Savannah Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, September 17, 1856, Image 1
—- -> a V*SFF’ 7 W~' 'W £-• ' ••’ w 1 - 1.1 >» SAVANNAH, <*£ WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17,1856.'' , NO. , & WM m i =5PF InbwHptlan PrlM. ot flm.iii.iihVimjgt , Miim mntaratantlltif, the ptoptMan mul pulillalun ot the three ptpere teeiied lu Berooneh, nsv.-.Joined the fdllowlu* unit rnT tiqoa of nob- •orlpUou, to lake elhot thla day: Paper, per annum, la adMnoe.,.......«« ... . . • • - ■-■• -■■ .41416 % « W boo mm ..19 0Q ..20 00 win m-Weekiy Weekly, euile eopy, In aitraue ... Weekly, nee coplee, to one addnae... Weakly, etfht « “ “ ... Weekly,ton “ '* , •• ... Weekly, twenty “ <• " ... When not paid within one month from the time uUutMortnoc the oharyelhr the Dally wtU he teem dollar., aae for the Tri-Weekly Jtee. The Weealy will bn aenl only to thnae who pay In adrance. The papar wlU Inrarlahly ha dlicontloed upon the eipiratloo ot the time Ihr whloh It haa boon paid. , .. The a bore rataa to take adhol (Torn and alter thla late. ALEXANDER A SNEED, ApaMioon, S. B. HILTON kVO.,.OnrsimiJmmwl, THOMPSON A W1THINOTON, Nan. daraonalj, July 1,1000. r ■ealidalone Oonlltlet ottlte Brltlah SIlil- Tile Uruu.vDok Heralil mid the Thom- ' Bjafi - „.4r nayltle Cniivetiiliiaa ,, A correspondent df Iho Now Orli, nrltlng jrom Uma. Pcru, under itatopf.July aooounlofn little scandal 11th,j3tys: “• I euolose you an aoooi tiers' with the British HI WKD.1KSDAT, Tars O’clock, P. M. T.flXijna-£iAP aio. Old Una Whip National Convention. BiLTiuonu, Sept. 17,—The Old Hue Whig Convention naoemblea ben at noon to-day. lVenty tn States an now npreaented. Hon are erpeotod to be. Then to on immense crowd Id attendance. Trouble Between Mexico and Great Britain, New Orphans, Sept. 16,—Adrlcc. received Item Mexico, by way of Havana, state that there to trouble between the British Minister and the Mexican Government. Tbn Minister has demanded hb pnssporta. The Brlttoh steamer Tartar was collecting s naval force at Havana to proceed to Mexico,to back op the British demand. NOTICE. The OommlttM appointed. to nomi nate candidates for Mayor and Aldermen, will meet at St. Andrew’s Hall, to-mor row, Thursday afternoon, 18th lost., at 4 o'clock., B. D. ABNOLD, Chairman. Hinbt H. ScBANfoN, See’y, sept 17 At 4 O'ciooi.—The hour for meeting of the Committee appointed to nominate a Democratic Municipal ticket to 4 o'clock to-morrow—not 8 us the types bad it this morning. Tocno Men’s Obbutmn Association.—An adjourned meeting on business of importance will be held thla evening,at the Associations Boom. Minister, whloh was pub- llshed In the "G'omerolo” under slgnatuie. We have Just heard hero of Her Brlttoh Majes ty's Minister ill the United States having re ceived hla walking popors. It mny be1 of sumo Interest to know how Hrr British Midesty’s Ministers conduct themselves In South Amort- ca. Hero to the publication teierred to: "There Isa grout deal of (own talk nbout the Indecorous and nngoutlomuuly conductor Mr. Sullivan, Hor Urttanle Majesty's Minis ter to Pert). It truly Is distressing to see a person commanding audio high position In society Indulging In nil kinds of vices, esue- dally that of dttravotmeaa hud scandal In the pubflo street. It to uot long since Mr. S. caused an uproar In the street, about the hour of 10 o’clock, 1\ M., by Bring his revolver upon some harmless cows, quietly resting In the corral of n neigh boring bouse, mistaking them, most likely, ns Don Quixote did tlio windmills; hut Incensed ‘ t nbt being nble to hit his murk with pow er aud bull, he wont with Ills servants below nnd assaulted tko house, tooting a poor old nigger nearly to death. Until today ‘tho par ties outraged could get no redress, through the Imbecility of the authorities. On the contrary, the poor family were deterred from again bringing their cows to tlielr house, thus de- irivhig them from obtaining; on honest liveli- mod, which they did before,tuppnrtiug a large family, ltlspnraftdtosceu man like Sulli van (the same that was cowlilded here by onr Valparaiso Consul, wlion ou Ids way to Chili, for Insults to bis who, on American lady) abusing the power which be bus, ns u repre sentative of a great notion. At times wo hear loud outcries Against his lucOdonoy nod grossly Immoral comluct. Ohio In a Ulnnei—Twenty five thoiunntl Democrats In Connell, The following telegraphic despatch, (says the Ohio Statesman of the 10th.) reeeii d last evening (Torn Seneca county, to another evi dence of the monster democratic meetings that are taking place nil over Ohio and cheering to the hearts of tlio frieudsof our great und no ble Union. "Let no one hereafter doubt the pstrlotlo devotion of the people of Ohio to the Un ion-of (these ILtatss. Such a universal out pouring of the Democracy us is witnessed day after day In Ohio bus had no parallel in the history of our polities. Wo have Been good, great, aiid enthusiastic meetings, but nothing equal to what is now wituessed in ovary part of the State: Tiffin, Ohio, Sept. 10,1890. S. Medahy;—Immeuse democratic assem blage here, estimated hilly twenty-live thou sand present. Pugh, Vnllundlgliam, and Gas ton nil speaking; five stands. First pro cession one hour and three-quarters pussing the the Shawhan house; allerwurds a procession of two miles in length on road from Sandusky and the north. The city is litorlally overflowing with people. Grout enthusiasm. “Dsu. Centeai. Cojimittbu"’ Crumbs from the jATannah Hepubll. can’s Tabic, Misses. Editohs:—Some queer things are said in the Bepubltenn, which I propone occa sionally to piok up and exhibit to your read ers- . ‘ . 1st. I wish to call attention to Its remarka ble dstmey. It calls Captain Isaiah Bynders a "Pot Homo Rowdy.” Any body can call blackguard mimes. Who to the moot apt tg be the blackguard, he who caito the names, or he who la the recipient of the abasef lid. Thu Bepubllcsn when corrected at to the I ridiculous statement that Mr. Breckenridge had advised Mr. Buchanan to withdraw, and per nit him to run on t ticket with Mr. Fillmore says If Breckenridge did not make such a pro- | position, he ought to have done it No one will deny thatnch a proposition on I the part of Mr. Breokenridge would have been mean, base, treacherous and dishonorable; every Democrat looked npOn the report as an I Infamous falsehood. Vet the.Bepublican says Mr. Breckenridge | "ought to have done it." tVliat can be thought of the prlnolplea of n I payer whloh Ofprovee a conree which, would confessedly be mean, bare, treacherous and dis honorable 1 Or if the Republican deny that I such a coarse would be, ae it to characterized I by me, what can lie thought of tta perception* | of honesty and honor ? Founioa. The Force at Baltimore, Certain profesaed Whigs, moat of them pro- I lably Know Nothing!, go through the three of I holding a so-called Whig National Convea- I tion, to-day, In the city of Baltimore, for the I nomination of a Presidential candidate. Every I body knows whom they have assembled to no- I Dillale - Vet utter going through a series 0 I grays formalities, the announcement will to I mode with nil solemnity, that Millard Fill- 1 nous has been selected by the Convention. I It strikes ne that these gentlemen have pnt I themselves to some trouble veiy nnperflnonsly. I However, tt to probably very little. Just at this I time ol theyearlttonotdilfloult to assemble I titans of nearly aU the Slates In New York, I Philadelphia or Baltimore, The delegatee ore I for the most part self-constituted. Not more I than one or two States, have, we believe, held I either State or Dlstriot Conventions, for the I purpose of appointing representatives. I The attendance to probably made np, for Ithe most part, of the absentees who annually. 1 during summer, swarm North and East, who I ere now moving South and West. -Politics lu Etandolptk County, , „ Commot, SepL 12,1858, IMnin. R. B. Hilton {- Co: I Siosi—I propose to give you ■ correct ae- l»uut of politics tn Randolph; that you may lS (l ! ,0 i , , Ullk pro f w > to *•>« renders of the ■Georgian 4 Journal, that she will p, rfmoaU ■unit in casting her vote for Back next Novem ber. The last election, as yon know, was very ■closely contested; every Inch’ of ground was dir Ipsted by the opposition. If the election won 1“Held to-day, it to the honest conviction of I™ “knowing onen,” that the Dmeooraoy would ■weep the county by 750 majority— l-tarly all the leading Americana deelare their ■Mention ot voting the Bnohtnan and Bracken- I™** ticket A few, denouncing Fillmore,say I'sey will Vote for Brooks. In fine, their detes- ■ntioo or Fillmore to so great, that Us name to ■sever mentioned nnlesn It he lronleally. | Hal., Democratic Elector for thb district I Address the elttoens of thb place and conn* lv“> Saturday, the 27th Inst, at whloh time l“» place asumptona bsrbtenewiU be glvon> |tree discussion In invited, hot I beUevo there I „ “°“ e 10 ndvoente the claims of the opposite |P*ty In "these porta." 1 remain respectfully, No Town. Ii*LV h . a taif-yenriy mwting ortho Llverpoo L3' l ''“'Co“'ne r c«, Mr. Brown, one of the ■,» ,id f °r the constractlon of the HillwAy. in A form WnnSIii i ! p H d c b V, ® chamber. Mr. tohish po ?tod out the Immediate advantages KthecSlaal5.‘ # ‘kotSShoth^England Jhtowirlc ffk 8 *?® from *he completion of ~(.t"!.l,?"„ Jll , f «tooreported thetloal settle- brtwM * The ikruht ol this lnorulug says ; 1 Wo puhllsh. heiiitv the proceedings of the late Main Trunk ttaih-uad Meeting at Thomas- vUlo. l)r. Soitveii; utul Ills aiwnclat<JH wuvo celyod utul Inwtoil with cordiality, und thp meeting |uu*cd liurmotiioiudy. It In true, that out of twenty five parties iuvlted there Were only four lopreseuted. This w«8 unt n very favorable indication. The result ot tho meet ing is simply 11 recommendation that Savannah and the exclusive friends of the Maiu Trunk organize that corporation nnd enter upon the njjotiutlon tlie ilrnnswiok Company invitlcjj It muy notho amiss to mid that there was mtt a Hin«lo contractor with tho llrunswick Company Unit utteuded as a delegate, though several wore appointed, i\nd many wora present at the meeting, There was a common exprus- S of Hiitisfuction with their oontruots, we ive, mid n determination faithfully to ml-* here to them. .Judge Love, also, although un active particlpantln tho Convention, and ap pointed to attend the orguuiimtion meeting in Bavannah, declared openly in Convention, that if tlie Bruuswick Company shduld not see fit to accede to the proposition to coalesco with the Maiu Trunk, he would still be the friend and advocate of tho former. The Southern Enterprise says the people of Thomas are in favor of the union “it it cuti be properly effect ed.” A vet#-Significant and natural dqubtof tlie thing is evidently implied. The Thomus- villo Wntchniiin says: “\Vu have entiro confi dence in the ability nf tlie Brunswick nnd Flo rida Railroad Company uud our citizens to build tlie entire, ltoud from Brunswick to Tliomftsville.” Wyckoff, tiie Chevtilier, unuuuuces u book on European diplomacy uud diplomatics' Bov. Drs. Alexander and Hodge, of Prince* ton, bavo iu press “The New Testament, Ex- pounded for general readers.” t r oimwr b; jiiUtH.tinu- The German Rvpnbllcan meeting* As an evidence of tlie feeling which prevails among Germans of Philadelphia upon the Presi deutial question, an incident of recent occur rence is suggestive. A German Republican meeting was called at the Columbia Garden, IntheNlnetenth Ward, some days ago, which was very largely attended. The speakers pro ceeded to elaborate upon the virtues and states manship of John G. Fremont, until finely three cheers were proposed for the Abolition Know Nothing candidate, wbon a dead silence seemed to fall uponlhe whole assembly. Finally a voice from tho crowd proposed threo cheers lor Fillmore, which were given with considera ble effect, and were immediately lollowed by another proposition for three cheers for Buchan an. This was striking an electric‘cord aud the whole assembly responded with stentorian longs. At tnis stage of the proceedings one of the parties on the stand cried out, “1 want to know if there are any Fremont men in the crowd and 1 therefore propose that wo shall re-, tire audtry our strength iu uu adjoining room over a social glass.” He descended from the stand and when ho got into the room he found himself alone. An eye witness present on tho occasion says tho scene was the sublime of the ridiculous.—Penn- tylvanian. Hlglily lmpoHuiiiio tho AmerlcmiPco. pie—The orlglnnl nnd only genuine Sift Cooi'or’s Pjua—Tills tuoft excellent Vegeta bio Me ii cine is, ifiakon for tho llmo, anti lu tho mHimor H|ioclll4nl, warrmilctl, un oath, to eilbet a cure The Hue bai-amit: mnl luvigorutlug |K)Wui-ri which Sir Aatley Cooper’s Pills possoas. are wonderful; a trlil o I a single tioso wlllciirry conviction that they iiroallilHti.-nireKSRary to invlgnralo the' feeble, restore the invalid to health, and dti gotkl iu all oases; no/oir need be ontortaiued. ns thoy uro quito harmless Thobe.hU? t'f Vamili>3shtmli\ always have them la the house, U9 thoy may, with the greatest couQ- donee be rcsortod to, a't any tlmo, or iu uuy caso. Epsom Salts are snmetimo.s had recourse to when n purgiilivw isroi|iiiro i. If the true uaturo of Ep som sSa.ts rotdlitz t’owvlers, atwl all salluo aper- louts, wore fully uuderetood, thoy would never bo resorted to —they occa-'lou an excessive secretiou andUU- hargn of the naturul moisture orthe stoin- ach tu-d b.iwolji, aud this soft jus the cunteuts of the 9t<much nnd Itmvols and produces watery ctno tluus—the vessels after this unnatural draiulug, are dried up. ami a conllued state of the bowola is pro duced, which, If not carefully uttonded to, produces coHtivoiiUiS,aud adit-* tram of evils; besides a'l„ salts uro coil and grilling, to say nothing of the dunger of inrHiiking Oxalic Avid fur salt.-, which mistake tins in uumerous ia-.taoce.i terminated fa tally. .'•'ir Ast'ey Coupor’s Mild Experlent Auti-Bll- ions Pills uretmw gencraliy established as the most favorite riunily .Medicine. Csrnox toviih 1‘vbuo.—Ov-sorve that ou tho top of each box of the genuine fills, thcro Is an excel lent likeness of Sir Astloy Cooper; also the facsimile of tho signature ofMacPIiail « Co., Solo Proprietors T,oudou aud Now York, on tho directions. Without those marks of authenticity, they arocertamly spu rious und un imposition. &dd at Z6 cents.60 cents and $L per box. Full directions are given with each bnx- There Isa great saving by taking the larger sizes. Principal Depot iu tlie United States 192 Broad* wuy Ncw York. For sulo also by A. B- IK & Sands 141 Williun Mrctt—R dilcflblin Brothers & Co., 170 Willium Ktreel. MoKossun A Bobbins. 90 Fulton alretd. C. V. Slioketier a Co., HI Barclay street Havllnnd, Hurrnl .v Bisley. 2t> Warren street. S-to- phen, Paul fi Co, IdtiCImmbors street, Xow *York, Uoncrul Wholesale Agents, who will supply Drug gists aud-dealersin ,Medicine, at I’rnnrletnrn Prices. f ept Ifi-ltu . (1) Horbible Affaiu.—Child carried off by a of those fearful incidents occurred near the village of .Ncshota, on Saturday Inst which go so far to create the thrilling interest in the written romance of pioneer's life. Just before sunset, a child flvo years old, was seiz ed in the presence o? its -mother, by a full ^rown bear, and in spite of its screams, nnd tie frantic efl’orts of its mother, was bornooff in to the thicket. The alarm was given, and the men with gnns and other weapons of destruc tion commenced searching the woods, but up to Tuesday nothing had been fonnd upon which to base a conjecture with reference to its fate. Bears are quite plenty in this neighborhood, bat this is the first instance whero human life has been sacrificed by them, though they had frequently carried off stock from the farmers, coming up, os in this case, to the door of the house.—Manitowoc i fVia.) Tribune. Lake to be LYKcnED^~The notorious Lane, leader of tho fusion forces In Kansas, is de nounced by the froe-State men of that Territo ry a detestable intermedler in their affairs, endangering their property and lives, by bring ing into the Territory, ut a time when all was quiet, a legion of loafers, sent ou by aboli tionists only to provoke disturbances aud keep Kansas in commotion till after the .presidential election. They threaten to lynch him, and will do it If they can catch him away from his company.--Cleveland Pluindealcr, Lowly in Heart'—Mr. Folland an actor, who followed Lois Montes to Australia, was drowned on his birthday, the 28th of July lust, one day’a sail from Honolulu, on the return passage. The Golden Fru says : “The admirers of the-divine* Lola Montes will be paineil to hear that the death of Folland, her agent, has nearly unsettled her rei-con. Ever siucu the sad event she mourned and refused to bo com forted. She Bays be wus the first und ouly muu she ever lotted—which is quite complimentary to her two husbands—and will henceforth cast aside the foolish vanities of life, and gather jewels which rust not, and gold which never perisheth." The experts of )ce from Boston, for the month of August, have beeu 10,lU4 tons; since January, 192,221 tons. Same month in 1853* 72,907 tons. The steamer Tennessee eaihd from New York Friday, with 400 recruits to join Walker’s Nicaragua army. Frost in Omo^-Toledo Ohio papers say that the frost on the night of tlie 29th ult., al most entirely ruined tno buckwheat crop iu that viciuity, and hud seriously affected crops, “garden sauce,” &c. Sea Sickness.—The Nautical Magazine en deavors to show that Bea sickness is notinfluen- ced by the size of vessels but by their shape, and it asserts that sea voyagers are not less subjected to sea sickuess iu large steamers than in small ones. KOTIOib. All persons are lierohy positively prohibited from making any contracts with our carriers for tlie delivery of the paper to them by the week, or from paying the said carriers any money. A high-handed game of injustice to us, and to our regular subscribers, successfully carried out for a length of time, has rendered this course imperatively necessary, and it will he hereafter rigidly enforced. All contracts must ho made at the office. Savniiiiftli Market, September 11. COTTON—ThlH fufetmou Ctt bains nl' I'otum ware •sold, at the toilowiqg prices,,vis: iVstll; 17st lijf! Hint UK! *o/ljU at IStporu. NKW YORK—l*er nUvunAilp Kuoxville—879 bales upland cotton, 8‘2 bile* kotnuitt ck, and 21 package* Rtmitrlos. ■ c - • .• i ■ .i... ’ • OUARbFSTON, m% lO—G’uwtur—Ibis arlloie has lUtrnctod somo aUomiuu sluoo nur report of the 12th iusfant, but the transactions have been light In consequence of tho limited supply on sale. Tho sale* uro reported at about 500 bales, at a full rauge of prices. Tlio irausuctlons may bo classed as fol 0W-, viz t 42 v.t 10; m At IQfc; 4 at 10X*. 49 ut 11; 11 at ItH:«utltX; I8xt.11*4;.RW at 14kI 200 at 11/4 if bales at 11 uoM.ts, \ of Savannah.,,!.. ....September 17 Arrived* Sohr Fort Uenrgl' KackHt; •R'lhsidl, Riceboro*, wltli 24 D.tliH sea lafnnUctUton, auU 600 basbols rough riov—to Dixon k Guidon; anil Wuy A Taylor. Steamer Wet ktt, Mv.NvMty; V-iUtka—trt Cl .ghoru K ('uiiniughutu. Habersham's (In Trom fUntatiui, with 1000 bitsbels rnugli r!co—to It H&l«rsham k Sob. Okaced, .-teamalilp Knoxville* l.mllrtw, .Vew York—Fadel. ford, Fay k Co. Pnaseiigen. For stcarnnhlp K, okv.Uo, tor New York—J IV.Ucr Williain-mu; II M Bonuli; V. U Adurns; Mrs quin ivy anil lullin'; Mrs C 8 IkaiM-h; Ulus Jane Fannin; aud >!t*s Ellon M Arnold. For 8 earner Welnka, train l'alatka—Gun McRae; W MuDo.iad; J O MuhrlonsjF <J Roll; J May; V In Benton; W 1. Fierco; V lUtljJ Dungulx;G 1.Kirby; Mrn Ryun a ,d dll dj MI.-h Job ’s; J Hull and bidyjD Hustings; Mrs.tiuaroiis; I. Collier, lady und child; W A Uoupor; B Muhrtens; VVJ Roberts; Dr Boring; J 1’ bofauiuud 14 dock. Consignees. I’er -stuamur Welaka. from l’alatka—FM Myroll; Lewis Ixjvvs.1 k J D Kirlcpairluk;Zitlrouer As Uni*, nult; McMabou k Doylo; dnider k Askew; Mr3 M Aldr'.dgr;; W l. Hayward; A F Mira-. J Dungolx; J G Nichols; X a Harden k Go; and Boston k Villa- long*. NEW ADYEliTISEMENTS. FOR NEW YORK. . Will tail on Salunlau, Nepi 20th, at *0 o'deck A. M. % precinty. The fitoamshlp AUGUSTA, Capt. Lyon, will loavu as above. For freight or passage apply to PADKIJTORD, FAY k CO. Oablul’assago $26 Steerage Passage 8 4^* Shippers of Cotton by theso atemushlps will pluuse take uotlue, that uo Colton will berccolvedat too presses that is not distinctly marked on tboedge or the bale. sept 17 'GEORGIA* LIBERTY COUNTY. E XECUTORS’ SAlE.—Agreeable to an ordor granted by tho Court of Ordlnar , or Liberty county, at tho September Term, will be sold, be fore the court house dour in Hluesvlile, on the Real Tuesday lu November uoxt, between the law ful hours of sulo: The following lands, vli: 1000 acres skaato lu liberty county, on tbeCauoocboo Bluff; aud ICO acres situate iu tlie county or Bryan —belonging to tho estate of Joshua F. Bepifoy late of said county, deceased; and sold fqr the ben efit of the heirs and distributees of said esl’ito. Terms mado known on tho day of sale. JOHN 8. BEASLEY, E. Q. ANDREWS, September 1st, 1850.sepU7 dtl lUa UjOt $aa REWARD. Ranaway. on the 2d instant, my negro man POMI’EY. He Is about twenty four years ofago; six feet high; debut built; uot ^ very dark complected; hafa down look In ujimtenunce; bo * a scar on the top of his foot, cut with an axe. He w«h raised la North Caroli na, Robeson county; and may be/.trying to make his canape back. Anv person bringing him to me, or confining him lu Jail «o that I get him, l will pay tho above reward, V. W. CRAWFORD, Colquitt P. 0„ nept!7—2m Montgomery county, Qa. F LOUR—100 bbls Extra Tennesseo Flour; 160 sacks Granite Mills Georgia Flour; just re ceived and Tor sale by sept!7 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. ijpto 500,000 FSKl 1 JTFAll fi A WED. BOARDS, WT(1\ r ' tr f 1 h V WV “ urt 1 M iRoh, lu tblokhoia,,wlll bd‘ T - v w »«}■• ^ vV v‘“• Hold to tho liliiuost bidder, in tho Union Htimm nhw. Chavleitnii, HouUi C’nt ullna. ait. ... . . .. Halo positive. ohosora. ri;/ .. .. , ..... . 40T Mastor Builders, and those iu want or good boards, wilt do well t<> attend tho sale, septlfl JEFFERSON ROBERTS. HONEY-1 HONEY tt HONEY ft I tohUo tbe hlif bortt biddo!', at tho Unlpu Bteiim Saw-.. — «gj» s ANn m ° K y.rd and whnrr, u, lh»y ne* nornu« TORS. J’®*an SittowB ■ XU ruisrOtouxj 11.WainwiiiuhtIUiiot| Wll.I.IAll M.l.HVTOK, 80 "»)■. with Interest, «Mt mh T. Dii.i. f Wtanoax UWTnxJik upprovtiQ endorser/ (•ndSiri ■ ■ Will to .old In l ib to null ,„ir. “ JOHN O. UCMfl'H, OIVU, BNOIMBHR AND SURVEYOR, Will also give Ills attention to designs in Archilc'- ture. Office lii the store or John Wmliaiit“on*, K-q. Ilaysti'oel. my 18 W HY bo w« wilhmit Mouoy? when It Is Just uu ; easy for any one to be around with a pocket mu as not,, If they only tblbk so. I hare got a new artlclo, from which from flvo to twonty dollars a day cau bo made, ultbor by male or fomate, It is highly respootabio buHnes*. and an article which is waptod In every tUrally in the United States. En close me two dollars by mad, at my risk, and I will tbrward you by toturu mall a Circular, w tli full instructions in the art. The business is very easy. Try it, if you are out or employment: and you will *"""*" "*'* ' “ bo bettor lor novor regrot It; lor it will bo butter for you to nay the above sum, aud insure a good buoluess, than to pay twenty-live conls fur a spur:ous advertise ment. This Is us humbug. Tnrir I Thy' jr I Tar it 1 . Addrosa your lottcrs t* DWIGHT MONROE, Nhw York. sept 16-3m QK BARRELS Molassas, C50 100 ba'es Hay. 74 cans lard. •1000 bushels Corn, in store and for sale by • LOCKETT & SNELL!NGN. ' sept 16. HASStB HORdOL. T HISSoUooI will be organized on Wednoaday, October 1st, undor the ohargo of Mr. B Mat- Ion, as Principal; who will bo aided by competent assistants. The house will ac’ommodate 800 j u- pils; 200 nf wh im will be rmiei ved free of chirge, and 100 will pay tuition. , Tlio Masalo Sijhool District luoludoBthat porlloii wf the oily lying east of Whitaker st. All children re- Biding in tbUdistilutart«cniiilHd to a place in this School. Applications must bo mado to i-.lthor of tho Com missioners, or to the Principal. A. PORTER, J. STODDARD, H COHEN. Commlssitauors Savannah, Sept. 8th, 1860. sept 8-1 m Morning News and Republican copy ono month. I OH N Ho MILLER . ATTORN BY AT LAW, uitlce coruur Bay aud Dray tou streets ■ Jyl8 , . . : - A. H. CHAMPION. (Successor to Champion & SVatts.) . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, No, 4 Barnard at., botwuou tho Market uud Buy ut,,' SAVANNAU, QA. ■ Dealer tn Groceries, Foreign and Domestic Liquors, Orldd Fruits, &o., toi. Reference—A. Ohumpion, Esq., Samuel Solomons, Esq., Mcaurs. Ruliuu A Whitehead, and Swill A Co., Savannah, Qa. mvtt CRANE,WELLS * CO., FACTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Savannah, Gn. LANIEK AANDEHHON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, «p6-ly maoox, aa, WILLIAM fi7BA«Sr B. J DAVANlVJa, , FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCJlNT, Vo. D7 liny Ntioel, , jy 30 - Savunhuti.G* ; All busiucsH entriwted to blB carowlll receive luomiit uttoutlon. J ' lyr—marl7 /Ait KB (LKOWIWW^ • •AxmAyifOMua, RODGBU8 A NORRI8, . (late Grnno ft Rodgors, NVIIOLESALF. OKOUKR8, HAY-STHI-^T, SAVARNAB. Juno 1,1856, ( ' 1 fjo?^ ‘ ■ Y. 1. IHIOKN. WM. ftTAIUi! Vr. HTH. IMiDBI. OGDEN, STARR A CO., Shipping and Oommisaion Merchants, BAYtSrMBCT. SAVANNAH. GA. - VA'PfEWrUU'HdNw CO., ” FACTORS.' A Forwarding pnd Commission Merchants, Uny-fit rriii, Sftvpnnnl), Gp, PUBLIC SCHOOL. T HE Public So Loot will bo reopened on Weduos- day, Octnhor 1st, under Mr W. II- Baker us rrluolpai. One hundred aud (Illy pupils will bo received; . y of whom will i»ay tuition. Tho School District clmlodthat portion of the city lying woutofWbiu- Mtreot, No children living oast of this street can obtain places In this School, Application! mint bo made to either of the Com- l98ioner8, or to tho Prliiolpal. A. PORTER, J. STODDARD, 8. COHEN. Commissioners. Bavoouab, Sept. 8th, 1860. sept 8-lm 48T Morning News and Republican copy one mouth. HURRAH FOR THE FALL TRADE! Knitana Finance Committee. The following Is tho Savannah Finance Com mittee to whom remittances for tlie cause of the South in Kansas should be directed; J. B. Gallie, Chalrra’n, Alexander Fawcett, W. N. Habersham, Dr. H. L. Byrd, R. D. Arnold, John N. Lewis, I. K. Tefft, .John Cooper, James G. Rodgers, J. W. Webster, and tho Press of the city. Democratic. Thorowill bo a Vroo Bar bicue,and a BoofShooting near (ho Six Milo House, outbo Augusta Road, on Saturday next, the 20th Inst. All jtcrsoiH ure Invited to attend. Several geullemeu of acknowledged ability, uro expected to bo present and address the people, upon the politi cal questions of tho day. urpl 12 S OAP, BROOMS, LARD AND BLUE-20 boxc! No 1 Soup, 60 Palo do, 75 do Family do 100 dozen Brooms, 60 kegs lard 100 boxes Fig Blue, received and for safe by MoMAHON k DOYE, jylO 206 and 207 Bay Bt. M OLASjtES MATCHES k MACKEREL— 25 bblft Molasses, , ton gross Mntchcs, 15 >£ barrels No. 1 Muckerel, recoivod uud for safe by mcmaiion a doyle, aug 20 X». 206 k 207 Bay street P ILOT bRKAD.— 26 bbls Treadwell’ landing and for safe by utigl4 Pilot Bread SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. J UST RECEIVED from New York—Black Crape Shawls, and for sale by J. W. TIIRELKELD, septft Congress and Whitaker streets, also: L ADIES’ and Gents’ black and colored Kids; and Misses’ do. For safe by J. W. THRELKELD, soldo Congress and Whitaker streets. FRESH GROCERIES. FRUIT, AND VEGETABLES. T1TM. H. FARRELL U now prepared to supply f f his customers with the best qualities of NORTHERN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, aolected with great care by hla buyer, who remains In New York during the season oxpresaly for that purpose. Fresh goods arriving by every steamer. The fol lowing vegetables per Alabama: 1 crate very fine large Cabbage, 10 bbls choice eating and cooking Apples, 6 bbls large Ringgold Sugar Pears, 16 bbls Mercer Potatoes, 3 bbls Boets and Carrots, Onions, red and white, Tomatoes, Parsnips, Ac. Groceries per Alabama: Pekin Company’s Superior Teas, Stuart’s Sugars, erery grade, at lowest prices, A flue assortment or Preserves and Joiifes, fresh from tbe manufactory, Goshen Butter, extra and other qualities, English Dairy and American Cheese, very choice, Biscuit of all kinds, warranted fresh, Superior Sugar Cured and Pig Hams, Krupp’s Essence of Coffee, Fresh Mustard, assorted English Plcklos, &o., Ac. To which we Invite tbe attention or customers. N. B.—All goods sold at my store are warrantod ' give perfect satisfaction; and all parcels deliver ed free or charge to any part of tho city. WM. H. FARRELL, septl 1 corner Broughton andWhltaker-sts. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Troupville, Lowndes County, Ga. Will praotioe tn Thomas, I/iwudes, Clinch, Ware, Appltug, ToU'alr, - trwlu, Laureus, aud Pulaski counties, Georgia; and in Jefferson, Madison, Hunt IRom^iuit Columbiaoountltw, Florida/ (my11 mil L¥lt^~rroTL, ATTORNEYS At UW, . UKUN.4W1UK, GA. WU1 practice lu the Brunswick Circuit—compNs- iug tlio following Counties : Glynn, Wayne, Camden. Ware, Apppling, Clluuh, Coitoe and Cuarlwii. • * JOHN B. MILLER. |,. C. KOl.L aug 8 ly a. TiibMAs; : Auction and Com Illusion Merchiuitn, 110 Bryan Street, VANN AH, GEORGIA. V/lltOMAH. [J012J 8. S.- PAKOfy. ~ W,H. P UUELL; DEALER IN CMOIUE F AMiLY GROOEBII-» , anil Foreign and Domcatlc Fruit, owner Jiroiiijlitan and WhiUiker-it«. fuwn -and country supplied with choice goods at nwHloraui prloea, AU orders promptly attended to. aud Hutirifaction always guaranteed, spit. “tfoHiTG. falligant; WHOLESALE -AND RETAIL DEALER IN' WINDOW BUNDS, WINDOW SASH AND PANE DOORS. West side Monument Squnro, Savannah, Ga. mayll JOHN H. COCHfiANE, i ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dublin. Laurens county, Ga,, late junior partner oi l tho firm of A. & J. Oochkank, lrwintoa, Go., will \ attend promptly to all business outlasted to Ids j car?. Particular attention paid to collecting. Rc-1 furnuce— Ur, C. B. Guyton, F. H. Rowe, Dublin, Ga., M Mar*h, Savannah. tuyll pfjAOORSr SHGAR AND TOBACCO 8TOHE. No. 39, Ball street, (dm of the Big Indian.) N. B.—Keeps constantly on bond Spaulsb, HaU Spanish, and American Segura, at wholesale aud re- alL Also, Chewing Tobacco, Snufl 1 , Ac, Juno 1 0. .S. IIAItKISOX. ' _ .1. II. MWir.UVK HAltHlSON A MtGEHEK, AUCTION, COMMISSION, KECEIV1NU AND t’d i-wu r.lliiK mere limits. SfliNll Ol UBOAMTBKOT, UOUMUDS, gnMgU. . B&r l-iirlicular un.-iita,n givi-ii lt> thc Halpfl Ot Kail FAlutc, Ncgrct’j- mid,t'rotttic^. ; • • . *g-LUm r»l advancer utft.fe.ou Nugrupto uiifl JMqr- , > cbamilre KKvKKmtE: ' RUSE, l'ATTEN * LO. ) - 1 • - GUNBY A: DANIEL - • > Columbus, Ga. 'J -P STEWART, GUAY A Co. ) • RUSE. DAVIS k LONG, \ . WM. WRIGHT, I Savannah YOUNG. ATKINS & DUNHAM,) . C. A. GREENE ,*c CO., ) Apafeqhlcola 1C. S. SMmi. y Mt V.llo, Alat«um.» oct 2R IV ; B.ELLI8. - : Factor aud General Commission Merchant* NO;7i BAY-STREET, SAVAKEAIl, OA., K , Rkkxjw to—Messrs. Cloghni u k Cunuiugham, iBell h Prontl»i», Ogdon, Ftsrr k ,fy>„ SevRtmth; J. '. Thompson Botofm- , . - nnv.t, , . . WM. At'llLKT COUVKK. J.NU. WltPKM FHASER. t'OUPER A PHASER, FACtOKF, k GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS,' Bay street, Savannah. Qa.fmyll JAMES MeHENRY, Insurance Broker and Notary Public. Marine Protests Noted and Extended, Average, adjusted, Charter Partiosand Average Bonds drawns Papers prepared whoreby to recover losseu from American or British Unaorwriters. and attention given to aU matters connected with shipping and In- aurance, No. 118 Bay-street opposite the front ol tbe eastern nouec. ly nov 8 JESBE T. BERNARD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Newmuisville, Fla. Reference—George . Urowu. William Moll, New- nansvlllo, Fla., R. U. Hilton, Boston k YUlalongn, Savannah, Ga. . my.U B altimore flour—m bbls, landing from the stramor Totten. Tor sale by septl? SORANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. G O MIEN BU'ffER AND CHEESE-20 kegs Go- sben Buttor; 60 boxes do C'hoeso; landing from steamer and for safe by soptl7 SCRANTON, JOHNSION k CO. EMON SYRUP AND PORTER— | 80 boxes Reys Lemon Syrup 15 casks Byass London Porter, landing per schooner Manbassett, and for sale by sept 2 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO, ( CLARIFIED SUGAR—60 bbls C clarified Sugar: J 60 do B do, Stewart’s; 60 do A do; landing ana for sale by septl7_ SCR ANLON, JOHNQTON k CO. iACOV, LARD, fto.—Justroceived 200Reyno!d’s I choice family Hams, 3 Uhda do Shoulders, 10 bbls No 1 Leaf Lard, 6 kogs prime Goshen Buttor, 10 whole and half bbls Haws' Corned Beef, for sale by DAVID O’CONNOR, aug8 Corner Broughton and Drayton sts. NOTICE T HE UNDERSIGNED having this day associated themselves togethur for tho purpose ot conduct ing tho Wholesale Grocery Business, and having purchased the stock of Rodgers & Norris, will here after continue the business under tbe firm or Rod- gors. Norris k Co., at tho old stand, corner of Bay and Lincoln streets. JAS. G. RODGERS, JAS. A. NORRI8, GEO. H. JOHNSTON, JNO. N. BIRCH. Savannah, Juno 2d, I860. Je 2 T HE firm of Rodgers k Norris having tfila day beou dissolved by the above association, either partner will uso tbe name of tbe firm in liquidation. JAS. G. RODGERS, JAS. A. NORRIS, Savannah, June 2d, 1866 je 2 M AGAZINES FOR JUNE-Putnam’s Monthly; Ballou’s Dollar Monthly; Graham’s Magazine; j rthur’s Home Magaxlno; Godey’s Lady’s Book; Harper’s New Monthly, and Dickon's Household Words, received aud for safe by WARNOCK k DAVIS, June8 « • 169 t woxjinoo street. W HITE COHN.—1,000 bushels Prime Baltimore White Corn, for sale by 18tM GEORGIA REPORTS, S ARATOGA IN 1787, a new supply; Signs ortho Ttraos or the Dangers to Religion and Liberty, by RunBen; Baird ou Religlou in America; Strickland’s History of tho American Bible Boclety Loomis on the Recent Progress of Astronomy, es pecially In the United States. Evelyn Marston, by tho author or Two Old Men’s Tales; Female life Among the Mormons, by the wife of an Elder; London Art Journal for August: Loudon Quarterly Review for July; Putnam’s and Harper’s Magazines for Sept; Com. Perry’H Expedition to Japan, a now supply, ~|RNB K K OPE.—200 Colls Rope for sale, to arrive per brig Z *~ UST RECEIVED, per steamer Knoxville, those Embroidered Shirt Fronts something nice, aud ter safe by J. W. THRELKELD, Bept 2 Congress and Whitaker sts. J UST RECEIVED, per lato arrivals from New York, a superior article or Flnted Skirts, aud for sale by J. W. THRELKALD, sept 2 Congress and Whitaker sts. by W. THORNE WILLIAMS. •ept0 B acon sides a shoulders.— 60 bhds. Prime Sides. ijACON.—60 bbds prime rlbbod Sides, 20 hhdi 1) do Shoulders, just received and for sale by ME8. 25 do ang 21 do Shoulders, for sale by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. UOAP, CANDLES and starch.— 100 boxes Collates U Bar, and No 1 Soap loO do Smith aud Buchans Family Soap 60 do Colgutes Palo do do 60 do Adamantine Candles, Starr Brand 100 do BoadolU Tullow Cnudles, 0 and 8' 76 do Oswego and lleadulto PearlStarch, 6i) do Chicago Poarl Starch, landing und for safe by sopt 2 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. B utter a cheese.— 20 tubs Choice Goshen Butter. 10 kegs do do do. 20 boxes Choice New Goshen Cheese, landing per steamer and for safe by aug 21 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. B UTTES'ANI) CHEEiE.^6 flrklna extra'ctolM Goshen Butter; 10 boxes of English Dairy and new Cream Cheese, received and for sale by —J. D. JFSS Inoculation fob Yellow Fevkr.—Dr. Hum boldt has been trying fils inoculation for yellow lever in Cuba, by permission of the Government. . A report of the result of the operation made 10 J 1 ? Government, shows that or two hundred and twenty-eight cases of black vomit among tnoM inoculated only seventy seven died. The wild woman 1ms been "discharged cared pom wo Cincinnati asylum nnd gone to her home In Northern Texas. p E Rt * Bout HiOr-A Parte correspondent of the Boston Transcript says, that notwithstand ing the beauty of Tils consort, tho Empress, Napoleon to reported to bo desperately in lovo with two Other persons-the Counties Custigli- one, a Florentine of great wculth nnd beauty, and tho celebrated Miss Nell, of Eugtand, whoso captlvsting powershuve thrown a spell over tlio heart of the “nephew of bis uncle.’’ M UI.XS.SEri MAOKEllEI. AND MUSTARD.—SO bbls and 6 Half bbls Mulosses; 10 bbfe and 10 halt bbls No' 1 Mackerel; luo boxes Mustard. Ro* eelved aud tor safe by MoMAHON k DOYLE, suptS No. 205 and 207 J U&T RECEIVED—Per late arrivals from New York, Mualln and Cambric Bands, Also, Mus lin and Cambric Edgings, and lor safe ny sept 2 J. W. THRELKELD. H AMS AND LARD—a Itjrcos choice Family Hams, aud a small lot of choice Leaf Lard, just received and for safe by soptlO J. D. JESSE. The 6th Inst., was celebrated in Montreal, by ft ball, that being the anniversary of the “tak ing” of Sebastopol. ' ^ ' w^-htrewere225 deaths in Philadelphia,last 1)K ESS GOODS, P LAID, STRIPED AND OMBRE RICH DRE-S Silks; Plnld Raw Silks; Silk and Wool Plaids; Clialllo, Valencia and Saxony Plaids; French Uorlnoea;Coburg (Toths; Solid Colours and Printed Mous do Lalues; Suck Flannels; French Plaid Flannels; Scotch Plaids; Mode do Paris Plaids: English, French and American Prints; Ginghams, Ac., Ac. Just received nnd Tor safe by sopite . Dewitt a Morgan. 26 do do Crushed aug 14 ' SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. S UGAR.—20 bbls Stuart’s Powdered Sugar 26' * - aud for itnio by aug 14 B agging, rope Ac.— 60 bales Gunny Bagging 300 <J9f!s Keutucky Rope. COO lbs Bagging Twice. • in store, aud for sale by nil(- 211 HOI/MMBE, JOHNSON It CO. septl 0 Qf? BBLS APPLES,’ Potatoes, Onions, Garlic and £O Green Ginger, received per steamer and for sale by scptlO J. D. JESSE. S ALMON—60 pounds fresh Smoked Salmon, re ceived per steamer and for sale by septlO J. D. JESSE. /RANDLES, SOAP AND STARCH.- \J 200 boxes Adaminatino Candles 76 boxes Sperm Candles 60 boxes Tallow Candles 100 boxes No. 1 Soap 100 boxes Oolgates Pale and Family Soap 160 boxes Starch for sale by RODGERS, NORRIS k CO. aug 29 l NEW GOODS FOR THB kALL TRADE. U8T received from New York per late arrivals^ Hemp Skirts, Long White, bow measuring ten F LOUR—200 sucks Granite Mills, New Wheat ' Gpo. Flour. 100 bbls extra J ustreceived nnd for sale 1 by *Ug 28, . ; BCRANTUN, JOHNSTON A CO. Black and White Ginghama Fancy Ginghams, aU patterns Super. Embr’d Skirts do Fluted do, something new MoBlin Banda, Cambrio do Dimity do, French do Jaconet and Cambrio Edgings, together with large lot or Cloths. Oasslmeres, Kentucky Jeans, Satinets, &c., for sa fe low by /. W. THRELKELD, sept 1 Congress and Whitaker ate. AGGING AND ROPE-76 bales Gunny Cloth i30 hair bale* do do 200 coils Kentucky Rope, in store, for safe by 23y WESTER k PALMES. M OLASSE8 AND SYRUP-60 bbls Molasses 26 bbls Syrup, landing and for safe by sept 2 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. aug 2*2 YOUNG k WYATT. aug 2 ' ZorvaBtor; by lOCKETT &8NELUNGS. .—10 boxes Nassau Lemous and Oranges, received per steamer, and for sale Jyl7 J. D. JESSE. sept 2 WFBSTER A PAL* S MOKED HERRINGS.—50 boxes smoked Her- rlugs, landing per sohr John Caster, and for safe by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. F IXHJR.—30 bbls Freeh ground Flour iu barrels 39 “ *• “ “ “ sacks, ter safe by YOUNG A WYATT, aug 22 H AMS—16 casks sugar cured Hams; received per steamship Keystcno State and for sale by aeptl2 WEBSTER A PALMES. J. 91. EYRE, COMMISSION MEROHANT, No, 1AM Baynt., Snvnntiuii. JEFFERSON ROBERTS, GBNBBAL coMMisyrojs mkrcuant,- AND DEALER IN " 'Ciinber and Lumber SA VANN Ah, Ga. ■^EtLlteSiWiYniri AMS,—" DBALEUB IN I)0MKST,1C, KO.UKIGN ANH FANCY DRY GOODS. No. 149 Congreat-et., Savannah, Qa. JAS. T. WELLS, formerly of Beaufort Dist. P. C. THEOPH1I.US WILLIAMS.; Feriven Co.,Ga. . . sopt 7 /. 0. Rl’HK. J. II. haVIft. W. B. I ONO. RUSE, DAVIS A IONG, ^ . COMMISSION MEIiCII ANTE SAVANNAH. OA. may 80 "WM.s.'BSSifBiLE,' ATTOllNEV AT I,AW,. HAVAXNAH. OX. Air utllce over Thomas M. Turner A Co.’s Drug Store, Bay atruet. my7 I. T-OCKKIT. It. P. SNICLUaOH LOCKETT 8NELLINU8, COMMISSION MEBCUANTS, AND SHIPPING AGENTF, Savannah, Ga, Will attend to the soiling of all kinds of produce} Strictattoutfeu given to receiving and forwarding goods. may 81 ly . Auction & Commission House, Macon, Ua A. R. IM.AUOHU1I, ' Guuural Agent and Auctioneer, Solicits from hla frieudu consignments ot every description. Takes orders tor Cotton. ft?' Special atleution given to the sales ol Real Estate, Stocks aud Negro property, at public, and private sales. Promt* rrturna and dispatch, Rofurenco—C. A. L. LAMAR. mChUO . PHILIP M. RUSSELL, NOTAR^ 8 Wnte;YA.^^COlIN tetNT *AND COPYIST. Wifi exeute Deeds, Alortgogos, Power til Attorney, Wills, Bonds, Notices und Taking ot Iuterrogntorios. Office at tbe Court House, Savannah, Gu. Court Days, Third Tuesday In each month, and held at tho office of Edward G. Wilon, Esq. Residence, Gaston, botwoon Barnard and Tattnall street. Any oallal night, on business, will bo attended to Im mediately.jy26 WM. M. WILLIAMS, THADDXVS OUVXR, JACK DROWN WILLIAMS, OLIVER A BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Buena Vista, Marlon County, Ga., Will practice iu the counties or Marlon, Mauou, Hous ton, Stewart, Randolph, Muscogoe, I aio, and uuy adjoining counties, where their services may be required. myll WILLIAM PHILLIPS, ATTOBNEY AT LAW, MARIKTT A, QA. 00120—ly - DAVID G. WILDS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SPARTA, GA. Will practice in tbe counties of Hancock, Warron, Washington, and Baldwin. KmuzNOS—Bohn k Foster, Rabun k Smith, and E. A. Soullard, Savannah. Juui) Z R. B. HILTON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office corner of Bay and Drayton-ate. SAVANNAH, QA. my 11 JAS. W. (IRKRN. U. V. SMOOT. GREEN * SMOOT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, oct26 TUOMAOTON, UA. JOHN BILBO, Ordinary ot Chatham Counts, AND ATTORNEY AT IAW. Office in the Court House. myl8 AitmunV iirijilEXu'H, ~ ATTOBNEY AT LAW, Savannah, Georala. 49* Office on Bay street, over the Bank of Savin, nab. • mayia ‘ H. L. P. KING, ATTORNEY at law, Goruev of Day and w Whitaker Street*, SAVANNAH. fob 22 3mos A. K. WKIUHT. J P. K. faVAOS. WRIGHT A SAVAGE, A210RNEYSAT LAW, mtUNteWICK, GA. Jyl9 DR. (lilARLBB H. COLDING, OFFICE AND BtSIDENCE, No. 14 UBERTY ST.. Ono door west of Drayton. myll WM. C. CONNELLY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, IhABXLLA, WORTH OOUNTY, IA.. (POST OFTICB. ALDANT.) Will practise in tho Southern Circuit, and In 6(a4»m, Dooly and Worth Counties ol the Macon Circuit. 49* Particular attention given to the collection ol claims In South-Western Georgia. je2—»\tn B. CUMMING, ATTORNEY AT LA W, febl-ly mwixTow, qa. OHAFFBftt A CO, No. 0 Whitaker Street, Savananh, Ga., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Cl ASHES, BUnds, Doors, Mouldings, Ac White U Lead, Zinc, White Linseed, Sperm, Whale, Tan ners’ and NeatsteotOils, Glass. Brushes, Gold tool, Bronze, Builders’ Hardware. Nails, Murulo Mantels, ko., ho. Je4 B KADELL'STALLOW CANDLES—76 boxes fi It 8 Beadell’s Tallow Candles, in store and’ for sale by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON b CO. aug 6 J^XTRA CHOICE G(>SHEN BUTTER—For steamer _ Alabama, aud for sale by aug 27 J. D. JESSE. L ARD —30 bbls primo Leaf Lard, 60 kegs do do do, in store and ter sate by icpta WEBBER A PALMES, ☆ CLOTHING A EMPORIUM. 1 DOOR WI8T OF TH1BXPPBLIO AN BE ADINQ ROOM Fine Ready-made Clothing; Hats and Capa, Shirts, Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, Ganea, Umbrellas Cravats, Stocks, Handkerchiefs, and Fancy Articles ter Gentlemen. W.O. Price, FASHIONABLE AND KIIITABY TA1L0B, No. 14» Bay Street, SA VANN AH. Aido, Superfine Cloths, osslmoro and Voatings, wilt be mado to moa- sure,unexceptfen< able in style and workmanship, by tho best mechanics, at shortest notice ... H I AMS —We have In stpre a small lot of choice . Tennessee small size Hama, which will be sold low In lets to suit purchasers. aept6' CRANE, WELLS k CO, L ARD.-'JO bbls prime No 1 Lear Lard, 60 kegs prime No 1 Leaf Lard, landing, and for safe by Bept 2 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. J AVA COFFEE.—60 mats old Government Java Coffee, landing per sebr J. Oastner, for sale by sept 2 Scranton, johnston *co. S UGAR, COFFEE* TEAS— 60 bbls 8tuart’s A Clarified Sugar a B t. »v 76 “ C “ « 26 “ Crashed and Powdered Sugar., 200 Baga Prime Green Rio Coffee 100 '• Fair “ “ *• 60 Mate Old Government Java Ooffeo 16 X cheats Prime Hyson Tea 10 X " “ Black Un foils, X do 10 X “ •* “ “Xlbpapora 60 caddies 6 & 18 lbs each fine Hyson Tea Jaat recalved and Tor safe by BGRANTON, JOHNSTON ft 00. ftng 29 T lYIDR’S PREMIUM COTTON GINS.-The most celebrated abort Staple Cotton Gins, now in ate, 40 and 60 saw each, ter sale by ^ YONGB ft FRIERSON, P°I*T- No. 94 Bay street. 49 s Ordertfrom city and county solicited, fob A JONH S. UOWKAi. ENGINEER, ARCHITECT AND SURVEYOR, t.-OKXEK OK luunox AND IWYA.VWTR., (Above 0 A, L. Inraar.) Jyfi—3m _ A. MiAI.PlN * BROTHBH8, Lumber, Mill and Brick Varda. Sept 6 SAVANNAH, UA. M. WHIT SMITH, ATTORNEY ATLAW, ALLIGATOR, EART KIXJRIDA. Will pracUcc iu the Eastern and Southern Countlei. Refer to—Owl. S. S. Sibley, And R. B. Hilton, fca* vamrnU. fcb2-tf C. W. MAURY, ATTORNEY AT LAW FRANKLIN, HEARD UU., UA. Will attend to professional business in tbe Counties of Heard, Carroll, Campboll, Coweta, Fayette, Miri« wether aud Troup. Reference—Hon. E. Y. Hill, LaGrango, Ga.; lion, David Irwin, Marietta, Ga.; Colonel M. M. Tidw.lL Fayetteville, Ga.; and Mr. William Dougherty, to* lumbus, Ga. snt>17-iy wm.iiiiAl.umu, r. NEW MARBLE YARD, Umontt iMunltirooi Cemetery, Savlt, Uo. Marble Monuments, TombB and Grave Stones, turn- bhed on reasonable terms. Grdors rea- poctfully solicited. aplS DBS. LBFLER ft WILCOXT DentlsU’ ARE now fully prepared to in sort toll or partial setts or JDntb on the principle of Dr. J. Alfeiis’s Patent Continuous Gum. By this Improvement, tbe term of tbo face cau be restored to anydecroe ol rotundity that may be desired. It Is applicable In all cases where the cheeks bavo fallen tn and cannot be detected by tho closest observer— This method combines tbe following»Ivantigei:— An artificial gum, which exhibits a perfectly natural and UTe-ltke appearance, and imparts totbethoctb that peculiar expression which characterizes tho na tural organs. ThlsGumoooaliteofasUftOlouscompound. which Is applied and fbsod uponthe Teeth and Platein suot a manner, u to All np aU tbe interstices around the base of the Teeth, and also unites them firmly to each other and to the Plate upon whloh they are sett. This secures perfect cleanliness of tbe Teoth Office over DeWltt ft Morgan, Congress street. *%Republican and Georgian copy, fftb 18—U COOL METRE A V THE ARBOR BJUiAED SALOON. (upstairs) Corner Bulltmd Bryuu struct*, over Barber Shop June 27 J. M. HA VWood, Agent. YONGB St FRIERSONJ FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 94 RAT-STROT. BAVANNAH. QA apr4 1>. A. O’BVRNE, . ATTORNEY AT LAWJ Office 176, Bay-st., over Turner ft Co’s. DrugJMoi • SAVANNAH,OA. utf 10—ly 1 wascii'fa '*"* ATTORNEY ANd'gOUNSELLo’r AT LAW, Monticello, Jefferson County, Fla. Reference—Hou, W. B. Flsxlvo, Savannah. Ga, myll > EDWARD G. WILSON, ! MAGISTRATE, NOTARY AND COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS. At Messrs. Ward ft Owens’ law Office. fmyll WAYNE, GRENVILLE St CO., COMMISSION „ Bay-sired Savv-mah, THOS. 8. WAYNE. D. E. GRENVILLE, R. AI.EX. WAYNE, W. T. SAMPLE, Jy 6—tf Savannah. Chattanooga. BACHES.—A cholco lot or English Peaches, suitable for preaervlug, jutt received andfor septll B AGGINO AND ROPE-1B.OOO yards 44 and 46 inoh heavy Sea Island Cotton Bagging; 8000' yard$ medium Dumteo Bagging; 26 bales Gunny OTARCH—60 boxes Oswego Pearl Starch (loth; 150 roll4 do do; 200 coll* prime Kentucky Q . 53 do BeatfSl'ado do/ landing Bopihw do falr dq; jMUecelved Md for safe by, aid tor tale by “ ’ ^ ; J ' WEBSTER ft PALMES. aogU SCRANTON, JOHNSTON* CO. bags fair, prime and cholco Rio Coffoe, 60 bo^ do do do Iogoyra da, 8000 lbs out Government Javo do, in atore and for eato by MI* 2 WEBSTER ft PALMES. T7UNCY LIQUORS— ““— J; M boxes Ginger and Blackberry Brandy, 4 cases Ginger Wine, 40 cases Uarret, 6 do assorted Liquor*, in store.and for tale PJ ' ■ . WKBSTSat ft PALMES. J. W. PATTERSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Troup vllto, LowndesConty,GA (mil CHAS. G. CAMPBELL {ATTORNEY AT LAW, IDUXDOXVILl*, Practices Law in the various Counties of the Cel mulgee Circuit, and tbe adjoining Counties of Twlgi*. Laurens and Washington. Refer to-Jobn Boston, H. A. Crane, and R. ■ Hilton. V feb!4 (■> GEORGE A. GORDON, ATTORNEV AND COCN8EU-OR AT UW, ComninlonereftHeJU."S.^Court of Ctatmefoe OOreCrn^ Rn^nnd - • - WIOtooHapIis; : k jrerge »l»d p |, oiog , np | «, In- ibvi i : •'•Alabf Ambrotybea and DiU guorreotypaa,-. In- hfe. muiai aw; parlor style. A calll* sohSteST^ — . n - ■ • - 4.». J.- Wi-MILLEB,-I cr. 8t. Jullan-st. and Market vr V. : •./<, ir.\lt>Mii; ■ UcaV ! Jill 'lo;.HV ...-ate: