Savannah Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, October 09, 1856, Image 2

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— .. ikUly, i'rlxWcckiy nittl Weekly. Official Ftprtof the City .and Comity &B.HILTON&CO; rBOpaiBTOBa.AWD PPlfMBHKKB. B. I. HILTON, - - I P. HAMILTON, - Edit . AulatiMtt M«I It' TMUllTOXir SIOllJVINU, Ot'T. It. li FOB PBBSlDBNT i JAMES BUCHANAN, or p«nnsylvania. FOB VICE PRESIDENT: JOHN C. BRECKINRIDGE or smooiY. Hlnlon tor the State at Large. WILLIAM H. STILES, ot Chatham. IVKIISON L UABB1S, of Baldwin ALTUUMI-KS TOH ins STATE AT LAHOK. HENRVG. LAMAR. of Bibb. AUGUSTUS R. WIUUIIT, of Floyd. DI8TKI0T KIEOTOBS. lit. District, Tuouas M.FoRUAN.of Ulyun. id. District, Samuel Hall, of Macou. Id. District, James If. Bamsay, of narris. 4th. District, Luoios J. Gaktrell, of Fulton. 6th. District, John W. Lewis, of Casa. - tith. District, James P. Simmons, of Gwinnett. 7th. District, Thomas P.SArroLD,of Morgan. 8th District, Tuos. \V. Thomas, of Elbert. THE OLDEB I GBOW, THE MODE IN CLINED I AM TO BE WHAT IS GALLED A STATSS RIGHTS MAN,—James Such- alum's match on the admission of Arkansas, in 1638. 1. FOLLY ENDOBSB THE BESOLUTIONS, AND MAY FUBTHEB SAY THAT I AM WHAT IS CALLED A STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT—John C, Rreekenridgc in re sponse io his nomination for the Vice Presided ev. _____ DESHJOEATIO BALLY. The citizens of Ohnthnm County m-e invited to attend a meeting of the Buch anan andBrcekcnridgoAssocintion, to lie held in Monument Square, on THIS (Thursday) EVENING, at 8 o’clock. An address will bo delivered by the Hon. ROBERT TOOMBS. If the weather is inclement the meeting will be held in St. Andrews’ Hall. By order of JOHN E. WARD, President. H. H. Scranton, ,W». S. Daniels, sept 9 Secretaries. BY TELEGRAPH. Election In the CUy of Bnltlmoic. Baltimore, Oct 8.—Three wards have been heard from—Swann, the American candidate for Mayor, gains largely; his total majority in the city will bo about 4,000. Election In Delaware. New York, Oct. 8.—The elections held yes terday in the State of Delaware were carried by the Democrats, Every district in the State went for the Democrats by 1,800 majority. Fire* The Queen City Mills, at Black Rock, have been destroyed by fire—loss $00,000. New York Cotton Market. The Cotton market is firm, with sales of the day 1000 bales. Middling Uplands 12|e. Florida Flection. Mobile, Oct. 8.—Escambia county, Florida, gives Perry, democrat, 25 majority for Govern or, and Hawkins, democrat, 24 majority for Congress. S£cond Letter op the Hon. Char. J. Jen kins.—We take great pleasure in publishing auything from tho pen of so able a writer, and from the heart of so pure a patriot as the Hon . Chaa. J. Jenkins. With how much more pleas ure do we glvo the one which will be found in our issue this morning, considering, as wo do, that it is one of the most perfectly just and logical pieces of reasoning it has ever been our good fortune to read. If every man in the city of Savannah will fairly and impartially road the concluding por tion of this letter, at tho election in November next, the vote for Fillmore will be the non-ap pearance of his name at the couutiug out. Baltimore.—The Know Nothings arc again successful in Baltimore, having elected their candidate for Mayor. They were equally suc cessful at tho last previous election. # Vitcoby IN Delawabh.- A majority of 1,800 In the State of Delaware is quite enough for all practicable; purposes. She has but one Congressional District—gives three electoral votes for President. At the last election the Know Nothings were successful. Her repre sentative in Congress now is a member of that party. New Steamer.—The now steamer Columbia, Captain Philpott, arrived last evening from Augusta. She is intended for the Congareo river, and is a freight boat, well adapted for the trade; was built in Augusta, by John Moore and Thomas Philpott, and will leave this evening lor Charleston to take her place on the line. Fortunately tho reoord of Council shows,the real state of this Important qaestlou, else many might bo led astray by the sophistries and evasions of the Republican. The report of Aldonnon Basinger, adopted by the Demoora. tic.majority in the present Council wont hilly aud lUlrly into tho whole matter. The dlffleulty between ..Young America Fire Company and the Savannah Fire Company was relative to an alleged act of unRubordination and want of dis cipline on the part of the former. On tho com’ plntut of Young America, that a fair hearing had not been granted, Couuoil required the Savannah Fire Company to givo a re-bearing, which they did and reaffirmed their first de. cislou. Now if in every question of discipline occurring at a Fire, Council is expected to in. terfere with the legally delegated powers qf the Savannah Fire Company it is a farce to give the power of trying all such cases, Tho Savan nah Firo Company is and ought to bo the Judge iu such eases as occurred between it and Young America. Council did not refuso a rehear ing. It remanded tho case to iho Savannah Firo Company. It confirmed the second de cision of that Company. Tohavo reversed it, would havo been to have declared the gentle men composing that Company to be unjust aud iucompetftut. This they did not beliovo, nor docs tho com. munity. Iu tho manifesto of Young America, put forth after the actiou of Council, an open Ccclration was made that the ballot box would Iks appealed to, to set things right Now ou this contest "Young America Fire Company” is higher authorit,* than the Repub lican. Wo believe and chargo, that it has been used as an electioneering argument, that a new Council would restore the engine to Young America. To rcuko such restoration iu face of the well known facts of the case,- would be to sanction insubordination, to declare to tho Sa vannah Firo Compauy that itwus not the judge of matters of discipline, and to issue a most ca ^ emphatic hint to the gentlemen now composing that company, that they are not fit for their posts, and that they ought to retire. Board of Aldermen. Tho question for the citizens of Savannah to decido on Monday next, is then tho existence of the Snvnunuh Fire Company iu the integrL. ty which has distinguished it forth© last thirty two years, or its utter demorilization if not des truction, by making matters of pure discipline subject to the decision of a Board of Aider- men who aiay be warped by party prejudice.' If the powers exercised by the Savannah Fire Company lor over thirty years are justi let tho citizens of Savannah confirm them on Monday next, by voting for the Democratic nominees, half of whom have confirmed them by their recent notion in Council. Such is the real issuo. English Church Movements, A late letter from London contains the follow ing intelligence: At length Lord Palmerston has made his election of two churchmen to fill the vacant sees of Loudon aud Durham. The new Bishop of Lot don will be tho very ltev. Archibald Campbell Tait, D. C. L. He was educated at Balltol College, Oxford, and became a fellow and tutor 01 his college, aud select preacher to the University. He subsequently succeeded Dr. Arnold at the Rugby School, and in 1849 wus nominated by Lord John Russell to the deanery of Carlisle, of which he has been in possession to tlio present moment. As soon as the present Bishop of London has resigned, a conge d'clire will be directed by tho Queen to tho Dean uud Chapter of St. Paul's Cathedral, empowering them to elect Dr. Tait to the Bishopric. Ho will then be confirmed in the Parish Church of St. Maryle- bon, in Cheapside, and consecrated by the Archbishop of Canterbury. His religious opin ions incline to the Evaugclical. Dr. Charles Thomas Longley, Bishop of Ripon, who is to be the new Bishop of Durham, was also educated at Oxford. In 1831 he was elected head mas ter of Harrow School. On the formation of the See of Ripon, be was appointed to it by Lord Melbourne. Hu has ulso an Evangelical leaning in theology. His confirmation will take place in the parish church of St. James, Piccadilly. At this very moment, comes the aunouuco- mentlhat Archdeacon Denison refuses to enter upon the registry of Bath and Wells, bis retrac tion of those doctrines be lias preached aud published, and which have been declared by the primate repugnant to the Thirty-nine Arti cles of Faith. He wus allowed to the first of October to renounce and retract, but failing, to do so, he was threatened with a sentence of do- privation, on the 2Lt. Ho has refused and the sentence of deprivation will follow. It must cause a large breach in the church, attended by greut secession. A foreshadowing of its prob- ablo elfects, is givan by an announcement from tho pulpit of a Roman Catholic Church, on Sunday oveuiug lust, immediately after tho scr um, when tho prayers of tho congregation were especially requested ou behalf of ten Protestant clergymen, who, having renounced tho errors ^AiLjmi lNBomoN^BoitoH, Dot T~-The toljr exproanod hlnwoir u now porfootly Mil*. failure to announced to-dny of William Dwight, d with tht position of Mr, FI1linofo' l dM os It Jr., on*'of our cotton mcrch.nto, for a largo a believed, would give him Ilia hearty aupport. amount Of Itobllltloa. J., wo think, owoa to hlmacir to any aa- Hlg much, over hla own algnaturo." *. U *" K Aa *"!T a rs ,, .. ra, !.“ ln * I linvo nlao boon Informed, that during the J™®." 1 * Mima Meeting of tho American party at At! an- ; ..—.a in, last wook, it wm “ stated from tho stand uourt. JlBT Wo are authorized to say, that the Dem ocratic candidates for Mayor and Aldermen will respond to uny inquiries coming from u respectable uud responsible source, when the Know Nothing candidates for Mayor and Ald erman shall have answered the interrogatories propounded to them, and cease to hide their real intentions behind editorial evasions. 4^ The Republican Blues Loan Association held a meeting last night, and $2,000 were sold at 25 per cent. ter The only additional item of intelligence from Florida is tho voto of Escambia tho ex treme Western county of tho State. It is an old Whig County Court, but ban given a small majority for tho Democrats. Thin is a favour able indication—especially so from the fact that Perry, candidate for Governor, ami who Is personally entirely unkuown in West Florida has received the full vote of llawkins, who wus for years judgo iu tlrnt District. of Protestantism, were about to join the Catholic Church. Tho number of Protest ant clergyman belonging to the Church of Eng land, who have joiued the Church of Rome, within the last two or three years, is something incredible, ft Voluntary Return of a Slave from Free State.—Some time last winter, it will be remembered by most of our city readers, family of free negroes, under the direction Felix, the barber, left this pluco, with a view of settling iu one of tae Not thwesternSlates. About the time the party were getting ready to start, a slave woman belonging to Mr. David Young, ami sister to Felix, expressed a strong desire to go with her brother aud father and mother, who were also of the company. Her master, prompted by his well known kindness of heart, uid not hesitate a moment, bat cheerfully told her to go, and he free, if she desired it. Sho did go, aud the party located at Chicago Illinois, but ou Friday night she arrived hero safe and sound, having travelled alono all the way from Chicago, where she left the balance of tho family. The woman is the wife of Guil ford, the barber, to whom we are indebted for a graphic description of his profound astonish ment upon waking up one night last week, aud ‘flnein’ de old woman hide bed wid him.” We have not seen her, but. Guilford says she has seen enough of frost, snow, ice, and free negroes. We commend this ease to the attention Mrs. Stowe.—Atlanta Intelligencer, Oct. A, The Sentiment in Kentucky.—Tho follow ing extract from a letter to the New York Herald, written in Cincinnati, represents very truly tho sentiments of this Btuto: " In Kentucky tho Buchanan fever bus be come an epidemic, and no one of the Demo cracy thinks of claiming that State by less than twenty thousand majority. Tht Buchanan barbecues are tremeudous. lbcre was one held at Florence a few days since—a few miles from here—and the whole population in lour miles around—men, women, children) niggers, horses aud dogs—turned out cn masse. Kentucky is us certain for Buchanan as Obioie for Fremont. The recent election of Judges in Kentucky, whoreih it was appearent that tho Know Noth ings were losing ground fast, was like opening an embankment where a Uood is swelling. The Know Nothings are being swallowed up and swept away entirely.” .... MT Ex-Senator Djxou, ot',Kentucky, u name deeply cherished by tho Old Lino Whigs, writes to a committee on tho 0th instant: . " In such a contest surely no . patriot North or South can hesitate as to the course be should pursue.' • -If he would save bis country let him cast bis vote-for Buchanan and'Breckinridge, tho only national candidates having a hope of Twelve Miles of Democrats J—Small little Delaware is in territory, she can yet boass of twolvo miles of Democrats. Wo copy the lolt lowing from the Dover Gazette: “Oueduy lust wcceka party of gcntlemeu left Camden to hunt up Know Nothings. They went as fur as tho Maryland lino, a distance ‘ twelve miles, stopping at every farm-house i either side of tho road, uud found but one Know Nothing on the route, and ho intends to vote tiie Democratic State ticket. Can any other section of tho State produce twelve miles " Democrats V” • nn the! from u ‘° . outri P c " connected with tho Burns a thin! i case hav just beou decided in the Supreme i stand Gourt. It was an action brought by .William that it was authentically reported Mr. Jenkins had withdrawn his late letter, and had now come to the support of Mr. Fillmore.” Silence ou my part, with a knowledgo that such publicity bad been given to this rumor would, I presume, be construed iuto acquies enee in its truth. Hence, 1 reluctantly ask a pace in your columns that l may sot myself gilt. Since the appearance in tho Georgia papers of a leading article, takeu from the Butlhlo Commercial Advertiser, headed "Restoration of the Missouri Compromise,” ! have two or three times, perhaps oftener, remarked in con versation, substantially, that os that paper was lublfshed iu the city of Mr. Fillmore's resi dence, aud had been by him franked to citizens of Georgia, it must be supposed to express his opinions, by his authority, aud that 1 thought it placed him on safe grouud for tho South, though I did not like the reasons assigned for assuming the position. I now add, what 1 have not said before, that after having circulated the Advertiser’s editorial iu Georgia, with a full knowledge of the prevailing southeru senti ment on that subject, Mr. Fillmore, IF elected President, could not sanction an act for the re storation of the Missouri restriction, without treachery to the South, of which I certainly do not think him capable. So much of tho rumor ubovo referred to, as relates to the "withdrawal of my lato letter,” and the giving "my support to Mr. Fillmore,” is tho infereuco of others, unauthorised by any thing I have said, and irreconcilable with that letter, as the following extracts from it abun dantly proves. "Let our inquiry then bo, first, who of the candidates will stand firmly by us: aud second ly, who of those that will, has the fairest pros- met of success. Self-preservation demands, hat in this crisis, we vote with reference to the great issue, and to the availability of the ididates in the election." sin: _ here is, then, tto reliable expectation that the South could obtain help enough from the North to elect Mr. Fillmore.” And again: "In one word, then, were this a contest be tween Mr. Fillmore and Mr. Buchanan, aud were I assured that Mr. Fillmore would oppose himself to tho restoration of the Missouri re striction, I would vote for him with unspeaka ble pleasure. But£ being satisfied beyond all doubt that it Is in fact a contest between Mr. Buchanan and Mr. Fremont; that Mr. Buchan an, as President, will interpose nil the power in his administration to preserve, unimpaired, tho constitutional rights of the South and the perpetuity of tho Union, whliBt his real com- jctltor would unscrupulously trample on the ormor, with full knowledge that ne thereby imperiled the latter, I say let every Southeru electoral vote be cast for the Democratic nom inee.” From these extracts, it will appear I held, first, that Southern voters, having ascertained who of the Candidates (if elected) would main tain our rights, should vote for that one of those who had tho best prospect oLftecuring Northern votes. Secondly, that if Mr. Buchanan and Mr. Fill more occupied the same position, and if I be lieved the contest to be between them, I would prefer the latter. Aud laBtly, that believing Mr. Fillmore had not even a remote prospect of election, but that it was in fact a contest between Mr. Buch anan and Mr. Fremont, I desired to see every Southern electoral vote cast for the former. 1 still desire the same thing. No attentive and fair reader of my letter to Dr. Willingham, could fora moment conjecture that I would vote for Mr* Fillmore, unless my opinion of bis prospects had changed. It has undergone no change, but on the contrary, has grown stron ger with the lapse of time. The most promi nent development of the canvass, in the North ern Statcs,of recent date, are the fusion occurr ing in different localities, between the Ameri can and the Republican, which must, by all reasonable calculation, inure to the advantage of the stronger of the two—the Republican party. My conviction is confirmed by these developments, that if Mr. Fremont is to be beaten, it must bo by the.,concentration of Southern votes.upon that candidate whose north era supporters Trill not fuse with the enemy. I repeat,! greatly fear that should Mr. Fremout attain to tho Presidency, the Union will not survive bis administration. And though fully persuaded that its dissolution would be far more detrimental to the Northern, than to tho Southern States,I would deplore it as a calmity to the whole country and to all mankind. But greater still would be the evil of submission to foe measures proposed by the Black Republican party. They may elect their condidate and still have no power to carry those measures into effect. Some of the bulwarks of the Constitution will remain to check their progress. SHU, it would be one stronghold carried by the enemy. Whilst tho battle rages before it (whilst the Presiden tial election depends,) I will fall into the line with that army which is most potent for its de fence, though I never mustered with it before, nnd may never again. It will bo said now, as has been said before, with less reasou, "you abandon Mr. Fillmore because of his supposed weakness." Most certainly I no. As between candidates rep resenting opposite principles, I would adhere to exponent of my own, were he never so wetik A. White, Esq,, a member of The bar, against Jama Reed, tor damages for an assault alleged to have been committed by W® defendant upon the plaintiff by forcibly ejecting Mr* White from the Court house, during tho " Bums trial” in May, 1854, Mr. Rood then noting under the authority of the United States Marshal: The lury which, it is said, waa "more hunker iah’ han otherwise, lias brought in a verdict in fa vor of the plaintiff, awarding him $300 dama ges. There were, many similar outrages con nected with tliat,case, and other prosecutions were threatened at the time. In this case the defendant sought to help his case by prosecut • — *• font this ‘ movement i ing Mr. White, nun hub luuvciiicu* doned. B. F.Halletfc managed the case, and John A. Andrew that of tiff. desendants* the plain- As between two candidates representing one and the same principle, violently assailed by a third, I must take the stronger of the two agree ing with me, irrespective of personal preference —to do otherwise would be to adopt the unpa triotic maxim, "men not principles." In this canvass I recognize but one great overshadowing issue. Let those make the cause subservient to their candidate who will—I se lect the candidate whom I believe most efficient to subBervo the cause. My judgment may err, but it lias been formed agninst inclination, and 1 should be false to myself—recreant to duty, did I substitute for it that of others. Respectfully, &c., Charles J. Jenkins. BOARD OF HEALTH. Savannah, 8st October, 1850, The Board met—Present, M. J. Buckner* Chairman; I. Davenport, J. M. Sheilmon, S< Oarrell, T. J. Naylor, H. Shepperd.D. H. Gal loway, T, A. Askew, O. fi. Smith, O. O. Millar, O. O'Rouke, Dr, R. J.Nunu, M. J. Finney, O. F. Headman, W. O. Politer, L. N. Falligantj S. A. T. Lawrence, Dr. J. M. Johnston and Dr. D. 0.0. Heery. Report of Interments in Laurel Grove Ceme tery for the week ending, 7th Oct. I860. Oct.3, Raphael B. Masters, 0 days, Spasms Savannah. Oct.3, Mary Ann, E. Krousse, 0 years, 2 months, Brain Fever, do. Oot.3, Virginia Griffith,? yaars, 1 month Bilious Fever, do. Oct. 5, Ann H.Borchert, ft years, 11 montha, digestive Fever, do. Oct. 6, William E. Malphus, 3 years, lufln, ofBraiu Fever, do. Oct. 7, Thomas B. Davis, 49 years, 8 months inf'l kidneys, S. 0. IN LAUREL OROVH HEBREW CEMETERY. Oct. 5; William Fried, 19 years. Consump* tion Prussia. BLACKS ANIT COLORED. Out. 1, Henry Miner, 42 years bilious fever. " 2, Frankey,03 years, cancer of the bow els. " 4, Infant, 2 months spasms. " ,4, Mary Footman, 60 years, dropsy. " 4, Richard, 2| years, worm fever. " 5, Infant,9 days, spasms. '* 5, Minty, 42 years, child bed. " 7, Delphine, 12 years 10 Honths, Con* sumption. Oct. 7, Susan, 3 years and G months, brain feter. A. F. Toblay, Keeper L. G. Cm’t. REBORT OF INTERMENTS IN CATHEDRAL CEMETERY, FOR THE WEEK Ending 7th October, 1856. Oct. 4. Mary Ryan, 65 years, Bilious Fever, Ireland. Oct. 2. Jane Fitzgerald, 27 years, Erysipelasi Ireland. Oct. 4. Mary Delaney,25 years, Bilious Fever, Ireluud. Oct. 4. Bridget Clark, 33 years, Congestive Fever and miscarriage, Ireland. Oot. 5. Peter Brueu, 28 years, Bilious Fever, Ireland. Oct. 6. Elizabeth Christy, 36 years, Miscar riage, Ireland. Oct. 6. Patrick Hogau, 40 years, Bilious Fe. ver, Ireland. Oct. 6. Margaret Moore, 65 years, old age and debility, Ireland. Oct. 7. Daniel Donohue, 55 years, Bilious Fever, Ireland. Oct. 7. Thomas Kennedy, 89 years, old age, Ireland. DANIEL COLE, Keeper C. Cemetery. Whites 17 Blacks and Colored 9 Total — 20 M. J. BUCKNER, S. A. T. Lawrence, Ch’n B. H. * Secretory, B. H. Savannah Market* October 0. I There was a brisk demand tar Colton yoniorday. The market WM outer, with a' concession on th* part'of sellers. Baluof the day 970 bales, at the following particulars, via: 7 at \\%, 12 at 11X, 1 at lift, 63at 12,9 at 12fc, 193 at 12#, 118 at lift, 81 at 12)4, 818 at 12fg, 161 at 12#, 89 at 12 16-16, 87 at 18. dJW Exports. Nbw York—Por Steamship Florida—718 balos upland cotton, 100 cuka rice, 12 bates domestics, 46 packages sundry mdse. CHARLESTON, Oct. 7—Cottou—Tbo transactions to-day reachod fully 1,800-bales, and the markoi otosud at the following quotation*, via: Middling 12M | Good Middling and Middling Fair 12**12*0, MOBILE, Oot. 4—Cotton—There baa been au an live demand, wfaicb, as heretofore, has been re tarded by the light stock on sate, gales of 800 bales—Middlings 12al2*c. MONTGOMERY, Oot. 6—Cotton-There was not much animation In the market yesterday. We quote oxtromos llalSM, aome fo * bales going aa high as 12 }fi- Srldge across Pinemakerr Creek, on tho Cbor- Hill Cross Road, to be of the fbllowtof propor- ons (and mil material of, best black cypress, ex oept tno odverj*wblcb;tadst beheArt; youo^r ' oejiv mu uuvarj,.wuiuu.(uuiv DU iihiv juiiuw ‘Vf uv it 36 feet long, 18 tool wide, to bo floored 40 foot, to bo sustained by. Tour row* ofpiil gj-tbree lnes.eb row. ptoh pile to be 9x11 inches, and substantially driven; Kabh row of pilos to bo cappod by a 24 toot stick -0sl2 Inches, and beveled on tbs upper corners to show .aflaceof.4 Inches—tbo cover to be nustoinod by four si througb the bridge Ox: ...... inches; thosotobo beveled to show a.racoqf three inches at.toPibaniators lobe welt braced at oaoh of tho cap sills Contractor to furntrh all material,’ and wotk to be dono and turned Road Commissioners f >r their inspec tion by the 16th of January next. Bond, with aoourlly required, tor the fktthtol per formance of the work, together tor Its remaining substantialf* ea HARR?80N D i‘ 8 r°C’c 0 In behalf or tho Inferior Court of Chatham Co. Bept I2tb, 1866. . Bopt 12 J SntelliimtiE. Purl of Savannah October 0. Arrived. Steamship 8wan; Johnson, liemcres Ferry, to J Richardson. Steamer Columbia,,(uew,) FliUpot, Augusta, to M A Cohen. , , Schr Ellxa Ann, Domingo, Cgeochee, 2,276 bulb rough rice to K Habersham Si Sou. SohrW I)Jenkins, Forsyth, Darien, 4,000 bush rough rice to C Chever, SIiub k k. o. Screven’s Hat, from Plantation, with oio bushels rough ilce to W Woodbrldge. Smith’s flat, from Plantation with 900 bushels rough rice, to R Habersham k Bon. Col Pritchard’s flat, from WHmlugton Island v with 10 bales sea island cotton to John W Audersou. Mackay’s flat, IVom Plantation, with 800 bushels rough rico to Tison k Cordon. H Rose’s flat, from Plantation, with 700 bushols rough rlco to R Habersham k Sou. Cleared. Steamship Florida, Woodhull, New York—Padcl ford, Fay A Co. Steamer Gordon, Brooks, Charleston—tw J P Brooks. Departed, Steamer Uordou, Brooks, Charleston Passenger*. Per steamship Florida, for New York—M Q Bea delbane;CD Oak; Mias C Geret; W V Moore; Jos D Stebbins: N Bugbee; E R Webster; 1. Scbualer, and 12 In tbe steerage. Persteamor Swau, from Demeres Ferry— 1 T But ler; I) J S Lawton; M Daley; R R OdornjB L Wil lingham and lady; K 0 Asue; Col N Cruger, lady, child, and 4 servants:P H Stanton; J Urne; T Mor- sell;JTSouthern;JCollins;TReilly; F 8 Halo- 1 Sosnall, and 2 on deck. Consignees. Per steamer 8wan, from Demerca Ferry—466 bales cotton, 30 cases turpentine aud mdse to N 4 Hardee & Oo;J Richardson, E C Wade; Bobu Foster; Boston k Viilutouga; J Mcintiro; W Duncau A S Hartridge, and Charleston Boat. Per steamer Columbia, (new,) from Augusta- 324 bales cottou to W Duncan; Hudson, Fleming A Co; J Richardson; EC Wade; Bohn k Foster; Boston AVUIalonga;N A Hardee A Co; A S Hartridge; M A Cohon;R Habersham A Son. Receipts Per Central Railroad. Oct. 8—1,827 bales cotton, 20 boxes copper ore, 169 sacke wheat, 160 do flour, 42 bales domestics, 12 bundles bides and mdze, to Soullard A Crowder; Padelford, Fay A Co; Patten, Hutton A Co; \\ Woodbrldge; Ruse, Davis A Loug; Brigham, Ke" A Co; W Duncan; Crane, WellB A Co- Hardwlcke Cooke;R A Alton A Co; Duoa a Washburn; Bast A Villalonga; Hudson, Fleming A Co; Franklin Brantley; N A Hardee A Co; J .u Selkirk, agent 0 R; Botbwoll A Whitehead; Rabuu A smith; Eth ridge A Bon; AS Hartrluge: Webster A Palmes; r Know; Novlil. Lathrop A Rodgois; Clnghoru Cunningham;J W Audersun; DD Cupp; Wa>uo Son; Young A Wyatt; J lugorsoll; A Bockcn, and to order. THE MOST DESIRABLE STOCK THE MARKET. Brunswick.—The , 0ux in the Tide of Fiibiqiit.—It mav uot bo knowu to many of our readers that tno upper narts of tho couutles of Lowndes and Thomas, &c., and Berrien and others, have heretofore obtained their supplies via the Central and South Western Railroads, to Montezuma and Amcrieus, nnd thence by wagons home. The sumo parties iu making purchases in Charleston ana New York have always shipped iu the same direction. This ceuscs now. In future, freight destined for these points will be shipped to Brunswick and thence ny the Bruns wick nnd Florida Railroad to its terminus, from which poiut it will bo wugonod ns usual. The turn in the tide has occurred. Ou Thursday aud Friday last purchases were made in Savan nah for Berrien county, and shipped to Bruns wick, and will he placed ou tho west hank of tl;o Sntilla hv tho Brunswick nnd Florida Rnlh Tills is tho hoginning of that business which the Central Road is to loso und tho Brunswick Rond rcceivo, and is tho Jiarbiuger of tho Cotton that is to find a market through the same chunnel—Bmnswick Hcrald. Yellow Fever In Charleston. Office of Board Health, 1 Tuesday night, 0 o’clock. \ Tho Charleston Board of Health report six deaths from yellow fever, for the pjist twenty four hours. J. L* DAWSON, City Register, The Kansas Question In Ohio. The following petition is iu circulation in Ohio: To S. P. Chase, Governor of Ohio: Sir—The progress of civil war in Kansas, and the oppression, robberies, murders, and other horrm crimes, committed on our friend* and recout neighbors who havo emigrated to that Territory, constitutes a crisis which calls for tho exertion of prompt und efficient means to arrest further progress of such events. There is no avoiding of the issuo. The free people of the North must resist further nggresston or Bubmit to worse than Hnngarian fate. To look to the general government for pro tection and relief is in vain. Its executive is in coalition with the slave interest—aiding aud abetting these assaults of the Border Ruffians. The ouly source, then, for the people of the North to seek relief is in the extension of StAte rights, State power, nnd State sovereignty. On that sutject we have already received Import ant lessons from the slave States, and we may well improve by the Instruction at this junc ture. "We, the subscribers citizens of llockport, Cuyahoga County. 0., therefore respectfully petition yonr Excellency to take Into C7nsider- ation tho expediency of Immediately calling a session of the Legislature of our State for the purpose of devising some legal and constitu tional way for tho .protection and redress of our fellow-citizens who in ihe exercise of their rights, have emigrated to Kansas. "Also, that your Excellency enter into com munication with the Erecutives each of the free States, inviting a concert of firm prudent, bnt decisive action, in resisting all unlawful and unjust aggressions of tbe slave power and of the Executive of the General Government” Frost at Moiiili.—The Mobile Register, o Wednesday, says: * f "Tojudgo from Bueh appearances, there must have been a visit from Jack FroBt on Monday night, for the orange trees, in many places, had their leaves curled up tightly yesterday morn- ing, and tiie large spreading mulberry in front of Dr. Nott’s residenco, was wilted in every spring, or spray.” New York, Oct 7.—James Davis of tbo San Francisco Vigilance Committee has been ar rested on tbe complaint of Charles P. Duane. Bail $15,000. A Duel Arrested^—Blchmond, Oot. 7— Messrs. R* A. Pryor and B. B. Botta wen ar rested this morning by a detachment from the police of this city, near the ground that had becu selected for their meeting, and are now on their way hither, undtr onatody. Tho attcutiou of fcpouulators is particularly called to (he Mngnilieont Scheme of tho Southern MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTEERY, TO liK DRAWN FRIDAY, October 10, 1850, which i*rabruoe, Iu atldtUou to others, the following Brilliant Prizes— ANY ONE OF WUD’ll CAN BE OBPAINED for 810. 1 Prise of 50.000 DOLLARS! 1 PRIZE OF *20,000 l PRIZE OF....*20,000 1 PRIZE OF 10,000 l PRIZE OF.... 10,000 l PRIZE OF *5,000 I 2 PRIZES OF *2,600! Au., Ac., Ac. t&r No time should lie lest iu securing Tickets. Whole Tiukots, flu; Halves, *5 ; Quarters, *2 60. Orders can be addressed to S. SWAN A 0<)., Atluutu, On., 8. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala., or Box 82 Savannah Post Ofllce. For particulars see Scheme in another column. ocl6-4t lob Printing Promptly, Neatly amt Cheaply Done. 'Vue public ingeueml. uud our Democratic friends in particular, will remember that there is commuted with the Georgian 4* Journal es tablishment one of the most thoroughly equip ped job offices iu this section of the Union. It we are correctly advised, some of the most beautiful specimens of job work ever done in Savannah have lately passed from under our presses. Give us a trial. Our .facilities enable us to execute every de scription .of letter press work from a mammoth poster to the smallest card, and from a book to a circular, with ueatucss and dispatch, upon the most satisfactory terms. Orders from all parts of the country will re ceive prompt attention. ^ISS1 LESLIE’S GAZETTE OF FASHION tor Oc oct 8 Received by J. B. CDBBEDOE, Ageut, U uder tho Marshall House. w AHH BOARDS, Bl'OKETS, BISCUIT, Ac— uuAiuin, m DIQlit loo duzcu Wood Wash Boards 26 de Zinc do 151) do 2 and 3 Hoop Buckets 60 do Well do 6 do Brass bound do 160 do Scrubbing, Stove amlShop Brushes 200 do assorted Brooms. Received and tor sato by oct 8 McUAHON A. DOYI.V. C ANDY, CANDLES, COFFEE, Ac- 150 half aud wbolo boxes assorted Camly V00 boxes 8jKJrm..Hy«lraufic. bteariue and Ad amantine Candles 160 bags Croon Rio ColToo 100 mats Java do 60 boxes froBb ground do 16 do Goshoo Cheese. Received and tor salo by oct 8 MoUAHO.V A DOYIB. bankTVif commerce, i Savannah, Oatober 6,1866. ) A Ta meeting ol ih i Board of Directors tais day, it was roaolved that ah instalment oF$26 pe. snare ou. tbo Capital Stock of this Rank bo called for, payable ou or botore ERIUAY, 81st October, instant. JOHN C, FERRILL, oot 7-lawtNl Cashier. B UTTER AND CHEESB—Just received per steam ship Florida: 10 kegs oholco Uoshon Butter. W boxes English Dairy Choose. 10 boxes Pineapple Choose. l or tale by R. H. WATSON k CO., Corner Whitaker afreet, and oot 6 Caugresa street Laue;. loces, ruunlng lengthwise * b. 4 * FOR THE LADIES. J UST received par f-’oamsl)lP Florida, from Now York Brook’s I'uttent Waxed White, Black and Dol’d Spool Cotton, nnd tor sale by J. W THRELKELD. aug 27 Congress A WblUkor streets, G LAHlFiED i*UOAR—60 bbls 0 clarified Sugar 60do B do, Stewart's; 60 do A do; landing and tor sale by soptl7 SCR AN LON, JOHNSTON A CO. tkiii*. .V 'll; I* |np; to dozen L Pipes; 60 do Pipe Heads; 60dozen i kb* f Miortai BffllfffiPl froRh «rouWYw™ • Mn'IAHO.V h lump HOOKS & STATIONERY msdsnw ™ th'mi,;; 8pPK? 1,1 lhc i' r 'hoolH or the J' 1 ?'' . jr.wlUl a flnd anKert,limit „r iho 1,?,,, % 11 Publication,, UgglzUic,, rtc„ il8? MlBCcilancimi, Books will bo inoreiicU * dan bo done with a duo r.enril In > good S§ 11 A flbo anorlmcnl or Juvenile limn,, MUM, To/ Books, An. l *M -AIJiu— Pallor Envelopes, Wax, lull Paper, |wn. „ “d/Sintt"?*'’ *“ d “V, 1 " 1 ’ 1 *n- In,; The MagMluos uud Now PubllcnllniiHwIlln. „ coined an enrl/ as at uny m Uinti,,. 1 ,t ' oot S "l"lor to tlnnUMl Hit., ATLANTIC ANDCLI.F UAII,uo A h e SIUJ5 SCHIBFFIiItf, BROS. & CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Drags, Faints, Oils, Perfumery. &G., d(C., 170 WILLIAM STREET,cor. Beckman, NEW YORK, I NVITE THE ATTENTION OF THE TRADE to thoir largo and varied stock of Drugs, Paints, Otis, Perlumery, Ac. In addition to their regular ImportaUoiwordtapteDrugs, they are also recelv- and Gulf Railroad, having adjourns }Jj52 - - J 26th Instant, an.l ii having been renrlS to mo that the iutorcst of that eulornrUo farther tlmo tor iho obtalnmunt of HiibjJrlnt and acquii-ppitig in the JuMneSlK to tho Slock, uuu ut>t|iiii;M'ii!g in UIO Ji BUggoBtlon, tho meeting or ihe Board on Instant L hereby postponed until u, 0 | October next, atMliludgevllle. * r "• L. A. M8BET, ChairiQ’in Macon, Aug. 20, 1866 landing and aug7 English Perfumery, Lubiu’s Extracts, and many otlior articles usually embraced in Druggists’ stocks, which they are also euablod to offer on the most advantageous terms. Orders, cither in |>erson or by mall, will receive prompt attention. _ . : ' CANDLES. S PERMACETT1, Adamantine aud 'Dtllow of various tirands; Soap of various brands, from 6, 8, 10 and 12 cents. Chemical Soda Soap 10 cents; Wo man’s Friend 10 cents. Call and examine at BARRON’S Family Grocery, S0p26 Whitaker and Charlton-streets, NEW BOOKS—NEW BOOKS. RECEIVED BV WARN001 A DAVIS. WKDNKHUAY, OOT. lfcT, 1866. T HE Hills of the Shatemuol by the author of the Wide,. Wide World. Lortimer IJttlogood—a young gentleman who wished to soe life, and saw It accordingly. By Frunk Smodley, Esq. Chips from Uncle Sam's Jack Knife. Over one hundred UtustratlouK. ^ v .. How to Dress with Taste, How to Woo, and How toWiu. Bridal Kttiquetto; How to Behave. MrB. Stephen’s Illustrated Monthly for Octo- Dickens Housohuld Word* for October. Patnams’s Monthly “ “ ALSO MORK or The American House Carpenter. Perry’s Expedition to Japan aud tho China Seas. ;•> For Bale at 169 Congress-street. F LOUR—600 bb Is. extra and super lino Flour, as sorted brandB. 600 Backs oxtraand Huperflue Flour, ass’d brands, 160 quarter sacks double extra, “ 160 bbls. GoodlotvIUe double extra " cot 2 YOUNG A WYATT. NO. 144 BRYAN 8TRKET, WIST OK Till; MAUKKf, SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. T HE SUBSCRIBER would mlorih Ilk irlcnds and the publ’c generally, that lie U< RiMOVkb from his Old Stand to BRYAN STRtKT, and fltuj up tho above House in a superior slyh, nin! ii.iemli serving Ul3 friends with all tiie delicm-ii.,,, | son, such OS- WILD GAME, VENISON, GK01U11A AND \V\V YORK OYSTERS, Ac., and plodgcs niuwelf to use u\ery endeavor lo;•],i,a all who may favor him with their ]>utri>nngi> lUNRY BUin. sept 29— tfJHf OYSTERS,' THE subscrllx r is now ri-adv to tur Uish OYSTERS iu the Shull. 1ro*!io|^n- od or. Pickled iu any qunmiiy to ?u;, purrhasers. Pickled Oysters w ^ ready to be shlpi>cd. oct 1 «. J. D. JESSE. NEW ADYERTlbEMENlB. E XTRA FAMILY FLOUR-Iu Barrels, Sacks and Half Saoks, just received for salo by YOaYGE A FRIERSON, #ct9 No. 94Bay street. KNIGHTS & THEIR DAYS, B Y DR. DORAN, author or “TableTraits," Ac The Hills of the Shatemuc, by Miss Warner, author or “ Wldo, Wide World,’’ Ac. A Pilgrimage to El Medinah and Meccab, by Llout. Burton, or the Bombay Army, with map und Illus trations. Tbe Humorous Poetry of tbe English Language, from Chancer to Saxe. Lorimer Littiegood, Esq., a ycung gentleman who wished to see Lire, by Smedley Third volume Irving’s IJtoof Washington—cheap edition. Wood, Thorapawtlc aud Pharmacalogy—a now work. Simpson’s Obsturefrlca—2 vola., complete. Young America’s Picture Gallery—70 lllutira- tiona. W. THORNE WILLIAMS, oct 9 COBB ON SLAVERY. A Scriptural examination of the instltutiou of Slavery in theUuited States; with Its objects aud purposes. By Howell Cobb. JHorton’s Life and Publio Services of James Bu onanan. Irving’s Idle of Washington; cheap edition; vol. 2, *1,60. Napier’s History or the.-Peninsular War; a new edition, In 4 vol*. 12 rao., with portraits and plans, Price *7,60. Gommoduru Perry’s Expedition to Japau, with numerous engravings; *6. Household Mysterlos; a Roinunco of Southern Life. By LiMle Petit, ol' Virginia, author of Light and Darkness. Napoleon’s Confidential Correspondence with tbe Empress Josephine. Tucker’s History of the United States, from its Colonization to 1841. Vol. 1st. History of Secret Societies and or tho Republican Party In Franco, from 18W to 1848. Bernard Llle, A romance of tho Texas Revolt! ,l0 “' T. THORNE' WILUAliit. wptl >• S undries, just received— 16 bags choice old Government Java aud Kla Coffee; 0 half chests Black and Green Teas,loose and In Quarter pound paokages. 10 bbd> Light Muscovado Sugar; 10bbls R L A D Stuart’s Crushed aud Clarified Su. gars; 10 bbls self rising Flour, 25 bags Extra and Superfine Flour; 20 bbls Soda, Butter and Maple Crackers; 60 boxes Beadel’s family Soap, Starch and Candles; 60 doi Pails and Brooms; 100 doz Scrub Brushes, aud Cottou and Manilla Clothes lines; 10 gross Matches; 26 boxes ground Coffee and Pepper; 60boxes Mustard and Yeast Powders, MiiHu.Oinn* mon, Nutmegs, and Cioyes, and 10 cases table Salt, Ac., Ac. In store and for sale by ' DAVID O’CONNOR. Jell Cor Broughton and Drayton sts. jgOLQQNA Sausages, a fresh supj J tjy ootl Jlyjust receive F. D. JESSE. Tin and c HUDSON’S FERRY FOR SALK. ■ The subscriber offers for sale all her isossions in Scrivcn county, contain* about one tnousand acres of land, more or loss, all adjoining said Forry, and oxtendUig to the Augusta road — Tho improvements consLt of a good uweiltug, Store, Warehouso; and all other uocossa* ry out buildings. About sixty-five acres aro under fence and in good order tor cultivation. Tho land Is first quality, and woll supplied with toncing tim ber. It is an excellent stand tor the merchandize business. The Ferry Is the best located and most patronized ot any othor between Savatinali and Augusta. Tbero is also passing througb the laud a never falling stream, rally sufficient to supply any Grist or Saw Mill. For further particulars address me at Springfield, Effingham county, Ga. sept 7-tf EUZABKTH JONES. 1856. 1856 RICH PALL DRY GOODS. GRAY BROTHERS W OULD beg to Inform thoir friends and the pub lic that tuolr fall supplies of rich and elegant have just arrived—purchased from tho most etni- nont Importers or the country, aud soleuted with a care as regards elegance an.l beauty, which cannot be appreciated until folly examined. We can confidently say that our stock pf Rich Dress Goods and CloakB cannot bo surpassed tor beauty and elegance, and that our Domeslio Stock Is os cheap as the like quality of goods can ho bad from hero to New York Amo g our assortment will be found tho moet elegant flounced Rohes with flguros; Rich and elegant colored Silks, very cheap; Lyons’ Velvet Cloaks, trimmed iu the newest aud richest style. Cloth and Motr AuUque Cluaks; rich uud cheap, All wool French Meusltu tie Lainea, now and ele gant Unpins’ bestall-wool French do i-aiues, high cclur^ tor misses. Lupins’ best Black Bombazine and Cballeya. White Merino, Challey, de Lalne and Bombazliio, vory tine. Goths and Casslmeres, a foil assortment. Plantation Goods best quality, exceodiugty cheap, HouBkeeeping articles in great variety, best quality at the lowest possible prices. The limits of an advertisement precludes the' possibility of enumerating any but tow leading ur- lclos. We would roqKsctruUy requost tbe attention ol purchasers to au oxamlnatlou or our stock, foeltng confident that style, quality aud price, will prove satisfactory. GRAY BHOTHER3, sept 16—codim 290 Brougliton-st. GEifERAXIDOMyiiisW <fe WarB- HOUSE BUSINESS. mHE uadorsigned having leased tho J)re-iwoi»I X Warehouso, known as Hodgson’s, also Well man’s stores, will transact a General CommLnion and Warehouse Business. AH consignments tor sale or shipment will re ceive strict attention. Cotton received ou storage, aud particular wire t Ion to weighing, classing and shipping, si'ptltl—2tawlm DbW. 0. ROWLAND BOOK AGENCY*. T HF Subscribers have established a Book Agency iu Philadelphia, and will furnish uuy book or publication at the retail price free of post age. Any persons by forwarding tho subscription Price or any ono of the $3 Magazines, such ns Har per’s, Godey’s, Putuam’s, Graham’s, Frank Iieslie’s Fashions, Ac., will receive tho Magazines for one Soar aud a copy of a splendid lithograph portrait ot either Washington, Jackson or Gay; or ff subscri bing to a *2 aud *1 magazine, tnoy will recolve a copy of either of tho throe portraits, If subscribini; to *6 worth or magazines, all three portraits will ba sent gratis. Musto furnished to those who may wish Ft. Envelopes ofexorysizo aud description in large or small quantities tornishod. Seal Presses, Dies, Ac., sent to order. Every description of ougravmg on wood executed with neatness and dispatch views of Buildings, Newspaper Headings, VIowb of Machinery. Book Il lustrations, Lodge Certificates, Business Cards, do, All orders soul by mall promptly attended to Per. ■ons wishing views or their buildings engraved can aeud a Daguerreotype or sketch or the building by mall or express. Persona at a distance having saleable articles wilt Und it' to thftv advantage to address tho subscribers as we wonlo *ot as ageut for the sale or tho same BYRAM d PIERCE. 60, 8outh Third street, Phila., Pa. nov 26—dAwly T7* ERSEYS, PLAINS AND TWILLS-TO PLAN- TERi—We would respectfully call the atten tion of the Planters of Georgia aud ^Carolina; to the very complete and extensive assortment. of uta above Plantation Goods. Schley’s Goods; of all de ecrlptlona, being among tbe lot wbtob are no- opened and tor sale by oct 1 LADSON A ROGERS. GENERAL BROKERAGE BUSINESS. mHE UNDERSIGNED oflofti bis sorvtoes ‘to Uf and sale of Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Ac., and procur ing fraighta for Teasels. gal s—w4 JOHN T. ROWLAND. STARCH, SOAP AND SODA— ~ i00 bbls A, B and C Sugar 60 do Crumbed and Pulverized Suo. r 160 boxes Starch K 260 do Palo, No ! aud Family 3i)a>, 26 kegj Washing Soils, fin hose* Cardm and in store and for salo by McMahon .tc itoYiy “ YOUR HOUSE,” HACK AND L1VKUT STABEEr OOHXKK OK BROUGHTON AND BARNARD KHlEEB. sv—Aj AS tho firm of Stevens k Elllsiie ‘ was*dis>ii»!veU on tbo 1st day of October by mutual consent. THOM JR F. STKVRW will continue tbe bu3luess at his obi Stable, oct 2?lm READ I—READ I J-lUlAl) m That is, if you can see; n* 1 ' 1 }if you can’t sec, you can find XL? MHiall kinds of “helps to sec,’’ at thn Watdi and Jowelry Store or D. B. Nichols & Co., iu Congros atreot, next door to tho corner of Whitaker, where you can purchase Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, and Fancy Goods, aa low us at nuy other store iu the country. Wo have received por steamship Alabama afresh lot of those lino Slcol Spectacles: also, n supply ot Pebblo and Periscoplc Urns, which we are prepared to fit iff all kinds of frames, al short notice. Our ’erlscopic Lohi (so callciffroin thoir peculiar shape) lave au advantage over ull others, os they have a greater range of focus, so tlmt tbe reader is not compelled to bold tho book or paper atacertain distance from the eye. Call and sec. 1). B, NJC1I018 A CO. J9* No charge tor showing goods. mar 11 P. B. X. ft Cb. CLOTHING ☆ EMPORIUM. 1 DOOR WIST OF THK KKPUfiLIUAN HEAPING 1100A, FlneRoady-maue W. O. Price, Clothing ; Hats and Caps, Shirts, Collars, UloveB, Hosiery, Canos,Umbrellas Cravats, Stocks, Handkerchiefs, * and Fancy Articles for Gentlemen. fob 6 FASHION ABLE AND UIUTABY TAILOR, No. 147 Bay Street, SA VANN AH. Orders from city and county solicited. Al Also, gujerfin* Clothg, • twiner.’ aud Vestings, wi be made to mn sure.unexceptioc able in style and workainwhip, by the bc6t mechanics, at ehnrteit notice • MASS1E St/HOtlL. T HISSohool will be organized on WcdtiKdaj, October 8th, under the chnrgo of Mr. B Bal lon, as Principal; who will bo aided by comptUti assistants. The house will accommodate soo ;«• plls; 200 of whom will be received free ur charge, and 100 will pay tuition. . The Massie School District includes that portico« the titty lying oust of Whitaker at. All children re siding in this district aro entitled to a place iu lLu School. Applications iuuBt be uindo to either uf iho ip®' mlsslouers, or to tho Principal. A. PORTER. J. STODDARD, S. COHEN, CommiMiMieri Savannah, Sept. 8th, i860. f ' e i’ t ^ ®. -»*0C Morning News am! Kopublican copy month. STUTTERING AND STAMMERING C URED by Dr. WYCKOFF, or Pilfcburg, Pa., without pain or Surgical Operation, who win send tiie euro to any part of tho World, on tho re- colpt of *10; and the mnnoy returned, ff tho cure Is uot effectual. All letters must bo addressed to Dr.Wjrckoti; Box 7to, Pittsburg, Pa., hi care of Arthurs, llodgors k On., Bankers. P. S. Correspondent-, will please euclosa damp for return postage, Caution.—All persons who cannot praduce tuy gonuino certificate, aro humbugs. scpt26—wly Dr. W. ^PPLES, l’OTATOES, ONIONS, ftc—.lust received por steamship Florida 15 bbts extra Fating Apples. 20 do Potatoes. Also; Grapes, Tomatoes, R. H. WATSON At CO,, Corner Whitaker street and oct 7 Congress street Lauo. * GEORGIA FEMALE COLLEGE. OOMMEJiCIOMENT. T 1K Fubliu EicroDoo or CommenMinlilil Wook will boglll on TUKSDAY, Oolobor i!8tll. Junior Exhibition on WEDNESDAY, tbo Mth Oioeorl it night. Commencement on THURSDAY, llto l>0th. Tito publio are invited to attend. JOHN K. SEAL?, oct 7-law8w Soo. Fac. &c. For sale by HOWES COTTON HARVESTER PATENTED DECj, 4, 1866. T HIS improvement enablos ono field bnnd n* pick u much cotton as five can pick by the old mothod and having tho cotton freo from it.Jth, amt in better condition tor giuning. The abovo machines aro for sale at 186 Congress afreet Savannah; and 126 Meeting street. Charles, ton, 8. C. All orders from abroad will receive prompt attention. Planters, Factors, Cottou Brokers, and all Interested are respectfully Invited to call and examine them County Rights can be bought on favorable terms. May, 26. ALFRED WEBSTER. glTUATibSAS TEACHER WABTKU, A RECENT GRADUATE or n Now EntlMil Col; lege desires a iltuolion Mlbiohor, Hu baa PUBLIC SCHOOL. T HE Publio Sohool will bo ro oponoJ on day, October 1st, under Mr \\. II- Baker« One^huudred ondlHly pupils will fifty of whom will pay tuition. Tho School jwj» Includes that portion of tbe city lying west ol w u i • ker street. No children living east of this street tau obum places In this School. Applications must be made to cither ortho lot ralasloners. or to the Principal. R A. i tiniW*. .1. STOLID A HP, COHEN. Onunisfoncr*- Snvnnunb, 6011I. Stb, W-». , "l-'f; 1 ",. RST Morning News nml Roiml'linoo month. . .. - - 0. 0. POOLE, No. 11, Whittaker Street, (two tars from WHOLESALE AND BBTAIL »EJl-kf, itua, Ullmis, Doors, Pnlnls, Ol'Jr*^ nlnhe., window Olois, Poor. 1 Palntero’, Graloero’ Mil Artist* BrJ.»» Whtlewub Heads and Duster*. DU ^ ra ,-Hlied l'alnlsor ovory -loser.:Hon, A"■ colors in tubes, Prepared Canvass. A<. 01J |j PAPER HAN(JlNG4110RDEIIN AM - HUE BOAW PATTEBNS. Rooms prepared wllh ucames* and dHr«»» ( Boose, Sign aud Ship Palming, Gliding, Gn™W“, (.taxing done In tbo best style end •> i»" ure " Pr AlT'ordors Iroro the country " WOOi)" : TO)D T H ko«p li cSnmfy oftiVs' old Charleston Wharf, o Ctll r"!Vf ■ i.htwoed- or homed Bln-k Jack, link, ' Ac., Ac. All In wont aro ro-i« rnd},^ give him a call. u vioro under tb* R p. 8. All orders left at lh«* Marshall House will bo promptlyottoniiodto. sept 30 'ijissoLUTibjv. ^ 8 T HE Co-partnership ot K. CHAlll'IDJ-» j,, ■this day dissolved l-y' ““'"j!. ?Ep.tbi» business ol lbs lain jlrm a ll 1 f nusines.« nlon, who will conllnuo iho i.rocer) bis own'account. r. CHAJIPft™ R. J. MBCM® Savannah, comber 1, lWd. 8e ’' BBALFEi5ct__ HENRY LATHBpI’&CO,, Merge and riob sleek-I some experience In toaebing. Has recelvod a thorough Eogllsh and. Classjeal education, and can produce satisfactory testimonlais as to scholarship and character. Please ad drear, with toil parUcu. tors, F. B. NORWOOD, 197 Chestnut street, Phils, dolpbia, Pa. oct 4—eod8t S ugars— 150 bbls. A, B aud CCl«rifled Sugar 60 '* Crushed aud Pulverized Sugar 25 half boxes Stuart’* LooT “ 10 bhds oholee P.»: to Rico In store and tor sato by M ooi I HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON * 00. OpeneTTHhUlAY, embracing ^ Real Thread, llot-iiou and Ma!tM0 8r t l , • ‘. French, Mu.-lln und Mourning Selfr. Iu BogJ* Vj"JffjSrrtn# Muslin ind Cambric Bands Misses Beils, In great vanc'E infante’ Oepe.trimmMj^ Children'. Worsted Capo* Scarfs. oot 6 C andles, starch, soap- to.- catv f . i : 50 *• Pipes and Pipe Heads HOMOmL,