Savannah Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, September 12, 1856, Image 4
*v v '5 ^ I owl H00M' door In n County, Quorate, on In November nnu, between the houM gemot uni bottler, ~trp«tlor, W non of _ jroMi from tbo river, «00 from tho book street to (bo bln lot It well fruited villi ' a, 4m, Alto, two tocuI household on t kitchen Iher b*4t,m>(nuo>.i|0llU bedeleodi, cirpcls draw- 'KiOne eefo, table clothe, , >1 Ubloe, chelre, cooking i con die ebodee,tablc-co vere end win- , coo lot Oliver epoont, crockery veto, idlbovclondtoego, hone and cert, STATa OF GROROIA, C n 4r««^A wl s£?,T. P 7; attho Court or Ordinary tor tetter, ditto taory n «d admotah ad whom It may oonoern, to be and appear befWa ■aid court to make ohjectloo (If any they hare) on or before the Ont Monday In March neat, other- wire eald telton will bo granted. Wllneea, John Dllbo, Kaq., Ordinary (br Ckalham county, this lllh day or Angnel. ml augll JOHN BILBO, o. o. ft _ I . All the afire named propony vvlUba add for thebonedt ofthe helre end credl- tanogMn. PercUla Thomas, Ute ot eald County, rtifiitl nil Tennacaah before delivery. -W. a THOMAS, Executor. , Jeflkfeootoo,Any,<0,1850 aughO-Hin STATE OF GEORGIA, BULLOCH CO. T O all whom It may concern.—'Whoreae Sarah Brennen will apply at tho Court or Ordinary for betters of Admlnletratlon on tho Eatalo ol John Brennen, deoeaaed, thcao arc there to olio and ad- monlih all whom It may concern, to be and apwiar bclliro tho court, to make ohjeflione fir any they hove,) on or before the lint Monday In November W> Wllncee, r wrlUam'lA0 1 l Rnpl tWldwy U |br Bulloch county,Ihl.t.hds.p.cmberi™.^ Q B o eopta GUARDIAN'S MALE. TT7IU. be eolJ before tho Court llouio door In W Jefferuonton, Ounden County, Georgia, on the first Tbemtey In November non, bclweon the ‘ftoa^bMceaervant, oook, wisher and lroner, 11 yeara or age; Ireno. herdauahtor, 11 ycare or ago' Mia la, her eon, 11 yosrsof sgo; Joo, her con, U months old. belooglog to tho estate or Unite Tompkins. Sold Tor tho benefit of the heir* and crodltoniofMddvUto. Terms cash, or it* equivalent. W. B. THOMAS, Guardian. Jsflkrsooton, Aug. aO, 1866 aug tjtMjm cmr shbiufp's salk TT7ILL ba sold before the Ooort Homo door in fff thacltyorSavannab, between the legal hours of sale, on tho Aral Tuesday In Octobor next—A no- gro man slave named Paul: levied on under and by virtue of an attachment Issued out of tho honorablo thaCUy Court of Savannah in favojor Robert 1). Fmrgeraon vs. William Darby; and sold by permis sion of ihsJadfo of said Court. Terms cash, pur- chMoyoyliigtogtlM. PRRNDE{ ^ gA3T> a,,,,,. TTTlLL bo add before tho door or tho Court TT . Booso, Ip the city of Savannah, County or Chatham, on 1st Tuesday in Octobor noxt, between the legal hours of tale, two Clocks, two Lounges, om Cedar Bedstead, one Spring Bedstead, one Hair Matrass. Istrisd on as tho property ol John Sparger- burg,In flavor of John Devanney. hold under foroclo- tore ot a mortgage Ft. Fa’s Issued out of the Honor able, Inferior Court of Chatham County, July Term, angostt BKNJ. L. COLE. 3. C.O STATIC OF GEOHOIA. L IBERTY COUNTY.—To all whom it man oon oern : Whereas, Caroline E Allen will apply at tho Court of Ordluary for letters of administraUon on tho estate of Benjamin W. Alien, deceasod : These are tboreibro to cite and admonish all con cerned, to be and appear before said Court to make objections, (if any they have,) on or before the first Monday in Octobor noxt, otherwise said letters will be granted. _ „ .. . ... Witness, W1* Girardeau, Esq., Oordluary for Lib erty county, this 14th day of August, 1860. angle W.P. GIRARDEAU, o. t,y> DIVORCE* Elisabeth Cowley ) In Ooffleo Superior Court, vs. y May term, 1866: John Cowley, j It appearing to the Court from the return of the Sherilf, that tho defendant John Cowly. U not to bo bo found in ColToo County, and It forthor appears that bo is nut In this State. On motion oi Wm. U. Gauldlng, Attorney for libelant, tt fat ordered tUat scrvlco bo perfected on»aid defendant by a publi cation or this orrdor in oao of the public journals in Savannah, unco a month for tbreo mouths preced ing the next tom of Ibis Court, requiring said do- fondant to api»oar at tbo uext term or Ooffeo Su perior Cburt u November noxt, and Illo bis defenslvo ulcgation to said Court. A true extract of tho minutes or Coffee Superior Coun ARCH’D IfcLEAN, Deputy Clerk. aun 2—3m BVIaLOCH CO. SHERIFF'S SALK, W ILL be sold on the First Tuesday In October next, before tho Court Uouao door in States boro, within the usual hours of salo the following property, to Wit: Uno tract or Land containing two hundred acres more or loss,levied on as the proper ty of T H Eldon. to satisfy a fl. fa. in favor or Wm. *imm—. Property pointed out by Wm. Simmons, levy made by a Constable, and returned to me this, tba27tb day of August, i860. sept 4^ JOHN S.DENMARK,& B. C, EXECUTOR’S BALE—CONTINUED, lTATE OF GEORGIA, WAYNE COUNTY :-By J virtue of oo order granted by tho Ordinary ot .Jayne County, on the 1th July, I860, will be sold before the Court House door in - Waynesvlllo, In said county, on the first Tuesday in Outobor uext, be tween (be lawful hours ol salo, tho following prop erty, to wit: alien, a negro woman, aoycar* ol age, and her seven children, Francis 10 years of age, Lacy 9, MaryS, Robort 0, Gcorgo 6, Cbarlotlo 3, and Elsy S years old. Sold for tbo benctlt of tbo heirs and creditors of the estate of > owls W. Bryan deceased* Terms cash. W. A. SALLENS, Executor, JalyfiOth, 1866 scptO f*t kt/IWIIJI, MOI UT »ft«r date application will be mado to the Court of Ordinary or liberty County for leave to ■all a negro man by the name of July, aged 40 years belonging to the estate of Gidoou HcGowen, lato of said county, deceased. NANCY A. McQOWFN, Adtn’x. September 4.1866. septa STATE OK CJEOiltilA, CHATHAM COUNTY—To aU whom it may Tsounoern: Whereas, John Mailory ,wlll apply to the Coon of Ordinary for Letters Dismisory os adminis tration on the Estate of William Wright these are, ther« cite and admonish all whom it may ffmtriJo be and appear bofore said Court, to make objection (If any they have) on or before tbo flret Monday in November next, othwise said Let ters will bo granted. Witness, John BUbo, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham Oeuniy, this Ocght day of April I860. -OUN BILBO, o. o. o. . «pr« : ■TATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM CO. flTlall whom it may concern: Whereas Mary Ann J. Dent will apply at the Court of Ordinary for let- (era Dlsmlsaory on the estate or James 1*. Dent,— Theee are therefore to cue And admonish all whom U mar concern, to be and appear before said Court, lo man objections (If any they have) on or before the First Monday in Dooember next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Fiumci John Bilbo, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham Ootmiy, this third day or June i860. JaS *OHN BIJ.BO, 0.0.0. STATE OF GEORGIA. /CHATHAM COUNTY*—To all whom it may \J eonoern: Whereas, John P. Hines will appi r at the Court of Ordinary for letters dismlsaory as ad ministrator oo tho hstale or James C. Hines : These are, therefore, to elfo and admonish all whom It may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (If any tlioy have) on or be- Art the first Monday in December next, otborwlse ■aid letters will be granted. Witness, John Bilbo, Esq. Ordinary for Chatham oomrty, tide fourth day of June. 1866. June 0 JOHN BILBO, o. c. a STATE OF GEORGIA, S UILOCH COUNTY.—To all whom It may con i earn: whereas, Griffin W Parrish Court ot Ordinar Martha Parrish, a ml u, Griffin W Parrish will apply at ary for letters of guardianship of minor heir of Joelab A Parrish, mas are, therefore, to cito and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Court, to make objection (If any they have) on or before iM fint Monday in October next, otherwise ■aid letters will be granted. “"mess, william Lee, Ksq., Ordinary for Bulloch ty. Util 0th day of August. 1860. WILLIAM LEE. o. B. o. STATE OF GEORGIA, B ULLOCH COUNTY.—To aU whom it may con- earn: Whereas, the estate of William Davis is unrepresented, if no person applies for tho admin istration. I shall appoint Josiah Davis, or somo oth er fit and proper person as administrator on said e: ■m are, therefore, to cito and admonish all xmmarconccr- —-- J ,J Court to make objc bafora tM first Monday in October next, otherwise ■aid letters will be granted. Witness. William Leo, Esq., Ordinary for Bulloch eounty, the 0th day of August, 1860. ang9 WILLIAM LEE, o. ». c. MTATK OF UEOltUiA, B ULLOCH wifTNTY.—Tball whom it may con corn: whereas, Seaborn B Cowart will apply at u»e Court of Ordinary for loiter* dlamlisoryas administrator on tho estate of Patrick D Kclohi i are, laereforo, to cite and admonish all a it may concern, to bo and appear beforo sold Court to make objection (if any theyhavo) on or be* tore the first Monday in February next, othorwiso letters will be granted. Witness, William Leo, Esq., Ordinary for Bulloch Comity, this 6th day or August, I860. augl WILLIAM LEE. o. «. o. GEORGIA, LIBERTY COUNTY. mo an whom it may concern: Wborcas, Mrs Sa fi rah J Jones, Admlntilrolr.x upon tbo estate of James N Jones, lato of Liberty county, deceased, will apply to the Court of Ordinary of said counly Cor lettere dlsmiwory; Tbeae are therefore to cite and ail monish al I whom It may concern, to bo and appear before said corn to mans oblecUoua, if any they have, In forma the law. otborwlse said totters will bo granted. Witness. W P Garldeau, Ordinary for Liberty ooanty, this 10th of Januar^, 1860. UMJ, mu AI G1RADEAU, o. L.Q. MTATK OF GEORGIA, B ULIiOOHOOUNTY. —To aU whom It may con* cant t Whereas, General E Mlkett, will apply at ina oeturt of Ordinary tor letter* or administration with toe will annoxed, on the estate or Martha Groover, late of said county, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it mar concern, to be and appear beforo sold Conrt Id make objection (if any tlioy havo) on or before tae first Monday la September noxt, other wise samteltiOTWiU he granted. Witness. William Lee, Bjq., Ordinary for Bulloch RATI OF GEORG J A, TATTaAmTcoT. r 1^0 aU whom it may concern Whereas, Uonja- X ’ mio Alexander will apply at tho Court of Or dinary for Letters of Dismission os Administrator on tba estate of Anson Williams,late of sold County, do- ceased. These are,therefore,tuelteatid admonish all whom it may concern, to bo and appear before said Court to make objection (tfany tlioy liavojuu or be fore the first Monday In March uext, otherwise said tetters will be granted to the said applicant. Witness, H StticxUAO, Esq., Ordinary for TaU- uail County, this the 9th day or Ausust, i860. aogas—0m H. sreiCKLAND, Ordinary, STATE OF GEORGIA TATTNALL OO. 3 10 aU whom It may oonoern:—Whereas James Btandflald will apply at ^e Court of Ordinary Letters of Administration oo tho .estate of John Speers, late of said County, deceased. Theso are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may coaosrp, to bs and appear befors said Court to make (tfaythey^aveT^V lSforo tbo first YtnjtarnttfHT nsxt, othcnrlfo Mld lattera L udmum. Bq., .Ordinary for tail- - ''August, I860; "'•iDfcOrdioarjr. FtOM V. R - ALMER, JAKE IB.' 1 DEALER AND 1 NELSON SWEEZEY, DBSIONER AND BOULFTOR IN UARUI.K., Comer Aster Place and 4th Avenue, is otoas ntoxiuirr to ms xerox tuuuuv axd tbs sntw ffilHB most extenslTe variety and the largost 1 stock of Mosumenls, Tombs, Head Stones, Jus., Inkmorlca, can be found al Ibis esubliahmeat, from plain to the most elaborate and ornate in design and workmanship. In addition to the stock always on hand, a great variety of drawings, appropriate and original may be found, from which work will be ek- W oSrfen 0 fi8!5§ 0 exocuted, and shipped to any P °Si!oaMWMn« thedtTrfSew York on pleasure or business are respectfully Invited to visit thlsea* *■ —* octfi LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. E Wilkinson, Ub#rty 8uporlor 0ourt| Thoe. WlUanson.J Torln » l8M * r ‘ apponng to tho Court, by the return of tho sheriff, In tbo above stated cose, that the defend ant is not to bo found in tbo county, and that be is not to be found In tho state; on motion of Wm B Gaulden, counsol for libellant, it is ordered that ser vice bo perfected on said defendant, by a publica tion of tins notice once a month for three months, next preceding tbo next term of said Superior Court, requiring said defendant to bo and appear at tbe next term or Liberty Superior Court to answer in the said cause* A true extract from the minutes of said Superior Court. JyS a A. FRASER, Clerk. DIVORCE. ANN BROWN \ BuUocb Su peelor Court, WILLIAM H*. BROWN. J March Ter “» 1856 * I T appearing to the Court, by the return or the Sheriff, that the defendant, William B. Brown, is not to be found in tho county of Bulloch; on mo tion of Levi S. D’Lyun, Attorney for tbe plaintiff it is ordered that the defendant do appear and file Ids answer or defensive allegation, on or before tbe Ornt day of tbo noxt term or this Court, and that iiibllcution or this will bo mode In ono of the pub ic gaieties of the city of Savannah once a month three months. A true extract from the minutea, this 22d day or March, 1866. Jy ttf—lamSm DAVID BEASLEY, o a o b o. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. Elizabeth uwlr | oolTco Superior Court, JoUu Uuly. j May Tent,, t8M. X T appearing to tbo Court, from the return of tbe sheriff, that the defendant, John Cauly is not to bo found in Coffeo county, and heis not in the state; on motion or Wm B Gauldlng, attorney for libellant, It is ordered that service bo perfected on said de« fondant oy a publication of this order In one of the public journals or Savannah, once a month for tbreo months preceding the next term of this Court, requiring sold defendant to appear at the next term or Coffeo Superior Court, lo tho month or Novem ber uext, and tile his defenslvo allegation to the cause. A true extract from tbe minutes ol tho Suporior Court. DRAPER AND TAILOR. JEFFERSON STREET NEAR BROUGHTON. * « The subscriber takes this opportunity. 41 to inform his friends and tbs public, that Uhe is enabled, from experience, and tbo •JBl&tulUve perceptions of the truths of« _ science, based on the oommoo rules of surveying forms, both plane and epherioal, to cut and make up garments to fit the human form in the most complete and finished style, to aU who may favor him with a call. V. Boys’fancy drosses, Ball costumes, Military and Firemen’s Uniforms, fcc., 4c. . P. HORACE GRANT, Jefferson iL, one door North or Broughton street, dec 7-ly Frum 1*1 IpvttTiMxii xunev, WIUU1UWIH. fX. M Authorised Agent for the Savannah Journal. M HERmNQ'.PAlKNTVlItK-PKGOF WITH H ALL’S bA'n3n'TbwIiKlCl'H00r LOOK, Having rooetved the Prise Medal at the World’s Fair, are now offered to thu public as the Prtss Safe of U10 World. Tested an;l approved as thoy have been every where, thdr crownlsg victory was reserved to be awardedby tbo Jurlos of tho World’sFair. Tho iwroprictor placod Ono Thousand Dollars In Gold In the one exhibited at the World’s Fair, Lou don, and in vital aU the nck-Lopks in the world to open the Safo, with or without the keys, and tike the money as a reward for tholr Ingonulty; although operated upon by several skilled lu tho art, noons could Pick tho Lock or open tUoSsTo. By an Improvement open tbe original Salamander, introduced by the present owner or tbe patent-right, tho Interior Is rendered wholly Impervious to damp, end books, papers and Jewelry might bo preserved In one or his sides for a ceutury without ooutractlng biomlshfrom mould or mllldow. .... .. To guard against counterfeits every SMe from tho manufactory of the eubecriber. and sold by Um or his agents, has a brass plate,in front, boaring hU name t oach Is also fornlsbod with one of his im proved Thief Detecting Locks, whlob Is a good guar antee against robbery. & 0. HERRING * 00., Noe. 186,187 and 189 Waterst., N^Y. Agents la Savannah, Messrs. BEIL k PRENTISS, who keep constantly on hand a foil and complete assortment, which they will sell at Manufacturers’ prices. ft"” JaSff BROUGHT TO JAIL. Brought to Jail In 8wainsboro, Emanuel Co, j the 4th instant, a negro man; be says Lb namo Is Harry; that ho belongs to thu estate ■ot Thomas Clay, ot dryan county, Ua. lie U of light oomplexion, with a slight scar over the left eye;about6feet3X inches in height, aud about tid years old. The owner ts requested to come forward, pay charges and take hlmaway, as be will be dealt with as tbe taw directs. HENRY OVERSTREET, Je9 Jalor. ItEMOVAL. B M.I The subscriber has Removed on tho Bay, next door to tbe Republican office, where he is now opening al handsome) assortment or SPRING] AND SUMMER GOODS, which be will eel! by the pattern or make to order in the most fashionable style. Also, Ready Made Clothing for tbo present and coming season. Tbankfoifor past favors, he hopes to morit a con tinuance of the same. N. B.—Cutting, Altering mad Repairing done at the shortest notice. Just received White Drill Coots aud Pauls, White and Flgnred Marseilles Vesta, for sale at a small pro- aprlS JOHN W. KEMiY. S ff and after Sunday, the 14th October.lnst, and until farther notice, the Passenger Trains e Central Railroad will run as follows: BirWlKN SAVANNAH AND MACON. Leaves Savannah Daily at...6 a at and 12.16 r x. Arrive In Macon “ “..2.16 r K “1 au. Leave Macon “ “.11.46 a x “ 9.80 r x. Arrive In 8avan’h “ “10.46 r x “ 7.20 A X scrwin SAVANXAB AND ACatHRA. Leave Savannah 12.16 r x and 8.80 r. x. Arrive in Auguste 8.46 r x “ 6.80 a m. Leave Augusta 6. ax 11 4.80 rx Arrive In Savannah 1.89 rx 11 10.46 f BXTWXXM XAOON AND ACOCSU. Leave Macon 11.46 ax and 9.80 rx. Arrive in Augusta 8.46 rx “ 6.80 a x. Leave Augusta 0. ax 11 4.80 rx. Arrive in Macon 2.16 r x “ 1. am. mrnrxxN bavannab, xnjjDaimu fa iatokton. Leave Savannah 6. a x Arrive in MlUedgeville 2.46 r x. Leave Macon U 46 A x Arrive in Eotenton ....6. r x. W. M. WADLEY Gen’l Supb Savannah, Ga., Oct 12, 1866. ootl6. Jya ew»p ABHLEY, Clerk. GEORGIA, BULLOCH COUNTY. S IXTY davs after date, application will bo made to tne Honorable Court of Orinary of BoUooh county, tor learo to sell all the lands belonging to tbo estate or Thomas Crosby, late of said county, doccancu. tor tbo benefit or the heirs and creditors or said estate - JylO WILLIAM F. CROSBY. Adm’r. WAYNE CO*" T H wi .GA., JULY 0. public ore warned that from this date I ill puy no drafts mado by 8.0. Bryan fa Co., os no such firm cxirt. From this date the business will be continued on my own account aug 2—Ira SAMUEL 0; BRYAN. STATE OF GEORGIA; CHATHAM CO. T HE uuderslgnod have formed a Co-partnership under tbe Act of tho General Assembly ofthe state or Georgia, entitled “An Act to authorise Limited Partnerships,” assented to tbe twenty-se cond day or Dooember, in tho year 18.17; to be con ducted under tho namo orCarlEpping, for the pur pose of transacting a Commission and General Mer cantile business InihocityofSavannahondStateof Georgia. Carl Eppiug, or Savannah, will be tho general partner, and George W Germany, or Suvannah, who has contributed Fifty Thousand Dollars, in cash, to the common stock, will be spoclal partner. Tbo jusiuess to commence the first day or Augost, in tho yiar eighteen hundred and fiTty-slx, and to terminate on tho first day of August elghteon fifty. In witness whereof, tbo said Carl Epping and Oeorgo W. Garinany have hereunto signed the foregoing agreement, this thirty-first day of July, CARL EPPING. G. W: GARMANY. Attsst: MONTGOMERY GUMMING, J. I. C. C. C. august 1—0w Tho MlUedgeville Recorder, will publish six wooks, NOTICK. * T WO months after date, application will be mado to tho Court or Ordinary or Tattnall County, for leave to sell tho Real Estate ol Jamos L. Gra ham, late of said County, deceased. aug 4,1850. JAS. B. STRIPPING, aug 25-2m Am ntstrator. NOTICE. O NE month after date, application will be mailo to tho Btuk or the Statu of Georgia, for tho payment or a twenty dollar note or tho Branch of said Bank at Wosbiogton, tbe left band hair of which has been lost, auglfl— law4 JOHN B. WICK. T WO months aftor date, application will be made _ to the Hon Court or ordinary or “ * 1 lands 1 - —Bulloch ccud- ijr, far U'OVO to noil .11 Uo land, belonging to tbo u.lato of Harris barren, deceazod. JOI1ANNAH DARREN, Ailm’li. ailgS TIMOTHY KKNNK1.LV, Adm’r. T jVO months liter date, appliculoa wlil bo uiado to tho Hon Court of Ol dinar, for Liber- ly ntmntjr, Cor louyo to sell alt the lands belonging to tho estate ol John F Boasly, of said county, do- oeasod, for tho benefit of his heirs and creditors. JOHN H. BRADLEY, ) ... uugO K. Q. ANDREWS, } “ ora * , NOTICE. r | 'WO months aftor date, application will bo mado A to tho Honorable, tho Court of Ordinary or Bulloch County, for leave to sell all tbo Lands' and Nwnies belonging to tho estate or Jamos Hagen, late ol said County, iluueoxcd. ’ „ , KEZIAII HAGEN, Administratrix. Bulloch County, Aug 29, 18ft0. aug30 NOTICE. ffMIREE months aftor date, application will bo X mado to tho Planters’ Bank of tbo State or Georgia, lor tho payment or a twenty dollar uoto or tuid Bauk, payable to Wm Morel or bearer, da ted 1st Juuo, 1861, No 687; also, for tbopaymont or a tun dollar note, No 822, dated 1st July, 1864, tbo left hand halves of said notes having been lost. Also, to tho Bauk of tho State of Georgia, for tbo payment of a ton dollar note, letter A, dated 4th Janury, 1860, tho loft band half having been lost. Also, to tbo Marine Bank or Georgia, for the pay ment or a tun doliur nolo, No 4,070, dated Novem ber 1,1843, tbo loft hand half having boon lost. auglO—law3in BOSTON fa VILLALONOA. NOTICE. A LL parsons having claims against tho estate of iV. Gcorgo M.Troup, deceased, will band them in, duly attested, ami those indebted will pleaso raako payment to either of tbo uudorsigned. THOMAS M. FORMAN, 1 Jsl6 DANIEL 11. B. TROUP,J**”* NOTICE!. S IXTY uav* after date, application will be made to mo Hotiorubio tho Ordinary o( Molutesh county, tor leave to sell tho real estate, being In tbts couutv, or thu lato James Smith, known as Sidcm (nee| lluttation sold for tbe benefit of tbo bulr* of tuud estate. DEAN H. DUNWOODY, JOHM J0HE9, JOHN F. DUifWOODY, Barton, July 1,1m. 1 •7: SfOTRJlO. ■ A H 1 .* ,,un l 0I1M )> a , vln g olalm. ogaluat tho oalato o is. Evan Joiicm, lain of Charlton county, am, do* cwuwt, aro requwlwl to prownt thorn, In tornu of law, anilI Um. Indohtod will pleuo m.ko pnymont to Cm aubacribor. STEPHEN tlcCALL, Eiooutor. 'hntrollUago, Oa., Inn. 14th. IBM J C 23 (A5H SALK ON THE WHARF- l 100 tbU cholc. N.W OflMM llolaMM I HO who!, ud haN com ICratnekjr Ropo ■ lOonridid lOdo Rlbbod Buon £ldei, . bilf Zozoutor. i LOCKETT . ONELUNS. f ' [.El'on CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ON THE 80U oT. H r fiaiTjuir New York & New Orleans Mails O N and after Sunday, February 3a, I860, two dally trains between Macon aud Columbus, and one between Macon and Amerlcus, Leave Macon at 2 a m, and 3 r x; arrive at Oolum bus at 716 a x, and 1080 r x: leave Columbus a< 416 a x, and 130r x;arrive at Macon at 10 64 a x, and 7 40 r x; leave Mooon at 2 a m; arrive at Ameri eus at 6 40 a x; learo Amerlcus at 2 20 r x: arrive at Macon at 7 40 r x; making a complete connection be tween Montgomery, Alabama, and Augusta, Kiots- vllle, Wilmington and Charleston; also, with Central Railroad Trains to Savannah, Mlllodgovillo aud Eaten- vamu y ukmkia- ton, and with Macon and Western trains to Atlanta teDiamsABUt vamha moium, Chattanooga, Nashville and Knoxvlllo, Tenn. ' At Columbus with Girard and Mobile Railroad . Eufaula, Ala., connecting dtily at Americas with four horse Post Coaches to Tallahosseo, Albany, rhomasviUo, Balnbrldge, fao., withtri-weokly hacks to Lumpkin, Cutbbert, fao., at Fort Valley with backs to Perry, HaynesvUle, Hawklnsvllte and KnoxvlUe, Ga. Passengers for Amerlcus and points bolow Fort Valley, Bhould take tbe 1216 p x train from fiavan- nah; uml the 6 px train from Augusta, to avoid do- teutlou at Macon. For other points on the s-outL Western or Muscogee Roads take either train from Savauoah or Augusta. Passengers leaving Ameri cas at 2 £0 p x will reach Columbus at 10 30 p x the same night. Passengers from Columbus and the West for Am ericas, South-western Georgia or Florida, should take the 130 p x train at Columbus, sleep at Fort Valley, and reach Americas at 0 40 a x next morn- l °Hm olm steamships leave Savannah for New York on Wednesdays and 8aturdayi, and for Phila delphia on Wednesdays. Passage la the Cabin $25, Steerage S8. Fare from Montgomery to Savannah $14 00 “ Columbus “ « 10 00 “ Amorlcua “ “ 8 80 GEO. W. ADAMS, Sup’t. Macon, January SOtb, 1866. oayl6 DZLS7LKFLERTiS - WlLCOY, Dentista. ARB now fully prepared to in sert full or partial setts or Teeth on tho principle or Dr. J. Allens’a Patent Continuous Gum. By this improvement, the form of the face can be restored to any degree or rotundity that may be desired. It is applicable In all cases where the oheeks have fallen in and cannot be detected by tho doeestobserver.— This method combines tbe followingk ivantages:— An artificial gum, whlob exhibito a |ierfect)y natural and lire-like appearance, and imparts totbetheetb that peculiar expression which characterises the turol organs. This Gum consists of a silacious compound, which is appliad and fttsed upontho Teeth and Plate In such a manner, as to fill up all the Interstices around tbe base ofthe Teeth, and also unites them firmly to each othor and to tbo Plato upon which they are ■etc This secures perfect cleanUnoss or the Teeth. Office overDeWlUfa Morgan, Congress street. 0% Republican and Georgian copy, fob 10-4 IATLY EXECUTED AT THE JOURNAL, BOOK & JOB OFFICE. ibrekuti cut IwiiiypIlMluabort notloo wlib BIU-UMub, BIU. or Lading, Dny Bosk., Clraulnra, C.rtl. and Blank Book.. rwtlcuUr ittooMoo given 1 to ROOK AND RAM- 1’HLLT l’RINTINU, iucb u Ctolotfun lor Collcffo., l-roceodlng. of MooIIiikr. Roiwru, Ry-Inwo, do. Tbulcltn for tho Tory llbenlpMroMgo b.retolbre recolyed, wo tupootfully zollclt . coatluuuuto ol tho izrao, foollof Hut w. .ball bo .bio to pleu. .11 who nuy Ibyor os with . call, bulb u to nrlcm sml elocution of work. IJELBHIOLD'' GENUINE l’UKPAP/ lieluilM>ltr« lilgbly CwHr* - 11 Com pound Fluid Extm. —..nJ. ISA CERTAIN, SAFE, AND KFWXffUAL REMEDY TNOK Disease* ortho Bladder,:Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Weakness, Secret Diseases, Obstruc tions, Female Complaints, and all dlMasea of the Sexual Organs, f helhsrlp MAIJi OR J11UALE. from whatever cause Uicy may have originated, and LOCAL EVIDENCE OF THE VALUE AND moor yuAUTiKor WILDER’S SALAMANDER SAFES, At Nanufactum.I 6y Stearns & Martin. New Turk. In the tiro ofthe 3d Inst., which consum ed tho brick building occupied by Mr. Jno. T. Thomas, opposite | tbo Gas Works, In thin city, was a safo oi tbe abovo doacripUotu containing tho books, papers, and meuey of Mr. Thomas, and although the building was uctroycd, the said Safo sustained no Injury whatever from tho intense heat to which it had bucu exposed. On open ing tbo Safe, Uio contents wore found undisturbed, and In theeamo order and condition as when placed there, except a slight discoloration to tho projecting ends ofa few papers, and tho backs of ono or two of the books, caused by tho steam generated in tho Safe, while at its greatest heat. Tho Safe and contents, os It camo from tho ruins, may still be soon, In tho possession of Mr. Thomas, at the Gas Works. A large assortment of those cele brated 8afea always on hand,and for sale by C/H. CAMPFIELD, Agent for the Manufacturers, July 20,1866. 171 Bay-st., Savannah. Ga. I take pleasuro In corroborating tbe foregoing state ment, and in addition would add, that the books'aro now In use. J. T. THOMAS. Wood Yard, Ferry Wharf. July 26tb, 1866. oct6—tf TO WOOL 8ELLLKS. Undersigned bore tble day opened . X Sure taConijoi. >tr«t, opiw.Ro tho llarkel. tor tho porobuo of Wool, Sbcop skins, Hides Boos WnXj DMr Skins, Bid Oounlry Produce In general. Tho highest eub prion will be laid tor ell tho nbovo 4 *ST*W Seyennsh. Mr. I.. J. OUII, BAKUN hu been eppolnted u Agent, to whom nil Mnonn luring balnea transactions with Iho un. derslgned may apply, J. w. SMYTHE k OO. Berunah, Bay 19,1866. mutt pianofortes; jOBHh .ft 4 ™ 0 Utoly recoined Urge Ml- dltions to our PLANO YOUTH’, wo IIS I II «e enabled tooOernltlds time tbe M * * * »irnte«t rtrlely from tho bat muu. nctonrs, from the pUlnest square to the most elab- orrtely cured, ud from six to eeren octaves. Our Plsnos are lelootod from the msnutoeturers whom we bare toll confidence In, end we are psr- iSSSf to * 1,c »su»™ty wiui "Tito ™ k,r “ “ , «* nls durability, reruns In went of a flnl rate Instrument may re* hr wltb esfely U[xjn getting aenli s ono by selecting from tho toUorrug makers, whose Instruments wo endcoror to IcnpconrtanUy on bud, vis: H. Wor- eerter, J. Chlckoring A Son. Nonna k Clsrko, Bncnn A Ravens, H. Waters, and Hnlnes, Hrothera 4i Cum- “Ins I. W. UORKELI. A OU. >ug 2T DYING AND RENOVATING ESTABLISHMENT, T3 TORI STREET, NEAR TUE COURT UOCSE, SAVANNAH, GA., EatablUhert III 1833. rrtHE Snkserlber grateful to hie Mends and I patrons for their coutiuual favors, would state that In addition to tho improvements lu DYING, ao quirod by him during his hut visit to England and Scotland, has mado arraiigcmuuts for oxtending bis business, by which he Is now enabled to dye a greater variety or colons on *ilk and woolen dresses, shawls, fao., which he IrtiBls will generally pleaso all who may favor him with tliulr putrouugo. Gentlemen's garments dyed, cleaned or renovated i may be required, lu the patneimporter p-tylewbluh has generally so much pleaded hist |>atrons and friends. Table Cover*, and liidlo*’ Crnpo Shawls, fcc., cleaned and flulshed in thu first style. Ladies’ Bonnets dyed, bleached and pressed *a the most fasliionublo style*. Orders from tho country promptly attended to. Tories moderate. When parcels are scut by steamboats or railroxd. word should bo Bout him l>y letter through tho |ioai ofllco, so that ho may know whoru to call for them, men 16 ALEXANDER GALLOWAY. heintzelbiann^b “ ESSENCE OF JAMAICA OlNGElt. T HE distinguished favor wltb which this essence has bccu received throughout all sections oi tho Union os a remedy at oncu safe, agreeable and effectual for Incipient Diarrlima, Cholora Morbus, Weak and relaxed Bowels, Prostration by heat or fatigue, Dyspepsia, Flatulence, Colic, Cramp, Lan guor or Debility from scdcutary habits, fcc., has in duced the proprietor to give it every publicity in bis power. Upon Its morrlts comment is unnecessary, as its own intrlnslu worth U Its best eulogy. It car ries with it tho evidence of Us superior excellence, freely attested to by the young, tbe old, and scores or families who. prompted by a careful regurd for tholr health and comfort, uro dally adopting it ' " i '•* Til * ' thousands upon thou.-aos RATES 'OP ADVEHTISIIto, Yof «>4 w»ff, of»W) .lu. nr lew, ui ilu.. . hwiorthu,» nou tor'tho "*“ ,Uon ' rur tt; All Tabular wotk, wlU. or wlihoui ,. . irttonorat. onuwtog double coIubuT obuirtl double tboubovt ntu. i. Auvertkemouk of wbatevu lSHW„ rM , n .„ loo^tbuu cue momb, to bu oliurg,„i' ul Toy »longer time tithe followiuu rot,. No. 0fgquMrn|lBiu|aniiM|Unii..i4 pm»|b . :owe... T HAVE been uked to allow the Hall. Roomo to JLremulD open to a lttor hour thuu ulna o'clock ; 1 tboreibro giro notice Hut from lllli date tbo Bath Houzo will be upon uulll devou o’ctock at tilsht. Price 25 ccnu Klz ticket, for 41. J»« J. M. HAYWOOD. Agont. FINE FAliOMBLE (JLOfHINIi. AT REDUCED RATES. ’ ThARGAlNS cau now bo but by >11 tboso wbo Al wiab to olotho tbomsolvou genteelly, os I will ■ell tbo baUnce of my Kcady-Hvlo. at reduced rutn on time, and ton por coat, off for cash u;l tSKSSSfiCit J0 °" ,r “ WILLIAM 0 PRICE, 14T Du Joo. 37 llald and Plain Swiss, Organdies. Tarleton, Rook, Nans oo k. Cambric sod Jaconet Muslin, for *ale by Jane20 inriv L mtuvu 3 AIK IN k BURNS." ftf™' * Patent Water Filter., *“ "'.ter Commissioner.’ lost Report,whlch we vimml to purify theSavsnual, p B S^ V^OTb^oh'"'' ,i,r |an24 only Auents li»r their salo In Savannah. There Is perhaps no medicinal preparation extant so simplo aud harm less, yet salutary and effective, wham worth will be more appreciated or miiver.-ullv adopted than tho liquid uinger prepared by Heintzclman. For sale by J. E. DkFOIII), Druggist, Savannah, Ga. Join 3m Brooke Hall Female Seminary. MEDIA, DELAWARE CO., PA* MISS MARIA L. EASTMANN. I’RlNflPAt,. ThU Seminary, located lu the de lightful anil healthy village of Media, thirteen miles from Philadelphia, by Ruilroad, will be OPENED ON WEDNESDAY, Sopleiubor 10th, 1866. The commodious building, uowin process of erec tion, with all tbo modern linprovemouts, will bo finlsncd by tho first or August, aud will contain such accommodations, both in point of taste aud comfort, as cannot loll to satisfy parents that while tholr daughters aro enjoying the hum-fits of moi.tal cul ture, they have also tbe comforts of a refira . home. _ Tbta ImdltutlonL caublUhod wllli o vlo . u. idtord W.yne, tVuro or' CbffM.'inTrcport totho ownoros to young ludlefl tbo most perfect eombliml. „ ofiul. to tholr prosent vuluo, Ibo preSueet tor iholr b“ vantages for tbe attainmoutol a thorough aud ao- MISS MAI Xr a R um, GIN and BRANDY,—A0 bbls Luther Fel* ton’s Rum 60 bbls E Phelps’ Ryo Gin 26 do Domestic Brandy 20 « and 16 X casks 4tb proor Brandy. In atom anti lor salo by Jy* / SCRANTON, JOHNSTON fa CO. SIIIRTHI SHIRTS!I SHIRTS! I! 1 HAVE Just received* large aasorlment of white aud figured Shirts, or every qnality and stylo, and superbly mado, with collars to match, orders will also betaken, and shirts mado to suit nuy particular stylo or taste of the wearer. Call at the Star Clothing Emporium, 147 Bay street my 14 WM O PRICE* S UGAR AND TEA—Just received 10 bbls Crush ed Sugar, 10 do ground LoaT do, 20 do A, B & G Clarified do, 6 hbds Muscovado do, 10 half chests Black Tea, loose and in X and X lb packs, forsslo by n ^ DAVID O'CONNR, aug8 Corner Broughton and Drayton sis. B ISCUITS.—loo bbls Butter, Sugar, and Soda Biscuit, 20 do Pilot Bread, 10 bbU Princeton fa Fox’s Crockers, 30 boxes Milk aud Bodr Biscuit, in store and ior salo by »»g 19.WEBSTER fa PALMES, C RACKERS.—30 bbls band mado Sugar Craokor 26 do Soda do 26 do Butter do Landing and for salo by aug!4 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON fa OO. L EAF LAKD-20bb!sand60 kegs prime No 1 Baltimore LoaT Lard, fanding and for sa e by aug7 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON fa CO. S UGAR, STARCH, SOAP AND SODA- loo bbh A, B and 0 Sugar 60 do Crushed and puivorisod Sugar 160 boxes Starch 2 5?. do ,,gle » No 1 a»d Family Soap 26 k«g« Washing Soda, 60 boxes Cordon do landing and in storo aud for salo by „ MoMAHON fa DOYLE, 206 aud 207 Bay street. S OAP, BROOMS, LARD AND BLUE-20 boxes No 1 Soap, 80 Pale do, 76 do Family do 100 doxon Brooms 60 kegs Lard . 100 boxes Fig Blue, received and for sale by , MoMAHON fa DOYK/ JylO 206 and 207 Bay sL CiMOKED Tougues, mokcdBcer, Pig Hama and O choice Ooshen Butter, received per steamer Florida and for sale by *ug7 J D. JESSE. 26 bbls *16 Jgharrelsjfo/l Hackers), received aud for sals by sng88 is compUsbed education, and no (tains or oxpt,uso will bo spared to rcuder it in reality wbat it professes to be, a school or superior merit. Miss Eastman, tbo Principal, wus at the head ol a school in New Eng land previous to her residence in Pennsylvania, and for tho last six years has been known to tbo patrons of Aston Ridgo Seminary, as presiding teacher in that institution. The Bt. Rev. A. Potter, Bishop of tho Diocese ol Pennsylvania, says:— “Miss M. L. Eastman, who proposes to open a Young Ladies’ Seminary In Media, Delaware Oo., Pa., in September noxt, has been known to the sub scriber for 8ovoral years past. He has a vary high opinion of her capacity, efficiency and devoteduess as an educator. She has had a large and success ful oxperlenco. The building which is to bo erected for her use will contain ovury accommodation. The villago and surrounding country aro distinguished for hea'.thfulncss and beauty, and tbo subscriber has confidence that paronts who entrust their daughters to Miss Eastman will havo no nwon lo regret It.” Miss Eastman will bo aided by an efficient corps of Teachers. Tho French language will bo taught and spoken b y a Parisian lady, residing lu tho family. Tbo Latin, Gorman, Spanish and Italian languages will roeeivo duo attention. Tbo Natural Bolonces will bo taught, with tbe aid ofa largo and ox(>cnsire apparatus. Tbe Musical Department will bo under tho chargo of a lady eminently quulUlud to nil tho situation; and all preferring n male teacher on thu Piouo or in 8ingmg, can have tho bonoflt or a Visiting Teacher from Philadelphia. Drawing and Painting will bo under tho direction of a lady accomplished in tho art. Tho number of pupils is limited to forty. TboTerms for Board aud Tuition iu all tbo branch es oxcept Music, aro 9160 por session of fivo months. Miss Eastman has liberty to refer to the following Rt. Rev. A. Potior, D.D., and tbo Episcopal clergy Hon. F: Pierce, President of the United States. Hon. 8. P. Cbuso, Governor of O.ilo. t IHon. N. B., Baker, Ex-Governor of Now Hamp shire. Hon. M. W. fappan, M. G. from Now York. Kov. N. 61cm, or Norristown, l’a. Rov. A. McLeod, ClearUuld, l’a. Pierce BuUor, Esq,, or Philadelphia. J. B.Oklo,Esq., do. E. W. Clark, Esq., do.. Gcorgo Wharton, Esq., do. Christopher Laiser, PuttavlUe, l’a. Goorgo Wyman, SL Louis, Mu. Hon. P. 0. Johnson. Washington, D. C. For furtbor particulars, or for circulars apply to the Principal, MISS MARIA EASTMAN, JolO cod 3m Media, Defawuru Co. i'u. AS WOOD AND LUBIRKR* U* kinds of Wood, Boards. Blanks, Joist, x* Timber, Shingles, Light-wood, PWfa, Eastern Laths and Fallings, for sale, at wholosalo uml retail, low for cash, ou tho now wharf recently orected uu jbe Lumber Yard «r Rotort A. Allen .V Oo. maria—lyW M. 4. I.. MOULTON ‘PIPES, PAPER AND PIGKLB3.-60 gross.Pim X Heads, 100 do Pipes 250 reams Wrapping ifajior 60 dozen Pickles, recclvod aud for salo by MclIAiiON A DOYLE, . Jy"! jOS and U Bay street. J ARMS'’AND 03NABURG8— 1 Thomas ton Factory L XurhH mid Osnnbcrgs, for salo by Jy24 ORANEi WELLS fa OO. C HAMPAGNE CIDER-20 cases John J Mix’s col- ohrated Champagno Cldor, a choice article, now In store and for sale by aug7 J. R JESSE. H AY—200 bales Hay, fo store and for sale by Jy25 t CRANK, WELLS'fa CO. ' PRESERVING PEACnFS-Just rooeived a ebotoo XT lot, suitable for preserving, and for sale by jyai , j.p. jebsee: ANDU23.--60 boxes BoottoU'i 6'e Xrtlow Ora- \v < w* , s^aay8F«r A ^1' V AI V , » bbls lYime 1 jirdV 60 do xX Taylor fa Son s Ale: 60 do sugar, soda mid but ter Biscuit; received am/ for sale by MoMAHON fa DOYI.E, june * t> 206 and 207 Bay mrecl. G MCKWSUiraPsADVKSTBUEH 7 - HIE Lite uud Adventures or J V Beckwourtb. Ann^i» 0r n h l ? C,0W 1 .? dlan,, » with lliujtrutions. pubttr»oSil!?S K tcara N “ vle * 11 ™ G “ lde ’ Heery Cbckburu. ... of the I'lmractor •jiff labor, of A. Jodzon, am Missionary lo Uur- ■JrAte." ““ 1Jr ° ‘ Ud of Flr f 1 V 11,0 Irut p, ' wer "f Chris- tiaufty, b> Mm. Arthur an cmluent Methodist preacher. Wm ' J .utefrUK''" 1 ffinolp,M ’ b) - J - *"■* Parisian frights, by the same uuthor. august I W. THORNE WILLIAMS. DRY GOODS. BARGAINS! BARGAINS !! £’f UKA , *P“ |J roapocuully mrorm hi. lrntmis, ami tbo public gonorally. that lu oraer to prepare for tba fall IraJe, ho la ri.w iBiisnarG’ oiv bb asaaortmeut In atora, AT COST PRICES aud would Invito attention Sn-reto, at bu store. Jig gj Conure.e^lrcet. hASD AGafrCY-Bfuiiawlck, Ga. ’ ^ „ EDWIN M. MOORE ’ rvFFBBS lila services to the public lu the pur- V/ oha«e tthd .de of bode lu the cuuurla ol ge »flsas M«rtX:s NO MATTER OF HOW 1X)NI1 STANDING. TbU |>oiiular and specific remedy Is now offered to tbo afflicted, and guaranteed to cure aU the above complaints. It searches out tbo very root of the disease, driving out all the diseased fluids of tbo body, thus removing tbe causo and rendering tbe euro CERTAIN AND PERMANENT. Tbbt medidno allays pain and inflammation, which other remedies Invariably causo, and can be taken with less trouble and oximuiro to patients. This In fallible remedy bos saved tbr * from the bands of MERCILESS QUACKS, if not from prematuro graves. In coses of infection the Compound Bucbu is the ouly article worthy of tho least confidence ortho afflicted in performing SAFE CURtS. It contains no narcotic, mercury, or other injurious drug, but is purely a Vegetable Competition. It is very agreeable to tbe taste, creates uo perceptible odor, and may bo taken by persons of either box wiUiout hlndranco from business or medical advice, as plain directions for use accompany the medlclno. Reader, if yon have any of the above complaints, do not neglect them, DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. With this medlclno you can euro yourself, and thus prevont all exposure. TRUTH MUST AND WILL PREVAIL. This medicine speedily and effectually cures the most virulent form of secret diseases, aud eradicates every particle or Infectious matter from tbe system, restoring tbe patient to a perfost state of HEALTH AND PURITY. Hclmbold’s Highly Concentrated Com* pound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla. For purifying tbo Blood, removing all diseases ari sing from excess of Mercury, oxpeeuro and Im prudence in Ufo, chronic constitutional diseases, arising from an impure state of Blood, aud the ouly reliable and effectual known remedy for Urn oure or ScroVula, Salt Rhoum, Scald Hoad, Ulcer ations ofthe Throat and Logs, Pains and Swv.uug* ofthe Bones, Totter, Pimples on the Faco, and all dcnly Eruptions of tbe Skin. It Is gratifying to tho proprietor ol these medicines to bo alilo to state that it is now nearly tbreo roars since they were first introduced, during which time they have been extensively used in various parts of tbe United 8tates, and have given to patient and practitioner the highest degree or satisfaction in the various coses In which they have been employed ; whether iu town, country, hospital or private prac tice, they havo luvarlably given the most decided and unequivocal satisfaction, and produced the most salutary and beneficial effects. Numerous letters have been received from the most distinguished physicians iu tho country, and from the professors of soveral medical college^ recommending Id the highest terms the value oi these medicines, and their superiority over all other preparations for sach complaints as the proprietor recommends. Numerous preparations of Sarsaparilla and of Buchu and various modes of preparing them have been S ven, all of which of course will differ according to e mode of preparation which each individual miy adopt. These medicines require considerable caro in tbo preparation and the employment of dltthrcnt met.* strua in successive operation to toko up the extrai t tlve matters, and, in consequeuce, aro most fre- . improperly made, and not unfrequently ipaired, iruot rendered totally inert, by the injudicious und unskilful tnaungomeut of tboso unae- a ualntcd with pharmaceutical prejiuratloiid. «»is lerclore of the highest consideration and import ance to the public and to the faculty that were should bortundard preparations ofuuiformstiength and iKMdcsslug thu tm*t advantages. To effect this aud obviate tho evil alluded lo, 1 have made a num ber ’of experiments to ascertain the most effectual mode of extracting the virtues of tbe Sarsajiarilla and tho Bucbu, and to discover tho most eligible form for their exhibition. Tbe experiments have resulted most favorably, and it is with much pleas ure I now offer to the public and Uio faculty my Coui]K)und Fluid Extracts, which contain all the vir tues ofthe articles they arc represented to be mado from in * highly concentrated Term, and ore tho most active preparations which can bo made. Two to- bles(>oonsful or tho Extract Sarsaparilla, added to a pint of water, is equal to the 1 J^bou diet drink, and ono bottle fully equals in strength one gallon of Syr up Sarsaparilla or decoction os usually made. PRICK: Fluid Extract Buchu, 91 por bottlo, or 0 for 96 44 44 Sarsaparilla “ “ “ “ »» Certificates of cures and recommendations from distinguished professors and physicians will accom pany each preparation. 1’repared and sold by H. T. IlELMBOLD, Practical aud Analytical Chemist, 2d:;, Clicstuut-st., near the Girard Ifouse Phila. To he bad of Druggists aud Dealers In every sen- tloii of the United States and Canadas. All letters for tho medlclno directed to the propri etor receive immediate attention, and safe deliveries guaranteed. sept 1—ly-dtw J. E. DE FOItD, APOTHECARIES HALLS. E. Corner or, Broughton aud Barnard Streets. Suvan- nab Ga., Wholesale and retail Dealers in Drugs, Mediciues aud Chcmiculs, Dye Woods aud Dye Stulls, French, English, aud Amorican Perfum ery, Hue Toilet and shaving Soaps, Combs and Brushes of every description, Surgical and Dental Instruments. Trusses and Supporters of all kinds, Spices, Snuffs, Manufactured Tobacco, All the Patent or Proprietary Medicines or the day, Snperior Inks, Pure wines and Brandies for Medicinal purposes, Extracts for Flavoring, Toilet and Fancy Articles, &o. N. B.—Especial attention given to the jl Square,.... Fi Squares... 910 10 3 do .... 20 4 do .... 24 6 do .... 27 6 do .... 30 7 do .... 32 9 do .... 84 6 do .... 30 io do .... 88 , 924 j;.o 4 Dr R Collins, Macon; Hr B M Cnrallc, Brnniwlck WJSS* H ™ ' ,,mc ‘ 1 Sew “ , , LANS'AGBNOY; rriHf. undersigned v,-m, for lice dollars per lot, X examine any tend. In tbe countlc. or Appllnn, Wnvruv Ware or Coffee, and report totho owner as present value, the prospect for tholr he- coming more valuable In future, and whotner or not there is being any trespass committed thereon, Invariably pledging hloseir to rive a true and cor rect account, for which all remittances will be ex pected lu advance. He will also sell and remit when requested, and as directed, for seven per cent. work'm hn ,.i»n JUS±C8S Sr 10 *" prof « to ^ SSSfiVf 1 „ VERNON C. MCLENDON, AU0 _ my 13 Attorney at taw. HoraeRvillo. Ga. S UN DRH&—60 bbls ¥ fa H Rye Gin 160 bbls Magnolia, Pike’s and Nectar Whisky 75 do Brandy, 60 X casks do 26 do *oda, Sugar and Butter Biscuit 20 boxes Uo do 100 chests and hair chests Oolong, Hyson and Black Tea .100 sacks Prlmo Rio Coffee 60 boxes fresh ground do 75 bbls White Wine and Odor Aincgar 100 dozen Brooms, loo do Palls, landing and in store, and for sale by McMAHON fa DOYLE, 206 and 207 Bay street OMDlN INOB. An Ordinance to increase tbo calory or tbo Health offices ofthe City or Savannah, and fix his foes for boarding vo.-sols and for giving a certificate or hoalth or permit to come to tho city and dis- chargo their loads, and for othor purposes : \vherons, from tho increased commerce or the Port or Savannah tho duties of the Health Officer are greatly increased, and tbe salary has not been Increased during the last thirty years : Sec. 1. Bo it ordained by tho Mayor und Alder men of tho City of Savannah and tho Hamlets (bore- of in Council as cmbied, and U is hereby ordained by tho authority of tbe same, That from and after the passage of this Ordinance tbo salary of the Health Officer be at tbe rate of five hundred dol lars* See. 2, Be it further ordained by the Mayor aud AMermeuortbeCIty of Savannah and tbo Hamlets tbereor in Council assembled, and it is hereby or dained by authority of the >amo, That the foes of tho Hoalth Officer (which shall be patd by thu owner, master, or consignee of any vessel) shall For boarding any vessel lying at tho quarantine ground, at Fort Jackson, two cento a ton up to 600 tous, beyond which no additional fro shall be charged. In case ofa visit at night the fees charged shall no doubto iho proceeding; and all expenses incurred for boarding any vessel shall be paid by tbe Health Officer, except that the city will furnish a quarantine boat. For visiting aud lns|»cctlng a vesvol which hus been subjected to quurautlno, aud giving a jiermit to como up to the city, five dollars. Sec. 3. Bo it fnrtlior ordained by tbo authority aforesaid. That in case it shall bo deemed ncco.'sury by tho lloulth Officer to send a patient to iho Pest House from tho vessel, it tba’I bu dono by the vessel’s boat, or at tho oxpenso or tho owuer, mas ter or consignee or such vessel, under a penally, in caso nr failure or refusal, or not exceeding ooe hun dred dollars, to bo collected in tho usual maonor as proscribed bv i rdinsneo. Passed in Council. Savannah, 4th Sept., 1660. [I- 8 ] EDWARD C. ANDERSON, Mayor. Attest: Edward G Wilhox, Clerk of Council. sopt7 M uitAfrSEa, hauSR fcc.— r 200 bbls New Orleans Molasses 100 “ Uarbadoes and Cuba Molasses 60bbdd Cuba •• 76 “ Ribbed and Clear Bides 26 Tierces choice Hams 10 bbls Moss Pork, lu store and for salo by nOLCOMBE, JOHNSON fa OO. tug 29 F ir SALE—A lot of fine Indian l’coobcs. n . augl6 A. BONAUD. F RT AND MADEIRA WlNDi— 10 casks Port Wine. G * do Madeira do. 16 -do Tonneridb do. Just received and for olobjr SCRANIUN, A JOUNSION A Go. ' MfU.. - • A deduction oT 26 tw cent from the above rat* will bt made on adverUscmeoui appcarii* ■Irely ou the rourtli pagi- ol tbv daily. * 1 AdTertUeDeet>onl,rM tlira.tinnx>«ni . be chxrf^l two-thtrda Uwj above rules w Advertisemenlfl onlorwl In tbe Weekly eiliiie,, » por squaro for eueb InicrUou, tur ui, tlnic K-„ ,i,!! one momb. tor moro llwui one montb ;i! oou Ii.'r tile rates cpcctlted In tbe above ruble. ““ Spec W notices, 10 cents |*r Hue fur tbellrsi, 6 conn for «cb uubscqent Inuortiou, uuu in t>„. to bo subject to contract. Murrluue notices 41 v, neral Invitations SO cents oueb. No i|«dtl notl r i Inserted tbr less tliun W cents. ObttlunNMte. Reports, Resolutions, or I'rocceSlujs or snvSocin' ro Steamships, where but one is running. S40twrtn num; IT kwoor more, 93Ueach. e ’ ** Dl * rwi Auctioneers’ advertisemento not to be subject m oootractjbulto be charged at the rates prescribed per square. The paper, under no circumstances, to be Includ ed in a contract. Professional and business curds not cscecdin*» Hues, will bo inserted at 920 per annum. 11 Calls on persons to become candidates, will bt Inserted as otber advertisements, to be paid for in variably In advance. 1 W,D Announcing candidate* for ufficc, |lo, u, bu i«u iu advance. ' AdvertUomcms not marked ou the n>itv w. specified time, will be inserted until lurbtil payment exacted. When any bill for two mouths adveithing, ittber than contract, amounts to over 160, a deduction u, 26 percent will be made. Yearly advertising, with privilege ofchuiie vi" be taken at tbe following rates : For ono square, renewable once a week, N& “ “ “ twice *• “ “ “ 3 times or eftenvj 7ti Every additional square contracted for to becliarc ed ono hairthe above rates additional. ’ Yearly advertisers shall be limited to the contracted for, All contracts shall be in vrr.Vwt; btatlng-ilcfinltely the nature oi (he buhineni to w' advertised. Any advertisements not properly cm nccted with tbe business -ball hechurgcd ecp*rat4. ly, and also any excess iff matter over the amtutt contracted for. Contract advertisement* payable quarterly; id. vertieemeuts from strangers uml trutirieut perrcai payable In advance. All others will he cowiderM due when called for. Regular advertisers and uil others seuding cans- munications or requiring Uutiees designed t" call at tention to fairs, concerto, soirees, or uuy public eu- tertainmento, where charges are itmue ter admii tauce—all notices of private assueiaiiem. every nu tlce designed to call attenth u to private enterprbw calculated or Intended to promote individual inte rests, can only be inserted with the uudcrehmilitf that tbe somo is to be paid for. 11 luaertvu in fi, ( editorial column (widen can be only at the dix-rr- lion of the editors) the same will be charged tt |f u rate ornot less than 20 cents per line. Tho undersigned, publDbero of Dalit, Tn-Wrekl} aud Weekly new^paiiersin Atvauimh.tia..|<loilgr ourselves strictly to adhere to the nlmre tut oi charges, and in uo inshuiei- to deviate iln-rt fu rj. The above rates to take ell'cci Mturh 1. ISA*;, and to continue binding, until changed In the vr-tcoi * minority ofthe undersigned. N. B—-Tills rebcdulc shall not iu ttn.v wut riKit tbe integrity or existing contracts. Ah ccntiaci-iot Ibo year or any other specified time, ybttllnuiynraif with tho exiiiration or tho period lor which the; were made, ° B. Hilton fa Co. C.e> ryiao «f to SxtkD fa Stxs. MeyiibHean. Twniww fa Wmnxi4to% ' . Si! fflf treatment in casos or prisoning, Drowning, fac. ■PTiy CARPET AND UPHOI.STI’KV WAREHOUSE, 140 Oongrm and 67 SL Julien &:Hi*. T IB UNDERSIGNED would take tiit> upper tunity to express to his friends aud tin- ;>• i generally, his sincere thanks for then libera; tua.ui age and influence, which ba3 resulted in c-\t« u>i- • his trade to all parts of the State. Also. « Y<-..i . Florida, Alabama and Tenucssee, thereby err A i, him to exhibit a stock unsurpassed hi any n-hi) • i city. Families, Morehauts, Hotel Keei*ei and .%,m boat Ownors are particularly Invited y< esatr hi- thi present stock, which Is now comphue iv r.*. in- various deparlmeuts, conf-lstlng in port i>* Hm-i- i ing goods, viz: CARPS] HKPA RTMSM Royal Mcdollon, Royal Velvet, Mocet Wilton, Moccl Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, Power Loom Brussels, Throe ply Ingrain, Two ply Ingrain, Wool Dutch, English Druygt t?, (»: n rious width .1 Mosaic Ilofirthi.ijf*. Velvet and tlienili-’ ! ugs Tufted lings. Piano and tahie Con rt, Door Web- (every v; fifty, SUver fa Bm*> Mail KM* fa Bitidiiiga, Le BIACUXNERY AND IRON RAILING MANUFACTORY AND AGENCY. ST. JULIAN STREET, SAVAANNAH, GA. (Noar tho Market.) T?ltuM the most complete facilities In bis own X ustahllshmeut, and through his connections with several of tbe principal mauufacturng cstab- Jishmeuto of Philadelphia, New York, aid Boston, llm Uu derslgned is prepared to furnlnsh MACHIN KRY, PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, PORTABLE SAW, GRIST AND FLOUR MILLS, CAST AND WROUGHT IRON RAILING, STATUETTES, STORE FRONTS, Columns, Window Sills and IJntils, Iron Doors, Shutters, fao., at Northempriees. Ho Is also prepared to repair Machinery and iron work of every description, at short notice, upon reasonable terms. As agent for BAIRD’S PHILADKJJTUA MARBLE *ho prepared to exhibit a great vsrle. MONUMENTS, TOMB STONES, Ac. Iron Roiling lu great variety, for enclosures, and to receive orders, and put up tne work at man- facturors’ prices. H. H. UNVILLE. gayaunah, April 11. I860. _ aprll ri ORN AND CORN MEAL^IOOO bus prime Corn, White and mixed; 60 do fresh Corn Meal n store and for salo by deo 91 PATTEN. HUTTON * CO ' HKXD I—HEAD!!—HEAD HI 8 That is, if you can see; and AftCi ir you cuu’t sco, you eon flndJc^A all kind* of “helps to sec,” at Uio Watch aud ry Store of D. B. Nichols fa Co., iu Congress street, uext door to the corner of Whitaker, where you can purchaso Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, and Fancy Goods, as low as at any other store in tbo country. Wo have received per steamship Alabama a fresh lot of those lino Steel Spectacles : also, a supply of Pebble and Periscopic Lens, which wo aro prepared to fit in all kinds of frames, at short notice. Our Periscopic Leus (so called from their peculiar shape) havo an advantage over all others, as thoy have a greater range of focus, so that the reader is not oompelled to hold the book or papor at a certain distance from the eye. Call and see. D. B. NICHOIB fa CO. 49* No charge for showing goods, mar 11 p. B. N. A 00. IJ OPE—700 coils Rope, various brands, all XL or good quality, iu store and for sale by apr29 BRIGHAM, KELLY fa CO. J~10RN—In store and for sale by mar6 OS YVHfrSTiC LIQUORS- JL/ 150 blits Pike’s Magnolia Whiskey, 60 bbls Tuscftlinosu do, 100 du Morning, Whiskey, assorted brands, 6 do Old Bourbon Whiskey, 100 do E. Phclp’s Gin, 60 do P fa II Conn. River Rye Gin, 20 do Brandy, 20 quar casks Twigg Hoop 1st and 4th proof Brandy. 20 eighth do do do do do do, 16 qua do Ma.aga Wine, for salo by auglO WEBSTER 4 C ORN,—DUO * bushels In bucks, lor salo by v/ivnP i- k’limisit aug 27 l |U| n»4iu UI YGNGE & FRIERSON, No. 01 Bay street. C 'HOICK ST. CROIX SUGAR. "-10 litufa cholc® ; St Crnix Sugar. 10 bhds eliidee I’. R. fr'iienr. Just received and for totally SCRANTON JOUNSION fa CO. aug 26. BAHUElt SHOPS. Pulaski House llnrlur Niton, Gwens’ Brick BuHding, oppxite the Pulatki Item*, mn WOHXMKN KNOAOKP. MnnhiUl House Barber Shop, Broughton Street, POUR WORKMEN ENGAGED. fpHE subscriber, tbankfbl to his fsllow-citisens X for tho liberal imtrouage ha has received, and Is still receiving, bogs respectfully to inform them lhatbu has engaged sufficient twIUiUoual first-class workmen from somo of tho best Barber Shops in New York, and will be enabled to accommodate as many gcutlomcu as may honor him with their pa- The Barbor 8hop« aro dosed ou Sundays— shrsngerowillpleMO bear this to mind. . /lW* MOLAS8ES—The cugo of thebrif V'R.n In’. r.i|N'n.<r qazlilr. Fnrt^e bi m.,10p.i.Kt.rtmn. hi » o>. WHBKY=6i)Tl.U Now UrlfianB RoctlBod, |U ^T^wiSmi.lOHNTOIfAOO. Carpels CURTAIN AND UPHOLSTERT DSP A HIM l Si Brocatelles, Inco and Musiin C«r Aim 8atin de Lalnes, Gilt Cornice-. Satin and Silk Damask, Gilt Piu^ un i Pttn>!, Worsted and Cotton Damask. Tusm-N. l<-/|* «u Cords; Velvet and Plush of various color.- . Shades, now style. Also, every variety of Furniture t'overii g, Trim mings and materials for docoratiug. FLOOR OIL CLOIUS. From two to Twcuty-four foot wide, for IWI-on Rooms, out to 01 without u ecam. The snbscrlbur will obllgo hiuueifto make Hi- prices on all description of goods as low us the sank quality can be purchased In any Northern city. 49* Carpets cut to Rooms aud good.- rent l>* «'-i part or tho city free of charge. 49* An experienced Upholster will attend null, making and laying of Carpels and Oil CUitlu desired. Tho decorative and curtain departnuwn n charge of an Upholster of acknowledged skill. W. H. GUION, Agent. octlfi 140 Congress and 57 St. Julka sU- NEW BOOKS. R ECEIVED by Warnock & Davis Wednc?day, 3-1 September. Saratoga, a Tale of 1787. u Li vo and Uarn, a guide for uil who wish to ipca* and write correctly; particularly Intenikd as a w« of reference for the solution of difficulties miumtd with grammar, coin|Hultion, punctuation, etc. Victoria; or, the World Overcome, in (broiiM Chesebro’. .. Magdelen Hess burn, a story of the fcotish l‘f; formal on; by Mrs. Olyplmnt, author nfr'ZaMwti otc. etc. ., The Tanglutown letters—being ,I, * r ."'“. 'I;! senecs, observations anil opinions i f f Trap, Esq ; by the author of “Records ol IDibulcton Parish.” , The Ship Carpontcr’s Family, a story to ,1,e Umc3; by Wm. h 5. Whitman. ... The War In Kanso)*, a rough trip to the Ih»dW* brG. Douglas Brewerton. ^Arthur's Homo Slagaxlne lor» ptember. ■Mrs. Stephens’ Monthly for September. Putnam’s Monthly for September. Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine tor August- Knickerbocker Blagozlne fur fr'e|4cmber. For salo at 160 Congross-Bt. sopt 4 DR. SANFORD'S INVIGOUATOn, TS a mild laxative, tonic and Btlniulaiit.wJ’ X recommended to tbo public, relying up““ trinsic worth In the euro ofthe following compww All BilUout Deraugemcnto, Sick Ueiolacbe, tog sis, Habitual OosUvencss, Chronic IHsrrh®, Pain in the Stomach aud Bowels, GeneraIBJJt) Fernalo Weakness. Ao. For salo by •rally, and by John. B Moore fa to, ,uii Lincoln, 8avoonah. ly r y LA^IT^O bt>l" .‘‘^jrlme "Galtimote Jj 60kegs priroo Baltimore Leaf and for sale by ' SCRANTUS, JOHNSTON fa tv. aug 26 E LOUR.—100 SiUTks New Wheat Georgia Fk» r thMpopiji.ak kowM O F WMtilngtoo Irving’. Ute ’-r duodecimo .1 gl to per V'linu”, Uvaedltlunut gg per volume. I'rui- Western Alrte., U« Hkwyf. <■> to peels; by Key j Leigbtuu WfL-"". ■■ ' u A YuSitllJlirluJby Purkumn,.uiboroMb# 1 * .pirarv tu Ptntllue. , , ...... Tbo Cbi 1st or History; by Join] t JJJJ-. tte I'uisoti ol lJturpy, being an ezluUdy* * BJ iM« <| r |lll * | u W, ‘ W. TO0R.VE WOWy* C ome.—400 beg. Bio OdOcc, r»jr, *“j 0 >* l “ e 100 bigs Ugolr. do 40 pockets Old Ooverom.nt J.r.c»"" (tt utniw ground West lodl. ««d J n, i tending, in .tore Md Ibr * pgUirS = HSsrmTa-WSHH*** - ' °%pde«tSooulldontlol Corre«poodrect * lltl .raWSUtr' the Queen*. «r tbe 8- Hanover—2 to hr. SS»L 1 S£2ra,byNB.^.. •