Savannah Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, October 14, 1856, Image 1

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VOL. XXXVII I OLD SEEIES.i SAVANNAH, GA., TUESDAY. OUTOUER 14, 1856. I lakicrlptlim Price, of l.r.miRh Paper. II, nvn.nou .tulortUtuUoi, to gnprtaton toil ,■ mll.tior. ot Ihothrm ptpor. lamiod In atviumtli, • uvotJopiiKl lly> following ontr rm r»l*n>f»ul>- Mrlptlon, to toko oOkot IhU ittjr: Mil, I'.pofi |*r tnuom, In aitv.nco M Oo (rl.lVookif " " * oo Weekly. morIo oop/i In ttlvaao. son Weekly, nro coplcj, to on. >4ilrou t on Weekly, eiglu " “ ‘ l<l 00 Weekly, wo " " " lit 00 Weekly, twenty", 11 ‘I 30 00 When net pnld within on. month thorn tho time ofaubMrloui tho ohugo roe tho Bnlly will ho mm jcllui, in for tho Trl-Weekly jtoe, The WMtiy Will bo tool only to thorn who P«y In advance The paper .will invariably bo dlioonUnod upot ilio exinrauoa of tho time fbr whloh it has beet jISlll. tbo abova rstos to take efltet from sttd after thli >t>r ALEXANDER k SNEKD, Hepubltcan, K. a IIU.fON k CO., Qtorgian & Journal THOMPl*ON k WITH I NOTON, Se a*, .^vannah tely 1,18M. TCIIDU.Vwo O’llMk, V. M. Assault on Edward W tIson. We regret to learn that Mr. Wilson, the ex cellent Clerk of Connell, when going quietly borne from the Court House, between three and four o'clock this morning, was violently assail ed by a number of persons at the corner of Bull sod Jones street He was stabbed in the back (with a bowle knife it Is supposed,) and beaten ia the face but that the course of the knife was intercepted by the lower extremity of tbe shoulder tho cut would probably have proved fatal. Wo are gratified to learn fora Dr. Wayne who dressed Iho wound, that it Is nut danger ous. A person less inclined to get into dlfflonlties or wiio would do more to avoid them than Mr. Wilson, lives not in out community. His crime ..his i.uly crime, Is tho energetic aud efficient support which he ho gives to the Democratic party-nil i npardonable offense in the eyes of the more reckless of his “Law and Order” op ponent*. Klouida Election.—Our American friends bad tetter not risk their money ou the judgment either of the Republican or its Tallahassee cor respondent as regards the result of the Florida cliviit.n. From the peculiar conformation of *!.«■ S..ti- tiw-M* is no poiut either in or out ot fi'iriil.i w! if tiie issue of her elections can so •fjiui 1.e d« te: in uni, by tiioso familiar with her politics us in tliiM ' Ay. Upon the information which has tvached us we do not hesitate to re iterate the opinion that both Perry and Haw kins nre elected by handsome majorities. The Macon Telegraph of this morning—edit ed by Mr. Cllsby, formerly of the Tallahassee .Sentinel- confirms onr opinion, as follows: Partial returns from our Southern neighbor 'indicate, boyotid a reasonable doubt, thut sue lias gone Democratic in everything—Governor, Congressman and Legislature—by very deci- nve majorities. Two or three weeks must elapse before full returns are received, but the Know Nothings have lost the battlo beyond a doubt, and the State will go for Buchanan by .over u thousand majority. We are indebted to Purser Bully of the steam Hj.ip Augusta, arrived this forenoon for late New Yotk papers in advance of the mail. “Guoanu.”—Last year wlien tho count of •votesshowed that Dr. Screven, tho then Demo- «ratio cuudldatc for Mayor, had been defeated, a largo company of “Americans” marched to his homo and there gave him three groans. He made no reply and took no notice of the insult. If any of the defsated candidates of onr oppo nents last night received the like indignity we have not heard of it. oar posltlous nothing tumid have escaped our oars which reached those or the household of Oapt. Bryan. Tho procession acted in no wu.v to irritate -thpir feelings. It is possible Unit un individual or a'fow Individuals may 1 have utter ed groaus us they passed. While thus proceeding a glass bottle was thrown from one of Oapt Bryous windows, Which struck a inau of the party aud felled him to tho grouud. At this, there was a pause or perfect astouishmout, ou tho part of everyone, and so incredulous, were all prescut, us to the true state of ntiUlrs, that when the question was asked, why tho man foil the reply was that lie wAs drunk and h.d dropped hi* bottle. The proccssiou then started forward, but hud not mrdo more tlmua couple of stops, wbeu another battle was thrown from tho mm place. Now ■ dialled of the truth Unit they wero assailed, indignation took tho place of surprise aud atimea were thrown Into tho house, breaking glass in In their passu go, A pistol wua thou discharged from the house. It wan then that a discharge of stones and weapons from tho crowd took place, which was stopped us soon us tiioso at the head of tho crowd could bo hoard, request ing them to abstain und disperse. They did disperse aud passed down Whitaker street. This is a simple statement of wliut occurred, mado from our own knowledge, on which wo mike no comment us we desire to allay aud not create excitement. JOHN M. GUEHAHD. JOS W. ROBAHTS, Wm. 8. DAN TELL, MAXIME I. DEltVERGER. W. P. BOWEN, Jr. R. D. G UK HARD. C. 11. GOLDING, IVr iho IIiouiiijviIIo Watchman. Mrs. Vomtti imt, Savannah, Oct. A. , NO. IS,! SUFFOLK 8TBBKT, SAYS OF OR' Llic Uiimmittcc unpointed on the |mrt of; M’LANK'8 OELBBRATBD I.IVEU PILLS. Tlmiuas county, by tho Couvo i Ou ntUILUMY. ’.ail UmlaUt, at U o'clock, Will bu SolU ut llio !.• Mr no oi ibclatu Itov. Hr. Pros- Tub Unfortunate Affair Last Niuut.- ’tfe have boon at some pains this morning to obtain a full, explicit and impartial statement of f&cts in relation to tho disturbance this morn ing it* front of Capt. Bryan's house. It comes from gout lemon of character and standing, and tvej cier tho public to U, as a more full and cor rect statement of that which appeared in our paper this morning. it Is within our kuowiedge, personally {of the must untiring exertions on the part of tho Dem ocratic party to carry on our elections with the greatest peaco and quiet. From actual observa no,wo Inula perfect confidence thatuothing would have occurred to mar the good feeling [generally prcvolentduriugtheday Unfortunate ly, ut a late hour this morning, when one party waselated by tho excitement ofvlotory, abd tho other perhaps smarting under defeat, a serious affray occurred, iu which blood has been shed ‘ ills unnecessary for us to say that wo depre- els '*« any thing of this kind—that we are the Adv 'tastes of Law, Order, and Peace—aud that the oL, *** of this editoriul notice of the affair is to calf iq’wn .every citizen to use his influence, to allay exMite>,WBt of any kind. Crimination and ro-crimi'oatio. 11 will have no other effect, than the products' D of hitter feeling on botli sides. In occurrences of thia kind, toe best rule is to leave time to apply ifc* dealing balm, aud if there be any blurae to attach to either side, to let a judicious public opftu ' on * at 601116 wore distant day, affix It where It p roperly belongs —meantime, both parties may ,b° allowed to deplore it, and to use every exert* on to n ^ a ) excitement and provide agaiust its .recurrence at any future occasion. A Curd to '(be Pwbilc. hhnrt, Editor* : Wo dcsiro to stato facts which transpired, ud der oiu awn observation, in what the Republican calls tho attack of a Democratic mob on the residence of Oapt Bryan of tbe Mounted Po lice. A large number of Demoorstio citizer a auembled, at a,late hour last night nod procei d« eJ with a band of music, to the houses of the Mayor elect and of several of the Aldermen. Among them were were many citizens, to whom even the American party, will not deny respect- * dlity. Everything was conducted decorously *ud not the tlightetl disposition to violciico,war trlueed. Tho triumph of the party had placed • W»y man in a good humor und they would n. Web rather have jested, tlian fought, with the oti Arsjdft. About three o'clock !Ills morning tiiej ’rtopped at the house of Alderman Basin- V'i'n they cheered liira and tho b»n*i 1,1 ryed Leav.'/ig U W*was the intention to proceed down >#r 8trcfit * on the way to bestow like courtesies t ’P° n °toer gentlemen. Forthh Purpose it cross. ^ on Btceet nort ^ •Ida of Liberty st thence countermanded **te»rd. \ have passed quietly down "ATiS -* Interfered with. The ^ toth.wothriJ.oi Hiwt BOB, tot theleu«th of the pro 'f 41 " 11 rcudor«l that din Heavy Forgeries In Wall Street. Charles B. Huntington a Note Broker iu Wall street was arrested last Friday charged with extensive forgeries. The Journal of Commerce of .Saturday says s Tiie accused. Charles B. Huntington, has been in the habit of purchasing business paper of the note brokers to some exteut, and ir he is guilty os charged, has copied aud multiplied those signatures indefinitely, and then with a mixture or tho spurious und genuine, has bor rowed money, using tiie notes only as collateral, and thus seeuriug iilmseli the liberty of taking them up before their maturity would leud to d scovery. On tho 8th inst., he obtained of C. Belden & Co. a loan upon u large amount of the paper of Messrs. Pliclp.s, Dodge & Co., one of our most respectable house- but carelessly allowed ono note to go in which was clue the l*t—4th, und was thus four days beyond ma turity. Bolden’s clerk, in euterlngthe loan and making a memorandum of tiie notes, discovered that this ono was overdue, and after consultat ion with his principal, sent it up to the counting house of Phelps, Dodge & Co. for collection. The bookkeeper detected the forgery tho mo ment the note was offered, but merely asked the young mon to call again, as his principals vere not in the oflico. He then took Immediate measures to traco the forgery, and thm resulted in the arrest of Huntington ns stuted this morn ing. To-day there has teen a general overlinul- iug of bill books, and we learu thut largo amounts of forged paper have been discovered, the names or Cufliu, Melien & Co., Bowen A McNumcc, and others, having been used, us well as tbe one already reported. Rumor places tbe amount of forged pnper thus traced at up wards of $1011,000; aud one capitalist now ab sent from the city is said to have advanced a urge amount of money npo u similar securities. But for tho carelessness of tho perpetrator in using a note overdue, the fraud might have gone on for years without detection. The result will be to make leaders a littlo more chary of their favors to fust young men whose horses and cigars are their chief indox of wealtii; and to condense tho business of note selling into the hands of strong houses of known in* teUigenco and responsibility. Mr. Har heck aud Mr. Bekleu. who became bail for Huntington, surrendered him this morning after the discove ries already noted. Cottoit-*K*tlinato a of Crop and Price*. A leading New York Cotton Broker sent to Liverpool tho following views by the Canada which sailed from Boston on tho 8th: “The accounts from all sections ia the South contiune unfavorable, and wo have had another frost which bus doue some damage iu Alabama and elsewhere; tho full particulars wo cannot receive by mail for some days yet. At Mobile and Montgomejy, Alabama it is reported ns having injured the cotton on the grounds. A very decided and well grounded fear prevails here aud in the South thut sufficient injury lias been dono by tho late spring, drought in July, worms and other disasters since, and roccutly tbe unprecedented cold weather und frosts, to limit the production ut 3,000,000 b ile-, and possibly at a lower figure." Admitting tho accuracy of viows, aud the cmviction forces itself upon the candid raiud thut the consumption of the world has overtaken the labor of production. Of t;,o past yeur’s supply of 3,50.1,000 bales, Europe took ubout 2,040,000 bales of which 2,0’i(),0l)0 were tuken by England alone. Assuming that Europo should require equally ns much from the present crop, it would amount to near about as much as tho whole of tho ostlmutod yield of the present yeur, leaving no surplus from which Americuu manulacturers can obtain the 000,000 or 700,000 bales required to keep tUe cotton spindles and looms la motion. This State of things will bring European and New England manufacturers into competition in (lie Southern markets. In such a contest the article must advance ; and the higher it goes tho worse it will bo for ourEastorn spinners, because their largest pro ducts, of heavy fubnes, nre made from midd ling aud lower grades of cotton. Should these grades of the article attain higli rates, the com petition between American and European pro. ducts iu foreign markets will become very un equal, and telingainat our own manufacturers. If the supply ofiabor at the southwest was equal to the exteut of the rich cotton land.-, now in a state of wilderness, we could as easily produce four millions of bales of cotton as three. \Ve have no white labor sufficiently acclimated to work boneath a tropical sun in the produc tion ot the article. Tho Germau settlers who have colonised in Texas prefer stock raising, Ac., to the cultlvatl n of cotton. „ .... . —Couvoutionof the 4th September to look niter tho “early organiza tion of tlin Main Trunk” arrived iu the city of Siivamiali on lust Tuesday night. I walked down soon the next morning to tho river, mid viewed tbe various watov crafts us they Iny ut tlm wharves or ut anchor iu the stroam. Of the numbor wore the uoblo steamships Augusta and Knoxville, the latter of which under the guidance of a friend, l boarded mid examined K ’ thoroughly. I repent ugaiu, it is a no- issel. At twelve o'clock the Committee met and alter remaining in tension for aboutUvo hours, adjourned over until 12 o’clock tho next day. At U o’clock the next mornhg the Committee, togthcr with ii number or gentlemen from the cities of Suvaunuh, Macon und Brunswick en tered the Omnibus and went to tho depot of the S.»vanuah and Gulf Railroad iu ontei to take a iido on that Road, iu accordance with au invita tion from Dr. Screven, the gentlemanly I’reti- dent of the 8. & G. road Company, This ride was taken upon an open plut-turm t but the weather being very Hue tho'oxcursiou was ex ceedingly pleusatit. After making tho curve soon utter leaving the depot, tho line of the road becomes perfectly straight. Tho track is woll graded and laid with heavy mils, and the consequence was that we sped aloug almost without ajar. We run out twenty miles, aud alter witnessing for a few minutes the process of adjusting cross ties aud laying down rails tho Engine wus reversed and wo glided smooth ly uud rapidly back to tbe city. The Commit tee re-a-sembled, aud after lurtber considera tion unanimously affirmed what we laid agreed on the day before, uud udjourned slue die. You will have seen before you got this, wliut action was, uud f have uo doubt but that you and our people will readily see that it was right. It is true that according to the arrange lueiit at Thomusvillc, the six hundred thousand dollars was to be raised by others—not a dollar to be exacted from Thomas county—but 1 am now Lilly satisfied that to permit nils is not the true policy of our people. That tho Main Trunk will be organized and speedily built, I have not the slightest, doubt, uud it is indispen- affile that our interests should bo fully repm- martini iu tiie organization. Without subscrip tions of Stock this cannot be done. And let no one fear to go into thiH thing, for in no aspect of tiie case can lie bo injured. By making libera) subscriptions it is believed and confidently asserted by practical railroad men,that the Oars cau run to Thomasvillo by next January year, und it is the universal opini on this Main Trunk Block will te perhaps tiie very best paying Stock in the Stale. No one doubts but taut the Savannah A* Gulf aud the Brunswick fc Florida Roads will be profi table from tiie point of connection with the Main Trunk, und if this lie trivia it not evi dent thut the Main Trunk stow will te ju«>t doubly as good ? For ou the one Imnd these two muds, as tributaries wifi pour the streams id wealth that fiout over them into the Main Trunk as into a great river, and on tho other the profits of these roads must arise from a division of tiie swelling tides ot travel and commerce tmrt will flow over the Main Trunk. My earliest advice, therefore, to our friends is that tbop Mibseribo at once literally tj tiie Main Trunk. Susbciibe liberally, in order that you may be strongly represented in this company, not par ticularly on account .of the locatiou ortho road, for there will te no trouble about that, but for other objects of the highest importance to us as a people. Subscribe liberally, in order that you may invest your cash means in stocks thut will be both safe and profitable. I have exam ined this city pretty well, considering that I have been very busy the most of the short time I have been here, and 1 must say that I lmvc been agreeably disappointed in roguid to it. The city is larger tlmn i expected to find it, coutuius many line buildings,has regular streets and beautiful shade trees. Tiie Park is a love ly spot, und the Pulaski Monument (not the one which arrested the ntteutinu and inspired the lieu or the editor of the EutcrprUc) dots credit both to the patriotism and the taste of the j)eople of Savannah. Upon beholding it, the first imnrossion is that of admiration of tho beauty of the pile, the second, that which a Hood of a mid mem ories would make on the heart of every trno patriot, There is one thing, however, whiuli I hove completely missed, and that is tho sight of a swell-heau.”. I have heard much of this inter esting class of individuals, and have been wido awako looking out for them, buthavo not found one as yet, that X thought belouged to that crowd. At least, i will say that, if wliut I have seen here iu the conduct of the people ia “well head-ism,” it is a great pity that the disease is not much more prevalent all over .the country for 1 have never met with more kindness aud hospitality in all my life in any city or in any community. As the Atlantic und Gulf daily meet and mingle their Water’s so may the people of the Atlantic and Gulf boou meet aud mingle daily, not only iiqtlie relations of business, but in the kindly affections of the heart. Onii of the Committei:. H'Miiy unwell, aud net kiiuwiug wlirthor il pro- reeded from deraiigciiu-ht of iho liver or merely kysiorlc*, I wua poraiiadud to purchase s box or hr. M'Unv'rt b'eisbrateu Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming fircH.. htoburglt, and before l had used them nil.-was entirely relieved. 1 am now oujoy- lag poriwt health, aud oticed'nlty recoiuurond Dr. M'LmoN CetoWafod Uvnr Pill' to all similarly tt {Ificicd NV* Yuk, duidi 2d, l>v)2. HtT i'oichiisois wlb be uatviul to at!, lor Ur M’Ltuc .-> CuloUnued 1,‘vcr IMw, muuulocmvcd by Klciniug ttios,, ot' Pill-burg. Pa. There aro other Pilk purporting to be l.ivi-r Pills, now before the pub ic Or M'l.umV zoruiuo Wvcr Pills, also his celebrated Vermifuge, cu*.j now.hi- had at alt iw>- pot.ditblo I rug fitorob, Norn* gciimuo without the signature <•> "Cl 14 (10; FLEMING HUO.S. Comiiimitil ‘jnttliipt. NKW YuitKCOfYuN MdttifkT. WKWW.Y liEVTKW, Saturday, on. U. Oolteii—Tho buoynuoy prevlom-ly Hollaed still continues, amt the rccuiptpii luvoruhle news iVotn EuropdTln roinioxfou wltu, our iua guilleuut stock, Inis, ifHiiytliiug, ratherftUvugtheiiud the market. The badness Inns ucco^urily been light, uverngiug bui iltth*. it auy over l(kO bale/, dally. Wo tpiote: NEW YORK CLASSIFICATION. Ordinary.., Middling. . Middling Fa l-air. Mobile... tenth Cam I inn Nut-ill enrolum.... llOitOU I’plillltl. I'foruln. Mobil*-. N.UATx ■ to?4 Wi i W io>; • 1-?4 m • \m 13 iu*-; 1.TJ4 WM 'Vi Wi (4 14*4 liavu livuit front— 1, iftU bales 503 11 wo Total 2,0,4 bales Total imports binen 1st Inst 10,374 “ I idol imports blucc lit dept .23,172 “ Export from the United rdufo®. uiee Ut September, IMW 10,0141 bines rfatnu time, 1865 .54,740 " Export tram 1st to loth Got. 185U 1805 Onion..., bales lo.ot0 d,4ttd MACO •, Oo». 14—t'ottou du.I mid de-'liumg. Wo ipiutu at u Is 12H '. receipts heavy ; weatuer very Hue tor picking. IVKsT POINT, October 11—Oolton to-day is Md* Img at pricesrauglug from 11 to 12c. Ijjiiipiug ^atfliigeiiu’. Port of Buviiiiuab October 14. Ai-t-ir<(i. dteamsliip Auguhtu, l.y»n, U2 hours from New York—1‘iidclforil. Kay k Co. .Sunday 10:45, 4 p m. Hnt eras light, bearing 8VV, exolmuged c-ignuls with nti amship Alabama, hence for New I'ork, and 11.45 p iu, twolmuguil signals with steamstilp Keyatuno dials, licneo for Philanolj Iua PnssHigera. 1'er .sieamdilp Augusta, iroin New York—J fires', imlmui; Mis Wilton und 2 ctUiuron; Miss d A Touni- joii; Mins Mlden: Mrs Poll bps; Mws i‘hi)lip<; Mi s I to wo; T U .Murefiuh; it Hawke, a U tiroitf aud lady; II F Uaioi-y uud daughter; E llarter und lady; t Church and iudy; miss Tuuner, Miss Tanner; .Mrs Wilson und child; il «iosincyer;Mrs ii Monheimer, olilld and servant;.I M il«rrib;8 Kjod; J F Hulawm; .1C lirown; 1, Sweet; .1 li .Simms aud lady; W H Miller;N Goal;.I ifobiusoutO li It iiulugtu!i;CTl;t tl.rop; C ,1 B irtleU; 5| i- i, it Pal ish; M:s« Ourduer, Miss r Uobmsoit, Mis-.- il viraig; M I,Campbell; Mas ter iUtocuuiuulz; tV CiHiy;.i k Wiley;M Mundy;it Ujlditeiu; k Widiams;.i t. *le.igor;Isuuc Scoit, lady, child and .servant, Ii Moscix: H M Guring;C Grady; zMins (iraiiys, KGray; Miv C Webb; Miss M I. Webb; Mis.s A IVobb;./ Alcivail unn lady; Miss M Lyon;Mrs Pudm;.I KUruue; CaptUrivgs; W 11 01- unit; Mi#s i. 8 hyt y;.1 M CoopoiqiU li Paniaboe; A ABUars: .1 I»Gordon; It.**' .fuekHoh, ami 78 in the loeragii'. Corresi>ondcnconr Commercial AdvoGHer. Havre, Wednesday, Sept. 24. The Arago steamer loit our port tills morn- log at 7 o’clock. To^ay, our Cotton market lion again been auimuted, and 22000 linlcs have teen taken by traders. Inferior grades say “tres bus nl;uH r ’ have advanced 2a3f. since last week. Flour is held witli firmness. New York brand ia worth 38n41 per bbl. No demand whatever for American Hops Tho weather has bccomo boisterous. ,lle Purpose of changing t. 1 lowest, and we are sure •nee necessary for he head of it from that the thought Srt not iu “j 04 "k **■ f y th ® moment when Oa thin i'™ towlmd, there was not \ ^ rg . tiPn , ft a tend y i music aud the free con\ - D •mvenu hundred men always make. -Fion Good Pay.—0. C. Deunis, long supeiiiiieu-. dent of the take Shore Railroad, wesi-o it slut ed,has been appointed superintendent of the Mad River and Lake Erie Railroad, salary *3,- 000 per annum. v John 55. Forney, U. 8. Gotnmcrclal Agent,litis arrived in Liberia. He will bo recognized with out opposition, although tho United States h is not formally recognized the independence of Liberia. Walker Cook or Lexington, Ivy., waadiown ed near Hickman, Ky., on tho night of tho i-ith ult. by leaping from a steamer. Hon. Edmund Etniendorf, for utniiy years clerk of the Court of Chancery of tho State of New York, diod at his residence in Tivolii, on Monday, in tiie 79th year of his •jo. The resignation of .-econd Lieut. George \V. Roso, corns typographical engineers, 1ms teen accepted by the President, to take effect Oct. 4 1850. IlKAvr Failure in Boston.—Boston, Octo ber?.—William White, Jr., cotton merchant here, has failed for a large amount. Suioidb in Stafford County.—Mr. James W. Johnson, living near Aqnia Gree k, Staffmd county, Va., committed suicide on Wednesdat night last, by shooting himself. He was found n bed w-n the iustrumeut of his destruction tfiot fa»—lying near him. Slaves Lidf.rateu.—George W. Johnsou, one m the large sugar planters on the Missis sippi, liclow New Orleans, who died recently, Iris leitiui estate valued at not loss than 8700,- flOO. Ho has by his will tnauumitted all his slaves. 200 in number. They nro all to bo sunt to Liberia in four years Irom his death, and each ono is to te tarnished with $50. A Teurarle Event.—Russian journals aro filled with details of n catastrophe at Sehemoka, in tho Caucasus. On tiie morning of the 11th July, tiie weather was very sultry, and a gen oral feeling of suffocation was felt. At length a heavy rumbling noise was heard, followed by a very violent shock of au earthquake. Although thosuoek lasted only about thirty seconds, 300 houses and more tlmn 100 shops were complete ly thrown down, und a great many other» seri ously damaged. Onlynuo person was killed; five were wounded. The loss is estimated .at upwards of 400,000 francs. [(.'orieijiomlouco of tho Dally Pennsylvanian.I Connecticut Di-inociatlc. Bkidcikfout, Oct. 8,185(1. Mil Editor One hundred and ten towns iu Connecticut held their election for town officers on Monday last—of tiioso CO were Democratic, and 44 Black Republican, which is a considerable gain ou the last election for the Democrats. The aggregate popular vote is largely in favor of the Democracy. It is true thut raauy who call themselves Fillmore men went with tho Democrats; nevertheless, we count it a glorious Democratic victory, and I know' the Republicans do. Tho New York papers of to day—almost all of them, seem to convey the idea that it is a Fremont victory. I send you this, that you may set tho matter right at once in your State papers. Bridgeport city held her election for Charter offices only on that day, and it was a hard fought contest, and we elected our whole tick et with ono individual exception, by a hand some majority, and by which wo Judge we shall carry tho whole town for tho Democrats by 150, on the 4th of Novombor. Roly on Con necticut for Buchuuan! Respectfully yours, H. 8. Coiivlgm-va, I'mratoaiiiidiip Augusta, Irma New Yuik—Agent CH It; H A Ahlvieh; A Cole; Uriglunn, Holly & Co; J A Browu; Hut;or & Frierson; ,i iluuknor; O Frown K Co; Doth well & \Vluti-lieuil;.l V Uurbee; S K IW- uum;VVi) Uacbiur; A ll.nivunl; M O lfoucc; K 1- Book; Buatou A- Viiluluugu; B Goodrich; W H Brown;Crauc, Wells & Co;.i h Collins; dark X ltoynt; M A Cmteu; 1)») Cornier;Clark k tk-ok-y; Dr F Y ' lurk; Coliou k llortas; Ciugliuru A Cunning- ham; .1H Curior; i> I) Cjpp: J Al Cooper; \V txineun: A Ixiyiu; W (• !»ickaou;lJoWitt A Morgan; i)aua k Waslilmrn; tin.-teiu k hetman; W HKihr.dgo; W li Fleming; T For-i; J .1 t'ulligmit; J Foley; Fruiikliu X Bromley; K Fi-zgerubt, W 11 Furred: Gilbert X Tn- uen;W W tiOOilriuU;Greenville & Co; HGowdy; a 4 Hartridge; A Haywood; O Juliusou; J H .lo^oe; ,N B Kuapp; J H rs.» King; M imviu; J.ovi*li k Haiti- inuro; Ciwroucu Jc Huuu, Lujkcu X Mulling; L-tw sun X Rogers; H iattiirop X Ou; 8 M LailUcuu; il MuUUelirook; W H May;Miller k Nlchelis; i> ,um- ictt; Novill. idilforop k Rogers; A Mode X Bros; t ogle tree. Ogden, 8tarr A Co; K Farsolis; l'ulreon, tleiUi & cu; j Htu-u, Huttuu Ar Co; Ku s e, Davis A Long; ItaLuu .v Mii.tlt; W il.S.foinou»; J aherwick A Co; tera-ton. Jobuaun k Co; VV A Tuomfc;Tyaou a Gordon; Webb; \V k f W Warner;«A ii AH Wood Wuriioek A Davis; fcF Wood &co; it u Walsou A to; Wuyuu A ten; Young AFriorrieu; Young, Wyat. A Co, W l* Youug; W H /."gfoumi. OH SWEET KATET ton, etuiiui of Dray ion and Joues street. JUST PBR ^HOONEiiKl Alargraud munplele lunjorltnont «lHousohold . H A SI« \\ KW TAUTfc .TRRAimU. , il I'ruues, iu fancy Roxm mu Jkt* Furniture, eouipr.-iup a general asoerfmcni for ■ * ua ell * Parlor, Kitohon uni t hanibbrs 8oW bvpormua uot the Court «r OoUuary, by order of tho Administrator forms cash, out 1 J UdT received per -oamsblp Florida, from Now York. Brook's Pattern Wuxed While, Black and l>vt'd SpniM Cotton, and for riuio bv ,1. W THltKLKIilJ). aug27 t>mgress A WUitskor streets, NEW BOOKS—NEW B00K8* UEOEIVBD BY WARNOCK. k DAV13 WVDMSDAV, ot-r. Ut, 1850. 1 THE Hills ol'ihe simtHnuol by tho author or the . UT to,. Wido World. tertunur l.ittlegood—a young gentlemau wlnt wish -d to see life, and saw It aeeordlugly. By Ffuuu .Muediify, Lbij. Chip.-, from Uuo o tern's Jack Knife. Over yuo hundred illustratiODn. How to Dress with Twite, How to Woo, and How to Win. Bridal FttlquuUo; HuW toBohavo. Mrs gtopteu's Illustrated Moutbiy for iteto- ior. D.ckeus Household Words lor October. Putnums’s Monthly •• “ Also RORJC ok Tim American House Carpcuur Perry's KxpedlUun to Japan and ttn- China Seas. For aalo al 169 Cougt i.-ss struct. /^OUIBN BUTTER AND CHKK8E—ki)kogs Uo- vJ sheu Butter; 60 buxos do Choese; landing from steamer und for sale by soplIT 8 it ANTON, JOHNoTON A CO NOTICE. THE S earner GORDON will not LEAVE-THIS AFTERNOON us per unvi-ittM-uiutit, her do uituro being l*OtfTPONED -IHU WEDNESDAY NEXT, at 6, P. M. <x:l 11 J. 1*. BROOKS, Agent 8 1IOT AND LEAD— 601) bugs Drop uud Buck Shot 6WWfi,s. Bar Lead. Landing and for sate by net 10 HOI,COMBE, JOHNSON A CO. NOVEL SCHEME!t CAPITAL PHI7.H >40,000 3,280 PHIZES—LOWEST PRIZE I4». More Hum One Prlzo lo every Ten Tickets I Princess Soil Shelled Almonds Shelled Almonds Braill Nuta, Filbert* Orenob.o Nuts leghorn Otron, Cantou Ginger, dnnnro tt, Cloves, Ginger Macs, all • No. I articio. FIs I’usto, Fancy Boxes Jujubo Paste Roae and Lemon Now Dates, Sardines, >4 and « boxes Yertnoillu aud Maccuronl Becker's Seir-Raieing Flour Stuart's Guidon Syrup. CALL AT BAHROBCS KABULY OHOCKBY, corner ol Whitaker aud aiarltoa atreeU. OOt II PBR STICABikflR KjtOXVlLtli; FOX CRACKERS, AT BAItEON’S. octll C HOICE (iushen Butter—20 kegs lauding per ateamer,for aaieby oct li CKANTON, JOHNSTON k 00. DAUANTINE tMudled—60 boxe-star Brand, lauding from st iir LScranton, and for sale by oct 11 scranton, Johnston 00. UHHIKUIA, BbLUKIU COUNTY. T WO in'intha alter date, appUcaUon will bo made to tbn Him Court of Ordinary for the oounty ol Bulloch, for leave to sell all tbo lands belonging •o tho ostuio or Henry Davies, Jr. aejit 24—2111 J 081 AH DAVIR8, Admlnistratur. MOTICE. fpUKEK months ufier date, auplleatiou will tw X uiudetutlio MsrmeBauk or Savannah for the payment of two Twenty Dollar Bills, (vlt -. lotter d, No. 3,070, uud letter 0, No. 697.) the right halves of which have been lost by mail, oot 9—3m JAMES P. HUDSON. PRIZES GUARANI F3CJH faCTUOIUZKl! HV TIG STATK OK (IKOKOU.] WIRT Ct A INKS ACADEmLOTTBllY, CIaAS- 20 Te be drawn iu the city of atluutn, Ga., In pubi c, on FKiflAY* October 24, 1860, on the plan of SINGLE NUMBERS I!! Mdf Purchasers iu buying to Whole Tickets, (whin tile numbers cud Iu 1, 2,3, 4, 6,0, 7, 8, 9, 0) uro guaranteed u Prize ut Halves and quarter* la proportion. SAMUEL SWAN CO.. Malinger*. 30,000 Tick eta—80 Prlxea puizbs amountTnoto $204,000! ! Will bo distributed according to the following original scheme \ l jniaeof *4o f tX)0 Is.. »10,tH»C LOOK. AT THIS ! JUST RECEIVED PER STEAMER ALABAMA* «)A KEGS Choice GOSHEN BUTTER. U\J 16 boxes CHEESE. 16 barrels APPLE*', tu •* ONIONS. 10 *• POIVTUKS. 2 *• PEaRS. 2 cuseu Eating PRUNES. 2 “ Cooking do. il boxes Tomato CATSUP. ' 4 “ Walnut do. 4 •• Cocoa do. —ALSO— • A large and 1'i-tMh supply of Chocolate, Gelatine, Fdrlua, Tippai**, Barley Verraacille, tlacarona, * B. We would say tu uur frleuda aud the public tu general, that Iu addition to a fine and selected stock of GROCERIES, we kuopcouRtantly ou hand a choice and solect assortment of WINES, LIQUORS, SKOARS, *«., which w<- will sell very low for mb or city uppru Vttl. We would suggest to those that luvu good living to give us u call b lure purchasing elsewhere, lor w« have the very ar(tol«*s it is eomposod of, for which wo sell very low. cut 9 n. h. wadson & co. HAA K HA mm LlVtiHY THE subicrlbor will continue the Livery and Hack Buaiuest, on the Stables corner ot West BROAD und HARKISuN .STREhTS. Give me a trial, eel 1—lm JACOB ELUSION, 1 H) pri* loo •• ton • • NEW SDVElUTSEMBNfS IHJTTlSit Aftl7uuiii«, a «. ' ' J UST received otenmur Augusta— 26 koga Choice Goalioli BUT'iivK 20 boxes State UlELsE IU »* FM, do 10 “ Piue Apple do. Rarg.iius may be had in Butter npnu iminodlsli •»*«»• K. H. WATtelN k U». 1 Kit 14 .H\ RBI41. Choice .UTL' S.T tml\J 2ubids. “ Pntatooa 10 “ Yellow Onions. 2 “ Toiuatoc... 2 boxes (1 rapes. 2 Mils. Pig Hams, 2 “ *• Sides. 2 - •• Phoulders. Forsuh* by R. H. WATSON X CO. •»ct 11 mid,l\EltY AND bilEliijillAKiiUi. MRS. FREELAND will open Pall MUlliivry, UESD..Y, Uelober 14tn, I860, AT UK ! noons, No. 174 UR 4TGHT0N STREET,’ n* srAiRs. oct 9 L LARD.—20 bbls prime Baltimore teal' Lard 50 kegs priuio Baltimore Leaf lard, luuduig un.l lor Ml* l*v SCRANTON. .JOHNSTON k CO. UUg 26 n r.a* B A( oN—21 hhds. prime Ifcicon Sides; 8hb(l». prime Bacon Shoulders, landing from stcamor ueyst nio State,” and for solo by sept 2-ilf-fig out'AVUS CQllEN. 1 ^1.01’R—50.i biiu.extraandsitpertlne Flour, as- • sorted bruuds. 5on sacks extra and supcriluo Flour, uss'd brands. 160 qiiurter sacks double extra, “ l«o Uhls. Gtnidletrillo double extra •' cut 2 YOUNG k WYATT. Il,, cauiiavTand teui>—A bbis. Bfoachod Winter oil; odo Spring oil, 40 boxes ol* Adamantine Candles; 36 boxes of Chemical Olivo Soap; Woman' Friend, and Family teap, ia ^ore and for rain at oct 3 4. D. JESSE’S. 1 *• 12.000 L* 12,000 1 “ 3,000 Is 6,000 I ” 2,000 Is 2,00; I " 1,000 1s 1,000 1,0001a ■ nr 200 are 2,(XX •a 100 arc 10.000 70 are 7,000 .twnoxMiAmv eiuxm. 4 prize > »>f 160 app’g to HO,000 prlwi, are 00C 4 »• 126 “ 12,000 prize, are * 000 4 *‘ 100 6,000 prize, aro 400 4 •• 76 “ 2,000 pnzo, are 800 8 '* 50 “ 1,000 prize, arc 400 40 “ 45 *• 200 prize, are 1,S00 v 4w are ,-ao prized uuiouutiug to Whole Tickets til)— Halves f6.U0—gnartera *2.60. PLAN OF THE LOTTERY. The numbers from l to 30,0)10, corresponding with those numbers on the Tickets printed on sep arate rlips of paper, are encircled witli small tin tubes, and placed In oue wheel. Tho Ural 210 Prizes, similarly printed and en circled, are placed In auotbor wheel. Tho wheels are then revolved, aud a Number la drawn from tho wheel of Numbers, and at the samo timou t'rizo Is drawufront tho other wheel. Tbo number and Prizes! drawn out are opened und exhibited u. (he audience, and registered by tbe Commlnsiouers. die Prize being placed against the uutnbordrawu. fills ujKirniion Is repealed until all the Prizes are drawu out. Approximation PRtam —Tho two preceding and the two succeeding Numbers to thoso drawing the lira ID Prizes will be oulit od to tho 64 Approxi mation Prizes, according to the Scheme. 83.000 Prizes of 840,0i>0 will be determined by bo Iua Azure of tho number that draws tbe 810,00 ib ize. For exarnpb', if the number drawing the S4u,0 0 Pr ze. uds u-lth No. 1. thou all the Ticket- whore the number ends In 1 will be eutuiod to $4o n iho Number ends with No, 2, tnou all tho Ticket* A-beio th-i nuiubdr ends ia 2 will bo entitle! tuS4o, and so on to 0. GREAT INDUCEMEN T.' TO CLUBS. As, by mu scheme, one Tu kot Iu every 10 1 guaranteed to< raw 840, we wdi sell Cerhfl uta> o. ’ack«ge.s of 10Tickets, (where the numbers end It 12, B, 4, 6,6. 7, 8, 9, u.) at the following rates, htcb is the risk ou them. AL that they draw over tho amount guaranteed iccrues tu tho purchaser. Gertl flees or Package of 10 Whole Tlokots 860 to H&U' “ bo IU Quarter “ U It wdl be perceived, by this plan, that for 860 tbi iiircbastr bus a Certificate of 10 Tickets, when 1 le buys Tickets ho would only get fur that sum C Vholos, thus by buylug Cer lfi.atcs he has foui more chances for larger Prlxca—Halves and Quar ter Packages la pruportien. IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIF OATES. Enc'.o-e tho monoy to our address for the Tickeb- ordered, on receipt of wbich they will bo forwarded by first mull. The drawn numbers will be forwarded fo pur ebasora immedlatoly after tho drawing. AS}~ purchasera will please write tbeir signature.' plain, and give their Pest Oflico. County and State. Remember that every prize Is drawu, and pay* blo without deduction. AH prizes of 81,000, uud under, paid immediately after tho drawing—other prizes at tho usualtimo ol thirty days, full without deduction. HOT All communications strictly confidential. Pr.zs tickets cashed or renewed in ether ticket: at cUhorotfice. Orders tor tickers or certificates can bo addressed cither to S. SWAN k CO., Atlanta, Ga., or si>|H3ii S. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala SKW TIN STORK AND SHKET-IRON MANUFACTORY. 141 SOUTH OP MARKET SqUAUI. BRYAN I would inform my old rrlen<is and patroat I have opened the abovo store to conduct the Stove, Tiu aud Shoot-lrou Business in all iu JvariouB forms, aud whore will be found a gen* trot assortment of Stoves, Tin andSUoct-lron Ware, wlrnili I will bo pleased to show, and at such prim is will satisfy any oue wisning to purchase. All kinds or Roofiug, Gutters of tend, Galvanized Iron Work of every description, Job Work aud Re pairing oxccutcd with dispatch, old Stoves put op rad Pipes furnished at short notice. Tin Ware at wholesale aud retail. Call dowu on Bryan street, U will pay you for your walk. RLBtTION NOTICE. Cl.KKK OP COUNCU’S OPHCK, I .°:ivanuuh, Octobor 4,1860. j C OUNCIL will on Thursday, Lclobor 16th, 1866 elu'l a Second Ueutenantol tho Special Polic and Lily Watch, by day and by night, to fill the va cancy occasioned by Urn resignation of Second Ueu- leniintP.uisnll. Salary 81,loo per annum. Bonu 82,000. Applicants must leave their applications, stating the names of their seourUlos, (2 required,) un or before 2 o’clock, P. M. of thut day. By order or Council, EDWARD ». WILSON, oot4 Diork of Council, FOK ISALK. LIKELY NEGRO WOMAN. GOOD COOK AND WABHER, AND PLAIN IRONKK AND 8EAM8TRE8S. For ivirticulars onqulre at this ofilce. oct 9 Boms and shoes. RECEIVED by lalo arrivals, fxdy’s GAI* ^ TER8. Gentlemen’s I|K3. ^ Gouts aud Boys' GAITERS, u.ata Low Quartered, Calf and Patent Leather 8H0ES. Uoutlomen'a Fine BOOTS. M. J. BUCKNER, net ID No. 71 and 162 Gibbon's Building. 1.L PEttovj .p iitMMJos 01 ouUluiug FRESH . MILK, Morning and Eveulng, are he uby noil- Uud thut they cau obtain the came at a re uoed price *— ca'iiug at my rcsluouce, No. 88 1JBLUTY iEET. A. HARMON, out 1—dim A Mammoth Squash.— Mr. Samuel Hoard of Chicago, Iran raised a aquat-h in his garden this season which weighs one hundred and eighty-six pounds. It is pro! ably the largest squash ever grown in this cr untry. Growth of Chicago.—-Rev. Dr. I'uyne, of St. John's Church in Washington, sold forty acres of land in the environs of Chicago, about two years ago, to Senator Douglas for $4,000. Tho present value of tiie land is estimated to te S*I00,000. Tho suiro of St. Petcr’a Catholic Church iu Philadelphia is 233 feet high, and represented ns the highest in thia country. C RACKER-— UO b:u rels Butter Crackers 30 “ Sugar do 20 4 Soda do 20 boxes Soda d<« Lauding aud for ralo by act IU HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO. Another Haul.—Tbo Indepeudent.Uepubli- cau, published at Point Pleasant,Mtison uo. Va. says: The Abolitionists have made another haul iri m this place. On Saturday night last six slaves, five of them, a woman nnd four children belonging to Dr. S. G. Shaw, and it negro man iietonging to Mr. Wm. S. Sturrett left lor a free territory. From the manner in which theso slav *a escaped we have no doubt but that they Iu d Assistance from this side of tho river. We »BY3 abolitionists among, and how long w}U our oitizons submit to those depredations npon ,ll9lr property. I^XTRA CHOICE GU.S1IEN BUlTEJt—Per stountei JCj Alabama, aud for salo hy aug27 J. D. JESSE. NEW GOODS FOll THE kALL TRADE. J UST received from New York per late arrival-, Homp Skirts, tetig Wliito, bow measuring uo t. —AUM— Black aud While GlnghuUH Faacy Ginghams, all puttoriiri Super. Embr’d Ekirts do Fluted do, Bomelhiug new Muslin Bands, Cambria do Dimity do, French ito Jaoonoi and Cambric Edgings, together with- largo lot of Cloths . Oasumorci, Kentucky Joans, Satinets, Ac., fur sale low by J. W. THRKLKELD, soptl _ Congiess aud Whitaker ats. C HOICK UUSliEN BUVtER fc'ciiEBSE.—JOH kegs choico Goshen Buitor. 20 Boxes CUeoso. Unding and for sale by 3CRANTON, 1OIIXSTON k CO. aug 26. . B agging and rope—76 imios Gunny cloth 40 half halos do do 200 coils Kentucky Rope, iu store, for sale by 28y WESTER k PALMES. oct 2 * JOHN J. MAURICE, Agent. *7 BOXES English, French and American Pic I U klee; mixed und plain Canton Ginger; Wo- 1 dia Preserves; assorted Cordials; Olivo Oil, pints and quarts; Maucarona: Soruuoolla; Pepper Sauce Catsupv, of all kinds; Worcestershire teuco. Also, llmleBordo Almonds; 12 Uo Sicily Almonds; 4 Frails Hard do; and 6 bbls, Waluuts; Hazeluuts Just received and for Halo at oct 10 J. P .iiwa 'PEAS.—26 chests aud half chests of choico Green L and Black Tens, recolvod per brig Auguxta^d i>r saleby pipt23j J- D jBBHnE. GEORGIA FEMALE COLLEGE. COMMENCEMENT. r [E Public Exercises of Ojmmencemcnt Week will begin ou TUESDAY, October 28th. Junior Exhlbi Ion on WEDNESDAY, the 20th Concert at night. Commencement on THURSDAY, (he 30th. Thepnblio are Invited to attend. JOHN R. SEALS, oct 7—lawSw 80c. Fac. M olasses, bacon «c.— 200 bbls New Orleans Molassen lot) 44 Barba-UHM and Cuba Molasses 60libdsCuba •• 7."> *• Ribbed and Clear slvtoa 25 Tierres choico Hams \0 bbls Moss Pork. Iu store and for sate by HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k 00. aug 29 F IBt aND MADEIRA WINKS.— 10 casks Port Wluo. 6 do Madeira dn. 16 dnTenuorUVeuo. Jun recrived and for fltlf by SCRANTON, k JOHNHTUN k Oh aug 21. MILLKK & ROLL, mOKNEYS AT LAW, > BHIINSWICK, OA. WillpnoUe.IntoBrunawleli arcrit- ,m,iW Isl to pillowing OonntlM t - Uljrnu. W.yno, Cimdin, Worn. ApppUag, Ollnub, OolTeenuil OOnrlion, mn-n JOHk B. MILLKE. L.O. KOLL. — W.H.y»TaUBEC- wmw Broughton and Wkitaktr-H*. ' , town mid oountr, .npplM witli choice good, ot moderate AU order* prnmptir ntUndnA lo, nod muliOelloti alw.y, leunnleed. iplt “jrarTCfremcKasr;—7 uraOLMAlt AHD UTAH, DI1U1 III window numn, window kaah and pani IHXUltr. IVoet Hide Uonumeui ftinure, Eitmnnrii, On. JOB fe ll. fiHXCBT 2aii ' ATTOHNEV AT LAW, Oflice oorner Bay and Drayton streets Jm 4. H. CHAMPION; (Successor to Champion A Watta.) WHOLESALE AND HETAIL OEOCEB, No. 4 Bamard it., between the Market and Bay sL, SAVANNAH, OA* Dealer la Groceries, Foreign and Domoatio Llquora, Med Fruits, Ac., Ac. Reference—A. Champion, £Aq-, Samuel Solomou, Esq., Messrs. Rabun A whitehead, and BwUlACo., Savannah. Ga. mvrt CKABf*7WKtxmreixr—'-' FACTORS A COMMISSION MERCHANTS. BAVtinato, On. LANIER A ANDERSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ap8-Iy ma(Xjn, ga. WlLLLAftL H. DAiUER, “ ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. TroupvlUe, Lowndes County, Ga. Will pnwtioo in Thomas, Lowndes, CUucb, Wars. Appling, Telfair, Irwin, Laurens, and Pulaski oountles, Georgia; and In JeObtsoo, Madison, Ham tlton, and OolumblacounUes, Florida. gagU ATTORNSY AND COUNSELLOR AT IAW, Troupylllo, iAwndolCDOty^A (mil . CH A|i a. U AHJPBKi.L " ATTORNEY AT LAW, ULUDGSTIUX, OA.S Practices Law In the various Counties of the oe* Bulges Circuit, and the afQoining Counties of Twiggs, Laurens and Washington. tefor to—John Boston, H. A Crane, and R. B reble '^DROE“Ar^Olfl»Nr~'~ ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. • AMD Committiuner of the U. 8. Court of Claim* Jot the State of Georgia. Office Corner Bay and Bull street*. 1) mylt* Y^OEATFRffiHgBNr^— forwarding and commission mkhchanw MO. 94 RAY-tfrKKMT. SAVAMNAB. OA apr4 d; aToWrnk, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office 178, Bay-at., over Turner & Co's. Drug tern SAVANNAH, OA. nor 10—ly EDWARD O. WO. SON, MAGISTRATE, NOTARY AND COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS. At Messrs. Ward k Owens* Law Office. fmyli WAYNE, GttBNVUiLB A'tio., ' COMMISSION ^VoRWARISng JlERCHANTS. BaoetrtHlknoinah. THOri. S. WAYNE. It E. URENVILUL R. ALEX. WAYNE, W, T. SAMPLET^ jy ft—tf Savannah. Chattanooua. €J7w;maBr»; Will attend to professional business In the Gountieri * of Heard, Carroll, Campbell, Coweta, Fayette, Mert wether and Troop. Reference—Hon. £. Y. Hill, LaGrange, ,CHL; Hcai. David Irwin, MarletU, Go.; ColonelM. M.TldwclL Fayetteville, Gs ; and ID. William Dougherty, Co* lumbtuLGa. _ , sspI7-ly r MAKBL/E YARD* ...... i Laurel Urove CrneUry, Sav% Ga* Karole Monuments. Tombs aud Grave Stones, fora, fchod on reuonablo forms, Or«lcn* tee- .'pectAtlly KoUolted. aplS ROBINSON & CAMP, DRAPHKS AND TAIL,OHS, AND Dealsrd iu duo Ready Bade Ci.OlHl <G have teceved atcj «p >mjd their stock of Fall aud Wu _ ter GoOBS, comprising a IhU an. ...uiuitfte HSfturtmeutof clutbs, Oassimeira, thi ngs aud over CoauusH, wbich we will make au* trim ‘In our usual sty le, and at the shortest notice. our roady made Clothing Is manufactured at lh< well known house ot W. T. Jennings k Co, 2b Broadway, New York, and comprises all that I. jue and ijahionable in tbe Hue. FUiiNjHUNG GOODS ol every description raqul- sltetoageuUuman's wardrobe, constantly kept oi uaud, all of which we offer on our usual uredh wrroa, or at n dwnouut of 6 per centfor cash, at 3 uULL STREET, tSORnEL BUILDING, oct 1—1 m next door to Pulaski House. ROOFING! ROOFIIXG!! WABBSN'a IMPROVED FIRE AND WATER-PROOh COMPOSlTIOil BOOflHfl# T HE suhsorlber navlng been appoluled sole ngen In this city for Warren's Fire and Water Proo Lumposltlon Roofing is prepared to oxccute tiu same in a satisfactory manner. Tbo attentiou ol' the citizens of Savannah la re- qjoctt'ully Hollcitod t»the above method of Roofiug uow much used In tho principal cities of the LnltH. .states, (both N rth and South,) and as it has beet- tested under overy variety or circumstances. Icou- ddeutly offer it to tho public as a mode of Rooflu* uuobjectionaplo In every particular, whilst it com bines, in a greater degree than any other roofli.g b use, tbo valuable requisites ol cheapness, durability and security, against both fire and water. It has rapidly superceded tho use or all kinds o roofs wherevor U has been Introduced, giving in all cases general satisfaction, being highly recommend ed by Insurance Companies, and all who have lest edits utility. 49T OH ABUS HHOI.L, Architect, will act » agekt during my absence from the city, at whose office all information will be freely given, and spool mens of the roof shewn. aeptifiS CALVIN FAY, Agent. HUNT A WEBSTER’S IMPROVED SHUTTLE HEWING MACHINE r\ESlGNKD for Families, plantations, Dress ms- I /kera,Tailors, Boot A Shoe manufacturers anc others who may wish to do their own sewing cheap- r and with expedition. ThU machine sows a uni- irm stitch with both aides alike, and which will no* ravel. It is more simple, la leu liable to got onto- order, and costs less in proportion than any otbei machlno. and Is warranted to bo perfect, and to wort well. All apparatus necesaaryfor convenient * furnishod with it, and any instruction will be use h , given that will be nocosaary to ensure to the purehusor Ks successful operation and durability. The public are reepectfolly invited to call and ex amine them at 186Congreu at. ALFRED WEBSTER. Gen. Agt. BE* A very neat and ornamental Iron Tabli wlllnow bo given with a machine fora small sun Addition to the regular price May 26. LmIuUk—wf barrels extra Family Flour, in stor* 1; and for salo by oct 10 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO. jyCKEN’H HOUSEHOLD WORU8 for (htober ' received and tor by WARNOCK k DAVIS, 169 Congress street. sept 30 C HOICE 8T:~CROflrstf(Uir TlFhbds choU St. Croix Sugar. 10 hhds oboloo F. R. Sugar Just reoetved „ for tale by SCRANTON JOHNSTON k CO. aug 28. BdiiUjlMA SEVERAL gentlemen or ainall fltmiUea coo b* 3 accommodated with good dooms and Board. GT Dray urn atroet, opposite the Ice Bouao. deol2-tf MRS. M. ti. RAYMBR. riLEAR sTuts-A few casks bright tftear'5 U in store aud for sale by sept 17 CRANE, WBLl^BOO. S IDES AND 8H0ULDKR?—16 hhds and 20 bbl bright Bides and ShotAdert, Bacon, reeslve Ge whai? , by K * , ‘ t0M BUW ***lowfrom CHABLB A. GBHNKIl. a'l 1 W01X SUUAH-i4 hb<U M. (MiMpr, bad s .T Kto 'S!SaB ! .'l w 8* W■ HAK SCfH. ATTORNEY AND*COUNSEIAOB AT LAW, TroupvlUe, Lowndes County, Ga. Reference—Hon. W. B.Fuqomo, Savannah, Ga. rnyil . ATTORNEY AT LAW m. Whit PofiSi SI AT TO BN GY AT LAW. A1XJQATOK, KAHT FLOX1DA. W1U practice in the Eastern and Southern Countica Refer to—Col. 8. S. Sibley, and R. B. HU tern fa fobaUf ARE now tolly prepared to in urt toll or partial setts of Teeth on the principle of Dr. J, Allens'■ Patent Continuous Gum, By this mprovement, the form of tbe free can be restored te iny degree or rotundity that may be desired. It K Applicable In all cases where the oheeke have fell* a n and cannot be detected by »ho cloeeat observer.— fhis method comblnee the followingi lvanfAges:— vn artificial gum, whloh exhibits a perfectly natural rad tffe-Uke appoarance. and imparts to tnetheetli that peculiar expression whloh characterizes the no* mral organs. This Gam consists of a silgoious compound, .which ts appUed and tooed upon the Teeth and Plate in snob a manner, aa to fill up all tho Interstioee around the base of tbe Teeth, and also unites them truly to tacbother andto tbe Plate npon whloh they ore <ett. This secures perfect cleanliness of the Tbeth, Office over DeWlttft Morgan, Congress street, % Republican and Georgian copy, fab If—M atto^nb/^^^w, " MARIETTA, GA. OCt 26—ly DAVID a. 1 ATTOBNEY AT LAW, IFASTA, GA. _WU1 practice In the oountles of Hancock, Warren, Washington, and Baldwin. Knrantaft—Behn A Foster, Rabun ABmita, asi !. A 8ouUard. Savannah.jonp R. B. HILTON, ATTORNEY AND C0UN8EIA0B AT LAW. Office corner or Bay and Drayton-st*. SAVANNAH, GA* my II WM. C. CONNELLY, ATTORNEY AT LAW," 1 LULU, WORTH OOOMTY, DA., (FOOT OTTK*, AUAMT.) Wilt practise In the SouthontUreutt, and in Maocu Dooly and Worth Counties ol the Macon arcnlt. MOT Particular attention given to the collection el claims In fiouth-Western Georgia. Je2—0a P. JACOBS. ■HOAR AND TOBACCO STORE. [nstfrance Broker and Notary Public, Marine Protests Noted and Extended, Averages ■ idjusted, Charter Parties and Average Bonds drawne topers prepared whereby to recover losses from American or British Underwriters, and attention (Iven to all matter* connected with shipping ant fo. turanco, No. 118 Bay-street opposite the front o( the Custom House. ly Btvf JESSE T. BERNARD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. NewnansviUe, Fla. • Reference—Georgo l. Brown, William DeU. Ken* nansville, Fla., R. & Hilton, Boston k VUIalooxa. Savannah, Ga. iwif JnrRrgi;— t-OBUiaelON UCBOBANT, “W fr°. »♦» B.y^t.1 g»T*nii»>. ~ PHILIP M. UUMKLL, OOPT’IOT. WIU exenteDosda, Mortgages, Power olAttorcsr. WIUs, Bonds, NoUoee and Taking ot Interrogate nit. Offloe at the Court How, SavannAh, Ga. Coon Day*/Third Tuesday la each month, aM ield at the oflloe of Edward G. Wilson,EsqT ^Rnrtdtnce, Gaston, between Barnard andlattna Any oaU at night, on busfosos, win haaitendod to Immediately. jyM CHAFIfla ■ OO. Xo.8 WWtnker Mnet, lavsnsal, On., lers'and Nealsfoot Oils, Glass. BruahM. Gotd’Lraf, krooni Builders' Hardware. l/aUs]jfarble MOntS, PATlCMtlOe PITCHBAHi. ' ■ aefoui «Muir.r. will bo ,Ud to tons ttaiuia atvn finally arrived. — —*