Savannah Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, November 05, 1856, Image 3
M0N91EUB A. BONAUD respectful!f In. is Ibi-IQI hU purom ihit he will oiten bU Acad* Am''my at Armory. Hail, on Saturday, Novam- JTTtU, w 4 o'clock. F. U- ■ ' r . 4 -i hU form«f pjplli urn,regretfully invited to aUo.’M. i’bo UOruiu Bind U engaged flir IU® oo- all cot.on 00129 FA41IIO.VABLM D&VGUro. MR. NIGHOL4 Has returned and will oom- mm to® UIMWM aV 8t. Andrew *; »UI 1 ou ^MMUOilOy, M«f, 6tb, 18M». .,1 104 1AU004 t'Ultiht, together with two DOW aBW ,uf u tAl-Uwa Hr. N. may b*soonattba Hall houtU.v- .l..lll«irot.oMUd*r.. .*,-•* ip- .o out, .l td nutruotloalo fauoy Dsuolng ^ivou .h .liualim UMrtottfms* IK't -j—4l MEDICAL CARD. , . Jit. J. u. Sdll’il bav removed hU OflJcs l Broughton tflroet. iu Hal lay’a Building, o row > n>M aboro Uuldeu's utt Store. Rostdeuoe at .j,.. wm Wont itroad atrwet. eeplH j.'.UHLiHV-Oli'iaiflNal OO' CHATHAM OoUNi’Y. i out a oaudidat® lor re-election to Uio of- j'Jr U 'j oi Rocelvor of fax Hoturua in Jauuary •mu, au-i respectfully aollolt your eulfragod. ^raiB voters op Chatham’ ouuNvr. .'eltow oiUiuiu, 1 ain aoaadidat® at Ibe . oii<»u, iu J.iuuary next, (Or tba office ol . uur, aud Holtolt your support. A. HARMON. .u f S;»; t jkii, \m. octl at. i'at ♦'«lH Sifi •it* \V tfl*S UOl' i'O.V 11ARVBITKU. . -jm f uo groat U uiiduraium of Flamers U final- idSr Iv •lOUiued iu (Uu successful luveutiun of .1 >.v - 4 v. >vwa iUr venter. with wblub «me bandeau .a .»♦ m tote cotton an live iu the ordinary way, j *; I.'* - i.iug au uutueuse auouut oflabor. What ■v.uiu .-y’. uuitouuin la iu Ha attojjugo, Howo’s ■ l»r. ■■•lo. id IU picKing. I'jr u ’ mr information, apply to A. 'VlUiUK, 111 Bay street. Agent ft»r Mia Auua of Uwirgta aud Florida. io me I’atroiis of tiu Suv’li (Georgian AM <IuOm» duo to the Georgian previuua t ><AF tb.‘ tuii instant, arc payable ouly to the uu V'ied H Noted uud uucouuu due la tho city wil >*» 4 -fv -uuiuo mi mediately, and alt itebu due iu tho rectory will L<o forwardod by au early mail. ouiug tuo Umu that tbe undersigned baa ,< jiiiioiy appealed ht bia late patron, bo feels that uuty will not ooudidor him uureaaonable iu urging upou tliei-l the ueceddity for imuiodiate paymeut. uuamuuuod nuy be made directly to tbe under- Miuvvl, <n B, tUltou & Co- whose receipt wilt m* VHluCl PHILIP J. PUNCH '“'i, May -dg, leStl. myl8-lawUfttw •j? o "2e» H.XMTXIH.S, I'tio aubsorlbera utter lor sale a targe and varied Aswimontoi'secoud-httud printing material, sufU- UU.’U to «■■stabllab a complete Job OtUca, with but low iiddltiouui articles, consisting in part of—Hue vapid loot of small pica, as good as new, and vari- jimtouts of jof typo; ouo auper royal hand-press; otic iloe a Co s proof-press. latest Improvement, titw; two at iu >re large imposiug stones, new; don- oiu and siugle auds; oases, composing slicks,col. unlit rules, g*U *. a* chases, oto., olo., together with aiini:? uU—r ar teles periainlng to a newspaper or jet) utile**. R. U. HILTON k CO. I'lito 28 ra Arnunrootrm. jxo. ooum vtusui. COUPBR At FUASBR, U>:W'\S X GENERAL COMMISSION MKRCHANT8, day street, Savannah, Qa. fmyll 14, J. D A V A N T, J 11, t’.UU'OU AND OOMtflSaiON itBROANT, No. HT Uay Street, jy J r Saruunab.Ga JA-MKS M. SAVAGE, ATPoRNfiY AT LAW, in 4SVILLS, raoxas cocxrr, oa. AU 'aAsuib-, cntrnaVad to his oarewili rocalve pntmpl atientli. lyr—mar!7 , S'tuoKBs. •axesa. vorris ttOBOBBS At NORRIS, (late Crane A Rodgers, wholesale obocSebs, jutiO 1,1856, BAY-STHKICT, SAVANNAH, per JEFFERSON ROBERT*, GENERAL UO.VLALiStflOJS MERCHANT, AND HBALKIl IN Timber and Lumber. SAVANNAH, Qa. WILLIAM H. DASHER, AffOitNEY AND C0UN8KLL0R AT LAW, lYoupvtile, Lowudos County, Oa Nili practice In Thomas. Lowndes, Clinch, Ware, Appling, folfair, Irwin. Laurens, and Pulaski .tjituilas, Georgia; andm Jefferson,Madison, Ham* tun, aud Columbia oountlea, Florida. [my 11 k. wKiiitiT. j.p. x. aavaui. WRIGHT At SAVAGE, ArroRxSsraATLAvr, UlllJ.NriVViCK, OA. Jyl9 jam a. Bbwm: MMUINKBR, AKOHfTRUT AND duRVKYOR, cttnxMK or siurro.t ajtd bbtax-sts^ (Aboro C A. L. Lamar.) jyd—3m ATaieliPlN SBROTHBRI, Lumber, Mill and Brick lards. «Jp6 5 SAVANNAH, PA. mm Tl non'kn^NMlaubolOtla, UUu. KMjolS’llSl Branw, Bulldm' Uwdwu,. Mill,, Hull, uuiuiuj ' “ ■ PATiNTIOK PITOIiiaUB " aoradi ouiiulrir, will b. «ud u louu Hut u.v lur, auuttjr urlYid. KENNEDY k BEACH. Huuiti-rurnl.hlag Aw,, Hod,son’. Now Block .Odd ^ v u \ w ATTORNEY AT LAW, SPUTA, OA. WlU practice In the counties of Uauooek, Warrea, Wartblugutu, and Baldwin. n Hmuiiau—Bobs fe rosier, tUbou kBmllo, ud E. A. SoulUrd, SoYMiiuli. jiu, WH. H. DAdlEbb, ATTOUNEY AT LAW, UVUIIII, US. *W UUloo over Ibomu it. Turner k Co.., Uru, or., B» .Ireot, my; PATTEN, HUTTON <11 (DO., PAOTOHB. Forwarding and Uominisalon Merchants, Uay-.lceet. Mi.want.Mt, On. m il l tat dt HULL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, UKtlNdWIUK, OA. ApPPHbf. L. 0. BOLL. A. WILBUR, ■ in Rajui, EOH RENT, * ~ . TIVO onralbrUlllo Wooil'on TENEd ENTS I I'omor or Uberty .no Drnyltm strosu. Poll KENT THE inburlber bellik ibout In partition off the two uud commodious ,b>- ri,sovorl)r. Ilrmtloy • Drug Btoro Into olllo",. offonlbsm Hit rout by lot of No. YOruboriiMt, OIIABEBs 81I0LL. ■opI'Al Architect. wtR-smw fit THE lourtb »tor, ror Dr. Br,otley'i> Drug it Store. Apply to OUARLES SBOLL, •ept SO—tr-fi» Architect. ’ ’ ' FOR NEW YORK. mnM«ir«llw>tap,tlANm>.. al l o'clock, P, M, Tho Hteamshln Fl.OHtD.v, Oapi. .WOOrtHUl.i,,will leave aa aboveror freight or pAssaKo apply to rr PAUELFORIL FAYS 00. *r Rerihs not secured until paid ror. Cabin Passage, *26 Moorage passage 8 Shippers of Oottou by thoso steannhliM will noiwetako notlco, that no uotion will be rooolved at ho uroasos that Is not distinctly marked on the edgo oTtlio balo. novS sopt 21 Will practice iu tho B< urn*wick OrcuU—comorls- log the follow lug Counties: Glynn. Wayuo, Camden, Ware, Cliuub, Colfoe aud ChorUou. JOHN B. MILLRR. augU ly wnrtFnonsixr DEALER IN CHOICE F ARILY 01 aud Foreign aud Domestic Fruit, comer UroughUm and Whitaker tU. rown aud country supplied with choice goods at moderate prices. All orders promptly attended to, and satisfaction always guirsutoed. apl8 JOHN G. FALLICrANT, WH0LK8AL8 AND RKTAIL DXALXB IN WINDOW BUNDS, WINDOW SASH AND PANE DOORS. West side Monument Square, Savannah, Ga. ' • ' mayll ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office corner Bay and Drayton streots Jyl8 PHILIP SI, RUSSELL, NOTARY 8 74°vUnU K ^CoUNLkNT’AND COPYIST. WlU exeuto Deeds, Mortgages, Power oi Attorney, Wills, Bonds, Notices aud Taking ot Interrogatories, Office at the Court Housu, Savannah, Ga. Court Days, Third Tuesday In each month, and Jwld at the office of Edward Wilson,&u. Residence, Gaston, between Barnard and Tattnall street. Any oall at night, on business, will bo attended to Immediately. jyjifc W«. O. CONNELLYl ATTORNEY AT LAW, tlUBXXXa, WORTH OODXTY, U., (FOOT umCS, AUUXT.) WlU practise in tho Southern Uroult, ana in Macon, Dooly aud Worth Counties oiThe MAcon Circuit. ^ 49* Particular attention given to the coUecUoa o! claims In South-Western Georgia. Je2—dm FOR RENT. A WHARF WORK uu dor 174 Bay atre* Possession given 1st October. Apply to TISON k GORDON. * For male ■ A VALUABUS LOT, near the Control Railroad Dopot. about (10 x 1001'ect, This Lot Is roesimpte. On the'premises ar® three cornffirUble Wooden BUILDINGS, wmou rent for bwj por annum. Terms moderate, Apply to J. B OUBBKDGB, «ept 20 Agent. “Atlanta hotel. ATLANTA ■ i i i GEORGIA. J* J. IfBSLER, Proprietor* Late qf the Verandah Hotel, New Meant, Passungors per fiveulng Trains will find Supper ready on the arrival or the Curs, * mayl4 m m* FOR FREIGHT OR OHARTER-The Swe- I dish brig BYDPOLEN. Cspt. Boderberg. ppiy on board at Habersham's wharf, or to nova padelsoru, Fay k co. —wirpHif^mwiiA: 3b leave on Saturday Nov, Hth, at 3 o'clock, P, M, The United States Mail Steamship KEYSTONE STATE, Capt. Uardle, will leave as above. For frolght or pasB&ge apply to 0. A. GREINER, Agent Cabin Pasbago 20 00 dteorago Passage 7 00 Passengers by tills ship for Baltimore and Wash ington will bo lauded at New Castle,'Dolawaro, if desired, from which placo cars start three limes dally for the above cities, aud other bout a urn Puluts. oct 81 CABIN PASSAGE TO NEW YOBK $2a 00. MERCHANTS’ HOTEL, jAC Js&«mhfv.^tof. LA - m MILLS HOUSE, COBNEB MEETING UiLAKLKSTON, 0, 0. THIS House is now adapted to all the wants of tho Travelling Public, and tbe ef- [ii|H forts of the Proprietor will be to deserve wlk their patronage, mar 81 THOMAS S. NICKERSON. P. JACOBS, 8BGAR AND TOBACCO STORE* No. 29, Bull street, (sign of the Big Indian.) N. B.—Keeps constantly on hand Spanish, Hail Spanish, and American Segars, at wholesale and re all. Also, Chewing Tobacco, SuulT, Ac. June 1 jambs McHenry, Insurance Broker and Notary Public. Marine Protests Noted and Extended, Average adjusted, Charter Parties aud Average Bonds drawn* Papers prepared whereby to recover lossos from American or British Underwriters, and attention given to all mattors connected with shipping and in surance, No. 118 Bay-street opposito tho front ol tho Custom House. ly norB JESSE T. BERNARD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Nowuansville, Fla. Reference—George .. Brown, William Deli, New* nansvllle, Fla., R. It. Hilton, Boaton A VlUalongn. u —-f Savannah, Ga. mylf C. W* MABRY, ATTOBNEY AT LAW FRANKLIN, BKAKD 00., QA. WlUattond to professional business in the Countie® orH«ard, Carroll, Campbell, Coweta, Fayette, Meri wether and Troup, Refereuoe—Hon. E. Y. HUL LaGrange, Ga.; Hon* David Irwin, Marietta, Ga. jColonel M. M. Tidwell, Fayetteville, Ga ; and Mr. william Dougherty. C'o- lumbus, Ga. sepl7-ly EDUCATION. DARIEN ACADEMY. rPUE TRUbTEhS of the abov.i nnmod Institution A announce to the public, that this Academy will be opened on the Brat Monday In November he. Tho principal, Ool, S. Spencer, au experienced teacher, comes well recommended by bis former tatronsond other gentlemen of highest respecta- Rocommended to us, os he is, os well os from our own knowledge of Col, Spencer, we commond him and tho Academy to tho patronage of our friends at home aud abroad. Mlss’A. M. Spencer will assist In tho Female and Junior department. For further information, apply L. M. BLOUNT, Beo'ry. sept2& wMnBEKT: for sale. The subscriber offers for sale all hor .possessions In Scrivcn county, contain ing about ono tnousand acres of Laud, Imore or less, all adjoining Bald Ferry, and exlomtlng to the Augusta road — .The improvements consist or a good Dwelling, btoro, Warehouse; and all other necessa ry out-buildings. About sixty-five acres are uuder fence And in good order for cultivation. The laud is first, quality, and well supplied with fencing tim ber. It is an excellent stand for the merchandize bUBlhesa. The Ferry la the beat located and most patronized oi any other botwoen Savanuah and Augusta. Thero is also pas.dug through tho laud a novor failing stream, fully sufficient to supply any Grist or 8aw Mill. For further particulars address me at Springfield, Effingham county, Ga. sept 7—If ELIZABETH JONES. GENERAL NOTICE. S ILVER AND GOLD PLATING can now be done at homo. Mr. CHARLES KEMISH having es tablished himself permanently, all work iu this line will bo done with dispatch. All repairing of Castors, Teapots, Candlesticks, bpoonB, Forks, or any other article will be dono neatly bofore plating. AU old silver plate, such as Teasetts or Urns, Forks or Spoons, will be ro-flntsbod and made equal to new. and at moderate prlco3. All work or ordors left at wm. McAllister. Marble Monuments, Tombs and Grave Stones, fur» khed on reasonable terms. Orders res- pootfuUy solicited. ap!8 . i -WDX.V. WX. STARR, it, I. X. HARD IS. OGDEN, STARR At OO., Shipping and Commission Merchants, HA Y-STRKKT. SAVANNAH. OA. E. GUMMING, ATTOBNBY AT LAW, fobl-ly iMWtXTOX, OA. | '. 1. IURKWON. A. 0, HARRISON At McGBIIBE, AUCTION, GOil&lidSiON, RECEIVING AND A’orwitrdiaig ifierciiRuts* id AND Ui SKUAD-dTHJCkT, COLUMBUS, UXORQIA. *9* Particular attention given to the sates of Real Mute, Nogroos and Prutluo®. 4dr hi beral advances made on Negroea and Mer- itbaadlsd OH AS. G. CAMPBELL ATTORNEY AT LAW; naumaimut, ua.^ Law in the various Counties or the Go* mulgee Urouit, and the atUotataf Counties 0 f Twiggs, Laurons and Washington. Refer to—John Boston, H. A. Crane, and R. B ilton. reblf U&6iiOK'\, (iOtiUoW, ATTOBNEY AND UOUNSELLOB AT LAW, AND Committioner of the U. 8. Court qf Claim foe the State qf Georgia. Olgce Corner Bay and Bull streets. RUSK, PATTEN k CO. f liU.VtiY k D.iNlEL, yUolumbus, Ga il’EWART, GRAY *00.1 —r* » E s; a oo 4 r' ,HAU ’ 11. b. bMITH, ) Mobile, Alabama. oci 2il ly YONGB At FRIERSON, FORWARDING AND COMMi&ION MERCHANTS, NO. 04 BAY-BtfUCR. SAVANNAH, QA apr4 v iwioa Jc Commission Uoiue, Unaon.Ua A. It. MlLADOHLUT, Uenoral Aaeiit aad Auctioneer, Solicits from his friends consignments or ®ver) Jiscription. fakes orders for Cotton. bpecial attention given to the sales or Real kstiite, blocks aud Negro property, at publla and private sales. Prompt returns and ditpatch. iloiiirimoe—C. A. L. LAMAR, mob -10 IAs. w. Ud UN. a. r. SMOOT. GREEN * SMOOT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW "UV2U THOMASION, QA. JOHN BILBO, Ordinary of Chatham County, AND ATTORNEY AT LAW. Glflce In tbe Court House. my IS ~ aTvi* hon V Mco uCLO ATTORNEY AT LAW, Savannah, Georgia. 49* Office on Bay street, over the Bank of Savan. juh. msyia H. L. P. KING, „ ATTOBNEY AT LAW. i omer of Bay and^ Whitaker Streets, SAVANNAH fob 22 WELLS St WiEMAHK; mum ik domestic), foreign and fancy DRY GOODS. <Vo. 149 CongranU, Savannah, Oa. 1*9. T. WELLS, formorl, of Beaufort DHL 8, 0. WEOI’KILUS wIllUHS, “ Sort,."0o..0a. •eptl 1 I. 0. SPSS. i, a. DAVM. w. D LOXU RUSE, DAVIS dt I,ONG, 00fv£MISSION MERCHANTS SAVANNAH, OA. may 80 i. utuKirr. u. d. turiLusos LUOKETT At SNELLING8, COMMISSION MJSBOHANTS, AND SHIPPING AGENTP, Savannah, Qa* Will ftUood to Ute selling of all kinds of produce strict attention given to rocoiving and forwarding zwM8, may 81 ly M. WHIT SMITH, ATTOBNEY AT LA W, AUMATOB, NAJff FLORIDA* Will practice In the Eastern and Southern Counties Refer to-Ool. 8. 8. Sibley, and R. B. Hilton, 8a innah. fob’J-tf WILLIAM PHILLIPS, ATTOBNEY AT LAW, MABIim, OA. oot2&—ly J. VV. PATTERSON. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, TroupvlUe, Lowndes Conty, Ga. (in U 1. mylO J. M. EYRE, CGMUlbbluN MEROHANT, aug20 No. 148 Bay-et., Sarannah. JOHN G. BOOTH, CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Will also givejils attention to designs in Arcbitcc- are. Office in the store of John Williamson, Esq., Bay street. myU D. A. O'BYRNE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office 178, Bay-st., over Turner k Co's. Drug Store SAVANNAH, OA. nov lfr-ly S. W. BAKER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, TroupvlUe, i.itwudiM County, Ga. Reference—Hon. IS', tv Flrxjrq, Savannah, Ga. myll EDWARD G. WILSON, MAGISTRATE, NOTARY ASD COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS. At Messrs. Ward k Owens’ law Office. [myll WAYNE, GRENVILLE At GO., NO FORWARDING fiERCHANTB, Bay-tired NatwnnaA. TH08. 8. WAYNE. 0. E. ORENVILLE, R. ALEX. WAYNE, W. T. SAMPLE, y 6—it Savannah. Chattanooga. LANIER At ANDERSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, apft-ly maooi»9ia. w. m. Lawton & Co.“ Charleston, South Carolina. DBA ISLAND COTTON AND BICE FaO TOB8. B. Wainwiout Baoot I Williui U. Lawton Joseph T Dill | WineobnLawton, Jb sug29-cotl4m JOHN 8...NORRIS, BOARD FXR DAY., BOARD PXR MONTH ,mayl3 .* 1 60 6 00 . 20 00 lyr Semi-Weekly United State® Mall Line,. T1HB NEW AND SPLENDID SIDE-WUEEL 1 Steamships— nNOXVIUJfi,.1,600 tons..Cayt. 0. D. Ludlow. AUGUSTA .... 1.600 11 . .Capt. Thomas Lyon. FUJRIDA 1,800 “ ..Capt. M.8. WoodhuU. ALABAMA..., 1,800 “ ..tapt. G. R.Schenck. _ WILL LKAVS SAVANNAH RVXRT WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. These ships are among the largest on tht coast, unsurpassed In speed, safety and comfort, making their passages In fifty to sixty hours, and are com manded by sldliihl. ooroful and polite officers.— Having elegant state-room accommodations, they offer a meat desirable conveyance to New York. Cabin Passage to New York *26 Steerag® rung® to New York 8 PADELFORD, FAY k CO., Savannah. 8AM’L L. MITCHHJ,, 18 Broadway, leb 6 Now York. Will tail on Saturday next, Nov. 1, at 10K o’clock, A. if., preciseli, * £, The steamship AUGUSTA, Captain Lyon, will leave asaltovo. For freight or passage apply to ■■■P PADEI.FORD, FAY A CO. Cabiu Passage *26 Steerage Passage g _9* Shippers of Cotton by these SteauiBhips will pleaso take notice, that no Cotton will be received at too presses that !b not distinctly marked on the edge ef tho bale. oct38 FOR CHARLESTON, The Steamer GORDON having re- ■BHBtorned from Florida, will rosume her regular trips to Charleston, leaving here on Saturday. Nov. 1st, at 6 o'clock P. M. oct20~6t J. I*. BROOKS, Ag't. ” K av ATItV OJ l inTri A 8' ■■Fi my atore will be attended to promptly; P. 8.—Welch oases galvanized. FOR DBMBRY'S FERRY, AND ALL THE INIEKMl.DIATE l^NDINGS ON THE SAVANNAH RIVER. The uew hon steam packet BWAN, Captain Richard Johnson, will leave Charleston wharf every ■Fridar morning, ut 10 o’clock, punctually, for Dom8ry T e Ferry, and all Intermedi ate landings on the Savannah Kivor. 49" Tho Swan has superior accommodations lor passengers. For freight engagements apply to sept23 JOHN RICHARDSON. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. For Palatka, East Fla., via Darien, Bruniwicfc, St, Marys, Femandina, Jacksonville, Niddlebury, (Black Greek,) and PicokUa. k Tho now and elegant steampacket DARUaVGTON, Capt. Brook, loaves every mesuuy morning, at 10 o’clock, for tho above places. Freight will be takon for Trader’s Hill and Inter medium landings on St Mary’s River. 49- No freight will be token after 9 o'clock. For freight or passage, having exceUeut state room accommodations, apply on board, at the Flori da Steampacket Wharf, near the Gaa Works, or to Jy26 CLAGHORN k CUNNINGHAM, Ag’t®. may27 fl.JM. GIFFIN Savannnh, Oct. lit, 1890. rpHE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing be X tween the subscribers, under the uamo of J. V. CONNKRAT & CO., was this duy dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. Joseph V. Couuerat will at tend to the sotUcment of tho adhirs or tbe said firm. J. V. CONNERAT j. - Savannah, Oct. lit, 1850. THE UNDERSiGNED having bought out tho in terest of John Laxx. will hereafter continue tbe Wholesale GROCERY AND PRODUCE BUSINESS in hla own name and for hla own account,, and re spectfully solicits from the friends of the late firm a continuance uftbelr favors, oct 8 J. V. CONNERAT. Oto HgPBBgHBPBKST ANIEL CRONIN Upholster, 26 Brvan-at, 1 would respectfully announce to tbe oitixeus ol _ lvannah that he Is ready to make and put down Carpets, Oil Cloth, Matting, ko., at the shortest no ire, and on tbe most reasonable terms. ooUM) DRS. LBFLER At WILCOX, Dcntlau ABE now fully prepared to in •ert (Mil or partial sotta of T autb on the priuoiplo or Dr.J. Aliena's Patent Continuous Gum, By his Improvement, tho form of tho face con bo restored to auy degree of rotundity that may be desired. . t is applicable In all cases wberethe cheeks have fallen In and cannot be detected by 'ho closest observer.— This method combines the following t Wantages:— An artificial gum, which exhibits a perfectly natural and lifo-like appearance, and Imparts totbetboetb that peouliar expression which character lies tbe tural organs. This Gum consists of a slliclous compound, which J applied and flued upon the Teeth and Plateln such a manner, as to fill up all the interstices around the base or the Teeth, ®ud also unites them firmly to each other and to the Plate upon which they are sett. This secures perfect cleanliness of the Teeth Office over DeWltt k Morgan, Congress street. ", Republican and Georgian copy, fob 10-U STUTTERING AND STAMMERING C URED by Dr. WYOXOFF, of Put burg, Pa., wlthoutpain or Surgical Operation, who will send the euro to any part of the World, on tho re ceipt of *10; and the money returned, If the cure Is not effectual. Ail lotters must be addressed to Dr. Wyokoff, Box 746, Pittsburg, Pa., in care ot Arthurs, Rodgers kCo., Bankers. P. S. Correspondents will please enclose stamp for return postage. V Caution.—All persona who cannot produce my genuino certificate, are humbugs. sept26—wly Dr. W. BRALBBOKbRAGB BUSINESS. T IE UNDERSIGNED oilers bis services to h s friends and the publio as a GENERAL BROKfc R. Particular attontlon will be given to the pui chase and a tie of Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Ac., and procur ing freights for vessels, oct 5—W4 JOHN T. ROWLAND. CO-PARTNEEBHIP NOTICE. Wylly At Collin*. T IB UNDERSIGNED have this day entered into a co-partnership for the transaction of au Auc tion and U on oral Brokerage business. G. W.Wylly, one ortho undersigned, has been engaged for sov eral years In business in this city, and having asso. elated with him Thos. W. Collins, formerly of Ma con. the new firm respectfully solicits public pat ronage. GEO. W. WYLLY, THOMAS W. COLLINS. November 1, WC0. nol-tf CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. T HE UNDERSIGNED have thla day fortnd a co partnership, unde- the name of LAWTON & BASINGER, for the practice of law la all Its branches. Offico on the Bay—next door East of City Hotel. A. R. LAWTON, novl-lw WM. 8. BASINGER. ARCHITECT. slon, offers his services to hi® friends and the public as au Architect and superintendent, Deaigus fot any part of the country supplied and executed In all tbo various branches of hla profes sion, such as Public Edifice®, Stores, Dwellings Monumouta, Ac, Thoroughly Flro Proof Btorcs ue, gned aad executed. 03ae at present in Bay Lane- rear oftheOiiHtom Jlnuao. Jan 8—ly TJEMfiTiwr Dr®. BOYALL & JOHNSON, Dentist®, office corner St. JuUen-st i and Market Squoro, over S. JIL . ’ mot'® Jewelry ator®. Office hours from 6 to 2 o’clock, and from 8 to 8. uom OK. ililABLV. H. COliDUIO, 'I OF.IICB AND BMIDKNCE, No. 14 UDIRTY-SI., - _ On® door west of Drayton. A. If. CHAMPION: to Chatnuloa A W»tU.T .TO0LB8ALB AN» HtSIAU, OEOCEE, *o. 4 ,1., botwoon Iho Uulut ud B»y »(.. r^.. . „ SAVANNAH, OA. u“fl'r lo OroMrlM,Forolfnuil Domcllo liq.on, W»d Irulta, Ac, Ac! talurunuu—A.lffuunplon, E»q„ Sunuol Solomon., TtTfa. HiiiToS.' AVIOKNKT AND COUNSKLLOH AT LAV. Office corner or Bay and Drayton-sta. 8AVannan, GA. my II T HE subscriber bastitmovoa on the Bay, next door t o tbe Republloau office, where Ue la no w opening asp leudid asKortment or Fall and Winter good®, which he will sell by iho pattern or make to order in tb® most fasbiouablo Htylo; also, itoady- mad® Clothing from tbo celebrated bouse or James Wild®, Jr., k Co.. New York. Thankful for past favors, be hopes by strict application to merrtt a cootinuauc® of to® ®oot®. N. B.—Cuttb.g, Altering and Repairing done at tbe sbortMt notice. Just received a tot of white end colored shirts. oct 10 JOHN W KELLY. GROOORXSIS, dbOm R ECEIVED per steamer Alabama, and in store 30 kegs extraGoahcnButter, 60 boxes State Cheese, 20 do English Dairy Cheese, 16 boxes Pine Apple Cbeeso, 80 barrels cholco Apples, 50 barrels extra Eating Potatoes, 25 BARRELS BED ONIONS, 29 BARRLLS YELLOW ONIONS, S barrel* Tomatoea, a BARRELS PEARS. 4 BOXES NEW LEMONS, 15 DO NEW RAISINS, 10 hall boxes now Raisins; lOquartor do do do, also: 2 barrels extra Pig Hams, 2 barrels extra Pig Sides. 2 barrels extra Pig Shoulders, Dried Beer, moked k Pickled Tongues, Tonguos, Corned Beef, Pork, ko. For sale by R. H. WATSON k CO., oct28 No. 28 Whitaker street. J^OPE—lfip Colls Rope for sale, to arrive by fohr j Julia A. Rich. o«»D LOCUH SSNELLUfOa » , L ONDON PORTERAC.—Jusi received 15 casks. qu. and pt®. Byass London Porter—also otard and Senetto Brandies, Pon, Scborrv. and Medlra Wines, Ac. 4o. Choice articles in glass and wood for family use by DAVID O’CONNOR, oct 23 Corner Broughton A 'Drayton H AY, Corn and Lard, in store and for sale by whs ixxksrr ensllinm. A RE UklDg UAillNE ud RIVER Rlalu '.t their A, Ageuoy, oh Draytoh Mtrout, near the Bay. Appruvud Risks will be -taken on Uberot lorius, and Hie usual uroilit given ou Premium Note,*, Tliriio quartors ol tiie buHlucNs will be rot trituil to tbo customers Jn Scrip. oct22-0m O. A. L. Lumar, Agent. Messrs. Padilfokd, Fat &Co., a- K. T*rr, Esq., State Bank. feu 29 THE GREAT WESTERN FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of No. 107 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Pam. CHARTER PERPETUAL......CAPITAL *500,000. F1JU, MARLVX, AND IMLAND INSUBAMCX. U. 8. Moll Line FOR PALATKA, FLA., fid Darien, Brunswick, St. Marys. Oa., Femandi na and Jacksonville, Piadata and Black Creek, Fla. ”W|k THE steamer WELAKA,Capt. N will leave for tbe above placos overy Saturday Morning, at 10 o’clock. Tula beat has large and airy State Room accom modations, and taking the Inland Passage, offers overy inducement to Invalids and othora. Frolght will be taken for Trader’s Hill and later mediate landings on 8t. Mary’s River. No freight wUl be lukon alter 9 o’clock. For freight or passage apply on board at the Florida Steam pocket wharf, or to Jyg* CLAGHORN A CUNNINGHAM. 0. 0. POOLE, No. 11, Whittaker Street, (two doors from Bryan,) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Soshc®, Blind®, Doors, Point®, OH®, Var nishes, Window Glass, Putty, do. gqfa Painters’, Grainers* and Artiste’ Brushes ^^nwhitewash Heads and Dusters, Dry auc ji, -fr.- ’Mixed Paints of every description, Artists' colors In tube®, Prepared Canvass, ko. PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS AND FIRE BOARD PATTERNS. Rooms prepared with ueatness and despatch.— House, Sign and Ship Painting, Gliding, Graining and Glazing douo in the best style and at moderate prices. A1I orders from tho country promptly attended to. men 28—ly G. M. GRIFFIN, SUCCESSOR TO LATE M. EASTMAN Comer of Bryan and Whuakor dtreeis. HAS uow uu band a beautiful as sortment ut Jewelry of every dls- oriptlou aud kind wuru by ladies AhM ana geutlemun. and will sell at unusually low price*, 1 have this day received (por Express) a large stock of elegant diver Ware, consisting of Cake anu Pie Knives, plulu and engraved Fish Knives anu Forks, Pickled Knives ami Forks, Knives, Fork# and Spoons, Napkin Kings, Nutmeg Graters, &e. &o., all In Morocco cases, aud suitable fur presents. 1 have also this day received an addition to my stock 6l bairwork or light colored Curls, Topsys. Braid®,From Pieces, Bands, Uncle Tom, ko., which now makes ray assortment complete. Orders received for auy color desired. Watches repaired by and under the supervision ofBeir, aud all other work done In a workmanlike manner, and warranted. may 26 9IASSIE SCHOOL. T HE HASSIk SCHUUL will be opened on WED NESDAY, October 16th. The Regulations require that after the openli g ol tbe School, “Applicants shall bo received every day or the first week, and on Monday of each suc ceeding week of the term ” There are still several vacancies in the School. Until the opening of tho School, applications muy bo made to tho Princip 1, who will bo found at tbe School Room every morn tag from 9 to 10. By order of the Commissioners, it 10 B. HALLUX, Principal. 1IOOKS & STATIONERY T HE SUBSCRIBER has on hand the SCHOOL BOOKS in use iu tho Schools of the city, to- guvnor with a fine assortment of the latest Cheap Publications, Magazines, ko., Ac., and bis stock of Miscellaneous Books will be increased as Tost as it cun be doue with a due regard to a good stock. —ALSO— A tine assortment of Juvenile Books, Colored Primers, Toy Books, &o. -ALSO- Paper Envelopes, Wax, Bill Paper, Pencils, Pen Holders, Slates, and such Staple articles as every body wants. Tbo Muguzlnos and New Publications will be re ceived as early as at any titoro in the city. A share or publio patronage is respectfully solic- Itwl. J. B. CUBBEDGE, Agent, oct 8 Under the Marshall Hous. IJVSUKANl'E. Southern Mutual Insurance Company, Southern Mutual Lite lit®. Company, Home luiuranee Company, of N. York, Springfield Fire At Marino lit®. Com'y, Bisks In thu above insurance Companies uuderta ken by WM, KINO It 80N8, Agoni®, No. 99 Bay street. Savannah, 14th December, 1866,uecl4 FIKfl, MARINIS AND LIFM l N S U it A lN C. ta. NO. 11.1. BAY-UTHEM. CAPITAL HbiPUErtBNi'KD, Nearly Four .Million Uollurs. By tbo followingrespouslbiu fiutok Companies. Charter Oak Life Insurance Company, OF HARTFORD, OT. HqoltabM Fir® Insurance Company, OF LONDON. ^ Farmer®* and Mechanics’ Five, Marine and Life Insurance Company, OF PHILADELPHIA. Bridgeport Fire and Murine lusarance Company, * OF BRIDGEPORT, OT. . y Tu® subscriber will effect insurance to any amount in all parts of tbe State ou every description or property. life Insurance, to any amount, at the lowest rate, for the benefit or heirs and creditors, or payable to the wife free from the claims of creditors. Marine Insurance on Hulls or Cargoes lo all part® Of the world. _ jau26 A. WILBUR. MUTUALBENEFIT LIFE INSUIl ANCK COMPANY, NEWARK, N. J. Charter Perpetual. Nett accumulation, Jan. 1, I860* *3,230,001* *i Total amount of dividends paid to date 715,492 00 Total amount of claims by death paid to date 1,330,990 84 ♦The Celebrated stallion BILL GORDON.” at Auction. THIS DAY, 4th Nov.. ®t 11 o'clock, In front . of Court Hoiis®. That celebrated Bullion Bill Gordon—is 10 years fid, was got by the Inputted Prunby, bis dam by the American ficllpie, dam, Bald of Mill, by Hick- ory. ko., ko. Bill Gordon ta a hone thorough bred and u good blood as the country can produco. For further aud full urtioulars apply at oar counting room, where can be mmi bia lull pedigree aud remarks. Torm® Cash. ho4 Assignees Hal®. THIS DAY, 4th Nov., at 11 o'clock, in front of Court House t A life Interest in lot No. 8 and improvemenU, sit uated on ludlan street. The improvement-* srea good two story house with store ou the corner, and ourduubte tenement bouses, alt Iu good repair, aud undor g<toa reut. Bold as the assign® l Ufo In terest or Patrick Fitspatitck, by order of the as signee* Torm® oa:h. nov4 *4,282,488 97 Benjamin C. Miller, Seer entry, Joseph i.. Lord, General Agent, Robert L. Patterson, President. ♦The funds of this Company are ail gaiety Invested In first class bonds and mortgage*, stocks, cash, and notes of members fully secured by tbolr polioies For further particulars Inquire ol' WM. M. GLADDING. Agent in Savannah, At tho office of Bell k Prentiss J, 8. SULLIVAN, Medical Examiner. New Fish. Just received direct by t-uhr L H Davis: 20 huts new no. iiHaukeiel 2u do do do g do 20 bil bbls do du 2 do 20 do do dodo S do 20qr do dodo 2 do 20 qr do do do 8 do 10 bbls Picketed Bbod ■' * loo boxes, each 40 lbs, new Codfish—prim® 10 do uo Go uo, smoked Balmou, now landing aud for sale tew from tha wharf. —ALSO— 60 boxas fresh ground .lava Ooffea. oc2l Just received in store, and for sale low, and on accommodating terms: 40 Uhils prime Sides, oc2l Carter Potatoes at Private Sale. Just received |ter suhr J X Grice, from Now York, 60 bbls Carter Potatoes. oct24 New Herrings at Private Bale. Just received per schooner LS Davis, and now landing. 600 Boxes first quality Smoked Herrings 26 barrels Holland Herrings in ary salt, for sate low oct 24 For Rent, The counting room and st <re next to our Btore, formerly occupied by Mayer k Blum, Also, several stores under our ceuntlTg room aug20 DIRECTORS: Charles C. Lathrop, 632 Spruce street; Alexander Whllden, Merchant, 14 North Front-st.: John 0. Hunter, firm of Wright. Hunter A Co.; E. Tracy, firm or Tracy & Baker; John It. M’Curdy, firm of Jones, White & il'Curdy; Isaac Hazlohurst, Attorney and Counsellor •, James U. Smith, firm of James B. Smith & Co.; Theodore W. Baker, firm of Tracy A Baker; R. 8. Walton, SfiO Market street; Thomas 11. Limerick, 634 Spruce street; John J. Baker, Goldsmith’s Hall CHARIJB U. LATHROP. President. Taos. K. LtKKHtCK, Secretary. JAMBS M. CARTER, Agent, June 16 No. 86 Bay street. GeneralSoufhern lniurauce AOEUVOT T HESUBSORlBEUla prepared to effort Insurance to any amount In the State of Goorgla, on LIFE, FIRE OR MARINE RISKS In tbe following good stock Companies: FARMERS AND MECHANICS FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMP’Y, [OF PHILADELPHIA, Capital *1,260,000 Hon. THUS B. FLORENCE, President. Edw. R. Hbuiuoid, Sou'y. CHARTER OAK FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE OOMP'Y, OF HARTFORD, OT. Cash Capital *300,000 RALPH OILLETT, President, Jas. H. Spraour, Seo’y, STATE MUTUAL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE CuAIP'V. OF PENNBYLV AMI A. Capital and Assets *309,000 J. P. RUTHERFORD, Presiaeut, Silas Ward, 8cc’y. BRIDGEPORT FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE OLMP'Y. OF BRIDGEPORT, OT. Cash Capital and Assets *126,000 HENRY W. CHATF1KLD, President, J. H. Wasuddrn, Sou’y. EQUITABLE FIRE INSURANCE COMP'Y, OF LONDON Capital *2,600,000 CHARTER OAK 1IFE INSURANCE COMP’Y, OF HARTFORD, OT. Capital and Surplus over *400,000 J.QU. WALK LEY, President, S. H. WHITS, fico’y. £9“ Lite lusurance. to any amount, at tbe 1 .west rate, for the bauetti ut the Utica ana creditor®, or payable to the a ill- free Irum the claim* til creditor-*. 4ST Murine insurauco cu huils ur uargnas t > all pails of the world 1 A. WILBUR, oct28 General Ins. Agent a. u lirnkor. (jHAlt’L’EU OAK FIRE ANU MARINE Insurance Company, iEAdawdmiaa Capiui *aoo,ooo DIREOTORB .* Ralph Glllett, Alunzo W Dirge, Barzellal Hudson, Waruham Griswold, Philip Ripley, R iswull Brown, Mason GruBS, VVllU&m W House, Charles Kerbs, H K W Welch, A D Kd.-on,. Albert F Day, J U Russell, A F UUtott, BCOsbnru. RALPH GILLETT, President. Jas. H. Sphaqci, Seo’y The subscriber having been appointed Agent for Savannah for the above named first class Fire aud Marine Insurance Co., Is prepared to tesue Policies ou all descriptions of in-uruble properly at tbe usnal ratos or other good comp mies. A. WILBUR,Agent, cct!8-tf 111 Bay st, next to News offico <0 TO BUILDERS. T IE SUBSCRIBER is prepared to execute at the shortest notice, and in tbe most work manlike manner, all kinds or Metal Roofing, Gutters, Cornice, or other work connected with the manufac turing or repairing of Copper, Galvanised Iron, Zinc, or Sheetlron Business. HORACE MORSE, ooU8 u 166 Broughton at B UTTER 4t CHEESE— 25 kegs Cholco Goshen Butter, 00 boxes English Dairy Cheese, 100 do Cholco Gosbon do, white, Lauding per steamer and foo pale by Oct24 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. FINDLAY'S IRON WORKS MACON, GEORGIA. The subscriber, from loug experience in tbe business, is prepared to furnish Steam 'Engines, Bailors, Circular, Single and Gan _ Saw Mill Machlucry, Grist aud Merchat Mills, Sugar Mills, Gin Gearing, aud Castings in gen eral. The Saw Frames, whether for upright or cir cular. will be or iron when required. All or which, with ills raauy improvements, is warranted to bo equal to the best made at any other ostabllsnment. His works are ou a scale a® extensive as the larg est at the North, and ho is prepared to fill ordors with promptness aud dispatch. aug 7 ROBERT FINDLAY arocttsoKM to muumok a bha SWAN Sc. CO’S LOTTE RIES. [AOIHOBOKD BY THI STATS OF GBOBGIA,] NOVEL SUIiEMLi! CAPITAL, PRIZE S40, OOP •1,180 I’RIZES-LOWESr PRIZE $40. More than One Prlxe to every Ten Ticket® I PRIZES GUARANTEED t FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY CLASS .21 To be drawn in the city of Atlanta, Ga., In public, on FRIDAY, November 28, I860, on the plan of SINGLE NUMBERS 111 W Purchasers in buying 10 Wbolo Ticket®, arc guarantied a Prize or »iO*-Halves and Quar ters lu projjortlou. SAMUEL SWAN At CO., Manager® 30,000 'j'lojceta—ia,480 Prize®. PRIZES AMOUNTING TO | 2 0 4., 6 0 0 ! ! Will be distributed according to the following ORIGINAL SCHEME I 1 prize of *40,000 Is 1 *• 1 « 1 » a l0 prize® or...,. Too “ of loo “ 12,000 is.. 6,000 is 2,000 Is....- 1,000 is 1,000 u 200 are 100 sre ... 70 are APPUOXUUTIO.V FRIZES. 4 prizes of 160 app’g to *40,000 prize, are 4 “ 126 12,000 prize, ar® 4 “ 7B “ 8 « 60 « 40 «• 45 “ 8,t-00 ** 40 are.,. •10,000 . 12,000 , 6,000 , 8,000 . 1,000 . 1,0011 . 2,000 . 10,000 . 7,000 6,000 prize, are 2,000 pruo, are 3W 1,000 prize, are 400 200 prize, are 1,S0< 120,00c 3,280 prizes amounting to.. . .*204,001 J. BPLLOCH & CO. Farm at Private kit '■ - - wmoh taolM'wl 4uud.r|00<l vuUutululUlMic.. Tb, ilwnd uu wltMad Ibr guanUn, pui mMI ticelleul «u«r on tu s«ofr,ri,«%' ,. notone caaoter sickness has occui im during tile whole tlm® tha bi— has owned It. This la a chanca for iu _ rarely to be met with, and any psnon t _ quiet private residence near the city, or any person desirous of going into the gardening business to raise fruit and vegetable® for our market, will find this the place to suit. For terms, which will be very liberal, inquire at our counting room. 164 Bey street. Titles undliputa- ble. \ etig* To Rent. • - l°°d zterre, under the bl'iff, at the foot ol Whitaker street. At PfiyMto '^al®. “-'T Thirty eligible building Lot®, 60 feet froat by 100 to 124 net deep, situated on Taylor t UordQnand Gaston stroeu, These lota are on high giound and $ome of them in the Immediate neighborhood of th® ml selected for the sit® ot the Savannah. Albany iuti uull Railroad Dopot. Terms same os city toU4 vis: on®-tUth cosh, too balance bearing Interest at lx per cent, Juuelo M OCTAVUS COHEN. Executor's Sole. Will be i'-ld before tbo Court 'Louie, en tbe first TUESDAY in January next, between tba usual huureofeaU, Lot of tend No. 169,81st District, orlgtnaUy Lee, now Ifatlou county, containing to2k acres,: being tbe property of Estate or Jno. Screven, 1 deceased, anu sola for benefit oi the belrs aud creditor®. 00128 j. p. bCKEVEN, Executor. SOUTHERN LOTTERY ON THE HAVANA I*LAN I PR12KA GUARA TIED 1 1054,000 Dollar—10,000 Number® Only! JASPER COUNTY. AOADBMY U- ■ or AUTBomrr ktxtx ov < ci.Asa p, To be drawn November 16, I860, at Concert Hall, Macon, Ga., under the sworn superintendence ot Col. George M. Logan and Jaa. A, Nllbei, Esq, MM* Remember this Lottery baa only fifteen thousand number®— ess than any Lottery in the world, therefore it is tho best for investment, Ex amine thoSchomel rCHEME. 1 prize of $16,000 1 “ 6,000 1 “ 2,000 4 “ of *1,000 are 4,000 6 “ of 603 are 2,600 80 ‘‘‘of 100 are *,000 1,600 “ of 40 are 60,000 AFFOOXIMATION PX1ZH. 20 approximations or *100 are *2,000 60 “ “ 60 are 2,600 60 « “ 20 ore..-.... 1,000 1,712 prizes amounting to *102,000 Tickets *10—Halves *5—Quarters *2,10. 49* Prizes payable without deduction. Tbe 1,600 Prizes of *4o aro determined by the last figure of the number that draws the Capital Prizo of *16,000. i ho Capital Prize will, of courier end with one or tho figures—1, 2,3,4, 5,0, 7,8,9, 0. Thoso Wholo Ticket® ending with toe tarn* figure aa tho last in Iho Capital will be entitled to *40. Halves aud Quarters In proportion. 49-Persons sending money by mail need nd fear Its boiug lost. Orders punctually attended to Communications confidential. Bock notes of sound banks taken at par. 4Ep* Those wishing particular number® ihevld order immediately. Address JAMES F. WINTER, Manager, oot 10 Macon, Gig Whole Tickets *10—Halves *6.00—Quarters *2.60. PLAN OP THE LOTTERY. 30,010, Numbers corresponding with tbor® nuts* bers on the Tickets are placed iu one Wheel Tin first 216 Prizes are plue d in another Wheel. A number Is d awn from tbe number Wheel, and at tbe sumo time a Pr.ze it drawn from the other Wueet. Tbe Prize urawn U tdaced agalust the Number drawn. This operation U repeated until all too prig t are drawn out. amioxuuTiuN Pkizks —Tbo two preceding am< (he two suuuHHiug Numbers to those drawug tin tlr-t in prizes win uu emit eu to the 04 Approxi mutton Prizes, u'ourdii g tu the bolieme. fi.Wiu Prize® of *tii,u u wilt be uetertnlncd b> i he iunt Usui u of the number tbai draws toe *4u,uo Prize tor exam|l- t il tbe uuuiber drawng ib< *40, u 0 Pr zo.nd- a lib No. 1. theu ail tbe Ticket wnern tbe uumbt-r umls in 1 will be entitled to *4u h too Number ends With No. 2, toeu ad toe Ticki-n wbeio th iiumb>ir enus iu 2 wul be entUIe4 to *4o. aud au uu to u. GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO CLUBS. As. by nils debemw. oue Tn-ket in every 10 a guaranteed to - raw *10, we wd> sell CerttU ate® *, Packago.i of lOTicxeta, (wbere the uumbers end ii Jf 2.3, 4, 6, 0, 7, 8, 9. U.) at the foifowtog rator- which is too risk uu them. Ah that they draw over the amount guaranteed accrues to tbo purchaser. Ccr tilluoa of Package of 10 Whole Ticket® *0i “ •* 10 Half “ uu “ '♦ IU Quarter “ 16 It wdl be porcetved, by this plan, that for *00 tbe purchaser has a Certificate or 10 Tickets, when ii uo buys Tickets he would only get for that sum 6 Wholes, thus by buying Car ideates he has four more chaucos lor larger Prizes—Halve® and Quar ter Packages in proportion. IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES. Enclose toe money to our address for the Tickets ordered, on receipt or which they will be forwarded by first mull. The drawn numbers will be forwarded to par chasers immediately after the drawing. 49* Purchasers will please write their signatures plain, and give their Post Offico. County aud 8tate. Remember that every prize is drawn, and paya* ble without deduction. AU prizes of *1,000, and under, paid immediately after tbe drawing—other prizea at the usual time of thirty days, full without deduction. 49* Ail communications strictly confidential. Prize tickets casbod or renewed in other tickets at either office. Orders for tickets or certificates can be addressed either to , 8. SWAN k CO., Atlanta, Ga., or oot 26 8. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala A GRAND MARK LAND LUTTURY FOR'NOVEMBFR, I860. (On tho Havana Plan.) tit a An fids t NEW TIN STORE AND SHEET-IRON MANUFACTORY. 141 SOtJTB 0> MARKXT SqUARZ. BRYAN HTRKXT I would Inform my old friends and patron® I have opened the above store to couduct Ibe Stove, Tin and Sheet-Iron Business in all Its [various forms, and where will bo found a gen eral assortment of Stoves, Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware, which I will bo pleased to show, and ut such prioo as wlUaatiBiy any ono wishing to purchase. AUkindB of Roofing, Gutters of Lead, Galvanized Iron Work of every description, Job Work and Re pairing oxecuted with dispatch, old Stoves put up and Pipes furnished at short notlco. Tin Ware at wholesale and retail. Oall down on Bryan street, U will pay you for your walk, oct 2 JOTS J. MAURICE, Agent. cue® o, GRAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY, To bo drawn 8 A TURD AY, Nov. 22d, la Baltimore, Maryland. R. France At Co,, Manager®. Prizes amounting to *382,500 will be distributed according to the following Splendid Scheme: WOOD AND LUMBER. A LL kind® of Wood, Boards. Plank* Joist, Timber, Shingles, Light-wood, Posts i astern Lath® and Pollings, for solo, at wholesale a: <1 retail, low for cash, on the new wharf r^ntly e ected on the LnmberYard of Robert A. Allen a. mnr 12—lyw ».] 1,11 IIITON canIdy manufactory and con- FECTIONARY. D AVID H. GALLOWAY, having retired from politics, would inform (hepublio that no has gone to making Caudles, and selling French Con- focUonarloe, Dried Fruity Nut® Ac., at tbe old es tablished stand recently occupied by Messrs New* combe, Rice k Fitzgerald, corner of Broughton and Whitaker street®, Savannah, Ga., wnere he will be pleased to accommodate aud fill all orders with promptness and dispatch, to Democrat®, Ameri cans, and the “ dear people” generally. This Is tho placo wborotuo genuine Cough CrtaJy 1® made. Enough said. Terms cash. Nochargo for pack lhg or shipping, mg 25—3m. 1I7HI8KEY—97 barrels Whiskey for sale, to ar- TV rive by sohr Julia A. Blob. eft 16 LOOKETT k SNELUNG*. HUNT df WEBSTER'S. IMPROVED SHUTTLE HEWING'MAOHINE, T\ESIGNED for Famlllee, plantations, Dress ma- JL/kera, Tailors, Boot k Shoo monulacturers and others who may wish to do their own sewing cheap ly and with expedition. This machine sows a uni form stitch with both sides alike, and which will not ravel. It Is more simple, is less liable to get out of order, and costa loss iu proportion than any oiber machine, and is warranted to bo perfect, and to wirk well. All apparatus necessary for convenient use is furnished with it, and any instruction will bo given that will be necessary to ensure to the purolia -or Ra successful operation and durability. Tbe publio are respectfully Invited to call aud ex* amine them at 186 Congress st. ALFRED WEBSTER. Gen, Agt. 49* A very neat and ornamental Iron Table wlllnow be given with a machine for a small sum addition to the regular pr ice May 26. I pXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, Ac.-Just received. 60 U bogs and bbls Extra Family Flour; 20 bbls crushed and powdered Sugar; 20 bbls A, B and C clarified Sugar; 20 boxes Ground Coffee, in and 1 lb packs; 36 do do Mustard. Ginger. Cinnamon and Mace; 10 caaca Table Salt; 10 naif bbls Extra No 1 Mackerel; 100 dos Brooms, Bucket®, Clothes Lines Scrub Brashes; 81 half chaste Oolong Too, loose and, in X lb packs. For sale by DAVID O'CONNOR, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA—SOUTHERN f>nj TRICT OF GEORGIA. ‘ [L. S.1 Ciukubs 8. Hontr, Clerk. To tho Marshal ef said District, Greeting: TI r HERE AS, Joseph Flncgan, Alexander lib. Tv Roe and Archibald H. Cole, partners, uint tbe name, firm andstylool JosephSmogah k Co., of Huridtt,havo exhibiteu their dbei In the United fitatefl District Court for tbe Southern District of Giorgfe stating, alloglng and propounding that on or abool the twenty first day oi June, in the present year, ik was agreed between tbe agents of the ship Farfio- inunt then in Liverpool, aud tho agents or the said libellants, that the taid ship Pai Uament should pro. coed to Cardiff, and tlieuuo convoy a cargo of rail road Iron, uot oxceooing twelve hundred tons, to Fernauuiua, Amelia island, Florida, and deUver thb same,oa beingptid freight; that, at the Urn® ol making said agi eemeut, u was represented by the agents or said ship, that with the said cargo she would draw from eighteen to nineteen feet only: that it wa® further agreed, if on at rival off Amelia teiuod, Ufcbuuld be ascertained, from the pilot, that ihore was uot sufficient water to aumit the ship so that the could get up to Feinaudina, the Ceptala should have thu tight, upon having the fact duly certified by a huemea pilot, to proceed to nu Mary*, Georgia, or, it the same objection applied to dial port, theu to go to 8a>anuah,or so near thereto os situ might solely ffet,onu thero deliver her vargo: that thu said chip arrived til'Amelia island on the muiulug ot the tweuij-ninth of bepietnber, when the mailer ot said thip iepre*eoied that she drew umeteeu aud eno hail teot ut water, auu there being un the bar, on thatua>, fell twenty test ot water, tfiero was amply auinuieutto Admit the *hip{ never* tneiets, the winu bemg auve ee, the saiu .Lin did u..t attempt to et ter ; toai, ou the toduwffig day. vhe wind n»vu>g in toe tueaauine cununueu to blow -rum the weot, auu tneieby gitalic ieduced the aa or ou tot bar, the matter ot too .aid »h,p ob* Mined from <hu t-iia iu ob«rgo a eutilicate that the icdu suiij dtuRing ntueieen and one hall leel of Auter, eumu uu crc*o Uio Lai that mo.ning, and ■lumeulutuQ anu witnuuuuither tic-jay. Muieu awtiy ut D-vtannah, that at tue time when the eaid step “SaUeu away, utu weotuer wtu, putieuti) jafr, end -. eutuun-utu nuiieiMi, auu the snehoisge’ par ity secure, and that it la Ue custom foi stone ojiu ve .cent tu watt a rea:onsb<e time tor lavorubte ■viuuo anu tiuea iu clo» an Cora, anu tote toe more e^fodaiL at tuoau poi ta wtieio toe aid oi susm vuuuut fie outa.neU; that tnete u teason to belfove mat the moater oi toe said ship exaggerated her* 4raughl, and tout toe some Uiu not exoeed niuuleen icetos repi t-aemtu by Uer agent* at to time of ' making me atua oonitua; buttout, even with the -ra- ght ut nineiueuaud ono halt iutt, thu said ship .umu nave vroMud toe bar ou diver* days since he »u tailed away, and without having been com yeliod to wait tome than areasonab.e Ume afier uer first arrival; that, before the aitivaioi the said atop ofi Amelia Island, too owners thereof Enoch usiu k go., oi Button, had issued to the master ol euld chip pos.tivu orders to proceed at once to Sa vanuah, iu vluuuou ol too said contract, and that toe subsequent proceedings oi toe said maawr were merely apt etext to shield his owners from legal responsibility for such violation ; that the said mas ter, although requested bo to do, reiuset to proceed luFernauuma uud dofiver his told cargo, hut insists on dkliverlug the sumo at Savannah un being paid foil frolght; that, by reason of tho tuid premises the saiu libellants will be subjected to great losa', damages and expenses, lor which tboy are Justly entii led to compensation from the said ship; and they therefore pray that process, in due form of law, muy issue agaiust the said ship Parliament her boats, tackle, apparel and ftirnlture, and tha toe said Court will pronounce in lavor of the said libellants, that the master ofsaid ship shall deliver the said cargo to them, free and discharged from all claim for freight for the transportation thereotl or lu default thereof, that the said ship may be condemned in suebamount tf damages as the Court uay decree the sold libellants have sustained, and or such other and further roller as to right and Jus tice may appertain and toe Court Is competent to .give iu tbo premises. # And whereas, the Honorablo John C. Nicoll, th* Judge of tbe said Court, has ordered and directed 30.00 Nambers 1—1,110 Prises I Prizes payable without deduction. 1 prizo *100,000 1 « 60.000 1 u 26,000 1 “ 16,000 1 «* 11 040 2 “ 6,000 2 •» 2,600 a « 2,000 6 “ 1.6 JO 6 « 1,000 200 »• 600 1,110 prizes, amounting to.... *382 I 6'H) Tickets *20—Halve* *10—Quarters *6 49* All orders for Tickets or Packs*®® in any of the Maryland Lotteries will receive prompt atten tion, and tbe drawing mailed to all purchaser® lm- ledlately. Address T. B. HUBBARD k 00. No. S9 Fayetto street, or Box No, 40,, Baltimore Md. octl—ly STEEL PLATE ENGRAVINGS, S T^EL Plate Engraving® Of Buobausn, Brechin* ridge, Stephens of Georgia, and Proston 8. Brooks of South Carolina. For sale by TTtORTY Bbls. Apples, Parsnip®, Carrots, Bette, J; and some fine Tomato##, for eol* by . octal •• ir-* boots, tackle, apparel and ruruiture, to bs cited at the premises, to appear before tbe Judge of said District Court, at tho United titates Court Room, to the city of isavannab, at eleven o'clock in the fore noon ofsaid cay. there to show cause, if any they have, why Judgine t should not pass as prayed for. You are, therefore, hereby authorized, empow ered and strictly enjoined, peremptorily to cite all porsouB whomsoever, having or pretending to bava auy right, UUo or Interest in tho sold ship-Parlla- ment, her boats, tackle, apparel and furniture, by all lawful ways and means, whereby thla monition may be made public, to be and appear at the Uma ana placo aforesaid, before the Judge aforesaid, and to attend upon overy session aud sessions of said Court to be held then and from thence, until a definitive decree shall be promulgated in the premi ses, if any or them sballthink fit to do so, to heor t abide by and perform all and singular that may be deoreed in the premises, under pain of the law and contempt thereof, and whatsoever you shall do in the premises you shall duly certify to the Jadga aforesaid, at the time and place aforesaid,together with these presents. ."I" Wllueu Oi. Jolm C. Nlcoll, Jod,. » •1» Mia Court, Uiueijlitti 4»y of OjWmt, to to. )v of our Lord out toouwud eight hm*.d ut Utiy -.lx. HABDH) k LAWTON, Proctor, tor Ulnllutt. All Mrtou Intereitod In the foregoing motto** arer^redtoUkeduenoticeth^ U, 8. MorsniL Oelnbor 8th, 1450. octio—lm ft BATB-OEATK3—IhoHneotlotoranM .nr y oltorMIntoiTUnnbenn* ‘ ‘ , ^ ^...... BVove and House FurnUhlug, oot U corner Bull ud^rngbSSm.. QUUniiBUimi.—lUlmgo cbotc. ButterJutt r.