Savannah Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, September 15, 1856, Image 4

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-afcf;3m»u- fviti^ MtlAarr -r^-f, tomMI?Mm' HIT WWfcO>iifc^<WM<^r MW*ik&!aej?,tfMiihsS',: Mjj IHMMmN mdt$* MB Camdon ««,. — skTowltr In November non, between <bo 1 * r * 0f - ~ua,tioiiao aorvant.wnl hostler. JJlma Car pouter,, l« yearn or nit td yearn of ago. »,iw, Alio, two vacant J the houdoliojii an<i kitchen g of feather b-qls, matrasses,qullta rakots, bedsteads, carpets draw- i.oooclock,ouo sa(h, tablo-ofetiw, iL«»lhtt »*bW, ohal.ra, cooking j, class candle shades, table-oo vers aud win- Nelly, a negro woman 43 years or ago, will bo •old at private sale. AU the above named properly will b* *>M for the benefit of tho heirs and crcdl- ton of Mrs . PerclUa Thomas, lato'ot said County, Tbrma cash bofore deliver j. ~ > W. B. THOMAS, Exeoutor. Jfflhrsonton, Aug. 80, I860 aug 30—2m „ cofnt. whereas. ,Wm..Groover, Jr., ono or tho oxocutom, and Bnrah H. Groover, oxcoulrlx, on tho c<tato of John Groover, dccoasod. will apply at tho Court or Ordinary .tor’ Idlers WsmUnory, hud to havo tho cMato or tho said John Groover dismissed as executor or William Groover, 8r., dccoasod: Thoao are, Uierelbre, to olio and admonish all whom It may concoru to ho and nppoar before said Court, to mako objoctlon (ir any thoy havo) In lorms of tho law, othurwUo said totters will bo granted os no such firm ekuit, Fromtiili'dato justness W “ mr °ss Witness, William too, Esq,, Ordinal, county^of Bulloch, this lltli day orBojik. fiir tho 1th day offiept,, I860. WILLIAM LEE, o. w. a BOptl STATE OF 'OL B ULLOCH <*MINTY.~Tn all Whom ft may con- corut whereas, 8eaborn 1) Cowart will apply at the Court or Ordinary fbr totters. dhmlssory as administrator on tho rotate pf.Pntrlck 1) Kolohor, deceased t , Those are, inerefbro, to otto and admonish ull whom n mav. Monaru, to bo and appear beforo said Court to inako i.h)ncUon (irony thoy havo) on or bo roro tho Urst Monday In February hoxt, othor wise ■aid letters will ho fronted. Witness. William Loo, Esq., Ordinary for Mulloch Countv. this 6th day of August, I860. aug4 WILLIAM MSB, o. n. e. , NOTICE. .. or date, application will ho made I. to tho Uonorahlo Ordinary or Tatuall County, .hr louvo to'soli a portion of tho lands huh ngttig tu thecstnto or Josso Copeland, docuusod? It being one ti net of land Which has been ttMarvuri from Ihrmcr satoB—whero tho said deceased resided at Iho timo or Ills death. . JAMEd COPELAND. Adm’r. sept 13 sept U1866,. SJWiotsr;'- mwo mouths after dato* application will uo made J. to tho Court or Ordinary or Tattnall Couuty, for louvo to sell tho Heal Estuto ul Jainos L. Grr ham, luto of said County, doooasud. aug 4,1850. JAB, STRIPPING, aug 25—2m [ Amntstrntor. GUARDIAN'S SALE, h be sold befbro tbo Court House door in rsontoa, Camden County, Georgia, on Wday in November cost, between tho i of sale,- Rose, houso servant, cook, washor. and lroncr, tl ywn of an; Irene, her daughter, 14 years of am; Mints her son, 11 yeorsofage: Joe, her bod, .utouiragu, www, uwi owu, to the estate or tousla icflt of tho heirs and JTmonlhj hid. Tbmpkiut. Sola for tin cradltom of raid estate. Tereu cash, or IU equivalent. W. a THOMAS, Ouardlan. JABbraonton, Aug. 30,1866 aug 30~2m MTATE OF GEORGIA, B IJl.LOCH county.—To all whom It may coil corn i Wtioroaa, General E Mlkell, will apply at the court or Ordinary tor tettors or administration with tuo will annexed, on tho eHlnto of Martha Groover, lata of said couuty, doccosod : These aro, tlioreforo, to eilo and admonish all whom it mav eoueeru, to ho and appear before said Court to mako objection (If any they havo) on or bclbro tno first Holiday In Soptombor uext, other- wlso saiu loiters will be grunted. Witness. William toe, Esq., Ordiuary fbr Bulloch oounty, inis 21st dav or July, I860. •“ wn.r ,</. i CITY SHERIFF’S SALE. W ILL bo sold befbro tho rfeurt Houso door in the city or 8*van nth, betweeu tbo legal hours of sale, on the dm Tuesday in October next—A ne gro man slave named Fault levied on undor and by vifUM) 9f au attachment Issued out or the Uonorahlo the City.Court of Savannah In favoj of Robert D. Furgerson vs. William Darby; and sold by nerinlB- Blonof the Judgoofsald Court. Terms cash, pur chaser paying fbr titles. EDW. M. PRKNDERQA8T, Sheriff. CHATHAM SHERIFF'S SALE. TLL be sold before tho door of tho Coiiri . House, Ip the city of 8avanpah, County of un.ori 1st Tuesday In October next, between d hour* of sale, two Clocks, two Lounges, ‘ar Bedstead,one8pring Bedstead,.one Hale if levied on as the property of. John Sparger- fovoir of John Devanney. bold under foreclo- t mortgage FI. Fa’s issued out of the Honor- Of Chatham Couuty, July Term, BULLOCH CO. SHERIFF’S SALE. W lLLbemMd on the First Tuesday In October next,- before the court House door lu States boro. within the usual hours of sole the'following property, to w.t: uno tract of Laud coutaiulug two hundrea acres more or less,levied ou us the proper ty Of T H Higdon, to satisfy a ti. fa. in favor of Wm. Property pointed out by Wm. Simmous, levy made by a Constable, and returned tu me this, the 27thday6f August, I860. sept 4 ^ JOHN 8. DENMARK, 8. B. C. EXECUTOR’S SALE-CONTINUED. OTA re OF GEORGIA, WAYNE COUNTY;—By - O', virtue of an order granted by tho Ordiuary uf Wayne County, on the 7th July. I860, will be bold bbfore the Court Houso door Iu WuyuosviUe, In xuid county, on the first Tuesday in October next, be tweentbo 'lawful hours ol safe, tho following prop erty, to wit: ullen, a negro woman, 80yoars of ago, and her seven childreu, Francis lu years or ago, Luoy 9,'Mary 8, "Robert 6, ticorgo 6, Char lotto 3, aqd Elsy 2 years old- Sold for, tho beuetit of the heirs and creditors or tho estate of i ewls W. Bryan deceased. Terms cosh. W. A. SALLENS, Executor. July80th, 1866 .aopt6 »y GEORGIA, BULLOCH COUNTY. A ; AMINI8TRATORS 1 SALE.—Agreeable to an or- A der granted by tho Court of Urdinary of said county. Will basolu. before tho court house door iu said county, on tho first Tuosday iu November next, between the lawful hours of sale: Nino huu- dredand 1L y (960) acres of land, moro or less, iu 'eys, lying In sold county on tho Mill- dred and fifty several surveys, „ edfevlUe Road—ono tract being the lato residence of Thomas Knight, deceased; and tho other tract (mown as the Mills’ place, wnore Joseph Knight, Jr., now lives—said Land is bounded by A J. Will •ta; OgeChee River, A. Richardson, and others. Each ofaald tracts Is well improved. Belonging to the eitiata of Thomas Knight, deceased. Sold for 4he benefit of the heirs or Bald deceased. Terms on thedayoTsale. ‘JOSEPH KNIGHT, Jr.,1 Adm , M THOMAS E. KNIGHT, ; AamM * September 10th, 1856.- septl3 GEORGIA, BULLOCH COCNTY. A DMINlSTRAroR’d SALE — Agreeablo to an or- der granted by the Court or Ordinary of Bul loch county, wl 1 bo sold boforo the court houso door, in Statesboro’, In said county, on tho first Tuesday In November uext, between the lawful hours of sale: Tbirty-threo bundrod, sixteen and a half (331814) acres of Land, moro or Iobs. all ad joining in different surveys, and lying on tue Mill- •dgeviUo Road and Spring Ctock, in said comity- it being the lato residonco of Thoma3 ftlilU, do- ceased. It Is well imoroved, witti a good and well flashed dwolling boose and all necessary out build ings, with a good well and some two hundred acres of good hammock and bay laud, lately put under cultivation. Also, all tho timber, which will squaro twelve inches, of a tract of Land, sold by said de ceased to Arthur Kerby and tho timbor reserved in his life time. All belonging tu tho estate of Thomas Mills, deceased. Sold for the boueflt of tbo heirs or •aid deceased. Terms made known on day or sale. ' HARDY B. IIUDGES, Adm’r. Sept. 10th, 1866 septia STATE OF GEORGIA, BULLOCH COi A DMINISTRATORS* SALE.—Agreeably to an or der granted by tho Court of Ordinary of said county, will be sold betoro tho Court Houso door inStaiwboro, Jnsald county, on tho first Tuesday In November next, 1 between tho lawful hours or sale, (426) four hundred and tweniy-fivo ncrca or land,‘ more or less, lying iu said county, bounded cast by estate of David Loo,south by Josiah Zitrour, weat by C Groover, north bylNecdmu Leo—belong Ing totheestatoor Michael Donaldson, decea-ed ; sold for the benefit of the bolrs and creditors of said deceased. Terms mado knowu on tho day or sale. This 10th day orSe^Bmber^ A D I860, * septl3. JOHN E. GIR3UN, Amlnistrator. GEORGIA, EFFINGHAM COUNTY. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—By virtue of an or JJL der from the honorablo Inferior Court or said county, wnen sitting for ordinary purposes on tho first Monday in Soptombor, instant, -will bo sold, at the court house door of said county, between tho lawtal hours of solo on tho first Tuesday ia Novem ber next : lbirtoen hundred and eighty-olght acres of Land. Sold as tho property of Beal Edwards, deceased, for the benefit or tho heirs and creditors Of said deceased. Terms mado known on tho day Of sale. 0 D. EDWARD3, Adm’r. September 18th, 1856»—soptlT STATE OF GEORGIA, ATHAM COUNTY—To all whom it may ncern: Whereas .John Mallory, will apply to the - t«f Ordinary for Letters Diamisory os adminis tration on the Rauto of William Wright these aro, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may 'Obnbvrau. to be and appear before said Court, to mako objection (ITany tney have) on or boforo tho first Monday In November next, othwigo said Let- ters will be granted. Witness. Jonn Bilbo, Esq., Ordiuary for Cbatham County, this eight day of April 1850. -DUN BILBO, o. c. o. STATE OF GEORGIA, B UIIjOCH COUNTY.—To all whom it may con- oVrn: Whereas, the oatate or William Davis is unrepresented, if no person applies for the admin istration. I shall appoint Josi&h Lavis, or sumo oth or fit and propor. person as administrator on said estate:. They*,are,,therefore, to oite and admonish all i- * ‘3 be and appear beforo said ny they havol ou or - rT ^._ T — tobernext, other wiso aMd letters Will be granted. .Witness. WlUlamLoe, Esq., Ordinary for Bulloch eOWV.Jbe 0th day of August, i860. . W ' ' . WILLIAM LEE, 0. P. C. K . STATE OF GEORGIA. ATHAM COUNTY^—To all whom St may 1 JS^. erciia » •*°k n l 1 * Hlhoa will-apply (Court of Ordinary for letters dlsmlasory toad- mmiatrator on tbd hstate of Jamas C. Hines : lhaaa -'are, therefore, to cite and admonish all nit- may concern, to be and appear before said t to make objection (IT any they have) on or bo- (J »fa.*fl«t_Mooday In Dccembor next, otherwise •aid lattara will be grantod. Wituai, John Bilbo, ilka. Ordinary for Chatham mnty, this fourth day of June. I860. *— - JOHN BILBO, m o. , June 6 GEORGIA, LIBERTY COUNTY mft an whom 1 it may concern: Whereas, Mrs _ I ran J Jones, Administrates ujsin tho ,.r James H Jones, late of liberty eeunty , dmuiH-ijil, will appif te the Court of Ordinary or sunl imunty forI«wars dismissory: . ' ■ . • IbeMkN therefore to cite and admonish all w limn It may baneent, to be and appear beforb jsaid court. to make objections, If any they have; m terms " therwlse said letters will be granted. Witness. oowtijj^nkl W. P. GIRADRAU, o. u v.j i’ATE OF C ''PULLOCH COUNTY.—To all whom iVmsy con- cam: wbSreu. Griffin W Parrish wlUapply at the Court ot Ordinary for letters o(guardianship of MarUu^arrlsb, a minor heir or Josiah A-Porrli -otlierwwoj j MaV ra(jiUM0r CUIttHNO,- J; I f C. 0. C, *afu Jyw [1.1 JAM f.EE, o. a. 0. STATE OF GEORGIA, TATTNALL CO. I 'O all whom it may concern Whereas, Benja min Alexander will apply at tho Court or Or dinary for Lotturs or Dismission as Administrator on tho ostato of Ansou Williams,late of enld County, de ceased. Those are,tiiureloro t toulto and admonish ull whom it may.cuncuru, to bo and nppoar before said Court to muko objection (ifany they havejon or bo foro tho Urst Monday in March next, olhorwiso said letters will ho granted to the said applicant. . Witness, H STmcmxn, Esq., Ordinaly for Tutt- nail County, this tho titb day or August, i860, aug 25—Om H. STRlCKLANDf-Ordlnary. STATE OF GEORGIA TATTNALL CO. T > all whom it may ooucoru :—Whereas Jaraei Standfiold will apply nt tho Court or Ordinary for Letters of Administration on tho estuto or John Spears, late of said County, dccoasod. These are, tberoforo, to cito and admonish all whom it may concern, to bo and appear beforo said Court to inako objoctlon (irbuy they havo) ouor boforo tho first Monday In November -next, othcrwlso said lultcrs will be grantod. Witness, H. Strickuxd, Esq., Ordinary fur Tatt nall County, this tho Oth day of August, I860, aug 26—2ai H. STRICKLAND, Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM CO T i all whom it may concern: Whereas Mary Aun Dent will apply at tho OQurt of Ordinary for loi ters Dismissory on tho estatn of James l\ Dent,— Theso are thoreforo to cito and admonish ull whom it mav concoru, to bo aUd appear boforo said Court, to nmico 'objections (If any thoy havo) on or bofore the First Monday in December next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness John Bilbo, Esq., Ordinary for Cbatham Ooumv, this third day of Juno, 1850. •>2 ^ _ ■ ' rfOIIN BILBO, O.C.O. ‘ STATE OF GEORGIA, C HATHAM COUNTY.—To all whom It may con cern : Whereas, William A Boggs will apply at tho Court or Ordinary for letters dismlsory as guardian of Goorgu M Walluco: Thoso are, therefore, to cite und admonish all whom it may concern, to bo aud appear beforo said Court to mako ohJeution (if any they have) on or beforo the first Monday iu March noxt, olhor wiso Bald letters will bo grantod. Witness, John Bilbo, Esq., Ordinary for Cbatliam county, this lltli day of August, 1850. augll JOHN BIt.RO, o. c. o. STATE OF GEORGIA, BULLOCH CO. ri'Oallwhomlt may concoru—Whereas Sarah 1 Bronncu will apply at tho Court of Ordinary for Letters of Administration on tho Extato ot John Brcuneu deceased, thoso are thcro to cite and ad monish all whom it may concoru, to bo and appear boforo the Court, to muko objections (if any they hove,) ou qr before tho first Monday in November noxt, otherwise said letters will be grunted. Witness, William Leo, Esq., Ordidary forBullocI County, this 4th or September I860. WILLIAM LEE, 0. B. C. sept 8 STATE OF GEORGIA. L IBERTY COUNTY.—Ti> nil whom it man con cern : Whoreas, Caroline E AUcu will apply ut tho Court of Ordinary for letters of Administration on the ostato or Benjamin W. Allen, deceased: Thoso aro thoreforo to cite and admouisli ull con cernod, to be and appear before sold Court to make objections, (if any they have,) on or before the first Monday in Octobor next, otherwise said lettors will bo granted. Witness, W I* Girardeau, Esq., Oordinary for Lib erty couhty, this 14th duy of August. 1850. auglO W. i\ GIRARDEAU, o. l..o a EORGIA, LIBERTY COUNTY Two months after date application will be made to tbo Court of Ordiuary of Liberty County for louvo to sell a negro man by tho name or July, aged 4b years belonging to the estuto of Gideon HcUowtn, lato ofsaid couuty, deceased. NANCY A. McGOWEN, Adra’x. September 4, I860.sopt6 DIVORCE* Elizabeth Cowley ) In C'otfeo Superior Court, . , vs. v- May torra, I860: John Cowley, l It appearing to tho Court from tbo return of tho Sheriff, that tbodolcudunt John Cowly, is not to bo bo found in Coffeo County, aud it further uppears that ho 13 not iu this State. Ou motion ol Wm. R. Gauldlug. Attorney for llbolant, it is urdorod tlmt service bo perfected on «aid dofoadnut by a publi cation or this orrdcr In ono or tbo public Journals iu Savannah, onco a month for three mounts preced ing tho noxt tom of this Court, requiring said do- fondant to appear at tho noxt term of Ooifoo Su perior Court u November noxt, and file his defensive alegutlou to said Court. A true extract of tbo minutes of Coffee Suuorlor Coun aun 2~i3m ARCH’D McLEAN, Deputy Clerk. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. E Wilkinson, | u borty g U p 0rlo|1 Thos. Wilkinson./ ^&y Term, I860. I T apporing to tho Court, by tho return or tho sheriff, in tho abovo staled caso, that tbo defend ant is not to bo found In tho county, and that bo not to bo found in tho state; on motion of Wm Gaulden, counsel for libellant, it Is ordered that sc. vice bo porfoctod cm said defendant, by a publica tion of this uotlco onco a month* for throe months, uext preceding tbo uoxt term of said Superior Court requiring said defendant to bo ami appear at tho uoxt form or Uborty Superior Court to answer iu tho said caiiBO 1 A truo extract rrom'the minutes of said Superior Court. Jy2 O. A. FRASER, Clerk. UIVOHCE. ANN BROWN 11„ Bulloch SuiMolor&iotl, WI1.IJAM ll'. BROWN.) March Term, 1808. I T appearing to tho Court, by tho return of tlio Sheriff, that tho defendant, William B..Brown, Is uot to be found iu tho county of Bulloch; on mo tion of Lovi S. D’Lyon, Attornoy for tho plaintiff, U ordered that tho uefeudant do appear aud tlio h answer or dofeuslvo allegation, on or boi'oio tho first day of tho noxt torra of this Court, and that publication of this will bo mado iu ono of tho pub- lie gazettes of tho city of Savannah onco a mouth for three months. A truo extract from the minutes, this 22d day of i March, 1850. * Jy27—lamfon DAVID BEASLEY, n p n n n. 0; BRYAN. fid wrjjjl, HAUL’S. PAfbjNX . . NOTICE. . ~ E month after dato, application will bo made \J to tho Bauk of the Slato or Georgia; for ‘ iwymcnt or a twenty dollar .unto of tlio Uraiic said Dank at-Washington, the loll hand half of which lias been lost. auglO—luw4 JOHN B. WICK. iVO months aftor dato, applluatlou will bo mad to tho Hou Court or ordinary of Biillooh conn ty. for leave to soli all tbo lutiUs bolongiug to tlio estate of Morr(3 Ilurreu, doccosod. JOHANNAH DAItRRN, Adm’lx. aug3 TIMOTHY KENNKLLY, Mm’r. GEORGIA, LIBERTY COUNTY. T WO months aftor, date, * applicaliou will bo made to tho lion Court of.Culinary for Ubor ty county,;for louvo to soil all tho lands belonging to the estate of John F Deadly, of suid county, de ceased, for tlio houofit of his holrs and creditors. JOHN S. BRADLEY, I augO K. Q. ANDREWS, J or8 ‘ NOTICE. f pWOmonths alter dato, application will bo mafio A to tho Honorablo, tho Court of Ordiuary or Bulloch County, for leave to sell all Iho Imnds amt Negroes belonging to tlio ostato or James Hagen, Into of said County, deccasod. KKZIAH HAGEN, AdniinUtmlrlx. Bulloch County, Aug 20, 18^0. itugfiO ■PROOF LOCK.' . Having received tho Prise Medal at tho World's Fair, are now offered to tho publlo as the Priso Safe of the Wbrld. ' Tested and approved as they haVo boon overv- wah roserved td be jrioh ortho worWWalr,. . Tlio pfoprlotor placed Ono Thousohil Dollars In Gold In Uie'oiio oxhlbltod at tho World’s Fair, Lon- don,.and luvltod all tho Pick-Locks In iho world tii open tho Safe, with or without tho keys, and toko the monoy^tw- a reward for tholr ingenuity; although operated upon'oy ‘several akillod hi Uiuart, no one oouldl’IckthoI/ickorojfeUthoSafo. By uu Improvement upon the original Salamander, introduced by tho prosentownor of tho patont-riglit, tlio interior is rendered wholly Impervious to damp, und books, papers and jowolry might bo preserved » ono othts solos for n contury without contracting ablomlslifrotnmouldor mllldow. To guard against counterfeits every Bare from tho manufactory or, tho Bubacribor, and sold by him or his agents, lias S brass plato In Trout, bearing his uamo; each Ib also fornlsbed with ono of his im proved Thief Dotocting lack*, which is n good guar- ' ■ Nob. laC, 137 00(11811 Wntor-Et., N. Y. AgcnW In EavinnUi, Mosatl. DEIJ. * PRENTISS, Who keep constantly ou-linnd-»-Rlll mnl coraploto nuortment, which tlioy will cell at MinuDictiiren’ plrtcofl. wpgg NOTICE. T HREE months afterdate, application will bo mado to tbo Planters’ Bunk of tho Stato of Georgia, tor tlio payment of a twenty dalinr uoto or said Dank, payablo to Win Morel or bearer, da- toil 1st Juuo, lb&l, No fi87; also, for the payment of a ten dollar nutu, No 822, flntod 1st. my, 1834, tho left hand halves ot' said notes having been lost. Also. t« tuo Bunk of tlio rhute of Georgia, for the payment of a ten doltar non. letter A, dulod 4 th Janury, 1850, tho left bund naif having been lost. Also, to tho .Marino Bank of Georgia', tor tho pay ment of a tun dollar uoto, No 4,076, dated Ndvem her 1,1843, tho left band half having boon lost. auglO—law8m- BOSTON k VILLA LONG A. NOTICE.' 4 LL persons having;olaims ugaiust tlio estate ot J\. Goorgo M. Troup, deceased, will hand them lu, duly attested, and .tliojo ludcblod will please mako payment to either of tho undersigned. THOMAS M. FORMAN, > Jo 16,, B, TROUP, J NOTICE. S IXTV uavs after date, application will bo made to tnu Honorable tho Ordinary ol McIntosh county, tor leave to noil Tbo. real estate, bgingin this countv, of tho idto Juines Suiith, kuowu as Sidon (rice) Plan tat ion - sold for tho bouctlt of tho heirs of said estate. DEAN M.. DUNWOODY,) JOHN JONES, , VEx’ors. JOHN F. DUNWOODY, j Darien, July 1,1860. ,|y NOTICE. “ A LL persons lmviug claims against tho estate o Evan Jbucs, lato of Cburllou county, Ga., do- cca:cd, uro requested to proscut them, iu terms jf law, aud tho3o.iudobtcd will please inako payment to tho subscriber. STEPHEN ilcCALL, Executor. Controvlilago, Ga.; June 14th, 1860 JeffJ F or sale on. the wharf— 100 bbls choice New Orleans Molasses 210 whole aud half coils Kentucky Rope 22 casks Clear aud 10 do Ribbed Bacon Hides, received per brig Zoroaster: auglO LOCKETT k KNELLIN'! BROUGHT TO JAIL. Brought to Jail la Swulitsboro, Emauuol Co , ou tho 4th instant, a negro man; ho says hU uamo is Harry; thut ho belongs to tbo ostato lutlliomos Clay, of dryuti County, Ga. Ho ts of tight complexion, with a slight scar over tho left oyo;about5 Icul3<^ Indies iu height, aud about 20 years old. Tho owuer is requested to come forward, pa< charges and take hira.awuy. its ho will bo dealt will as tbo law direct*. HENRY OVERSTREET, J°9 Jalor. REMOVAL. The subscriber has Removed on the . Bay, next door to tho RcpiibUcan.Ujf. olllce, where be is uow ojiouing i » haudsorao assortment of S P It IN G’_ _ AND HUMMER GOODS, which ho will sell by tho pattern or mako to ordor in tho most fashionable style. Also, Ready Mado Clothing for tho present aud coming season. Tbankfol for past favors, ho hopes to merit a con- tinunneo of the sumo. N. B.—Cutting, Altering and Repairing dono at tho shortest notice. Just received White Drill Coats and Pants, While und Figured Marseilles Vosts, for safe at a small pro- aprt2 JOHN W, KELLY. ENTI^L RAILROAD. O N anti after Sunday, the UfbOctober, Inst. and until further uotlco, tho i'assengfir Trains <ju the Central Railroad will rim os follows : BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND MACON. Leaves Savannah Daily at...6 a m anil 12.15 r Arrive iu Macon “ “..2.16 pm “ 1 am Leave Macon “ “.11.46 a si “ ».80 p w! Arrive iu Savan’h “ “10.46 pm “ 7.20 am lIKrWKKX SAVANNAH AND Al’GCBTA. IfeaveSavunmih ..12.16 p m and 8.80 r. Arrivo iu Augusta 8.46 p m “ a m, Leave Augusta 0. a m « 4.80 p m Arrivo in Savannah 1.30 p h “ 10.45 p BKTVTKXN MACON AND AUUTOTA. Leave Macon 11.45 a m aud 9.80 p m Arrivo in Augusta 8.46 p m “ 6.30 a m. Leave Augusta.... 0. am “ 4.30 p m, Arrivo in Macon 2.15 p m “ 1. am. HKTWEKN SAVANNAH, M1UUXIKV1LLK k SATONTON. Leave Savannah a Arrive in Milledgovillo 2.46 p m. Leave Macon .........*..11 45 a .Irrivo iu Eatonton j, P M W. M. WADLEY Ueu’l Supt. oct16. Savannah, Ga., Oct. 12. 1855. ,,f,. Kmm c. 1-iDiHLB’a , - - invntiuMa.ulaiir, nnuimunu, w. Aultairtml AMnUbr Ui» 8»»«iiu«li Journal. . Mi of AOVKhmsIitT 5 Yof ona square, or800 utns or «n , largerIbta Nnuiwtall,7*SSr’SVj? 1 *b Mutator Mcb autnequeut Uuartlou fur.. .'.I®- 11 NRATLY. AT Tllli journal, bqOk & joji oppioe. Moiwhanta can bo Bujptlod’in Hhfirt doUm will. mu-iicMb, mu. or i.aain K , Dray Book., Circular., Cunlu and nim.k Book.. ■ t’artlcutar .tteutloo Hvoaio UUOK ANU PAH- PlOUr 1-RINTlKQ, ri null ini Catalogue tor UtillcgcH, -ProcMdlugs or Moottogs. Rciwrta, By-Iown, ru. Tbanktoi tor tlio very liberal nutrinmgu liurotelbro itRilly solicit A co.itiuiir.iic.]- ol Mutator CMbuutaequeutlMortiouru”,''., Uuui cue muUUi. “» tom lu, AU Ibbotar work, wUb or wllbuut Rui,,.... SSSTStSKB.'S:- "*S!St! £!!K5S:5X-£S!; a For «Idugct tlniqul IW.'Bfeta^, ' ’ rcoolyud, wo roSpoqtl the sunfe, feeling that who may fever us r“ qxocu^onof work. UelitilMiliI’a lllgbiy Csnu^ ,' l Gqui- pound Fluid 'Extras. IS A CFJITAIN, PAVE, AND EFFECTUAIg REMEDY T710U Diseases of tno Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, JT Dropsy, Weakness, Secret Diseases, ob.druo- itT-hsi Fctnaic Com plain ts, and all dlsotu-cM.oi the 1' < *'‘“*"" 8 “1" ! ' MALb'oRFEMAIX bfo. QfgquiircnHnio|ifinu.r|3iiHwiTimujc^7,J-' from Whatevertxiuse they may have originated,aud yiSquaro,.,:. IIOf .Mo »2o 1*1 KO MATTER OF HOW LONU STARWKffl H SquM-ci,. , 10 vs *2 « ll. Tills popular aud specific remedy I* now offered 3 do 0,4 u to the allllcted, und guaranteed to euro all tho above complaints. It searches out the vory root of the disnaso, driving out all tho discasod fluids of tlie body, thus removing the cause and rendering the euro CERTAIN AND PERMANENT. Imt wu cli.ll ha nlilo to Iiliuc III) ■ Tlilc mc-JIcImi Alluya lialu aud iuUumniaUcu, width with 1 cull, bull! UH 10Iirlcnc u„i l ulhcr ruiut-dicaluvurlchly muco,and cau botakcD kOCAL EVIDENCE OF THE VALOE AND flSE- PBOOF QUAIJT1KS or WILDER’S SALcYMANDER SAFES, As Mdnvfacbxrpl by Stearin d Marvin. Neia York. ' In the Urc of the 3d Inst., which cousum- od tho brick building occupied by Mr. Jno. T. Thomas, opiwslto tho Gas Works, in thin city, was a safe ol _____tho abovo descriptions containing tho bookB. papers, and money of Mr. ThomaS, and although the Uimdlng was dotroyed, Urn sold Safe sustained no injury wliatevur from tbo Intense heat to which It had becu exjiosed. On open ing the.Safe, tho contents wcrefbuml umlisturhed. and ip - 'tho same order and coudiUon as when placed th'pre, cxcopt a slight discoloration to tho projecting ends ofa f6W papers, and the backs of one or two of the books, caused by tbo steam generated . In the wbife at its greatest boat. bOrSafo.atiC 1 J 5(111 lin'cAAii hrated Safes always on band,and for solo by .. C. H. CAIH’FIELD, PIANO FOUTES. HAVING lately rccolvcd large ad ditions to our PIANO FORTES, wo aroonablod to oiler at Ibis tlmotbe _ . . 'greatest variety from tho boatman u- “fowrers, from the plainest squaro to tho must oloh orately carved, and from six to sovou octavos. Our Pianos are selected from the manufacturers whom wo have foil confidence in, und wo aro liar- IkralAl- y requrated by thorn to give Agitaranty with every in.trum.ut .old by us u roeArds durability, tono, so. Persons in want of a first rath instrument may re- IT with safety upon gottlng.suoh a ono by selecting from tho following makers, whose instruments wo endeavor to keop constantly on hand, vis : H. Wor cester, J. Cbiokering k Son. Nunns k Clarko, Bacou ft Ravons, H. Waters, aud Haines, Brothers k Cum- tttng- v I. W. MORRELL ft 00. apg27 with Iwk troublo and oxpoiiso to' patients. This in id tii ‘ fallible remedy lius save* ids of I HAVE been asked to allow the Bath Rooms to remain open to.a iator hour than nlno o'clock ; l tberoforo give uolioo that from this date tho Bath House will bo upon until cloven o’clock at night. Price 25 conts Six tickets for $1. J ° M _i- “• HAYWOOD. Agent. FINE FASlilOMBLE IK AT REDUCED RATES. 7 rates on time, and ten por cent, off tor cash Coil aud avail yourseff of tbo chance tii obtain good artl- oles. At the Star Clothing Emporium. l„«.-i, WILLIAM 0 PRICE, J un# i7 U7RaysireHt July 20,1855. Agent for the Manufacturers, 171 Bay-st., Savannah; Ga. Itako pleasure In corroborating tho foregoing state ment, and iu addition would adUj that tho books aro now in'use. • *.< THOMAS. Wood Yard, Forry Wharf. ' octO—tf July 26th, 1866. D KB3& GOODS.—A large and lino assortment of ooiorod Dress Silks, Bareges, Tissues, French 1 ambries, trench Musliua, Brilliants und Prints, os well as a large wsortmeutor White Goads, Striped l laid and Plain Swiss, Organdies, Tarleton, Book, Nansook, Cambrlo and Jaconet Muslin, for sale bv J« ne2 0 AIK IN & BURNS. DYING AND RENOVATING EST 4B L I S H M ENT, 73 YORK 8TRBET, NKAll TUKOCOURT HOUHK, SAVANNAH, GA., Established In 183». rniiE Subscriber grateful to his friends anti I 'patrons for their continual favors, would state that hi addition to tlio improvements in DYING, ao qulrod by him during his last visit to England and tfeotland, has made arrangements for extoudliig his business, by which ho is now enabled to dya a greater variety or colors on silk und woolen dresses, shawls, fcc., which he trusts will generally pleaso all who may favor him with their patruimgo. Gentlemen's garments Uyodj cleaned or renovated os may bo required, in tlio same superior style which has gonoraliy so much pleased his patrons and Table Covers, und ladies’, Crapo Shawls, &c., cleaned uad finished iu tho first stylo. Ladies’ Bounds dyed, bleached aud grossed ia the most fashionable.styles. Orders from tho country promptly attended to. Terms moderate. When purcels are sent by steamboats or railroad, word should be sent him by letter through tho post office, so tlmt ho may know whore to call for them. men 10 ALEXANDER GALLOWAY. HEI^ZELMANN^ ESSENCE OP JAMAICA GINGER. T HE distinguished favor with which this cssenca hn3 been received throughout ail sections or the Union as a remedy at onco safe, agreeable and effectual for Incipient Diarrhrca, Cholera Morbus, Weak and relaxed Bowels. Prostration by heat or fatigue, Dyspepsia,' Flatulence, Colic, Crump, Lan guor or Dobillty from sedentary habits, &c., has in duced tho proprietor to give it every publicity In his power. Upon its merrits comment is unnecessary, as its own intrinsic worth is its best eulogy. It car ries with It the ovldenco of its superior excellence, freely attested to by tlie young, tlio old, and scores or families who, prompted by a carefol regard for tiioir Health und comfort, aro dally adopting it as an iNUiHPKMUUUi family iiKMUDY. There Is perhaps 110 medicinal Preparation extant so simple and harm less, yet salutary und cllbotivc, whose worth will be more appreciated or universally adopted than tho Liquid Ginger prepared by ileintzolnmu. For sale by J. E. DkFORD, Druggist, Jol0 3ia Savimuah, Ga. DURE WATER—I f you want the finest drink- l 2£* n ge woi-ldcall andpurcliasoone of .. Kwwl®’* Patent Water Filters, the article mentioned in Water Commissioners’ last W r ^ arraul , t0 P« rlf F tlfeSavanuah SKT’iWfrrfiot 1 ”" !r J an24 only AgontSjlor their sale in Savannah. 4 do 24 82 6 do .... 27 30 0 do .... 30 .40 7 do .... 82 43 • do .... 34 4« 0 do .... 30 4b 10 do .... 88 6U LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. Elizabeth cauly | ^ Suporlop ^ John Lauly. ) May Term, I860. X T «|'pouring ti» th..- Court, from the return or tho 'idierUl, thut tho dofomiout. John Cauly 13 not to be found in Coffee county, and be is not in the state- on motiou of Wm B Gaulding, attornoy forlibollaut! ll is ordered that survtco bo perfected on said de fendant ny a publication of this ordor iu ono of the puhllo Journals of Savanuah, ouco a month for [three months preceding tho uoxt torra or this Court, ■requiring said defcuuant to uppear atthu next term of Culfeo Suporlor Court, in tho month of Novem ber uoxt, and file his dofcuBlvo allegation to the cause. C^Uruo oxtract Trom tho minutes of tho Superior Jy^ EW’D ABHLEY, Clork. GEORGIA, BULLOCH COUNTY. S WT Y dovs aftor date, application 1 will bo mado to tho Honorablo Court of Orluary of Bulloch county.for Inavo ui soil all tho lands belonging to tho ostato or Thomas Crosby, late of naid couuty deceased, tor tbo bonofit or the heirs and creditors of said ostiito Jyl'* WIIJJAM F. CROSBY, Adm’r. ta, H 1 oforo sold STATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM CO, f HUE undersigned havo formed a Co-partnership X trader tho Act of tho General Assembly of tho •Statu uf Georgia, entitled “An Act to uutbortzo ’Limited I'urtucrshlpV’ assented to tho twcnty-se> 0114 day or December, in tifo year 1837; to be con ducted under tbo uamo ofCarlEpping, for the pur- uf transacting t% Commission and GoneralMor- (u-mUfobusInes* In tiiocity of Bavannab and Elate or j"uoi'glnv- ! -'nri tpiilnu.or esvitnnali. will lit tlio Koncral -jurliipf, u nd Oeorgu w (lakmany.'or Savanouti, ■wliii Iiiih oonirlbutail Fifty lliousmid Holiura, lu i»-lii lu [bo common mook, will bo stioolol nnrtnor. -III.- -iioincso locommonco Ibo Oral duy nr August, ii tlio ycur olgbtoou hundred nnd fifty-slx, und (o .onulnuto oo Uiollrsidiiy or August olghtoon llfty. ! w'wNMM wboroor, tbo sold Ctrl Emilng uud Mudrgo IV. Uarmuuy buvo boronnto Bignod tbo toroeujilgngrocmoqt, Ibis tblrly.grst doy or July, OARtEPPINO. «. Wl OAHHANYi CHANDBOF SCHEDULE ON THE SOUTH WESTERN RAILROAD Over wlucli iiunsos Ute Grout New York & Now Orleans Mails. O N aud alter Sunday, February 3d, I860, two dally traliw between Macon uud Columbus and 0110 between Macon and Americu3, Lcuvo Macon ut 2 a a, and 81* m; arrivo ut Colum bus at 7 15 a m, und 10301» u; leavo Columbus a 1 4 J6 a m, and 130i* si;arrivo ut Macon at 10 64 a si and 7 40 f m; leave Mucon ut 2 a m; arrive at Aracri ouh at 0 40 a m; loavo Amoricus at 2 20 p si; arrive ui Macon at 7 40 p 11; making acompletocotineotion ife- tween Montgomery, Alabama, and Augusta, Kings- vine, Wilmington and Churiestomalso, with Contral Railroad Trains to Savannah, Millodgeyilleand Eaton ton, and with Mucon and Western trains to Atlanta Chattanooga, Nasbvlllo and Kuoxvillo, Tenn. At Columbus with Girard and ifobilo Railroad Lulaulu, .Via., connocting daily at Amoricus with four horso Post Coaches to Tuliuhaasoo, Albany, rhonmsvilio, Bainbrldge, &c., with tri-weeWlucks to Lumpkin, Cutbbert, kc., at Fort Valloy with hacks to I’erry, Haynosvlilo, Hawkinsvlllo aud Kuoxvillo, Ga. Pussougera for Araorious and points boiow Fort Valloy, should take tbo 1215 p st train from Bavan- oah; aud lira 6 pm train from Augusta, to uvoid de tention at iiacou. For other points ou tbo South- Western or Museogeo Roads take either train from Ravummh or Augusta. Passengers leaving Amori- ouh at 2 LO p si will reach Columbus at 10 30 p 11 tho sumo night. l'ussoagers from Columbus and the West for Am- crlous, i-’outli-wcstorn Georgia nr Florida, sbirald take tho 130 p si train at Columbus, sloop at Fort Valloy, aud roach Amoricus at 0 40 a a noxt morn ing. First class steamships louvo Bayanuali for Now York on Wednesdays und Saturdays, und forPblla- celphlaoii Wednesdays. Possugo ia tho Cabin $25. ijtoorago $8. ’ Faro from Montgomery to Savannah $14 00 “ CoiumbuB “ “ 10 00 “ Amoricus “ “ 8 80 „ , , At W. ADAMS,*Sup't. Macon, January 30th, 1850. raaylO WUOAlt AND TEA—Just recrivoil 10 bbTiTCrusii £2 I , oa .« Su { !n . r ’ 10 ,‘j 0 ground Loaf do, 20 do A, B'ft' C Clarified do, 5 lihds Muscovado do, 10 half chests Jilack Tea, loose und in K and % lb pneks, for safe' ty DAVID O’CONNR, ou fi° Corner Broughton and Drayton sts. B ISCUllU—100 bblB Butter. Sugar, and * Soda Biscuit, 20 do Pilot bread, . “ 10 hbU Princeton k Fox’s Crackers, 30 boxes Milk und KoUr Biscuit, in store and lor safe by aug ll».. WEBSTER ft PALMES, C RACKERS.—30 bt;ls baud mado Sugar Cracker. 25 do Eoda • do , .. 25 do Butter do landing and fur solo by »..l .> migU BCRANl'ON, JOHNSTON k CO. L EAF.- LARtL-20 bids and 611 Baltimore lAiaf Urd, laiililni uug7 KORAN TON, JOl igs primo Ho- l S UOAIt STAItOH, SOAP AND SODA- 100 buD A, B and C Htigar 50 do Crushed and Pulvbrlsod Sugar 150 boxes Starch • , 260 do Palo, NO laud FftmllySoap . 24 k0 «\ WiuiblngSoda, 60 boxes 'dirdbn do landing aud in store aud for sulo by > •*'"/ V • MCMAHON ft DOYLE, 1 .^amPsystwoL. _ J. D. JESSE, Brooko Hall Female Seminary. MEDIA, DELAWARE CO., PA. MISri MARIA L. KASTMANN. J'JUNUiut,. This Seminavy, located lu tlio de- iigbtful ami baultby viliugo of Media, stbirteen miles from Philadelphia, by * Railroad, will bo OPENED ON WEDNESDAY, Soptombor 10th, 1^50. Tbo commodious building, uow in proooss of erec tion, willi ull tbo modern improvements, will bo finished by tlio first of August, and wid com du such uooommiHinlion.3, both iu point of tasto ami 1 mfort, as cannot fail to satisfy jwreuls that wh io tboir daughters are onjoying the benefits of r. ,d cul ture, they, have ulso tiie comforts ofa roll, t homo. This ln-.titutlonis osiublLbed with a vlon . .. afford ti> young ladies tlio must perfect comblnaii. u of ad vantages for the attainuieut of a thorough and ac complished education, aud no puius or ox|>enso will bo spared to render It iu reality what it professes to 1)0. a school of suporlor merit. Mbs Eastman, tho Principal, was at tho houd ofa school in New ling- laud provious to horresidence in Pennsylvania, and for tho lust six years has bocu known to the patrons of Aston Ridgo .Seminary, us presiding teacher in that institution. Tho Ri, liov. A. Potter, Bishop oi' tlio Dioccso of Pennsylvania, says:—. “Mho M. Is. Eastman, who proposes to open a Young Lubes' dom.uary In Media, Delaware Co,, Pa.', in SepteiaberTiext, lias been known to tho sub scriber for several years past, Ho has u vory high opinion of her capacity,, efficiency and dovoteduess as au educator. Site has had a largo ami success ful oxporience. The building which is to bo oreoted foHtor uno will contain oyery accommodation. Tho viliago and surrounding country arc distinguished for boa thfulmws and beauty, anti the subscriber has confidence thut parents who entrust their daughters to Miss Eastman will have no reason to regret it.” Miss'Eustman will bo uldud by un efiloiont corps of I’qtichors. a Tho French, language will bo taught aud spoken by_ a Parisian lady, residing in the family. Thu Latin, Gorman, Spanish and Italian languages will receive duu attention. Tho Natural ccicuoos will ho taught, with the aid of u lurgo aud expensive apparatus. Tho Musical Department will bo under tho charge or u lady 'eminently qualified to Ull tho situation; and all prcferriiug 11, mate teacher ou the Piauo or in Singing, caiHiavo the benefit of a Visiting Teacher from Philadelphia. Drawing and Paiutiug will he under tlio direction of a lady accomplished in tho art. Tho number or pupils is limited to forty. ThoTorm3 for Board and Tuition in ull tbo branch- os oxcopt Music,ioro $160 por session of Uvo mouths. Mfts Eosttnan huff liberty to refer to tlio following Rt. Rov. A. Potior, D.D., uud tlio Episcopal clergy II011. F: Pierce, President of the Uultcd states. 1 Hon. s. P. Cham, Governor of O.i io. fllon. N, U, Bilker, Ex-Governor of Now Hanip- shire. Hou. M. \V. Tappau, M. C. from Now York. Ubv. N. Flora, of Norristown, Pa. : Rov. A. Mcfotod, Clearfield, Pa. Piorco Butler, Ksq,, of Philadelphia J. B.Ukio,Esq., do. , K. W. Clark, liq., Uo. Ueorgo Wbartou, Esq., do. Christopher Imaor, PotUvIllo, Pa. Goorgo Wymau, St. Ixmis, Mo. Hon. P. 0, Johnson. Washington, I). C. For forthor particular^, ur for circulars utmiy to tbo Principal, MISS MARIA FA STM AN, JolO eod 3m Media, Delaware Lo. h A bbls l>r,mo I^ard; 60 do ?o°r «ilo U iy r ’ 80da “ nd b “‘- ““AJWOUIITH'H AOVBftTUKES- A ^ vclll .“ r<!3 “ 1J *' Bookwourlh, C,ow In-Hans, will! lllinlrallims. Appleton’s Railway and Steam Navigation Guide published monthly ut 15cts. °) Time, by Henry Cockburn. nnH sketch or U10 character ^labors or A. Judson, first Missionary to Bur- Rttot, W Do/torRomtttae. r AdveMores “ r liimlfv T °h» U iv,‘ l lr ? ; .V r lh ° TrU0 Powc ‘ r 0| * ( -' ljrl3 ' preached " W * Art,UJr an eminent Melhodist I'riO'lpl-s, by J. Jsrves, i’arisian higbtii, by tho same antlior. august 1 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. BaPg?iIsP,Vs2S%7,! J AMES 0’IIAUA woul.i respecttully inform nis patrons, and tho public generally, Uiat iu oraer to prepare for tho fail trade, hois now SBIiBI^ro OFF • his osssortment In storo. AT COST PRICES and would invite attention mi-roto, at ids store. _Jy28 l»3 Congress-street. LAND AGENCY—ili’uiiswlckV GoT. EDWIN M. MOORE ZIPPERS bis services to the public in the pur- \J ohase and Bale of lands in the couuries ol aSS; tow-s.outs.^rofiiirS'; 8 aod 8oll "“ 01 RKFXRIXCES ; Dr K Collins, Uncun; Dr B M Onrgllo, Brunswick ^rc^lli'rrr’fvli” 11 ' 8 " vun "“ ll; Ho “ Juracs l gew LANU AGKMJV. rllHE iimlerslquoq will, tor Qve dollars ncr lot, X examine nuy.lantls In tlio counties of Apiillne Wayne, Ware ur Loltoo. ainl reporl to tlio owner u- to tholr iirosent valuo, the prospect tor tholr be coming more valuable In Future, uud whether or pot thoro ts being any trespasa coramlttod thorcon, Invariably pledging liltnsoir lo give a truo aud cor rect account, tor which all remittances will ho ox- pcotod iu advance. Ho will also sell and remit when requested, and as directed, for Beven por cent. Ho will aUo promptly attend to all professional business entrusted to his caro. vernon c. McLendon, my 13 Attorney at law. Homur-vlllo. ifa. SUNDRIES!—60 bbls P kHKyo Ufa O 160 bbls Magnolia, Piko’s and Nectar Wldsky 75 do Brandy, 60 % casks do 25 do . w oda, Sugar and Buttor Biscuit 20 boxes do ,j 0 100 chests und half chests Oolong, Hyson mnl Black Tea 100 socks Prime Rio CoQeo 60 boxes fresh grouud do 76 bbls Wiiito Winoand Cider Aiuegar 100 dozen Brooms, 100 do Palis, landing and in store, and for safe by aug7 McMAHON ft DOYLE, 206 and 207 Bay stroet ■ rrWOOO ibu> LUMBER. A LL kinds of Wood, Boards, Plunks, Joist, fX. Timber, Shingles, Light-wood, Posts. Kiuioru Laths and Fftlllugs, for Palo, at wholesale nudVutail. Jew for cash, on tho uow wharf recently oroi.tiul nu ihe Lumber/Yard «*r Robert A. Alloa ft Co. •■mar.ia—tyw. \t .r 2-_^i‘tiiLTov XiU'ES.-PjU’EU . JT'Hea^. iOp do . n 26b r6auw;Wropi)ing I’aiier fip dozun Pickles, rocelvod aud for safe by , j * > j MoMAHON ft DOYUi, ^•JySl <i [• - •, 105 And ,17 .gqy.htroot; Y ARNHANIMLSNAt Xarns and Osuabi rjyi» . I’ER AND-PlCikl.ES —50 gro-s Pipe I’lpos .• 1HAMPAUNK CIDK "iTljpmfataii, Factory , Jbr piuo l»V • ' IANE,• WELldj ft'CO,: —..... ;. /Til __ _ ubrateU Champugno Cidor, a choice article. i^es John J Mix’s col- now in Rtoro and for wife by aug7'< ..M MHJti 1 jrrr— -.l. ; l>. JliSSK. J_J^AY-^200 ba|os’_ -jyus itoru and. ftir ealoby INK, WlllJ.S k (X). r UKSKHVINO I'KACII'S—Jml reoclvoil a chtlW Jot, sultablo for prutorvlbg, mill fiir nalo by - 1 jyaij. -, dies,3 Jy8 J. D. JEB3RK. . -Uj-►*•».• - •50boxes. Ifeudoll’s 0’s Tallow'Oiui* io Uo 8’m Uo Uo, lauding and for safe SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft 00. ORDINANCE. An Ordinance w increase tho salary or tho Health officer ortho City or Savannah, and fix his fees torboartiug vessels and for giving a certificate or health or permit to come to tho city and dis charge their loads, and for other purposes : Whereas, from the increased commerco of tho Port of Savuunah tho duties or tho Hoalth Officer are greatly increasod, aud the salary has not been increased during tho last thirty years: See. 1. Re it ordained by tho Mayor and Aider- mou of tho City of Savannah aud tho Hamlets there of in Council as embied, and it is hereby ordained by tbo uutiurity of tho same, That from aud after tho pu-toago of tills Ordinance the snlary or tlio Health Officer bo at the rate or five hundred dot. lars. tfoc. 2, Bo it further ordained by the Slayor and AUermon or tho City ofSavuunah and tho Hamlets thereof in Council assembled, nnd it ts hereby or dained by authority of tho.Kamo, lhat tho fees of tho Ileulih Officer (which shall bo paid by the owner, master, or conslgoeo of any vessel) shall bo as follows: For boarding any vessel lying ut tho quarantine ground, at Fort Jackson, two ceuts a ton up to 600 tons, beyond which no additional fco shall bo ehurgod In ca»e ofa visit at night tho fees charged Blinll do double tho proceeding; and all expeneos incurred for boarding any vossol shall bo paid by tho Health Officor, oxcept that the city will furnish aquaruntiue boat. For visiting and inspecting a vessel which has been subjected to quarantine, and giving a permit to como up to the city, five dollars. See. 3. Bo‘it fertuor ordalnod by tho authority aforesaid, 'llist iu caso it shall bo deemed necessary by the Houlih Officer to send a patient to tho Peat House front tho vessel, it shall bo done by the vessel’s boat, or at Uio oxpousoof tlio owuor, mas ter or consign oe of such vessel, under a penally, In cusc of failure pr refusal, of not exceeding ono Hun dred dollars, to bo colteotod iu tlio usuul manner as prescribed bv erdinsneo. Passed in Council. Savannah, 4tji Sept., 1850. [n. «.] EDWARD C. AN DEB HON, Mayor. Attest: EnwAioi G W:r.«ox, Clork of Council. sept7 1 • M ' “OLASHE.S, BACON ftc.— “~ 200 bbls New Orleans Molasses 100 11 Barbadoes and Cuba Molasses ftOhhdsCuba “ . 76 “ Ribbed and Clear Sides *25 Tiorccs choice Hams , 10 bbls Moss Pork, in storo aud for safe by IIOLCOMBK, JOHNSON ft CO. augr I rion 8ALEt-A lot of Quo Indian Peaches. ! au«15 A, BONAUD. P ORT AND M A DEIH A*~WlN I*a7— ! 10 casks Ifert Wlno,. ,5. do Madeira do. > 16 do Teunuriffo uo. Just received and fur sale by SCRANTON^ ft JOHNSTON ft Co. aug 21, K Oil, GIN AND BRANDY 50 bbls Luther Fol- ton’s Rum t 60 bbls E Phslj.3’ Ryo Giu 25 do Domostio Brandy 20 and 16 k casks 4th proof Brandy, storaand for sulo by “ jy4 , .. . , SOHAM IRANTON, JOHNatON ft CO. SHIRTS I SHIRTS M SHIRTS Ml .. be taken, utid shirts mode to Bull buy -particular styfe or taste of Ihff wearer. Gtil-at Iho Star Clothing Emporium, 147 Bay street, my 14 WM 0 PRICE. louauuds upon lUou-aUs from tho hanos of MERCJLBsS CUACK8, ti not from premature gravos. In cases of infiwtlnii tho Compound Buchu is tho only article worthy of the least confldenco ortho affected in performing SAFE CURES. It contains uo narcotic, mercury, or other Injurious drug, but is puroly a Vegetable Composition. It is vory agreeable to tho taste, creates no perceptible odor, und may be takon by persons of either sox without hindrance from busluoss or modical advice, as plain directions for use accompany tbo medicine. Kcador, tryou Iravo any of the abovo complaints, do not neglect them, DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. With this medicine you con cure yourself, and Urns proveut all exposure. TRUTH MUST AND WILL PREVAIL. Ibis medicine speedily and effectually cures the most vlrulcutform of secret diseases, and eradicates ovory particle of infectious matter from the system, restoring the patient to a perfest state or HEALTH AND PURITY. Ilclmbold’s Highly Concentrated Com pound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla. For purifying tho Blood, roinoviug ail diseasos ari sing from excess of Mercury, expesuro and im prudence in life, chronic constitutional disowes, arising from an impure state of Blood, and tho only reliable aud oU'cctual known remedy for tho cure of Scrofula, Sait Rheum, Scald Ileud, Ulcer ations of tho Throat and Lege, Pains and Swu.uiigs of the Bones, Tetter, Pimples on tho Faco, and all ffcaly Eruptions of the Skin. It is gratifying to tho proprietor oi these medtdnes to bo able to state that it is now nearly three raars since they were first introduced, during which time they have been extensively used iu-various parte of tho United Slates, and have given to patient and practitioner the highest degree of satisfaction in tho various cases in which they have been employed ; whether in town, country, hospital or private prac tice, thoy have invariably given the most decided and unequivocal satisfaction, and produced tho most salutary and bcuoilcial effects. Numorous letters havo been rccolved from tho most distinguished physicians iu tho country, and from tho professors of several medical colleges, recommending in the highest terms tho value oi those medicines, and tboir superiority over all other preparations for such complaints os the proprietor recommends. Numorous preparations of Sarsaparilla and of Buchu aud various modes of preparing them have becu given, all of which of coureo will differ according to the mode of preparation which each individual may adopt. Theso medicines requlro considerable caro in Ibo preparation and tho employment of different men? struain successive oporutiou to toko up tho exlratt tivo matters, aud, In consequence, aro most fre quently Improperly made, and not imfrcquettiy much impairod, if not rendered totally inert, by the injudicious and unskilful management of those unac- S uaimed with pliurmuccuticul preparations. ** is lorofore of the highest consideration uiui import ance to tho public and to tho faculty that there should bo standard preparations of uniform strength and possessing tho moat advantages. To effect Hits aud obviate tlio evil alluded to, I have made a num ber of experiments to ascertain the most effectual mode of extracting tho virtues of tho Sarsapnrlllu and the Buchu, aud to discover tho most eligible form for tholr exhibition. The experiments havo resulted most favorably, and it Is with much pleas ure 1 now olfer to the public aud the faculty my Compound Fluid Extracts, which contain ull tho vir tues of tlio ur tides thoy ure represented to be mado from in a highly coucentruted form, aud aro tlio most active preparations which can ho made. Two ta- blespooneful of tlio Extract &irsaporllla, added to a pint of water, is equal to the Lisbon diet drink, and one bottle fully equals in strength one gallou of Syr up c’-arsaparllln or deecctiun as usually made. PRICES: Vi Fluid Extract Buchu, il per bottle, or 0 for 16 “ “ Sarsaparilla “ “ “ “ a Ccrtidcates of cures and recommendations from distinguished professors and physlcinus will accom pany eacli preparation. Prepared uud sold by H. T. HELMBOLD, I’racticul aud AualyUcal Chemist, 203, Cliestnut-st., uuar the Girard Houso Phiiu. Toljohud of Druggists and Dealers In every sec- li* *u of the United Hfates uud C'uuadus. All letters for tho medicine directed to tho propri etor receive Immediate attention, aud safe deliveries guaranteed. sept 1—ly-dtw j t K# D E FORD, APpTHECARlKff HAIJ..S. E. Corner or, Broughton and Burimrd Streets. Euvan- uah Ga., Wholesale aud retail Dpalortt in Drug.-, Medicines aud Chemicals, l)yo Woodsuml Dyu HtulBs, French, English, and American Perfum ery, Fiuo Toilet and Shaving Soaps, Combs and Brushes of every description, Surgical and Dental Instruments, Trusses and Supporters of all kinds, Spices, Snufls, Manufactured Tobacco, All the Pateut or Proprietary Medicines of the duy, Superior Inks, Pure Wines and Brandies for Medicinal purposes, Extracts for Flavoring, Toilet aud Fancy Articles, &o. ftEF* N. B.—K-pecial attention given to tlio preparation or Physicians’ Prescriptions and Family Recipes. Ship, Family and Travelling Medicine Cases. With plain Directions for use, including Directions for treatment in coses of poisoning, Drowning, ftc. *P?jy F°r zny tain hut tfflWbiipiSSrVnron,,. charge will he tnatto, proportro. A deduction tit 26 tier rent trom the will be tnftfUi ou adverti-m.-i.u am™0.1 • ^ Hlvuly on Die liiui th page ut thu tlaljv |Harlr l' Advcr ttaomeu ti ordered three tim« a * , bo charged twu-tlilrds the above'rat™ * Mkl ,fi Advertlacmcets iirile-re-.l In the Wcokiv cdiu,. por aquare tor each iio:e-rlli,i,, tor lii&elX' 1 one month. For inoro than coo moiiih M ™ ¥*• tho rates specilleo In Iho abin-o tahia 0 " “ a# to fipoolal notices, 11) conn pe-r lluo Ibr ea. a., 6 cents tor each nulracqnul InacrUt.n emai,, 1 ? 1 ’ ,M to bo euliject to oontraed. Marrli, i“,“''i! 0| *‘ neral InvitaUona 60 omits oaoli. NoaS.iLf 1 inserted for leas than M ce-nu, Reports, Boaoliitloua. or ITooe-e-diogs™ Sg Association, or Corporation, ordered tohfnXli' «d. 6cents per lino. "*Hblbt Stoamboata will ho advertised at tie,,., tor each boat advertized. 1 Steamships, where hot one Is ruiinlag,|Jo„,. ndm; ir twoor moro, 630eacb. c.^operan Auctioneers’ advertisements not to bo mho,.. por’equiira!"’ 0 ““ ^ rato P'^biS od T maoontaact. ,ler n0ci, ' :u “ li ’ ,nc “.»beiuclud- Protoeelonzl nnd business curds not eitwsi... lines, will ho Inserted ut .20 per annum W 1 Calls on persona to liceomo caudidalis, will a. Inserted us othor advertisements, to t» mu I, ? variably In advance. 11 HWlorla Announcing candidate! for ulllce, »iu o, In advance. ’ ’ I*- Advertlaomeiit-' not marked on the am. a. specified lime, will he Insoried until rorb’s m! pay meut exacted. U ' UI1 When any bill tor two iniiiilhs adverllils. than contract, amounu- lu over 660, a dedutiim 1 26 per cent will bo mado, c o: Cil Yearly advertizing, wllh privllegr ortbabmi bo taken at tho 1 olio wing rates: * For ftne squaro, renewable once a week us “ “ “ twice “ ’ j! cL 44 a Hat ** i *' 5 timeg oroftener'W Every additional squan-contracted fer to b*chi». cd one lialftho abovo rules addltlbnal * Yearly advertisers shall be limited to the ft*, contracted for. . Ail .centrums shall be in writfep stating definitelytho‘faature of the businesstob "A, MACHINERY AND IRON RAILING MANUFACTORY AND AGENCY. ST. JULIAN STREET, SAVAANNAH, GA. (Nour tiie Murket.) 1 71R03I tho moatcompleto facilities in life own establishment, und through his connections with several of tho principal mauufncturng estab lishments of Philadelphia, .Now York, aid Boston, tiie Undersigned fa prepared to furuinsh MACH1N KEY, PORTABLE. STEAM ENGINES, PORTABIK SAW, GRIST AND FLOUR MILLS, CAST AND WROUGHT IRON RAILING, STATUETTES, STORE FRONTS. Columns, Window Sills and IJntlls, Iron Doors, Shutters, ftc., at Northempricet. He is also prepared to repair Mucbiuery and Iron work of every description, at short notice, upon reasonable terms. As agent for BAIRD’d PHILADEJJ’HIA MARBLE WORKS, he Is also prepared to exhibit a great varie ty of designs for MONUMENTS, TOMB STONES, Ac. Also Iron Ralliug iu great variety, for enclomes, and to roceivo orders, and put up the work at man- faoturors’ prices. H. H. LINVII.J.E. Savannah, April 11. I860. u prl1 /"10RN AND CORN URAL.—1000 bus prime \J Corn, While and mixed; 60 do fresh Corn Metl n storo and for Bale by dec 81 PATTEN. nUTTON ft CO ilk AD I—READ I i-READtii ■ That is, if you can see; ntnl CT-Xl ir you cun’t seo, you cau flmi yTr T>t all kinds of “ helps to see,” at tlio Watch and Jewelry Store of D. B. Nichols ft Co., iu Congress street, uext duor to tho cornor of Whitaker, where you cau purcliaso Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, aud Fancy Goods, os few as at any other store in the country. We have received per steumship Alabaran a fresh tot of those fine titcel Spectacles : also, a supply of Pebblo und Periscoplc Lens, which wo are prepared to fit iu ull kiuds of frumes, at short notice. Our Periscoplc Lone (so colled from their peculiar shape) have uu advantage over all others, us thoy have a greater range of'focus, so that tbo roador isnot compelled to hold tlio. book or paper at a certain distouce from tlio eye. Call and see. D. B. NICHOLS ft CO. AST No charge for showing goods, four 11 D. II. N. ft CO. R OPE—700 coils Rope, various brands, oil of good quality, iu storo and for safe by apr29 BRIGHAM, KELLY ft CO. /"lORN—In storo and for sale by V2 mar5 1.0 ) CBl’tMjjKriLM.V D omestic uguoiw- 160 bbls Piko’s Magnolia Whiskey, . 60 bbls Tuscaboosa do, 100 do Monoag, W’hiskoy, assorted brands, ' 5 do Old Bourbou Wliiskoy, 100 do E. Pholp’s Gin, 50 do P ft 11 Conn. River Ryo Gin, 20 do Brandy, 20 quur cusks Twigg Hoop 1st aud 4th proof Brandy, 20 eighth do do do do do do. 15 qua do Ma.ugu Wino, for safe by, WEBSTER A PALMES. any 10 QURNI~50'» aug 27 bushels m micks, lor rule by YONGE ft FRIERSON, No. 91 Bay street. ( tilOICE bT. CROJX SUGAR liluis choice J St. Croix Sugar. 10 hhds choice I’. R. Hu ear. Just received and for rule by bCRANTON JOHNS! UN ft CO. aug 26. UAUUEK shops. Pulaski House Barber Shop, (keens' Brick Building, ujyjtnate Hut Pulaski PIVK WORKMEN RNQAOKP. AlainItall House Unrher Shop. Hmighton Street, FOUIt WOHKMKN CNOAGE1). rpHE subHcriber,tbiuikftilto bis fellow-citizens i for tho liboral itatronagu ho has received, aud is still receiving, hogs respectfully to Inform thorn that bo hosouguged sufecfeiit additional first-class workmen from some or tho best Burbor 81fops in New York, and will bo enabled to accommodate is many gontlomon as may honor him with tbeir\pA- Ironago. •' t ■'•!!; N. B,—The Barber Shoiv* ui« closed on 6uuday«- strangers will pleaso bear this to mind.., i •>. /^UBA MOLABSBiU Tlie ctqp oM thft Jjrig iViIfc# i.wti'ii’ .'K» sWr imWwwi. a.y!• ;) Vi:;l;T,i"lO|i. r*T I. o. IIIZKY—So' ilbU New ilrtoaiiii Hccllfieft, |u w store and for saleb; augl4 for safe by ^ SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft 00. advertised. Any advertisements not pruwrK noted with tho business shall be chargedaeiaan. ly, and also any excess of mutter over the inZ contracted for. Contract advertisements payable quarterly w. vertlsemeuts from straugers and transient persou. payahlo in advance. All others will be consider^ duo when called for. Regulur udvertisnra and ail others sending com. muuicatlOLs or requiring notices dtalgned to callii. tantion to fairs, concerts, soirees, or any public en tertainments, where charges ure made lor admit tauce—all notices of private aifcochuious, every » tice designed to cuff attention to privuto cmerpriie calculated or intended to* promote individual inte rests* can only be inserted with the umlmunditi that the same is Jo be paid for. If iDmicdicitt oditorinl column (which cun be only nt fee dkcri Don of tho editors) the same will be charged util* rate of not ter* than 20 emits per line. Tho iiudt-rsigucii, publi.-hiTs oi'liailv,Tri-Wwkh and Weekly newspapers in Havunnah. tin., r, ourselves strictly to adhere to the above bill of charges, and iu no imtonce to deviate therefrom. The aliovo rates to take t-Uect March 1, to coutimtc liindiug, until changed by the uiictf» majority ol the imdersignul. N. B.—This schedule shall not in any way efta the Integrity or existing contracts. All cnuiracti far the year or uhy otlier specified time, -^halloulycease with tho expiration of the period for which the; were mudo, £ .ft IIii-Tox ft Co7 Ce- ryian rf: H.vxed ft Sims, Hr.) ublv an. ‘’uoMwni* ft Wrruw»iu*i .Wnm,'.,,. v«.. CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY WAREHOUSE, 140 Congrtci ansi 67 St. Julitn SirtcL. T HE UNDERSIGNED would take this uiipor tuuity to express to bis fricudH and the p«.i u generally, hie sincere tiianxs for then liberal |mtn-e age and influence, which has resulu-a lu ext. n-1:r i his trade to ail parts of. the State. Also, Um;iu Florida, Alabama and Tennessee, thereby euubur. him to exhibit a stock unsurpassed in any S-utb-- * oily. Families, Mercluwts, Hotel Kee|ier?, uud Mom boat Owners*aro particularly invited to cxamhi- m present stock, which is now couipkic i.i gi; ill. various departuieuts, consisting in part thefi-lluw ing goods, viz: i CARP El PEPAimiEXT. Royal Mcdalion. Royal Velvet, Mocet Wilton, Moccl Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, Power Loom Brussol Three ply Ingrain, Two ply Ingrain, Wool Dutch, Engli-h Drcggrts, (ut ti rlou;) width-,) Mosaic Ileal III Rugs. Velveltoid tlicr.iih* ‘up Tufted Rugs, llano ami table Cev< it, Door Mah' (every v.rieiy, Silver ft lings.' rtci \m Carjiets Biudiugs, tic CURTAIN AND UPHOLSTERY DEIW HI.'UHl BrocateUe8, lace and Mmlm Oueita Batin da LaJnes, Giltl'oriiice.-, Satin And Bilk Damask, Gilt Pin.-: and land?. Worsted and Cotton Damask, Tassels, looj-iui Gords;. Velvet and Plush of various color?: "Wui Shades, new style. Also, every variety of Furniture Covciii g, Truo mings and mater la is for decorating. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS From two to Twenty-four feet wide, for Hali-ui Rooms, cut to fit without a scum, The subscriber wiil oblige himseffto makelhi prices on all dcscriptlou of goods a? low aitheam* quality cau bo purchased iu any Northern city. ft®- Carpets cut to Rooms aud goods sent f any part of the city free ot charge. ft®* An experience.! Upliolster will attend lolw making and laying ol Carpels and Oil Cloths xno desired. The decornlivo aud curtain dcpartmctl n n charge of an Upholster of acknowledgedtuslcut •kill. W. H. (il'ION, Agcut. octlS 140 Congress and 57 St. julien-sts New books. K EOEITED by Wnriiock (c Davis \V«liicril>y,D September. Saratoga, a Tale of 1787. v Uvo and Leani, a "guidofor nil who wnh looped aud write correctly; pat ticulurly intcmlcd ns a w» of reference for tlio solution of difficulties cinntctw with grammar, composition, punctuation, etc. Victoria; or, tlio World Uvercuino. ity Caio.ine Che-febro’. Magdclen .Hostburn, a story of the Scctl-n fitruiation; by Mrs. O’ypbaut, uuthor of-Zaidf-*! etc. etc. , .... The Tangletowu Letters—bciug th# sencos, obaer rations oml opinlous of 1 unnui^ Trap, Esq. • b v tiie'uulhor of “Records of Duiibltfeo ParRli.” ; , The Sliip Carpenter’s Fuiniiy, a story f»r times; by Wm. E S. Whltmuu. . Tho War In ICaiisas, a rough trip to the wm'. by G. Douglas Bi ewerton. ’’•Arthur’s Home Magazine lor Srptcinber. [QMrs. Stephens’ Mouthly for Septemher. Putnam’s .Mouthly forteptombor. Biuckwona's Edinburgh Magaziuo for Augwi- Knickerbocker Magazine far bepteiubcr. For sale at 36U Coiigress-st. sept 4 Dll. sahtfohd’s hivicokamii, 1 8 a mild laxative, tonic and Etimulanb.M' 1 recommemlcil m tlio public, relying upj® J • trlnsio worth in the cure of tiie following C0IU ,1’:“^. All Billions Derangements, Sick Headache, W-P«‘ siu, Habitual Costiveness, Clironlo lHanDu*. 1 . Pain in the Stomach and Bowels, benciw 7 Female Weakness, Ac. For suie by orally, arid by-John. B Moore ft Co, nnd a®. Lincoln, aavammh. n- Ie ? V—r T laPJi.-'Jo'bbu'-yruno - 'iTltiinure li 60kegs prliiio Baltimoie uud for sale by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON & «*• aug 26 I 1I))UK.—1U0 slilid. Vow Wheat Ow'8 1 * r,W THE POPPJ.AU tuvo o.UUfau ut *2 per voiuue. d . )re< . Woatorn anlm, ils lllhloiJ>t'n J11 “ l Sjiia peels; by Rev J Leighton WiUou. Biss: A ’vaaeall SI, iti.n; by I'orkman, BiUhoroT tti'O* spiracy in i’omiac. , , Tlio CliilHt of History; >‘. v -'"'“jJS'orfiie liar- I'uiauii or Ulurity, bciug uu exl; »»■* tauuy or tlio .objovt; by Artbor bUfi «• Dr Lever’s Marlins or Cro Murlin, Iwuu Tho cparrowgra.'S Papers; by 0**®?:i fe reliw“ More fa' Hunt’s Wortii and We»hh for ,,ef am. Mem o. Businew. ^ 4w bins' Rio, Coflee, fair, * u j 0 I ' rim< V 100 Imfes Ijguii .t d ® . do Co( r r o . 60 pookcU Old Government Javaton^^ 60 boxes ground West India and Java w landing, in storo and fer h pALKEf Jy *' 1 hun; miss moKKSVS U NITED i .iSollWOglor’a translate! by Scoylo. la !»» PreawH’iaVfimilifld iWUlton, new au|ppiy ’tSS2!jS8S& correapuuilene. .1* k Hanover—2 vols. / Ss»«o - • 8«lil'Vilfa.v.ij .lallaiavuuaiigb/ Earnest Uusitwd, by Mrs. nurft . w. THOttS* "