Savannah Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, October 28, 1856, Image 1

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IrtaerlpUan Price. of Surannwlt Paper. n, common undontauding, tlio proprietor. and „uNl»n«n ol tbe three paper. trailed Id Baranuab, n*ro »loi<ii»l Hio foltowtug uoir.rlD rules or eub- u(l|il*o», to toko oltbol this tl»j: li*ily Paper, per annum, la advance Id uo trUVwki)' “ <00 vnekiy,><o»io00171idadvance a oo ffetkly,uvocuploe,louueBMHta,,, „ too «Hkly, eight “ " 10 00 VToDkl/, lao “ “ “ MOO WteUr, IwmV “ “ I* 90 00 Wb» not paid wllhio ODO moolb from the Umo foirrftSw«^ lTw,n b, “ w " The WMCIJ Will be seal only to thoso who pay Id ulranoe. ■ » The paper .will Invariably be dteoontined upon (he eiptratiou or the time for which U has been Mid. The above rates to tako oflbet from and after thin late. SNEED ft i r. a nn.roN ft u THOMPSON ft WITH Sav.unnli Uly 1,1854. TUESDAY, TWO O»01oek, P. M ’ By u dispatch to Messrs. Padelford, Fay & Co., we learn that tho steamship Alabama ar- rived at her wharf this morning at half past 8 o'clock. Steamer Gordon.—A despatch received by Capt. J. P. Brooks, states that the above popular bout arrived this morning in Charleston, from Indian river. She may be expected here In a day or two to take her place on the line be tween this city and Charleston. First Baptist Church.—We are gratified to learn that the first Baptist Church of this city, whose late Pastor, the Rev. Mr. Stlteler wag compelled to resign his charge by the failure of his health, has secured the services of the Ret. 9. G. Daniel, of Milledgeville. Mr. Daniel bring* with him an excellent reputation as a devoted and useful Christian Minister. We un* derstand that ho enters upon the discharge of hb pulpit duties next Sunday. Political Pan. The pre.Hcut political campaign has many funny features. The other day, that is to say before Connecticut, Pennsylvania and Indiana elections. Buchanan stood uo chance; since those elections Fremont stands nt chance; Fill more’s prospects on the other bund, have been growing brighter and brighter frem the day of bis nomination up to the present time! When the telegraph reported that the fusionista had carried Pennsylvania, why it was a Fillmore victory; when it corrected the report by uu- ilue.-tUmahle assurauces that the Democrats had triumphed, it was a Fremont defeat! Happy Fill-mourners! First Buchanan is out of the rtce.theu Fremont—bat all the while Fillmore’s prospects are improving, We wouder that oar American friends, who first so rwadily dispose of.Buchanau, and then with equal ease whisk off Fremont, don’t dis pose of them both at tht aamt time, So as to leave tho track entirely clear for their favor ite. Yet, strange to say, bright as are Mr. Fill more’s prrspects, and brighter as they are daily growing, there is found no living man to make his fortune by betting that he will secure the votes of four States. -Is not this funny ? But seriously: Why is it that the Know lYotniog papers and,politicians persist in mak* aui the falsity of which must, in oqe^wpek, staBd-disUGsed'tO' wU tbo-world f Ialt that they have left to them no character for veraci. ty, and consequently have nothing to lose by the falsification of their statements ?" That they do not themselves believe that whereof they aflrra is manifest from the fact that while niariy of them qre men who bet en elections, pone will bet on that of Mr. Fillmore. Key West Correspondence. Kb* Wsst, Oct. 25. Menrs. Editors Georgian j* Journal: During the past fortnight no wrecks have been added to our long list of marine disasters, aud no vessels have reported at this port in digress. The disabled ships In the harbor are being discharged and repaired^r are reloading. A small amount of property has been taken out of the ship Isaac Aileston, aud it will be very difficult matter to get much more of her cargo. Within a few days the wreckers got hold of one of the marble capitals, belonging to the New Orleans Custom Honse, aud raised, it to the surface of tbe water, when their tackle failing, it broke away and sank again into tbe hold. It is said that tliero are 12 of the capi tals ou board. It so, the loss will be much increased above former calculation. The apituls cost $8,000 each, and not insured The Isabel brought from Charleston Col. Win den company of Artillery, who are to relieve CJuqauy A, Capt. Vogdes, so long stationed at the garrison of Key West. Capt. V. and com pany go to Fort Moultrie,Charleston, aud leave in to days boat. The bark Joseph Male, has finished discharg ing am) will be hove out aud repaired im mediately. The brig Granada has been char tered to take the coal brought by the Hale to New Orleans and will sail next week. The bark N. C. Buchanan sailed for Peusa* cola the 27th Aug. with a cargo of brick for Fort Jelfursun, since which she has not been heard from. Tbe brig Sea Bird sailed same day with brick for same destination, and has not been heard of. Both vessels were undoubtedly lost in the destructive hurricane of tho 28th aud 2Sth of Aug. Tho head board of a vessel call ed EJdmuud has been picked up amoug the Keys; also, a water cask marked Alice, painted yellow, aud hoops blue, Near tbe same "place were found water buckets, tuba, Ac. The name of tho schooner ashore on the beach Above Cape Florida has not l«en ascertained. The brig C. A. Coe, Whitt/, passed the city on tbe 15tb, from St. Marks to N. Y. Tho arrivals at this port are as follows : Oct, 11, Brig Granadf,Pettingell, Philadel phia, coal for Coast Suivey ; 13, sohr. Suffolk Smith, cargo for Key West and Tampa, for New York ; 14, brig Iaaao Carver, Part idge, Key Vf 'tst aud Peusacola, from New York ; 17, Khr Eliza Catharine, Alder, Tampa, cattle; U 8- Transport Col. Washington, Fort Myers) troops, commanded by Lieut. Duryea; 19, brig B>Remmiogton, Sawyer, St. Marks; 21, steam- *hip Isabel, Rollins, Charleston and Havana. sailed. Oct 10, brig Huntress, Watllngtou, Charles ton, with cargo of sohoouer E. Fisk ; 10, sohr. Snffolk, Smith, Tampa; Transport Behr. Col Jjfaddngton, Fort Myers; 21, brig Isaac Carver, SolSouville 0n8aC<>lftJ a3 ' flcbooner Nicholson, ij’AiLUBgs IN New *?0J*.-Tbe Commercial werluar of Saturday evening says: . Jhero have been two failures of some Impor- ance amoug the produce dealers this wcek,uud [nwors us to the standing of some others. But t& caw ,* , ttro K«uerally considered as excep- <jnal,and it is the prevalent opinion that busi- ri^L u * ev ? r 8 , tooJ u P° n a firmer basis than at Prweut iuthis city, while Judging from the wifi?! 5 * °« r t ,ro? i° Ul1 years, tbe term of bank contraction is nearly over for the Arrest op a Finiburd Villain—A Second Monroe Edwards,—It will bo recollected that about a year ago a limn numed George Corner was arrested in this city on tho charge of hav ing sold to the houses of Brown, Brothers A Co., and McKim A Co.,forged bills or exchange on England for considerable amounts, and af ter having been kept iujail for sorao time, was discharged on bail of auomlnal amount. It ap* tears that prior to his arrest he had.also writ- onto Messrs. Win. Howell A don a ('urged let ter of introduction; purporting to bo from a house of good standing ut Bt. Bartholomew, with two bills of exohaugo which he requested should bo sold, aud the proceeds placed to his oredit. The letter stated a firm named M. Baumler had deposited $7,(KH) in that house in coin, which was to he shipped by tho first ves sel. A subsequent letter stated that a vessel had beeu procured, which would proceed to St. Bar tholomew for the specie, aud thouce to Porto Rico whero she would take in a cargo of sugar aud euflfeo for a port iu tho United States.— About two weeks alter that Umo Messrs. H. A Son received a letter sigued M. llermier,at Nor folk, stating that he wa* sick, hut os soou as ho recovered he wdhld comoon to Baltimore and seo them. A few days more elapsed, and a letter wa, received from the same party from New York- requustiug that fhe money for the bills ofexu cbuuge should be seut on to him, as he had a - opportunity to seud some things to the Wes Indies,by which he could make handsome profit. The money was immediately seut to a bauk- iug firm in New York, but «as never called for, aud iu a short time the bills were returned protested. He also sold bills of exclmuge in Charleston for $11,01)0, for which he received cottou, which w*w shipped to New York and there sold at the order of George tiurner, the name he then assumed. His next transactions was at Wilmington. N. 0., J whero lie purchased 1000 bbU. of spirits of turpentine, to be sent to Bordeaux, but tiie trick failed, because the forged bill of exclmuge he presented could not be uegociated iu that city. Though he bad been subsequent ly arrested iu this city, he aguiu returned here iu June last, aud preseuted a forged letter of introduction to one of our principal shiupin houses, purporting to he from Mossrs. Inuocs „ Co., of tit. Thomas. He was preceded by a letter purporting to come from, that house, which bore ita private mark,and was a ship let ter-endorsing his credit and character, but which was subsequently ascertained to be a forgery. On presenting the letter of introduction he proposed t> purchase and did purchase Hour to be umouut of $4300, for which ho paid a bill of exdhauge purporting to be from the hands of Rothschild A Cohen, and payable in England. The flour was shipped to New York where that too was sold, aud the proceeds paid over to Louis Rechard the name lie had there assumed. He next went to tit. Louis, whero he succeeded in selling forged bills of exchuige on the Bume house to the amount of $18000, to the banking house of Messrs Clark, Dodge A Co. As soou as they discovered tho swindle, the police of New York were put on tho alert, and some t me since he was arrested and thrown into irison, and on Tuesday of lost week taken to it. Louis for trial. On searching his premises but $5500 were found, and that secreted in a blank book, the leaves between which the notes were placed having been pasted together at the edges. .rom advices received iu this city there is no doubt his real name is Beaumier, a native of Martinque, whence he was banished for smug- [ling, aud his vessel confiscated. He speaks English ani French fluently, and is a shrewd business man. In his various forgeries he has used the names of Alexander Gray, J. Imbark, MaUne Dutton, Louis Keohard and Adrian do Gorge. It is said that he has a wife living in Martinque, but when he leit that place ho took with him the daughter of a wealthy Italian merchant. How much ho has obtaiued by his forgeries it is impossible to tell, but there is no doubt the amount is between $50,000 and $100,- 000. It is to be hoped that justice will n jw be doue him, aud that he will be accommodated with’Quarters where Ills faculty of imitation will not;avail him except for the benefit of tho State in whose service he may be employed, i Baltimore American, Trial ov William G. Tobin.—This gentle- man, who left the State somo five years ago, while ajouth of abqat eighteen years of age, for umengRgenient iu hn affair in which John McDonald was killed, returned to the State and the District about two months since, aud volun tarily surrendered himself to stand his trial. He was tried on Thursday last, before his Honor. Judge O’Neal, and was defended by Col. W. A. Owens. It abundantly appeared that be was entirely guiltless of the homioide, and did what he could to make peace between the contend ing parties. Iudeed,we cannot imagine, ex cept from groundless apprehension, that he could not muke proof of tho real facts, why he left the State. The jury merely retired, and in a moment returned with a verdict of not guilty, which met the approbation of all present. Rufus Mims was then put on trial for the murder of John Churchill, at ’96 Station, on the 11th September. He was defended by Col. W. A. Owens and Col. Aldrich. The jury after retiriug two or three moments, brought iu verdiot of manslaughter.—Barnwell Sentinel. We have been shown a letter addressed to Mr. Filer by the Americau Telegraph Compa ny, asking his aid at the coming Legislature to procure the passage of an uct similar to that granted to this Company by tho State of Maine to facilitate the above Company in completing telegraphic communication on this cuutinen, and connecting it with the wire which it is to be hoped will soon bo laid across the Atlantic. The importance of the connection through Flor ida to Key West, and thence to Cuba, to the commerce of the world and those localities,cun readily be appreciated, aud it is to be hoped that much within tbe time named in the uct the entire communication will be completed.—Key of tht Gulf. Naples.—A Vienna letter of the 1st, iu the Boraeubolle, of Hamburg, says " Barou Mohreuheim, Russian Councillor of State, ar rived here to day, for St. Petersburg, with very important despatches from Baron do Budberg, relating to the affairs of Naples and Monte negro. With respect to the former, it is certain that the passive policy announced by tho circu lar of Prince Gortschakoff. raustuot receive too much credit. Russia will not renounce so easily the principle of the holy alliance, and will employ all her efforts to obtain the co operation of Austria iu her Neapolitan policy. With respect to Moutcnegro, every effort will be made to maintuin Russian influence in that State; and Prince Danilo’s pretensions to iude- K endence, and to an increaseof territory, will o supported by Rus-dun diplomatists.” U. S. Troops in Florida.—We understand that the following changes of troops are to or have already tuken place in tho Department of Florida. Tho six companies aud Artillery now serving in Florida, ure to garrison Fort Hamil ton, N. Y., Fort Adams, Newport, Fort Inde pendence, Boston, and Fort Monroe, Virginia The 5th Infantry and ten companies of the 2nd Arti'loryare ordered to Florida. Four com- B anies of the 1st Artillery now serving in tho 'epartment of Florida are relieved. The com panies (Vogdes and Haskin’s) are to garrison Fort Moultrie, Charleston ; tbe companies Hill and Dauson’a are ordered to Fort Brown, Texas. Capt. Winder’s company relieved Captain Vogdes’company at this place on the 23d of this month. Capt. Seymore, 1st Art., relieve Capt. Haskin, at Indian River about the same time. Tho head-quarters of the 1st Artillery, under the command of Col. Dimick, are to be at Fort DallaH. This fort is to be garrisoned by Captains Brannan’sand Loubleday’s companies. Gen. Harney is to relieve Col. Monroe In the command of the Department the 10th of next month. Gen. Harney will have about 2000 regulars, and at least five companies of moun ted volunteers under his command.—Keg West Key of the Gutf, Oct. 25th. Boston Schools—Boston city, says tho Transcript, owns seventy-eight school houses which, with the land, have cost $1,602,333. The new Grammer School Housos cost about $42,000 each. The Incidental expenses of all the schools the last financial year were $6,- 797-58. The amount paid tho school teachers was $224,608.70; for new school houses the expeuditurea were $14,,732 80. .savannah, ga., Tuesday, qctohek 28, msg LlUVtmlInn ill' till! ' Prnfoututi mnra nf llm iuuiIIadI CIon.iik tfaii of the' Tile Ochutnl Cypycplloii of the .Protestau Episcopal Church of the United States, closed its sussion at a very lute hour ou Tuesday even- iug. Not only the body of Bt. Luke’s Church, but the galleries uiso, were thronged with oitl- ecus uud their families-aud it is seldom indeed that we liuvoseen a larger congregation. The ladies predominated greatly in number, but It is evident that the deepest iuterest was felt iu the proucudiugs, not outy by Episcopalians, but by other dcuumiuutlous of, Christians. This may partly be accounted for, by the kuowu ability, uloquenco, ecclesiastical aud legal, that distinguished the deputies, both clerical and lay, who were present- also to the uueommon spectacle of so many Bishops, representing nearly ull tho Dioceses of this widely extended country. Such a display ol tuleut in the cause of religlou and church government has rarely beeu concentrated in Philadelphia. Tho truly Christiuu spirit aud geuoral feel ing of fraternal kindness that prevailed, uud the very few iustances of warmth that were exhibited, even on exciting questions, may be gladly ascribed to tiie humanizing aud eleva ting power of the sacred doctriues, true faith, civilizing iufiuetices and cheering hopes that ure taught aud diffused by the holy precepts of the "God of Love”—the Futher or ull his creatures. Amoug the acts of the House of Bishops was tho revocation of the sentence by which Bishop Onderdouk, of the Diocese of Pennsylvania, was suspended from the Episco- moy. He bus been restored to the Bphere of ds former labors os a minister,uud will officiate ut one or two of our Protestaul Episcopal churches ou Suuday uext. The cose was before the House of Bishops ouly, and the vote was twenty-one to eight. The depision has beeu received with very geueral favor throughout the eutire community. Amoug the business transacted, a Canon wuh tossed, providing lor the trials of Bishops iu uturo, uud it has beeu prououuced by compe* tent judges, to be a model of legal skill, know ledge aud sagaeity-rworthy ot the Justiuiau age. For this tiie Church is indebted to the Committee ou Caucus, all the members of which ore men ot eminent ability, either ecclesiasti cally or legally. The closing scenes of the Convention attracted quite an intellectual at tendance, uud we ure sure the address of the Seuior Prelate, Bishop Hopkins, of Vermout, must have produced grutificati ju while it also afforded food for serious thoughts-Penntylvania Enquirer. FromNkw OiiLENNS.-New Orleans, Oct. 24. —The sales tosday foot up eleven thousand bales at the prices of yesterday. Market firmer since the receipts ol tho Arabia's accounts. Sales of tho week 38,500. Stock ou baud 163,100. Decrease from last year 20,700 bales. Flour, Sugar, Pork and Lard firmer. Corn 70o.; Wheat better; Cofi’ee 10$ to lljo. Bales of 4,070 sacks, and imports 6200. Stock ou hand 4800 sucks. New Orleans, Oct. 25 .-Sales to-day amount to twelve thousand bales, at a quarter advauced. Low Middliug 11$ to Ujc., Middling 11$ to lljc. Groceries uuchnnged. Mauuttco County Florida. The Key of the Guif says: By tha arrival of tbe schooner Eliza Catharine, Cupt. Aiderslade, (with 30 head of cattle,) we learn that that county gives WaL kerandilaker, KvN. each thirteen majority, and thaftlon. H. V. Snell, Dem,(selected to tbe assembly. Of two other small counties, from nothing definite has been heard the Key says : The vote of Brevard and Dade is too small to be reckoned on to effect the result. The for iner gave 12 votes lor Maxwell and noue for Brown in 1854, and the letter makes no re turns. The Accident to Judqb McLean.—Judge McLean is suffering much from the injuries lie sustained by the ubsetting of the omnibus on Monday afternoon near the toll gate at Clifton. His rigb ear was almost cut in two, and he was severely bruised about the head aud ueck. It is probable , that the accident will detain him from his official duties fora week or ten days. Mr. Robt Buchanan, who was iuside tho vehicle, also received a cut on the forehead, as did Madame Montignier, a French teacher. With there exceptions no further damage was done. The accident occurred through the driver of the omnibus attempting to pass a'wagon at the toll gate, when cue of the wheels striking against a post, the driver wus thrown from the box upon the pole with the left reiu in his hand, whereupon the horses becomiug fright ened started off, Mr. Charles Buchanan to prevent a more serious catastrophe, seized the rein, aud turning them round Upset the omui- bus. Strange to say, the driver escaped un- iqjured.—t’incinwBi Com. (worth has rlWni mote of tho poetic*! obanotor thoa any living writer; hut hot. noth nun of tint rato lutol- tho roiuoroo of Koderlii U tlut of an tmobrlw tl»udevotee rather lain that of a-dethroned monarch. Hie battle, are ill fought. There la no pieccaalenal march of event! in the poem, of a tendency to one great end, like a river In. creasing in majesty till it reaehea the aea. Neither la there national character, Bpaniah ot Hoerlah; no aubllme .Imagery; no profound passion. Southey wrote It, and; Bouiney is n mnn of talent; but It la bis worst poem. Scott’s “Field of Waterloo" I have seen. What a poeml-euoh hold aud nevertheless fine language, mean Imagery, oommon place senti ments, and clumsy versification, li is beneath oritlolBm. Unless the latter part or the battle be veiy fine indeed, this poem will injure him. Wordsworth la dished, Southey la in purga tory Scott iB dying and ,Byron Is married; Her berthas been Irosen to death in Scandinavia; Houre has lest his manliness; Coleridge is always in a tog; Joanna Balllle, la writing a system of cookery; Montgomery ( Is In a mad-house, or of the forest®. , , , ... wretched writers I unfortunate haras I What Is Bobby Miller's buck shop to do this winter! Alas! alas I alas I a wild,doe 1b a noble animal; wrUe an address to one, and it shall be inferior to one I have written ftirbalfa barrel or red herrings. The Highlanders are hot a people. Tneyter toe national, too proud of .their history. They imagine that a cooly shangy between the Mao- gregors and Campbells Is a sublime event, and they overlook mountains four thousand feet high.' ir Ossian did write the poems attributed to him, or any poems Uke them, he was a doll deg^tnd deserved never lo taste whiskey as long as he lived. A man thatjllves forever among mist nnd mountains knows hotter than to be always prosing about them. Methieks I feel about objects,familiar to infancy and manhood ; but When we speak of them ft la only upon great occasions and In situations of deep passion Ossian was probably born In a flat country. ikScott has written good ltnoa In tho 'Lord of the Islea,” but no has not dene justice to the Sound of Mull, which la g'orious strait. Tbe Northern iHlguVmders do net admire Waverley;’ so I presume the South Highlan ders despise ’Gay Humoring.’ The Westmore land pesants think Wordsworth , a fool. Iu Bonowdale Southey la not known to exist. 1 met ten men of Hawick who did not think Hogg a poet, and the whole city of Glasgow thiiuc me a madman. Ho much for the voice of the people being the voice ot God. I left my snuff box in your cottage; take care of it Tbe Austruther hards - have advertised their am iversary; I forget the day. , , I wish Lieut. Gray, of the marines, had been devoured by tha lion he once carried on board his ship to the Dey of Algiers, or that he was kept a perpetual prisoner by the Moors in Barbary. Did you hear that Tennant had been taken before the session for an offence against f ood morals? If you did not, neither did I! ndeed, it is on many 'accounts exceedingly improbable. Yonrs, trrily, John Wilson. Tue Secretary op the Navy.—It isan- nonuced that Mr. Dobbin, who has been absent from Washington for the purpose of recruiting a shattered state of health, will resume bis dui tics ut the dose of the present mouth, much improved in condition. During bis whole term of office, tho Secretary of the Navy has bestow ed earnest attention in elevating the character aud efficiency of that branch of the publio service, and he will retire from office carrying with him. the respeot and good opiniou ot tnosu who differ very widely from him on political subjects.—Philadelphia Gazette. Memoruiutn. ' Havana, Oot, 23—81(1, brig ConiMeiioo, MolvV.lo, Savannah. Oot 24—Arr, brig Emma Knew, rioubiiiG, Hnvan- nth. . I’lMseiigersa Per steamship Augusta, from New York—.Fames Orcenloartml iady, Miss Colburn. Mrs Buuhou nnd ■vt, Mias Teiwmtui and svt, MTTSmltb, Mr* Fay nnd svt, KW Chesoln rough, H Emmet, .Ir , Mrs Robinson, R Hooper, Jr., Mrs Stotosbury ami 2 chil dren, EOrogory aud lady, Mins Gregory, v MHhoh Nathan2 Misses Smiths, Allas fcffiall'or, Mihh Hall, Jos 8 Richardson, Lieut Uogley, U fl A, J II Meyers. Jos Jackson, D w UresBan, Mrs J lturges ami in fant, Miss Burgers, Muster Burges, Mrs Mrs 8tru- tesbug and Infant, J Woiboj, A Frericks, L Klopmnn G W. Shaflor, N B Avery, MIbs J W Waterbury, W Hale and lady, Mrs. 8MB Mooro, 8 E Seymour, J H Scott, CaptVi Flltuor, D K Dunn, O Sterling and lady, Mrs L Etdrioh, Miss Eldriob, Master Aldrich, G Kurt, J Van Moll, A Nourso, Mr. Webster, B M Baker and Utdy, Geo T G White, Harry Btotesbury, J H Farrell, G P Peddlefo-d, and 85 iu steerage. Consignees. AgtCentral RR,HA Aldrich, ABonard, Brigham Kelly & Oo., Butler & Frleson, BAA, J A Brown, J H Bachlor, Jas Bryant, Barnett A Wimbish, G. Brown, MJ Buckner, Hy Blunu, Jas A Barron, Behn A Foster, A R Barnum, Wm Batteuly, Cohen A Hertz, O Cohen, M A Cohen, J M Cooper A Co. D D Copp, N A Hardee A Co R F Cole A Bro, F Champion, Clark A Cooley, O Churchill. J Conneradt, J B Cummings, J r Collins, Cbeever Sims A Co, Crane Wells A Co, Claghorn A Cunningham, W G Dickson, A Doyle, D Duthill, Dana A Washburn, J Ennis A Co, W H Farrell, E Fitzgerald^ G Falligant, Franklin ABrantly, W H Guion, H Gowdey, Lovell Lattimore, S. 51. Laffittan, Lyon, Snyder A Askew, B.W. Morell, McMahon A Doyle, Nevltt, Lathrop fll Rogers, J Nicholson, Ogden Starr A Co., D. O. Counor, M. O. Dris coll, J. M. O’Neil, Peirson Heidt A Co. Hunter A Gamell, A Haywood, T 51 Hogland, J D Jessie, J H Johnson, P Jacobs, O Johnson A Go. Kenedy, A Beach, W King A Go, N B Knapp, A B Luce, J W Lathrop A Co, H’y Lathrop, O AL Lamar, Patton Hutton A Co. Ruge Davis A Long, Rogers Nevis A Co. A A Solomons A Co, Scranton A Johnson, E J Turn- lit A Bros, Young Wyatt k Co, WD Zqgbaum. Hone A Conery,R Habersham A Son, Garham A Oiwell.R Thomas, W A Thumas, Watson ACo, Wayne A Son, S Wilmot, W H Willberger A Co., Warnock A Davis. J G Watts, E F Wood ACo., Young A Frierson, Parsons A Co., E Paddleford. Executor's Sale, Will be sold before tho Court House, on tho tlrst TUESDAY In November next, between the usual hours or sole. Lot or lend No. 160, 81st District, originally Loo, iw Marion county, containing 202% acres, being tbe property of Estate or Jno. Screven, deceased, ana sold for benefit or tho heirs and creditors. oot28 J. P. BOREVKN, Executor. IMPORTANT^ ARRIVAL. MADAME 8WETT. the celebrated Clairvoyant, bas arrived In this city, ani taken Rooms at No. 143 Broughton street, ono door East of Jos. Sullivan ft Oo.'g Tin Store, where she can be consulted respecting tho PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE and DISEASES. oc 127-1 m WANTED TO HIRE. A Colored Boy between ten and fifteen years, do light work. Apply at this office. WANTED. B Y the subscribers on tbe first November next, a colored Porter. One acquainted with lUo c ty, and who can come well recommended, will heur of a permanent situation by applying imrnedi** atoiy to AIKEN ft BURNS. out 23 FASHIOMWMADYMTDE K 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GRAHAM’S MAGAZINE E OR NOVEMBER—Received by J. B. CUBBEDOE, Agent, oot28 under the Marshall House EOKIVEI) by the undersigned a full supi i READYMADE CLOTHING, consisting ol all articles uccossary for a Geutloman’s Wardrobo. also: A eholco assortment of French, English and German Cloths, *Cassimeres and Vestings, which he is prepared to make to order in tho boat stylo and at Uto shortest notice. He also dosires to cull attention to his stock of BOY’S AND YOUTH S CLOTHING, which will be found of superior style aud work- munship W. R. SYMONS, QQ127 tf 17 Whitaker st. Troop8 for IFlorida.—The Boston Pott of last Thursday contains the following para graph: Two companies of the 4th regiment of Unit ed States Artillery from Fort . Independence, Boston, joined by three companies from tho west, will embark today, under command of Major Scott, on board the fine ship Arkwright, for Charlott’a Harbor Florida, to operate against the Indians. Dr. A N. McLaren, surgeon U. S. army, goes out with this command to join General Harney, at headquarters as medical director. The government is making ample prepara tions to put an end to the tedious and costly war in Florida during the coming winter, which is tho most favorable season for operations iu tho everglades. The troops intended for this service comprise nearly two and a half regi. ment8,or about two thousand men, drafted from various posts on the seaboard and at the northwest. FOR SALE. 50 000 Ei GA f s oflho fovoril ° br<mj8 ^ Integrldact, Oobden, MULLER ft M1CBEL9, corner Bay and Lincoln stioeti. oot28-eod3t SAVANNAH MEDICAL COLLEGE T HE 4th annual courso of Lectures in tbis Insti tution, will commence on tbo first Monday in November next, and be continued ter four mouths. R. D. ARNOLD, M D., Prof. Theory and Practice of Medicine. P. M. KOLLOCK, M.D., Prof Obstetrics and dis eases of Women nnd Children. W. G. BULLOCH, M. D., Prof. Prluciplos and Practice ofSurgoiy. J. G. HOWARD, M. D., ProL or Anatomy. E.H. MARTIN, M. D., Prof Institutes or Medi cine. J. B. READ, M. D., Prof. Mat. Medica and Med. Jurisprudence. JOSEPH JONES, M. D., Prof. Medical Chemistry JOS. J. WEST, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy J. G. HOWARD, M. D., Deau of the Faculty. Tho Preliminary course of lectures will commence on tho 20th October. aug27 BtdftstNovllw JR Accident at Ska.—Tho sloop Wm. Batty, of and from Mystic, (Conn.-,) for Key West, put into this port on Suturray, in conse quence of a painfully distressing accident that had befallen one or the crew. The sufferer, George Lamphlre, aged sixteen, from Mystic, was engaged on the 23d instant while off Cape HattoraB, in loading the swivel piece for the H ose of firing at sea birds, when a premature ision mutilated and mangled film most hohibly, removing almost the entire flesh and organs ot the face. The unfortunate sufferer was conveyed to the hospital, and received every attention and alleviation that the best skill and appliances could command, and was in peifeot conscious ness, enduring his condition with great forti tude. It appeared that the injury was as ex tensive as could have been inflicted in removal the face and frontal organs, without immediate injury to the substance of the brain. Tho sufferer was living at our latest report from the hospital, before our going to press. —Charleston Courier. Letter from Chilstoptaer North. A Loudon publisher has issued the following cliuructeristic letter from Christopher North (Professor Wilson) to James Hogg, (the EG trick Shepherd,) iu a circulur for a forthcoming edition ut his works, Edinbukgh, Sept. 51 v Dear Hoaa—1 am iu Ediuboro’, and wish to be out of it. Mrs. Wilson aud 1 walked 350 miles iu tho Highlands between the 5th of July and the 26th of August, sojourning in di verse gteus from tiubbatu unto Sabbatu, fish ing, eating uud stariug. 1 purpose appearing iu Glasgow on Tnursduy, whero 1 shall stuy till the circuit is over, i then go to Elloray, in the character of a Benedictine monk,. till the beginning of November. Now pause aud at tend. It you will meet me ut Moffat on Octo ber 6th, 1 will walk or rnuii it with you to El- leruy, and treat you with fowls aud Irish whis key. immediately on tho receipt of this, write a letter to me ut Mr. Smith’s bookstore, Hutchi son street, Glusgow, suyiug positively if you will or will not do so. li you don’t, 1 will lick you, uud lish up Douglus Bum before yuu, uext tituu 1 come to Ettric Luke. 1 saw a letter from you to 51— the other day, by which you sceui to be alive and well. You ure right in not making verses when you can catch trout. Francis Jeffrey leaves Ediuboro’ to day lor Holland and France. 1 presume, after destroy ing the King of Netherlands, he intends to uuuex that kingdom to France, and assume the supreme power of the united countries, under the title of Jeofirey the First. You he will make poet., laureate and fishmonger, and me admiral of the Mosquito fleet. If you have occosiou soou to write to Murray, pray introduce something ubout the "City of the Plague,” as I shall probably offer him that poem iu ubout a fortnight, or sooner. Of course l do not wish you to say that the poem is utter ly worthless. I think that the bold eulogy irom you (if administered immediately) would be of service to mo; but if you do write about it, do not tell him that I have auy inteutlou of offeriug it to him, hut you may say you hear 1 am going to offer it to a Loudon bookseller. We stayed seven days at Mr.Iyett’s, at Kin- haird, uud were most kiudly received. Mr. Ivett is a great ally of yours, aud is a tiue creature. 1 killed in tbe Higlands 170 dozen of trouts—oue day nineteen dozen and a half, another seven dozen. I one morning killed ten trouts that weighed nine pounds. In Loch Awe, in three days, I killed seveuty-six pounds of fish, all with Hy. The Gael were astonished. 1 shot two roebucks, and had nearly caught a red deer by the tail—I wus within half a mile ot it at tbe farthest. The good folk in the Highlands are not dirty. They are clean, de cent, hospitable people. We domiciled with many, aud found no remains of the great plague of tieas^c.,that devastated the country from the i> .hj of Ossian to the ascension of George tbe i We were at Loch Katrine. Loch Lo- iiicl, Inycrary, M ISSES M. A. ft 0. WEBB, open their now Storo at the Northwest corner Broughton and Bull streets on Thursday.23d October. oct2t OGLETHOPB MEDICAL COLLEGE AT SAVANNAH GEORGIA. T HE Regular Course or Lectures in tho above In stitution, will commonco on tho First Monday in November next. The Faculty Is constituted as follows, vix. H. L. BYRD, M D., Prof. Principles and Practice Of Medicine. n HOLMES STEELE, U. D., Prof. Obstrlra and dl>- uses of Women and children. WESLEY 0. NORWOOD, M. D., ProL Materia Medica, and Medical Jurisprudence. THOMAS H. CHI VERS, M. D., FroL Physiology and Pathology. JAMES S. MOREL, M. D., Prof. Anatomy. J. W. BENSON, M. D., Prof, Principles and Practice of Surgery. LAWRENCE J. ROBERT, M D., Prof. Medical ChemiBtry. WILLIAM T. FEAY, M. D., Emeritus, Pror.or Chemistry. E. J.OL1VEROS, M. D„ Demonstrator of Ana tomy. Fees, for the full courso, $lo5 Matriculation $5, Demonstrator $10, Graduation $30. For further information, addresB H. L. BYRD, M. D. Dean, sept 17 2mwtw w&Mc mmmssMms AND DRESS GOODS. Mrs FREELAND has opened t ^ and will bo receiving by Bteamers through the sea son, tho latestand most fash- lohnable styles of FRENCH BONNETS, Ribbons, Flo were and Feath ers. Also a rich selection or Dress Trimmings, consist- ngi Ribbons, Glased, Volvo! Ribbons and Bagla la os. With a variety or Brora and Oloalt Patterna | which tho Ladles or Savannah and vicinity aro ao. Halted to call and examine at No, 174 Broumtoo street, UpStalra, oot 21 An Impatient Jubyman.—An Arknoaaa cor respondent of the New Orleans Picayune gives the following as authentic t You aro all fend of erackiag jokes at the expense of Arkansas; new here u one on poor State, absolutely true. I got it from an eye witness: The district court In one of yonr northern pariehes waa In session— 1 ’twas the first day of the court; time, after dinner. Lawyers and ethera bad dined and were Bitting out before the hotel, and a long, lank, unsophisticated countryman eame up andnnceremoniooaly made himaelfene of ’em,andremarked: “GenUemen, 1 wish you weald go on with this court, for 1 want to go home—1 left Betsy a looking out.’’ "Ak 1” said one of the lawyers, “and pray, air, what detains you at court?’’ “Why, sir," said the countryman, “I’m fetch ed here as a jury, and they any if I go home they will have to find me, and they montn’t do that as I live a good piece.” “What Jury are you on?” asked a lawyer. “Whatjury?" “Yea, what jury. Grand or traverse jury? “Grand ortravtsjury?dadsfetehed if 1 know.-’ “Well,” sold the lawyer, “did the judge charge yon?" “ well, squire,” said he, “the little fellow that alts up in the pulpit and kinder bosses it over the crowd, gin us a talk, but I don't know whether he oharged anything or not.” The crowd roared out In a rear of laughter, aud the sheriff called court. Dm. Chans, the Puiienolooist.— 1 The Wash ington, N. 0,, Times Bays : Dr. Crane squatted fur a abort time in Virgin ia net long since, and there he left tho lady ha took from Portsmouth to her fate, and, it Is said, trotted off with the lady of bis landlord I ofilcera are In hot pursuit of the demon, and If .. , . . captured, he will pay dear for bin Impudence. I creditable to our excellent friend, but will net Llimuujrp uuuu niivu, \xivu iv. vc.' J 'Auuiu,Ballahulh4b l Fort William, Jl,., Dulwhtnny, Loch Eerloht, (you dog) Loch .1 .uuotilt, Glen Lyon, Tnymouth, Blair, Athol, U.uer,Perth,Ediuboro’. Is not lira. Wilson ■ uiuortalizou! I know of Cona. It Is very UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA. Athena, October, 10,1850. RE-ORGANlZATltWl OF COLLEGE FACULTY On tno 10th of December next, tho Trustees or tbis Institution will proceed to elect the following officers: Professor of Bellos Lettros and Oratory “ *< Ancient Languages; “ Natural Sciences; “ •* Mathematics: " “ Nat. Philosophy and Chemistry Tutor of Mathematics; “ Lauguagos; And to appolutaPre3ldout pro tem. Tbs Presidents Salary is $2500 per ann, The salary’s of tbo Professors is $2000 per an num. Persons elected will be expected te enter upon their duties the 15th of January next. oct25 4w ASBUKY HULL, Sect’ry. Office Charleston and Sav. R. RTTo. October 10,1856. , r S Seventh Instalment of FIVE DO,.LAHi PER SHAKE ON THE STOCK subscribed to tho Charleston and Savaunah Railroad, will bo due on Monday, the 10th of November. Payment to bo made to the Treasurer, at tbo office of the Company In Charleston. Tho Savannah subscribers will pluaso pay to A. PORTER, Esq , President of tho Bank of tbe State of Georgia, Savannah. By order of tho President. 0- F. HANCKEL, Treasurer, ■\T EW RaiBins and Figs—10 boxoB of now Raisins and 50 boxes or cboico Figs, rccoived per steamer Augusta, and for salo by oot15 J. D. JESSE. Cmumetml intelligence. Savannah Market, October $8. COTTON—The transactions of our market this forenoon were limited to 546 bales, as follows, vix. at 11, .6 at 11 Mi ' 3 Htf, 7 at 117-16, 36 at 119-16,192 at lltf, 77 at 11X, U4 at 11«, and 86 bales at 12c, CHATTANOOGA, Oct 25.—Wo noto but few Irons, actions In market. Sales mostly confined to tbo retail trade. Our quotations though mostly nomi nal may bo relied upon. Apples—Fair supply, good quality commanding 75o. por bushel. Flour—May be quoted at $3 to $3 75 per sack, Bacon—A large aalo of sldoa. to be delivered at Columbia, S. C„ at 11H—may be quoted at 9 a 9}{ hog round. Potatoes—Demand good—active at $1 00 per bushel. Corn—50 cents: Uttlo doing. Wheat—Red $100; White $1 a $125. But to be bought In this vicinity. Jittrlligence, Port of Savannah..., .October M8 Arrived. 8teamsbip Augusta, Lyon, 65 hours from New York, to Padelford, Fay ft Co. Monday, 1 45 A. M., exchanged signals with steamship Alabama hence for New York, and 2 45 A. M., exchanged signals with steamship Keystone State hence for Philadelphia. .oft Ship Sunbeam. Dove, Glasgow, with 620 tons coat, to A Low ft Co. .Cleared* Steamer Gen Clinch, Richardson, Falatka, &o.— Claghorn ft Cunningham. We warned tbe pubfio a week or two ago to" I “11 uny more tkan tbo “ ble of Palms" or the I _ **•!"“* • watch that man. 1 White Doe" H not In aeaeon—venlion la not I Steamer pan Clinch, Wcbardaon, Halatka, to. 1856. 1856. RICH FALL DRY GOODS. GRAY BROTHERS W OULD beg to iuform their friends and tho pub llo that their fall supplies of rich dnd ologant have just arrived—purchased from tho most emi nent Importers of tho country, and selected with a care as regards elegance and beauty, which cannot be appreciated until folly examined. We can confidently say that our stock of Rich Dress Goods and Cloaks cannot bo surpassed for beauty and elegance, and that our Domestic Stock is os cheap as the like quality or goodB can be bad from here to New York Amojg our assortment will bo found tho most elegant flounced Robes with tigures; Rich and elegant colored Silks, very cheap; Lyons’ Velvet Oloaks, trimmed in the newest and richest stylo. Cloth and Moir Antique Cloaks; rich and cheap. AU-wool French Mouslln do Lalnes, new aud ele gant. Lupins’ best all-wool French de Lalnes, high colors, for misses. Lupins’ best Block Bombazine and Cbalteys, White Merino, Challey, de Istine and Bombazine, very fine. Cloths and Casslmeres, a foil assortment. Plantation Goods best quaUty, exceedingly cheap. Houskeeeping articles in great variety, best quality at the lowest possible prices. Tbe llmita of an advertisement precludes the possibUltyof enumerating any but few leading ar ticles. We would respectfully request tbo attention purchasers to an examlnatiou of our stock, feeling confident that stylo, quality and price, will prove satis lac tory. GRAY BROTHERS, TIUTNAM’S MAGAZINE FOR OCTOBER, received IT by J. B. CUBBEDGE, Agont, Marshall House Building. sept 30 H AY, Corn and Inrd, in store and for sale by oot 15 LOCKETT 8NELUNG8. G HOICK BUTTER.—16 kegs choice Butter Just celved and for sale by ' OCt 22 YOUNG ft FRIERSON, 94 Bay- faction $alta. BY OCTAVUiTCOHEN. ~ B ACON-21 hliil.. prime Bacon Sidra; S Midi, prime Bacon shoulders, landing from iteamer * Keystono State,”- and for sale by G UNNY BAGGING—60 bales extra heavy Oub- hy Bagging, on board bark Indlina; from Boe : ton, for sale to arrtvo, oct27 tf BRIGHAM, KELLY ft OO. THIS LADY’S GUIDE mo PERFECT gentility, In manners, dreu and X conversation, In tho fomlly, In company, at the pianoforte, tbo table, In tbe street, and In gen tlemens society. Also a usefoi instructor in letter writing, tolleI preparations, fanoy needlework, millinery, drees making, caro or wardrobe, the hair, teeth, hands, lips, complexion, etc. by Emily Thornwell, author of ‘ ‘Homo cares maiio easy.” For sale by 4 ,„ WARNOCK ft DAVE. ooH8 169 Congress street. FOR BADE OR RENT. fa: A brick house on Jonos street, at presont {IT occupied by John Richardson, Esq. UL Apply to oct27-2t I. K. TEFFT. RHOADS dc BOK»I. T7IXTRA prepared Mucilage for office and genera 1 JEi uso, being a substitute for Waters, Scaling Wax, Gumarabfo and all other inconvenient pre parationsnow in use, Is always oT good consistency, does not turn sour and Is ready lor uso at any moment. For sale by WARNOCK ft BAVI8. oet 18 159 Congress street. B UTTER AND CHEESE—Just receives per steam ship Florida: 10 kegs choice Goshen Butter. 10 boxes EugUsb Dairy Cheese. For sale by R. H. WATSON ft OQ. Corner Whitaker street, and oct 6 Congress street lane. OLOTHma. BEAL FBENCHEMBBOIDEBIEB HENRY LATHROP & CO. ■fXTOULD invite tho attention of tbe Ixdtes to ' v their very large and rich slock of IBMJIBMMIHDIIIISJIIBB Opeued THIS DAY, embracing tbe following styles Heal Thread, Honlton and Malteso SETTS “ French, Muslin and Cambrlo *♦ * Mourning Setts, in Book, Cambric and Linen Cambric and Swiss. Edgings and Inserting* Embroidered, H. 8. Bordered Hdkb Musliu and Cambric Bands Misses Setts, in great variety Iufants’ Gaps, trimmed. -ALSO— Children’s Worsted Capes Opera Hoods, Ties, &o. Colored, Silk and Cashmere Scarts. oot 5 FOR SALE. LIKELY NEGRO WOMAN. GOOD COOK A N WASHER, AND PLAIN IRONER AND SEAMSTRESS. For particulars enquire at this ofilco. oot 9 ENTIRELY NEW AND Splendid Stock or Paris and Nev York Millinery, C ANDLES, SOAP, STARCH, &c— 60 boxes Adamantine Candles, star brand 50 do Beadoll’s 6 ft 8 Tallow Candles 50 do Colgate’s do do do 100 do Smith’s ft Buchan’s Family Soap 100 do Colgate’s no. 1 and lb bar Soap 60 do do Palo do 60 do Oswego Pearl Starch 60 Uo Beadell’s do do 60 do Soda Biscuits 25 bills Sugar do, hand made 26 boxes ground Peppor, X lb papers 60 mats Cinnamon. In storo and for salo by oc21 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft 00. K erseys, plains .ant*?twills—to plan TERS.—Wo would respectfully call the att in- t ou of the Planters of Georgia and Carolina to tha very complete and extensive assortment of tht above Plantation Goods, ttchley’s Goods, of all de* sorlptions, being among tbo lot which ore now opened and for sole by oct 1 LADSON ft ROGERS. S : ELECTION NOTICE- N ELECTION hpld at the CourtHouso in ..ak the City or Savannah, in and for the county of Chatham, on Tuesday tbe fourth day of Novem- ‘"T, (being tho first Tuesday after the first Monday Novombor,) ensuing, for Ten Electors for Presi dent and Vico President of tho United States. Tho Polls will be oponod at 7 o’clock, A. M. and close at six o’clock P. M. Tbo Sheriff or Chatham County or his lewful depu ty. together with tho county constables, are re quired to bo In attendance to 'preservo and main tain order, Tho Justices of tho Interior Court will prcBldo. By order or their Honors WILLIAM H. CUYLER, J . I. 0. 0.0. MONTGOMERY CUMMINO, J.l.O. C. o. JAMES E.GODFREY, S. 1. 0. 0. NOAH B. KNAPP, J. I. 0. 0. 0. GEORGE P. HARRISON, J. 1. 0.0.0. W. H. Bulloch, Clerk. oct 26 XTEW BUCKWHEAT Just received per late orri- ±1 vals, and for salo by J. D. JESSE. ** oct 21 ‘ TIORTV BbU. Apploa, Parsnips, Carrots, Betts, and somo flue Tomatoes, for salo by . J. D. JESSE. MPORTED LIQUf RS— . . 10 casks o D ft Co palo and dark Brandy 6 pipes Holland Gin (Modes Swab) 6 Ji do Madeira Wine. For sate by oc21 SC PAF'KN. .(IllUK ft U. DIVIDEND NO. TG. Bank of tiie State of Georgia, 1 SaVAXJUH, Oct. 24,1856. j T HE Board orDirectors bavethU day declared a SEMI-ANNUAL Dividend or SIX DOLLARS por share, from the profits of this Bank for tho last six months, payableon and after Monday, the 27th Instaut. __ I. K. TEFFT, oct 24-3 Cashier. 49- The Chronicle ft Sentinel, Constitutionalist _ Republic, Augusta; Recorder, Milledgeville; Whig. Athons; and Wilkes Republican, will please publish tbe above twice. | BOARDING. J EVERAL gentlemen or small families can be accommodated with good Rooms and Board, at 2b Drayton street, opposite the Ice House. doo 12—tf MRS. M. S. RAYMER. NOTICE. /CONSIGNEES per schr JULIA A. RIOH, from * J Now Orleans, will please pay attention to the rcconliou of their goods landing this day at Phila delphia Steamship Wharf. ocV27 LOCKETT ft SHILLINGS. E’CRANS MKTALIC SWMAffi ©ABESm 1 T HIS is a newly invented BURIAL CASE, rash- ionod to accord with the footings of the be reaved, and yot retaining all tho requisites or an appropriate receptacle for tho dead. There Is no reason why such arecoptaclo should bo made to croatoby Us appearance disngreeablo sonsatlons. It is enough that we Bhould bo bereaved, and what ever tends to soften or mako less keen tho poignan cy or our griof, commends itself to our considera tion. 8o much that is repulsive bas been discarded in tho arrangement and shape of the above Case, that Its name, tho OASKET BURIAL CASE, is an involuntary suggestion, and I do not hesitate to aver that there has never been in uso any tiling so entirely chaste, appropriate and convenient aa this invpntiou fho Cose permits a view of tho entire body after it is enclosed, tbe whole top being composed or beautlfol tbiok French Plate Giass^ufficlontly strong to resist any internal or external pressure, is per fectly air tight, composed or metal highly orna mented, and will last for ages. Samples of the Casket may bo soen at the office or Messrs. CRANE, WELLS ft CO., 82 Bay stroet, Sa vannah. P. S. Persons desirous of purchasing the exclu sive right for the sale or tbe Casket in the followini States, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina and Nortl Carolina, will plooso apply by letter or in person to WILLIAM B. PHILLIPS ft GO., owners of Patent, care of CRANE, WELLS ft CO., Savannah, Georgia N B. Rights to one or mors counties will bo sold alBO. oct 1-tfJBT PLUMBING. P LUMBING, in all ita vorious branches, at tended to at the shortest notice, and in superior style. Also, may be found Shower Baths, Galvanis ed Iron,Tin and Leaded Bath Tubs: Copper Boilers, Patent Pan Water Closets, Lead Pipes, Sheet toad, Brass and Plated Gooks, Force Pumps, India Rubber Hose. For sale at the House Furnish Store, No. 155 Brougbton-street. i« T 10 HORACE MORSE. j SOAP, fcc.— . 60 boxes Sperm and Patent Sperm Gandies 660 boxos and half boxes Pearl 8tarch 160 " Colgate’s No. 1 Soap 60 “ Beadel, Smith ft Colgate’s Family on rale Soap 200 “ Adamantine and TOUow Gandies 60 Pipes and Pipe Heads. In store and for sale by ,0012 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON ft OO. C^fle^B sPo Ooffe "e, *bro wn ,^owieredf extra quality; Coffee, old Government Java, Rio, light and dark. Laguayra. fto., fto. Gall at oot2 BARRON’S Family Grocery, corner of Whitaker and Charlton its, S 1CKORY NUTS, Pecan Nuts. Brazil Nuts, a ^ ■ .. w' y „ monds, of all kinds,'reoslved por slaemer | TJ1ACH BRaNDY—1,000 gallons pure old Psacn for sale by J; D. JESSE. IX Bfwdy, for sale by ^ waw oet Si TUART’S REFINED ft CLARIFIED BCGAR— 26 bbls Stuart’s urasbod Sugar 20 do do powdered do 60 do do A clarified do 60 do do B do do 60 do do G do do In store and for Bale by oc21 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO- UTTER ft CHEESE— > 26 kog choice Goshen Butter 60 boxes do do Cheese Landing per steamer and for sale by oc21 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. oct 21 JIG AND BALt HAMS AND SHOLDERS. Just re- X ceivod 3 barrels Pig Hams and Shoulders, 100 extra family Smoked Hams and 8 hhds Shoul ders, also 8 casks Bugar Cured HamB, which I will sell for 12ja cents per lb. DAVID O’CONNQR, oct 23 Corner Broughton ft Draytou-st. KNIGHTS St, THEIR DAYS, B Y DR. DORAN, author or “ Table Traits,” ko. The Hills of tbe Shatemuc. by Miss Warner, author of “ Wide, Wide World,” ftc. A Pilgrimage to El Medinah and Mcccab, by Lieut. Burton, of the Bombay Army, with map and illus trations. The Humorous Poetry of tbo English Language, from Chancer to Saxo. LorimerLittlegood, Esq., a young gentleman who wished to Bee Life, by 8medley. Third volumo Irving’s Lifo of Washington—oheap edition. Wood, Therapewtlo and Pharmaoalogy—a new work. Simpson’s Obsturetrics—2 vote., complete. Young America’s Picture Gallery—70 illustra tions. W. THORNE WILLIAMS, oct 9 S’ UNDRIES— 26 bbds. P. R. Sugar 160 bbls. Stuart’s Refined Sugar 100 kegs Soda 100 boxes Carb Soda 100 do Lemon Syrup 1000 }i and yi boxes Sardines 100 casos Schnapps 100 M Imported Segars 60 M American do Rocrived and for sale by ' iMA] oct 15 MoMAIION ft DOYLE. * j 30 barrels Butter Crackers SO “ Sugar do 20 “ Soda do 20 boxes Soda do Landing aud for sale b; oot 10 ”'™ 1 irsale by HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON ft CO. HACK ANDLIVEBY STABLE, CORNIK OK BROUGHTON AND BARNARD STREETS. fX \ AS tbe firm of Stevens ft Elliaton iSSuSijSwos" dissolved on tbe 1st day of October by mutual consent, THOMAS F. STEVENS will continuo tho business at his old 8table. oct 2-lm HACK LIVEKY THE subscriber wlU continue the Livery and Hack Business, on the Stables corner or West BROAD GtvemeatnoL JACOB ELUSION. 2l* $25 REWARD. Runaway, on the 2d instant, my negro I man POMPEY. He te about twenty-four years or ago; six feet high; stout built; hot very dark complected; has a down look In countenance; has a scar on the top or hte foot, cut with on axe. He was raised in North Caroli na, Robeson county; and may be trying to moke bis escapo bock. Any person bringing bun to me, or confining him In jail so that I get him, I will pay tbo above reward. C. W. CRAWFORD, Colquitt P. 0., septl7—2m Montgomery dounty, Ga. BROUGHT TO JAIL. of U ( ht complexion, «|fa a «fl«ht rar oyer Uu l«a eye; about t rMtSX inchea In heijht, and about M "owner la requutedte come forward, pur chorees and take him away, as be will be dealt with Mtbe tew directs. HENRY OVERSTREET, Je9 OVERSTREET, Je&r. GODEY’R LADY’fi BOOK T710R November, J} Gi oct 2 YOUNG * WYATT. _ Graham’s Illustrated Monthly for November, Arthur’s Home Magazine for November, . Peterson’s Ladies National Magazine for Novem ber. lira Stephen's New Uonttiljr Magazine, for No- vember. -v -,7.' Ballou’s Dollar Monthly for November,' BeukieUtra and ffiaf/ooita, ooW U»0>«#*«* net