Savannah Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, September 24, 1856, Image 1

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8|few.e?, ■ v Oubaeriptlon Prim »f Xav.nnUi Paper. By common imJ*r»l4uaim r U» proprtaten Ud liubtulmn ol U» Ihrea paper* Uemd in 3»».nmb, bars adopted lbs toHonln* uuir rm rates of bbb- lorlpUon, to taka sited this dipt Uaiij Paper, per aoeaui, la advaao* irt-trsskqr “ “ trssklf, suitecoi7,lazdvuee 3 DO tVseblp, are eoptsa, to one address.» 60 IVoskly, e<bt •• “ « fluid 00 Weekly, tea •• •< '..It bo Weekly, turn,-- '• “ ...,,.,.'.,99 00 Wliotiaeapald wlthla on* month from the lime or eubeprlsug the charge Ibr the Dally will he Mein dollare, u. forth. Trt-Weekly Jlee. The Vseaqr will he seat only to those who pay la edvaaoc The paper wHttnrarlably he dlacoalloed ui the expitatloa of thaUtaofbr which UhulMo paid. . The ahor* raise to take edkcl free. and after Mil. lioacaooa i atlln In I hydra headed monster, thla prlU of aboHUonlstn,t and idutydowifOa^dr - armandoa* to ttfamri JT" 111 ^ ‘ B “" r lto 0M * b Rtirivrd, 5. That the Ute relheal of the one- Di es df the South In Congress to pasa the army iroprhitlon bill, without the KatuaO prorlao, —“-“i’-' —i-., er ■ „■ tato the »i' ‘* ! ' ’,*«i •ppoprtatlon bllh without the Kanaad proi Oo' B* the Mmultaneoua Ineaalon Of Uhe Into , -4 £ 9 * complicity ordealgn, at ... .•'i'” 1 " JK wllllugueesofthocoemy to adopt means, 1 ■pi n lopt means, how- iry, to accomplish their ends, ,rod ’to the South, no .hope of U, u,or <o>utlng ahort or .the extermination „ the pro-slarery men in Knnsos; and slnoe Kansas is to be the werory, end the battle groond, he It further Rttuvtd, 0. That the chairman of this meet- Ing appoint n committee of three to obtain funds by voluntary subscription of the citliehs, "‘d.the eame trauamlt in such way ,as n thty oft* ** AUCUNDKR A dNttED, JfcpaMleoa, It. a HILTON *00., OrrrfandJ THOMPSON ft WITHINOTON, Ntm. darannah, duly t, 1816. WIDralPiT, Tara O’clock, r. M. DEMOCRATIC MEETING. A Meeting of the Democratic Party will he held at St Andrew’s Ball To-morrow, Thun day Evening, 23th Inst., nt 8 o’clock, to re ceive the report of the Committee appointed to nominate candidates for Mayor and Alder* men at the enaulng election. RICHARD ARNOLD, Gh'm. Henry H. Sorzotoh, Soo'y. Collecting Committee of the Kanina 'Auaelntlon. 8. P. HAMILTON. O. H. OHEEVER, P. WYATT, 0. WAY, J. 0. FOOTMAN, JOHN BILBO. Chairman,as requeued by the 6th reso lution, appointed the following gentlemen to rettlrOand sollctlt contributions: John J. Da- ftrr, Joseph Anew end Wm. Bailey. In* short time soms two hendred dollsrs were col- toted, whleh .amount, It is hollered, will be largely increased by the Mends of the came In this community. It was then resolved that the amount collected, or to be collected, shall be forwarded on r,s early na possible to the Chairman of the Financial Committee of the Kansas Association of Chatham county, to he applied to the purposes as set forth In the above resolutions. On motion, the Secretary of the meeting wae requested to furnish u copy of these proceed tags to the Savannah papers for publication. The meeting then adjourned. William Bailiy, Secretary. [rromViis'itacoD' ItMuscger of to-day.] Fillmore Ifomtn.tlonz la Maw York. New Yoax, Sept. 24th—The Americen party [Fillmore Wing] of New York have unitedly oomlnutcd Erabtub Brooks for Governor.— Fillmore was enthusiastically endorsed, Tna Kansas Fihanor Committer acknow ledge the receipt of 1227.25 horn Mr. HoHardy of St. Mary's, being the amount collected in that place for the cause of Kansas. Jodoe Hansell.—This gentleman declines the appointment of Fillmore alternate elector for the first Dlstrlot of Georgia. Mr. Hamilton W. Sharp takes hla place on the tloket. Whew!—'The Brunswick Herald is Informed that “ a prominent member of the Savannah delegation to tho Thomasvllle meeting, said he wonld give half a million of dollars for the charter of the Branawlck Company.” Cold Weather.—The eqninoctual storm which prevailed along the Northern coast last Satnrday night and Sunday did not reach this region; but the cold weather, which followed It, has come South with considerable intensity. A couple of blankets were not oat of ptaoe last night. This morning has been decidedly chilly. We presume there wea a alight flreet In upper Georgia. ' Miss Loqan.—This lady took a benefit at the Boston Hnaenm last Friday night In the char actor of Vtiutta in the Italian Bride. Harpers Hagaalne. This popular periodical la out for October, and appears from the table of contents to con tain matter of more than usual Interest. The work Is fo sale by J. B. Oubbedge, Agent Arrival or New Bonos Rice from the Satilla.—The schooner J. W. Andtnon, Capt Wataon, from the Satilla river, arrived this morning. Her cargo oonaiate of 3,100 bushels new rough rice, grown on the planta tion of Mr. G. W. Owens, and la the fitit re ceipt this season of the new crop grown on thft Satilla. - jngei Extensive Fire. On Monday morning of this woek about five o’clock, the moot extensive fire broke out, with wbloh our city hos ever been visited. It com menced near the center of the square on Mul berry street opposite tho Lanier House, In! a bookbuilding owned by Mn. Howland; 'afid destroyed the entire front or that square—ex tending back on Second street, two buildings past the alley through Its center—and on Third street to the center, except one fire proofbnlld- ing, that ot the Middle Bank of Ueorgla) on the front, end a wood building in the retr, (the offlee of H.T. Powell.) We have not opportunity to examine Into the eeveral amounts of individual losses, and probably do not know the names of all the sufferers, os this bio :k was densely occupied both by business men end offices and some families. On the corner of Mulberry and second streets a large wooden building owned by Dr. E. L. Strohecker, and occupied by him as a Drug store—also as the offices ofDr,'Mettenar,Dr* ~ r e , Nhoeishop.of J. Binder, Building and goods Dr 8trohackor fully insured. A considera ble amount of hlsbeavy goods consumed. Tha Jewelry store or Day fr Uaussinett, in the same building on Mulberry street, consumed—goods mostly saved. Adjoining this building on Third street were three smell wooden buildings which wore con sumed: One owned end occupied by Mrs. Sul livan as a fralt store, one occupied by John Rutherford ns a law office, tho other by Doctor Battle; the two last owned by Isaao Scutt. On Mulberry street, Stephen Clark & Co.’a Provision store—stock mostly removed—loss! a lew hundred dollars. F P Gary, Boot and Shoemaker,stock saved; second story of the building occupied by bis family, his furniture consumed—also, by J. A. Pugh, Daguerreotypist—less or some fixtures, fro. Building owned by J Washburn, of Savan nah. .... .. i John L Jones, Clothing store; stock nearly XU removed, fully insured; building owned by James Ren, and insured at $2,500—Its value. H Beldeu’s Hat store; considerable stock con sumed; had insurance- Building owned by Jno. L Jones, and Insured at $2,000—about its value. Peter fr Jaugstetter, Tailors find Clothing store; stock, fro., mostly saved; building owned by Donham, of Putnam oo. \ J Hernandez, Segar store; stock removed,but from tho number ot segara used about that time by tbo boys and idlers, wo should suppose that he was s-noked up as well as hornt out. EE Brawn’s largo two story building, occu pied aConfectionury, ten-pin alleyfrc.; second story as an Eating house; loss of eon- slderable stock, fixtures, 4c., among which were two valuable ancient paintings, valued at $3,000,. Mrs: Howland's two story building, occupied by OH Baird, us a Clothing store and tailors Kansas Meeting at If. Marys, At a meeting of the cltiiens of St. Marye, convened on Friday the 10th of Sept., 1850, for the pnrpeae of affording suhetanttal eld to the Qeorgla colonists in Kansas, and then who have gone thither and enlisted In the eanse or the 8ontb, Julius A. Baratte, Esq., was ap pointed Chairman, and William BaUey Secre tary- The Chairman, after having explained the object of the meeting, made an eloquent appeal in behalf of our suffering friends who ire now battling the cause of Southern rights In Kansas. On motion n committee, con sisting of of the following gentlemen, (vlij) Luther Martin, L. C.Harby,0. J. F.Caldwell, and Dr. Cohen, was appointed to draft resolu tions for the consideration and action of tho meeting. The Committee having retired, Hr. B. Campbell, by request ud Invitation, ad dressed the meeting in t few pertinent ud spirited remarks, which were highly oredltahle, ud produced a happy effect The Committee, on their retnn,reportadthe following resolutions, which woro unanimously adopted: Reulvtd, I. That the Territory of the United Slates, acquired by tbe common blood and tree* sate of the whole people, Is, and of a right ought to be, subject to tbe free emigration of any citizen or tbe United States, with all bis goods and clmttln, and every species of proper ty, recognized by tbo Constitution of this con federacy. That tbe Territory of Kansas; Is in no way exempt from this wholesome rule, by Innuendo leglelitkm; by any OQimaenkuOD of fairness or equal right: by any eeoHonal peculiarity or rauaticbm; but is whully and emphatically aTree field Tor the bar dy pioneer and his household, with his man and his maid aervunt. Huotvid, 2. That the right of the people of a Territory to choose for themselves those roirala- tious and institutions,that to them may seem tit and most congenial, not Incompatible with the Constitution and laws of the U. States, Is just ud undeniable; tho very basis of oar form at government, and in legitimate keeping with the spirit and geulus of tho Constitution of country. Huotved, 3. That the people or n Territory: who, nod no other, are to exercise this rign of enacting lews for their own government’ are or the bona JWe settlers, domiciled ci tizen end Inhabitants non ammo retertandi. Ana the attempt to frustrate the action of such s|ico|ilo, as u now mads Id tbo Territory of »nd against their will |o abolish an In- Mrtuliun that has existed for twenty years auwng them, with their consent and Interest, end drive them from the Territory ’ by tbe »d- 5J*t.°f temporary adventorere, dissfhoted so- &?**- 0r< *b». Beechers and'Bonnets, ud aid” mln!oni, la net only an ontragO: upoa the peaceful organization of the Territor; ' •md an Insult to the Sooth—but In respect 1 tiM?*'?, mlut “y army, of this oppojltior. In S'. 4 - That tha present state ol nflifra !h*a2*“ “ore empbaticsilyaddresscs Itself to “^“•ttorii States or thbUnlon, than to any “og.ssctlon thereof. That It Is their Intereela, SSttrewwafjs •SiSwiSBa'as e ^thTcriVi* ««icleitl “ ) Kansas for the eld of the Qeor- irgin emigrants, and others fiow ring battle In the cauBe of the Dn. Johnson on tux Beauties or Liteha- ruHi—It arts in annual custom with Doctor Johnson’s buoluetler toiuvlte hit authors to dine with him j end it was upon tbit occasion >r. Johnson and Dr. Rose, ufchliwlek, Then the following dispute happened be tween them «n the pre-qmluouco or the Scotch and Enxltah language. In the course of conver sation, Dr. Warhurton’a name was mentioned, when Dr. Bose observed whet a proud, Imperi ous person he was. Dr. Johnson answered: “Sir, eo he was; but he possessed nfore learn ing tun has been Imported from Scotland since the days of Buchanan." Doctor Bose,alter enumerating a groat many. Scotch authors, [which Johnson treated with contempt,] said: “What think yon of David Hams, tlrr" “Hal adelatlcsl,aeribbllug follow!” . Ros«—Well, be It so, but what sty you to Lord pdto ? • Johnj»o--twlt!i a surly wow-wow] I did not know thnthe ever wroteanything. Rose-No, 1 think he has written one llnethat haa outdone anything that Shakspeare or Milton or any one else ever wrote. Johnson—Frey; what was that, nlr I Rote-H was when he wrote an order for your pension, »lr! Johnson—[quite confounded] Why, that was a very fine line, to be sure, sir. . Upon which the rest ol the company get up end laughed and hallooed, tIU the whole room wae Int roar. shop In tbe rear: stock mostly removed; alto MavennaU Cotton Market, tept .lMJ, Tho markeirtill bohla ,0m at: HSOrday’s jlm. prnvemont. and Ibis tnrououn the ulMjbei sp 247 li.sls.c as iullowi,,vl*i In at 11,27*1.11^, 21 at 11)4, il st llJn, 59 st|l . LID. ,58 si I1M, II s, UK, 4 kt 13, and 41 nt Ikifc, . , ; , WHISKEY—WeToViee a Bsi'e this foreuoon of Illll barrels Cincinnati Whiskey al 38 cents per gallon. Pori of Snvaiinnli,........September'M$ SohrJutm VV Aml r*f»u. Wauuu, Satlil*, 6t«l0 Inwlifl roiiKl) i ice, K Helterdham 4r'ort. atOMui r ^'e >ikn, McNulty, fMlAtka; to (lagliorn k CuuniUtfbHDl Baron Rothschild recently left Vienne Air St. Petersburg, in order to concert with the Russian Government relative to tl o railways which are •bout to he constructed in that Empire by t company, of which lie M tin* principal represen tative. . Conalgtirra. Per steamer Welska, from PeUtka—50 bales I Cotton, 6 bales roo**, 108 hides, 16 bbla. ■ its turpentiue, to .CIaghorn & Connlngham. Bouton* Villrionga, ; Brighsm, Kelly & Co, P M Myraelt, Jno W Anderson^ J * J L Kirk* mtnek, 1j J Guilmartin, R <k J Lachlison, J P Iowan, A W Cooper, W A Coupcr, D JTjewls, Crane, Wells A Oo, Hunter & Gnmmell. Report oft hr Bonrd of Health ofChir. ieaton. OfFiua of Bo Ann of, [ Saturday Kight, n o'clock. V Th*Board of Health report four deaths from Yellow Fever for the post twenty.fonr hours. si. L; Dawsou, M. I)., C. R. Taa_BR Thousand Birrial— 1 Tha vote in this state for Fraeklin Pierce, iu 1852, wu only 2000-now oar vole Isaliout 12,000. Will the Watchman Inform ua whether these facta In. dicate tbo immediate downlbll of the demo- oratio party? Coarage, men—through all the disturbances of tho Isstitbree yean, despite the yells of the “freedom screeches,” we come out 3000 better than we did in '32, with colors flying!— I'irmamt Patriot. New Yoee Mabekts—-New York, Septem- her 22—A farther decline hss been admitted in Flour, and the quotations now stand Ohio 5 20 a 0AO, Southern 6.90 a 7.25. Wheat continues dropping, but prices have not settled aullloiently to give new figures. Corn has declined and Mixed is rated 65. Naval Stores.—In Spirits Turpentiue there bleee activity, but no change in prices. In Roein, also, there b little doing. Bros—Nothing qorthy of report. Fxruihts have Improved. PaeeuMens. Per steamship Keystone State, from Phila delphia—F'R Lyons,L Lyons.Cent'S PMy- rick and lady, Miss 8 Dsrdeil, Mbs L J Dari dell, Miss tfyrlok, Hies Follliisby;:Ueo Roberts aod lady,Him Autry, S M Wskeman, lady and svt, Miss Jane McAllister, Mrs Pritchett, Mn H J Dlcecrson.W H Dickerson,Octavus Cohen, Mrs M A Bradley nud two danghters,. Miss Kate Mortimer, Jaa Frooboro, J :N Turpin, R B CatWier, B Jackson,q«n (lomendeaand 3 evta, Jno E DcFord, T S Kermon, WJL Molten, Hr Pllloohdy and lady, Mrs A Scattergood, Wm Rudd,Jr, Mrs E Collins, Mias N J MsXwell, 8 C Thtrn end Lady; and It In steerage, Per steamship Alabama, from New York- Wm R Wilson, D C Wilson, S H Goodman, Lethaner.T P Denham, Mbs Fnser;Mlss Wylly, Miss Ella Moore, Hiss Ida Hevehfhd, Mbs Ame lia Moore, Miss Ida Stewart, Jacob Welters, J Zccershofer. J Bookman, G Vernlcl. J W BIan- dln, B Frevett, E Thompsoo, J McKenna, S T Darmes, G W Sizer, M Cohen and evt, Mre Ro- [era and daughter. Mrs Marla IWaraWright, lies L Hyde, Miss Funny Shqmlly. J M Rey nolds and lady, Capt Leddy. J H Richards, Mias W R Plxly, Mary, svt of Mm Whlttemnro, Regonstem, M Cohen, EF Cooke, ELSheb ton, Gen’l A L Hyde, U S A,P Hayden, W B Hill, L E Welch, w W Parker,Thos Anderson, ' C Berks, J N Pinehart Jas Haddlck,? Fraser, o 0 Bbckstock, Mrs Weir, J Cohen, C E Solo mon, Thos PendergRBt,H Shehao, Geo Hetter- Naw Orleans Markets.—New Orleans, Sept. 22—-The salts of Cotton to day snm up 1*00 bates, at former rates. Sterling Exchange 9}. Accounts Irani all quartets concur generally In authorizing the belief that theincomiug crop of Cotton will he considerably below s good average. oh and ledy, Mrs Abby, A Homes, Mn Bishop, G Wbittcmore, lady and child' Miss Tooton, Asa Moooo, G W Suffer, Chas Stevens and two danghtera, L Mayo, Miss Ferguson, Miss Fits slmmons, Mrs H Houseman, and 18 In steerage. The Testimony or aiInow Notuino—Mr. Danenhowcr, of Chicago, who b stamping voucununur, u, villCUgU, WUO IS HUllUpillg Illinob iu behalf of Fillmore, made a speech at Quincy a few days ago, from n report of which :o the following: “Two years ago, genttemaD, there were In this city six hundred Know Nothings. I know what I say to be true. I hare seen their names. I know who organized tbe lodges. I had some thing to do with tho organization myself. Yes, there were la your beautiful city or Quincy, two years ugo,-aix hundred Know Nothings. (“A voice in the crowd—'Where are they now 7'] “1 will toll you where they ere. They ere your stores, around the streets of your oil hurrahing for Fremont, free territory, IV lager, and— “A voice—'Free Jeeale." “Yes, free Jessie 1 They are afraid to avow their principles. They are just as strong know nothings to-day as they were then. They don’t like the Dutch and Irish now toy bettor than they did then; bnt they went Irbh and Dutch votes, so that they may pull the wool over the eyes of the Dutch and Irbh; and they will do It, toe, at least to some extent They will honoyfogle a good many Dutchmen into the support of Fremont, and I'm glad ot It" Here’ b the testimony ot a leading kuow nothing. Can any one longer doubt the com plicity of black republicanism with know nothlugbrn—Dttroit Frit Prut. by iloses Barnes'JJowslry store; stock removed, loeaoftcob.fre. 0 A Elb fr Son’s two story building, occupied bv them ire a general family Grocery, for sale of Ice, Manulhctnrera ot Soda Water, Eating banse, frc.; stock of goods mostly removed, full Insurance on property. Wnshlngtou Hull, a largo three story wooden building, recently purchased by John L. Jones and J MBoardman, and Intended soon to bo re moved for the emotion of better buildings, was occupied in part by William G. Kilpatrick, as a Hotel; and Clothing store by Sherman; a Barbershop by Jesse Watson ; L. Yonng and Brothers, Dry Goods and Clothing store, on tho comer of Mulberry and Becoud streets; stock mostly saved ; and Bar room by Stephens and Smith, on Becond street. Three story brick building an Second street, formerly n part of Washington Hall, recently purchased by J. fl. Damour, with two adjacent wood bnlldlnge. Hta loss over the insurance b Later (loom Kansas. Columbia, Sept. 20.—We have biographic advices of the 20th from St. Louis, from which we loam that a fight occurred on the 13tb near Grasshopper Feus, between n band of fifty Southrons, under Robinson, and n Northern force that was engaged In plunder and invasion. On the'nextday the Southrons were attacked by a larger force under Hervey, and after two hours hard fighting, and the lorn of three Southerners and twelve Northerners, on armta- tics was asked by Hervey, and agreed to for thirty days. ADDITIONAL. We have advices from Kansas to tholfitb, on whioh day It b stated that 2,500 Missourians were at Franklin, preparing Immediately to reduce that town, and that several skirmuhea had taken place between the advanoed guards ef tbe two parties. The frecsoll marauders under Harvey have been captured by the U. 8. dragoons. probably $2,090. Brick building occupied by B. H. Goodman, Dry Goods and Clothing; some J. If, Boorman, Bookseller—loss of about $1,000 worth of stock—Insured. Landauer fr Bro.—Dry Goods and Clothing— some loss* Joseph Hertsfield—Dry Goods and Clothing In wood tenement of J.B. Damour. On west side of the alley, two story wood building owned and occupied by Mrs. Andonid as a Millinery stoic -goods saved. Building in* sured for $1,000. Brick building owned by tho Agency of Mechanics Bank of Augusta, and Marine Bank of Savannah. Building insured and property nred. A large temporary wood building adjoin! the stores of J. E. Saulsbtiry and Strong Wood, was tom down, und tbo (Ire was hero stopped. This wiw occupied by A. Benton, Aactioncer, und T, H. Plant, as a Carriag Ware-house—Carriages all saved—some atloels in Benton's injured and destroyed. Building owned by Freeman * Roberts. Besides the building on the streets, a two story brick building on the alley, owned by A. Cherry, and several kitchens, stables, and other out buildings, owned by several individuals, were destroyed. The amonnt of the loss in buildings and other property is large, but we have no means of arriving at tbe amount*— Most of the tenements were of wood, and were built in tbo early settlement of the city, and it was contemplated by the owner of several, to have them tuxen down soon and replaced by better structures-^which we trust will be done, as soon as materials (which aro now very scarco owing to tho great number of buildings going up,) can be procured. Oar tire companies as usual, did their duty to the fullest extent in their power, and to their exertions oar citizens ore Indebted for saving the remainder of the brick building on the block where tne tire occurred. . No personal injury was sustained during the Ure, but a few.houra afterwards, a chimney fell by whleh a son df J. J, Giesh»m.Eeq., bad bis nJ*red° teD,an(1 WM oUl,r wlao OOBSl<le .f a Mf Jf rom .f large number of onr citizens who . become homeless, It ha great difficulty that they have occur- edlOdjtiona for business, eveu'of tire most cmr • r' " 0 ‘ Job Printing Promptly, Neatly and Cheaply Done. The-public in general, and onr Democratic friends ip particular, will remember that there la connected with the Otorgian 5* Journal es tablishment one ef the most thoroughly equip ped job offices Iu this section of tbe Union. If we aro correctly advised, eome of the most beautilhl specimens of Job work overdone in Savannah have lately passed than under onr presses. Give nsa trial. Our facilities enable ns to execute every de scription of lettft press work from a mammoth poster to the ameliest card, and from a hook to a circular, with neatness and dispatch, upon the must satis factory terms. Orders from ail parts of the country will re eelve prompt attention. r* .Bqnlnoctlni Itorm. Nrw York, Bept, 29^-Thc'c, ?d& ^RMullbli tolSIieSS WMMi ■ o'clock.- - l Baltimore, Sept- 20,-It has been rMnlng here slnoe an early hoar thla morning. Wcath* auip.-yj/ ABH1NOTON, }|A Sept. 20.—Rain commenced ' ’last, night. .It is stiUrain By, Highly Important to tha American Peo pie—The original mill only-genuine SirAstut Coopor'S Fulb —This most excellent Vhgetablo Medicine is, IT taken ibr tbe time, and in tbo manner specified, warranted, on oath, to effect • cure. The fine balsamic and invigorating powers whioh Sir Astiey Cooper's Pills possess, are wonderful; a trial ola single dose will carry conviction that they are all that U necessary to Invigorate the reeble. restore the invalid to health, and do good is all coses: no fear need bo entertained, as they are quite harmless. Tho head* or families should always have them ln the house, as they may, with the greatest cond- deuce be resorted to, at any time, or in any cue. Epsom gaits are aometlmoa haa recourse to when a purgative U required. If tho true nature of Ep* douftialU, s'uidlitx Powders, and alt saliue aper- ionls, wore fully understood, they would never be resorted to—they occasion an excessive secretion and discharge ot tbe natural moisture or the stom ach and bowels, and this softens the contents ot tho stomach and bowels and produces watery emo. tiujitf—tbe vessels after this unnatural druluing, are dried up. and 'a confined state of tho bowois is pro duced, which, iT not carefully attended to, produces cosUvenene. and all It* train of evils*, boeldds, all salts aro cold and'gnpltlg, to say nothing or tbe daugerofmUtaUugOtdlicvAoid for sate, frhiob mistake has in numeroil* ipslanoel terminated fa tally. *«7taloy06oW'4 Mild Experl*nt Anti-BU tous Pills are now generally established as tho meet favorite family Mediclno. Caunox to rax Ppauc Observe that on the top of cafth bog of the genuine PUN) there Is an exuo • — 'nl*o,thef*u*lmue leut likeness of 8r Astloy Cooper; also the fatal mile of the signature oTMaoPhaU ft Co., bole Proprietors London and Mw York, on tho directions. Without ijOUtHJB WOW » vrm. r „ Uleso marks of authenticity, they are certainly spu rious and an impcmtlon,' Bold at 25 cents, 60 cents and$1 per box. Full,directions are given with each hpgi JThemU a greai raving by taking tha I" Br wa, NnrYurk. For sate also by A. B.D.AS f Bn»a- war Nair York. For sate also by A. B.D. ft Sands 141 William Streetfeblainila HreUtera ft Cu., 170 William Street. MoKtaaon ft Bobbtaa, 00 Fulloa O..V. miekonariftcOB.jjSl-Batytar .treat . rtW'AM®-; n.-t Coiniiimiiil »lpff. NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. MAGAZINES. J* ARI'KB’S MAOA2INE for Ootoberi' (vodey’H Ijulie.* 4 11 qk far f)otolM*r, Uruhum't* Magasiuo fur October. ' flerelved by J. B. CUBBEDGE, Agent, Bupt-4 Marshall House Building. SUNDRIES. Ctaolae .Tahle Butter,— Croahed, IMJerwt Olarifiea B and 0; Unhi and Brown Buant*< from 111, 11,12K, 13, Id, and -5 eta. HHuuMN— 1 'J« f'J-.'i I aod,.SMn 8 boA|, I'uinied HuokolJ «$«#. 2 did ’<• '.U.TTl dd a d HnNirnt. lAuilInznad Ibrsale liy rurU: ii) , Nun.tNZ’osrjiiHNftroN' km NB'ASIt»«d’tem“'' H J.BI.BYltE, COMM tfWION.MKKOHANT, 100 bales Ui'uvy Hunhy (loth ; ' ; ^400 0.»ltiarj^t hjiir <>)|is HlchkrdsAn'N Romp ktnift leaf Rope 1,1,5 *‘f.... XO OMM WCRorii Hsndfiptin Hemp Hoito Just received add for nule by aUg 519 ' i: * i KODGKR8, NURRld ft Cl>. wheat j UILIP M. HiriiELb, . u of.Jt^YA F CK«[ H A0*ASI, I}t| ft*; ,r»*. ;*.. .'iWfl'KttT..•■/.'.*.'■! ;» i W|Uibx«dtoDtwUSfMilrta»Koii 'Atiorni’y, Will-*, Hontja, 4 Suilco« <*«d Idklug ol J.ttw. n<gtitoriu.H. omae'at tbs Court llolwt', HaVannah, (fa Court Days, Third Tuesday injwoh montu, and held at tbo hfiloii »»r Kdwaiu “ Rwltionqi sale by aug 19 ■nmn?,*-r-**-$ " r WnfafU '. Wllon. Ksq. . “ RislJouno, U oh ton, butwoeii Uanmrd and TaUnxil if. In backs arid barreln, far, utroot. * WEBSTER ft PAIiMK**. Any eaU at night, on Uiuuums, win bo attended to Immediately. Jy*i6 s iHKKdK A.VD BUTTER.—516 boxes Cheese; Ir 1 Urkius Butter, Received uor ateantor and fa by MoMAHOX ft DOYLE, ■epft 206 and 207 Bay street. TUST RECEIVED—From New York, Whale Bone cl ton lln*l long far 8klrl<. —Atao— Hooped Hkirts, and Air sale by J. W. thhklkkld, •ept 5 Congress and Whitaker sis B ACON.—Mhhds prime Western rlbed Bides, 26* do do do tihpulders, aog lit 20 do fair to prime 4 do do 'II WEB HER ft PALHM. ...nboulders, Hams. GOD BY FOR 8EPTBMBEH. I i OuEY'S lady’s Book for Heptember. VT Arthur’s Ifomr “—* - me Magmlno tor.September. Puleriion'H Ladius National Magazine for Septem ber. Tho Edinburgh Review lor July. Received nn far ><u!o by WARNOCK ft 1IAVW, nug 2i. No. 159 Congress street HAItPRR FOR SHPTKMBER. H ARI'Rit’rt Now Monthly Magazine far .Septeni- '•or, is recuivod and for sale by WARNOCK ft DAVIS. »ug 21 _ _ NO. 166 (/ougrcMK street. 7 7 takb Notick. D CHCHA6KK8 will have luoir goods delivureu- X Dee «r expense with quick dtapatch from me Savannah Grocery and Fruit Depot, corner Brough ton and Whitaker streets- ,,49* I would call the attention of 'Fruiters gener ally to my well selected block of (Jrocories, tocoiv- Og-daily. iecW—tf W. H. FARHELI* HANSON’S IMPROVED ENAMELED LIGHTNING CONDUCTORS, , . . ATTORNEY ATLA.V, , Dublin. Uiiratw county, Ca,, late 1 junior partner of the Urm of A. ft.l$*'Amwkaxn. Irwiuton. «a.. will attend promptly fa al) bu*int*n euliwuvi to his care. I'artiouler attention paid in collecting. Re ference—Dr, C. I|. Huy ton,. F. H Rowe, frfallo, Ua., M Karsh, Bavantiiih. . myII f KMON SYRUP AND PORTER— Jj 30 boxes Roys Izcmon Syrup 15 oasks Byai*< IjdihIou Purler, landing' per schooner HanbasseU, ami far sale by iHNsJTON septa SCRANTON, JOH i ft cu. E AKOY laKIUUlbf.- do boxen oiog' r and Blackberry Brandy, by 4 o ijim tlinger Wine, 40 co^.m t;lam*t. 6 do awirfad tJipiora, in Htorn and far sale aug 19 WKB-VrKR ft IMI.itKS, oiUmnfr cu,' No. A Whitaker Street, Snvanuuli, «■., WllOUUUit AND RKTAti. DRAMCHH't.V oASHfi*, Blinds, Doom, .Mouldings, ftc White O Lead, Zinc, White linseed, tiperio, Whaiu, Tun- miM’und NeufaliHitOilM, (Jlass, Hru-lii s, Gold bed, Hruuso, Riiil'leri*' llardWHre. Nails, M.$rblo Mnnlels, fto , ftc J"4 •m:; CLOTHING A, VT EMPORIUM- ii I. DOUR OF T11R KgPimtlQaN RRAD1N0 UOOR. FjnoReady•madeiW'ftUo Price, .Also, Superfine Clothing ; Huts and Cape, Sblrfa, CoUara, , Gloves, IIoHiury, Oauca, utnbrollaM L'ruvau, stocks. Hundkert'bieffr, ind Fancy Article* ... far . <H»ntlomen. C atruoiedNUd sold Wholesale and Retail at his Factory, No. 9d H, iiuuU street, Baltimore. Copper and Kuamo!ed Roifa coustrnotod on Ships, wellmg and Public Buildings, in tho fuffest and beet manner. Al o. far /ale, lightning Pod Points, Gla-*** !n-*i- la tors and Trimmings far putting up Rods. Ordorn left with Josoph Harvoy, jr-, No, 640 West Fayette sireot, White ft Woodward, No. il .North street, or at Factory, No. 96 SoutU Komi Htreet, will be promptly attended to. Persous waning purticuiur information rolatlug to tneao Oouductors will please address E. HAN- HON. No. 06 Bond street, B«ltlmore, Md. Mllg.21 — l|u • , ' >EACHEwa • choloe lid of English Poaclies, . . suitable for preflorvlm*, Just receive t ami ror salo by septll J. D. Jj-firfE. U '"“OFFER —Idihl hags fair, prime und choice K!o C'jffd•!, 0) bags do do do Laguyra do, 3000 llie Old Uoveromuiit Javn do, hi sturo and fur sale by avpfi WKliKTKR ft PALMES. JUaiUR.—\6b sacljW Extra, and Superfine Elmir, from Psliwe Miliri, of new wheat, just receive, nud for Halo by. RODGERS, NORRIS ft CO. aug 29 • PATENT ICR PITCHERS, J UST received, ONLY thirty-two days from Bui- timuro hy tfic uoW -Stcamehlp Une. The tvi- morons uuquirurb will be glad .to learn that They 'mvu (Ruby aiii'iV”! KENNEDY ft BEACH. llotuu furur-hi ig Store, Ifadgson’a New Bluck. aug 4 - ■ . J USI* RECEIVED—White Hrllllantes Qbe NOTICE TO BRIDOK BUILORRS. DROl'OSAl.s will Im.roceived by the uuderidumni X until the 15tli ul'October uu t, f»r .robuiM' le 15tli of October uu t, f-»r .robuiidlng „ -ire**!* 1‘h'omakcr* < rewk, on tho Chur- okee.Rili Criwu Ruud, to be bribe following propor tions (anti all material of bent black cyiiretjs f ex ceptttie cover, which mu.-it bill curt yellow phio,) 36 feet long, 18 foe.’Wide, to tie Unbred -to feet, to be sustained by four rows or pill g, throo iu oach rdw. Each pil-to be bxUinohes, auduub.stunUally driven. Each row of,piles to bo capped by a 24 feet stick 9x12 inches, and beveled on the upper NCV I'.UNr.t—One oa*e F utuy pi luted Cali , . oau4, Wrt.•(• $..ted fist c lmrs, at (J*f cents per yard. Just roct ived i$y Mteamur Knoxville, pud for «mlu by DkWITT ft MORGAN, scptl COFFEE. Of all grades: from 12X. 14,16, and 18 cents. TBAIt ’- v Gun|>owder, Green and Ooloogj. ftc. Fulton Market Beer and Pig Pork ; * Torre Haute Hams in Canvass ; Pickles of all klndB ; Preserves or all kinds ; Glllett Sardines, halves and quarters, best brand; Sweet Olive Oil, quarts and pints : Chocolate, Preston’s and Baker’s Premium; Durkre’s ft Babbit’s Yeapt Powders. Call and .examine at . JAB A. BARRON’S Family Grocery, sept26 Wlittaker and Charlton-st? Savannah Grocery -AND FRUIT DEPOT, Cor. Broughton and Whitaker Street*' J U3T RECElVED*PER STEAMSHIP ALABAMA, 60 lbs. Splendid Isabella Grapes. 40 Bbla. of tbe Choicest APPLES, POTATOES, PEARS, TOMATOES, RED, WHITE AMD SMALL PICKLING ONIONS. 1 Orate Superior Cabbage*. SEW ' BATES, .LEMONS, ORANGES: And a variety of the choice*! and best Sugars* Teas, and Coffees the Northern markets can afford. Also, Extra Goeben Butter and Cheese, weighing over 100 lbs each, which haa been ordered express Jy for the retail trade. sept 24 W,H, FARRELL, FOR DEMEIVY’S FERRY, AND ALL THE INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS ON THE SAVANNAH RIVER. Tbe new Don steam packet SWAN, Captain Ricliard Johnson, Gbarfa ■ will leave Charleston wharr every >Friday moruing, nt 10 o'clock, punctually, for Domery 7 * Ferry, and all Intermmll- ato landings on tbe Savannah River. 49- The Swan has superior accommodations for passengers. t . For freight cnKsgomente apply to sept2:i JOHN RICHARDSON. to show a loco of three inohes at top.banU^ers to bo well braced at each of the cap sills Contractor to famish all materia), and work to be done and turned overto Road ^Commissioners fir their inspec tion by the 16th of January next. • md, with iedurlty required, far Ihe falthfal per- mnee of the work, together far its romainldg subgtantlal for ro von years from completion. GEO. 1* HARRISON, 1*. l.C.C. 0- In behalf of tho Interior Court of Chatham Co. Sept. 12th, 1866. soptl2 T HE subscriber wishing to make room for his FALL GOODS, which will soon be comiug in, otter* bis pro3oat ntock of DRESS GOODS, ftc., at a small advance on New York Cost. J. W. THHKLKKLD, congress and Whitaker streets. News pie i>o copy luly 29 ULAS6K8—1UO bbla Alolassos,for sale to arrive per sobr Julia A Rich, by aug8 LOCKETT ft SNELUNGS. j^LNE UQUORS— JUaugB 10R SALE—10 abares Gas Uompan* o» Gas Company Stock, by BARKMAN ft BULLODH £ PHELPS’ GIN— 60 bbis landing per schooner • John Costner, for sale by aept 2 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. STRANGER I !■ j ;ii. R' you want a good and cheap ■gDQJLJUTraiik, Vnllce, Carpet Bag, AlWn or Clothing or any kind or quall- raBMWaferty. ready made or made np to your measure; also Hate, Ups, Shirts, Collars or Drew Furnishing articles of any description, call and se lect from the largest and best stock in tho city, at tbe Star Emporium, 147 Ray street. WM. O. PRICE. 2 hair pipes Klopper’s Brandy, vintage 1816 4quardo do do do 1816 110 H do do do do 1816 4 half do OUrd Dupuy ft Co’s do do 1864 4quar do do do do 1864 6 k do do do do 1864 2 hair do Hennewa do do 1840 19 do do A Solguetle do do 1864 00 hair, quarter and eighth pipes Coenao, Ro- obello and Bordeaux Brandies of various brands 3 pipes Metier Swan Gin 10 6 gallou deinIjonsOld London Dock and Cto* ver LeaT Gin St Oroix and Jamaica Rum in puncheons Old do and do do in demljons Very old Port and Madolra Wines in demljons Champagne, Rhine and Claret Wine in cases and baskets; In bond and store for sale by PALMBB . S SIDES AND HAMS—SOhhds Clear Sidos 20 tierces choloe Haras, landing and for salo by augl6 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON ft CO. QT CROIX SUGAR-16 hbds St. Croix Sugar, land- ing per sobooner Mauhaasett, far sale by sept 2 8CSANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO MOURNING GOODS, B LACK French Bombazine, Black Alpacas, Black Lama Cloth, Black Mohair, Black Challie, Black French Lawn, Black and Whlto French Hus* lln, and a fine assortment of Stripod and Plaid Black and While Ginghams and Calicoes, Plain and Striped Black Sewing Silks, and Grenadines, Barege and Tissues, Plain and Figured Black Silks, ter summer collars and sleeves, of tho latest patents. For sa a ~ by [Jel2] AIKIN ft BURNS. FOR THE I* ABIES. TUST received per !*earasbip Florida, from Now d York, Brook’s Patient Waxed White, Black and Cul’d Hpool Cotton, and for salo by J. W THRELKELD, aug 27 Congress ft Whit tker streets. ROOFING! ROOFING!! warrf.n’s improved fire and watbb-proof conrosmox roofikc. T HE subscriber naviug boon appointed sole agent in this city for Warren’s Firo and Water Proof CorafaMltiou Roofing is prepared to oxeouto tho samo in a satisfactory manner. The attention or the citizens or Savannah la ro- spectTuDy solloUed to tho above method oT Roofing now much used iu the principal cities or the Lnlted state*, (faith N.irtn and South,) and aa it baa been tested miner every variety of circumstances; Icon* fldeutly offer It to tho public as a mode of Roofing unobJQuUoiiuple in overy particular, whilst it com bines, iu a greater degree than any other roofleg in u«e, tno vaiuablo requialioaoi cheapness, durabiUty trad security, against both fire and water. It haa rapidly superceded tho Uuo of all kiuds of roofs wherever it baa been Introduced, giving iu all cases genera! $>aturactibn, being highly recommend ed by Insurance Companies, and all who bavo test ed Its utility. *9- CHARLES 8H0LL, Architect, will act as agent during my absence from the city, at whose offleo all information will be freely given, and sped* mens or the roof shewn. aepjgjj CALVIN FAY, Agent. Ni/iicE.—John Boston, Esq., was this day ected a Director of the Merchants' and D imity bands! dimity bands i t- Rocelvedand far sale by sept 2 J. W THRELKELD, ATLANTIC AND GULF RAILROAD. ..iff T hETBoardof cJOMMlosiOzNEK8 ot the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad, having adjourned to moot on tbe 26tb instant, and it haviug been represented to mo that tho interest of tbat enterprise requires farther time far the obtoinmeut or subscriptions to tho Stock, and acquiosclng in tho justness ortho suggestion, the meeting of tbe Board on the 26th Instant Is hereby postponed until tho 22d day of October next, at MldodgevlUe. E. A. NISBET, Chairman. Macon, Aug. 20,1866 aug 80 SOUTH-WESTERN R. R. CO.,) Macov, August 14tb, 1850. i D IVIDEND NO. 9^-The Board of Directors bava this day declared a dividend of Four Dollars per share on tbe capital stock of this Company, from tho oarnings of tho Road for the six months ending July 81st, payable on and after the 16th in- Stockholders In Savannah will receive their divi dend! at the Central Railroad Bank. JNO T. BOIFEUILLET, augl6—lm Seo'ry and Trcte. . elected Plautero* Bank, to flU the vacancy canted by the resignation of K. M, WHUameoo, Esq. WANTED. I'HREE HUNDRED‘ACTIVE YOUNG MEN to act 1 as local and traveling agents in a business easy, usetel and honorable, at a salary of $100 per nuntbt A capital of $6 ouly required I No patent medicine or book buslnest. : _ particulars given (dree) to all who enuloae u postage stamp or a three oont piece, and address A. B MARTYN. *opt22— w8m PlaLtow, N. H. •pAUTlMuBE yLOUfa-ttO.bblSt landing from the steamer Totwn, for sale by j JO apt!7 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. fTOAS.—26 chests and half cheats of choice Green A and Black Teas, recdrwlperbrij AnrMa.acd or aalcby [«pl33] J. D. *“”* ^JOCOA NUTS—600Coco*Nuls, rocclfodandfor ' by [aept23] J. D. JESSEE. friNEOAR-26 bbla White Wine and Cider Vino- T gar, received per bark 8amoe. and for sale by aoptijs , . , J. P. J1S8E. R ACKERS —Foxe’s Crackers, a fre«h supply Jdkt recoivod and for rale by J.D. JESSE. glDES AND SHOULDER 3 —15 bUds aud_20 bbb Phi Kj bright Sides .and Shouldert, Bacon, received, per uteamer Keystone State, and foreale low from Uraw^bjpUS “ !*, CHARLES rAr-:! CITY TRBABURRR*8 OFFICE; Savaxsab, 2d August, 1850 fTTHE Bonds of the City of Savannah, due 1st Feb- 1 roary, 1867, (commonly known aa MoAlllater Bonds,) isaaed for Central Railroad Stock, will be redeemed on application, in 8tock or the Central Railroad and Banking Company, at Its market val ue, the Bonds being received at pari Holders ot tbe samo preferring cash,can have them redeeme In money. JA8. 8. WHK1NS, aug 3 City Troae. VALUABLE RICE PLANTATION FOR SALE, WTTHEf m MUM or IBS cm ore AT ANNAS. AN the first Tuesday In December next, will be' sold before the Court House in tbe city of 8a vannab, the Plantation on the Savannah river, ten miles from the city, knnwu as Mulberry Grore. be longing to the estate or the. late PhiUp.Ulmer, con- tainlng-ilx. hundred and eighty-seven acres, ol which there are-two hundred acres or first quality Udo rice land, and one huudrod ami fifty-five acre* trader good banks and in a fine .state for cultiva tion. Also, seventy five acres, of high land under cultivation. On the place aro a good dwelling house, overseer’s hotue, barns, negro houses and ther outbuildings, all la a good state of repair. Porsens derirlng to purchase will call upon H. K, Harrison, Ex 1 !, who resides within four mijoa or the Grove, or Rlira Ulmer, 11 *Ex’trix, : who reside within two mile* of tbe Grove.. ... .. in.- Terms of sale mado known on the day oT sale. Possetiiibn not given until the first or January : hA*;*'-: H. K. HARIUSON,.Kx.or ‘ iiteu ““ Merit until the day of sale. FASHIONABLE AND SILITABY TAILOR, No. 149 Bay Stmt, SAVANNAH. Cloths, assimero and Vestings, will be made to met- aure.uuexceptioi- • able In at>*l«’ and workmanitbip, by the beatmsobanlca, at shortest notice Orderefrom city and county sol Idled, jgf fob 6 MIL I)-: it & u o £ L, . , 'ATTORNEYS M UW, BRUNSWICK, (FA. Will practice in the B*uiwwi«*k UrotUt-ooaprta* log the followiug CouuUot : Glynn, Wuyno. Uiuideu, Ware, Clinch. Coffee and Char Item . , JOHk B. MlLLVai. L 0 aug8 ly A.TifuMAsijkfJii Auction and Uomlmaalon L 110 Bryan Street, SzVVANNAlt, OKOKGlA. ' A, Thdmam. iJoiV] s. 8. PaucB. W.U. p *HKKLL, DKALEU IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES and Foreign and Domestic Fr corner Brouyhbm and Whitaker-**, Town and country supplied wltli choice gooda at moduroto |>rlco*. AU order* promptly attended to, and-KatiHlhotieu always guarantee. apl| *3(6X1 ti Gi FaLLIGANt, W0OLK8ALX AND BRAIL DBALBB W WINDOW BIJNDS, WINDOW SASH AND PANE DOORS. - West side Monument Square, 8avannah, Gft. JOHN KmUllV ATTORNEY AT LAW, nwoo ootuar Bar and Hrajten Jyl» H. CHAMPION. mZ (Successor to Champion A Watts.) WHO* iOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, No.4 Barnard at., between the Market and Bay sL, SAVANNAH, OA. . Dealer in Grooeriea, Foreign and Domostic IJqnors, Dried Fruits, ftc.,fte! Reference—A. Champion, Esq., Samuel Solomons, Esq., Messrs. Rabun ft whitehead, and Swill ft Co., 1 . Savaunnb. Ga. mvU CRANE,WELLS * CO., FACTORS A COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Savannah, On*. LANIER & ANDERSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ap6-ly WACOM, ga. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT L Troupvllle, Lowndes County, Ga. Will practlch in Thomas," Lowndes, Clinch, Wai Appling, TeUkir," Irwin, Laurent, and Pu’ counties, Georgiu; and in Jeffotsou, Madison. I ilton. and Columbiacounties, Florida. [m~ J. W. PATTERSON, ATTORNKY AND COUNSEUaOR AT LAW, Troupvillo, loowndesConty.Ga. (mil CHAS. G, CAMPBELL ATTORNEY AT LAW, Kn.unwzvn.tJt, oi.l Prautlcoa Law in tho various Oountles of tba.ile mulgeaProuil, and the mUolningCounUe* ofTwigtl, f.aurens aud Washington. Refer tcc—Tohn Boston, H. i Crane, and R. B QltjOh; -••• * : - TbP14 _ A. GORDON. G COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AKh •" * ' - Coimi$9ioner of the U, S. Court of Claim* foe the State of Georgia* twice Cartier Bay and Bull atreeW. »> mylO PHOTOiiiRAWsr "" lid iaa lteA 1 blank iWk Gloves Water l’wi*it Ling Cloth, I’utent Leather Belts limikahak Toweilug. fto, For sale by vu : DKWITT ft MORGAN. perlor style. YONGE ft FRIERSON,’ rORWARULN'O AN1) COJIJlls-JON HLKUIAN7H, MO, 04 RAV-NraUKT. s.tVAMUn. OA apr4 1>. A. g»ilYUNE; EACH ISLAND CORN, for sale, to arrve, 1,290 • bushels prime Beach Island ram, apply to ft PALUESi aug 28 BARGAINS! BARGAINS! HfilililNG OP P AT SMAIjL ATTORNEY AT LAW,S Office 176, Bay-st., over Turner ft Go’s. Drug Store SAVANNAH, GA* aov 10—ly ADVANCEJDN COST. augfi COME ONE-COMB ALL I I HAVE just recoivod some 100 thousand good Spanish Sugars of tho very best brands, also, a lot of good Gorman Bogars, at low prices. Also, a lot or good French and German Wines. All of whleh I am destined to soil at reduced prices. I hare also added to my prosont stock, a lot or the very finest French Bramlioa—and I say to you ono and all, now is your time, for I am determined to mako my mot to, low prices, and quick sales—eo come and see meat tbe corner or Bay and Bull streets, aug 26 A. BONAUD. BOOK AGENCY. T HF Subscribers have established a Book Ageucy In Philadelphia, and will farnisb any book or publication at the retail price free of post age. Any persons by forwarding tbo subscription prico of any ono of tbe 63 Magazines, such as Mar- K*r’s, Godey’s, Putnam’s, Graham’s, Frank Leslie’* ’ashloua, Ac., will receive the Magazines for one year and a copy of a splendid lithograph jtorlrait ot either Washington, Jackson or Olay; or if subscri bing to a 62 and tl magazine, they will receive a copy or either ofthe three portraits. If subscribing to $6 worth or magazines, all three portraits will be zent gratis. Music furnished to those who may wish it. Envelopes of oxary size and description in Urge or email quantities furnished. Seal Prr— fto., sent to order. ’rouses, Dies, Every description or engraving on woodoxocuted with neatness and dispatch Views or Buildings, Jewzpapor Headings, Views of Machinery, Book Il lustrations, Lodgo Certificates, Business Cords, fto, IIUtiBUUUI), 4MUJJU VUIHUliniCI, UUOIUCOO VUI ure, KVl All orders seyt by mall promptly attended to l’or* ions wishing viows of their buildings engraved can ige - . ... send a Daguerreotypo or sketch ofthe building by mail or express. Porsons at a distance having saleable articles wiU find it to tbi’iv advantage to address tbe subscribers as wo would • ji aa agent for the sale of the same BYRAM ft PIERCE. 60, South Third street, Phils., Pa. nov 26—dftwly ft ANGLES, COFFEE ft CANDY.— V 200 boxes Adamantine, Tallow aud Sperm Candloa ; 150 bags Rio Coffeo; 76 mats Old Gov. Java Coffee 60 boxes fresh ground do. 60 boxes aborted Candy, received and for •als by MCMAHON ft DOYLE, aug26 No. 206 ft 207 Bay st. HUDSON'S "FERRY FOR MLK. Tbe subscriber offers for salo all ftor ^sessions in 8orivea county, coutain- g about i^ie toousand acres or Und, (more or less, all a<i|oInlng said'Ferry, and exton-iing to the Augusta mad — ,The improvements consist of a good _tore, Warehouse; and all other neepssa* ry out-buildings. About sixty-five acre>i aro under fence and in good order for cultivation. Tho land is first quality, and well supplied with fencing tim- l ter. U is an excellent stand for the merchandize business. The Ferry is the best located and most iArgcdzed Photographs, ts kon by mars? AT rWKLVK tniUAKS IKK UoaPT Also, Aiubrolyperi and Da* guerreuvypee. in hia usual am. . A calils solicited. J. W. MILL Ex. cr. St. Jullmi-M. and Market «*quar» 8. W7 BaESJT counseiJxJr ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, MonUcello, Jelforson County, FU. Rcferonoo—Hon. W, B Fuan>u, Savannah, GA. my 11^ EDWARD G. WILSON, MAGISTRATE, NOTARY AND OF DEEDS. At Messrs. Wa'rU'ft Owens' Ijxw Office. [roy» WAYNE, OREimU Ok GO*, COMMISSION Bay-tired SawMiah. THOS. S. WAYNE. C. E. URENV1LIX R. ALEX. WAYNE, W. T, PAMI'LET^ Jy 6—tf riavaiffiHh. C. W. MABRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW VRANKUM, UOXRD OO., OA. Will attend to professional business in the Count! or Heard, Carroll, Campbell, Coweta, Fayette, Meri wether aud Troup. Reference—Hon. E. Y. Hill, UGrange, Ga.; Hoi, David Irwin, Marietta, Ga.; OolonelM. M.TldwclL Fayetteville, Ga.; and Mr. William Dougherty. Co lumbus, Ga. sepl7-iy * Wm. McAllister. Mar^^OTumen^^Sts amToraruStoD^^B fthed on reasonable terms. Orders re*- poctfaily solicited. ap!8 COOL RETREAT THE ARBOR BILLIARD SALOON. (upstairs) Corner Bull and Bryan streets, over Barber Shop Juno 27 J, M, HAYWOOD, Agent. M. WHIT SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AUJQATOI, HAST FtOWDi. Will practlco In the Eastern and Southern Countlra Refer to—Col, 8. S, Blbloy, aud R. B. Hilton, 8a ▼annab. *-*-** “ DRS* LBFLER S WlLCOI, DenUlta, ARB now Hilly prepared to In sort fall or partial setts of Teeth on the principle of Dr. J. Allent’a Patent Continuous Gum, By this Improvement, tho form of the face can bo restored to any degree orrotundity tbat may be desired. It la applicable in ail cases where tho cheeks have fallen in and cannot bo detcotoi! by ’ho closest observer.—. This method combluea the following t 1 vantage*:— An artificial gum, which exhibits a perfectly natural and llfe-liko appearance, and imparts totnetbectb tbat peculiar expression which characterises the na tural organs. This Gum consists of a sllaeious compound, whioh Is applied and fused upon the Teeth and Plate in suoft a mannor, os to fill up all the interstices around the baso of tho Teeth, aud also unites them firmly to oach other and to the Hate upon which thoy are sett, This seoures perfect oleanliness of tbo Teeth, Offleo over Do WiU ft Morgan, Congress stroeL M , Republican aud Georgian copy, fob 16—M myll DAVID G. WILDS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SPARTA, OA. WUI practlco in tbe counties of Hanoook, Warren, Washington, and Baldwin. Rinnun»c»-Bebn ft Foster, Rabun ft Smite, and E. A. Boullard. Savannah.. j*a9 R. B. HILTON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT L)tW. Offloe corner of Bay and Drayton-sts. J BAVANNAH, OA. my II DR. CHARLES H. COLDIJfG, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE. No. 14IJBERTY ST., One door west of Drayton. myll patronised of any other between Savannah and Augusta. ; There ts alxo passing througRthe land a never falling stream, fully sufflolent to supply any Grist dr Saw Mill, meatSpringr wept 7—tf i, »u-i, •laiHvra,, .tf ujpply For farther particulars add rets county; On JONES. WM. O. CONNELLY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, i, worth comm, «a.. (roer ovnes, auusr.) Will practise in tho Southern Circuit, and in Macon, Dooly and Worth Countied ol the Macon arouR. J ftT Particular attention given to the oollection ol mall “ ‘ “ BOARDDIO. geoUemenor xmall familire can be ^ jr-i'T5P T . g00d ? oora ‘‘ Bo#rd » 00 ie West side or Montgomery stroet, ono door above viulh Broad atreet. MRS. M. 8. RAYMF.R. .11 DENTISTRY. Dfz. ROY ALL ft . _ DanttatK/MMoonarir 81Jl_ and. Market Square, over 8. WU* m tt's JeWelry store. Offloe boon Bp’otok, and from 8 to 6, QLARIFIED 8UQAR—60 bbbi G cUrjfled. Sugar] ( ■ . 8CHANIAN, joaserrov * CO. Cm. In Bouttr-Wrownr Cwrgia. P. JACOBS, IE««n AND TOBACCO (TOKIO. No. 39, Boll atreet, (dm of the Big Indiu.) N. a—Keep, eoruustty eo'lruid tywrUb, HC1 JAMES KeHBHRY, Insnnuice Broker omd' NotArj' Public. Itorlno Promt. Noted and Kzlended, AVerum utiualed.CIurtcr ITurUeaud Avorag. Bund, drama fapm prepared lo reoovw lone. Hum Ameriraa or BrlUab Cttderwrilers, given to pH mattern connected with a! suraned, No. 118 Day-street opposite the Custom House. k *™ I . 8B T. HKOSABn, — ma? ATTORNBY AND COUNSELLOR Al Newuuaville, Fta. LAW, New- A. ,-L. - ■ 1—- WM. M. WIUUIW. TUiPDXCS OUVEK. JACK HROWH WILLIAMS, OLIVER A BROWN. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Buena Vista, Marion County, Ga., Will practice in the counties of Marlon, Macon, Hous ton, Stewart, Randolph, Muscogee, Leo, and any > adjoining counties, where their services may be required. * WILLIAM PHILLIPS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, MARIETTA, OA. • OCt2ft—ly : I attention and In* frentd nov 8