Savannah Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, September 13, 1856, Image 1
VOL. XXXVII I OLD SEBIE8.I SAVANNAH, GA. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1856. NO. L2069. aubwrtittlmi Prim of BuTaiutrit P*p.r. Ity iommon utulinUniUni, lb. proprietors asd iiiibUilMn id Uw thru. papara **“*> l» Savannah, nan adopt.* lb. following nnir ru rata. or rib- .cnptlon, li> Uk. offlKI IbU day: Hally I'aii.r, par annum,,In adyaoc. $#00 m lVoekiy •< “ 4 00 Weakly, Mil. copy, In .drone. 3 Weakly,... copter, to on. tddreai I 00 tfokljr, ratbt » » •> 10 00 Weekly, to. V “ •> 13 00 Weekly, Imly" “ “ ....>.....30 00 When not paid wllbin on. month from the lime eraubwrlmoi lb. charge ibr Ibo Dally wilt bo kiwi .loilara, u« Ibr lb. TH-WMkly^ne. Tbe Wmiy wlU b. HU only lo Iboae who pay lu lllvUN, Ibo papar will Invariably b. dlioontlnod upon lb. .ipmuon of lb. Ilmo Ibr wblnh It han been paid. Tb. Hot. rate, lo tab. effect from and alter Ibis ALEXANDER h DNEED, Republican, R. B. HILTON AGO., GeorgiandJournal, THOMPSON k WrmiNflTON, .Vnee. davnunab, July 1, ISM. •ATVKOAT, Tin (Prink, P. >. HOTIOau. All peraona are boieby poaltlrely problblted fmm making any contracts wltb oor carriers forth, delivery of the paper to tbcm by the week, or (torn paybig the mid carriers any money. A high-handed game of injustice to us, snd to onr regular anbaoribara, successfully carried out for a length of time, luu rendered this course Imperatively neconi?, end It will be hereafter rigidly enforced. All contracts must lie made at the office. »- Aul mill Comfort lo tho Kiiemy.” Our Urklgeport correspondent comments none too Indignantly upon “ old nnd comfort" which Judge attain of Augusts, hns given the Black Republicans of Connecticut, by a Into speech, He Is Ulus reported In the Constitutionalist. " Judge Glbsun stated that tho South la to blame Ibr having Jfrrf taken incipient etepe lu ibrelng emigration to Kansan to muke It n Slave State, and that the North resorted to similar means through her Emigrant Aid SocleUea in self de fence?' Our correspondent whom no know to be a man of veracity, shows that while Demooratlo speakers lu Connecticut uro boldly maintaining that the South in her efforts hi settle Kausos and protect her sous there, has but acted on the defensive, the Slack Republicans incot them with tho above quotation from a speech III which a Georgia Judge proclaims that tbe " South , fa lo Maine lor having JU'it taken In cipient steps In forcing emigration to Kansas to mako It slave State." flow, if this he not moral treason lo tho State In which this gentleman holds office, we know not what constitutes It. If this lie not giving "aid snd comfort to our enemies," what IsT Whut a weapon has he thus placed in thehauda of our Toes I Whilo the wrong Is aggravated by the Tact that the statement Is utterly un- true—Massachusetts chartered an “Emigrant ,Ald Society" for filling Kansas with Abolition. Isis before tho Hist movement wits made to scud settlers there from the South, as our correspon dent clearly proves. Kansas Finance Committee. The following Is tho Savannah Financo Com mittee to whom remittances tor the cause of the South In Kusushoold be directed: * J.B. Gallic, Chalrm'n, Alexander Fawcett, IV. N. Habersham, Dr. H. L. Byrd, B. D. Arnold, John N. Lewis, I, K. Tefft, .1 John Cooper, James 0. Rodgers, J.W. Webster, and the Press of the elty. -EX. Arrivals at Now Orleans. New OsLSiNS, Sept. 10.—The Fulton baa strived, hot her advices have been anticipated. Tbe Empire City bring* Intelligence from Ha vana of the disappearance of the yellow fever. Ike California Insnrrceilon.v Nsw You, Sept. 1L—The orders sent eat to Gen. Wool and Commodtre Herwin are to enforce the laws and protect the property In San Francisco from violence. Two additional vessels have been ordered to California. Both iferwln and Wool are eantloned to exercise extraordinary circumspection and wise diacre tion. Disastrous Storm In Culm, Now Yonx, Sept. 11 .-Advices from Ua- vana state, that much property was^estro)'- ed by hurricane at Laguala, Grande. Six American vessels were wrecked. The light house at Cardenas waa swepted away. New York market. New Yonx, Sept, 11.—The New York Cotton market la firm. Bales of 700 bales during the day. Sterling exchange lsdrooplng. New Orleane Market. Nnw Obluans, Sept 10.—The Cotton mar ket has advanced ITom MO tot. Sales of the day 1200 bales. Middlings 11J to 11J. Liverpool freights have a donward tendency. marine Intelligence from Key West. The following lottor from onr attentlvo Key West correspondent, is thedrst intelligence re ceived from that point since the late storm It will serve to relieve, to some extent, public anxiety as to the effects of the gale on the waters of tike Gulf of Mexico. As none is meotloned, wo presume no damage was done at Key West. Our letter was brought to St Mary's by the brig A. J. Ross :— OVER WHELMING DUMOCItATlC UK. MONSTiiATION IN NEW YORK. ‘Five hllles at Democrats—35,000 to 40,000 III Line"! Doubtless tho grandest political demonstra tion ever witnessed in America, came off In New York City last Thursday night, in the form of a Torch Light Procession,. Tho iV. V. iVews says: Some idea may be formed or the length of ho procession from the fact that tho head of the column left Cunal street np Broadway ut tabout 8 o'clock, and it was snout 10} before the rear of tho line left the same spot. The following paragraph is from the Com mercial, a Fillmore paper: The To nil .Light Precession of the Buelmu- an and Brecklurhlgo clubs, last night, is gen erally admitted to be the largest precession of the kind ever seen lu New York. Captalu llyudors end tho Empire Club were out mull their, glory. Some of the mottoes and point ings on the transparencies were very amusing. The buck's head in allusion to "Old Back," the popular cognomeu of tke Democratic candi date, scorned to be the favorite emblem; while dgures of tbe “woolly horse" were introduced to ridicule Col. Fremont. The Iiev, Mr. Beech er’s Sharpe’s rifle doctrine, and "bleeding Kan sas," were also caricatured. Tlirco or four small ships, foil rigged, and named "Union,” “Constitution,” Ac., were conspicuous orna ments of tho procession. The whole demon stration wits uunbtless very gratifying to the party who made it. The Newt concludes its account (nearly three columns long, as follows: Tho processlou was a mugnittccut pageant, and a conclusive demonstration of tbe thorough Democracy of New York. This metropolis Is, at oil events, lsyal to tho Union. Tbe proces sion of 1814,great us it was, was completely sur passed. More than llfty thousand persona Join ed lu tho column, which nt least was flve miles III length, A little after 11 o'clock, the head of the column reached the Park, and by 12 all was over. We are happy to loarn that no accident or collision disturbed tho peace, and that the De mocracy displayed tholr moderation as well ns their patriotism to thuso who oppose their cause. Their light la truly shone forth undlmmcd last night to the world. Obops.—We learn from Col. Rogers, of Ocala that the crops of Corn nnd Cotton, as a gene ral role, are good In tho Interior counties. In some srctluns tho caterpillar is doing damage. Tho crop of Sea Island Cotton ill Georgia and South Carolina will ho less tlutn the usual quan tity.— PatatknDemocrat. Lester rtoiii uuv. Wise. THE UNION TO EE DISSOLVED. Kev West, Sept. 3d, 1851. The British bark Emigrant, Brown, arrived the 20th In charge of wreckers, who had taken her from Alligator Reef, upon which she struck tho 22d. She wss anchored below the town, On the 27th a heavy gale occurred, In which she was driven from her moorings. Captain Brown was obliged to cat away the masts, snd loosing one anchor, still dragged and finally went on Craw Fish Bank and bilged. The car go or 1700 bales cotton will be saved—some In a damaged slate. The Emigrant was from New Orleans bound to Liverpool. Consigned to O'Hara A Wells. Tho brig George Whitney, Fifleld, arrived the 27th, from Philadelphia. Sha rode out the gale in safety. Tbe schr. Eliza Fisk, Simpkins, from New Orleans for Charleston, with an assorted cargo, when off the Caiysfoot Light, tbe 27th, carried away sails, snd was obliged to send before the gale. Fortunately she was driven Into this harbor, and went ashore on an inner bank. Tho cargo has been lightered, and tho schooner Is at the wharf, leaking. Consigned to Bowne A Curry. The brig Harriet A. Stephenson, Post, ftom New Orleans bound to Boston, with floor and cotton, urrived the 29th ult„ leaking. She had been out in the blow or tho 27th. She will have ♦o discharge and repair. « The brig a Bingham, Corson, ftom Sagos la Grande, with molasses, bound to Boston, ran ashore on Bahia Honda Key, the 27th. Sho has been lightened of most of the cargo, and got offand brought to this port. She Is being discharged, and will he repaired. Consigned to H. Benner. The ship bate Allerton, Captain Baldwin from New York bound to New Orleans, witll an assorted cargo, went ashore on the Wisher- woman Shoal, tho night of the 27th, and sank in fonr fathoms water. The wrecker* are div ing np the cargo. The ship and most of the goods will be totally lost Consigned to Bowno A Curry. The French berk Harie, Capt. Le Port, ftom Matanzas for Horseflies, with 1400 boxes sngar. was totally lost, ths 27th, on Loo Key. The Orst and second mate and three sailora were saved—all the othen are supposed to be lost The brig A. J. Ron, Captain Merrill,sails to day for St. Marys. [From the Pennsylvania, Soptombi-r 10] We are permitted by the gentleman to whom tho following lotterwaBaddrcssed, to publish It Inourcolumus. t Woask'foritund attentive pe- rosual: Richmond, Vo., SepL 0. 1800. Dear Sir ; On my return from a short absenco I found yours of the 20 tk tilt., asking my opini on on the question : "Would tbe election of Fremont to the Presidency bring about a disso lutlon of the Union 1" My answer Is thsttho very spirit of section alism which runs such a mere adventure us he Is, In every sense has engendered bo much euvy, hatred ana malice between various section snu factions of our people as to creato a wish in minds of many so strong for dissolution of our blessed Union that to tell them his election would bring thatlamcntablo event about, would nuke some of his bitterest opponents vote for ill election for the very purpoeo of effecting that execrable end. This,above everything else, shows the wrong and mischief of nominating such a man by such a party as that called Black Republican. His election would bring about tho dissolution of the American Confederacy of States inevita bly. Why 7 For the reason that If New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio, were clove-holding states, and Canada were to assail them with half the violence and "all uncharitableness” which Black Republicans Is assailing us with, there would be i ubllc war In thirty days by even patriot's timepiece. whether tho present state of peaceful revo lution, ofwarllke brotherhood, of confederated antagonism ; of shake-enmity, of sectional nnion, of united enemies,—shall unnaturally continno, depends precisely upon the Issue whether black republicanism Is strong enough to elect John C. Fremont, with all the demon isms at his heels I You may do what you please with this letter. Yoara reapcefalty, Henry A. Wise. Putnuh County, Flomdl—A Democratic meeting held at Palatkn, (Dr. J. H, Verdien an old Lino Whig) chairman, nominated W. G. Moseley as the Demoontio candidate to repres ent Putnam county in tbe Florida Legislature. Uassubuette Bne&Smen Mate Canveti. (ton T . „ . BraiNOFHLD,M»se.,Bept. 10. The Buchanan State Convention met hereto- In-™® ““""■'foo* Is about 1,000, m unusually Yfllow-Feveb—The death which occurred on Tuesday last on board the chooner Harri son Jones, caused rears to be entertained as to the health of our place—It being currently reported and believed that the deceased waa a victim to Yellow-Fever. Investigation has slnco boon made, and we feel warranted in say ing that the alarm was premature; that theccas- ed was an Invalid; had not been In the City of Key West, and died of Borne disease which bad long marked him as Its prey. Tbe physicians did not see him until ho was dying, and could not decide wltb certalnity, the nature of his malady. The crew of the vessel are healthy and there is no ground to apprehend that tire Fover has gained a foot-hold In our City. Tampa Penmtularof the CIA. character, responsibility i and experience of tho f | ' to thee ability „ , , IvIduoBy. Owing to the extreme Hverity of the gelewest or this place, tho county of Decatur, greatly to. tbe regret or all Interested In the important objects 'or the Uouvontion, was not present to participate, through her able delegation, In ita deliberations. From tho offioiul proceedings, published en tire in another column, it will clearly appear that, through tho action ot this convention, overy obstacle which has hitherto Impeded the orgunlsuUou ol the Main Trunk Railroad Company bus beou entirely removed, and that ft Is uowln.our power to secure for Thomas- villo, Balnbrldge nod Southern Georgia, tbe In- tended aud entire he Refit or the State'! liberal appropriation. Savannah and the direowry ur the Savannah A OulSBafifoaU. having: pub licly and tbruugh their commissioned represen- tbe stock or the Main Trunk Road, construction or said Road, on the lluo or the Brunswick A Florida Railroad, through Lawudo and ThomasviUe, and thence, through Denature, to Bulubridge, a contribution to said stock, ol $200,0110 by Denature, and citizens or TUomas and Lowndes, not purttes to tho receul con tracts with tho Bruuswiuk A Florida Company will oousommuto at once the object sought to bo effected. We are perfectly aware that a large power to arrest this un-augment,' and to detent forever the organization of tho Muln Trunk Uompauy, remains in the hands or Hr. Wells, but we can not bring cntselvesto before that the Bogsclons President or the Brunswick A FloridaOompeny con be so; Indifferent to tho wishes of tbe people of sothern Georgia, so inconsistent wills nis own relterary declarations to the oontrary, so blind to the interrest of the great enterprise he directs, os to refose unconditionally to make tho releas required by the charter or the Main Trank Road. Wa have entire confidence in ths ability of the lb A F. Company and our cltlxens who have takep their contracts, to build the entire Road from Brunswick to Thournsville—hut the Main Trank Read, accelerated in its progress by the munificent assistance tendered ftom the Btate, promises, it appears to ns, more immediate ad vantages than cun bo anticipated from any en terprise dependent exclusively upun individual efforts; It affords to our sootluu a choice of At- Untie markets; by uniting, powerfol antagon istic iutereseats otherwise certain to injure, If not destroy each ether; ft secures to resident stockholders a certain and remunerative Invest* ment of their capital and labor; and it presents inoreattractive Inducements to roreigncpaitalltta seeking to Invest advantageously in this popu lar description of property. Our fellow-citizens and neighbors of Decatur will promptly ratify the proceedings of the Convention, and cordiuUy and efficiently co operate in canylng Into effect Ita recommenda tions. This we have evciy reason to Infer from tbeolt avowed preference and consistent advocacy of the Main .Trank Road, even when we believed its organization dangerous and Impracticable. MhJ. 13. R. Youug, of this country, heads tho subscription book with an Individual sub scription of Ten Thousand Dollars. The Gale in Randolph.—The Cuthbert out the county ftom the liost Information it can gather, baa been' very destructive to the C era. The cotton crop without a doubt, has cut off almost a third. . Baltimous Wohe poh the South.—Messrs. A. A W. Dcnmcad A Son have just finished and had conveyed on board the steamship City of Savannah, which railed this morning forSavan nah, three largo steam boUers, tholr capaolty in the aggregate being i no knudred homo pow- jr. They were built for Mr. Edward Denmead, in Savannah, Georgia, and are Intended to bo tued to a Urge floor mifi which ho b now hav ing erected m thei heart or tho olty, immediate ly on the line or the railroad. A very handsome engine has also been forwarded, capablo of working SB any amount of steam mode by the thru hollers; In fact, all the necessary machi nery for running a targe flouring mill has been manufactured or sent from this city. The barn, four in number, were the best French article, and were ordered ftom a house hero,' Throughout the whole or tbe Immense establish ment of tbe Hesirs. Deomeads, to whatever 1 Front the ThemtlTlIle Watohiean The liallroud Convention, Notwithstanding the vary unfavorable cun- dillou of all the roads leading to ThomasrUle, rendered almost impassable by the recent etorm, the Railroad Convention on Thursday hut at tracted hltUer a very Urge attendance of cltl- oens. The ceuntlos of Lowndes and Thomu, talives, pledged a subscription of $400,WO to ““ -*■ " ----- . ---I, au d to the Tb the Citizen of Thomat, Lowndte and Decatur counties, and all othere intereettd in the Atlantic and Gulf Rati Hoad. It U time for action. It U now hut u few weeks liefore wo .must make ourretum to the Governor; and the liberal subscription on the part of the 8tato to the Atlantlo A Gulf Road decided, thU will be determined by your action. Theobsticles that have censed me not to call on you before, ure now entirely remored. Our Uonvcntlon on tho 4th Instant was at, tended by nine delegates representing Savan nah, as responsible gentlemen as any In Geor gia, who have on the part of Savannah and the S., A. A G. Railroad Company a subscription of $100,000 to tho Atlantic A Golf Railroad, and thut raid Atiantlu AGul Railroad shall be lo- coted on the survey of the Brunswick A Florl da Railroad lino, or as near thereto as practica ble— tbruugh the counties of Lowndes aud Thumas to Thomaabllle and thence to Baln- bridgo. Believing that the President of tke Brunswick A Florida Badroad Company will make the necessary release and cooperate with us, 1 therefore caU on all who are not par ties to the recent contracta with the B. A F. Compuny, to come forward and take stock In the AtUntle A Gulf Railroad, to the extent of their abilities, or sufficient to make the amount necessary for the organization of the raid At lantic A Gulf Ittlroad Company, The Books or subscription may he found at tbe office of Holntyre and Young, Thomas- viUe. ir the Brunswick A Florida Railroad Company refose to make the neceasaiy release, there will be no money to pay on tho pari, of the subscribers to the said AtUntle A Golf Railroad, and we will then have the pleasure of knowing that we have done our whole daty. You will find on the subscription Book, my individual subscription of Ten Thousand Dol- Ura, and I expect In a short time there will be like snd slmlUr amounts subscribed. The citizens of Lowndes county may look lor me in a few days, E. R. Young, Commissioner A. A G. R. R. Latest Indian News, Several gentlemen, residing at Fort Green, having had occasion to vUlt Manatee settle ment a few days since, report that on the Mi- aka river, on Thursday, the 28th nit., they found signs of a mute or pony; on Friday they found fresh foot tracks, and several othersua- piclous signs; on Saturday, on or near Horae Creek, they found a deer killed, and two of the quarters cut off—the deer had been recently killed. The gentlemen making thU report, whose veracity U unquestionable, ray that the signs were made by Indians. On Thursday, the 2d Inst, Mr. TillU went from Ft. Meade to hU place, which, it will be remembered, waa ths scene of the engagement of the 14th of June lsst, snd discovered that Indians had been there tbe night previous, or early In the morning. They had grabbled some potatoes and carried off a few articles^- Ham- pa Peninsular, Sept. 6. Democratic. There will bo a froo Bubloue,au.l a Boef Shooting tuarthe HsMIlo Uouu, t»|luA.|iutaRoad,on Haturdijr next, the IOth Inst. Sl| persons are lavllod to allaod. Severs! 'iMtlomen of acknowledged ability, are txpocied to he present and address tho pedplo, upon tb • politi cal questions of tho doy,. sept 13' Savannah market, September 13, COTTON—Tho ulM of OoUon title. forenoon gore 132 biles, alike following prloot, viz. 10 at ION, 7at 11,;41 ti ll 0*16,30 «t 1114,14 U 14ft, 33 at 11)4, ends at lift emu. Baporta, ' NEW YORK-Per steamship AftlW-lNI bales Ublind Cotton; 10 hales Demesnes: 17rolls Leather; 1 barrel Terrapins, and sundry PoH of Savannah .feopteaber 13. Arrived, » : ,U\ . steamer Knoxville, Ludlow. Now York—Pado fordFayACo • -• slearner Drllogton, Brock, Palatkk-Clagbom It lonlnghsm j \ Cleared. t Steamship Alab uaa, Sohenok, Blew York—Pad olford, Fay Co. a hair (881Qk) acres of Land, more or lena. all ml- Joining in different aurveya, aud lyiug on the Mill* edgevlllo Hood and Spring Clock, In Bald comity— U being the lato residence of Thomas Ulll«, do Departed. Stearaur Weluku, Mu sully, Paiatka. Piiungen. V' iifYui Per ateamer Kuoxrillo from New York—J U Da* via, \Y Fleming, K Curd, F 8 Bloom, A McUonkey, J T Youngblood, J tlmilh, * KlrkpaU-ick, U H Dor* mger. lady and ‘J InfanU/MiM tSmlaae and Criend A Abrahama, Mlii M J Hart, W H May, W*//olden, J 8 F Lancaster, G ZJStone, J A fcdwarda, J UOrea per, A F Haywood, H Myora, J Nrent, U Farmuu, SNByuk.OH Bulrd, fcl awilt, ladf imd uloue, It dtadhrd, Chaa Gordon, W H Ula/durg J H Do* muud, A M Rood and lady, M Dugj«n, K D Wiuau, J A Gray, P McHugh, MUaM E smith, W B slang* gou, b iy und 4 children, G HtusoyiT K Brown aud Mra F M Blackwell aud children w FM JJ.aJkaell, J Mill, W H Bullock. F W Cornwell, A 0 MoArtlteu Mayor Gottlieb aud lady, O A Lockrano and lady, u Fiiubman and lady, Thou Maher, J Bum J G Cook, J D Boyd, C H Smith, K K Faramon, aud 89 steer* coased., It la woll ImuroveU, with a good and wull flnlahed dwelling houdo aud all neoedtiary out build ing*, wltb a good woll aud aomo two huudred nor cm or good hammock and bay laud, lately put uudor culuvatlon. Also, all the timber, which will aauare twelve inchoa, of a tract or Land, rold by fuIu de ceased lo Arthur Kerby aud tho timbor reserved in hU llTu time. All beluugiUK to tbe ovtato ur Thuman MUD, deceased. Sold for tuo boueQt or the nolru or natd deceased. Term a made known nn day of unit. HARDY fi. HODGES, Adin’r. Sept. 10th, 18M septlU Per btoimer Darlington, from UPalatka—a Lock hart; J W Drown, A B Fclner; G G Youge; W K Dernandex «nd son; Mbs Hernandos;BH Widiama; B Urr aud lamlly; Mias Will lama, Gao Hcrnandex; Mbs Humphrey*, J a Lovingteu, Mba Geiger; WT Purvauce; J E Yuter; J L Dexter; Mbs It Bummel- laud; T «; Miller; C L Taylor; T Durham D R McDon ald; M Poiriuu; Mrs W H Crbp; Mbs Rosalie Du rand, T Dydtor.J, K Bluffklu, Mrs timlUi, T Gibbs, sunfcsvt, E U Che ver, AT Burke, Savage, A MoKonner, Mbs Blancu, timlth, aud a ueok. In amahlD Alabama, Tor New York—G R Bar ker, J Lopkman, J H Wool aud 8 children, A J smith,GAtto,REflabuy, Mbs II Brown, Mbs M Brown, Henri Lanuuuux,wir* aud child. Consignees. I'er stoomor Knoxville, from New York—U N Aldrich, Aikin A Burns; D Bolden; J A Brown, W F Brantley; MJ Buckner* E A Brown; Bothwell A Whitehead: J Brown A Co; G Brown A Co; N K Bat• num; F WBilly; Bally A Lyons: Butler A Frierson; J TMarber; SD Brantley ACo:LE Byck; Brigham, Kelly ACM; GH i ampflold; 0 Railroad Agt; i*Cur ran; Oouper A Fraser; D D Gopp; OUghorn A Gun* ulngbam; M A Cohen; Cohona A Horn; U F Cole A Bro; Crane, Wells a Co; J EUeFo«d ;l)oWlttAMor* 8audon; Graham A WeUbjGIlbrrt ATiluen, Ham den's Express; W H le; F W Hoad man; A Hay wood; Hardwick A Cook; N A Hardoe;t D Jes-io; P Jaooua; Jackson A White; Kennedy A Beach; J W Kelly; 8 Llppman;M 1avia; H Latbrop AOo;I$LU- I lout bid; WWLluoolniN Lyon; S M Lafflteau;CA LUmar; W liMay; JBMoore ACu; McMahon A Doyle; F McKenna; J NlchoUou; Nuugaxer A Dix- sou;G M Nlohob A Co; NovlU, Latbrop A Rodgorst D (/Connor; J Oliver; Ogden, Btarr A Go; EO’Byrne 8 Palmer A Go; Plorson, Heldt A Co, J W Phillip: E Powers, E Parsons A Co; Patton, Hutton A Co; H A J Rlkeman; J Hosenbsud; Robinson ACunp;Rase Davis A Long; F8ilber: A A Solomons A Co; 2-crau insiia •» S*'“»| r siiiuui , a A ouiutuuun a vu, cwnu- ton, Johns tou A Co; 8 0 Bturteusut, J tihcrlock A Co, W R Symons; Simons A Chcevor; Snider A As kow; W A Thomas, W DTreaner; E 8 Truohoiut A Co; II W Verstlilo; E F Wood A Co; EC Wauo; WelU k Williams, Wayne, Grenv.Ile A Co, Young, Wyatt A Co, Yonge A Frierson, C Railroad Agt. Por*toamer Darlington, from Pal atka—Boston A Vlllalonger; Wuver Constantino; F R Shackelford D O’Byrne; J Ryan, Crane, Wells A Co. MA88IB SCHOOL. ffTHIS School will be organised on Wednosday, X October 1st, under the charge of Mr. B Bal lon, as Principal; who will be aided by competent a oils touts. The bouse will accommodate 800 pu- pUs; 800 of whom will be received free of charge, and 100 will pay tuition, Tho Masslo School District Inoludea that portion of tho oily lying east or WIHtakor *t. All children re siding in ihb dbtrlct are entitlod to a place In thb Applications must be made to either of the Cum< mbaiouera, or to the Principal A. PORTER, J. STODDARD, 8 COHEN. Commissioners Savannah, Sept. 8th, 1850. sept 8-lm WA- Morning Nows and Republican copy one month. Col. 0. A.Locbrane, tbe eloquently gifted yonng Irishman—tbe adopted son of Georgia— whose speeches at Tammany Hail and Brook lyn made him so many friends among the De mocracy, leaves on the Savannah steamer this P. M. for hia Southern home.—iV. I. Newt. Ool. Lochrane brings glowing accounts of the enthusiasm and confidence of the Democ racy of the States of New York and New FILLMORE dc DONKLIOX. NEW YORK EXPRESS, rpo meet the constantly increasing demand for 1 a Campaign paper, which, during the Presl* dential canvass, will coutaln the fullest Informs- tiou upon ull the topics which are to be dbousied, the Proprietors or the “Express” pubibh a cam paign Paper, at a price eo low as to put it In the hands ol eve J —‘ *■ Jereo^ Worms* As tbb U tbe season of tbe year when worms are moat formidable among children, _ the proprie tors of M’Lanes Vermifuge, Ftomtng Bros, of Pitts burgh, beg leave to cslltho attention of parents to Its virtnes for the expelling of thesej annoying, and often fatal enemies of ohildreo. It was invented by a physician or great experience In Virginia, who* after having used it for several years in his own practice, and round lb success sonnlvsrsal, was In duced at last tooffer Uto the pnbllo as a cheap but a certain and oxcellont medicine, It has since be- comeJuiUy popular throughout the United States, ss tho must efflelsnt Vermifuge ever.: known, and the demand has been steadily on the Increase since its first Introduction to the pabUo. 54SF* Purchasers will be careftil tb ask for Dr M’Lane’i Celebrated Vermlfoge, manulkctured by Fleming Bros., of PIUiburg, Pa. All other Verml- fuge in comparison are worthless. Dr. M’Lano’s genuine Vermifuge, also bis celebrated Liver Pills, can now bebadatali respectable Drug Stores. None genuine without the signature of (5) FLEMING BR08. sept 9 . . . fnquUh a large ordbr for cars In conseqnenco or their namfitv to furnish them forthwith.—Baltimore CJOAP, CANDLES AND STARCH— Oraloo boxes Collates Lt Bar, aid No 1 Hoop >. 100 do Smith ami Buchans Family Soap 60 do Collates Pale do do 50 do Adamantine Candlee, Starr Braadj 100 do DeadelH Tallow Candles, BaMt 8 76 do Oswego and Beadells PearlBorcb, 60 do Chicago Pearl Starch, landing and Ibr sale by; •• ^ __ sept 8 BORANTON, JOHNSTON k 00, PUBLIC SCHOOL. mHE Public Bobool will be re-opensd on Wednes- X day, October lit, under Mr W. H> Baker as Principal. One hundred and filly pupils will be received; fifty of whom will pay tuition. The Bobool District Includes that portion of ths elty lying wostof Whita ker street. No children living east of this street ean obtain placos la this School. Applications must be made to either of tbe Com missioners, or to tbe Principal. A. PORTER, J. STODDARD, B COHEN, . . Gommistiouers. Savannah, Sept. Btb, 1866. sept 8-lm '— Morning News and Republican copy one NEW A.DVEUTISEMENTS , FOB NEW YOUli. Will tail an IFedttesday, Sept '71*, at «« A. .V,, precisely. Tho HtoamsUlp KNOX VI1.LK, Cupt. Ludlow, will lenvo as uIkjvo. For freight or passage apply to PADRIFORD, FAV A CO. Cabin Pa3a ago.... $26 8teerago Passage 8 J9" Shippers or Cotton Uy those Stcumslilps will please take notice, that no Cotton will be roceivod ut u o presses that Is not distinctly marked on the edgo of the hale. supt IS "PRIME WHITE FL NT CORN-1,000 bushels XT fresh aholiod Dooob Island Corn, for salo from the Wharf, Apply to sept 18-21* WM. DUNCAN NOTICE. T tVO m lUths after dato, application will ho made to the Honorable Ordinary of Tataall Couuty, for loavo to aeli a portion «f tho lauds bebrngtag to the estate of Jesso Copeland, deceased; it being one ti act of laud which has been reserved from former sales—where the said deceased raslded at the timo of hU death. JAMES COPELAND. Adm’r. sept 18 sept 81860. GEORGIA, BULLOCH COtM Y. , . A DMINIBTRATOR’d BALK — Agrooable to an or- JOL der granted by the Cout-t or Ordinary or Bul loch county, wi 1 bo sold beloro the court hou<e door, In statosboro*, la sail county, on tbo first Tuesday In Novumbor uext, between the tuwrul hours of sale: Thirty thrco hundred, Bixtcou no t STATE OF GEORGIA, B ULLOCH COUNTY—To all whom U may con cern : whereas. Wm. Groover, Jr., ouo of tho executors, snd Sarah II. Groover, oxocutrlx, on the o tate of John Groover, deccasod. will apply at tho court of Ordinary for Lottors IMsmlHflory, ami to hsvo the uatato or the said Johu Groover dismissed as executor of William Groover, 8r., deceased: Tbeso are, therefore, to clto and aJmnulsh ull whom It may coacern to he and appear bot'oro tmld Court, to mako ohjootlon (If any ihoy have) lu term* orthe law, otherwise salu IsOttore will bu grunted Witness, William Lee, Esq., Ordinaly for tho \ty of Bulloch, this lltb day id Kept, 1866. WnsIJ Scptis .LIAM IDE. o n r. STATE OF GEORGIA, BULLOCH tU. A DMINI3TRATOK8’ 8AlsE—Agreeably to an or- der granted by the Court or Ordinary of sold oounty, will be soil before tbe Court Houso door In Statesboro, In said county, on tbo first Tuesday In November next, between the lawfol hours or ssle, (426) four hundred and twenty-five acres of land, more or less, lying lu suit county, hounded east by ostats of David I.ce,south by Jostoli Zitrnur, west by C Groover,norm byl\ecdam—belong Ing to tho estate of Mtoh.iel IViualdHuo. dermne l: sold for tbo beuotit of the holw aud orediiors of said doceisod. Terms made known on tho day of sale. This 10th day or September A I) 1866. JOHN E. UIIU-jN, A-ninlstrator. septlS. GEORGIA, BULLOCH COUNTY, A AMINISTRATORS’ BALE—Agreeable to an or der granted by the Court of Ordinary ol said county, will be sold, before tbe court house door in said county, on tbe first Tuesday in November next, betweeu tho lawful hours or Halo: Nine hun dred and fifty (060) acres or laud, more or leu. lu several surveys, lying in said county on tbo Mill- odgevilie Road—ono tract being the lalo residence of Thomas Knlgbt, doccascd: and tbo other tract known as tbo Mills’ place, wboro Joseph Knight, Jr., now lived—said loud Ih bouudod by A J. Will son. Ogechee River, A. Richardson, and othora. Each of said tracts is well improved. Belonging to tho estate of Thomas Knight, deceived. Sold for the benefit of tho heirs of said deceased. Term* ou the day ofsalo. JOSEPH KNIGHT, Jr.,l Allm . M THOMAS E. KNIGHT, f AlUn September 10th, 1866.soptl3 NOTICE TO BRIDGE BUILDERS. the Bridge across Plneinakcrs Creek, ou tho Chor okee Hill Cross Road, to bs of tho following propor tions (snd all material of host black cypress, ex cepttUo covor, which mustb? hoarl yellow pine,) 35 reel long, Is foot wide, to bo floored 40 feet, to bosuetalned by four rows or pill g, three lu each row. Each pll« to be 9x11 inches, and substantially driven. Each row of piles to bo capped byn 24 feet stick 9x12 IucIioh, and bevoled on tbo upper corners to show arocoofd Inches—tho cover to be ■uatalnod by four string pieces, running lengthwise through the bridge 9x11 Inches; those to bo bovuled to show a Ikce or three Inches at top, bxnistors to bo well braced at each of tbe cup sills. Contractor to fornlsh all material, and work to bo dono and turned over to Road Commissioners for tholr impac tion by the 16th of January noxt. Bond, with security required, for tbe faithful per formance of the work, together for its romalulug substantial for seven years from completion. geo. v Harrison, l». i. o.c. o In behalf of the Inferior Court of Chatham Co. Sept. 131b, 1866. sept 12 RATES! GRATES!! GRATES!!!— U A beautiful auortment iuvt received at KENNEDY A BEACH’d, House Furnishing Btoro, Ilodgion’a Block, corner Broughton and Bull streets. sept 12 DENNIS HOLLAND, NOTARY PUBLIC AND SHIPPING MASTER, ‘ ;e of masters or vessels and services oT a Notary Public , , _ will attend promptly to all buxines* entrusted to bis cate. Ira—t»up6 HURRAH FOR THE FALL TRADE l FRESH GROCERIES. FRUIT, AND VEGETABLES. W M. H. FARRELL Is now prep&rod to supply hia customers with the best qualities of NORTHERN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, selected with great care by his buyer, who remains di ‘ “ ‘ ‘ Id New York during the season oxpressly for that purpose. ^ Freeh goods arriving by every ateamor. Tho fol lowing vegetables per Alabama: 1 crato very fine large Cabbage, 10 bbls choice eating and cooking Apples, 6 bbls large Ringgold 8ugar Pears, 16 bbls Mercer Potatoes, 8 bbls Beets and Carrots, Onions, red and white, Tomatoes, Parsnips, Ac. Groceries per Alabama: Pekin Company's Superior Teas, Stuart’s Sugars, every grado, at lowest price*, A fine assortment of Preserve* and Jehlos, fresh ot every man who desires a cheap paper. CLUB TIRMS BY TOT MONTH. Twenty conies for 81.60. Thirty copies 81.76, Fifty copies, 83 00. And a free copy to the gettor up of tho Club. All sent to one address, a single copy to an address, 60 cents for six months, or one dollar pen annum. s All letters should be addressed to J. BE. Brooks corner or wall and Nassau streets, New York City. Tho *‘Dally Express” Is published at 17 per an num. Tbo8eml Weekly Express at 84 per annum. The Double sheet Weekly at 82 per annum. Bpoolmcn copies sent to any addressa froo or charge. Papers lent for a single month on the above terms; and in the same proportion for any length of time. from the manufactory, Goshen Butter, extra and other qualltled, English Dairy and Amorican Cheese, very choice, Biscuit of all kinds, warranted (rush, Supeilor Sugar Cured and Pig Hams, Krupp’s Essence of Coffee, Fresh Mustard, assorted English Pickles, Ao., Ac. TO whieh we invite tbe attention of customers. N. B—All goods sold at my store are warranted to give perfoct satlsfarUon; and all parcels deliver ed freo of chargo to any part orthe city. wm. h. farrell, septll corner Broughton and Whitoker-ats. Fillmore’s Three Speeches—at Newburgh, Alba ny, and Roebester. 1,000 copies, 62M cents. Per dOSOB 10 coou. Busses OF RlJUCOllSMD liUPOsmos—ItBSoaecll or Hon. James Brooks before ibo Americas In oio- Bpcocb or Hoo.Erutus Brooks—at HirtTord Con necticut, July 8,1855. HUIlardnilmore, Fremont, Slavery, Sectionalism, Romanism and CurioUsm. FREMONT'S PRO-SLAVERY RECORD. Speech or Hiram Ketcbom, Era., at Now Haven. h| Tne Romanian! of Fremont, ai demonstrated by READ I BEAD 11 READ 111 1,000 copies, $10. 100 copies, $1.3A. Par dozen. 20 cents. Single copies, 3 cento ' sept U-w3 ■ 'CLASSES HAUMEREL AND MUS1AUD.-M * bbleand*self bbUHolauea; 10bblaand 10 IT noli No 1 Mackerel; 100 bona Hutard. Re celved and for sale by McMAHON A DOYLE, No, 896 and 207 Bay at. B ACON.—86 caaka Bacon Bidaa tor sale, to or rive per brig Zorvaater, by sag 2 LOCKETT k 8NEI.L1NG8. 10 do and tor aale by * ... .. aogl4 SCRANTON, JOHNPTON A CO. 2 BAD ELL'S TALLOW CANDLES—76 boxes 6 A 8 BeadtU's Tallow <todlea. ln store awl tor by 90S4NTON, Johnston a co. IAXTRACHOICEG08HEN BUTTER—Per atcamer JCi Alabama, and for sale by aug27 J. D. JESSE. B AGGING AND ROPE-16,000 yards 44 aud 46 inch heavy Sea Island Cotton Bagging; 8000 ds medium Dundee Bagging; 26 bales Gunny _ tb; 110 rolls do do; 200 colls prime Kentucky Rope; 160 do ralr do; jnst roceivod and for sulo by aept 12 WEBSTER A PALMES. W HITE CUitN—1,000 oushels Prime BMUmoro White Coro, for sale by sag 22 YOUNG A WYATT. WM.M. LAWTON A CO. • Charleston, South Carolina* SEA ISLAND COTTON AND RICE FAC TORS. R. Wainwiuuiit Dacot ) William M. Lawton. Johbpii T. Dill J WindobnLawton Jk. uug 20 eolsni JOHN C. BOOTH, “BUR CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, WiU also give hU attention to designs in Arcbltcc turo. Office In tlie store of Johu WiUiamson, Knj.. Bay street. . rayl ? .roil It M. MILLION . ATTORNEY AT LAW, Olflce corner Bay ami Drayton afreet* jy* 8 _ A. Ht* OirAAIPlON. (Successor to Gliumuion A Watts.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, No. 4 Barnard si., between the Market and Bay ut., SAVANNAH, OA. Dealer hi Groceries, Foreign mid INwuwtio IJquors, Driod Fruitri, Ac., Ac. Roforcnc'e—A. Cbumpjon, Esq., 8 Esq., Messrs. Rabun k tvbltehead, Samuel Solomons, and Swift A Co., ravll CltANB, WKL1*B 4k CO., FAOTORS A COMMISSION MERCIJANTS, Bavannah, Un. LANIBH At ANDEUffON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ap6-ly Maoon, OA. r WILLI AM'II.DABlIKn; ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT lsAW. Troupvlllo, l/twtulw County, Ua. Will practico in Thomas, Ijowndes, Clinch, Ware, Appling, Tolliilr, Irwin, Laurens, and Pulaaki uouutiori, Georgia; and mJofi’orsou, Madison, Ham llfon. atid Columbia counties, Florida. [myll 4EF* Particular attention given to i|s« sale* of Real Estate, Negroes and Produce. ' ' tST Liberal advances made en Negroes and Mir* chandize. > , f i . v MIL e IS It tfe ROLL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, UKUKSWIUK, UA. Will practice In tho Brunswick Circuit—compris ing tho following Counties: Glynn, Woyuo, Camdou, Ware, Apppllng, Clinch, Cuffue und Cliurlton. JOHN B. MILLER. L C. ROIJ*. aug 8 iy A.THOUAIACOra Auction und Comlutaalon Ihitlinntv, 110 liryan Street, 8AVANNA11, GEORGIA. A* Thomas. pu!2j „ • 8. 8. Parovk. FACtOKS * OKNERAL COMMISSION MbcHAJtTg, Bay afreet, 8avannah, Oa. fayll TV . He F *HAtHl$L. DEALER IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCEIUEB nnd Foreign nnd Domrstlo Frnlt, corner Broughton and Whitakcr-d*. fuwu and couutry supplied with choice good* ut modoratu prices. All orders promptly nttemleJ to. and satisfaction always guaranteed. splfi JOH N "GT. FALL lCjr A NT, WnOLKHALU AND RETAIL DEALER IN WINDOW UUNIW, WINDOW 8A8II AND PANE DOORS. West eido Mouument Squaro, Savannah, Ga. tuayll JOHN itTcOCliRANK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dubllu. lAureiu county, Ga„ late junior partner ««f tin* firm of A. fed. Cochiunk, lrwiuton, Ga., will attend promptly to all businutui eutiuated to Ills care. I'urtluu'ar aitontlon paid to coilouting. Re ference—Dr, C. It. Guyton, F, H. Rowe, Dublin, On.. M Marsh, Savannah. myll P. JACOBS, M1QG A It AND TOBACCO STORE. No. 21), Bull street, (slgu of the Big Indian.) N. U—Keeps constantly on bond Spaatsh, UsU Spanish, and American Scgors, at wholosalo and re- dl. Also, Chewing Tobacco, Sunil, Ac. June 1 .TAMES McIlENRY, Insurance broker and Notary Public. Marine Protests Noted and Extended, Average,, adjusted, Charter Parties and Average Bunds drawn* Pa|>ers prepared wlioroby to recover losses from American or British Underwriters, aud attention given to ull mailers connected with shipping und in surance, No. 118 Bay-street opposite tho Trout ol tho Custom House. ly nov 8 JES813 T. BERNARD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, NuwnauBville, Fla. Roference—George . Brown, William Doll, New- nansvUIo, Fla., R. B. Hilton, Boston k Villalooga, Savannah, Ga. myll J. M. EYRE, COMMISSION MERCHANT, aug20 No. 142 Bay-it., Savannah. PHILIP M. RUSSELL, NOTA1U' 8 LUM^YAMJhU^jScul^fttNT ’AND COPVI8T. WiU exouluDue.l*, Mortgages, Power of Attoruey, Wills, Bonds, Notions aud Takiug ut Iutorrogatortus, Olllco ut the Court House, Savannah, U:t. Court Days, Third Tuesday In each mouth, and hold at tbo olUco of Kdwaiu <•. Wtlon, Esq. Rwldonce, Gaston, between Barnard aud Tattnall street. Any call at night, on business, will bo attended to Immediately. Jy26 WM. M. WILLIAMS. THADDKUH OUVXH. JACK SHOWN WILLIAMS, OLIVER A BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Buena Vista, Marion County, Ua., Wilt practice in the counties or Marion, Macon, Hous ton, 8 tuwart, Raudolph, Muscogee, law, and any adjoining counties, whore their services may be required. myll WILLIAM PHILLIPS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MAUI ETTA, OA. oct20—ly DAVID G. WILDS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BPA11TA, GA. WiU practice in the counties of Hancock, Warren, Washington, add Baldwin. KsnuuuciB—Bohn k Foeler, Rabun NBmtta, and E. A. Boullard, 8avannul). JanO R. B. HILTON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT iJtW. Otflco corner of Bay and Drayton-ata. BAVANNAH, OA. my 11 DR. UtiAULBS H. GOLDING, OFFICE AND RK8IDENCE. No. 14 UBERTY ST.. Ono door west or Drayton, myll WM. O. CONNELLY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, nUKILLA, WOXTfl OOC.XTY, .X.. (POUT OTOC*. ALBANY.) Will practise in the SouthecpUrcult, and in Macon, Dooly and Worth Counties ot the Macon Circuit. 4ST Particular attention given to tho collection oi claims lu South-Western Goorgia. Je8—6m E. GUMMING, ATTORNEY AT LAW, fobl-ly . IRWtNTON, OA. CHAFFER 6t CO, No. 0 WlilUker Street, Savaiianh, Ga., WnOUMALR AND RKTAIL DXALKWI IN S ASHES, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, ko White Lead, Zluo, White Llnsond, Sperm, Whale, Tan ners’ and NeatafootOils, Glass, Brushes, Gold Leaf, Dronxe, Builders’ Hardware. Nails, Marble Mantels, *c., ko. Jc4 ☆ CLOTHING Tvri EMPORIUM. V 1 POOR WK8T OF TOT B8PDBL10AN READING ROOF, Fine Ready-made Olothlug; Hats and Caps, Shirts, Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, Canes, Umbrellas Cravats, Stocks, Handkerchiefs, Fancy Artlotes for W.O* Price, FASIIIONABIsE AND MILIIAEY TAILOR, Sd. 143 Bay Street, SAVANNAH. Also, Suporlluu Cloths, assimoie and Yostlngs, will be made to moa sure, unexception able in style and workmanship, by the host mochanics, at ahorteat notice E DPE.—200 Coila Rope for aale, to arrivo per brig Zorvaater; by aug 8 l OCKETT k 8NKIX1N08. U8T RECEIVED, per steamer Knoxville, those ' Blurt Freni Embroidered for sale by septa ats something nico, and I. W.THRELKELD, Congrosa and Whitaker sta. J UST RECEIVED, per late arrivals from New York,» superior article of Fluted 8kirts, and for sale by J. W. THRELKALD, septa Congress and Whitaker sta. S'V RANGES, ko.—10 boxes Nassau Lemons and xJ Orangos, received per steamer, and for sale by Jyl7 J. D. JESSE. ■JACON.—Whhda prime' ribbed Sides, 80 hhd JjMo Shoulders, Just roccfocd^and forwdeby WFBSTEB k PALMES. RECEIVED—Per late arrivals from New York, Muslin and Gambrlo Bands, Also, Mas- XRd Cambric Edgings, nnd for aale by aept 8 . J. W. THRELKELD. A Co. C hoice uquors.-io hair pipes o. n, ■Brandy. 5 pipes Hqlland (Metier Swan) Giu ; 8 puncheons old Jamaica Rum; 1 do. dost Croix do; . 10 caeks Itirt Wine. lastoreanOlfiraalefer fSItaoA* " BORANTON, JOHNSTON k CO r 1. Orders from oity and county solicited. F ine liquors— 2 hair pipes Klepper’a Brandy, vintage 1816 4 quar do do do do 1816 10 do do do do 1B1B 4 half do Otard Dupuy k Co’s do do 1864 4 quar do do do do 1864 6k do do do do 1864 2 half dolfennessa do do 1848 2 do doABelgnotto do do 1864 00 half, quarter and eighth pipes Cognac,*Ro- chollo and Bordeaux Brandies of various brands 8 pipes Meder Swan Gin 10 6 gallon demiJonsOld London Dock and Go- vor Leaf Gin St Croix and Jamaica Rum in puncheons Old do and do do in demljong Very old Port and Madolra Wines In domUons Champagne, Rhine and Claret Wino in cases and baskets; in bond and store for sale by aug9 ; WEBSTER k PALMES, COMB ONE—COME ALL I I HAVE Just rcceivod some 100 thousand good Spanish iBegars oftho very best brands, also, a lot or good German BetfBH, at low pricos. Also, a lot of good French and German Wino*. All of which I am destined to tell at reduced prices. I have also added to my present stock, a lot or the very finest Flrench Brandies—and I uy to you ono and all, now la your Umo, for I am determined to make my mot to, low pices, and autok sates—so come aud hoo meat the corner or Bay and Bull afreets, aug 25 A. BONAUD. E, PHELPS’ GIN—50 bbls UndUlf per cehocavr . Joba Sumer, fof *al*b» ___ rapt 3 BORANTON, JOHNSTON 3 CO. R, J OAVANT, JK. - KAOTOB AND COllMBSroft MBllCAST, Jyao ’ 'Baton it iron ti»b 5*rr iS- jAjuta n. iaVAUu,. , attorney at law, tauKuviut, raoiusrotisrT, il; Ail buntne** entrusted to his. ears will iwcsfve i'rotnpt attention. lyr—marl7 umiewobi. IANO*U. sodoxm. .miA. liODGERB A NORRIS, SAT-BTKXXT, 8AVAMNAB. Juuu 1,1866, v. i, oanKN. __ wn. ktaiib, jr, a. ■ OGDEN. STAllR it CO*, Shipping and Oommlaaiou Merchants, 0#»- «. h. Rsnsi. 1AV-OTIIKT. RAVANNAO* 0 A. ‘ FATTEN* HUTTON 4k GO*, v FACTORS. . • •. Forwarding and Commission Merchants, nayatreet. Savannah, On. 0. J*. IIARKMOX. ' ■ • - ,A» 0 » IIARRIHON St McGEHEE. AUCTION, COMMISSION, RECEIVING AMD For\vnrdlii(j ITI ere hunt*. 59 AND 01 BROAD-8TRRBT, COLUMBUS, GKOIOIA. RUSE, PATTEN k 00. 1 A GUNBY* DANIEL, VGolumbus, Ga. R1EWABT, GRAYa CO. j YOUNG, ATKIN8 k DUNHAM, \ . C. A. URKKNE k CO., f IL 8. SMITH, VMobllo, Alabama. Od 28 ly "HTEinsr Factor and Goneral Oommlasion Merchants NO} 71 BAY-8TMBBT, SAVANNAS, OA., RmasTO—Messrs. Clagbornk Cunningham, BeE k Prentiss, Ogden. Warr fr Cn„ Bavannah} J. P, Thiimnwm. Ib»t»4i W»v1 wm. Aununroorotn. . jwo. oocm COUPER St fbaie£. JEFFERSON ROBERTS. GENERAL, COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND DEALER IN Timber and Lumber, SAVANNAH, Go. WUl.tSiTVtEl.TAMi; r EIAUtUIX . . :■> DOUBST.1C, FOREIGN AND PANOV DRYGOODS. ' " No. 149 Congress-st., Sauamah, Ga. JAS. T. WKLLS, formerly of Beaufort Pist. 8, 8. THEOPinTeUF WILUAMB. “ Scrlvsi* 0»:,6a. «ept7 t. 0. ROSS. J, n. DAYW. W. fe.UMN. KV8B, DAVIS it I ONO, ’ nvon, uavian ivnu, COMMISSION MEHCHANTS SAVANNAH, OA. may 80 WU. 8. UANIKU., ATTORNEY AT LAW, SAVAVXAB, OA. . ar Olflce over IhomaalL Turner SOo,’a fine store, Bay street . mj7 B, LOCXKIT. Mi D. MUiNL LOCKETT St BNELLINGS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND SHIPPING AGENTF, Savannah, Qk* WiU attend to the veiling ofaU kinds of produoel gfrielatieutlon given to receiving sad forwarding goods. may 31 T Ijr Auction & Commission House, Macon,Oa a. u. McLaughlin, *' General Agent and Auctioneer, Soiiciu from uS frieuds consignments ol every description. Takes orders for Cotton. Special attention given to the xaiea of Real Estate, Mocks and Negro property, at publlo and private sales. Prompt return and ditpatiX Reference—C. A. L. LAMAR. u». w. cam. a. r. mom. GREEN * SMOOT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW* oct26 JOHN BILBO, Ortltiiory of Chotham County, AND ATTORNEY AT UW. Office in the Court House. myll ANTHONY - McCUlLO U,~ ATTOBNJ3Y AT LAW. Ha van nah. Geuritia, tar Office on Bay street, over the Dank bf Bavin* nab. may!8 * ' * * h. L. P* KING, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Corner of Bay and. Whitaker Bticotf, BAVANNAH* fob 28 8a oe A. B. WRIOHT. j.r. K. fiSVAOB. WRIGHT dt SAVAGE, ATTORNEYS AT LA W t BRUNSWICK, GA, • Jyl» joNK i. boWen. ENGINEER, ARUHITKOT AND SURVEYOR, OORNKR OT OUAYTON AMD BBYAM-tRB., ^ % (Above 0 A. L Lamar.) A* McALPlN St BROTHERS* Lumber, Mill and Brick Yardi.„ septs jmjOUH, 04.' M. WHIT SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALLIGATOR, BAST FLOBIDA. Will practice in the Eastern and Southern Counties, Refer to—Col. 8. 8. Sibley, and R. a Hllteo, Eo* vannah. ** C. W. MABRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW rJUXKLIir, n«n 00., OA. ' Will attend to professional buxlneas In tbo OountleB of Heard, Carroll, Campbell, Coweta, Fayette, Meri wether and Troup. Reference—Hon. E. Y. Hill, LaGrange, Ga.; Hot* David Irwin,Marietta, Ga.^ColouelM/M.Tidwell, uhviu trwiu, dim lutira. uu. lajiuuoi m, h. iiuwl'u. Fayetteville, Ga.; and Mr. William Dougherty. Ce* Iambus, Ua. aeplT-ly Wm. McAliLUTEB^ 1 Marble Monuments, Tombs and Grave Stones, fora- hbod on reasonable terms. Orders res- poctTully solicited. ap 18 COOL RKTREAI' THE ABBOR BILLIARD SALOON* (urSTAIBS) Corner Dull aud Bryau Btrccts, over Barber Shop June 27 J. M. HAYWOOD, 4»ont YONGE St FRIERfOMJ MJ FORWARDING AND GOMM188ION HkSCHAOTR ^ BO. 94 BAT-Snuoor. SAVANNAH, OA dTa71F5y5SB; ATTORNEY AT LAW,I Offlco 176, Bay-tL, over Turner ft Oo^ Dnm I SAVANNAH, OA* f qovIQ—ly' 8. W. BA -L. (LAW, ATTORNEY A.NU COUNSELLOR AT JJ llontlcflllo, JctTersca County, 17a. Reference—Hon. W. D. Fuouxo, Savannah, Ga; EDWARD G. WUiMM, HAOIsnUTE, NOTARY AND minntaranra OP DEKD6. At lleMn. W.rJ b Owens' Uw Ogle.. [Mil Wi FAOTrm^* w ' COMMISBIONA^FORWaRISw loSCHAIfn^ J. W. PATTERSON. ATTORNEY AND COUNBtXLOR AT LAW. TroupvlUe, LowndesConty,Qa., . (mil CHAB. G. CAMPBELL (ATTORNEY XX LAW, nuuDosmuL flA*( Prectlcra U* 1} tit. TKtOTS OMUtra or tb. (M BBgBPKF- ATTORNEY J .. v.Att, ; , ‘ ,tAW - CoaunUtioner<tfM.8.CmaUtcUmf. omo. Corntf D.yind^SflWrats. • ’ li '■$»« aid Ita* partor stjl*. ActilU nu27 . -'J rlj*:;iJT