Savannah Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, August 30, 1856, Image 3
JXfA ™i’ KlluU) ’ ““f 11 ' ou, j® r ' ‘ "“ 11 MKDlCAt BAKU, ■ DB. J. B. SMITH, unm In. ™ ^riSdrsrB iMB SlffllstlBK HI or Item any port 8rhoro SaS% ifer ffi? fcs Sffl&BRBWw Her tar the purpose or carryingthem to U»o city w Iffll not ho detainedIn'.QuaranUuo unloia -SSKS. ovdtre willl.oiiilijool ' M v* w ».n,TlKW«' Aiwrovod K- 0. Axpeiwom, Mitynr t jNffl 01Hcmr»»Y*H» imoj:’ rA An IfaMment of ip dot wot, betogUbe; hjr sixth on toe Capital Stock of Utti ‘Oomptoy,, l hereby*Balled, aria required to be paid Mrtbls itlko on toe liU day. ot.Soptetqt ‘ ■muiog—wtia ■ , SocnBUMry NOTIOB C. H. B. . «r v Sh f *o»W.P^ an *ud aftor faletday.otA^il^e^^gy^... ... . .(hmpridiiuiflnA. Traufmoln « ' aw 28 rtnlrul Boll Bond. S HO WB’S COTTOM' HkHVBSWllhi » TOO great dosWoratumot 1'lMUau.lii t!|»l. i. ohhtlued to rittg' ,»ocoowtrid.Ju«tlijl«-,p uuwo'o oeitou Harveateiyvrtth whU>U.QW»Uaiideai Sck u audit cottoo -as'-dre hM_h« ordlirtry.wif SmIiIw .avlng'au ImmoMo amount ot.Uhot.uWhi| 'd'liiinuy'd i.'ditonUlit lulu 111011011.010110, Ifawa’s •tamtor la in plotting. <?•- for furthor lUhrnuUM, .. tor mrtu A WILBUR,.IllBay. street, . Bgoiit for tbo Statoo or Georgia and-Florida., Jy2» ' ' fd ific Patron* oM1».,8m , & fifcOTgtat ***. dll doblo due tS the OMrgt»n.|i>o»luii»li BjT tho «h Imwot, ore poyoblo only. Id tttoiitt • . *»—- -*jti accounts due la to* city vill " ieAn.1 derslKiieil. Notes Mil accounts due In he urwented immediately, and all debts-(too country will be forwarded by an early.mail. ~..«7 Thl?belDR too first ktne that the a^er rignedKM wjblicly apjwaied to his late patron, *#• fool* fifot tort will uot-consider -him unreasonable fo.urglhff dS 'oTuB/BrHlltoa * Co, wttoaareeajpirtd HpC ' * II A-V A M. A lifc'-A. N l" ’■.■ .Yamuti'BwAif,' Hamms i: . ", ;• '' I'riwiamountiugto. V;i.fel. I 200,000 Dollars O'' Will So dtetllttuted aecorutng'to tin Ibllowln*r - MAONU'Ut.'.liNT aCiHliMBI JUfOOtt Diofcoto Only 11 ,. I prUo of., •,,v. .It Tr. a i-. m-.4 W,«0 •I “tie dtn .'x. .1 Kfti.. 1 do" do... ,rt.v.. .. I-li,0«)-l»l.v.. ivv. 18,-100 1 do do 10,000 li,i!‘r.'.t.vl0|000 1 do do,.' 0,0001.','. 6,000 . I UO 'do,fcOQOIo.'.ui .w6,000! ' I' do tl*j“;.\.;!;v.lJS Sooott'..v.v.r., ■; Id do do. 1H8001 6,000. 80' (ltl 'div.400 tor,(•('»•*88,800 loii do' MO.htso.oMod e iiti»a 61 fioooiiprbiim’ttdotojooo are l,ooo - •»!■« a< .'-r '- U4,oirt»ro l t 800 ifr,«m-we itooo: tor A oorainddliidiigary lo > dOnylMD'tiA'tirt IHwrW-rrlto* will* bo VWdo twqulro of tbo ,“0>™.“I tbo Ua.J«8lW»il.Jo0W*l„. 1 T-jIfjrffiaKr' inliiB W .w T n , F ™,™ j ,, . ——=r~tkJLih AT: •'J4 4 “ 4 .... .4-»4«- ., ***■ •3^-vi 1 * 4oo ,a ; 1 184 **’“ v 80‘“ 70 !*' ' tW"’ *' 40” . . .55.11. ... - ao ,.$300,000 •*' •; k l0;000 t-tsH 4,000are 000' /••rflioboara- mo !:»|000are 400, » fi.OOO-nre 820 ! :*v''vi.‘.l,0W!are-*i80i ! y,,w “I,WO are 200: * ,,l WJbaro I000 ; **'400aro 9000: “• IWOaro 8090 . . . idi'Jii'i *•**' 1,000 prlwa ttMouitilog to ■ R *, ■* ■' ■ t 1 . 1 .... -mm “or -nb«irM. i - ituKorntbidriwiT."-' ' THIj”BdWll8N"rr0a t ttr'hOdlOO/'hiirreapoiiOliig with tWratHittonl’dii tiaTtekowprtalodott'teiia. hfel 'alllll; W 'lAMr;''»'«' 'addlrOlod 'HMh-moM tin iufM.iffldyiSdiii'dod;bHo'8i."hi'ia • i ' ;r0o'Wl'2W'MlW,'idltyJWIy '*HlttSd ud Oltolr- clod",'ore plutlid Ht'OhOtttUr'wliM , * " - The wheels are UieuThVolVed.oml'the hutnher Is 'ilHWVIHM'IU Wllehl MMMlMMnh«kMM«8B« fflno a Vr&ute'dl'.iwo-lrtilh'tllb oti*T Whhtd.- The liumour iuU'liYIhe llruvln (Alt dre'hpeeed and eihtb-; lloirid (ITj Uu.|iaii6.«,' B id'wil*t6V.erl ■by-tlro'eehttniU- ! wSOTwwVsr owgi-.^ • r IWL, MBTmaANttQDfli ..til HI OtUaUtfWMV^Oo'l . -I THIS Hotue lamow adapte4toallthe ..vronteoftbeTraytllto* Pablkn-alld UreeT. -■ forts•ot-the-PrbprteWr^rill m i»deaatye A'toelfpatoonaffh 1 *!* v 1 l • i|i*tfM»ii r.g|M. 10.^8 v -THOMAS Si -NIGHBRSONi- omAM®:pMIOTT I'tlllh " • Wa ttTHtna'tt- 1 ‘wilt rrA'i ;dlii,eq ffl M L-ASaiA-'tSpAB'tolWffddeMhTl'JPcom.'JPP. i/VfSftV Mp$fPW| Hw Wo'iera^.AtkptVjiallroaOtocoMfcre 4j5flng slfc^lfey. * iiapiSS^si Illill' ' sm XjSm <tgued, wi b 8avimo4li, MaytWj'HM. >.. whose receipt lil HILIP4, .PUNCH'. Bffifelagdfcwj.! rsofibrfor sale. 4 ^TheHiibscrlbers ... . . additional articlos’, comWtoftln ptrt - line IIoo %ew:two — , - - . - tile and single staudscases,.CW umn rule?, galleys,.chases, elc_,. :" or - MA YOB?si<JVFipir, 5fff Cmr ox 9AVss^s^ 1 6th of August, 1856. j, 4 k j f|10 OWNSBSOFMJGS, ondaH others jyhom \i L may concern. 'you are udrebV itotffied l6tteep‘yotif/**tffn and prevent them Trom going »t large- Wllhla- Bte- yty tlir'iviii lound’going al- large alter thlsinotleo, uul until Iheadlh day orsoptemhor •neatl'.ehall bp ■Ti 1 KnW'D.-O. •ANDEBSOiii Sayorv- ' ! 1 1 Auoit. Kliw’o. O.Wii*)B, aorlt orOianolh j aug ft " \~CfLVCD? 1 T he niibiio winiurmed, thal Hit*-cdonfctlon'plth our general andispeoinl sales, -wo.wlll-c keep at our siorc 110 flrron street,-adloneraUeP-lllgonpe (Jffleo, whore Wants,-either domiMdeni-.ueluroerelul, wdl ha entered, aid those wishing to sell, hire ur eicl,align will ODd this alt admlrablo ni.pdlum to he suited. I’ersnna having servant? Ip lot .and those u-ontlim them, wi l llnd this the inept nr(totll*h|o tml ccnutimlcal source to.wn^tlielr Pftiers tor any commodity wbntovor. ChargQam^d^rate augl«—tf m>ABWNC4. QBVBBAL genUemenor.amau O uocommoilatod with good Rooms and motVcst sidoof Montgomery street, nno dwr abufi •ijutb Broad street. , M1W. M. S. JUYMlH. | • ' 4 ! . * •* M j, ^ , FOR HALE, tm Bix Tracts or Land, 600. acre , y inueatrom tliq'clty of ftaVAnhafi tin thb] toWSfRat] a^, wMl, a(lai)ted l Rice, Ppttfm and Corn,' and' WWd • u each,. 8 •»r,4 id'tu’ ^ro^toof duoiiljhto pay 1 for Rice, ppitpa ftiiil Corn, %. ‘Slf''#’'; -ffi-AVttywi..! , ■ : - 1 TAJEB , NO i i-kCK'.,:,;„ ' ... : P UKCHAflEBS will have tWir goods delivered free of oxpemte with, quick dispatch froju tpe Savannah Grocery and Fruit Depot,.corner Jiro^gb' l °JS^I wdift^StlihfeStoWtfoil op rrtiiWr«4fec*ndr- ■T I ; fn , II i...:f..i;nl il I1..-S .mA^L.1^.1 .L JIATHIJtOKY MADE.EASY,..], | O B HOW- TO-WIN A LETOB-^Mto - easy Principle of lore, aterspereediwItlt ltiieeUpns ortho Preservation aitd'E8artailott'bf‘''h-.nt'"i. Personal Beauty aiid-Bwtrnllucia, end for proloagibg hhnilit Bid- bsalUtllyiantl happily lo the very longest period of humau exlatenooi— Splomlldly eugrardd on Steel.- ; -’ dor to win the nlfedtlond of tUb1ippposlto ii asSJ^Thi •• • -l-U'.-s. iwA-AA.8. I BlAJ —., IAl(11».—; I irrie ILlfa it - Marrle i Organs Id firm it of Females hlindi Lights and Bhaijcd of The Renroiluttlye engraved; And tW U—. ty, with thtdr nomediedl 1 rRjwxkXtrr itCt#sWT»D|BV Plato, > tin*. ' at.dilfureMt'stAgda' of gfistatibb^how to'-dotermins, '“hen 1 It]oxlato—Ttow to present proguhucy, and, rith a lekttoo dn'Lovtatb niarrloti ladios'find gentl*/ ito. - T i*» N TwT... »l' till ' On too rocplpt ol r 4WWMm , f.FWf«....» . JhuIWU prwqdlpg.antLlhB lWdMfiCfiV , , , bora to thMft.UrawlHft.,|hH.,bMjl Apr^ vy.m bdfconvoy l^WW &utiUpiito.tooSdUAfiPi:«*WWPflJX i W<i.ftie?.r,‘iW8 andC/arteyflft.• *? J^ShoSiauagfl w, ‘far'afthfe' iWsluilLox£c!L,ttll.*dhci^,WPiPM'ft‘V® 1 ‘ “ ' .above.fcchemp, which, .tt)r Ua,£^p ltali,.oud.tbo chawsps.qr naft.p.fiy ^r.ltouniuaualod. ;..a i.> ......n,.......... ,wW.iiouxmnbqr..itoal fl.vqry .prlw U.dfftWQ, And ,payublulu.rull.wlthouiUfl,incMo#.„.,„ ... •*r' AlLpriw».Pj'.$l,WW.AW)tKWWTnifaiv ately alter the drawing.—other prizes atthp uftual time oi.thl»ly..daySa...y ,..h.u T „. t , Ji i-wj, . „AU..iHiihmui»Jo«tt»iM..4r.wtix..p«#M»L... T, htl ] fer , - drown. jiaiphm Avhl..hv., Wr.Wdrdfii .to. ,q w iffit- tfiiii i immediate* after.iVe,drawing-,,... «. w«« Y . a » lU0 •"Or/iei’&tor,fick8Ut.shpMl.d„bttpi}toJ)|,fitM'iy,. I A iftrioMik sbaro of their patrouahe, th^ndb ^ LlwltoWmbo pains ■».'.V V»ifer'iV»;‘‘ •l-P'wwo W glv^bJtoft oaJV.comtorlanhv ^MwitniLd "Ordma4hr„:^eC«mUtt,^|ilB^ .... L7?.A..SWAAN..45ifr , OrsWllt»MA. ai»fg,.i...flr di,Sli;AN,„M0WWqm.gfly, ^a.„ V.”'i']H:E'''HA , V:A'NA,;ELAr»..:. i-*.-", trtrl.rmj^ t-W-Kni, | luthern $mwWf\ MHIp for MiHabrt rat mih-»aHi»-DeHwlifd,ll ... -.-wWXrttoMi ,, '^4"blWf-'8tortbara ■t, *■ at}»\8' , »"' Ml T NEWYC ine Risks - ton and Bryan at. Approved BMawill bo takes at. tliwral lorn and lhsdtua|«radl(-»lven on Ijlsnuunt Xolaa.Thr-- quarWiwol ta.bus ness wliUto relhrned id tho uus. ***** VlftikJIICIiSr f».-»• i •»■} Huutlwrn Mutlfi(‘fH(ai-a)i( « Cumimii), Boifther iilft aluntXIBm ftV, Xolii |Mi,* >, Bom* lnvuriuu)Uiuiuuan)' t nf-Aii tiiirn, Inrlniflell'iFlRf. 1 ^ HUTfirRn* Com’?, ftJkffbtfaJ'rfbWi lnkdrttrde tdtopamWtoi-Jcr to ken by K1K(T * SOHS, [Agdnts, .... TitHtrwmywm itiWb«;i8«; • • decl4 .& PRBNT188, , • :.: ..(•fiWWWR^^wjwqSiK fwii’Jri : V w.'.. : ! ■ BiSlng.;, i/fii'./Cf. WhJ .DAY, .at. IL o’clock, In.'front of dtir store, IprJMtdoilnt on imdorwrltefH and all.cpncerhod :! ,< 10 balefc Ouhiiy UagglAg. sllghny dauugotl,’ and sold for aocodutm'siicouderued. this Dliv, ai'il «^»citf?t! trout «>yJtCore will ftesolit.HrrrrT ThqUi'Uul ajmortmont of Groceries, I'roylslouHv UquQrs,.wkcry and <haaa War.ej Dry^ioodjj.riifc aqdgqcond band Furniture, Clothing, Fancy ArtiflOy tVatchodfcdr wpli y, & :•, Ac, Tpriq?, cash before do-' -93" /.llnrll<;ios pnrphtieod at aucilon and not set- $lo Jfor Bfoylops to the next .regular sale, will bi aavapnahtrl^ .1 %?SS'3^SS?a^5t**??* 1I»"»A w -fireywtu'.Ao ye**/**^ »«y» t 1 ’JJR;^lrNr:.ju!v®s.Cj ^atgSo^ ■ sk 0 fi>rm<ir pur<;t,Me r‘ im -By the JqllQgrliigfesi mis* t" ’.."daijln PMMgfi, •»AMip»4.i,8A Mit i„\; JLettso,fc»rq.aloat:auctlon.. ., Op TUEBDAYjiott;:soptbmhor 2d, in front or toe ' Court house, during tho legal hours of ualo, will bt 4 , jj „ : j offered too ubaiphSddeale^f'nlne.- ye^rs andslx Cluil,f .Oak llfc.lwaaraj.hs Cowiiialiy; amths,eriilotef taad sItoat.d-.m-Ue.TbUDde.- - tin, .„ aftiUKlf«u>..o£ 1-,. I dolt-road-,;near-t-sivsrs lanej eottalnldg elgbhfli |S ' ' vi-BH-’jM aof*s;.aei-eorless, Wether, wljh tho MM W Imm-uiim Cnmuuiv ra ®‘ ,ti * Ihfsamei : The condition • pf ibo lease, l. .rrtw*" IIpMTu'r^iiihftS, at a tot r-valuation Terms cush. ». aug 28 pkatfe-UkibOU., tbe presses that la not of the bale, tmimi/jn n ia^a tor Fal iStittte Tsaxref&. st .C ana da 'BHOBTiar -AND GHBAPKdT BOUTA,i.... ^•mmhif>niytUtn SMi.M fMMiaMa tfAWHft. 1-11*1 PHIL A- i i4"^^4|Sn--W+Pit 1 *- i'DBLp4, a ':'3'^uMi’mKj^ l ' l yALiia !> >!|’iiu( miNtagarwFdlanaA Pblladelphti«-< ,n»i- 'Throufb Tioketovtwii I’hllAdeiphlat'aad-Intemtedlato. . the.Agent,-1* ...ii»iiit*tt -mi m D .r,)-iit»i Fare to Niagara Falls wBaflWu-u,!..*Ywii,$l tt.rtiM tit 'Elmlf* 11.-.U* t'J A-t'| Jl 14 Ja.i,t,w*ilwli2fi :■ y.kii. te-OBnnndalgun 4 i-iviu d < <wtb # m Wi .tbiu .v A7 -.m-pt (iRWN^ ^RUi,,, .«• •» .i *ii.> q#oi;sua«ti lutmr F«rra«rt* Attd Bteomnllee'i Flrwf ’ibartn* and J4A .laairauMk Onpany, BridfipoA KnTnit?4dErfce l«5ur«mr | w- A fiSSRffl& -oil'iy.',15,0041. N nualMvaiill — J 1 ¥ *% y> jlriiiS'iiiSitiiiU' ulUAse to Klvoiblmn Spring Hoteh istiow/npoiw Audruady itor'eeolve al thoio tUaLwAUpleasoaoicali. There will be at ftir- sylbe.Ueiwt coiwbos ftud.haoks ready-itotcmvey-all suabns wisb-todp>over.. ,.>•«// m«m 1 H.M.iM jt'.m. . j.i Elm. YARKRR^hi. ( | I W23w3taw.teaplir. -i i nidi,! iToyrteter. ! Savannah Republican, Morning News, and Charted toil Courier will please insert toe AboVb three 11 hi os oach-weelcDnBITsIHdliienifheilaillrsriidttmirJ MWuriMoHijnn «utin hills [or imymedli'- '"-tSw. VarNEB.' T-wisacolaj; ,-!1Jfh'»i2tth IIOTEIn- " Jhe qlywp piinu}^ WFI WOP for 10 .reoophqu pf.Jhltrilurg.AndiTrayDlWs, IMPBH .4Mu»l!oa,tp s|are pa- irons eomferabro. HlS„-feWii d),li- pllodw1l!l.tVo.'iWie81JbAi,,Umoi*pt.(ail,WI*sur- r»ffl® , "W r M!i | f *ibi,9y«m»..' HUaMmii fe tergs.jawli Diyjf, — ■ — ‘nln alow yards of the landing, onthqibtiau. lil.Uiiiftllr • Passage |o. , Peerage .toW^JWRiyPfk/rtwiq- • • •»»« 1^'-1 / • A.jLUtlB'JiUt'UUli.niil^fW^fi°Rtifi iHiMy..-i..®tORII>AiFOiCT89i 7-1 UtN> l ii-f r FLORIDA 9rfiAMHHIBWrf*»ANY •—U.- B.'>Ma« Llt»4—Frdm NaerOr duo stowneMi' - - semhmomMy'trlpe, leaving asrbUeWsi"i.ii„i;i NhW Or leans; 10th iiMtb- Key -West,-1lettr 4p 3*4 Apalachicola. 12th ft 26th Hi Mafks. 1 . ,.18tU ; ft 27th 1 Cedar Keys..14th ft 28tb Tampa ; Bay.-, lfith ftaoth Ibmpa.. iJ'/.-Htbiftatt! Codar Keya.l2tb *4* El. 1 'Marks n vl4tb'<fti28t, ApAlahhldolavlBth -ft 29t > •pebsafcolai'H letb-ftiaot > UVs AUtllORIVY VF miJ s •. —. , flrst.class country, hotels .... .... 1...1 MZW M*yhl .dftlir4btoi»lacp.'for ih* valTils and others as a .n^hrh. leaves Uie.Hqusfi.l^r^ Jlptoa, % yepk Arrive kfey 1 • WAbt. a 1 I’i IWIi ift'lfit 1 f'New lOrtearty 1 Wb 'ft h I Agents in New Orleans, -titi"i't»m «wi J0C24 tJto-""- -ia 'B. 'Q'. ROGERfi,'ftiGOfJV./ •i "'J .i;i'”'in ■ -»■;-» (.'I mill i-TtPoird^awlgtoeeli POR CIIAatKWON/ViA'UttJFinf^; UKAUFuRT AND HIl-'iON HEAD. j’atrous wiifj'plmao.'flsamte tlit^ ly, vompara.lkw.ttb w/ ; .oiSSf.u ibostovo«.on:oteii„.»nifiw«i,plMfifi?, BS* tals far helper, den-t pnrnhaso uckcIs.,.,., arflf.oh^seqpnlryjIjsV locdrospondwllh 'THOM&'b, - ; St.Marya,.IIpy,^T,.J86ft, ... -MlW ,i,7ii.iTi! iMHSj MHKSBiwi > - - JLI.UHT^A'JED ^ow^oc^tbyp ^o \ for July •Tb«‘tn|>tritw;titMtner uouinif „ , nilnlBhllJ' vtUha'ndw'hOilSr, Wlllfbinind hkP'* . l(i'gljaHeaon',T4anllgTW CbaHeJloh SWUK'I'Jkl t WhaW 6h Sunday;Alfjlfit llTtHVkl'SW'OldbM] *M Shewllt lbaye T OHarieliuid'odStmdgy;tne T Mul' 1 ' , kh id Slit' lust!, drthd saSd ttjdr. l, ‘On l wbdbdstfaj Jpttnibtf Sdi'tbb GdaW' Wlll'dotAHstlie'bdyWi - Ilirtrltalbltlid adMi)ah4idtesil iliarailolivlhg’Si - -dnhka dVbiy- Wddijdilday’ahd' SatUrHdy-dldlll lull. m. ‘.. I 2®"^--*'^.-*.^*iV.i • -offl ' 'Loet'JeitolsV Abce.'ThbraiWof'dlriilehAtfi Stays' *lm i..44.t8.«8i«.»..irS»P0?..«-»-*ivi,*7.? ' .SCI irtdeilspers’/'Thne'B'CfiaHgfea' Love ih '70/ EtlWka,' *lm i-.^ vt.t t .J»J 2.. i.iVihii >(ii«h4Jt• 14)00,.W9*w».8m,,m.,34 i.v..^.wv.'««4 8S4..,4v t2(6< i-.-'/jv;it- '"lOO'-awi'id4w>i»7v6l 1 20'ApHrbxlto’A of 4190 to$16,00fi:prlce«nei $!,€< g(y- .1- aim ..i....... >24to- 8;00ft' i Wli «,2i :#0laO'toi'fiiOOOfiti-.f-ara A<PI 100 1 - r ,l ‘ ' 0 f f’10 , to <aob"Of "the capitals) ..n i u, i..«mi .fiiiiiiu.^p.gLoobordvjvJv.i'ivvwd ' iltOyO 7M»0prlWe of-BW'arb. ,^'nviU. I ivl m'. a* I' "»j VJ" III ft rlllll >„llf •(llllMT-l-l ylll-l tW'I'l . 7805 prised amounting toiwu I Atuml * <a$LM,0{>0 j ' .TWkete'$W).'BalvoSi$5,.Quitetar»«2iMiT 1 p Prlzos payablo without dadotUonii: !<• /tU lrtd eilppera.‘'ytae»h 1 OHangfea, 1 Love Ih ’10/ EuMke, 1 The SbadyiSMej'NfeUm* IlUfafofis.-nieSdtitnwVa' immw ttRim . -,W,AK, .jfiti nii" rittF.WarWiir^iCmmu,,,ju JOABU"CAWFAii" iAND' , aWtt , U» $400^0u liABt'O? WlAUCER/ Prealuenjc " ^ ' , ' 1 o»* m.i|e»i 11lll ?it“&paayrMu^"K^^^ musWswwih,, 1 rt(iiy,wih s .«! W eji;. H KM--feiho storo-of i>! iiivtui I-* i'WARNOCK)ift DAV18;:ji F jy4m-SH!fi;*uo'> Kitt 159 Congress street.; 1 "fhdTAOOpriZoa’of $8W /aHe'04torralneii by,,toi nun\WfWbl6H «fra*s the $15.000,.If- tbiUnuoiboL . sbouiff 6b atl wdtfnattiboK toed'every odd camber ticket in Hie 1 scbWBe , firnl"bH«nlltfod$8 », ID hn oven uumbor, then every even another 'ticket w»H ho entity vjg&’&O, llltodditt>n .tfi any other prize r fSafflaaMb;-: Jy«n.aunlwiutw«i8 -wWji.Si-uww noarlyiouu -baiiifte.swpl o,( f (j l os ) (ii^, J rf .pf,obtai»ldg,«li«ruPrWMii.. jt-ffl'.iii An >AiI-Abps^,IidKe|gi p“ * , hi.) iiiun.'i vil, in ibirsd. I' •»'// f t,ii)hji|/. .it")ki»!tlf>w! imirtu‘1 .Kimioil'l 'ilgufiUik bnj; 3, sd orivouth-and Matgfb .eTen)iuUUa*»eudU)g,Htarl, u.ii’atstaMowMpgiti'wgytav" .bpIngiKm.-OrdvE* RMM%,lyi .nivamallws/P-inaWMalnii hfiaHs I»W»aM»Wi .uiiiuini ...•.BMW -JfSWWuPMl, rJ II i: isluuif-;!, •1 Mr* ffiw Oh MM : In..’ : l’riqo. GO CQUts.per .t money through'mail, ( bwk will he. sent bv. m l^pipulf fetoijliSWlf. ^TM-ran ,1 «Mw> ln ' ootn 8oxos. wUh.uuwdVfo oforto hunareU ttnW.^won- ty^ftvo lilbQgrapM.abJ' .cdgrayihWMU^tfatfhfe: tho ■ toatemv, DhyBlqlogy«W)d msofisdsW Ut&^ixual or* ganvtheir ,itr,uctiir0i dud WWtlpn^ lAtfotbor . ,wi(h Pjam .djroefoM fw^^irj/ h^.s^blllfl, ,l S’peJ0»iia ^;sip(;^^^:jW9fe®jf ; .»7 " No. l '88totoMK;Pbll|ljWpW^W 1 lowborn all nriiera. must baltot, I. „, ...dpjlllh4|, UOOK, A«BN«iY.l . ■ ■ r IP Bubscrlbera' Book Agenoy In -PWladelphlai.iad.wllIXiiiialsb.aBy, book or pulllloatlon'Ot’tlM-.HIajl-priea iisea el post, !,, ago.i Any persons by.forwarding.tbo.aubsoripUok price of any ono of tho $8 MagazlncSjiiBqelt'M per’s, Godoy'S.-Putnam’s; GruhanVs, Ffaula Uslle’ft Fwldous, *c., will receive the .Magazines iter, one year and a- copy 0 f a splendid, lithograph portrait ol ’ either Washington, Jaoksoo or. Olayper If.aubacrl- blngto n $2-andfl magazine, they, wllLrooolve a< "‘oApyiof dither ofth*throe portraitslf .subserltong to 16 worth of magazines, all three poptraita w|ll ue ■’ sent- 'grafisr 1 'Music famished to> these .who [may, wish it. •' ' Enveiapos ofexery slzo and description In large ' or’sntiail , ‘quanttUoH’furnl3hed. goal Pressqs, DIcb,: ftc., sent to order. | EverydescriptloiHif engraving on wood executed WlthbentoiMe «and-dlspstoh • Vlowa.or .Buildings, Newspaper Headings, Views of Maahlnory, Book ll* Ittsthtommf fbOdgo-Oertlttoates, Business Card.,, rfc, All orders sent by mall promptly aueaded. to, i Per« * sons'irfshJiig Viovwof their buJidings,engmvod can send a Daguerreotype or skotch of tho Imildihg by mail or express; ’ Persons at a distanoo Ivaving saleable artlclds wHl* llnd It to tlW* advautago to add mss-the subscribers us we • would- Hat as ageut for tho sale-of too pamo •* BYRAM A PIERCE. ’ 60, South'Thlrd stroet r Bhll«.,/Pa. ■ iiov’26—dftwly PATKN^ iCAimM-B- . Just rfaolved an Invoice of Ar thur's. Patent Air -Tight | . SelfeScfllng CA; » J A lt 8, For PresJrvin g FRUITS, H TOMATOES, fto. ■ Full directions ^ifor. preserving m acqomporiy each Can. For sale at manufacturer's prices by f HORACE M'lHHR, 116 Broughton st. Also, an nBBortmont of Ludlow ft. Co’s atjd Bur- ueti’a S<ire\v Top Fruit Cbns, less than cost. if) yithfigift gmllovaiT bnn 7: t .nfr •■lluU.'iali'.l gnlBMdjwll^^MgMIt WUlb. iq'afcjibiAmiOifflJBlyUfiPMAruL totUkU 'S’ ; ■” o! ’ ftWJBW ' 1*1 t -/'Vfr ill •/•irrnr-o— r - mm tor SSt1ts!S6cSJtr£ In ty minutes wllhout eiponBO at mocbanlcal nld. . Z ; Tho Litllo Olont'-bA ttkon 1 tbo fint-yUmim*»l u,,.,^..™ 1 u.»|, 1 at ijwbltbrr«^^0(»M,-^l;i »| nearly nil the Subs Folrt lbtoughont tbo Baton, In4 ?!V?ilV/^,wV7( • v»linlilw4Kfa'-mnlrt rtrirnnltmbHtJifTHmnrlttar: ; Thitv nr* Mi • ‘wwflikl 9 vj 1-1 UNlTjRDi SVATBft MAIL. nv PdUllMi &ub‘i , la^ &tD*rien } :ArvMwicki. 7. on uiiltoriri i '#kmoAttnai /asfaawaUf iMiddUtmg,, ililiw i it 1'Freight *111 bo taken for ,Trader’! Hi 11 and. lot ibodldto landings on St llargHi River*. 1 U mi«i.u.y f ,<«r No-frelght will betaken after bo’olqck., ■ Fer* freight' or /passage, tibnvlng- exoellaqt ala o« rooaa aoobmmodaUonSk apply pn board, at toe Yl< ri* ‘ - ‘ ‘ near-lb# Gaa Worka»ftrft Ik. CUNNINGHAM. An’* w daSteampackot Wharf, near 4b# flae Worke,er* * jy24 l -CLAGHORN ft CUNNINGHAM, Ag’ti gffiiflorTtj mC "ie Mil udiuk * urcbuuuu tuiui, auinirifitiell&s 1 toe ciftL . 'fafadAi and Selects Ohiy suebtrob at 'tt bekt'adapt-, ed to theirdBeJwbloh, like 1 ew“wh«elBVrequlre to be thadfi'br-dlouil'ttAown to'b’e bard and atron^^-' Tbey welgh from throe te five bUndred bounds, ae r attfe tosizei'mfdckn fee tht hropePatioh In tvre^^ * L - A —inse oi 1 mocnanlcal aid. j, , [Wa^r^^t.^ihok hfDR^8j GOODS^^g?-, ft a | ae arly ndl the^tate Fairs tbroughon^toe^nlon, I that In thb raottabmpllmoiltary 4 mafifier. 1 ’ They 4 guaritoteed dgalnst breakage or'deranfcombnt whei used according to direction!,«nd Warranted teglve the trtoit ported! satisfaction, or the money refunded onthereiornofthemlll. ’-•••• I .They oroofthree a\zos, And will grind from e)gnt 1 - Am,.,1.1 - ( „,|..•spspr*,»,ycirrrrrr ,, I 1 to rnioen bushels good, feed per huur, accori$ng to, ,*Tho aiibaenUer,!from. Ipng.d^npr\ence in «iM.witbcue or.-.twohorses. j •* the busiuea^, ( &ipr,eparel to, fdrnl^p Btearn, r,, ,^/e now offer them to the trado complete, ready. 1 i’igtuos-Boilarsrcircumr. Single and,Gang | for attaching the team, at roducod pricey- ; ; | . THE INTERNAYHfN>AL> ~, no.-oil.. tmwjuiANT.’»rS)amjk5(iui,, l lUU'iil bpl ill ^>SI<ihh* IutCbM. »>*'*4»... It VV ■( ■■■■.l»H)t"nK I.TTl l.t-.iAllILri l.n.j.i III 1,10 I. -t.i1.1 AGRNT-’POR ‘8ATANNAU!|> 1 “i l'irmi'8 Mi-CutI* is- - -'in." 1 ” * i“i"“''U‘Sirti - 9»t - > 1 i.j n v 1 -AfdWCMw-,, i.’frq • 1 ,«0.<65,J»yiS(n)KrWiH<Wtui!. loat.t/Uiod. iwiiiHitH rsr.n «.»♦ t- xiiiiaBk'iiitfaHj'- sraw, ,;"“ B. A. ROUA, flraof A. bl'BtfllWACu. Ujj- a ^i^eKa•• ■“■tsi.wMrww:'-: it'. uh-bhxAt, ''S"' 1 ."', : L°Afwffi. '"'"'ilv'HlliWi lAOWU.'": "' - ■■ A Prime .Saddle l ouy, at I’rlvAtdSuia. A flrkt'ratt'Saddio Pcjny Bound and gentle';'sold for no rmifC 5 Cha pe gdettal-dtlr stort. "f '• aUg20L‘V?' , V.‘ ‘'!)' * " ‘•*.1-' -a. V*-- )' — • (.For.Kent, . , .’nwiconntlng, room. and ttoro next la our store, ffinnerl/jcwnupledby MujerJc.Hluin. Also,'severa stores under our ceuntlEg. riiOfn..,. ;. , nug20 . 0 1 A COJfFLETE OUTFIT FOIi HOUMA »-••* v’lfimwi*: - - r lan -importaut item; anti to know where to got oxucity whatta'wunWd'lirequally 1 importatni, •caUnV " " r r;' 1 '. ->*«••«» ;-»•_* .*•• .“KENNEDY- &'BEAOE!B” Hodnaon’a New Block, Corner ofBroagli X,UW> ’’ toteMiM BttlTStmtV 4 r ^ variety,’Bird 'caged; Baihlug Tubs, iudhed nearly py£rj[^mtt{i%t WW uqcpiUli tor, recoUccuhoplacc. VACniNISaY -AND IKON RAlr.i.%1 manupactohy'andagkncy. , ^^Ub&i^lil]. < |§a®ltrei!|f^r Mgn^iS® •wimww2fw',bg*bi{bS . Seifeifesfe?iklj$ description, at short notice, upon reasonable terms. r"'Arte tor BAIRD’!? PlltLjtDEU’HLV MAitBU r \V(JRK8, he iH ai^oprepared to exhibit a great viirtd' Nybr'desigW f6f MONOMENlB; TOMH | Also Iron .Hailing hj great variety, lor enclosures, and to febiiVB Wders, uud put uptuo work ut muu facW^'pPiiietf. '• H. H. LINVHJJi { MOURNING GOODS, , j Fro noli, . Bombazine,..iiDluck: Alpacas, D Black ljuhu Cloth, Black Muhaii, Black ChalllO, Black French ljiwn,.BjqgK.aud White French Mus- liu, and u fine assortnf#ntW*Stripedand Plaid DlacV haud Wldti*Gluglmm« and Calicoes; Phtin ami Striped 1 Black- .lowing 1 silk.--, • 'mm • 'tirvutaalnt-M, • 1 Uurego»auid Tissues; PM! itml PIguroU' Black Silks;'for*Utnttldr collars uud sleOvos, «d'tho 'latest‘liatoi-nr.'-'Forak e AIttf“ by_--;'tlel2)' L KIN 1 ft BURNS.! U. C. POOLE, j No. U, WUlUakcr*ntCoet;;(Wro doors from Bryan]) ... . .WUOLKbAiLKiiAND BKTAIL -DEALER IK. , j Yankee, lUlnds, Doora, Dnluta, Oils, Vhr- < 1... 1 lUih*, Window Glaus, Putty, &e. -. ... ,1’alutera’i, Grul«orrf- and Artists’-Brushes, ■Whitewash Roads and- Dusters,■ Dry- and .. "Mixed Faints of every description. -Artiste’ .1 colors ln tubes. Pri-i>ured Cuuvass, fto, ' PAPER HANGING a,i BOKliEKH AND KIKE BGAtD •. 1‘ATl'EHNS; * | " Room* '^reiiafod WltU' u'datiiesS hud 'diUjiatch'.—' House, Higu and rflrip Painting, i/ildib'g, , Gf'ainiul{ find Glazing''doud' In ' tfid’ best btyld and at modorate prices. ‘ ■ * n n All AOrdfers Irai&'the.oeantry/ promptly attended C&" A jb^ftcd. 1 ': WlioaACo. ■Ob. ; tl' , n „ pw ™, i - ; undpralgnpd having put the 179 stab|fs,ln good condition, , ,‘q pijepared to,accommodato their customers with Carriages, Hacks, Buggies, Sulkies, fte.^witb sound, gentlo, and well i,b^uke berspsiiandcareful drivers. -Horses boarded ,| o^ apcotntewaUugtoruui^and well cared for. .'Two .l.ppbA of flno.CariiagQ Horses for sale. Inquire oor« ' »er of Barnard, and Broughton stropte* .,|, 'BTEVKNB ft ELUSION UBNKRAI, NOTlCfiT, , , 1 VUUnl.'>n^M u ‘uOMi tut. I. wlCVtR 'ABD'oOU/’hATINtf nan now bo dine llbbe-.l iilmacir iHUinaucnlly ftamfetSag; A vary Ueilrrao tnot of l«nd,. only.Dun., mum aatfiK; Tbq ilearud land Is a rich loomjr soil,'and *4U mid. heavily limbered with valulfolo timber,*and Urnsi/11 excellent.:.Tho locality: is ytij wwailsntj not olio tado of sickboss ’havoccurred ed tbe pram,' i *os during tho whole time tho present proprietor has owned ll." This U tt chance for an Inveetasat tardy to Up met wjtb,.wd. any. person..wishing a quiet prlvnte-rwklence oeartoe clty; or-aay person deshous of going into, tito gardening biuineeaio r.aisofruit and .vegetables for our mazkeL willald dils tbo place to.ault, • . • ;7\,,.V, For terms,-wlilch wllLbe Very-11 UeraLInquire iii aur counting;room, 1^ Bay streeti HUeaUndte|^U.- ■ *’ '! '; ■ . j j * * . ■ !! , , 1; 1 ^tkjy v -I . ,' _ ltfiO bushcp Rico, on excellppt-arilcle for'stoCh bushel D< ^' lIn ‘ i ^xntnli4o; Prlco;24oeau per Two good aVorf#,;undS&i bUfr/'il the foot of .^hUaker-fitreet. . • JluleW I ; . Wanted to Purehaee- - . A. icdnyonlont ; mqdlum4ilzod house,'Tn>'c4ntrat location—one frputiug ou.a square'would be urefef red—for shell an bne.a liboraf price wqhld be glvefi. -• •. * Ai Private'Seie^ •": 7. %" *•!: -yhiriyJeilgibVj ifpil$ig,Lota,;5S feoKKobiWlBb w 12^ Ti et dpqp. ijiiuatedjoi} TbylifjM^*^ Jadlon streets. Those'lots are' oil mjtn | soma or them, to tpo immediate neighbor! let selected for the site of the Savannah, Albany and Gulf Railroad Depot. Terms same as cilytots viz ; one-fifth wh/iad.'balMclPISearf^i Interest at six persent, <u t.trutiL j ,t‘ls. a[ Pitre And ipi&ljL jcure (9'r.biirtil,"WWi, JL corns, lelous, lever sores, ylcers, toidd neap, -tutter-wucm, w.rfl.topples, (rj}ccmmqndeclby;phr- .ios,) sore end crugken Ups,, tr^b, wounds‘and sorea d'.uny Uctcrlutlw; l( H Is a most Vkfuabie' .remedy ind cure, which cau bo testified to by thousands wiio have used it lit many portions of tpe.Ebuffi for uie IkAttohr'yhdrii.' InTldiMtaace witt’thaiidvsxlo any injhry, or Ihtortere with a triiysictuti's’prakrlp* 'tlUn.' Tho prOpHelur hae'Adtuerons ttertificaVeslud hitters Doto pcuplb who bay*' nsed'It themBdiles, bud toost ciu’Ufe.sily recommend tt to ethers *s s ‘iheedy aud - dertuln remony for * the -above ntnifd lUebsOs :' A trial Is oil that la necfttoalry.Tor lto-owe iWimmcntlatlon; •• •-•v*-.— 1 .♦iir4-H{ Among U10 toauy that huVe testified' to the eflkm- 'ey’bf‘this Valuable remedy, ohdiracdnunectdeftlt to ihe public, aro'Df.'K A’T KliHey; Jfidgtf'BvY-iHia, JudgdO'A'Utol, K'J Morgan, Esq, J L Stephens,-<Esq. Aar By' r'omltlliig pub dollar to' wftp. , single byx pf ihe ptotmenl^rlU/bF fot'wfii •miaijlreeof postuge, to any part 6f th6‘l ‘ Sold byV?.- BrijwKE, "tterSiDjB, GF.7 PA^BiWKcSriS^ lll Ai Sfi J©-’ 'HtlP'o Every man Ilia own Card Printer* / lALL^lNtf L^XMlNECWAMBERLAlN'ri V 'PdMdT;EdlipseTtohd BU’top'.'Uio'bWt’ bfifcdx*! uml most cdnvoilUnt'ol'aby'thing: - fdr thb lii^iee fal oilbroU foV sale; " ' *' : ‘i-"!' -?• ' • •' N • " ALFRED WRBSTEK,*tlfchi , 'Agt.'. apr8 ( _ ly 186 cofigrttti'r.t UL\j’i lliPEUVEI) SEWIMJ JimuiteiS. f \ SIGNED Expressly..for maklhg.,.Bugar^«uu XJ which is diHildcdly-.superior .to..uivy. toher muubino for (hut-purpose. I bpuol orskeftk line, d grosa stropt., • ' - * "‘* I M»yS8- AiyBIiyvggni'.UMi.'Aji. ■ iiOSi' * wjciiiiiBuwt.X"" IMl-BOVEB SHUTTLE SKWIHU.MACU1N1-. I \1-JS1GNLI - lor i-uuiilies, plantations, Xto*M4na« X^kers. TttRors,‘Boot, ft >boo munufactaror* uud -others who may wwh io ilotholr owu MWingcUeui* ly und with ezpodiUon. • Thisuuachliie. sewajuVnl* form stitch with both'bltfosHhku,-uud• which .wtih'i U ravel. It is luore simple,- is loss liable togoti un of ordtr. ami costa leas-iu <pro]xirtiwi' than any - olLer machine, and Is warranlod to b 0 perfect; nnd- to w-01 k well. AH apparatus 1 necessary for convenient use is furnlshod with it, ; and any lueteuctjQP will be given that wlUbo necessary, to eqaure to ll thP l Vto , ‘to‘ Uier Ks.auccessful operation and durability.. ; I The. public are roapoclfully. InvKdd, to call ftna ex. amine them at zsfiCowgreifg.rt. . ALFRED WEBStER.,Gen. Agt. ,J®v-A very nout.and pvuamentjU lror.Table willnow be given with a machine .for a .small, aum In addition to the regular prjw,,, wy,^. _ aa much oottqn, u flve 'cah^'pfo^' by^e^oW mulhod and having the cotton freo.rrom Trash, ana in betted bbfidltfod IW gtofilfig.* ! r -r“«*.•»»♦ The above'macblnM are for Mde atlM- -Id* i ton, °> • «*» «*“«>*■ »*w»*4- mivw nm-riablve -.TT’iPif f Prompt attention. 1 ’ Planter#; Factor#, Gotten Broken. All old | ftn(i aiuutoreBted are respectfully-luvHed-iti>-call AN FUIE AN ) ,.0'J | jQfytt sMalnut sired, PhUoddpkiai Pent J TbAfataj-bdiiaitetibka,' '?uLhi e iI and ldl luiereBted are respectfully' ■tuvite(L(toc and at moderatepricM. t 4li work or orders left al |- 0 .®- rm ?‘ -- L - ’ ift jh^.aUfindW Jfl prPtoP-Uy, .< , “ _7 _ ,W^&ON, .Donilsut, office corn^r B^^ift'ti-at. and Market Square, over'fi. Wfi- mdPa jewelry storsp Office honre ad from 8 to A. 11 u»i m. * •ii /> ■ iQQtt c | Wm*wp« id' id' #dd)>! tin IN BTUIIB I TO AlUllVU, li'Anul 1 '"'-BACoJj lafiu.'SK. 1 flItyIHHM t ! fc«i t tin4»iwi , &Sides '' ivv 59 do Sttouldin in air tight packages mu - .ilfltt-kogeNoid Loaf Lardw fiO bbls dodo » i.i i.iit 5Wcwikfl.d94.mQat approved brands • 1 i L i-OMl; BDGAK-ANDAlGLABBEHg ■ . i>.»- - . Wihbrts very .choicn Porto B‘ S9ftb.bls-LJarAfl.ed, A B and C “ do Gr.u«h«d v/iu . I Irou b to 2 o’clock/and from 8 mar 11 -V- j ■■ 141 booth.or MARWrr jodai FOB ,CHAJ0LLESTON AND FLORID ft! k The fine «to am packet CAROIiR A u 'jy^MHCGeplatn Cokettor, Will leaf* b ir#, for JaoKbonvme, Plcolata and -Palatka; -every Tt m* 'diy dfVernOon'at 5 6'clockr returning; will leave 01 'Chffieitoh. ’Afvrt'y FrWay morning at 9’o’do sk. freight or^tuiflige appl^ on board^at WIUm i’i ja^Frelghtapaydble 6nthe wharf. ■ • ' -AND BUUVra OWTHING.-4he 'Coiigi'fiaa'arid tVhtttker'strebte. i-Al-ft ilT» -•> 1 Jtoy 19 EnwhlU. ^BUteoriber-would .Invito-the attention .of aB In kranfof SPRING AND SUMMER' CLOTHINO to •hlfletookwhich has Jnat -been.received,nt-tho 1 tafc !fej Clothing Emporium,147 Bay »treeto •. - --£-8 T ' — WM. 0, PBIC11 1 nnuviYDU-iaru»un< n ■iw-iwusvo, 'Chandiie, factoriei; ahfps In port, .etoi AU toues will be adjusted and promptly paid. "*• 3J T f D. J Si'MUlLHpPresident, jjAn^ i\ ftJG.1HRO0W4 ViteU’tMdeat, ipiNDLAY-’B-IRON WORKS,, jMACONjOEO- Ijjfvs, Cftcdtor, single .. davhfoory,, Gflflt aud Meribam Mil's,1 Sugar. MUls, G in ,G earlog, gud^llngsm geu- .oral.,• ffhoiSawr.Eraipo^. wbelfier for upright dr cir cular* wm be.of Iron w^n .required.. ^11 of which, with tab nmny.lmpr,ovemont^,ft»,.)Vaf 1 ranted to MI ivqualitoitbe best mado at un^ otnor ostubllshmontl-i HU,fl, HCflj.O .W..9f^.^P ‘Sj. be !^ r 8* ost at the Nprtfi, and ho is ifrcpareft urffll orderft-| -ri, KTBa'wioIsii - OflsHed talOT; a'rfMi/ lufply, Pj per Bteamor Knoxville, for sale bj . r* ■' • P ORT AND MiVDEIRA ^iNFHi-A-' •/•*; { •‘lO'c’afeks‘Port Mho. 'I 5 do Madeira dfl. ' * ‘1U ’doTennofUW do,.-Just* received 1 sale by SCRANTON, - ft JOHNSTON ft ' aug 21 team, 1 Mr. C. H« CAMPFIELI or whom the milltnay be had atbtor price, maroh 7—eodftwly ""’ E LOUR.—100 sucks Now -Wheat Georgia * Jnst'rocelvWl oud for sale by . • utlg 21 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON B acon sides ft shoulders.— ’ fiahWils; Wmo Sides. : 25. do • auglL do: Bhouldore, for sole by w .SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft B utter & cheese.- . ' 20 tub* Choice Goshen Buttof. • -•« 10 kegs do do - do. . 20 boxes Cbclco-Ncw Goshen Cheese, landing l>or dtokltter and for sale by . • • • I • • aug 21 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft pO. • ■ Mi ,,tit, W* M flth the latest Improvetod 0 *! i oam f ‘only lie founa at bnir store, • We will soil them aV tbe manu- - focturor 1 # retail pric»e u addiog only . the'tfailsportatlon, fthd <pui * — I Mi rrttfbf chktgA. • M -•-•'KENNEDY ft*BEACH, * Hodgson’s block, cornarol 1 —i«t-Bro^fhwnitod Bullato. = come 'iEoft^Nbwr r HAV-E'futiVrqc'flv'C'J.' poVst^amcr Fteohlan Ra t don from BaUlmoro, another lot of “l I :Yl MltLEB; AJiBROWKS »| ■ : WEIiCOM h a-m-b. Alio, B,D0tflbs. ofBiltimdre Clty CuWd Bactm v • 25 bblB Snghrt, sssoned^-Orushed; n>W4ered and Clarified; No. 1 & 2 light Browh Cotfod Su gars, fib.','Sc* . *...,• -nALSO— , • , ., I pig Pork and White Boana.Q, Haw.e’.fl Fftupn; Mar ket Beef In oboloe pieces. : Per steamer from New York, Choice Table But ter and Cboeso. All to be found at BARRON’S, Family Grocery, Corner of Whitaker. ft Char ton streets, aug 6 1 ,. Gk M. GRIFFIN, . SUCOEBSOR: TO LATB : M. EASTMAN •Comer of Bryan-and yndtaker Streetf. HAS now on band- a beautfful as*;;, sortment of Jewelry of every dl^-, ^_ crlptlon .and kind worn by Uc” and gentlemen/ and wiUsell a*unusually u... r .,—, -1 have this'day reodved .(per Expreei) a- Urge stock tMefogani giver Warercenabttof <rf ptfcennd Pie -Knives, plain and engraved-'Flab Knivee knd Forks, Pickled Knives and ForkBuKntVM,' Fortas and Spoons; Napkin Rings, Nutmeg Orators, fto;'Ac., all In Morocco oases, and suitable for presents^ 41 are also this day ‘received an- addition to my < Hoc t of. halnfbfk or light colored Curb 1 , Topeyei Braids,F ront Pieces: Band#, Unele Tom, fco.y which aow-m ikm my*assortment- oemplete: Order*-roceivedfor any; color desired. . j. - 1 Watches.repaired by and under the supervalou of self and all other work ■done-ln'a'workmu ill) manner, and 1 warranted.' 1 • -! 1 . ' 0 •* taay|26 ........ prima l ... 10 whole and half'Ubte Haws’ Curui d Beef. by ■ HUg8 DAVID O’CONNOI Corner Broughtou am Q’CO .. id Drayton 8te. VS ALL - AT GRIFFIN’S and you will flud tbd moa oeautlful assortment or ’BmdU Fancy Artlblea In nhinaand sold ornamontod, cofiklstlng to*partol flbrete, boquot va* /small do, cologne r said ( boitlcs."ribbons] cologne, lantern bide floyite, can- OPE.—100 coils Roim), fo arrive per achP Alba PATTEN, HUTTON ft|C0. K < ,Jyio, itOR SALE—500 bfishols Rico Flour f< F (— stock. Apjlly, to 7. N. W1N1CLI boittea, ribbons; cologne, lantern bide flo«st dlestloks, and last tbbugh not least useful, S- WW Million ondEOraothlhgn. Mr 7 ‘ .Successor to the Ute >1 Eastpia, . jyB Comer Bryan and Whlt^ot! sta. superior Cloart i t'U.i» .ENS~Peraon8 desirous VA gowd Gold Pen, are Invited new lot.wbloh wo have Just which we can recommend. JlD . of obtajbic to oallhni — yebeivw, __ nend. j D B. NIOflOIB ft 00. iblng u din- and auglW—0 ! ■ Williamson’s building. | augl9 YONGE ft FRIERSON, ijd^ay at, ^ rpgg. ATTENTION of strangers visiting the X cltj - - W HISKY.—10 bbls pure old K.yc..hJuy, jus received and for sale by . j augl ’ YONGE ft FItlE RSQN, - Bay h ■■* - 1 r city nod the public, generally, is Invito* to examination of our stock of Spring andJ Sommer ^ Goods, wblob. for varldty and style Is not’to; be ev- TT- rniHE-B WATER'FlL-fEB.iUuat- received an I colled In this oily. AIKIN 4Blrfu«. nitorUor'Eluf Savanna!, ttver Watorl! ‘ I 'SlLOOB—S00 Pgtoo HUI* DooW*| S«tf» Cor. TO BUIU)K1U. T HE BUBBOBIBEBila .pnputd to-exe sal at tho shortest • nodoe, >and. tn- the most v orl manlike manner, all kinds of Metal Roofing; Gut tors, Cornice, oroiber werlbconnected'wkh the>man lec turing or ropalrlng of Copper, GalvanlaoAIron, Uao, ; or Sheet Iron Business. iLd. HORACE MORSE, octlS • ■•■■I • '■ 164Breughton|it| F ine uquors- j -1—- m»« 1818 1854 1854 1854 1848 1814; 2 tour piped Kleppor’rBritadjr. 'vintage 1414 4quar do do' " do" ." do 1815 JOW do 'db do 1 »V‘*do-- 4 hair do Otard Dupuy ft CP’S do' do 1 do , .do . -do,. do •do ’ ’ do • 'do . do ilf 'do Benbessa 1 db : LVl® _o do A Selgnette do ' dd . hair, quarter and eighth pipes Gdgnfii, Ro chelle and Bordeiut Brandies of tarlonl brai d# • 3-plpes-Heder Swad Gla 10 5 gallon domlJonflOld London Dock anfl Oo- ' gt crolx anil Jamaica Rum.ln punijheojs Old do and do. d# In demUoni . . Very old Port and Nadeira Wlnee ;ln del ilJona Champagne; Rhine and Claret Wine In cases and baakete; in bond andstore for • augfl WEBSTER A PAUftfik; WM.-JiiYtij.ii, <> E8PEGWTJLLY Worms ihe Ladies and XL Gentlemen ofthlsGltythat he-is -prepared to aqfyo them every evening with - : ;.*• - • | !. lce.CjeiiJDi'Caker&'CQMecfioawy r ) In ifa ownpepaliarstyio, and hopes to merit a share'' 1, ot -public patf onttgo, PavunOah: 17th A /COFFEE.—150 bags prime Green Rio O&fc V^'HW bags fair do do» do 50 mats old Government Java Coffee . 20 bags old Maracatba ' do -; l 50 do prime.lagnlra .do / 00 do do Porto Rico . do .25 do do old Rio *d».. torareraUb.igUv^ j ^ R< J* -1 ' p*i, , tow 18. BIITBRBaisBi INSURAJIBIHi'.CimtfY, • ' 'JVwli Pint itrut, Nmr borki 111/ Ilf tWMDWXr- XBP-WAMXg-OTBKgT-) _ ...I- CMhC»plttt4 ) i r nteHlP i i ! „:;i'; , ,' J ' [ I 400tagsr»l*W4HI4MllO | . 1 TJOPMOO cglU-Boi* liObflWswnd'TarnUUre, Warehouses, stores and mfir- 1 the lowest-market rate* l 1 — Tin WaVe at'trholfcBWe 1 and'retaiil iGaUidewnoft I' Bryan fttreet, It wlKfay youforybbr wnllbo mil '"0ct2 ; " ” JOHN 1 JJ MAURIGE, Afent. n|J^T7U..M 71V for sale toagflyeper it.itt.Jnm 1.: JOHNSON- Ik'CO. | UUN'® 1 ®- ! JUS* BEOBl|lED- w . w fiy;.lfiiii — ft 16 bugs choice old Govvrnmnil^Jfiinilahd Rie VINEGAR, Ae.—Just received: 1 1’coiteet'*’'" 1 ’ ,r ' » 1 "' 1 <’• •"'» "> xoini'iq'in Jl oftar Lamp011,10coaesiOlive do ' 1 ,- 1 '0 hilf ehedtd Black 'andGrebnTeak, 1 loose 60 boxes BeEuiDli^»fp, Starch and Candles Arid jtr5WhW'fafind-p<t#Wgeiiii'»'» »l bmm'l ml let u"| la&Wft 1 60 boxe? iO 5TU -OfaA " . ou.uua uyiiud aud raanllla cores' '" >!l " 1 6'pldoz Scrub Brushes, assorted 1 20 doz palfilcd^njl cedar Tubs fiffgfflS# wooiji,matches 2u casks By ass’LoudoR. . 100 reams assorted Wrapping IT.,.-, in A kegs ir.heloo Goihon Kullbri -fop *41e by j' . - -• •••. '-'1 v-'DAVID O'CONNOR, -jyia -■ i-'coriierBrought!)a-andiBrayMn Rta. Abblite RL'&D -ttnart'Ji Or ashed'MAdOarifled Sa- 1 Mg4rsj' ; »I» i* u ii" l.-iiirih-ui mJ noiyrm i lo\ibla Belf rUlni’Flbur;" -'«• VilnoHdilo noDu-i I 25 bkgs Eixtrit And EiiperflneFlonri' 11 I JO bbls Bcklil' Butter'ahd MaptoChfofcerspiU »nt 1 50bbx'es'Bemlel’#fomnj l Bbep^SUcroh'WdOuttles; tftdoz Ptdlfi , aiia : Bfbdd4X']f'ii'ivi'>‘- , iii riu<>'J nohoij 100 doz Scrub Brushes,Jian'diColtoniiajbbiltanWa -Clbth'rijiflnttM^.viu ,, !in 01U 1" laau/o oum /. mjKSflkMisuw*.. JO boxes Mustard and Yeast Powders,’JUse, Clnna- .non, JJfiUacg#,-/i«l(Ci«r*vj «d{lPfi4 3M » bloa fai Jel^' 1 ' ,,I |I,T Oat Brougbuy W4.PTWMP « _ dlMofSlvumaliin (Sriloullr. imil lh« . Igeoerxliyi tiiutll bl4UiU4»]r optnU.flew Coi Itlanary Store,And will keep on hind k Inrg Keeb assortment, of all ldnOSand' dlscriptlbhs. He will at all times and boars, be ready tQftl purtkSrWKh'suppefts. .* ' . / v.:- v • Uofietr Tem-and ChgeelaUi. at. 'aU. tiiDi Ornamented Cakes, Plea, ftc. Ac.-ies4e .tobr die hopes from loagexporienoe. to. fixaeatisfc to all who wllfhonef bins with -their patronage H. B BOSS50LA,No. 98 J 8ILVBR WARE, ld»» 4iura!tf.of : M«fuI jjritel? WW1 ’-tmtatt v! PtK- -Jam*- r. -.-iMTM-.l ■ IDOUbfelMhltt T6 bttlaxIlll'hX 180'bblfi BUtteir! Bug&r-u- '5dM3«)«Bbfiad«kOTii' ,, 200 boxes various brands Wcaai 1 iBobb fiObtidsCfiBA M bbls No. 1 Lear Lard; 200 kegs and caosfcardf Wli 6 M-HjBar Lead; u «„..i ■-i'.-- baga Brop and Back-Bhot; -•> .»n 1 kegs, halte and quarters, IHipoui's Pi _ iblsMeisandPrimeiPorki - i-.i i' - |OiboxeaNectaPiWhlsky;'< '< U'D ' ■100quarts.Scbeidum Schnapps; • • •> 190 casks pints Ale and Foxier; • - n 300 bbls rectified Whisky; ••••-»■•> lOObblsNow EnglandKam;* : . . 160 bbls Phelps and E Phelps’ Gin; eel and ffiO caaks«t>anion«ml purnMalaga Wine; f 60 bbls White Wine and Cider Vinegar; - > 120«atoaiempty-Wln*Bottler,'••»• • ••> " In store and for.ealo-onaooomtoodattng forma. may 16 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON A> CO l rrn— liver 1 ?LOUR.-100 sacks Middling Flour,fneir ^hsgU_ \ Extra Family-Flour ^nweta^nd- for ■ate by 8«*W ir I . WinIjow ihj OAEFET. WARE-HOUSE, : S:. .Utt ram***.i*ii.67 ». JfUEMmnB.1 mHEHulSictDiet hMrecttlvedi'anH «Uli I xUla da,, the Targcdt uitt-moet dstemlTii v, 1NDOW SHADE! over oirorcdlnthlilclt,.| Ui.lumnlloa ortttX,d\-crUsor l(i Icccp codsuuUj-ls Mi nlotft lupplx claUUid Various pattern, and 1 atniM manuAudarad tty IP. manufacturers.ul itttsil country and dCTranbt. inirblett tboauantlon'ofindr-1 dbatttf and.,fiunUM In tbo' etty andbountryi la In- Tttfld. -Tbdlr Will ttadoldatwboleoaM andrelan.'W | jMWndttrytiiH*::,-: . H. OIHOM,-Aieni -'Ian , :: I K ""' SW 1 unWTA-ndii^U baaiou adw* 8 plnta | i.i » ' i — f-i s*-**^* ,**<•«*« a 4]'«v* i.-,. I , FA,TB5NT ICE PITCH J lisT received, ONLY thirty-two dayeTMm Bal- •tltnW-h’bywd ntestBleamaklp.idme. Thenu- .iqorop^nquir^ .wyi> glad .to.OiMli/Abat ther nnve.OpallY'WriYS?- HouBe^farhlubfog' Store,. Bodgaonla^eW »BIocft. 1 'j''*'.’ ‘" h *" ii I* J M 1 ATiiS^HttSSSiSil!^* j., i-ooboxes AdamauUne, Hyiif*u 1! o.ilii|l 1 ?P- rtm 11 Oapulc,: received and tor, Salo tty-■ ■I 1 -wi* - - - 1 r rj.VOOlSHss Suits Baconflldaafopuaala,, .lo a. Hl..Ilka.Uta^4 y ...: I ,„i,il iiilililJ'LmrT,' COFFEE, SVGAB , Of MVBAGS prime Rio Coffee t|| 60 'to '‘wdo^eHiWt Jayado. • *••••«>'•-• Mio-PrlaeUguyrk tto* 11 1 ,3 » 10 Hbds.-Cliolcd|Sl f Cwfix Stefor. l uli?' §Sa2®®-JSSlitt R and . 0 Sugars;. UlbberVs - London Porter i ??. . ao .. *"T?T.-T» a -*'tehiAlerCllMretnnd;otber Wines; at ' 1 r “ lU>r# and for sale by t _ L; _. . B AKRON’S 'OBMNEiiASDCI.ABiFIBb»eti*E». . Bbls Stuart’s A. Crushed Dgq-aAv Clarified... Family Grocery Store, ■ niWtflS i. aornen Whitaker and Cbartem ste8» VnOK SALE ON ^THD WHARF— - X? r HJO bbl# cholco New Orleans Molasies »218iwbolo tad 1 hair nollsKontocky'RfTd . 22 casks Clear and 10do Ribbed-SideSfiJ."'»• j** •••i--", i (*» j ,ia-iidt *» u n o'.i4«-1 •Jt Vf*