Newspaper Page Text
fltant IWtanu.* Fillmore paper being taUmt-
IWBBaHPP iwi i BnwfiSi 8 tu ipw
elllo Patriot, another Fillmore paper, teplleai
“ ‘ ‘ - B r Ire In In
: .taetatant Editor.
*M(r«*U»Air MOUIHQ, SEPT. 13,1*30.
yS 6 *
..iTintiit' "
,’WrtVftjB'PfttelttoT: •
i lute at Large,
' S.'df Chatham.
atua ( IHCBSOtt (/].
«>> .lift.I
of Baldwin. ,
ThoAmerioon and RcpnhHcaa ptrtlM Inline
ticket, or any 'ixirtlon fttitor-dn*o«rt"ttMr
did anile in He Mat Convention ia (Maori;•
nation df.vhat if (autd tht"Pnpkft Twirl
for, StMqffltth'. ani (a tMiUppartqf vshkh
ire Kooi'thev will be Pound uniltdin Odabtr.
The Americana (frieada of Flttmore) and tbo
Black 'ttepabllcana met In conrentloa
dehodh'ced the' prinolplea' 1 df 1 the Ne-
braalu Act untiled In faror of one
and tbc.aafw’ tlcktt of antl-Kehraaka candl
dates fob State' .“oMcen; and together will rota
for that ticket ogalnat tho Nebraska ticket of
the Democrats in October. Thus do thn Fill
more men, shoulder to ahouldcr with tho Black
Republicans, nndor tbo name flag, on the same 1
platform, “light our battles” in Indiana I
all means, Jet tbo South "hold up their arms"!
Surely she will not bo so ungrateful as not to
i and topography or
alOTIMU .ttNUMO-. .,.,4111;, Itjuio .
nmaicT at.serous.
'-U-tBstHtt / Tnoaas II. Foasuau, of.Ulyun.
,>Bdr, .District, Bmi/p, 84a, of .'gtuoji:,
Id. District, Jaiua N, UmaaT, of llarrla.
4th. District, Lmnojl/J. OaitrusLL, of Fulton.
Ith. Dhsnot, Joint Wl, tswis. of Cass-
4th. District, J sites P.-StaaoKB, of Gwinnett.
Tth. DiStnCt, Tjtoitss K Sairvl-n, of Morgan.
-J)tatnoi,Tbps. W. Taoasa. ofElliert.
_ rely she will i
Cheerthfcm on lu tholreareer of *Mll/ify against
her rights I
Wo will not prolong this article by reference
to the course of Fillmore's friends elsewhere
throughout the-North. Wo cover the wbdle 1
ground by challenging the ntjmbhean to men
tion n tingle non-elsvcholding Btatelnnhlch
nif of
the friend;
O.Braktnridgt in re-
»,n W - wf .^ Jbr tW Fid'-* ‘
;r /./.nCMOfiRSTIC'iM^XBVG,
mod Sail
' ttf tho Democratic Party,
, ui'/av<jr 1 "tif‘t>b impartial
•dfflJ<)fctrtfifp,j>r the ‘ordinances of tbo
city of Savapnah. wiU bo bold at St. An-
1 ' ’dww’il Halli’jpil'.Mdndny Evening host, at
„ S’pfjCiwfcr'Pi'lIo for tiie,purpo6e«f making
arrangements to nominate cuudidaios for,
Mayor and Aloermeo at tbo approaching
'.Tfel folffdff'oUpwtfo} tifmmitteo,
--•.Ei WAYNE, Chairman,
'tfjllmdrt'.(“our friends," aa it
terms them,) arc not waning upon the princi
ples of the Kebraalra act. tin tho other hand,
we assert, and dory contradiction, that the sup*,
porters- of Bucbanun, -ln caeh and alloftboee
States, are tUppprUri of the Nebraska bill, and
the opponents of tho re-establishment of the
Missouri Compromise. Peruse, then; once
marc, reader, tho resolution of, the
Georgia . Legislature, and In the light
of ‘ Its’ 'teachings and thesd iddlsputable
facts sajr Who in the North art,-Inreality, “light
log our battles.”' Wo doubt net yonr answer.
: the Democraoy^or more accurately the
combination of Domocrateand old line Whigs
enlisted In the support of James Buehanan.
Shall wo sustain them inthalr glorious and gal
lant light—not so much for our rights as for the
eonstitatlonofthetr country and the union of
the States—Or shall we, 'white'they aro main-
talng our prineiplca Id the support of the
Nebraska Bdl, Join hands with the Fillmore
and Fremont,opponents of them and that blit,
todefeat and destroy them. ' Georgiahit made
the tost question—declaringlts opponents onr
enemies—its supporters oar irlends.
Which shall wo sustain the enemies or the
friends of onr section ?
Edw’d G. Wilson, Sec’y.
..I t li/./ti
wl «'Tb*y(the Fillmnie men of the North) are
•V“fighting our battles, ami calling upon u* to re-
f .jtotbelr cry and bold up their anus.
* ‘ ‘lie.^Qua qf tuc.iMiiidulictraciit.
1 “ * strug*
i in the
„ ... ; them to
eii&RMtlilftfJfif*! 6 T— Savannah Ktpubhcan.
t| U la not diflcuU to take the starch out of alj
It id hippena that the legislature or
Oecyto baa by ' A uoanimom vote declaMfl
WMWW ncute,ynsct qi-fue, announce!
South tpjre.utwiidOikd tiiefluK and left the
i “ hostility *to the-rights of the
* . % the'Oenfcrai Assembly of the
edaythat opposition to the princi-
he Wehrasfci bill in relation to the sub*
„ . WtrytKiWfiM’4 iWa* thd'people or
QUOMdAMI—" 1 "** ^ °— tL
wcd-iMid that all
.rvuxiallloo arc c
MMaMP,. Whtca ws*.uuapipiuusly adopted
in tha Senate and Homo uud approved by the
Governor, 20tb Feb, 1054.
If,-'Jew-,'Mr. FillmcVe end his Northern
' ‘ meMs^/'s^iipq'rtlng the Nebraska act, they
«l-(ciare "fighting our boUlu.” If, pa., tho other
.barid/lhay have put themselves “In oppoiition
• / ‘Wthe prlnflpIcV or CMtuifiktyare fighting
..nH i-Wii.ufb'jft'M^ «f *bn Genera
■ ; , Assembly or Georgia, spukeii tbrbdgh a rcso
lotion .naulmouily. .adapted by both Honaes,
-jUnf-approved by tlio ' cbisr magistrate of the
»iai£ Begin with Mr. Fillmore bimsclf. In - his
■.<«. Bopliester speech he denounced, inthotriW
earpbatic terms, therepeal of tiie Missouri Com-
,, n , protJWe^-tlie'great -lenluro of the Neorarita-
- — act ,8e||4J^ “Tills repeal seciasa Paodera^
l“, I oat of which ,iii,Vd Jasucd.eJl.thepolMea]
• «Vlla’ li that | '^oW afflict thecomitry.” We need
not' {hen add,' th'at'tiy'thla speech be bos put
“dlriautlf Lt'fbWtWtJfP.tbpjIgbts of theSuutb,
appeal to the unanimous decision of the Login
lature of.Gporgia'for proof of tlid correctness
^ Bot iUs b(s >'crtlicru,' 1 friebda" who, in cou-
cdat* w'claim onrattention—“27ici/ are lighting qur
batOeaandcalUn^upon^ua to iwipond to tbei c
OfJGJ»»d'!bpld,up .thfir prins I” Look at the
Suit: -'Gnitbe-ilBtb of. July, Mr. Dunn, of In
Into the-
Hooae or Bepresentativea, a.hill'fer.Uie rcstora-
“Mjii'nflDiq-MItodurl Compromiee-and the' ex-
>-4.rtiml»Uou of.-Biavery.frpm Kitbas. Every.
iii J 3forthern FUlmore man proscut^ lmt Valk, of
NeW-TorhandBroom.oL-Pennsylvania, Voted
H/wtlfiIhe-DUckHepuyiAms'/pr-, Rip bill, and
l ^' u “)(to';*,'ib» l , 'Uie‘N«tonal.‘Democrats and
in s'SwieTh.>Uaericiui«c^iii^)p^Wda'tbat“flght
lag ourbaUlea” ? - If so why Vas it that Tripp
and Foster did net eu that occasion “hold- up
theCr'arhftf' ? ! >I -
..whWhiwUSM^R ,op t tho, 3d ol September
s/- ;indeadowodthenomlnatlcmoL^ir. FUlmore,
Rj Rtnind, That-tho. opinions heretofore cx-
1 ‘by the-whig party of Ma»sacbuseUa
n_(in opposition to) the repeal ol tho Mis-
sour* •compreioiso are still llieir opinluud.boly
f,«e*otrme4 tgfAUtogiaad they believe, taut .tho
flense and dangeroud ; dements ol dLund now
let loot* by that act-can never lai put *■- — *
Hkfrec State.
' Thwe'l't 1 is I Tne frl^ndi"bf Fillmore In^
^NMntMh.bftdsV)? niyl^d conservative'city"
tndisWBMM.aad.presided such u-raan-os
i(. iMm'ff'
banner oil wliidi Is inscribed
‘■ i -'’ i *W'mraika Mi)
ahl I the ftemnntepi; by (brMlfblny.’ttybparty
with material far the "screeeher’a or freedom'll
In Kansu.- • Yet Hw dereat-ef their favorite
“proviso" to the Army blltjri CongreWl ‘Which
at ono time aoemed to gloriously to atimuatte'
diunper oh (belt .nndcrtak'ln^tind they .’welt
for new devdopmenta liom Uut quarter to hip
nlsh them mere fhl)y.. witb. the “«(* material”
wherewith their manufactories msy be supplied.
Tp counteraot this Infldebcbi' the peinpcrtitio
party bu thought proper to follow la their
wakc,*nd ( to fleu|rallae suclj noxIciMVttwsus
have lieeh nattered by'-them,' .jijjoad^hit'
throughout (he land. *
Preparatory tbor*|o, a large meeting writ
called here ua Thursday evcpiiiK, Iasi, when
somo- vety able apeeebea werr given, ijy tbo
Hon, W.Deinery,'.ofHdr(foM, Col. Hazard, of
Enfield/ (there two yctUuucu. having all their
of tho old Whig party,until this •refjoboll party
of* Fremont • ■ waa..«tarted-andu.ltn latter
formerly of Savannah,) Him. Wf EaMo, W.
D. Bishop, Esq., of .tbUSplice,iihf .q(lpi|fl jrbon
a “Buchanan and Breckinridge Olub’l wee
thoroughly orgaalied.rklth ‘dbtcrdileatlen to car
lyMis comfy-in-the comiug ooat;sh i Thls
County, in tkis Bute, Is like Cbatbain, toGcori
gla—for, <‘ai Fairfield' .Comity .goeei'adVi
R [brand fliolt] for genius
oil and after the lilh or
great having reluaeJli-further exteusioa.
’farther'remutlwi i..i....i a/
|i- AUlnveatora. having iuiprevemcuta |p,p
[planing buidness may now make the ncchiaary]
«MMIlMll(l>l mtohinlsUi niaj, now pro-
IWoraers flritlWItauittaicHou of.
Woowortlf* Planing Machines. All Improve-]
■■■mio locked up, because or alleM|
K9 I,lay r illTw'be |lo(l6t.V Ope rati
Tlie ’demand’ 1 fot ‘Intabcr wurktng’ matWni^
IWiH’-M veiy h»rgeila'*Dedembspnext..i Those
Who two aarllest^^^MMMlHiBiMHf
t io great openl
richest harvest.Tl™niflflininffl!^flflSfflW
has refused to extend .the patents ror MeCori.
niick’s .Grain IlSflihU'whlch expired!In '48.*.
HayWood'a‘'nabber -Patent, lij-’di: j-UfrieJr'a
rob Casting. I’atbilt,' lJ<8 | Nock> IVdlock
r v te t
www> __ ... ....
loroltywiug quoUtUm* : a mw>i, 5i«l 10* 4 . v
mo, ii 4.t iu 4 't ft»ifio
u n«i‘4» it ns. and XI at 11* cams. “uSeV 0 " ‘
stvmtlfftdii , ’hU , ‘ii.—... ...
brnO|ta r.omlM tav cil. /Strictly good’uildlllug
to mlddUaiiiklrUK/CaiU.,
after an ahsenco of upwards of fouryeara.
1 ‘The Duotor hu.hadths good, fortune,to-serve
uSergeetf'Jn the Russian Army, dur!u|
late war. and Won'Halloaed
SebuatopelHlurius tbo siege,
Wuaro aUagratlUed to learn.l
the State” la • the favorite motto wilb all [the
pa rtiea; hence the baportiiics ofalboroilgli or-
ganliatlon here* As tlie “acreechars’.' bad sell *
tve are uiso gruiuieu to iusjimiu. i/t. tie.,
Wtli'fifrorably- csteemed by tho army,and that
tho Emperor of Russia h:tsconferred..upoa»him’
the inslgiia oniils> npprohatlon and regard.
VOtutitationalitl nf .yfalirdey.
ed,' aud held d Mass Melting at Fall Village, in
the valley of the Housatonio',. about -io' miles
Rom thlsplaCe; -and that icetion being 1 ,bom-
pored of formers and Inin Manafactairerspimuy
of which were of theold Whig stamp, which
also carried a large vote; if wits' resolved ,to'.
cariy [thd WaViaits nmxt‘,by showing .the ah'
aiardiUeaof Use claim urgedfJtVrc by^cebei*,'
Pencil and Haney, a Gcntlcroanly
. , Drunk.
6id Judge Cole 1 , of Texas, wba characterized
by bis, attachment to that seductive beverage
culled peach* and honey, and by his hatred or
whisky mi'id. whisky-drlaliera. While holding
court at Austin, two men were brought up on
a charge of a drunken affray. It waa a plain
care; tne row had ocuured in the public street,
In open day, and there were filly witnesses to
the whole transaction. So the two delinquents
pleaded guilty, by the advice of their counsel,
and. throw, the mercy ofthe
court,. They, wore then brought up for sentence
“ Ton are gullly of an affray,” growled the
'•yes. your Honor,”. whined the offender,
thoroughly, frightened.
-Drunk, I suppose/” grunted-the Judge,
" Yes, yonr Honor,” murmured the prisoner,
with some Taint hope that having been drunk
Id grit' -
would mil (gate the punishment.
andothera, that the* ontg question - presented,
before them,Vfaa“Fromqni aiiii Frecdqih,-or
Buohanan and Slavery.’! This latter meeting,'
composed of the D(inbcraUc party, was large
ly attended, and forcibly addressed! by the
above named gentlemea/ together 'with, the
Hoq. John Gotten .$burat[i Cjilf Har
den, of Missouri and others. These gentioi'
men were very happy in their illustratlousatndl
issues before, them, were, very 'diifer^rt from,
those which The Beir, Ward ’Beecharead oth
ers had as ptefar^quely ifbd;sq,ie.Dtlliisiastt(ild.'
ly unfolded to them; that ao far irom its being,
tbo imperative boundtn duty of’CongreBVto
pose an act fqrbiddthg the. “pesaUir.iiriitltu-
tion” from ever being eitablishcd ln tlte Terri-
toriea, Cuugrosa '.had Ipoi.mbjre “fe'd? withUm
subject than It had over their own multituili-
uous iron Itarnaces there'‘in fuU blast; that the
people of the Territory, only, shall 'decide it.'
Thla.^by'W. ‘8iabbli; : ,w®b 'aMJf : handled,and
backed up with aathojileii .tlufyeejied thor
oughly to teU; and-wben-he«pened tbthem
the vast reaoutcea . of ilfb Pputheta'States, from
their great staple, Cotton„and!wluMb exports,
to liquidate oar, foreljpi poymi nts| produced
principally' by. thi'iinportatipna.ipf.tbe'Noriaj ‘
“Druukon rye whisky, too, I'll warrant,'
routed the Judge In n voice of thunder.
“Yes, your Honor, drunk on rye whisky." •
"Mr. Olctk, record a fine, of fifty dollars
against this man, cried the Judge, “send him
> juii
This was poor-comfort for tho unfortunate
fellow who waa waiting bis turn, and now came
forward wilhicar.aud trembling. As he pass*
ed along by hia lawyer, that thoughtful gen
tleman whispered in hlaeart—'.‘When the Judge
asks you what you got.druuk on, tell him on
'peach un houey.” He took bis stand...
“You too, are up here for an affray,” growled
the old Judge,’ gnashing his teeth, aa if he
would like to bito the culprit at the bar.
Yey,your Hoabr."
“Drunk, too, I suppose."
“ Yes, your Honor; sorry to Say It—drunk-
very druuk.”
“Drunk on rye whtaky, too, I suppose?”
“Oh, no, your Honor; I never drink
I got druuk on peach and honey."
<.ifbo- Judge’s .features relaxedbvau Instant.
Leaning forward and raising his spectacles, be
contemplated the offender with interest, and
l^ljifillinnf htwisJlIsA PAflJaaMAiia Jj 1
SIIK Si,^HJb; SHI.B tMPttOVRD. -•-*
It haadebip jg|
Iv birm[ets to the skin.
Sipiiritod-sanist pv»i
tbo large Bales of oar -Norttitirn manufucturei 'eelro promptsttentlon.^
used'at the South', abd.tbfi atfeer'vtflihi' accea--
aity of keeping open -that friendly intercourse
which had, Uijac'f ,.thdTqfldaypn;Of .ijurgbverd.'
meat, beep so.iilghiyheiiellclat'ibuaijilortiiqrn
Interest,. and wbtcb tho speaker so happily ab*
ludifltoluhiafuU assurance.that tho.Soutb,,li|'
oil her dulIngasritIi.’th«iNQrtl)ii«dparticular-
ly in the troubles of .tbe.Kansas,qifficultlca,
had only acted la the deieuaibe/ should dBeratei
as a leasoni. oa the. Npith-rto ppiiSq bi-fore the.
.fatal blow was struck which might lead tq'. cbn,
sequencc'u ucver tp be" fepptfdjl.', ’This puri-of
““ subject wus handled.. ibjt 'hiia brltU
$ Sttqtt'iw i
/it.' ItAVtjuirV^crtY^lipcrfiUjMfter Ktewnao 1UW
i v aon^Vbjit' Uaftlmorb, uiititl^Mot or 1
■'siiichcoj n,,. ia'.uiui|iu/re.i.iu Djiru’l.ltacou,
•'-- , j6bbtedugarvrais»eteU.-itbaisUcd,, i;,iw.|,-rt-d
andCla«UeU|'.Jil..l ai.V,.Dglil.,!Wu .lijiro's Sn-
gun, at-., sav-.u.!--'.. i.-. ... ■■’■■■/■
t whisky.
theu with something like tenderness.
“Ah I sir,” said' the-Judge,- blandly, peach
arid honey, elf? that's n gentlemanly drink, air.
The court sympathises with yOU; fir, and does
not Yedard' your offenctf os, very serious. Ur.
Clbih, tufcontmued, ’ id a softening tone,“en
ter u line'of fine dollar against this gentleman,-
and disebargebim on payment of cost.”
1 Sx/Araitv ahv Coxrox.—At tho late meet
ing ofthe British. Association for tho Advance!
ment or Science, in the.eectien devoted to
Economic Science and Statistics, Dr. Danson
read a paper on tbo Connection between Ame
rican Slavery and the British Gotten .Menu-
ufueture. Tne paper, .consisted of a sCfieS'dr
propositions. Of which the following is a short
resume:—First, that cotton, from the cptiflv
tious of climate necessary to its culture, can
not bo grown in Europe; but that, with the
single uud not unimportant exception the New
-England- States ol otnerica, it is,used must
long continue to be, manufactured ofmosFeX- 1 '
ctusivcly .in Europe; secondly, that tlie present
sujiply is cbliilly raised. , and lor tho present
must continue to bo' raised, by slave labor; see-
log; tlrnt. while for fifty yearb yve ffavo sought
over- tho whole earui test cotton, we have
daring that time continued to obtain from the;
Slave states of tbo American, Union a contln
.tion,.its flagntpt unfi.eboipjnahlocjlcclskrt.4lie. Jfctds,jooolv«i and iohuhi tar “
North/WhiUt the Presidential election is pend-
ually iuereussing proportion of our entire sup-
lily;.’thirdly, that two-thirds In number at
least of the population or the United States
died iuto-e
ply .
the cotton
the United States
istence.and nth''now
. ihtaised for tho sup-
., , .iorlaDduf fourthly, that ol
inaexported three-fourths atleaet
ure raised for and sent to. this coqntry alone;
and fifthly, that of. the entire..quantity wo Im
port, foui-filths at-least In value aro thna de
riv'd from the United States. Encb or those
propositions was supported by tabular accounts
extracted Rom tub public records of this coun
try and trip.Uuited states, anl tfio'conclusion
waa explained tlnuiThat henceVin the pres-
’cut-state of the commercial relattons of Die two
conntrin/-the cottem planters of .the United
States arc .Interested to the exteutoftwo-
tlitrds at least of tlielrentlre exportable pro-
diicc in tbo ihalntcnanceof the cotton, ouau-
factiiijeol tlie Uuited Kingdom, and reolpro-
c-ally tho cotton' manufacturers of tho United
Emgd-iin.audtUruugU them Uio entire popu
lation of ibu Uu.ted Kingdom, fire interested
to tho uxieut ill mote than four-fifths ofthe
kp outlid3rd’ilivortlirsSi!n; "aw material ofthat manufacture in the exist-.
- “A ^ fog arrangements for maintaining the-cotton
alltu ■ p “ r*— •
f^Btljeh, they proposo to
jt/faw-hatt^H.” Bead iigaiu the rcs'oln-
f’. ( W,>he Oajf#d Asstlnlily ol Georgia
lay are nut.,.Uiead Rlcuds of Fillmore
I. or -our battles.'
u 'iTtl’ tba Savanuah. RtptMinn would have us
"hald'tfp -ttelr atnui"l fflrtiwttala tuedi lu »’
.letotll’Which.the whole laody of our logiahitom
culture of .the. United StutCH,, -
' ' ‘ 1 — 1 .Ii;.; : U»j.U
Uniform Raiwofp Tine.—The utility of
such ou arrsogcojeM > evident,to alt. -Wo-
11 tai 4WlaiJd | od*bf*“fif)itnity to the rightsor
<haliii.A'h"'-' 1 '-" 1 ' :
io / mil hi v/-v.jtl ii.i".
u >u. i Off the ; aatae dsy,. (that last mentioned) Urn
, .CosoKtleut f^nfis ofblri'-Fillmore held tbelr
Convention atNewHuvenforthonomlnatiunuf
I tkkttinWellnda report of |bclr
l/lif tftJ 'cofrisjlttidcbcoof thd'Bus
iV.)’iW(^WrS^!^yh-i*ffb'f i ,uT,iJviriaT.7'r7SB- -. ,
.Tha gananlfeelltnr of tlie Gonventioo was,;
-'’.’.that there wsaapomlbllUyef carrying Gotmoc-
" ttent tor MUlard Fillmore, anil since there was-
a-poaUUmy, U/>y!£0*M curry the State for llfo
- . .' "laaa of. tha qathia” A number or rekilu-
xuciug tho Dpnloc'r.ibi
—'"‘-gthe ox'siejico
Mre toprivtiu
r . 'COlHtllllli.Ul-
. JuWjr,. tomltmning tht rniejltif
I^Oj^raaum^and ettfondug Mil-
Thai do Mr. Fillmore’* supporters lu'
neeCcut fight “our battles."
therefore publish this plua for thoTeguhttlon of
clocks nt tho uudermoutioned stations I ■-/ «i-*i
’-Tlie Telegraph Gompaoy have fixed 0 A. (I.
each Sunday morning to telegraph the Wash
ington City time to nil the undermentioned
ststlnfli . 1---/1 t
, Railroad Companies can take tbclr time from-
telegraph offices, and set their', clocks dower
th.ui Washington iitne.tlio minute
stated oppeolte each station.
Should any Railroad Company ,i. .
aiiy-otlier Maodard there can bu no objectlou. lf
the- oeoncctlng roads aro lnformed how muoh
►lower or foatdr than the Washington tirau to.
al.iptcd.' 1 ’ ...i. .
ilic[iinoiu) 1 ,Va.,.:; I" .’.’ 1 tain. 45 aeon, slower.
Ouhimtius,Ga.<is. 1 ., „ .
Montgomery,Ali,...,37 1 ;., 5J. “ d
■a a 0.-0. Sampokd, Chalrm n Com.
a ■ m.. 1 on ttma, S. R. n.-COfli'y. 1 ■
L.tTxaFMM Kansas^A! Bi- Lon's on the
ion 1 Uaink Euomogr—At Portland It ‘a report-
| ed that Hamlin’s majority la ITfiOO.
■48i •
aa g«at p;’ftavof *a ' any speaker,. at
tho South could . possibly., [.'bgvq! douo ;■
and I introduce* it here- aa 'ivldenoei -thqij't^a
real Democraby'are^the .aamq^Uirifiighout bur
it; the .Frtmopl^a,'Bi(j¥';)!!otb,',lihJ,>r' other
fuotiouistato the country-,, uotw;
1 And whilst th1s"nrgulhent-;is •forei
hero against tbaiueat ulria laadembf., the- op"
too conduct,of ‘ ‘mny if .thft .gqutb, by pat-
tlog forth auch opposition doctrines/ abd 'jiistl-'
frlii£ Jbq Frco.Sollsfs Jq Kansas, by putdloly
proclaiming suob ware fiqfi^Jil.'
Aujfuata'recbntly; by Judge Gibson ? :
Tho views of''ntlejmap atrt)’hd‘ ;
Ifc(cd aa tlie coniercaitv^ opinions of a'large,
portkra of. the ‘.SputbV! aq‘d. preigfd upon' 4hb
community bere,astbo sound-tnithjn opppsf:
tionb»tU«,vJews»^ifc!^bitjK i by'jhe Dam»-
crutio Party; und/permttmc-ti/bali.ta-yfiur at*
Jhjj, fpr.rai aueh/dnfitkrtiinisS^ luutlog from.
aSoutbern city,;.'has nnore deliterloua effects
here, then-all; tho meetings of. the crazy lice
ohors on earth; ‘l"“ >» | --Juv:
;:1Hjto , 'bb lameirtcd '4t-thtit : ifitie,whep i L.
(UMqfi/bqii,' .li^euiidtti ' i tjftb',;;nii)8tratiyo"bf tbo'
Democratic policy throughout 'mir.Wbqlo country
fliUt''dn'Opportunity b thus printed to the
opposition Baity, tp.'ybw.'tbat'tjld'^ith yields
tho, point tis lur us -Kansus idifitaultlca aru epn*
cerue'd ,(liof "tlbi'bhfoj^b^lltS solely on theide,
fenalve,” as boldiju ussserted in tho ■ extracts
liom tle 'Aoyil/ti' Constitulwnaliil, already, to’
fared' to. Andleat you niay.qqt.bgvo the docu*’.
menta before-you/-1 send ao abstract of tho
official brganlzaiiou.'. o("tho [“ Maysfchusetts
Emigraut Aid. Society, uapttoiftve MilUbm, tb!
protect Einlgrints' tif the •tWst 1 '-,an to
system, whioh cbrponilbtf.'.met' a( d '*
House tn Boston, May tht fourth; 1664. Among;
Its corporators] arc' those' diitiiiguibhed Sous of
Massachusetts, Hon. Henry wilaen, and Alison
Burllngamo.” .'!' i '-' 1 , i'„,'
Now it b weli known/that Congress'-passed
tjw.aj!t organizing the Territory, of Kjnsas, «w>^isfl.sirauljaueously'wltlilthe'Maii.
“* ***
/ back'to
sachusetta Aeti'.upJ^iqq fo.t .’a ^
and a Judge, too, to iuulat tbat.l
acted bnly onthe defeiufee;,carxi
cuntcudiug portlet of oun couutry,.
|j8uefl;:^ho^r* tire wdort' In Council
ptawfipdtfio ^pykDfpjwis,jllbfobl were re
tallufory.;on,them,,,and „wbfeo Ulfei ^ijtiHlpi
irpcrtiiiaccoualy adhered-toby the Federal-
tsfsor jlia^dqy, and.yybjoh this moqoft. AB't}'
hut cbrroboratjie.i'.ijtakwbii.ioj mica thu b' ‘
your paper,'hud to “keep It before the poople"-
.tho ,prQa^’cteb“f'1bb’'(!!uffi^gi|‘h^!ttro highly
preplthma fortha Donmcratlc. Party,aa,there
are-many,thoiold.“Fillmo'H! CMt?,"
.heija rtffl',wlitt-wfll‘ilevtf gp oveho the follies
ofthe.,rPaib,finder," althrjiiij'
the dtlieaalen of.-A'Deg. mratif
sldcred by hia party, as'full and <1
fill the Ezcculiyo.Obalrmf,
iwp; sTri Ti-, :irrn.;i ~t~t—rr—
• Htcanlir Gordon. llrooVi*,- UurleiUm, Beau
fortf 4Iiliin Hurt «ud BJuffloa—to J I» fir«M)iu.
f-l. ■<- I ■
PAMenget*. *
r UiUXtA.
Fo Augurta,
J if. for rule, IJghtuibg Kod Points, (<Iom Ibru
Ur.»r< auiI TrimmingsXor putUDg up PudH. • i,.,
, , na- urd«M left with .iwopb Harvey, Jr-, So. 04D.
1.,. ,.r u 7 m 7r w ’ m '’ m ”': I WoaI iuyetlo streel, Whlt'fK Woodvrsrdy .No. 3
■Per tl/iitfdrHlijeil rro^nM*Uhe1rl^ , Bi.ur—E llrtr' ! Xuriii .itrcot, or tt Factory, No. WJ South. Bond
tin: H’jadorfW M lyiwtest tad-Must redder. w)U beprompliy <•
^ iVrsiedlnorGordoiivrremClurJi'fcttma Aq.—Cnitl |'tr.v>iid wUning p*riicul«r intorniation 'relating
lltfbee-.A.btolYciKcr; M J BolemoM; I'liunliltm; i m tint VOmdnctora will pieaao address. R. HAN-
f.ijorgsiii Mrsi'efc rmnn, child aqjl ,H(:(vaiU; «n«i 0 1 roN, N*».ine Pond Hired, BaI
[ in tin
i oil; decs,
> IM.. ,1
ie vicinit
. m r iimn i«w i
l . • t- K.tu APOLWS W. iUURWOS. To'SalitH TtlrAG. Pluladdphla/
Job .Wtlitlii.B.: I’rdmiltly; Neatly-
ii,".' .....Cbeaply. Doom
;.;;tbe, jidbli^lfiljeuereii/ aadonr 'Democratto
-frleud* In -particular]'.will! rcijieihbqr that-there
to cdnncojed'with tiie flrorgion-4- Journal go-
, tabUshoent on a of t)io mnSUhoroughty equip-!
ped-jobiiffioes ia thbiaoctkni of tlie. Uuipn. If
Wd arc itorrectly.advised,-.aorau of.the most
1 .bauitifuV;specimens.6f jqtj! worif [ oyer douo -Id
'Salanuab-bave lately.'- pa«e4.“fmro,'aiq(lor!qur
presses. Give us* trial. i-,!i.i
Our faolliticsouubluus to execute every‘to'
scripthnVof -letter press work from a maranjiltb
li^r .tqJbfita#b«t o?r< , /,'?b'l from shook to
STulraulars' with,-ueatiieas.,anb.'dlfejitiibi bflow
llie'hfosttatlsfijctqry-.terlns.-;,'' ’» mm •tot
...Ordem ifo'ib q1l.'Baste u )!lbj{fj^ffilJwlll re
—JAL^O—a- — ,
' Ptii PArK'dii l’White BtUDiiik.HaweV FaUon Mar-
m BAithrcMeopteeeitv • •• -
■pdr Vlrtnmtrr Trodi'SHr York) Choice' Tabid But.
ieyttdil Cliinwet ' All to beffiuud nta-i :.j. ■>,
" ‘ “ • »• *• •IUKR<JX'rf, KmuiIy aufH.ory v
'• •*' ‘Oirnerof Wdllftiecr k Ciiarton street^. _
/ *’ v’i :• v/ ,
l, tU.ili'Zeeq 9
EMOS ttTRUl»*ANJ)4'<HtT^Rm;a
j-JilLboaeiK('y.4 lsomou Sjrup . .
•‘T3AStiYJ-UiU0RfW».' ' l , jl ' * ' r ' ,m#
.UiUUifcVfw n « -a- *
M.lioxiih, yjjig* r.aud.HlacJt^jirry Brundyi
rloiboi/ViiuKcr.VViHiindi) Uarrttt, *
' n3somd,Liqupjfff„.ih,MU»rmW d lbr ' PaJ ®‘
6 do a
usng l9-.,.-,.i,.i// 0*A|-' fib'
‘‘TjyAC W S4iAdi)jbiid4^JuA nMx/WfiiU -ixiii. . /ySwiPi
13 clioicu family Hams, 3 liluls do-alix-.. 1(
•sail :.*re Js.t.J-r ■ . h ... - 11.^1 .ll.iiana
UULs-No'PWar-lifrdfsft' keg-i-.urimfl'.qorii. -Butter,
10 wliiilo uufftedf* W»i**llM«V,CwruuiUl;i , or .stile
•by 1 »** iuvm o’eux^uft,
' ii/gS Comer Broughton ami J)ra> I114
A'jA’/IXES FOR JUNK—Putnam's Moaihlyj.
, lialloii^ Dollar Mmitlily;Mruham'a M
ur's jloirio^Miujuziuo: ;Lnrty’
ibrV .Sow" 'SldDlhly, ‘iilliV lTTrken';' 4(
* uud uulf Hallroml, having adjoumyd Ji»,r
011 thoACtli Jn&Uo>,«ba.UU IlV W8.^W reprd»>i
to mu that tho interest oft^IPUAi.CAtfwJir*! 10 fcflulre.4
fartbdnvUPMLlur Ahu. «hittlUWJiOMj.Mrt>8crlpdoW“
to tbo
suggeallMi, tlie meeting or ilui litiaru on liw ietb
iinstsUfl is luTehy l-iMijium-d muil the 22d> dbyi
October next, at MiiUiUgcvUlc. vlliir
>imt; j E. A. .N'lJjinrr, Chairman.
Macon, Augc .. tlij*. . * 4 »
SOUTH-VVfiSTldlliCKait. ©jCT7,|
108. J
. . jx— 1 There ban been
is Hold to^dsy. ll ,Bomo or tbo
I’iredw tud market, which r
■cultivation. OnUmplaceireag-^AwellJhgboiwo,
! (jversoer'rt hoipio., barns, negro houses and tner
outUurtiliugs. »U IttA good state of repair. Persaiu
lugs. *U IttA’giMKt state of repair, P«r»>m>
to purbbash will call upon IL K*, Hard*on,
tit' Wiloi dr the Grove, - ,
i.WjAWa'8;ilBl?iwf 4 .,1W,fri:*?* r •.•iTeriasi'faahimalq Itaowa aa the day qlVaale.
Wtarf.' -tolf llghtdreft»wsm.n, bow.
‘- - Jr „. u giwuiAtWCjf
'I I - fir Tim Charles ton Marcury will publish once a
< nf saje. . ’ ,1.1, ,. , • 1 '
miles or the Grove,
Srbo resides Within two
Steamer EUx», Keeblor; Mathews* B/p^wd.i Ifi
fr^gtl’Mdlrcornj ' Sn'riOu bttxcs copper lire—
A . “^“arlenoa
%'?,«,%«“Of Hzaltd, of CaiaiK*.
The Board of HeaSreiiort tm’JJm, 11 ' i
Yellow Fever fmthe^tws^A
4 ; 1 - traded and sold Wholesale and Retail at hit
Vl' Kauliiry, So, 00 S. Boiidstrebt. Baltimore. .
'Copper and Fommolud KiuIh coudructuil on Ships,
WHii'iig arntj^blfo Buildings, in the wifp.* land best
" Af ‘ "
» u.Ui t iiTT.i’ •. ....r. „
,, , ,
;[tm>■ VdU?vws; iiiuir-s A
'4.u;ahd O-hlrlc/wa Boat''' ''■■■' ’ ‘
Per Sl'-uftF 'AdJjajt*, frfm AugasU—A .S-Hart*
’ridge;'BC VTiij\); Hr'rdoo *0»; Bdlin It Venter; an d
Iiiww.* ' M ’ '
pbctioaNahy, .,.
* retired from’
ie that Be has
_ JTreuuli. Con-
jes, priedAVolte, yuts Ac . gl the old e3-
tiildl«hod i land roceiitly occupied by* wcsBfd Ni’Wrt
ciiiribo, UlOo & FHsgeraM, corner ot Broughton and
.Whitaker streets, rtavunnali, Ga., wOere ho, wi|l bef
l'l«a*o i to accommodate aud till all orders wi
• , ' KlkUl lUAlAUlt a .
I VVVIP H. pALUJWAY, having ret
\j piilitles would ioibrm Ihu public tl
c«iiio ti) miking'CatidleH, upd selling fn
J Per steanter Gordon, from Cbartr»tou, &c.f~Coa-
Irai Kailroad: Florida Boat; J W lathrop k CJu; Hev , - - — .
AWjKeny;.Crane. Wells U Co; G II OampiK-U; H p.omplncas and djspatch. -to-Pembcrati, Ameri-
, labershsm; Clsghorn * CUuningbam; Warnock A. rcamv and Uie ^ ffrar jwpfc” generally,, ^
VIA4JUU4U gg uuuumguami »» arcucik r < •tart,, miiu way - tester FWjirt ft^Aiu/UM/, , ,
Weypp A Boa; J P CpIliUH. tU riininmns; V c I Tin? is lh9 p.laco whore the ddriuidfi Ooug
?oolo; Poyosrd & R')wlahd;EndbUiort. ' ’ H ;nia«lh. " ;' ‘ ,; \Y *
•• ♦ ■if:.' ,k> -: ‘ *• .*»-■• , i Knougufcaid. Torms ca^li. No charge
; * . Receipts pet* Central Hnllrond. "
8m. 1S.-4H8 baiw cotton. 17 bdxes coiper ore,
iVlBioka wheel, Tft bbia fljur, 4/» s<wk«cmh, iuiu
-UlSMOkS ... „„aa «...
ikiwrcUeiidlEua^ Pa^o^Huttw'& CO;.yAVlAthToL
Co; Franklin A Brantiey; Ruse, ..Burin k Long; h
A : ^ik>Stoh k Vuuiwgaj j Urjgham, Kelly
ing or snipping.
lipping. 1.
2A—9PV,. ,
No charge for peck
’aJtSIgfnm M*fio-'ai»ATios.-.V„ ral
,fel;32n5!f De “? cratic to KW(gM n»»
mHK uUderelgued havotbto u*yform»l aCo-part-1 of the kind eve'/ wilncrartia Net'vK
1 nership In the Hnc|c, fcalo.ani Livery Suble,- unicesgionw««*»-
under, the name and sty loot Freeman, Henderson pdtliat30f
Bloae; Luckell A SatlliDg/; Culi-aa'4 Hertd: John I . , IbB. HKNDEKS'iN,,
lugwrtta; Young A,Wyatt; CAL Lunar; I'aJi-lforU
V»y. k Up, HAtdwtek.ACgok/aaa.A 3 UartrUjo.
’k^jy'.BUSMKL-i 1'ltlMK BAI/mi-aHK WHI1
lfiilinltfs ohotco Eastern Hay•
■ lftO* bales prime North lttver Hay: ;.
,i,; 1000 bushels prime Ohio Seed Bats;.
, j guO,bnahels Wheat Brgc, good feed lor cows;
luitari 663 for 4 cOXiTAXTIXK,
how Buildmg, Bay Street.
'' * Vri-iHEiis aooDSri, "
uvannah, SepL 1, 1858.
sept 1—1 lu
rruiK Firm or Freeman Allondorson win this day
;X 'dissolved by mutualcoujout. All debts due
the flrra must ho paid by tlio (lest of October, to
either party. A.FREKSIAN,
fa van nab, Sept 1,1858 sept l—l in
T HE schr JULIA A. RICH, will sailed positively
on Saturday uext. All persous haying freight
‘.lor Sew Orlcaiw, wdl send it .down before Friuay
ovonipg . “ LOCKETT & SSELUNG8.
. aug ' " • “ '
pi.AID, bTltU'gll, AXli - OMBItfi ttlCtl ,DR/S/S,i'j
ilT elJksi m • li 1/ • i . •• : mg uic
, . • Plttid Kiiw SUks; SU and Wool Plaltlr.-, ' !
/, tluilie, ViUoiicla auil Saxony- I'JAij]; ' ; •'>
. fVeucliJIu/ibucA; Cuburg riullia;
—l- 'r/otwi—
ridlLf Colour* atnt Trlatvd Moua to ]. tluca;
Hack HonUvIa; Krcncli I'lalJ Hauaula:
’ - 'Kngliab, Freoah-aad Americaa frlau;
"'-r.J3auharoa,Jkc., Ac.
Juiit received aud for sale by
■Jif^ftimy ^i.'; . ■ , ., P^WffT Aj,MORGAN,
h»\-e inslorc a small lot or choice
XL TdBftOsfce# small :«ixM - Hams, • which will he
huiu low in ldls to suit purchasers
■ 'HOptS. . ...ta.Vi: CHASE,
, WEI.I.3i4: CO
drfeARi' COFFEE * TK\ff.€
O * to hbimoatt’s-A Otarlfte.
— '-'Oil •* - --B •
Clarified Sugar
.*..'.•'.75. •* :,i. ..: : .. ....
. , .V6 A» Crushed and I’owdereil Sugar
»I -OOBags.t'i'ima Or ecu Rio Colfoe
■it.l.Wh!!;],.Fujy.,•• ,
ii.fttf Mata .Old. Gyvet umeut Jayi Coilco'
•. ,. la ^chefiUT'rimdHyson Tea
. .‘HI p 4 ‘M 14 •* lfflitk’-’• wt(u (,ill*
id jl •; & UTcV ; ; Y<tiu toiU,
. ,lk \ **'■ V'lXii) papers
GO caddleJ 0 4f 13 lbs cuch hue Hyson Tea
just reotdved add for sale by
<. < \ > SCRAN'luN, JOHNSTON A CO. .
.<• -aug.28ii......
m.iYkoR'd PHilMlUM CoTrON GlNB^lhe mciet
1 • celebrate I • short Staple Colton OUh, now I n
•nse, 40and<6t>saw eseb. mrsale by.
j,.Rug,517 ■; .^Jt'-L » N»..9* Bay.street..
T HE UNDERSIGNED having thin day associated
(lnjm.selve.-i together for the purjKwo ot conduct
ing tho Wholesale Grocery Busluosa, aud having.
IMiutlMsed th» stock of Rodgers A Kurrif, will here-
uitcr i-onUnue tho. buuiue^u under the Urp) of Rod-
Hf.rj, Norris A. Co., at the old staud, corner of Bay
asi'i Isneolo streets.
Ja\*0. .V. BIRCH.
- Savannah, June 2d, 1868, . .
rniifi firm of Rodgers A Norris having 1 this day
A • boon diHsoivcdby tbo above association, cither
AJL -rcvu uiauvitvu wiuuuvrsaaguviaHiiu, inner
paruiur will use the uamo of the firm in liquidadotiA
Savannah, Juno 2d, 1830
Jo 1
t i AKATOUA IN 1787, a new supply;'
ySigas ofthe TJinw or the 1 Uangtrs to Rellgfou
lilberty, by Ruu$eu;
' -Ri ■ •" • ‘
— . r —A‘ eholco lot of Eugllsh I’eaSUcH,'
‘''SUlMblb for preserving, Just received aud for
U»«e by I . i. soptn: .. .. . .J. D. JF55SK.
JB^-kOO bbu suporduo Ftodr, too do extra
•X-'-tamily do, lhb sack* .anporior flue, do, ror tale
by/ in i.oTi;.:.;.. WEBSTER A,PALMES
/"lOFFEE—1000 bagiMh1r;i>rib(} and Choice Kia
\J GttBp«,5l bags do do^do ' Lognyra‘ do. 3000 lb*
Old Government Javo do:-in store-and ror sale by
iwpt.2> • -. ../ it.;..: WEBSTER-A-PALMES. '
J^AUp,—8p.UhU prime Leaf l*rdj 80 keg*
iuu,—00 ouis iirimo t*eu 14
I-* rt7, IP Wore apd fpr . , ;
[NOS.—50 boxes smoked Her
g per' ichr Johu Caster, and for
doXl|,‘bA‘ffDi$4 r AVD®iti;H.-'
M 100 boxes Colgate* Lt Bar, and No 1 Soap .
100 "do ‘Smith and Buchans family Soap
db" Colgate* Pale
Mico.v, Ai:gUFt ltfthy.l808, .
s, ■ ■. 1 iPiih’D NOV8,--Tho Board ol'Uirc-otors,have
►.K>|‘XtUt/tftfV dedarctfA^difidfthil or Four IJo/lafV
WdUWiW^tck of this COinpdhVi
•'*■*— " -«.i««m .,r »i.« w.^ii fur thosixfnoni
Irom ihu carniiigs of tiie Jtyid for tho slxfnondM
unduig,Jtily '3lat, - p/iyui»k- «ili add after tlio J lCtli ln*
atani. "•* 1 !' “ *11) ,*.».»• /-
1 . rtocklioM’ers Jn b'aVuuiiuIt 'will receive their dlslV
ern^s at th^ Ccijtf allUiil^Uvf
nM&JSUSghg , .
>/|7ILbUR.)^3dihbis.' Fiibub ground Flour in hWfhiii
X 39 • *• “ ♦*:,;• “m-ks,
hir.pale by ; YOUNG At WYATT. -
l;..ijaW-W,;)/. 1.^,■
•WJ,HITE COdN.^liOOobuHhoLI’rimd Baltininro
‘ VV • ..White Cnrnj for pale b*u’ ;.t)
.«i *.iiug2gri.i ; ..YOUNG.A WYATT.
i i, A£
•UNM WiilY. •" ‘ -ain't—.
.. JXO'T. Wlif'EWU.Kr,
,T)AUGING ANO ! ROWi r ”7?, balo ' ! Gunuyi'Ulotb v,
'JJJharti©. r *. u», ; ..•
j.xmy*.... a stew;^ohn^cn acqv[
‘New Wticat
■ opKi—200 Coils Ropo for-sale, to arrive ’ por
J;brig‘iZorvft8tor; by , 1. ,u.:i ‘•••‘•V’
v'.SHriOil TVI* . rjgEETT. A fiN El .TINGS,
UhT.RbO>J.V Hi, ptr.^Bieomor; KnoxvllieV 'tlfdite
tl Embroidered Shirt Fronts .dometblug nice, 'apd'
ter auto by J. W. THKELK.ELD; 11 •'
iUcpi^.' l t i pongresfaudWpltakerais^
1 Ti^T : RtXJHiYED, : pof' UitenrrlVdls .'.from .New.
•«P ' Yorttva supeHorarUoleof Flntudv8kirt-,;iUJ l
loreakiiby . : e-. 1 J.AY;THRELKALD,
-l.nepLttj.v -'
Congceqa, aud.Whitaker
TjHaOUR^OO sacks’ Grimito MDUi Nhw Wiical
■ ; JP;; Guo 1 . Fionr. 100 Mds iixtru* - i “ - ■* “‘ ' , ‘ *J
ffisttbeoiYW aird W^^iWbjr^ 11 • ; •„■>’/. bn,
•.■J-M'T. VIl4i *4 ii—1
gLTTER AND CHEESE- 10 keguuWcr
V YitANGfy, ' 'botes Kassaw Lemons and:
A^iOraugoi, received.por atenmary and tbr vale
HrtoMmuyUui I ■
JUater* - >■ W hvj* 4 4.T
1, ii . to Boxes Jfop’.CboeacylatidUjgjamhfer Hklfth:
aug'itt SORr\STuN,4GHN?aON ( ' •
u-. ii:
angUt m /o ACRA N TON, JOH N.'TON & Up.' ;
,U'a MeaicitV.itaWwi'tttUHt.; s „ iw
a im? AnnmP ourso of/l^auU-aHhi-. tbU dQPWV
• uU !P^'> *^dnKiiiUd^imi.MomUy, iNoycmJrfir
‘ll^XfekifAT.’stAtiWW ^ANBLfiJ^Tfi boats t k 8
•{D^wMwir—- 1 —
lell’tfTttBow-Dniidle*/'in utoru “Mxf'ftr
'•Mlobyii'.lH JOUNS'tVN'-ACU;
j'jftHttifej;,; ., t J u'ttfjl :, .ti .I];.-.. .! i
>m6tiv WfiUdommiihdenu^ Moudiy, .NMycmber'
James Jonty, M. D.. i'rotV^mnOtt’xartiocr.of M6di.
RldUeti, Ib-ufeiioKuCjOhainlsIry,* * ^
l /WHfNn>8«0M,.M,• Di Proi’eSiiOfioPnilfgtJly.'*'* Klj
».-i / A.-Jik' .,'>*rviw»w i'd' <lbr tt4nni .mu*
VStemA-.iM-uNniHt mp"; «■**«*
■'t • ln»M- jirthvo- rltibaif. sHiw, z« Minis'
* *». J ...
_ iiio.SiiUuldoM,'Jufci,roceivvU.aml/ior attlnity.
V IWWIviKKixo Jaitng iu olgifWmii'
liu; audiCbmbRif wd^r^slo
Uil 11 Ju'jiioaxt. TOnTtfaTBS
Bnirdon RoliKion id'Amorhw;■ j i ; j
.Sirickland’HllUioryoi-thu Aimvieun Bible focitty
. 1 (MuulB-oii the llccout PnigresH or Atritrououiy, es
pecially in the United States. . t ..
Evelyu Mur.stou, by tlie author of Two Uhl Men's
Taira; .
. } ciualc IJt'e Among ihe Mormons, by the wife of
uti El ler; * * ; - 1 ».!; •
laiiiddn Ait Journal Tor .\iigU8t; t
l.'imUm Quarterly Roviewlor July;
l’litnam’ri and Harper's Magazines.Ibr Sept;
Com. Perry’s Expedition to Japan, a now supply.
-*•-*** 1RNE
AcoS sinSVk'au'oiiLniinA^
60 bhds, I’rimo Sldos.
26 do do frhouldcrs, Ibr sale by
,20 tubs Choice Goshen Battor.
* 10 kegs do“ do ' " d6.
. 20 boxes Choice New Gosliou Cheese, lauding,
per steamer and Ibr sale by •
I^UrTF^AND CHKbiB.-6 firkins, extra bholce
Oo8lten Butter; TO boxes or English Dairy and
u6w Cream Cheese,'received and for sale hjr^
■ septio. />
it • .i.MMiht J.
’otatoes, unions','Garlic and
Green Ginger, received por stcamor HtnTlbr'
8a! bhy . poptlO J, 1). JKffiKrt
AMS AND LaUUt-3 i|,-.rces ctwuvAt Frttnuy
JIqms. and a small lot of eholco Deal - lard,
just received and for sa'e by
soptlO * • * r_2 J. V: JfSSE.-'
S ALlluN—BO pounds fresh Smoked SulmbU.'re
ceived per steamer and for solo by
spptio J. D: JESSE.
\J 200boxo* Adamlnattae Caijdlert '
76 boxes Sperm Cuhdlca
60 boxes Tallow Candles
10P boxes NO. 1 Strap
100 lidXes Colgate* Pale and Family Soap : •
160 boxes Starch
ror sale by.
aug 20
J U8T) received from Now. YorkjWjrMlo urrlvais,
; JUenip Skirls, lx»ng White, bow measuiipg jten
• • •* '' v;‘• : i'
‘ BluckanU,Anilio'Gftighiuii'.r
FilsCy Ginghams, alipttwrns-; - y
• Super. Embr’d ekirts .v
.'••do- Fluted do,something new
Mmlm Bands, Cambria do /.. 7 r .7 j
■ .. plmity: do, French do;,v .
... Jitunrjot .and C«ipihric.:E»lgiugs, together’•with'a'
largo (at of Cloths . Oassiraorcs,, Kentucky].Jeana^
SatineL*, Ac., for suJo low by” " V* ' 1 •• • -•
. ' . J. W. T1IREI/KELD,
. 4 . HuptT ' Congress and 1 Whitaker eta. "
B ACON-.—50D’ida prime.Westonsrll>ed 8ld86;' v;xl
Vi 26/do;.: -do 1I0 Sh^uldon,
ahg ^
>7.:r *Tij 1:'J.-.. .7.
F.u Hi
l>or v ..
Review ror July. / ReoctVwl»hhd
; No. 169 Oungrws'Blrcci '.
rpr sale by
/ * aug 2b
TT ARPER'S NoW Mohtbl.v Magatino loi
n her, is roceived and (br aale by
"■ -/ -■-!:• ’ •’-'■* j ■ ■ WAltNOCK A DA VIA, , -
«aug Cl v: .v- Na' i6q Cotagre ; a'6treel.
Itaczrrio.t tfTHlHrTrcntBKxiiZS
ilMWd 9 to^
m in cuuneutioD will. tSfcity ofa&jl
lately tho Ftcouui. ilawaon’ f:
auma .ttaa (luce, wiUmt hallo, S'!
nlflgle accidout, tte cougMultteth™IS"B
on their euccera in getting tao.-utl,
for their line.—/hifi.morr Patriot. ™
Yttioff Firxu at toBT ihiiLroiff-tlronl
or Bbooxiyx, to-Aru. IV*, fei.Sl
lb ? Military Hfcl
Three new ctaea-hut no (lMllu,tt«K* l l
at Gorcmor’u bland, ”™I
ed -that fi0,0d0 Verona ;.ai ticipated.
jiQhaudeetmua|c, tpge.tper withtorebarol
hauperc. Tho devices were counted,u4M|
to have dmouuted to tens of thouauli rJK
streeti through’ which the precwfa uJG
.-waa.lh.a hbzo of,,light for mites iauSB
The.procqwiRU d)sper«!fiii( midnight, riluiB
utmost quietness. K
Alabaxa Cotton Cuor.-Tlie cdltoruf&IJ
Moutaomery Mail writing, to his. urn u.l
date Eutau Sept, 4,says s In the .era
Butler, Wilcox,Perty, MnrenuotndCiB.1
tho oOttoh crop larattdtated by tho- phxa.,1
half a crop. In most caste the plar.t hi ml
edtogrow'and tovery-hiaily the rust Is
troylng it. It rained quite hard hero this ml
tag and the night previous a great deal ail
DesiocbAtic ' Mectino at Cuatavoma.
Chatdnoogn: Stpt; : 10.-A Democntlt u
meeting waa held in this place tn dn
OdO people were prerent. Bon. A.B.L
uud Hou, Howell Cqhh of Georgia, were,
the. speakers,
SacaxmV, -Jil AtJ
, ..UgUll, lfii
. - Cllyr 6l* vuhnah, due Dt Td_
l ruary, l867. (commoiily known
Be/nd*,}. issupd lur Central Railroad Stock, «£Vf
rc-leemed bn Application, in Slntk of (Lf Of- 1
Railroad and Banking Company, at ii- tearit
lie, the Bonds being received at par. I1o!J«mI
tlto kame preferring cash, ran hare-tlu-in rctoi j
tn money, .JAS. 8. WI-hINf, I
.aug 8 ritjlKjf.^
. t , V; i A , N v N v 'AlI GEOROU-
Eftfegiilar tours^'or lectures in tbeiVull
Etitution, will commence on the Finlila^H
ovaoibcr; uoxt. - .Tho Faculty it cocitt&'ifl
follows, vlx.
ill *N*qw
11;I j HYRD.'M.IV, Pro'. |-,lncip« ante,I
of Medicine* *. .# --j.;.-* I
HOLMFM STEEI.E, M. D., I'rof. Oh-irw ulbl
uses of Women and children. 1
WESlsEY 0. NORWOOD, M. I>„ M L® j
Mudlca, aud Metllcal Jurisprudence. t
LAWRENCE J. ItuUklir, M. Ik. Frof. Piifut?|
and Pathology.
JAMES MOREL, M. If., IVor. Atatrtttf.
■ J. Wro BENSON, M. !>., I'rof Prinrlp>* oil
Practice of Surgery., . , I
WILLIAM T. FRAY, M. 1*., Kmeritot. M»|
E. J. OLIVER(W, M. D„ Demonstrator K )k|
'Wes, 'for l6o ’ full course, SlOJ*
•5, Demonstrator $10, Graduatkiu6ii0.
For Ibrthpr Information, address
. H. L ByKD,M-l».i^|
nug28 '■■*•* Smwtw I
rpHE 4th aimhal tourso of Lwturei IniU-t
it -
tutJon< wtU eotnmeticc o» the ttml M ^-I
Nurombcr'itext, uud bo continued lur fourfri
R. D. ARNOIsI >, M1)., Prof. Tlieory
and I’fk'.l
tif-Mediciiiili ,,
P. M. iiOLUJUtv. M.R., I’roV- obA«ttlp«**
oasctfof Woiueuuud i hlltiren. . .,
, W. G. BUIJ.OCU. M. I), Prof. IVincp.^a-
Practk-o ol-Siirgeiy.
„,J. ,G. HOWARD: M, D„ Prof, or Anatcor- M
E.H. MARTIN, M. D., Prof. Iiutltutw cf *«l I
cine’.' ’ IJ
.. i.-tt litltp, U. I),, Prof. Mat. IW** «
II.: l-r»r. sitapl rt'ta
■ .>«*> jvwiffli:, 4I-. tu, lk-.n."isuaioru-m
. J,.G. IMWrtfil., 31. It,i't-as-Jdta
'llio Preliminary course ol lift jics wiil* , ‘* 18 ||
bnThk20th Octoler. |
u^aof 27;.,i‘ . jfUkwtbt-w |
fpit yptisCi r.A»n>-
® Ev.,'fi:,:k iiVxji.WToN, s.h- h“!
ThV'hS*("teetti»i runtnii-bres ™«
nesday iu September. - ' ...
j.BmuLAuyAXTAiibi.*-ll>V liimt^hiuiiiM
wlUiB>Wwichci>,riccurf.-i to*ad* DP 11
sharb^TawtHMIiib^'-**'* •• •
Tho situailuii Is remark -Diefor vB
beauty, of scouory, flu tliD clmrmiug; *«' 1 r ■
‘rolrtirt,’D^Hys- a j»areuti‘ ••the {*«£;*
sblooo and tbo frame a .vigor-"
^Wltlvmodojrapbmlocti, and eonrcntfucc-
• ‘The- leaohero'possess very m VJ‘
(*It net baYP.htoelft* ady«it«go.of
Hus loiig ooe/i rceuinnlenJud for * - •iteix^a
advanuges, |*r»y«lo»l, mental, *“ d p1 J. v .T
• ' • —• can t re-*ap‘ .
- v^ixih and i
| coa-<-' r “|
■ n,l fnvbafn by “ BOIXjER^ NORRISfiCOt 1 -'
l-“——— - - — > ....
; JgAGOING,ANDROPK.-H " -tj ir.,,-:[ mfj **.»
D i 100 b«lca Heavy GHW»y>Clbth Ji: ,,
.400 Coils and half Col^ RlcbMils
M /Pff.mmmM’, Iniywilwft «JJ|
. Access in, vjg hours Iroul •-**»; Z'je H
ii ktrWtTwilfltUidi hia;’ via Cliefter, <* »
qj-roia Eigldcedtlr uadJdarki t sm-eW. v
•dtl eipWseWli.eiudlug usv t«f*-cbdo«^J fe i
Ojj .Yorkj'Brcttk’S. ^ by , I
mm™* ? j
: m .iM-.vCbPireuA.lVbU^ 1
1 {WO Uoils Western niuidS^a^HW
ju.4 riTelvblfutnl iiirYiUi'liy ri “ ' I
r^ROTCEUS, NORRrt'feeoe x
- r-lvfWtO-r—>-H wtf- fti *;* i'r.t JrH—7*'rtV
• IJjUR.—ItKr sacks Middling Fin ,
i*h:» Extra Family Flour, in sucks and faw™ <-».
aataby; .l-roWfiMma/MrALMUJ »J
■l;.. auglu,, :iy,i;| ,|.,nil gfflf I ■■tj^(re.ll|-
rate by- -McllAHUM. k noYJ,*,.,., . ;j
•a«pM-ro llii,i -mi,-II i .ggiaufi 8W;B»y aliwf.,
IZM Chccio: 10
atramer aid for
- sepia . mi.i ...: aw. aim w.ury
WsrHSoavKiE-fR*. Bow Yorl./Whihj’ftlS
*1’ /tenteatloagthrhkliti; clJ r.o /. *>•
i.'.ihUiVrjf.'j li-j Hi
i Hooped SkirtogiMdJiW;
i pOAttwUC bhltStUari'i;
//.IJiul Jlimiu'JM
aitaU ? gCRINCON,*
rtiaft'chdloebll ^
":n ; V‘h«if Ahcsta-
SSS?.“oSSm“ 4
;uol M.hoxaa aaU«l'*.l*nli/
row **wra M..W- , T ,
‘ ■■OWhrauarai -
IN k 10.
. Ifds'niianit' ularkamtI
•I i