Savannah Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, September 10, 1856, Image 1
•I VOL. XXXVII OLI) SERIKS. SAVANJfAH, «A. bubKrl|)tlon PrtcH Papon 11/ common uudonttandlnz, tho proprietor. anil iniblinliora nl foe Urnso papnra tanuuU In tavenn.b, lint!) adopted foo followlnj unir rut rriceof.ub iorl|HH>u, in um e flee l tbti d«y: Mill taper, per nnnnm, In tdnnco to on frl-Wcekly “ “ 4 00 tvoekij', Imile copy, in .dvutoe i on Weekly, are coploe, lo one foldroie t 00 Weekly, “ “ “ 10 00 Weekly, Im “ ” " 13 00 Weekly,twenty" “ <1 30 00 When tM paid within ooe month rrom the lime of.idMcrlawi foe ehuxefortk. Drily will be men Julian, aan Per the Tri-WeeklyJlee. the IVeeety will be lent only lo thoee who pay In advance. Tho paper will Invariably be dlaoonllned upon the expiration of tho time tor which It haaboen paid. The above ratoa to take odbet Prom and alter thin tale. ALEXANDER * SNEED, Kepublicau, R. B. HILTON ft CO., Georgian d Journal, THOHTSON ft W1TH1N0T0N, Am. savannah, July 1, IBU. WEDNESDAY, Two O'clock, F. M. Additional New. brought by the Canadian. New Yobs, Sept f)th.~Slr William Temple la dead. The entire National Onard of Spain b shortly lit be disarmed. The late bread riots In Portugal have been suppressed. The cholera at LUbon b abating. It Is rumored that the King or Naples has asked for tho assemblage of a European Con gress to arbitrate the difficulties between him and the Western Powers. Russia’s difficulty with tho Abies b being satisfactorily arranged. It is reported that England hu agreed to a capitalization of tira Sound Due*. Maine Electlon| New Yobs, Sept 10.—The Black Republl cans have elected Wood,Gilman, Abbott,Horse, Foster and Washburn to Congress, the entire Senate, and four-filth. of the House. Report of the ThoucavlUe Convention Again, Iu answer to the Republican'! olbnsive chal. Icngc.tor do deny “that.the action of the Thomas- vllleConvention.himanasoriptronn and nrm- pMt, and not the work of the editor of the Georgian,was brought to the city Sunday morn ing, by tho delegates." A manuscript was brought to thb city cor. tabling a report aod certain resolutions—but by whom that report won made; whether It was adopted, and whether the resolutlonajwere lost or carried, was nowhere stated In that manu script We therefore reiterate what we sold yesterday: [f any official report of the proceedings reached thb city Sunday morning, we happen to be ignorant of the fact. That malcriidt out of which a tolerably Aril and accurate report might bo made were brought to the city In maniucript and memory, we admit, and that b all we do admit. That the writer of thb, or any other delegate, waa ; under obligation to devote the Sabbath to the preparation of snob a report for the Republican wo douy, And with thb denial, we aabmit the matter to the judgment of the public. Another Distinguished Georgia Whig and American far Buchanan. The Uacon'Messenger, of this rooming, con uins u letter bom Hon. Eugenios A. Nbbet, late Judge of the Sapremo Court of Georgia, aod long one of tho ornaments and master’ *pirits or the Whig party, la which he an nounces himself a supporter of Buchanan. To morrow wo will publbh at length the nnnn. iwcruule argument by which he justifies Iris courw. To-day wo content ourselves with tho insertion of a few of hb pregnant sentences “ 1 do not suppose that any one can now question the fact that tho American party b without nationality.” "The election of Fremont will ho the first scene In the drama of disunion; nnti-sbvesy legislation the second; the thiid and last fratri cidal war." Such arc my vlows of the results of the triumph of the me-soil power In the approach ing election. That It will triumph, nil concedo there b imminent danger. To prevent tbnt triumph lu in my Judgment the highest obliga tion of patriotism. To fufill that obligation I tan perceive impractical way, but lo vole for Hie Democratic candidate. If Mr. Buchanan canduleut Fremont nod Mr. Fillmore cannot and the success of Fremont will be followed by the dissolution of the Union, tho case Is full" made out without farther argumentation: 1. these statements ore true, Ido not perceive •mil forme there remains any alternative. In u contest between the Union and my party principles—L go for the Union. In an mevf- talJe struggle between sections, and that ap- paa-utly a final struggle, my fortunes and my cllnia urc with my own section. Whnt are my principles worth if 1 am to lose the Union ? And what avnib my preference of Hr. Fill more, ithe, and 1, and the South, areto bosac- riliccd! 1 assume that Mr. Bacluuinn any be elected nod that Mr. Fillmore cannot. I may possibly bo mistakon, but such b my opinion, uud I must act upon my own judgment, fallible though it bo. It may bo Bald that tf Mr. Bu- ebauun can be elected at nil, without your aid, and why swell the triumph of an ancient op ponent ( To thb I reply, that it b of vast mo merit, not only that Mr. Buchanan should be elected, but that he should be elected and go Into office with the moral power of the entire houth to sustain him, and with the sanction of an overwhelming popular majority. tie concludes ns follows and whore Is the Southern man who can gainsay hb conclusion. . 2? 1 i e i n ?. 0 ff* t i 0 p,rt y 18 onl J r notions! is^,oW,h e .xro»r! as an able and experienced Statesman, and aa a gentleman of unimpeachable charac- ter. Hoandhl. panyam fuUywith us on the great ulaverybsuea of the day. My hono-nav my belief b, that, If elected, he XXtabter the government upon Constitutional prinolpto —that being raised to power manly fiy South ern Biillrugo, and indorsing an he has done. Southern views, he will protect Southern rights—that daring hb term of office the con. ecrvutivo elements of the nation will have time to come Into legitimate action—that tho Stonn Of fauatlobm and sectional folly will subside, and the Federal Union be preserved. Bc8pectfu!ly Year^Friend, Health or Moutsohebt.—A gentleman writing rrom Montgomery, Ala., says InaP. Si „"ynoto u on item of news, that the K 1 . 11 ? Montgomery for the week ending fe a .'"st, was one still-born negro child. Die doctors think It rather healthy here. A company is forming In Perry county, Ain., taller the lead of Dr. John ,0. Reese, for the iwposc of exploring the Mineral regions of the .ills Valley. Forty-five names have been ‘milled. Tbs month. Storm tit Viovltla. TaI.LAIIASSKK, Aug. 31, 1356. R. B. HUtOA & Vo„ 'G'ciitlonienQuito a gale l»Junk subsiding beret It commenced yesterday evening about eight o'clock,;blew quite hard during the night) with heavy rain. This morning the wind violence until It blew a heavy gale* At 12 o’clock, M., It began to lull, and has since gradually subsided, and now (5 o’clock, P. M.,) it U pretty well over with. The atreeta or Tal- lahaaaco present a melancholy appearauce— large and beautiful shade trees are proatrato, several tin roofa ore torn ofl; tho gable of otio end of the oapltol blown in, Bomo of the wi dows smashed, and many other buildings are slightly damaged. The most serious damage, however, Is done to the beautiful shade trees— very fow of which bps escaped being totally demolished. No persou 1 believe has bceu hart. It Is supposed that much damage bus been done to tbe crops, and the result upon the Gulf coast It is feared has been disastrous. In baste, Visitob. [The foregoing has been a week and a half on the way.]—G. & J. Storm In Decatur County. The Batnbrldge Argus gives a deplorable ac count of the effect of the late storm In Baln- bridge and the surrounding country. It lasted from 4 o’clock P. M., Saturday, until 3 or 4 Sun* day, P. M. The ^rgussays: The uew brick buildiug of Ira Sanborn was Uuroofed, tho uew Baptist Church nearly blown down and rendered almost beyond repair, one of tbe window sash of tho new Presbyterian Church, aud some of the bliuds from the Court Haase ; and chimneys aud palings, and china aud other trees were blown down on every lot and street in tbe place. The whole town pre sented, on yesterday morning, a melancholy spectaclo, nearly every Btrect iu towu being blocked up with fallcu trees and rendered almost impassable The amount of damage sustained by our citizens is immense. The crons in tyis section, wo presume, are partially, if not Completely destroyed. From all wo could learn, through our.cxohauges, tho 3 of eveiy species in Decatur county were *, by far, than they are in any portion of Georgia, but this Btorm, we fear, will place our plauters^on au equal footing with tho farm, eraiu Middle and Northern Georgia, where tho crops have been nearly destroyed by tho drought. Certainly a great calamity has be fallen us, which should teach us an important lesson, that of dependence on Him who hath all power both lu lleavcn aud in earth, and who sways the destiuies of the universe. In another article, apparently written at a later date;*tho editor siiys : Iu consequenco of the recent storm, rendering the roads impassable, we presume the Thomas* ville Convention will bo but poorly attended. We hope it will bo postponed to a more con* venient time—Mr. McElveen, who resides eight miles east of this, in the direction of Thomasvllle, come into town on yester day morning, and stated that he counted two hundred and sixty five tree* lying ucross tho road between his residence and Baiubridgc! The crops iu this county are completely ruined, from tho representations made to us ; and the probable damage/to the county will not fall short of two hundred thousand dol lars. Stohsi in Madi8on, Florida.—The Madison Messenger, says: A very severe storm occured onSaturday night, and continued until noon, Sunday. With the exception of one chimney, fences and trees ;belng blown down, no damage was sustained in oar town. In the country however, we believe, much damago was done. T. L. Whitlock, Esq., we learn had his Gin House, and other proper ty destroyed to the amount of about $1000. company starts early this V? ut, ch—The Bt. Louis Repobll* actK wounds for believing that a re* "?,* ln in Hllnols, which will verycer- Uric nm“ I 1 . 10 v , ol ° of llw State for Bachsnsn. >* EmSf' m S n who tewtoffst first with ll . «na iff 11 .*,“ ve rilsmisted with Bacilli™ ra ' 8 ng U“hm1ks for Fillmore or Further Particular, of Iho Hunting of tho Hotel at Capo May. PaiDALtLrniA, Sept. 0 Mr. Philip Gain Sr., with Col. Frank T. Foster, of this oily, were tho proprietors of tho Ill-fund hotel. Mr. Cain resided at Vlncenttown, N. J., nnd went to Cape Island the present season, for the pur pose or opening the hotel. He was sixty-five yens of age. Andrew Coin, hie sou, was about twenty years of age. Martha was iu her sevouteeth year, aud Sarah was but thirteen. Mrs. Albertson was tirirty-ttvo years of age. She was a widow. She hud gono to the Island to uetashauuekeeperattne hotel. Tho elder Mr. Coin leaves u wife and several children at Vlncenttown. Mrs. Albertson also resided there. Young Philip Cnln Is about eighteen years of age. he Mount Vernon was built by a company of gentlemen, at a cost of 1125.000, uponwhloh there is not one cent of insurance. The build ing was first occupied in 1863; hut Hcssii Cam and Foster did not become the lessees un til the past season. The hotel was celebrated for its immense size, nnd for the superior ac commodations the building afforded to guests. The Interior wns well finished, and the apart ments were larger and more comfortable than usad at waterlog place hotels. Although the hotel, in its late condition, was cabablo of accommodating 3100 visitors, it was not finished at the time or its destruction. It was designed to have the buildings oocapy three sides of a hollow square, or court yard, and the front range and one wing wero up. One wing had never been commenced. The building was constructed entirely of wood; It was four stories In height in the main, with font towers, each five stories ln height. Three of these towers occupied the corners of the buil ding, and one stood midway of the only wing. In addition to these towers, there was an Immense tower six stories In height In the cen tre of the front. The entire structure both outside and upon the court-yard, was surroun ded with wooden pizzas that extended from the ground to tho roof with floors at eaoh story. The wing was n quarter of a mile lu length, nnd the from! covcnfi nearly an equal extent of ground. Tho dining room which was 426 feet long and CO feet in width, was eapableof accommodating 3000 persons. There were 432 rooms ln the bulldlog. It was clstmod that tho Mount Vernon wns the largest hotel In tho world. $ There was a tank in tho centra tower of the wing of the Mount Vernon, capable of holding twenty thousand gallons of water. The water was forced into It by means o f a steam engine. The furniture of the hotel belonged to Hessri Gain & Foster. It was valued at 324,000, up on which there was no Insurance. The total pecuniary less by the conflagration will not tall short ol 3160,000; Haws yuoii Utah Tsnmnmv.—\Yo have re ceived a file or the Halt Lake News, th tbe 30th July, fliero Is no news beyuud the utraoubne- mout ol the failure for tho seoiiud time of the crops In the Salt Lake VaUey. The Newa lu addition to tho drouth and dostractlon by Insects hut season, to tho severity of the post winter end consequent heavy lost of stock, aud to Ulo destitution wo are still suflhrlng, the long continued dry weather, the scant supply of water at command for Irrigation, the entire de struction of craps by grasshoppers, Caeho county, uud tho like destruottou in portions of oUobaoc md th ° fl enenl and corn, and tho parching of whole holds or grain bolero tho heads are filled, are f. r from promising a surplus or food for the Saints now lera and the thousands already on their way to the mountains. The Mormons of Great Salt lake City eelebra- tedtho ninth anniversary of their entranco into the valley of tbe Great Salt Lako, on tho 34th of July, at the head waters of the Big Cotton wood. About 460 persona, 71 carriages, and 201 horses nnd mates participated In the cele bration. Tho dancing waa kept up until the afternoon of tbe 26th. The general electiou was to have been held on the first Monday In August, when county officers and members of the Legislature were tobeehoseu. There seemed to be but one par ty, which regularly nominated and elected their candidates without opposition. From tho South Side Democrat. An Intercepted Letter. The folluwing epistle dropped into our office, must have been Intended for the Old-Line a nnd K. N. AmalgamOrgan, with Scotch strings In our burg. ' “Dear Organ, I take a tremondous Interest hi the present Election; my application for the ofiico of Squabhurg Tobacco Smeller, has bcenon file four yean, and I know that when Fillmore la eluutea I Bliull get it. Sol hurrah for Fillmore. I belong to the “YouDg.Men's- Bird-er-Freedom-ts-doath-to-all-frlshmeu As sociation,'and we are true to the policy of the great Amerleau party, for though our lath, en wero born ln Europe, yet—d—n them, they had no business to I We have given our foes no rest. We have already done the State some service; we have broken up several Buchanan nnd Fremont athelugs by making a row and hurrahing for 'illmoro. We have at the risk or our own heads, been In tho night and chalked large crosses uu all the Fremont hand-bllla we could find—we have ateleu their bonnets, cut down their flag stalls, punched holes In their flags, nnd broken their club-room windows, and Jwe lave told cords ofliea about Old Buck, and the ton-cent-ret-up; wo luve turned his person in to redicule, ehlzzled his character and played the deuce generally. I am on tho Foreign Executive Committee— I throw stones at little Dutch boys—I knock down Irish children nnd take their playthings away from them, and then hurrah for Fillmore. One night I threw a brick through the only window In nn Irishman’s shanty und smashed his baby, then I had ulotoi our" boys” ready to liek tho man when he came out to go Tor tho doctor—wo hammered ldmi till ho couldn’t sueuk, then we pnt him in tbe jall-houseou a charge of “ drunk and disorderly," then wo went round tho corner and barrelled for Fill more. Wo have by united action and assertion, whipped every Irishman In ourward.oneata time, and I hove individually spanked seventeen stray Milesian babies, on the sly—^we all run with 1864 Engine, nnd when there is a fire in a " foreigners" house probably we break things tomr, and perhaps you thlnlt wer’e anxlius to put It out—perhaps we are I I’m great on getting np votes for President, in public as semblies, and our party haven way of their own or getting atttlie result. We multiply the Fillmore vote by five, and then divide the votes for the other candidates by the same uumber, by way or balancing tbe account—I have also distinguished myself by writing fictitious letters to the Republican jour nals, saying that there had been n Fremont lathering 0 f ten thousand people at Squab- own; nnd next day I write to our own paper denying the meeting, assert tbe whole story to be n malicious fabrication of the Satanlo press, nnd nay that In Bqnnbtown there were but two Fremont men and ten Bucbnnim men, and that the former were in jail and the latter had no votes. I havs teamed nil the catch phrases: “Americans must Rale America;” "Boware of Foreign Influence ;” "No Popery;” “The 8hlp of State, which sails over our glorious moun tains and our broad valleys with the Star Spangled Banner.” The Pilgrim Fathers of the Revolution—battling with foreign foes— Spells of office—Buohsneera—Disunion—We will fight, we wilt conquer," Ac. I have learned a set speech with all these big taking words in it, and all knew when to pat In tho applause. Far instance: “Fillmore nnd Donclson” was always to have nine cheers and a “tiger”—“Americans shall Rnlo Ameri ca,” was to have six cheers until it had been said thirty times, and alter that, but three— “American Eagle” ditto. 'Bloodof your fore fathers” was to be “hte-e-hl’d,” and any allu sion to the Pope, Buchanan, or, Fremont, was to be recolved with howls and groans ad libi tum. So yousoe old hose—Organ, I mean—we are going It strong—our party’s name Is "Le gion”—we’ve secured the name any, how, and you may bet your intestinea we’ll keep It till run into onr native element. I shake fists with you, Q. K. P. Doestioeb, Jr.” Examination of Naval Enqinekhs.—The Board ol Examiners, for the promotion of no- val Engineers which was recently ln session in Washington, have reported the following: Theodore Zeller to be a Chief Engineer; Second Assistant Engineer Montgomery Flet cher to bo 1st Assistant Engineer; 3dAsstant J. W. Moore, Thomas Williamson ■ W Han ntug and JameB B. Klmbalto be 2d Assistants. Chief Engineer BH Long has been ordered to the Mcrrimac, vice Wm Shock detached and waiting ordera; 1st Assistant Engineer George Gibbons has been ordered to the Merrlmoo vice A C Burners, detached and watting orders. [For tho Georgian and Journal.] The Mermaid’s Song. BY StXA. We morrlly sail en tho ocean foam And part tho crested wave, While quickly we hlo to.our SOS-wee.; heme, And coral archtag cave; No rear have we In the bowling blast, We laugh at lightning’s gleam, Nor cure we now for tbe creaking mast Or sea gull’s baleful lorcam. MWTO i...i.'i. -i ) AT; SEPTEMBER IQ, 1856,, Brutal Murder. It has been stated that Hr.. Sheridan waa mnrdered on tho 3d nit., In Highland county, Va., by a free negro, at tho Instigation of his wife. The Boekingham Register says; Mr. Sheridan was an intelligent Irishman And come to the oounty of Highlands from the State ol New York about 12 months since, in comparer with Mr. JarviB, t (landed proprietor of Highland county. Remaining in that coun ty a few months, hebecamo acquainted with and married Hn. Wiley, a widow, whose has- band has been dead some two yean, a lady of respectable standing and some property. Mr. Sheridan soon became dissipated and reckless In his htblta, which led to serious family dis agreements. On Snaday, the day on whloli Sheridan was mnrdered,we ore Informed he was sent for by his family, and arrived home oatly In, tho morning |n company with Sam, a |negro Property of Win. Wilson, or JH||| land, whohsd been sent for Sheridan. In. mediately upon Shcridaa’a arrival at homo, in n state of Intoiioatlon. hls wlfo left and went to » house In tho neighborhood, taking away the whole white family. Sheridan being thua left alone In nls own bouse, in company with the negro Sam and Sam’s wif»-a negro woman hired by Bherldsn—was murdered by Sum nnd wife, wrapping b rope, wwmd his neck and drawing ft at each end until death ensued. The bodjor Sheridan was then removed from his house into a^corn-field, some distance from the boose; where his body was found on the succeed ing day. The negro,-8am, having been arrested, con fessed his guilt, and was tried before4he Coun ty Court ofHigbland, at its fat term, and sen tenced to be hung on the 2(3th of tho present month. A nolle proteaui was entered os to Sam’s wife; indent was discharged' Worms* As thU is tbo season or tbo year wbea worms are most formidable among children, U)0 proprie tors or U’Lauori Vormifugo, Flowing Bros, of Pitts burgh, beg leavo to call tbo Attention of parents to Us virtues fbr tbe ezpdllug of these annoyiug, and oilen tatul enemies of oblldren. It was iuveutod by * phyoicliui of great oxperienoe iu Virginia, who, after having used it for eovoral yeura In bis own practico, and round its success so universal, was in duced at lost to offer it to the public os a cheap but cerUlu aud excolleut medicine, It bos since bo- onm*‘ju»tlj' popular throughout tho Uuilod States, as tho rao3t ciltcient Verinirugo ever known, aud the demaud has been steadily on the incroaio since Its llrst introduction t > the public. i» Purchasers will bo careful to uik for Dr M’Laue’d Celebrated Vermifuge, manufactured by Fleming tiros., of Pitt 'burg, Pa. All outer Vermi fuge lu comparison ure worthier. Df. M'Luuo'd genuine Vermifugo, also his celebrated Liver Pills, can uow bo had at all respectable Drugstores. None genuino without the signature or (5) FLEMING B1103. copt 0 iMFltovRintST OF Irish Lawrkimi—A l»Uct from Limerick sRys that tin wagon of, harvest laborers there Is 3s.63,per diem, with Board.— Moat of the taborera are ftotn the westof Clare, Galway and Kerry, and, It la said, they' are all unusually wellolomed tiila waaon; ln tact rags are an exception. Fink in' P«NNari,VANtA^Colum6lu, s. C., Auguet 8.—Advices by telegraph Rom York, W.,state tintn Art to raging over half ofthe town of Colnmbls, Pm, and that tho asalstanc of the firemen of York has been invoked. President Pierce, and W. W. Seaton, ofthe National Intelllgoncor, passed through Alex andria, Saturday, cn route for tho Fauquier White Sulphur Springs. All persons ore hereby positively prohibited from making any contractu with oor carriers for the delivery of the paper to them by the week, or from paying the said carriers any money. A high-handed game of injustice to us, aod to our regular subscribers, xucteaafully carried out for a length of time, has rendered this course imperatively necessary, and It will be hereafter rigidly enforced. All contracts must be made at the office. SPECULATORS AWAKE! 'i'llone who would bo in beosuu to eorure Tickets In tbe UNKIVALLED SCHEME! OP THB SOUTHEUN, MIUTAKY ACADEMY LOTTERY, To bo drawn at Moutgomory, Ala., September 12, 1856, Should lone no tltuo, if they wtah a ebuuco at obtain ing »t y or tbo following Brilliant Pristm: 1 Tr la oof *50.000 1 Prize of $26,000. 1 Prize of *15,000. 1 Prlzo or *10,000. 1 Prlzo or *0,000. I Prize of *5,000. I Prize of $3,000. &c.,&c., &c., 5c. Wholetlckols *10, Ilalvea l*; Quarters *2)f Order* cau bo addressed to 8. SWAN h CU, Atlanta, Ga. or 8. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala., aud box 82, Savauuah, P. 0. For further particulars boo Scheme in dnothor col umn sept 4—Gt NEW ADyEim^EM^TiS; Young Me,’a €hrInf Ian AmocI . Uoii., agi—» < Tha regular 'monthly moating iff tho wm Young lion’*i Christian Aiaorlatlbn will hi,’ hold Vo-teght. > • sept 10 HPUTUKKN RAILROAD. Stat* or Ci rv or,Vtcxnuuwi, ! > Ofllco oTtbpSiOiUheru Railroad Cumpuuy. f T Uk Southern Railroad Company. Invite propo sals l' coutructors lor tho oloariug, gradu ation, masonry, trustluig and bridging, neconsary to tho complete preparation for the suporstructuro ofuie roadway or tbo eastern division or tLotr road*:' Also, for furnishing tbo cross tius, aUd for tiiu (rook-laying with auy incidental work uecusary. And ter all othor work, stations, platTorus, de pots, &c\ required In tbo thorough completion of th-> road lor offoouvo operation. Tho graduation amounts to 770,000 cubic yards of excavation, and 665,000 cubic yards of embank- mtM. Tho treading to4,000lect. The bridging to eooreot. Tho maiouiy for culverts amounts lo 10,000 perob. i - ■ v Tho Grout tios to 180,000. Proposals', sealed, endoreod, aud dlrooted to tbo uinWMgucd, Will bo ruccivcd until tbo Ural day or November utx-, and will bo.] at tho option of bid* Uors.elther ter— l, The entire mrk rf cmtlniclUm, completing the road ready ter tbo iron; *. it. Tbo work or construction, exclusive of cross lie* autUnwk-laylug; m. Foroocnitem ofwork, eutlroand separate: tv. For tho grodiug of cither, or aspocitlcduum- bur of sectioUa, of ouo rails each; For tho cross tios to bofuruUhod, tho number Amp CHAMPION. (Suucessor to Champion A Watts.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, No. 4 Barnard st., between the Market aud Bay sL, SAVANNAH, OA. Dealer in Groceries, Foreign and Domestic Liquors, Dried Fruits, &o., Ac. Reforonuo—A. Champlou, Esq., Bamuel Solomons, Esq., Messrs. Rftbuh & Whltobcad, and Swift&Co., Savauuah. Ga. ;* mvli OHANB, WELLS * CO., FA0T0U8 & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 8av nuunh, Un. , ' . Cniiimerrinl 3nteliwenre. Savammh Market, Sejitembcr 10. COTTON.—Tho solos of Cotton this forouoou was 128balesstthe following price#, vix: 35 bales at 41J4,17 at 11H. and 76at 11« ceuU. t Bxports. _ NEW YORK-Per bark Edward-150 bales Up- land Cotton, 1576 sacks Wheat, 65 casks Rice, 47 bales Wool. 18 b-Uos Moss. Port of Savannah September 10. Arrived. Stosmor WeUka, MoNeiiy, Palatko—Olagnorn & Cunningham. Pteamer Kaudolph, Ward, Augusta—8M Laffl teau. Cleared. Bark Edward, 8ones,New York—Colions h Hortz. Passengers. Per steamer Welaks, from Palatko—W W Bcott, J C Cook, G G Pattly,* L Loo, L McQueen, Rev W WBoars. J A McQueen. J McLeod, H KSaddler and Udy, H L Deans, Miss Chaffer, Mr* Young and svt, Mrs Buckner, .1 Osgood. R H Drsro, Mrs Hoad, C 8 Harly, H 8 Turner, L W Huger. H H W Uson. Hon Thomas Telfair Long, W H Sprfght, L G Roberts, and 10 dock. Consignees. Per8teamer Wolaka, firomPalatka—8 bales 8ea Islaud Cotton, 60 bbls Spts Turpentine, 100 Cow HldoJ and Mdzo, to Boston A Vlltalonger. Crane, Wells k Co, Hunter k Gammell, MoMahou 4 Doylo, M A Hardio & Co, S Palmeft L J GuilmarUn, F M MyrroJI.J Holme*, A F Mira, J M Cooper, H Lath- rop & Ca, W G Little, RAJ Laohllson. IgUCKETS AND BROOMS— 50 dozeen 3 hoop Painted Buckets 25 do 2 do do do 25 d Brooms, landing and for sale by sugl4 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO* B ASKETS—An elegant assortment of Traveling Baskets, just received by steamer from New Yortc. A call is invited at KENNEDY k BEACH'S House Furnishing Store, Hodgson’s new block. Jyn Is not tbe ocean vast our living home 7 Then what care or fear bavo we 7 Tho* tho tempest flash in its fire-lit team, Our home is the dancing sea. We merrily sing thro* tbe angry storm, With wreck and waves wo pb»y, Nor care we now ter tho mariner’s form, That’s borne on wild soa spray; Nor hood we then the shriek of despair .* When soul from body’s riven, ’Tis music still to our sca-bern ear, No woe to us Is given. ; On tho wave wo sit m we comb our hair, Still singing tbe wooing strain That tells tbe mariner we’ll soothe Ills care If taoMl heed onr wild refrain. . We merrily live in tbe deop bine sea, • Onr lamps the diamond bright, Aud emeralds green as the woodland lea Give forth tholr sparkling light; The sea wood sort is our downy bed, Tho fishes ’round tis pity, And the sapphire waves above our head, Seem like the clouds of day. Ob, tbeu fondly we lore our ocean home, With Its wondrous hues of light. And quickly wo giido o’er its snowy foam, And gaze at tho stars of night. Yes, merrily we pass our careless life— We children ofthe wave; We knew no gloom, or grier, or senseless strite— There’s naught iu life Vo crave, Not a jealous thought disturbs eur heart. We care not who is (Ur— Uer only thought Is the endless zest Of joys that greet us here. Theu say, will you come to our ocean home, And our coral arching cavo, Whore the eappblro seals our only dome. And our car the dancing ware? T AYLOR’S PREMIUM COTTON GIN8.-Tho most celebrated short Staple Cotton Gins, now In use, 40 and 60 saw each, ter sale by YONGE A FRIERSON. Pug 27 No. 94 Bay qtreet. X IQUORS, LINBJ AND LARD-50 bbls Brandy, Jj 5hair pipes Imported brandy. 5 half pipes gtu. 60 bbls P. II.Glu. 100 bbls. roclifled whisky, 60 bbli rectified whisky, 16 bbls old rye wbiskjr Vi. Fur tho tiudrucoustruutiou.u-aily fortheiiuu, ofelihor ul tho three diviSlous iurelimiter named or said road:. >' Tho oaste.ndivUlon; connecting with tho com- pieted rood at or near tho town ot'Braudou, extends to the Mubllo aud oh o raid, 82ratios, wulcti will be divided iutu three subdivisions ; the Urst ol' 21 miles, tho second of 28 miles, und tbo third of 33>: miles. Iu eaoh term ufpropusul, tbu bidder will state ills item prices, audYur the graduutiou will itiuku his bid si so muoiijpor cub u y^rd of exouvatlou und ciubunkniout, aud tbe adddlnual difference ter * ( ex ccsb” of either; or ter so much per cubic yard up on tbo largest hem, aud the difference ter “u*- coss.” The hurtles rnukiug prupojuls are desired to nuke them In four forms: 1. For tho whole amount pay able ino.dhiy lucttsli, as the work progresses, re set viug twenty percent ter lluai sctileuioni. 2. Oue-lmirin casb, payable ill lliosumo way, uud uuo huil'mihett</Ckoimo company. 3, One-lblrd in ca b, payable lu the same way, tho bonds or tbe company, payable iu ten yours, with interest at nlxpor ceut-i payable annually. 4. Payable en tirely lu the stock or tbo road. The proposals to be considered must lo accompa nied by satisfactory reference or creduntmls, und the company reserve the right oi accepting uny or deolining all. Mups. piofilosaudspociUoatious may be seeunt this olllce; and any luriher iuterioatlca will bo fur- ulshcd upou uppilcat.ou to tho underslgued. Tho Southern Uuhroad commcuces at Jtvcksou, tho capital of tho Biuto, urnl is finishod u-> fur os tho town of Bruudou; aud is In good running order aud well equipped totbat point. It oxtoudi from Bruudou tu u hue uhuost directly east oigluy-two aiida lull'mllos, to the intersection, of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, a lew mhe* below tlm town iff Mariuu, lu Ijtudurduiu county; und passes through the counties or Rankin. Bcott und Nowtou Tuo hue U over u high roliiog country, welt * watered ani Umbered,and iu pciut ofhcaithtulness,L’Couom ical living, &c., Is equal tu tho must fuvosed portions ol the t'urolinas audGcoiyia. Thogradiug, oxcopt ter tbe tirst twcuty miles u gouornlly light; and upon the most of the scctiuus ilia excavation ami embankment ultcruulu fuvorubiy; tbe excep tions being in the two h.avlest cuts. Tim matin iul Is of a character easily moved, tho growth of tho couutry affords abuudouoo of timber Miltablu ter bridging and cross-ties; aud it Is believed that no work offers, in facilities ter construction, greater luducemouis to contractors, especially those using negro labor. Tho company is entirely out of dobt, uud has due to It by rename stockholders. aboui*:!3b,OOP, which will doubtless be paid us the Board of dlouagi rs may call it in. It Is also ou rcciplout under, tho ,recent grunt orLnds maito by Congress, 11 they can ho lmd along the line, which is believed to bo tbs case, of nearly 400,000 acres or land. $ Thu road connects with aud is an extension of the Vlckburg aud Jackson Railroad, cumplblod and in rull operation to the Mississippi river at Vickburl; opposite whlcluRy, lu Jaiuisiana, commences the Vicksburg, Shriiveii|H)rt and Texas Railroad, now uuder cjutract ter Us wbulo distance and in rapid irogress of censtructiou. It intersects the Now irleuns nnd Jackson. Great Northern Railway nt Jackson, and through that st Canton, connects with the Mississippi Control Railway, tho iron ol which is uow being laid to Holly bprhigs. It intersects with tho Mobile and« bio Railroad, us already stat ed, near Marion, and its point of Intersection moots with the North-eastern and Southwestern Railrouu in Alabama, aipl through that unites with tho roads in Virginia, Tennessee and North Caroliua. iUs also an iudisponsublo link iu the line of Railways that are to unite Charleston and Savannah, through Montgomery, Vicksburg, Sbrovcnport and El Faso, with tbe Pacific Ocean runuiug its ouliro length ou thesauo parallel of latitude with these places. U is thus obvious that ibis lino of work Is one or tbo mo-t important unfinished enterprises in the coun try. It is thorough Natiouul iu its character; ter it unites Molno and New Orleans, aud tho Atlantic and tho Mississippi, by indissoluablo bonds. But whilst thus Nationul, it appeals especially for aid to 8outbern men and 8outhern enterprise, for when completed, with tho Intermediate gap In Alabama, it will, with its connections, uow built and being built, run right through tbo heart of thoso great tiautherncotton-growing States, Louisiana, Missis sippl, Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina, and uultos the great inland sea with the broad ocean. Thoso facts are stated to call attention to this line of road and to induce capitalists and contractors, to embark liberally in its construction. Tho fifteen mllos of completed Railroad, with Us equlpmeut* and sixty valuable slaves,mquy of tbom mechanics, isabonu8 from tbe State or Mississippi; the publlo land has been donated by Congress ; and it is, per- bnps, not groatly over-estimating tbo present pro perty ofthe road to putUator near one million of dollars in which sum teturo stockholders who may become such by direct subscription or money or work,will beat once equally interested. It wilt thus be scou that this road prosents peculiar iu- ducomonts to men of moons to ongngo in Its con struction. WM. 0.8MEDES, sept 10—tNl President Southern Railroad. MXSsSB"8CliOOL. " T U8 School will be organized on Wednesday, Octobor 1st, under tho cliargo of Mr. D Mai- ion. as Principal; who will bo aided by competent assistants. Tbe Iiouho will accommodate 800 pu pils; 200 of whom wtU be received freo or charge, and 100 will pay tuition. The Hassle School District Includes that portion or tho city lying oast or Whitaker st. All children re siding in this district are entitled to a place In this School. Applications must be made to either of the Com missiouers, or to tbo Principal. A. PORTER, J. STODDARD, 8. COHEN. Commissioners Savannah, Sopt. 8th, I860. sept 8-1 m t3- Morning News and Republican copy ouo month. LANIRlt & ANDERSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ap5-ly shoos, ga. WILLIAM H. DASHER, ATTORNEY AND COUN8ELLOR AT LAW. Trounville, Lowudcs County, Ga. Will practice in Thomas, Lowndes, Clinch, Waro. Appling, Toffair, Irwin, Laurens, and Pulaski couutles, Georgia; and id Jefferson, Madison, Ham Utuu, and Columbia counties, Florida. [my 11, MIL L E U & R OU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BilUNSWICK, GA. Will pniutitfo ln the Brunswick Circuit—compris ing tho I'nllowiiig Couutles: Ulymi, Wuyne, Ciimdeu, Wuro, Apppliug, Clinch, Coffee uud Clmrlton. JOHN B. MILLER. L. C. ROLL, aug 3 ly puro, 60 bbls rum. 100 doz. clothes aud lines, 150 doz fishing lines. 25 bbls leaf lard, 25 kegs lord. Received ana for sale by Fept8 MCMAHON & DOYLE. '205 aud 207 Bay at. M olasses, mackerel and mustard.—50 bbls and 6 naif bbU Molasses; 10 bbls and 10 lioir obis No l Mackerel; 100 boxes Mustard. K celved and ter sale by MCMAHON k DOYLE, sept8 No, 205 and 207 Bay at. 0 firkins Butter. Received per steamer and for sale by McMAHON k DOYLE, sepl8 205 and 207 Bay street. J UST RECEIVED—From New York, Whale Bone ten feet long tor Skirts, Hooped Skirts, and ter sale by J. W.THRELKELD, sept 3 Congress and Whitaker sis fTlNEGAR, FLOUR. &C--25 bbls Cider Yiingar V 20 bbls White Wine Vinegar 50 baskets quarts and pints Wine . 100 boxes asorted qualities Roy’s Lemon Syrup 25 casks Hlbberl’s Pint Porter • 25 do Jeffrey’s Ambre Ate, pints; landlug und for sale by / augl6 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO, S UGAR-20 bbls Stuart’s Powdered Sugar 25 do do Crushed do, lauding and for sale by aug!4 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. , COFFEE & TEAS.— 50 bbls Stuart’s A Clarified Sugar .» -B *• •* 75«» 0 “ “ 25 “ Crashed and Powdered Sugar 200 Bags Prims Green Rio Coffee 100 « Fair “ “ “ 50 Mats Old Government Java Coffee 16 K cheats Prime Hyson Tea 10H “ “Black “tin tolls. X do 10 X “ ’* “ “ X lb papers • SO caddies 6 A 18 lbs each fine Hyson Tea •Mg 29 WM.M. LAWTON & CO. <;hnrli ».on, Suulli Onlullnn. SEA ISLAND'OftTTOH AND lllCE I’AC TOIIS. It. Wainwhioiit Hacot I Wn.UAU M. Lawton. Josra’U T. Dm.i,. ( Winiuhn Lawton Jk. AUK ZW , fO’Ltll v: JOHN C. BOOTH, CIVIL engineer and surveyor, Wilt til... give III. tUoullon lu .IoaIkiih iu Aruliituu lure. Ollloo iu tliu more ur .luhn IVillmniidh. taq. Bay jilt. _ myia JOH N 31. M1LLEN , . ATTORNEY AT LAW, Oilloe cornor Bay and Drnytou streets ,Jyl8 A. THOMAS di CO., ~ Anclloa and Comlmsslon Mcrt-liauts, 110 liryun Street, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. i'UUXAN.[Jo 12] . . 8. 8. l’iRDUK. W.H.F 'IUIKIjIj, DEALER IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES und Foreign and Domestic Fruit, tnrnvr llrouQUm and WhUaktr-Ut. Town ami country supplied with choice goods at tiiculorutn prices. All orders promptly attended to, uud .-uti.-iluclhiu ulways guaranteed. spl8 JOHN ii .FALL ICrAN T, WHOWWALE AND RICTAIL DBALKB IS W1N1K)W BUNDS, WINDOW SASH AND PANE DOORS. West 8ido Mouument Square, Savauuulj, Ca. mayll 'JOHN H. CO CIlliANE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dublin, i.aureus county, Ga„ lute Junior parlucr or tho llrut uf A. & J. Cocura.vx, Irwinton, Ga., will attend promptly to all business entrusted to his euro. Particular attention paid to collecting. Re- fer»iu!0—Dr. 0.11. Guyton, F. 11. Rowe, Dublin, Ga.. .*1 Mar-di, Mivauuuh. myll P. JACOBS, 8E1GAR AND TOBACCO STORK. No. 20, Bull street, (sign of the Big Indian.) N. ii.—Keeps constantly ou hand SpanlBh, Hall Spaniidi, and A»ncricou Segars. at wholesale and re- ail. Also, Chewing Tobacco, Snuff, &c. Juno 1 JAMES McHENRY, Inaaruneti Uroker aud Notary Public. Murine Protuste Noted and F^ttended, Average. a»yusted, Charter PartleBond Average Bonds dfawns Papers pfepored whereby to recover losses from American or British Underwriters, and attention given to all mutters connected with shipping nnd In surance, No. 118 Bay-stroct opposite the Trout ol tho Custom House. ly nov 8 * JMS8K T. BKUNARD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELIXJR AT liAW, Nowuahsvilla, Fla. Reference*—Geurgo . Browu. William Dell, New- uansvillo, Flu.,.it. ii. lillUiu, Boston k Villulonga, SavahnMi, Go. TJ myll R, J DAVAN.V, FACTOR ANT No. 07 Buy Street, jy 80 Savannah.Qa >? ” “JAMKS M. iAVAUll, > 1 attorney at I .aw, fHOMJUWtUJt, rSOMASCOt’m, UA. All buHinosH entrusted to his care will receive prompt attention. lyr—marl?. iASiwu.HoncwoL .akIMa. voaiuv. RODGERS « NOUR1V, (late Cronojc Kodgi WUOLK8ALE « BAY-BTKWT, BAVANHAfi. jUUO 1, 1856, |Ja K jTuudkn. WM.' HTAIUfTTr. ». H. i OGDEN, STARR di CO., Bhippiug and Commission Merchants, BAV-flTREKT, SAVANNAH. OA. FATTEN, HUTTON AC CO., FACTORS. Forwarding and Commission Merchant*, Bay-street, gavsmish, On. • - 0. B. IIAKK1H0N. ' A. £• MMIIW HARRISON <St McOEIlEE, AUCTION, COMMISSION, RECEIVING AND Forward!iim Merchants* 59 AND (11 IIKOAMTHKKT, COLUMUUH, GEORGIA. *7* Particular attenUuu given to the saleaof Rsal Estate. .Negroes andProiluce. ■ .< .. *9* liberal advances made on Negroes end Mer- kl'8E, PATTEN k CO. 1 GUNBYADANIRIh VColumbus.fla n STEWART, GRAY k CO. J RUSK, DAVIS k LONG. \ WM. \VRIGI1T. ’/ YOUNG, ATKINS k DUNHAM, 1 C. A. GRKKNE k CO., ’j Apalachicola H. 8. SMITH, }• Mobile, Alabama. 0(4 23 ly " ' B. ELLIS. . Factor and General Commission Merchants NO; 71 BAY-STRKRT, SAVANNAH, OA., Rkvkrs to—Messrs. Clagboru & Cunningham, Bull k ITentlss, Ogdon. 8terr ft Co., Psvannah; J. I, Thompson. IVvtnn e»v v WM. AVOLKV (Xll'rwt. JX(». ooi'Hm MUSMi. COUPER A FRASER, FACTORS k GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bay street, 8avannah, Os. ftoyll JEFFERSON ROBERTS, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND DKAIilK IN Timber aud Lumber. SA VANNAU, On. wdiita ft wiiiiiAHi, DEALERS IN ‘ V r ' DOMESTIC, FOREIGN AND FANOli DRY GOODS. No. 149 Congrtts-tU, Savannah, Ga. JA8. T. WEI 18, formerly uf Beaufort lMaLB. C, THBOimUB WILUAM8, “ Scrlven Co.,Gs. sopt 7 J. 0. KCSK. i. n. DA Via. W. B. 10X0. RUSK, DAVIS & IONG, 00MM18S10K MEUOHANT8, SAVANNAH, OA. may 30 WM. S. DAN1ELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SAVANNAH, OA. MST Dlilce over Thomas 11. Turner fc Co.’s Dra* Store, Bay atroet. myT ». LOCKStr. H. D. S-._ LOCKETT & 8NKLL1NDS, COMMISSION MEKCHANTS, AND SHIPPING AGENTS, Savannah, Ga* Will attend to the solllug of all kinds of produo^ strlolatteutiou givou to recolvlng and terwsrdlng goods. may 31 ly Uiction & Commission House, Macon, Ga A. U. MvLAllGHUNv Geuoral Agent and Auctioneer, Solicits from bis friendB consignments of evorj description. Takes ordera tor Cotton. SET" Special attention given to the sales of Reati i* Estate, Slocks aud Negro property, at public qad prlvsteHnles. Prompt returns and dbvatch. Reference—C. A. L. IJtMAB. moh 80 J. 91. EYRE, •'COMMISSION MERCHANT, aug20 * - No. l4» Bny-st., Snvnnimh. NOTAR! PHILIP BI. RUSSELL, wimm&MiSM COPYIST. AN!) Will 1 oxcutu Deedy, Mortgages, power of Attorney, Wills, Bauds, Notices and Diking ot Interrogatories. Olllce at tbo Court House, 8uvanuah, Ga.- Court Days, Third Tuosduy in oaeli mouth, and hold at tho ofiico of Edwatd w. Wlteu, Esq. Realdonoo, Gaston, butweou Barnard uud Tattnall BlrcoL Any call nt night, on business, will bo attended to im inodlately. jyttb WM. M. WtLUAMS. tltAOUKUa OUVKK. JACK UKOWN WILLIAMS, OLIVER & BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Buena Vista, Marion County, Ga., Will practico in ths counties or Marlon, Macon, Hous ton, Stewart, Rundolpb, Musougoo, Loo, aud any adjoining countlos, where their servlues may bo required. myll WILLIAM PHILLIPS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MAUIltlTA, ga. 00125—ly DAVID G. WILDS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BPAKTA, GA. Will practice iu the counties of Honcsok, Warren, Washington, and Baldwin. RxrxHMexs—Bohn & Foster, Rabun ft 8tnlfa, and K. A. Soulinrd. Savonnali. Jou9 PUBLIC SCHOOL, T HE Public Sohool will bo ro-oponod ou Wednes day, Octobor 1st. under Mr W. It Baker as principal. One hundred and filly pupils 'will bo received: fifty of whom will pay tuition. The School District includes that portion of tliocity lying wostorWhita- ker street. No oblldren living oast or tills street can obtain places In this School. Applications must bo mode to either of tho Com missioners, or to the Principal, A. PORTER, J. STODDARD, 8. COHEN, Commissioners. Savannah, Sept. 8th, I860. sept 8-lm tOT Morning News and Ropubllcau copy one month. R. B. IIILTON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT I^AW. olllce corner of Day and Drayton-stl. SAVANNAH, QA. my 11 DR. CHARLES II. COLD1NU, OFFICE ANI) RESIDENCE, No. 14 LIBERTY 8T„ Ouo door west of f Drayton. myll WM. C. CONNELLY, ATTORNEY at law, rc.inm i.i- WORTH COUNTY, IA.. (POST OFFICE. ATJlANT.) WIH practise In the aouthe«(Clrcutt,and In Macon, Dooly and Worth Counties ollho Macon Qrcult. *E9* Particular attention given to the collection ol slsims in South-Western Georgia^ • Jo2—6m humming, * ATTORNEY AT LAW, febl-ly irwinton, oa. JAN. W. QROa. U. 9. MOOT. GREEN * SMOOT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OCt26 THOM ANTON, UA. JOHN BILBO, Ordinary ot CtuUliara County. AND ATTORNEY AT I AW. v Olllce In tile Court House. ' v •> Ail’lioxt Met ATTORNEY AT LAW, Savonnali, Georgia*.--...... *y Ofiico on Bay street, over the Bank oi'Bavsn* h. msyld Tl.iL. P. KING, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Corner of Bay and* Whitaker Street*, SAVANNAH. fob 22 Smos . k. wiuniiT. j.r. k. favAtnr. WRIGHT A SAVAGE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BRUNSWICK, OA. jylB " JONH8.UOWEN, ENGINEER, ARCHITECT AND SURVEYOR, CORNKK OP DRAYTON AND BRYAN-STM ^ , (Above C A. 1., Lamar.) Jy tl—ilm A. MeALPIN A BROTHERS, Lumber, Mill aud Brick Yards. Sept 5 HA VANN AH, OA. M. WHIT SBUTH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALLIGATOR, KAHT PLORJDA. Will practice in the Eastern and Southern Couutles Refer to—Col. S. H. Sibley, and R. B. Hilton, £a vamrah. fob2-tf CHAFFER A CO, No. 0 Whitaker Street, Savananli, Gn., WUOUOALI AND ROTA1L DSALKR8 IN S ASHES, Bunds, Doors, Mouldings, Ac White Lead, Zinc, White IJnsood, Sperm, Whale, Tan- ners’und NoatstootOfls, Gloss. Brushes. Gold Izouf, Bronze, Builders’ Hardware. Nalls, Marble Mantels, &o., ko, Jo4 JT CLOTHING m if EMPORIUM. V 1 DOOR WEST OF TUB RBPPBLlOANRN 0 K0 OM. C. W. MABRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW FRANKLIN, IIRARD 00., UA. Will attend lo professional business lu tbe Couutles or Heard, Carroll, Campbell, Coweta, Fayette, IMrt* wether aud Troup. Keferenco—Ilou. K. Y. Hill, LaGrange, Go.; Hoi, David Irwin, Marietta, Ga.; Colonel M. M. TldwelL Fayetteville, Ga.; and Mr. William Dougherty, Co lumbus, Ga. sepVMy ’ Wm. BIvALLISTBR. Marnre Monuments, Tombs and Gravo Stones, faro- Jrihed on roasonablo terms. Orders res pectfully solicited. ap!8 Fine Ready-made Clothing; Hats and Caps, Shirts, Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, Canes, Umbrellas Cravats, Stocks, Handkercbicfe, and Fancy Articles tor Gentlemen. W.O.Prtce, FASHIONABLE Sqvjs'tl^wJu AND XI LIT ARY TAYLOR, No. I4T Biy Street, SA VANN All, Also, Superfine bo made to mea- sure.unozception- able in style and - workmanship,' by the boBt mechanics, st shortest notice LOST. O N Sunday evonlug. a Hair Bracelet. Tbe fiudor will bo liberally rewarded on leuviug it at this offleo. sept 8. DENNIS HOLLAND. NOTARY PUBLIC AND SHIPPING MASTER, S OLICITS tho patronage or masters of vessels and others requiring tbo services ora Notary Public or Sbipplug luster, and will attend promptly to all business entrusted to his caro. Im—sepfl BB» NOTICE.—Mr. Alexander Fawcett is my r duly authorised agent'ftbsenco from tho State. sopt6—3w W. H. HAU8MAN. B AGGING AND ROPE—75 bales Gunny Cloth SObalf bales do do 200 colls Kentucky Ropo, in store, for salo by 23y WESTER k PALMES, f 'UHJtt.—100 sacks Middling Flour, (now wheat,) Extra Fatally Flour, in sacks and barrels, for Wife by WEBSTER & PALMES, aug 10 -1; 60 kegs do do do do landing and for sale by- . * SCRANTON. JOHNSTON* Co. P OTASH—10 cases Rectified Potash, In tin cans for fiunily use; lo casks Potash, Just received *S?ii ‘ioiba&s, NOBRis * oa. fob 6 Ordersfrom city andcoanty solicited.. 1 71 INK IJQOoiS^ * 2 hair pipes Klepper’s Brandy, vlutogo 1815 4quar do do do do 1815 10 X do do do do 1815 4 half do Otard Dnpny ft Co’s do do 1864 4quar do do do do 1854 6^ do . t; do du do 1854 2 half doUeuuessa do do 1840 2 do do A Selgnotto do do 1854 60 luff, quarter ond eighth pipes Cognac, Ro- cholle and Bordeaux Brandies of various brands 3 pipes Moder Swan Gin 10 6 gallon demlJoOsOld London Dock and Clo ver Leaftiln . St Orotx and Jamaica Rum In puucheons . Old do and do do in demUons Very old Port and Madeira Wines iu demUons Champagne, Rhine and Claret Wlno in cases and baskets; in nond and store for sale by aug* ^ WEBSTER ft PALMES. COMB ONE—COME ALL 1 T IIAVEJuat received some 100 tbousaud good J. SputahScgOT ortho very beatliriuita,.bo,. to ci good German Bceire, at low prices. Also » lot of good French end German Vrioee. All orwlilcta I am declined to loll .1 reduced price,. Ihtreriso wlded to ray praieirtrtofllt,. lot of th. very fount B ALTIMORE LEAF LARD,-20 bblaPrlmeNol ™o end all. OOW leaT Urd | 60 kefa do da do do Ii your tlmo, for I qn determined to nuke my mot to, low price., 4nd quick ealw—so come mideco me .t Uie comer of Bay aud Bulletreete. - M(36 • A. BO.VAU1’. E Ph£lR3> 0IN—50 bbli ludlcg per echeoucr e Jehu Ctataer, for trie by •eft* fioLtMTON, joBNSTON ft CO. VO.VOE ft FIUKRSON. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTD, NO. 04 BAT-RTKDCT, SAVANNAH, OA apr4 COOL RETREAT THE ARBOR BILLIARD (UrSTAIRs) ON. Corner Bull aud Bryan streets, ovor Barber Shop Juuo 27 J. M. HAYWOOD, Agent. D. A. O'BYRNE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Offleo 176, Bay-si., over Turner ft Co’s. Drag I SAVANNAH, GA. nov 10—ly 8. W. BAKER, ' ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Monticeilo, Jefforson County, Flo. Reference—Hon. W. B. Flsmino, Savannah, Ga. myll ED WARD G. Wit SOIL r MAGISTRATE, NOTARY AND ( At Mossrs. Word ft Owens* Law Office. [myll wayneTgrenvillb a CO., " coiaasaoN a^VorWarMu iERCHANw, SaW ^^ORENTOH W. T. SAMPLE, B. ALEX. WAYNE, Jy fl—tr Savemiab. _ J. W. PATTERSON, ~ ATTORNEY AND OOONSEUiOR AT LAW, Troupvillo. LowndeiCoDIy.Ofo (mu OHAS. G. CaBPOELL i [ATTOBNEY AT LAW, HILUDCKTILLS, U.I Praotices Law In the various Counties or tha Oe« . mulgee Circuit, and tho adjoining Counties or Twiggs. Laurons and Washington. Refer to—John Boetou, H. A. Crue, ud B. B Hilton. ' IMH4- OROROK A. GORDON. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, tun ... Conmieeioner of the V. & Court Claim, fif .' the State of Georgia. Office Corner Bay end Bull atreeu. J' . ..... myjta,-. ' PHOTOGRAPHS. ;• - ■ nmii; - .Arvwnvk tmtuu raiutnr' Alio, Arabroiypei .mid 0., . ! .Xtarraetypra, In hli'iuu.iiu- A cnlllz solldtod. J. W. MILLER, at. fit. JataMt. utHmtatiquum MriHUKfli. BU22