/iiYHnPisND starch.
S Wfift.-wmfiuloDA; : hyrhpisnd starch— I qsUoab, soaT-*Nii-m*ui.
Jeabbls Stuart’s A. tl aad.C.SVKar. r 0 'aAiM*sT n d > r** k ’
aad'stated " .
Catted-"'StethodfatSi. ‘■•With-:thih''party
(Jeorgffi ''linhfdliatfelj' ‘aiiiiidtifeir “h'ltaSjp,
And- soou. Jkcamp..pnft.oi;.jta aUlest.iuna
most - ooDsistont-mombersri--The-youths
TOO'ont»h(htgbtt(i3‘^^iy,ntjW dratted
man of oxtmardiuwy -abilities,.theu-oon-
iMMli lUnwuvam I. «,
h^..dmnkuril.,.. l (Oli.t)iw..uRli nQti..mijve| art;
anoc-k^ .Noth- ‘"
- _, AK.swwr,.......
76 do’Crushed and Pulverised Sugar
" ISO bate OilgUk’a atlU Bcadell’s SUSP
-476• do>> Fate• .i -si» . . .^n.. da.
No 1 . . , do
.1,00 ..fip
ioO do
■150' da -Toilrt-
'ttaff 1 ?"*" • --
75 bbisCyrdp 1 - •-■• J . —
Wt*. Sf SfiYW'li's 1 !?- .vV.’.u
ry-aouraespuiei..«ou-1 Itygcj-nVEb 'by
fsafuhhdtf/filid-hvoldcdl, .Sbip.Gcocils,.lfclBip,.Uverppoi.cwl 1 siH..»ni IJJ; "uBiday.-sml
II,this did, not;.move «&*&••* > I" iskiVislrh,
100 boxes Demou Syrup
200" do * Oawego, i olgate'8ft Beadell'a SUrch
llxndii}g.und.lastore ,, u
' a«lgl7. MCMAHON ft DOYli.
I gcj-nVED 'by'\t i ARN&ck SH"DXVIS,'TVh
.U^ueiiddy/^OrbAugudl^t -‘a*-* ••
WeaUmBordefiUre; ftt.What F*flRy.B,UOfer a*i
id Heard Id Kancaa'and Missouri.
Hid lait'orth'd'f'drestel’di bi 1 HUmirs'on thb Eo
y . , . * . - i, .wm„wM>iuw u.,., i >w^.„wm. was.-req.M IV n, »v„ « « uiw*s.'' '. *' 1 ‘ , '.'' ‘ 1 Tbo lorit'or th'd'Fdtcstel’di w Hlmurs'on thh Bo I m \ CutjY’d lady’s Book lor Se
that war, WatMefis, is now beiB| .. il. ^gj^g.ikm.sag ft 4«ocktes irig-ebidanedke,"BiWafy Boston;’!^, M' fawe 11 der.--A Moryoithoold VlrgluiarrauU^r.. .By.J«h I vY' "Aftbur^'l/ome'Magutuif
XarewSre^flSthri^ri^ ^: ing could change,him. Like Mosra, he| Schc/t'atroo,OII|oyWashlDgtoo,'Nt'i UN> bust ] K, &ge1eSlii or ihC'cMp'tioy'dnhe'hry
—o - w „ , . . . . schr,*Patron, <Wgo;
prefereod.* iiMie<nt chrishao. consistency I-els-or*-;"WiaBeniri>ir«(n-oD. .
to the enjoyment of sin for a season-. 1 \Uibt^^ha<^;J^u S oa r s 1 dsy..hom.,s,^
warnuunii ewcot #dmifflfs,*re^,.. ,,.. , cuased.i
-who-"tt fanatic
Lefiamii'lfe test'lirieihis."
— — . schr, J J Sjnnccr, Slurp, Wilmington, N 0, Hui -
l ititvc ntrt-tilttu,i-p»-k b,;uuuU. I l,i. B ..,iq
chsrMfer«f;'.th» w&Siog,
ft will bessuffiriunt toadd,; tliat ha sooui.., .5 . CoMsigiiees,
^HgeatuliUUtiG in .,4-OWiDM. co “->'
t^n'theni.I I'i.|-...|.- c. ; |a“fr:™tr..-Ji..Tt:.1.. ...1. ,i..
te'prehchtid'in'thfi 1 open'fields to iflie
umtmiit ol.gowl
shall tell,
sneers of
•dutypfct' _
' 'i "Bd"dAdfistriotiS',"euergctioi""Ofin’t l
positton-of iw- bootiJdackvto tliutrof ouol
of the-itaebtpioos'nnd eloquent-preachers
t"” 44 , °1 New Yorkonibe «ili kuLrmmm the ttihintu .utrvusM'SwlUsriuud ,and...Uaraiaay, an
England eVee-prfidaeOd,-camlob yOffi'gol'mstilutltl.VtOa'.'lS.plsaodlJl.ipOtiills.'or.SsViU-. ..luv.-.beei| ,<ircsdiiuany 1 , ft , r- # eveis
and do likewise Yhave no idea what' aab, b.'mnJ West: ' l
sent from the free States'to hwtife'array to till
and drive but the J>eaceable citizens of Kans as:
that they have bfeetf ebOonfaded'in this coi rse
by, tbo imi[ijf ( RpW fltt-.'Ffi’emout, iud
by preachers of the gospel all. over the
states; that they have been hi&fi w ' do tl
deeds, aud tokeeptm excitement intende lw
operaton-on the ’Presidential,,! election—t iefr
sobtfr judgment and i-love "Of«*.$he IMon
cause them toidemidnee the ab
tho*prattty'tfUity»of J iach’i‘tiioh8tzoU^htraheA,i|
It those men went into Kansas, peawre gon
.jere,buttheprobabili^T^'d^iffMaton i or
the othev party-w 1)1 ibe ejitermiiiatod< Th* [ ullt
of all these acts is clearly traceable to ftdk ,rd*.
*idthnef, : Greeley , ^ GiddM^'/Boeobte'' *Ch.,
ahdfihh/#!lf be'nef4 ^Wponaible f# them. ' .
fhrri' 1 'Khnkut^WomjMlM r utt Lei .
if.' l iA)tTS/ ; 'A'Ug./2t^-Tfie-iv*^J4a)teat de*'
rqgc8 lt/C6Wparhfonttro*irwthW^i Ji
, rafflet' _e repo g: yen o Situ ~de^ ^ ulno vormifugo, also Ids equated Livor pills,
eport giver
tiiab ibetovm-orLbcbmptott^hud hm\
3bm»tott>haa hfcmii^ht
^^—jhblddi^liiliiLfaeilajl de
- th^dttte ol fa
'advicesi'iheU'. & troop*atid'Citteezia vere
in '-atriRfg'fbhe', ‘'RWd^toPhilnW tdi( fend
jr property., at all.hazards. Sevfehil/co
Dies ofcjjviolunteeraiivhadMliJ^neiNirtod,
marchedHABiJitbe IBth/Jtoftld'jnjiteiprcyi
cxcitement"»tt> albagt-th* 'liiisou
pt^dtit^dWtobbtiBteflaw'i i»rnv/
W&l Auji^ 23'.’ihTW Sfc'TidoW 'Dembcrat
tfthe?fblrowTDg version of the rdctflt a TaW
iandyy Th0'arttack on tbe-prb-idaver
jssawatttttiie 11 Witt''pecasifaed'by tl
cuplect 'il 1 fortiHfe‘ , d 5 "M6ck-house?ii^Ifecot^
St. Louis; Abodst fiSmtAn-nrlsal
from Soonvllle states that the lataKsnsarfnaASt-,.
had-created Intense exultement there. Five ueniiteJif
thousand 1 UtilHffi 4 Uhd'' bCW'ratrttF^ja
. citlzenB of Kansas 'telWtoi r.* 'X
high otAte. %♦• frelingrexlsUiaaieag the I order
counties.- 111 1'ubHo-meetlen have-been he! 1 and
a-largd body of mett 'voienteoredto gl o the
aldbfthc Gdvcrnor bf'Kanaie. Men -« die,
,derte natnrea lqtha.tefHtoft.'.r.'fflrc.ii]^
ing appeala, signed, by., prominent anq
tint citizens, where, .freely circulated,! axing
alii to drivelLaoe andhia pary onk-
The Daily Crro/r, a-Fillmoro organ j
Orleans,'thkea tadrop of consolation ffinm'
strange quarter for.»SoutticrnJoa|rhal :'
Iowa-Bbiotiok ROT sBuroniiioiN Vtt iorv
We were assured -yesterday ■ by an Intel Igent
gentleman direct from tows; t«fd wellli form
id cpncernlng political raovements thbre (soya
H ’- n? **//—n) that ttomof tt^ fqpr.
.... „ the State "tick t just
elected were ’Fillmore men-.-; that-they were;
nominalod by a convention at which the nomi
nations pf Fillmore and - Donelson' w< re
doracdl 'fad a" Fllimilre'eleotoM!-ticket
in tho .field.- That.tsall there la to the) great
RepubllcatptrlumphIn Iowa. If.
. Admitting, what you" aay, Mr. Editor to
trae, tt only proves ana thlng-rihat you are
league with q pack gfAlsilltlohUts.''( j
MlBSOUiil.ithe total vote for Oo'v. In
We learn from the Ghcraw,- 8. 0., Gazotto,
that a conference of the Wilmington and Man
chester and Cheraw and Darlington railroads
hu been held In reference to a through tariff
Of freight!. Tbe designed arrangements wore
not completed, but a reduction on several artl*
ota was agreed upon.
20» worth or accoL
(125 worth of clothing,
Faue thoy took u lino horse.
We killed seven oftlie abolitionist and wound
ed a great many. No one tooebed on thepro-
slavcry side. It. S. CRANE,
"The following address was issued at West
port ou tbe 10th:
. It has boon ourdnty to keep correctly and
folly advised of tho movements of tne Aboli
tionists. We know that since Lane commenc
ed hii march the AbotiUonlsti In the Terrttoiy
five counties stands:
Tniriou Polk (Buchanan),, .[13,120
Bobcrt 0. Ewing (Fillmore)19,489
Thornes H. Benton (Benton)......... >8,288'
The Delegation so the next Congress i unde:
Diet. I. .Francis P. Blair, (Fremont.)
Dint. II. .Thomas L. Anderson (Amen an.)
Dlst. III. .'James S. Green (Bachanan)
Dlrt.1V,. Cralf (Bachanan.) , .,
Dlst. V. .Samnel H. Woodson (Amer can.)|
“ .JohaS.Phelops(Bach»nanj
I Garathen (late Wh g,now
Dlst. VI.
Diet VII. .1
(late Wh
id : J 6r ibe cMp boy'dr thb ’iJry Dock,
f-Marcbmouij'Or ihe-Ruiood Gambit
r^hel'ast 6tWs Rice.' By J.'F
Thu l<uWedf
|BxGb..W..iUI ....
I Me Tarleton: o
Mieo Percy) ur. tbq.Memoir* orau..Actrtas,, B
^"’'lli'tliVciiSt'mllihthr.'beabttfury morirttci.
ByTCddBuntltae. -t. ...u .i..j,i, t ..,
aag i
Gordon/ FromCbarlfMOQ, 4c—^loi ■
. i’oAtell, J. Waiter,. V,
1 1' ,'Vj?uk‘Y.oujsal'tAsi^ 4 ” 1"^
|( ( ‘tfieinpr^iudar
jDd"<Klfioitttjes.>! l!Ueyton&miak8'^ur|'-'3tw’..WBS.Aiiii,,2»,roJrr.»hip.Pli89i, oft 11
:m strtmgep/touil ydufi/hearUbraven'i Ill, v % B ®CT5}C“ra SKfevonbhP.':'' '
lb poor boy coulu arise from the lowlyf.,,.|cy^yljic^'^^ioj&)efi,'8hvriil,M(.""' ■
, M JljsCSLLAST, Mii , ,
HuiahwColuiato, .train l.lyunwut. arnva l f
f Wgdutoy'id'tfapujmber. • .•••»
.Si>koaladva>tag^s...IU« limited, uuwhf.r oJToftjf,
wpli ilve Ufacbere, secures to each pupil a'large
fiiiMre ofttitehudfi. • •* 4 *"• •. i *
-Tiic HtuationU remark-bie^or its heaUbJaerfs W d 99?npry. (“In thW charming atul health
rcticttt.*’ sayi a parent,'‘•thd' cfibektf'ilwpftrte b
blouro ttUd lho frame a 1 vigor/-' • Kvory pujiil, vrli i
<mt;«xcepti(Ui,.hA3improy.ud,iu this .particular.)
Tlie buildings combino beauty of urchttefctur
wtili bid'.ldrii cotfatorts; aud ‘-edavtaidnee* «F ba i
| Miotruf t'uriuces, terrace. voraiidah, ; .cv^firvatp y
a ‘,.| AHjU'.a/tml wilh library and parlor,'ftc , ftip,'
1 ihc teailfifira 'pdBiWiM' Vbty ltigh' hukrtfleatior i
•(threehavd had Ibe admuU&oor^urapeHQ.trMVt 1.
and nl| *peak tho^Frenob langg*gft; ; , ^
, i,^reuc)ian/l(J9rmau conversation oiosses will r .
cohaut tc j by tuo' niuslc 6<ul UraWin^'tokehera,' w it
uatnruHoO SwiUeriand .aud. .Uortnauy, ft(id.
pmjfr Will tticotirfilish
thfe iM! fiilBWiit’ttriK" 1 "•’ "fO'iati’i ;
! '"it^'S.M'oalcfj’Otl'llkc'ta'khOW ‘flfO'hhme
'of the boy who blacked' the 1 'botits' Of tlm
sjudeuts at^if5i|'"‘Unlver^ty| if It is -
Ol'kiiiifc’. yVo-'m''sili-ciOc
lll(T 0>5UJfO lIoUlYf t-iri (((Oil 6
,« a#.J34JJ('( (•—•••*» ...... • —
The following, from a cuitomur, shovi‘a"liic dfc-’
"* ir>rrtnfDil tvhnr^.
fl <■
.flL. ...,,
, itowal lArd;
60' bliiei'P'rfM'i ltoWgi: A
lAriJitik'AflaTUrWdio 4Jr -'•"•"•"•■••'■•ft} 1
' ''majrl5 .i*-f*! DOR ANTON, 'JOHNSTON ft CO
iOR HISS OS' THK R ARK—iitudiSg 1 ihls i|ay
■•■frwft''OtiHr'A'Kfcli'! 1 ' ••»*>
146 bbin'Clty- Roetiffled MolM4e*'» «■ ,i
•200coil?toboIcoKoniuokjrRopaf (...Osn..,, "I
-augU. ti l.
mand whlth lhis great mediclue ha3 created whore-
,’l r t' M ’ber.“li'receii
1= pell
'Nifw touthiy , Mag*xia6t'or riept
ll 1 received failUor*Bale*by’l •
sj»»i f*i» !•• j.ciHWARNOCKftDA)V1S,
od(.d .«»(p «frcp
i^Glita—'Tli’cn ost
mlt you theiraoioyif..
1 r Vlr/VtiftWe 'WbMJlbrilitefl'doticdf SWd ’ 1
'o'lll'o 4 ” ‘111 nil!."|llito 4 'allll WAy)[ wa ThaHJ'entirely
exhausted our .stock. Wo shOu'(H" < fet!t ^bligeA]
•ourforwardlpjg, Via, Corning N f) Y., 7 20 # do2(^'
WWS3M1 iMiMenMimt *wirt
J('ti(l»- ui '>!/-,a on ! ■/ it
‘HlieflHfc” ihi
large W ^^^..(ntho^iaie'.'auA retenV
Hftil IRybu Wdu»l»Ottpei«ato l
person for trouble and expense of WtftMnrf, iHjiityt
could uiako It to-yonr advantage to do so.
'u'»l... YttltM',«Wipe€tfltUW
WAKSl ..s tlri;* 4
IIUOJI Tlx'd \ y.',)l(| },cr, Wj.jft. VWtW- -
sy I'malwswa.wlikateMsatorui t« ash rod wl
iWLwe’s. firtsl>!«Bla.)illWHW9,W8m«WtoM'| W
FIchMwatiii^Att'ltL bucg.Pa.t,ua(l othaiiyorm
sliort’ StSplVTblffifi'filtb.'uCw In.-.
lue.woM'tOMW'riffiff.'-ihrtaisnY’' K |,4 "i
,,.7„|o ,, n. . .•.'i^uNUS & FRIRHSON',
I'l’IlkW" 11 ' rl .tI|» •■■■>'>'I'.'Nol'M Blyitrw J,
uuu. rtiao, Hcv.tuifyjivjo acres ui iuk» uun i .
.cultivation. On tho place are a good dwe Hug lit use, 1
W*sMM4V1MUiAi! < b&Vflff{ ‘UegW’ brt(i«w ’Knd \mi|*»ij
uutbutidtegHj -altin *igopdM»teicf «vWMr. //Por“
rttriiiagiio pw«uwtiWiHv$flHNP9»!, A|K,i wr; wn. ]
V/ttp/M*!rtiM : w '' •
can «nn.topiaat all rcspcioshlt UtasfiKqea. [
'kono gonulnowttt»aMliel(llls*tbds>W»l*h
, w flM3® -lii.iia.s'.g-riVu. x u
I, oJEOl HM(M‘°,A>i'M
3(9eoMK¥4,3i:ioJe imoil ir
iiokj. bug
I JAMCHUWhfaHfe U5F*goJ'Mrli StMc ill il
tl.0ii8, .WifldOt’tdifSdjeWftdft) i^Prri.U*)'
y« . ,
boojt!. oumfdrts, and. laitiiful
has,lung been reuommended for “a combi
advanfrigeJ, iiliyslcal, tnoutal, ahd’' religious,' 4 such
M few aimUar institutions cau proscotil..Y
. ft nd Cfiesijui
iu boir.
noitf Eighteenth and M»rkot«lrceUs, via Media aku-
liMi.—tfor Board and tuition^ and*dll'Uiditl u-
tiit'expdiis6u, including use oftcfcool bookfttileavfnt
•i "Addret-s;. .t. ... Rav.,^. ^JiUNTlNGXQN,
! f OFFICE JKiiSCOttKK il* R* COMPAQ!'».
4 -1 - - ;■ |.„a i l?i 1 &lfegaiuL •.
1U'Vttbbtiig 'Of th* 'JAreuiora, iteiuttitMi day
jMsreioiYmliiiM^a di>^dep4.^ faM P.oJ ar
share upon tho general stock be declared iron
ortoi'Koitdy , foy ,, flie “usftitjt-raou hs.
MM -'wii h ‘A‘ I’l-KWDH-UluUhlyi payabl«(«u rWid^pr.dbeJht lay
4MJkKtaS^S^1*2!Sw aSS, Sf’.fMaX dyzrftaae •» d
,l0 "-
v'kiFttldf6"ltc’4)tA"{,hWW'-'«iyi«r ,alCTlk«WF‘sitiSr«iriMiMMtaMM«atnMral> «« LltMff tm ref Sd;wo,
.. itidSiititi'DvWITttW'WllWVoteawaiv. nil 0 .S; Lw lUme Numn.rvoi, tbu Tii-Zcu, pawl*
poby uaiLiMQjfi Uqiiim l
H^jifi|ull .'i
viumpiy 1111,1111 i •((*»»&
The public imgoueral, and oar Domotratto
Mends In parOculait,will remember that there,
la connected with-tbe‘<l,0Ag«»-A Jritmpds''
ped:jobnffisca lu'thia.sfictlanoLthe ” '
We are'bhrreetly advised,'Sotue'
hea'htffurspeclmens of’jiib'work
■Sawagah tom
prenaeB. ■ Give/ttHa trial. - • l/.
, - r i jIi’3TA.LlaQW,
t 'i^ft4artfW!lbl|r'il:«uunH ri 4 .« rttevre- «l
_J« W»*I V.nj i mcit'VNTON^ijoHNUTON'ft
1 la*»«6 lo Jioiia ^utofJ 3 * Ijii/s .MiJrtii'jhr-ji'j
Ui if r iTl Idiin V i-ut
^ " Wtil/Kl
hfiniihfitv) aadii
[nan :>*// .-IDOUUIIE
iWteiwJPuPi.tiob d r* f
H» bitOtlOHtOlv ftjtKEt;
•> ."."'flORAClcMOf SB.
Savannah, ftpril-M
U, l.HtrMlihx./. xil'r
T^OH-SALB-rlO BharoaiUMtUompaii.
.J34t)gli,..Mi to i.BARKMAiNi ftP!
ilyHithifl dty.KteclMPdtft ^YiflqwlvPLfPMStV 4 »“ r '
toridingiJblV 3teVff^abieioq andtniW.iUiDiU hjjij,
iclclifeiliera'ln'^avniintiirvfiil rod&Yvti lifdtr diviH,
k at tba i t’6ftt#ttl'Railr<tad>ll«iloJ/*«'*i»i *nH
e Uflioh
rrif'the | rndstf
■w ».«r- ukotuittg tjf'wiy ktofl or qtuTh
■■■Wfj'Wtdtihiw'o^madfcfa to your
;• Wad Hatbj’tiiw,''Shlrtti OBllapaior Drewi
Furntebing aittcld* ofi-a*y;**8criptioii,caUa id**- 1
loot, from .(hi Un;ge*tand..bMt stock- y, ,*)>,
»h«fiter.»iwfiri9ro„X« Bay stweht i. .1. b
I '
jutxnri 1 uifcuna iiiuh " l
., ‘ t6 W S «to».
scriptlon of letter press work from a n
Mster tJ’thS Vi^ilei “
'thxmoBb'Batisfaetory terinsi n
,, ( Qr^ec$ ffpw.aU* "parts" of thcconhtry
coiv*promj>t‘attention. <• • r -»
* —Uw-Lmu—V'JiM ■
AHD ANM GANGLES.'-rijlO hbls and fi^k^ga No.
1 Loaf Lard w-* •••» • *«•
• 16 boxed Adomnntino Candles, fetarbrainf. ;
^J^dQ.LBOkdoil's.IWUwdo, just r^jivTcd and
or *2!j 9 b y ( goivtN rON,.JGHNSTONA100, ,J •
We are receiving the London j Lever
natohed. of tli* most, celeb rate ■ ’
Gold anil Sllvor wiseBi ••RaR’ .
, (ildx Watches, Wiitcbcs for Timing
flno Swiss Chronometer*, 'which we oflVr at ri
blq prlceH, at nor now ntnr* Iu GlbbonaVRani
■dtitw •- *U b. vk:hou*4
IT. ft 8* .Grant ft Williams Tobacco,‘just re
aud for sale by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON**
aug 24 • », j . v ,j f
S IDES.—to lihtfs landing from schr George
Davis and for Bole by ' • '
• nug9 . OGDEN, STARR ;ft CO.
UALT1MORK LEAF LaRI).—20 bbls frhno Nii’l
'D'toSSf Lajrd ; 66 koga do do do do - i **
Landing and for eato by
ctMOKED Tougues. mokedfieef,-Flr *Hlun rdnd
.Qi.faoififi Oofbea Biutez,. retj.^ixfld, pgr *f
• tjUOAR 'ANfr TL'A-UJtlht-raceitcif lO’bbls ('i
k3: W Siiiap,il6\lo ground* >LoaP<do, 20 d«
•GOlarifled d*,.6hbdH Muscovado dc^ 10.1»lf
.Block.fba, loot* uud la U and-W lb packs,firsatu
by.. j.. .JJA,m.0WN 1*,
i weft. . 1 Agger Broughton fa.f .i!«y ton
• 2DCh‘bdanelii'WimbCort: " 1 ‘ 1
•—100' Tdb vcbW'Pfearf;: 1 •,*' • -
BiCks “PaldcerMills 4M Flour;
: ♦bfaafel?6’W !P ‘ y !' W '? B - '
:: :***;-. a i''^rtg'."H<iTn>N'*|
I-T EMaV .SVKUR—60 boxa,
...Jj iSyrup; 60 bojtoa Boys fad'
•:*■ « pIpe/floHom! (Metier «wan>«b»; •
fipuocbeooBoklJamaica Rum;*
• t, .do *..doStCroix do;. .. .
t.i 1 IQ casks fart. Wine.. ... . ......
Instore and ibrsalo by. , .
O-No‘1 Soap, 60'Piue do, 76 dd Family do
' ' luo'doxbu Urooras. 60 kegs Lard
- 1 * lOO boxes^lg-Utro, received 1 ‘aud for sale by-
JylO 201 and 207 Bay *L
•okhsi-awi' tilt' “tf<W'jKOf4Bt’'gtiUtlmHy...
Is ^ide ' lhj1 ' BlWPl ***W V ^® * ( lWay< I
"‘^ndtrth i-'klil'.-' Tcrms' cnfh. * -No cbai'ge for pack
iDgior shipping.. 1 1......
, ± m
arb.1h«liii«iuH».-ai,an<i ««*“,
andfltiaeiltdvateu.'dutare oj tm» d ami .cwtWW
' he audtenco, ami regDterod by the tomotejl^V-'
etti'MMMinMtHnviivDm >»?
I Uiu,two suc.ce^Lllug fiumbei s,to
(rltlfrnSfaHHli «b*felftVrt6d* to'
u fuliihittoniYrizeapaiiAdrdlcgita thoSk-bciJWi.J a (
I.(ill Jn.ltli.
CANJuV MANUL'Ati'i'bKY 1 ARU 'JuW- .Mtnm
fl““P8SV'niifiltfiu .-U'-.W' “■h"
yt il !)> | buncos of obtaiidn^bc larger m
■gap* • OrdeiB 1 lefv.w tth Joseph
irsaia ^ 6c ^. tc ntbe , prdmptiy attended fa
'f LAlUi.-liO bbli. •iirlmd U.luir.'i.rc iA-Al
60 bnskots qbarfaaod'pihts Win* I ,yi4__2m
• 100 boxes asfitrtcd qualHias Key’s Lomnr Syrup I
26 casks HihJcrt’s I’lut Porter
•' oft .In TuflVnw'a' 1 Imhra AIm.
augJ6 _
T1\0R ftALB-»A lot of One Indian PeacUca. . M
JJ aofll A. BONAUD. W"
^ 8" hhooldci, toj.
• ! jv24-“ .‘GKANTON. JiiilSsiKN ,v Vo”
B ACON 4 ‘8HUU LDUiS—Ik siere uml lor ia'e L*
*ngW <s;nr> , ..TARK t ni 1
I. FllEHH.GRUbNl)JOR.\ JitAL "
6>*A BUSHELS Fresh Ground Corn Meal in
ZQU .store, and for sale low by !
.3;.. .T & wmi-.
N (/l'.IGK.^"-K. wioi.i Mml H7LT&,,
are ray duly autborixe* ageat* duruiciDt .i,
tatuceCrataiLeJlMUC,_ k *
* •»
• Ett~»fcx trac hotce oosben Butter, per ttSin.
i t*r.*steby/_
aug 19
j. n.‘,
_ Pflrto R|co jug#r
60 do:'Castile!4o ,, , Uu ,
250 do Fraser’s, Colgute’eaiidUsWrigogUffi.
received uni for rale by
*' " ' MCMAHON ft'DOYl*.
» ••* - ll,t>,, i •••“ »-ai6andaijj Buy,area.
P OTASU—IO cos«s Remitted.,potash, nuliTuLh
no 'for'sk“by ,U ^ : - — b ’ j W..T™
I’ #VACifk!^4uhi’.lls prYmcWertcrn rUtcisii*«,t
|'J3‘**.«‘ ‘26 s — do-•* db'tybuuliivcs, .. ..
t. ... 2Q..;dQ..fjUr,to prime Iev/i..bLuulier<
„ 4 do do Jo 11,m,.
•hfag ltt- wtuslEK * faun's.
“ f 1-1-littb, r.
_ ieior «'jn.nuUtr
Isul it**-Xatioatt l J1 agazine.ior jejtco
'^The'ljifinbarg'h Review for JtilyV'Receivitr iu
YoHsuleliy ” !i *
aug 26 '
I J l YAfeSW l< j:u
<t No. 169 Ouugress street. |
|- T..EMOM SUGAR—A. new.article for inakuigleia.
I, onadc .without lemons. 6u cases just receive!
1 i for solely ’ '
‘‘Jy «o*
F Ai-ut^sutl faimvSSSiih,
ze?, landing and for suit, by ;
, .-CKANTwN, .10HN>To.\ \ ((T .
large and rich t _
. »W».Wi«®J«A,glX». "i ale Kcs, P.auioj’,
hns, Ear and Unger Kings, Maiille' antTcitht
Clocks, Spoons, Forks, Tea .Setts, Casters, b,:«
Sterling Silver.
Jewelry iu every variety
Iyory.,TttbU}..Cat!er}r, J# tlpo. Pocket Kniua u-i
• *' J RiL*li 4 Ubin»and 1‘urian Vased, -and other ftriwfa
. .Fine Donble.D^rrwUed : .immuiaetund pth
own order. Guuuing Implements. u fa'l k.nis,
“'PUftW' Waft*ri{ tyxstm-s; Tea'Sett* uuti ChiniP
rtteksy with a .great variety, ol Fancy Artidw.-twti^ir. wedding gifts, t^pnjm< ro/is here Ui eh,
ion. - ,
4 'AH kirAlb of WatdHcs ,ibd ‘Clitflks rejoiK’d by il.-
jtost fiXporiKncedAuqjgmen.,..,
m s. Wuiiw,
f* vl . '• No.'1-Market5<j:im
r f • )(At’THOKHKli BY Tllh M.VIh Of t.t^'M.I.*.;
•' CLAJjP 18 n
TO’lW dUwu irt thb city tif Attahtk. Ga., h pvKs.i
i\TUJiDAY,.*epU}nihcr.^7,1S56. uuthe ,
toiE' swan at co„ Mn'tmgt r*
’\ * ’ PRIzS' AMOUNTIN'0 Tt i
-$ •2 0.4, 0.0 u !!
Will btf filstrilmted ncctirding to the following
30,000 Thousaiia.'lickets—irj.liso Prlw!
*' i'liriieoiv....’.Wd.oW;.,
l 1.....IM i (..lV,000 iSl.'|
, 1 ,, “ ...... 10.U0U is
r' "6,600’is.........
..,|1 : iVt ,,.--2 ! IW0 isj.-.v.v.c.
...ill* LWO Mr,.
! 1 *• - 1,600 13
■ to 1 prlies of. 1 . 1 ... 1 200 artr.
4 j
•|4 « 4
H* ;
.... lll,n«
.... H'.’AO
.... ; J,M
,.t .'■•(,«ti
.... l,tfo
.... *>
lu . Wi**
rizos of 200 itpp’g to $40,000 prize, are MJ
“ 10U “ lu,0t'O prize, art" W
.1 ^ i, ,|.(iA»i ..if „ ,W,W00 prize r nre W
r i . 00 • , 5tQ 0l J prize, are a*
i n i.M,g d - <• »w«--•« "odUO ptW, art "»«
*,* I“ I" ■ 1.000(price,are .11«
.^.Mp priZMaro ,»
200 prize, are
'• nl no'of i$8 •autdunting to. v;v i\ ;v. .. ;M AC*
ialves —Quarters 'L'-W-
EIQH'Tfftl :&
/'l-ttriiotaiaiM arta wholvrela ana <K«uU ,i I,Is
tasa&Ktt« , l i.. P 4. i : wuu.u,i. sssni>
5.0 fur sale. 1 Jahtninu ‘Rod Points."uiosa Wsu-TiMItitfcofoPPiibkktfeiifld
tfter the drawing—other prizes at the
'*l!Swi‘lrttixfi?l'#rtt5i? r '» , r^Y l 't |, “^ 1 4*? ne roiter‘i ct «'
Prize lickPts cashed or rfcWWM w 4 ® 1
I’.Asttaio hair tho Tickets oreguaranted toilrtj. ^
wopwillsellcertlllculos of I’aQkagar oil __
(Rddiuld even uumbers.) at tholojow JS r “ a< i
All that tho luilckets (which are 1^“", be
5‘« l ‘
ikkleliflO trthlo'
» ... - *.... (. 10’Hnlt 1
. . u ,l .mI.L •. .1.-10 Quurtor ,,f •••
Address ortlocsifor tirMeW’Or.c«rii»u^«J
ages.of.Uckctsieitlu'i'.ito.. t»* •,
ang.21—hn.». j . m. .,«<» (..., 1 '
SavASjsuiifihl August, S50i..
mHE Bonds of the City or Savannah, due Is Fib
X Wary, 1847, (c«ftituttoiy ! fadyn m’Mca V
Bonds,) -issued lor- Central Railroad - Stack, < r
r.cdfemod, on application, in Stodc or the (er
Railroad ahd IBanking Company, ufltiT mark it val-
ne; the Bond* bWng - received, at -pdr-F lloh ers ot
^ity 1 '" — 1
jr-.,.N i.’Qiol
‘ s'o, 31
Bomi I
Lard: I X hy Uteutwf.epcn v &M®9Ff'j2|L-*
idlng, 1 wurrautertoYthe b.»t undergo
works,- For sole at tbo offleo of the t v
ft CO.
" ^ -J 4 .. -i-zz..-. :L -lJ- .-—-.i 1 . j,—i> I Wtirits;- -Fur-sale at tbo office or tne v
V INEGAR, HjOUR, fto;-26 bbls Cider \ UVtgar |h# mast fovoroble terms) by , ^ fr y.
20bblt White Wlno Vinegar V •.. •- ....... M. W..WOOD}JAWjJJyw
92 Wail street, N*w-Y°ft
26 casks Hlhjerfs Pint Purler . , .1 j. .....: i i • ■ . ■ Wesley
26 do 7 JeflVey’s Ambro Ale, pints; aiming | fjtOU BALK.—A fine lot in
for sale by • ,• ■ • •• ‘ Alsd t#.‘ nn MYMh atrect, east f.^-R
jgJ6 _ HOLQOMB^, JOHNSON J CO. | t ee simple. Aoply tp i^nt and B'T'
flen'l Iniurance ^ iirt*