Newspaper Page Text
Dolly. W-Wh»I> and Wwkly,
i U ).\ .piornwoM and rimmngm.
l lrJUtn, ....... 141 tor,
a, P. HAMILTON, - - AullUnt Editor
wadraiDiv MOBinMo, nov. b, m
V - fllntoan hMAMimi,
Kmoj, Nor. 4^-Botarao are lo, wfflclent
•* okow teat Bachanan hat oarriad this (Ho.
MbCoutr) b/aaaall m»Jorilj.
(Tho wjoril/ of Bhortiidgo, K. N. tor Oof
hat JMt, ant Wlartoo, Domoorat wu 697,
VlKOt'a wjoclty ortr SooU wu SflTIa IBM,
«hM Pino* otirlod the State by 11,M3.]
iCuollu All Right.
OoimaiA, Nor., 4.
Ik* UiUaton oomaencd ben to-day for
1 of Prealdtotlal oleotoU. The
. Wot lb* Stall at largo P. W. Plokont, and
Job* L. Hanning Diitrlct elaoton. John A*
laglte.Joha L. NewUI, W. A. Orem, B. T.
Watte, T.J.PIoktu, and James Cbeenut.
Th* Mowing Baaolutlon waa unanimously
•dootid far the Luiditun.
Kmthti, Dnaatmooely u the seme of the
OaMnUaiemblythat the electors should cast
tbs rate of South Carolina for Buchanan and
Mlaalaslfgt Hlaetlon.
Naer 0 stuns, Nor. 4.
Taaaoounty girts Pillmore 133-rnsjority,
(far* nan* 103). Vicksburg girea Fillmore
193. FUlaon bu 34 majority in VoodrjUe,
Wilklaaon county, 470 in Am.tie county, 33 in
LoularUl*, ffooaton county, 116 in Natchez,
S3 lo Gallatin. Warren county girea Fillmore
probably 430 majority, (guro Scott 317).
Bdobanah has 36 majority in Jackson, Copali
county girea him 33 majority, Claiborne corn.*
ty bu gone fur Buchanan, Adame county is
olos*Xgare Scott 71.)
Pierce's majority in Hiasiaappi was 9,323.
Louisiana Selection.
Nnr Oiuaxa, Nor. 4.—East Feliciana
giia* Buchanan 110 majority, (gate Fierce
til); St. James, Fillmore's majority probably
Mt, (8oott'al73)| East Baton Bouge, FiUmhre’a
majority 33, (Scott's 103); New Orleans, Fill*
men has <1933, Buchanan 3,663, (doubtful).
Plaroa'a majority in Louisiana was 1391. !
Bibb and Muscogee.
Haoon, Nur.4.—Bibb lias given Buchanan
111 minority. Uuicogee has gone for FUImore.
E fling barn Conutjr.
Th* following returns have been handed us
aatbs rote of Efltogham:
narrative In question is brlellyto this effect I
That tlio “eyo-wltnesa" leit Macon, In Georgia,
to proceed to Augusta, in Georgia, at 3 o'clock
at night, and resulted t'uo destination at 9.Urn
following morning. Two young wouion and a
man were among the passeugora. Owing to a
flirtation on the part ol one ol the young women,
who had engaged to this railway trip by U,
but had subsequently accepted an offer to the
eauio effect irom A, a quarrel sprung up be
tween A. and B, the laticr haring Joined be
fore tho cars started. A duel was arranged
between them, In tho negotiation of which a
third party, O. assisted, Uuring the discuss on,
a second duel was got up by au old uiau ol 00
and one of 43, who, caltlug uu the conductor ol
the train to atop, they got out and were left
behind. N
When the neat station was reached, a tel
egraphic message roporiud the uld man had
beeu killed. He had loll a little boy of sin
... 172
... 151
... 6
grovxnstinb's mill.
... 44
... u
... 17
Richmond County.
Augusta, Nov. 4.—Fillmore's majority in
Blehmond County Is 357—(The majority for
Andrews was 336.]
Abbival of tbs Kststonb SiAxm— 1 This
steamship arrived yesterday afternoon with
fkelght and passengers from Philadelphia. We
are indebted to her purser for late papers.
iaaivat or the Auaana.—The steamship
Alabama arrived between three and four o’clotk
this morning. The list of passengers and con
signees will be found in another column. We
acknowledge the receipt of late papers from
her purser.
Tm Damsiho Ssason.—Those who would
avail themselves of the benefits of the whole
season, are referred to the Card of Professor
Nichole la another column.
i .«A*.a**s Chatham, so Close the State! ”
. The character of Savannah for good orde*
gad obodleoc* to law, was well maintained
throogbootyesterday’s contest. We bare not
beard of the flat act of violence or rowdyism
throughout the day- We rejoice to be able to
chronicle a tact to creditable toGeorgla’s me
tropolis, end to the good old County of Chit-
It will bo seen that notwithstanding the unit'
rorable state of the weather, the vote polled
was t large one. Lest year, Johnson (Deis)
fbr Governor received 997, Andrews (Am) 931
and Overby (Tem)2B. Giving'Johnson n plu.
rallty of 76 over Andrews and a majority of 48
over both tbs other candidates. Pierce’s ma
jority over Scott In 1862 waa 870. In that year
the Presidential contest in Oeorgia was mere
ly nominal; Pierce, majority in this county os
well U throughout tho State waa greater than
Scoria entire vote.
ltwiil be aeon from the figures below, that
tbs majority in this connty (Savannah being
the only voting place) for Buobanan, Is 473—
a gain on Johnson's majority of 400, laoking
two or three votes. Chatham has done well.
in serous fob tbs stats at labob.
William H. Stiles, of Chatham 1444
Irenon L. Harris, of Baldwin 1444
lalDlitriot. Thomas M. Forman, of Glynn...ll48
Id 11 Bamoel Hall, of Macon 1444-
3d “ James N.Bamsay, of Harris. .1145
4th 11 Lucius J. Gurtrell, of Fulton.. 1444
3tb “ John W. Lewis, of Csss 1449
6th 11 Joe. P. Simmons, of Owlnnett.1445
7th 11 Thomas P.Safford, of Morgnn..l445
8th 11 Thomas W. Thomas, of Elbort.1415
fob ran stats at labgi.
Wm. H. Crawford, of Lee 971
Benjamin H. Hill, of Troup 972
fob IB* mentors:
1st. Wm. Law, of Chatham 970
Id. Wm.lL Brown, of Usriou 971
Id. WeahlngtouPoe.of Bibb. 971
4th. Edward Y. HiU, or Troup 970
6th. Geo. W. Gordon,of Whitfield 971
•th* OiAcInoatas Peeples, of Clarke 070
71b* EU H. Baxter, of Hancock ... .070
81b. A. B* WrlgUt, of Jefferson 070
gratoni forwardTs'Italy.—Tho London
TlmMi in speaking of English inlluence
“As usually happens, the Court of Naples
has p«t Known construction on oar delay, and
••Deluded, with the logic of despotism, that
whvt wo bare not done precipitately we do not
menu to do at all. In no respect, however,
htTt England and France altered their inten
tion. A note, coached in tae most moderate
and conciliatory terms, has doubtless been
presented by this time, on the rejection of
whlch.we anticipate that the two legations will
withdrew; knd the combined squadron, by thut
(Im* at Malta, will proceed towards tho Italian
ooneb Should there beany threats, tho squad
ron will enter the Bay, ana, under its guns, the
English and French will find Naples oa safe
•au pleaeanta plane as any In Europe. 'Bit
probable, however, that his Majesty will not
permit his faithful subjects to ses the fleet, but
—i the concessions necessary to overt
years old uehiud la tho train; he was at this tioiu
juieeu. C# who hud a* a negotiate made him*
very active, waa irritated beoauoeA and
U declined lighting atouce, and used language
which affhjuted b. A challenge cuaueu; tUe
train la atepped; B and O get wit, and the
ceuductorwattatuoresult; bis killed, audt
cornea back into the train. U.'s lather being
there, io uifored by C hla revenge tor kla aou r t>
death, but he declinea beiLgkiUed too. Tneu
U makes an oration, in which he calls the
young woman a trumpet, says he wtU de
nounce her as such wherever he meets her.
The youug woman violeuily defoudes herstli,
uud cults upon the passengers to take her part
i. e. tight a duel tor her. At ieughtb, Be
lather sucoumbiug to her urgent importuuitiea
couoentsto tight, aud challenge O, who now
refuses, and urauds b’s father as a coward lot
uut accepting his first challenge. A youug
man 1), now outers trom the smoking saloon
he recognises tho youug womau, who enlists
him as a partisan, uud ne challenges U. The)
ttgnt iu the smokiug saloon with Monte Ubrlstu
or nolselesi pistols. AU that is heuceferwardeu
h ard at D u his death cry- his body is pui
among the luggage—the young woman, grown
desperate, awakes the little boy, takes him
into the private upartmeut, informs him of tin.
death ol tils latUer, tells him he was killed b>
O, and couuseis him to tell all his friends that
Uiey may avenge his father's death* , .
The buy shrieks, with heart broken grief de-
deuuuuces U. uud declares ho will acquiut ah
his friends that 0. has kiUed his father. A
compauiou of 0*' now interferes, snatches the
boy rrom the young woman, aud repeats to the
boy tuo actual olroumstauces of his father’s
death, but the boy still cries bitterly aud ac<
cuics C. whereupon the compauiou having
failed to paoiiy him, threatens to murder him fi
he is not quiet. The youug woman now makes
passionate appeals to the passengers to save
he boy, and a man rises up,audremonstraV
lug with C’s companion, restores the boy to the
youug woman, but the boy is beyond pacifica
tion ; he still shrieks and denounces U. Where
upon, C’s companion seizes the boy, takes him
to tue platform, murders him, uud fiiugs hie
body uu the railway. This incident caused the
eye witucss to faiut, uud when he or sbe Re
covered; B’s father, the stranger whuhud re
stored the boy to tho youug woman, C. and
hts companion were leaving the Haiti to fight
a duel. B’s father aud the stranger were kill*
ed,and(J. aud his companion came back;
but the conductor started the train just as C<
set his foot on it, so his companion was left be
hind. C. tried to clamber over the eugine to
stop it, but the conductor and tbo eugiue driver
ho wed, secured aud placed him in a loose box
for the remainder of the journey,
Thu “eye witness” states that the author!'
ties of Augusta took no notice of thse events.
No published any account of it, aud
such cue -outers are frequent. Of fjiis state
ment uk i'imcs observes that, although no one,
least of all a journalist, likes to bo Hoaxed, it
will be glad to find, so far as this story goes,
that such n wicked prank has been played upon
it; but it declares of this narrative thut *'it*
insertion was delayed lor some days that we
might obtain satisfactofy vouchers for the wri
teru respeitibility, sanity and truthfulness;
and on tnese points we have no doubt. Shota
of a miracle, we never reud anything to amp
ly stated, yet so inurediblo in its substances.
Yet we are told that nothing but the terror
which possesses peaceful men iu the Stales pre-
vouts tho publication of more horrors of this
It is impossible to doscrlbo the sensation this
narration has created—the profound emotion it
has excited. A horrified incredulity comes
nearest to tho sentiment which prevails. “Can
it by any possibility be true, or even near the
truth,” is asked again aud agrin. “If this la
the esoteric life of Americau, where is the
civilization so much boasted of by Americans?”
is tho cry iu ail directions. The first question
to be satisfactorily answered, is whether the
story is a scandalous fabrication, or if it is based
on events that actually occurred. It is for the
State of Georgia to deny and disprove it, or to
give to the civil zed nations of the world its
notion of the value at which it estimates the
lives of its citizens, and the precautions it
adopts to preserve them. The story on all sides
is received with very greut doubt, even though
endorsed by the Times, which poisesses vouch
era, but nevertheless its effect is of the most
damaging character; aud, being witness to the
very general seuaat on of horror it has excited
iu London circles, I have deemed it my duty to
refer to it at this length, to show that its con
tradiction aud refutation la a matter not, for the
honor of the nation, to be treated with apathy
Above we give the Loudon Correspondence
of a Philadelphia paper, the substance of a most
remarkable hoax lately palmed off on the Lon
don Times. To show that this correspondent
has correctly reported the communication pub
lished In the Times, we append the beginning
and conclusion of the communication
We left Hacon Georgia, at 5 P. M., of the
28th of August lost, in the train for Augusta,
Georgia. The train was composed of two car*
the first for the mail and luggage, with a few
seats for smokers, the lost for passongers; io
this car there were about twenty-five persons
(the narrator being one), of whom three were
women. Of these three, one wa9 an elderly
person, travelling alone; she went through to
Augusta, aud never stirred or spoke all the way;
ofthoothor two, who were well dressed auu
respectable looking, one appeared to be near
thirty; and tbe other about twenty Years of age.
These two came in together, accomfanied by
well-dressed mao, apparently between twenty-
five and thirty; bo seated them immediate)
behind me, and took bis seat alongside of me.
From this proximity I could not avoid heariue
their conversation, and before tbe train left
waa made aware of some anticipated distu»
wort not uncommon tnoUcnta.ud that scar©*
• wtricpMMd without tome fatal snoounter
ffev«t|n OouuMNiil Account**
Tbt Bank of England hat resorted to anoth*
•r deftnslve measure, having decided to refine
advance* on Government securities, Exchequer
bills oxeepted. This step iudicates that the
Bank finds Itself unable to afford accommoda
tion to tbe Block Exchange In addition to the
demand from ordinary commercial quarters.
Tne money writer of the Loudon Hcruld^pcuk-
ing of this movement, says:
One measure of restriction after another has
followed with rapidity, and long ere tho mer
cantile community have had time to Settle dowu
udder one change, they have been called upon
to bear with uuother. How loug these spas
modic obatigea can be endured without disas
ter Is a question wbiob Is in the mind of uluost
every commercial man, and tbe only wonder la
that the mercantile community have been able
to sustain the pressure so well as they have
hitherto done.
There must be a limit, however, and Judging
from past experience, it would not appear im
probable that that limit has been almost reached,
when it becomes an Imperious necessity for tbe
government to take steps to afford the relief
which it is otherwise impossible can be obtain
ed. It ts stated that au appeal la about to be
mode to the govemmeut tor the permission to
issue a considerable sum in notes—in fact vir
tually to repeal tbe Bank Charter Act.—Such is
ike report in circles generally well informed,
aud it is most heartily to bo desired that suoha
-■ Otwiao, N. Y., (fotl »Mt oommenced
Mowing hero at 1 o'clock, and ie neari, a foot
- * •
There shortly appeared another man of
ubout tho same age us the ono beside me, who,
ufter noticing and saying a few words to tne
two female companions, passed on and took
his seat on the opposite side of the cur, two
i ouches iu advance of the one I4tas seated on.
Ho turned tbe back or the bench, so that he
laced the two women and their companion. In
so doing ho found himself seuteU face to face
with a tall, muscular, aud hard visaged man of
about 50, of a mein by no meaus repulsive or
disagreeable. It soon became known to mo, by
the conversation of the two women, that the
man who had thus passed on and seated him-
80If was the person from whom, or with whom,
they feared some disturbance. Nothing occur
red, however, until some time after our deprr-
ture, when the conductor came iutotbe car to
call lor the tickets; iu so doing he came first
to this wan, (or B, as I will call him.) who,
being addressed by tbe conductor, said to him
twice in a loud voice, so that all the persons in
tho car might hear him, “Tell those two ladies
opposite that I have their tickets in my pock
et’■— which message was delivered aloud by tbe
conductor. The difficulty that existed and tbe
danger of some disturbance now became pub
licly known, aud attracted the attention of B’s
vis-a vis, (or C) who, questioning B, learut
from him. as did every one in the cars who
chose to listen, thut ho uad a quarrel with the
man who had introduced the two women, (
A.) Then ho related that hewasaFrenci
mau, a barber and huir dresser, keeping a shop
in Mn con, Ac. From his conversation, aud tbe
oonverH itmu of the two women behind me, 1
gathered Hint both A and B bad been meetliij
tho younger woman at balls and parties, am
payiug attentions to her. Tho rest is the com
mon story of flirtation, the consequences of
whioh are shown iu this nurrutivo to have been
terrible. Ac., Ac., Ac.
The comrauuicatlotf concludes as follows
I httvo thus given as plain a narrative, and
as short as I possibly cau. f know none of the
parties by name, nor any of my follow pas-
Mongers, and this is not surprising, for family
names are seldom used when travelling in UiHt
country. Neither bare I seen any account of
tfils affair In the Georgia papers, so that I am
ignorant of what became of 0i who was secur
ed, or of his companion who was left behind,
but, if I nay judge from the silanes of Up
step should be takeu without loss of time.
The Homing Post also alludes to tho report
above adverted to, aud regards tho measure
The Morning Chronicle fays:
This is an act of necessity, but it bespeaks
moat forcibly the actual position of tho Bank.
They must have either resorted to this, or else
have again raised the rate or discount. Their
loans ou securities, thereiore, must be confined
to wituiu a very narrow compass, and couse
quentiy tho repayment of the loanH already
granted will place at their disposal a good
round sum iu notes wherewith to meet the de
maud ior discounts. Thu repayment iu t few
days of the outstanding advances will neces
sarily cause some pressure for money both on
tue btock Exchange and out of doors, and may
briug stock to market: Under any circum
stances, it has a tendency to cause increased
depression in the (finds.
The London shipping and mercantile Gazette,
of tbe evening of the 17th instant, says
The rumor in circulation yesterday that the
Bank of France waa about to announce a sus
pension of specie payments, proves to have
>een untrue. It is said, however, that it is enly
the resolution of the Emperor which prevents
such a measure from takiug place. Tue Bank,
it is now said, will issue 2o uud 60 frank notes,
redeemable in specie in three aud six months.
This would no doubt ease the pressure. Accord
ing te the terms of the charier, it is unable to
put up tho rate of discount any higher.
The merchants of Hamburg have presented
a petition to the Council lor the immediate
establishment of a gold currency.
Ills believed thutuo gold has been with
drawn irom the Bank or England for the last
day or two, au the arrivals early in the week
have sufficed to meet the demand.
The tone of the English stock mat ket con
still w
have to-day;
* 0»Nun» tilf DAiiY (Jkokqian«h Jouwui,
WoUnotiilny, Nor. 4 1166.
OOTTON.—An ivtul since'the 28th ult.' 18,141
bales Upland aud 201 aalos tioa Island, as (fallows t
By Central Railroad 12,109 bales Upland ; from Au
gusta and landings on the river 1084 bales Upland,
and by Houtbern boats, wagons, fto., 201 bales Baa
Island*. Tha export* during tba same period have
boon 8,647 bales Upland, and 0 bait* Saa Wands
vim* to Now York, 2.803 biles Upland; to Boston
4,707 bales Uplaud; to Philadelphia, 842 bales Up
land; to Baltimore 647 balaa Upland, and to Chat lea-
ton 188 bates Uplaud and 6 bales Boa lsland, leaving
a stock ou hand and on shipboard not oloared
yesterday or :U,7I1 bale* Upland, and 1192 bales
con bland, against 87,261 bales Upland, and 767
bales r'ua Island nt the same period Mat year.
The receipt* at ibis port since the 1*1 September,
1866, aro 77,630 bale*, against 77,066 to the lame
data last yuar; nud the doorcase in receipts at alt
ports, to the Istoat dates, a* compared with the
same last year,are 22,686 bales. In the exports from
the United st .te* to foreign countries, a* compared
with tho ea me dates last year, there M a decrease
ol 1J2,647 toGreat Britain, and an increase to France
or 12,937, and a decreaso or 12,842 to other foreign
oountrles,making tho total docreaM to foreign porta
Our Cottuu market remsius much tbo name
last reported, aud we have little change to notice
in p. louri the present week. Tbet e has faeea a fair
and steady demand throughout the week, «nd ah
though tho transactions are not very large, yet the
Unity Aulns have been regular, aud prices well sus
tained Tbo daily sales bare beeu in thefoiloiring
order, viz: Wednesday 909 bales. Thursday 601
bales. Friday 164 boles. Saturday 647 bales
honday 627, and yesterday 816 bales, making a
toialtor the week or 3064 bales at the following
particulars: 497atU; 42 at 11 1-16; 82 at lift;
161 at UK*. Ha at ll*} 27 at 11 7-16; 818 at 11^!
26 at 119-10;283at UK; 655 at UKiddd at UK
145 atli 15-16; 811 at 12;82 at»12Ki and 39 at
At one o'clock yesterday the arrival orthe Cana*
Uluu was announced, with Liverpool dates to thu
22d uu., and from Havre per steamer Vigo, to the
IbUi . The advices ny tbeso steamers aro, that the
uufttvurabm accounts from the cotton growing re-
gious summed the markets in England and Frauce,
ana the result wa-t au advance or K to)<d- in Liv
erpool, and one franc in Havre, tialos In three daya
reached 60,000 bales in Liverpool, spooulators tak
ing 30,000, tho market closing firm. Aftorlho re
ception of tbU Intelligence wo could not learn that
uuy cotton has been Bold in our market, and what
effect it will havu oa prices to-day, we oi course
nuun tcunjccturo
Wo pro&eat the following quotations as the ruling
priouti paid up to one o'clock yesterday;
SALT—The market U overstocked with thto arU
de, and prlocs are consequently low. We Jrartl
that considerable sslee have boon maOe as low as
seventy cents* We quote (Tom seventy to seventy-
five cents In large tots, and retailing at'tl per
POTATOES—Aro m fair request, at tag to |3
per Ml.
ONIONS—Are worth 12# lo 9* per bb!. t and
stringed 6 to 6 cents per string.
FRUIT.—A choice article or Apples are worth
$4 to 86 per bbl; Lemons IS per box, and Orangiu
$20 to 926 per thousand.
HIDTC—Aro active again, and fully recovered
from the depreoalon noticed in our last report We
quote now 17# to 18 conts per lb., with ovury pro
bability of a fUrthei advanoe.
FREIGHTS.—To 14verpool fto V ft. for Cotton.
To New York, by steamer, Mo V lb for round and
tfo ft ft for square bales. To Philadelphia and
Baltimore Inateamer ‘jc V ft. for CoUou. To
New York in sailing vessels 7-16 )t ft, tor Cotton
Te Baltimore and Philadelphia Iu sailing vessels K°
ft ft for Cotton. To Boston In sailing vorsels
Kc ft ft for Cotton* Rice to New York in
steamer* $1 76 ft tierce, to Philadelphia $1 60 ft
fierce In steamer.
lri>w Middling
Strict Middling
Good Middling
Middling Fair
Lae suae oi cue angusaeiocK maiKeccou-
ues more or leas heavy, and is likely to be
1 worse, though prices will doubtless, as they
re to-day, undergou constant variation.
The Philadelphia Argus of last Friday says:
We had the pleasure, yesterdby, of a hasty
visit from our lrieud and correspondent, Col.
John H* Uihon, Secretary to Gov. Geary oi
Kansas. He briugs the best accounts from that
ouce troubled but now quit territory, aud ex
presses tbe most unqualified admiration of the
ability, courage aud uddress which havo ena
bled Gov. Geary to restore peace to that di *
tracted country. Gov. Geary bos proved him
self tue mau for tbe emergency, and the lie-
•nucraoy of the country owe him a dept ol
attitude for his iutrepidity iu throttling aud
conquering tbe hydra oi Kansas fanaticism.—
Gol.Gihou is charmed with the climate, uud
soil, uud rare natural beauties of Kausa*,
which tube destined to unusual rapid he belies
growl baud prosperity.
Labob Fibb, Philadelpia, Nov. 1st—Mr.
Roussell’s extensive mineral water factory i»
now on fire. The wind is very high, which
will probably cause the destruction or entire
uuilaing. The building 36 years sluce wa&
originally occupied as the Prune street Theatre.
The U. S. storeship Release, one of thu ves
sels of theHartstene Expedition in pursuit oi
Dr. Kane, has been selected by the Government
lor the purpose of visiting the American shores
of the South Atlantic, to procure sugav cuuc
aud seeds, under the appropriation of 475,d(JU
which was made for that object at the last ses
sion of Congress. We uademtand that the mis
sion is entrusted to Lieut. Charles C. Simms, U.
d. N., who wus second in cummuud of the
Hartseue Expedition, and that he will sail from
this port iu command of the Release iu the
course of a week or ten days. It is expected
that she will visit the shores of Central aud
South America, os well us mauyof the West
India Islands, and return early in the Spring.
-iV. Y. Jour. Com.
Washington, Oct. 31.—The number of Land
Warrants issued under the act of March, 1855,
during the month of October, was 5,002, cover
ing more than 742,009 acres. The total number
ot applications to the present time is 20,0200
—warrants issued 178,513, to satisfy which
21,601,250 acres or land are necessary.
Elmiha, N. Y.j Nov. 1.—The Philadelphia
Expresstraiuofthe Williamsport aud Elmira
Railroad ran off the track near Crescent, killing
Thomas Fisk, the baggage master, and badly
injm-iug tbe mail agent and several passengers.
Tne express car caught fire and burnt
Washington, Oct. 31.-The total amount of
money in the Treasury subject to draft is up
wards of $24,000,000, of which there is in New
York $11,700,000; Philadelphia over $3,009,000;
iu Nun Francisco $2,750,000; in Boston $3,000,-
000, and in Charlotte, N\ C., $1,750,000.
Letter prom Gov. Wise.—Baltimore, Oct.
31.—Gov. Wise has written a long letter in re
ply to the inquiry by tbe Raleigh Register as to
Uio purpose of his recent visit to Raleigh. He
designates tho inquiry as rude and impertinent
and avora that he went to Raleigh on his own
motiou, throwing himself on his constitutional
right to go there when he pleases. Tho resi
due of thu letter is devoted to the discussion of
tbe slavery question.
Sbntenobd.—New York, Oct. 31.—Mr. Ru<
loff, charged with tbe murder of his wife and
child twelve years ago, was found.guilty yester
day, and sentenced to be hung..
Nomination Endorsed.—New York, Oct.
31.—The New York State Committee of Men
chanlca and Workingmen held a meeting vest
terday and endorsed tbe nomination of Eras-
tus Brooks for Governor.
. . Mnron, htrtvrith a f! a f. '
mtallbrmtaltm ahidhlribultd omaig.ttwohvidt«1<,mitunhf??
mmtr.,Kha hunt mad• dticntlanary papmaiU af 441T.817 37. Th. Charlir gram. thVSSl
labaeilhiuilir. capital paid up by ailltfrom thi Dirtelori—not la ixcitd 30° ntr co.l
oaillmt, after giving inly day.'notice. 0B >
DUoounted Notre
Maturing 801355 89
Pant Out 9971 81 811437 89
Exchange Maturing 198910 57
Paitduegood.3700 00
Doubtful 3500 00 0300 00 146110 57
flavannablfarlust, NoT.mb.rS.
COTTON—The market waa not well attend'd
gcaterdag, and lb. aalaa wore limited to 81« bales,
via: SI at 11, 49 at Ujtf.M at 11#. 49 at llja, 91
at UK 338 at UX. and 113 at 13.
UFERPOOL—Ship Falcon—8,000 sack. sail.
NASSAU, (N. P.J—Ecbr gun—94,000 orangrt,
19,000 tettona, 170grupo Trull, 60 eocoanuta, 50
bunobes plantalna and bananas, 3 bbls and 1 ball
Uerca Ileus.
BALTIMORE—steamship Tottsn-880 bates cot
ton, 33 do dom., 353 caaks rice, 60 bbla molauaa,
18 bags roots, 3 bsga wax and aundrg pkgs.
NEW YORK—Scbr Baa Foam—288 bales cotton,
180 aka wheat, 76 bbla dour, 160 casks rlro......
Scbr Jonas Smith—408 bales cotton, 63 boxes cop
por, 80 bbla apta turpentine, 40 aka wheat, OtOoans
lard, 48 ksga do.
Port of Savannah,
November 5
SteomBblp Keystone atete, Hardle, Philadelphia,
to u A Greiner. r ’
8team,bip Alabama, tjchenck, Few York, to Pad-
afford, Fag * Co.
4 gtlp FaSooo, Fatten, Urerpoo', loBrigbam, Kollg
Bark Exact, Frlaboe, New York, to Dana 6t Wash-
steamer Gordon,
Barden, Charleston, to J V
For iht benefit or our readers, we give tbe fol
low!, g ixtract from the circular of W. T. Wood,
Rsq.ftommiEBlunMcrchatst, Apalachicola, Fla.:
Thu pales iu ibis mar ket have beeu couflucu to a
fowscattoriug lute, ranging from 10Jg to 11>4 for
Middlings—uot enough has yet beeu offered to ee*
tabiuili a markol. Tne quality of our cottons this
year, so far as I nave boon uuabloil lo examine
ibcm, w.ll compare favorably With those of other
sections, but iho crop generally will pravo inferior
to tha: of last year.
Tho prosent position of the Cotton trade is ono
whioh mu> j uolly excite the alarm of consumers,
aud extreme c mtiou on Iho part of dealers and spe
culators Consumptionhuaovorlukcu production,
and u.oc.outost boiwoouihu two opposli-g lute, osts
is >uu. iublo. la all previous contests of this kino,
coiisuuioie tiuvo guuorally gs. thu boat of It; thu
probabiilt) is, judging fiom thu t arly excitement
ou the uultjutil, Urn the present will uot prove au
exception to the gonorul rule. Fricos will uo doubt
nlu bind tho whole soasou, but it rnuol uot b« for-
gin leu that they are already on inis side equivuluut
iu id. in Liverpool for Middling, a figure which luu
iierotoiojo, under us favorable circumstances as
exist hi , rcout, very materially diminished con-
Tuo receipts 4>f Cotton a^tll tho Ports to thu la lost
dates givo Uio following results:
itouruasu ut.S'vW Orleans .23,6*1
Bunking House and Lot..
Protest Account
Dae from Backs
Specie Funds subject to
our check in N. York
Bills of other Bunks
Checks ou other Books..
66247 64
29351 00
666 41
64562 26
10786 16
19 63
67829 26
160830 30
07(1002 32
Capitol Stock 41701, H
Bank Notes issued 267992 no ,817 87
Less due Irom Brunches und
i4S n t, te :::::::.'.:;;:: 60040 00 S«2
Cutiflcatre Deposits.... «
Dividend No, 1 unpaid..
Nett Profits
Duo to Bauka
Ml 1!
4741 w
71037 ()
i me, U. Halford, a Justice of the Peace, H iraisiRulierU I'rutd,7i
V who, alter being duly sworn, soy that the .lalimiu
uditiun of the Merchants and Pluulera Back the twculy-tlrrt Her ol Oclol tr ]wV.i
bualneaa, to the best of their knowledge aud belief. gnvumiHli, Nnt.mlit'a ikI.
£ M . HIRAM RUBLUTS, PtcjilVit
Adoustus Babih, Cashier.
8worn to before me the 4th day of November, 1850. R. RATFORp, j. p.
Personally uupeared before
and Augustus Baiie, Cashier,
sent* the condition
the close ol
Stremahlp Totteu, Money, B*lllmore-Bolgham,
Kelly s Co.
SctoJonsaSmith,Spites, NewYork-Ogdcn, BUrr
Schr Sea Foam, Weudell, New York—O Cohen
Receipts Per Central Railroad. *
Nov. 4,—1200 bales cotton, 60 bbls Uour, 60
sks do, 160 bides. 24 bbls dried fruit and mUae, to
1 J™ 1 ? * Foster, Bouton A ViUalouga.
A Reply tn •-UKULN TOM’d CABIN” and ‘‘BHRD.»
T HIS original and imwertul book, this beautiful
story, U an American Rowland fur an Kugllth
Oliver* and di.ecied against tho distorted views ot
tbe Kngli*h pre« when upeuklng of the Instltutioiib
of the Uuitod States. It expoben cruelties and
barbarities practised on tbe h.wcr classes ot
ruigland, more terrible than tbo>e imaclued by
Mrs. Beecher Stowe as tbo result • f our “peculiar
institution8.” The object of *'Tlt for Tat” Is emi
nently humono, patriotic and just, it is not unit-
British, anti-North, or uotl-soutb, it is simply a re
ply to tbe exaggerated pictures of Slavery iu * ‘Un
cle Tom” and -Bred.”
For sale by WARNOCK & DAVIS,
Booksellers and Stationers,
oct81 169 Congress at.
O N too first TUESDAY Iu December peat I will
Bell In front of the court house in the city oftia-
vuuuab, beiween tbe usual hours of salo, all loKoi
laud Mtua ed, lying aud being in the city of Sa
vannah, county oiCha hum, 8tateot Georgia, known
and described uu tbe map on plan of said diy. put-
fished by Juo. M. cooper 4: Go. iu 1866, as lots lit-
tors A, B, O. I>, E, F, U, H I, J, K, L, M, .V, which
said lota are bouuded North by Gaston st, prolonged
East by Price st, prolonged tfouth by Huniiuguon
s', prolonged West by a tract of laud cominouly
Known as fane & Beard, wblcb said lot) Icttorei.
as above are parts aud parcels ot the Las teru
part of Garden lots No. 43 and 44 hnst; tho rauio
levied uiHmustbe property of Michael Fi coder,
gast, to satisfy two DIUs lor tbe 6th Circuit tourt oi
bo United Mates for tho Soutberu Ubtrict of Geor
gia, Iu favor of Bull, Cr<*s At ho. and Kipl?y At Jud.
ton vs. Mi' hnel i'rendorgast; prcpaity pointed out
by piutntlirs attorney •
nol U. S. Marshal.
Office Charleston and Bar. R, 11. Co. >
Octoberiu, 186h /
Banquet to Mil Sumner.—Boston, Oct. 21.
Hon. Charles Sumner is expected to arrive here
on Monday. He will have a public reception,
and a grand baneftet, which will be given a
Music Hall.
No Family Should be Without Them
We speak or M’Lane's Liver Pills, prepared by
Fleming Urns., Pittsburgh, Pa., which have be
come au IndUpcuBablu Family Mudluiuo. Tl o
frlgbtlul symptoms which arise rrom a diseased
Liver manifest thumsolves. more or less, iu every
family ; dyspepsia, sick headache, obstruction of the
insures, ague aud level', pains in the side, with dry
hacking cough, are all tho results or hcpaliu du
ranfement—and for these Dr. M’Lane’s Pills are a
sovorolgn remedy. They have never boon known
to fall, and tboy should be kept at all times by lam*
DiRKcnoM—Take two or three going to bed, every
second or third night. If they do not*purge two
or three times by next morning, take oue or two
more. A Flight breakfast should invariably follow
tboir uso.
Tho Liver PilU may also be used where purging
Is simply nccoHBary. As au anti blltfous purga
tive, fhey are Inferior to unno. Aud in doses of
two or three, they give astonishing roller to sick
buadacho: also In alight dorangomonts or the atom-
/OT Purchasers will bo carofol to ask for Dr.
St’J Aim’s Celebrated Vermifuge, manufactured by
Fleming Bros., or Pittsburgh, Pa. Thoro are other
Pips purporting to bo Liver mils, uow before the
public. Dr. U’Lm’o’a genuine Liver Pills, also Ids
colobiated Vermifuge, can now bo bod at all re
•pectoblt drug stores. Nouugenulue without tho
slgunturo of FLEMING BROS.
(U) aovt-
-• •• Florida CM
•• »* Charleston fi,v3d
•• " North Uiruiiua 102
- Virginia 2Ud
increase at Mobile...., 2,970
•t - Texas 1,230
ravanuab 456
filial IHhsrouse 22,Wu
niu IsiaNwit —Tbeie w scarcely auy market fo r
long sixpio iw yut. Wo uo ico iho sal t.f 6 balea
ou<> Biuco uur i«st at 20{a)24 V ft.
RICE— Wo notKoauuouvu deiuaud ioi* this article
thu po.-i wook, roduitlug iu Miles of lu43 ca«ks,
loliuwa: 02 at i&K, 27 u at $4,177 at ft lid, 379 at
Z4X Mild i»o at 44 3-ld lUU lbs.
Rough Kies—Wo aro still without any trausac
tiutui in tt is article. Tho receipt couUuuo heavy
aad seul to nidi as fast us It arrivos. i
FLUUn—No change whatever to nudee in the
maruet lor this artielo, There Is a moderate de.
manuforoity cijoaujupuon, at Ju«t week’s ijuout-
tims, viz- puperilue $7^Yd>4 8 ;listta 61738)4, and
t,xira muiiiy $tfa)alu k* bbl. Ktceivcu this week
1117 bbb ui*.i 447 8-ncks, huu exfiortod 655 bb.a aud
26 auuks.
iVlibAt—.S’otfafog done tu wheal . nice our last,
ahi. iqceipto of the wuok were limited to 40j bush-
els aim exjwii w to luuo busheU. Quotations nomi
ttaOiN—fuo markol U dull aud overstocked.
Wttn uni) ouuasiouul hales to meet the wonts of oity
vmitomora. We quote, Fancy hams I - .© 14, plain
do iu(a)n, oioar aides riuhud do.9©9)f,
aim hlmuidurii fcfa’d.
lUuul.Mi—TUero has boon nothtug duue ol auy
iiiipm irtiii.e m gunny cloth siuco our last. The s;k>u-
ulutivv luuhug which existed some weens since has
entirety ceaaed,oousequouiiy tbo transactions aro
limited io tiiiiaU oruors. We coutmuo uur quota*
fious i/i irfit week, vis: o. $i yard.
uui'h—iu mu article there u no chuugo to notice
Uur quouttiojs of lost week will hold good.
sUtiAit—iho business uouu iu Sugars tbo last
week u uot targe, but thoro u a steady uud mod-
erato iiunamUrum tho trade, without auy mate
rial uhallge iuquuUtiObd.
COFFEE-—Tlioro butt been some movement iu the
inurkui fur Cufiee tinco uur lust. Prices, howover,
remaiu about tho same. A lot of ItiOO bags has
beeu sold since uur last on private terms.
UL i'lr.K aND t'HEEiE—Iu these articles we no-
tiso no chauge. We quote prime Goshen Butter
from 2d to 2d centh, and Cheese 12>4 to 16 cents
MuLASaEM—The cargo of Raw Orleans noticed
in our hut repurl remains unsold, except some
siuuilfom which has beeu disposed of at Ufty-elght
cauls fium wharf. Since then wo are iu receipt
or uue cargo from, but as yet none or tt has
been a la. Wo quote N'uw Orleans in lots fifty-eight
tu M\iy vuuis; Cuba 42 to 43; und Barbudous 60 to
66c. per gal.
OGRN—lu this artielo we have no new feature to
add to our report ot last week. The stock Is net
over large, but yet sufficient for the demand. We
quuto in largo lute seventy five tu eighty cents,and
by retail clghty-five to uiaoty cents per bushel.
OATH—A fair demand sthl exists for this article.
We qu de 70 cunts tor road, aud 68 lo 00 ceuis per
bushel for food.
HAY—With u lull supply ou band, and daily ac-
cBa.ioutf, prices have recoded from fi re tu teu cents
• luceour hut. We now quote Eastern $1.20, and
Noi'.boru mi coins per 10U lbs, from wharf.
LIME—Wu are in receipt of one cargo fids week.
Thoro Is a tulr supply lu .thu market, and prices
are alltilu lower. We quuto from wharf in lots
$ltf,uud irom store $1JC per bbl.
LARD—This artielo Is attracting some attention
in iocuo )Euo t ai) will bo soon by tho liberal receipts
arriving dally by Railroad, dome 1100 caus and
kegs have arrived since our last, 1000 cans of
which Ire* been sblped to New York.
LIQUORS.—Wt note salts of lOObbls Miller’s
Extra Whiskey ftomwhatfatlTK tents ptr gal
AtLoog, Franklin & Brautly, Boll Ss Prentiss, Pai-
sons k Go, and others
„ p « r Alabama, trom New Yorlt-A|i K
n N Aldnce,Q W Amlereuu. Orlcbam. Koiiy A
Co, Bailor A Frloreou, A Bansuii, J A Brawn. J a
Barron, Crane, Well. A Co. M A Cobon, l la,baru a
Cunntngbam, D D Copp, Cola fi Bro, Cbu.vor \
Sims, lobena* Herd, Baaa A Washburn JEBu
F“ra, W O Oickaou, W U Daviffson, DO’Oonuor,
Fla Boat, WH Farrell, w H Oulun, W W Uamlrlob,-
Haruilen’a Ex, A Haywood, HuJaou & Klomlnt’
i.log \ 8>»n, B M Lofiltcau, l.ynn Ac culdor, Lo\oil &
lAitiUorc, J B Moore, McMahon At Duylu, Parsmw
«to, R O’Byrne, 1'aUea .t Mutton, Ku- e, Davis 4:
Loug, Way & Taylor, UH Watson, Siifocrs & as-
kow, J Sheriocx, Scranton, Juhuston A Co, Wayne
.t Son, MDTreanor, Warnock A Davim Young,
Wyatt A Co, Yongo A Frierson.
Per steamship Keystone State, from Philadelphia
—J W Andkrgon, Drumly St Co, .1C Barnard, But
ler A Frierson, Brigham. Kelly A Co, 8 Cohen, A
Champion, Cooper * Co, J BCubbedge, E POlUns.
Claghorn a Cunningham, Cheever, Sims A Co. M A
Cohen, DDCopp. Crane, Wells*Co, Einstein A
tekman, J C Fen ill, GemendeuAO, C A Greiner,
Habersham A Non, r W Headman, Hunter A Gam-
mell, Hellor A Co. Harnden’s Ex, Holcombe, J A
5-°’£ , & bD8on * «i P Jacobs, King A Sons, J Kel
ly, W W Uncoln, 8 M Laflltoau, O A L Lamar, Jos
Lippman, Lockett A SuoJUogs, Lovell A Lattlmore,
C K R agt, and othora.
Per bark Exaot, from New York-J M Selkirk,
Habersham •'« Son, Clagnorn A Cunningham, Craur*,
Weils A Cb, Boston A Vlllalonga, Brigham, Kelly A
Co, Ogden. Starr & Co, Dana A Washburn, Kenne
dy A Beach, Bell A Prentiss, aud others.
Por steamer Gordon, from Charleston--C R R,
u k ’ J Drmaa, Wayce Arfon, J W Anderson J o
r|the. acveuin M.ftiuiiiieiitOi rivi. U\t .JjAKhI'LR
_ aliARE ON THE biOCK subscribed to the
Uiario-um and buvannali Uuilroud, wi I be duo on
Monday, ilio 10th of November. Puymeut lo be
maio to iho Treasurer, at tlie otfico ur tbo Company
The fiavuuuah subscribers will please pay to A., Csq , President ol tbe Bunk of the Suite
of Georgia, .~avunnnb.
By order ol the Prostdeiit.
O. F. HANCKEL, Treasurer,
Foil SALK,
O N thu first Tuesday in December next, wilt be
sold beloro the Court House in the city of Sa
.'uuusii, tbo ITantutlou on tho Savannah river, lei:
ailed from the city, known as Mulberry Grove, bo
longing to tho ostutu oi the late 1 hiilp Ulmor, o..n-
uiining six bundled uud eighty-seven acres, oi
which there aro tno hundred aorcs of first quality
fide rice land, anil ono hundred aud fifty-live ncroe
under good bii'.’ks and in a fine stato forcultiva .
tiuii. Al»«, Duveiity five acres of high L>ud un lot
cultivation. Ou thu piano art' ugood dwelling house,
uvorseor’s house, barns, uegro houses aud ■ t c
outbuildings, all in a good suitu of repair. Pere»-m
desiring to purchase will call upon II. K, Uarrlsmi.
ExT, who rosidcii wlildu four nules of tho Grove,
jr Hllxa Ulmer, Ex’trlx, who resides wlihlu iwi
miles of tbo Grove.
Termsol sale made known on the dayol sule
PiMsesslou not giveu until the first of January
H. K. H AKKISoN. Ex’or.
Jyl7-td ELIZA ULMER, Ex’trix.
jar* Tbo Charleston Mercury will publish out •> i.
week until thn day of sale.
Btokley, k C Wade, W Goddard’, T C Craft.
J A Chamber*. A H Gordou, D S Anthony, H
Euut, Miss Earl, Mra Day, Dr Carmichael, W Akain,
£ a Blnham, A OlivorG W Crumney, V l llupkiua,
E B Harris, Er Ely, R Day and sou, W Jennings, o
A King, Z Doolittle and lady, G Benedict, G Bnedon,
HT Greenwood and lady, Hiss Call, Madame Mu
rat and svt. J Stodkard ad lady, Miss Stoddard,
Miss J Stoddard and 2 avts, Mrs Demerox, Mrs Ma
ry Duncall and infaut, O Smith and lady, G Jones
and 4vt, Mr Bmotbors, Mr Fisk, J Lee, J Uoppock,
P Mumford, C Longfellow. E Lovel, T Cross, t
Batsell, Judge W Mirren, Mrs Foster and 3 cbiid’d,
Miss Maehilson, Miss Hogg, N M Browu.C A Forley,
E N Kent, H F Salosbury, Miss A J Bishop, Mrs J
MStorues, Mrs GA WJklns and Soifildren. Mis-
Mevsranoe, Mr Crowder, lady, child aad svt Miss
O’Kurke, Hiss N G Dickson, J Naat, J Htoddprd, H
Stoddsrd and nurse, Mrs £ Lovel and 3 children, H
K Peck and Lady, 8 E Winnor more, Mrs Gain, inft
and art,' MrsQuimby and 2 children, F Stvndlsh, K
BThompson,Mrs KG Blandish J Fish, J 8 Martin,
Mias j M Stand lull. Julia F StanJlah, 2 Matters
Blandish Mr Middleton, wife and svt, Mr Cannon,
Mr Laird, Mrs Levy, Mrs Bonham, Mr Hansom, Mr
Kinross, Mr Poole,Mr Bonner, sn i 76 steerage.
Per steamship Key Hone State, from Philadelphia
—Mrs Wolfe, lady and sitter, Mrs Bradley, daugh
ter and svt, G W Jones and lady, Mrs Gans and svt,
Mr Perkins. A V Uyton, S Lawton, Mrs Bowen,
Miss Wilson, Mrs Loulioff, E A Hays, Mre Barnard,
A W Mansell, G W Oliver, EH Bright, HV Meigs
Miss Morris, Mias Rushton, Dr Bostick and lady,
Mu Dounler, Miss Douglass, Miss Finds, Mr Beuo
diet, Miss Younge, Mis Nevitt, 2 Misses Nevltl, Geo
Hew let and lady, J McNultp and 03 stoerago.
Per steamer Gordon, from Charleston—Mra Ford.
2 cb’ln and svt, Rev E Quigley, J Leo, D M Bryan,
R W Ackls, J T Skipper, Lieut Davenport, J T Weis
mins and 2 ch’iu. Miss Weliman, Miss Solomons
and 8 svta, C a Harby and ladv, Miss Dangorfield,
J McDougal, W Turley, H Hewlett and 6 dock,
DR. J. P. SCREVEN wa» Ibis day elected
a Director of tbe Merubant'e and Planter’s
Bank, inplaceof Beaton Granttand, Esq., or Mil-
fedgevllle, resinged. nov6
C OTTON and Linen Shooting?, Shi riling], irl*b
Linen*. Pillow Case Linens, Bird’s Eye Dia
pers, Huokabaoks, Huck and Fine Damask Towels,
8, 9 and 10# Sup. Irish and 8cotch Table Datuaski,
Napkins aud Doyles, Rest WoDb and American
Flannels, Fine Bath and Whitney Blankets, Linen
and Colton Bed Tick, Ac*, Ao
For ssle at tbe lowest market prices, by
—‘ DxWIiT “■ ** •'
B LACK Casalmeres and Doeskin^ Fancy do,
Black and CoPd Ch-thi, Tweeds, eat nets, 8Uk
Vestings, Merino and Cotton Under Garments, Ho-
■lery of all kinds, Gent’s linen Cambric Hdkf’e,
Hom’d Stitch’d do. do., Col’d Borders do.,Stocks,
Napoleon Ties and Cravats, Ao., Ao
For sale by
A LL persons having demands against tbe Estate
of Mra. ELIZA ANN JEWEfT, deceased, Will
baud them in duly utteutod, aud tboso Indebted will
pleare make payuiont to
no4.1m Sole Qualifle I Executor.
FEW ii.ngfogeiititiineit can obtain good Board
ami Lodging at tue So.
Juuen aud Price Street’s.
oci23 2w
Wo.«, uoruor Si
76 libls Domustlc Brandy
100 bbU P H bin
126 bbls N K Rum
100 bbls Koctified Whiskey,
76 bbls Z. ZX, ZXZ do
60 bbls Uld hyo do
60 hhds P R, M and N O Sugar
126 bbls Stuart’s ABAC do
Received und for sale by
nov4 No 205 A 207 Bay st.
160 boxoti Ueadel’s Family Soap
160 do Colgate’s do do
100 do Uo Pole do
160 do do Nol do
100 do Castile do
16 do Assorted Toilet do,
Received and for sale by
26 bbis Taylor A Son's Ale
60 bbls Potatoes
10 bbla Apples
Recoivod and for sdio by
S UNDRIES-Just received—
60 boxes Coffee, Pepper and Mustard
60 “ Beadell Starch and Soap*
25 ,l A daman Hue und Tallow Candles
60 bbtsnnd bags extra Family Flour
80 “ Potatoes and Unions
40 gross Wood and Paper Matchos
60 dozen assorted Brooms aud Pails
100 l< Scrub BrindicH and Clothos Lines *
60 “ Wash Boards
810 bags Java and Rio Coffee. For sale by
ocl 2 corner Broughton and Drayton tt*
THE subscriber has opened
Noe. 71 aud 162 GIBBONS’
w -OUTBUILDING, next door to tbo
Cit.udng muiu of George S. Nichols A Co., and so*
Holts the patronage of bis friends and tho public to
general. M. J. BUCKNER,
oct 7—ly
100,000«?iff“ s -
La F.«r do la Flores Regalia Londres,
• LaRodowa Londres,
I^gjtirao3 do
Hoe Cabunas. Flur flna.
La Ingenuidad, El Gayor Ringgold,
La a«azi, La lntogredad Loudres,
Do las Mojores Vegas
La Rose de Santiago
La Puntunleded
Ole Anseimo Guxalcx
La Pulldas Regalia
U Kiel de P. S. O.
La Rio Hondo, Kl Oluto do Orion,
La Couflauza .Opera,
La Ristorl * nndres,
Martinet Q Hixa,
do Cilmilradas I.ondres,
Caffra Regal a, Fiagro cllendrados do
All the above Sugars sro for sale by
oct31 corner Bar aud Bull sU.
F LUUK AMI limL. " “
5U0 sacks Cir^iichaoPsFuporflno Flour:
76 barrel* Extra Flour ,
60 aaoka Corn Meal, Diploma.
In store aud’for. sale by,
SU AN iL tOs LOiTEUliiS,
[AtratoausK at tun at ars or alasaiu.j
TO Blfi HilO FOR $10.
lb be drawn lu the City or Montgomery, Alabu..*
iu public, ou THUltef>AY, Noremoor istfc lS
on the plan of '
aO,OOU Tickets Only IJ
Prizes Rnmutltig to
200,000 Dollars!
Will be distributed according to khe fo.loivim
1 prize of *;■»>,<00 Is...
I do ily 20,(00 id
I do do •
1 do do
I do ilo
1 do do
2 do do
2 do do
20 do do
60 do do
76 do do
100 do do
125 do do....
20,OoO Is..,.
10,000 13....
10,000 Ifc. .
ft.coo U..
2.600 Is....
1,000 Is
600 Is....
800 I j ...
*■*0013 ibooo
100 is lu (CO
. 10,t0'i
. 10,(40
.. V,000
. 10,«H)
4 prizes of »400 approxlro’g to$60,oooaro 1 e-o
J ■* “““ *' ‘Mm are 1,m
30.000 are 1,(00
lo.ocu are t.00
10,000 aro 7o0
6,W»u aro l«0
2,MJ() wo <W
l.CO-i are 8;0
Coo are ‘A(00
300 are 6.000
•iUI nr.; 0,(00
l,uoo prizes ainuuntlng (o
I'lUffc UK TJCKl.1V.
Whoio Ticket*' $10; Halves ?5; Quarters $2 So,
4 *•
4 ”
4 “
4 “
8 «
8 “
80 “
200 “
300 ••
30,000 Numhere ooire^puiung with thri.'ocntU
Ti kuts are placed in ot.u Wheel 'ihc (hot 3 E -0
Prlxos aro placed in another W heel. A number i«
drawn from the Number Wheel, and at tbs fame
time a Prize is drawn ir».m tbe oilier wheel. Tue
•'rise drawn is placed agiiiiiet tin muu ,oi draws.
fhi:j operuiinu in repeated uulii all Oi» i'rlnn are
drawn out.
The two prucudlug and the twoKiicceedltigNuiu-
borstothoflu drawing the hrst 20U pi izei wu: te
entitled to Uio 600 Approximation Prizes, «• foreleg
to the t-cht mo.
in ordering Tickets enclose the money umr ad
dress lor Hi- Tlcko's ordcied, on receipt ol'wiitfc
they will bo loiWHrdeo by first mull
Ihu List ol limw- Numbers ui.d Prizes will to
-out to purchubi-rs (diet die dtua-
Orders for Tickets tliou:d be sent In curly.
•yl’orcbaaers will please wMe tJpjrHgislwi*
plum, und give their p >ct, cowty . uu btul'.
SOT Kemeuiber thu; every prize ilrnwit, r.d
payable in foil without de<lueu»o.
tar All prizes ol *1,000 alto under, j-aid mur.tdi’
ately al'ioi the ilrawlug,—o«l.tii prize.-, ui lire usul
time ol thirty day e.
All coiiimunicutiouK strictly conililcntiul.
Prize Ticket* cashed or renewed iu other Tickets
at either olUce.
Orders for Tickets cap be addressed either lo
8. SWAN A I O.. Atlanta, t.a., or
8. 8WAN, ttouigomury. Al».,M
t&" Afl the above is not an '‘Odd aud evenrun’
bar scheme,” no Certificates of Packages uu Is
sold in it. oct 14
T HEsubhcrtbur Having been t<pp ii lid rtleageo
iu this city for Wari eu’s Fire and Water lM
(rt<mposlfo'U ltooUng id prepared lo execute III
sumo lu u satisfactory tuai.m r.
Tho uttciitiuii oi tue ciiizui s of In re*
pent fully solicited t • tho above inethu.i of hoei'rg
ow much used In thu pmici) ui dik* cf tlio l niiel
lies, (both N rtn und South,) aud an it ha> Lcta
sled uudor every variety ol circum-tunces. I uu*
deutiy offer tt to the public as a muJ* oi Ho<Dig
nobjoctionaple tu every puitiuulnr, wbih-tlt utD-
foes, in a greuti r degr ce tliun any otntr roefi- k in
sse. lUe valuable requit-l esui cbcupi c.-s,
and security, aguln.-t both tire and Wuter.
It has rapidly rUporeedcd ilioUfeu! nil kinds w
roofs wherever it low been bib injured, giving In all
coses guueral satisfaction, bung highly reci iunuDd’
.ed by insurance Cempuuie.i, aud ud wbu Lavo test
ed its utility.
J9»CHARLKS SHULL, Architect, a 111 uct tt
agent during my absence from the city, at wh<«»
ofilco all information will bo freely giveu, andsjnci-
men?, of ihe root shewn.
sopl23 CALVIN FAY, Agent.
100 boxes Smith's It Buchan’s Family Rosp
60 ** Colgate’s wale do
60 « do No. 1 ft Bar do
26 *• Oswego Pearl oUrch
60- “ Colgate’s and Bsadoll’sTallow Candles
Landing from schootfor Loyal fleranton, and for
>KtT2 :
X^XTRA FAMILY FLGUR—In Barrels, Backs and
Pj p«ir 8aeks, ‘ * *~ -
Nia*4Ba Him
mOBACCO.—Two hundred and fifty boxes Grant
I k William’sTbbacco, 6’s and 6’s:
400 boxes asserted brands, pounds 8’s.6’a8’s,
10’* and 82’s;
20 ig boxes Pcop’e’a and Rose Twist Fancy;
40 keg* oxtra Twtetand Pancake;
Also, Virgin Leifau't Palmett*;
26 boxes Fine Cut Smoking aud Chewing do.
In store and for tate by , iM
JT 60 bbls Mercer Potatoes
bO do Rod and White Onions
26 i‘
me BBU. Hrao'iIrTf ' Xoaiita Braid);75 bbl
7 O film !«• m>» BKuaoJ wuiiko,: too bu.
jtf| mx liucn oi 1 iii.e. ott. i t ref esrit. sj
9 F milei inn. itciry <» ' »u tw-F
Ui.d CbUBail luati, wot niuitet tc tl» itt*iQ
Rice,Cotta at tae, nt V»e* c»ct*1 1*7
ten tlinijR over. Apply to Alfli
fob27 tt C. A. cm
u XHK SUBiUKItlEK (.Here lur s»lu
l'LAM'Allu., Sa,
luTHierty County, culled illllln ven, p lualen |mi««
miles frum Hiuenvllie, and fix m 1» ir*»ui uw
Kail road, coututnii.g Three That aud Acrts. turw
huuurcd acres cleortU and uuucr gwa lencc, u
of which hiW been cleared wlihlu iho a-tte't*
Tho other porltoim ti *vo been lngt l> umiiuriu tor»
uumber of yearc, and are now ver) pruuuttivo. o _
tbe place 1* a valuable raw and liiist Mill ou a
stream, iu good ruunitig ortltr a large anu reniiw
dlous Glu Holts*', aegfud as new, with ruunlogtiw
for bone puwerj together with a *< ud Ulw- w*
now framed Negro Houses, mifilch m t« wetoinmo-
date fifty Nvgiuus. His elegant uew two ^
Dwelling House, together with a I uecctrnij®
Buildings, such us etablcs, 0. ru Hou.-is, “
fact every thh.g in such- order that tne l' u ”J“
cun reallzo tho full resources ol the laud
the outlay of a dollar lu fixtures. It is piubaoj w
best settled Plantation in Libert) wu ty.
It will bo sou ono third cash, th* bamuce in
aud two yoars. The ouly Inducement to **•' l » 1
luct that the subscriber has another Plufitatin# ‘
miles from this, and the ueL’o.-'sary atieulioti t" lo
takes too mm fa lime from his profo>sie«.*J m '
uieuts, heuce be would relieve faimaoU tu t“°
of ono by disposing of it.
When at home the subscriber will take P« M .
>n showing tho place to any one who t»"7 Ci ‘"» ’
in bis absence Mr. Uefijamlu l.orM-y w.h i-huw'J:
oct 19.1sw$w WM. B
Q.EOKOI;. brosaue, toW^SER,
o:'U8 71 A152 Gibbous’
Bbls No. Prime LeiffLard
1U0 Boxes .-ruled Herrings
lOo do White Goshen Chcess
60 boxes foigHeb Dal y *'
Bhbdri CoJ U»U
26 kegs choice Gnsheu Butter
76 boxes Beadeh’s ti U 8 follow Ow®*#
60 boxos Colga«o< (Urieulul)
60 doxou Brin ms
60 u i aimed Bucket!
60 boxes uow Kulslus
76 “ lmp«irtt , d*Nfgro Pip**
25 bbls baud made Sugar Crackor*
26 *• Butter and soda “
lobbies Oswego and Boadoll’a Pe«J gure>
100 '• fcroltb k Buchan’s Ismll)
76«Colgate's ft ftnr ” „
SS buxe. ar.nt /VlIll.m'd 5 6l« 7'“®
fdr tale by
QQt 24
J^JR NoVEUDKB-JteoAveilby
j R OlJUiiEDGH. A|ti