Savannah Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, October 31, 1856, Image 3

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DANCING academy, J HONsinm a. bonaud rapwimur i». as tli purou tbu lit *m opra All Ao*t- ty at Armory Hull, oa AalurJay, Nortm. FAimONAIliB DANCHIQ, A HR. NICH0L3 baa returotd and will oom- JX manor bU Claaaaa at it. Andrwa Hall ab U* Wadundaj, Nor. lib, 1IH. All tb. arw danora Iniht, together wltb two naw MuorqoadrlllH. HnV, may batata at tba Hall (rom II A. M„ IIIIOP. M. aaob day, ITlvaW loitotu, aid ItulrucUoa la fancy Bracing uvea u utiul on Ubenl terms. * oct 26-41 MH DICAla CARD. aABi OR. J. a 8HTTH baa ramorad bit Offloe tm to Broughton street, la Oallay'l Building, a raw Uoora abora Bolden's Hal dtore. Raatdaaoaat lln. Hamabart'a, Watt Broad rarest. sspll yRiMW-cniun or CHATHAM COUNT/. iM* I aa» a caadldata Dr. rt tltotloa to tba at- Raw One or Kaoalrar or Tax littoral la Jaaaary nan, and reapeultelly aallolt your nO-gos. augll JOHN KUOY. TO THU VOTIORROF CHATHAM* I'oItow-clUxam, I am a caadldata at tba Pm elaoUoa, la Jauuary uexk tbr Iba omoa or Tax Collector, and aolloll yoor support A. HARMON. ■UVAUltab, Reft. 30th, Hit. octl IIOWE'I COTTON HARVMgTEH. Tha greet denderatumof Planters is dual- JW ty obtained la tba encoeeatel larabUoaot H • » -■ a duiuro Harroatar, wltb wblob ona band can ...*■> aa maoh cotton aa ora In tba ordinary way, oeaiJeaeiviugaulmiaanMamounloriabor. Wbat A'omiey’aoottoutllu la In Ita altar itege, Howe’s urw«tor la m picking, for further imtirinauon, apply to A. iVILdUK, 111 Bay atraat, Aacut lor tba States of Ooorgta and Plorlda. (•the Vatroui of tbt Hav'h Ueoigiin , AU dttbw duo to tbo Georgian previous l wm the Mb liuiaut are payablo only to tbo ud iorolgntd. Note* mil account* due to tbo city wll m preooutud immediately, aud all debts due In tbo otuntry will be forwarded by an early mail. mix being toe unit time that tbo undersigned baa .tublioly appealed to hi* late patron, he feels that tuey will not consider him unrsasooabta in urging ipou them the necessity for Immediate payment. ituuUttaucuri may be made direotly to the under- 1 ..<uod, or to it. u. uiiton h Cu.. whose reoeliH will ..e valid. I'liiLiP J. PUNCH juventuli, May fe, 1866. mylB-Iawdhw fbe subscriber* ouer for sale a large and varied Aiuortment ol jecond-haud printing material, sulU- j.eut to uslablUb a complete Job Office, with but „•< additional artlolos, cousbting In part of—One i *i,ile lout ut'small pica, os good as new, and varl- ,iidntx ol jo > tyjw; one super royal band-press; »,w Hue tdi i proof-prew. latest Improvement, iit-m, two «r m <i e large Imposing stones, new; dou- «..• au.1 smgte auds; cases, composing sticks,cul* t ..arules,gall* *, chases, etc., eto.,together with , .rlotia uibwi a- udos poriaiuing to a newspaper ir job •••Hue. K. B HILTON 4 CO. luuu ________ B. EL Lib, Factor and General Commission Merchant! NO; 71 BIY-OTEXBT, SAVANNAH, OA.. rtK>tK«To—Hcssrt. Oagborn It Cunningham, Ball .. iventiss, Ogden, Starr * Oo., Savannah; J. Pf i i»“"n. Boston. nov 1 w*. Ainuni ojupvh. i'OUPKR Hi FRASER, MKRCHAN18 FACTOR** & GENERAL COMMISSION tiny street, Savauualt, Oa. fmyll It. J OA VAST, JR, FACTOU AND COMMISSION MEBGANT, .Vo* tf 7 Bay Street, jyJU Savannah, Ga JAMES M. SAVA OB, ATTORNEY AT LAW, m asvhas, rttoKAs count?, oa. AU buslnea entrusted to bis care will reu nu prompt attentk lyr—marl? MSKSU. KDDUttU. •eUUM A. Nt)UKIn HODOFaRS a NORRIS, (late Crane 4 ~ ' BAY-STRUT, SAVANNAH. 0*9' june 1,1665, JEFFERSON ROBERTS, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND DEALER IN Timber and Lumber. SAVANNAH, Qa. WILLIAM H. DASHER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, TroupvUle, Lowndes County, Oa. Will practice In Thomas. Lowndes, Clinch, Ware. A ppiing, 'Colour, Irwin. Laurens, and Pulaski o o uutles, Georgia: and In Jefferson, Madison, Ham. ltou. and Columbia counties, Florida. [myll t. k. wmight. /. p. a. saraoi. WRIGHT 6t SAVAGE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, UrtUiNdWIOK, OA. JyW ' JOaVH 8. BOWEN, ENGINEER, ARCHITECT AND SURVEYOR, OOBXEK OP DEATTOM AND BETUr-HIS^ (Above Oil Lamar.) jy6~dm A. SIeALPIN A BROTHERS, Lumber, Mill and Brick yards. sept a «w SAVANNAH, OA. t. j oaow. OGDEN, i. suamjr. n. a. Kaaon. uuuun.STARR A OO*, Shipping and Gommiasion Merchants, b AT-srain. savannas, oa. PATTEN, HUTTON * GO., FACTORS. Forwarding and Commission Merchants, Bsyitrwt, Savannah, Q*. B. GUMMING, ATTOBNEY AT LAW, febl-ly lawmtoif, qa. 0. S. GARK1XOV. A. 0. HARRISON A McGEHBE, AUCTION, COMMISSION, RECEIVING AND Porwardlnv merchants. 49 AND (11 BBOADOTBUT, COLUMBUS, OSOBOIA. Jt* i’artloular attention given to the sales of Rea) Estate, Negrooa and Produce. 49* Liberal advances made on Negroes and Her* obandiSQ Rl' il'L PARPEN A 00. ) GUN ii Y k DANIEL, VOolumbud, Ua STEWART, GRAY 400. J RIME, DAVIS A LONG, ) . WM. WRIGHT, J 8 *™ Uail YOUNG. ATKfNS k DUNHAM, \ Analmnhlf ... c. a. it Asm k oo., . bpUMhic ii. ,M. .-j. SMITH, f Mobile, Alibim.' outly iitction Sc Oomtniaalon House, Macon, Ga A. it. HoLAVOHLIIl, General Agout and Auctioneer, Solicits from his friends consignments of every description. Tokos orders for Cotton. 49* dpijoial attention given to the sale* of Real Estate, ijiuukp. and Negro property, at pnbllo and |irivat<-sales. 1‘iumpt reform and diipaieh. RdWofitie—i:. A. I. LAMAR. , mcbSO MM, W. UKSSA. a. V. SMOOT GltBEN * SMOOT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW UOUfe THOMASTOM, QA. .Huktiud SmtUMb, 0>. ravlt H..« WklUtoltmt! 1 I^.n.iiti,«... • WbOlAUIX XVb UTAH. DXAUUIX QASHU. Blind., Door., Houldlngx, In Whit. Q iMd.iObo, White lituml, H|wrn, Whilb, Tu- hwm’hud NMtUbotOUi, Ulxu, Uriuhw, OoldW, Broun, Hhrdwuo. N»ll>, Mubl. Mutol. *o.,to Ju4 ' ~ PATBNT IOH PITOUHHB. TUST reclv.d, ONI.Y thirty-two dxy. rrou. Sti ll Umor. hy th. now Ut.xm.hlp Lint.. Thi buroiu will h. glut to lotrn that uey hove Dbolly nrrlvod. KENNEDY k BEACH, Hottio-rbrnlohlDg Store, Uodgxoo’o Now Block nog. ~ - DAVID a. WUiBi, attobnby at law, •riXTi, OA. H—non Bohn A footer, Koban .Smllarug I. A. Soulhurd, Bhvtimkh. JnS WM. B. DAN1HLL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SAVANNAH. UA 49" Otfloe over Thomas M. Turner JkCo. x Drug ore, tta street. my7 il iLLii R & RO"lL“ ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BRUNSWICK, GA. Will priutice iu tbo Brunswick Circuit—compris ing the following Counties: Glynn, Wayno, Oamdon, Ware, Apppllng. Clinch. 6offes and Charlton. 1 JOHN B. MILLER. L. 0. ROLL. aug8 ly DEALER IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES and Foreign and Domestic Fruit, corner Broughton and WhUaker-tU. luwn and country supplied with cboico goods at moderate prices. AU orders promptly attended to, and satisfaction always guaranteed. spl8 ~ JDHITG7FALnGAST~ WHOLK8ALK AND BRAIL DBALBB IN WINDOW BLINDS, WINDOW BABB AND PANE v DOORS. West side Monument Square, Savannah, Ga^ ATTOBNEY AT LAW, Offlce corner Bay and Drayton streets JyW PHILIP M. RUSSELL, NOTARY® COlR&YA&EB, 3 *iSooUN'ftlNf V COPYIST. 'AND >rtgagod, Power ol Attorney, id Taking ol Interrogatonos. WUl exouto Deeds, Mori, Wills, Bonds, Notioos tutd' , Office at the Court Housu, Savannah, Ga. Court Days, Third Tuesday In each mouth, and hold at the office of Edward o. Wilson,Esq. Residence, Gaston, between Barnatd and Tattnall street. Any call at night, ou busiuesa, will be attended to Immediately. jy‘Z6 WM. G. CONNELLY, ATTORN E1 AT LAW, 1, WORTH 001)NTT, .A.. (fOtll 017101 AUUNT.) WIU practise In tbo SoulhoM Circuit,and In Maooo, Dooly and Worth Counties oiThe Macon arcult. 49“ Particular attention given to the collection of claims In South-Western Qoorgia. Jen—Cm P. JACOBS, 0EGAR AND TOBACCO STORK. all. Also, Chewing Tobacco, Snuff, 4c. june 1 JAMES McHBNRY, Insurance Broker and Notary Publio. Marine Protests Noted and Extended, Average adjusted, Charter Parties and Average Bond* drawn! Papers preparod whereby to recover losses from i-norican or British Underwriters, and attention giveu to all matters connected with shipping and In. surauce, No. 118 Bay-street opposite the front ol tbu Custom Houso. ly nov 8 JESSE T« OTUrtNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, VownauavlUe, Fla. Reference—George ..Brown, William Dell, New uanavllle, Fla., it. B. Hilton, Boston 4 VUlalonga. Savauuab, Ua. myll G. W. MABRY, ATTOBNEY AT LAW rUANkUN, HBAMp 00., QA. Will attend to professional business In the Counties or Heard, Carroll, Campboll, Coweta, Fayette, Merl* wether and Troup. Reference—Hon. E. Y. Hill, LaGrange, Ga.; Hob, David Irwin, Marietta, Go.: ColonelM, M. Tidwell. Fayetteville, Ua ; aud Mr. William Dougherty. Co* iumbux, Go. scpl7-ly Wm. BIcALLISTER* khed on reasonable terms. Orders res pectfully solicited. apl8 M. WHIT SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALUOATOB, BAB ftOBlDA. WUl practice In the Eastern and Southern Counties Refer to—Col. 8. S. Sibley, and R. a HUton, 8a foW-tf WILLIAM PHILLIPS, ATTOBNEY AT LAW, MASIRTA, GA. 0Ct26—ly ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, TronpvUle,LowndesConiy t Ga. (mil GHAS. G. OAMFllELh ATTORNEY AT LA W, Moumaimu, ua.] Practloee Law In the various Counties or um Co* mulgee CtrculV, and the adjoining Counties of Cwlggs, Laurens and Washington. Refer to—John Boston, H. A. Crane, ana rt. S Hilton. fcoie aSodcTK aTuobBon; “ ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, _ AXD Comminionergf the U. 8. Court qf Claim* for , Office Corner Bayand^affstrests. h mylO „ YONGB 4 FRIERSON, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, mo. 94 HAT-mnr. savammah, oa apr4 J. m7eyre7 COMMISSION MEROHANT, augao No. 149 Bsyit., Savannah. JOHN C. BOOTH, CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, WiU also give his attention to designs In Arohiteo- ure. Office In the store of John Williamson, Esq., Say street. myla ^ A 0 ,BYRNE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office 176, Bay-st, over Turner 4 Co’s. Drug rftors SAVANNAH, OA. nov 10-rly S. W. BAKER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Trounville, Lowndes County, Ga. -Hon. W. a Fluomo, Savannah, Ga myll JOHN BILBO, Ordinary of Chatham County, AND ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in the Cuurt House. my IB aNiTion YTictTUEKiflfr ATTORNEY AT LAW, Savannah, Georgia. J iiT Office on Day street, over the Bank oTSavai t>> maylft ll. L. P. KING, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Corner of Bay and Whitaker Street*, SAVANNAH. fab 22 «mos WELLS JSWILLIAMLS, DOMESTIC, FOBBION AND FANCY DRY GOODS. No, 149 Congruent,, SavaMth, Qa. 4AS. T. WELLS, formerly of Beaufort DUt. 8. 0. rilEOPHILUfl WILLIAMS, " Scrlvau Co., Oa. «ept7 s EDWARD G. WILSON, MAGISTRATE, NOTARY AND COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS. At Messrs. Ward 4 Owens* Law Office. . [myll ~wayne7grbnvillb 4 co„ sept AO I THE subscriber being about to partltio off ihe two elegant and oommodloua ah rlesovorDr. Brantley s Drug Store lnl_ offers them foi wuby^Ut of No- c ' Aroffifect. ▼er Dr. Brantley's Drug “ SHOLL, Architect. FOR RENT, M A WHARF STORE under 174 Bay stre> PosseNlon given 1st October. Ajjplyto T1S0N k GORDON. r ~FOH HALE * A VALUABLE LOT, near the Central Railroad Depot, about 60x100 feet. This Lot Is feosimple. On the premises ars three comfortable Wooden BUILDINGS, at for boo J per annum. Terms moderate. Apply to J. B OUBBEDQE, sept 29 Agent. ATLANTA HOTEL. ATLANTA i i t i GEORGIA. J. J. UESLER, Proprietor. JUA Late qf the Verandah HoUl, Neu> Orleam. IS ' Pauengers per Evening Trains wlU find Supper ready on tbs arrival of the Cart. MERCHANTS’ HOTEL, $160 n..... 0,00 omth 20 00 lyr may 18 ” bolls Mouse, CORNER MHBTINa CBASUlROM, S. 0. m THIS Hoase Is now adapted to all the wants of the Travelling Pnbllo, and the ef forts of the Proprietor will be to deserve their patronage. r 81 - THOMAS 8. NICKERSON. EDUCATION. DARIEN ACADEMY. r ETRUBTEuSofthc abovo named Institution announco to the publio, that this Academy wui be opened on the first Monday in November _ e. The principal, Col. 8. Spencer, an -experienced teacher, comes well recommended by hu former jxttrons and other gcntlomen of highest respeota- Recommonded to ns, as he lx, u well as from our own knowledge of Col. Spencer, we commend him and the Academy to tbo patronage of our friends at borne and abroad. Miss'A. M. Spencer will assist in the Female and Junior departmert. For farther information, apply t* L. M. BLOUNT, Sec’ry. sep426 li •JuLi: REMOVAL. The subscriber has removed to the store east or Mr. O’Conner, corner of Drayton and __ Broughton streets, atUolning the Marshall >JUL Houso, whore be U prepared to make to or der GenUemen’s Coats, Pants, Vests, Ac., in a man ner to salt the most fastidious. Gentlemen furnishing their own materials will find It to their advantage. Cash must be paid for workmanship in all cases, as there will be no books kept op n. Cutting for men and boys attended to; and til ittlng jobs must be paid far on delivery. Uniforms or all kinds made according to the Unit ed States’ Regulations. 49" Young men desirous or beoomlng good out- ten of all garments bel nglng to the trade can ba taught in nx lessons, at 88 a lcsaqn. Those who will patronise me will find prices to suit the Umes. M. CAREY, Agent sopt *" J “ m . JlsB 1 HUDSON’S FERRY FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for sale all hor Msrasloni in 8orlvcn county, contain. ■ log about one tuousand acres of land, more or less, all affiolnlug said Ferry, and extending to tbo Augusta road — The Improvements consist or a good Dwelling, more, Warehouse; and all other necessa ry out-buildings. About sixty-five acres are under fence and In good order for cultivation. The land Is first quality, and well supplied with fencing tim- bor. It is an excellent stand for the merchandise business. The Ferry la the best located and most patronised ot any other between Savannah and Augusta. There Is also passing through the land a never felling stream, fully sufficient to supply any Grist or Saw Ell. For further particulars addfeu me at Springfield,-Effingham county, Qa. HIkADKU‘HIA- < n» xobr. 0 8. <1. At ORUNRR. ,»« BALTIKO»B_Tk. ».»«„,.iiiiiF, ^lOiptaln Trader, mil nHl with ileapxtati Mr h.Tbur. port. ybrlMiht.pnlyte Ml IU HUNtSB . OAHMELL. BOOK AOBSOt. rflHP Subscribers have established a Book X Agency In Philadelphia, and will furnish any book or publication at the retail prloo free of post* age. Any persons by forwarding tha subscription price of any one^oftho $3 Magaxlnes, such as Har per's, Godey’s, Putnam's, Graham's, Frank Loalie’s Fashions, Ac,, will receive tbo Magaxlnes for ona year and a copy of a splendid lithograph portrait of either Washington, Jackson or Olay; or If i kl-aln .14 .Hd.1 n.M-lns '.111 « copy Ol gimur oi uio lurca puru-wu, u iu to $6 worth or magaxlnes, all fares uortral sent gratis. Musio furnished to those \ wish ft. bing to a 82 ahd 81 magaxlne, they will receive a copy of either or the farce portraits. If subscribing •• - irtralla will bt who may Envelopes ofexeryslse and description In targe or small quantities farnlsbed. Seal Freeses, Dies, 4c., sent to order. Every description or engraving on wood executed with neatness and dispatch Views or Buildings, Newspaper Headings, Views of Maoblnery. Book II* lustrations, Lodge Certificates, Business Cards, Jo. AU orders sent by mall promptly attended to. Per* ions wishing views or their buildings engraved can send a Daguerreotype or sketoborfae building by mall or express. Persons at a distance having saleable articles wlU find it to that* advantage to addresa the subscribers as we • woula »jt as agent for the sale of the earns BYRAM 4 PIERCE. 60, South Third street, PbUa^ Pa. nov 2d—dAwly GENERAL NOTICE. iILVER AND GOLD PLATING can now be done i at home. Mr. cham-eb kemph having es- illshed himself permanenUy. all work In this line wlU be done with dispatch. All repairing ofGutors, Teapots, Candlesticks, Spoons, Forks, or any other arUcle will be done neatly before plating. AU old aUver plate, such as Teasetts or Urns, Forks or Spoons, wlU be re-flnlahed and made equal to new, and at moderate prices. AU work or orders left at my store will be attended to prompUy. P. a—Watch cases galvanised. ORANB, wells * GO., FACTORS A COMMISSION MT— Savannah, Ga. (.{0.BVSB. ‘ i. U. DAVIS. W. H. 10X0. ruse, davis Along. COMMISSION MERCHANTS may 80 SAVANNAH, GA. LOCKETT * SWELLING*?^ COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND SHIPPING AOINTP, . fmjnnih. Ga Will attend to the selling of all klndi of prodooe Mrlciaitaotlon gifcnto r sod ring and forwarding W'* may 81 Ij ATTORNEV^d'o°UN8ELiS^ at law. Offlce oorner of Bay and Drayton-sts. my u 8AVANNAH, SA. ' A ! COMMISSION AND FORWiRDlNcT MERCHANTS*,. Bay-street SawMtah. TUOa. rt. WAYNE. C. K GRENVILLE, R. ALEX. WAYNE, W. T.-SAMPLE, jy 6—tf Bavaunah. " L “ LANIER 4 ANDERSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ap6-ly Kioov, ox. w: m; lawton & eo. Obuliaton, Sontb Carolina. SEA ISLAND COTTON AND RICE FAC TORS. R.WaiNwiaaTBxoaT I U. Lawtoh T Dili. | Winborn Lawton, Jb am20-codlm JOHN S. NORRIS-, ARCHITECT. may27 G. M. G1FFIN Savannah, Oot, 1st, 18M. T HE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore exlatlng be tween the subscribers, under the name orj. V.CONNERAT 4 CO., was fait day dissolved by mutual consent. Hr. Joseph V. Oonnerat wlU at tend to the settlement of the allairs of the said firm. J. V. CONNERAT J. new sobr. ALBA, .r. ^ 'V” ?“• WU P WULUMBIA, J«LC.pUlnB.iUo, wll have deapatobfor the HK abovo port- For freight apply to oot 1 HUNTER 4 GAUHELL j|£ tuna bur ton. A| , rOB'/BHaHTOk 0HARm.-Tli. A I {Barque ISAAC R. D4VIS, Captain Hand, 400 irfaen—can take too bulk or 1,000 balaa oot- Apply to 0 A. GREINER. rok PHlL~ADiiiLFflla 7-Hsaoit'a LrniT. flaw Vaawt.—The sobr. FANNIE, Capti i, now loading, wUl have Immediate d For freight engagements apply to OH AS. A. GREINER. FOR PHILADELPHIA.—The itaunoh feat laUlngachr R W TULL, A M rttrowbrldge, For freight, apply to ■ anglO 0. A. GREINER. FOR LIVERPOOL.—The A 1 American ship FALCON, Patton maitor, having a aHK largo portion of freight engaged, will meet with dispatch aa above, for balance of cargo, apply to BRIGHAM, KELLY k CO. CABIN PASSAGE Id NEW YORK A25 00. HThKIw United State. Mall Lin.. NEW AND SPLENDID SIDE-WHEEL Steamships— lorviui;. 1,600 tons..Capt. 0. D. Ludlow. AUGUSTA....1,600 “ ..OaptThomasIjon. FLORIDA 1800 “ ..Capt. M.8. WoodhuU. ALABAMA....lJflOO “ ..Capt. G. R,Bohenok. wiu uuva savAinrxi xvsar WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Theao ships are among the largest on the ooaat unrpassed in speed, safety and oomfort, making idr passages In fifty to sixty hours, and are osm- manded by skUlfal, careful and polite offiders.— Having elegant state-room accommodations, they offer a most desirable conveyance to New York. Cabin Passage to New York. 926 Steerage Passage to New York 8 PADKLFORD, FAY 4 CO., Savannah. SAM’L L. MITCHILL, 18 Broadway, feb6 New York. WGl tail on Saturday next, Nov. 1, of 10)g o'clock, J. if., precisely. The steamship AUGUSTA, Captain Lyon, will loave as abovo. - For freight or passage apply to PADKLFORD, FAY 4 00. Cabin Steerage Passage 8 49* Shippers of Cotton by these Steamships will please tako notice, fast no Cotton will be received at toe proas ox fast Is not distiuoUy marked on faeedgo of the bale. oct88 FOR CHARLESTON. innrGORDON having re- KSHHaturned from Florida, wlU resume ber regular trips to Charleston, leaving here on Saturday, Nov. 1st, at 6 o'o look P. M. 00129-61 J. p. BROOKS, AgH. FOR DEBIERY’S FERRY. AND ALL THE INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS ON THE SAVANNAH RIVER. The new lion steam pactot SWAN, Captain Richard Johnson, wlU leave Charleston wharf every 'Friday morning, at 10 o’clock, punctually, for Demery’s Ferry, and all intermedi ate landings on the Savannah River. 49* The Swan hu superior accommodations for passengers. For freight engagements apply to aept28 JOHN RICHARDSON. U* S. Mall Line FOR PALATKA, FLA., Via Darien, Brunswick, St. Maryt, Qa.,Ftmandi- m and JackumviUe, Picdtata and Blade Greek, Fla. — K THE steamer WELAKA, Capt. N _ 9K King, will leavo for tho above places rery Saturday Morning, at 10 o'clock. Hus boat has large aud airy State Room accom modations, and taking tho Inland Passage, olfers every inducement to Invalids and other*. Freight wUl be taken for Trader's QU and Inter edlste landing* on Bt. Mary’s River. No freight wlU be taken after 9 o’clock. For freight or passage apply on board at tbe Florida Steam packet wharf, or to Jy26 CLAGHORN 4 CUNNINGHAM. 0. 0. POOLE, No. 11, Whittaker Street, (two door* from Bryan,) WHOLBflALl AND KIT AIL DXALXR IN a PRlntt,011a,V»*- 'Mixed Paints of every description, Artists' »«/.. .u tubes, Prepared Canvass. 4c. PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS PATTERNS. Rooms prepared with neatness and despatch.— House, Sign and Ship Painting, Gilding, Graining and „.~x_ ie In the beat style and at moderate AU orders from the country promptly attended to. mch28—ly G."M. GRIFFIN, SUCCESSOR TO LATE M. EASTMAN Corner ot Bryan and .Whitaker Streets. rk. HAS now on hand a beautiful as- . MtX sortment of Jewelry of every dls- fiyk mum cription and kind worn by ladles SJL and genUemon. and wUlseU at unusually low prices, I have tola day received (per Express) a Urge stock of elegant Slver Ware, consisting of Cake and Pie Knives, plain and engraved Fish Knives and Forks, Pickled Knives and Forks. Knives, Forks and Spoons, Napkin Rings, Nutmeg Graters, Ac, 4o., all In Morocco cases, and suitable for presents. I have also this J - Savannah, Oot. 1st, 1856. THE UNDERSIGNED having bongbt out the In terest or John Lama, will hereafter contlnne the wholesale GROCERY AND PRODUCE BUSINESS In bis own name and for his own account, and re speetfally solicits from tbe friends of the Uto firm a continuance of tbelr favors. octS J. V. OONNERAT. TO HOUSEKEEPERS. K ANIEL CRONIN Upholstffir, 26 Braun would respectfully announce to the olUxens unahthat ho U ready to make and put down Carpets, Oil Cloth, Matting, Ac., at the shortest no tes, and on the moat reasonable terms, octo-tf DRS. LBFLER At WILCOX, Dentist* ARE now ftilljr prepared to in sert fall or partial setts of Teeth on the principle of Dr.J. AUens’a Patent Continuous Gum. By this in and cannot be detected by *bo closest observer.— This method combines the following! -ivantages:— An artificial vum, which exhibits a perfecUy natural and UTe-like appearance, and Imparts tofaefacefa fast peculiar expression wkldh characterises the — tural organs. | This Gum conaUtaofaaltaclou* compound, which to applied and flued nponthe Teeth and Plateln snob a manner, as to AU up aU the Interstloea around the base ofthe Teeth, and also unites them firmly to each other and to the Plate upon which they are itt. Thlaaecursa perfect cleanUneaa of tha Teeth. Office over DeWittA Morgan, Congress street ** 0 Republlcanand GwrgSm’oopy. feb 16-tt STU TTERING AMD STAMMERING C URED by Dr. WYOKOFF, or Pittsburg, Pa.. withoutpslo or Surgical Operation, who will send the euro to any part of tha world, on the re ceipt of 910: and the money returned, IT faejoure is not effeetuaL All letters must be addressed to not eflbotoaL Dr. Wyckoff, Box TM, FllUtmr,, P», In ou. or Arthur., Bod .ora It Oo.. Bankers p. 8. OorrMfoadenUwlU plwi. radon damp for ntura pout..' pnbllo n nn Arohlteotnnl suporlntewtent Dodgns fot ray part of tho oountry rappUod an ononWtl In nil tho varloa. brnneheo or hi. profi — ..... .. |>,ibjlo Edllloei, Btoroi, Dwolllno i Ihorouihly tiro Proorntom O fn.d»ii't oxooottd. OBooatpr««ntlnBayUn row of thoOoitom Booxo. Jtni-ly bhctbwct: .optSd—wJy Dr. W. traKStoSotelook, DraROVALL & JOflNSOK, DratUte, OHM corner 8k Jnllra-t rad Kukct Square, m B. OT- mot'njawdry Horn. Oflon boon , BRALBBOKRBiOE BDSUB8I. rnBg ONDBR3IBNBD aOra hU Mrrtcu to hi I friend, and tbo public 0. a GENERAL BRUKhR articular attention wlUlMslTralo tho purohr- and tale of Cotton, Bloch., Bondi, (to., rad prooi to. ffdiburorromU. OC18-W4 JOHN T. BBWL1NP, 75 ssffi«p|iraa bw. Ank rt Unlndra , f.r iS jb kH1( ^ UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. tor PaJatka, Fast Fla., via Darien. Brunswick, SL M The new and elegant steampaoket ISplE DARLINGTON, OapL Brook, leaves ry Tuesday morning, at 10 o’olook, for the above places. Freight wUl be taken for Trader’s HiU and inter- mediute landings on St Mary’s River. 49" No freight will be taken after 9 o’clock. For freight or passage, having excellent state room accommodations, apply on hoard, at the Flori da Steampacket Wharf, near the Gas Works, or to Jy26 CLAGHORN 4 CUNNINGHAM, Ag’ts. rayawortment complete. Order* received for any color desired. Watches repaired by and under the anpervlsion of sel^ and aU other work done in a workmanlike manner, and warranted. may 26 MASSIE SCHOOL. rnHE MASSIE SCHOOL wiu ba opened ± NESDAY, October 16fa. The Regulations require that alter the opening of the School, <• Applicants shall be received every day of tho first week, and on Monday or osoh suc ceeding week of tho termThere are still several vacancies in fae8cbooI. UnUl the opening of tho School, applications may bo made to fa* Principal, who will be found at the School Room every morn ing from 9 to 10. Hv order of the Commissioners, 1C cot 10 uuuiasiuuum, B. MALLON, Principal. mOBACCO, BROOMS, BUCKETS, Ac— X 60 boxes Grant 4 Wm 6 and 8 Tobacco 26 do 10s do 26 dox Brooms 40 dox 2 hoop Buckets 26 dox 3 do do 26 boxes now bunch Ralalns 76 do NogroPipea, Just reoelved and for sale by 0021 SCRANTON, JOHN8TO 4 CO Off/' 0# NEW YORK.', 1 RE taking KARINE rad RIVER Bilk, at their A. Agonby.on Dri/Mo atrat, hear th. Bey. Approved Risks Will bf utkou on liberal leriux, and ibe usual orodlt ffiyeh bn Premium Kotaa. Three quarters of too business will be returned to the customers In ScH|i. octaa-em . A. L. 1N8UBANUE. Boutheru Mutual Insurance Company, Southern Mutual Life lira. Company, Roma insurance Company, of N. lurk, UprlngiUia Fire A Marino Ins* Com’y, Risks In tbe abova Insurance Oompanlex undurta ken by WK. KINO 4 90KB, Ageuta, No. 99 Bay otiuei. Savannah, 14th December, 1866. iw.U FIRE, MARINE AND LIFE INSURANCE. NO. 111. BAY-8TREE1. CAPITAL REPRESENTED, Nearly Four Million Dollars. By tho following responsible Block Companies . Charter Oak Life insurance Company, OF HAMTFOBD, OT. Equitable Fire Insurance Company, OF LONDON. Farmers’ and Mechanics* Fire, Maruia and Lift Insurance Company, OF FHILXPBLFHIA. Bridgeport Fir* and Marine Insurance Company, OF BJUDUBFOBT, OT. 49"Toe subscriber wlU effect"insurance to any amount In all parts ofthe State on every description of properly. life Insurance, to any amount, at tha lowest rata, for the benefit or heirs and creditors, or payable to the wife free from fas claims of creditors. Marine Insurance on Hulls o ofthe world. _ jan26 MUTUAL BBNEFiT LIFEINSURANCE COMPANY, NEWARK, N. J. - „ Charter Perpetual. Nett accumulation, Jan. 1,1866* 82,230,006 4. Total amount of dividends paid to date 716,492 66 Total amount of claims by death paid to date 1,886,990 84 Cargoes to aU parts A. WILBUR. 94 282,488 97 Benjamin a Miller, Secretary, Joseph Z Lord, General Agent, Robert L. Patterson, President. •The fands or this Company are *U solely invested In first class bonds and mortgages, stocks, cash, and note* of members fully secured by their poUdcs For farther particulars Inquire of WM. H. GLADDING. Agent In Savannah, At tho offlce of Bell 4 Prentiss. J, 8. SULLIVAN, Medical Examiner. Messrs. Pxdxuokd, Fay 4 Co., lK. Tsrr, Esq., State Bank. feu 29 THE GREAT WESTERN FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of No. 107 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Penn. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL $500,000. nxs, tfxiuavxKD uoahd uutmxinu. *■''DIRECTORS: Charles 0. Lafarop, 632 Spruoe street; Alexander Wbllden, Merchant, 14 North Front-st,: John 0. Hunter, firm of Wright. Hunter 4 Co.; fi, Tracy, firm or Tracy 4 Baker; John R. M’Curdy, firm of Jones, white 4 M’Curdy; Isaao Haxlehurst, Attorney and CounseUor: James B. Smith, firm or James B. Smith 4 Co.; Theodore W. Baker, firm of Tracy 4 Baker; R. 8. Walton, 860 Market street; Thomas K. Limerick, 684 Spruce street; John J. Baker, GoldBmifa’B Hall CHARLES C. LATHROP. President Thos. K. Luikuck, Secretary. JAMBS M. CARTER, Agsut, June 16 No. 86 Bay street. "General Southern Insurance AamsroY T HE SUBSCRIBER is prepared to effect Insurance to any amount In tbe State of Georgia, on LIFE, FIRE OR MARINE RISKS In the following good stock Componlos: FARMERS AND MECHANICS FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMP’Y, (OF PHILADELPHIA. Capital 91,250.000 Hon. THOS B. FLORENCE, President. Edw. R. Hkuibou), Seo'y. , CHARTER OAK FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMP’Y, OF UABTFOBDyCT. Cash Capitol 9300,000 RALPH GILLETT, President, Jah. H. Snuatn, See’y. STATE MUTUAL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMP’Y. OF PENNSYLVANIA. Capital and Assets 9369,000 J. P. RUTHERFORD, President, Silas War*, Seo’y. BRIDGEPORT FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE CCMP’Y, OF BRIDGEPORT, OT. Cash Capital and Assets 9126,000 HENRY W. CHATF1ELD, President. J. H. Washburn, Seo’y. EQUITABLE FIRE INSURANCE COMP’Y, OF LONDON Capital 92,600,000 CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE COMP’Y, OF HARTFORD, OT. Capital and Surplus over 8400,000 J.JJC. WALK LEY, President, S. H..Wmn, Seo’y. 49“ Ufa Insurance, to any amount, at the lowest rato, for tho benefit or the heirs and creditors, or payable to the wifefroo from too claims or creditors. 49“ Marine Insurance on hulls or cargoes to all parts ofthe world A. WILBUR, oot23 General Ins. Agent and Broker. CHARTER OAK FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Company, (SWo Capital.. DIRECTORS Ralph Gillett, Alonso W Blrge, Barzellal Hudson, Charles Forba, Wareham Griswold, H K W Welch, Philip Ripley, A D Edson, Roswell Browni Albert F Day, Mason Gross, J B Russell, William W House, A F Gillett, B 0 Osborn. RALPH GILLETT, President Jas. H. Sbraocx, Seo’y The subscriber having been appointed Agent for Savannah for tbe above named first class Fire and Marine Insurance Co., Is prepared to Issue Policies on all descriptions of Insurable property at the usnal rates or other good companies. A. WILBUR, Agent, lc118-U' 111 Bay st, next to Nows ofiloe FINDLAY’S IRON WORKS MACON, OEORGIA. ± Tho -/QlMorlber, from long experience In tho business. Is prepared to furnish Steam Englnca, Bolters. Circular, Single and Gang wr Saw MiU Maoblnery, Grist and Merchant Mills, Sugar Mills, Gin Gearing, and Castings in gen eral. The 8aw Frames, wbotner for upright or cir cular. will be of iron when required. AU of wblob, with his many improvements, is warranted to be S nal to too best made at anv other establishment. • works are on a scale as extensive as the larg est at the North, and he is prepared to fill orders with promptness and dispatch. aug 7 ROBERT FINDLAY BOOKS & STATIONERY! mHE SUBSCRIBER has on band the SCHOOL 1 BOOKS in use In the Schools of the city, to- ctnerwifaaflne assortment of the latest Cheap ’ubllcallons, Magaxlnes, 4c., 4c., and bis stock ot Miscellaneous Books will be increased as fast as ft can be doue with a due regard to a good stock. —ALSO— A fine assortment or JuvenUe Books, Colored Primers, Toy Books, 4c. —ALBO— paper Envelopes, Wax, Bill Paper, Pencils, Pen Holders, Slates, and such Staple articles as every body wants. Tbe Magasines and New Publications wlU be re ceived as early aa at any Store In the city. A share or publio patronage Is respectfolly solic ited. J- B. CUBBEDOE, Agent, oct 8 nnder the MarshaU Hous. iu Nun w ■!«! a. I would Inform ASM 1 have opened to , mM Stove, Tin and £ various forms, ai BY BILL & PRENTISS. ' +^LMX£lJui i-LC'-L'.— ■UOCmWOKSTOrilLBXlCI 4 BILL Household Furniture at Auction. THIS DAY. Oct. 81st, at 11 o'clock, atNo. 2 Quan- ..... *°°J5 4 onM ifrMt, will bo sold All tbe Household Furniture oontalned In sold Houso, consisting ofa general assortment of Parlor, Chamber end Kitchen Furniture. Sale positive. Terms cash. octal On TUESDAY n#xL^°lfoy.^afil o’clock, in front of Court Hous*: A life interest in lot No, 8 and Improvements, ait- -jfted on Indian street. The improvements area good two story house with store on the oorner, and four double tenement houses, aU In good repair, and under good rent. Sold as the aulgnsd life in' torostof Patrick Fltipatrlck, by order of toe as- fermscath. octal New Fish. Just received direet by sobr L S Davis: 20 bbls new no. 2 Mackerel 20 do do do 8 do 90 hi; bbls do do 2 do 20 do do dodo 8 do 20qr do dodo 2 do 20qr do dodo 8 do 10 bbls Ptokeled Shad 100 boxes, each 40 lbs, new Codfish—prime 10 do do 60 do, smoked Salmon, now landing and for sale low from the wharf. —ALSO— 60 boxes fresh ground Java Coffee. oc21 Just received In store, and for sale low, and on acoommodating terms: 40 bhds prime Sides. » oc21 . Carter Potatoes at Print* Salt. Just received per sobr J T Grice,from Now York, 60 bbls Carter Potatoes. oct24 Now Herrings at Private Bale. Juit received per schooner L 8 Davis, and now landing. 600 boxes first quality Smoked Herrings 26 barrels Holland Herrings in dry salt, low oct 24 lit for sale For Rent, The counting room and si <ro next to our store, formerly occupied by Mayer 4 Blum. Also, several stores under our oeuntlTg room aug20 SWAN A cos LOTTERIES, [AVTBOBIXSD BT TUB RATI OF ALABAMA.] 150,000. TO BE HAD FOR |10. I'do do.,,,,,,, I do do 1 do do 1 do do 1 do do 2 do do 2 do do 20 do do 60 do do 76 do du 100 do do 126 do do CLASS J. 'TO bo drawn in the City of Montgomery. Alabama, In public, on THURSDAY, Novembor 18fo, 1866: on tbe plan or SINGLE NUMBERS SAMUEL SWAN, Manager. 30,00# Ticket. Only! I Prises amounting to 200,000 Dollars ! Will be distributed according to she following UNRIVALLED SCHEME! 1 prise of 960,000 is 860,000 * J ' 20,000 is..,,,,,. 20,000 20,000 is 20,000 10,000 is 10 000 10,000 Is 10,000 6,000 Is 6,000 2,600 Is 6 000 1.000 Is 2,000 600 is 10.000 300 U .6,000 2001s 15,000 100 is 10,000 60 Is 7,600 4 prises of $400 approxlm’g lo$60,000are 1,600 20;000aro 1,900 30,000 are 1,000 10,000 are 800 10,000 are 700 6,000 aro 600 2,600 are 480 1,000 are 820 600 aro 2,800 300 aro 5,000 200 are 6,000 4 “ 800 i* 4 «* 260 *• 4 “ 175 4 » 4 “ 200 “ 4 *• 150 •* 8 “ 60 ■i 8 “ 40 tt 80 “ 36 »» 200 “ 26 i. 300 «• 20 “ 1,000 prises amounting to.. 9200,000 raici or noun. Wbolo Tickets 810; Halves 96; Quarters 92 60. pun or rax LOYRRY, 30,000 Numbers corresponding with those on the Tl.-kets are placed In one Wheel. The first 380 Prise* are placed In another Wheel. A number lu drawn from the Number Wheel, and at the same time a Prise is drawn from the other wheel. Tbe Prise drawn Is placed against the number drawn. This operation Is repeated until all the Prises are drawn out. APPROXnCATION PJUZM. The two preceding sad the two succeeding Num bers to those drawing the first 200 prises will be entitled to the 800 Approximation Prises, according to the Schema. In ordering Tickets enclose the money to our ad dress for the Tlckots ordered, oo receipt or which they will be torwarded by first mall. The LUt of Drawn Numbers and Prises will be sent to purchasers immediately after the draw- Orders for Tickets should be sent In early. 49"l’urchasera will please write their signatures plain, and give their poet office, county and State. 49“ Remember fast every prise Is drawn, and .payable In fall without deduction. 49* AU prises or11,000 and under, paid Immedi ately alter the drawing,—other prises at tbe usual time or thirty days. AU communications strictly confidential. PrixeTlcketo cashed or renewed In other Tickets at either offlce. Orders for Tickets can be addressed either to 8. SWAN 4 CO., Atlanta, Oa., or & SWAN, Montgomery, Ala., or abova is not an ''odd and aven nm '} SKtiSrtsr ■***•■ ■Ag&aRBSLi' ud hedvUy UmtwM l.— .u.u.r.ouu the soil excellent. The tocallly la raty ucellratr ootooB cxio of aloXeaae has ooound on tha crcm- UMdorluthewbol. Urn. the present proprietor has owned Ik This li .chuc. for nlnvaetxiMl raraly tobemotwltli, rad ray pereoa wishing t -'"ot private residence near theclty, or ray pereoa - - Aroui or going Into the gardenia, bnalneee to ralaa&alt ud vegateblss fcr our mulut, will Ind this tho place to sulk For terms, which will be very liberal, inquire M our counting room, 164 Bay street. Titles undtepntn- •>>»■ ; Mg* To Rente ' ! .v TWO good etor-e, nnder the bluff, at the (hot of Whitaker stroek Junel, aomo of them In the Immediate nelghl lot selected for the site or the Bavanuih, Albany ud Golf Railroad Sopot. Terms asm. Uclty lotA via: oas-dlth cash, Uto balance bearing Interest eft ■lx per cent.; libel, SOUTHERN LOTTERY ON THE HAVANA PLAN I PRIZES GUARA TIED 1 104,000 Dollars—15,000 Numbers, Only! JASPER COUNTY ACADEMY BT AUTBOUTT OF Wl mm OP OMUIA, CLASS 8. r.v: To be diawn November 16, 1866, at Oonoert HaU, Macon, Ga., under the sworn superintendence ol Ool. George M. Logan and Jas. A. Nlibet, Esq. 49- Remember fats Lottery has ©lily fifteen ' thousand numbers—ess than any Lottery in the world, therefore ft tu the best for lavestinsat. Ex amine the Scheme l . rtOHEME, 1 prlxoof.,... .16,000 1 “ .t.tV. - , 6,000 of .1,000 are or 600 an 2,600 of lOOtro 8,000 or 40 aro... 60,000 amoxnuiuxFUxB. 20 approximations of $100 are... 60 “ “ 60ar6... 60 “ “ 20 are... 1 4 6 80 1,600 1,712 prises amounting to.. ..92,000 .... 2,600 ....1,000 .9102,000 Tickets 810—Halves 96-Quarters $2.60. 49* Prises payable without deduction* i \ Tbe 1^00 Prises of 940 aro determined ly fat last figure of the number that draws the Capital Prise of $16,000. The GapitalPrtso will, of course, end with on* of the figures—1.2,8,4,6,6. 7,8,9, 0. Those Whole Tickets ending' wife.t&e same figure as the lut In the Capital will be-ehtftled to 140. Halves and Quarters in proportibn.; Persons sending money by maU need no Tear Its being lost. Orders punctually attended to Communications confidential. Bank notes of sound banks taken at par. Those wishing particular numbers should ear rdor I Address oct 10 "AMES F. WINTER, Manager, Macon, da. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA-SOUTHERN DIH TRICT OF GEORGIA. [L.S.] Cuablib S. Hxvry, Clerk. To the Merabs! of Bald District, Greeting: TTTHBRE AS, Joseph ilnegan, Alexander Mo- V T Rae and Archibald H. Cole, partners, using the name, firm and style of Joseph Fluogan aco., of Florlda,Uave exhibited their Mbel In too United States District Court far tbo Southern District of Georgia, stating, alleging and propounding that on or about tha twenty first day of June, InthS'pResent year, ft was agreed between the agent* of tho ship parlia ment then In Liverpool, and fat agents of to* said libellants, fast fas said ship Parliament should pro ceed to Cardiff, and thence convey a cargo of rail road Iron, not exceeding twelve hundred tons, to Fernandlna, Amelia Island, Florida, and deliverthe »ame,oa being paid freight; that, at'the Ume at making said agreement,!! was reprseeatedby tho agents of said ship, that with th* Mid 1 ealfo , aha would draw from, eighteen to nineteen feet only: that ft was farther agreed, if on arrival UTAmeU* Island, ft should be ascertained, from tha pllbt, that there wm not sufficient water to admit tbo ship so that she could get up to Fernandlna, the Chptalu should have the right, upon having (he’feet duly certified by a licensed pilot, to prooeed to St* Marys, Georgia, or, if tho same objection applied to that port, then to go to Savannah; or so near thereto as she might safely get, and there deliver her cargo: that the said ship arrived off Amelia Wand oo fas morning of toe twenty-ninth or September, ’.when fee master of said ship represented tMt she drew nineteen and ene half feet of wafer; and there being on too bar, on Iholdxy, tell twralyfaat M.wate? there wae amply raOlolentto admltUteehip: never. . Ihelete, the wind being advene, the oald chip did Ae the above la not an ''odd and even num-1 not attempt to enter; fast, on tbe following day. ber scheme,” n* Certificates of Packages can be I tbe wind having In the meantime oontinued to blow sold In U, oct 14 I from the west, and thereby greatly reduoad fat * 1 water on the bar. too master of fa* said ship ob tained from fa* pilot In charge a certificate feat the said Ship drawing nineteen and one half feet or water, could not croea fa* bar that morning, and Immediately and wifaoutfarfaer delay, sailed a wav for Savannah; that at fa* time when the said shin so sailed away, the weather wm perfectly fair, end has so continued hitherto, afid the anchorage per- GRAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY, I Slefe T. he drawn 8ATCRDAY, Nov.22d, In HUUmore, ud%d JS ‘ r ^^m, ra5 teU^hYmote “■w 1 * 04 - I especially >1 thoea port, where the Ud of ntolS A GRAND MARYLAND LOTTERY POR'MOVEMBFR, 1866. (On the Havana Plan.) R« France 4k Co., Managers. cannot be obtained: fast there ie reason to believe fast toe master or too said ship exaggerated I draught, and that toe asm* did not expoed nlnett Prixee amounting to 1382,600 will be dlitrlbuted of xordins to thetellowlnnSDlendld Scheme: making lhi^dtentrimt,butth«,_eyra wilh tee according to tbo following Splendid Scheme: 30.00 Numbers 1-1,UO Prizes I Prixespayable without deduction. draught of nineteen and one hair feet tbu said shin could have orosiedtbe bar on divers..days since she so sailed away, and without. ltayli(be«n com 1 prise.. 1 “ .. 1 “ 1 “ .. 1 “ .. 2 “ 2 “ .. 3 « 6 “ 6 « .. 200 “ . first arrival; feat, beferefaa a ,jsi'&srii 8100,0001 said ship positive orders to prooeed at once to 8a- 60,0001 van nab, In violation of tho said contract, 1 and that the subsequent proceedings of t)>* said maefer ware 15,0001 merely a pretext to shield his owners from, legal 11,0401 responsibility for such violation; that too laid mas- 6,000 I ter, although requesUdso to do, refasae to proceed 2,6001 to Fernandlna and deliver bis said cargo.’but Insists 2,0001 on delivering too same at Savannah on bring paid 1,6)01 fail freight; that, by reason of the said premtacs. - — 1 B^UbeUMtawiubei suhlecfed tograZgloZs* NEW TIN STORE AND SHEET-IRON MANUFACTORY. 141 aoura ov mamw squabs, brtajt stbxbv X would Inform my oldfriends and patrons ted the above store to conduct the 1 Shoet-Iron Business in all Its and where will be Brand agen- tral assortment of Stoves, Tin and Shoet-Iron Ware, which I will bo plcMed to show, and at such price u will satisfy any one wishing to pnrohase. Allkinds oT Roofing, Gutter* of Lead, Galvanised Iron Work of every description, Job Work and Re pairing executed with dispatch- old Stoves put up and Pipes famished at short notice. Tinware at wholesale and retail. Call down on Bryan street, ft will oct 2 gKED RYE—200 bushels choice Seed Rye, in store and for sale by.. oct24 a A. GREINER. TO BUILDERS. Cornice, or other work connected with the manufeo- turing or repairing ofOopper, Galvanised Iron, Zinc, or Sheet Iron eee. H0R1CIU0 RSI, 166 Broughton at UXTSB ft CHKlBB- 1)1 - Jj 26 kegs Choloe Goshen Butter, 50 boxes English Dairy Cheese, 100 do Choice Goshen do, white, Landing per steamer and foo safe by CCt24 SCRANTON* JOHNSTON 4 CO. WOOD AND LUMBER. LL kinds of Wood, Boards. Plankf jJolst, m ui ffvww, owwi Timber, Shingle*, light-wood, Posts 1 astern i and Pollings, for sale, at wtwlesale a* <1 retail low ror cash, on the now wharf recently ei eefed on the LumhorVard of Rohan A. Alton «. ?■■. M. J. IaM JUTON 1.0001 toe said libellants will be subjected L ... 6001 damages and expensea,for wblob they are juitlv w - 9882JP01 entitled to compeu^ioa from tho Mid Bbtpq and -Halves 910-Quarters 96 lfaoy therefore pray that process, ln ; do*; form of 49* AU orders for Tieksta or Packages in any of I taw. may Usuu against too said ship FUffiamant be Maryland Lolferiei wlU receive prompt often-1 TWketo l .. . . _ 49* AU ordera for Tickets or Packages in any of I few, nay hum* against fas said i the Maryland Lotteries will receive prompt atten-1 her boats, taokle, apparel and furnitart, and tha tlon, and toe drawing mailed to all purchasers im-1 fa* said Court will pronounce in favor of Mfe said mediately. I UbelUnta, fast the master of said ablp shalLdBllvar Address T. H. HUBBARD 4 CO. I fa* said cargo to fasm, fro* nnd discharged; from No. 39 Fayettostrect,or Box No. 40.. I aU claim for freight for too, transportation thereof, oct 1—ly Baltimore ltd. I or in default thereof, that tha, said thin .may be condemned in sucUamount of damagM.Mtho c -ou for your walk. J. MAURICE, Agent HUNT 4ft WEBSTER’S. IMPROVED SHUTTLE MEWING,'MACHINE. T'tESIGNED for FamlUee, plantations, Dress ma- l/kera,Tailor*,Boot* Shoe nunofecturerl and others who may wish to do tbelr own sewing cheap- and with expedition. This machine sewa a uni- ... m stitch wife both sides alike, and which will not ravel. Uto more simple, ta ton liable to get out of order, and oosts leu In proportion than any other machine, and Is warranted to be perfect, and towtrk well. AUapparatna neceesaryfor convenient om Is famished wife ft, and any instruction wUl be gim that wUl be necessary to ensure to the puronasor Ks suoceasfhl operation and durability. Th* public are reapectfaUy invited to call and ex. amine them at 1350ongre*s st ALFRED WEBSTER. Gen. Act 49 s A very neat and ornamental Iron lab! wlUnow bo given with a mad ‘ addittonto the regular price May 26. 1 5XTRA FAMILY FLOUR. 4o.-Joat received. 60 !i bags and bbls Extra Family Flour; 90 bb’- oriuhed and powdsrsd Sugar; 20 bbls A- B and clarified Bugar; 20 boxes Ground Oolfee, In fe and 1 lb pecks; 86 dodo Mustard, Ginger. Cinnamon and Mace; 10 cases Tabto Salt; 10 half bbls Extra No 1 Mackerel: 100 dox Broome, bucket*. Clothe* Lines Scrub Brahes; 81 half chests OolongTM, loos# and, to * lb padto. WHO THKO» WORTH KNOWMG. T ARDNER’SONETHOOSANDANDTENTHINGaIUcemayapperlelu Ud tee Oeort I.Mmpete«lo Ij WORTH KNOWING—a Book clearly expiate, give te tee premia... .....;it -.iTXJHr lug bov u do rlgbtty aimoet everytelug teal era be Ud wbereu,^tee Honorable Jobs G. Niooll. tee uraetaaryteteeKltebei^teeFwIorud tbe Dre«. 1 Ju)|« ot tee Bold Oocrt, bai ordered ud dlti>Hed om. • I tee eleventh dwef NoveabranekkArU persou HER UTTLEGOOD. Eiq., . Young Gentle I in gracnl, who b*ve or protoad tslteve ray right, no wiebed to... Ur. ud raw it accordingly, I title or teureet te tbe edd eblp Perllamrakher by rruk E. gmedloy. I boots, tackle, apparel ud furniture, to be dted at HEH01RS or JAKES GORDON BENNETT AND the promisee, to appear beCort the Judge or raid HIS TIKES, by a Journalist I DUtrlct Court, at tee Dotted Sutee occrt Room, te SARATOGA, aRtoryof 1767. I tbedtyordarannU,atKevuo’cJuckte tbe (bra- * WlddUleld’e Now Cook Book, or Practical Receipts 1 noon or laid day, there toibow cenee,' ir Uy they tertbeHonaewIb. |bave,wbyjudgme t should not pees te prayed ten Hits Leslie's New RecelpU for Cookery. I You are, ther .lore, hereby oi"- 1 Tbe Lodtee’ New Book for Cookery—a Practical I arod ud atrtctly enloluad, pare Syatem ter prints thmUleete town udeonntry. I pereone-bomaoever, Having or. Th. Amerlcu Homs Cook Book, ooMainlng seve-1 uy right, Utte or inureat te the _ rtl hundred excellent Becelpts. | ment, ber bods, taokle, .ppn.1 ui Puny Pern’. PemUy Cook Book, or Honsekeep 1 aU tewtel w.yi end moua, -beret iDxmaaeeeey. I mov be mode pnbllo, to be ud ape Xooper'e Works—The Prairie j The Spy; Tbe I ud place aroreMte. betsre te. J gkggteuiRdu'. gaBsaL * te. Young Pltet of tbe Bell. CrwteTniiPluur’s|ooaMipttewMr. and wbalM-ver y M UeU do )Vuuxh ou b. found It KENNEDY k BEACH’S, 8tor. Ud Hmo. Parnliblng EiUbUebmrat, oct 16 corner Mud Hofixson’B Block. lUdRmgbtenfte. OMkWttk,ltM. w