Savannah Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, November 03, 1856, Image 1

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VOL. XXXVII I OLD SERIES I SAVANNAH, OA., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1856. A ilinputot) to Maun. PaOalftird, Fey ft Co., sUtm tout too dtoometolp Kooirlllo attired at No* York, In flftyalght hoare-all well. UlMlIon Do/, Wo would toy to our Meade dole tarty—but above ell thing. »olt. Let ao one, oontantlng with the aworanoe that Ur. Buchanan Ut->b«elected, atop at home. Suftafelta high privilege which noftreoun whoreqwete hlnwoir oliould toll to uerolM. You hare can didate. for whom to hare voted wilt be a proud reeolleotionaa long upon lire. Vote tor them. Wo have uo doubt of their eleotloa i we hare •ecu latety no one who doable It. Butbethleu It may, your doty la to rote tor them. Haring doue tola, you will hare dlacharged your duty, andAueingdlachargedlt.oan gotoyoarpillow aatiilad that "If Home enut toll, I am blame, lea..’’ «T .Vo bare heard vary frequently of “going down to too grave in a blue of light." The meauiug of this aentenCe haa often tlmee boon clouded r ith obaoerlty. It haa been left to the American Party of Savannah to apply It In a novo) manner. We aee that they are about to hare u torch light proceaalon to-night, after the apeocbca of Menu. Law and Bartow. It muat therefore be conatraed to mean aa applied to partlea.golng down to the grave In a blare of Torchea, made from Llghtweed, Turpentine, and other cembuatiblemateiiala. It la a novel expedient. Parties anally wait for vlctorlea, before they let off the Rocket, of rejoicing. The only merit which can be olaimed tor the proceeding, la that which the “Chicken” In Dombey and Son always Intimated to Hr. Toots to wit: hla deliberate intention “to die game.’* Tus Cirv Collar or Savannah.—The Court met this morning the Hen. John. M. HiUer pro dding. Solicitor General Hartrldge presented to the Court the preamble and resolution passed at a Heeling of the Bar of Savannah,on theocca- slon of the death of George Troop Howard, formerly the Judge of the Court. Hr. Hart rldge after reading the testimonial of respect paid to un esteemed and lamented brother, moved that It be entered on the minutes, and the Court should adjourn In respeet for hla memory. The Court accordingly adjourned tor the day. Cnivbbsitt or VnatNia,—A letter to the Richmond Dispatch states that report of the extensive prevalence of Yellow Fever at the University of Va. la unfounded. He says tho present number oi ; matriculates Is 680, whloh will probably be increased to 630 by February. We observe that Philip St. George Cooke has given 820,000 towards the establishment of an Agricultural Professorship at that institution. Rur. Du. Nathan S. S. Behan.—This no torious character has written a letter in support of the Black Republican candidate for the Presidency. He was formerly tomocs In this State, where having come into the possession on ' nr slaves by marriage, be told them, pocketed the money and then went to his native North on an abolition crusade. Fearful Scene Attending Mr. Speech at Lowell. The tpeoch of Hon. Rulhs Choate, In Hun tington Hall, Lowell, on Tuosday evening, was attended by an Incident of fearful aapeut at the time, but which happily passed olf without tho threatened calamitous results, A correspon dent of the Boston Courier thus describes It: The meeting was convened In Huntington Hall, over the railway station. Imdlcs were admitted to tho galleries, and these thronged, the doom were opened to the multitude. Thu Hall la one hundred and twenty by eighty feet. At 7 o’clock It was Kited to repletion. Men stood packed togethor In the closest possible manner, and it was estimated that there wore over Are thousand persons within the walls. The meeting came to order, was organised; the President, Hr. Whipple, WW introduced, and was graoefolly Haying that ho would nut detain ui—that bin audionco wan hero to hear another—and while thus agreeably engaged, a sound, sh If from a cannon at a distance, tilled all earn, and we felt tho floor yielding. There was a general panto and a movemeut toward the platform, and a great deal of excitement. Mr. Choate waa Hitting on the rostrum, calm, contemplative and apparently indifferent, not that he waa unconscious of the shuck. Hein* qutred of a gentleman, seated neur him, in his characteristic way, "Are wo sinking to the earth ?” and being informed that the hall was used for dancing purposes, and that it was the spring floor only that had given way, he ob served, "Very well, let us go on 11100.” But the crowd was alarmed, undit was necessary to say that "There was no danger,” and to an nounce that "Mr. Joseph H. Rand, a member of the city government, and an experienced architect, would go below and examine the building.” Mr. Choate had spoken fully thirty minutes when another dismal sound was heard, moro sinking of the floor experienced—there was a panic again and a rush. Mr. Ghoatc paused ; Mr. Butler shouted that "There was no dan ger,”—others gave similar assurances; but the men were restive. Tho ladies alono were com posed. Notwithstanding the threatening aspect of affairs—the fleor settled at least six inches in the centre of the hall—not more than a thous and men witbrew. There was some commo tion, in the ladies’ gallery,and a movement, but confidence was restored, and for ten minutes general quit was observed on the part of all. Mr. Butler returned and said:—"Gentlemen —Although I have hill confidence lu the strength of this floor, although I am persuaded there is no danger, yet sucu is the state of feeling here, I think we had better adjourn. But let there be no stampede—retire in or der.” In less than five minutes the hall was empty tnd all escaped accident aud harm. And now let me say there was danger—imminent and awlbl. Mr. Bntler, though ho disguised his fears, entered the boll, never expecting to leave it alive, and to his firmness and intrepid! • ty credit should be given for the preservation of that great concourse of men and women. He discovered, with Mr. Rand, that the floor had yielded perceptibly, that the noise; which bo alarmed all was the snapping of tho iron fastenings and supports; that if the audience was not soon removed, the floor and the roof and perhaps the side walls, would soon come down. He discovered that certain timbers upon which the floor rested had given way, and that the ceiling of the depot beneath was opening and threatening. Bet th« audience retired in order and with out accident Tho gentlemen on the platform ware of the last to leave. Hr. Ohoafe, while leasing to the door, for the ilrat time seemed O indicate by expression a realization of the danger which environed us. The floor actually sunk under him two or three inches, and he was heard to remark—“This is going;” but he retained his self-possession and walked The RtpMitm of this morning to mnoh troubled atthe proscription of certain govern ment employees In Penssooto, and publishes n manifesto of certain oltlsens of that place in relation to the matter. Did any one ever see or hear of that “nun arts,” n Democrat rewarded by the American Party? Did any one ever doubt the lyrfmoUzdf proscription of tho tot. ter Party ? of coarse, however, they expect us to reverse the rale. Tlie Tendency of Opinion, Wo have been always attempting to tone upon the pnblle mind thellreetlen whloh the opposition to the Demoomtlo, naturally drove the American .party to. We have seen them flrst hesitatingly, thin more boldly, and at last deflantly, array themselves In t position of hostility to the principles of the Nebraska bill, and the supporters of that mcMors. They have been afraid to agy anything against the repeal of the Ulssouri Compromise. That weald not answer in this section of the Union; but they have trumped up an opposition to the measure on tt.e specious ground of Squatter Sovereignty and Allen Boffinge. Two distin guished Soutfum members of the party havo been mere honest In their denunciations. They have netconfloed themselves to such untenable positions, but have been open tnd avowed abusers of the Missouri restriction. These are no less men than John Hiner Batts, of Vir ginia, and Kenneth Baynor, of North Carolina They have opposed It, because, ns they said, it reopened tha slavery agitation. We have heard in this oity speakers of the American patty denounce the whole Kansas BUI And then charge upon the Democratic Party the sin of creating aU tho troubles which that agitation has brought about. This waa coming as near as deemed p rudont to do In Georgia. Bat If the charge be true against the Democratic par ty, how have they done it? Of course by the repeal of the Missouri Compromise. IgHessrs. Botto tnd Baynor have recently cap- ed the climax. In letters written by them to Pennsylvania, they distinctly advise the fusion of the Fillmore men and the Black BepubUcans la the election which comes off to-morrow. This to another link In the chain which brings them within one of Its end, and that to the ad vocacy of the abolition of stovery itself. Hen who are as good Southerners as any one can be ; Slaveowners themselves In our com- munlty, will resdUy say, those are not our opinions, and wt abhor tnd detest the men who advocate them. In this they wiU be perfect ly elncere. But party spirit to a powerful sedu cer of men. Who would have dreamed tost year, or at the commencement of this oontest, when tho American party passed their commendation upon the Kansas BIB, and declared npy man who opposed it an enemy U the South, to have heard a voice raised in Georgia against It? At this day the condemnation of the Kansas Bill Is the moet acceptable toplo which the public speakers of the party can ladolge to. Gentlemen of the American party, Whither doyOn drive? Hessrs. Botto .and Baynor be lieve that anything which can defeat the Dome cratle party, Jastlflable, can yon think ao? Can yon be dragged by such traitors to your country and Southern traitors, into such an nbhorent position. Buchanan in Niw'4ou.—Ooeoi the most •Ignideant outgivings aa to Hr. Buchanan’s strength in Naw York city, wa find In a remark of the Mirror, a Black Bepubllcau paper. In to speaking of the Mayoralty It says: “It will reqniro strong combination to defeat tbs Tam- tuny Hall candidate, who stUs in tha wakaof the Buchanan current, which will suck evcty thing with It lu thhdty on Tuesday next. Hon. P. 0. Haainr at Howl—Herbett, the M.C., who killed the hotel water, Keatyng, at Washington, had arrived home—at Mariposa u we learn by tha lastadrlcea bam California. His friends received hlnrwlth a salva of arttt. lery, and adUptoy of fire-works. Herbert made a speech on the occasion, sxpremtng hto grati- Financial anti Commercial# News by the Aula. Tho following dispatches wo take from tho Baltimore papers: Tho steamer Kangaroo arrived out on tho lUtlle Markets.—Tho Brokers’ Livet pool Circular quotes— Cottou is actlvo aud firm. Middling qualities havo improved most; prices ure atiflbr hut tho quotations ure unchanged. Bales or 73,000 hales, including 8,000 bales for export uml speculation. Bales on Friday 10,000 bules. Tho market closed firm. Fair Orleans 7Js mid dling 0 0-10; Fair Mobiles (JJ. lireudstuffs—Wheat is generally slightly cheaper. Corn is generally uctivo, mid prices (id to Is liighur. The weather has boon unfa vorable for tlie crons. Red wheat Ds3da0s4s; white;l0s3dul0fc(id. Western Canal Hour 30a33d; Baltimore and Philadelphia 33su34s; Ohio 30s u37b0d. Yellow and Mixed corn SSsfldaSHst white do 3asa35s(ld. Provisions—Beef and Pork aro dull; Bacon is steady; Laid is very dull, sales at 76s.; Tal low, Y. O., hasudvauced Gd. Produce—Rosin, common, -is. 6d.a4B.8d.; fluo >; Turpentine, market quiet, 34s.—Sugar is generally active at un advuucc of Od.uls.; Rice. Caroliuu, is steady. Tlie Manchester market is firmer. Thu geuurul news unimportuut politically Finunciul nflUirs are still lu a stato of suspense Thu Ncupolitiun question is unchanged, hut a peaceful issue is still anticipated. London Markets.—Baring, Brothers & Co,, quote, Iron is steady* Welsh bars, free on hoard £1, lfis.; rails £7,10.sa7,12, Gd.; Scotch pig, oc tho Clyde, 07s, (id. Breadstuff* are steady. Flour generally 33su B7h.1I Red wheal 08sa72« per quarter; white 70s«7fls. sugar Is generally .active at un advance of IsalsUd. Coffee is generally quiet. Censols lor account closed ut 02}. LATEST. The steamer Washington urrived at South ampton on the 18th. The country rcmniuH in a state of suspense «u» to money matters, hut the only ugitatiou is in tho Block Exchange. Commercial wuuts can lie supplied, although ut extreme rules. Havre Markets, Oct. 14.—New Orleans cot tou, ires ordinaire 104f. Bales of the week 0,500 bules. Breadstuff*—All qualities have slightly declined. . Provisions are dull.— Wlinleboue—Potur business small, but prices firm. The detailed accounts of tlie change in the BpunisU Ministry have not yet come to hand, further than Uic oillciul announcement that there is 110 political crisis, aud thut the Queen made the ciiuuge from O’Donnell to Nurvez sole ly on personal grounds. Narvcz’s first uct as Premier was to cowhide Benor Guel, the hus band of tlie Infanta proper,(or words spokeu in the Cortez. Gael challenged Nurvucz, aud lie accepted, hut the Queen stopped the duel. lu regard to the Neapolitan difficulty, it wus tho general impression thut the Anglo French ultimatum would he presented to King Ferdi nand on the 18th, uud failing in receiving un iiumcdiuto fuvorubio answer, tlie ambassadors would ho withdrawn, hut it was not supposed thut the fleets would immediately uppeur. The English squadron sailed from Avuccio, destined, ns was supposed, for Malta. The French licet was still ut Toulon. Tho Vienna papers still anticipate a peace ful issue ot the pending difficulties. It is stat ed that iu consequence of the growing import ance of tho Eurupoun complication, tho Con gress of Paris will consist of first and not second plenipotentiaries; and that the Con gress will meet soon. The affairs of the Dauu- dan priucipaliticsjeugago attention. Tho French lapcrs ure untiring agaiust Austrian occupa- ion. Count has issued a circular in re ply to the recent Russian one. Denmark is without a ministry still the at tempts to form u coalition Cabinet having failed. THE VERY LATEST. Saturday morniug, Oct. 18—There are ru mors that botli tho French aud English fleets have received orders to approach Naples, aud that suspicions aro a .vaxeiiiug at Veeiina that The money market presents no specially new feature. The demand for it slightly increasing, and business paper Bomewhat accumulating. The supply of capital, however, la adequate to all commercial demand, and our banks conti nue to discount liberally. First class notes are taken on the street at 8}a9 to 0} per cent: se cond do. Ual2 per cent.; money on cull 7 per cent. Late European advices per Asia, arrived nt N. York this morning,represent financial affairs abroad^s unsettled,but without special change. Consols are quoted ut 91$. There was still mnoh speculation regarding the Bank of France, with less apprehension of her suspen sion, having obtained relief from the Roths childs. Stocks generally aro fair. Our local secirl- ties, including Baltimore and Ohio and North ern Central Railroad shares, maintain full con fidence. Bank stocks also in request. (From the Tampa Peninsular.) Gen. Carter is making arrangements for Bcoat by about half the State troops. It is to be hoped that the Indians may be run from their hiding places, and once more compelled to operate actively The longer they ore allow ed to remain quiet, the better will they bo pro e ared to meet the issue when presented. Our ope to exterminate them Is in "pushing measures” in such quick succession os to as sure them of oar ability to chastise them wherever and whenever they may be found ^ud of oar intention to hot-press them until terms of removal are agreed to, or the last "red skin” exterminated. The New York Journal of Commerco of Thursday afternoon, says: The stringency in the money market contl* nues, but it most now have the effect to draw » -vrt the ..verity of the procure. TISTIInlirer The banks are continuing their contraction, and the decrease in the average of loans this week will probably be nearly two millions. At any rate the total reduction by tho closo of tho week will be more than this amount Some fears have been expressed that the continued contraction might press too severely upon those institutions, whose specie rate has been ridicu lous small, but as long as theso banks have un doubted securities, they will be taken care of, although they may be too much expanded. The stock market is heavy and generally lower. Foreign Exchangers heavy, with more sel lers than buyers. The Baltimore Patriot of Friday ovening sort, bnttho anchor chains got foul and they could uot raise them or cut the chains before tho Beams opened and the water came In so rap- ml^nbcweand below that the propeller settled Scarcely a veftlge was left of the vessel in tho morning, and mob of the goods as came ashore were dashed to pieces by the waves. The Toledo was one of the largest doss of propellers, and,*swith her cargo, waa probably worth $05,000 to $70,000. Tho vessel was nut insured. The waves have swallowed upun immense stock of goods of every kind, scarcely anything ofwhlch will bo saved. Tho schooner Pratt, from Buffalo, loadod with coal, stoves and Iron, for thls^port, is also ashore near Port .Washington. The proppllers Illinois and Potomac, of the American Transportation Comgauy, were out in the gale, and n&vo not been heard from. The propeller Nile was also exposed to the full ftiry of the storm on this lake, but weathered Ft handsomely, and came into this port, all right, Saturday. . Great Advance in Salt In Cadiz.—A letter received in Boston from Cadii, dated October 1, states that owing to the salt crop having been cut off by heavy rains, the Span ish government have advanced the price from $5 to $13 per last (of 72 bushels.) Appointments in Revenue Cutter Ser vice.—James M. Selden,Vhlrd Lieutenant, or dered to Revenue Cutter Jefferson Davis, at Port Townsend, Washington Territory. John E. Vinson. Third Lieutenant, ordered to Revenue Cutter Wm. L. Marcy, at San Francisco, Cali fornia. Lktteu from Hon. Joiin M. Barrs.—Tho Philadelphia Bulletin, of Thursday afternoon publishes a letter from Hon. John M. Botts, of Virginia, in which he says: ThiH much I have no hesitation in saying— that it has been, and is, entirely incomprehen sible to me, how any reflecting and intelligent man, who earnestly desires tho election of Mr. Fillmore can hesitate fora moment in voting the Union ticket, by wbioh means he makes sure of votes enough to defeat Mr. Buchanan and send Mr. Fillmore to the House, where, from flrst to lost, his only chance for on election has rested. Every vote given for the straight outj Fillmore ticket in Pennsylvania, is a voto thrown away; it does him no more good than if each separate vote were given for some other and separate man; whereas, if given for the Union ticket, it must secure for him an elec toral vote in proportion to the popular vote given for him. Fuoitinb Slaves.—The underground railroad appears to be quite a flourishing institution. A report of the Albany vigilance committee, (colored) states that between the 12th of Sept. 1855, and the 15th of July, a period of 10 monthB, 287 fugitive slaves passed through the city of Albany, en route for Cana da. Canadian Grand Trunk Railway.—To ronto, Oct 29.—The Grand Trunk Railway was opened on Tuesday for traffic along its en tire length,from Quebec to Stratford. The trains passed from Toronto to Montreal in only-four- teen hours. NOTICE. THE general Introductory Address or tbo regular Session of Lectures in Ogtethorpo Medical College, wilt bo dolivorcd This (Monday) Evening, nt 7J£ o’clock, by Dr. J. W. Benson, l’rofoa sor or Surgory. The address being of a gonoral ebar actor, ladies uud ciUzons generally are respectUilly invited to a 1 , tend. nov2-2t H. L. BYRD, Doan. Returned to ms Post.—Hon. B. C. Dobbin, Secretary of the Navy, came up from Norfolk yesterday in the 1 seamer Louisiana, Capt. Rus sell, and took the cars for Washington. Mr. Dobbin speaks of his improved health since hto departure from the seat of government, and will doubtless be able to resume efficient ser vice in his department.—Balt. Patriot of Fri day. Hon. Jno. M. Clayton.—Tho National In telligencer learns that the health of the Hon. John M. Clayton, of Delaware, has improved, and that thore is no reasonable doubt that he will be able, during the coming session of tho Senate to resume fils duties in that body. Fatal Affray.—Wra. Nutter, of Ritohie county, Va., was killed a few days since by Henry Reece. Tho parties engaged in a fight, whicn was ended by a blow from a stone, thrown by Beeoe, striking Natter on the head. Reece was arrested. This is the third brother in Natter’s family who has died a violent death. Exfkbtkd Troubles In tuk Mediterra nean.—The United States frigate Congress are rived at Naples on the 18th nit., after a year’s cralsing in different part ot the Mediterranean. A letter written by an offieer on .board, alter giving a graphic view of the threatening state of affitinin that capital, says that "things have assumed ao Merlons an aspect that our Minister resident, Mr. Owens, has made a formal request of our Commodore that some of tho ships of oar squadron may remain until the difficulties are over.—Itafftmorc Patriot, Empress op France Hunting.—The Paris Sport says t—The Emperor and Empress went on a shooting exetuion to the park of St. Cloud lately. Her Majesty wore an elegant costume of green cloth composed of a skirt and jacket, ornamented with gold buttons, and a round hat with aplume of feathers. Two Bub officers of the Chasseurs or the Qoard attended on tho SmpreM, to cany her fowling pieces. Her Mqjesty killed nine pheasants out or 53 shots daring the excursion. Boston, Oct. 29.—Webber’s extenslvo rope walk In North amptioo street was destroyed by Are about midnight. The loss is estimated at $11,000. Aflulrslu Java. A correspondent of tho New York Times, writing from Batavia, under date of August 9th,says: Tho United States sloop-of-war Portsmouth, Commander Audiew II. Foote, arrived here ou tho 7th lust.,utter a passage from Norfolk, Va., 01 ninety days, to the Straits of Sunda, aud utucty-livo to Batavia. The officers and crow arc in good health. Tho Portsmouth has ad mirably sustained her reputation as one of tlie swiftest ships of our navy,outsailing some of the first class Now York clippers. For twen ty-four days utter leaving tho longitude of tlie Cape of Good Hope, she averaged two huudred aud twenty miles u day. Her presence in this port, which is so seldom visited by our meu-of- war, notwithstanding its commercial import ance, ouunot fail to have a good effect. Her officers have been received by the Dutch au thorities with marked cordiality. No small excitcmeut prevails iu Batavia, iu consequence of the warlike uews, respecting our relations withEuglaud, which wus received by tlie last mail. The ship James Drake,which arrived a week or two since from New York, has becu unable to procure her cargo until the arrival of the next mail, uud it is feared she will be compelled to return homo iu ballast.— Tho utmost cordiality is eviuced, however, to wards our Government by ull the Dutch resi dents of Batavia. inconsequence of tho disturbances which have recently broken out among the Malays in Sumatra, two tbousaud Dutch troops are to embark to-morrow for Lampoon. No pro longed difficulties are anticipated. A mag nificent ball, to which the officers of the Ports mouth were iuvited, was given to the officers of tho Lampoon expedition. The Governor- General and the Dutch Admiral were present together with Captain Foote and several of his officers and tlie United States Consul, Alfred A. Reed. Esq. Tlie Portsmouth is to sail on Wednesday next, after lilliug up with wood and water, for Houg Kong, to relieve tbo Macedonian lu forming a part of tho regular East India squadron,under Commodore James Armstrong. Tho squadron will then consist of the' steam frigate Ban Jacinto, (Hag ship) aud tho sloops of-war Levuut, Comumudor Smith, aud Ports mouth, Commaudo r Foote. THIS WRECK OF THE PROPELLER TOLEDO. No Family Should be Without Them. Wo speak of M’Lauo’s Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming Bros., Pittsburgh, Pa., which bavo be come au InUlspensablo Family Medicine. Tbo frlghtiul symptoms wbioh arise from a diseased Liver manifest thumsolves. moro or less, in every family; dyspepsia, sick hoadacbo, obstruction of tbo menses, ague ami rever, pains in tho side, with dry backing cough, are all the results of hepatic do- raugemoot—and for these Dr. M’Lauo’s Pills are a sovereign remedy. They havo never been known to full, and thoy should bo kept at all timeB by lam* files. DiRKcnoxs—'Take two or tbreo goiug to bod, overy second or third night. If they do not purge two or throe times by next morning, tako one or two more. A slight breakfast should invariably lollow tbeir use. The Liver 1’ilLs may also be used wbero purging Is simply necessary. As an null bllllous purga tive, they are Inferior to none. And in doses or two or tbreo, thoy glvo astonishing relief to sick headache; also iu slight derangements of the stom ach. W Purchasers will bo careful to ask for Dr. M’Lune’s Colebratod Vermifuge, manufactured by Flemiug Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa. There aro other Pills purporting to be Liver Pills, now before tho public. Dr. M’Lauo’s geuulno Liver Pills, also his oolebiatcd Vormlftigo, can now be had atallro spectablodrugstores. Nonegcnulno without tbo signature or FLEMING BROS. [12] nov3 Ittt. Port of Snvnimali ..November 3 Ship Rotunda, llondletto, guudertaud, (Kng) to Brigham, Kolly A Co. Bohr Marcia Farrow, Blaresdell, Rockluud, Mo., to Brlghnm, Kolly ft Co. Schr W A Ellis, Nichols, Elizabeth Point. N. J., to gdou, Starr ft Co. Coal, to Padollbrd, Fay A Co. Schr Ida, Carsons, Philadelphia, -to O A Greiner. Schr Ellas Reed, GreveiiHtoln, Ogee boo, with 3060 iius rough rice, to Haborsham k Sen. Schr \V D Jenkins, Koisyth, Ogcchce, with 3600 bus rough rico, to Habersham A Son. Schr > ompany, Odd, Buck Riyer, with 3000 bus rough rice, to Habersham A Son. Steamer Gon Clinch, Richardson, Palatka, Ac., lo laghorn A Cunningham. Clenrcil. 1 lohr Julia A Rich, ScarB, New Orleaus—Luckelt A Snellinga. Steamer Wm Hcabrook, Peck, Charleston, Ac.—J P Brooks. Departed. Steamor Wm Seabrook, Peck, Cbaries'.on, Ac. Consignees. Per ecbr Ida, from Philadelphia—Yongu A Friert son, WiUberger A Uo,'C A L Lamar, Clark A Cooley; W G Dickson, C A Greiner, J Slcbol, Turner A Op, Wuyuo s Sun, S M Lufflteau, L A M Liiloutbal, Juo Ryan, Brigham, Kelly A Co, J Ildlly, MuKeo A Bin- nett, JM Selkirk, HHLInville, Parsons A Co, H Rotuscbild, J G Watts, W W Lincoln, Hone A Con nory, Daua AWasliburn. For steamer Gon (flinch, from Palatka, Ac—100 bales cotton and moss, VI bblg turpoutlne, 27 bbls oranges, 40hides, 27 pig* furniture, and sundries, to Clagaorn A Cunningham Hardee A Co, G W An. dorson, Boston A Vi lalonga, J IJppman, J W Phil lips, CL Graves, WLGuo, WAR Molutirc, JA Brown, Tlsou A Gordon, Chofl'cr A Co, Cohens A Hertz, FM My roll, Kennedy ft Beach, M H Wil liams, A Haywood, Wobster A Palmes, S B Swurt. Hunter A Gammol, Aiken A Burns. Passengers. Per steamer Gen Clinch, from Palatka—Mrs Dll- boa, Mrs Boinko, Miss Dubignon, L Crabtree, G El lls, NB Brown, M Reynolds, A II Nathans, WW Cheevor, W J Cole, Capt J Banke, J Brown, M M Bird., M Aidous, M.Rodgors, N Reed, Y L Robin son, aud 3 dock. y NEW ADVERTISEMENTS FOR NEW YORK. Will tail Wednesday, Uh Nor., at 1 o’clock, 1\ M. Tbo steamship FLORIDA, Capt. WOOnnUMtyWill loaveas uhovo.For 'freight or passage apply to PADELEOlil), FAYA CO. 3“ Uurths not secured until paid lor. Cabin Possago $26 Steerage Passage 8 ,y Shippers of Cottou by theso steamships will ploaso tako notice, thatno Cotton will bo received at ho presses that Is not distinctly marked on the odgo of tho halo. uov3 FOR FREUUiT OR QUARTER—Tbo Swo- dish brig bYDPOIEN. Capt. Bodcrherg. Apply on board at Habersham’s wharf, or lo Uuv3 PADELEOlil), FAY A CO. NOTICE. .i ; r E undorslgucd, Commissioners of tho Ogccliee Road, willrccolvo proposals for building a Bridge across tbo Canal, kuown as tho Dean Forest Bridge. Materials to be or the best quality. Iho plan and drawing cau bo soon at tbo dike of John 8. Bowou, Civil Purveyor, on Drayton Htrnut. Proposals will bo received until 12 o’clock, M., of November 22nd. It. WAYNE, ) to E. C. ANDERSON, ~ NE. j 3 nov3 E. BOURQUINE. LAW NOTICE. T HE undersigned havo this day formed a co-part* nership iutbe practice of Law. Rooms, 176 Bay st. EDWARD J. HARDEN, no3-lt* JOHE M. GUERARD At St. John’s Church, in this city, on Wednesday afluruobu, 20th ult., by Rev. Geo, M. Clark, FRED ERIC VAN WAGENEN, or Newark, N.J., toMlss SARAH A.\N, eldest duugbter of John G. Fallhjaut, of this city. THIRTY OR FORTY LIVES LOST, LOSS OF TUB SCHOONERS U0UEM1AN AND PltATT. From the Milwaukee SonUuel, Get. 27. Tho propeller Toledo, Capt. Deusbnm, of the American Transportation Company’s Line, bouud to tills port, with a large cargo of mer- chandiso for this city aud for merchants in the country, in tho gale of Friday Ifat was lost in front or'Port Washington, and tho captain and all ou board drowned but three. We got the following particulars from Mr. Pomeroy of Detroit, who was at Port Washington at the tiino. On Friday, at about noon, the propeller was within about 109 rodsofonoof tho piers, and was dragging her anchors and goiug north ward. At about 4 p. m. an attempt seemed to be made to get up the auchors, aud to get into a safer berth further north. Tho anchorsVerc down again soou after she got beyoud tho north pier. The propcllor had her flag at half mast, out tho waves were rolling at such a fearful height that no boat coaid live a moment in them, anil uo help could be rendered. The wiud rose to its height at dark. Fires were built all along tho shore, and by their light tho hull of the propeller could bo seen rolling, and laboring Ucuviiy some 109 rods out. At about 7J p. m. boxes uud barrels of goods begau to come ashore and in about half au hour the yawl boat was dashed on tho beach, and wus found to contain a man clinging to ono of the seat' .• As soon us Ue was able to speak ho said that he was ono of the deuk-hands, and bud got into the boat with about 20 others, but the boat was upset almost immediately,aud ho alono manag ed to cling to it os it was hurled over and over and over toward tbo shore. In a short time auother mail got ashore, and a third was lilted up by a wuvo aud thrown upon tho pier alivo. three are believed to bo tho only persons saved. They say that thore were 40 or 50 per sons iu all ou board. Thoy were deck bands mid did not know tho names of passengers, and but few of tho crew. Thoy remomber one family of passengers, a nura with bis wire and six children. ., Thoy state that the Captain’s object was to get up his onohors and beach her u a last re- Clsrk’s Ofkicb, City Court of-.Savannau, » November 3,1856. j T HE Cily Court of Savanuah stands adjourned until Weduosday next, at 10 o’clouk, A. M. nov3-lt PHILIP M. RUSSELL, Clerk. ,* Morning Nows copy. WANTED. A SITUATION as Cook in a flret class hotel, by a young woman from New York, who has had several years experience in the capacity or a cook. Applications received at ihis office for threo days only. uov3-3l* RATH HOUSE. a ENTLEMKN wishing to BUbscrtbo by the month at Ono Dollar, to Bntbe when they chooso will please call in and give their uaracs until Saturday 8th of Nov. Should there not bo a suffi cient number of subscribers obtained by tho above date the Bath House will be closed till April next. J. M. HAYWOOD, oct8l-lilln8 Agent. ffiarriei). Cnnimmiul SiMpt. OrHOOHRIHS, cMO. R ECEIVED por steamer Alabama, and In store: 30 kegs extra Uosben Butter, 60 boxos State Choose, 20 do English Dairy Checso, 16 boxes Pino Apple Chooso, 30 barrels choice Apples, 50 bax-reU extra Bating Potatoes, Si BARBELS BED ONIONS, 29 BARRLLS YELLOW ONIONS, 2 barrels Tomatoes, 3 BARRELS PhiARS. BOXES NEW LEMONS, 15 DO NEW RAISINS, 10 ball boxos now Raislus, 10 quarter do do do, also: 2 barrels extra Pig Hams, 2 barrels extra Pig Sides. 2 barrels extra Pig Shoulders, Dried Beer, mokeil & Pickled Tongues, Tongues, Cornod Buer, Pork, fcc. For sale by R. H. WATSON k CO., oct2B No. 28 Whitaker street. afcft Savannah Market, November 3, COTTON—647 bales changed hands this forenoon, viz: 86at 11, 32at UK, 60 at 11%, 145x11116- 10, and 230 at 12c. Bxporta. NEW ORLEANS—Schr Julia A Rich—281 casks rice, 1 carriage. Import*. SUNDERLAND, (Exo.)—Ship Rotunda—708 tons coal. HAVANA—Brig Confidence—105 hhds molasses, 3 tiercos honey, 60,600 sogars, and a lot offruit. Review of the charleston Market, KOR THE WKKK KXDLVO 8ATCRIAY RVXX1XO, MOV. 2. COTTON.—The recolpts lor the past week have boon 14,371 bale*, making a total supply since the 1st Septcinbor of 82,634 baios, against 84,166 bales for the sntno time last year. Tbo oxports for tho week Just ended havo been 10,773 bales, making the total exerts since the 1st September, 31.417 bales, leaving a shipping stock on hand of 30,480 halos, and on shipboard not cleared, 14,637 bales. Towards tho closo of last week tho demand for Cotton was good, oporators purchasing oxtenslvely at tho lower rates established on Thursday. Tim sales of Friday and Saturday amounted to 6500 bales at 11% cents for good middling, and 11 12 cents for middling felr and ikir—the market closing Urm at thoso quotations. Dusing the whole of too week now undor review, the markot was animated, and a brisk demand existed throughout On Wednesday and Thurs day, howovor, tbo sales weio considerably lessen ed, owing to a stiffening of prices by lack rs. to which purchasers were unwilling to concedo, while the Inquiry couUnnod good, this cause also affected the operations or yesterday, and to somo oxtent thoso of to-day, yet tbo market closed stiff and firm this evening, at the following quotations, which Tor the better grades, it will be seen, show a slight improvement on those of a week ago—low middling tostrbt middling, 11K®U# chnts; good middling, lltfOUM cents ; middling fair, lift cents, aud fair, 12 cental Ik. Tho sales on Mon day wore 2320 bales, onTvosday 8100balos, Wed nesday 1400 bates, Thursdav 1460 bales, yesterday 1278 bales, and to-day 2420 bales, making the total sales of tlie wehk a little over 12,000 bales, U ths following particulars: 20 bales at 10k ceuts, 41 ul 10k: 47 atIaX; 300 at 11; *J06 at UK : 600 ot 11M> 1120at 11H: 1139 at ll>4;1880at ’ll#; 2706 at 11#; 080 at 1113-16; 2006 at 11#: and 142 bales al ljccnta ^ ft. ...There Is no movemont in tho Long 8taplo mar kot yet. RICE.—Tbo general features of the Rico market contluuo unchanged since the dots of our last re port. Tbo demend continues adequate to .the sup ply, and the receipts find ready purchasers. The receipts this week amount to 2,7du tierces, and have been sold at prices ranging from $4 to $4# per loo lbs, tbo bulk of the sales being at f 4#®$*#* There was mnch competition Tor strictly prime Rice when offered, and for this quality very fall E rices are paid. Tho oxports of the week have oen 2,683 floroes, making the total exports since tlie 1st erSoptomber 11,083 tifrcee. On shipboard not oleared. 1,483 tierces. ROUGH RICE.—We are yet without any sales ot Rexgh Rice. The rcceigta since our last report amount to 83.0G0 bushels, and have been forward ed to tha milts. IMPORTANT ARRIVAL. MADAME 8WETT, tho celebrated Clairvoyant, has arrived Id this city, and takou Rooms at No. 143 Broughton street, ono door Eust or Jos. Pulllvan k Co.’s Tin Store, where she can bo consulted respecting tlio PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE and DISEASES. oct27-lm WANTKirTfiriirRfiY ^ — A Colored Boy botwoenton and Ortcon years, to do light work. A pply nt this offleo. oc27-ti‘ WANTED. ** B Y the subscribers on the flrst November next, a colored Porter. Ono acquainted with the city, and who can come well recommended, will hour of a permanent situation by applying immedi ately to AIKEN k BURNS. oct 23 _ WilOniLE HEAD? IIAII I! oiiOTmsra. R ECEIVED by the undorBigncd a full Btipylu of . READYMADE CLOTHING, consistingol all articles nccossaryfora Uontloraan’s Wardrobe. also : A choico assortment of • French, English and Germnn Cloths, ' Casslnitres and Vestings, which ho is prepared to tnako to order iu tlie best stylo and at tlie shortest notice. Ilo al«n desires to call attention to bis stock or BOY’S AND YOUTH S CLOTHING, wbiuh will bo tbund of superior style and work manship W. It. 8YM0NS, QCI27 If 17 Whitaker st. B ACON—24 hhds, prime Bacon Bides; 8 hhds; Prime Bacon Shoulders, landing from steame r DystonoBtate," ahd tor sale br OCTAVC8 COHEN. seM 2ltf«c$r 0 UNNY BAGGING—60 bales extra heavy Gun* ny Bagging, on board bark Indiana, from Boa- ton, tor salo to arrivo. ~ •. 0ct27 . tr , BRIGHAM, KELLY ft OO. THBLAbriGVIDI~ mo PERFECT gonUHty, to manners, dress and 1 ' ... «l_h_ i_ J 5 • conversation, In tfle family, in company, at tiemous socle?’ th ° UW °* tb ® ,tro * t » ud fen- rtwJSH a .f 18om O n8lruclor ,n M*Ibf writing, tolls 1 ST B 0 C al ona ' t RU0 J r needlework, millinery, dree# making, caro of Wardrobe, the, hair, tcetb, bauds, line, complexion, etc. by Orally Thornwoll, author or ‘'Homo cares made cosy." For sale by , in , 10 ' WARNOCK ft DAVIS. oct18 . 160 Congress street. AND DRESS GOODS t--. Mrs FREELAND has opened and will bo receiving by steamers through tho sea son, thelatoAtttud most tosh- lohuabio styles of FRENCH BONNETS, Ribbons,Flowers aud Foalli ors. Also n rich selection or Dress Trimmings, consist- ng Ribbons, fringed, Volvfct,Ribbons and Bugle Ln cs. With a variety of Dross aud Cloak Patterns | which tho rffcidlos or Savannah ami vicinity are so licited to cull ana oxaminu at No. 174 Broughton .street, Upstairs. oct 21 ENTIRELY NEW , AND Splendid Stock OP Paris aud New York Milliner]’, M IS8ES M. A. k O. WEBB, open tlioir now Store at tlio Northwest corner Broughton and Bull streets ou Thursday,23d October. oct21 FLECTION NOTICE. A N ELECTION will bo hold at tbe Court House lu J\_ the City of Savannah, in and Tor tbo touuty of Chatham, on Tuesday tbo fourth day or Novem ber, (being tho flr*t Tuesday alter tho flrst Mondav m November,) ensuing, lor Ton Electors lor Presi dent and Vico President of tlio United Stales. Tho Polls will bo opened at 7 o’clock, A. M. and closo at six o’clock P. M. Tbo Shorlff or Chatham Couuty or his. lewful depu ty, togethor witli tho county coustablcs, are re quired to bo In attendance to ’presorvo aud main tain order. Tho Justices of tho Interior Court will preside. By order of their Honors WILLIAM H. CUYLKR, J . I. o. O.O. MONTGOMERY CUMM1NG, J. I. o. e. c. .1AMKS E.GODFREY, J. I. O. G. NOAH B. KNAPP, J. I. «. C. o. GEORGEP. HARRISON, J. I. O. o. W. II. Bulloch, Clork. oct 26^ BOARDING. S EVERAL gentlemen or small families can be accommodated wltb’good Rooms and Board, at •m Drayton street, opposite tho Ico House. doc 12—If MRS. U. S. KAYMLR. JUST RECEIVED PER STEAMER AUGUSTA, AT TUK Savannah Grocery —AND FRUIT DEPOT, 100 lbs. Victoria and Catawba Grapes. 40 bbls. Splondid Eating Al’PIJS. Large Preserving PEARS. QUINCES, Liko the Last. CheBnuts, Hickory Nuts, and Fresh Dates. Green GINGER. Tomatoes, Beets, Carrots, Ac. Rye Flour, Oat Meal, Pearl Barley. 10 kegs Extra Gosheu BUTTER. 6 do Choico do. And low priced qualities, togethor with a vuriod assortment or Fresh BISCUIT. oct 16 W. II. FARRELL. METAIilG SWIMi&Ea ©ASEHIP' T HIS Is n uowly inveuted BURIAL CASK, fash ioned to accord with tho feelings of tho be- reavod, uud yot retaining all tho requisites of uu appropriate receptacle for tho dead. There is no reu3onwhy such arcccptaclo should bo mado to create by its appearauce disagreeable seusutions. Itis enough thut we should be bereaved, and what ever tends to soften or rauko less keen tho poignan cy of our grief, comraonds itsoir to our considera tion. 8o much that is repulsive has been discarded lu the arrangetnout aud shapeoi'llie nbovo Case, that its name, the CASKET BURIAL CASF, is au involuntary suggestion, and 1 do not hesltato to aver thut there bus never been in into auy tiling so ontlroly chaste, appropriate snd convenient as tills Invcutiou Tlie Caso permits a view or tho entire body alter it is enclosed, the whole top being composed of bouutitol thick French Plato Gloss,sufficiently strong to resist any Internal or external pressure, is por- locUy air tight, composed of metal highly orna- mentod, and will last for ages. Samples of tlio Cusket may be seen at tho offleo of Messrs. CRANE, WELIM k CO., 82 Bay street, Sa vannah. uiMl P.8. Persons desirous of purchasing tho exclu- sivo right for tlio salo of tho Casket in the following States, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina and North Carollua, will ploaso apply by letter or In person to WH.UAS1 UT PHILLIPS U OU., ownors of Patout, caro of GRANT, WELLS U CO„ Savannah, Georgia. N B. Rights to ono or more counties will bo sold also. oct l-tl.«r PLUMBING. T)LUMBING, in all its vorious branches, at- JL tonded to at tho shortest notice, and in suporlor style. Also, may bo round Shower Baths, Galvaniz ed Iron, Tin and Leaded Bath Tubs; Copper Boilers, Patent Pan Water Closets, Lead Pipes, Sheet Lead, Brass and Plated Cocks. Force Pumjis, ludia Rubber Hose. For salo at the House Furnish Store, No. 166 Brougbton-street. marlO HORACE MORSE, 1856. 1856. RICH FALL DRY GOODS. GRAY BROTHERS W OULD beg to inform tlioir friends and tlio pub lic that their full supplies of rich and elegant have just arrived—purchased from tho most emi nent importers of the country, and selected with a care as regards cleganco and beauty, which cannot be appreciated until tolly examined. We can confidently say that our stock of Rich Dress Goods and Cloaks cannot bo surpassed for beauty and elegance, and that our Domestic is as cheap os tbe like quality or goods can i from here to Now York- Amojg our assortment will bo fouud the most elogant flounced Robes witli figures; Rich and elegant colored Silks, very cheap; Lyons' Velvet Cloaks, trimmed in tbo newest aud richest style. Cloth aud Moir Autiquo Cloaks; rich aud cheap. All-wool French Mouslin de Jjilnes, new and ole- Lupins' best all-wool French do Laines, high colors, tor miss cs. Lupins’ best Black Bombazine and Challeys. White Merino, Cliailcy, do iAlno and Bombuziue, very flno. Cloths and Casslmorcs, a toll assortment. PlantaUon Goods best quality, exceedingly cheap. Houskeeopingartloies in great variety, host quality at tho lowest possible prices. Tbe limits or an advertisement precludes the possibility or enumerating any but few leading ur- tides. We would respectfully request tho attention ot purchasers to an examination or our stock, reeling confident that style, quality aud price, will prove satisfactory. GRAY BROTHERS, CANDY MANUFACTORY • AND CON- FBCTIONARY. D AVID II. GALLOWAY, having retired from politics, would inform tho public that ho lias gouo to making Candlos, and selling Freuoh Con fectionaries, Dried Fruits, Nuts &c.. at tho old es tablished ttuud recently occupied by Messrs Now- combo, Rico k Fitzgerald, corner ot Broughton and Whitaker strcols, Savunimh, Ga., where ho will ho pleased to uccommodato and lill all orders with promptness uud dlspatcU, to Democrats, Ameri cans, and tlio " dear pcojilc” generally. Tills is the placo where tho genuino Cough Caady is made. Enough said. Terras cash. Nochorgo for pack lbg or shipping. xug 26—3m. RHOADS & BOMS. E XTRA prepared Mucilage tor office and genera I use, being- a substitute tor Wafers. Healing wax. Gumarabjo and all other inconvenient pre parationH now in use, is always of good consistenoy, does not turn sour snd is ready tor use at any momeut, For salo by WARNOCK ft DAVU. oct 18 169Congress street. ^UrmANDCHEEaE-Just receives per steam 10 kegs choice Goshen Butter.. 10 boxos English Dairy Obsess.' Fji sals by K. H. WATSON ft 00. Corner Whitaker street, and oct 0 Congress street Use. EEAL;FRENOH EHBB0IDEBIE8 HENRY LATHROP & CO. W OU1J) invite tho attention of the Ladies to their very large and rick stock of Opened THIS DAY, embracing the following styles Real Thread. Houitonaud Malteso SETTS " French, Muslin and Cambric- “ Mourning Betts, in Book, Cambric and Linen Cambric and Swiss. Edgings and insertion Embroidered, H. 8. Bordered Hdkfr Muslin and Cambric Bands Misses 8eits, in great variety lu touts’ Caps, trimmed. —ALSO— Children's Worsted Capes Opera Hoods, Tics, &c. Colored, Silk and Casbmoro Scarts. oct 6 FOE SALE. A LIKELY NEGRO WOMAN. UOOD COOK A N WASHER, AND PLAIN IRONER AND SEAMSTRESS. For particulars enquire at this offleo. oct 9 C ANDLES, fcOAP, STARCH, &o~ 6u boxes Adumautine Candles, star brand 60 do Beadoll’s 6 ft 8 Tallow Candles 50 do Colgato’s do do do 100 Uo Smith’s ft Buchan's Family Solp 160 do Colgato’s no. 1 and lb bar Soap 60 do do I’alo do 50 do Oswogo Pearl Starch 60 do Beadoll’s Uo do 50 do Soda Biscuits 25 bbls Sugar do, band made 26 boxes ground Pepper, A4 lb paper* 60 mata Cinnamon, In store and for sule by oo21 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. very cumpleto and extensive assortment of tho abovol’laututlou Goods. Schley's Goods, or all de- scrlpiions, being uraong the tot which are now opoued and for sale by oct 1 LADSON ft ROGERS. S TUART’S REFINED ft CLARIFIED SUGAR— 26 bbls Stuart’s crashed Sugar 20 Uo do powdered do 60 do do A clarified do 60 do do U do do 60 do do U do do In Btoro and for salo by oc21 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO* J^UTTER ft CHEESE- 26 keg choico Goshen Butter 60 boxes Uo Uo Lundlng por steamer aud lor salo by KUil ECUANTON, JOHNSTON ft VTEW BUCKWHEAT just received per late am- JLi vols, and for salo by j, d. JESSE. KIORTY Bbls. Apples, Parsnips. Carrot*, Beils, X’ and somo fluo Tomatoes, for sale by 0fll 21 J. D. JESSE. I Ml'UKl’KD UqiMiKS— ~ - 10 casks (i B ft Co pale aud dark Brandy 6 pipes Holland Gin (Medea Bwao) 6 * do Madeira Wine. For sale by 0C 21 SC LaMiN, atlM .lN 1 (( . P IG AND BALT IIAM8 AND S1I0LDEKS. Just re ceived 3 barrels Pig Hams and Bboulders. loo.oxua tomily Smoked Hams and 3 hhds Shoul ders, also 8 casks Sugar Cured Hams, which I will sell tor 12>$ ceuts por lb. „„ „ DAVID O’CONNOR, H 2J Corner Broughton ft Drayton-st. KNIGHTS & THEIR DAYS, B Y DR. DORAN, author or “ Table Tralta,’’ &c. Tho Hills of tbo Shatcmuc, by Miss I Warner, aulbor of “ Wide, Wide World,’’ ftc. * A Pilgrimage to El Medina!) and Liout. Burtou, of the Bombay Army, with map and UIub. t rations. Tho Humorous Poetry or tbe English Language from Chaucer to Saxo. * ,If rimer Littlogooil, Bq., a young geutlomaa wtu wished to sco Lite, by Smedley. Third volume Irving’s Life of Washington—ohean edition. r Wood, Thorapewtic and Pharmacalogy—a now Simpson’s Obsturetrios—2 vols,, completo. Young America’s Picture Gallory—70 UlttCtra . boos. W. THORNE WILLIAMS. OCt 0 CIUNDRIES- 1 P 26 hhds. P. R. Sugar 160 bbls. Stuart’s Ketlned Sugar 100 kegs Soda 100 boxes Carb Soda 100 Uo Lemon Syrup 1000 >4 and >4 boxes Sardines 100 cases Schnapps 100 M Imported Segars 60 M American do Received ond for sale by oct 16 MoMAHON ft DOYLE. C rackers— 30 barrels Butter Crackers 30 *» Sugar do 20 «♦ Soda do 20 boxes Soda do Landing and for sale by oct 10 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON ft 00. JpKACH BIUNDY—1,000 gallons pure old 1 Brandy, tor salo by oct 2 YOUNG ft WYAIT. gRANDY^GIN, RUM, ftc— VALUABLE RICE PLANTATION FOR SALE, witulv m snuts or tnz city or savannah. O N tbo first Tuesday iu December next, will be sold beforo tbo Court Houso in tho city of ga- vaunah, tho Plantation on tho Savannah river, ten miles from tho city, known as Mulberry Grovo, be longing to tlio estoto of tho late Philip Ulmer, con taining six hundred aud olghty-sovcn acres, ot which thore are two hundred acres of first quality tldo rico land, and ono hundred and flfty-flvo acres undor good banks aud in a flno state for cultiva tion. Also, sovonty flvo acrea of high laud under cultivation. On tbo placo are a good dwelling (louse, overseer’s houso, barns, negro houses and ether outbuildings, all in a good stato of repair. Persons desiring to purolioso will call upon H. K, Harrison, Ex’r, who resides within tour miles of the Grovo, or Rlizu Ulmor, Ex’trlx, who resides within two miles ortho tirove. Terms of Balomodo known on tbo day fsale. Possession not given until tbo first of January . II. K. HARRISON, Ex’or, Jyl7-td ELIZA ULMER, Ex’trix. W Tho Charleston Morcury will publish one c a week until tbo day of sole. Notice from tbe PULASKI HOUSE, To the Storekeeper! of Savannah. LL packages sent to the above Hotel must have L the owners name and number or room written With token each package, or It will not be recolved at tho office. oct26-lw GRAHAM’S MAGAZINE T7V)R NOVEMBER—Received by F J. B. CUBBEDGE, Agent, oct28 under toe Marshall House. 25 bbls Domestic Brandy 20 }i casks 4th proof do, twlgg hoops 25)4 do do do, 7o 66 bbls E I’hclp’s Ryo Gin 60 do Luther Fclton’s Boston Rum 76 do N. 0. Rectified Whiskey 20 M casks Malaga Wine 50bbls Old P ftHGln, In store and tor sale by oc21 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft QO. „ REWABD, 1 Runaway, on tbo 2d iuunt, nr iimi. man POMl-fcv. H. la aHout rS? years or age; six toot high; stoat built; not __ very dark complected; has ’a down look in tiw countenance; has a scar on the top or his toot, cut with an axo. Uo was raised In North Caroli na, Robeson county; and mar be trying to »»|?i bis escape back. Any person bringing him to me or conflnlng him In Jail so that I get him, 1 will par tho abovo reward. C. W. CRAWFORD, Colquitt P.O., soptl7—2m Montgomery county, Ga. lMONEYI MONEY!t MONEYII YTTHY be wo without Mouey ? when it Is Just as VY easy tor any one to be around with a pocket full as not, if they only thihk so. 1 have got a new articio, from which from five to twenty dollars a day can bo mode, either by male or female. It is highly respoctablo business, and an article which is wontod in every tomily in the United fitatos. En close me two dollars by mall, at my risk, and I will forward you by return mail a Circular, with toll Instructions in toe art. The business is very easy. Try it, if you are out of employ men*; and you will never regret it; for it wll uo better for you to pay the abovo sum, and insure a good business, than to pay twenty.flve cents tor a spurious advertise- meat.. This is no humbug. Tar it I Trt ir I Tat itl ’ Addressjrour letters to MptiWni W QH ™ oNBOK » NfwTo,k ' BROUGHT TO JAIL; of light complexion, with a slight scar ovsr tha left eye;about 6 feet 8)| inches ln height, and about M years old. Tho owner Is requested to come forward, ntr ' Jalor. GODEY’S LADY-8 BOOK I jlOR November, ! Graham’s Illustrated Monthly tor November Arthur’s Home Magaxine for November. ' Peterson’s Ladles National Migasinefor Novem ber. Mrs Stephen’s Vow Monthly llagasihe, tor No vember. ’ Ballou’s Dollar Monthly tor November. Reoelved auditor sale by ' . WARNOCK ft DAY18,