Savannah Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, September 12, 1856, Image 1
VOL. XXXm IQLD SEtffliil iiiiN US MM savannah, ga. lubwrlpilon Prieee *ff ■kYanitata Paper* it* ,-ummiw undemanding, the proprlolove oud Httiiun ol Um UuM jlfm toned la Hataasah, J^,*jap-*l UM Mlaalaf aatfna mere of nob- acrlpui'D, u> la»a offitfl tola day: Miiy 1'ap.r, per eauum, la advance H IN M-Weekor •• “ 4 •» tr«kiy, w*gle eory> la a4naoa it) Worldy, >« coplea, to oaa oddreee I Op Weekly, eqllit " “ " ...<....,.10 to weekly,wo •• •• •• ..i.....;.noo weekly, twenty " •• * MOO WbM m pakt within cm woth lnwi Ihc Use of .ulmrleMf Um ehavgt for tbo Dally will be me* Mtara, aaa tor Ilia TrtWeikly fee. Ihe Weoety wtU ba aaal only to Iboee who pap la The papaf arltlInvariably ba the eiptrauoa of the Uma toe which It haa been paid. fke above rale. to take eaan ftom and after thla ALEXANDER A ONKID, thpaHlam, R. a HILTON a CO., OeorfftandJownat, THOMSON * WRBDMTON, Seme. Savannah, July1, 1840. IlPliTi Tarw ONIeeh, p. ■OllCa. All person* are hereby poeltlvoly prohibited from nuking any contncta with oar carrier! (elite delivery of the paper to them by the nek. or from paying the aald carrier! any money. A high-handed game of lq]notice to ns. and to our regular anbaoribera, anccesafblly carried out for a length of time, haa rendered IU> conrae Imperatively neceaaaty, and It will be hereafter rigidly enforced. All contracta mint be made at the office. The following la the Bavannah Finance Com- mltlco to whom remlttancea for thecauaeof Ike South In Kaaapa ahoold be directed: J.B. Gallia, Chalrm’a, Alexander Fawcett, W.X.Haberaham, Dr. H. L.Byrd, gD. Arnold, John N. Lewla, LK.Teflt, John 1(. Cooper, Junes G. Bodgeta, J. W. Webater, and the Freaa of the olty. Quite a goodly number of ctUxona assembled yesterday at Tbnnderbott, to witness the annual contest of the Chatham Regatta Club. The day ns clear and lovely, and a Am brtete cootrtboF cd to the success of the sport. Tbertnmbcr of entries was large, and It would be difficult to Imagine a more beautiful night than that which Urey presented at the appointed hour. The en. tire fleet was drawn op opposite the Judges’ ■tend, and with sails all set, wen skimming to and fro over the waters, apparently eager for the contest. The race was for six miles, to a point opposite WUmlngton Island, and back, urd the result was as follows: l.gthfawry, Tan Bon, started 1247 art. 442 I'jfno C,Iam, 1242 « 6.09 3. Flying Cloud, Dr. Hanks,' 1 1249 " 5.29 4. IVanaw, A. N. Hiller, “ 1247 11 640 1. Sinfc, General White, started 1240 arr. 447 2. inumarth, S.Turner, “ ' 1244 " 4-32) 3. /cany Drival, Tocksr, “ 1243 ■' 6 L Nem'd IVUtfn,Holland,‘J, 1246 6. $w Brown, McLoud, “ 1246 C. Consfitufrcn, B. P. Bell, '• 1246 nr ran class. L Drake, W. H. Burroughs, atarted 1246. 2. Duck, & P. Bell, « 1246. All returning after six' o'clock, were consider ed distanced. The day was spent meet agreeably, and at a late hour the company, fa greater portion of ■bom were from the city, adjourned to their respective homes. We would not omit a word of deserved praise for the " good cheer" provided by the Clab for the refreshment of themselves and their guests, as well as, the very excellent dinner which was spread In due season by the worthy proprietor of the Oak Lodge Inn. Both were discussed with a gusto which left no doubt that their merit wen Tally appreciated^BcbiiMteaa. Two of the Cashmere goats owned In Booth Carolina, (by a Hr. Davis, we think,) have been bought by a gentleman In Tennessee for 12,600. They are beautlfbl little creatures, the wool or hair of which sells for $8 per pound, —--e » Itnvxnn or HsuT-Capt Champion, of the ship Victoria, (London packet) haa been presented with a golden medal handsomely set in acase, by the New Yerk Lift Saving Be nevolent Asodstlon, for rescuing on the 19th July last, the crew of the Britlih barque Roee, which had become disabled by tuning Into an Iceberg nine day previously. The souvenir was nobly earned, and liberally bestowed.—IV. Y. Shipping l.ut. A letter hrom St. Louis, Ho., dated Aogua 1C, says: "You mayput down this State 20,-t Olio majority for" ‘ ” Stop tux l’xrxtx—A country edltorssys he has received the following "atop my pap ' "Dear sir*—I have looked ouenur i your paper for six months for the death of some imlivldual that I was acquainted with, but ssyet not a single tool I care anything about haa dropped off you will please have my nr iKrom the commercial Adve -ilseer.) Apalachicola, BepL 3. Father Pertlrulars of Use Gale m Mth and aoih ultimo In uouaoqhelice of the deranged condition, tlun of onr office audprlnUng material, we urn obllgtd to portion* Ore leone of the Cummer- Aden liter, lur two days. CapL F. Lee, orachr. Uargarot Ann, haa just arrived from the Gap, and report! the bark Washington Butcher or Philadelphia, off 8L Georga'a Island ludhtreea, belug dismasted and leaking badly. Thtbark I# loaded with snorted oargo, and la from PbUa- delplila, bound to N .Orleans, The bark pro. •till standing—Cape BbBIma UabtUcuro la dratroyed; but no lira loot Dog Mind Light House Is safe, also tbo kci’peru Uuiuo. Tho Iwdlea of Wui. llngera, hla wife uud ehild, (draw on 8L Vlucents Island,) have been found —Ur. Cameron, wife and child wcrejdrowned near Cat Point, where they reaided. The wharves of tho Apalachicola GulfTur. peutiue Company are stripped,and two ol'tbelr snuehouscs on olown down. The aohr. Rose, ashore In Haul's Creek, has been got off without damage. Stoop Onward la ashore among the trees near Pin-Hook Point, ubout one hundred yards llrom the river. Sloop Ida Is somewhere n tbo neighborhood of lake Wlmico, some three or four miles from the river. Tbo ways a, tho bluff ate eeriuusly damaged. T. L. I Itcliell's crop la destroyed,aud hu funcea nro aU down. Tho funcea on Orman’a land nborn the olty ire nearly all proetrate. Hancock's tancea are down, and his crop Is destroyed. Tho mall steamer Harriot arrived hero this afternoon, end reports that tho crops on ihu river from Bsinbrldge down uro very much In- Jared by the gale. No Northern mall had been received at Usiubridgo i and from the condi tion of the roads there will In nil probability bo no mall received there lor lour or live days to come. It is reported that the town ofNewton, Ga., baa snOered severely. It is feared tint Tallahassee, New Port ludHL Marks must hive fated badly. Wu learu that the mall steamer Florida, from Now Orleans fur this port, put Into 8L Joseph's on the uight of Ihu 2atlr ulL, In consequence of the heavy weather, ell Capo HL Bias, and whilst lying ut anchor lu the harbor with ateani up, waa dr.veil ashore ubout 9 o'clock, on the night or the 30th ulL Tho atenmer is sold to he a total wreck. She has on board shoot fifteen or twenty pereengere—names nut known—110 lira lost. Soreral Ughtora havo gone to SL Joseph's to render assistance. The cargo or tho steamer is lost nod much of the passengers’ baggage. Wa lun heard nothing from tho officers of the steamer, and we give the above from itatementa made by two of the sailors, who came over ITOm tho steamer. Wo have been furnished with tbo following hems by A. Cordaden, Esq., Pilot: The lollowing Isn repel t or buoys nud stakes at tbo West Pass liar and Comiel way mi to Apalachicola: Hast bar buoy goue. West bar buoy goue. Bast look buoy drifted on Flag Island. Oyster bur stake guue. Illggens Hal atakn gone. Blake at eulrauce of strait channel gone. Wreck stake gone. At tbo Boat Pass Entrance, Bar buoy drilled about one oud a half miles to tho Eastward. West bauk buoy about tho same place. Middle ground buoy iu right place. Baud Island buoy on spit goue. Lower stake at the Gup gone. From the Wakulla Times. Heavy Gale. Wo were visited 011 Saturday night last bya heavy gale. Tho wind blow fresh all Hutnrday and that night, from tho E. ami 8. E.,until Sunday morning ubout daybreak, when It cinio iu from tlie 8., and continued from that direc tion until about bull'past 11, when It veered to the 8. W. During the wliolo of Gut time the water waa blown Rom the Gull into tbo, Apa lachee Buy, and from thence into Um 8L Murks and Wakulla rivers, overrunning their banks and spreading over tho surrounding country, until It bad risen about 9 feat above high water mark, and within about 10 Inches or the height It reached in the gala of 1861. The weather for two days previous Indicated on upproaching storm, uud our cltlrons bad made preparations for U, consequently but little damaga haa been sustained by ibe goods in our •toreo and warehouses. Tbs whams lisvasas. talned slight damage, hut cau bo easily und speedily repuired. The plunk road has been waihea up tor about an eighth art mUe, and a few uf the culverts swept nway, and the New port Bridge (acroaa the 8t. Marks river) can riedaway. Our cltlacns have taken measures to have the bridge Immediately rebuilt. About 600|corda steamboat,wood which was!} I lag at a Ladd’s wharf, has lieco scatter'd about, a largo portion of which can he picked' up again. At 8L Marks the wharvesatul one of the cot- ton shade were hjuroed. and some small out houses, fences, Ac., carried away. About 390 yards of the Bail Itoad washed up. Tho steamer Bpnty, lylag at the wharf at New Port, waa uulnjureu. The schr. HaUeck, it SL Harks, went tuhore and la now lying across the mouth or the bayou dug In llwf, to get tho Wm. A. Brodio offi A survey hu been held on her, nnd she hu been ordered to bo unloaded, which will ba Immediately done, when It b thought she will ho easily got otTby tho old of jack screws, Tho steamer New Boston, lying about a mile above BL Harks, wu not Injured. Wo learn that there wu no damage sustain ed at the BL Marks Light House. From Shell Point, we learn that considera ble Injury hu been done to tbo cotton crop, and by the blowing down of fences. Letter from a Visitor to Sir. Buelmnin— His Position as Explained by Illmssir. Philadelphia, Ana. 0,1860. My Dear Sir.-—I spent two hoora with Bu chanan yesterday at Wheatland. Hisgroundi arc beautifully and tastaluUy arranged, but hla honse la plain and unpretending in the extreme —everything bos tho air of unostentatious De mocracy. Bat the — “— ■- Tile Kansas Imbroglio. H Tb.AMI,lo.4 J Wg«„V-U.. western border of thla Reeervafloo, and an of from thirty to forty,.andnuraerioui small pay Has. Indeed, Don Cottonwood Bpriofcout to too Uimuitopper, bo never fort sight or nnud ■quids 1 naming over tho plains. Their pretext Is tbqt they are looking lur claims on which to llooota -.while, Id troth, their otjectjs to *>y the operations of the law aod order party, and to divert attention Rom ibe movement of their own main body down to Lawrence, I Major Baldwin wu alono and pueed In nfo- ty until within a mile of Cottonwood Bpriu, whan he noticed two men following him wit# HebureuffijraJ rementa. Ha wu moons whoso already iprighUy ccelerated. Tha speed of rather suspicious movements, ted on a Bile steed whi pace bo somewhat uccel , his pursuers wu eqnaUy quickened. Juttben too be descried Iva min ndlng acroaa aafoplot ground rather In advance of Um and u If to lutureept him. This Induced him to give hla hone rein and spur. An he did so and wu dying beyond their reach but still looking back ha row one of tho two men level hla ride at him and shoot-tha other did the eene. Heaew inch dudujtjd heard each report, but neither TUe morning, CapL Scott, of the Walken Uuonta, moved In that direction with 1 hundred deked men. Other forcca will Join him, and 10 will atallon them along the lino of invasion, tocutoff forthcr hcetlle accesrione from that quarter. The law end order men have been collecting for several dtys^nd nro now in very cunsidora- hie force—cully able to whip nil the Abolition ists In the counuy. They are now etellonlng u to prevent the Ingress or egrese or any puttee there. They are so well fortlded along the rivotbat no Invading force can epproeoh Rom that direction, and they ere ’making plans for a speedy concentration noon Lawrence, which will sweep Lane, with He poor helpless end deluded minions, from the.cnrth. Tbeskrlckersfor frenlom—Greeley A Co.— utsy then shriek for the doom whloh they have brought upon those men. They may shriek Kansu News-Fight Anticipated, We have before oa a letter dated "Camp at Boll Creek, Kansas, August, 201b, half part 11 oclock, A. M.” and written by a member of the Lexington Volunteers, in whloh it is said that thoy arrived there that moring In One spirits. Reliable private dlsutohea Rem La- ewaptoo stared that the aboUUon tone at law react, where ah their forces are concentrated, amounted to 1,600 to 2,000 men. The oppos- Ing force In camp at Bull Creek amounted to 400 meo, bat there were aoma 600 men above Lecompton, to intercept Lane'e army, in cut ttayshuldsttempttagitewey. TUaefternoon some 400 of cor men proceed to Ossawattomle, eodoUiortowumeybevlilted. WowtUwelt at that place tar setae tot to800 men jxnaolad to exrivo to morrow-, end an reCorn of oar ueo ^SSassrfssfSiSr shall return. Lane's meTtre foAfifot .u. crossing of Wakanu, bat will ton tton the uppetranoo of our troops. I’.B. I am Just told by Adlatant General McLean, that Lawrence will tit attacked on hMdjynut-OartBtmday) AnotherSSaS s^a tost Monday wu tha J IGA. purpose.—At. Louis (From the EL LouU DtmccraL) Latest News by Mall from Kansas. Lixinoton Exfukss, Ang, 80. Mr. 8.0. Allen, of HarrlaonvUle, arrived In wr city M Thursday night, brinxhrg nun of Uie utmost Importance, If tine. Jartu he wu leaving home for thla city, newe wu received from tho tarrit ” e man himself is the very im personation of unaOkcted republicanism. I wu never more agreeably disappointed In my life. Ho gave uae cordial and trank reception, and talked with us with tho freedom ol an old acquaintance. I renliy foil u If I had known him all my Ufe. He said the Issue Involved in this election wu the union of these States u equals. That tho South hu aubmlttcd to the ;resslona of tbo abolitionist! with n patience .. .it might well challenge the admiration of the world, and, considering the fireeattng pro- Densities, was difficult to Qnd6?Kt&nd* He ridiculed tho doctrine of Squatter Sover eignty, nnd sold that the South bad new, for the drat time la the history of the country, ob tained from the government the coasessfoaof the true principle, via: that the people of a ter ritory hu the right, whon they came to form a State Constitution, to uy whether they would or would not have slavery. That by tula leg islation Congress bid admitted that the power wu with the people and not lu Congress, and the only rata wu, that this could be exercised by the people only when they came to forma State UoveramcnL preparatory to admimtan Into tha Colon. I give yon almost hla very words. He said, if ha abould bo elected, he folt satisfied the eleven question would be IP •ally settled, provided ho cookl carrv a por- ttonoftheN.w England States or tho State or New York. In other words, ir he were elected by n national vote, what be would do hr tho premlsca would havo a national aupport and the atrength of Freeaollism, which sectional, would hadbpened. The troth la, Hr. Bochanan is u sound on this question u wu Ur. Calhoun, and the Northern Democracy ire better Southern men today than many Democrats even at tho Sooth. Whatever they may havo dooe heretofore, now they may meet the question boldly, and defend the Institution of slavery with a fearlessness that wa might do well to Imitate. They do not even apologize for It on the ground that it is recogntsedln tho Constitution; they say that It brighL-thatGod. hluuetr established It, and that It hu tbu Bible for Ita foundation. If from the territory to tbo following eBbot; do not sustain these men kl defense of our In- Brtwttng alarmed, all the pro slavery settlers * •bontUM Wilnnt Grove had eoBeetad at a camp «u twelve mUe* below Oawattomle, under -lia s. 6UUU IUUUVUIW between Buchanan and Fre- ■be commend of CepL Fleming. On Monday fokren together and not to lattw . Be bad not bean gone bat a raw boon, bow- roceeeded In catching two. Tha* they ml ■an te camp ruder an escort of six meo. .."■I*‘jrort wu attacked and cot off bya party of eighty abolitionists. Two of tbs pro- & & W S* P*5. <*» wounded In Not moat FiOmoro b not In thence, here pretends to uy that ho Is. L On tko whoto, therefore, I consider kU elec- Boo beyond peradventaro—and what I rentt b that there can be found In OtaXtoSSS * single nun who w111 not v<0e for him. If they could act him, and hear him talk, 1 Brmly be Here ha would get every Sonthero votes I have scribbled thb off so hurriedly I fear yoo will not be able to read IL Yoon, truly, W. E Figures, Esq., HuntewtUe, Ala. “d tbs wagons and provision*. • « the alarm that with- loot* mere cordial nnioo of Uw Fnaont men or Hamachosttta, than now ex’ats, there Is din ger of the State going forBaobuun. that he had expoetubted too often did toe - • * He tried" uat s ','.rr j A Y, S$FTEMBEE12, NO. at home, bntwVMPM line, wu too great,.and.1 again to her novel aadhM«i Hr. Wentworth ■■ ■either quantity of brandy and water- meetings) so that »ome members, worth among them, have been bare gone heme lubriated. It IhaMoooMioM that to lotlsuto edto expostulate wtthHr. Wen habits* “It laeuy for you to talk, 1 "wuthe bitter re ply, "about the felicity of a man's 2reside. Yoor home, I ban no question h art fogs for yon when yoo ink It tired aad displrifed at night) for yoo hare a wtfo nutty dreesed to re ceive yoo , e cleanly apartment jo alt in and chertlS converaatioa. it b to find my Wlfo’L, room nuwept and the chlldnn - I to stay at home, what comfort-1 IcasTeBB Uke It ahe hu doom to btamebnt bereelL" Hre.Wentworth does not ItWlt, botcom- pbilu fondly at what ahe ealla her buaband’a cruel pftleA We leave It to tha reader, who haa heard both ridu of tha story to pronepau who's to blamo, . E. A. The Huntsville Advocate aayalhattbe cotton crop ot North Alabama wUlbeasbort shorter than toe com crop. or Augusta, Georgia, have just passed through. They located peaahlyopon clalma and were driven off by the AboUUonbta. Young HcCol- rick wu shot by the Abellttanlsta several weeks ago, and Is Jut recovering from the wounds. The ball entered hb cheek, ton away hb teeth and a portion of hb leftjaw, and lodged lahb neck Jut bolow the ear. It wu extracted by Dr. Bnortrldge,of Weston. There have been eome providential rutora- ttona of taw and order men. Sheriff Joneawu shot In tho spine, HcCormlckln the neck, Titos through the shoulder, and nomben of others In critical and usually fatal plaoca, and yet none of them were killed, bat nil nro getting well. Borne are again in the Held, nod the reatuan wHlbe.wblta there hu been scarcely a solitary recovery of the AboUUonbta who hare been wounded. What will tbo ibrtakori end partlc- drlltcd ularlir the 30400 preachers, uy to this ? In Titus’ defence of hb honse, he had tbo fUssfsrf^wfM of thirteen men* The imUibU numbered two hundred. He killed twenty-four of the enemy, nnd lost not a solitary man. Several were shot down, bat an neonring. Should not thb be a sufficient warning to than people tkalthey are wrong 7 Can they be 10 illnd as not to see that It lsjust ulmpoeslble to conquer Kansas uttwu for England to conquer onr fathers? The peopb of Kansu Ugbi for their homes their rights, and ill they hold most deer, and are panopUed by jutlce, nnd havo principle for their mgb. Tbu are they invulnerable and Invincible, nnd the Abo litionists will Bud, when too Uto, that they hive been kicking against the pricka. In this state of excitement, when the din of wu seems homo upon oaeh breoto, wo have still eome cheerful, uleuurahlo and happy homeo, where beauty relgtw, and muilc, Mwitfmfnt, cboar* fill laaghtar show that aU b peace.—Corre.- pondtnee of St. Louis Republican, Sept. 2. Who's to Blamo 2 One evening the futidloai Hatty Wentworth on coming home, tred nnd depremed, found hb wlfo In tho parlor, drawn! In a soiled morning- gown, nnd wearing a pair or slippers down at ho heels. To Increase his vexation, she wu sitting in an easy chair, with on* leg crossed over ibe other, reading a trashy novel. "Why, Fanny!" he exclaimed In amusement, for they bad been married only a few months, and hitherto he had thought her Uw pink ofruat- "Well, what b it?" she asked, looUng op; then noticing the direction of hit eyee, the as sumed a mere becoming position. "You don’t like my drea, perhaps 2" nho continued, "bat really 1 wu too tired to change IL" “ What have you been doing ill day?” aald *cS, reading thb," ahe replied; ibe colored u she held np the book, and added, "and than it hu been so warm I" Now, her husband had been hard at work aU through the suttry summer day, nnd bad, M wu usual with him when buy, dined at hla office. Yrthb attire wu neat, and even hla hair newly brushed; for be had gone to hb clumber to do thla before coming Into the pari tar. It may bo supposed, therefore, that he wu nnuoyed at the dovenness of hit wlfo; Uw more so, on looking at the novel, be found It quite*worthlessaflidr. Hetridnothing,how ever, except, "At taut, change your slippers, my dear. You don't know I dislike to see a ta %?ySa I 4 How odd I” said hb wife, with a swaf’ssew! ssg walk u far u the chamber thb warm even- ufu-' WUhl, “ W —— ter.” Her husband sighed, but did u lie wu bid. Tbo tea came op, nnd ho took hb neat, hot Uw chapter wu not yet concluded, and so be wu compelled to waft When at Urt,Hn. Went worth came to the table the tea wu cold. The meal, under thoee circumstances, wu a dull one, and the husband, after it wu over, Boding hb wife abeorhed in her book, by down on tha sofa and Anally went to sleep. Hn. Wentworth had been the belle of the town before her marriage. Her sprlgbtlincu and beauty had been the theme of constant ad miration. But Grew qualities would have tail ed to bare won Henry Wentsrorth’a heart. If theyhad notbeensutalnedbyameat exquisite tustelindreu. 8ee Fanny,when you wouhllhe was always carefollyaUlrediand u Harry Went worth wu parttentariy futtdiqg* on thb prtnt, he thought himself tho happlertof men when Fanny, one bright snmmer evening, promised to bo hiBe But, unfortunately, tfio bride had rw real habits or neatness, batonlyatare ofadmlra- It wu vanity that had Induced her, whlb Wartwa. ■ ' As UdtU tbs sesAoe or the ysar whs* worms are most formldabls among eblldreo, Uw proprlo- torsof tt'LsQos Vsrmlfofe, Fleming Uros. of Pms- burcb, beg leave to ealltho aUeailwor psrenU to lu virtues tor Uw llprtUag of Ibito snocylcg, aod odea lalal enemies of children. It ins bratad by a pbysleiaa or (real eiportsaoe la Ylrglnb,who. after baring used II tor several years in bit own practice, and toondlUsocceu so universal, wu In* duced at Iasi to offer II to tho public u a cheap bat acerula and excellent medicine, llbsi ilacebe- comejuslly popular lhroa|bout ’ tha Doited Elate, uUwmorteflebat Venmtoge over known, and tko dstaaad hu beat auadlly «* Ihu taerawalae* lu Deri Irteodoottsa to Ihe poMla. f purobasors will bo earstol to ask tor Dr tl’Uno’s Celebrated Vermlfoge, ujaaotactored by Kerning decs, of HU hae*, Pa. Allotbsr Yermi- fujo la oompariaoo are wocthlua. Dr. U’Laos’s genuine Vermifuge, alao bit celekVatedLlvsf Pllla, can now Im and at all respeotabb Drag Stores. Kocm gsoatas wUhoolIhe sigisAara si (I) fTJOGNU BROS. sept 9 NOTICE TO DRIDaXI BDILDJSHi.l E MROPdejAlriwill tw reeelvod ’ey the onilerslgneil ■ until Ihe 16th or October tioet, tor rebuHiu ■Bridge aoruss Plpenwkers rreek, on Ihe CW taEtelBIIOroas hoed, inkier the tollew leg prepor- lieu fiad all rtaurlal of hart Mack cyprest, ex 1 PspiS-ifs driven, txch rowof ptlei to bo capped byt 21 fact .lick till Ihchss, and beveled on the upper onneretoibow atooeofdInches—the carer robe sustained by bar string plooos, running lenaUiwiae through ttwbridgeOxU inches: Ihsas la he beveled 10 show a toes of three laohoi at top,hontatere to be wsUbrecsdrt eanhoflhs rap allta Contractor to tornltb all aulertal. aod work to be done ud turned over to Itoad Oammlsslauars f ir tbolr Imp <e- Uoabytht 16th ut January next. triad, with security required, tor tha faithful per- toreuaceofths ware, U|aUwr tor IU remaining aubataattal tori oven yeantrom cumpleUun. ■ CEO. J HAIUttSUN, l*. I, O.C. 0. In behalf of tha Iutorlar Court of Ctuiihun Co. lerpt ltlh, lue. . rapt Id [,M. LAWTON & 00. lurlutoil. BoatB Carallna* SEA ISLAND COTTON AND RICE PaC- TOI1S. ILWaiNWHiditr lladoT i Williah M.Uwvon. JoaxrnT. Dill (WlNBOUNLAwronJ*. ang It Sudan JOHN O. BOOTH, CIVIL BNU1NKER AND SURVEYOR, (arc. (Mmm in Uw ilOfiw Jooa * wiwinmiu, m., Bay .treat. ; J!?!* nxnoniflrn orates iij- U A beatUful swertottat lull received at KENNKUV k BKAOU’d, Hcuie^FuriitablDg ^ Btore, |Hudgs oa’s Block, corner (Successor to Ghampibu A WatU.) WHOLESALE AND HKTA1L GROCER, No. 4 Barnard SL, betwere tbo Narkrt and Hay sL, •AVAKNiil. Hi. Dealer la Groceries, Foreign tod DomciUc Liquor*, Dried Frulta, *Oh ko! Refcreneo—A. ChtmpkMJ, Eaq., fiamuel Solomon*, bq n MeMn.Btbaakwhlteheto, tod^wUlfcio., BtTtanth. Ot. CRANE!, WELL! *CO.. FACTORS A COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Itrumth, Qie Only 13,W Nnmberelll Southern Lottery. ON THE THE HAVANA PLAN. Hole Frizes than Blanks. 7,805 PRIZES.!!! $lu2,U00. Jasper County Academy IiOTTmElTe BY AUTHORITY OT THE 8IATE OT UMOKUU. ~ CLASS Wt To be drawn October 161b, I860, it concert Hell, UeooD. U»., under (be sworn *upcriuumd> ence of OoL (too. II. Logon end Jamci A. NUbvt, »q- Patrons will please czemtuc thU tlaguiOcoul Schomo ceroruily, compere U wllh any other, qud IT It 1* not (be be*l ever oflbred. end tbo chance* (o obUlaciplUU far bettor, don’t pardiaM Urketo. CAPITAL, $10,000. 1 Prlie of.,. o... .$16,000 Is I “ 5,000to..j I 100 SPECULATORS AWAKE! Iboee who would be In i*moo to vecur* Ticket* In the UNIIIVALLED SCHEME! or thi SOUTHERN, MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY, To b« drawn ut Montgomery, Aik, September 12, 1856, « Should loee no IUm, IT (bay wl*h wob*no#*l obtote- ing ntj of (be following BrilUam Prise*: 1 Prize of850,000 1 Prize of 025400. 1 Prise or §16,000. I Prise of 010,000. 1 Prize or 00,000. 1 Prise of 05,000. I Prise oros.000. Whole ticket* 010,^11*178* 05;Qu*rteri 0*1M Order* can be sddreued to R SWAN k 0l».. Atlanta, Os. or 8. SWAN, Montgomery, Ale., and box 82, ttovsmwb, P. 0. For forther pertloulani see bOheme lu another col* u mil # HOpti-Ot 2,000 is 2,000 IfiOOwn 2,000 100 are... 2,500 75 “ 500 are 7,500 20 Approzlm’s of 050 to 016,000 prise are 01,000 • S6to ifiOO *• ore 1,260 20 to 2,000 ore 1,000 orOlOtoceob of the capital, of 01,000 aro 1,000 7600 prlso* of 8# are, 03,760 7100 prises amounting to Sluv’.ooo Tickets 010, HalYO* 06, Quartor* <2 60. * Prise* payable without deduitlon. TAOOpristeofOSto ora determined by tbo it which draws the 016,000, If that number abooldbeaaodd number, then every odd namber ticket In tb* scheme will beontiUodOS 60; ir an even number, then every evou number ticket will be enUtled to 08 60, In addition to any other prise which may be drawn. Porduaera baying an equal qoanUty of odd an J even number ticket* wlUl be certain of drawing rly one half the coot of tho aamu, with cbaticn* ibtalnlng other prise*. AU (boa* tickets ending with 0 2, 4,6,8, are even; all those ending with 1,8,6.7,9. are odd. Persons lending money by mail need not rear It* bring lost. Orders particularly attonded to. Corn- munTostlons confldontlal. ’ Bank notes or sound Malta uken at par. Iboee wishing particular number* should order JAMES F. WINTER, Maugor, Macon, Ga. Thorewlll bo a Tree i a Boof Shooting near the Ms MUe House, on the Augusta Rood, on tkturday next, the 20tk Inst. All person* ere Invited to gentlemen of acknowledged ability, are espeotod to be present aod address the people, upou tb i politi- calquestkm* of the day. sept 12 tamerdol SntfUipn. Savannah Market, September 1$, COTTON —126 bales or Cotton was sold this fore soon, at the following prion, vis: t at 9#, 21 at 10X, 10 at 111-16,61 6611M. 6 St 11# i Ud 86 at UM cent*. COLUMBUS, Sept. lO.-Ootton arrives dally by wagon, bet the season ha* not opened with brisk ness as ear ly aa usual. Boyars,are promptly In tb* market, and there is no dlfloulty In obtaining ikir prices. Taday prices have 9 to lOfte, bulk of salsa from 10jg to • at 9c * og. lwisn you woow nng «wwn, «onwu # nnr oqUoo on the market yesterday. »JMt by you, ss I want to finish this chap- taken at prices varying QromlOM toiixo, quality middling to foir. Cotton Statement. Receipt* and Exports or Cbttonfiroa the Port or Apalachicola, pom roaming September 1st, 1066 anO ending 31.1 August, 1830. Bleed OB bind 1st Ssptomtnr. 1833 .« Reo’4 Irani 1st Sept III*, to list Ang. IBM, 94,44* Exported— To livorpool... Havre Total to torelfo rortt.. TO New York single, to tro careful of lwr dresa; but now that ■he waa married, ibo gradually gave way to her natural Indolence. Tha flrrt slovenliness. "Ido wish, Fanny, that you would dresa more neatly," aald Hr. Wentworth, In a vexad voice, some months later atUL "Nightafter night I come homo nod find you In that atro cious wrapper." ■' Yoo uacd to think m* pretty noogh in any “ retorted Mrs. Wentworth, testily. > 1 never aaw yoo In one like that baton we were married,” replied her husband. "To ba aura not," said Hre. Wentworth, nnd she laughed Ironically. “I always dresaed for company then, and 1 do no now.” What could Hr Wentworth soy! If hla wife did not think It neoeasary to be neat In hla presence—did not consider him ss worthy of pleasing as tha comparative stranger* whom ■ho called company—It maoMtan to arm* with her;aoalter tea, the sllpihod unnnylng him, with a perceptlblo hole In the stocking to Increase that annoyance, he moodl- lytookkta bat and tail the house. At first Hr. Wentworth walked op and down the street, hat at hut, fatigued with this, he stepped lu to a debetlng-room attached to a tavern. Here he met several aeqaalntaaoee, and gradually (tiling Into coovenettoo Uw evening passed rapidly sway. When he went home, Hre. Wentworth looklni sleepy, and a little out of humor, xocoet* S with, "When la tho would have yon ? 1 tabbed ray novel «n hoar ago, and have had nobody to talk to era since. I am moped to death. There wain thne," she added, pouttnglr" when nothing In the world could have Induced yon to spend an evening away from me.” Her husband waaon the point of replying In Inn almUar aphnldl*! rtyb, hnt he reooUeoted were of c rouged from i logo. The town by the COLUMBIA, 8e|^ 11 ^Thore wore a few balsa Total Receipt*., Cork.. Total... ....29.716 2,919 2,020 1,104 1,184 05JM0 . 1,726 .. 2,926 ...919 .. 1,848 ProvMeoee Fall River PblUdolphla New Orleans Total to Coastwise Potts,...60,866 Grand Total 96,718 Stock os baaJ 1st September, I860 IS k on band September 1st 1164.' Received from 1st September, 1864, to 81st Total Receipts.. August, 1866. Btook September lit, 1605.. 82,788 Arrived. Habersham's flat, from Ptantattoo, with 1,000 IretNr - "'** bushels of the first Now Bice. O N Sunday evening, a Hair Braoriet. The finder will be liberally rewarded on leaving It at this office. ezpt 8. arm NOTfOL—Mr. Atorander Fawcett la my Wm duly authorised agent daring my sbsenoe from tbo fitata. W. H. HAPgMAW. septO- 'irOLARMR. MACKEREL AMD MUWTAMD —to llL bble and 6 italf bbli Molasses; 10 bble and 10 half bbk No i|taokerel; 100 boxes Mnatard. Re- ettvtoodfovMtahy^^ MU Ka8»irtHsrA T3AD0N.-at casks Nacen 9Mee I JJ rive per brigawratar^ for eels, tear- .916,000 6400 LANIER * ANDERSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ap6-ly nseoa, us. 1X111.1.1X1111. DA1I1UU, ATTORNEY AND CUUNSELLOB AT MW. Troupvllle, Lowndes Oounty-Ga. J practico In Thomas, Lowndes, CUnch, Ware, Appllug, TolCxlr, Irwin, Laurens, xud rutaskl couuUos, Georgia: and In JeHhrson, uadison. Him Utoo. and IMnmbtaeooaUea, Florida, [myll MIL LEU & ROLL; MTORNEYS AT LAW, BRUNSWICK, OA. nil practice in the Brunswick ttrcuU—compete- the following CuuutiN Glynn, Wuyno, Cumdon, Waro, Apppling, Clinch, Coffee aud Cliarlfon. JOHN B. MILLER. 1. C. ROU*. augfi ly A. THlifliAS & t'Ore ■ Auction and Comlmsalon Merchants, 110 Bryan Strut, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. hMJOU* D»I2] 8. 8. l’ASQPB. DEALER in' CHOIOB F AMILYu’ltOCERIES and Foreign and DomraUo Frail, ■ tittruer JJrutijh!m and Wkitaker-sU. rowu au>l couatry xuiipUed with choico goods at modsrato price*. AU orders promptly attended to, ami rtHtumotion always guiiranfoou. *pl8 J4SMJT UrraXWXNTT WUOLKSAUt AND BITAIL DBALXB IM WLSIXiW BLIND*, WINDOW RASH AND PANE DOORS. West side Monument Square, Ravauuoh, Oa. uiayll JOHN B. OOCHfiAHB, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dublin, Laurens county, Ga,, lata Junior partner of tbo firm of A. k J. Gocuiuxs, irwiutoa, Ga., will attond promptly to all business outtuted to bis care. Particular aUrnttoo paid to cuUecllng. Re- fprwmw—Hr. C. B. Gaytan, V. H. Rowe, Dublin, Gn.. 'I Marrtlt, ^avnnnah. myll P. JACOBS, SlSGAlt AND TOBACCO STORE. No. 29, Boll street, (aim of the Big Indian.) . N. B.—Keeps ouesuoujr ou band fpsulsb. Had uuub, and Amuricau Regan, at wbolwalo and re- I. auo, elm wing Tobacco, fiuuff, tx. Juno 1 Address, JAMKS UcHUNRY, Insarauco Broker and Notary Public. Marine l*rot ~t* .Voted and Extended, Average; adjastctl, Cliartor Parlies and A vorngc Bonds drawn* Papers propurea whereby to recover losso* rrom American or Urilhih Underwriters, and attontioo given to all matters cvnnccted with shipping and In- suranco, No. 118 Bay-slrcct fi»po*Uo the fhmtol the Custom Uouse. ly oovO JKSSK T. UBliNAltO, ATTORNEY AND COUNHKLLOR AT LAW, XewnaiMvUle, Fla. Reftrence—George .Drown. William Dell, New- nansvllle, Fta., It. II. Htlton, Union k Villalonp, Savannah, Ga. myll GEO. A. McCLE KEH, Agent, Hav’b. TO IlENT. A doilrablo Ueildonce on Mnutorny Square,fronting tbo uew monument, fur nished with Gas throughout A fine gar- I1VHHAH FOR THIn FALL TRADBt FRESH GR0CE1UES, FRUIT, AND VEOBTADLSa. W il. H. FAHKELL Is BOW prepared to supply Us customer* with tb. bar quallUta of NORTHERN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, ■.lotted wllh ml ear* hr bis buyer, who remain* In Nrw York during tbo loasuh for lust purpose* rn*b goods arriving by ev«y*toam*r. Tin knvtog vegetabtae per Atabeaa: 1 ”7# bW^obofcesSlS and cooklngApplos, 6 bbto targe Btaggold Sugar Fears, 16 hbis Mercer Foutoes, i bbk Bsrts and Osrrou, Ortons, rad and white, Tomatoes, Faranlpe, kc. Groceries per Alabama i Pekin Company’! Superior Teas, M^frax, GeebtaBatleLMinimSo'thorqualities, Eonllsh Dairy and American Cneeee, very oholce, Biecult or all ktode, warrutad freeb, aeperiov Segsr Cared aad Fig Hams, Crupp’e Ehsoos of Oofibe, nresh Mustard, aseortad English Plcklos, 4m.,So, To whloh we Invito theattenUon or customer!. N. D.—All goods sold at my store are wamuted I give perfect eattatartlna; and all parcel! deliver- l^»y^rtrttb.<d.y iiBEi ^ ■eptll oornor Broughton and Whltaker sta, 1 MAR8112 (SCHOOL. rpHIS School will be orgaalsed on Wednesday, I October 1st, under the chargo of Mr. B Mai- Ion, as Principal; who will be aided by competent assistants. The house will accommodate 800 pu pils; 200 of whom will be received free of chargo, and 100 win pey tuition. Tbe Massle School District Includes that aortloo tbeeily lying east of Whitaker aL AUoblldrcn r aiding In this district are entlUed to a place In this Applications must be made to either of the Com mMooera, or tothePrtacipaL J. BTODDx 8 COHEN. Commlisloncrs (Javannah, Kept. 8th, 1866. tft ecptfi-lm tB. Morning News and Republican copy ooo PUBLIC SCHOOL. fflHK Public 8obod will be re-opeoed on Wednes- X day, October let, under Ur W. II Baker aa One nundred and fifty pupils will bo recelvod fifty of whom will pay tuition. The School District lariudae that portion of tbe city lying wostorWhita< kcr street No ehlldre* living east of this street can obtain plaooo la this School. Applications must be made to rithor of the Com* mbakioers, or to tbe Principal. • A. PORTER, J. STODDARD, A COHEN. ComralsMoners, Savannah, 8spt. 8th, 1868. sept 8-1 m , Morning New* and Republican copy ooo WOOLEN UAClilNKUY- C. fcSSPSWrtSI l2rt’»Sf MS Burriag Macbtoea end Feed Rolie, to be attached to nmaad aleoSecead Breaker* nnd Ibktan et WoolenCkrdlhg Machines. Tbeattubmeatto Sec- end Breaker! and TlrUtben b very Important Iboee mxohlnes are In eucueeefo) uporetlon, on lint Brerteere, In meat of the prlnclpelWoojen Fee- lories In the United State*, Quad* aad Mexico, and ere deemed by exnerieaeed miuataelurera m meet perfect machines rued, and iodlspeutsbl ibe economical and luccoeifol rnsnulkcture or wool. They ire In tact Ihe only elrong, durable end eue- eeeefoUyoperaUng m*chluee to nee. No carding aaehtae aMd rua ea beer without them. The F**d BoP* are ilroug aud durable, aad wev cireukrs uplalulag the*. Uacbints and Roll, ut ntereaess to Mills haring them In toe, may be had byadlreeslag C. I.. GODDARD, Ntx a BowlingGrtwe,NnrYerk, to whom eeden ehould be addressed, •eptts-lyw Stl i •Mi Meade. BOOTS AND SHOES. Ineeubecriberbu aoldaUhta lots root la Uto Boot aad 8boe bwnaeee, to Hr. M. Jd aieawiiilag bin to Die patronage of my R. T. LAWTON. IgUtlu CttMrttuiMIxN BUxTEH-rer wuSmwr j.ajHM. Alabama, aad for isle by JOHN 31. 31ILLEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. unoe corner Bay aad Draytoa elreeta J>“ I A. 81. VM ravll A J, DAI FACTOR ANDCOMHIBB^IHlSOAHT, Jy 30 ° Btvannah.O* fu,.iuaviUJ^tiipiM«OMtarVikL AU biMinesa entrnrtod to his esreWtt reerirs prow;* aUcnttoe. iyTn»tasnT _ «AMfMn widosiis. ” llODOERS U HORHli# WHoljKSiUJ? GROCERS, •aTwnnr.uvimaa. . June 1,1861, U*f» U "WMM * cSw'- “* • Shipping and OommiaioD Merchants, >AY-gTlKIT. 1AYAMWAH»06. 'ACTORS. Forwarding and CommiMion McrcJ’int*, UnF-etreet, Bawatniab, Oa. * ‘ "T,7£h.«>N* HKWHl AU17T10N, COMMISSION, RECOVIM) ASS Forwardlnff neithnilL 69 amt ot laoinmuncr, cnumiuf. oncaaa. ear- Fartleutar eUenUun given to tbe uM of Beal Grille, Negruco tutd Froduce. ga* liberal adnnraa I RUHR, fattkn n 00. ) GlINRYkDANUD, ll BTttV AKT.GRAY ACO. J IL A sunn,) Mobile, Alabama. - act ta ly — ta. ttl.MC Factor anil General Uommledoa Merchant Ito; 71 EAVsmtkkT, lAVAtotAB, UA-, foeasro-Uraara. Ctagbore ACunnlagbam, Ml k Frntln, Ogden, Etanr k Ox, Savannah; J. P, "■ "““cOMPEH dk L FACTUItt k GENFJtAL OOMMltSUON MkRfflAm Ray xlrrai, Havanbah. Ga. . Imytl JEFFBR8MIN HOBKIgTI, OENBRAI COMMISSION “ AND DKALKR D4 Timber and Lumber. SAVANNAS, Ga. WILLs raWlLUAHC DOMESTIC, f'oBEHIN AllD FANOY DRY GOODS. ' JA8. WfflftgSSflfTSSZ&W. A THBomnL'S WUAJAMA “ eepil flerivanOeqBa. s, c. ut aa. ». u. navta. w. n. i*M. H08B. DAVIS dk 10X0, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, BAVANNAH,GA. may 80 WM. M. UAA1KLL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ■ivsnima BV Offloe over Thomas M. fctoro, Bay street. I. LOCSBVT. ■. Do mSUMt. LOCKETT k BNELLlHOBfo COMMISSION MKB0HAOT8, AND SHIPPING A GEN TP, Savamak, Gn, Will attend to tho selling of all kfcds of prodaeM Strlctatteatlon given to reoolvtag aad forwardtag — may 81 ly luctiou & Commission House, Macon, Ga A. R. McLAUGIlLUV, tiuuoral Agent aud Auctioneer, Mollelta trom bB friend, conelgnmenta of era* deeorlptlon. Take* order, for Cottonl ' 4V* Special eUeuUou given to the erteeef Real Ekuu, teecke and Negro property, at public lad private arte*. 1‘rrmye retanu and dtgsrick. RcforelirtwC. aVlTlaMAB. met 3d J. II, KYHK, CUMMhSIION UEROIIANT, augat No. 148 Bay-at., Navantinh. IU. w. (iKxax. e. v. moor. GREEN * SHOOT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, PHILIP 31. RUIBHLL, ScuiixroSv'and COPYIST. NOTAK 1 Will exeiltolta..Jr, Mortgage,, I'cwcr or Attorney, Will., Uouds, Nutluus aud Taking ot Inter rogatories. Ofilce it tbe Court llouw, bavannah, Ga. Court Cays. TUrl Turaday to aaab month, aid held at Ibe ofoeenr blwald <•. Wlloo, Esq. Residence, Guloa, between BwutrdudlMUuril * Any call at night, an buaineu, will beettendod lu Im mcdtalely. Jy-h -JOHN BILBO, Ordinary off Cllattiaiu County, ' AND ATTORNEY AT UW. Ofooe In the Cuurl Bouse. rayll ANTHONY HeCCLLOH; ATTORNEY AT LAW, gaTannah, Georgia, "Mf erne, on Bay atrert, over Ihe Buk of ^ H. L. P.kdJio, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Corner of Bay and* Whitaker ItrMttt WM. a. WIUJAXA WILLIAMS, OLIVKll 4k DROWN, ATTUH.NEY8 AT LAW, Buena VUta, Marlon County, Ga., WIU pracUc. In the wwnttee of Marlon. Macon, Hone- ton, Stawart, Ksudulph, Muscogee, lee, and any adjoining eounUea, when their eertlera may b required. myll WILLIAM PHILLIPS. attorney at law, oct'to—ly DAVID G. WILDS. attorney at law, WIU practice in thacMuUreof fixe cock, Wxrven, Washington, and Baldwin. Ksnuaram—Behn k Footer, Rabun kSmllu, and E. A. 8oullard. Savannah. Jar" R» B. HILTON, ATTORNEY AND U0UK8EIJi)R AT LAW. Offloe corner or Bay am! Drayton-eta. 8AVANNA11, OA. my 11 DR* CHARLES H. COLDING, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, No. 14IJBERTY CT. One door west of Drayton.myll WM. 0. CONNELLY, ATTORN Kh AT LAW, IBLLA, WORTH OOCSTT, «A.. (r«fT UffSIX Will practise In the 8ouUica»Uroalt,and _ Dooly and Worth Counties ui the Macon Qrcult. asp Particular attention given to tbe collection ol claims In Sooth-Western Georgia. B. GUMMING, ATTORNEY AT LAW, fobl-ly iRWumw, oa. biuVVik is'ctj; No. 0 Whitaker Street, lavananh, Ga*, WHOUBUU ASD RETAIL DSALSRS Of 1SHES. Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, ko Whit* ^ Load, Zinc, Whlto Uuierd, 8;»rm, Wliale, Tan- Den'and NeatsfootOlls, Glass, Brushes. Gold Leal, I Ironse, Bullden' Hardware. Nalls, Marble Muitb, CLOTHING N7 EMPOK1UM. V 1 DOOB WOT OF TBB KSfPlUOAB BBAPDCO ROOl*, Also, Superfine Cloths, asalmoie and Vestings, wld bemad* to men flue Ready-made W.O. Price, Clothing ; Data ar*- Gloves. Hosiery, Genes, Umbrellas FASHIONABLE Cravats, Stocks, Handkerchiefs, Gentlemen. No. MV Bay Street, SA VANN All. workmanship, by tha Orders from olty andcounty solicited. F iiS UtttJORS- 2 half p 4 quar hair pipe* Klopper’s Brandy, vintage 1116 iuar do do do do 1816 do do do do 1818 do Otard Dupuy k Co’a do do do do do do 5 k do do do do 1884 2 hair iloHeuuotsa do do 1846 2 do do A Solgnetlo do do 1864 60 hair, quarter and eighth pipes Cognac, Ro chelle and Bordeaux Brandies of various brani 3 pipes Metier Swan Gin 10 6 gallon demUonsOld leoudon Dock and Clo- Lear Gin 81 Orris and Jamaica Kuw iu puncheon* Old do and do *lo In demUona Very old Fort and Madeira Wines In demfioiu Champagne. Rhine and Clam Wine In cates baskets: In bond and storo for sale by aug9 WEBBER k PALMER. COME ONE—COMB ALL f t*l received ■ T ILVVKJuil received eome 100 Iboueaad good I Spanish Began of tbe very boil brand*, alio, a lot of good German Began, ai low prlccn. Alio, t lot of good French oud German Wlneo. All ofwbloh d to acllol reduced p: I have olio ■eedprtees^ addedtomy pretoftt stock,a loteC the very French Brandies—and I a*y to yon one and all, now Is yonr time, forlorn determined to make my mot to, low prices, aad quick aales—ao come and son. meat iboporuer of Iky and Bull streets. v ang £6 A. BONaVD. E PHELPS'. GIN-60 bbn landtag per schooner a John Caainer. for sal* by J, . _ sept2 aOUMTONi MBMBXON kCO. IsTuraer A0e.'s Dn$ fob 22 BAVANNAH* , K. WHJOHT. J. ft K. (SVAUSa WRIGHT A SAVAGE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BRUNSWICK, GA Jylt joottb.^howbs: ENGINEER, ARCHITECT AND SURVEYOR, - oounm or Muvron am> navAR-Mira (Above C A. L. Umar.) J/O-Soi MoALPIN « BRUTHERB, At Lumber; aepti Mill and Brick Yardi. gATAiniAg, aa. *». WHIT MOTH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AtjifiATfiH uurr nmnia WUI praotioe ta UMbstani aud Southern C ■•for to OoL 8. & Staley, and B. B. Htaon, Bn* 0. W. MABRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW nussur, oar* no., ai. WUI attend to profoerianalbostaesata tbe 0 or Heard, Carroll, Campbell, Coweta, Vkyetta, Meet* wether and Troup. Rafarenoo—Hon. E. Y. HI 11, LaGrange, Ga.; Hea* i, Ga.{OolouelM.M.Tidwell, WUIIam Dottgheriy. C* David Irwta, Marietta, < Fayetteville, Ga.; and Mr. iuabas,Ga.. Wm. McALLUTER* ap!8 Monnnicnts, Tombs and Grave Stones, (kra* “• i reasonable terms. Orders res- poctl'ully solicited, cool gJHBOECg— THE ABBOB BHL1ABD SAUMuT IdnuiuJ Corner Bull and Bryan streota. over Barber Shop June 27 J. M. HAYWOOD, igenL YOMGE * PRIESSOVJ “yMMBdlON mahCHANH^ FORWARDING AND OOMMUdlUN ■o, 94 RAT-muorr. iavasvai, oa apr4 1>. A. O’UYHMjE, ATTORNEY AT LAW,, Office 175, Bsy iL, over Turner kOo’e. Dreg 8 Bxrxtwan, ai. novlo—ly *. W. BAIUlUt, ATTOBNEY AND COUNdELLOB AT LAW, MootleeUo, JegknOD County, no, Relbreoce—Uoo. W. B. Fuxnn, tarunob, Cat aril eBWahd h. WiiffiBS. * INDOOWIlldBIlWHl . MAGI3IRATK, NOTABY AND OF DBD& At Meoere. Ward A Oweno' Uw Offico. -GS2L WAYNE, GRENVILLE 4000, „FA9X<m tecaiNTB, THOB. 8. WAYNE. rT ALEX. WAYNE, _ attoiwby^an^counseSora't LAW. Troupvllle, LowndesOonty,Oa. (mil CHAM* O. CAMPBELL (ATTORNEY AT LAW, mtTffnfiffyp ?» g^l Fractlcee Uw In tbo varioua OouoUee of the Oej Rafer taSTBSt B. A Ctaae, eM B. ■ •imoe. jft asDHBsntreoHDBs: ATTORNEY and counsellor at law, t •ammimmerefOt t^SCmai afCMmtM (ht State of Georgia, Offloe Oeroev Boy tutd Bull itraeta. U VHOTBaltffBK— Lnrga stand Fhotognuite. is- — —w* W|-ra| sra^ m. perfor style. A call is ev. 81. Jollaa-et sid"‘ te ataraealia.